I’ve been holding back from posting anything during the stream because I never feel like anything I post is good enough, but as Mark and Ethan have tried to remind us, you can’t just sit around and wait for things to happen. You have to take chances.
Thank you to Mark, Ethan, Amy, Evan, and everyone who has made this channel so special over the past year. Unus Annus has brought me so much joy.
Depite this, I have to admit, the message of this channel has been hard for me to take. I’ve been struggling with mental health the past year, and I’ve felt that I haven’t been living life to the fullest like they’ve told us.
But it has also helped me realize how important it is to fight for myself. This year, I’ve taken steps towards healing that I never thought I’d be able to make because they helped me see that there’s so much more to live for.
So thank you Unus Annus. While I’m going through a difficult time now, the passion and creativity put into this project is pushing me towards bettering myself.
I know I will still be able to see all of you after this is over, but the channel will still be missed. So goodbye, Unus Annus. Thank you for being in my life. Memento Mori. Unus Annus.
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Hey there everyone! I’ve recently taught myself some new graphic art techniques, so I decided to remake my Spyro Jack piece from awhile back! It’s still the same characters: Jack as Spyro, Sam as Sparx, Mark as Shelia, and Felix as Hunter, but I wanted to test out my new skills! And with all the hype around the Reignited Trilogy coming out, I figured this was a good time :P
Hope you like it @therealjacksepticeye! I had a lot of fun remaking this! I loved your Spyro 3 play through, and would totally watch if you played some of the Reignited Trilogy ;)
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I went to see @therealjacksepticeye‘s “How Did We Get Here?” tour in DC yesterday! Excuse the late post, but I live about 2 hours away from DC and hit major traffic on the way home. I didn’t get back until like 1 in the morning haha! But as far as the show itself, it was really neat! I was really hoping to personally meet Jack, and was honestly really bummed after the show. But once I realized I was being silly, the message of the show really sank in. No, I didn’t get to meet one of the coolest people in the world yesterday, but I still had a once in a life time experience, and I’m very fortunate in that regard. Not only was the show funny, but it was also incredibly heartwarming and inspiring.You did a great job, Jack! I’m glad I got to see you, even if it wasn’t in person! I even saw some people I met here on Tumblr! It was so nice meeting you guys!
Oh, I also left you some prints of my fan art at the merch booth. I hope they found they’re way to you!
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Long time no see Tumblr! School’s been crazy lately, but I’m taking a beginner’s animation class this semester. Our latest assignment was lip syncing, which resulted in this glorious mess. We were allowed to pick any audio clip we wanted, so I went with Bob’s island bit from “ 5 THINGS w/ Bob, Jack, Ethan, Wade, Tyler” on Mark’s channel! (I kinda went overboard since our minimum time for our clip was 5 seconds and this is 17, but whatever). Out of everything I’ve made so far, this is one of the few things that I’m actually proud of, so I hope you guys like it!
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Markiplier's Tour!
So I literally just got home from Mark's show in Upper Darby, PA at the Tower Theater and holy crap, I had so much fun! My mom and I actually drove 3 hours from VA just to go to the show, and once I heard Mark say this would be the last bit of tours for awhile, I was so glad I made the decision to go. The show was hilarious, and I doubt I'll ever forget parts like Mark kicking Ethan in the face or Bob's "silent blanket" bit. The only problem I had was that it ended way too soon, I honestly could've sat there all night just and watch the 5 of them act like goofballs. And everything they said at the end was so heartwarming to hear, you all just seem like the nicest people. I wish I could've met you guys while I was there, and I'm kinda sad I didn't get to. I mean I was willing to go on stage to meet you guys, and this is coming from someone with such crippling social anxiety that talking in front of a group of just a few people ends up being scary. But hopefully if/when you tour again, you'll come around VA and I can see the show for a second time and finally get to meet you! So thanks so much for the awesome time guys! You really put on a great show!
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(P.S. My mom wanted to you to know that she thought you all were very funny and good actors. She thought that some of the improv bits were good enough to be scripted and that you did an excellent job setting up the show. So as someone who isn't a fan of any of your channels, she also had an awesome time)
(P.S.S. My mom also thinks Mark is smol)
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I’m so glad @therealjacksepticeye is playing Slime Rancher again! I like this game way too much, to the point where I’ve wasted over 60 hrs of my life playing it. Is that bad? Probably. But anyway, I’ve had this sketch lying around ever since Jack’s original playthrough and thought this would be the perfect time to finish it up! Hope you like it dude!
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Petition for Dadiplier and Dadsepticeye Dream Daddy DLC! Features may include but are not limited to: Mascot kiddins, voice acting, and terrible dad jokes (And possibly Chica the pupper if the budget allows).
I tried to mimic the game’s style as closely as possible, but GAAAAAAH the art is just too good and people are so hard to draw. I mean what even are hands? Or arms!? At least I didn’t have to bring feet into this hot mess :P
Hope you like it @markiplier and @therealjacksepticeye! I’ve been loving both of your playthroughs! 
Edit: Shiiiiiiiiit I forgot Jack’s tattoo and my signature I’m such a goober
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So, uh… @therealjacksepticeye… Mark just recently sold his pajama pants and everything, and you’ve been asking what people want to see in the merch store… you know, just saying… not like I’m trying to imply anything *wink wonk*
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So I had been seeing all of these drawings of @markiplier with a big blue bear and was very confused. Naturally, I had to do some investigating because SOMEBODY  *glares at Mark*  didn’t tell anyone he did something as awesome as voice acting for Cartoon Network. I mean seriously, that’s like the coolest thing ever. 
