zuzu-firequeen · 1 month
Fire Queen
Series Masterlist
Zuko x OC
Hello… Zuko Here
"Hello ... Zuko here, but I guess... you probably already know me, sort of. Uhhh ... so, the thing is I have a lot of firebending experience, and I'm considered to be pretty good at it."
Zori nods with a numbs up. The rehearsal going smoothly so far. "Well, you've seen me, you know, when I was attacking you." Zori cringed. "Maybe apologize for that too?" Uhhh ... yeah, I guess I should. But anyway, I'm good now."  I clench both fists and place one on my chest while the other arm is raised. This is so awkward.
"This is getting painful." Zori grits her teeth. "Why don't I go talk to them?" "No! I need to do this."
I take a deep breath and start again, "I mean, I thought I was good before, but I realize I was bad, anyway, I think it's time I joined your group and taught the Avatar firebending. I understand Truble was supposed to teach you, but... I can do it." Zori stays silent. "Well, what's your answer?" The child sits on a rock with a frown. "It's a no for me boss." I sigh defeated, "That's what I'd say, too. How am I supposed to convince these people that I'm on their side? What would Uncle do?"
Zori jumps to the ground staring to imitate Iroh. "Zuko, you have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self, reveal itself." "What would Azula do?" Zori smirks playfully before she begins to imitate Azula. "Listen, Avatar, I can join your group, or I can do something unspeakably horrible to you and your friends. Your choice." I laugh lightly. "I'm glad I packed some comedic humor along."  Zori smiles, "I'm glad I came along too. I'm glad you chose the right way." I look away from her with a sheepish smile. "It's what Truble would have wanted. I regret not being there when she was hit. I think about her every day."
Aang springs excitedly, "Okay, we can do that while I show you the giant Pai Sho table! Oh, you're going to love the all-day echo chamber!" Toph furrows her brows, "I think it will have to wait." Toph points behind herself, Team Avatar looking at her quizzically. Appa moves out of the way to reveal a shadow, it is revealed to belong to Zuko. They look at him with shocked expressions, which subsequently turn into anger.
Zuko waves, "Hello. Zuko here." "AND ZORI!" The 10-year-old jumps off his back. "Zori!" The team chants with happiness. Katara hugs the child. "Where have you been? Truble..." Katara glanced at Zuko, but he avoided her gaze. "She wouldn't want you to run off like that, Zori."
Zori looked around the group, noticing the missing member. Her worry grew for Truble. Knowing it wasn't the appropriate time to reveal the truth of her death or rather nondeath. Zuko would have to find out on his own.
"I heard you guys flying around down there, so, I just thought I'd wait for you here," Appa growls at him and licks him twice. Aang lowers his staff slightly. "I know you must be surprised to see me here." Sokka shakes his head, "Not really since you've followed us all over the world."
"Right. Well, uhhh ... anyway ... what I wanted to tell you is that I've changed, and I, uhhh, I'm good now, and well I think I should join your group, oh, and I can teach firebending to you." Toph shouts confused, "You want to what now?" Katara crosses her arms. "You can't possibly think that any of us would trust you, can you? Especially after what you did to Truble. I mean, how stupid do you think we are?!"
"I've done some good things! I mean, I could have stolen your bison in Ba Sing Se, but I set him free. That's something!" Appa licks him again, much to his surprise. "I can understand why you wouldn't trust me, and I know I've made some mistakes in the past."
Sokka starts, "Like when you attacked our village?" Then Katara states, "Or when you stole my mother's necklace and used it to track us down and capture us?" Then Toph continues, "Or when you betrayed Truble." I look up at her with a glare. Zori holds my hand lightly. "Look, I admit I've done awful things. I was wrong to try to capture you, and I'm sorry that I attacked the Water Tribe. I'm sorry I went against Truble. And I never should have sent that Fire Nation assassin after you." Toph and Sokka's eyes widen with shock.
"Wait, you sent Combustion Man after us?" "Well that's not his name, but-" Sokka rolled his eyes, "Ohhh, sorry. I didn't mean to insult your friend!" "HE IS NOT MY FRIEND!" I should angrily. I look to Aang, "Why aren't you saying anything? You once said you thought we could be friends. You know I have good in me."
Aang turns to look at his friends, and Sokka shakes his head. "There's no way we can trust you after everything you've done. We'll never let you join us." Katara tugs Zori behind her, "You need to get out of here. Now."
"If you won't accept me as a friend, then maybe you'll take me as a prisoner. I kneel, bend my head, and raise my arms in surrender. "No, we won't!" Katara blasts water at me. "Get out of here, and don't come back! And if we ever see you again, well, we'd better not see you again!"
Zori looks from behind Katara. She nods, and knowing she will be safe, I walk away. Some hidden paths are crossed alone. Uncle would be proud.
I wiggle in my chains, my shoulders both out of place by now. I've been suspended for days, and the tips of my toes barely scraped the metal floor. Sweat covered my face, along with bruises and blood from endless interrogations.
"Where is he? Where is Savrar?" A guard punches my stomach making me grimace in pain. "I told you. He's dead. I am the only one left." "And we don't believe you!" Another blow to my stomach and I spit blood into the guard's face. "You little," he grabs my chin with rage in his eyes. "She's supposed to be left alive." A chilling voice sounds from the entrance.
Azula enters with two figures behind her, her so-called friends. She shoves the guard out and shuts the door. "You should be dead, rat."
I look down at my body, a smirk growing on my lips. "Am I not? Hm, weird." One of the girls cartwheels over to me, she runs a finger down my long red hair, "This is really pretty! I've never seen this color before!" The other girl crosses her arms, "so bright it's burning my eyes." Azula smirks at her friend and grabs a knife from Mai's hand. "Let's give you a makeover." Azula moves behind me, grabs my hair in a wad, and pulls my head back, the muscles in my body straining. "Where is the avatar?" "Why don't you use my pendant and see?" Azula slashes a section of my hair, it falls to the ground in uneven lengths. This is humiliating. "Oh, I wish I could. Zuzu took it before I even knew the value. I guess he wanted a souvenir."
Azula slashes another wad off. "So this is what he left me for?" Mai asks walking around me in a circle. "I can't say I'm impressed." I glare at her. "Oh just wait until I get out of here!" I huff fire with fury, thrashing around in my chains. Mai smirks tilting her head. "I'm shaking."
Azula cuts the remaining hair off, leaving it to fall just before my shoulders. "Now you listen rat. We're moving you to boiling rock. One flicker of a flame and I will burn your face off." I smirk at her, "I love when you talk dirty to me." Her eyes bore into mine only making me smile widly. She can't stand my lack of fear. "You should be terrified. I could kill you, rat!" I get as close to her as I can, my face heating up, "I don't do scared." Azula glared at me and stormed out, steam rolling out of her ears.
As the metal door slams shut I rest my head. I see the fallen strands of my hair and sigh. I was taught to never crack. My father was a
Strict man when it came to training and one of the key things he drilled into me was never giving in. Even if it meant death. Which seems like a welcomed friend at this time.
"You've got to keep going." A tiny voice rings in my head. "Zori?" I ask aloud, searching the room from top to bottom. "You can't give up Truble." I allow my head to fall. "I can't do it Zori. I can't get out of here."
"Then I'm coming to get you."
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zuzu-firequeen · 1 month
Fire Queen
Series Masterlist
Zuko x OC
The Day of The Black Sun
Aang sits on the stone with his legs crossed, he looks at peace. I walk around him in curiosity. "So, he's just floating around up there? What's he even doing?" Sokka shrugs, "Not sure, he'll giggle every so often. Has to be good." Aang shakes his head and slowly opens his eyes. I stand in his face studying him. "Are you having a freaky ghost experience or something?"
Aang shakes his head and begins to tell all of his adventures in the spirit world. Katara, shocked by the news, speaks, "You mean, after all, Roku and Sozin went through together, even after Roku showed him mercy, Sozin betrayed him like that‌? " Toph shakes her head, her arms crossed, "It's like these people are born bad. No offense, Truble." I shrug, "None taken. They sound like bums."
"No, that's wrong. I don't think that was the point of what Roku showed me at all. Roku was just as much Fire Nation as Sozin was, right? If anything, their story proves anyone's capable of great good and great evil. Everyone, even the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation have to be treated like they're worth giving a chance. And I also think it was about friendships." I smile softly at them. "You guys are the only friends I've ever had." Toph speaks softly, "Do you think friendships can last more than one lifetime?" I grapple at my neck, still feeling the space from my pendant. Katara grabs my hand, I grab Toph's hand, and Aang grabs Toph's other hand. "I don't see why not." Sokka opens his mouth attempting to ruin the moment. "Well, scientifically speaking, there's no way to prove that ..." Katara shouts at him annoyed, "Oh, Sokka, just hold hands." He grabs her open palm interlocking our hands, our friendship. This is great, and I'm happy with these people, but I miss my family, Zori, and even Zuko.
Since then, it's been months. Living in the fire nation wasn't all bad. We've faced an assassin who is constantly trying to blow us up, Katara almost got killed by an old woman who taught her how to blood bend and the eclipse is upon us. Aang is hardly ready. He doesn't even try when we're training.
Some koala sheep are sleeping, as Katara, Sokka, Aang, Toph, Appa, and I come out of the bushes. The vase hills of grass look peaceful in the moonlight. Sokka looks at a map, while everyone else looks around. "This is it! The official rendezvous point for the invasion force." "How did you pick this place?" Sokka answers with his eyes glued on the map. "Before we split up, my dad and I found this island on the map. It's uninhabited, and the harbors surrounded by the cliffs seemed like the perfect secluded place." "Nice choice, Sokka. And we're here four days ahead of schedule." I raise my hands in the cheer. "I'm so ready to kick some fire lord butt!" I raise my leg kicking the air. While I'm overjoyed to get this over with, Aang feels differently. "Wait! Four days? The invasion's in four days?" "Yeah! Have you not been counting?"
