zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
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passion: @commonagora ❤︎ 
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zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
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@commonagora ❤︎ 
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zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
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Trying out fashion photography. My work for @commonagora.
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zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
Bea-Organized; My Kind of Youtube Series
So I’m sure that most of you are familiar with Refinery 29 by now. They make amazing articles and various types of youtube series. Clothesencounters and Soothingsista used to be featured in one of their series but sadly not anymore. Not to worry though, I guess Bea-Organized is my new favourite show by Refinery 29! (Actually I’m not too sure since I’ve been watching Try Living with Lucie since god-knows-when and Lucie is such a ball to watch). 
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Basically, Bea-Organized is a show by Beatrice, Refinery 29′s video producer AND a professional organiser, where she organise a certain room or area of other people’s house and/or create some amazing D.I.Ys. I love organising things when I’m stressed and watching this helps me calm myself too. 
Also, Bea is pretty badass at her job. 
My favourite area make-over that she’d done must be her latest work. She reorganised a messy kitchen owned by Chef Gabe Kennedy. I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS ONE:
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I mean, where did she got the idea from?! It’s GENIUS. Magnetic spice rack with a glass top, so he could see everything clearly + it has the names on it too. I was so happy when I saw that wall of spices. I know it’s weird but well... We all have our own weird obsessions. 
I suggest you watch this series on Refinery 29′s Youtube channel and also Try Living with Lucie if you have the time. I swear they’re all really good!
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zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
Top 3 Favourite Audrey Hepburn Movies
Audrey Hepburn is one of the most iconic actresses in Hollywood and she starred in numerous classic movies of her time. I’ve watched most of them from How to Steal a Million to her most famous one as we all know, Breakfast at Tiffany’s. 
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As cliche as it sounds, my favourite Audrey Hepburn movie of all time, is still Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I love how well made Holly Golightly is as a character and how it represents the time period in the best way possible. The script, the wardrobe, the cinematography, all looking swell. I guess it is also why Breakfast at Tiffany’s is her most famous movie til this day. 
If you’re a confused lady who thinks that you’re independent and all, go watch this! I guess it shows no matter how much you try to live on your own and only use guys as resources (not as lovers), you’ll still get your feelings tangled one way or another. 
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My second favourite had to be Roman Holiday. This is the first black and white movie I’ve ever watched and I gotta say that I am so in love with it! Black and white does make everything look better (even Audrey Hepburn!). I love this old rom-com movie as it’s a little too easy to follow. 
The story is very readable with a realistic ending. I guess almost all of her movies got a realistic ending to it, which I love. This movie is about a young princess who is sick of all her duties and wished to get out of her castle for once and so she did. I recommend you to watch this movie to find out more! 
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My last favourite is Sabrina. It’s a pretty complicated love story of the daughter of the maid and the sons of the house owner. I swear it’s not like the kinds you would watch on tv that doesn’t even make sense sometimes. This movie has a very believable plot to it and with how beautiful Audrey Hepburn is, it’s pretty possible for anyone to fall for her, right?
So if you haven’t got the time to watch any one of these movies, you could get comfy on this easter weekend and watch it! There’s never any harm in watching classics ❤
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zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
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Had a really nice & comforting dinner.
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zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
13 Reasons Why, Count Me In!
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I was pretty sceptical about 13 Reasons Why at first, remembering a dead girl story from another series (Pretty Little Liars) is a never ending and a non-educating story but then I watched it anyways.
This show airs on Netflix and the first season finished with only 13 episodes. I’m not sure if there will be another season of this series but I think it’s really beautiful the way it is. Although there are still some things I think is missing from the ending but still, I loved it.
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What I love about this series is the fact that it’s very real and relatable. It might be very uncomfortable to watch for some who experienced the problems happening in the series but it’s also a kind reminder of how other people are dealing with it too. How strong and tough of a person we truly are for being able to overcome our problems. 
13 Reasons Why spreads out a good message to the young adults in this era that it is definitely not hard to be a teenager but you have your own choices. It tells us to also speak up our minds and not be ashamed of our problems because talking it out will really help.
I strongly recommend high school and college students to watch this as you’ll feel totally connected to either one of the characters. A 5 star series by netflix!
