yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
"Chris is deff Ryan's first crush" -my friend the first time they seen Ryan suck up to chris
Summary: truth and dare continues, leading Ryan to pick a truth from Jacob. Maybe it's the drinks in his system but he began sharing a wee to much
Notes: I'm high and trying to make this as least cringy as possible
Ryan laughed drunkenly as Jacob recited a poem that he must of written during camp.
"Okay okay Jacob, your turn," Kaitlyn said tears streaming down her face
"Uhh, ryan!" He turned towards the other boy, "truth or dare,"
"As nice as my last dare was," Ryan joked winking at Dylan, earning a cute wiggle.
As much as Ryan didn't want to admit it he was feeling something toward Dylan, and it wasn't just the alcohol "I choose truth"
"Oooo," Jacob rubbed his chin evilly, "what's with you and Chris, hmm?" Jacob laughed dropping in his seat
"Jacob," Kaitlyn said hitting him in the arm
"Oh,um," Ryan said, caught off gaurd, "well I use to have a crush on him I guess, I just am kinda messed up though," Ryan mumbled hardly above a whisper
"What?" Jacob said followed by spne of the others
"Uh, I don't really think there was anything there," he laughed awkwardly, "he was a friend of my dad's before he left and I guess he was just always there,"
"Oh so like a father figure! That's cute!" Emma laughed, her bottle slipping from her hands
"I think we had enough fun, it's already 1am," Kaitlyn said watching abi slowly fall asleep on Nick.
"Awhhh" Jacob groaned, they all gathered their things, taking almost an hour to goof around before actually going back the the lodge.
"Ryan, wait," Dylan called while everyone else left
"Yeah?" Ryan slurred clearly intoxicated
"Um, you know your truth? Um," Dylan shifted in his place, "I heard what you said about Chris, do you still have-"
"No!" Ryan yelled, causing a few of the others to look back.
"Oh, i-" Dylan said trying to save their conversation
"I'm sorry, I don't like Chris like that anymore,"
"I'm sorry, I just was going to say, don't feel messed up, like it's not your fault?" Dylan said trying his best to give good advice.
"This is sweet and all but I'm surprised you don't want to talk about the kiss," Ryan said lowly
"Oh, I, fuck," Dylan stammered again.
"Its not to late to," Ryan said placing. A hand on dylans shoulder, "we can go to the radio hut to talk," Ryan laughed nodding towards the group watching them
"Okay," Dylan smiled
Ryan grabbed dylans hand, leading them away.
(Maybe part 2?)
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
Hoa writing prompt? Jason and Salim get high or drunk together and have a heart to heart bout dating after the temples?
Note: I know it's not exactly what you wanted but I hope this is good enough:)
Jason took a puff of his joint, flicking the ash into the night air.
He quickly exhaled the smoke along with extra air, he felt his shoulders finally fall.
You'd think he'd be relaxed after the day he had in the temple but his mind was replaying moments over and over.
He was also worried about Salim, he assumed since he was the enemy the treatment would not even out.
"Jason?" A voice broke Jason's thoughts
"Salim?" Jason said turning around excitedly
The two simply smiled at each other, just happy to be in the others presents
"Do you smoke, uh, do you," Jason awkwardly stammered, holding out his joint.
Salim laughed, "typically no, but I'd rather be high then sober right now," Salim breathed out
"So, how have you been?" Jason asked sitting next to Salim on the floor
"Its only been a few hours since we seen each other," Salim chuckled
"Feels like so much longer,"
"You miss me?" Salim flirted jokingly
"Honestly, I did" Jason admitted
"I missed you too, jarhead,"
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
Admit it (jalim)
Summary: Nick and Jason talk things over after the events that took place, it was an innocent conversation at first, simply going over what happened together. But once they started talking about Rachel, a certain question arose in nicks head.
Note: everyone survived, Nick and Rachel are together, and Salim is being questioned during this.
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Jason felt a lump form in his throat, he was clenching the railing under the big one way mirror in front of him.
"Kolchek, what's good?" Nick laughed placing a hard hand on Jason back, looking into the window as well.
Salim was chained to the table, a bit of fresh blood smeared on his forehead.
"He doesn't look to good," he commented again searching for a reaction from Jason.
But there was none, "how's the love triangle?" Jason laughed before hesitantly stepping away from the window.
Nick started laughing more, slumping himself in the chair across the hallway, "Rachel officially dumped ol' Eric King, she told him "you can't always fix what's broken"" nick mimicked, smiling proudly.