In the Fire Nation Palace, where Zuko is getting dressed and ready, with help from his servants. "Fresh fruit, Prince Zuko?" Zuko puts out his hand and shakes his head respectfully. "May I wash your feet, sir?" Zuko respectfully puts his hand out and shakes his head again. "Head massage?" Zuko shakes his head again. "Hot towel?" Zuko looks at the towels for a moment and takes one. He wipes his forehead before walking out of the room.
Zoir waits outside the door, pouncing on his arm as he exits. "Whoa!" He gasps at the sudden jolt. "Hi!" Zori smiles as she walks next to him. Her hair was up in a bun and dressed in the highest fire nation garbs. She fit right in. "What are you doing?" Zuko asks as they near the front exit. "I wanted to play," Zori states as she runs her finger along to wall. Zuko pushes her hand down as she runs it along an ancient vase. "Don't touch."
"Are you busy? I wanted to feed the turtle ducks." "I'm going to Mai's." Zori rolls her eyes at the mention of his girlfriend. "You said you'd see me today, Zuko." "And I'm seeing you now. Go feed the turtle ducks." Zori stops on her heels, watching him walk away. She crosses her arms in a pout. "I should've stayed with Mom."
Zuko leaves the palace gates, with Fire Nation citizens waiting for him. One woman becomes overly excited at seeing Zuko and is taken away by the palace guards. "Zuko, is something wrong? You didn't take the palanquin." "I'm just going to Mai's house. It's not far." "It's not a prince's place to walk anywhere, sir."
Zuko looks in the distance, walks over, and gets into the palanquin. The servants pick it up and walk over to Mai's house. Zuko looks out of the palanquin's curtains and sees Mai, who is standing by the doors to her house, who waves and walks away. His heart pings as he remembers what Truble looked like when she waved at customers who entered the tea shop. She was so beautiful. Zuko runs his fingers over the golden pendant hidden under his robes.
Today was the day. The day we invented the fire nation. The plan was solid, foolproof, and unstoppable! Hakoda stands tall giving the plans to our troops. "Let me just clarify a few points for everyone. Today is the day of the black sun, and I want to thank you all for your self-sacrifice, and your courage. There are two steps to the invasion, a naval stage, and then a land stage. To gain sea access to the Fire Nation capital, we need to get past our first major obstacle here, The Great Gates of Azulon. Next, we hit the land, and we hit hard. We must fight past their battlements and secure the plaza tower. Once we do that, it's up to the Royal Palace. At that point, the eclipse will begin." I look down at my hands in fear. Without my bending what use will I even be? My time pendant is gone, and my fire will be useless.
We get through the wall by using submarines to get under the firewall. Clever if you ask me.
the submarine fleet approaching land. The other end of a periscope emerges above water, looking around. Cut to inside the sub, Hakoda manning the periscope. Realizing where they are he turns around to address the earthbenders.
Toph and other earthbenders climb down a ladder in the sub and get ready. Cut to an overview of the Fire Nation port. An alarm goes off as the subs approach the gate. Several harpoons are launched at the subs, but most miss. One hits, causing a leak which is quickly sealed by a foggy swamp waterbender turning the water to ice, and pulls the attached sub out of the water. Katara quickly responds by piloting Appa out of the water and using water bending to slice through the chain, dropping the sub back down.
Huu launches the torpedo with water bending. Cut outside as six torpedoes make holes in the underwater barrier, making it possible for the subs to pass through.
Toph, the Boulder, and other earthbenders are standing in a metal tank. Cut to Water Tribe warriors and foggy swamp water benders with Sokka among them, he lets out a sigh. Cut to the subs rising from the water, being instantly attacked by missiles. The subs open and several tanks exit while the other soldiers yell and charge out. The battle commences as they make their way inland, destroying battlements as they go. Earthbenders use rocks provided by a truck containing many rocks. Appa arrives and Katara jumps off as Fire Nation tanks appear. Teo is seen inside an earthbender tank before it destroys a battlement by crushing it. Another tank lifts its front to slam down and crush a Fire Nation tank. More Fire Nation tanks arrive as the army pushes on. The swamp benders use water provided to destroy enemy tanks.
Several Fire Nation soldiers on rhinos appear shooting fireballs at a group of Water Tribe warriors. They charge, and Sokka quickly disarms one of the riders and steals his rhino.
Hakoda grunts as he turns and deflects a fireball with his shield. He turns back to disarm a soldier and quickly defeats others before jumping on the rhino to join Sokka. The vehicle full of rocks for earthbenders is destroyed. Huu, inside the seaweed, is shown destroying more tanks. An earthbender tank is destroyed by a battlement above. Cut to Hakoda and Sokka who saw this happen.
Sokka, Hakoda, and Katara are shown riding a fully armored Appa. Sokka draws his sword and slices the end of a missile launcher off. As they fly past one another, Hakoda throws two bombs inside the battlement. Cut to two soldiers running out as it explodes. Cut back to Appa as Katara breaks two barrels of water attached to either side of Appa as it forms around her arms. They fly past another battlement she freezes the soldier and launcher inside. Appa lands between two still operational battlements. The three jump off Appa.
Sokka and Katara, are shown breaking into their battlement, Katara freezing the soldiers inside. Sokka uses his sword to cut through the launcher, causing part of it to fall out and explode outside as Katara and Sokka exit the battlement. They see Hakoda on the roof of his as he climbs inside. They hear noises from the ensuing fight until the launcher shoots and explodes, hearing Hakoda yelling out in pain. Cut to Sokka and Katara's worried faces as Hakoda exits, wounded, and falls to the ground.
the battlefield, a mess of Fire Nation tanks destroyed everywhere. Several raised battlements fire on the army below. Appa lands and takes out an enemy tank as Sokka makes his way to the back of the saddle to rally the soldiers.
Aang standing on the edge of the volcano. He glides down to a building attempting to hide. He rises, confused, as there is nobody there. "That's strange." He continues onto the Royal Palace, breaks open the door, and takes a fighting stance. "The Avatar is back!" Realizing no one is around he relaxes, looking confused. "Hello? Anyone home?"
tanks, which are making their way up the volcano, unaffected by fire blasts from firebenders in front. Cut to Sokka steering a vehicle full of explosives into a wall before jumping off. Cut to an aerial view showing two explosions at the inner walls. Cut to Sokka, soldiers behind him, as they charge forward. Firebenders attempt to stop them but are pushed back. Cut to Tyro running in with the other troops as Bato appears behind him.
Aang makes his way into an empty, darkened throne room. "No." He Kneels on the ground; frustrated. "No, no, no! Fire Lord Ozai, where are you!?"
The Fire Lord wasn't there. Aang flew back down to meet the team. A disappointed expression on his face. He lands in front of us. "Please tell me you're here because the Fire Lord turned out to be a big wimp and you didn't even need the eclipse to take him down." "He wasn't home. No one was. The entire palace city is abandoned."
"They knew." I feel so defeated. My bending weakens, my time pendant is missing, and now I have failed my father. The fire lord will win and take over the world. The very thing I was trying to prevent will happen. Sokka speaks, "My instincts tell me he wouldn't go too far. He would have a secret bunker; somewhere he could go and be safe during the siege but still be close enough to lead his nation." Toph steps forward. "If it's an underground secret bunker we're looking for, I'm just the girl to find it."
"We can still do this. We can still win the day." Katara worriedly speaks, "Wait! If they knew we were coming it could all be a trap. Maybe we should use the time we have left to make sure we all get out of here safely." I shake my head. "No. You four must go ahead." Aang furrows his brow. "What? We need you, Truble." "No. With me, you'll be hunted even more. If they capture me it will give you more time. I'm willing to do this. For you, and my father."
"Everyone who's here today came prepared to risk everything for this mission. They know what's at stake. If there's still a chance and there's still hope, I think they would want Aang to go for it." Hakoda agrees, placing a hand on my shoulder. Within the next hours, we were all captured.
Zuko is walking into Mai's room. He looks at a painting of them and becomes downcast. "I'm sorry, Mai." He leaves a note on her bed and leaves.
Zuko kneeling at a painting of his mother. "I know I've made some bad choices, but today, I'm gonna set things right." He rises, picks up his sword, covers his head with the hood of his robe, turns his back to the camera, and leaves.
Zuko now stands before a small metal door, a burning torch surrounding either side of it. "I'm ready to face you." He opens the door, revealing Fire Lord Ozai sitting on the far side of the room, drinking tea. The Fire Lord is surrounded by several Royal Procession guards. He sets his teacup down upon seeing the prince. "Prince Zuko? What are you doing here?" "I'm here, to tell the truth." The fire lord tilts his head in curiosity. "Telling the truth during the middle of an eclipse. This should be interesting." He sends the guards out of the room. One by one the guards file out, closing the doors behind them. "First of all, in Ba Sing Se, it was Azula who took down the Avatar, not me. She is the one who murdered Truble. I could never hurt her." Ozai raises a brow.  "Savrar'a child. You feel for her." The glare grew on the Fire Lord's face.
"The Avatar is not dead. He survived." Ozais eyes grow in shock. "What?", he gasps in horror. "He's probably leading this invasion. He could be on his way here right now." Ozai rises from his seat and points toward the door. "Get out! Get out of my sight right now if you know what's good for you!"
I smirk at my father. "That's another thing. I'm not taking orders from you anymore." "You will obey me, or this defiant breath will be your last!", Ozai booms angrily. I pull out my sword, "Think again. I am going to speak my mind, and you are going to listen." Ozai sits down, dismayed at the turn of events. "For so long, all I wanted was for you to love me, to accept me. I thought it was my honor I wanted, but really, I was just trying to please you. You, my father, who banished me just for talking out of turn. My father, who challenged me, a thirteen-year-old boy, to an Agni Kai. How could you possibly justify a duel with a child?" Ozai spits in hatred, "it was to teach you respect!"
"It was cruel and wrong."
