yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
Manga is totally literature, I say this bc of Doki Doki Literature Club
This is exactly the answer I was expecting to get, thank you very much anon.
Actually, I asked my teacher and she said that it is indeed literature, so I guess Natsuki was right after all.
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
Now that you write for Tsugumi, can I get headcanons of her and a shy/quiet Ultimate Bookworm s/o? If it's not too much to ask for. Thanks! ^^
Tsumugi with a shy/quiet Ultimate Bookworm S/O
The first time I saw Tsumugi I thought "yeah pretty sure she's a bookworm". And that was my first Tsumugi headcanon. I still believe she is one.
Is manga a form of literature? Discuss.
The reader is g/n.
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—Mod Korekiyo.
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—Tsumugi and you got along pretty well since the start. She's not exactly shy or an introvert, but she isn't a loud or energetic person either, so she was perfectly fine when it came to talking to you (and carrying the conversations). The other thing she liked about you was your ultimate talent: Tsugumi likes literature as well, and that's why she approached you in the first place.
—Maybe she likes manga more than any other kind of literature, but we won't talk about that.
—She often asks you to recommend her things to read, as long as it's fiction. Her favorite part is discussing the book with you, talking about the characters, the ending or maybe that unexpected plot twist that left both of you speechless. She knows you don't really talk much, but she believes that talking about your favorite books is something you might enjoy.
—She might get very passionate when she's talking. Only if she really liked the book.
—Dates in the library are a yes. A place where both of you can read in silence without the need to go for something more "fancy" or "romantic". You two aren't a loud couple so that won't be a problem. She doesn't mind you just speaking a couple of times or not speaking at all while you're there.
—Don't forget that she's the Ultimate Cosplayer. She must cosplay one of your favorite characters or else she won't die in peace.
—Tsumugi would love it if you cosplayed with her as the main couple of one of your books. You don't have to, but if you ever decide to do it, she might get a heart attack: you look way too perfect cosplaying.
—You blushing when she kisses you or getting all flustered when she takes your hand? She loves it. She's not much of a teaser but sometimes she does those kind of things only to see your reactions.
—Pros of having a shy partner (aka you).
—She knows very well most of the authors, series and genres you like, something that ends up being handy when she wants to gift you a book.
—Reading in the same room is something you two do very often. The comforting silence and your presence are enough to make her smile as she reads.
—For Tsumugi, there's only one thing better than that: reading together while you're cuddling. She can be the one holding you or she can let you hold her, that doesn't really matter to her. As long as she's able to hold your hand, give you little kisses from time to time and of course read, nothing else matters to her.
—One time she asked you if you liked to read manga, out of curiosity, but deep inside she was hoping you did since she knows more of manga than books. That was probably the first time you saw her blushing when she was talking to you.
—If you do read manga, you should better prepare yourself. You had never seen your girlfriend so excited before.
—If you don't, she'll giggle and try to make you try it out, but of course she won't keep persisting if you don't like it.
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
hii!!! can you do a byakuya x fem!reader who has just the most chronic anxiety ever? like weather anxiety, social anxiety, health anxiety, paranoia, like everything basically. just imagine the worst anxiety possible and multiply it by 10. thanks!!! :)
Byakuya with an extremely anxious Fem! S/O
I hope this is okay because I'm not sure if the reader was anxious enough, honestly– But besides that, thanks for your request anon! I don't know what else to say so here goes my random thought of the day:
I started to play DDLC (woah, someone playing DDLC in 2022?) and I. I can't. I fell for Yuri. MC and Yuri read a book together and I already fell for her I swear my heart melted. Pretty sure I'm gonna regret it in the future. (I didn't even know reading books together was a thing?)
The reader is female.
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—Mod Korekiyo.
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—Byakuya can't understand how someone is able to be anxious about... pretty much everything. He didn't really care when he first met you; he was even annoyed when your words wouldn't come out of your mouth.
—He quickly realized that your problem was worse than that, and it made him feel... more annoyed, if that was possible. Your first interactions with him weren't exactly the best.
—"Talk about an odd girl... Not even Fukawa can get that anxious..." he said to himself once, making sure you didn't hear him, for some reason.
—After somehow starting dating, he's still... him. The only difference is that he is already used to you being worried or anxious most of the time.
—Don't take him wrong. Togami does care about his girlfriend, more than he would ever care for anyone else. He simply doesn't show it often, or at least, he just doesn't admit it. If you ever need him for something you can be sure he'll be there for you.
—When it comes to meeting new people or just social interactions in general he won't mind talking in your place. Well, maybe a bit. He isn't the most social person either, and even if it's for two completely different reasons, he understands the feeling of not wanting to be around people. That's why he makes sure to take you to quiet, lonely places when you go out together.
