yubellia · 2 days
I hope hope HOPE that this is an animation error. Mostly because I don‘t see the point.
1. we already had that. Are they really going to just repeat that?!
2. I don‘t see how that could have happened. I mean, didn’t they say that miraculous can‘t be easily destroyed? Marinette said she used Aquabug. So it fell probably into the water. IF they do that, they have to show us how that happened. Because we saw it before it fell and it was FINE!
3. the other day, someone explained a few things to me in the comments under my „Marinette and Adrien have to break up“ post. Apparently, they can‘t do certain things or show them when children are involved? I hope I got that right. If that person is right, do you think they will do to Lila, a child (as far as we know), what they did to Nathalie? I am not sure.
Overall, I just don‘t want that to happen. I think it’s stupid. Also, don‘t you think Nooroo would have warned her? Wouldn’t she be smarter and fix it first? It’s not like she has any pressure like Gabriel had with his wife.
They showed us that Lila has good timing and can wait.
Fans spottedsomething interresting in the Miraculous World London trailer
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Is the Butterfly miraculous damaged ?
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One of the Butterfly brooch's "wings" is clearly broken, and if we remember the post card ending scene of the last episode of season 5, when Lila/Cerise is putting on the butterfly miraculous, one of the wing was not completly shown.
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It's possible that the wing on the top right hidden by Lila's jacket at this precise moment must have been the one that we see broken in the trailer for the London special.
Now are the damages ont he Butterfly brooch high enough for Lila to suffer from the same conditions as those who used the broekn peacock miraculous did ? Or are the damage lesser and thus with reduced risks and consequences ?
Only the special London or Season 6 will tell us I guess
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yubellia · 10 days
Marinette and Adrien HAVE to break up sooner or later.
Season 6 and beyond theory.
To be honest, I don‘t know if this even is a theory or a fact. I think many people agree on this or see it coming.
To make this clear. I don‘t WANT them to break up. I think Marinette and her behavior is questionable at best and from the teaser for season 6 we can assume that she didn’t change. However, the writers made it pretty clear that those two are the endgame. It is ‚fate‘. So there is no reason to fight it. They want this. Are they perfect for each other? Nope. Absolutely not. I just hope the writers do the best they can with these characters.
So why do I think that they HAVE to break up? Even if it’s just for a while? I think you know why.
Because at the end of season 5, their relationship is based on a lie! Marinette knows the truth. And yet, she decided to not tell Adrien about his father! Or the fact, that he is a sentimonster. She knows that too but keeps her mouth shut. Maybe to protect him, maybe because she wants to honor a dead man’s last wish. Who knows! Either way, it’s wrong! In the teaser for season 6 Adrien is still wearing the fashion brand of his father. He does see him as this man who tried to make things right in the end.
But he didn’t. Gabriel lost! Easy as that. Maybe Marinette got through to him but he lost. He abused his own son and considering what he did as hawkmoth or monarch, he is a terrorist. There is no getting around it.
Can you imagine what will happen when Adrien learns about all of this? His entire life will feel like a lie. Not only did he loose his family but his father is a criminal.
The writers HAVE TO clear this up somehow. This plothole is so big, they can‘t ignore this. And I am pretty sure they will clear this up. Why?
Lila. She is the new big bad starting season 6. and she knows everything. When Gabriel turned her into Hoaxer, she used this opportunity to get everything from Nathalie. And if Marinette remembers, she surely remembers. And since she hates Marinette, Ladybug and Adrien too, she will use this sooner or later. We can be sure of that. Otherwise, they would have had no reason to show us how Lila got all this stuff.
So… what will happen once he knows? His trust in Marinette and Ladybug will be shattered. Maybe… just maybe, Marinette can pretend that everything is fine for a while. He will loose his trust in Ladybug but if they didn’t reveal their identities to each other by than, she should be fine. For a while. Because Adrien’s fragile state will make him vulnerable to whatever Lila is planning. If they did reveal their secret to each other by than, Marinette will be done for.