"THEN YOU HAVE LEARNED NOTHING!" Ozai shouts angrily.
"No, I've learned everything! And I've had to learn it on my own! Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history. And somehow, the War was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. What an amazing lie that was. The people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation. They don't see our greatness. They hate us! And we deserve it! We've created an era of fear in the world. And if we don't want the world to destroy itself, we need to replace it with an era of peace and kindness." Ozia turns his lips up at the mention of peace. "You have been persuaded by that rat!" I smirk at her mention. She would be proud of me. This is all for her. I won't let her die in vain. The war will end, and the Avatar will succeed. "Yes, she has." I grab the necklace around my palm. My only physical memory of my love. "After I leave here today, I'm gonna free Uncle Iroh from his prison and I'm gonna beg for his forgiveness. He's the one who's been a real father to me."
Ozia laughs, "Oh, that's just beautiful. And maybe he can pass down to you the ways of tea and failure."
"But I've come to an even more important decision." I close my eyes and momentarily pause. This is what she would want me to do. This will protect Zori. "I'm going to join the Avatar and I'm going to help him defeat you." Father raises his eyebrows smugly, "Really? Since you're a full-blown traitor now and you want me gone, why wait? I'm powerless. You've got your swords. Why don't you just do it now?"
"Because I know my own destiny. Taking you down is the Avatar's destiny." I put the sword away, "Goodbye." I turn away from him and walk towards the door.
Ozia stands to his feet in fury. "Coward! You think you're brave enough to face me, but you'll only do it during the eclipse. If you have any real courage, you'll stick around until the sun comes out. Don't you want to know what happened to your mother?" I abruptly stop and turn to face my father. "What happened that night?"
"My father, Fire Lord Azulon, had commanded me to do the unthinkable to you, my son, and I was going to do it. Your mother found out and swore she would protect you at any cost. She knew I wanted the throne and she proposed a plan, a plan in which I would become Fire Lord and your life would be spared. Your mother did vicious, treasonous things that night. She knew the consequences and accepted them. For her treason, she was banished."
I feel tears prickle in my eyes, "so she's alive?"
"Perhaps. Now I realize that banishment is far too merciful a penalty for treason." Ozai closes his eyes. "Your penalty will be far steeper." He opens his eyes and, in split seconds, generates lightning, firing the bolt at me.
I slide back several feet from the impact of the bolt, yet manage to redirect it, sending it back to right in front of my father. The resulting explosion causes the Fire Lord to slam into the back wall, where he falls over and raises his head, only to see I had made my escape.
Five bombs are released onto each of the submarines, destroying all five of them. Our chances of any escape now are pointless. The team looks on in disappointment. Sokka closes his eyes resentfully. Katara hugs me close. "You don't have to sacrifice yourself, Truble." I hug her back, "You kidding me? Prison will be a vacation." Hakoda places a hand on my shoulder, "I will make sure she stays safe." I hold my tears back as the gang says their goodbyes.
The team turns to leave on Appa. Appa moans and takes off as the team looks back sadly at those remaining. Meanwhile, on a Fire Nation airship Azula smirks as she sees the bright red hair. She chuckles lowly, "Why would you look at that? Looks like the rat is still alive too."
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zuzu-firequeen · 1 month
Fire Queen
Series Masterlist
Zuko x OC
The Test of The Unknown
Zoir has been missing ever since we left for food that night. Aang never even saw her leave. Everything she had with her was gone. All I can hope is she's safe wherever she is. We spent two days looking for her, soaring through the sky and trimming the ground. No sign of my young friend. She couldn't have gone far. The time pin only allows her to venture alongside me as I bend the timeline, she is unable to bend the time herself, being a non-bender and especially not my blood relative. She's either close or...
No! I refuse to accept that.
"I think I see a cave below. Can we stop and look?" I call out. Aang looks over his shoulder, they all have eyes on me, noticing this is the first thing I've said in a day. "Yeah. Let's take a look." We land and I rush into the cave. "Zori?" I call out once more but only hear the echo of my voice against the rocks. "She's not here," Toph says, putting a hand on my shoulder.
Sokka slings his arm around me. "You picked a good place regardless. We'll find her. If she hasn't been here yet she will. She knows this is how we'll be living until the invasion begins. Hiding in cave after cave...after cave...after cave... His head drops further to his chest with each repetition of the word.
I move from his arm and sit on a rock. "This sucks."
"We don't need to become cave people. What we need are some new clothes." Katara suggested as she looked over the noticeable outfits.
"Yeah, blending in is better than hiding out. If we get Fire Nation disguises, we'll be just as safe as we would be hiding in a cave."
"Plus...they have real food out there. Does anyone wanna sit in the dirt and eat cave-hoppers?" She punches the cave wall and several hoppers hop out. Momo catches one and begins chowing down. I narrow my lips in disgust. Momo just eyes me and continues chomping. "I vote for new clothes." I raise my hand and walk out.
Several items of clothing are hung on lines outdoors, suspended over steam vents. We five sit, hiding in some rocks close by, surveying the scene. Aang shakes his head. "I don't know about this. These clothes belong to somebody." I smile spotting a dark red dress with simple accents of flowers. I hop up sprinting for it, also getting an outfit for Toph. "Mine and Toph's!" I snatched them from the line, running away.
"I call the silk robe!" Katara shouts as she leaps from the rocks, runs to her prize, and snatches it from the line.
Sokka and Aang snatch their clothes and run towards us. "Here Toph I got these." She takes them out of my hand smiling. "My favorite color! How'd ya know, Princess?" I smirk at her humor. "Lucky guess."
Aang turns around to us presenting his new style. "Ta-dah! Normal kid."
"Hmm...I should probably wear shoes, but then I won't be able to see as well. Sorry shoes!" Sitting down, she brings her knee up to her chest, pulling on the shoe's upper and popping out the sole with her foot, which propels it into Sokka's face. She stands up and evaluates her new customized footwear. "Snazzy."  "I know right? Finally, a stylish shoe for the blind earthbender."
Later into the late hours, Aang has yet to return to the cave. "This isn't good. This group is disappearing one by one!" Sokka calls out. "He might've found Zori." I bite my lip in hope.
As if on cue Aang slides down the roof of the cave and walks in. Katara rushes to him in a hug. "Where have you been? We've been worried sick!"
"I got invited to play with some kids after school." "After what?" Sokka shrieks. Aang smiles and shrugs, "I enrolled in a Fire Nation school, and I'm going back tomorrow."
"Enrolled in what?!"
I walked towards the prison again, my hood pulled over my head. I neared the guard without acknowledgment. "You again? Stop where you are." I  raise my head, revealing myself, with a glare. "Prince Zuko?!" I grab him by the collar and slam him against the wall. "I'm going in for a visit. You're gonna stand guard here, and no one is going to know about this." I demand in a sinister tone. I walk past him into my uncle's cell. He's unkempt dressed in rags, and seated cross-legged on a mat, facing the wall. "Uncle. It's me." I remove my hood. Iroh turns away to face the back of his cell, scowling.
I feel fire ignited with my anger. How dare he turn away. "You brought this on yourself, you know. We could have returned together. You could have been a hero!" Iroh turns a shade further away from the bars, from me. "You have no right to judge me, Uncle. I did what I had to do in Ba Sing Se, and you're a fool for not joining me." I push farther. He should be sorry. Saying how regretful he is of the cell. "You're not gonna say anything?" I kick a stool and blast fire at the wall. "Argh! You're a crazy old man! You're crazy, and if you weren't in jail, you'd be sleeping in a gutter!" I leave the room, slamming the door behind me.
I enter my room throwing my robes to the floor, feeling restricted, feeling a rush of anger. "Arghhh!" I yell balling up my fists. "Calm down." A small voice speaks. Zori stands rubbing her little eyes. "You woke me up." I let out a huff. "I'm not in the mood." I fire back. "I'm not either!"
I walk to my balcony looking off into the world. What a waste of a world without her. Without Truble. "I miss her too." I pivot glaring at Zori. "Stay out of my head." "Can't. You're loud." She hauls herself on the railing, balancing almost as well as Azula.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"I don't think I have a choice in the matter." She smiles and continues. "What would you do differently?" I look at my feet playing it over and over again. I could have saved her. "You know what I would've done." I spit out sharply. "I don't. I wasn't there." Zori shrugs. "I would've saved her," I whisper feeling the tears fall down my cheeks. Zori kicks her feet. "Or you can make sure her death wasn't in vain." "How? Azula..." Zori shakes her head. "Join the Avatar. End this war. Her life wasn't for nothing." She walks back in leaving me alone.
She's right...
The thought has been pickling in my mind since my arrival. Everything Truble has had to work for is just a whisper in the wind and will fade into an empty gale. No. I will make sure she lives on.
"You think they'll be back soon?" I ask as I line up the sword to just below my collarbones. "I'm not sure, princess. Scared they'll talk you out of this?" "No." I swiftly cut the strands of hair letting them fall to the ground. "You look good," Toph says with a smirk.
I cut the other side and look at the bundle of hair on the floor. "That's almost more than you buddy." I pat Appa playfully.
"That settles it. No more school for you young man!" I hear Sokka exclaim as he, Aang, and Katara stroll in. Aang hangs his head low. Sokka straightens up and strokes his fake beard imperiously.
"I'm not ready to leave. I'm having fun for once, just being a normal kid. You don't know what it's like, Sokka. You get to be normal all the time. Listen, guys, those kids at school are the future of the Fire Nation. If we wanna change this place for the better, we need to show them a little taste of freedom." I smile at Aang. "I like your spirit, Aang, but you also need to remember what we are here to do. Plus everyone thinks you're dead. I mean what could you possibly do for a country of depraved little fire monsters?" I ask laughing and crossing my arms.
"I'm gonna throw them..." He does a quick tap dance flourish around the cave. "...a secret dance party!" I cover my mouth stifling my laugh. Sokka stops his foot and points away from him. "Go to your room!"