"I seen you two eye balling each other up in the helicopter, man, I'm surprised Eric let you live,"
Nick laughed again in return, his eyes fixated themselves behind Jason. The gaurd was swiftly throwing a punch towards Salim.
"Holy shit," he said standing up.
"They've been doing it all day, I tried- I tried talking to them," Jason shook his head and looked away
The room around them went silent
"You like him don't you," Nick said breaking the silence
"Yeah, I mean, hes a good guy, y'know-"
"No, no, Jason, you-"
"Shut up," Jason hissed turning sharply towards Nick, "sorry, I- I just"
"You've never felt like this? You feel like a little girl with a crush?" Nick laughed
"I- I don't know, I guess,"
"Man stop guessing yourself," Nick placed his hand back on jasons shoulder, "I think you should talk to him,"
"Yeah right, fuck no"
"What? What's the worst that can happen?"
"He ain't gay, hell two days ago if you even brought up gay around me I wouldn't even think of it"
"I think you'll be surprised," Nick shook his head, walking away.
5 minutes passed and finally the gaurd was done questioning him, releasing him back into Jason's care.
In those 5 minutes Jason thought more then he ever did before, everything in his life was starting to make sense, he always denied it.
"I think I'm gay," Jason blurted out once it was just him and Salim in their shared quarantine room.
"Okay?" Salim answered caught off guard a bit, "I'm happy for you?"
"No, no like," Jason took a shakey breath and sat down, "I hardly know you and your all I think about you, I don't even think I remember your last name,"
Salim smiled down at Jason who was now on one of the two beds in the room, "I know it's hard," Salim said, taking a seat next to Jason, "how long have you known?"
"Like ten minutes," Jason said honestly, "I never thought of it until," Jason stopped and looked up a bit, "God this is cheesy," he groaned
"Until we met?" Salim laughed, "I have to admit we have quite the connection,"
"I'm sorry man, this is probably so weird,"
"Compaired to vampires? I'd say this is pretty normal,"
Jason laughed, pushing Salim with his shoulder a bit, "do you have this affect on people often?" Jason flirted
"Actually your the first," Salim laughed, "what I'm trying to say Jason, is that this is okay, and normal,"
"Is there something between us?" Jason asked impulsively, nearly gagging on the words in fear
Salim didn't say anything, which didn't help Jason's nerves much, the nervousness quickly turned into relaxation.
Salim closed the gap between them, his hand trailing down Jason back, and gliding up his chest.
He pulled away and looked at Jason, "does that answer your question?"
Instead of answering Jason quickly connected their lips once more.
Nick and Rachel sat in the cafeteria area, eating their breakfast peacefully.
"Kolcheks been acting off, you think it has to do with the iraqi?" Rachel asked alwardly
"Oh for sure, what kind of person runs into hell like that AGAIN just to save someone they just met"
"Do you think he has a crush," Rachel laughed
"More like a boyfriend," Nick nodded over to the two men in the cafeteria, both curled up again the wall sharing stories about their past.
"Okay but they are really cute," Rachel said gazing at the two.
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
Driving me crazy (jalim) part two
Part one
Summary: Jason finally convinced Salim to follow him to centcom, explaining if he didn't come now they would just find a harsher way to get him.
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"Are you should about this Jason? Salim said nervously.
Jason smiled softly back at Salim, they both sat in the back seat of the truck Jason used to get him in the first place.
Rachel was in the passengers seat, tapping her finger along with he music, her hand was clenched in nicks hand.
Jason couldn't believe what was happening, he felt his face scrunch up, a frown threatened to appear.
Salim seemed to notice, but without being suspicious he wasn't able to do anything to help. Instead he looked away.
"Your going to be okay," Rachel reassured Salim, turning around in her seat a bit, "you'll only have to be there for 2 days,"
Salim nodded in response, still feeling incredibly nervous.
"Jason is going to be your "gaurd"" she said, throughing air quotes in the air.
"What?" Jason asked, returning back to earth.
"I pulled a few more strings and as long as you make sure he's never alone centcom agreed to letting you be his gaurd, expect for during his test, he will have to go with special guards and doctors for that." Rachel explained
Jason nodded agreeing with the situation.
Salim on the other hand was terrified to get the tests done, the thought of leaving with strangers to get medically examed by Americans made his hair stand up.
Once they got there a man came to collect them and bring them to their rooms.
The building was huge, you could see everything from the balcony alone. Salim watched as a few people whispered, pointing towards him.
He felt embarrassed, and guilty over nothing. Jason seemed to notice the switch in his mood, he never met Salim to be so quiet.