—Not the best with words, but that doesn't mean he won't try to calm you down if you're having a panick attack or being more paranoid than usual.
—"Hey, calm down, you heard me? Nothing's going to happen, so don't think too much about it. There's no reason to be worried, Y/n."
—Sometimes he regrets his own words since he isn't that... careful when it comes to comforting others.
—If you have some kind of fidget or something similar that calms you down, he silently takes it with him whenever you two go out and gives it to you if your anxiety gets really bad.
—He's also going to buy more fidgets for you. A lot more. As many as you need and even more. What did you expect from the Ultimate Affluent Progeny?
—He's not the clingiest person (and not a clingy person in general), but he may offer some cuddles after a stressing day once you two are alone.
—"If it makes you feel better... we can cuddle, I suppose..."
—"...But don't get used to it."
—He'll firmly hold you to give you a sense of security, maybe even play with your hair without realizing it after a few minutes.
—Don't mention it or else he'll stop.
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
- anon who requested the leon and sayaka hcs
SHHSHSGJF TYSM ANON<3 That made me smile ngl, I'm happy to see that you liked it!
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(Me rn, again)
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
I am the anon from the imposter yandere headcanons - i just wanted to thank you, i enjoyed it a lot
I'm glad to hear that you liked it, anon! It makes me really happy hsjshshsh–
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(Me rn)
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
Hey there ! Could I request some fluff hcs for Leon and Sayaka (poly) ? Thank you ^_^
Leon and Sayaka fluff HCS (poly)
Unpopular opinion but Leon×Sayaka deserves more attention. This was one of my favourite requests so far, thanks anon! (This may be OOC because what's canon anyway? /hj).
Off-topic, but I decided to try out this weird thing called "studying" and dude, it kinda works. So yeah, requests are gonna take a while from now on. Probably until a few weeks, at least.
Off-topic 2, Nico di Angelo is the definition of gender envy.
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—Mod Korekiyo.
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—Leon was the most hesitant one at first, even if he tried to hide it with a smile and some jokes. He knew very well that he loved you both, but he wasn't sure if a relationship between the three of you would work.
—Spoiler: it did.
—As for the Ultimate Pop Sensation, she didn't have as many doubts as Leon. She was simply happy to be with the two persons she loved the most.
—When you guys are walking together, she makes sure to be between you two so she can hold your hands. No questions asked. She won't let you go, not even if one of you wants to be in the middle too.
—"Can we switch places n‐"
—They both love PDA, so you're not safe from getting kisses and hugs in public. For Leon, it's also a way to show his partners off and how much he loves you. Sayaka, being used to people looking at her due to her popularity, doesn't really mind the curious looks people give her.
—Leon likes to flirt even if you're already dating. Sometimes with both Sayaka and you at the same time.
—Which mostly ends up in ridiculous situations, let's be honest.
—Talking about Leon, he's also a big supporter (if not the biggest) of Sayaka's music, even if pop isn't exactly his style. If you have some kind of musical talent or interest, then you couldn't be luckier: making music together is a must.
—Cuddles? Cuddles. Those two love cuddles and nothing will change that.
—Sayaka's more than glad to share those kind of moments with you and she doesn't hide it: smiling, even if she seems like the shy one, she loves to be the one giving affection. Expect her to hold your hand while you're cuddling, pull both of you closer and kiss you from time to time.
—If you are a shy person or someone who gets easily flustered, she will giggle whenever you blush or stutter; it's so cute she can't help it. She doesn't tease you or something like that though, that's not her intention at all.
—Meanwhile, there's Leon, who wants to be the big spoon and hold you both but ends up being held by either you or Sayaka.
—He doesn't complain though. He won't admit it, but receiving affection is way better than what he thought.
—It doesn't happen that often, but he does get flustered sometimes. He'll act cool and try to hide it, but it's way too obvious that he's blushing.
—Your boyfriend is the kind of guy who calls you "babe" and "bro/sis" at the same time. Both in a romantic way.
—Sayaka prefers to use "dear" or "honey" but sometimes she calls you "bro/sis" by accident because of all the times she heard Leon saying it.
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
May I please request yandere ultimate imposter kidnapping and captivity headcanons? I would appreciate if you got a little dark with it, but not necessarily. Thanks Kork!
Yandere Ultimate Imposter kidnapping and captivity HCS
Another one of those characters I forgot to put in my masterlist... damn. I don't think I got dark or anything besides the usual yandere thing, so I apologize. I know there's no confirmed gender but I used he/him pronouns for him this time.
Trigger warning for kidnapping, yandere behaviour and mentions/use of drugs.
