yogini-ri · 7 years
New Year, old Ri
My last selfie (kind of) of 2017
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My first selfie of 2018
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I read a meme this morning that went something along the lines of “put away your phone and enjoy the New Year with focus instead of snapping a ten second video that no one will remember”
So my goal was to keep my phone away and enjoy the night But I got so wasted (!) that I ended up passed out at 10p, missing the ball drop. No chance to…
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yogini-ri · 7 years
My resolution for 2018 is to make fewer resolutions in 2018
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yogini-ri · 7 years
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I’ve Updated my Patreon Account! Hi family and friends! I've recently updated my Patreon account, and would love if you could stop by and check it out. If you're interested in assisting my photography journey, click the Become a Patron button while you're there! Thank you all! Love you
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yogini-ri · 7 years
Housework & Fresh Air
I love sleeping in (we slept until 9!) I don’t love the falling behind bit.
Here’s what needs to be done today:
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(also listed, Finish dishes before bed & Wipe down all counters)
And here’s what I’ve accomplished in two hours 😉
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Along with my daily tasks, I’ll need to tackle five things off my weekly list (being sick set me back)
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and two things off my monthly list.
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Oh, and we’ll also need to get…
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yogini-ri · 7 years
Upcycled Media Stand
I have no idea where the original owner of this wire rack made their purchase. Its made it’s way through three homes before it came to me 5 years ago.
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I saw it
and thought, “I don’t have many CD’s yet, but I might someday!” (A thought process I’m still learning to outgrow.) It’s been upcycled (barely) more times than I can count. I almost gave up on it. But I have this desperate need to…
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yogini-ri · 7 years
We opened presents early 🎄😂
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It lifted all of our spirits!
(My momma is on the screen and my Beau is behind the camera 😘)
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yogini-ri · 7 years
I'm sick! Again!!
I’m sick! Again!!
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(It’s something new every week this time of year. Seriously, everything hits me. Ugh!)
Sick or not, today is the only open testing time at my college for the week.
I’d really like to stay in bed (on the couch) with a movie, tissues, lemon/honey tea and rest. I’d be exemplifying (to Arrow) that rest while sick is important! Parenting win!
If I don’t go, I’m showing her it’s okay to back…
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yogini-ri · 7 years
Accepting my role as a parent
"To be a parent is to spend the rest of my life preparing for my death."
At some point in my pregnancy, I read a passage in a book that went some thing like this: “To be a parent is to spend every day preparing your child to survive in a world in which you don’t exist.” (Recognize the quote? Please send me a reference! I can’t remember where I read it (: ) “Spending the rest of my life preparing for my death” is how I read it, and it made me angry. Fact is, though,…
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yogini-ri · 7 years
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Macaron Minimalism
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yogini-ri · 7 years
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This laundry could have been folded by now, but instead I've been trying to draft a post about how I shouldn't wait to fold this load. *facepalm*
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yogini-ri · 7 years
Love thy neighbor...
Love thy neighbor…
Even when they double park. and block your driveway.
Even when they take up the dryer with they’re handwash, while your laundry takes it’s final spin in the washer.
Even when they honk for their family in the car port instead of texting (or better yet, KNOCKING!).
Even when they smoke cigarettes in the no smoking zone. Right below your open sliding glass door.
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yogini-ri · 7 years
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Happy early mother's day, my dear friends. . . #Ivemissedyou #happymothersday #mothers #mothersinspirit #yoga #yogapractice #notyogaperfect #headstandprep #toddler #photobomb
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yogini-ri · 7 years
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Feeling the pressure. . . #momlife #collegelife #fulltimemom #fulltimestudent #yoga #yogapractice #notyogaperfect #homagetothesunpose #variation
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yogini-ri · 7 years
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And she's right back to it as soon as we're home. . . #magnatiles
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yogini-ri · 7 years
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#magnatiles are her new favorite pastime. She's been playing with these for nearly two hours! . . #totschooling #shapeidentification #matching #creativeconnections #colors #toddler #momlife
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yogini-ri · 7 years
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Sometimes I don't fit in the frame. So goes life. . . #yoga #yogapractice #notyogaperfect #pigeonpose
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yogini-ri · 7 years
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My practice has been neglected. I blame school. . . #homeworkfirst #collegelife #college #somethinghastochange #yoga #yogapractice #notyogaperfect #headstandprep
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