yhella18 · 3 years
Gallery Reveal - Journal
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           People, including myself, commonly use nonverbal actions or expressions. For me, these are the actions and expressions of a person without speaking any words. These are also signals that can generally be translated directly into words and forming communication. It may include facial expressions, gestures, body language, proxemics (personal space), eye gaze, and haptics (touch). In addition, the pictures above are just some of the examples of using nonverbal communication. Among those, I often use eye contact, a smile, a peace sign, and the touching of others to my friends and family since it can help me fully express myself to let others know what I'm experiencing and trying to do. I, as a person, can say that I'm a jolly one and that you can mostly see me with a big smile on my face, so when someone sees me, they can see and know that I'm feeling happy. There is also eye contact in which when I look at someone, it may transmit interest, affection, hostility, or attraction. To add with, I tend to use the peace sign as an apology and sometimes just for fun since it makes my appearance look cute, and as for the touch, it can be used to communicate affection, familiarity, sympathy, and other emotions. Thus, nonverbal actions or expressions are essential because they can enhance a person's capacity to connect, engage and build meaningful relationships in daily life situations. In other words, it gives people valuable information about a situation, including how a person might be feeling, how someone receives information, and how to approach a person or group of people as to why people who have a better grasp of nonverbal communication will be able to build better connections.
          Furthermore, I believe that action speaks louder than words because, with actions, you can show true intentions and feelings in which a person may trust those who act rather than talk. It is their actions that make them trustworthy and believable. People usually evaluate a person by actions and not by words. They pay more attention to what is being done rather than what is being said. People always break their promises without taking any actions to prove that what they say is correct. In addition, a person who takes effort to complete their tasks rather than just describing and discussing how challenging the work is will undoubtedly gain tremendous respect from others. People would only trust and believe in someone who can speak, and act simultaneously, rather than simply say and do nothing. So, if I had to pick between actions and words, I would undoubtedly go with actions because what we do is much more important than what we say. It is preferable to do action rather than just stating something. As a result, we should exercise caution before saying anything. Many essential things in life, such as our reputation and respect, may be lost.
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yhella18 · 3 years
Women’s Individual Rhythmic Gymnastics from Rio 2016 || A Sports Analysis
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Rhythmic gymnastics, the performance of systematic physical exercise with the aid of such hand apparatuses as ropes, hoops, balls, clubs, and ribbons. It is closely related to women's artistic gymnastics—a sport performed on the vaulting horse, uneven parallel bars, balance beam, and floor—and, like synchronized swimming, is allied with dance (Bhutia, 2018).
Today's blog will focus on a given video, specifically, Full Individual Women's Rhythmic Gymnastics Replay from Rio 2016 | Throwback Thursday. This analysis will also consist of the court dimensions, equipment, basic skills, technical and tactical skills of each team, rules of the sport, officials of the sport, and the overall performance.
Court Dimensions
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The FIG is an international organization based in Switzerland, so the measurements follow the metric system. An Olympic floor exercise mat must be 12 meters by 12 meters, which equals 39.37 feet by 39.37 feet. The standard distance from one corner to the opposite corner is 1,697 cm or 55.68 feet. Allowances are made for competitions in case the floor exercise measurements are not precise. For the length and width, the 12 meters has a 3 cm margin of error. The floor has to be within 5 cm of the standard measurement for the size from corner to corner.
The 12 meters by 12 meters measurement covers the performance area. As you may have noticed when watching Olympic gymnastics competitions, there is a thick border around the floor, often marked by white athletic tape. This is called a delimitation strip, and it measures 5 cm or just under 2 inches. A gymnast is permitted to step on the delimitation strip during competition without penalty, but if she moves beyond the border, a deduction will be made. Many floor exercise platforms are raised slightly to accommodate springs and foam padding. The slope leading from the floor to the floor exercise mat must not exceed a measurement of 25 percent (Oleskewicz, n.d.).
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Gymnasts usually use leotards or singlets. Leotards can be short-sleeved or long-sleeved and cut at the groin area much like a bikini so that there will be no hindrance to an athlete's flexibility or movement.
Female gymnastics commonly have their hair tied back. No bangs or loose hair is allowed in the front. Its primary purposes are to prevent hair from getting in the way of a gymnast, provide a uniform and elegant look, and maintain focus on the athlete.
Toe shoes
Toe shoes are specially designed professional shoes for rhythmic gymnastics. They cover toes while the heels remain open. Silicone elastic band fixes the toe of the shoes around the heel.
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Made of plastic and wood, it is a circular apparatus with a diameter ranging from 51 to 90 centimeters. Gymnasts will be able to rotate it with either their hands or their body.
The ball is made of rubber or synthetic has a diameter of 18 to 20 centimeters, and its minimum weight is 4000 grams. When using the ball, it should rest in the gymnast's hand and should not be grasped or rest on the wrist. Gymnasts perform throws, as well as tricks such as bouncing and rolling the ball.
Resembling bowling pins, the clubs are of equal length, typically about 0.4 to 0.5metres long. They are made from wood or synthetic material. Gymnasts use the clubs to do tricks like circles -in which the clubs swing parallel to each other, mills - the clubs swing opposite each other, and throws and catches.
The ribbon is a single strip usually made of satin, attached to a stick made of wood or synthetic material. Gymnasts create all sorts of patterns with the ribbon, including spirals, circles and snakes. The gymnast must keep the ribbon in motion throughout the entire routine.
Basic Skills
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Locomotor Skills:
Walking- Both feet move alternately, with one foot always touching the ground or floor; when one foot goes down, the other foot comes up and moves forward.
Running- Running is a fast pace motion where both feet briefly leave the ground. Running is performed with the body leaning slightly forward, knees are flexed and lifted, and arms rotate back and forth from the shoulders with a bend at the elbows.
Leaping- Leaping is an elongated step used to cover more considerable distances or move over low obstacles.
Jumping- Jumping involves taking off and landing on both feet. The arms move forward with an upswing motion, and the body movement combined with the force of the feet helps lift the body's weight.
Hopping- Hopping involves propelling the body up and down on one foot.
Galloping- When galloping, the body faces forward and one-foot leads and the other moves rapidly forward to it.
Sliding- Sliding is similar to gallop. However, the body moves sideways in a 1-count movement. The leading footsteps to the side and the other foot follows quickly.
Skipping- Skipping is a series of step-hops done with alternate feet.
Non – Locomotor Skills:
Bending- bending is a movement at a joint
Swaying- is a slower controlled movement that occurs when the center of gravity shifts fluidly from side to side.
Swinging- involves moving body parts like a swinging rope or pendulum. (Arms and Legs)
Turning- is rotating around the long axis of the body.
Twisting- is rotating a selected body part around its long axis.
Stretching- moves body parts away from the body's center, or moving a joint through a range of motion. Stretching is necessary for increasing and maintaining flexibility.
Apparatuses Skills:
> Hoop
Swinging Movements- requires good alignment between the body and the hula-hoop. Hoops can be swung by the athletes in a frontal, sagittal, or horizontal plane.
Spinning Movements- Turning the hoop with both hands or one.
Circling Movements- Hoops can be twirled by hand, wrist, arm, leg, or entire body.
Tossing and Catching Movements- Toss the hoop in the air with one or both hands, then catch it with one hand between the thumb and index finger.
Rolling Movements- Roll the hoop on the floor in either a forward or backward direction. Or move it on the body in different ways.
> Ball
Handling the ball: the fingers should be closed and slightly bent with the ball.
Resting in the palm.
Throwing the ball: the ball can roll from the fingertips.
Catching the ball: the ball returns immediately to the palm.
> Club
Performances with clubs are fast and slick, showcasing the gymnast’s agility and accuracy, using their hands and wrists.
Core moves include circles when the clubs swing in the same direction and mills when the clubs swing in opposite directions.
As is the case with every piece of apparatus, throws require the most skill. The difference with this apparatus is that you can perform throws with one or both clubs.
> Ribbon
Swinging Movements- involves large swinging motions that require whole-body coordination.
Circling Movements- Large circles involve the strength and movement of the whole arm; smaller circles involve the wrist movement.
Zigzag Movements- Zigzags can be made in the air or on the floor. Use the movement of the wrist.
Spiral Movements- Make spirals either from left to right or right to left.
Technical and Tactical Skills of Each Team
Margarita Mamun from Russia
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Rotation 1 (Hoop): Mamun used the apparatus like it's attached to her body and made sure that the hoop works well at all the parts of her body, which made her a lot of smooth transitions. Every step that she had made were all pointed toes. In addition, illusion turns were her signature skills in this rotation and the way she moved the hoop were precise. She ended this rotation with the ring high up in the air and then caught it with a jump followed by a pose on the circle in her body. It was indeed a beautiful performance.
Rotation 2 (Ball): Mamun used passion and being expressive in her performance for the second rotations. The ball is said to be an extension of the body, and she used the apparatus quite well and made it connected to her. She also added complexity to her spins, leaps and jumps. The ways she ended her performance was lovely.
Rotation 3 (Club): Mamun chose her music to be the song "We Will Rock You by Queen". It was high beat music, and she used the apparatus like she was drumming. She was tricky enough in handling clubs and showing expertise. She also performed maximum extension of the jump, offering her flexibility to the audience, and then end the performance with a peace sign. It was kind of a different way to end the show.
Rotation 4 (Ribbon): Mamun's use of the ribbon was flawlessly and had a fast movement. She also threw the apparatus so high and still manage to catch it. She made it look like it was easy to perform around, even though we all know that it was challenging to do. Moreover, she had a clean and beautiful balance showing stability in her dance and consistency in using the ribbon skills.
Marina Durunda from Azerbaijan
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Rotation 1 (Hoop): Durunda's performance was choosing a piece of beautiful music and matching it with her choreography. She was swift with the apparatus and catching it with extra movement. She also used three turning leaps and had perfect timing on her show showing exact direction and speed.
Rotation 2 (Ball): Durunda showed a strong personality in dribbling and throwing the ball high up in the air. Her hand movements were exaggerated and used excellent styles like having the ball contact her chest and rebound it. It was new to the eyes of the audience and found some originality in it.
Rotation 3 (Club): Durunda had the same type of music as the other athletes in which they had in-beat music. She has shown artistic expression in her performance, gaining additional points to her scoring. She also did flawlessly doing the routine and not had a hard time, and just enjoyed and did her best.
Rotation 4 (Ribbon): Durunda decided to match the ribbon with her costume. She has shown plenty of energy throughout her performance which made her used multiple skills underneath the spins and the jumps, a fantastic series of spins, and full extension of the leaps. She tended to throw the ribbon so high up in the air, and she quickly caught it without a sweat on it.
Yana Kudryavtseva from Russia
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Rotation 1 (Hoop): Kudryavtseva started with ultimate control of the hoop with her body. She chose a slow and smooth song that synchronized with her movements in which she moved around the floor so lightly that she looks like she's floating in the air. In addition, she worked with the apparatus well, causing the apparatus and the body to all work in one piece. Moreover, she tended to roll in the back of the hoop and made medium illusion turns, which is considered difficult. She used complex movements like having a big throw on the apparatus and caught it with her leg. Then she slowly ended it with backspin and posed her last stance, which significantly impacted the audience.
Rotation 2 (Ball): Unlike other athletes, Kudryavtseva chose slow music that rhymes with her choreography. She has shown mastery of the elements that she has performed. What truly gained the audience's attention is when she spins the ball with her thumb while she did the side scale balance element. Moreover, the movement and the body are so smooth, and every transition along with the body is seamless and neverending. She has shown a flawless and beautiful performance.
Rotation 3 (Club): Kudryavtseva had control of the positions she has used, and the change of rhythm of her performance was seen clearly. She has shown good balance and unique use of the apparatus, causing her to demonstrate mastery. However, in the last stunt, she didn't catch the ball, causing her points to be deducted, and her rank have become second place.
Rotation 4 (Ribbon): Kudryavtseva has shown an elegant kind of performance. She used soft music and a lot of twirl in the apparatus. She did her best despite having a mistake in the third rotation. By this, she did her best on the last part, and she has formed beautiful body shapes in her performance. It is like the routine that she has shown is dancing and flowing around in the air.
Katsiaryna Halkina from Belarus
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Rotation 1 (Hoop): Halkina started with a sitting position with pointed toes. She executed nice combinations of rotations and used lovely control of her series of spins. Then she ends it with the same position at the beginning of her performance.
Rotation 2 (Ball): Halkina used suspense Music and have shown tremendous leg strength, making the ball so high up in the hair. Thus, causing her to have reasonable control of the ball. All in all, she has done a well-executed performance.
Rotation 3 (Club): Unlike other athletes, Halkina’s song was not upbeat. Instead, it was slow and quite sad, which made her had expressive at the same time beautiful turns and jumps. She also had tremendous balance and executed high flying leaps. Moreover, she is good at using the apparatus in which she had a different movement of the clubs showcasing asymmetrical.
Rotation 4 (Ribbon): Halkina used her feet to handle the ribbon at the beginning. Her music was in a groovy kind of way then turned into upbeat. She had excellent control of the apparatus and matched it with some dance steps. She also has shown plenty of energy, and the ways she ends her performance portray a circle pattern with a lot of twirls on her spin.
Kseniya Moustafaeva from France
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Rotation 1 (Hoop): Moustafaeva made her opening with a lovely high and showcasing emotions right away to match her selected music. She made her balance smoothly and cleanly and have shown total concentration in her performance. She also used leaps that are fixed in shape and are high enough to get that shape acquired. All in all, she has shown outstanding performance.
Rotation 2 (Ball): Moustafaeva start was a serious face matching with the dynamic and robust music they have shown. She had good alleviation and had a somewhat abstract choreography. Simultaneously, she also had strong legs, which emphasizes her excellent control of the ball. However, in the middle part, she was losing the power that she had but still able to end it with a good performance.
Rotation 3 (Club): Moustafaeva decided to be lively and have shown by swaying her hips that rhymes with the music. As a dynamic gymnast, she has chosen the music which suited her style. The way she used the apparatus are sometimes symmetrical and asymmetrical and showcasing succession of the throws, which are astounding,
Rotation 4 (Ribbon): Moustafaeva’s expression was used in the ribbon to convey the song much well. She was very consistent with her performance but still sometimes showed a hard time controlling the ribbon. Despite that, she showcased a dazzling and dramatic performance.
Melitina Staniouta from Belarus
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Rotation 1 (Hoop): Staniouta's intense music matched with her choreography, and she has shown excellent performance. The techniques she has shown were all astounding in which one of them was rebounding the hoop with her legs. Then she ended her performance by catching the hoop while lying down.    
Rotation 2 (Ball): Staniouta has shown a fantastic performance. The way she moved and balanced herself on dramatic music. She used the ball and rolled them around her arms which was excellent to see. She also has shown beautiful spins and jumps on her routine. All in all, she combined sports and arts on her show.
Rotation 3 (Club): Staniouta decided to have piano phased for her performance. She has showcased to the audience her spins and jumps that are well-executed. She also attached expressions making her dance more expressive enough, so she had a breathtaking effect on the audience.
Rotation 4 (Ribbon): Staniouta used the apparatus as she was enjoying the routine and performed her very best. She has used her signature turns and had succeeding movements. She also threw the ribbon across the court, causing it almost to exceed the court's line. However, she was able to catch it and still able to continue her dance well.
Carolina Rodriguez from Spain
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Rotation I (Hoop): Rodriguez decided to be suspenseful and had a definite style selling to the audience and the judges. She made large throws of the apparatus and executed back illusion multiple times. It was quite a sassy performance, and she showed a model of consistency and expressiveness. To end it, she looked at the judges and gave a breathtaking smile to them, showing that she had fun throughout her performance.
Rotation 2 (Ball): It was a dramatic dance for Rodriguez and has shown expression. It was considered a mature performance since she indeed brought her personality and expressed what she wanted to convey. She was also an expert at illusion turns and executed a series of them as to why her performance was consistent.
Rotation 3 (Clubs): Rodriguez has shown lively and fast movements in her performance, and her expression was severe and sometimes fierce throughout the show. She had the consistency of turns and executed massive throws of the clubs. At the same time, she was showcasing synchronization with the apparatus. Thus, it leads to thinking that clubs may be her most substantial apparatus to use.
Rotation 4 (Ribbon): Expressions were found at the beginning. The turns or twirls of the ribbon were synchronized with the selected music. Rodriguez shone all the techniques used for the apparatus and have performed complicated back illusions turns which she matched to tune well.
Son Yeon Jae from Korea
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Rotation 1(Hoop): Yeon Jae’s flowery costume was catchy and making her look fresh looking. It made her performance to looked smooth and put some moves on the classic lines that she has selected for her music. Moreover, she had exhibited immense control over her movements. Incredibly, her throws shone through her routine. All in all, she had managed to utilize the apparatus well.
Rotation 2 (Ball): Clean and Elegance was Yeon Jae’s main asset in her performance with the ball apparatus. She has shown precise body movements, and the placement of her feet and arms were stunning to look at, especially if she will emphasize them.
Rotation 3 (Club): Yeon Jae’s started with an exquisite turn and flawless control of the club. She has showcased an excellent performance with opening strong pivots and circles behind it. She has shown a bewildering performance.
Rotation 4 (Ribbon): Yeon Jae’s float made the leaps execution to be around and perplexing. She made her movements with the changing phase of the music, which matched it well to her performance. She tended to throw the apparatus with her foot and still catching with ease. Overall, she showcased an astounding performance.
Ganna Rizatdinova from Ukraine
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Rotation 1 (Hoop): The shape and the pointing of the toes are what really seen in Rizatdinova's performance. It was intense, and the flexibility that she performed was way beyond. She also had executed complicated yet magnificent movements, which all lead to a great ending.
