Moving Blogs
Hey everyone! As the title says I’m going to be switching @yourdanganronpaneedshere
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Moving Blogs
Hey everyone! As the title says I’m going to be switching @yourdanganronpaneedshere
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If you do plan on opening mod applications when will it be? And also Kaito and Rantaro with a s/o who's taller then them! Keep it a bit short please and love your blog so much!
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I’m now deciding to open mod apps once I’m at 100 followers since I’m guessing that the blog will be busy by then and thank you for your kind words!
Gonna put this under the cut since it kinda spoils Rantaro’s talent? Maybe it doesn’t and I’m acting like an idiot
Kaito and Rantaro with a s/o who’s taller then them!
Space Boi  Kaito Momota
-To be honest Kaito can get a little jealous at times since he wants to be the taller one in your relationship, even though your only a few cm taller,but he still loves you nonetheless!
-He loves joking around about it saying things like “so what does space look like up there? I’m Kaito Momota Luminary of the stars and I still never got to go to space yet!” “Kaito, it’s only a couple of centimeters”
-Whenever you two are cuddling Kaito loves to be the big spoon cause that’s what he wants and you were fine with that and sometimes your the big spoon just to tease him a little bit
Avacado Rantaro Amami
-This dude is chill af even if your taller then him he doesn’t seem to care too much, he loves everything about you no matter how tall you are
-When he’s in a playful mood he likes to joke around saying things like “did you find a place where I could travel next to?” You always knew it was a joke so you weren’t ever offended it cheered you up
-He loves hugging you from behind at random moments to see your reaction and holding your hand, it seems really relaxing to him
Mod Kaede~
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Ryoma with a s/o shorter then him!
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For some reason I felt extra motivated and kinda felt like writing this specific prompt,hope you enjoy! Gonna be under the cut just so it wouldn’t make this too long
-Ryoma was very used to people being taller then him, it’s basically a routine now, going outside to see people much much taller then him come back and still feel the same before he went off to wherever he was going
-But when you and Ryoma got together he was overjoyed to finally meet someone who was shorter then him, of course it was only a few cm but nonetheless he was still grateful
-If you were ever feeling exhausted from a tiring day he loves giving you piggyback rides! He just thinks your a precious bean SMALL PRECIOUS BEANS MUST STAY TOGETHER
-But at times it can be a little awkward when you two are together in public people  take the opportunity to snap a quick photo of the two of you and ask if you two were brother and sister, he never really knows what to say since it’ll just be really awkward if he just spat out the truth
-He’d clear out their accusations  and walks off like a boss with you while getting strange stares and glances by everyone else it’s not like he really gives a damn crap about that
-Even though he seems emotionless, deep down in his heart he loves you more then anyone else damn that just sounded cheesy af
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AGGGH Mod Kaede I love your writing your so precious! Can I have Kokichi's s/o who's the Ultimate Prankster?
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Thank you for those sweet words anon! And I’ll get this request done!
Kokichi’s s/o who’s the Ultimate Prankster
-When Kokichi found out that you were the Ultimate Prankster he was astonished, since when? Why did s/o not tell him earlier? That was the thoughts that he had later on
-”Really s/o? Why did you not tell me earlier? We could’ve been a great team!” His face looked like he was right about to tear up and wail so you tried to calm him down
-The two of you always like to sit down on the carpet of the living room and discuss your pranks for the day. Kokichi has ones that are almost similar to your ideas and sometimes completely they’re completely different, if they do have no similarities Kokichi definitely has ones that are bound to ruin somebody’s day
-”Hey hey! Why not replace Rantaro’s ticket to Germany with a flight aaaalll away to America!!” Kokichi beamed while waving his hands up in the air while standing up “Kokichi that’s expensive besides, when are we even going to get a ticket to America anyways?” After your explanations his face goes from really ecstatic to more of a depressed look
-”Yeah I guess your right s/o” he sat back down quickly, these events can happen but then later someone is bound to have something floating around in their minds
-”Kokichi, you know Miu’s latest invention? Why not we mess that up a little bit?” You asked and once you guys finally have something it’s about to go down!