The musky walls and the scent of nothing but drenched rocks coat the surroundings. I kneel in front of Uncle's cell. "I brought you some Komodo chicken. I know you don't care for it, but I figure it beats prison food." Uncle is silent, his back to me. "I admit it. I have everything I always wanted, but it's not at all how I thought it would be. The truth is, I need your advice. I think the Avatar is still alive. I know he's out there. I'm losing my mind. Please, Uncle, I'm so confused! I need your help." I clench my fists against the bars, but Uncle stares at the wall. Only if Truble was here...
I throw my hands down, standing up in rage. "Forget it! I'll solve this myself! Waste away here for all I care!" I walk to the door and open it, turning back for just a moment, and then quickly slam the door. How could he sit there saying nothing? Not one word of wisdom from the damn man?
I make my way into a seedy industrial quarter somewhere in the Fire Nation. Smokestacks cloud the night sky. Small yard bisected by railroad tracks. I venture off in a hood walking into the middle of the yard. "You're sure you weren't followed?" I nod dropping my hood. "I've heard about you. They say you're good at what you do. And even better at keeping secrets. The Avatar's alive. I want you to find him. And end him."
I blast fire against the rock blackening the sandstones and crisping the grass around it. "You're mad." I turn to the voice and place it as Sokka. "Why do you say that?" I throw another set of fireballs towards the trees, crisping the very edges. "Because you're bending at night. You don't sleep when you're mad." "I'm not mad!" "Yeah, you are." Sokka smirks.
I throw my hands down frowning. "I'm not mad... I-I'm sad, Sokka." I drop to my knees letting my head fall. "Sad, and tired." Sokka leans down and hugs me to him. "She's out there. Fighting her little ass off." "This is all Zuko's fault," I mumble poking at the ground for a distraction. "Yeah. It is." Sokka agrees as we sit together.
"Why do I even have to go? Can't I just hang out in your room?" I look down at Zori with surprise. "Like I'm going to leave you alone." She crosses her arms and throws her bag over her shoulder. "Fine." She huffs and runs after Ty Lee.
"You've caught a soft spot for her," Azula smirks pinching my cheek. "You killed her sister. She had nowhere to go." Azula shrugs. "If you say so, brother. I'm having fun being Auntie Auzl."
"Doesn't your family have a house on Ember Island?" Zori asks propping her elbows on the side of the ship. Azula turns to her with an innocent glace. "We used to come every summer when we were kids." Zori smiles. "That sounds like fun. My parents take us on vacation a lot. Mom says Dad never gets a break." I furrow my brow. "Truble said you two never had anything as a child." Zuri shrugs. "She didn't." She walks away with the girls leaving me in confusion. Did I know Truble has a different story to tell? Yes, she is a time bender for Roku's sake, but how would Truble have grown up living like hell and Zuri lived a cushy childhood with vacation homes?
The Fire Nation Boat enters the radius, moving toward this dock. Li and Lo are waiting in the foreground to greet us. "Welcome to Ember Island, kids." Zuri smiles widely as I frown and cross my arms. This sucks.
We enter a small shabby beach cottage. Everything is pink and green and smells. "It smells like old lady in here," I mumble looking around. Mai rolls her eyes. "Gee, I wonder why." I shoot her a glare as Zuri does the same.
"We know you're upset that you were forced to come here this weekend. But Ember Island is a magical place."  "Keep an open mind." "Give it a chance." "and it can help you understand yourselves and each other." I stare at them as their speech ends and walk away to my room. I flop on the bed huffing. "You look bony." Zuri pokes my ribs. "Have you eaten?" "No." "You should." "Go to your room." "This is my room!" Zuir agues back but cuddles next to me.
"She would want you to take care of yourself, Zuko." I stare up at the ceiling. "She's not your sister. You slipped up earlier, and I caught you." Zuri smirks. "You think I can slip up? You're thinking about it all wrong, Zuko. It's simple really." She walks out laughing.
This child is something else.
Team Avatar and I sit on the rocks next to the water, swimming, tanning, and having a good time. I watch Aang and Katara bend water and create shapes. "Aang, I know swimming is fun and all, but do you think you should be exposing yourself like that... Cover up!" Aang stays floating through the water, Momo curled up on his chest. "What? I'm wearing trunks." "She means your tattoos, Avatar." I laugh pulling my hair off my neck.
"There are walls all around us. It's completely safe." Katara says jumping in. "Katara being carefree? I never thought I would see this day." I swim near Aang and snatch Momo, making him shriek in play. Momo suddenly perks up and I turn to notice something ahead, a rapid mixture of tunnels. I watched Aang dive into one before anyone could tell him no.
I pick up a shell on the sand and pass it over to Mai. Best fallback I have. If I am to be Fire Lord. I will require a queen for some time. Mai is the best option, with her father in the military position he has. If not by choice then we will be bound by law. No, say in my life.
I pass the shell to her with a small smile. "Here... This is for you." She looks down at the shell with a distasteful look. "Why would I want that?" I look down at the shell confused. Truble would have loved it. "I saw it and I thought it was pretty. Don't girls like stuff like this?" Mai turns away hiding a smirk. "Maybe stupid girls." I toss the shell in anger. "Forget it!"
"Hey, beach bums, we're playing next," Azula tells the Fire Nation teens at the volleyball court. Gathering around in a huddle Azula takes the position as the leader.
"See that girl with the silly pigtails? When she runs towards the ball, there's just the slightest hesitation of her left foot. I'm willing to bet a childhood injury has weakened her." "You're getting all that by just watching how she walks?" Zuri laughs at the knowledge.
Azula nudges her away from the group. "Keep score little rat."
"Now listen to me. Keep serving the ball to her left and we'll destroy her, and the rest of her team. Dismissed!"
Azula throws the ball up toward the sun and then launches it toward the other team, who miss it completely. I slide for the ball and kick it up into the air. Azula runs toward it, spins around, and smacks it toward the pig-tailed girl. The pig-tailed girl dives but misses the ball completely. The ball flies over a crowd of Fire Nation teens and lands next to two Fire Nation Teen boys, who now notice the game. Ty Lee zooms through the air toward the ball. She kicks it and then lands like a tight ropewalker on the net. Mai runs toward the ball and hits it with her knee. Azula runs up my back, propelling herself into the air, and kicking the ball with all her power. The ball zooms toward the ground catching flame. The ball lands in a fiery explosion, setting fire to the net.
"Yes, we defeated you for all time! You will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation!" Azula laughs dramatically with evil intent. She casually turns to us with a small smile. "Well, that was fun."
At the Fire Nation party, all I do is sit on the bench with Mai, watching Zuir run around the house. Truble wouldn't want her here. Some people could hurt her. She's just a kid.
Mai groans from beside me. "Stop worrying about the kid. You're acting like her dad. It's annoying." I turn my head to her sharply. "It is not, and I'm not! She's just someone who needs me right now. She has no one else."
Another ten minutes go by and several more sighs from Mai later she speaks. " I'm bored."
" I know." I continue to watch Zuri play around.
"I'm hungry." "So what?" "So, find me some food." I stare at the ground and huff. "Sure." I get up walk to the table with snacks and start gathering things for the cranky Mai.
I turn my head to see a younger boy talking to Zuri, too close. I set the plate down and rush over to them. I grab the back of his shirt and pull him backward. "What are you doing?" He asks in shock. "Don't talk to her." I poke his chest.
Ruon Jian stands up and walks over to me pushing me back slightly. "Watch it, man. He wasn't doing anything to your sister. Chill, hot head."
Hot head... Truble called me that sometimes.
I clench my fists and glare at him. "Are we having an issue here? Hmm?" He leans into my space with a glare. "Get out." I huff pushing past them. "Gladly."
I walk down to the shore sitting on the sand. I stare up towards the sky looking at the stars. I trail my hand down the golden chain to the coin hanging. "My Truble. I am so sorry." I feel a tear slip over my cheek, letting it fall to the sand below. This is the life I thought I wanted, the one I deserved. I know now this is hell from where I was. From spending each day encaptured in her laughter of glee. These flames of fire are holding me from saving her.
I look down at the coin and run my fingers over the emblem. "I will save you."
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zuzu-firequeen · 4 years
Can fire benders fart fire?
Good question. I say hell yeah. That’s some hot ass.
34 notes · View notes
zuzu-firequeen · 4 years
Fire Queen
Fire Queen Masterlist
Tagged: @redryderdesigns @luleck @melacholy
~Zuko X OC~
I stand on deck, watching as we rush through the sea, passing the mountains on the other side. The moon shines brightly through the clouds. I’ve become a custom to not rest until the late hours of the night. Truble and I made a habit of keeping each other awake until one of us couldn’t keep our eyes open.
I feel the corner of my lips curve in a smile, only for my heart to ache. I shake my head, putting it in my hands. “What have I done?” I mumble to myself remembering her body falling to the ground.
How could I be so dumb? So blinded?
“Aren't you cold?” I turn around spotting Mai. That’s right… Now Mai.
I turn around to look up to the moon, avoiding her gaze. “I've got a lot on my mind. It's been so long. Over three years since I was home. I wonder what's changed. I wonder how I've changed.” She sighs, “I just asked if you were cold. I didn't ask for your whole life story.” I bite my cheek. It was simple banter that kept a fling alive when we were younger, just children. Truble understand emotions. She understood I had to be forced to ring my feelings out. Mai will just push them away until I rot. She smiles and wraps her arms around me. “Stop worrying.” I tense in her grasp. Her arms felt like frayed rope against my skin. It doesn’t feel right.
She reaches towards me, leaning into my face attempting to kiss me. I back away and turn my body to the railing of the ship. “I’m sorry, Mai.” She crosses her arms. “It’s that rat. Isn’t it? Azula told me you’re fond of her.” I narrow my eyes, glaring into the sea. “She’s not a rat.” Mai shrugs, “She died like one.” The words leaving her lips catch me off guard. Had I considered that fate? Yes. Had I accepted it into a reality? Absolutely not.