Rotation 2 (Ball): Rizatdinova's had an excellent technique in which she trapped the ball around her back and legs. She also started to sway her hips and shoulders like she's dancing around. The way she shaped her legs and made them move was excellent, and she had her eyes concentrated on the ball whenever she moved. She has shown astonishing performance.
Rotation 3 (Club): Rizatdinova's start was impressive. It was technically beautiful on the speed of her movements and the club's balancing in one foot. It was great done, especially the control of the apparatus's balance and even with all of her events. She also showed symmetrical throws of the ball and ended it with a passion and drama performance.
Round 4 (Ribbon): It was a precise start for Rizatdinova. She appeared to have good balance and her throws of the ribbon are high and still able to catch it quickly and flawlessly. The movement of the ribbon was well exaggerated and robust. Also, she danced when the time is almost in one minute and proven to the audience she had excellent execution.
Nevianna Vladinova from Bulgaria
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Rotation 1 (Hoop): Vladinova made her apparatus turn in the leg and made series of turns on it. She also tended to squeeze the hoop around her body and showcased that her choreography was capitalized or defined to the audience.
Rotation 2 (Ball): Starting with fast and upbeat music made Vladinova had a lovely catch of the ball. At the same time, she used her expressions to match with music and her movements. Her movements were energetic, and has executed her routine without fail. She has also shown her flexibility and skills in her performance.
Rotation 3 (Club): In the beginning, Vladinova showed how flexible she is and fast with her movements. The change of pace of the gestures was there even though the music and the rhythm were still rapid. It was a clever use of the music since it enhanced more of her performance. Furthermore, she has used skills or techniques on her execution, like rebounding the club on her knee, which was quite different from other players. Overall, she has shown a dynamic performance.
Rotation 4 (Ribbon): Vladinova was the end performer for the Olympic for Rhythmic Gymnastics and still showed how calm she is and without being nervous at all. Her fast movements and choreography match the music very well. She simply did her best and made a lively and energetic performance that is good to end the Olympics.
Rules of the Sport
Rhythmic gymnastics combines ballet, dance and acrobatics with expressive movement and manipulating apparatuses such as the ball, clubs, hoop, and ribbon.
This sport is ideal for developing flexibility, strength, as well as body coordination. It stems from various dance styles and exercise regimes that share the common idea of expressive movement as an exercise tool.
> Individual programme
During the individual programme, an athlete will manipulate only one of these five apparatuses at a time - rope, hoop, ball, clubs and ribbon. One apparatus is rotated out of contention every two years, with the gymnast required to compete on the remaining four events.
> Music and Choreography
All routines must be performed with music, with only short pauses of music allowed. The choreography must centre around a theme developed from beginning to end using a variety of body movements and the handling of apparatuses.
> Movement Rules:
o   Leaps and jumps
All leaps and jumps must be of a good height, have a precise shape and good amplitude.
All leaps with the back arched must have the head in contact with the leg.
o   Balances
All balances must be performed on the toes or the knee. These must be held clearly and have a good, fixed shape.
o   Pivots
All pivot combinations must be performed entirely on the toes without heel support.
> Basic Rule:
Each gymnast must perform choreographed routines using each of the following four pieces of apparatus:
> Scoring
Performances in rhythmic gymnastics are given a maximum of 20, comprising difficulty (D) and execution (E) scores.
The D score is based on each performance element, including leaps, jumps and use of apparatus. These D scores are averaged to give a score out of 10.
The E score is based on how well the routine was executed either by the individual or the group. The final number is an average of the middle three scores awarded by the judges.
The D and E scores are combined at this stage, giving a mark out of 20. Then, any deductions are taken away. The list of instant deductions is incredibly long and complex in rhythmic gymnastics. Competitors can be penalized for anything from breaking the apparatus to landing heavily on their feet.
> Judging
o   Good Form and Execution: In elements such as leaps and jumps, a gymnast's toes should be pointed. Her legs should be straight. She should maintain tightness in her body and each skill should look planned.
o   Control of the Apparatus: The gymnast should keep her equipment moving and look as if she has complete control. Dropping the apparatus is a deduction. If the equipment rolls away or off the floor, more penalties are incurred.
o   Flexibility: Rhythmic gymnasts should achieve a minimum of a 180-degree split on split leaps and jumps, and often they go much further. A great rhythmic gymnast will exhibit flexibility in her back, legs, and shoulders.
o   Choreography: The intricacies of movement are essential in rhythmic gymnastics. Each routine should be a performance, and the gymnast's music should be a necessary part of the routine, not simply used as background music.
o   The Uniqueness of the Routine: A great gymnast will perform a routine that looks different from the rest. It will have something special about it, risky throws and catches, complicated choreography, extreme flexibility, or simply unique skills from others performed in the competition.
Officials of the Sport
Meet Referee
Conducts the judge’s education meeting prior to the event,
Makes the panel assignments or conducts a draw,
Has ultimate control over technical decisions,
Judges every routine within human possibility,
Can question a panel score, even if the judges are in range, if she feels it is not appropriate,
Can call a conference of either judging panel, can make the decision to go to base score,
Keeps track (with the help of an assigned volunteer secretary) of all scores and rankings,
Determines the number of sessions in association with the meet director,
Makes sure the timers and line judges are knowledgeable about the rules and their function,
Serves as the spokesperson for the judging panels to the organizing host and the participants,
Makes sure the Head Judges review the official score sheets before signing them,
Mediates all professional disagreements, and has the final response,
Is responsible for any media involvement concerning the judges,
Respond to any written inquires before a session has ended.
Head Judge
Attends pre-competition education session,
Makes sure judges scores are within the proper range,
Requests the MR to call a conference if there is a disagreement,
Keeps track of rank order for assigned events.
Acting Panel Judge
Attends pre-competition education session,
Judges each routine assigned with undivided attention.
Line Judge
A Line Judge determines if the athlete and the apparatus are within the boundaries of the field of play. There are two line judges for each individual routine, and you will be responsible for the two lines that are in your “corner”of the carpet. Each judge is responsible for the line to their right. The red line denotes the warning area, and if the athlete or their apparatus touches the line they are still in bounds. If any part of the athlete’s body and / or apparatus touches the floor outside of the red line, then she is out-of-bounds and the judge immediately hold up one flag high in the air for a few seconds. If both the apparatus and gymnast touches the floor outside of the red line, then immediately hold up both flags high in the air for a couple of seconds.
Each timer requires a stop watch that indicates the minutes, seconds and milliseconds, a rotation order, timer judge chits and a pen.
Procedure to follow as a Timer Judge:
Have a Rotation List available.
Check off each gymnast as they are announced so that you know which gymnast is on the floor.
Start the timer when the gymnast starts moving (or first gymnast in group), and stop the timer when the gymnast stops moving (or the last gymnast in group). Record the time to the millisecond on the rotation order. For example, 1:30:05. If the routine is over or less than the required time (times to be provided by the Meet Director), then also complete the Timer Judge Chit.
Give the timer judge slip to a runner to take to the head judge for inclusion in the scoring papers.
Judge Administrator
The primary responsibilities of the Judge Administrator are to act as the GCG representative at EC and CC, to ensure that all Judge Rules and Technical Rules are followed, and to ensure that all score ranges are within FIG requirements. The JA does not act as a reference judge and does not score the routines.
Apparatus Judge
Every apparatus will be checked during the Warm-Up prior to the start of the competition rotation. If there is a fault with the apparatus measurement, the apparatus judge will show the coach, so the athlete has time to change apparatus. If a coach/athlete refuses to change apparatus, the Apparatus Judge will retain the piece of apparatus, complete the judge chit and send it to the JA immediately. The JA will come to verify the concern as soon as is possible, but it may not be until a break in the competition. The apparatus must be retained until the JA has completed the verification.
Overall Performance
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           All in all, all the athletes have shown their determination and passion in doing Rhythmic Gymnastics. They were different techniques and tactics with their stunts, leaps, jumps, and spins using the four various apparatuses: hoop, ball, clubs, and ribbon. With all their performance, the audience has been amazed and enjoyed the execution of ten different athletes. However, there is always one winner in the competition, and Margarita Mamun from Russia was the one who claims the gold medal for Rio Olympics 2016 in Rhythmic Gymnastics. The sweat, the never-ending stunts and no-fault steps or movements were what made the audience amazed by her performance, leading her to be the right one to gain the first place. She gave the audience an outstanding performance.
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yhella18 · 3 years
Women's Singles Short Program of Figure Skating from the Winter Olympic Games 2018 in PyeongChang || A Sport Analysis
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Figure skating is a sport in which individuals, pairs, or groups perform on figure skates on ice. It was the first winter sport to be included in the Olympic Games when contested at the 1908 Olympics in London. This sport performs freestyle movements of jumps, spins, lifts, and footwork gracefully. Its name derives from the patterns (or figures) skaters make on the ice, an element that was a significant part of the sport until recently. There are various kinds of figure skating, including freestyle, pairs, ice dance, and synchronized team skating. The style of competition and the moves and techniques of the skaters vary for each category of skating. Figure skating has become one of the most popular sports of the Winter Olympics (Hamilton, 2019).
Today's blog will focus on Women's Singles Short Program of Figure Skating from the Winter Olympic Games 2018 in PyeongChang. This analysis will also consist of the court dimensions, equipment, basic skills, technical and tactical skills of each team, rules of the sport, officials of the sport, and the overall performance.
Court Dimensions
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Figurer Skating Rinks has an overall length of 196.85' (60 m) and width of 98.43' (30 m), for a total area of 18,707 ft² (1738 m²). The corners of a Figure Skating Rink have a radius of 27.89' (8.5 m). Also, a figure skating rink is a frozen rectangular surface with curved or circular ends on both sides used to host the Olympic sport of figure skating. Skating rinks vary in size depending on the athletes and performers' skill level, with the largest being an Olympic-sized rink. Skating rinks are often used for both figure skating and ice hockey games, and dimensions are typically the same for both. Unlike hockey, a figure skating rink is clear of goals and markings to allow athletes and performers the maximum amount of unimpeded space. It is meant to provide a smooth and hard surface, and the rink ice temperature ranges between -5.5C (22F) and -3.5C (26F) (Powell, 2020).
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Figure Skates
Figure skates are boots with blades attached to the bottom. They are used in ice skating to propel oneself across ice surfaces. It allows a person to move adeptly across a sheet of ice. A skater can glide quickly and stop and start soon because of the design of the blade. A person can also turn in a controlled way when on the ice. A fast skater can go much quicker than a fast runner.
Skate Guards
Figure skating guards are usually made of plastic with a simple spring or other mechanical devices to hold the guards tightly to the blades. They can be found in many colors and with internal lights that blink as the skater walks. They are also called 'blade guards'. Figure skating guards historically were made of wood, but this has been supplanted in the last thirty years by plastic.
Boot Covers
The main reason to wear boot covers is to protect the ice skate. Most figure skate boots are made of leather and under it are sharp blades. When doing moves with one foot or both feet in the air, there is a risk that one skate's blade damages the boot of the other.
The movements involved in figure skating engage the entire body. The motion and flow across the ice require smooth actions of the arms and legs, powerful gliding strokes, quick turns and rotations, explosive jumps, and fast footwork. The clothing that the skater wears can enhance these movements while at the same time allowing the skater to maintain a comfortable temperature while moving efficiently and without distraction. This blend of aesthetic and functional possibilities of dress mix in action becomes almost one with the skater, the result being a total athletic and artistic expression.
Pair of Tights or Leggings
Tights keep the legs warm and cool when you're in a freezing ice rink, doing high-intensity exercise. Tights are the best type of "foot-underwear" to use in ice skates. Tights generally have a soft seam (if any seam) at the toes. Seams can be dangerous to a skater's foot in an ice skate. They are also less bulky, which is preferred for skates because skates don't have room for heavy fabrics in addition to your foot. Also, it protects the legs from ice burn when an athlete falls. They need to be covering their legs when they skate because falling on the ice can result in nasty abrasions.
Gloves not only keep the hands warm, but they can also protect an athlete's hands to some degree from injury when falling. They are also helpful when performing figure skating elements that involve grabbing the skate blade and enhancing the visual appearance of an athlete.
Basic Skills
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Figure skating turns are an essential part of the sport. Some turns are part of the basics, and others are advanced and difficult to perform. Figure skating turns are vital because they are part of the progressive figure skating moves. For example, the entrance to certain jumps includes a three-turn or a mohawk.
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Figure skating steps skills that, when put together, form what is called a footwork sequence. Some figure skating steps are variations on or combinations of turns. Power three turns, twizzles, and running threes are examples.
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Spins in figure skating are often the most fun for the skater and most appealing to the figure skating audience. Crowds love to watch an elegant or super-fast spin. There is so much important information about figure skating spins that we have an entire section devoted to these figure skating skills.
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Jumps are spins in the air. A jump is a backspin in the air. These figure skating skills have become one of the most critical aspects of the sport since the creation of the international judging system. Triple and quad jumps receive so many points that they overshadow most of the other skills when competing. Some of the most elegant skaters have lost in competitions because another skater executes a series of moment-grabbing jumps.
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Spirals are glides with one leg way up in the air. There are many variations of these figure skating skills. The first figure skating spiral learned is usually the arabesque. Skaters will then learn a catch foot variation. Essential aspects for figure skating spirals are good extension, get the free leg extended high in the air, and moving steadily across the ice. A change of edge during a spiral will receive extra points.
Moves in the Field
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It is a name given to elements of figure skating that emphasize essential skating skills and edge control. In the context of a competitive program, 'moves in the field' include spirals, spread eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, and similar extended edge moves.
Technical and Tactical Skills of Each Team
Bradie Tennel from the United States of America
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          Tennel is a 20-year-old woman who was considered to be the most powerful in group 1. Her consistency was her asset, but she fell due to her triple combination jump like a human being. Despite that, she had many combinations of spin, and she got her powerful footwork back. She was also able to do the triple combination that she failed from the beginning. Her music was Taeguki by Dong-Jun Lee. It was soft from the start and turned into intense when it's in the middle part of her performance, making her do series of turns. Then she ends her performance with a beautiful spin using the edges.
Isadora Williams from Brazil
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          Williams is a 22-year-old athlete who had an excellent interpretation of the song Hallelujah performed by K.D Lang. She dances like she moves with the song and puts the expressions needed to convey it. Her technique was to play safe, which made her to the jumps safe and well-executed. Also, she has a good pace of music which was suitable for her performance.
Anna Khnychenkova from Ukraine
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          Khnychenkova did great at first; however, due to the pressure of having an international event, she keeps on making mistakes which made her disappointed. She has four red out of seven on the Technical Score. However, it was an excellent performance wherein she likely stomp on her feet which rhymes with the song's beat.
Diana Nikitina from Latvia
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          Nikita's performance was very casual and had a good development pace. The way she moves her arms, it's like she is portraying something. She's more on the choreography and had interpreted the song entitled Soldier of Love by Sade. To think that she was still 17 years old. It was so good to watch.
Kim Hanul from South Korea
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          A height of 4'11, this 17-year-old girl proved that despite not having blessed with the height, her attitude and the skills in figure skating overpower who truly she is. She started with a good speed, and she tends to change her positions in each spin. She had a good entry with her layback, and it was fast gaining her a lot of points. Hanul tried her best to have her desired performance.
Anita Oestlund from Sweden
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          Oestlund is a 17-year-old girl who started with continuous footwork and good flow on her performance, but her first element was invalid since she made a mistake on her rotation. Regardless of the mistake she made, her show was most of changing direction on her feet or, to be exact, the series of the bracket. Then, she ends her performance with a spin; however, it was a big mistake since it did not sync with the music's end. She still needs to improve physically and emotionally.
Li Xiangning from China
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          Xiangning is the fourth 17-year-old athlete who performed in the short programs. Her music Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (Soundtrack) was like a lullaby and soft to hear, making her movements smooth. She used good speed throughout her spins and completing all of her positions and movements. She also made a mistake since it was not fully rotated but still work it in the end. She showed a classical performance and used her spin and speed to create a picture for the audience.
Alexia Paganini from Switzerland
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          Paganini showed an elegant performance with the song Forbidden Love (From Romeo and Juliet). The music and her costume truly sync with one another, creating an illustration. Besides, she had good speed and footwork, which made her have an excellent start with a triple toe. She made sure to make her jump to have some good height. She also had good decisions on the last part since she wanted to do triple lutz and triple toes but decided to a safer and lower scoring.
Aiza Mambekova from Kazakhstan
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          Mambekova's start of music (Amanama, Hourshaker Radio Edit) gained the audience's attention and followed it with her hand movements. She's using the music with her steps sequence. She may have good height, but the rotation of hers is not quick enough. Unlike other performers who didn't sync with their finishing part of the music, she had an excellent finish. It was openly a piece of exotic music for an exotic performance. All in all, she showed an enjoyable performance.
Emmi Peltonen from Finland
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          Peltonen is a 19-year-old woman who is a 9th generation Olympic athlete. Her asset was her speed. She showed a mighty pace, thus, causing her to have a messy and big jump from the start, which was considered high-quality jumps. She also performed a fantastic lift with her body movements and sequence. The commitment that she showed was a good design, and she is good with her transitions. She indeed had a satisfactory performance.
Larkyn Austman from Canada
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          The song Mein Herr (From Cabaret), Austman had chosen, was happy and lively. She was like dancing instead of skating, in interpreting her music. However, she had a hard time with her jump, possibly due to her movements. She hadn't a lot of international experience, but she did her best on her performance and still considered it a good performance.