-A lot of people see you guys as a perfect couple while other times people wanna back away from the two of you, since when you guys are together it can be hell
Mod Kaede~
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Can you please do a execution for Shuichi Saihara?
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Hey anon! Sorry but executions are currently closed for now! Your free to send this is again when it’s open!
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How would the DR2 boys react to waking up the next morning to see a bird building a nest in their hair?
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Hey anon! Sorry but I only take 6 characters per request! You can specify which boys you’d like and then I can do a separate post for the others!
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New blog! Could you do Shuichi, Fuyuhiko, Hajime, Koichi and Nagito with a foreigner S/O. Thanks!
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Coming right up! Sorry if they were a bit short!
Shuichi, Fuyuhiko, Hajime, Kokichi and Nagito with a foreigner S/O!
Shuichi Saihara
-When Shuichi found out that you were a foreigner he was really interested in your country’s history and culture 
-He asked a few questions about it and you replied with answers you think would be the most informative and maybe answer his questions with the best one
-”So is that what you guys do every year? That’s nice!” He exclaimed he sounded very invested in the topic and that made you pretty delighted 
-The next couple hours you two were talking about everything about your country trying to get him to know everything about it who knows he might read about it next
-He did learn a good few things and wanted to visit there for a holiday for some time just to get a feel on what it was like in your country
-So you two decided to book a holiday to where you live so Shuichi emo boi can take a nice break forget about his for a week, and not worry 24/7
Kokichi Oma
- To be honest Kokichi was just invested in the language and whether or not it was hot or cold, and he completely forgot that you were even a foreigner in the first place
-”Sooooooo is it hot or cold? Is it soooo hot that you might melt? And die of the scorching weather? Or is it soooo bitter cold that you can walk like a penguin and might freeze to death?” He questioned rapidly. You were happy to answer everything but Kokichi just made it sound so much more dramatic 
-And when the topic drifted over to the language you speak it was a bit of a nightmare it’s Kokichi what do you expect
-He’d ask things like “s/o how do you say ‘hello?’ or what about ‘asshole’” of course he’d ask things like that and you couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not so you answer simple things and if you do he’d mostly say “that sounds so much more like this word!” 
-Eventually the topic finally took a turn to another topic, and you were glad to know that it did knowing Kokichi
Nagito Komaeda
-Nagito was reading a book of his nice and quietly while you were just sitting beside him peeking in every now and then. Somehow it mentioned your country and you blurted out that you were from there, he laughed a little bit and carried on 
-”What a coincidence s/o! I never expected that to happen, so what is it like in your country?” After his question you explained some interesting things to not bore him since you two are not in a history lesson 
-After some time of you explaining he seemed to be pretty interested in reading his book again “s/o I really am lucky to be with someone like you of unique culture” He added in 
-You two thought of going there for a week but you never know that the plane could crash and you ended up on a completely different place opposite of where you were originally heading to
-Who knows maybe there wouldn’t be such bad dreadful during the plane ride but when they arrive like maybe forgetting a document or maybe landing at the wrong place
Hajime Hinata
-The time Hajime found out that you were a foreigner was when you were talking on the phone in a completely different language he raised an eyebrow in confusion and when you were finished with your long call he asked what language were you speaking and  you replied calmly saying that it’s your home language {insert language name here}
-You were a foreigner? He didn’t know that and was pretty curious on why you didn’t say anything earlier he shrugged that thought off and wanted to learn the language a little bit
-”S/o do you mind teaching me your language? I’m pretty interested in learning it” you happily accepted his request really excited to teach him the basics
-”So it’s like this {insert language word here}” he tilted his head a little bit and once he blurted it out you couldn’t help but giggle “so it’s {insert wrong way to say the word here}?” You said it again but couldn’t help but let your laughs out since his attempts were just hilarious, and you could hear him mutter under his breath “dammit!” 