The reader is g/n.
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—Mod Korekiyo.
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—The Ultimate Imposter knew very well about the unhealthy obsession he started to feel towards you; however, he didn't want to do anything to you at first. He refused to cause you any kind of harm.
—His patience didn't last for long, though. He couldn't ignore it: he needed you, all for himself.
—It wasn't an act of jealousy, but more like a way to make sure you were always there for him, no matter what. A way to make sure you could be together.
—With that in mind, he waited for his chance. Let's just say that there were some drugs involved in order to make you lose consciousness.
—The next time you woke up you felt dizzy and confused: you couldn't recall how exactly you got there. Your hands were tied up, but besides that, you weren't gagged and you could still get up.
—Of course, you didn't. You felt too weak for that.
—After a while of thinking about your current situation, the door finally opened, and someone familiar entered the room.
—It was him.
—You were relieved. You thought he came there to help you.
—That was your first mistake.
—"I'm... sorry if it's too tight, but I can't untie you yet. You understand, right? Well... how do you feel? Do you like your new room?"
—That's how everything started.
—At first, your hands were always tied up, and somehow you never had enough energy or strength to get up or try to find a way to escape. The only reason you could think about was the 'food' he was giving you.
—The Ultimate Imposter went to check on you quite often. He was polite, yet... sinister. Something about him told you that he was able to do much more only to keep you there.
—He seemed to enjoy the meals he shared with you. Of course, there was no other alternative for you since you couldn't eat by yourself.
—It was as if he cared about you, somehow. He made sure you were never hungry or thirsty.
—He'd try to talk to you every day, without giving up, no matter how many times you would refuse to speak.
—"How has your day been? I guess you don't have many things to do here..."
—One day, you decided to ask him why. Why was he keeping you there and why hadn't he hurted or killed you yet. That was the first time he called you that.
—"Darling... don't you get it? I provided you a new... life, so we could always be together. You're the only one who has made me feel this way, and I'm not letting you go."
—After that, he left the room with his usual "sleep well".
—He'll eventually untie your hands if he sees that you've stopped trying to find a way to escape. It didn't change much at the end: you were still extremely tired and locked in there. He knew you wouldn't be able to get out of there.
—He'd still keep his polite attitude towards you, calling you his darling from time to time but not often.
—At first, he didn't think he'd need to punish you at all. He didn't even want to think about it. But if he considers that it's really necessary or that you deserve it because of something you've done, he won't hesitate.
—Nothing like directly hurting you or something similar. He'd simply stop checking on you for a few days, depending on how severe the punishment is.
—Which means no food or water. Basically... starving.
—And when he's back, he acts as if nothing had happened and continue with his usual behaviour.
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
Hi again! ^_^ Can I request Kazuichi with a female s/o that's insecure about body hair? Also just wanted to say that I loved the last request! I wasn't feeling the best emotionally because of how sick I was, so those hcs made me feel a lot better. 💕
Kazuichi with a Fem!S/O that's insecure about body hair
Hi again! I'm glad to hear that those hcs made you feel better, and I hope you like this as well! I wasn't so sure about how to handle this kind of insecurities so this may be short.
The reader is female.
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—Mod Korekiyo.
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—Kazuichi may not be the best one when it comes to serious things such as insecurities, but that doesn't stop him from trying his best to make her girlfriend feel better. Even if he seems like a carefree person, he cares deeply about you and of course, your feelings.
—It still takes him some time to figure out the reason behind your insecurities, but he's got the spirit.
—You better be ready, because he's going to be there to spread positivity no matter what. Always with a smile on his face, when he sees that you're starting to feel down because of that he praises and compliments you, reminding you how pretty you are with or without body hair. They're always sincere words and never forced shallow lies, because that's what he really thinks of you.
–He hates the expression you make whenever you look at those parts of your body that have more hair than others. Sometimes they're your arms, sometimes your legs, sometimes it's another part you can't help but feel bad about. And when that happens, he instantly hugs you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder.
—Sure, at that point his heart is racing and his face is somewhat red. Hugging you was more like a reflex action, but at least he hopes it's enough to distract you from your thoughts.
—Besides his praises, Kazuichi isn't very good with comforting words, so he will offer to listen if you want to talk about it instead. If not, that's fine too. In that case, he'll ask if it's okay for you to cuddle with him.
—Sometimes he notices how you refuse to put certain clothes on, coming to the conclusion that you don't want to show your arms or legs. He hates it, because you should be able to wear whatever you want without feeling bad or insecure about it.
—"Hey, babe? What you were wearing earlier... you were freaking gorgeous. You should wear it outside."
