zmakesgames · 11 days
I am making this post because as of late, I, my friends and loved ones have been harassed. Vinca @flor4zul / @iso7010 / 4Nil on Itch.io , a developer who I have spoken to in the past has been accusing me of transmisogyny and anti-blackness. She first sent me a message message in the middle of the night calling me out and telling me to rot over a scene found in my game, Mare.
Spoilers for Mare:
Trigger warning for Transphobia, Transmisogyny, use of a Transphobic slur, Bullying, Violence and attempted suicide
Document will contain text of wishing someone's death and harm to an individual.
Once more, I ask even with what I have provided here that you do not harass Vinca or her friends. While she and her friends have hurt me, I do not endorse hurting others in turn. Minor update to the document: When referring to Vinca, they/them has been changed to She/her after noticing editorial mistake
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zmakesgames · 13 days
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Every Thought Flies is out!
Download on Itch.io
One stormy afternoon, Gioele decides to play a ritual japanese game, The Gathering of 100 Supernatural Tales. It's a relatively simple game to play, after all; it requires 100 candles, a lot of matches, and willing storytellers with a fervid imagination - telling 100 weird stories in a row is not an easy task! At the end of the last tale, something strange is bound to happen... And what better storytellers than Felix, Noelia and Abele? So, the game show you the last four tales. Strange, weird, supernatural stories... also, somewhat painful memories. They claim their stories are all true; will you believe them? Maybe, inside this tales there is something more worrying than the possible ghost apparition at the end of the game...
Every thought flies it's an anthology of creepy tales using as a frame the japanese game Hyaku Monogatari Kaidankai.
It's not a really scary game, it's more like a cozy horror.
🕯️ 4 different cozy horror tales
🕯️ Atmospheric sound design (No RTP!)
🕯️ Sardinian folklore in the first tale
🕯️ Queer characters!  
🕯️ Multiple endings for each story AND for the game
🕯️ For now, 3 CGs (planning to add more). 
🕯️ 1h/1h30 of playtime
My first complete project! So happy right now-
This is the "chapter 0" of The Ash Black Cat series, but it works fine as a standalone game. Have fun!
(PS: Reblogs are really appreciated!)
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zmakesgames · 3 months
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Hello everyone, I wanted to let you all know that I am officially off of hiatus and have been hard at work on a new project. This project in particular will be a complete version of The Clockwork Prince, a very small project that I made for the IGMC in 2018.
Why this project?
The Clockwork Prince was always a project I was always a project I wanted to return to after it's creation for the game jam to make a full game. As I had other projects at the time I was creating, I wanted to focus on those before moving to another.
What engine will you be using for this project?
For this project, I will be creating it in Unreal Engine 5. I am still very new to the engine, but I have been doing my very best to learn all I can to make it enjoyable.
Will this have the same story as the game jam project?
No, it will have a completely reworked story, there are some characters that will make an appearance that were in the jam, such as Ian, but alot has been changed.
Why were you on haitus?
During Maneki's development, I was contracted to work for a publisher and was not allow to make personal projects during my employment. I was able to finish Maneki, but that was the extent my contract allowed.
I have been very hard at work creating this project already, but as I am also working a full time job, there is also only so much time I can dedicate at a time to it. I still hope that you will look forward to it and enjoy some of previews I have made.
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zmakesgames · 2 years
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Finished playing The Case of Maneki a while back, and I still can't stop singing praises for @zmakesgames !!! Such a fun time with a wonderfully developed world. Best indie game I've played this year <3
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zmakesgames · 2 years
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The Case of Maneki is now available! 🐱📚✨
The Case of Maneki is a Detective game about a Maneki Neko, or lucky cat, following his adopted guardian to find the truth that is hidden between a series of gruesome murders. Steam  ✨ Itch.io  ✨ Press Kit
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zmakesgames · 2 years
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Happy 2nd anniversary Mare! 
I’m a day late as I have been swamped by work, but it really is amazing how it is already 2 years old. ;v; This beautiful art piece was made by @eveningrelics
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zmakesgames · 2 years
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The Case of Maneki is still in development, I have been working on a highlighter system for a couple puzzles ✨
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zmakesgames · 3 years
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Make sure to take time for yourself to take in the sights and relax
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zmakesgames · 3 years
A update about The Case of Maneki
Hello everyone, I do hope that you are doing well.  ✨
I come to you today to bring you an update on The Case of Maneki and its release. Due to some concerns that were brought to my attention by the QA team, and due to me being extremely busy with my work during this holiday season, I feel it is for the best to delay the game until March 2022.  This will allow me to have plenty of time to be able to work on the game and fix the concerns that were brought to my attention, in order to give it the proper polish it deserves. Please rest assured that I am still hard at work on it to be able to deliver the best experience to you.
Thank you all for your support, I truly do appreciate it and really do wish you all the best this holiday season.
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zmakesgames · 3 years
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Hopefully he doesn't find out 🐦💦
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zmakesgames · 3 years
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Make sure to take time for yourself to take in the sights and relax
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zmakesgames · 3 years
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Just like a cat getting into trouble 🐱✨
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zmakesgames · 3 years
Trick & Treat Remake is now available on itch.io!
Trick & Treat Remake is now available on itch.io with 40% off release sale!
Besides the visual update, the non-Steam ver. also has in-game achievements and a screenshot function.
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Unfortunately,  TATR’s Steam release date is still unknown. Grab it on itch and play it early if you’d like to! Follow on Twitter (https://twitter.com/RabbitonGames) for news and regular updates! Wish list on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1628440/Trick__Treat_Remake/
I hope this remake version can bring you some Halloween mood, and maybe a little nostalgia feelings. The art book is still being made, which will be available very soon. Thank you very much for the support. Hope you have fun!
Keep reading
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zmakesgames · 3 years
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A slow day, time to take in the sights ✨🌃
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zmakesgames · 3 years
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The people on the street are beginning to talk...
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zmakesgames · 3 years
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Hello, I do hope that you are all doing well. I wanted to talk with you all today about something exciting that will be happening in the future. I was recently offered a QA tester position at a large game publisher that I am really looking forward to working with. I really hope to give it my all and do the best that I can.
So this leads as well to the question, What about “Zmakesgames”?
Well, as I will be giving my all to my new position, Zmakesgames will be on hiatus for an undetermined amount of time, but The Case of Maneki is still going to release in December. As I write this, I am currently working on the very last section and only need to finish a few last assets to add to the coding and the game is complete and will go through the final testing phase.
Once The Case of Maneki is released though, that will be all for an  undetermined amount of time. No new projects will be under development unless stated otherwise in the future. 
I have truly enjoyed all the time that I had spend being a developer and creating so many fun projects, as well as meeting so many wonderful developers and friends.  I do hope that you will give me your support and look forward to The Case of Maneki’s release in December. ;v;/
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zmakesgames · 3 years
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Think carefully now
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