Brace Yourselves... #Fearless is Coming!
Brace yourselves... #Fearless is coming!
Hello wonderful people of the internet! It’s been a few weeks since I last posted, but I’m breaking the silence to tell you that #Fearless is finally in motion! I’ve solidified my theme, started putting the posts on the new site, and I’m making huge progress in tying up the necessary, but long winded, aspects of starting up a new site. I had hoped to have it open to the public by January, but my…
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Dear Diary: Hello, 2017
TGITNY: Thank God it's the new year. You, Me & Emetophobia is excited for 2017!
It’s 2017. Freaking finally, am I right? But jokes aside, I’m very excited for 2017. To be honest, the excitement I’ve felt around 2017 has been slowly building since middle of December and I’m hoping that this excitement is almost a sign of what’s to come for the new year. Beyond what I hope will be happening in this new year, there are a few things that are for sure happening that are worth…
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Dear Diary: Goodbye, 2016 - It's been good...or something?
Dear Diary: Goodbye, 2016 – It’s been good…or something?
It seems fitting that my 100th post on this site is a reflection of where I’ve come this year. I think it’s appropriate of me to say that there’s a universal sigh of relief knowing that in just one day, we can put the past 12 months behind us and begin focusing on what we hope will be a much less stressful 2017. Because I don’t think  anyone will deny that 2016 might just have been one of the…
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Dear Diary: Introducing #Fearless
Introducing the new chapter of my life, my story and my journey: #Fearless.
There comes a time in everyone’s life when change has to happen. Whether it’s for personal or professional reasons, change will rear its head without fail. What we do with that change, however, is what defines what we’re made of. Over the past couple months, my life has been flipped upside down and basically started over from the ground up. It’s been a true process of relearning everything I…
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Dear Diary: A Bump In The Road
One bad day does not mean you have a bad life. I promise.
When I was a kid, I lived in a neighborhood that had this incredible hill that my siblings and I had appropriately named “Wee Hill” for it’s ability to make us say WEEEEE! as we went over it. It was a double hill, and on the second bump, it would always make your stomach drop, like you were on a roller coaster. The first time we went over it, it was startling but it quickly became an important…
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Community Talk: The Silent Struggle
Emetophobia is a silent struggle, but Laura has found a way to break down that wall.
By Laura Ackerman Community Blogger I don’t tend to keep secrets about myself. I’m one that believes revealing our personal vulnerabilities and challenges, open us up to authentic relationships with one another. Here, I am going to tell you about a phobia I have that has impacted my entire life in so many debilitating ways. Nobody knows the true intensity of my phobia. This will be the first time…
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Dear Diary: Emetophobia's Existence
We are the reason that anxiety and fear thrives within our minds.
Why does emetophobia exist? It’s a puzzling question that I think every emet has probably taken to asking themselves at least once. Of course, it may not come in such an existential way. It might take the form a little more like… Why do I have this phobia? What did I do to deserve this? Why me? If you talk to an emetophobia sufferer they will tell you two things definitively: they want to be rid…
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Dear Diary: Healing Is Not Linear
Some days can be harder than others, but it does not mean you aren't making positive progress.
On a late night walk with my husband through our neighborhood while searching for Pokemon (Team Mystic!), I opened up to him that I was feeling a little down and frustrated. He asked why and I felt silly just saying it. I felt like with all the positive progress I had made, that I was somehow stalling and possibly starting to roll down hill. I felt like while I had conquered one major aspect of…
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Dear Diary: We're Famous! Well... Sort Of
Guys, we're famous! Well, sort of. The emetophobia community is in the news the week!
So I’ve been sitting on a secret and now I can finally tell you all about it! A couple weeks ago I was approached through my support group by a journalist looking to do a story on a recovered or almost recovered emetophobia sufferer. She posted in our support group, probably talked to a couple of us, but for some reason she decided on me. Now, the article has gone live and has already been picked…
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Dear Diary: I'm Only Human
The day you forgive yourself for past mistakes is the day you truly begin to live.
Sometimes, there are quotes, phrases or situations that don’t show their true meaning until the right moment presents itself. I’m a frequent flyer of the inspirational quotes on Pinterest, and while I have hundreds of quotes compiled on a board appropriately titled Inspirational Quotes<3, there are just some weeks those quotes are…
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Dear Diary: I've Almost Reached The Summit
Sometimes life has a funny way of testing you, like when you're going to a lavender festival.
So, if you take a look at the picture to the right, you’ll probably notice a couple things. One being that my hair is no longer purple, but rather a nice sunset purple-red-orange ombre. It’s pretty amazing. But secondly, you’ll notice that I look pretty happy, and while that might not seem like a huge deal, for that moment and that picture, it actually was. To understand why, let’s take a trip…
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Dear Diary: Confront Your Own Self
Sometimes our biggest obstacle is ourselves, and we don't even realize it until it's too late.
When I first started seeing a counselor, and even up into that first year, I made almost no true progress in overcoming my phobia and anxiety. It was a lot of finding my footing on this already uneven ground, and hoping that at some point I’d manage to either find my way to solid land or learn to walk on the broken concrete. Of course, I remember how proud I was at the end of my first year of…
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But Does It Work? Panic Googling For Anxiety
This is everything you need to know about panic googling. Really, everything!
I’ve been wanting to do an entire New York Times worthy exposé on panic googling. It’s the pandemic sweeping our anxiety riddled world and taking down the bravest people in it’s wake, and it’s time it got it’s five minutes of fame. There would be gripping story lines, tragic tales of good people losing their way in the darkest catacombs the internet has to offer. It would delve into the complex…
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Dear Diary: Learning To Love My Whole Self
Learning and applying self love and acceptance is a long road, but one I'm willing to take.
Have you ever just felt like the only appropriate way to express how you feel is to just bang your head over the keyboard and see the random string of letters, symbols and numbers pop up? Sometimes, despite my ability to speak freely and openly, I am truly at a loss for words. This is one of those times. I have literally written and deleted three or four drafts of this post, all of which have…
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Couch Chronicles: Episode 9 - Travel Tips (feat. Husband & Dog)
Ever wondered what anxious energy is? Well wonder no more & enjoy the video that came from it.
I’m beginning to think I need to do all my videos when anxious and 20 minutes before we leave for a vacation. This was a highly anticipated video from my support group on Facebook, and I hope I didn’t disappoint them. But I do plan on releasing a less humorous video, and a more educational video once I have more than 20 minutes before heading to the airport. In this week’s video I talk about the…
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