yearningcurve · 2 hours
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whats jet thinkin about.......
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yearningcurve · 6 hours
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Happy pride month zukka nation :]
zukka w my hcs cause why not
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yearningcurve · 13 hours
I don't fuck w nerds, the moment I can smell lore correction coming I'm like "Oh Neptune" and I gotta call my mom and ask her to pick me up
If I'm like "I really liked the scene where Gandalf learns the truth about the Ring in the first movie" and someone's like "Oh you mean when he was in Minas Tirith, originally known as Minas Anor when it was first built in the Third Age?" I am pulling the nearest fire alarm
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yearningcurve · 16 hours
Why is it necessary that a piece of art "condemns" or "normalizes" something. Is it not enough for art to say "here are some fucked up people in some fucked up situations for your enjoyment"? The art doesn't have to judge them and neither do you. It's for your enjoyment.
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yearningcurve · 19 hours
I must sleep. Sleep is the mind-healer. Sleep is the big-life that brings total ability to fucking do anything. I will face my bed. I will permit the blankie to pass over me and snores to pass through me. And when sleep has gone past I will turn the outer eye to greet the new morning. When the sleep has gone there will be everything. Energy and will to live will remain.
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yearningcurve · 23 hours
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Aang and Zuko carrying the first flame to the dragons
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yearningcurve · 1 day
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Tried using watercolours :) not too proud but im learning slowly
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yearningcurve · 1 day
Anyways. Y'all keep forgetting that Cuddy hired and repeatedly refused to fire malpractice Georg entirely on purpose. In order to keep her hospital on the map. In order to secure better funding and more research opportunities. She lies under oath, she threatens employees, (not just House!) she fucking. Schemes. She's nuts! She sees a complete disaster of a guy who cannot be trusted to care for himself much less vulnerable patients, who absolutely no one else will hire, and she goes. Yeah I think I can keep him under control. I think I can harness that for my benefit. And she mostly succeeds!!! House, who's never met an authority figure he didn't hate. She keeps him complacent with regular doses of petty arguments so he thinks he's fighting the man, but literally he is exactly where she wants him most of the time. Yeah House might be a feral animal, but that makes Cuddy the kind of person who keeps wild animals as pets. She's like oh yeah this is my pet tiger. When he's feeling grumpy I distract him with raw steak that I throw across the room. He thinks it's a game. Sometimes he tries to bite me lol.
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yearningcurve · 2 days
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Sokka, the plan guy, realizing that he too is capable of some catastrophic, Zuli-level strategic moves…
Based on that scene of @lovelyelbowleech’s War Games.
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yearningcurve · 2 days
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super fast sokka for some summer vibes 🍉
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yearningcurve · 2 days
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Idiots in love in the Fire Nation + family bonding time, kind of a follow up to this
Image id under the cut!
[ID: four colored digital drawings of Sokka, Zuko, Ty-Lee, Mai and Azula, from ATLA.
In the first image Sokka and Zuko are drawn from the thigs-up. They are sparring, Sokka has his space sword pointed towards Zuko and Zuko is blocking the blow with his dual swords. They are smiling at each other with a defiant expression. They are both shirtless and wearing dark red loose fitting pants tied with a lighter red sash with golden pattens. Zuko has his long hair up in a ponytail, while Sokka has his hair in a top knot tied with a red ribbon. In the same image there is another drawing of Sokka and Zuko drawn from the shoulders up, standing next to each other. They have just finished sparring, their hair are in disarray, and they are both sweaty and blushing, pointedly looking away from each other with a flustered expression. Sokka has a white towel draped around his shoulders while Zuko is using his own towel to wipe the sweat from the side of his neck. Sokka is awkwardly saying “you… fight good.” And Zuko is answering “uh, ok.”
