yucasa · 11 days
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(Patners (in life or crime)- Compañeros (en la vida o el crimen)
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Daichi es el jefe de la yakuza, generalmente nunca se le ve en las calles ya que es muy cauteloso…
pero hay ocasiones en las que se le suele ver caminando cargando a un joven sugawara herido.
normalmente suga no es tan descuidado… a menos que te involucres personalmente con daichi…
ya que terminarás conociendo a un joven con camiza roja dispuesto a acabar con tu patética existencia.
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Daichi is the boss of the yakuza, he is generally never seen on the streets as he is very cautious…
but there are times when he is often seen walking carrying an injured young sugawara.
normally suga isn't that careless…unless you get personally involved with daichi…
since you will end up meeting a young man in a red shirt willing to end your pathetic existence.
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recuerden ir a apoyar los demas trabajos de la semana y muchisimas gracias a por organizar la semana daisuga
Remember to go support the other work of the week and thank you very much for organizing the daisuga week
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yucasa · 12 days
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Day 4 for @daisugaweek2024
❤️ Future Blessings ❤️
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yucasa · 12 days
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(Tienes mi espalda, me siento realmente seguro- YOU'VE GOT MY BACK, I FEEL REALLY CONFIDENT)
parte 2
Dacihi es el guardián de Suga, un noble caballero o eso solían decir.
Estaba de pie con el rostro en alto, sosteniendo la espada que el anterior monarca le había regalado cuando tenía 12 años. Nadie vio venir sus acciones, nadie creyó que desenvainaría su espada contra Suga pero lo hizo...
y luego se lanzó siguiendo los pasos del joven rey por aquel acantilado… dando paso a un nuevo rey... un rey que seguiría a su pueblo que seguiría los verdaderos deseos de Suga...
part 2
Dacihi is Suga's guardian, a noble knight or so they used to say.
He stood with his face held high, holding the sword that the previous monarch had given him when he was 12 years old.
Nobody saw his actions coming, nobody believed that he would draw his sword against Suga but he did…
and then he launched himself following the steps of the young king down that cliff…
giving way to a new king… a king who would follow his people who would follow Suga's true wishes…
recuerden ir a apoyar los demas trabajos de la semana y muchisimas gracias a por organizar la semana daisuga
Remember to go support the other work of the week and thank you very much for organizing the daisuga week
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yucasa · 14 days
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DAISUGA WEEK 2024 (Espada-Sword)
(esta historia continúa el cuarto día )
Suga era el hijo legítimo del rey, un rey tirano que estaba destinado a morir y por eso decidió heredarle ese caos a su "único hijo" Aunque Suga planeaba dejar de lado las ambiciones de su padre, lo "bendijo" con seguir todos los pasos que su padre le escribió en un diario.
Una vez que este hombre falleciera, Suga seguiría sus pasos al pie de la letra... o eso pensaba.
(this story continues on the fourth day)
Suga was the legitimate son of the king, a tyrant king who was destined to die
and that is why he decided to inherit that chaos to his "only son"
Although Suga planned to leave aside his father's ambitions, he "blessed" him with following all the steps that his father wrote for him in a diary.
Once this man passed away, Suga would follow in his footsteps to the letter… or so he thought.
recuerden ir a apoyar los demas trabajos de la semana y muchisimas gracias a por organizar la semana daisuga
Remember to go support the other work of the week and thank you very much for organizing the daisuga week
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yucasa · 16 days
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¿Qué pasaría si el daisuga decidiera irse de vacaciones y durante este tiempo daichi le propusiera matrimonio a suga?
Creo que sin duda le gustaría inmortalizar esos buenos momentos en un diario de viaje <3
What would happen if the daisuga decided to go on vacation and during this time daichi proposed to suga? I think you would definitely like to immortalize those good moments in a travel diary <3
recuerden ir a apoyar los demas trabajos de la semana y muchisimas gracias a por organizar la semana daisuga
Remember to go support the other work of the week and thank you very much for organizing the daisuga week
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yucasa · 16 days
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** Permission to post & translate was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their page too **
Translation by anon friend and typeset by me Do NOT repost/edit it on tumblr or any other websites!!!
Artist : @gomagomanj
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yucasa · 16 days
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For @daisugaweek2024 Day 1: Firsts
First official date + Daichi working up to a little first time hand holding. <3
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yucasa · 17 days
Daisuga Week 2024 Day 1
Prompts used - Historical/Royalty/And if I'm not the love of your life, confuse me with him
Sugawara Koushi was Sawamura Daichi's best friend.
He was Daichi's confidante, his liege, the one he had sworn on his life and to himself in private to protect no matter what came.
He was Daichi's favourite person, the love of his life, his prince (and the only one that mattered as far as Daichi was concerned).
But Koushi wasn't his.
No, Sugawara Koushi belonged to the royal family, first and foremost.
He belonged to the people, and they were happy to belong to him, Daichi could see it in their faces when Koushi made trips out to visit them.
And he belonged to his fiance. Not to Daichi.
"Keep up, Sawamura!" Koushi hollered as he galloped past, his silver hair flying in the wind and his hazel eyes bright with glee.
Daichi didn't point out that he had been ahead and that Koushi had only just caught up.
