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This is like, Gayception. 
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Wild and slightly drunken and tired rambling so don’t mind me, but I think they focused an awful lot on the spear. I think there were/are two versions of Kaia, but it feels like her getting speared had significance. She didn’t just knock her out like she did with Sam and Dean, so who knows. Our Kaia has been hurt before, maybe it’s supposed to be that way to - be one? Somethimg like that, you get what I mean? 
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1/2 So, i've seen people suggest that that the reason Dean wasn't affected by hunger in the horsemen episode was because what he desired--Castiel--was with him. And i'm just not sure? Like, at that point in the series, things were a bit more doom and gloom and Dean's arc of being empty and dead was in full swing, so i tend to agree with Famine that Dean was struggling with those issues, and maybe his own inner struggles/beliefs about himself were powerful enough to not be affected.
2/2 Maybe it was so powerful he didn’t feel the affects like others, even if we know he was not in fact actually dead inside. Plus, while back then there was some obvious tension (sexual and otherwise) i’m not sure anything Dean was feeling or starting to feel for Cas would’ve been strong enough to subdue Famine’s effects. I like to read destiel into things as much as the next person, but i do really believe that situation was less about just destiel and more about a greater arc.
Hi! I… haven’t ever actually read that particular theory, I don’t think. I firmly believe that Dean WAS affected by Famine. Even Sam noted that Dean was acting “out of character” long before Cas ever showed up:
SAM Well…I mean, we got our feelers out. Not much more we can do tonight. All right. I’m just gonna go through some files. You can go ahead and get going.DEAN Sorry?SAM Go ahead. Unleash the kraken. See you tomorrow morning.DEAN Where am I going?SAM Dean, it’s Valentine’s day. Your favorite holiday, remember? I mean, what do you always call it– Uh, unattached drifter Christmas?DEAN Oh, yeah. Well… be that as it may…I don’t know. Guess I’m not feeling it this year.SAM So you’re not into bars full of lonely women?DEAN Nah, I guess not. ( takes a sip of his beer) Ahh. What?SAM That’s when a dog doesn’t eat– That’s when you know something’s really wrong.
Just like all the other Horsemen though, they weren’t entirely right about  their assumptions about Dean.
In 5.02 War seriously underestimated Dean and Sam’s ability to overcome his influence and save the town (and defeat him personally by claiming his ring). In 5.21 Pestilence also underestimated Sam, Dean, AND Cas, and the three of them working together were able to both defeat HIM as well as his long-range plans to distribute the Croatoan Virus. The only Horseman who really understood Dean and therefore was able to come out the better from their encounter was Death. But that’s only because they had similar endgame goals.
So I take Famine’s words to Dean with the same grain of salt I took Pestilence’s words to Cas, believing Cas was no threat to him.
I mean, not even CAS HIMSELF was able to subdue Famine’s direct influence over him. But the craving Dean felt IN HIMSELF was for the sort of contentment and satiation of having that “gaping hole” in himself filled  by ALL the coping mechanisms he’d developed over the years for “filling that emptiness” in himself. Not that he’d crave the coping mechanisms themselves, but that he’d crave the sort of comfort and satiation of NOT NEEDING THE COPING MECHANISMS to achieve that feeling within himself.
I hope this makes sense. 
Because in THIS sense, his comfort and openness with Cas throughout the episode, his easy camaraderie and then concern for Cas when he could see Cas falling to Famine’s influence is where the actual Destiel feelings are. That without Dean’s constant need to fill that gaping hole, THIS is how he could be all the time. At peace with himself, comfortable and content, able to enjoy Sam and Cas’s company fully without feeling that weight of guilt and emptiness in himself, or feeling the need to satisfy those cravings in order to feel worthy of Sam and Cas’s companionship, or the fear that he’d LOSE that companionship because of that emptiness and worthlessness he felt inside himself.
Gah. I REALLY hope this makes sense.
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what are the good things that buckleming gave us so far?
- Dean’s first love was a sassy POC (Cassie)
- Dean and Cas paralleled to a canon really old married couple (7x05)
- Dean is a sub and a sweetie (7x15)
- Dean and Cas again paralleled to a Supernatural married couple (8x03)
- all of 8x07
- 8x19 was pretty great and I loved Sam in this
- the moments of great DeanCas in 9x03 and 9x09 that glitter in the trash heap
-  so hateable Cuthbert Sinclair
- Cas and Claire (10x10)
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- Dean thinks Cas is a tomato and isn’t that just fantastic (thank you Jensen for your wonderful acting addition) (11x03)
- THIS WHOLE EPISODE IS A DESTIEL TROPE FEST (11x18 one of my favourite ever episodes tbh)
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I mean Bucklemming were SO on board the Amara v Cas exposition train of  season 11.
- Dean x pie in front of Mary in 12x02
- The glory of Saileen in 12x17 (though this will skip onto the blacklist if she is dead for good cos HELL NO)
- Mary being awesome and such a huge subtextual tool in 12x21
- ASMODEUS (God I love him for being so terrible and charicaturial)
- all the DeanCas of 13x07.