“Leave me alone, Mai.” Her fading footsteps allow me to be free. Free to let my lips quiver and tears to fall from my eyes.
Two hands push the stray hair away from my face. I’m so weak. Can I even open my eyes? “I’m so sorry, Truble.” Zuko’s voice drifts on, “I was going to take your hand. I saw how hurt you were. Your eyes were broken, and I was the one who caused that.” He cries for me.
I slowly open my eyes looking at the bright sun. I groan, turning my head. “Where are we?”
“She’s awake!” I head Aang gasp as the entire group runs up to my weak figure. We’re in a forest… in a campsite…
I look around and down at my neck. My necklace in place. “What’s going on?” Zuko hulls me to his chest tightly. “I love you. I love you so much.” Everyone around me smiles warm-heartedly.
This is… nice.
Too nice.
Zuko pulls away and kisses my head. “Wake up. You have work to do.” He lets me go lightly and they all back away. “Yes, I suppose you do have some catching up to do,” Azula smirks as she comes into view. She draws near and I struggle to sit up. I stand to my feet but fall, she catches me at my throat, forcing me up.
Her thin smirk burns into my eyes. “No more resting, rat.” She snaps my necklace off and I fall down into the depths. Just falling, falling, falling past echoing screams.
I scream, throwing my body up. A sweat layered my body as I looked around. No forest, no camp, no Team Avatar, no Zuko. I reach for my necklace but find the space empty.
I reach behind my head and run my fingers over the back of my neck. I gasp as I remember the intense pain.
I stand up looking around the small room, I move to peer out into the crack of the doorway, but a body tackles me, hugging close. “You’re okay. We’ve been so worried!” Katara says, swaying me lightly in her motherly grip.
She holds me at arm's length and sighs. “How are you feeling?” I look at her tilting my head. “Like I should be dead.” Her blue eyes show sadness. “You were on the verge. You and Aang.” “Aang?” She nods before leading me out the door into the hall. “He woke up a few days ago. We’ve just been waiting for you.”
We walk into the control deck and I am immediately tackled in another set of arms. “I thought I lost you,” Zori mumbles into my stomach. Her eyes bore a sight of relief I’ve never seen. Something is hidden within them.
“Glad to see you causing trouble, Truble,” I smirk at Sokka. “It’s what I do best.” I reach up to my neck out of habit and bring my hand down when I find nothing.
“Azula took your necklace.” Aang says softly. I meet his soft eyes and smile at his new look. “If you grew hair I must've passed out for a while.” Aang nods. “Both of us were out for a few weeks, but now that we’re awake I think it’s time we all talked as a team.” I nod feeling weak. “I’m sure you have questions for me.”
“Yeah, starting with you dating the one-eyed prince with anger issues!” Sokka screams, causing an elbow from his sister. “Let’s start somewhere else. How about why Azula was after you in the first place. Is that why you came running to the earth kingdom? For safety?” I shove my head in my hands. “This is a lot more complicated than you think.”
Toph kicks her feet up. “Bring it on.”
“Okay well-“ “NO! I’ll tell you!” Zori says rushing to the floor in front of everybody.
“Once upon a time a mighty fire General had discovered a new bending ability when certain elements were combined. His name… Savrar Kamie.”
The ALL gasp. Zori continues.
“He could manipulate the function of time. Rip it open. Step into another timeline and create cause and effect. All was well at first… THEN THE EVIL FIRE LORD FOUND OUT!”
“NO!” Sokka shouts.
“The fire lord demanded Savrar go back in time and get rid of the avatar as an infant…” they gasp again. Aang leans forward, “what happened!”
“HE REFUSED!” They let out a breath of relief.
“Savrar spit in the fire lord's face and ran to escape with his wife before they were captured. The beautiful Killo Kamie, 8 months pregnant, was pulled from her life in the fire nation. The two escaped through time-bending and ripping their way into the future.” They cheer.
“BUT! This future wasn’t peaceful or bliss. No. It is full of FIRE AND MORE SUFFERING!! Sav and Killo knew they had to do something! That’s when our girl Truble was brought into the universe. Trained every single day to come back, save the Avatar, and help end the war.” They all clap at Zori’s performance before turning their heads to me.
“So you jump through time and you’re a fire bender? CAN YOUR DAD ADOPT ME?” Sokka asks. “I wanna go on a time trip!” “Me too!”
“Hey!” Katara shouts. “This isn’t a joke. Truble was sent here for a purpose. To help Aang learn fire bending so he can win.” Aang looks at me with sad eyes. “I vowed to never firebend again. Not after I hurt Katara.”
“We all get burned when we play with fire, Aang. Plus if I had my necklace maybe you’d be okay without fire, but, Azula took it, so this is our option now.” I state before sitting on my knees.
He looks down thinking over my words. He has to learn to firebend. If not we will lose the war and everything I’ve done will be worthless. I looked down at my clothes and noticed the fire nation rags. “Wait! Why are we on a fire nation ship?!” I panic quickly. Azula could be right behind us! Sokka grabs my shoulders and drapes his arm over me. “Calm down, Red. After what happened in Ba Sing Se, we had to get you and Aang to safety. We flew back to Chameleon Bay, where we found my father and the other Water Tribe men. The Earth King decided he wanted to travel the world in disguise, so he set off alone. Well, not completely alone. He has his bear. Soon, the bay was overrun with Fire Nation ships. Rather than fight them all, we captured a single ship and made it our disguise. Since then, we've been traveling west. We crossed through The Serpent's Pass a few days ago. We've seen a few Fire Nation ships, but none have bothered us.” I open my mouth in shock. I understood this team was crafty but… “That… is… Badass.” They all giggle freely. It’s also at this point I take notice of my hair. “It’s (h/c)!” Aang shuffles his feet. “I told you she would be mad!”
“If we’re going to survive we all need to blend in. It’s only temporary so… it will… wash out.” I stare at her. “You dyed my hair… While I was unconscious?” Zori smiles. “It was really hard too. I like it.” She lifts a strand, smiling. “Now they won’t suspect anything.”
“We've been working on a modified version of the invasion plan.” Katara scoffs, “It's Sokka's invasion plan.” “Yes, Sokka's plan. We won't be able to mount a massive invasion without the Earth King's armies, but the solar eclipse will still leave the Fire Nation vulnerable.”
“So we're planning a smaller invasion. Just a ragtag team of our friends and allies from around the Earth Kingdom. We already ran into Pipsqueak and The Duke. And the best part is, the eclipse isn't even our biggest advantage! We have a secret!” Sokka looks left and right to Aang and I. “You two!”
Sokka smiles, nodding his head, “Yep, the whole world thinks you two are dead! Isn't that great?!”
Dead? I stand up in a rush. Zuko thinks I’m dead?
Zuko… His name tastes like soured juice in my mouth. He thinks I’m dead.
Good. It’s what he wanted by siding with Azula.
“Someone catch her I think she’s going to-“
“I got her!” Aang calls out ready to catch me on my right, but I fall to the ground on my left.
I sit at the edge of the turtle duck pond at the Fire Nation capital. My old home. I tear Cut to a bread bun in half before throwing it into the pond. Zoir would’ve enjoyed the ducklings. Truble would be amazed at the sight of them. My heart hurts at every thought of her… Hence my chest never relaxed.
The mother turtle duck and its ducklings swimming up to the floating bread and feeding on it. A shadow encompasses the pond, scaring the turtle ducks off. “You seem so downcast.” I sigh, “I haven't seen Dad yet. I haven't seen him in three years since I was banished.”
“So what?”
“So, I didn't capture the Avatar.”
Azula shrugs, spinning a golden chain. “Who cares? The Avatar's dead… Unless you think he somehow miraculously survived.” I remember how he fell from Azula’s lightning. Then the memory of Katara holding the spirit oasis water when I was trapped. She said she was saving it for something special…
I glare at the ground. “No. There's no way he could've survived.”
She smiles. “Then you have nothing to worry about. The Avatar is dead. The Time Bender is too.” Azula drops the golden pendant in front of my eyes, swinging it back and forth. Azula didn’t even care to wash the blood away on the coin. Sickening. Twisted.
“I might keep this. Maybe I’ll give it to Ty Lee. Or Maybe, Mai. She could use some color.” I snatch the chair from her fingers. “It’s mine.”
Azula’s smirk tears away at my soul. She knew she was playing with my feelings. Trying to sway me off into the darkness. She can’t sway me any further into something I’m already in. The moment Truble’s eyes closed, was when my heart died. That’s when the fire burnt out. My light was gone.
An ignited boulder hits the water, just missing our stolen ship. “They’re firing at us!” I yell to the crew. “Tell us something we don’t know!” Sokka yells back.
As she gains her balance, Toph enters an earthbending stance as The Duke stands behind her. “Load the Toph!”
Pipsqueak heaves a big stone dis cover his head. He sets the disc in front of Toph. She takes two steps forward, slamming her left foot into the floor and popping the disc into the air in front of her. She turns and shoves the stone disc with her palms, shooting it at the enemy ship. The flaming boulder and the stone disc collide in the air and explode.
The chained, metal projectile shoots into the water and punctures the hull of our stolen ship. Inside of the hull is pierced by the projectile, causing a huge leak. The chain connected to the projectile is pulled taught and inside of the hull as the projectile is pulled out, expanding the breach and flooding the space even more.
I run over to Katara on the edge of the deck looking down at the breach. “What can you do?” I ask her in hope. Katara waves her arms upwards and pushes her palms down and exhales freezing mist towards the hole in the hull. The mist descends down the ship toward the breach. I watch in amazement. “I knew I came to the right girl.”
“I'm gonna give us some cover! You need to hide!” Katara presses her arms down, pushing down the water between the two ships. A cloud of mist forms and rises up. Katara pushes her arms out, making the mist float behind our stolen ship, clouding the view. Suddenly a fireball pierces through the mist. I gasp jumping out and blasting my own burst of flames, deflecting the rocks. “Hey!” Sokka yells from his hiding place. He grabs my arm pulling to the floor. “No firebending!” “But I’m-” “Shh!” Sokka puts his hand on my mouth, halting my augment.