In the second drawing Sokka, Ty-Lee, and Zuko are drawn from the waist-up. She is in the middle, smiling widely, and has her arms thrown around Sokka and Zuko. Ty-Lee is wearing pink clothes with a floral pattern, and a wide golden collar ornated with pink gems. She has her hair in a long braid that falls over her shoulder. At her right Sokka is smiling with a confused expression and leaning into her side. He’s wearing a loose sleeveless red tunic, and a dark red scarf around his waist embroidered with traditional blue water tribe patterns. He has a dark blue tattoo around his right bicep, and is wearing two golden band bracelets on his forearms, his hair are tied back with a red ribbon. At Ty-Lee’s left Zuko is standing stiffly, face-palming and looking annoyed. He’s wearing dark red clothes with golden embroidery, and has his hair tied up in a top knot. Ty-Lee is looking at Zuko and saying cheerfully “You know, your auras are very compatible, so fruity!”. Sokka is looking at Ty-Lee and saying “Oh, sure?”, and Zuko is saying “Fuck’s sake.”
In the third drawing there are Mai and Sokka standing next to each other, drawn from the waist up. Mai is wearing an elaborate dark maroon hanfu with red patterns, the sleeves and the collar of her clothes have a white lining with black and gold embroidery. She’s wearing black fingerless gloves that have darts around the wrists. Her hair are tied back in a low bun and kept in place with two silver pins, her lips are painted dark red, and she has two little red dots painted under her eyes. She’s holding Sokka’s boomerang in both hands, looking at it appraisingly. Next to her Sokka is wearing a deep red tunic with short sleeves, a bright red sash tied around the waist, and an ornate red collar that covers his chest and shoulders. His hair are in a top knot tied with a red ribbon. He’s holding six of Mai’s knives between his fingers, and is looking at them with a very focused expression, his tongue is poking out of his lips. Both of them are saying “sharp, I like it.” In the right side of the same image there is another drawing of Sokka, drawn by profile from the waist-up. He has his hair down and is wearing the same clothes he had in the second drawing. He has his arms raised, and is holding Zuko’s dragon Druk, which is orange-red with a yellow mane and dark red horns, and is still very small. Sokka is making kissy faces at the dragon and saying “who’s my little fire noodle?”, there are a lot of little red hearts surrounding them.
In the fourth image there are Sokka and Azula, drawn by profile and facing each other from the opposite sides of a pai-sho board. Sokka’s outfit is the same that he was wearing in the drawing with Mai, while Azula is wearing a long sleeved red tunic with dark red shoulder pieces, her hair are cut in a bob, and partially tied up in a top knot. She has her arms crossed and is looking at Sokka, while Sokka is holding his chin with one hand and is looking pensively at the board. /END ID]
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yearningcurve · 2 days
Transneu Zuko welcome, we all say in unison
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I love him
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yearningcurve · 2 days
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--- More cowboy au !
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yearningcurve · 2 days
i love these two characters. i need to trap them in a collapsed building so they can talk about their feelings as one of them slowly bleeds out.
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yearningcurve · 3 days
the thing abt diet culture is that there’s no way any junk food could possibly be more self destructive than viewing your own body as not only a separate entity from yourself but as an enemy to be conquered
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yearningcurve · 3 days
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@dimiclaudeblaigan asked for a tutorial on how to begin drawing. Good news! If you can draw a funky looking stick man, you have already started!
I think that stick people are a great starting point for artists because of the things you can learn from them that will be important later on.
If you are able to draw a circle and a couple of lines, you can easily put together a stick person.
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Congratulations! You have started to draw. :)
A stick person is a very minimal artistic representation of a real life person. It is simple yet recognizable, and is widely used in art, media, and signage.
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But what can a stick person teach us about drawing people that look more like… well, people? Lets have a look!
By simply adding a few more lines, we can add a pair of eyes and a mouth. Maybe even a little triangle nose! Or half circles for ears. We can now draw a face, which provides a basis for all sorts of expressions.
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These simple additions can allow us to explore the wide range of human emotion and individuality.