—"I know what you're going to say. Who cares if you have body hair or not? You still look beautiful, and if someone doesn't agree, they're seriously out of their mind."
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
I will now be writing for Tsumugi Shirogane my dudes. I even forgot she was in the list of characters I wouldn't write for in the first place-
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
Hey! Can I request some hcs of Makoto and/or Hajime realizing they're mlm after meeting reader? Male reader obviously hsfhshs—
Makoto and Hajime realizing they're MLM
Makoto's part was kinda weird to write because I'm playing Persona 5 again and I couldn't stop thinking about THAT other Makoto. Warning for Komaru not being straight btw /j.
The reader is male.
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—Mod Korekiyo.
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—Hear me out, this guy always thought he was straight. And then you came to his life.
—He was so confused.
—"I-I'm not saying I like him or that I have a crush on him or something like that, but he's really nice... You know, when he smiled to me... And those eyes... I think he's been in my mind since I met him. But it's weird because I'm not gay or anything... I think. You get what I mean, Kyoko?"
—"Makoto, are you stupid?"
—He needs Kyoko's help in order to realize that he does, indeed, like men.
—He's way more confident about his feelings after finding out about it, and quickly accepts the fact that he was interested in you after all.
—He still panicks a bit when you're together, bonus points if you're together and alone.
—At the other hand, Makoto is somewhat afraid since he has no idea of how you feel about, well... guys. But he tries to stay as positive as possible since there's always a chance, according to him.
—And if there's a chance, he's not giving up without trying. Makoto's logic.
—He tries to let you know he likes you in subtle ways... And ends up being way too subtle or way too obvious, no in between.
—At some point all his friends are trying to help him and get the two of you together. Even his sister is trying.
—Gay siblings solidarity. She knows what her brother is going through.
—At the end, Makoto just decides to be himself and let it all out, hoping that you can at least be his friend even if you don't feel the same way.
—"Hey, Y/n, uh... I-I think I might have... feelings for you but well, we're both guys so it's okay if you're not into that! Or if you're not into me... Either way don't feel pressured to...!"
—You had to interrupt him or he wouldn't let you speak. He was talking so fast you could barely understand a word of what he was saying, so you asked him to repeat himself and told him that there was no need to be so nervous.
—"I was trying to say that I like you, Y/n. More than as a friend."
—No excuses, no explanations, just the simple truth.
—He wasn't really expecting you to feel the same way, though.
—"W-wait, hold on, you what?! I wasn't prepared for that!"
—Meanwhile, Kyoko can't help but let out a sigh as she watches from afar. She has no idea of how you fell for someone like him, but deep inside, she's glad for both of you, and she isn't the only one.
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—Hajime isn't the person to quickly fall for someone and he doesn't consider himself to be that kind of guy. He was so wrong.
—He didn't know what he was feeling when he met you, he just knew it was something, and it was hard to ignore. He also realized he was more nervous, more clumsy and even blushing when he's usually not like that at all.
—That caught the attention of... almost everyone. It was pretty obvious.
—At first he denies it, saying that there's no way he's interested in you in anything else than as a friend.
—He needs his time to accept that maybe he does like you after all, and even after that he isn't very open about it. Anyone could easily tease him just by mentioning the crush he has on you.
—He felt indifferent about the fact that he fell for another guy, though. Hajime doesn't really care about it; as long as he likes you, it doesn't matter to him.
—Hajime doesn't expect much and he doesn't plan on confessing how he feels. He's not risking the friendship he has with you since there weren't many chances you liked guys and him at the same time.
—Even if he doesn't want to tell you how he feels, he still treats you better than anyone else and you can tell that he appreciates your presence when you two are spending time together.
—Some of his questionable 'friends' decided to take the next step.
—"So, dude... Tomorrow after school. I told him you wanted to tell him something" Kazuichi said, smiling.
—"I don't remember asking you to do that?"
—"Nah, you didn't. Nagito asked me to do it. I wouldn't listen to that guy, but I wanted to lend a hand so you could finally act like a normal person when Y/n is around. Thank me later."
—"Nagito did what?!"
—Of course, Hajime had to go. He refused to ignore something like that.
—It was kind of awkward when he arrived, though. What was he going to say? Just "it's nothing, I'm sorry you had to come all the way here"?
—The thing is, Hajime would feel pretty bad if he didn't give you the truth reached that point, and there was no way he was going to lie to your face.
—"Hey, Y/n, listen. I'm sorry if this is sudden, I didn't even want to do this in the first place, but I like you. Uh, I get it if you don't like boys, so you can actually forget this if that's the ca..."
—His eyes were wide open when you told him you felt the same way. He needed a few seconds to process that new information.
—"You're... not joking, right? Tell me you're not, god dammit."