"And here's where you and the iraqi will stay," the man scoft
"Thanks," Jason mumbled practically pushing Salim into the room, closing the door behind him.
"Are you okay?" Jason said, concern coating his words
"Yeah," Salim lied, shuffling your feet.
"No your not," Jason said touching both of salims shoulders, he couldn't think straight, it felt like his body was on autopilot. But honestly he didn't mind.
"I'm going to get killed here," Salim laughed, "did you see the way they looked at me? Like I was some kind of fucking monster," Salims voice started to shake, along with his entire body. "I don't even know you Jason, but I'm trusting you with my life, I don't even know you but I haven't stooped thinking about you,"
Jason looked away from Salim, he felt a lump form in his throat, "you've been driving me mental," Jason laughed, "two whole years and I couldn't get over you at all,"
"Your driving me mental too," Salim whispered softly
Jason perked up, he could barely hear it but it was just what he needed to hear. "Can I kiss you?" He blurted out awkwardly
"You don't have to ask, jarhead" Salim shook his head and moved closer to Jason.
Jason smiled back and connected their lips, his hands explore salims body once again.
Expect this time Zain wouldn't be able to butt in.
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
Reaction time (drylan)
Summary: Kaitlyn entered Dylans room solemnly, a doctor wasn't far behind. Dylan wasn't understanding the situation at first but it didn't take long for his reaction to kick in
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Dylan spent his days mostly asleep, when he wasn't sleeping he was usually begging the nurses for pain killers.
He felt like an addict but he didn't care, the pain he felt was unbearable without medication.
His mother tried her best to stay there as much as she could but she still had to work and look after Dylan brother.
Kaitlyn step up big time when his mother started going back to work, she was even offered money from his mother to sit and watch him but she refused the money, explaining she would be doing it anyways.
"Hey," Kaitlyn said quietly, she entered the room solemnly, a doctor wasn't to far behind her.
Dylan was finally awake and conscious enough to answer the doctors and to listen to the news what happened.
"Hello Dylan," the doctor said taking a seat, "I just wanted to fill you in on a few details, your arm is healing amazingly, it's honestly the best healing I've seen from the circumstances,"
Dylan hardly reacted, he knew what the doctor was saying but he knew there was something they were keeping from him.
He could see it in the doctors eyes, and Kaitlyns mascara marked face implied it was something worth crying about.
He did his best to listen to the doctor but his mind was racing with other things.
"As for some of your friends," the doctor started
That's when it hit Dylan, ryan, he remembered watching another stretcher zoom by him when they first arrived, he could remember Kaitlyn trying to block him but he knew.
It was Ryan
"What's wrong with Ryan?" Dylan said cutting the doctor off.
"He was hurt, what-what happened?"
Kaitlyn let out a sob, trying her best not to break down again.
"He's alive," the doctor started, "he's in surgery now, but it, it's not looking good," the doctor admitted
Dylan didn't cry, he understood what was happening but he didn't think anything off it, "what happened to him though" Dylan said sitting more
"He was stabbed in the chest, hes in surgery to repair his lungs" the doctor said.
Dylan nodded his head, but didn't cry, he didn't think it was that bad.
3 more days passed and Dylan was able to walk around, though it was hard not to get dizzy, he was going to be okay.
As for Ryan he slipped into a coma, Kaitlyn did her best to split her time between the two but it was hard when she was just one person
"I haven't seen Ryan yet, I should check on him,"
Dylan stayed quiet, he usually did this when Ryan was brought up, it was like his mind would shut off.
"I would like it if you came," Kaitlyn offered
Dylan remained silent, he figured if he pretended Ryan was okay and just busy it would help him more. However it didn't.
Instead it made him increasingly anxious, "I cant" he whispered
It didn't really take much for him to agree, he allowed her to take him up in a wheel chair, as long s he didn't have to go in the room.
She agreed and took him up.
As soon as he seen him something kicked in, "oh my God," he whispered. Ryan laid in the bed with wires and tubes all over him
Dylan slowly stood up from the wheelchair and looked closer into the room, "Ryan," he whispered
Tears flooded his eyes as he dropped to the floor next to Ryans bed, "oh my god, I'm so sorry"
He stayed in ryans room constantly after that, his hand only leaving ryans when absolutely necessary e would talk to ryan, tell him about his day, about gossip around the hospital, he even listen to podcasts with him even though Ryan wasn't awake.
And the doctors didn't think he would wake up.
But just Ike how it was a marical they all survive hacketts quarry.
Another maricle happened for Ryan.
