yanderesxreaders · 3 years
Your most recent post has the reader's pronouns listed as they/them but is referred to using she/her. I thought you might want to know
-i was worried I would make that mistake as I habitually write the reader as female and this is my first time writing as they/them; I thought I had caught all my mistakes before posting but you really became my savior editor, anon!!! I checked through it again and edited out the wrong pronouns I shamefully discovered so it should be as i advertise it as, gender neutral.
-im really sorry for my mistake, but I'm glad I was able to fix it with your help :')
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yanderesxreaders · 3 years
 yandere ex x reader (pronouns used for reader; they/them) (pronouns used for yandere; he/him) character: original character 
TW: cursing, implied death, ‘’head gripping’’, obsessive/creepy behavior
day 19 for @pastelbirb and @yandere-sins horrortober. ‘’ex x’’ reader  lol.  my first thought was '’NAGA’’ for this prompt but i changed my mind. do people still like nagas or is that over rejaoiwnfoai
2,325 words down there oop
“I know the perfect thing to warm you up.”
It was as if he had a rare gem within the halls of his home that he was graciously offering up to the quivering visitor; he spoke it as if his guest were undeserving of whatever he had in store, but he had the kindest of hearts to notice their trembling knees and act upon it with a gentleman instinct; an impulse he’s never had before until now. “Since you won’t come in...” He stared hopefully at them, expecting them to come inside with him, but their stony attitude seemed to morph them into a statue as they refused to please him with any moment of movement. As the boy fell back on his attempts, he left with a defeated sigh, “I’ll just um...Bring it to you...Stay there.” As the tall male turned his back around to retreat into his home, he sent his guest a warning glare; his expressive features drawing out words for them to acknowledge with a cold sweat, ‘If you leave, I’ll find you.’ His new company watched him with an incoming frown as soon as he turned his face away from them.
Though they hadn’t moved an inch, spoken a word, or made any motion since they were fervently greeted at the front door, they couldn’t, however, stop the movement of their eyes rolling in irritation as they watched the hurried boy retreat within the halls of his cabin. He wandered about imperatively until disappearing, being swallowed in the throat of a downwards staircase to presumably search the insides of his basement for the prementioned solution to his guest’s shakiness. 
Though it was arguably cold outside in the isolated woods, the reason for trembling limbs wasn’t because of the winds touches being freezing; but because of the mere vulnerability of being alone in disquieting seclusion with a blatant maniac. The immense fear overtook them emotionally and physically. They took a step further away from the entrance to feel a little more at ease. They gripped every red flag given so far through their interactions, and kept the handful of flags close in mind. “I should just go. Something’s definitely up, and I should leave... But...”
The drifting thought was contradicted by an overwhelming state of affairs that consumed their mind; the contents of the invitation would keep their feet grounded here until they secured an acceptable answer to all the questions that the request of their presence had raised. (Y/n) reached down into their pockets to withdraw a crumpled clump of paper, recovering the sheet by smoothing it out until the writing became perceivable. Their eyes scanned the letter knowingly, remembering the exact phrasing and words used, written in red ink in sloppy handwriting and childishly drawn hearts to scatter the page with an unsettling décor. Their eyes scanned over the contents, their eyes narrowing as they ventured further into his disoriented thoughts written on paper.
“My fickle love, please come tonight. 
You never come to me on your own accord, and that sincerely hurts. When I try to talk to you, you act so distant like you want me to disappear and just die. We need to talk. I understand if you’re cautious of me; but don’t worry, I won’t kiss you at the door like we used to ♡ . Because I’ve finally come to terms that you’ve moved on from us; but I can easily drag you back to where you belong ♡
I’ll make it clear, that where you belong is at my side. 
So if you’d so kindly come...