—You had never seen such a bright, relieved smile on Hajime's face, who didn't even realize he was smiling. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so happy in his life.
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
Hello! May I get some hcs of Hajime, Kirumi and Kokichi with a s/o who is the Ultimate Paranormal Investigator? Not only that, but they're also obsessed with things such as urban legends and any horror related stuff. I hope this ain't too weird-
Hajime, Kirumi and Kokichi with the Ultimate Paranormal Investigator S/O
Too weird? I have like 10 books about urban legends, paranormal investigations, yokais, creepy experiences and stories and for some reason a book about a guy who found his way in life by joining a satanic cult. I couldn't read the last one with a straight face even though the book mentioned a lot of dark stuff. (It was a novel btw, not a real thing-)
Since I don't want that knowledge of mine to go to waste there's a mention of one of the creepy places I read about in one of my books. Chances are you've never heard of it because it's in my country (aka Spain).
Thank you for your request, this was very fun to write!
The reader is g/n.
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—Mod Korekiyo.
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—Hajime isn't the biggest fan or believer of ghosts stories, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like your talent. He thinks it's amazing that it is one of your passions and loves the way you smile or the sparkle in your eyes when you talk to him about it.
—That doesn't mean he believes you're going to, well... haunt real ghosts or something similar. His view on paranormal investigators are very stereotyped and he just doesn't get it.
—He'd gladly go with you to a place you have to investigate if you ask him. Maybe he can learn more about your techniques, the tools you use, what and how exactly you investigate... That's the kind of stuff he's interested in.
—He acts as if he isn't scared at first because he really isn't, but after spending 5 minutes inside a dark, scary looking building and hearing a sound after him he can't help but jump into your arms by pure instinct.
—"Babe... that was a bird."
—"Ah, a bird! O-of course, I already knew that. I just, em, wanted to see if you'd catch me if something happened to me."
—"Of course I would??"
—After a while he finally gets used to the atmosphere and is able to be as calm as usual.
—He asks you lots of questions out of pure curiosity, but at the same time tries not to be too annoying since he doesn't want to mess up with your work.
—Going with you definitely ends up being a good experience for both of you, even though Hajime is still a bit skeptical about the existence of paranormal stuff.
—He does like to hear the horror stories and urban legends you tell him, though. Not because of the legends themselves, but because he can't help but smile when he sees how excited you are when you talk about your favourite stories.
—Hear me out: horror movie night.
—It ends up in both of you watching a bunch of horror movies of your choice and cuddling under a blanket.
—Hajime likes to be the big spoon but he won't complain if you hold him. No. Not at all.
—Hold him.
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—Like Hajime, she doesn't really believes in paranormal stuff, but she won't make any comments about it unless you directly ask her.
—"Well, I... suppose I must express my skepticism regarding ghosts and related legends."
—Kirumi still enjoys it when you tell her about what you have done, your experiences and what you have found during your investigations. There's just something so charming about the way you tell those stories, the way you do your job, that puts a small smile in her face.
—Your tools and equipment are always organized. Always. Sometimes you wonder how she's able to do it without you noticing it.
—She'd also suggest to go with you more than once in case you need her help for something, and honestly? You just want your girlfriend to go with you, that's it.
—She's not the kind of person who asks questions, but if you start to talk or explain something, she'll carefully listen and nod as you speak.
—By the way, Kirumi doesn't get scared at all.
—"Kiri? What's wrong?"
—"This place is so dirty. I'm sorry if I scared you."
—She says it in the most genuine way possible.
—To your surprise, she remembers every single detail about the legends and stories you tell her.
—"Someday I'd like to go to that place I told you about the other day. Being able to investigate there would be amazing..."
–"Ah, you mean that popular haunted house? The legends are quite frightening, I have to admit. Messages on the walls, missing people, bodies found near the building, torture rooms, rumors about satanic rituals... And its history as a hospital and a prison during a war doesn't make it any better. You have quite the taste for these things, dear."
—"Did you... really remember all of that?"
—"Hm? Of course I did. Maybe we can go someday, but you'll have to be careful."
—She will barely watch any horror movies with you because she prefers to clean or attend other duties.
—She will, however, read some of your horror books to you if that helps you sleep. You had your doubts at first, but Kirumi's voice is always calm and relaxing when she reads, it doesn't matter what exactly she's reading. She made you fall asleep more than once before.
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—"Nee-heehee, Y/n, do you really haunt ghosts? That sounds fun, make sure to take me with ya the next time, okay?"
—You don't ask Kokichi to go with you. Kokichi doesn't ask you to go with you. He just goes whenever he feels like it.