Mae Berenice Meite from France
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          Meite is somewhat like Austman, who showed more on dancing than skating. She started it with exaggerated hand movements. It was indeed a lively performance, and she has established good choices and wise decisions with her high jumps. Her step sequence may be slow, but the crowd is enjoying her performance.
Kailani Craine from Australia
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          Craine is a careful 19-year-old athlete. She's playing safe with her spins and jumps but still considered to be an excellent show. The step sequence she did was using the edges, and she was terrific at her speed at changing transitions. Her expression, which was a big smile to the audience, was a significant part of her performance. She has the sense of music, leading her to have fantastic performance, gaining perfect green points in the technical score.
Ivett Toth from Hungary
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          Toth had a different and astounding concept. Back in Black, Thunderstruck by AC/DC, the music relates to the biker look that she had since it was a piece of rock music. She also good with the opening jump combination and had a good flow throughout the show. She used her skating skills, balance, connection, and music delivery to make her performance much more extraordinary.
Giada Russo from Italy
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          Russo's start was suspense, in which the audience was made to wait for her opening jump. She used an exciting transition of her music, the Eyes Wide Shut (Soundtrack), and the way she ended her performance was different, unlike the other athletes. She showed her expression and the composition that she wanted to convey.
Leona Hendrickx from Belgium
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          Hendrick's performance is more on exaggeration. She had a wild show since she was like swaying her arms and body with emphasis. She used firm edges on her skate and had good speed, movement, and strength. She also had a good flow across the eyes, and the blade moved well, so she hasn't struggled to get speed. Then she finished her performance constantly with the rate she had.
Nicole Schott from Germany
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          Fantasia is a 21-year-old woman who made her performance smooth and soft, syncing it with her music, Nella Fantasia. She used series of turn and step sequences that can make the viewers see the curves on her. She made her jumps not high but still well executed. It was honestly a clean shot and a calming performance.
Nicole Rajicova from Slovakia
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          Rajicova showed suspense but with a soft touch kind of performance. She used her transition well enough and made her change of speed to be noticeable. She also made a lot of steps and big jumps. It was pretty clear on how she has executed, and every element was received a positive grade of execution.
Kaori Sakamoto from Japan
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          Sakamoto is a 17-year-old girl who made the music Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig Van Beethoven shine on the audience and made a decadent version of the song. She used fantastic lift and made her jump when the music turned fast. The leaps and spins that she has executed were of equal quality, and every spin was good as her jump. She made it look like it was effortless and easy to skate around. It was frankly a brilliant performance which made her have all the green lights for the technical score.
Mirai Nagasu from the United States of America
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          Nagasu is like Peltonen, who was into speed which forms into messy, and the pace was so immense to which she failed at the opening jump. It was almost over-rotated and over-blind. However, she was powerful enough and executed many higher jumps and sometimes show have shown good balance in her performance.
Gabrielle Daleman from Canada
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          Daleman is a 20-year-old woman who chose her music to be Habanera (From Carmen) by George Bizet. She had a great flow and speed, yet a shame that she fell in the opening jump since it doesn’t have a good rotation. Despite the imperfections, she used the interpretation of the music and showed excellent swaying of her feet. The way she skips, skates, and dance were outstanding. Also, all the moves were finished, and the jumps were always big and majestic. Overall, she had a good performance on her performance.
Karen Chen from the United States of America
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          Chen’s portrayal as a swan relates with her music, On Golden Pond by David Grusin. It was a smooth kind of music. She left the other jumps to the second half of her performance to get the bonus for her score. She also used a quick change of direction and made a lovely sparrow portray the wings. She ends her performance with a beautiful spin and her hand symbolizing the loon calling throughout the music.
Elizabet Tursynbaeva from Kazakhstan
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          Tursynbaeva’s started with an exaggerated hand movement. She chose the song Carmen Performed by David Garrett and executed a lot of fast magnificent combination spin. But sometimes, this causes her to struggle with the speed in one time spin on her performance. Moreover, she tends to put some walk or stomp on her feet. It was a well-executed show.
Choi Dabin from South Korea
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          Dabin’s choice of music was soft at the beginning with dramatic effects. She moves her body and hands to show some drama and brought emotions to it. Since she had a strong core, she executed a lot of tricky jumps. She made her footwork look simple and not changing of direction. This causes her to have all green lights in the technical score. She moves and executes contrasts with her gentle exterior or appearance, which was an advantage to her.
Evgenia Medvedeva from Russia
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          Medvedeva's used a ballerina style that rhyme with the music, Nocturne by Frederic Chopin. She made her expression to be sad and longing. Her performance was calm, showing the elements perfectly and elegantly. She also had an excellent presentation of the eyes, especially from the beginning, wherein she closed her eyes and opened them to impact when she moves. She created beautiful shapes with her spin and end with an exhale that she was finished. It has an impact on the audience.
Satoko Miyahara from Japan
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          Miyahara is a 19-year-old woman who showed a smooth and precise performance. She made sure that there was no blade movement when she's changing position and had a secured jump. Her performance was with transitions and excellent compositions. Her movements have meanings, and they were sharp and precise. This causes the audience to see a cultural dance.
Kaetlyn Osmond from Canada
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          Osmond showed quite an intriguing performance. She made her look to be sophisticated, and madam look. She made risk since she made her first jump high, and she did well. The hops were fast and big. In simple terms, all of the jumps she made were superior. Overall, it was delightful to look at, and the audience was fascinated by how sassy she had performed on the rink. She also made the viewers picture that they are in a café in Paris drink coffee in the 1950s.
Alina Zagitova from Russia
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          Zagitova is the youngest contestant on this program. She is a 15-year-old girl but has shown a fantastic performance. Her standing point is so attractive and original that it made the audience anticipate her performance. The changing of the expression from fierce to soft is the same with her movements. She danced like a swan will move and had an exciting entry before the significant jump. She also made beautiful and brilliant spins. She did her jumps in the second half to get more scores since it was said that there was an additional 10%. Then she ends it with a genuinely long combination spin and then an arch of the back with her hands wide apart.
Carolina Kostner from Italy
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          Kostner is the oldest athlete performing at this event. She has shown elegancy and portrayed a hurt and scared woman. Her expression is a must. Also, even though the music is quite soft, her movements were rough and strong. She got a sophisticated look on her face when she was performing. Moreover, the performance and composition reflect all of the wanted interpretations.
Maria Sotskova from Russia
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          Sotskova is a 17-year-old contestant and the last one who performed. She looked like the Swan Princess with the costume and how she achieved her dance. She reminds me of that movie from Barbie of Swan Lake. However, due to being pressured since her two other teammates were in Top 1 and 2, she made a lot of mistakes. Regardless of that, she made an unbelievable performance.
Rules of the Sport
The rules depend on the type of figure skating: women’s singles, men’s singles, pair skating, as well as pair ice dance. Since this blog only focuses on women single, then it will only tackle that.
During single skating, women are obliged to skate two programs – short program and free skate. For a short program, which can last up to 2 minutes 40-50 seconds, figure skaters are required to perform eight compulsory elements (double or triple axel, triple or quadruple jump, one combination of jumps, several different types of spins, and two-step sequences) in any order. The omission of one of the elements should be fined.
In Figure Skating, athletes are scored according to the ISU Judging System by a panel of judges (usually nine judges, including a technical inspector and a referee). This system functions by awarding athletes different amounts of points for different types of moves and how efficiently and effectively these moves are executed. A Grade of Execution (GoE) is calculated, and then a Scale of Value Table is used to turn this grade into an overall mark.
The main aspects scored during a typical Figure Skating performance include skill, footwork, performance, interpretation, overall execution, choreography, and timing. Often, the more complex maneuvers will be scored highest provided they are executed correctly. For example, more rotations in a jump will lead to a higher mark.
Officials of the Sport
The accountant's role begins weeks, sometimes months, before a competition. Working with the Local Organizing Committee and chief referee, accountants are responsible for preparing the paperwork that communicates the following information:
When each event of competition will begin
Where it will be held
Which skaters will be in each event
In what order they will skate
Accountants are also responsible for providing the judges, referees, and technical panel officials with documents for recording their decisions. Finally, the accountants are responsible for ensuring that the scoring software is set up correctly, the scores are entered accurately, and the results are calculated correctly.
Technical accountants are a subset of accountants who specialize in the rinkside computer equipment setup and operation utilized for automated scoring under the International Judging System (IJS).
Announcers are responsible for announcing competitors before they perform at a competition. Announcers might also be asked to tell scores, names of officials, and other general competition information as necessary. Like the voice of an event, announcers need to be able to work as part of a team and have the ability to communicate effectively with competition hosts, referees, and other officials.
Ice Technicians
Ice technicians are utilized at certain qualifying and international competitions to ensure the ice surface's safety and quality. Primarily used at large competitions, the ice technician is the go-between for the event referee and arena personnel and ensures each event runs safely and smoothly.
Judges are likely the most well-known type of figure skating official. Though the days of scorecards are long behind us, U.S. Figure Skating still relies on judges to adjudicate competitions and interpret rules and regulations. Currently, judges work in all four skating disciplines and every competitive opportunity U.S. Figure Skating offers.
There are also two different classifications of judges:
Test Judges: who can judge test sessions and nonqualifying competitions
Competition Judges: who can judge nonqualifying and qualifying competitions
Music Technicians
Music officials are responsible for the setup, tear down, and operation of the equipment used to play music competitions. Requirements for the role include basic knowledge of audio equipment, basic knowledge of figure skating competitions and their protocols, basic operational knowledge of computers, and the ability to work as part of a team.
Referees are the designated leaders and spokespeople for an event. They also manage the panel of judges and, depending on the size of the competition, may serve as one of the event's judges. Before becoming a referee, one must be certified as a judge. The event referee's responsibilities include:
Timing the programs.
Taking certain deductions (in IJS).
Deciding on all protests with respect to their event.
Conducting pre-event meetings (usually held at qualifying competitions) and allowing a skater/team to restart a program that has been stopped by U.S. Figure Skating rules.
Chief referees are responsible for setting up the competition schedule, assigning officials, overseeing seeding and draws for events, interpreting rules, deciding on protests and any breaches that occur without objections, and determining if the ice's condition will permit conducting the competition.
Technical panel officials are required for any events using the International Judging System (IJS).
The Technical Panel is composed of the following five people:
The Technical Specialist (TS) verbally calls the elements as they happen.
The Assistant Technical Specialist (ATS) whose primary purpose is to take written notes on all of the elements performed and to contribute to any decisions on technical calls during the "review of elements".
The Technical Controller (TC) supervises the panel and breaks ties on technical decisions during the "review of elements" when the T.S. and ATS disagree. The T.C. is also responsible for "rule vetting" the program and can throw out any elements that break the rules for that level and specific program.
The Data Operator (DO) inputs the codes of the elements and levels of difficulty into the computer system. The D.O. also flags elements called "for review". In the U.S., the D.O. also replays the video clips of the details during the review process. The D.O. is available to assist the T.C. in the process of "rule vetting" if the T.C. is unsure or makes a mistake.
The Video Replay Operator (VRO) marks clips of elements for review. This person replays the pins in place of the D.O. in international competitions. However, in the U.S., this person is not involved in the review process.
Figure Skating. (n.d.). Retrieved April 5, 2021, from  Sportwiki:  https://sport-wiki.org/sports/figure-skating/#Equipment_for_figure_skating
Figure Skating Rules. (n.d.).  Retrieved April 5, 2021, from Rules of Sport:  https://www.rulesofsport.com/sports/figure-skating.html
Hamilton, S. (2019, May 13). Figure Skating. Retrieved April 4, 2021, from Britannica:  https://www.britannica.com/sports/figure-skating
Officiate. (n.d.).  Retrieved April 5, 2021, from US Figure Skating:  https://www.usfigureskating.org/support/officiate
Powell, B. (2020, April 1). Figure Skating. Retrieved April 5, 2021, from Dimensions:  https://www.dimensions.com/collection/figure-skating?1bf07b95_page=2
The Basics. (n.d.).  Retrieved April 5, 2021, from Go Figure Skating:  http://gofigureskating.com/skills/index.html
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yhella18 · 4 years
Artistic Swimming: Full Team Event from Rio 2016 || A Sports Analysis
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Artistic swimming is a hybrid form of swimming, dance, and gymnastics, consisting of swimmers performing a synchronized routine of elaborate moves in the water, accompanied by music. Artistic swimming is governed internationally by FINA or Fédération internationale de natation (English: International Swimming Federation) and has been part of the Summer Olympics program since 1984. Also, Artistic swimming demands advanced water skills, requires incredible strength, endurance, flexibility, grace, artistry, precise timing, and exceptional breath control when upside down underwater. Competitors show off their strength, flexibility, and aerobic endurance required to perform complex routines (Bhutia, 2017).
Today’s blog will focus on a Full Team Event from Rio 2016, specifically the sport Artistic Swimming. This analysis will also consist of the court dimensions, equipment, basic skills, technical and tactical skills of each team, rules of the sport, officials, and the overall performance.
Court Dimensions
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The pool must be at least 20m wide x 30m long and at least 2.5m deep. One area, 12x12m or more extensive, must be at least 3m deep, and the slope between the change in depths has to be completed over a distance of 8m or less.
The pool's water must be clear enough so that the pool's bottom is visible from above and at least 27°C (80.6°F) plus or minus one degree. The amount of light underwater is also significant since goggles aren't worn in competition, so there is a required minimum brightness of 1500 lux.
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Nose Clip
It is a small wire clip coated in plastic that prevents water from entering the sinuses during underwater movements. Nose clips, or some apparatus to prevent water from rushing into the nostrils, are essential to synchronized swimmers, often inverted and spinning around with their heads submerged for extended periods.
The rules of synchronized swimming's governing body (FINA) indicate that costumes must be appropriate for a sporting event and must not be transparent. No other clothing or accessories, including goggles, are allowed unless required for medical reasons. Competitors often wear colorful and tastefully decorated suits with coordinated hair/head adornments. The equivalent of stage makeup is applied to enhance appearances as seen from a distance by the judges and audience. The style of the costumes chosen should work well with the choice of music and style of choreography.
Underwater Speakers
The essential equipment for synchronized swimming is the underwater speakers. Swimmers cannot perform underwater if the music is not audible. Music plays a vital role in synchronized swimming because it is a rhythmic sport.
Hair Gel
Hair gel or gelatin is an essential aid to keep swimmers' hair neat and out of the way while performing. The hair is tied back securely and plastered down with some substance.
Basic Skills
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This is a frequently overlooked essential skill, but it is an important one since oxygen is necessary for everyone. Athletes in artistic swimming need to have their breathing skills to execute their performance well enough. Moreover, proper breathing provides many benefits to the athletes since it can help with how they swim and how they move their bodies. If proper breathing is well-executed, it can add resistance to the body's stroke and fatigue.
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Floating helps a person to get used to the habit of moving through water properly. Floating helps to keep the body on the surface of the water. When immersed in water and floating, a person's body experiences a vertical buoyant force to keep the body in a horizontal position. Floating is essential because this makes an athlete stay in the water, especially one of the rules of artistic swimming is not to touch the floor.
Body Coordination
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In swimming, all the body parts should be well coordinated with each other. A person must be able to move the muscles of their lower back, abdomen, and hips in a synchronized way to keep moving forward. The hands should move and cut through the water first, followed by the elbow, and then your body should make way through the water.
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Strokes are the arm movements that help to pull the body through the water. The front crawl, sidestroke, backstroke, and butterfly are some of the standard swimming strokes.
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Sculls are a hand movement that is used to propel the body, and it is an essential part of the Synchronized Swimming performance. The commonly used sculls are the paddle scull, split-arm, scull, barrel scull, standard scull, torpedo scull, and support scull. The support scull is performed to support the body when a swimmer is performing upside down. It is performed by holding the upper arms against the sides of the body and the lower arms. The arms remain at the 90-degree angle. This allows the swimmer to control his/her legs above water level when he/she is swimming.
Egg Beater
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The Eggbeater is a kick in the Synchronized Swimming. It allows the performer to stabilize themselves while having a height above the water level and leaving the hands free to perform strokes. An average height for an eggbeater is around chest level. With this skill, the swimmers can also perform boosts to use their legs to push themselves out of the water level on their hips or even higher.
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Lifts are formed underwater, and as swimmers propel themselves towards the surface, they stay in formation and add more elements like acrobatics. The following are the three parts to a lift in artistic swimming and the types as well:
The Flyer - Flyers are agile and flexible and are usually the smallest member of the team. They should have a gymnastics background as they need to perform complicated moves while on the top of the formation.
The Base - Base swimmers tend to be small in size but should have good leg strength and a solid core as they make up the formation structure.
The Pushers - Pushers are the bigger and stronger swimmers because they need the strength to propel the water surface formation.
Types of Lifts
1. The Platform Lift - The base lays out in a back layout position underwater, where they lie on their back to form a platform of interlinked bodies. The Flyer sets in a squatting place and stands once the lift reaches the surface. The remaining teammates use the eggbeater kicks to hold the platform and the flyer out of the water.
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2. The Stack Lift - Considered to be an updated version of the Platform, the Stack Lift begins with the base squatting while underwater, supported by the pushers. The flyer then stands on the shoulders of the base. The pushers and base gradually stretch out their limbs, elevating the flyer. A rotating descent is usually added to this lift.
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This helps the athletes balance at the same create beautiful stunts to showcase it to their audience. There are hundreds of positions that can be used to create infinite combinations. The six most common positions are illustrated below.
Crane Position - Hold your body in a vertical position with one leg held vertically above the water surface, while the other leg is held parallel under the surface in a 90-degree angle or "L" shape.