Actually, not just Marinette but Ladybug too. Because she told everyone that Gabriel helped her to stop Monarch. No one will trust her. She will be isolated and for once, Lila doesn’t have to make her look like the bad guy, she WILL BE the bad guy. And remember, Gabriel made a wish to Marinette and another one, the one that brought Nathalie back, to Gimmi. I don‘t think that it was the same wish. Balance and stuff. So by pitying Gabriel, Marinette messed everything up.
I think season 6 will be interesting. At least I hope so. We have to wait a little longer.
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yubellia · 19 days
What happened to Lila at the end of season 5? I think I have the answer…..
Hi again! With the next miraculous special on the way and season 6 also not too far away, I thought that I post a theory. Maybe, this is old and you all know that but whatever.
This is about the end of season 5. Lila’s last scene before it ends. We see this blue ish light, some small lightning, stuff floating and she screams.
Some people, myself included, thought that maybe this could be the supreme? The big bad that got introduced in the last miraculous special with shadybug. However, that theory, even than, was shaky. The surpreme was introduced using the color red. In movies and series, staying consistent with stuff like that, is kind of important. So let’s scrap that idea for now.
Another idea was, that Gabriel did something with his wish. Guys, his wish was to exchange his life to bring Nathalie back. Simple as that. We have been told, that it is all about balance. A fair trade. One life goes, another is brought back. That’s also why this woman in the end next to Nathalie is not Adrien’s mom but his aunt. I’m sorry but give it up guys. Adrien’s mom was used as a plot device. Nothing more it seems. A price Gabriel could never have. He gets to be with his wife and Adrien gets someone, with both Marinette and Nathalie, who really cares about him. He realized that he CAN‘T have it all. Also, if he did something with his wish, don‘t you think this would have happened right away? I think if that was the case, the entire scene would have been different.
So…. What happened? Well I think that we weren’t wrong when we looked at the specials for answers. But we should have looked at the future special.
If we go with the color theory, we have to ask „which miraculous could do something like that?“ and if you do that, the answer is clear. The rabbit! Or….. a replica with time travel powers created by someone who has the butterfly miraculous?
I don‘t think they introduced Lila the way they did without a reason. Volpina was a replica of what the real fox miraculous could do. Enhanced by the butterfly to break the limits of course. (Also she would have been the better fit for that miraculous than Alya, making the fox one of the villains plotting in the background but…. Just my opinion. Sorry I drifted into my fanfiction.) Anyway. It was one of the examples of the butterfly miraculous copying another miraculous. Other examples would be anti bug or queen wasp. So who is saying, that the rabbit can‘t be copied? It’s power would fit the light and buzzing. Almost like a malfunctioning ripoff miraculous would, if you insist on going the damaged route. (Which I think isn‘t true.)
Now, we have to talk about the miraculous London special. The description we have pretty much says, that Marinette has to find out who found out about her secret identity and when, so that she can change it. So time travel is the focus. Now, some very observant and smart people noticed something in the trailer. There seems to be a scene where BugNoir goes to Adrien and Kagami, who are still locked up together in this white room and talk to them. From her expression and the fact that she is BugNoir, we can say that she most likely told them about Gabriel’s ‚heroic‘ death.
Now, some people pointed out, that we can see a door moving in the background. On its own? We don‘t see anyone.
So here is my idea. Lila, in the future, wants to know who ladybug is. If she didn’t figure it out already that is. So she uses the rabbit or a replica version, made by the butterfly, to spy on her throughout time. Maybe she gets invisible or something like that too. Making sure, that she doesn’t change anything but is able to see enough. And for that, she got in contact with her ‚past‘ self, right after it became clear that she had the butterfly miraculous. Passing on the knowledge to make sure everything goes according to plan. So now, Marinette has to fight someone she doesn’t know and she has to think back to when it could have happened. An almost impossible task.