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zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
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I know valentine’s day is long gone but I’d still love some thoughtful bouquet of flowers <3
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zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
A playlist created to help you unwind, sit back & relax <3
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zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
Two Hands Full
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zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
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Cute tiny ballerina at the Kitc Store
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zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
A Little Obsessed
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Honestly, I don’t really watch that many TV Series and I used to be a huge How I Met Your Mother fan. I am still, a fan, but probably not as huge since I made myself watch Friends.
It’s a tv show that my mother used to watch, a tv show I just recently watched and hopefully a tv show that my future kids will get to experience as well. I love how relatable it is even though we are clearly living in different eras. All of the problems or topics brought up are just everyday simple problems for us to laugh at and enjoy. It made it seem like life isn’t at all that hard. 
I adore how every character is so well played and very detailed. Every single one of them is the type of friend you’ll also have in real life. I just love it a little too much! It’s so witty, smart and funny 💕
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I can’t even choose a favorite character out of all the girls since I feel like I find a little piece of me in every single one of them. Their kind of friendship is also the friendship that we’re all longing for. All my love for friends and how I hope they would’ve made a single movie to find out how their lives had turned out to be. 
Anyways, all I wanted to say was that if you haven’t watch the show, you must watch it soon! You’re missing out on a lot of goodness.  Xx
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zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
Hanging Bike at the Lokal Deli
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So happy to have randomly found out about this hidden gem. I feel like I’ve visited most places at Kemang but definitely not this one. I fell in love at my first visit and it keeps me coming back for more.
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The place is pretty small but the fact that it’s brightly lit (because they have huge ass windows) makes it look a lot bigger than it really is. Food and drink are pretty nice but they’re not the best. What I like about this place is simply it’s beautiful and calming ambience. I got most of my work done pretty quickly at this place. 
The waiter and waitresses are super nice as well! The second time I came here, the server still remembered me. I asked him when is their busiest time of day but he said that the place has been pretty empty lately (which is sad :<). That’s why I want you to visit and experience it for yourself! I promise you won’t regret it. Bring your laptop, some work to get done and a set of headphones (although they do play good music there too), you’re good to go.
PS: Their cupcakes are the bomb.
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zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
Bits and Bobs of Happiness
Have been daydreaming about this palette since the first time it launched. It’s basically a mixture of the things I love; make-up and peaches! So last month after I got my birthday money, I bought it without a doubt.
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The Too Faced Sweet Peach Palette is just what I’ve imagined it would be. I love it almost as much as I love my Lorac Pro Palette. They’re both insanely good and wearable. I love how many everyday colours are in this palette. It’s very pigmented although not as pigmented as the Lorac but WHOA! THE SMELL IS GOOD. Even from afar you could totally smell it. Won’t be good for those of you sensitive to smell but I am in love with it! The smell of peaches peeking through while I’m doing my make-up every day would be cute. 
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Other than that amazing palette, I found myself the perfect MLBB* colour. Rollover Reaction’s lip cream in the shade Prudence is the way to go. It’s brown with a hint of peach that just complements my lips in the most beautiful way. I’ve been wearing it non-stop! Compared to my other lippies like Colourpop lip cremes, NYX lingerie line or even OFRA, this one fits me the best. 
These two are the top makeup bits that I’ve been loving lately. They’re totally worth the price. Hope you’ll try em out too!
*MLBB: My Lips But Better
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zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
A Bit of An Introduction
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So, I’ve had a gazillion blogs in the past and I hope that I’ll finally stick to this one. I guess I have a problem with committing to a certain blog but we’ll see.
Alright now, let’s just cut to the chase. I’m a 20 years-old who falls almost every single day and enjoys drinking coffee (though I’m nowhere near to knowing all sorts & types of coffees, do NOT ask and embarrass me about my lack of knowledge). Kehlani’s You Should Be Here album is very near and dear to my heart. So if you like her or at the very least, listen to her, I will probably like you too. I also love freshly baked doughnuts (because who doesn’t?!). They’re adorably delicious.
Well, I don’t really want to talk too much since you’ll find out more about me through this blog anyways. Happy reading and thank you for stopping by!
Zena Aqilla
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zenaaqilla-blog · 7 years
You may think you want to die when all you really want is to start living.
far-far-awayy  (via wnq-writers)
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