youngerbrothergunn · 6 years
My ravager pt.2
Warnings: allusion to rape
« Stay away from me! » I spit at the ravager in front of me, or rather on top of me. « Touch me and I rip your throat out. »
« Now now Y/N, you used to be a lot sweeter back in the day, why don't you calm down a bit and... well let's see what happens, huh? » Narblik smirked. His grin made you sick.
« I wouldn't do that if I were you.... » A familier voice growled from the doorway.
« Go away Kraglin, or are you here to join the fun? » he raised an eyebrow.
« You heard the lady, don't touch her. » he said firmly.
« Hahaha, I ain't scared of you. » The horrid thing licked your neck. It didn't last long because Kraglin shot him with his blaster.
As soon as the shot was fired, Kraglin was by your side pushing the dead ravager of you and helping you up.
« Y/N, are y'a ok? » he asked, his eyes full of worry.
« Yeah... yeah I'm ok... no! No I'm not ok actually. How could you? You just stood there! And then you left? » I let all my rage out. Probably not the time I know but I couldn't help it.
«  I know, and I'm sorry darlin... » you got shivers every time he called you that, being mad at him didn't seem to change that. « I didn't mean for all that to happen, for all ma friends to die... but when he looked at you that way... I couldn't take it. I wanted to kill him just for touching you. » he looked down as he said this.
« It's fine Krag, I could never stay mad at my ravager now could I? » You were still mad, but you thought if he knew that it would crush him.
« C'mon, we got a job to do. » he grinned.
You followed him down the corridor, watching him shoot some of the ravagers on the way, you saw a stray blaster on the ground near a body and decided to get in on the fun. Come a little bit closer playing in the background, one of your favorites, needless to say you felt very cool.
« Shit. » You both said looking at each other when you heard something blow up somewhere on the ship.
After finally arriving at Egos planet and fighting off the sovereign. Again. You were racing to get to the extraction point before Groot killed you all, Drax was a little in front of you, carrying an on conscious Mantis, Gamora and Nebula following.
The ship was barely 30 feet away when you felt it. The ground shake, and Ego has grabbed you all, weighed down by the rocks. « Come on guys! » you thought to yourself. « You can do it! »
That's when the rocks slid away, and you sprinted to the ship before anything else could happen, where Kraglin was waiting for you. When you jumped on, you saw Kraglin had tears down his face, you didn't have time to ask why because you were engulfed in his arms the moment he could reach you.
« Y/N I- I.... I nearly lost y'a twice today, that's not gonna happen ever again, I love y'a Y/N. Always have, please stay with me? » You saw the fear in his eyes, fear and love, it melted your heart.
« I love you to Kraglin. And I'm never leaving. » you hugged him again. Both in tears now.
« Not the time! » Gamora shouted.
« Right, yeah, okay. » Kraglin stumbled on his words heading back to his cockpit glancing at you before you were out of sight.
« Rocket were is Peter? » Gamora pleaded, you searched the desert land in front of you. Where was he?
That's when Groot pointed at the giant hole on the planet, you realised. Both you and Gamora tried to go back and find him only to be blasted by Rocket. When you came to, Kraglin was by your side, he smiled at you when you noticed you were awake.
« Finally, I knew you were a deep sleeper but come on. » you knew that voice. Peter.
« Pete! Your... your ok! » you beamed and just about jumped on your brother.
« We did it! We made it! » you smiled at everyone. But your happiness was not returned.
« What? » you were scared of the answer.
Kraglin grabbed your hand and you looked at him urgently. « What ?! »
« Yondu... he didn't make it » Rocket finally admitted.
« Wha- no... h-he... no! » you broke down to a sobbing mess, Kraglin caught you, raping his arms around you.
« He died saving me Y/N, he's a hero... » Peter told you.
You prepared your father, adoptive bit still your father, for a funeral, to your and Kraglins joy, the other ravager factions all turned up to honor him, after Rocket sent them a message telling them what he had done.
« So... » you said quietly to Kraglin, sat on his knee on the cockpit later that night, wham bam Shang à Lang playing in the background.
« You love me huh? » you smiled at your ravager. He blushed at your comment but nodded.
« M- more than anything, from the moment I... saw y'a... I thought you we... were the most beautiful thing I'd ever layed ma eyes on... » you smiled at him, leant down and kissed him. Butterflies filled your stomach.
« Finally » You both said.
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youngerbrothergunn · 6 years
My ravager pt.1
Kraglin Obfonteri imagine
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Warnings: none, SFW
Taserface was busy being bullied by Rocket, served him right. Your eyes scanned around, searching for a possible exit when you saw him. Kraglin, staring at you. A look of guilt on his face. Being Peter Quills sister (Well half sister, the result of a hook up, but your mom decided to keep you, you were also 5 years older than Peter) you grew up with Kraglin, he was one of your best friends, along with your team, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and honestly you had huge feelings for him.
