youthmojo · 10 years
A Moment from the MOJO Hall of Fame
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No caption necessary. 
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youthmojo · 10 years
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"I support anti-speculation/raising minimum wage because...families deserve livelihood"
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youthmojo · 10 years
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Want to support a group of awesome youth? Test out your trivia knowledge AND support CPA’s Youth MOJO by raising $3000 this summer! Since its founding over 5 years ago, Youth MOJO has trained over 100 low-income Chinese American youth in San Francisco. Youth MOJO has been an important...
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youthmojo · 10 years
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"I support anti-speculation/minimum wage because...10.74 isn't enough"
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youthmojo · 10 years
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"I support minimum wage/anti-speculation because...my parents work min. wage"
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youthmojo · 10 years
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"I support minimum wage/anti-speculation because...minimum wage today is not enough to live here in SF"
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youthmojo · 10 years
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"I support minimum wage/anti-speculation because...I think everyone should have a home!"
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youthmojo · 10 years
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"I support minimum wage/anti-speculation because...I want the best for my family"
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youthmojo · 10 years
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"I support minimum wage/anti-speculation because...10.74 is not enough"
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youthmojo · 10 years
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Want to support a group of awesome youth? Test out your trivia knowledge AND support CPA’s Youth MOJO by raising $3000 this summer! Since its founding over 5 years ago, Youth MOJO has trained over 100 low-income Chinese American youth in San Francisco. Youth MOJO has been an important space for youth leaders to build community and develop their leadership and commitment to a just world for everyone. Since 2009, Youth MOJO leaders have played leadership roles in many fights for social justice for our communities. MOJO’ers have traveled to China and Mexico to develop their understanding of issues affecting communities throughout the world and how it affects them locally. Cost: Sliding Scale $15-40 per person, $150-$500 per team (up to 8 people per team). Fundraise for your trivia team by setting up your online fundraising page. RSVP: You can register as a team or as an individual. For folks who are coming as individuals, we can set you up with a team.  Register by July 31st here: http://bit.ly/mojotrivianight If you can't make it, but still want to donate, you can make a donation online at: https://cpasf.ourpowerbase.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=21
Full event details:
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youthmojo · 10 years
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Dear community members, We are Youth Movement of Justice Organizing (a.k.a YouthMOJO), a youth program of the Chinese Progressive Association that develops leaders for social justice in our community. We collected over 800 pledge cards this summer in support of our campaign to fight for the $15 minimum wage and the anti-speculation tax. Please come to our Rally for Affordability on August 7th, from 2-3:30 pm at the steps of the City Hall. Come hear people share stories about their families and struggles to live in San Francisco. There will be guerilla theater performances and more! Let’s demand to keep families in San Francisco! Sincerely, Youth MOJO https://www.facebook.com/events/743688569026191/?fref=ts
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youthmojo · 10 years
7/18/14 Youth MOJO's Last Screenprinting Class for the Summer!
Youth MOJO held its last screenprinting class on the 18th! The group printed posters of the second #fight4affordability campaign design to use at the Youth MOJO Rally for Affordability! 
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MOJO'ers learned how to do a blended roll! 
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Final print
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Power to the people & youth!
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Andddd of course, a silly photo to top it all off! 
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youthmojo · 10 years
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"I support minimum wage/anti-speculation because...of poverty"
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youthmojo · 10 years
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"I support anti-speculation tax and raising minimum wage because...people deserve a fair & just economy"
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youthmojo · 10 years
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Emory Douglas, Minister of Culture of the Black Panther Party
"I support anti-speculation tax and raising the minimum wage because...every human being deserves a good quality"
To gain a better understanding on a local level about the two ballot measures: Raising SF's minimum wage to $15/hr and the anti-speculation tax that will be on the November ballot this year, Youth MOJO'ers went out into districts such as the Excelsior and Portola to gather responses on why people supported the two measures.
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youthmojo · 10 years
7/11/14 Third Screenprinting Class!
On the second screenprinting class, MOJO'ers screenprinted the logo on t-shirts, and finalized the two designs for our #fight4affordability campaign. One design is for the anti speculation tax ballot measure on the November election, and the other is for raising the minimum wage to $15/hr.
Leon sent the first design out to a shop to put on the screen, and on the third class we screenprinted 50 posters with two colors each (two runs)!
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Rapidly fanning the posters to dry the first layer of ink 
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Laying down the second layer of ink 
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Final product!
These were used in the Eva Lowe Fellow's Action, and will be used in Youth MOJO's Rally for Affordability on August 7, 2014 @ SF City Hall! 
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youthmojo · 10 years
7/1/14 Scavenger Hunt Teambuilder in Chinatown!
On July 1st, the ELFs (Eva Lowe Fellows) created a scavenger hunt to educate MOJO'ers about Chinatown and movement history! 
The hunt details:
Youth MOJO members (MOJO'ers) were divided into 5 teams. 
Each team was given a card with a clue on it. The clue directed to a certain location/landmark in Chinatown.[e.g. "Dedicated to those who strive for and cherish human rights & democracy- the woman who never leaves."(Goddess of Democracy)] 
A yellow card with another clue was at that location. The card also listed a "task" you'd have to complete with your team before moving on. (e.g. Taking a group picture with the statue)
There were five locations total, and the last team to return to base had a punishment! (Ended up not happening, because everyone was a winner.)
Task: Take a group picture with the statue!
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Task: Take a group jump photo! 
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Task: Create a human sculpture representing power and solidarity!
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Task: Reenact the night of the I-Hotel eviction by creating a human barricade! 
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Location 5: SF Chinatown Library 
Task: Find a book about Asian American History and take a picture with it! 
[no photo available]
This was definitely one of the highlights of the summer, and all the MOJO'ers had a blast participating in it! 
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