-It was a pretty fun  time of you laughing so much of Hajime’s failed attempts and sometimes he’d do the same, depending on how much you’ve laughed he’d probably only do it to hide off his embarrassment 
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
-You and Fuyuhiko were in his bedroom playing a game, you told him that you were a foreigner and asked him to attempt to guess what county it was, of course when he first heard that idea he just went “tch” but when he saw how much you wanted to do it he couldn’t say no
-After awhile of him saying out countries that first came at  top of his head he eventually said out yours and you happily exclaimed that he was correct and he immediately asked about the food there
-Knowing Fuyuhiko you turned away from him to hide your laughs, he’s probably trying to get the conversation into the candy they have over at where you live
-”H - hey! It was just a question dumba**!  I’m just curious that’s all! I - I hate sweets so shut the f**k up!” He said all of that while blushing so you could tell he’s in tsundere mode
-It was just adorable seeing him asking about candy over there, since he tries to pull off this tough demeanour 
-He eventually asked if maybe you could go get the baked goods if you ever had a chance, since he’s really interested in trying them out, of course a lot of cursing and a bit of stuttering was in the process and you joked around and denied it just to see his reaction 
-But of course your not a bad girlfriend so you did it anyway 
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Any plans for more mods?
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I am planning for more mods to come to the blog! I just wanna get used to running it myself and at the moment the blog isn’t too busy so when it is I probably will open them up on August 
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Ohhh, I feel blessed with all of these new Danganronpa blogs opening up. Welcome Mod Kaede, I hope you enjoy this all you and are happy! Hm I would like to do a request of an upset S/O, who just came home crying after there was a massive family argument and seeking comfort from Nagito, Hajime, Fuyuhiko, Shuichi and Koichi. Filled with fluff please, apologies on how big this is. Thank you!
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Thank you for your kind words! And don’t worry about it being too specific! The more details the better! This took some time so I apologize for taking awhile!
I think I went a little overboard with Fuyuhiko’s sorry about that!
Nagito,Hajime, Fuyuhiko, Shuichi and Kokichi with a s/o that’s upset after a family argument!
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu  Baby gangsta
-Fuyuhiko was just laying down on the couch in the living room watching some yakuza movies while waiting for you to come back from your family’s home. You told him that’d wouldn’t be long and that you’ll come back in an hour or two
-While he was watching the film he heard the door creak open very slowly and once he heard your footsteps he looked up at you “yo how was the f**king din-” he stopped right before he was gonna finish his sentence to see  tears rolling down your cheeks while hearing your heavy breathing 
-”What the f**k is wrong? Why are you f**king crying?” He ran over to you and shook your shoulders while keep on asking the same question while hearing him cursing  and asking desperately trying to get you to speak up
-”I - I  ha -ha -had  a  rea - really b- bad fight with  m - m -  my  famil- family”  
-You finally spilled out the whole story, not very clearly since you were stuttering and sobbing so much 
-Once he’d finally heard those words he gave you a big hug why the f**k is baby gangsta hugging me
-”Tch, you should’ve f**king told me sooner, I can understand how you f**king feel, my parents used to fight 24/7 and it always did make me feel like a piece of sh*t” you smiled a bit knowing that he can understand how you feel
-You returned his hug and Fuyuhiko led you over to the couch and kissed you on the forehead 
- He thought of putting on a movie of your choice while watching it you two were cuddling while he was comforting  you 
-”Don’t give a damn sh*t of them right now, you should probably calm down first and maybe tomorrow you can go sort this sh*t up because I can’t handle seeing you like this” and gave another kiss on your cheek
-You felt so much better after that and happy that you were lucky enough to have somebody like Fuyuhiko 
-When the movie was almost half finished you dozed down and Fuyuhiko held your hand and put you on his bed
Nagito Komaeda  bagel boi
-Nagito was just reading one of his books while waiting for you to come back home from your family’s place
-He heard the door open up and he looked up with an excited look on his face ready to ask you about your day
-When he saw you make your entrance he wasn’t greeted with his hope filled s/o but his s/o with tears flowing down her eyes, her hands trembling and hearing her sobs he closed his book and walked over to you
-”My dear s/o, what’s the matter? What made you filled with so much despair?”