Aang shakes his head in defense. “I can't just stand by and do nothing!” Aang rushes outside. I bite Sokka’s finger causing him to scream. “OW!!” I ran away from his hold behind Aang.
Sokka catches up to us and grabs Aang’s staff blocking our path. “Both of you are still hurt, and you have to stay secret. Just let us handle this.” Aang huffs before pulling me with him. “Fine!”
Hours later when the ship is repaired and the sea is calm Zori plays with my new (H/C) hair. “I really like it.” I look over her frame and smile. “He still loves you.” I look up at her in shock. Why would she bring this up now? “Zori, I’d rather not-” “We can go get him! I still have my pin your dad let me use! We can-” “Stop!” Her words pause as she looks at my eyes. Cold, I’m sure. When Zuko left me for the honor he so wrongfully craved was when I broke. His eyes said it all. I wouldn’t be enough without the titles. Without his crown.
“You were not there, Zori.” “I’m sure he can explain-” “I said stop!” I raise my voice with tears brimming my eyes. “He doesn't care. He never did. We’re against him now. It’s time you grow up.” Zori’s eyes harden as she glares. “He is good.” “He almost got me killed!” “He didn’t do it!” “ZORI! NOT ANOTHER WORD!” I roar at her. She never cowers, just pushes a thin line on her lips before walking out the door with a high head.
Not long after a knock rings out on the metal door. Sokka’s head pops out from the side with a soft smile. “Hey, is there a sibling rivalry? Zori was heated when she passed me. I roll my eyes. “She’ll be fine.” “Well, we're going into town to find some dinner if you’re up for it. Toph and Katara are getting Aang.” I smile standing up and straightening out my fire nation threads. “So you got stuck with me. How’d that happen?” I punch his arm as I pass. He flings an arm over my shoulder as we walk. “Shortest straw.”
We meet Katara and Toph on the dock. “Where’s Aang?” “He won’t wear the bandanna,” Toph says kicking a pebble around. “He thinks he failed. Said he had to regain his honor.” Katara longs at the ship with sadness.
What is it with guys and their honor?
I walk down the large familiar hallway of the Fire Nation palace. I hold my composure as I feel the nerves shoot through my blood. I stand in front of an archway covered by a red curtain with a gold symbol of the Fire Nation. I take a deep breath, bracing myself, and walk forward, parting the curtain.
There he sits. My father in all his feared glory. Fire Lord Ozai sits on his throne upon the dais, separated from the rest of the throne room by a trench of fire. I fall to my knees and bowed before my father, awaiting his words.
“You have been away for a long time. I see the weight of your travels has changed you. You have redeemed yourself, my son.” He stands, walking closer to me. He pushes a grin my way. A respectable grin towards me, his son. “Welcome home.”
“I am proud of you, Prince Zuko. I am proud because your sister conquered Ba Sing Se. I am proud because when your loyalty was tested by your treacherous uncle and that vile girl, but you did the right thing, and captured the traitor. And I am proudest of all of your most legendary accomplishments. You slayed the Avatar along with the Time Bender.” I look down making my hand to grip the golden coin in my fingers. My father trails behind my figure quietly. I didn’t kill them. Azula did…
“What did you hear?”
“Azula told me everything. She said she was amazed and impressed with your power and ferocity at the moment of truth.”
I nod in appreciation. He dismisses me without another word.
I make my way to Azula’s room with several questions. I open her door and glare at her as she lays in bed. “Why'd you do it?” Azula raises her brow. “You're going to have to be a little more specific.”
“Why did you tell Father That I was the one who killed the Avatar and Truble.” Azula sighs as if it’s not important. “Can't this wait until morning?”
“It can't.”
She sits up glaring at me. “Fine. You seemed so worried about how father would treat you because you hadn't captured the Avatar. I figured, if I gave you the credit, you'd have nothing to worry about. The Rat was just for fun. Two kills are better than one.” I grip my sleeve. “I didn’t kill, Truble. Why? Why would you do this?” I feel the raw tears making their way to my eyes, but I refuse. She will not see me like this.
“Call it a generous gesture. I wanted to thank you for your help, and I was happy to share the glory.”
“You're lying.”
“If you say so.” She moves past me swiftly. “You have another motive for doing this. I just haven't figured out what it is.”
“Please, Zuko. What ulterior motive could I have? What could I possibly gain by letting you get all the glory for defeating the Avatar? Unless somehow… the Avatar was actually alive. All that glory would suddenly turn to shame and foolishness. But you said yourself that was impossible. Sleep well, Zuzu.” She pushes me out of her room and slams the door in my face.
I walk down the halls leading to the pond. As I near the green grass, a purple hue lights a few feet above the pond. A light purple portal swirls open and a figure drops into the pond. They spring up coughing. “Who are you?” I demand loudly. “Reveal yourself!” I grab the soaked hood of the figure and pull it back revealing Zori.
She smiles and wraps her arms around me. I stare at her in shock. “Zori?” She pulls back, sending me a confused look. “Yeah?” I kneel down to her level. “What are you doing here? How’d you get here?” I smile at seeing the child. She’s okay. I frown, “Truble…” Zori shakes her head silencing my questions then and there. So it’s true. She is gone. “I had nowhere else to go.” I nod holding the girl. “I’ll take care of you.” It’s the very least I can do for Truble. Make sure Zori withstands.
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zuzu-firequeen · 4 years
Fire Queen
Fire Queen Masterlist
Tagged: @redryderdesigns @luleck 
~Zuko X OC~
-Truble’s End-
Katara walks through the upper ring of Ba Sing Se as Momo lands on her shoulder. “What do you say Momo? A cup of tea before we get back to the king?” She steps inside the beautifully themed gold, and green tea shop. The Jasmine Dragon. “Table for two, please.” She says to the waiter at the entrance. She notices blazing red hair, Truble. As Katar moves to grab her friend's shoulder a familiar voice rings out. “Uncle, I need two jasmines, one green, and one lychee!” Zuko passes Truble with a tray of tea. She looks over her shoulder and kisses his cheek with a smile. “I'm brewing as fast as I can!” Iroh cheers from behind the counter. Katara stands in shock as she recognizes them both. Has Truble known this whole time? No. She said she was dating Lee… Katara ponders before she turns and flees as fast as she can down the front steps of the tea shop.
She races down the long halls of the Earth King's palace, message-scroll in hand. Breathless, she pulls to a stop before the Earth King's throne, where three Kyoshi warriors wait.
“Thank goodness you are here, Suki. Something terrible is going on. The Fire Nation has infiltrated the city. I just saw Prince Zuko and his Uncle! My friend Truble is in danger!” Azula's eyes snap open at this news, and she smiles. “We have to tell the Earth King right away!”
Azula rises to her feet. “Oh, don't worry. I'll be sure to let him know.”
Katara stands dumbstruck as she realizes who "Suki" really is, and Momo leaps away with a frightened squeak. Ty Lee rushes forward with a series of acrobatic flips, striking at Katara's shoulder as she flips behind her. Katara, in the midst of bending water from her reserve, falls paralyzed to the throne room floor. She lies helpless in the pool of water, as the three of them gather around her.
“So, Zuzu's in the city too. I think it's time for a family reunion.” 
Inside the Jasmine Dragon, I sit in a chair as Zuko is sweeping up for the evening. Iroh clears a table, as Zori picks up the mats behind him. A man enters and walks up to Iroh. “A message from the royal palace.” He bows and hands a scroll to Iroh.
From the King himself? Why would he send something to us? Does he know Iroh and Zuko are Fire Nation? They’re going to be taken away. I stand up and make the small walk to Zuko, grabbing on his arm in fear. He grabs my hand watching his Uncle intensely. “I...I can't believe it.” “What is it, Uncle?”
Iroh gasps, elated. “Great news! We've been invited to serve tea to the Earth King!” “The Earth King?” Zori asks, placing her mats down. I look at her in worry. “Must be the best tea in the Kingdom,” I mumble searching for answers. Iroh runs off excitedly towards the rear of the tea house. Zuko watches him go with a smile, then resumes sweeping. “Well, Uncle has made this place very popular. The King probably just wants to try it.” He leans down kissing my head and continues to work. 
As I tuck Zori in she brushes over my hand, playing with my fingers. “I don’t have a good feeling, Zori.” She sighs sitting up and placing her hands on my cheeks. “You worry too much. It’s tea.”
Is it though? Is that all this really is? Simple tea time with the Earth King? Possibly…
“I thought it was past your bedtime.” Zuko hums at her from the agar doorway. Zori laughs, throwing a pillow towards him which he catches and tosses it back at her. Zuko leans down kissing Zori’s head. “Sleep tight.” He says softly before grabbing my hand and leading us out of the room. 
I lay with his arms wrapped tightly around me as my eyes stayed wide, completely restless. Something isn’t right. I’ve felt it for a while now. Maybe I could look into the future and just take a peek of what is to come. Or even into the past for anyone with ill intentions. 
I slide out of his arms and walk out into the living space. I sit on my knees, taking my golden pendent in my hands, focusing on the possible futures or past events. I feel the timeline split and I see the oval-shaped hole peering into the past. I can’t see who speaks but only hear their cruel words fueled by hatred. “You take her out. No mercy to bear for the decedent of that rat. Kill all three if you can.” I move closer and lean up to the tear and peer one eye through. “Yes, father.” A menacing voice spiced with venom seeps into reality. I shiver at the tone. 
“What are you doing?” Two hands land on my shoulders pulling me out of my trance, causing the breach of time to shut. “I was just… looking.” “Looking? Into what? What was that?” I sigh looking at the ground. Zuko places my chin between his fingertips and gazes at my eyes, studying them. “Why are you worried, Truble? Everything is going so well.” I grab his wrist and nuzzle my head into his palm. “You have nothing to worry about.” He whispers into my forehead, kissing the surface. 
