zoetic11 · 3 years
Tumblr is a negative black hole sucking the life out of me and I am trying to be more positive.
Great things have happened recently and I want this happiness to last and not be a temporary thing.
I’m deleting this app and I’m okay
Goodbye everyone! :)
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zoetic11 · 3 years
I really hate being trans.
I hate the dysphoria, I hate the misgendering, I hate not being seen as a cis girl and people instantly knowing, I hate having to pay for my hrt every month, I hate that I can’t afford electrolysis or surgeries, I hate my voice, I hate my shoulders, I hate my height, I hate the size of everything, i hate being a topic of discussion all the time.
I hate myself.
I don’t hate other trans people I just hate having to deal with shit most people never even have to think about.
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zoetic11 · 3 years
I really want some fucking drugs.
Sucks being sober and broke.
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zoetic11 · 3 years
I just cut for the first time in four months.
I feel like such a failure.
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zoetic11 · 3 years
i kinda just wanna do a lot of drugs and die numb
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zoetic11 · 3 years
I could really use a wish right now
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zoetic11 · 3 years
Is there a word to describe “i’m trying my absolute fucking hardest and it’s not good enough”
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zoetic11 · 3 years
my life is a joke and i’m not laughing anymore
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zoetic11 · 3 years
Oml my principal just went up to me and asked me why I wasn’t eating lunch and I said I don’t like the school lunch and that I usually eat at home and he said “okay just don’t do the anorexia” and I was literally looking at thinspo while talking to him
I don’t know you shouldnt “do the anorexia.”
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zoetic11 · 3 years
I haven’t cut in about four months and haven’t had a cig in about three weeks and I feel like soon I’m going to relapse on one or both.
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zoetic11 · 3 years
Food is just calories. I can’t remember last time I ate for genuine enjoyment. I binge, I get hungry, but eating always feels like a chore and something I feel guilty for doing immediately after. I can go on about my favourite foods but are they really my favourite? I’ve had disordered eating habits long before I developed I full blown ED and it’s hard to say what’s really me. Everything is numbers and what I can get away with. I don’t think people realize how all consuming this fucking disorder is.
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zoetic11 · 3 years
Tumblr media
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zoetic11 · 3 years
I am sorry for the content I reblog sometimes. Content that might make me seem pro. I don’t really think when I scroll through the thinspo tag and reblog things. I don’t think about who is going to see them and I know that I should do that more but this is an outlet for me. I am genuinely sorry if I ever triggered you with the content I post on here and I hope you get better soon because you deserve to feel better and none of the mean things were directed towards you. You are amazing, beautiful and you deserve to eat.
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zoetic11 · 3 years
hoodies are one of the most powerful and underappreciated articles of clothing. cold? put on a hoodie. raining? put on a hoodie. no bra? put on a hoodie. nothing to wear? hoodie. cripplingly low self esteem? you already know. so versatile! so multifaceted!
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zoetic11 · 3 years
toxic mothers are wild they'll really be like "I never said that" like ma'am yes you did cause it's been ingrained in my head since I was twelve
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zoetic11 · 3 years
going against stereotypes: ED edition
give yourself a point for each:
- you’re not a girl
- you’re over 18
- you don’t smoke
- you don’t like energy drinks
- you’re not white
- you’re neurodivergent
- you’re not upper-middle class
- you’ve never been hospitalised
- you’re queer
- your BMI is still considered in “the healthy range” or above
- you have a disability and/or chronic illness
- “the media” is not the reason you have an ED
- only a couple people (or nobody) you know in-person knows about your ED
- you hate attention
- you hate social media
- you have something other than “the two main ones”
let’s see how many of us are absolutely nothing like the way we’re depicted in a lot of media and online spaces
caveat: it’s okay if you do fit into the stereotype, that doesn’t make you any more or less valid. I just wanted to point out that many of us don’t fit into it!
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zoetic11 · 3 years
If you know you know
I don't think we can 'lmao' our way out of this one, girls.
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