2 full weeks after the accident, Ryan woke up, he was confused and scared but happy Dylan was with him.
"I need to get a doctor," Dylan giggled, but he couldn't get up, he couldn't stop staring at the other boys eyes
"I love you," Dylan said placing a hand to Ryan's cheek.
Ryan simply smiled back, squeezing Dylans hand tightly, "love you," he manged to get out, his throat scratching from lack of use.
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
Driving me crazy (jalim)
Summary: despite it being 2 years since and incident Jason couldn't get Salim out of his head, finally Nick butts in to help.
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Jason blew out the smoke from his lit joint, he looked over the balcony of the building they were in.
CENTCOM ordered the Americans back for annual testing. They plan to do it every year to see if there's any changes.
Nick stood beside Jason, reaching his hand out for a puff of Jason's joint.
"What's that in your hand?" Jason said exhaling.
"Papers. Urm, important papers," Nick stuttered passing the joint back to Jason, "centcom wants Salim."
"That's his info," Jason dry laughed, "they are gonna kill him,"
"I got Rachel in on this, me, you, and her are gonna travel over, you can talk to him. Finally get your head back in gear,"
Jason hung his head in defeat, he didn't want Salim dragged into this, especially since it's been 2 years, but part of him was excited, thrilled even.
"We go tomorrow, get ready,"
Jason exited the car they were in, Nick and Rachel stayed in the truck over the outskirts, they were far enough away to not be seen but could safely see the building Jason was heading too.
Jason stood infront of the door silently, he wanted to knock but he found it physically impossible to move his arm.
"Amarican?" A boy said walking towards him, "are you looking for my father?"
"Salim Othman," was all Jason could respond with
"My father," the boy said back "are you going to kill him?
"What? No, no, I just need to, talk"
The boy opened the door, not breaking eye contact with the American, "Baba!" The boy yelled, "there is an American here,"
"What?" A muffled voice said from the other side of the house, before Zain could reply Salim was already there.
The two stared at each other, both scared to look away.
"I'm going to leave you two" Zain awkwardly said before quickly exiting the room
"Sit! Sit, here" Salim swiftly moved the two into the living room, gesturing for Jason to sit next to him.
Jason sat down, not looking away from Salim still, the part of him that was excited in the beginning now was screaming in his head.
"So, what brings you here?" Salim asked excitedly, yet nervously
"Centcom needs- wants you to get a few tests, um they sent me here for, uh,"
"Why are you so nervous?" Salim chuckled
"I have no idea," Jason said huffing a laugh
The two continue to stare at each other, the sexual tension was thick in the room, and for the first time Jason truly felt speachless
"I'm happy to see you," Salim admitted
"Really?" Jason question quietly
"You didn't change much," Salim lean in a bit
Jason nearly laughed, last time they met Jason was a lot less nervous, now he has two years of fantasizing over the man, talking to him felt like talking to his crush in high school.
"Jason?" Salim sang, smiling softly
"I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm so nervous," Jason laughed, "I'm happy to see you too," he said
Salim placed his hand on Jason's knee, he felt his face glow red, the two were insanely close to the other, both could feel the warmth of the other.
"I've been thinking non stop about you," Salim whispered, taking his chance.
"Same," was all Jason could get out, he desperately wanted to lean over and kiss Salim but he waited incase he was mistaken on the signals
"So ugh," Salim pulled away and cleared his throat "what were you saying about, urm, centcom?"
"Oh, uh, they want to run some tests, they plan to do it every year, but they uh, couldn't find you themselves."
"Well jarhead, I'm glad they sent you," he flirted once again
Hearing those words made Jason turn red, he felt nervous and shy all over again. But that little part of him that was excited to see Salim took over.
They continued to stare at each other for a few seconds, Jason was fighting with his mind, he knew it was a bad idea but the moment felt all to right.
Jason placed a hand on the back of salims head, he slowly leaned in, nervous that Salim would push him back, but still leaving room for him to do so.
Instead Salim jumped to the opportunity, he kissed back immediately, his hands getting tangled in Jason's hair, knocking his hat to the ground.
Jason's hands explored salims body, clinging onto his shirt, he couldn't believe what was happening but he didn't want it to stop.
Salims other hand found its way to Jason's thigh, slowly rubbing his thumb in circles.
Jason's body finally felt relax, he craved the feeling of salims hands, he needed it.
But then zains door flung open, and he entered the living room without giving Jason and Salim time to process he was there.
"Ew!" Zain yelled, "you two just met! Is this a hooked?" Zain questioned
"Enough Zain," Salim warned huffing, his face was even redder now. Though it was mostly due to embarrassment.