“Zuko, something just doesn’t feel right. What if we get caught and then you’ll be taken away. It would all be my fault. I’ve gone with nothing but my family for so long, and now having you I know that I never want anything to happen.” 
“Do you know how ridiculous you sound?” He sighs and pulls me to his chest. He starts to hum lightly and sways us slowly. Then in the tiny voice he could muster he sings softly in my ear. “Where the north wind meets the sea. There’s a river full of memory. Sleep my darling safe and sound. For in this river all is found.”  
He picks me up and carries me to the room, laying me down in the bed, and holds me to his chest. “You’ve never hurt anyone, Truble. Don’t start worrying about it now. I’m not going anywhere.”
“I love you.” I mumble into him as I rest my eyes. “I love you, Truble.”  
Into the deep hallways underground ancient statues line the walls. In the middle are many Dai Li agents, all lined up in rows. Azula, accompanied by Mai and Ty Lee in their disguises, stands on a statue's pedestal and addresses the Dai Li.
“The Earth King and The Council of Five do not trust the Dai Li. They imprisoned your leader, Long Feng. Soon they will turn on all of you, and eliminate you. Seizing power today is a matter of life and death. The coup must be swift and decisive. The Earth King, and each of the five generals, must be taken out simultaneously. Long Feng has placed you in my command while we overthrow the government.” Azula walks toward a Dai Li agent with a scar on his cheek and looks him in the eyes. “If I sense any disloyalty, any hesitation, any weakness at all, I will snuff it out. That is all.”
The agent watches Azula nervously as she walks away. The Dai Li turn and all begin walking away. Azula climbs back up the steps as Ty Lee pours her a cup of tea. “Nice speech Azula. It was pretty and poetic, but also scary in a good way.” She cheers. Mai laughs, “Yeah, I thought you were gonna make that one guy pee his pants.” 
“There are still a few loose ends. The Avatar, and my brother and Uncle. Not to mention Savrar and his daughter.” Ty Lee cartwheels around the room. “Is she really as bad as the Fire Lord says?” Mai stifles a laugh. “She can’t be faster than my knives.” Azula nods stifling a laugh. “I agree, but I won’t dismiss my father's warning.”
We four sit patiently at a table. Before us is a small throne set on a raised platform. Iroh pours a cup of tea as we wait for the Earth King to arrive. 
“What's taking so long?” Zuko mumbles as he runs his fingers along my palm. “Maybe the Earth King overslept.” Iroh smiles. I look up at Zuko shaking my head slightly. He knows as well as I something is going on. Several Dai Li agents walk into the room from the right and form a circle around all of us. I glare at them, wrapping an arm around Zori. “I told you something’s not right.” 
From the entrance a girl with raven hair and golden eyes confidence that can kill, swiftly takes steps towards us. A smirk stretches across her face as she strolls in. “ It's tea time.” She stretches the playful saying. Zuko stands to his feet in a rush. 
“Azula!” He moves in front of me, blocking my view.
“Have you met the Dai Li? They're Earthbenders, but they have a killer instinct that is so Firebender, I just love it!” 
Iroh takes the cup he poured and stands up beside Zuko. I stand behind them with Zori notched at my side. Iroh looks back to me and winks. 
He takes a sip from his cup calmly. “Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname the "Dragon of the West"?” Oh no. 
Azula examines her nails. “I'm not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle.” “It's more of a demonstration really. Would you mind, Truble?” Her eyes shoot up meeting mine as Iroh speaks my name. 
I step in front of everyone. I enter a firebending stance, open my mouth and push out a powerful torrent of fire at the Dai Li, just like a dragon. The agents lower their heads and lift their gloved hands to shield themselves. 
“Come on!” Zuko yells as he runs in front of me, grabbing my hand, and taking the lead. He bursts through a wall with a fire blast and runs down the hall. Two Dai Li agents come through the hole in the wall and begin firing the small, finger pieces of their rock gloves like bullets with swift thrusts of their hands. 
We run into a dead end, but I blast a fireball at the solid wall making it crumble on impact leaving the view to the outside clear. Iroh jumps out, giving a small shout as he falls on top of a hedge, I push Zori out into the bushes as well. I pull Zuko’s hand, but he retracts it. “What are you doing? We have to go!” I shout trying to pull him away, but he stands his ground. 
Iroh stands below with Zori looking at us with panic. “Come on! You’ll be fine.” 
I pull on Zuko’s arm again,but fail once more. Heavy footsteps reach my ears, panic fueling my blood. I look up to Zuko, “Please.” His eyes show me more than he could ever say. “I can’t.” He looks down at Iroh and Zoir. “I have to face Azula. I'm tired of running.” Zuko turns around and walks back towards the Dai Li and Azula. Her eyes strike at me. “Well, well, well. You’re tangled up in some real trouble, Zuzu.” Azula takes a step towards me, but Zuko tugs me behind him. “Stay away from her.” He growls at his sister. She simply rolls her eyes at his words. I would’ve cowered at the tone and unforgettable venom laced in his words. She simply smiles. “You’re so dramatic. You don’t even know who she is, but I do.” She shoots her lightning at me and misses my head by just an inch. Zuko looks down at me with apologetic orbs. Before I even take another breath, Zuko pushes me out the window into the shrubs, and not a second after that Iroh drags me away. 
Azula looks at me with unamusement. “I’m not sure that was the best option. Now you’re stuck here… with me. A shame really, I wanted her.” I clench my fist. “You’ll never get her, Azula. It would be over my dead body.” She smirks covering an underlying laugh. “What, are you going to do, challenge me to an Agni Kai?” I yell at her, angry and determined, “Yes! I challenge you!” She stands calmly smiling mockingly. “No thanks.”
I raise both my hands, summoning a large ball of flame, and push it at Azula. In a flash the Dai Li has bound both my feet and hands in stone. I pull at the rock, but struggle and fail to get free. I watch Azula walk away as I struggle, but soon my eyes are covered, and I see nothing but black. 
I failed you Truble. I should've listened. 
Katara pacing around a cave lit by glowing green crystals. A rumbling noise catches her attention and looks up towards the steep tunnel leading outside. The stone blocking the entrance is slid away by a Dai Li agent. Another agent appears holding Zuko. “You've got company.”  The agent pushes Zuko forward and he tumbles to the bottom near Katara.
“Zuko!” She shouts in surprise. Zuko gets to his knees and stares back at Katara as the Dai Li seals the entrance. 
Aang, Sokka, and Toph run inside. Upon entry, Momo greets them by chattering excitedly and climbing on Aang's shoulders. “Momo!” Katara is nowhere to be seen...
“There's no one else here.” 
Aang potins at Sokka, “Katara is in trouble! I knew it!” Sokka looks over the empty room in confusion. “Oh no.”
Toph raises her head. “Wait, someone's at the door. Actually, I know who it is. It's an old friend of mine and…I KNEW IT!” Toph walks to the door and slides it open to reveal Iroh, Zori, and Truble. “I knew it! I knew there was something about you!” Toph shouted at the girl. Truble steps forward sharply. “I need your help.” Aang looks behind me. “You’re friends?”
“I know this doesn’t make sense, but please, I need you.” 
Aang, Sokka and Momo go into a state of panic and shock at the sight of their old enemy alongside their new friend. Toph smiles and gives Iroh a friendly wave of the hand. Aang and Sokka gawk at Iroh. Aang points a finger at him. 
“How do you three even know each other?” Aang shouted. “It’s such a long story, but in short. We’re family friends.” I rush wanting to get to Zuko as fast as possible. 
“And I met him in the woods once and knocked him down. Then he gave me tea and very good advice.” I nod, “He does that. It’s his signature.” 
Iroh smiles from the doorway. “May we come in?” Toph nods opening the door completely. “Princess Azula is here in Ba Sing Se.” Aang looks to Sokka. “She must have Katara.”
 “Katara? She’s gone too?” I ask in shock. 
“She has captured my nephew as well.” Iroh says. Aang nods to him with a flat smile. “Then we'll work together to fight Azula, and save Katara and Zuko.” “Woah there. You lost me at, Zuko.” Sokka agures. 
“I know how you must feel about my nephew. But believe me when I tell you there is good inside him. Truble can confirm.” Iroh places his hand on my shoulder. I look at them nodding. “It’s true. He’s such a different person. I’m sure if-” Sokka cuts me off in a raised voice. “Good inside of him isn't enough. Why don't you come back when it's outside him too, okay?” I  cross my arms glaring at him. 
Aang comes between us, “Katara is in trouble. All of Ba Sing Se is in trouble. Working together is our best chance.” Sokka closes his eyes and nods grudgingly, and Aang smiles. Another problem solved by the Avatar. 
“Oh, reminds me. We brought someone along who might be able to help us.” Iroh heads back outside and the others follow. A bound and gagged Dai Li agent is sitting on the porch which I caught, thank you very much. Toph lifts him up by earthbending two stone slabs on either side of him. “Azula and Long Feng are plotting a coup. They're going to overthrow the Earth King.” Sokka pokes at the guard. “My sister! Where are they keeping Katara?” He doesn’t say anything, so I grab his collar and I fight a purple flame in my hand. He struggles against the rocks containing him. “In the crystal catacombs of old Ba Sing Se, deep beneath the palace.” I close my hand smiling. “Thank you.” 
I turn around to see team Avatar looking at me in shock (All except Toph). She smirks knowingly. “Katara owes me five bucks.” 
I sit in the crystal cave quietly feeling Katara’s eyes glare into my back. “Why did they throw you in here? Oh wait. Let me guess. It's a trap. So when Aang shows up to rescue me, you can finally have him in your little Fire Nation clutches.” I just look up at her saying nothing. “You're a terrible person, you know that? Always following us, hunting the Avatar, trying to capture the world's last hope for peace! But what do you care? You're the Fire Lord's son. Spreading war and violence and hatred is in your blood.” 