—He's probably the most excited one about your talent. Visiting haunted places is something he didn't know he'd enjoy. Sure, there's the boring part where you have to take care of your equipment, use it correctly and wait hours and hours to catch something interesting, but he just skips that and explores the place as he pleases.
—"Kokichi, don't go there! I need to make sure this place is sta... Oh, whatever."
—He's already gone before you could finish talking.
—Sometimes, you could swear you finally got something interesting, evidence of a presence being in there. Turns out that presence is Kokichi messing around because he got bored.
—"Got ya! Did I scare you, Y/n?"
—"Doing my job with you is really hard, you know."
—"Aw, does that mean I didn't? How bad."
—After going with you for a few times, he'd really want to try some of the rituals or paranormal games you talk about sometimes, just for fun. You don't refuse, but you're still worried. Not because of the rituals, but because of your boyfriend.
—Kokichi knows lots of urban legends and horror stories as well, and shares them with you most of the time knowing that you'll gladly listen to them. Sure, he does change the details sometimes, but it's just to make them more interesting.
—Seeing you so excited is something he didn't know he liked that much. He teases you sometimes, saying that you look like a little kid and enjoying the annoyed look on your face.
—"Aw, babe! Look at you, you're speaking like a child! Calm down, I won't understand you if you keep talking so fast, you know."
—Let him be, Kokichi is just... Kokichi.
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
Hey there! Can I have any of your favourite DR girls (any games) with a male s/o who has severe dyspraxia (i.e they forget about where things are easily, bad hand-eye coordination). Gender neutral is also fine!
Kirumi with a Male!S/O who has dyspraxia
I do not have dyspraxia myself and I don't know anyone with it, so this is purely based on my own research. I hope I didn't get a wrong idea about it and if I did, feel free to correct me. Besides that, thanks for your request and have a nice day!
The reader is male.
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—Mod Korekiyo.
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—Kirumi, as the Ultimate Maid, has served many different persons during her life. Due to this, she's somewhat familiar with a lot conditions people may have.
—She had definitely heard about it before, so the term wasn't completely new to her. Even so, she still made some research on her own about it since she wanted to be able to help you as much as possible.
—She's used to obey orders, but if she sees you're having trouble with something she won't hesitate to approach and lend a hand on whatever it is.
—Unless you tell her to stop, of course.
—You don't have to worry about organization with Kirumi as your partner since she's extremely good at it. She also makes sure to leave some notes around the house so you don't forget anything important.
—You barely need to worry about daily tasks such as cooking or household chores; she'll gladly do it for you. If you don't want her to do something for whatever reason she understands and doesn't complain, but she still stays close in case you need her for something else.
—She won't make any comments if you're having trouble to express something. Kirumi can read people very easily; when you don't know how to correctly say what you want, she still understands it and helps you finishing your sentence.
—More than glad to be there to catch you if you trip and she's nearby but also worried when you're finally in her arms.
—"My dear, are you okay? Did you get hurt?"
—If you ever feel like you're more of a burden than a boyfriend to her, it won't last for long. Kirumi sees the well-being of the people she cares about as another one of her duties, sure, but at the same time she just can't stand you thinking that about yourself.
—"Why would you think that, dear? You know very well that no matter what, you're the best man I've ever met in my life. Otherwise I wouldn't be in love with you."
—Worried because you feel like you're giving her more work to do?
—"I am a maid, after all. There's nothing that pleases me more than serving... no, helping my boyfriend whenever he needs it."
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
Good morning y'all
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
Can I request Yandere Komaru, Junko, and Sonia headcanons thank you
Yandere Junko, Sonia and Komaru HCS
I just realized I forgot to put Komaru in my masterlist. Sometimes you just forget she exists, you know. Also, forgive me for using the word 'punishment' over 100 times.
Trigger warning for yandere content (I mean... yeah-), toxic/abusive relationships, kidnapping, torture and one of them killing the reader.
Most of that only happens with Junko anyway, what did you expect?
The reader is g/n.
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—Mod Korekiyo.
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—I'm so sorry for you.
—Probably one of the most dangerous yanderes from the entire cast.
—Junko didn't hesitate at all when it came to kidnapping you, and in fact it was very easy for her to do so, considering all the power and influence she has as the Ultimate Despair.
—She would punish you at the slightest mistake, and sometimes even for no reason at all. Seeing her darling begging to stop, crying and falling into despair is what she enjoys the most, and one of the few things that doesn't bore her.
—She won't go easy when it comes to punishments, physical or not.
—If you get the chance to go out for a while (allowed by her, of course) and someone has a minimal interaction with you, you're both fucked up.
—Junko doesn't actually kill others to make sure no one can steal her darling, but she definitely asks her sister to do so.