Because, if I must include, for a matter of fact, I have something of yours, something which you deem important in your life, that I will not hesitate to dispose of if I do not see you tonight. I honestly don’t get the appeal and all the affection you hold for it. It’s quite miserable. I’ll be so angry if you do not come, I might just completely destroy it beyond recognition, and when you see it, you may just cry!  That would be your fault, though!  ♡”
Their spontaneous reaction to completing the concerning letter would be to anxiously shove the paper back in the confines of their pockets, out of sight while the letter’s contents still persisted to haunt their mind. The letter’s obvious underlining tone effectuated the invited guest to stay on guard; they had invited their boyfriend to join for company and protection, but he had messaged back last minute he was unable to make it. For caution, (Y/n) had their phone easy to grab in case of emergency to call for authorities if prompted. Shoulders lifting in tension at the re-arrival of their ex boyfriend, the slinking boy folded his arms behind his back, using his body as a divider between the guest and the retrieved item. 
“Is that the something of mine?” They quoted from the letter, eyeing his slithering arms cautiously as he tried to hide the item closer to the backside of his body that seemed to tremble with excitement for the upcoming events. The boy shrugged flatly, unexpressive or uncaring of the subject. “Part of it, I suppose.” He tiredly sighed, the topic not even deserving of much attention as he breathed it out quickly and uncaring in a small voice. 
They squinted their eyes at the implication, their hand squeezing their cell phone and shuffling their feet further away from him. They watched one another for a long while; one of them observing the other with intense glances, covering their body in yearning gazes, while the other watched the boy with suspicion, ready to run for it at the slightest of wrong movements coming from the twitchy boy.
“Can you come in?’‘ He suddenly whined, taking a step outside to reach a step closer to them. “I don’t have to, so I won’t.” They returned firmly, intending on not taking a step inside that suffocating building of rotten memories. “Who said that? Of course you have to come inside.” They continued their stubborn refusal at the prospect of entering, finding his pressure to be beyond unsettling and causing them to clamp onto their device of assistance even tighter as if it were a stress toy to relieve some of the tension swelling through their body. “Why?” Their voice quivered as the single question left their cold lips. 
The expected response was delayed as the male was content with keeping silent, only watching their ex lover with a desperate gaze. (Y/n) scrunched up their nose in disturbance and instantly turned away on an impulse decision, “I’ll be leaving then.” Satisfied with their legs working and pumping away the fear of the situation so they weren’t frozen in place, they turned to glance back as they departed with a glare, “Go ahead and dispose of whatever you have of mine.” They watched for his reaction, pleased with the aspect of leaving him in the dust and departing the animus feelings.
“Gladly.” He retorted loudly and enthusiastically, crumbling all plans to useless dust in a moment as he dragged his arms forward, revealing the item he had been confiscating from them and hiding behind his back. A large, beige hoodie swung back and forth through the air.
 (E/c) training on the article of clothing, instant recognition processed an overwhelming amount of fear in their mind, their steps slowing into a stiff halt as they turned their body around. “You’re quite right; what was I thinking? I had offered this to you with the prospect of you wearing this to help you from this freezing cold. It’s quite trashy, isn’t it?” He smiled in vast pleasure at the fear that showed itself evidently on his ex lover. He threw the sweater to the ground, dirtying it in an instant as mud smudges against its fabric. (Y/n) stared blankly at the cozy, familiar hoodie with tears tapping at the ducts of their eyes. It was their boyfriend’s hoodies. Their sights lifted from the uneasy, questionable presence of their significant other’s clothes up to the satisfied boy with a baffled glare.
“How did you get that.” Their paralyzing fear finally subsided to allow them the  minimal amount of energy in order speak a single sentence, demanding a direct answer to a vital question. He simpered in response, aggravating his visitor’s panic. “I just ripped the ugly thing off of the disgusting prick.” He stated simply, causing (Y/n) to be influenced by dread as their feet suddenly pressed heavy steps into the ground, aiming their body to lunge past the lingering, smiling boy as they rushed inside his house, sprinting down his stairs where they had watched him go down to retrieve the hoodie. 
“Finally, you come inside. It was getting cold! I was worried for you. You’re so stubborn, always have been.” He shouted after them as if they were holding a casual conversation, smoothly placing himself in their retreating steps that headed into his basement. “I see you didn’t need my offering, either. It doesn’t upset me, don’t worry. Maybe you can wear one of my hoodies if you’re still cold.” He thought aloud to himself while he smiled at the thought of the procured individual ultimately staying within his walls once more, “Mine would look so much better on you, anyways. You always liked to wear them before, anyways...Why can’t you now?’’ He thought to himself as he reached his steps, calmly going down into the darkness where his guest had already descended into in a frenzy. 