Ballet Leg Double Position - From lying flat on the water surface, draw your knees towards your chest with shins parallel to the water surface. Straighten your legs above the water surface to assume a Surface Ballet Leg Double position.
Side Fishtail Position - This is a position similar to the crane. One leg remains vertical, while the other is extended to the side parallel to the water, creating a side "Y" position.
Knight Position - The body is held vertically with your head in line with the hips and pointed to the pool's bottom. One leg is lowered to create a vertical line perpendicular to the surface.
Flamingo Position - Similar to the ballet leg position where the bottom leg is pulled into the chest so that the shin of the bottom leg is touching the knee of the vertical leg.
Split Position - With the body vertical, one leg is stretched forward along the surface and the other leg is extended back along the surface.
Technical and Tactical skills of Each Team
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Despite being the youngest out of all of the teams (age ranging from 17 to 20), their synchronization is a must, and their formation was good, showing that they have practiced well. I had a hard time knowing the theme of their performance, but all in all, they did great and showed their execution through the song from the Lion King. Besides, they also used all the necessary skills to complete their performance.
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The music they have used was smooth, then it turns into rough and rugged upbeat music to which their advantage since it the very beginning they have shown an artistic start. To me, they looked liked swans showing how flexible and elegant they are at the same time. Their performance showed quite a story to the audience. Moreover, they have stunts that were excellent to the viewer and made them stare enough.
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Their theme was the Season on Earth and what I like about it is their expression from the very start of the show before they dive in the pool. They have shown tremendous balance and incredible strength. The way they changed their movements is smooth, and they have good synchronization. Their formation can't be broken in which what their formation is; that indeed is their formation. For example, the formation from a circle to a diagonal to which their formation transitions were also good. To top it all, they end it with soft music same as how they start their show.
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This team showed how lively they are from the beginning. Their smiles were so broad in welcoming the audience, and the song they chose was active and in beat to which I love since it showed and expressed their country. At the same time, they have demonstrated a lot of spirit throughout the show. Moreover, they're more on succession, and the balance on the feet was terrific. Like Italy, Brazil also does their movement quickly and have a good synchronization. Also, I like how their lifts are made using the water to have the extra splash, which can be found in 30:52 in the video. This team is also risk-takers since it was pretty seen that there many complicated and high risks stunts and movements to their performance.
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This team is what I like the most since despite them being the defending champion, they have gained the audience's attention through their stunts and movements. Their theme was Angels, to which they have used their hands and legs to show their wings. With these, they looked like ballerinas in the pool dancing around and showed how elegant they are. Moreover, their song was a fast beat at the start, and sometimes throughout the performance, it became slow then fast again. Their performance started with a high stunt which was I can say was an incredible start and end it with a twirling action. Also, their legs were compatible with one another showing almost the same height as their legs. Their lifts and the balance were so good that it made me awe, especially the stunt that can be found in 37:18, and all of their lifts were high-degree ones. All in all, they have shown excellent and tremendous synchronization, flexibility, energy, power, and acrobatic moves.
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This team has the theme of Illusionism in the Magic Box and reflects one another throughout their performance. There was a lot of originality in it, and like Russia, they also have the same start in which they made a lift but have a more complex one than Russia. Moreover, what truly gained my attention was the high risk when an athlete steps up in the back of the other athlete and still showed her style with an impact. This team has many similarities with Russia since both of them have the same length with the legs, and they have a lot of beautiful spins. Moreover, their successions were so fast and still able to show it well. The strength of these athletes showed throughout their performance.
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This team showed their tradition in which they express their dance-like how a dragon moves. They have an excellent interpretation of the song. Simultaneously, they started their performance with a fierce look and showed a high-degree rugged stance with many spins. It showed how much power this team has since they showcase many complicated moves that need complete precision. Also, they are quick in changing formation showing no rest at all on their movements and stunts. I can say that their strategy is more on speed to which they were fast, which for me was hard to synchronize, but they make it as easy as it sounds since they did well. Overall, their performance was breathtaking, and end the show with a claw pose.
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This team showed their theme was the Dawn Start of the New Glory Towards of the Sun and had happy upbeat music. Like other teams, they also start with an incredible stunt and have a lively performance. Their moves were more symmetrical and accurate. The lifts and sculls were good in that they were very synchronized and have shown elegance while doing a steady lift. Their performance was lively and was remarkably enjoyable to finishing the event.
Rules of the Sport
Swimmers and teams must qualify for the Olympic competition at other, earlier competitions. Once at the Olympic games, there are two events contested in synchronized swimming, team and duet. Within each of those events are two routines, a technical and a free routine. Since the video showed that it was a free routine, then it has no requirements so the swimmers can be ‘free’ in how creative they get with the movements and their choreography. Below are the basic rules of the sport:
1. Eight swimmers on a team
2. One alternate swimmer
3. 4:00 time limit ( + or -15 seconds)
4. Perform a self-choreographed routine with no specific requirements
5. No Touching The Bottom
One of the things which makes the lifts all the more impressive is that artistic swimmers are not allowed to touch the bottom of the pool at any point during their routines.
6. No Bling
Presentation is a unique and important part of artistic swimming but there are certain restrictions on what swimmers can wear. For example, artistic swimmers are not permitted jewelry, theatrical make-up, or inappropriate costumes.
7. No Goggles
Another restriction during artistic swimming routines is goggles. However, swimmers in figures competitions are permitted to wear them.
8. Team Means Team
Teams normally contain eight swimmers, but the minimum number for a team is four. Teams lose marks for every swimmer they have under the full complement because it is easier to synchronize the fewer people there are in a routine.
9. Stick To The Schedule
Routines can be anything from two and a half minutes to five minutes long, depending on whether they are performed alone or as part of a team. However, swimmers are penalised if they take 15 seconds fewer or longer than the specified time.
Scoring and Judging
Scores are given by the judges are on a scale from 0 to 10, in tenth-of-a-point increments. 10 is the perfect score. In the figures event, judges evaluate design and control. The design of a figure is determined by the accuracy of the positions and the correctness of the transitions between those positions. Control includes extension, height, stability, and an even tempo.
After all of the judges submit their routine scores, the high and low numbers are dropped. Then, the scores from each category are added together get the composite score. At some competitions, medals are awarded for technical routines and free routines, but usually both scores are combined for the final ranking.
A timekeeper's role is to check and record the overall times of the routines and the deck movements. If the time limit for the deck work is exceeded or there is a deviation from the permitted routine time allowance, the timekeeper advises the referee.
Clerk of the course
A clerk of the course's role is to organize the competitors so that they are ready for their events at the required time. During figure competitions, they ensure that the swimmers are in the correct order to perform their figures.
A synchro scorer's role is to record marks from the judges and make the necessary computations for each routine. There are two levels of synchro scorer – national scorer and chief recorder. National scorers write down and manipulate all the scores that come in for figures and routines at competitions. Chief recorders are in charge of scoring at synchronized swimming events. They are trained to manage related computer results systems at national and regional competitions.
For free routines, three are three panels consisting of Executions Jury, Impression Jury, and Element Jury. For technical routines, judges evaluate the performance based on execution and overall impression.
Execution Jury is more on execution and synchronization. Impression Jury is more on the artistic impression in which they judge the choreography, interpretation of music, and presentation manner. The manner of presentation is evaluated on the appearance of capability and effortlessness. Lastly would be the Element Jury, where they judge the amount of difficulty.
Sound Center Manager
Sound Center Manager is entirely responsible for the correct execution of the music. Coaches are responsible for submitting their music electronically via the Internet to the Sound Center Manager according to the instructions in the Meet Announcement to prepare the music.
Overall Performance
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All in all, I admired all the athletes that showed their performance. They have their different themes and style to which they got the attention of the audience or viewer. After watching, I can say that I was amazed at what they have showcased to us. Being part of artistic swimming is very difficult since you have to swim like a professional and you have to be fast. Those acrobatics that they have shown takes time to learn. They have to be perfectly executed and choreographed. Everybody has to be synchronized and well-trained. This indicates that it is one of the most challenging sports out there; that's why I admire it so much. These athletes deserve more recognition and respect.
Moreover, the one who goes the first place out of eight teams was Russia. They were the champion before and still got the gold medal now. They have showcase what they truly wanted to convey and won first place.
An introduction to artistic swimming. (n.d.). Retrieved March 24, 2021, from Swim England Artistic Swimming: https://www.swimming.org/artistic-swimming/introduction-to-artistic-swimming/
Basic skills and positions in Synchronised Swimming. (n.d.). Retrieved March 24, 2021, from My Active SG: https://www.myactivesg.com/Sports/Aquatics/How-To-Play/Synchronised-Swimming/Basic-skills-and-positions-in-Synchronised-Swimming
Basic Skills required for Synchronized Swimming. (n.d.). Retrieved March 24, 2021, from Sportycious: https://sportycious.com/basic-skills-required-synchronized-swimming-91536
Bhutia, T. K. (2017, December 3). Synchronized swimming. Retrieved March 24, 2021, from Britannica: https://www.britannica.com/sports/synchronized-swimming
Lutz, R. (2016, July 22). Synchronized swimming 101: Equipment. Retrieved March 24, 2021, from PyeongChang 2018: http://archivepyc.nbcolympics.com/news/synchronized-swimming-101-equipment
Officials in synchro. (n.d.). Retrieved March 24, 2021, from Officials in synchro: http://edinburghsynchro.co.uk/officials-in-synchro/
Synchronized Swimming Pool Dimensions. (n.d.). Retrieved March 24, 2021, from Swim Outlet: https://www.swimoutlet.com/guides/synchronized-swimming-pool-dimensions#:~:text=The%20pool%20must%20be%20at%20least%2020m%20wide%20x%2030m,distance%20of%208m%20or%20less.
Synchronized Swimming Rules & Regulations. (n.d.). Retrieved March 24, 2021, from SwimOutlet: https://www.swimoutlet.com/guides/synchronized-swimming-rules-regulations
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yhella18 · 4 years
Monica Puig (PUR) vs Angelique Kerber (GER): Women's Tennis Singles Final || A Sports Analysis
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Tennis, original name lawn tennis, is a racket sport that can be played individually against a single opponent or two teams of two players. Each player uses a tennis racket strung with a cord to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt over or around a net and into the opponent's court. Points are awarded to a player or team whenever the opponent fails to return the ball within the court's prescribed dimensions correctly. Organized tennis is played according to rules sanctioned by the International Tennis Federation (ITF), the world governing body of the sport (Lorge, 2012).
Today's blog will focus on a single match, precisely the match between Monica Puig (PUR) V.S Angelique Kerber (GER) in Rio 2016 Olympics. This analysis will also consist of the court dimensions, equipment, basic skills, technical and tactical skills of each team, rules of the game, officials of the sport, and the overall game.
Court Dimensions
A tennis court is 78ft (23.77m) in length and 27ft (8.23m) in width, with the service line being 6.4m from the net. A singles court has a total playing area of 195.65m². The court is divided into two equal areas by a net suspended by a cord or metal cable attached to two net posts. The net is 1.07m high and is fully extended to fill the space between the two nets posts. The net is 0.914m high at the center, held down tightly by a white strap. A white band covers the cord or metal cable and the top of the net. For singles matches, the net posts' centers are 0.914m outside the singles court on each side.
The lines at the end of the court are baselines, and the lines at the sides of the court are sidelines. The baseline is up to 8m wide. Service lines are two lines between the singles sidelines, 6.40m from each side of the net, parallel with the net. On each side of the net, the area between the service line and the net is divided into two equal parts called the service courts. The line dividing the service courts is the center service line and is drawn parallel with the singles sidelines and halfway between them. The center service line is 4.11m wide.(Tennis Court Dimensions & Size, 2020).
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The picture consists of things such as a cap, headband, racket, water bottle, uniform or jersey, shoes, tennis balls, and the player’s bag.
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There are also other equipment such as the umpire’s chair, net and post, and the player’s bench or seat for them to rest. 
Basic Skills
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The best stance for each shot is different and depends on many factors, including a player's position on the court, the grip, and the angle and pace of the ball coming towards the player. Four different stances are used in the game; these include the open, semi-open, neutral, and closed stances. Both players did the stance in their comfortable and advantageable way to get and return the ball. As you can see, where the player was about to serve, they have their stance to bend their upper body forward and make their leg straight to be ready to receive the ball. Also in the picture above, this is frequently the stance used by Kerber to return the ball.
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Good footwork is an essential skill in tennis. It enables you to reach the ball quicker and more efficiently, which allows you to play a greater variety of strokes. Although you're not traveling a far distance to the naked eye, tennis players rack up miles of walking and running throughout a match. Endurance is vital, but so is your footwork because there are tons of quick movements that you need to make in a short time and over a short distance.
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The serve is the stroke that begins every single shot in a tennis match. While one player is serving, the other is receiving, and they take turns after the end of every game. Serves can take different shapes and forms, but they are generally characterized by a movement where the player swings the racket above his head while still standing behind the baseline. Besides, the player who got more aces was Kerber, especially in the second set.
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A return is a shot where one player waits to see where the other player serves lands and then attempts to hit the ball back to the other side. A return can be executed in several different ways, with a forehand, backhand, slice, block, or chip. The most important aspect of a return is just getting the ball back to the other side, no matter how. Both players have executed this skill and tried to do their best in returning the ball.
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A grip is a way of holding the racquet to hit shots during a match. The three most commonly used conventional grips are the Continental, the Eastern, and the Semi-Western. Most players change grips during a match depending on what shot they are hitting.
Ball Control
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There are five primary controls of the ball: depth, height, direction, speed, and spin.  Mastery of these controls is essential to mastery of tennis stroke production. Ball control is the secret of consistency in tennis. A player can keep the ball on the racket for a prolonged period of time during impact. It consists of accelerating the racket and accelerating at a precise moment. In the game, Puig showed how fearless and accurate she is in her shot in a different direction. It was genuinely fascinating to watch because it led to the other player trying to understand Puig's shots.
Technical and Tactical Skills of Each Team
PUIG: I can say that Puig is genuinely an admirable athlete. I was truly fascinated by her gameplay, especially how she mirrors the opponent's style at the first set and how she can manipulate the ball. In the first set, she tends to hit the ball near the court's line, making her make a lot of outside hits. However, as the game passed by, she was able to control more of the ball. The strategy that she had was to go near the net and smash or hit the ball to where the other player will have a hard time catching, meaning the other place where the opponent is located. Moreover, she was fearless and aggressive in playing the game. She hit where she will have an advantage, causing her to have more points and was very unexpected in her gameplay, specifically in 1:40:25. She also had the stamina to run around may it be the other side of the court or where her opponent is located. In addition, she is good in forehand and backhand. There was a part that I was totally in awe with her due to her backhand because I thought that she would use a lot of strength, but actually, it was the opposite, causing her opponent to had a hard time returning it. All in all, Puig really has her own technical and tactical skills that she used to gain more points.
KERBER: Based on what I heard, Kerber was having a non-vital shoulder injury and required treatment on her back injury between sets. As to why she was having a hard time catching with the ball and her stance mainly was to bend her two knees deep enough that one leg almost touches the floor. But despite all of that, Kerber was still able to play well, which makes me commend her. She is more on strength, causing her to have a lot of aces in the game. As the game passed by, she improved well, which is why she won the second set, and she was also able to adapt the tactics and techniques her opponent have used. She did a typical shot of Puig but not as good as her. However, what I like about her was that she was not yet ready to give up even though there was a huge gap in the last set, and it was seen that she was frustrated due to the changing of directions of Puig but still did her best in the end especially in the end part. There was a very long rally of deuce in the end, and it was really thrilling and entertaining to watch. All in all, Kerber showed an outstanding game to all the audience by using the different techniques and tactics she has.
Rules of the Game
The game starts with a coin toss to determine which player must serve first and which side they want to serve from.
The server must then serve each point from alternative sides on the base line. At no point must the server’s feet move in front of the baseline on the court prior to hitting their serve.
If the server fails to get their first serve in they may take advantage of a second serve. If they again fail to get their second serve in then a double fault will be called and the point lost.
If the server clips the net but the ball goes in the service area still then let is called and they get to take that serve again without penalty. If the ball hits the net and fails to go in the service area then out is called and they lose that serve.
The receiver may stand where they wish upon receipt of the serve. If the ball is struck without the serve bouncing then the server will receive the point.
Once a serve has been made the amount of shots between the players can be unlimited. The point is won by hitting the ball so the opponent fails to return it in the scoring areas.
Points are awarded in scores of 15, 30 and 40. 15 represent 1 point, 30 = 2 and 40 = 3. You need 4 points to win a game. If a game lands on 40-40 it’s known as deuce. From deuce a player needs to win 2 consecutive points to win the game. After winning one point from deuce they player is on advantage. If the player wins the next point they win the game, if they lose it goes back to deuce.
To win the set a player must win 6 games by 2 or more. The opening sets will go to a tie break if its ends up 6-6 where players play first to 7 points. The final set will not have a tie break and requires players to win by two games with no limits.
If a player touches the net, distracts his opponent or impedes in anyway then they automatically lose the point.
The ball can hit any part of the line for the point to be called in, outside the line and the ball is out.
The balls in a tennis match are changed for new balls every 6 games
A player loses a point if they fail to return the ball in either the correct areas on the court, hits the net and doesn’t go into opponent’s area or fails to return the ball before it bounces twice in their half.
Officiating the Sport
Chair Umpire
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The Chair Umpire is much more than just the person who sits in a highchair and announces the score. They are the guardians of the Rules of Tennis and enforce them to ensure a match is played in a spirit of fair play. He/she is the final authority on all questions of fact during the game. Questions of fact include whether a ball was in, the calling of a service let, or the calling of a foot-fault. In matches where line umpires are also assigned, the chair umpire has the right to overrule if he or she is sure that an apparent mistake has been made.
