yugotaliamemerr · 4 years
pls don't delete, come back actually
I was lowkey about to write a goodbye letter and shit lmao but I don't know if I can come back to be honest. I mean yeah, hetalia is coming back and shit but my inspiration for pretty much everything has just become worse than last year (yes I need inspiration for memes I'm that brain-dead) if you are wondering ,and you probably aren't, school has gotten even harder (wow who would have thought) and yeah when I look back at this blog, it was kinda cringe how I used to vent about it at every fucking post like holy shit it looks so annoying when I look back at it.
I also think I kinda moved on?? Ahem "kinda" yeah I haven't searched up hetalia and yugotalia since last year but I definitely haven't forgotten it completely and I'd probably be eager to come back if tix came back or basically if I had any content related to Balkans to meme about but that's probably not gonna happen. The material from tix was always very limited I was struggling to actually come up with something before I went on hiatus.
In conclusion I don't think I'll delete this I'll leave it be just for the sake of memories and in case new fans appear,, but yeah I kinda moved on (chough, genshin impact, danganronpa ,chough) so yeah I'll occasionally log in to see if anything is happening but probably won't post so you know it is what it is time changes people, life keeps going uh idk how the rest went so yeah it was good while it lasted and that's all.. for now
Ps. If you wanna hit me up on discord aljeks#8576 I never change my name so yeah..
And no I will not learn how to use commas and periods fuck off
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yugotaliamemerr · 4 years
Anyways idk if I should delete this or nah
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yugotaliamemerr · 4 years
Hello there... Hetalia fandom
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yugotaliamemerr · 5 years
Hey whores guess what I failed my fucking semester so consider this page fucking dead from now on might never post again or in like 6 months from now
but before that I'm gonnA DO A SHOUT OUT FOR MY GOOD OLD PAL,CHUM,BUDDY,PAL ,BITCH @viks-art-n-stuff
If you don't follow I might never post again so you might consider the following
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yugotaliamemerr · 5 years
What in the crisp hot kentucky fuck yall i leave for forever and u hmu with like almost +100 new followers thanks i dont deserve it though
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yugotaliamemerr · 5 years
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The kingdom of SHS squad
I am failing in school
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yugotaliamemerr · 5 years
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yugotaliamemerr · 5 years
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Somebody draw this
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yugotaliamemerr · 5 years
Romania: bro …
Serbia: what bro
Romania: tell the whole world that we’re bros
Serbia: *whispers*  we’re bros
Romania: why’d you whisper bro?
Serbia: because you’re my whole world bro
Romania:  b r o
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yugotaliamemerr · 5 years
I'm sending compliments to all of my mutuals so- we don't talk but you'rw a funny person and I love your memes
love you too random citizen 
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yugotaliamemerr · 5 years
ček,, da li ti pričaš balkanske jezike? i ako je odgovor da, koj jezik specifično (kldhkj izvini ako je ovo čudno???????? pitanje.. nisi primoran/a da mi odgovoriš naravno, samo me zanimam jer ne vidim puno ljudi odavde na tumblru!!!!)
Srpski, bosanski, hrvatski i crnogorski
Tako da da pricam samo jedan balkanski jezik
Tumblr je jebeno mrtav zabranili su porno sadrzaj sta ocekujes
Inace sori za ovoliko kasni odgovor ali jbg medicinska je teska
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yugotaliamemerr · 5 years
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Long story short i didnt fix my grades also i got in fight with my mother and i got grounded lmao and its been like 6 years since i was grounded so yeah also this acc is probs gonna die and i feel bad about it
Also if u wonder how am i posting this if i am grounded well right now its 2 am so that should explain everything
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yugotaliamemerr · 5 years
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AAAAH i am alive
If i find any will to live ,because i am fucked tomorrow , i will try to post on friday
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yugotaliamemerr · 5 years
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School hit me so hard that i dont even understand a single shit from books
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yugotaliamemerr · 5 years
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welp schools tomorrow so ah shit here we go again
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yugotaliamemerr · 5 years
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ah yes this doesnt make any sense
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yugotaliamemerr · 5 years
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Wow so funny and its actually related to something thats not dead how beautiful
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