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
Just a little update nobody asked for, I got a new drawing tablet for Christmas so I'm going to try and get back into doing comics and other drawing pieces. However I'm taking another small break for my mental health, I'll post a few things to a03 but other then that I'll probably be unresponsive. Xx
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
"I'm not sure if you are still taking requests for HOA but if you are could you write a little something about Jason and Salim:)" requested from wattpad
Salim took a long deserved drag from his cigarette, savoring a feeling and the taste. It had been nearly a month since he had been outside, and the sunlight was burning his skin.
He didn't mind it though, if anything he loved this feeling.
Though after suffering a month worth of torture, it doesn't take much to impress him. "Salim," Jason smiled walking through the door.
Jason noted the differences in Salim, he lost a lot of weight and he had more bruises then not. Jason tried not to react but the out of character reaction Jason has through Salim through a loop.
Jason slowly reached up, touching his hand to salims face before retrieve it quickly. "Sorry. I just, holy fuck" Jason exclaimed trying to find words
"I'm okay," Salim smiled placing a hand on jasons shoulder, it didn't take long for Salim to quickly pull Jason into a hug, squeezing him as if he'd lose him if e let ogo even a little bit.
"I promise Salim, I tried getting you out sooner,"
Salim just shook his head, "we don't need to talk of that, let's just enjoy this," he smiled down at Jason
"Can you at least clean you up?" Jason giggled
Salim could only stare for a moment, the giggled from Jason putting him into a trace.
"Did they hut your head in there?" Jason asked waving a hand infront of Salim, "let's go," Jason brushed it off grabbing salims hand.
And like that they walked to the nearest bathroom, hand in hand, ignoring the stares from the people around them.
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
can you write the group finding out about Ryan and Dylan?
"Shhhh" Dylan giggled, slurring over his words. After a long deserved mid summer party, Dylan and ryan, an on going secret couple decided to sneak to the radio hut to...hang out
"I'm trying," Ryan breathed out,dylans knee was pressed firmly against Ryan legnth, he couldn't control his moans.
"Fuck Dylan," Ryan screamed throwing his head back.
At the same time the door swung open. Ryan froze looking up, his eyes meeting Kaitlyns
"Holy shit," Jacob screamed laughed, toppling onto the floor
"Wait, so what are you guys then?" Kaitlyn asked confused yet intrigued.
"Shut up, get out," Ryan yelled throughing dylans book bag at them.
They left the room laughing, shutting the door behind them.
Dylan caught up with Ryan the next morning, kissing his cheek secretly.
"Goodmorning " Ryan smiled, giving dylan a side hug back.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah,just nervous, I don't really like getting idea of people knowing," he stopped for a moment, realizing the possibility of hurting his feelings, "I'm not ashamed of you! I just don't want the risk of my mom finding out"
"You don't need to apologize, as long as we keep acting like we were they won't hassle us," Dylan reassured
"Okay," Ryan nodded kissing Dylan quickly before leaving to join their group of friends.
They all stared for a minute, but soon the tension eased up and they were simply aweing at the two.
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
Whata vibe
Bizarre Yet Bonafide by Emily Alford
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
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Ryan might be the only one left who knew Chris as well as Travis did... and I feel like if they had a chat, it could both help them grieve.
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
Watch the world die
angst. Because I'm in the mood for angst.
Summary: Ryan watched the ceiling of the Hacketts house slowly turn black, Laura and Chris were by his side screaming for him to wake up. Nothing was working.
Notes: major character death, angst, violence, and cussing.
Au: they broke the curse while fighting Chris because I say so don't ask questions, the curse was broken before ryan was heal therefore he is stuck with his injuries.
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Chris slowly fell into his human form, sweat and blood coating his body.
Laura and Travis were talking in the back corner, they were coated in blood too.
Ryan laid on the ground across from Chris, he held his side while he watched the roof turn black.
He laid emotionless waiting for curse to heal him, "Laura" he called out without moving his head.
Chris heard him talk and didn't take a second to slide over, trying his best not to move him.
"Laura," Ryan yelled starting to panic, "no, no Chris no" he cried out
Laura pushed Chris aside and kneel down beside him, "w-why, why isn't he heal chr- Travis, why isn't he healed"
Chris sat shocked in the corner, the wound looked horrific but the sight of the boy he loved like a son was worse.