I eventually found out the show he voice acted for is called Villainous and I thought it was super cool! So I decided to draw some fanart of Mark as his character 5.0.5, Tyler as Black Hat, Ethan as Dr. Flug, and Amy as Demencia! (I’m sorry Kat, but I ran out of characters!)
I honestly think this would make an awesome full length show and would love to see that happen. Maybe then Mark could get more lines than just making random bear noises! XD
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@therealjacksepticeye I drew a Saaaaam! 
There’s 3 things I find adorable on child characters: Missing teeth, over-sized clothes, and freckles, so of course I had to draw them on my little human Sammy. 
Jack loves his smol eyeball monster, but isn’t always the best influence. Watch your mouth mister, there is a child present!
I meant to finish this yesterday to commemorate Jack’s move, but I couldn’t finish it in time. But regardless, congrats on the move Jack! Hope you’re loving your new place!
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So, uh...I did a thing. Our final project for my computer graphics class was to take an actual online article and make a fake magazine page type thing from it. We were allowed to pick any article we wanted as long as it wasn’t in a physical magazine, and I obviously would’ve been doing the world a disservice if I didn’t pick the beautifully written “Does Bruno Mars is Gay?” article that the Game Grumps read. And to make it seem even more like those magazines who print fake stuff about celebrities, I even threw in something about Septiplier XD (Please don’t be mad at me guys, it was just for the lolz.) Enjoy everyone!
Edit: I made the Septiplier thing down in the corner bigger for turn in because I thought it would negatively affect my grade if I left it small
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As promised, here’s my Darkiplier sketch and thoughts on him! I know Mark has basically already stated what Dark is actually like, but I’ve had these ideas floating around in my head for awhile, and they actually line-up pretty well with what Mark has said. 
I see Darkiplier as being a demon, but more of a demon in the Supernatural sense. Like the demons from the show, Dark is very persuasive, manipulative, and isn’t above lying to get what he wants. Also like the demons from Supernatural, he doesn’t really have a physical form (If you’ve ever seen the show you know that when demons aren’t possessing someone, they just appear as a big cloud of black smoke), which is why he’s asking us to let him in. He needs a host body in order to reach full power. He can, however, make us see whatever he wants us to see at any time, explaining why he often takes on the appearance of Mark, someone we trust.
Like Mark has already said, Dark is incredibly jealous of Mark and wants the power and attention he holds. So why doesn’t he just trick Mark into thinking he’s someone else? Because Mark knows all of his tricks, he’s had to deal with Dark for a long time. When Mark started talking about his nightmares while playing FNAC, it got me thinking that was all Dark’s doing and has probably been following and toying with him for years. Mark’s gotten used to this, he’s not fooled by Dark anymore, which is why Dark targets us. We’re oblivious to his tricks, making us easy targets to possess and, by extension, create an avenue to get to Mark that he may not see coming. All he wants is for Mark to let him in, and he won’t stop until that happens.
Wow that was long, sorry about that! But I hope you guys enjoy!
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Yooooooo! I drew me some Antisepticeye! I’ve also had some ideas floating around, so I figured I’d share. Before I get into headcanons, though, I want to clear up a couple things. 
1. I’m sorry this isn’t colored, but I’m genuinely not fond of coloring my work. Plus I thought this would look best as a sketch.
2. People aren’t my thing, so please forgive! When I do draw people, they end up incredibly cartoony. This is about the best I can do haha!
Anyway, headcanons! I don’t know how I thought of this, but I randomly came up with the idea of Sam being this sort of demonic parasite. I really liked the idea, so I ran with it. So basically Sam is a species of demon that takes over its host by burrowing through the eye socket while the host is sleeping, eventually replacing the host’s eye. The signs of being “infected” are very subtle at first, often appearing as a simple eye infection. Taking over the host body is then a very slow process, with any symptoms possibly laying dormant for years. Once the host is completely taken over, however, it’s no longer necessary to keep them alive (which is why Anti was able to slit Jack’s throat). The host will also slowly begin to take on demonic characteristics, hence Jack’s pointy ears, fangs, and claws.
So there you have it! I had a lot of fun coming up with all of this, so I hope you guys like it! Enjoy!
And don’t worry, Darkiplier’s coming soon!
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I can’t be the only one who thinks of this when they play games together, right?
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So I’m taking a computer graphics class...
and today as an exercise the teacher had us create little wallpaper-type patterns in Illustrator. And me being the complete nerd that I am, decided to make ones that were @markiplier and @therealjacksepticeye related. These were so much fun to make! We were actually only supposed to take a few minutes on these since they were warm-ups, but I went all out and had no time to work on my actual project :P But I regret nothing! I know they’re not that special, but feel free to use these if you’d like! Credit would be appreciated, and please let me know if you use them! I’d love to see!
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I also made one with flies and poop. Because who doesn’t like poop? Poop is hilarious.
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Edit: Uploaded higher quality versions actually exported through Illustrator because apparently exporting Illustrator files through Gimp makes everything look terrible.
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It’s garbage day
Welcome one and all to the beginning of my glorious trash blog. This is certainly a momentous occasion, so what better way to celebrate trash than by posting trash. So without further ado, I give to you shitty ms paint drawings I made in class instead of actually doing my work.  
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@markiplier @therealjacksepticeye
Am I cool yet guys?
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