Turning behind himself, he locked the door to the basement, shoving his keys securely into his pocket before turning back on track, hearing the expected screaming and crying of his beloved. 
A bundle of cold air strangled (Y/n) as they choked out, a numbing chill pricking their fingers for a coldness to crawl up their veins before contaminating their entire body in a coat of ice. Screams of denial were heard throughout the basement as all they could do was grab at what was left of their significant other; all the hopes for a good future with him crumbling as they were flung back into the perfect past, which its nostalgia rotted at the sight of his rotting body. Their entire body shook from its core, their limbs barely able to reciprocate the requested actions their mind enlisted for them to do. They wanted to run, call for the police. They wanted to do the impossible, turn back time and stay by their lovers side to make sure that this never happened. They turned back to see their harasser, a detestable, content smile on his lips as he savored their suffering as if they deserved it. 
‘‘You know, this poor man didn’t have to die. He would have never died if you didn’t move on so quickly.’‘ Spite fueled his vocals and clenched his fists. Bringing himself down onto their level on the floor, he grabbed his hand around their head into a tight grasp, squeezing each of his fingers deep into their skull as if he were gripping onto a bowling ball. He dragged their face up to look into his eyes, a sudden rapture indulged him at the aspect of their attention stuck onto him for answers to their misery. 
 A smile placed itself on his face, replacing his previous anger with snarky bitter sweetness. “You left me because you said I loved you too much. That you were creeped out by me.” He softly recalled, pulling out their memories together as they stared at him in agony; knowing they were right to say that. “You left me because I loved you too much!?!? The hell is that shit supposed to mean?! You want me to love you less???” His clench on their head tightened, his fingers digging deeper into their cranium, causing them to yelp out their pain and shove back at him in an awkward fight, their hands placing forcefully onto his chest and placing all their weight and power to push him down successfully. 
As his fingers stiffened and released his merciless grip on their head and harshly collided his back against the basement floor, (Y/n) stumbled upwards without a second though, placing their sudden sprint in the direction of the exit. Climbing the steps, they spoke back breathlessly, “You’re sick, you’re delusional, you’re awful, you’re disgusting, you’re a killer.” They chanted hatefully through sobs and a runny nose, as they reached the door, “You’re also about to be behind bars, you psycho.” They yelled as they watched in a panic at the boy reacting uncaring at their escape, as he focused on rubbing his aching head that must have slammed into the ground upon impact. Gripping the door knob rigidly, they turned it quickly; only for the door knob to refuse access to an open door as it stiffly stayed in place, unable to turn any further. 
“When you left...” The boy continued as their new captive stubbornly fought with the door handle, “Everything became so cold. So so....cold..’‘ The boy slumped up from his sitting position, aiming his direction up the stairs slowly, causing alert to run through his captive as they flicked their wrist harder with the door knob. “There was an emptiness, without you...But now that you’re here...” (Y/n) flinched their head to take a peek at his proximity, screaming out their terror at his approach as they struggled fiercely with the inanimate object that refused to budge. They began kicking at the door, shoving themself against the exit with pleads, as if the door would open if they prayed hard enough. 
“I know the perfect, sweet little thing to make sure I never have to suffer through that coldness again...” 
Suddenly enwrapped within long arms, entangling themselves around the panicked individual, their contact felt like a winter cold pressed against their backside, breathing bitter, sharp air to pierce through their neck and numb them. 
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yanderesxreaders · 3 years
I've read your patient x doctor reader and I love it so much. Your writing is very detailed, I love your style!! Do you accept requests :3????
-i've read your ask a couple times over and i love you so much! thank you incredibly so for sharing your thoughts on it, it makes me really happy.
-i have a couple drafts for yandere x reader one shots right now for horrortober, but once i'm finished with them, i can write for requests if i get any lol.