"I- he must, the curse broke to soon, he, he didn't get to heal in time" he said sadly looking away
Laura mumbled a few curses then lifted Ryan up, "fuck, Chris, okay," she set him down again realizing she wasn't able to carry him, "Chris we need to get him to the lodge, I can, I can wrap it up there"
Chris didn't reply he just picked up Ryan and followed lead.
Dylan paced back and forth on the front step of the lodge, he waited patiently for Ryan to walk through the woods, the curse was broken now, Caleb was there to prove it.
"What if they left, like him and the pirate girl" Dylan said walking over to Kaitlyn and Jacob.
"Pirate girl?" Jacob asked, only to be ignored
"Dude why would they" Kaitlyn responded
Like as if summond, Travis pulled up next to the lodge, nearly hitting Emma,Abi, and Nick.
The door opened and Chris walked out, they all swarmed him, cursing him out and yelling at him
Laura stepped out after walking past them all to find max quick
Dylan watched her leave and connect the puzzles "where is he" Dylan said, his voice raising above everyone else's.
Chris nodded towards the backseat, ryan was laying in the back, a loose wrap around his chest.
"Laura's grabbing better first aid and 911 is coming-" Chris cut himself off by looking at Dylan arm. "Dylan" he said softly
"You don't get to sound upset, this is your fault" Dylan said, his voice lowering. Kaitlyn watched as Dylan pushed Chris aside and slide into the back seat, lifting Ryan's head so it was on his lap.
"Dylan," Ryan practally yelled, trying to sit up, "your alive," he whispered being pushed back down by Laura, who was back with medical.
"Keep your eyes open," Dylan said watching Ryan drift off
"Mm" he mumbled trying his best.
"Ryan," Dylan said again anxiously, "please dude you need to stay awake"
"Dylan," Ryan mumbled in response
Laura finished wrapping the wound, looking up at Dylan for help, "he lost a lot of blood, I know it's hard but if he falls asleep he could slip into a coma, press hard onto for me please" she finished trying her best to grab her things, "use one hand to put pressure and lay the other one out the door so I can wrap it better,"
"Why should I trust you," he said, shaking Ryan's face a bit
"You can trust her," Ryan mumbled trying to look at dylans arm, "I'm sorry" he said fighting the tiredness
Dylan rolled his eyes and put his arm out the door so Laura could help him
Once she was done she closed the door, leaving Dylan and ryan alone completely for the first time since.
"Ryan, I'm so sorry, I should've went with you"
"Mm'no because your safer" Ryan mumbled, he didn't make sense but Dylan understood him.
"I really like you ryan, like a lot, and if one of us, you know" Dylan felt tears pour put of his eyes
"I really like you" Ryan said opening his eyes the most he could to see Dylan, " it hurts so much"
Dylan leaned down and kissed Ryan, it was slow and sweet, it meant way more then the campfire kiss.
Ryan lifted a arm to whipe away a tear from dylans face, "is it broken? The curse" Ryan said pulling away
"Yes" Dylan said smiling through the tears, "you saved us" Dylan said laughing dryly. At what cost, he thought
"Thank you Dylan," Ryan mumbled sounding distanct
"Just focus on staying awake okay" Dylan said feeling uneasy
Ryan's body twitch a bit, he pressed harder into Dylan, "i felt weird Dylan, I'm ding dylan" Ryan panicked.
Dylan felt the same fear, slamming his elbow onto the window to get someone's attention. Laura noticed quickly and rushed over, opening the door to the other side
"Laura, I'm dying" Ryan mumbled, "I don't want to die Laura"
"Calm down, breathe in and out" She moved him out of the car and onto the ground outside, hoping the air will help him breathe.
"Dylan, dylan" Ryan mumbled trying to look around
"Stay still Ryan," Chris said, helping Laura put pressure to the wound.
"No, no I'm dying, wheres Dylan"
Chris shook his head, putting more pressure to the wound. "Your not dying Ryan"
Ryan's looked up at Chris, tears rolling out of his eyes, "please" Ryan said out of breath
Dylan stood beside Kaitlyn and Jacob, noth of hem holding him back at Chris request.
"Your not dying ryan" Chris repeated, he sounded annoyed.
Ryan felt his vision bump in and out, a wave of nausea hit him, making him throw up. He couldn't talk anymore, he couldn't move, he like death.
He was dying.
A ringing sound played through Chris's ears as he felt Ryan's body go limp, his pulse slowing down to a stop.
He started doing cpr quickly, feeling his ribs break underneath him, "Wake up" Chris screamed, "wake up" he sobbed slowing down the cpr.
Dylan collapsed to the ground despite Kaitlyn and Jacob trying to hold him up. He couldn't feel anything, he could only see Ryan's body.