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This may seem like the basics of the basics. But that is what we want! In order to get to the point where we are able to draw complex, elaborate representations of humans and objects, we will need to start with simple shapes like lines and circles and build our understanding from there.
For instance, lets give our stick person some cool new features, such as hands and feet. I chose little squiggly circles to represent hands, and triangles to represent feet.
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We can go a step further and modify the body of the stick person to include shoulders, hips, elbows and knees. These parts of the human body are quite complex in real life But here, all we need to do is add a few simple lines and dots to our stick person.
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The lines provide some additional structural elements to our stick person's body, which are the shoulders and the hips. The dots indicate the points of articulation - elbows and knees, the places where the arms and legs bend!
Now we can use our stick person to show us an even wider range of human movement, action, and expression.
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Our little drawing of a human being is evolving! All it took was adding a few more lines and shapes here and there.
By elongating some of the existing lines and making the head an oval instead of a circle, we can give our stick person proportions that resemble that of a real life human.
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By this point, we have managed to add more complexity to our stick person simply by using our ability to draw lines, circles, and other basic shapes!
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These basic ideas are the building blocks that will enable us to create more complex shapes.
The next part may be a considerable step up if you are absolutely new to drawing, but I have decided to include it in order to show you how complex objects like the human body can be built from shapes that are a bit more complex than circles and lines.
For example. Two ovals and a rectangle can be combined to create a cylinder.
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Six squares can be combined to create a cube, or a box. Here, each square is distorted slightly depending on which way the cube is facing.
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Note that the back faces of the cube and the bottom of the cylinder are hidden. These shapes allow us to visualize that which should not normally visible.
A sphere from all perspectives can be represented by a circle. But we can make it more like a sphere by adding lighting and shadow if we so desire.
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Cubes, cylinders, and spheres are examples of 'solid shapes' because they consist of 3 dimensions.
Lets see how these solid shapes can be used to compose the human body.
By stacking three cylindrical objects, we can create a torso. Two spheres have been added to form shoulders, while a smaller cylinder forms the neck.
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An arm is an alternating sequence of spheres and cylinders connected together. Note that the hand has been simplified for this example.
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We can apply these solid shapes to the rest of the body to give us a more recognizable representation of the human form. It doesn't even have to be perfect. And just like that, our stick figure now has a silhouette that is unmistakably a person!
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In the above examples, notice that we kept the stick person at the beginning while building up the shapes and solids around it. This is because the stick person serves as a guide for positioning the body and its various parts -> also known as posing.
You can do the same thing to everyday objects! Here, I drew a wine glass by stacking these three dimensional solid shapes.
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The cup and its contents are two ovoid shapes that were cut in half. The stem is a very thin cylinder shape. The base is a cylinder with a slightly wider bottom.
Solid shapes help inform us how objects and parts of the human body may appear from different perspectives.
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For example, a sphere can be used to demonstrate how the human head appears when looking up or down, turned to the side, or tilted at an angle.
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With these examples, I hope I have managed to convinced you that if you can draw a circle and a couple of lines, you can draw a person! You just have to train your eye to recognize the simple shapes within complex objects. Try it with everyday objects as well! Or even your favourite media! A drawing subject can be as simple or as complex as you envision it to be.
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Once you have mastered that, there are many aspects of drawing you can explore from here that may require you to seek additional resources or a fellow artist's advice.
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Last of all, remember that drawing is an iterative process. Even if you draw something correct the first time, you will need to draw it again and again to get it right all times! And by making small changes like the ones we explored in this tutorial, your drawings will gradually transform!
I hope what I've demonstrated here are enough to provide the basics of how to get started with drawing objects and people, and also to help refresh more experienced artists. :) Hopefully I didn't go too off topic with what was requested, and let me know if there are any more questions I can answer.
Cheers :3
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yearningcurve · 3 days
I have a question which could be slightly controversial i guess.
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