I mean, it COULD have been Bunnix figuring out the truth and going after Lila herself, but than this scene isn’t just the end of season 5 but also the end of the new special. Get what I mean? They won’t finish of the bad guy in the beginning of the movie. So it would have to be the end. That makes no sense.
So in short, this scene with cerise is not a foreshadowing for season 6 really but for the new movie special.
So… that’s about it. Like I said, if you already knew that, sorry. I just wanted to put my thoughts together on this. Maybe you still liked it. I hope I see you again soon.
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yubellia · 19 days
How they could have written Lila, to be a better villain
(Just a theory) and keep in mind, english is not my first language
Well hello there! I am working on a new chapter for my miraculous fanfiction. I know it has been a while.
But before that, let’s think about our favorite local liar, Lila Rossi/ Cerise Bianca/ Iris Verdi (whatever name she feels like using).
People hate her but I don‘t think it’s just because of the things she does. Let’s be real. The things Marinette is doing are also…. Questionable at best sometimes. And that’s the protagonist. So we can‘t just talk about the bad things.
I think people are mad because of what happens to the other characters the moment Lila starts to speak. It’s kind of a joke in the fandom but Lila‘s lies turn pretty much everyone into idiots. Except for Marinette. Even Adrien almost fell for it if Marinette didn’t expose her as ladybug. Her lies are stupid and sure, we as the audience can see through it easily but that’s not an excuse for how everyone acts. (Unless my theory about superpowers in miraculous ladybug is correct. Look it up in my masterlist!)
Some of them are so easy, we could hit our heads on a table (repeatedly) and still see through it. So, let’s pretend we turn back the time. How could the writers turn Lila into a really well written villain?
1. SHOW us that she is smart and a good liar. NOT tell us!
This is the one golden rule for writing. The audience hates it if they are told something. Even more so, if there is no evidence to back it up.
Her lie about being friends with Ladybug HAD to blow up in her face. Especially knowing how Marinette acts if anyone gets too close to Adrien. Even more so in the early seasons.
So what could they do?
Well, one of her moms works at an embassy. She might not be a diplomat herself but Lila doesn’t have to tell anyone about that. She could simply tell them, that because of her moms job and because she has no other relatives around really, she has to move with her a lot. (That’s only half a lie). From there, she could use that for more convincing lies like „oh that one time, we stayed for a year in (please insert country). And there I saw (insert important person).“
And here‘s the thing. With the embassy thing, even Marinette couldn’t really talk against her if Lila plays her cards right and doesn’t show up in front of her.
Also, it’s not like they didn’t know how to do it. The first time Lila goes to Adrien’s house, Nathalie wants to throw her out. Lila starts a lie, that Adrien struggles with something at school.
Now, Nathalie knows who and ‚what’ Adrien is. She knew him the longest right after his parents. She must have known that Adrien CAN‘T fail. He was supposed to be perfect.
However, even if that is so, she couldn’t take the small chance that Adrien MIGHT be failing for whatever reason. So she let Lila stay. If the writers had used this somehow, explained it more. Either from Lila’s pov or Nathalie‘s, it would have been so much better. They could have made Lila look smart. Using the high expectations Adrien’s family has for her advantage.
2. Don‘t overdo it with her lies.
The biggest Problem with her is the fact that her lies are too big. Instead of big and impressive things, they should have used little lies that built up. Small ways that make her look resourceful and smart. She was way to aggressive in her desire for fame in that school.
3. show us some skills.
This plays into the first thing but still. I think everyone was impressed when we met her third mom and found out that Lila knows sign language. We know little to nothing about her real family so they should have explored that. Why does she know that?
The same thing with her using Tsurugis laptop.
She opened it with force, using tools like a screwdriver. Ok, I buy that so far. But than what? She used hacking skills and they didn’t show us? LAME!
We see Ladybug and Chat Noir in every episode. It wouldn‘t hurt anyone if we followed one of the villains for one episode and learned more about them. An entire episode I mean. Not scenes. It was about to get interesting and they take it from us.