Why was he betraying Yondu like this?
« And how about you pretty lady, who's side are you on? » Taserface said trailing a finger along your cheek. This made Yondu finally react.
« Don't you touch her! » he growled.
When you looked back to where Kraglin was standing moments before, all you saw was an empty space and your hope fading away...
« Get back here ya brats! » Yondu shouted after you and Peter, you had painted his yaka arrow bright pink.
« Krag! You... y'a have to hide us! » You panted between breaths and laughter.
« God, y'a know you two are gonna get me eaten? » Kraglin laughed, ushering you through a door way behind him and closing the door, with a wink.
« Where are they!? » Yondus voice boomed through the door.
« I ain't seen em sir, not since breakfast! » Kraglin so perfectly lied.
You waited for his signal and came out of your hiding spot with. « Thanks krag! » you gave him a quick peck on the cheek, then Peter grabbed your arm and started running the opposite direction that Yondu had gon. You flashed Kraglin one last smile and before he was out of sight and you thought you saw a faint blue blush appear.
*End of flashback*
Kraglins POV
« That ain't it » I said to the twig as he held up a small tin of sweets. I walked over to him, he flinched as I reached down.
« Don't worry, I'm on your side, promis » I picked him and the fin up and took them to where they were keeping the cap'n and the rat, careful so as to not wake up any of Taserfaces followers.
« I didn't mean to do a mutiny. They killed all ma friends » I apologized as I gave Yondu back his fin.
« Hold on, where's Y/N? » I suddenly realise she ain't there. Where is she, what've they done with her?
« Narblik. Took her back to his room. » Yondu looked at me knowingly.
« Damnit! » I kicked the wall behind me.
« Find Y/N, and get the 3rd quadrant ready for release. » I immediately follow Yondus order and head off to save the woman I love.
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youngerbrothergunn · 6 years
Could you do one for Kraglin from Guardians of the galaxy finding out badass ravager girlfriend used to space ballerina? I dunno, just wanted to request something silly~
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(Not my gif)
Kraglin x Reader, Gender Neutral, Fluff
Marvel Imagines Open
Word Count: 462
        “You did what?” Kraglin asked.        
       “Don’t make me say it again.”
       You and your boyfriend, Kraglin,were sitting on the couch, talking and relaxing with a couple of beers. Somehowgot on the subject of embarrassing stories and in a mixture of being in themoment and the alcohol in your system, you had told him how, before you becamea ravager, you used to be a professional ballerina. You didn’t know why you hadtold him. The second the words left your lips, you regretted it.  And now, he wouldn’t let it go.
       “But ballet?  Really?” he repeated, clearly trying to wraphis head around the concept.
       “I told you it was embarrassing,”you grumbled.
       He continued to stare at you, astrange look forming on his face.
       “How long you dance for?”
       “Five years.”
       You took another swing of yourdrink, silently hoping he would drop the subject.  He didn’t, as the look on his face finallytook form as honest curiosity.
       “What made you quit?”
       “I hurt my leg. Couldn’t land assmoothly as I used to,” you said.  Youkept your voice as casual as you could, but the old ache came back to you allthe same. Dancing had been your life and in one moment it was taken away fromyou.  The company had thrown you out byyour ear leaving you to fend for yourself. If it weren’t for the Ravagers, who knows what might had happened.
       “I don’t wanna talk about it anymore,” yousaid, leaning back against the couch and crossing your arms as a symbolic endto the conversation.
       Kraglin seemed to understand, buthe still had one more question in him.
       “Can you still dance?”
       You shrugged.  You hadn’t really had the occasion to. Thelife you led didn’t exactly smile on your kind of dancing anyway.
       “I swear if you tell I anybody whatI just said—”
       “My lips are seal darlin’,” heassured with a crooked smile.  “Personally,I think it’s kinda cool.  Explains somethings for sure.”
       You were taken aback by his wordsas you cocked your head curiously to the side.
       “What things?”
       For the first time that day,Kraglin looked embarrassed.
       “You’re just graceful is all,” hesaid.  “I haven’t seen anybody take downa room full of guards and make it look easy. Guess now I know why.  It lookedlike dancing.”
       He gave you an awkward look, hisears going a pink at the confession.  Youcouldn’t help but smile, at least a little.
       “That was almost poetic.”
       He shrugged it off, his own smilecoming back to him.
       “Don’t tell nobody.”
       You gave a small laugh, beforeleaning over and placing a kiss on his cheek.
       “My lips are sealed darlin’.”  
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