Line Umpire
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Line Umpire "calls all shots relating to the assigned lines.". They work on court as part of a team of between one and nine line umpires. Each line umpire is assigned to one line or, in the case of a short-handed crew, a system position. For example, a line umpire on the receiver's side may have to cover the center service line, then, following the service, move to one of the sidelines.
Ball Persons
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There are usually six-ball persons on a court to look after this job – two at the back of each side of the court and two more at the net, covering each side.  Their job is to ensure that the server always chooses tennis balls to choose from before they start to serve.  They change the balls after every six tennis games and ensure that the players want for nothing. In the picture above, the other two ball persons are hidden and was not captured by the camera.
Tournament Referee
Not positioned courtside, the tournament referee is the person in charge of making all decisions regarding all the matches.  They oversee the schedule of play and are the person assigning matches to specific courts. They make sure that all the ITF's regulations are enforced, including all involved conduct, and must be present whenever any matches are being played.  They can overrule chair umpires, and in fact, their decision is final. They are present at the draws and are responsible for allocating the seeding. They are the person who has a say in whether a play is suspended on account of rain and must be available to resolve disputes regarding tennis rules.
Overall Game
All in all, the game was entertaining and fascinating. The players moved and hit the ball truly made me in awe and mesmerized by how they played well. Puig truly gained attention with her fearless and aggressive strategy of hers going near the net and still earning points on it. At the same time, Kerber showed her strength and determination to win the game despite her injury. Both of the players showed all the necessary skills to play tennis and their own kind of technical and tactical skills. However, we all know there is always a winner in a game, and Puig showed that she is the one right for that gold medal. Hence, Puig produced a devastating final set to beat Kerber 6-4 4-6 6-1 in the women's final and claim gold for Puerto Rico, their first in Olympic history.
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3 Tennis Skills All Beginners Need to Master. (2020, January 27). Retrieved 17 3, 2021, from Tennis Camper: https://tenniscamper.com/3-tennis-skills-all-beginners-need-to-master%EF%BB%BF/
Basic rules of tennis. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2021, from Active SG: https://www.myactivesg.com/Sports/Tennis/How-To-Play/Tennis-Rules/Basic-rules-of-tennis#:~:text=For%20a%20tennis%20player%20to,%E2%80%9D)%20to%20win%20the%20game.
Lorge, B. S. (2012, July 10). Tennis. Retrieved from Britannica: https://www.britannica.com/sports/tennis
Tennis Court Dimensions & Size. (2020, March 27). Retrieved March 17, 2021, from Harrod Sport: https://www.harrodsport.com/advice-and-guides/tennis-court-dimensions
Tenniswithalan. (2013, 26 August). Officials at a tennis match. Retrieved March 17, 2021, from Bounce Tennis Academy: https://bouncetennis.wordpress.com/2013/08/26/officials-at-a-tennis-match/#:~:text=The%20line%20umpires%20are%20the,court%20at%20any%20one%20time.
The 8 Basic Tennis Shots & Skills (Explained). (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2021, from My Tennis HQ: https://mytennishq.com/the-8-basic-tennis-shots-skills-explained/
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yhella18 · 4 years
Gold Medal Match: Men's Singles Table Tennis of Rio Olympics 2016 || A Sports Analysis
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Table tennis, additionally called (trademark) Ping-Pong, is a ball game similar in principle to lawn tennis and played on a flat table divided into two equivalent courts by a net fixed across its width at the center. The object is to hit the ball so that it goes over the net and bounces on the opponent's half of the table in such a way that the opponent cannot reach it or return it correctly. The lightweight hollow ball is propelled back and forth across the net by small rackets (bats or paddles) held by the players. The game is mainstream everywhere in the world. In most countries, it is highly organized as a competitive sport, especially in Europe and Asia, particularly in China and Japan (Barna, 2008). Today's blog will focus on the final game of Men's Singles Table Tennis of Rio Olympics 2016.
This blog will consist of the following:
Court Dimensions
Basic Skills
Technical and Tactical Skills
Rules of the Game
Officiating the Game
Overall Game
Court Dimensions
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Table tennis at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro took place from 6 to 17 August 2016 at the third pavilion of Riocentro Convention & Event Center.
Room Size
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If there is not enough space in a table tennis room, it will be frustrating, and the players will not enjoy the game. The table tennis players' level will determine the amount of space that they will need in a game. Professional table tennis players need enough space to be able to exhibit their table tennis skills. For instance, a defender would need a lot more space because they tend to play more away from the table.
Therefore, the place needs a clear five feet at each end of the table, where the players will be, and three feet clearance on either side. So, for a regulation table of around 9 feet in length and five wide, you will need a square of clear space of about 19 x 11 feet (579 cm x 335 cm).
Table Size
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Table tennis equipment is relatively inexpensive and straightforward. The table is rectangular, 9 feet by 5 feet (2.7 meters by 1.5 meters), its upper surface a level plane 30 inches (76 cm) above the floor. The net is 6 feet (1.8 meters) long, and its upper edge along the whole length is 6 inches (15.25 cm) above the playing surface.(Table Tennis Table Buyer's Guide, n.d.)
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Basic Skills
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A table tennis' serve is the first necessary skill, and it's a crucial skill since the service is the only time you have complete control of the ball and the game. There are many different types of serves, each with different pros and cons but the basics remain the same.
Stance and Footwork
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Before hitting your first shot, it's worth getting your body in the right position. A correct and stance in relation to the table depends to some degree on your grip and whether you're are attacking, defending, or serving the ball. However, even as your arm position and placement relative to the table changes, you should always have the correct stance and body posture. The right stance gives you the balance, stability, and range of movement you need to play the game.
Holding the Paddle
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Your hands and arms' exact position in your stance depends on your grip or how you hold the bat. There are two basic grips in table tennis: the shake hand grip and the penhold grip. The different types of grip have specific variations for your hand position on the paddle, depending on your preference and style of play.
Each grip has advantages and disadvantages, but it's also essential to choose the grip that is comfortable and natural for you. Once you have mastered an essential grip, you may want to learn more advanced grips to improve your game further and give you more options. Check out our guide to the different types of table tennis grips here.
Ball Control
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Developing ball control in table tennis is probably the most essential skill you need to survive at the game's upper echelons. Ball control refers to the ability to return the ball during play. By this, players need to do many different strokes used during a table tennis match, but forehand and backhand strokes are easily the most common. Learning how your body responds to the backswing, the point of contact, and the follow-through of each stroke is crucial before going on and learning anything else.
Technical and Tactical Skills
MA LONG: This player played accurately and undoubtedly, making sure not to overpower his strength to make the ball out of the court or the table. Although Zhang Jike tends to hit in the player's open spot, he could still receive it as time passed by and until he could accommodate Zhang Jike's strategy of hitting. However, not all of the shots given to the player were successfully defended because of the strength that the player gave, and sometimes Ma Long was not able to control the ball well. This shows that there is still a human in him and showed that he was not perfect. Moreover, his legs, thighs, twisting of the body, upper body, shoulder elbow are perfectly coordinated. Hence, it was quite a useful technique that a player sure had. Due to his stance, he moved skillfully as he endures the shots given by the other player. All in all, Ma Long did great in executing all the necessary skills and utilized them to win the game.
ZHANG JIKE: This player used all the necessary skills. However, he needs to practice controlling the ball since most of his attacks were out of the court. He was slightly aggressive, especially in the second set, due to the gap between the scores and making mistakes. However, he was able to overcome, and he made mistakes frequently, unlike before. Despite his out control ball, Zhang has adequate strength and endurance, especially when a rally happened between him and the other player. His strategy was to attack where the other player would have a hard time in defending it. Overall, he did his best in defending or attacking the other player.
Rules of the Game
Scoring and Games
Games are played to 11 points.
Players serve two serves each, alternating. A player does not have to win specifically off their own serve in order to win a point.
If a game ties at 10-10, a player must win by 2 points. In this situation, players serve one serve each, alternating.
If your hit bounces back over the net by itself it is your point.
An “edge” ball bouncing off the horizontal table top surface is good.
In competition, games are played best of 5 (first to win 3 games) or best of 7 (first to win 4 games). Social games can also be played best of 3 (first to win 2 games).
Legal Serving
The serve can land anywhere in the table.
You must throw the ball up straight, from a flat palm.
Your toss and service contact must be behind the table surface (not over).
You cannot hide the ball from the ball toss to contact, with any part of your body.
If the ball hits the net during service, it is a let, the point is replayed. There is no limit or point deductions for let serves.
A point is lost if:
The service is missed.
The service is not returned.
A shot goes into the net.
A shot goes off the table without touching the court.
A player moves the table, touches the net or touches the table with their free hand during play.
Equipment Basics
A table tennis racket must be one side black, one side (recently approved) any approved color.
The official approved ball is the 40mm+ plastic ball.
Officiating the Game
He/she decides any question of rule interpretation and ensures that the competition is conducted in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
His/her primary duty is to decide the result of each rally.
Assistant Umpire
He/she takes over or shares some of the umpire's duties and solely responsible for decisions on edge balls, and has the power to decide on the legality of the player's service action.
Monitor the duration of the practice, play in a game, intervals between games, and any authorized suspension of plays.
Stroke counter
His/she solely has to count the return strokes of the receiver.
Overall Game
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Both of the players used all the techniques and tactics that they have to win the game. However, Ma Long stood victorious over fellow compatriot Zhang Jike in the Men’s Singles final, as China won their second Table Tennis gold medal. With the top two seeds going head-to-head, there was potential for a thrilling final; however, after edging the first end in deuce, Ma thundered past Zhang in the following three games to win the gold medal on his Olympic singles debut (14-12, 11-5, 11-4, 11-4). All in all, Ma’s performance on the game was legendary and dazzled the audience with his play.
Barna, V. (2008, June 9). Table Tennis. Retrieved March 10, 2021, from Britannica: https://www.britannica.com/sports/table-tennis
Basic Table Tennis Skills You Need To Know. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2021, from Pingpong Ruler: https://pingpongruler.com/basic-table-tennis-skills/
Developing Ball Control In Table Tennis. (2012, December 8). Retrieved March 10, 2021, from Table Tennis - Made Simple: http://ttforyou.blogspot.com/2012/12/developing-ball-control-in-table-tennis.html
Larcombe, B. (2012, September 26). Table Tennis Rules and Regulations. Retrieved March 10, 2021, from Expert Table Tennis: https://www.experttabletennis.com/table-tennis-rules-and-regulations/
Maribao, T. M. (2018, November 20). Officials of Table Tennis and their duties. Retrieved March 10, 2021, from Prezi: https://prezi.com/uuswuvndkebu/officials-of-table-tennis-and-their-duties/
Rules of Table Tennis. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2021, from Team USA: https://www.teamusa.org/usa-table-tennis/rules
Table Tennis Table Buyer's Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2021, from Liberty Games: https://www.libertygames.co.uk/store/table-tennis/buying-advice/buyers-guide/#:~:text=table%20tennis%20table.-,Room%20Size,around%2019%20x%2011%20feet.
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yhella18 · 4 years
Philippines vs Thailand Badminton Men's Singles Quarterfinals Sea Games 2019 || A Sports Review
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Badminton is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net. Although it may be played with larger teams, the game's most common forms are "singles" and "doubles". Today's blog will focus on the game the Philippines vs Thailand Badminton Men's Singles Quarterfinals Sea Games 2019.
This will consist of the following:
Court Dimensions
Basic Skills
Technical and Tactical Skills
Rules of the Game
Officiating the Game
Officiating Hand Signals
Overall Game
Court Dimensions
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The game was held at Muntinlupa Sports Complex. The court is rectangular and divided into halves by a net. Courts are usually marked for both singles and doubles play, although the laws permit a court to be marked for singles only. The doubles court is wider than the singles court, but both are the same length. The exception, which often confuses newer players, is that the doubles court has shorter serve-length dimensions.
The court's full width is 6.1 meters (20 ft), and in singles, this width is reduced to 5.18 meters (17 ft). The entire length of the court is 13.41 meters (44 ft). The service courts are marked by a center line dividing the court's width by a short service line at a distance of 1.98 meters (6 ft 6 inch) from the net and by the outer side and back boundaries. In doubles, the service court is also marked by a long service line, which is 0.76 meters (2 ft 6 inch) from the back boundary. The net is 1.55 meters (5 ft 1 inch) high at the edges and 1.524 meters (5 ft) high in the center. The net posts are placed over the doubles sidelines, even when singles are played. There is no mention in the Laws of Badminton of a minimum height for the ceiling above the court. Nonetheless, a badminton court will not be suitable if the ceiling is likely to be hit on a high serve. 
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Basic Skills
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This is a way of holding the racket to hit shots during a match. The most commonly used grip is the orthodox forehand grip. Most players change grips during a rally depending on whether it is a forehand, backhand, universal or panhandle shot in the game. It was also seen that both players used this necessary skill since the correct grip will allow the players to have more control and will help dictate where they place their shot.
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Badminton can be performed using two methods (high serve and low serve), depending on where you want the shuttlecock to land. In the game, both of the players used low serve since when a player managed to send an excellent low serve, the opponent would have to dash forward and move under the shuttle to return it. Moreover, this skill is arguably the most important aspect of the game, as it is the one-shot that has to be in every single rally. You have as much time as you need to get ready for it, so there is no excuse for not getting it right.
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It is a method of moving on the court. It consists of stepping, crossover, stride, dogtrot, and jumping. Each set of footwork is generally started from the center of the court. It is arguably the essential skill in badminton because it allows players to move efficiently around the pitch while being able to meet and hit the shuttle with proper balance, timing, and technique. Both players used their kind of footwork for them to be quickly gained a point.
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This refers to the way a player stands when retrieving individual shots from their opponent. There are three basic stances in badminton: defensive stance, attacking stance, and net stance. Besides, both players used all the basic stances, and I can say that they did well. This skill is considered a crucial skill required in badminton since a Proper posture will allow you to return the opponent’s strokes efficiently and enable you to get an advantage in rallies.
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It is the swinging motion of a player’s racket arm. Players need proper strokes to execute individual shots. The power of any badminton shot (clear, smash, drops, etc.) is directly related to how well you can perform your stroke. Strokes are fundamental to becoming a good badminton player and executing superior shots. Broadly categorizing, there are two main kinds of strokes: Forehand shots and Backhand shots. In the game, both players used this to attack and defend at the same time.
Technical and Tactical Skills
Philippines: Like all other athletes, the player representing the Philippines also used all the necessary skills.  However, the player tends to over his strength, which leads him to make his shot out of the court. His accuracy was also not so good since there are times that he had a mistake. His stance and footwork were sometimes broken since when he was about to receive, he was occasionally brought down on his knees and was unsuccessfully receive the shuttlecock. I can say the player still need in practice, but despite all the negative things that I have pointed out, there are still positive that the player has played in the game. Even though he still had a big gap with the other team, he did not give up and still played the game well. He used all his tactics and techniques to play against Thailand, and at the same time, he continues to see and learn how the other player will move and play.
Thailand: The player representing Thailand indeed rules the game. All the essential skills that he had used were accurate and sufficient against the other player. Despite the Philippines' defense and offense, he was able to concur with them and fight back. He also learns how the other player will move and attack, which was a good move. Moreover, Thailand's attacks were powerful, which makes the other player a hard time, and this cause Thailand to gain a lot of points. The two sets that they played showed how Thailand win against the Philippines.
Rules of the Game
General Rules
A player must wait until his opponent is ready before serving. If the opponent attempts a return then he is ruled having been ready.
The feet of both players must remain in a stationary position until the serve is made. Your feet can not be touching the line at this time.
It is not a fault if you miss the shuttle while serving.
The shuttle cannot be caught and slung with the racket.
A player cannot hold his racket near the net to ward off a downward stroke by his opponent or to interfere with his racket.
At the beginning of the game (0-0) and when the server’s score is even, the server serves from the right service court. When the server’s score is odd, the server serves from the left service court.
If the server wins a rally, the server scores a point and then serves again from the alternate service court.
If the receiver wins a rally, the receiver scores a point and becomes the new server. They serve from the appropriate service court – left if their score is odd, and right if it is even.
The shuttle, at the instant of being hit is higher than the servers waist or the head of the racket is higher than the servers racket hand.
The shuttle does not land in the correct service court.
The server's feet are not in the service court or if the feet of the receiver are not in the court diagonally opposite the server.
The server steps forward as he/she serves.
Any player balking or feinting his opponent before serve or during serve.
A serve or shot that lands outside the court boundaries, passes under or through the net, touches any other obstructions or a players body or clothing. The boundary and service lines are considered in play.
The shuttle in play is struck before it crosses the net to the striker's side of the net. You may follow through over the net.
A player touching the net or its supports with his body or racket while the shuttle is in play.
Hitting the shuttle twice in succession by a player or team.
Scoring System
A match consists of the best of 3 games of 21 points.
Every time there is a serve – there is a point scored.
The side winning a rally adds a point to its score.
At 20 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first, wins that game.
At 29 all, the side scoring the 30th point, wins that game.
The side winning a game serves first in the next game.
Interval and Change of Ends
A 1 minute interval between each game is allowed.
In the third game, players change ends when the leading score reaches 11 points.
Officiating the Game
Badminton officials play a crucial role in badminton matches. Even though they are not as vital as they can be in other sports such as football or basketball due to the lack of physical contact between players, they still are required to ensure a smooth and fair match. The badminton officials are divided into different roles or positions:
This official is the most important official of the whole tournament. He or she is in charge of the competition. He or she needs to ensure that the tournament is conducted following the Laws of Badminton (including court, rackets and shuttlecock measurements), the Badminton World Federation regulations and/or any other regulations that might be relevant in that specific competition.