-”F- fam -family  f - f -f -fight” you cried as you tried to stop tears from flowing down your cheeks
-You stuttered so much and when you  finally got your words out, and before you knew it bagel boi   Nagito brought you into a tight hug 
-Really he didn’t know what to do, he was panicking on the inside 
-He asked you to sit on his couch while he went to go get some blankets for you
-When he came back he offered to go ahead and spread some fluffy blankets on top of you and he sat beside you and red a bit of his book to you while you were laying down on his shoulder
-When he heard your cute snore he giggled a bit and kissed your forehead
-”I love you”
Hajimeme Hajime
-Hajime was just upstairs in his bedroom doing nothing in particular but just waiting patiently for you to come home 
-He heard the door open up he got of his bed to go see you until he heard your voice, it wasn’t a very pleasant way you sounded, it sounded like you were crying? 
-He rushed downstairs to see you looking down shaking and covering your face with your hands
-” A- are you ok s/o?:”
-The words were much too difficult to form out you said random gibberish and kept stuttering and Hajime kinda shaped out what you were trying to say
-Once he’d finally got the idea he quietly muttered “dammit!” while trying to think of what to say next to try make you feel better 
-”S/o don’t worry it’s gonna be ok, they’re your family I’m sure that you’re gonna be able to figure it out!” He had an unsure smile on his face and quickly looked down 
-He whipped your tears with his hands and give you a hopeful smile, trying to lighten up the mood a little and it worked a little, you returned a smile and that made him sigh in relief 
-You both went upstairs to his room and you quickly went over to lay  down on his bed 
-He put his hand behind his neck and followed you over 
-You both talked about the problem for an hour and then the conversation changed into a light happy one
-It was nice to have talk with him every now in awhile 
-”Please don’t be upset like that again s/o it r - really made me heartbroken” he said that with a little sweat coming from his forehead to his cheek
-You rolled over to him and giggled a little bit “I promise I won’t!” And kissed him on the forehead
-Now he’s a blushing mess
-Help him
Emo Boi Shuichi
-Shuichi was up in his office trying to figure out the culprit of a murder case
-Everything was normal except you weren’t there helping him out, instead you were over at your family’s home
-It was really late until he heard the keys clanging together and hearing the door open up 
-”Shuichi? W- where are y -you?” Was that the sound of… sniffling?
-”In m- my office s/o!” the sound of nervousness was in his voice
-He started to think about it as he tried to write on the piece of paper his hand was vibrating trying to form out the words with the ink of his pen but instead he formed random scribbles
-The door to his office was already opened so you just walked in exposing your entire face to him
-Red eyes,shivering hands and salty drops flowing down your eyes one after the other 
-Shuichi being really concerned dropped his pen and rushed over to you “s/o whats wrong? Why are you crying? What happened?” Question after question you tried to tell him everything but it’s like you forgot how to speak
-”A r - really bad fight br- broke out between m - me and my *hic* f - famil -family” 
-The tone in your voice obviously put everything into place being understanding Shuichi nodded his head gave you a hug “it’ll be ok s/o, let’s calm you down before we try to figure out a solution” he comforted while gently patting your back
-He offered you to sit down on his chair while he stood up looking down in a focused look
-”S/o why not solve it tomorrow? They obviously s - should calm down too it’ll make the problem alot easier, wanna help me solve this case? Of course you d- don’t have to it’s just an offer!” He asked, you could tell he’s unsure with his idea by seeing a little sweat coming down to his cheek and fiddling with his hands
-You nodded in agreement and he went off to  go get a second chair 
-For the next few hours you two were solving the case and you did point out a good few clues to maybe help him find out who the killer is 
-You sounded so cheerful again and that brought a smile to his face relieved that his s/o is feeling better
-When he was just about to finish up you have him a kiss on the cheek.