He broke out of their grips and ran over to Ryan, skinning his knees in the processes. "Ryan, ryan" he said normally.
"Wake up" he said, "fuck," he whispered.
Dylan woke up 4 days later, surrounded by friends,but not Ryan.
And that's all that mattered to him.
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
This man is so thankful and surprised for the recognition he is getting thanks to The Quarry, that we don't realize how great actors are getting old and some of them never get the love they deserved.
In december there is a great thing called The Game Awards streamed live on youtube as every year and I hope Ted Raimi and the game itself will get some nominations.
Last year won 'the best performance' Maggie Robertson for Lady D from Resident Evil 8
..soo I'm manifesting it for Ted now✨🤞🤞
The nominations will be up probably in November so keep your fan pages active I will update 😁
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
Summary: Ryan and Dylan thought they were sneaky, when they'd slip away to the radio hut or boat shack or when they'd bicker infront of their friends and pretend not to care afterwards. Over all they were sure they were safe from anyone finding out.
Notes: I like Chris and I do not believe he'd be homophobic but for the plot he is.
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Ryan looked out the window of the radio hut, "no one is going to show up dude, it's 10pm they are all asleep," Dylan said placing a hand on Ryan's shoulder, moving it slowly down to his waist.
"Chris isn't asleep yet, I'm sorry, I'm just nervous," Ryan defended himself softly
Dylan pulled him back closer to him, leaning down to plant a few kisses down his neck.
Ryan's breath hitched, he backed up so he was pressed against dylans hard.
Dylan giggled and turned Ryan around so he was facing him, "your really pretty you know," Dylan said softly.
Ryan looked away, nervously laughing, he looked back up at Dylan and connected their lips roughly.
They moved in sync, grinding against each other hard, dylans hands traveled around Ryan's body, grabbing at his ass on the way down.
Dylan started undoing Ryan's button up shirt, revealing his chest to the other, Dylans hands traveled around, exploring his back and abs.
Everything was going smoothly, until the door open roughly.
"Why in the name of God are you up-" Chris stopped in his tracks, switching the light on to get a better view.
By this time Kaitlyn and Jacob were watching from the stairs, Emma, nick, and abi weren't far behind.
"What the fuck" Chris said, "no, no I don't even want to- Ryan do you know how much I sacrificed for you?" Chris slammed his fist on the door, rubbing his face. "This is disgusting Ryan, your not gay man" he said trying to sound more friendly.
He turned to see the other councilors, all looked just as shocked.
Dylan could feel his chest start pounding, his hands were shaking by his side. Ryan was buttoning up his shirt fast, listening intensely to what Chris was saying.
"I'm sorry Chris, I'm sorry" he repeated grabbing his things from the table next to Dylan.
Dylans heart broke, he was upset that ryan was getting yelled at instead of him, but he was also upset that ryan seemed so scared.
"Come on," Chris said grabbing Ryan's shoulder, they walked up the stairs to the office, Chris ignored the other councilors, not bothering to waste his breath.
"Are you okay?" Nick said running over to dylan, who was still frozen in place.
"I don't even know what's going on" Dylan said honestly
Kaitlyn rushed over with Jacob, both helping Dylan back to bed.
They spent most the night listening to muffled aurgments through the wall. Dylan spent most the night crying.
"God damnit, are you high? Or are you really a fag?" Chris shouted angerly, "this makes no sense Ryan what about your passed girlfriends?"
"I don't know Chris, I don't know, I never felt this way with then, I-"
"S-stop that's gross no, okay, I'm going to contact your grandparents" Chris said searching for his phone book
"No, Chris please don't tell them, pleaee"
"Ryan," he huffed, "I won't tell them but your going to go home for the rest of the summer, okay? Maybe next year you'll be better off.. mentally"
That begone to pour out of Ryan's eyes, broken sobbs were heard over the camp.
By the morning Ryan had his stuff packed and he was patiently waiting for his grandfather to pick him up.
He felt arms wrap around his chest making him jump, "Dylan? Stop what if-"
"Kaitlyn and Jacob are distracting him and Nick will call when your grandfather pulls up, for now I just want to kiss you" Dylan whispered, hilding up the walkie talkie, ryan could hear the tiredness laced in his words.
Ryan didn't hesitate to turn around and crash his lips to dylans, they then hugged until Nick called.
"Here" Ryan said handing Dylan a peice a paper, "when you get your phone back call me first thing" Ryan laughed
Dylan smiled through the tears, stepping away from Ryan. "See yeah" he laughed sadly
"See yeah" Ryan replied quietly, turning towards the car coming down the road.