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yanderesxreaders · 3 years
 yandere patient x doctor reader
(pronouns used; she/her)
TW’s: drugging, obsessive behavior, medical stuff like IV’s, choking
day 18 for @pastelbirb and @yandere-sins horrortober 
lol i’m sorry it’s totally day 19 right now but i really wanted to do this 
2,260 words below oop
“You’ll feel better... soon,” A breathy exhale quivered as it pierced the quietness of the stifling room, ‘‘I promise.” The pledging voice continued, begging the claim  to stand true as it brought a dubious, hesitant smile to heave heavily on his doctor’s face from hearing this by her patient, who was in worse shape than she was. She examined his pale skin, skinny face and bony fingers that were always cold to the touch, and horribly malnourished, a wrist always plunged with an IV. “You shouldn’t have to be the one telling me that,” She laughed weakly, as her body provided the very minimum of radiant interactions, she turned away from the patient’s studious gaze on her, vision swallowed up by the brightness of her computer’s screen as her fingers fell accordingly onto keys to record her patient’s symptoms today.
 “But I really do appreciate it, Das.” She tossed out his praise accordingly, the genuineness and sincerity in her voice throwing her patient off guard. An unperceived giddy grin reached his lips as his hands clenched around the sterile, thin blankets around him in a fit of dizzy sensations that made his cheeks red. “Y-you’re welcome...” He sputtered out, his words dissolving like foam down his throat whenever he tried to speak more, causing the medical professional to chuckle at the display of his sweet shyness. The girl took a long sip of her drink she always had resting out on her desk, hoping it would mend her lazy feelings. The boy noticed with a large grin as he admired her thirsty consumption of the liquid, oddly fascinated by her drinking. He examined her complexion proudly; her tired responses, her sluggish movements, her wincing eyes.
 “But...But really, you honestly don’t look too good, doctor...” His smiling lips fell into a frown as soon as the doctor’s gaze glanced in his direction as he spoke sorrowfully, only turning back to her computer’s overwhelming screen when he had finished. The girl continued with her idle work, charting vitals, checking medications, adjusting dosages as his comment didn’t effect her; that was until a sudden pool of exhaustion started to drag her down the deep end, leaving her hunched over her desk with a shaky hand gripping her head as breathing became a challenge that was vital to win.
 “Are you sure you don’t need to stay here, doctor? How about you lie in my bed with me?” He spoke the tease in a tone that was more alike sternness than being playful, causing the doctor to turn curiously toward him with a questionable gaze. Straightening her position and pushing away the feelings of tiredness,  “I’ll be okay. I’m sorry for worrying you, but I’ll still be here to be your doctor, along with all my other patients.” The girl’s mention of other patients resorted in a subtle reaction of anger as he clenched the bedsheets in a tight knot. “I’m alright, don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.” She affirmed the both of them, though it failed to convince either. The boy quickly contrasted everything the girl had recently claimed. “I can be your doctor!’’ Excitement powered his vocals, “Hey, hey, let’s switch roles for today, shall we?” The doctor chuckled, perceiving the boy’s suggestion as a running gag he was continuing, “Because I feel that...I’ve watched you long enough...To finally be able to take care of you myself.” The two held eye contact for awhile, the girl with red cheeks due to the struggle of keeping steady breaths, the boy’s warm face matching in vibrancy from the embarrassing fantasies he was creating for reality this time, and not dreams like he was always stuck at. “Won’t you let-”
Brushing him off, maybe too heartbreakingly fast for him as she even stopped him mid sentence, the caretaker scoffed, “Das, how can you say that? You need to rest, please...No matter what I do, you always say you’re still in pain and it-’’ The girl’s words were thrown back into her throat for her to gag on in surprise as she notices the boy stand up easily from his bed and tear the IV out of his arm in one swift rip, as if it were a mere band-aid. Blood trickled down his arm, warranting the doctor wanting to act on instinct to gauze the wound, only for her to stay still in her seat as she knew better. 
The poor, sick boy with a so called severe case of pneumonia, who had vomited any food she offered, clumsily tripped when attempting to stand and falling into her arms, the constant wheezes she would pat his back for; she had been monitoring his own personal sick act for the past month. Her mind opening up to new discoveries, she just realized that today, not a single, throaty, pitiful wheeze had escaped his lips; nor did he show any symptoms. “What..?” Attempting to stand up from her seat to leave the room in a flurry at realization of his incoming steps, her body failed to meet her minds pleading expectations as she slumped back in her seat, a great fatigue overcoming her. 