-A blush blossomed on his face and that made you giggle a bit
-You completely forgot that you were upset in the first place!
 Panta Child Kokichi
-Kokichi was chilling on the couch drinking his panta as always, he was trying to think up some good pranks to pull off on his s/o something she has never encountered before
-He heard the knock on the door, Kokichi stole your keys before you left so it was a joy to hear that
-As he skipped to the door very slowly he eventually made it and opened the door 
-”Hey s/o! How is everything! Where are your keys why did you knock?” He said with a happy  expression without taking a look at your face, puffy eyes,runny nose and tears streaming down to your chin
- When he did notice his reaction was alot different it’s Kokichi what do you expect “hey s/o what’s wrong? What’s wrong what’s wrong? Hey hey!” He seemed to be pretty excited? Who knows it’s Kokichi
-”I -I had a m- massive family argument..” your words were sloppy and nobody could really understand what you were saying without having to repeat the sentence a few times
-When you sobbed out the words Kokichi started crying even more then you did! ”I’ll get my secret organization to pull of a brutal prank!” Kokichi wailed, this was an interesting turn of events
-He skipped back to the couch to go get a panta bottle for you and himself “if you ever need my help just call me! I’ll give them what they deserve!” Of course that’s not gonna make anything better but you couldn’t hold back your giggles
-The two of you were just cuddling on the couch while Kokichi was talking about ways to get revenge “Kokichi, that’s not gonna fix anything! Or make anything better!” You gave him a light  punch on his arm
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Wow! A new imagine blog! Since I'd like to see your writing could I maybe have Nagito with the Ultimate unlucky student?
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I actually had so much fun doing this! Nagito is my favorite character in the franchise so I really enjoyed doing this!
Nagito with a s/o who’s the Ultimate Unlucky Student!
-To be honest after when you and Nagito got into a relationship. he always thought that it was his luck that made you like this
-When your relationship was beginning to blossom your bad luck moments  were simple things like dropping something, banging your head or forgetting something like your phone. He pretty much shrugged it off since it wasn’t as bad.
-If he did ask if it was his responsibility for this mess, you kept denying it by making minor excuses like “oh don’t worry about me, I’m just really clumsy you don’t have to worry!” Or “I’m just super forgetful! It’s not your doing!”
-But once your bad luck seriously got in the way, Nagito began to really think that he was the one responsible for your dreadful luck, so he’s tried his best to make sure that there wasn’t any situations where bad luck could strike 
-”S/o I told you that you shouldn’t have been with someone like me! Look at the amount of bad luck I’m giving you, I can’t understand why you love trash like me”
-After some time in your relationship you thought that it’s probably a good idea to tell him why it was like this or else the self hate isn’t gonna get better whats so ever
-Once you finally told him he looked up at you with a blank expression, you couldn’t tell if he was surprised or any other emotion.
-It’s gonna clear things up so he’d not blame himself for everything that’s happening to your life and maybe be a little more trusting of each other, you didn’t want him to worry anymore so you finally told him that your bad luck was the cause of this and it was a problem that Nagito wasn’t responsible of
-”Oh s/o I always thought it was my trashy luck that was giving you so much despair! I would’ve been much more considerate if you had told me earlier!”
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Hey everyone! I’m mod Kaede! And I’ll be taking care of this imagines blog! 
I take 5 characters per request!
What I can write for
Danganronpa v3
Danganronpa 2
The boys and girls
What I don’t write for
Smut (In I future I might get some mods to do this specific genre)
Himiko or Korekiyo (This may change in the future)
Dr1  (This may change in the future)
Mental illnesses (don’t wanna trigger anyone)
Eating disorders
Anything related to cutting
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