Also, the referee has the last word if there is an argument between the umpire (in charge of the matches) and a player or team. Moreover, the referee makes sure that the facilities and the conditions to play are up to the standards required for that specific tournament. For example, he has to check that the badminton mats are mounted correctly to enhance gameplay. Finally, the referee is also in charge of approving the schedule of matches and practice (if applicable).
The umpire is the foremost authority in a particular match, and it is in charge of the court. It is the umpire's responsibility to judge service faults and other player faults. The umpire keeps a record of any misbehavior or incident and reports it to the referee. He/she is also responsible for maintaining the match score, which will be announced after each point of the match. The umpire has control over the specific game but also needs to report any severe acts to the referee, who is, in the end, the leading authority of the tournament. Outside of the major games, the referee will also take an umpire role to help with the process.
Service Judge
The service judge is responsible for making a 'service fault' call and providing shuttles to the players. Due to how badminton is played, the service is one of the most essential and perfected shots of the player and, especially when playing doubles. Players will bring the service to the limit of legality to gain as much advantage as possible. In addition to checking the service, the service judge usually takes care of the shuttles, providing the players with new shuttles whenever required.
Line Judge
The line judges are responsible for indicating whether a shuttlecock landed "in" or "out" if the shuttle lands near the lines he/she is assigned to control. Due to the fast speed of the game and the players' skill, this is a very challenging job, and, as a result, the line judges are the officials that usually get more pressure from the players.
In recent years, an Instant Review System has been implemented to ensure that the right decision is taken, but which also adds pressure to the line judges as it clearly shows when a mistake has taken place. Each player has two incorrect calls per game of the match.
Depending on the tournament level, there may be as many as 10 line judges assigned to a court for a particular match. This is the number recommended by the BWF (Badminton World Federation).
When 10 line judges are available, they are positioned as follows:
2 line judges for the short service line (one on each side of the court)
2 line judges for the center line (one on each end of the court)
4 line judges for the side lines (two on each side of the court). Please note that the exact location will depend on whether a singles match is being played (and they would follow the singles side lines) or a doubles match is being played (and they would follow the doubles side lines
2 line judges for the back boundary lines (one each end of the court). Please note that, in the case of the doubles match, these line judges check both the back boundary line and the long service line.
Officiating Hand Signals
Undue Delay of Service
When undue delays occur the service judge will swing their right arm to the left to indicate that a player has been penalized for undue delay.
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Feet on the Service Line or off the Ground
When the aforementioned breaches occur the service judge will stretch out their right leg and signal a fault with their right hand because a player’s feet were off the ground or they were on the boundary line.
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Server Fails to Hit the Bottom of the Shuttlecock
The line judge will open their right hand and lightly touch the palm with their left hand to indicate a service fault.
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Service Too High
If the racket is too high when the serve is made, the service judge will place their right hand horizontally across their ribs.
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Racket Handle Should Face Up
If the racket handle is facing up when the shuttlecock is hit the service judge will lift up their open hand with palm facing out to indicate a fault due to the racket handle facing up.
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Shuttlecock Lands Out the Line
If the shuttlecock lands out of bounds the line judge must loudly and quickly shout “Out” so that both players and spectators hear, and will stretch their arms out to the side level with each other while looking at the umpire with a fixed stare to ensure the umpire is clear about the decision.
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The Shuttlecock Lands Inside the Line
If the shuttlecock lands inside the line, no announcement is needed, the line judge will just point their right hand at the line.
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If the Line Judge Does Not See
If the line judge can’t see the shuttlecock clearly (because their view is blocked by a player’s body or other unavoidable situation), as they were unable to see whether the shuttlecock landed in or out they should cover the eyes with their hands to let the umpire know.
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Overall Game
All in all, the game was fun and entertaining. Both players did well and showed what they got. The two used all the necessary skills, techniques and tactics to win the game. However, there is always a winner in a game, and Thailand really shows how dominant the player is in playing against the Philippines. It shows a vast gap between the scores, consisting of sets 1 and 2 having the same score of 21- 11. Therefore, this ends the game in favor of Thailand.  
Andrin, y.  (2015, July 31). Officiating Hand  Signals in Badminton. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from Prezi:  https://prezi.com/93jw2lcxe8yp/officiating-hand-signals-in-badminton/
Badminton. (n.d.).  Retrieved February 23, 2021, from Badminton:  https://web.mst.edu/~ima/rules/Badmintonrules.html
Badminton Court  Dimensions for Single & Doubles. (2020, June 5). Retrieved February 23,  2021, from Sporty Review:  https://sportyreview.com/badminton-court-dimensions-for-single-doubles/
Badminton Officials –  Umpires, Referees, Service & Line Judges. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23,  2021, from The Badminton Guide:  https://www.thebadmintonguide.com/badminton-officials/
Tariq, M. A. (2020, November 28). The 5 Basic Badminton Skills (With  Examples, Videos and Images). Retrieved February 23, 2021, from Healthy  Principles: https://www.healthyprinciples.co.uk/basic-badminton-skills/
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yhella18 · 4 years
USA V.S Serbia: Basketball Men’s Gold Medal Match (Olympic Games Rio 2016) || Sports Analysis
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The 2016 Summer Olympics, officially known as the XXXI Olympiad Games and commonly known as Rio 2016, was an international multi-sport event held from 5 to 21 August 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. On the last day of the event held the Basketball Men’s Gold Medal Match before they proceed to the closing ceremony. You can see the full game below:
In this blog you can see the following:
Court Dimension
Basic Skills
Technical and Tactical Skills on each Team
Officiating the Game
Court Dimension
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In basketball, the basketball court is the playing surface, consisting of a rectangular floor, with baskets at each end. In professional or organized basketball, mostly when played indoors, it is usually made out of wood, often maple, and highly polished and completed with a 10-foot rim.
Basketball courts come in many different sizes. Since the game is international, the dimension would follow the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) rules. The court is measuring 28 by 15 meters (91.9 by 49.2 ft). The baskets are always 10 feet (3.05 m) above the floor (except possibly in youth competition). Basketball courts have a three-point arc at both baskets. A basket made from behind this arc is worth three points; a basket made from within this line, or with a player's foot touching the line, is worth 2 points. The free-throw line, where one stands while taking a foul shot, is located within the three-point arc at 15 feet from the backboard plane. A foul shot is worth 1 point, but if a shot is made from the foul line, it is still worth 2 points in play.
On April 26, 2008, FIBA announced several significant rules changes involving the court markings. These changes took effect for major international competitions on October 1, 2010, after that year's World Championships for men and women, and became mandatory for other competitions on October 1, 2012 (although national federations could adopt the new markings before 2012). The changes were as follows:
The shape of the key changed from a trapezoid to a rectangle in the NBA, with NBA dimensions.
The three-point line moved back to 6.75 meters (22 ft 1.7 in) from 6.25 meters (20 ft 6.1 in), compared to 23 ft 9 in (7.24 m) for the NBA at the top of the arc.
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Backboard dimensions are 1.8m x 1.22m, with a minimum thickness of 19mm. Backboards can be made of either timber or transparent material and fitted with padding at all levels above U16. Backboard line-markings should be 50mm in width and either black or white, depending on the board's material. The inner rectangle should measure 0.45m x 0.59m. The basketball goal (also known as a ring or hoop) is typically 18 inches (45.72cm) in diameter and must be positioned 3.05m from the floor. Nets are typically white and suspended from the ring. They should be no shorter than 45cm.
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Basic Skills
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The first skill that a player should learn since a player can't move around with the basketball without dribbling the ball. It is bouncing the ball on the floor continuously with one hand at a time. It is the only legal way for a player to maintain possession of the ball while walking or running. This allows to maneuver past defenders, initiate the offense and execute plays.
This skill is a way for players to move the ball on the court between teammates. It is a two-step process that requires a minimum of two players on the same team to be effective. It is also the fastest way to move the ball on the court large distances since teammates can catch passes from anywhere except if they are in the back and their teammate passes to them from the frontcourt: this is a backcourt violation and a loss of possession. Moreover, in the game, an example of how the USA had a good pass can be found at 42:19.
The skill is known for being crucial because it's the points which determine who wins the game. There are common ways to shoot: the layup, three-pointer, mid-range jump shots, and free throws. Besides these, there are like a dunk, alley-oop or hook shot. There are different kinds of shootings in the game, but what really gets the audience's attention were the three-point shot and the dunk used by the USA.
This skill is collecting and securing a missed shot from an opponent. It is one of the most critical phases of the game of basketball. Rebounding gives a team possession of the basketball, and each possession helps both a team's offense and their defense and ultimately helps a team win basketball games. Both teams have these skill, but the USA shows that they are much better having a 29 offensive rebounds and 16 offensive rebounds than Serbia who has 25 defensive rebounds and 11 offensive rebounds.
A basketball defense refers to the defensive strategies, alignments, and positioning that a team uses to prevent the opposing offense from scoring baskets. In basketball, good defense requires quickness, footwork, and a deep understanding of the fundamentals. Moreover, in the game, the frequently used strategy was man to man.
It is a deceptively, simple move. The actual process is straightforward – swipe the ball away from someone when they're dribbling, grab the ball as it's in the air during a pass, or swat the ball away from the other player so that another of your teammates can grab it. Both of the team use the skill well, but it depends on the defense of each team.
Technical and Tactical Skills
USA: I can say that this team has a good offensive and defensive alls. It was genuinely seen how professionals are they and how they played well. The team consists of NBA players which makes them superior enough. Their teamwork and communication was a must. Besides, whether it was two-point or three-point shot, they could execute it and gained a point. It was also seen that the USA tend to have dunks which were not seen mostly in the other team. Nevertheless, regarding the necessary skills, Durant was indeed on fire, especially in 28:30. He had two consecutive three-point shots and a steal with a dunk. He also ends the 3rd quarter with a blast which he rebounded the shot given by Lowry. Moreover, there are still other players who get the audience's attention due to their skills and are Green, Thompson, George, Cousins, Jordan, and more.
Serbia: The teams used fundamental skills, but it was quite seen that there was a huge gap between them and the USA. In the first quarter, they did good, but as the game passed by, they kept on making a mistake primarily if they shoot three-point shots which were mostly failed. Moreover, their communication with one another was quite difficult in getting together. In 1:18:28, the player didn't receive the ball since he did not see his back and continue to move forward even though his teammates were already passing it to him. Also, Serbia players in the center are very drastic, that they tend to have fouls. In the video, Serbia was known for their movements and chemistry, but in this game, Nikola Kalinic was fouled out at 58:40, and he even kicks out the stands near the court. However, despite all of this, Serbia still did good in playing with the USA. In the 3rd quarter and the last quarter, it was seen that they have solved up their miscommunication and played right, but as they fix up their imperfections, they were already left behind and had a big gap in their scores.
Rules of the Game
Length of the Game
The basketball game consists of four quarters of 10 minutes each.
Teams play one-way for two quarters, the other way for the next two.
There is a two-minute interval between the first and second period, and also between the third and fourth period, with 15 minutes for halftime.
Coaches can call two one-minute timeouts at anytime during the first half and three timeouts in the second half.
The clock stops when the referee's whistle blows. It stays stopped if free throws are being taken and starts again when the ball touches a player on court — so you get a full 40 minutes of actual basketball play.
Time Limits 
There are also time limits on a player in possession of the basketball with five main rules:
⦿ 24-second rule
After a team gains possession of the ball, they have 24 seconds to shoot. Possession is handed to the other team if they fail to do so.
⦿ 8-second rule
When a player has the ball in their own half or ‘backcourt’, they have 8 seconds to move the ball over the halfway line into the ‘frontcourt’. Otherwise they will lose possession.
⦿ 5-second rule
A closely guarded player holding the ball has 5 seconds to either pass or advance the ball toward the hoop. When called, possession of the ball goes to the opposite team.
⦿ 3-second rule
A player can only be in the opposition's rectangular ‘key’ area under the basket for 3 seconds. A foul will be called if the player does not leave within those 3 seconds.
The number of points scored by a shot depends on the position of the player when they release the ball.
Outside the three-point line (3pts) — the highest number of points that can be achieved is when a basket is scored from outside the three-point line.
Inside the three-point line (2pts) — any basket shot inside the line earns two points.
Free throw (1pt) — a free throw from the free-throw line is worth one point. It is an unchallenged shot at the basket, awarded after a foul by the opposition.
Personal fouls. Personal fouls include any type of illegal physical contact:
Illegal pick/screen - When an offensive player is moving. When an offensive player sticks out a limb and makes physical contact with a defender in an attempt to block the path of the defender.
Personal foul penalties. If a player is shooting while a being fouled, then he gets two free throws if his shot doesn't go in, but only one free throw if his shot does go in.
Three free throws are awarded if the player is fouled while shooting for a three-point goal and they miss their shot. If a player is fouled while shooting a three-point shot and makes it anyway, he is awarded one free throw. Thus, he could score four points on the play.
Inbounds. If fouled while not shooting, the ball is given to the team the foul was committed upon. They get the ball at the nearest side or baseline, out of bounds, and have 5 seconds to pass the ball onto the court.
One & one. If the team committing the foul has seven or more fouls in the game, then the player who was fouled is awarded one free throw. If he makes his first shot, then he is awarded another free throw.
Ten or more fouls. If the team committing the foul has ten or more fouls, then the fouled player receives two free throws.
Charging. An offensive foul that is committed when a player pushes or runs over a defensive player. The ball is given to the team that the foul was committed upon.
Blocking. Blocking is illegal personal contact resulting from a defender not establishing position in time to prevent an opponent's drive to the basket.
Flagrant foul. Violent contact with an opponent. This includes hitting, kicking, and punching. This type of foul results in free throws plus the offense retaining possession of the ball after the free throws.
Intentional foul. When a player makes physical contact with another player with no reasonable effort to steal the ball. It is a judgment call for the officials.
Technical foul. A player or a coach can commit this type of foul. It does not involve player contact or the ball but is instead about the 'manners' of the game. Foul language, obscenity, obscene gestures, and even arguing can be considered a technical foul, as can technical details regarding filling in the scorebook improperly or dunking during warm-ups.
Walking/Traveling. Taking more than 'a step and a half' without dribbling the ball is traveling. Moving your pivot foot once you've stopped dribbling is traveling.
Carrying/palming. When a player dribbles the ball with his hand too far to the side of or, sometimes, even under the ball.
Double Dribble. Dribbling the ball with both hands on the ball at the same time or picking up the dribble and then dribbling again is a double dribble.
Held ball. Occasionally, two or more opposing players will gain possession of the ball at the same time. In order to avoid a prolonged and/or violent tussle, the referee stops the action and awards the ball to one team or the other on a rotating basis.
Goaltending. If a defensive player interferes with a shot while it's on the way down toward the basket, while it's on the way up toward the basket after having touched the backboard, or while it's in the cylinder above the rim, it's goaltending and the shot counts. If committed by an offensive player, it's a violation and the ball is awarded to the opposing team for a throw-in.
Backcourt violation. Once the offense has brought the ball across the mid-court line, they cannot go back across the line during possession. If they do, the ball is awarded to the other team to pass inbounds.
Time restrictions. A player passing the ball inbounds has five seconds to pass the ball. If he does not, then the ball is awarded to the other team. Other time restrictions include the rule that a player cannot have the ball for more than five seconds when being closely guarded and, in some states and levels, shot-clock restrictions requiring a team to attempt a shot within a given time frame.
Officiating the Game
The official who controls the game. He is the one who tosses the ball up for the center jump at the start of the game and each overtime period. He duties range from inspecting and approving all equipment before the game starts to approve the final score. In between, the referee is responsible for the notification of each team three minutes before each half is to begin and deciding matters of disagreement among the officials. The referee has the power to make decisions on any point not specifically covered in the rules and even to forfeit the game if necessary.
Hand Signals:
A basketball official's job is not only to make judgment calls on what happens during the course of the game but also to make sure players, coaches and the scorekeepers understand what those calls are. That's why basketball referees use hand signals to indicate certain fouls or violations.
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The primary responsibility is to record a game's score accurately. Usually sits at around the half-court line on the sideline. They usually have a small console that can add points, fouls, and timeouts at the press of a button. In most cases, this small console is wirelessly hooked up to a giant scoreboard so players and fans can see the game's score.
The one responsible for monitoring game time. But, their essential function is tracking basketball time clock rules. The timekeeper is charged with carrying out the duties of timekeeping, which is according to the regulations of basketball. So, they should be familiar with all the rules and timing obligations in the game.
Shot Clock Operator
The shot clock is used for the entire game, including overtime periods. The shot clock operator shall control a separate timing device with a horn that shall sound distinct and different from that of the game clock. An alternate timing device shall be available.
Overall Game
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All in all, the game was entertaining and enjoyable. Both teams did their very best, but the USA has indeed dominated the game, may it be offensive or defensive. Probably, miscommunication is one of the factors why both teams have a huge gap in their points. Hence, the United States' men's basketball team thrashed Serbia 96-66 to win the final gold medal of the 2016 Olympics. With Kevin Durant led all scorers with 30 points in the affair and shot 10-for-19 from the field. DeMarcus Cousins and Klay Thompson joined KD in double figures as they scored 13 and 12 points respectively.
