zac-curran · 2 years
It’s here!
My new EP has finally arrived, listen to Lost & Found here:
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zac-curran · 2 years
It’s here!
Today's the day! Listen to my new EP Lost & Found in full here: https://open.spotify.com/album/76jKfsoOWmbvK6aEba49Nd?si=5zmHgf_WRceeFADScg_SXg
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zac-curran · 2 years
My next release, "The Lost & Found EP" will be releasing on all stores + streaming on April 8th!
Thanks for bearing with me, I'm looking forward to everyone hearing the new tracks.
Preview of the title track " Lost & Found" will be up soon!
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zac-curran · 6 years
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NEXT GIG Saturday 26th May Hit going on the event below or shoot me a message and I'll put you down for cheaper OTD. https://www.facebook.com/events/295869147616163/?ti=as
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zac-curran · 6 years
MCR Live, Saturday 5th May
So the great people at MCR Live will be talking about the lead single from my latest EP, The Cross from 10-12 today!
You can listen live here: http://mcr.live/listen
And the show should be up on mixcloud from Monday.
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zac-curran · 7 years
My first EP, 'The Cross EP' will be available on iTunes, Spotify etc on the 25th August!
The entire EP will be available for pre-order from next Friday; pre-ordering will give you access to the title track: 'The Cross' instantly.
Have a listen to 'The Cross' on my page at the link!
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zac-curran · 7 years
So it’s been a while. It’s over a year since my last release and almost two since my last show but that’s about to change. Next week I’ll be playing a warming up show at The Venue in Manchester, so come down if you’re nearby.
Secondly, I have a new EP on the horizon, dwarfing my previous releases in terms of quality, I’m really looking forward to sharing them with you.
In the meantime I have a new Facebook page if people would consider ‘Liking’ it. It’s probably going to be the most instant way of keeping up to date with what’s going to be happening over the coming weeks.
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zac-curran · 8 years
To all UK residents
This is wordy, but if you're still on the fence about today's vote I recommend you read this. It's also of paramount importance that you DO vote today. Don't let the false rhetoric of immigration, lack of sovereignty and the "exorbitant" cost of EU membership scare you into voting Leave today. While the people who bandy these arguments about conveniently forget all the money we make from tariff free EU trade (which can't be negotiated without free movement) and the funding we've received from the EU for regeneration and building development. In addition, negotiating trade deals with even more countries is a hell of a lot easier when negotiating as a a huge economic power as part of the EU than on our own steam out of the EU. We'll lose the vital funding from EU students causing courses to be cut from Universities and a potential fee increase/reduced list of courses for new students. this is because as a country we receive the money for EU students up front, playing an absolutely essential part in our education system. While 2/3rds of British immigrants are NOT from the EU, the last 3rd are - these are in fact an economic, cultural and social bonus. Immigrants pay a great deal more into our system than they take out, and by proportion pay a hell of a lot more than those born here, on top of helping our aging population problem by bringing in new, young workers. You CANNOT just come here and claim benefits, EU immigration policy just simply doesn't allow it. The majority of EU laws that affect us are based around human and worker's rights, as well as key environmental laws. These laws are put in place not only to help protect the environment but more importantly: OUR rights as people. These are rights I'm sure the vast majority of us would argue are better out of the hands of this current government, who have done what they can to damage the quality of life of the disabled and the poor - with students taking on even more debt than ever before. Finally, does anybody actually think that the membership fee money will be put into anything that benefits anyone other than the already well off? The Conservatives gave a large tax cut to the highest earners whilst simultaneously taking the money from those below the poverty line, those with disabilities, the young and those in further education. I think there's been a lot of mud slinging in the debate leading up to this referendum, with both parties focusing on trying to damage the reputation of the other without actually discussing any facts. However, I will say that those who would follow the ideals of the likes of Farage, Johnson, Trump and Gove need to seriously consider why they do - these people have proved time and time again to be remorseless, selfish and morally bereft to say the very least. Don't allow the richest and most powerful scare you and lie to you to get you to further their own self interests. Please vote Remain, it really is the better option by a large margin. We wouldn't even be having this referendum if Murdoch was happy with not having a direct influence on EU politics and hadn't started a smear campaign scapegoating immigrants for problems caused by Conservative ineptitude and the global financial crash of 2007-2008. Also, if you follow my website you're most likely a music fan. Musicians rely on the ease of travel within the EU to tour European countries, allowing them to support creating music and reach new fans. European acts also rely on the same policies to come here. Hopefully we'll see you in the polling stations, as this is most likely the most important vote you'll ever use.
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zac-curran · 8 years
The video for my new single 'Breathe' is up on YouTube! Go check it out, it's a beauty.
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zac-curran · 8 years
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You can listen to my new single ‘Breathe’ here: https://play.spotify.com/album/44WfDpWoGyX560Wj9AxJOc 
Video on the way.
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zac-curran · 8 years
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'Breathe' is now available everywhere digitally! Tell your friends and get it here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/breathe-single/id1087280001?uo=4
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zac-curran · 8 years
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My new single 'Breathe' will be available digitally from Friday 11th of March! Cover art by Jonathon Barnes
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zac-curran · 8 years
Why does your song SOS not contain the words SOS?
The beeping at the end of the song is morse code for "S.O.S." And ties in with the themes of the song.
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zac-curran · 8 years
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zac-curran · 9 years
S.O.S. is up! Available for streaming on Soundcloud, Youtube, Spotify & Deezer.
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zac-curran · 9 years
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My next tune "S.O.S." will be out soon! I'll also be playing at Fuel Cafe on the 28th of this month so whoop whoop and all that jazz. 
Photography by Jonny Barnes.
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zac-curran · 9 years
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Pleased to announce I'll be playing Monofest in Chorlton this Friday, playing at 2:45pm upstairs (free entry). New song announcement coming soon too.
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