And again, it’s not like they can‘t do it. Lila isn‘t an idiot (if the writers have a good day) she knew she needed something solid to show Adrien that she is a hero. So she took the book and got herself this replica of the fox miraculous. The same one she used later to frame Marinette for theft. Also she wasn’t afraid to fake an injury and get herself into danger to frame Marinette either.
4. make her a threat in the background.
This kind of plays into the first point again. Lila didn’t show up too often at first. In the early seasons I mean. That way and because of her introduction in ‚volpina‘, we as the audience knew every time she shows up ‚oh no here we go again.‘ this also combines with the little lies I talked about.
Her impact would have been much greater, if she had been there all the time and in the end we learn that she had a plan B or that everything worked exactly how she wanted it. That’s something most people like. A surprise villain, a twist, something we can‘t see coming.
Also, again, they kind of did that when we learned about her multiple identities. Marinette didn’t defeat her at all. Didn’t hurt her in the slightest. Only her ego and she will be back for that.
I really think that, if they had changed Lila just a little, she could have been more liked. Not as a character but a villain. Also what do we learn? The writers can do it if they want to! (And if they had a good day)
Throughout the show, Lila had her moments. Like when Gabriel threw her out and she called him ‚Monarch‘. We knew that he hurt her where it hurts the most. Her Ego. And not taking her seriously was one of the biggest mistakes.
The writers don‘t really have a choice. From what it looks like, Lila is confirmed to be The next big bad. And they also stated, that there are multiple more seasons to come. So they have to explore her more.
Let’s wait and see. I hope you liked it and I see you again. Later!
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yubellia · 20 days
Version 1.0
Welcome! I thought I take a moment to make a list of my most important work. I hope you like it (and that everything works. Never did this before.) Also, if you like something, feel free to stay and take a look around.
Genshin Impact:
Us being a quiet observer, until……
Happy (late) Heathersday!! (Genshin Sagau Idea)
Jason Dean (J.D):
Jason Dean (J.D. Heathers) Soulmate AU Headcanon
Jason Dean x (somewhat unwilling) fem y/n (Soulmate AU)
Jason Dean x (somewhat unwilling) fem y/n (Soulmate AU) Part 2
Helluva Boss:
My thoughts about that scene in ‚full moon‘
Please stop protecting Stolas
My thoughts about Stolas and Octavia
Everyone quick!! It’s time!! (Apology Tour)
Okay… Apology Tour….
Miraculous Ladybug:
Lila Rossi:
Reborn as Lila Rossi: The Fox and the Caterpillar (Isekai story)
The Fox and the caterpillar (teaser title not finishes)
Chapter one:
Chapter two: My name is Volpina
Chapter three: a new Team
Chapter four: Time for planning and DIY
Just some thoughts:
Some of my Thoughts about Lila Rossi/ Cerise (Miraculous Ladybug)
Some thoughts about Lila Rossi/Cerise Bianca/ Iris Verdi (Part 2)
Miraculous Ladybug Theory about Superpowers
How they could have written Lila, to be a better villain (a theory)
Snow White:
Nobody needs a Snow White remake. Snow is already a strong protagonist
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yubellia · 1 month
No it wasn’t really. The story was ok. But the the rest…. The movement was clunky, it crashed (at least for me). It also looks like we will, once again, only play as ladybug and chat noir.
I would wait and maybe watch one or two videos before you buy it. Play it safe. The publisher ‚GameMill‘ is not known for good games.
i hope you guys are ready for me to be so annoying october 25th and beyond
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yubellia · 2 months
Nobody needs a Snow White remake. Snow is already a strong protagonist
Yes. I just said that. And I mean it. You can‘t believe how the actress that plays Snow White is getting on my nerves. „She won‘t be saved by a prince.“ „it’s not about ‚one day my prince will come‘.“ and NO! This is not about her skin color! That discussion is so annoying anyway. This is about her talking nonsense! Nothing more!