I mean… looking at this list this is just MY personal view of their episodes so far and yeah most of the good stuff is Destiel so shrug emoji…
It doesn’t cancel out the truly terrible plot work at times and the consent issues but at least it’s a diamond in the turd and they’re not always turds to be fair, they have written a few solid episodes too.
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guys what’s the most horribly, mist unvelievably gay thing destiel has EVER done please tell me
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Have you ever thought about when dean says the iconic line “not for nothing but the last person who looked at me like that, I got laid” to cas he says “person” and not “girl” I mean he could of easily said something like “the last girl that looked at me like that I got laid” or in another way but instead they had to make it even gayer then it already was??? I only just realised this and wanted to share it with you lol hope you have a good day ! 💓
You betcha!
Or how Kripke said “Dean would be attracted to someone who walked in the door, slaughtered everybody and walked out, then he would say who’s that?!”
Or how Sam is all “so are you strictly into dick now?” insinuating he already was before, but not solely, in season 7.
Or how Dean is always the one to be ‘mistaken’ for queer (Sam only does by proxy by being around Dean in the early seasons) and Dean is the one who has queer friends and mirrors, not Sam. 
Or how when Dean points this out annoyedly Sam is all “well, you’re kinda butch, people probably think you’re overcompensating” in a completely matter of fact way, which makes Dean do a ‘shit I’m outed!’ face, because this is exactly what he’s doing, in season 2.
Or how Dean is the only one who gets upset about this because it hits a little close to home because he is queer and trying to hide it of fucking course, whereas Sam completely gives no shits as he isn’t queer and doesn’t have the hang ups Dean does about it due to their different upbringings anyway, because John wasn’t his dad, Dean was, because he didn’t grow up hungry and scared because Dean protected him etc.
Or how the whole show has given off “Dean is bisexual” vibes since season 1.
Or how Crowley, the personification of Dean’s hidden side is an outrageous flirting bi/pansexual with whom Dean himself has a canon sexual encounter (the triplets) and a not very subtle subtextual one with Crowley solemnly talking about how much Dean can fit in his ass and then about rubbing off all over him.
Wow. It’s all just so in our heads.
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danneelackles512: TB to my first day on set of SPN They take things very seriously here. More to come. #spnfamily 🖤
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danneelackles512 Getting your makeup done by @trishymakeup is definitely one of the perks of working on #SPN Another is being in the presence of @misha 😉😱
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But what if Destiel did become canon?
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Supernatural, No-Homo-Style (You’re welcome, SPN writers)
Okay, listen. I’m not someone who tries to tell other people how to go on with their creative stuff, but this is just – an idea. So the thing is, I understand how terribly hard it can be to write a story without homoerotic undertones. They just – happen, you know. All these parallels and carefully crafted scenery to underline a certain subtext, man, just – I know that feel, bro. All my stories? Never supposed to be Destiel. Dean just comes barking in, screams “I’m queer, dude” and then I just – well, anyway. Not that Dean is queer, of course, why would you ever think that.
So what I want to do is: I want to offer you guys, SPN writers, directors, producers, you name it, a way to no-homo your episodes efficiently so no one can tell you that you want us to ship Destiel because that wouldn’t be true, right, right? And man, I know a lot about bro friendships, I watched The Wild Soccer Bunch when I was ten.
Because I’ve noticed that some people – without any indication in the subtext or even text whatsoever – started picking up extremely on the romantic undertones in Dean and Cas’ relationship specifically in the last two seasons. So I’ve looked into this plot and I just found a few teeny tiny things that were of course completely unintentional but could make some weird lunatics think that this is something the writers actually think of.
So let’s start, shall we? Very important in every bro™ relationship: don’t make the entire plot of a season rest onto the special bond between you and your bro. I know this is an easy mistake to make because let’s face it, Cas is awesome, but some people might read into this and think “Man, if he can resist his strange ‘love’ for Amara by looking at Cas, maybe that means he loves him?” and hahaha, what a crazy thought, right? So yeah, rookie mistake no. 1 but man, that can happen to everyone. Instead, maybe make him have concern for his bro but at the same time not be able to overcome his mind control because of his lo broness with Cas. It’s really easy and then the director doesn’t have to put some suggestive shots into the episode where Amara figures out how much these two bros bro with each other and uses that revelation against them!
Also, speaking of this? I know, heart imagery is great and when you only have a cast of male white dudes it gets hard to portray it without homoerotic undertones, but yeah, it’s still a bad idea to have the main villain hover over the heart of one bro and then get a magical connection to the other bro through this heart. I mean, I get it, keep your friends close and your bros closer, but some people might think that the heart imagery connects to the feeling of love and that would be ludicrous, right?  A good alternative would be to simply scratch this whole plot line. Maybe make Dean doodle some hearts while talking to Amara if you want heart imagery so much because hey, she’s a FEMALE and she’s RIGHT THERE so by every television standard they HAVE to copulate!