Basketball Basics for New Players and Coaches -- Learn the Basic Rules, Concepts, Court Layout, and Player Positions. (n.d.). Retrieved February 18, 2021, from Breakthrough Basketball: https://www.breakthroughbasketball.com/basics/basics.html
Basketball Court Size Dimensions and Markings. (2020, June 24). Retrieved February 17, 2021, from Harrod Sport: https://www.harrodsport.com/advice-and-guides/basketball-court-dimensions-markings
Official's Signals. (n.d.). Retrieved February 18, 2021, from Wiki: https://www.basketballwiki.net/index.php?title=Official%27s_Signals
Realbuzz Team. (n.d.). The Rules Of Basketball. Retrieved February 18, 2021, from Real Buzz: https://www.realbuzz.com/articles-interests/sports-activities/article/the-rules-of-basketball/
Tan, M. (2014, August 31). Officiating Officials/Rules and Regulations of Basketball. Retrieved February 18, 2021, from Prezi: https://prezi.com/wvvzwu2qcp64/officiating-officialsrules-and-regulations-of-basketball/
What are the 5 Basic Skills of Basketball? (2020, June 7). Retrieved February 18, 2021, from Hoops Addict: https://www.hoopsaddict.com/what-are-the-5-basic-skills-of-basketball/#:~:text=These%20five%20fundamental%20skills%20of,shooting%2C%20rebounding%2C%20and%20defense.
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yhella18 · 4 years
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The Southeast Asian Games, also known as the SEA Games, is a biennial multi-sport event involving participants from the current 11 countries of Southeast Asia. Below you can see a video showcasing the Philippines versus Vietnam Women's Volleyball. This game was very exciting and a tense kind of game due to the players who don't want to lose.
In this blog, you can see my analysis of the game which consist of the court dimensions, equipment, basic skills, technical and tactical skills for each team, rules of the game, and the people officiating the sport. 
Court Dimension
The game happened in Philippine Institute of Sports Multi-Purpose Arena or PhilSports Arena. The court has 9 meters (29 feet) wide by 30 meters (60 feet) long, divided by a centerline into two equal areas. There is also a 3 meters (10 feet) line to identify the front and the back.  Moreover, a tightly stretched net is placed across the court precisely above the center line's middle, in which the game's official net height is 2.2 meters (7.4 feet).
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If you want to know a more defined volleyball court measurement, you can visit this website Sports Feel Good Stories.
Elbow Pads
Forearm Pads
Knee Pads
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Basic Skills
All basic skills are used by all the players efficiently. These are the following:
Passing is the skill mainly used to receive and transfer the ball to the other player. In this skill, the player, her arms unattached under the approaching ball, stops and takes a well balanced and low passing position. The libero is mostly the one to receive after the other player's team serves.
Setting is an overhand contact of the ball; usually, the second contact in a rally, made after a pass in serve receive or after a dig in defense to redirect the ball to a hitter in the front row or back row by a setter to run the team's offense. Mostly, the player seen in the game doing a set is the setter and the libero.
Spiking is used to attack to another team to make a point. All the spikers used force to do this kind of skill. It can mainly be seen every time since it is usually the highlight of the game.
Serving is used in a player to start the game. It can be successfully served in the other team and can be a service, or it can be a service error. An example of using this skill that gets a service ace is in 42:46 in the match.
Blocking is a skill used to stop the skill from spiking. Like spiking, it can gain some points since one team makes a move trying to get the ball over the net, and the other team reaches up and blocks the ball from coming onto their side.
Technical and Tactical Skills
PHL: The techniques and tactics that this team used were mainly in attack power, thus causing them to win immediately in the first set in which they have about 17 spikes used. They used strategies to which that either used a feint or a hard power spike. When Jia Morado, a setter, entered the court, she mainly used the skill of always seeing the court, and when there is an opening, she will immediately dump the ball to the other side without making it obvious. On the other hand, in spiking, this team used a decoy to confuse the other team, which is a strategy that works, and to top it with the force or a fake can be really called a good strategy. Not only that, but players are also good at digging in which whenever a spike passes by the blockers, the players immediately move and receive the ball.
VIE: This team also has a good attack power. They focus more on the attack than the feint or a fake one, especially with number 3 Thi Thanh Thuy TRAN and number 16 Thi Nga Bui. Moreover, they also tend to lay their ball to the unguarded place since, in what I have observed, the other team tends to get together, making one place wide open - this caused a lot of point to Vietnam.
Rules of the Game
There must be six players on a team (3 on the front row and 3 on the back row).
Maximum of three hits per side and player may not hit the ball twice in succession (A block is not considered a hit).
If two or more players contact the ball simultaneously, it is considered one play, and either player involved may make the next contact.
The ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player's body and illegally catch, hold, or throw the ball.
A ball hitting a boundary line is "in" and "out" if it hits an antenna, the floor completely outside the court, any of the net or cables outside the antennae, the referee stand or pole, and the ceiling above a non-playable area.
In serving, it shall be hit with one hand or any part of the arm after being tossed or released from the hand(s). Only one toss or release of the ball is allowed. Dribbling or moving the ball in the hands is permitted. The server must also hit the ball within 8 seconds after the first referee whistles for service. At the moment of service hit or take-off for a jump service, the server must not touch the court (the end line included) or the floor outside the service zone. After the hit, he/she may step or land outside the service zone. A service executed before the referee's whistle is canceled and repeated. Lastly, substitution is allowed.
It is a five-set match. The best of three-set will win the game. Each set has 25 points except the 5th set which only causes 15 points.
Touching the net with any part of the player's body while the ball is in play and crossing the court centerline with any part of your body is a violation.
Every 8 and 16 point in a game will have a technical timeout and each time can call two timeouts per set. 
Officiating the Sport
There are two referees in a volleyball game: First Referee and Second Referee.
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The First Referee was Leung Yin Yan. She was the one who holds the authority. You can see her standing on a raised platform with her whistle and her hand signals to let other people and the players know what is happening. She was also responsible for officially recognizing team requests, substitutions, timeouts and communicating with the coaches at the appropriate times.
The Second Referee was Agung Purwanto and can be seen parallel to the first referee. He was the one responsible for assisting the first referee. He was also the one in charge of substitutions, timeouts, and the actions of the scorekeeper.
Hand Signals:
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The one who records the points of the game. She/he lashes a point in the serving team's Point Column for the serving team and records a point in the square immediately to the right of the server's last point. If the receiving team wins the rally, it receives a point and the ball for service.
Assistant Scorekeeper 
They performs his/her functions seated beside the scorer at the scorer's table. He/she records the replacements involving the Libero. He/she also assists with the administrative duties of the scorer's work.
Line Judges 
They can be seen at the end of the court. There are four of them, and in this match, you can see them wearing green shirts. They watch the lines to indicate whether a ball in play falls in or out of the court. When a player touches an out-of-play ball or if the ball hits an antenna, the designated line judge also indicates the interference using their kind of signals.
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Overall Game
Each team used their kind of techniques and tactics to gain some point. The Philippines had 7 blocks, 58 spikes, 44 digs,  3 aces, and 9 service errors, while Vietnam had 10 blocks, 53 spikes, 40 digs, 1 ace, and 7 service errors. Nevertheless, each team, either by their attack power or their defense each team put a good fight, but Vietnam proved their worth in the deciding set to hack out a 21-25, 25-23, 25-19, 20-25, 15-8 decision in the 2019 Southeast Asian Games at the PhilSports Arena on Tuesday, December 3.
Basic Volleyball Rules. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2021, from The Art of Coaching Volleyball: https://www.theartofcoachingvolleyball.com/basic-volleyball-rules-and-terminology/
Officials Hand Signals for Indoor. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10, 2021, from USA Volleyball: https://usavolleyball.org/resource/officials-hand-signals-for-indoor/
Volleyball Court Dimensions, Size, Diagram. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2021, from Sports Feel Good Stories: https://www.sportsfeelgoodstories.com/volleyball-court-dimensions-size-diagram/
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yhella18 · 4 years
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Volleyball is one of the most famous sports out there. It is a team sport consisting of six players on the court. As a volleyball lover, I tend to watch UAAP, and now, I was tasked to review a chosen sports video. The video that I decided would be the DLSU V.S ADMU || UAAP Season 77.  You can see the full video here.
Court Dimension
The game is played on a smooth-surfaced court 9 meters (29 feet) wide by 30 meters (60 feet) long, divided by a centerline into two equal areas, one of which is selected by or assigned to each of the two competing teams. Players may not step completely beyond the centerline while the ball is in play. A line 3 meters (10 feet) from and parallel to the centerline of each half of the court indicates the point in front of which a backcourt player may not drive the ball over the net from a position above the top of the net. A tightly stretched net is placed across the court precisely above the center line's middle; the game's official net height is 2.2 meters (7.4 feet).
For more details about the court dimension, you can see and imagine in this link. 
Elbow Pads
Forearm Pads
Knee Pads
Six Basic Skills
Passing is merely getting the ball to someone else on your team after being served or hit over the net by the opposing team. It's commonly thought of as the most important skill in volleyball because your team can't return the ball without a solid volleyball pass.
Setting is the setting motion that gets the ball hanging in the air, ready to be spiked by another teammate with force. It can also be used to dump the ball over into an undefended spot.
Spiking is the act of slamming the ball in a downward motion across the volleyball net to the other team's side of the court. This is one of the ways that a team can have a point.
Serving is the first skill used in a player since the first contact starts in every rally is called a "serve.". Its purpose is to give a hard time to the opposite team's offense.
Blocking is defined as deflecting the ball from your opponent's attack hit to prevent the opponent from a successful attack hit. One team makes a move trying to get the ball over the net, and the other team reaches up and blocks the ball from coming onto their side. If successfully stop, then the team that blocks gain one point, but if not, then the other team will earn the point.
Digging is a defensive maneuver in volleyball that can save your team from an offensive spike or attack. The athlete's job is to keep the ball from hitting the floor, and they do that by diving and passing the ball in a fluid motion.
Technical and Tactical Skills
Both teams show quite the same technical and tactical skills, yet there is still a difference in their techniques and tactics:
Both teams mainly used the forearm passing and making sure that the libero is the one to receive to pass it to the setter. Players other than the libero are also quick to receive the ball ahead of them.
ADMU: Sets were made by Jia Morado, the different set that she gives to the spikers easy to spike the ball, and that she is also the one who thinks mostly about the game since a setter is the one who will make different strategies. For example, sets that are quick or a high set, even a dump, can be seen in the game used by Morado.
DLSU: Kim Fajardo sets are tricky ones. It may look like she will pass a high set, but in fact, she already searched the other team's surroundings, and when she sees an opening, she will readily make an unexpected move, which gains her team a point.
ADMU: one of the major technique skills that the ADMU used, especially by Alyssa Valdez and Bea de Leon. Valdez was known for her hard spike and can be quickly passed by the blockers, which are advantageous to the ADMU. But of course, Alyssa and the other spiker were there, and they used their minds to think if they will do a hard spike or a feint/dink. This just depends on the positions and an unguarded space that they have.
DLSU: Like ADMU, the spikers in DLSU also use a hard spike and a feint or a dink. They mostly used a decoy than the other team leading to confused them. Mika Reyes and Ara Galang, which are the rivals of Alyssa Valdez and Bea de Leon, they used all their power to overcome the blockers ahead of them to gain some points. 
ADMU: most of their technique is to have some jump serve and give a significant impact to other team. However, some players in the ADMU also used the Overhand Serve to play safe and focus on the spot that the player wanted to serve at.
DLSU: In spiking, they have similarities and no differences. The impact that the DLSU has given to their service lead them to have more service aces than the ADMU.
Mainly used in both teams well, and every time a team will spike, the other team will read the set and the spike to block well. The only difference is that the DLSU is much more robust in blocking in ADMU because, in my perspective that the DLSU is better in reading the spike of the spiker and has more powerful hands.
Both teams used this, either they do it by diving or in a ready position to receive. Both teams anticipated well in reading the other team's spike, and even though it went past the blockers, the player behind is ready to receive it. But sometimes, the DSLU is having a hard time digging the ball, especially when Valdez will spike since its impact is hard to dig at all.
Rules of the Game
There must be six players on a team (3 on the front row and 3 on the back row).
Maximum of three hits per side.
Player may not hit the ball twice in succession (A block is not considered a hit).
If two or more players contact the ball simultaneously, it is considered one play, and either player involved may make the next contact.
The ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player's body and illegally catch, hold, or throw the ball.
A ball hitting a boundary line is "in" and "out" if it hits an antenna, the floor completely outside the court, any of the net or cables outside the antennae, the referee stand or pole, and the ceiling above a non-playable area.
In serving, it shall be hit with one hand or any part of the arm after being tossed or released from the hand(s). Only one toss or release of the ball is allowed. Dribbling or moving the ball in the hands is permitted. The server must also hit the ball within 8 seconds after the first referee whistles for service. At the moment of service hit or take-off for a jump service, the server must not touch the court (the end line included) or the floor outside the service zone. After the hit, he/she may step or land outside the service zone. A service executed before the referee's whistle is canceled and repeated. Lastly, substitution is allowed.
It is a five-set match. The best of three-set will win the game.
Touching the net with any part of the player's body while the ball is in play and crossing the court centerline with any part of your body is a violation. 
Officiating the Sport
First Referee is the official that stands on the referee stand (raised platform) positioned at the court's side across from the team benches. He is the one that starts play by whistling and signaling (beckoning) the server to serve the ball. He/she is the official in charge. If they feel it's necessary to do so, the first referee has the authority to overrule any of the other officials. Thus, the first referee can replace officials if needed. The first referee is also responsible for officially recognizing team requests, substitutions, timeouts and communicating with the coaches at the appropriate times.
 Second Referee stands on the ground on the court's opposite side from the first referee. The second referee should position themselves to effectively transition from one side of the net to the other when the ball is in play. Moreover, he/she is concerned with matters such as keeping time, assisting the first referee in making calls, administering substitutions, and verbally communicating with team coaches. He/she also needs to communicate effectively with the scorekeeper and overlook the scorekeeper with recording subs, timeouts, etc. At the same time, he /she should help the scorekeeper and assistant scorekeeper with any questions or issues that come up.
Scorekeeper creates official records of volleyball games. Before play begins, the scorekeeper records team and player information. Once the game starts, scorekeepers not only track points but also player substitutions, sanctions, and time-outs. The scorekeeper keeps an eye on the individual serving the ball to track the rotation and notify referees of potential lapses. At the close of the game, the scorekeeper records the game's final score.
Assistant scorekeeper or libero tracker is responsible for updating the scoreboard and keeping an eye on the libero. This individual records changes in the libero rotation, notifying referees when problems occur in the process.
Line Judges are generally in opposite corners, one at either end of the court. In total, there are four line judges.  They work with the referees, signaling to assist in making judgment calls. These officials often use flags to signal when a ball is in or out, hits the net's antennae, or when the server commits a foot fault or steps outside the line as they serve.
Overall Game
ADMU had won the UAAP Season 77, and I believe that is because of the power of the attack given by the team. Even though DLSU has a good defense on them, they were sometimes a crack on it, making the ADMU gain more points. The strategies that were used by the winning team show their full teamwork and the strength that they have. I’m not saying that ADMU is good and the DLSU didn’t perform well, but in this stage game, ADMU really shows their power to reign the court causing them to win and defend their reigning team last season.
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yhella18 · 4 years
Saving Mother Nature: Schools Should Use Electronic Textbooks to Save Paper
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Day’s generation is at crossroads, rapidly advancing and observing transformations of technology that fundamentally change how they access and read the written words. A significant revolution of printed books towards digital textbooks has been known in the world. According to The Wall Street Journal (2010), “an electronic book (also e-book, ebook, digital book) is a text- and image-based publication in digital form produced on, published by, and readable on computers or other digital devices.” These are books that we have access to in our mobile phones or tablets, and we can find these books on websites like ePub, iBooks store, and many more. Using different kinds of technologies can lessen or eliminate the used of paper in the environment. Hence, schools should need to be eco-friendly, leading them to save paper using electronic textbooks as a substitute for printed books.
Bringing technology into classrooms has had a positive impact on the quality of education delivered. Students and teachers unanimously agree upon the benefits of using electronic textbooks in education. Electronic textbooks eliminate the extra costs of shipping and delivery, not to mention most online textbooks cost about 50-60% less than print versions. Thus, it can save money and use the extra funds to invest in teachers, additional resources for students, or after-school programs. They are more environment friendly compared to printed books. "Aside from the 16 million tons of paper it consumes each year, leading to 32 million fallen trees annually, the industry's carbon footprint is enormous." (Industry Sights, 2015). Moreover, an electronic textbook is easy to carry around. Instead of carrying a bag full of books, it is easier to carry a mobile device supporting ebooks. Most students these days always carry a mobile-based device. A digital textbook's portability allows students to refer to their notes and course materials anytime they want. Instead of carrying multiple books, students can now have everything in one place. Furthermore, Over 50% of the world's population has access to the Internet. Yet we all sometimes have trouble with connectivity and network issues. To ensure that the Internet connection does not hamper the learning process, mobile devices, these days, offer offline services (Harman, 2018). Students can now download any content they want and save it on their device and go through them later at their convenience. Online textbooks have been a major convenient to people, especially instances like the COVID – 19 since students have a hard time buying and having printed books. Despite its pros, electronic textbooks also have some cons on it. Students of all ages are used to accessing social media and online entertainment frequently. When Facebook and YouTube are just a tap away from study time, it can prove too tempting. With the little separation between education and leisure, frequent online distractions can disrupt study time and hinder academic progress. Also, using electronic textbooks can hinder or hurt our eyesight since students will stare at their technologies all day to study. Thus, leading them to have eye strains from staring at the screens too long can become a health problem. Some students also read in the dark, causing them to have screen insomnia, which cancels out a benefit of using electronic textbooks.