Seriously, I know it sounds like I am looking down on that girl. Yes, girl. She is just 23. And I know she probably doesn’t have that much control over anything there. But all I see is a kid, that thinks she is super smart and smug because she has it figured out and isn’t realizing that she knows nothing.
Like, excuse me?! Did she even watch the original movie? Did the team behind this movie watch the original?!
Let’s take a look because if you do, you see that snow is not a damsel and indeed very strong in the context of her circumstances! Everything they claim Snow White lags, she already has. You just have to look and actually want to see it!
The first scene with snow is after the queen learns about her not being the fairest anymore. Snow is forced to work as a maid wearing rags pretty much. Is she complaining or whining? No. She puts on a smile and sings a song about how things will get better. She get to know the prince, the queen is jealous and orders the huntsman to kill her.
One of the things people complain about is that snow is too passive. Too nice. Sorry but that is her greatest strength.
It’s her kindness that made the huntsman spare her life. What made the dwarves take her in. After she runs away, she breaks down crying in the forest before the animals help her. She sings a song and NEVER cries again in the entire movie.
You have to understand that Snow White is a teenager. She just learned that her stepmother, the only family she had left, wants to kill her. She ran, has no food, no home for the night. She has nothing except the clothes that she wears. Breaking down crying in that moment isn’t weak. It’s VERY UNDERSTANDABLE AND ACCURATE!
Now, she finds the cottage and decides to clean up. That’s not Disney being anti feminist and Snow White being a weak woman. She realizes that she won‘t be able to stay for free. She notices that no one is doing household chores, which is what the queen forces her to do for years. So she thinks, I proof myself usefull to them and than, they might let me stay. She even said that outright!
She notices that there is a position that could give her an advantage and she uses that! She is very resourceful and uses what little she has! Not just that! She also proofs that she has leadership skills like a royal by splitting the chores up to the animals! „Snow white won‘t dream of love. She will dream of becoming a leader!“ pah! She already is! It’s small yes but that’s natural in her position! Where exactly is Snow White shown to be weak!? Or a damsel that needs to be saved?! She saves herself (with animals).
Later when she sends the dwarves to wash their hands, she takes on a strict but caring role. She shows leadership skills the entire time!
And yes, there is a little bit of romance. She does hope to see the prince again. But she NEVER waits for him to save her! She focused on what’s important and did it herself! What’s so damn wrong with dreaming of a loving relationship?! Can somebody explain that to me!?
At the end, Snow White is the story about a victim of abuse, she escapes, TAKES ON A JOB! And earns her place and food among the dwarves. She does beg them to let her stay but NEVER without offering her services. And even when she literally has the most powerful woman of the land against her, she tries to stay positive and put on a smile! A truly strong, independent woman who gets her happy ending with her prince! A great role model if you ask me.
Do you see now why I think that Rachel Zegler and Disney have no damn idea what they are talking about when they speak about the original movie!? You CAN watch the original Snow White and find a very positive feminist message on how to be strong AND kind despite the odds! But if you don‘t WANT to see it, we get a remake no one asked for! Yes Snow White is not this „in your face!“ feminist! But honestly, we don‘t need more girl boss movies. And I am saying that as a woman!
If they wanted to do something unique and expand on the original, why didn’t they use the real original story and combine it? Make the queen try to get rid of Snow White not twice but FOUR times in total. That way they could focus more on the characters, their bonds and make the queen even creepier.
I hope i didn’t offend anyone too much here. But I think many people are already scared for this movie. But seriously, watch the original and remember this post. You will see it. I promise.
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yubellia · 2 months
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“I don’t know what my goals are, no. Thanks for asking.”
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yubellia · 2 months
I had this idea for a new emotion in (a future) inside out 3
Because let’s face it. Inside out 2 performed pretty well. There is a good chance for a third one.
Remember how Anxiety mentioned that Riley needs more sophisticated emotions? Well the thing is, Anxiety wasn’t wrong. After all, as we grow older, life gets more complicated. We are thrown into new situations.
That’s were my idea for a new character comes in. (Maybe I am not alone with this but bare with me. I swear i didn’t look into the inside out fandom.)