‘‘Maybe I should give you some more.” Everything seemed to blur, from vision, the sounds, all mixing together to create a drowsy atmosphere as she sluggishly watched his next move. “I was hoping you’d fall asleep by now.” Reaching under his stack of pillows, slipping his hand in a pillow case from the caboose, the girl felt cold when staring at the orange bottle of pre-crushed pills he gripped in his hands. He moved toward her, devouring the distance between them as if he were starved from her touch, pressing and spinning the lid open, dumping a pile of the medicated dust in his hands, before pressing his hand to shove the unknown contents past her lips down her throat. Choking in surprise, the doctor’s arms flailed in a weak attempt at fighting back, clenching gown as hard as her fingers could clench, kicking at him as hard as her tired feet could allow.
“Hehe...My dear patient...” He mumbled with immense satisfaction,  while he plugged her nostrils shut, his other hand acting as a lid over her mouth to urge her to swallow down the dust with her saliva as he watched her idle throat. Pinching her nose tighter, the girl felt the moments dwindling until she had to be able to breath again. A great amount of pain had gathered in her chest, burning the area with desperation, requiring air to mend its agony. Her head felt like it was dunked under deep water, a light-headedness that urged spots to appear in her vision, as the boy’s crooked grin became the center of her sights and attention from the incoming tunnel vision.
 Swallowing away the bitter heap of medicine that had started melting on her tongue to coat it in its disgusting taste, the girl was relieved as the boy’s unspoken demands were met. As soon as his hands unlatched and retired from being torture devices upon her, a thick string of coughs bellowed throughout the room. Still, the girl tried to scream through each croak, desperately urging for help. “H-help! Help me-” She shouted, facing the door, only to feel her body being dragged out of her computer chair to be thrown into the small hospital bed. “Your doctor’s here to help!” He cheered louder than her screams, his eyes leered upward as his large grin rose his cheeks high. The girl watched through blurry vision, the thoughtful boy who stared at her with deep consideration. 
“Let me...Check your heart.” He confirmed his next course of action, placing his hands onto the mattress before crawling onto it with his whole body, causing the girl to shiver and urge her body to retract as far as she could; her limbs feeling nearly immobile from the increasing weakness her body was feeling. “I don’t...I don’t understand...” The girl sobbed in her confusion, feeling the situation to be unfair and so unbearably unreal. The boy seemed to ignore her as he pressed his hand against the area of her heart, exhaling a shaky breath once feeling its thumps against the palm of his hand.
 “Oh...Oh my...It’s pounding as much as mine is right now...!” He revealed a sign of her fear as an indication of their love, “It’s just what the heart does when they’re with the person they love. Your heart’s in perfect condition, as it is the right response to seeing me.” He proudly evaluated through no method of research except his own personal theory of delusions, wrongly diagnosing her as she shook her head in weak denial. “Silly, you need to trust your doctor.” He chuckled, reaching his grubby hand out to venture elsewhere, as if a child at a toy store, everything he saw simply fascinated him. Placing his hand against her hair, tingles raced through his finger tips, warming his hand and letting him indulge in the warm sensations of petting the girl’s head, as it seemed to soothe any worries he had. “I don’t understand...” She continued defiantly, trying to shove her head to a place that would be free from his touches, but everywhere she craned her neck, his hand would follow as if it needed to be placed there. 
“What’s so hard to understand...” After all the smiling and ignoring the main problem of the situation, the black haired male finally addressed the question with an agitated frown. “Would you like me to tell you our love story? You should already know it...How sick of you.” Gripping her head tightly, he watched curiously as she barely winced in pain from the exhaustion taking over, her eyes fluttering shut but fighting to stay awake as she pried them back open each time to intensely stare at him with a glare. 
“I’ll tell you, don’t worry. This will definitely make you feel better, right?” He spoke, having no intention of hearing a sarcastic response like she attempted as he quickly started. “I’ve had medical complications since birth; so when I found out my case of pneumonia was hospital stay worthy, I wasn’t surprised...It’s just my body’s continuous hatred upon me.” He glanced around the sterile room, his nostrils flinching at the detestable scent, “I’ve always hated these rooms. I’ve always hated being in a hospital. I’ve always hated doctors.” He confirmed his hates in a tidy list, the topic of detestation effecting his tone as it hardened and his gaze leered.