Instead, he urged his own horse into a gallop and kept pace with his prince.
In front of others, Koushi was a paragon of grace, demure and gentle.
But when there was no one else around, Koushi was like this.
Laughing freely, the sound trailing behind him, hair tousled and with a leaf in it, his expression mischievous and unguarded.
Perhaps, Daichi thought as his chest constricted, this side of Koushi could be called his.
And it would be enough.
"The wedding is in a few months," Koushi's voice was light.
They had stopped to give the horses a break and were sprawled under the canopy of a flowering tree.
Or at least, Koushi was sprawling and Daichi was standing guard.
"It is," Daichi kept his voice equally light, focusing on finding a blossom that was perfect.
"Is that it?" Koushi demanded, sitting up, "Is that all you will say?"
Daichi turned and knelt, their faces inches apart.
He studied the gorgeous hazel eyes that were not his to gaze into, the beauty mark that was not his to press a kiss on, the lips that were not his to claim.
Then he tucked a white flower behind Koushi's ear, smoothening silky argon strands as he did, relishing the way they slid from his fingers.
"That is all I should say," He told Koushi quietly.
Koushi made a noise of frustration.
"You have your path and I have mine," Daichi added.
"Oh really, your path is to watch me marry someone else? Find love and happiness with someone who is not you?" Koushi asked acidly.
A sword to the gut would likely be less painful than this.
No, he wanted to say, choose me. Love me. Let me be the love of your life, the only one for you.
"My path is you," Is all he managed to say.
Koushi's eyes softened, any remaining vitriol draining quickly out.
"Then tell me, why can my path not be you as well?" He asked, his voice so low that it was barely a whisper.
Loosely interconnected snippets for a story strung together over seven days! (If I can make it) Stay tuned for day 2 of @daisugaweek2024
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yucasa · 17 days
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DaiSuga Week Day 1: Historical/Royal.
Sugawara as the ghost daimyo and Sawamura as his most feared crow, the shadow samurai.
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yucasa · 17 days
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DAISUGA WEEK 2024 (realeza-royalty)
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HOLAAA se logro , aqui esta el primer dia de la semana daisuga espero la disfruten
daichi es un principe destinado a casarce con la princesa michimiya, pero sin darse cuenta termino callendo en los brazos de el principe suga.
michimaya extraamente no se molesto por ello pero sinduda fue una sorpresa para los reyes de ambos reinos por suerte para ellos los palnes no cambiaron mucho
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HELLOAA it was achieved, here is the first day of the daisuga week I hope you enjoy it
Daichi is a prince destined to marry Princess Michimiya, but without realizing it he ends up falling into the arms of Prince Suga.
Michimaya, strangely, was not bothered by it, but it was undoubtedly a surprise for the kings of both kingdoms. Luckily for them, the palnes did not change much.
✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩
recuerden ir a apoyar los demas trabajos de la semana y muchisimas gracias a por organizar la semana daisuga
Remember to go support the other work of the week and thank you very much for organizing the daisuga week
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yucasa · 21 days
🐻DaiSuga Week 2024 Prompts!🐰
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We're pleased to bring you the official prompt list!
Your suggestions were rolled up into general themes - thank you to everyone who submitted! We're looking forward to a whole week of DaiSuga joy!
Full IC Results
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Official Playlist >
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yucasa · 1 month
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A podcast I’d listen to
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yucasa · 1 month
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A podcast I’d listen to
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yucasa · 2 years
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i will never get over this
(i know it’s not actually their kid bc that would be really weird, it just looks exactly like a combination of the two)
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yucasa · 2 years
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Dia 1 : El Increible Castillo vagabundo Day 1: Howl's Moving Castle "Lo siento, he tenido suficiente de huir. Ahora tengo algo que quiero proteger. Eres tú" "Un corazón es una carga pesada"
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yucasa · 2 years
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El término Hanahaki proviene de las palabras japonesas Hana (花), que significa •flor•, y hakimasu (吐 き ま す), que significa •vomitar• (anime amino 「 Ms. Sally 」)
Una enfermedad ficticia que afecta a los pulmones haciendo que dentro de estos crezca una flor usualmente debido aun amor no correspondido....
¿pero si si realmente no fuera este el caso?
mi primera participación dentro de la week organizada por Otra Inche Página De Monos Chinos Gays serán solo tres temas en los que participare por cuestiones de tiempo este mes estare subiendo mucho bakudeku...
El término Hanahaki proviene de las palabras japonesas Hana (花), que significa •flor•, y hakimasu (吐 き ま す), que significa •vomitar• (anime amino 「 Ms. Sally 」)
Una enfermedad ficticia que afecta a los pulmones haciendo que dentro de estos crezca una flor usualmente debido aun amor no correspondido....
¿pero si si realmente no fuera este el caso?
mi primera participación dentro de la week organizada por Otra Inche Página De Monos Chinos Gays serán solo tres temas en los que participare por cuestiones de tiempo este mes estare subiendo mucho bakudeku...
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yucasa · 2 years
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✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩
Esta también una colaboración con chan en este caso esta sera portada para el fanfic ¨Es hora de despertar bello durmiente¨ que pueden encontrar en wattpad y twitter
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