In conclusion, schools should use electronic textbooks instead of printed ones to save paper as this can help the mother nature and benefit people from its given conveniences, like the cheaper cost, the easy accessibility to use, and the offline access that it brings along. Although there are some cons in using electronic textbooks, it still outsmarts the printed textbooks in more ways than another.
Photo Credits:
Harman, M.  (2018, October 23). Importane of  Ebooks in Education. Retrieved January 24, 2021, from Kitaboo:  https://kitaboo.com/importance-of-ebooks-in-education/
Industry Sights . (2015,  August). Retrieved January 24, 2021, from Green Point Content Publishing:  http://www.greenpointpublishing.com/insight_html/reason-love-Ebooks.html
The Wall Street Journal. (2010, May 5). The Definition of an Ebook. Retrieved  January 24, 2021, from The Huffington Post:  https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-definition-of-an-eboo_n_487834
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yhella18 · 4 years
An Analysis of Three Speeches
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Nelson Mandela. Emma Watson. Darren Tay Wen Jie. These three people have their speeches. Their speeches differ from their purpose and their manner of the delivery. Yet, their speeches contain the power to intrigue people and to let others know what they wanted to convey.
Upon analyzing each speech, it was seen that their speeches differ from the types of speech according to purpose. With Nelson Mandela's speech, it was an example of an Exploratory or Informative Speech because Nelson Mandela wanted to inform the listeners or the audience about their freedom and justice they have gained between their own country, Africa and the United States of America. He stated how all of them are equal and have established a respectful relationship between the two. While in Emma Watson's Speech, it was an example of a Persuasive Speech, since she wanted to convince the people about Gender Equality and Women Empowerment. She wanted people to remember and not forget and disregard it. For Darren Tay Wen Jie's speech was an example of an Entertainment Speech because it made people laughed and happy. However, his speech was not only a series of jokes, but he also spoke about life lessons related to bullying. His address made his audience feel lighthearted and entertained while speaking.
Also, these three people have achieved the purpose of informing or convincing their audience. In Nelson Mandela's Speech, he wanted to convey the relationship between the countries of the United States of America and Africa. With those words he spoke, the audience well on what he wanted to inform. Thus, he made the people shown a positive response which is why he was able to achieve his purpose in telling his audience. In Emma Watson's Speech, on the other hand, she also succeeded her purpose in convincing the people since her speech contains convincing points and life examples which are her experiences. The experiences she has said might relate to people who made them understand and gained their attention. Lastly, is Darren Tay Wen Jie's Speech. Starting from the start, he has gained the attention of the audience. The words he spoke even though some of them were amusing; it does not leave behind what he wanted to convey. He gave sensical lesson while entertaining his audience, which made him achieve the purpose of engaging his audience.
Moreover, the three speakers also have the manner of delivery on their speeches. With Nelson Mandela's Speech, he was holding a manuscript or a document which is why the manner of delivery is Reading or Speaking from a Manuscript. It was seen in the clip that Nelson was mainly looking down to read and sometimes looked up, but then his words were still crystal clear and accurate. It was also right or reasonable enough since his speech was used in a formal occasion. In contrast, Emma Watson's Speech was memorized since she was mainly looking at the audience. She may have a manuscript with her which was seen in the last part, but she never looked down to read it. Thus, made it made her manner of delivery, a memorized one. Lastly, is Darren Tay Wen Jie's Speech. Since it was a competition, I believed that his speech was also a memorized one. It can't be an impromptu or an extemporaneous one because I have observed in his speech that it was like he has rehearsed his lines again and again.
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yhella18 · 4 years
“Artikulo Tungkol sa Isang Pangkat Kultural sa Pilipinas”
ni: Mariella C. Tripole 
WIKA. Isang salita na lubhang mahalaga sa mga tao. Ito ang susi upang tayo ay magkaunawan at magkaroon ng mga impormasyon. Maraming mga kahalagan ng wika na kung saan nakakabuti sa mga tao. Samakatuwid, may maraming wika sa mundo tulad na lamang sa bansang Pilipinas. May wikang Ilokano, Tagalog, at marami pang iba at sa mga wikang ito ay may iba't-ibang mga pangkat kultural.
Isa sa mga ito ay ang mga Cebuano. Sila ay may paraan ng pamumuhay, kultura, mga tradisyon at paniniwala na kung saan ang paraan ng pamumuhay nito ay tulad na rin sa mga taga-Maynila na kung saan isa na nito ay ang kanilang paghahanapbuhay gaya na lamang ng pangingisda, pagsasaka, nagtatrabaho bilang isang guro, doktor at marami pang iba upang maitustos lamang ang pangangailangan ng kanilang pamilya. Habang ang mga bata naman ay pumupunta sa mga paaralan upang mag-aral. Saka, ang kaibahan lamang nito sa mga taga-Maynila ay masyadong traffic roon kaysa sa mga lugar ng mga Cebuano tulad lamang sa Cebu.
Habang ang kultura naman nito ay ang kanilang pananampalataya o relihiyon, karamihan sa kanila ay Katoliko at Kristiyano. Nandoon rin sa Cebu na kung saan gaganapin ang sikat na Sinulog Festival. Ito ay isang pagdiriwang na ginaganap tuwing pangatlong linggo ng Enero na kung saan pinupuri at nadalangin kay Santo Niño. Hindi lamang nagtatapos ang kanilang kultura nito, may mga maraming sikat na gawaing-kamay rin sila kaya ang lugar na Cebu ay matagal nang kinikilala bilang duyan ng pagkamalikhain.
Ang mga Cebuano rin ay sinasabing sinusunod ang ilang mga kaugalian at tradisyon tungkol sa pagsilang, bautismo, panliligaw, kasal, kamatayan at libing. Ang pagdating ng isang bata ay tinatanggap ng isang pamilyang Cebuano sapagkat malapit nang manganak, ang mga dahon ng pomelo ay inilalagay sa ilalim ng bahay upang maitaboy ang lahat ng masasamang espiritu na maaaring umikot.
Hindi rin makakalimutan natin ang mga paniniwala nga mga Cebuano. Halimbawa nito ay kapag makakita ng itim na pusa ay malalasin daw, ang hindi pagkakita ng ikakasal bago ng araw ng kasal, sila rin ay naniniwala sa mga aswang, may kasabihan din na kapag umihi ang isang tao sa lugar na walang tao, ay dapat magsalita ng "tabi tabi or buyag tantabitaw" bilang isang kilos ng paggalang sa mga enchanted na nilalang, na maaaring makaistorbo sa proseso.
Ang wika ng mga Cebuano ay ang ikalawa sa pinakamalaking wika na sinasalita sa Pilipinas na may humigit-kumulang 20 milyong mga nagsasalita nito bilang kanilang unang wika at 11 milyong naman mga nagsasalita nito bilang kanilang pandagdag na wika. Ito rin ay katutubong wika ng isla ng Cebu sa Pilipinas, at ito siyang itinuturing na lingua franca o pangunahing wika ng katimugang Pilipinas (at sanhi nito ay tinatawag ito minsan bilang Visayan, Visaya o Bisaya). Tinatawag din minsan bilang Bol-anon at Kana depende sa mga pagkakaiba-iba ng lenggwahe, ang wika ay sinasalita bilang katutubong wika ng mga nakatira sa Cebu, Bohol, silangang bahagi ng isla ng Negros, mga kanlurang bahagi ng mga isla ng Leyte at Biliran, katimugang sangkatlo ng isla ng Masbate, at sa kabuuan ng karamihan ng rehiyong Mindanao, at bilang isang pang-ikalawang wika ng mga Waray sa Samar At Leyte, Porohanon sa Poro, mga Ilonggo sa Negros Oriental, at Eskaya sa Bohol.
Bukod sa kanilang sariling wika, nag-aaral din sila ng wikang Pambansa ng Pilipinas na kung saan ito ang Filipino, nag-aaral din sila ng Ingles at ang ilan naman ay natuto ng ibang wika tulad ng Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, French, at marami pang iba. Gayunpaman, hindi parin nakakalimutan ng mga Cebuano ang kanilang sariling wika kaya ang ibang Cebuano ay nagsasalita na halong Ingles at Cebuano o kaya Ingles, Cebuano at Filipino. Dahil dito, halos lahat ng mga Cebuano ay trilingwal.
Samakatuwid, ang mga Cebuano daw ay masinop, matapat, magiliw,at relihiyoso ngunit may pagka-agresibo din lalo na ang mga kabataan ngayon. Kung titingan niyo sa mga iba't-ibang social media, magaling ito sa kung sa ingles pa naman tawagin na "trash talk". Ngunit sa ilalim ng pagka-agresibo ng mga Cebuano, naninirahan ang kabutihan sa kanila.
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yhella18 · 4 years
Mrs. Bernadette Sembrano as a News Anchor
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Bernadette Lorraine Palisada Dominguez Sembrano Aguinaldo, better known as Bernadette Sembrano, began her career as a newscaster in 1998 for one of the government-owned television stations in the Philippines. Years passed, she is now a Filipina reporter, newscaster, and television host. We all see her as the news anchor on TV Patrol.
Mrs. Bernadette Sembrano is known to be every Filipino's ate, which means she helps and guides people like an elder sister. As a 44-year-old newscaster, her simplicity and beauty still showed on the television, which attracts the audience to gain their attention in which I believe that it is one of her assets. The way she moves and talks looks like she is a kind-hearted person, ready to help people in need. Even though she looked soft, the way she speaks shown what a news anchor truly is—a person who speaks with clarity and conviction.  However, I can see that there are times that she lost these kinds of qualities. Maybe, just made a mistake, and that it's still okay since we are not perfect, and she is not perfect. But then, it was only a few times since Mrs. Sembrano is a news anchor that proves to anyone that even though she has some mistakes, she will not be down and just learned of that mistakes and move on. Hence, the experience that she had shown to use made her one of the good examples of how a person should live and inspire other people.
As you can see, the functions of communication are seen here. First is Regulation and Control. As a news anchor, the words she used are regulated and made sure that it is formal and precise. The second is Social Interaction. Through the news she gave, we can interact between the happenings around the country and ourselves. The third is Motivation. News can motivate people to understand the country's circumstances more and encourage people to agree and disagree if something happens, such as political things. Fourth is the Information. News is one of the sources to gain some information. Seeing her speak on the television about the daily news we have in the country made me listen and be well-informed about what is happening. Lastly is Emotional Expression. As a news anchor, she needs to be severe enough since the news she gave is not funny and inappropriate for smiling or laughing. But if the news is for entertainment, then news anchors can express these emotions. Remember that emotions are to help convey details about the topic.
Therefore, I can say that Mrs. Bernadette Sembrano effectively communicates what she needed to convey to the people or the audience because the verbal, written, and the interviewing skills required of being a news anchor are seen through the television. Being a news anchor is not easy. You must have the skills and the ability to deliver the news well. Hence, making Mrs. Sembrano did her job well. She well-informed the people or the listeners on what she wanted to show. Thus, making her now become one of the famous news anchors here in the Philippines.
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yhella18 · 4 years
The King’s Speech
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Albert Frederick Arthur George or simply Bertie has speech impudent. Due to being a Prince of Britain and the Duke of York, people expect him to speak a lot, especially to the public causing his supportive wife Elizabeth to hire Lionel Logue, an Australian speech therapist, to help him conquer his stammer. Then came, his father died, making his eldest brother be the King; however, due to personal reasons, the throne was thrown into Bertie, making him ascend as King George VI. He did everything in his sessions with Lionel, but it was still not enough. Then suddenly a crisis approached, Germany has declared war. As the King, people needed him to have a speech. With the help of Lionel's unique techniques, Bertie was able to deliver his first wartime speech astonishingly even though there were flaws, it was still praiseworthy enough. Thus throughout the time they've been together, it made a bond between the two and officially became friends.
After finishing the film, I can say that it was remarkably done and making the audience see the actors, places, scenes, props and much more do its job. The film moves around with the protagonist who had speech impudent, thus making shed light to the people who had speech problems and how people mistreated them and needed attention and help. An exact role model shown in the film was Elizabeth. Even though his husband has a dilemma, she didn't leave his side and instead went to a speech therapist to further help his husband to be well. Lionel is also one of the role models because as his speech therapist and a friend, he patiently helps remove Bertie's defect. As further analyzing this film, elements and dimensions of communication were shown to the audience. The protagonist's voice, despite the fact it is just right and heard, it was distracted to what we call it as the element 'Noise', and that is the speech impudent the protagonist has. He had a traumatic experience since he was still a five-year-old kid and manipulated by his first nanny and the bullying his brother did to him, causing him to stammer. This kind is a psychological type of noise in which occurs when one is thinking deeply about something or is suffering from an emotional condition, which discourages participation in a communication situation. Nevertheless, the protagonist's stammering also happens when he is in a crowd or to someone who is not close, and this can be the element, communication situation is, to be exact it is the physical location. People forced himself to speak in front of the crowd, making him stutter. With this, the listeners are also involved. Moving on to the dimensions of the communication, Formal Dimension is clearly recognized to this film due to its appropriateness in the clothes, language and the setting. It also includes Written Dimension because they were scripts used to speak and the Intentional Dimension. After all, the protagonist has the intention to communicate to his people through his speech. Lastly, is the Verbal Dimension; the protagonist was having a hard time due to his predicament. His facial expressions, gestures and stance were stiff and frigid since he was not comfortable, but in the wartime speech, since Lionel was only one in front of him, he was able to relax and do his job.  Hence, making the noise no more, and the channel of the message went smoothly and commendable.
The Film's advocacy is focusing on communication disabilities. We must know that there are people who are having a hard time communicating, such as people who are stammering. This Film shows that every one of us has differences and limitations, and it's fair to have it because it appears that we are unperfect. It also indicates to the people that we sometimes need help in our lives. Moreover, according to Lionel in the Film that we're very much our own man. Truth to tell, because Bertie also said: "Because I have a right to be heard! I have a Voice". Those words are trying to convey that every one of us has a voice and that we must speak for ourselves to show the world what truly you are as yourself. Besides, getting out on your comfort zone is indeed a blissful feeling and that whatever obstacles that get in your lives, you must not give up unless you've reached your goal.
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yhella18 · 4 years
Conic Section, Photo Project
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In my first year in Senior High School, I have encountered my first lesson in Pre- Calculus, which is entitled "Conic Sections". At first, I never knew about this topic at all, but after the discussion, I have gained knowledge about Circles, Ellipses, Parabolas, and Hyperbolas. I was able to know how to know what kind of conic section through a mathematical function, how to change from general form to standard form and vice versa, and lastly is how to graph the different conic sections. What so interesting about this topic is that conic sections can be found everywhere. An example of this is the Eiffel Tower. Can you imagine if, without the parabolas, which is one of the conic sections, then there will be no Eiffel Tower in Paris. The parabola observed in this tower is all around. Four parabolas are created given the four "legs" of the structure. With two of those "legs" side by side, they form one individual parabola, making an upside-down "U" shape. Moreover, the conic sections are not just used in Mathematics but in architecture, engineering, medicine, and other fields which is why the conic sections are engaging to learn at all.
Details (Seq: Up-Down):
Type of Conic Section: Circle
Taken:  In the living room of our house
Type of Conic Section: circle
Taken: In the mini-kitchen of our house
Type of Conic Section: Ellipse
Taken: In my room
Toyota Sign
Type of Conic Section: Ellipse
Taken: In the garage
Type of Conic Section: Parabola
Taken: In my room
Type of Conic Section: Parabola
Taken: In the garden
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yhella18 · 4 years
The “Art” of Communication by Jimmy Nelson
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What is the deep meaning of communication?
According to John Adair,  "Communication is essentially the ability of one person to make contact with another and make himself or herself understood." I believe that he is right, and by watching Jimmy Nelson's video, I learned what communication truly is.
Watching his video even though he spoke fast, making me want to halt him and let him breathe for a second. However, as I continued watching him, I was mesmerized. He has shown his mistakes, yet he didn't show any embarrassment at all. He embraced it and was proud that those were his mistakes. He also showed that he was confident, standing in front of the crowd and sharing his beautiful journeys with his posture, gestures, standing position, and expressing his video with his expressions, making me want to hear more of his stories.
Moreover, his video starts with him talking and with pictures behind him to emphasize his presentation. Then, he states that almost about 2 billion people posted pictures online every day, which essentially makes the whole world become photographers, making him tell his journey a few years ago with him going to Northern Magnolia to meet the Tsaatan Tribe. However, Mr. Nelson thought that he and his translator were okay and were understood; however, two weeks passed, Mr. Nelson happens to know that his time traveling was in vain. In fact, he and his translator have a misunderstanding at that time. Nevertheless, Mr. Nelson became patient and continued his travel until he finally met the tribe. Although there were communicating problems, Mr. Nelson proceeded to do his goal little by little until he reached and committed his goal.
Afterwards, Mr. Nelson decided to tell others his journeys which were all enjoyable to listen to and what I can't forget is when he went back to Namibia, on the right border of Angola, to show the Himba Tribe the pictures he took last time he went there. It was passionate, and they cry out of happiness when they saw each other again. Thus, Mr.Nelson gave his respect and dignity to the indigenous people and made himself a model of all the photographers right there.
Lastly, Mr. Nelson ends it with a moral lesson in which he said, "Until you truly let go. Until you truly form a humility. Can you find an empathy and in that empathy you can find a contact and in that contact you can discover who you truly are and who the people are around you "—in which this what struck on the people's minds, including myself. It made me realized that communication was not just speaking to other people. It is the emotions struck within it. The respect and humility we had shown to each other—the contact between other people.  With Jimmy Nelson's spectacular video, it made me know the deeper meaning behind communication.
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