 “But then...” His voice returning back to its familiar joy as his head slowly turned, stopping his movement once his vision contained the enrapturing sight of his sickly doctor struggling to stay awake. She stared back in fear at his dilated eyes and accompanying maniac smirk to give him an unnerving expression to any passerby as it would immediately repel anyone with fear.
 “You became...my doctor...” He lunged himself toward her abruptly, smearing his face close against hers as his shaky hand extended upward to stroke her face, let his hand glide against every section of her skin and adoring its texture. He scowled at her confused look. “You know what you did. You were...So kind...So personal, you are...you are amazing. You actually cared about me, who I am, who I wanted to be, you would have actually cared if I died. No one else had shown me that much...affection and attention...You know what you did.” She felt like she was trapped in cobwebs of fear that froze her to her spot. Her lips were coated in a numbness, her head fogging into a darkness that lead her eyes to drip; but she still managed to speak in a weak voice that fought through the controlling drugs. “I didn’t do that to you because you’re special to me. I care for all my patients like that. You need to stop-” The girl in turn felt herself being stopped, as his fingers had dragged down her face to wrap around her throat. “Don’t say that. How sickly of you. Your condition is going to get worse if you say something like that again, that I can guarantee.” He seemed to refer to the light clench he had around her throat, that still allowed her breath, but acted as a threat to squeeze her airway shut. Everything felt like it was fading; her vision darkening with each agonizing second, a pain growing in her stomach, her head blacking out and at the gates of unconsciousness.
’’How unfair...You made me fall in love with you...So that means I’ll have to make you fall in love with me too, hm?’’ He released his hands, once noticing her previous struggles to completely halt, and the period of time her eyes stayed shut to increase. Whenever her eyes were indeed open, they were half-lidded, drowsy and uncaring as the pain around her consumed most of her attention. The newly assigned doctor smiled calmly as he rested his forehead against hers as he watched her fall asleep.
‘‘If you want to feel better, if you want the pain to go away...Then you’ll do what I say...I’ll make you love me, so you can feel better. So it all depends on how good you are when you wake up...on when the pain will go away.”
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yanderesxreaders · 4 years
I love you.
You can't claim you 'don't understand.'
It's just another situation, where woman loves man.
Sure, I've had a crush. I'd like to say it's more complicated.
That I'd rather compare my vision of you as we're everything more intricate. My item of admiration, my darling of clarity, the only precious thing to help me hold onto some sanity.
The look on your face, I know what you're thinking. Sure, my thoughts are rotting sweets. I'd like to believe it's all lovely.
My words are always real, when I say I will protect you. My words are always true, when I tell you that you're ideal. Your anxious narrowed eyes, wanting to gag out your disgust.
You're mine, whose else is there to stand? Everyone's fallen, and you're still claiming you don't understand.
Do you believe my reasoning's hold a coating of insanity?
Are you saying that I don't really love you?
That you're meaning that I could go on without you?
My idea of worship onto you is nothing but craze?
I've lost my mind, and I'm not even a little bit sane???
I love you.
You can't refute that much.
I know what I'm saying is real.
I know what I'm saying isn't normal, but
normal is quite boring,
and cliched happy endings are something that needs changing.
You'll stay with me forever.
Or else you wouldn't be happy.
You'd think you are but I can tell you that it'd be nasty.
The thoughts of others will rot your mind,
The sight of others will blind your eyes,
The touch of others will stain your hands,
And I would never want that to happen to my man,
or else I'd have to fuck up your mind until your thoughts are astray,
make your eyes mine for the rest of your days,
chop your hands off clean so the rest of you won't be dirtied.
It's all sense to me, why do you look so worried?
The look on your face is awful.
There's too much sadness and fear in your eyes.
Doesn't this mean it's all better, since I'm finally by your side?
Please give me a smile.
And tell me you 'get it.'
Say aloud how we're perfect, and you just want me forever, with no other ticket.
You're mine to stay and be mine always.
You've stopped saying you don't understand.
I suppose it's all nonsense. There's nothing to comprehend.
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