—As for you, Junko getting jealous is just another reason for another torture.
—She'd make sure you remember who you belong to: her and only her. One of her favourite punishments is to 'write' with a knife her name on your back. Not only is it effective to make sure her darling doesn't misbehave, but also useful to let others know who claimed you... in case they see it.
—Another one of her punishments is to break the fingers of your hand slowly, one by one, and then watch you struggle as you try to use it. Even if you don't want to, Junko would have to be the one helping you at almost everything, something she doesn't really complain about.
—After every punishment, every torture, she waits for you to throw yourself into her arms and comfort you. Claiming that it was all for your own good, that no one else could tolerate someone like you besides her and that she's the only one you've got at that point.
—And when she repeats it enough to make you believe her, she crushes your hopes again, insulting you, blaming everything on you and torturing you once more.
—She absolutely loves it.
—You certainly keep her entertained for a while, but once she gets bored of you... how bad. She might just get rid of you.
—Don't expect it to be a quick, painless death. She's going to enjoy it as much as she can one last time.
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—Definitely not as dangerous as Junko. Sonia would still be able to easily kidnap you whenever she wanted though; she's the future ruler of a kingdom, after all.
—She would make sure you have everything you need once her obsession with you reaches that point, not only food or clothes but also whatever you want, no matter how expensive it is.
—She's usually pretty busy so you'd spend a lot of time alone, locked in the same room. However, when she does find time to check on you, she kindly smiles and asks how your day has been, as if you weren't there against your will.
—She hates to punish her darling, and in fact, she never would. But she understands that sometimes it is necessary to make clear how things work there.
—Very delusional. She doesn't understand why her darling isn't as happy as she expected them to be. After all, they've got everything they need there: food, water, clothes, space, a bed, the most expensive room you could ever see in your life and of course, Sonia herself. So why weren't you smiling as she wanted you to smile?
—Of course, she expects you to rule her kingdom with her once it's possible.
—"Oh, darling! You'll be such a good monarch, don't you agree? We will look so good together!"
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—Probably the only one who doesn't have the guts to kidnap you.
—Her obsession would only reach a possessive point, but nothing further than that.
—Would never put a finger on you to cause you any kind of harm; she only wants to see you as happy as possible. With her by your side, but still as happy as possible.
—Expect her to be very clingy with you, even more than necessary when there are people around. Sometimes she even makes up excuses to step in during your conversations with your friends and drag you away from them, making sure that everyone notices how she's holding your hand.
—When you ask what's gotten into her, she nerviously laughs and quickly changes the subject so you two can spend time together.
—Would probably start to stalk you at some point, only to make sure you don't get too close to anyone else.
—Komaru wouldn't go as far as killing or even hurting someone if she gets jealous.
—So instead, she just smiles and waits for her chance to be alone with that person. The next time you see them, they don't even look up to you, and they're not the only one.
—As much as she hates it, if she has to spread fake rumors about you in order to get people to stay away from you, she'd do it.
—And when you realize that you somehow lost most of your friends without knowing what you did wrong, she's there for you. Smiling and offering her hand, Komaru promises that she'll never leave your side, no matter what happens. She means it quite literally.
—I can see her secretly worshipping you as a religion.
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
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Junko: god (self diagnosed)
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
Hey, I’m not the original requester for those clingy Junko and Mukuro hc’s but I love how you wrote them!
I was wondering if you could do nondespair Junko and Mukuro with a gender neutral S/O about cooking dinner?
(Non despair) Junko and Mukuro cooking with their S/O
I have no idea of what was in my mind when I wrote this??? Please don't mind me- Anyway, thank you so much for requesting for Mukuro<3!
The reader is g/n.
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—Mod Korekiyo.
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—Junko is... hard to convince.
—She loves you, a lot. But the Ultimate Fashionista? Cooking with her own two hands? As if.
—She usually prefers to take you to a restaurant and pay everything instead of cooking by herself. Anything but getting inside a kitchen.
—This being said, you'd probably have to be the one dragging her to the kitchen in order to get her to do something together.
—"All right, all right, I'll do it! But only if I get to give you a kiss first."
—If Junko actually feels like trying to cook seriously (because you're with her), she's surprisingly good keeping in mind that her experience goes from little to zero.
—Which doesn't necessarily mean good, but still.
—She'd always try to make something worth calling impressive, amazing, delicious, fantastic... If she's gonna do something, at least she will impress her darling.
—By looks, I mean. The taste is something else.
—Cooperation and coordination while cooking together is also kind of hard, since she's... the way she is. She likes to be the one giving orders while at the same time she's having a mental debate on whether she should add salt or sugar.
