I know this isn’t what I usually post, but I cannot let this go. As a trans man myself, this is so important right now. If you can’t agree with this, unfollow me and never come on my blog again. 
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Mother of Castor, Pollux, and the famed Helen of Troy
When Zeus caught on to the pattern of he gets somebody pregnant and Hera proceeds to make their life hell. To make things easier on this new girl Leda he’s been eyeing, he turns into a swan. She then proceeds to lay... two... eggs... one of which contains both Castor and Pollux, and the other which contains Helen of Troy.
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Mother of Amphion and Zethus.
Zeus impregnated her in the form of a Satyr... and after some shenanigans with her uncle she gave birth on the way home. She was later tied to the horns of two bulls until Hermes intervened.
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Mother of Apollo and Artemis
Leto’s beauty caught Zeus’s eye, and he got her pregnant. She looked for a place to give birth where she wouldn’t be bothered by Hera. She found an island that was somehow not on the ocean, and gave birth to Artemis and Apollo there. 
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Mother of Perseus
Danae was locked up because her father heard that if she ever got a child, the child would kill him. Zeus would have none of this and trickled in in the form of golden rain. Don’t even ask how that works. Anyway, Perseus was born, and the king sealed Danae and Perseus in a wooden chest. Poseidon found them and because Zeus asked him to, let them live. 
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Mother of Athena
Before Hera, Zeus had another wife, Metis. He had sex with her, but heard that their children were going to be extremely powerful. He tricked her into turning into a fly and swallowed her. However, Metis had already conceived. She gave birth inside of him. Her daughter then grew and was clothed with the helmet her mother made her (don’t ask me how). She then began hammering at his head, giving him a terrible headache. When Hephaestus split his head open, the beautiful goddess Athena sprung out, fully clothed and ready to rumble. 
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Mother of Dionysus
Semele was a priestess of Zeus and he fell in love with her after flying over her as an eagle as she bathed. hey did the do, and Hera flippe (as can be expected). She showed up as an old woman. Semele told her that she had slept with Zeus. Hera pretended not to hear her, and then “planted seeds of doubt in her mind”. Semele asked Zeus for a favor, as Zeus agreed enthusiastically, swearing on the river Styx. She told Zeus to reveal himself in his full godliness, which he advised her not to do. However, he had to do it. Morals die when they see gods in their rue form, and so Semele perished. 
Zeus was able to save Dionysus, though. 
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Mother of Minos, Sarpedon and Rhadamanthus.
A descendant of Io herself, she also did the dumbest thing in the greek world, and slept with Zeus. She then gave birth to Minos, Sarpedon and Rhadamanthus. They became the three judges of the underworld.  
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Mnemosyne was the mother of all of the muses.
Zeus and Mnemosyne slept together for nine consecutive nights so she could conceive all of the muses.
I hope they understand that it doesn’t work that way, and I also hope that there was some greek dude who tried that. 
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Mother of Tityos
Zeus got her pregnant, but hid her from Hera deep in the earth, where she gave birth to Tityos, a giant. Due to her son being, you know, a GIANT, she dies in labor. 
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Mother of Epaphus and Keroessa 
Zeus got her pregnant by just, y’know, doing the nasty.He then turned her into  a cow to protect her from Hera. Hera then Argos, who was covered in a hundred eyes, to prevent Zeus from visiting Io. Hermes distracted and killed Argos, allowing Zeus to get Io again. Hera then sent her overseas to a remote island, where she gave birth to Zeus’ children, Epaphus and Keroessa. 
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Mother of Heracles
Zeus got Alcmene pregnant by pretending to be her husband, who was away at war at the time. Oof. 
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