Next – the pining and caring for Cas. I mean, is that really necessary? Cas is a big boy. He can take care of himself. And Dean, you should really just listen to Sam when he says that Cas will be okay and you should make the smart choice instead of the heart choice (and there it is, the heart imagery again! I KNOW heart rhymes with smart – but here are a lot of others things that you could have used instead: fart, cart, bard, pop tart – you’re welcome to use them! Let Dean make a fart choice next, guaranteed no homo™ and also fart jokes are awesome and funny and original!)
Why not have Dean have a roll in the hay with Mildred? Man, that woman was badass! But having her insist that Dean was already pining for someone else and watch the sunrise together, an imagery that has been associated with Cas consistently, that just was plain bad writing. I get that you wanted to write you out of a corner because Mildred was coming onto Dean and that it wasn’t supposed to make us think of Cas at all but next time just so the full route and let Dean have his way with the ladies, he loves it because he’s a LADIES man and he loves the LADIES or the fellas I don’t judge wait what Dean shut up!
And all these talk about Cas and Cas and where is he and Cas and Caaaaaaas (shut up Lucifer)? It’s great talk, really, but maybe replace it with a significantly less gay word: BRO! Why care for Cas when Dean can care for his BRO?! There’s no reason against it! And if it’s not necessary for the plot, maybe don’t make Dean talk about his bro at all. You gain precious minutes that you can instead use for the brother bond you value so much! (What, you say, you want to end this co-dependency? DON’T! Then you may have Dean ready to enter a healthy relationship and man, people could think this relationship could be gay, urgh)
Next mistake: the scene in that barn? Don’t get me started. You started so good, SPN writers! You had Dean say a really bro-like thing, “don’t worry, I’ve had worse” - good on you, Dean, that was very manly and very good at ignoring the glaring (and oozing) problem right in front of you. But then of course someone had to turn it around and put this silly “I love you” in there and repeat it. Your script probably just fell into a printer and got copied twice so they thought “ah, heck, now we’ve got to say it twice and make it sound like the first one was specifically for Dean, and let’s throw some suggestive camera angles in there while we’re at it” so maybe next time, I don’t know, try to keep these rogue scripts in check. You don’t want anyone to think that Cas actually loves Dean and only Dean.
And also, I know, bros love bros and they love their quality time with each other, but still, bros don’t just leave the room when they talk to their bro and the phone and then sound suspiciously like they forced themselves to have a completely different conversation when they re-enter the room. And maybe, because you all just love the Sam-and-Dean-codepency have Sam talk, too! Let him interact with his bro! People could think that the fact that Sam has a completely different dynamic with Cas means that Dean’s love for Cas is more than just family and that’s obviously not true *cough* who would think that *cough* Lucifer maybe *cough* and every other villain on the show and a few friends too *cough*
… I’m sorry, I got something stuck in my throat. So anyway, let’s get to the next point: I LOVED that scene in 11x23 where Dean told Cas that they’re such BROS and Cas means so much to them as BROS and I really hoped that means we could have some BRO action in Season 12 but no! Somehow Cas still didn’t feel like he belonged because apparently being a BRO wasn’t enough for him? He still wanted to prove himself to Dean specifically with no talk about Sam? I know, guys, guys, I know you want drama in your show, we all know this, this is SPN, but next time, tone it down a notch. You may just want to have drama where Cas is part of the family as a BRO and everyone accepts that and he too and he doesn’t have to get PERSONAL GIFTS by Dean to maybe show him that he belongs and still not getting it because something is still missing -  because then people might think that this something missing is something absurd like LOVE and not in a platonic way.
Oh and the last thing: 12x23. Boy where do I start. I mean I loved that you had separated them the last episodes (because people may think that they would start to kiss or something like that if you left them alone for a few minutes) but was it really necessary that Dean just stopped functioning as soon as Cas died? He could have instead, I don’t know, have a few pimples that he needs to squeeze and that’s the reason why he couldn’t face Jack with Sam together. I get that this was all great foreshadowing because Sam and Jack do have a weird connection but really, don’t make the mistake to pair Dean off with Cas again and make them look like they share a special connection! Pimples, man, I tell you. They’re almost as original as fart jokes and very heterosexual, trust me, I never had them and I’m as queer as can get. 
So please, enjoy this free advice on how to no homo your episodes efficiently because just throwing in a few hook-ups with waitresses now and then just isn’t the FULL no homo experience™ because some weird people still think that Dean could be something like, I don’t know, bisexual, and we all know that bisexuality doesn’t exist and even if it did, Dean couldn’t possible come out at this age because that’s just unrealistic, amirite???
Thank you for listening.
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All of the people who bitch about Castiel’s job as God in Season 6
At least he tried, he tried to prevent another apocalypse (and did prevent it)
And what did you do?  Sat on your ass
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(x) (x) (x) (x)
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Ok, I’m gonna say this you hatin’ mob SPN13X09 was a gem and fuck offfff into the sunset you’all I’m pissed at all that negativity STOP
So I’m gonna list EVERY FUCKIN’ POSITIVE bit in this ep, and it’s gonna be loooooooooong and spoooooilery and caaaaaaps. Some are thatnX to the HOMEOFTHENUTTY. 
NOW lets go.
Keep reading
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For @preciousmish ♥ Bonus:
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