Riley is 16 to 17 years old now. The emotions are doing their job and are more or less relaxed after everything with Anxiety calmed down. Until the console is acting up again. Only around certain people though.
„Just what is wrong with this thing again?“
„I don‘t know but if it’s only around a few people, we can work around it I’m sure!“
That’s when Riley for the first time gets invited by a someone (boy or girl doesn’t matter here. I have seen people speculate about Riley’s preference.)
„Oh how sweet of you!~“
Before the other emotions can react, they hear a new voice.
Just like when Anxiety shows up, they freak out. But this new emotion brings Riley through the conversation and keeps the console in check.
Once they are done and Riley is alone again, they turn around to Joy and the others.
„Well, that was simple. Riley meets them on Saturday. Oh! We have a lot of preparing to do!“
„And who are you that you just decide that?!“
„Oh! Sorry! Where are my manners? Nice to meet all of you! I am ‚Love V Affection‘. It’s a pleasure!“
She does a little bow as she extends her hand for everyone.
„Yes. My embarrassing middle name. I might tell you in the future. Anyway. Riley needs help. Love, affection, even friendship to some extent. That’s my specialty. But until now…. Well, the love for your parents comes so naturally to some. Riley being one of them. And you were doing just fine. Only now is Riley starting to enter this new territory. That’s why I am here. Working in the background isn’t enough anymore. Don‘t worry, I can handle the console.“
Love looks a little like Disgust. Lady like. Taller. With a pink design with black details. Longer mostly pink hair with black tips and strands.
But she kept the console in check. It stopped acting up and she was friendly. Not pushy like Anxiety and the other new emotions.
That is until the person Riley was seeing toyed with her. Riley overheard that it’s a bet. Because she is so…. Not girly.
The console and the alarm went off again. Just like how it did when Riley hit puberty. Love stood over the console, panting and with tears in her eyes. Only for a moment though. Until she lifted her head and revealed a cold grin with her makeup running down giving her black marks.
„You think you can do this? You think you can play with our girl?! You wanna play? Fine! We play! I’ll show you what Love Vengeful Affection can do!“
She slammed her fist down on the console and Riley stormed off to do… something.
„Vengeful? That’s your name?“
„Yes Sadness. And now I’ll show this good for nothing what vengeance looks like!“
This is where Love would become somewhat like an antagonist. She wouldn’t hurt Riley like Anxiety did but it would end kind of like it did in the second movie. Only this time, Anger and Sadness would stop her. She would prepare for Riley to take revenge in a brutal or humiliating way for the person that hurt her.
Love would be like „she will feel better once it’s done! They hurt her! For fun! I just want to protect her!“
Of course Anger and Sadness would stop her. Riley would not do it and in the end, they would end it in a healthy way.
Sooo. I hope you liked it. That’s just a rough idea of what could happen in the future once Riley really feels love and a new emotion shows up.
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yubellia · 2 months
Twitter Thread Showing Opinions Of Stolas In Season Two
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In other words, they are really burning this bird on a roast.
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yubellia · 3 months
Don't get me wrong, I love Stolas. He's had amazing character development, I was glad to see him happy and thriving with the new guy in Apology tour and all that.
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Look Blitzø has fucked up and I don't think anyone's denying that. BUT SO HAS STOLAS. And I find it hypocritical to dismiss parts of his character just because they were at the start of the show.
Stolas DID look down on Blitzø. Maybe unintentionally yes, but he still did so and the fact that so many people insist that he did not PISS ME OFF.
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yubellia · 3 months
No offense but it seems a lot of people forgot this fact when they say ‚Blitz should have noticed Stolas’s feelings.‘ we have seen this before. He didn’t.
I just realised that while Stolas singing isn't new to us IT IS TO BLITZ. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME HE HAS HEARD STOLAS SING AND IT IS HEART BREAKING 😭
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yubellia · 3 months
True! The animal growling speaks for itself!