—"Babe, pass me that. By the way, salty or sweet?"
—"The food, honey. Salty or sweet?"
—"We're cooking pasta though?... You can't... directly add sugar to that?"
—"How cute. Hold that thought."
—This is when she's in a good mood. But when she's bored?
—In that case Junko's priority ain't even cooking something edible.
—Sometimes you can't tell if she does it on purpose or not, but it looks like her specialty is setting the kitchen on fire and not feeling any regrets about it.
—"Junko, what were you exactly thinking about?"
—"Isn't it obvious? Boiling the water."
—So basically, cooking with Junko or letting her cook by her own is like a gamble: you never know what may come out of it. Sometimes it's tasty, sometimes it's fucked up and sometimes you're just speechless.
—"Well? What do you think, honey?"
—"Tell me you didn't seriously add a cup of pepper to this."
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—"Cooking? Well... I guess I know how to build a fire to heat up rations."
—Joking. This comes straight up from School Mode. Anyway.
—Mukuro's kind of surprised. Fast food had always been her way to go since for her, spending too much time preparing a meal isn't efficient at all.
—Military days.
—But of course, you asked her, and there's no way she's refusing to do something together with you.
—You can see that she's clearly trying her best, and you're not sure if it's for the food or to impress you.
—She doesn't talk much, mostly because she's so focused on what she should do next that she forgets you're actually there to help as well.
—So if you see her standing there with a stoic expression doing nothing in particular... she's just thinking.
—"Muku, are you okay?"
—"...Hm? Oh, y-yeah, sorry. I'm not... quite sure about what I should do next."
—(Pssst, if you do know how to cook... don't miss the chance and teach her something even if it's just to spend more time together.)
—You both still manage to have a good coordination even if you've never cooked together before. When she speaks, whether it is to ask for something or to make a small comment, Mukuro's voice is always soft and gentle.
—Random quick hugs and kisses out of nowhere? Yes.
—Don't let her cook alone. Your presence is the only reason why she manages to make something edible in the first place, but without you... she has no interest in cooking at all.
—She'd still try keeping in mind you're probably going to eat it, but that's all.
—Mukuro is that kind of person who secretly looks up a random recipe of whatever you've chosen to cook before starting. She wants to be prepared at least, okay?
—If what you two cooked is actually delicious, she'll give you all the credit for it, even though you both did as much as the other.
—"This tastes... amazing. I wasn't expecting less from you, puppy."
—That means a kiss as a reward.
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yourlocalshinguji · 2 years
hihi! can i request hcs of kazuichi taking care of his sick female s/o?
Kazuichi taking care of his sick Fem!S/O
Here ya go! I may be in love with pregame Kazuichi (I mean, Kazuichi before going to Hope's Peak), that's everything I'll say—
By the way if you've been constantly taking a bunch of medicines for a while I do not recommend to say "fuck it" and suddenly stop only because they taste like shit. I'm in physical pain right now.
Also, I know I said I wouldn't write for "a few weeks" but guess who miscalculated.
The reader is female.
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—Mod Korekiyo.
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—We all know how this boy genuinely cares for his beloved ones. But when it's about his girlfriend? Kazuichi is the first one to be there for you if something happens.
—Call it simping if you want.
—He got so worried the moment he found out you were sick and had no clue about what to do. He's probably asking you what you need and how he can make you feel better all the time because he has actually no experience in taking care of people.
—Glass of water? He gets one for you whenever you need to drink. Medicines? He's also the one getting them. Need help getting up or walking? He offers his arm to help you right away. You wanna rest for a bit? He lets you fall asleep on his lap or wherever you feel most comfortable.
—Sometimes he gets you the wrong medicines... Usually he's not that clumsy but he's so worried and thinking about you that he can't focus on tasks like that. Luckily, he always realizes on time and goes to get the right ones.
—"Wait... this isn't what she's supposed to be taking, crap-"
—If it were someone else, Kazuichi would just try to stay far away from a sick person since he doesn't feel like catching whatever they have.
—But then there's you, and he becomes even more clingy than before.
—Literally by your side at all times until you recover, asking you if it's okay to give you a hug every minute.
—If he sees that your sickness is also affecting your mood, he'll try to cheer you up no matter what. Mostly by telling bad jokes he considers funny and lot of affection, physical and verbal.
—He'll also try to calm you down and tell you you're gonna recover soon but at the end you'd have to be the one calming him down.
—"You're a pretty strong girl, y'know. I'm sure you'll get better soon, babe!"
—"...You will get better soon, right babe?"
—"Please tell me you will get better soon."
—You know that one sprite where he's holding his hat with both of his hands and is almost in tears? Yeah that's basically him.
—Still trying his best though.
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