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
Miles saying all Canadians are beautiful in the stream made my day🥺❤️
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
First argument
Summary: Ryan and Dylan were going out for awhile now and everything has been perfect. Until everyone from hacketts quarry hang out again and someone gets jealous.
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Ryan and Dylan drive down the dirt rode, they talked about the past and how they were kind of nervous returning.
"Look, it looks like we are the last to arrive," Dylan groaned dramatically
"And who's fault is it that we are late" Ryan returned, both of them had been sleep deprived and cranky for days, neither really wanted to return to the werewolves infestation woods but Emma and Kaitlyn were good at convincing.
"Sorry I had to look my best," Dylan said waving his arms in the arm
Ryan stayed queit, parking the car in the only available spot.
They got out the car and walked to the others, they split way, ryan going to Laura and max and Dylan going to Kaitlyn and Jacob.
Dylan felt a sting in his chest as he looked up to see Laura and Ryan sharing a long hug. Max was smiling next to them, putting his hand on Ryan's shoulder.
"How can he be so okay with that" Dylan said queitly and mostly to himself
"Dude your still crushing on him?" Kaitlyn laughed nudging Dylan
They didn't ever make their relationship official, they just both started acting like a couple, finding peace in the others company.
"I think we are dating, well, like, we are dating," Dylan said unsure
Kaitlyn stood with her eyes wide open, Jacob, who was behind her was now jumping up and down.
"So your just being jealous," Kaitlyn laughed nudging Dylan again
"No, I don't know, leave me alone," Dylan mumbled adding a short chuckle.
He watched Ryan more, he was still with laura and max, he must've been telling them a story because his hands were all over the place.
Dylan rolled his eyes and turned away from them and made his way to Emma and Abi asking them how they've been.
Ryan spent most the day with laura and max, when he wasn't with then he was talking to Kaitlyn.
Dylan knew his thinking was delusional but he couldn't stand the thought of ryan with other people.
Eventually he watched Ryan leave max and walk towards their car, Dylan perked up and rushed over slamming the door shut before Ryan could get it.
"What are you doing?" He asked stepping back
"We need to talk," Dylan said sternly, in a voice that ryan has never heard before.
He nodded and opened the car door again sitting in the driver's seat, Dylan walked around and sat in the passenger
He took a deep breath and looked at Ryan, "what the fuck are you doing" Dylan asked angerly
"What?" Ryan asked almost laughing, "your joking right"
Dylan took another deep breath, "why are you all over Laura, again?"
"All over Laura? Again?" Ryan asked confused
"You know what I'm talking about" Dylan yelled out in frustration, ryan looked around, Kaitlyn, Nick, and Emma were staring towards the car now
"I don't" Ryan said quietly, he started shaking, he hated being yelled at and he'd never thought Dylan would yell at him
Dylan noticed and felt a ping of guilt, "look, I'm sorry for yelling, but since we've gotten here you haven't even looked at me. Kaitlyn even made a comment on how you won't even talk to your boyfriend" Dylan said softly
"That's what this is about? Because I wasn't talking to you," Ryan put his hand on dylans, "Laura and max don't know the others and wanted help to talk to you guys, I was helping then work up to it"
Dylan smiled, tearing up a bit, he felt so stupid.
"And as for not talking to you, you looked like you were having fun, you see me all the time, I figured you'd want time without me" Ryan finished looking embarrassed "I think we need to work on communicating " he laughed quietly
"Yeah," Dylan agreed, tears rolled down his cheeks, "I'm so sorry," he let out a small sob
"No, no babe" Ryan said whiping the tears from his eyes, "you didn't do anything wrong" Ryan said leaning in and kissing dylans cheek.
Dylan smiled and sniffed, pulling ryan in for a real kiss.
"Now do you want to walk over holding my hand?" Ryan said only half joking
"Yes," Dylan said taking the question seriously
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yo-momsin-mybed · 2 years
by toastery
Maybe it was wrong for Dylan to be hopeful.
Words: 1844, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Quarry (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Ryan Erzahler, Dylan Lenivy, Kaitlyn Ka, Jacob Custos, Emma Mountebank, Travis Hackett, Other’s Mentioned
Relationships: Ryan Erzahler/Dylan Lenivy
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Amputee Dylan Lenivy, Gay Dylan Lenivy, Dylan Lenivy Needs a Hug, Angst, Heavy Angst, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, I Made Myself Cry, Sorry Not Sorry, have fun guys lol
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