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Absolutely OBSESSED with Blitz's reaction over seeing Stolas getting kissed!!!
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yubellia · 3 months
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(Love how they used that 'came on too strong' lyric for the scene where he was calling him 'cute' for telling him he better not try and do anything sexual to him and the 'read this all wrong' lyric for when he was asking if he'd be getting anything in return for saving them. Like bitch you didn't read jack wrong you were obviously asking for a sexual reward and got it.)
You looked down on him literally the entire first season and was seen reading an erotic novel about imps in the sheets.
You called him 'little creature', 'big dicked blitzy', 'my impish little plaything', 'blitzy', and had a literal scene where you put a cigarette out on his horn along with pinching his cheek like a child at one point and saying how 'cute' he was for setting boundaries at the carnival.
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Bitch he was at the hospital with his daughter. Don't try and fault him for caring about his kin more than the guy who uses him like a toy.
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You just used your title Stolas.
You just used your title to shame Blitz for not saving you that one time.
And it ISN'T his place to have to constantly save your stupid ass because HE'S NOT FUCKING OBLIGATED TO RISK HIS OWN LIFE TO SAVE AN IMMORTAL FUCKING DEMON PRINCE.
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yubellia · 3 months
okay I have some complaints.
If anything blitzo deserves to sing a hate song directed at Stolas
Why is stolas angry that blitz is always sexual with him like that isn’t the first time they met as adults was involved with romance and later on sex! 
Blitz doesn’t expect anything else from Stolas because Stolas hasn’t tried to be anything more.
He’s gone from sexual asshole to suddenly “oh no my very weird and creepy relationship with blitz is actually wrong!” 
It feels like theirs no buildup to a change 
Blitz doesn’t owe stolas anything
Blitz doesn’t owe Stolas a loving relationship because blitzo only sees this as a transaction BECAUSE IT IS! It’s how it’s been stated in the series since episode one. And now their trying to retcon that
Stolas looks down at blitzo, he said so himself in the first striker episode. And now he doesn’t? Another retcon
As I’ve said you can’t go from transaction to trying to be in an actual relationship! There needs to be buildup.
With the way the shows formatted we don’t get to see that. 
Everyone but Stolas deserves to be at that party.
Blitzo hurt people
Blitzo only hurt Stolas by telling him the truth of their relationship
Stolas is Vivs self insert and it shows.
And because of that blitzo is always in the wrong about their relationship 
A relationship that is incredibly unhealthy and toxic for blitzo
For both of them
Sorry im tired i just
god this show.
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yubellia · 3 months
I get what you mean but Stolas needed something like this. He needet to get experience with real people. Not just blitz.
But yeah I also didn’t like how they handled most of this episode.😒
guys help
WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT LAST EPISODE OF HELLUVA BOSS! no cuz im dying! I watched it like 2 hours ago and im still so devastated! I wanna throw blitzø’s speech right back at vivzie! It’s like she is trying to murder us! She’s on a mission to give as much angst as possible! Like please let my babies be happy! AND EXCUSE ME BUT HOW DARE THAT GUY WHO ASKED STOLAS TO DANCE KISS HIM! SIR, GO DIE IN A FREAKING HOLE! AUGGHHHHHH! That song was good but please vivzie stop trying to murder us all, that’s what IMP is for.
anyway thanks for coming to my emotional breakdown over this episode 😀
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yubellia · 3 months
I've had this uncomfortable feeling in my stomach since the drunken conversation. Since that scene, when Stolas and Blitz finally fucking talk to each other and learn each others' problems. I know there's a lot of beautiful analysis going on here about this show, about that scene, and I'll even be making my own more intelligent things about.
But the reason I love this show so much is the emotions it makes in me. The weird feeling in my stomach and my chest and the way I can't stop thinking about the same parts and words and images.
I can't stop thinking about it.
I still have that weird feeling in my stomach.
I can't stop thinking about Stolas's speech on that couch specifically.
And the way Blitz held him and watched him.
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