“You don't know what you're talking about.” 
“I don't?! How dare you! You have no idea what this war has put me through. Me personally.” She turns away from me and crouches on the ground. “The Fire Nation took my mother away from me.” I look further, her tears stay down her cheeks. 
“I'm sorry. That's something we have in common.” I make a full turn towards her. She wipes her face and looks up at me, genuinely surprised. She then glares at me again. “What do you want with Truble?”  I widen my eyes at the mention. “Truble? How do you know her?” Katara scoffs, only to stay silent. 
I look down at my hands. “I love her.” 
Katara’s head whips to look at me. “What?” 
“She’s… helped change me.” Katara looks at me in shock. “She called you, Lee.” I nod. “Not anymore. The two of us have a lot of secrets only the other knows.”
She looks away. “ I'm sorry I yelled at you before.” “It doesn't matter.”
“It's just that for so long now, whenever I would imagine the face of the enemy, it was your face.” 
I touch my scar. “My face. I see.” “No, no, that's not what I meant.”
“It's ok. I used to think this scar marked me. The mark of the banished prince, cursed to chase the Avatar forever. But lately, Truble helped me realize I'm free to determine my own destiny, even if I'll never be free of my mark. So I chose her.” 
Katara smile lightly. “Maybe you could be free of it.” I turn to her in hope. “What?” “I have healing abilities.” 
“It's a scar. It can't be healed.” 
Katara reaches under her shirt and holds up a vile. “This is water from the Spirit Oasis at the North Pole. It has special properties, so I have been saving it for something important. I don't know if it would work, but…” She walks closer to me gazing at the water. I nod and take a breath. My face without a scar… I might be good enough for Truble then. Not a constant reminder of hatred in a future filled with love. 
Toph stands on the ground, feeling the stone with her hands. “Well whaddya know. There is an ancient city down there, but it's deep.”  Toph waves her fists outward, earthbending a small crater in the ground.
“We should split up. Aang, you go with Truble and Iroh to look for Katara and the angry jerk...no offense.” I giggle in agreement. “None taken.”
 “And I'll go with Toph and Zori to warn the Earth King about Azula's coup.” I look down at her, making sure she’ll be okay. She smirks and turns her head. “I’m a strong girl.” I laugh turning to Aang and Iroh. 
“Shall we, gentlemen?” I ask, jumping down into the hole. Aang is tunneling down using his earthbending as Irohand I use open flames to light the way.. There is a moment of uncomfortable silence between the two until Aang decides to break the ice. “So, Toph thinks you give pretty good advice. And great tea.” Iroh smiles, “The key to both is proper aging. What's on your mind?” 
Aang pauses for a second to deepen the tunnel with an earthbending movement before continuing.
“Well, I met with this Guru who was supposed to help me master the Avatar State, and control this great power. But to do it, I had to let go of someone I love, and I just couldn't.” I look at Aamg with a small smile. “Perfection and power are overrated. I think you made the right choice to pick Katara.” Aang’s cheeks light up and he smiles shyly. We stop again and  Aang pushes back the earth with a wave of his arms.
“What happens if we can't save everyone and beat Azula? Without the Avatar State, what if I am not powerful enough? “ Iroh shrugs. “I don't know the answer. Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel. You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving…” 
Aang pushes both arms forward, earthbending the rocks out of the way. A green light shines through. I smile at the light as it cuts into the dark tunnel. We enter the glimmering catacombs of crystals. “You will come to a better place.”
I nudge Aang with a smile. “Plus you have me.” 
Sokka notices the Dai Li agents clinging to the columns supporting the roof, lying in wait as General How walks closer. Sokka grabs Toph  and we three hide behind one of the columns. As General How draws closer, one of the other agents drops down and slings a shackle at him, attacking his wrist. Another agent shackles his other wrist. The general growls as they pull the chains, immobilizing his arms. One more Dai Li agent drops in front of General How.
He struggles in his chains. “Arghh! What's going on here?!” “You're under house arrest.” 
Sokka looks down at us. “The coup is happening right now! We've got to warn the Earth King!”
We all run towards the throne room.Shift scenes to the Earth King's throne room. The Earth King is sitting on his throne with a bear by his side. Two Kioshi warriors sit at the bottom. 
“Thank goodness we're in time!”
“In time for what?” The King asks. 
“Yeah, what are you in time for... “ She somersaults forward and lands in front of Sokka, putting her face close to his. “Cutie?” I smile mimicking her actions. “That’s fun.” 
“Uh, I'm kinda involved with Suki.” The Kioshi girl pulls back, “Who?” “Uh oh.” 
Toph earthbender a rock underneath her. She gives a small shout as she is hurled into the air. She flips backward and lands on top of the badger mole statue in the back of the room. I point at her in accusation. “They’re not the real Kyoshi Warriors!”
I know these girls! 
Mai stands in a sigh, as usual. She’s never happy. Not even in this time. “Sorry to disappoint you.” She flings three double bladed daggers at Sokka, but I run in front of him blocking them with my sowards. Toph earthbends a slab of rock then kicks the slab, sending it flying at Mai, who jumps over it. A moment after she lands, Toph uses her earthbending to pop a stone up from underneath Mai, knocking her away. 
Ty Lee sneaks up next to him, giggling and with a big, happy grin on her face. Sokka is startled and steps back. Ty Lee proceeds to try to attack Sokka's pressure points in order to disable him, but the Water Tribe warrior is too quick. Every time Ty Lee tries to hit a joint or spot on his body, Sokka ducks, leans, and shifts out of the way, often ending up in an awkward position.
“Ooo, it's like we're dancing.” 
In the corner of my eye I see Azula standing behind the Earth King, holding him by the shoulder. The frightened king stares at the blue flame Azula holds close to his head. “This fight... is over.” 
Sokka and Toph and I raise our hands in surrender. Ty Lee jumps between the three of us and disables them both with a series of strikes. Momo soars through the air and tries to escape, but a Dai Li agent that had entered the throne room with Azula throws his stone gloves at Momo. They wrap around the lemur, and Ty Lee watches as Momo falls next to her. Azula roughly shoves the Earth King away. 
“Get them all out of my sight.” 
Katara places her hand on My scar and examines it. Before she does anything else, the wall bursts open revealing Uncle Iroh, and my Truble… WITH THE AVATAR!
Aang stares at me and Katara, confused by how close we are, but Truble’s eyes were more the confusion. Anger? Sadness? She runs up to me non the less and hugs me… loosely.  
Aang glares at me while still holding Katara as I hold Truble. His eyes travel to Truble in my arms before glaring at me again. Why was he looking at her at all? 
“Truble?” Katara’s voice breaks us away. Truble runs to her and laughs as they hug. When were they so close? She’s been working with them this whole time? There isn’t any other reason. She’s betrayed me. Lied to me this entire time. 
Katara lets go of me before pulling Aang into another hug. I back up watching them with a fading smile. 
Why were Katara and Zuko incredibly close upon arrival? What would’ve happened if we were seconds late? I turn back to him with a smile, but he glares at me causing me to stop in my tracks. Stopping in the very middle between Zuko and Aang. 
“What are you doing with the Avatar!?” Zuko points a finger at Aang. Before I answer Aang smarts off, “Saving you, that's what.” 
Zuko snarls at Aang and tries to lunge at him, but I press my hand to his chest. He looks down at it as if I burned him. 
Iroh places a hand on Zuko’s shoulder. “Zuko, it's time we talked.” He turns to Aang, Katara, and I. “Go help your friends. We'll catch up with you.” I give one last glance to Zuko in hopes I would see his eyes change, but he just sends me hateful eyes. 
I turn away with Aang and Katara, leaving to help the others.
She walked away. Even more so, uncle sent her with them. I look at him. “Why Uncle?”
“You are not the man you used to be, Zuko. You are stronger and wiser and freer than you have ever been. And now you have come to the crossroads of your destiny. It's time for you to choose. It's time for you to choose good!”
I shut my eyes, absorbing uncle's words. Before I can process this wisdom, I am startled by a violent quake. A trail of crystals shoots out of the ground until they reach Iroh, trapping him. I readied myself for an attack. Azula and two Dai Li agents slide down from the tunnel I had entered through. Azula advances towards me until I am directly between my uncle and my sister. 
“I expected this kind of treachery from Uncle, but Zuko, Prince Zuko...you're a lot of things, but you're not a traitor, are you?” She taunts. 
“Release him immediately!”
“It's not too late for you Zuko. You can still redeem yourself.”
 “The kind of redemption she offers is not for you.” Iroh struggles from his caged state. “Why don't you let him decide, Uncle? I need you Zuko. I've plotted every move of this day. This glorious day in Fire Nation history. And the only way we win is together. At the end of this day, you will have your honor back. You will have your father's love. You will have everything you want. All I need is that girl's head with the necklace attached.” Truble?
“Zuko, I am begging you, look into your heart and see what it is that you truly want. She’ll kill Truble.” 
I glare at Azula. “What has she done to you?” Azula acts shocked. “Not to me. To mother.” “W-what?” Azula nods with a sorrow smile. “Her father was the one who killed her. Sent her off in a place to fend for herself. She died.” I shake my head. “You’re lying!” 
“Why else would she be here manipulating you? She’s going to do the same to you!”
I look back at Iroh, unsure of whom to listen to. I shut my eyes and hung my head, trying to come to a decision.
“You are free to choose.” Azula stares at me. 
Azula waves a hand to the Dai Li agents, signaling them to leave. Both earthbend a stone cube under their feet and slide back up the ramp. Azula departs through the tunnel Aang, Katara, and Truble had gone through. 
“We've got to find Sokka and Toph.” Katara says as we stand on the ground. “Watch out!” I scream tackling Katara from the stream of blue fire that rockets towards her. Aang turns around and earthbends a wall of stone to protect us.
Katara runs around the smoldering wall and bends the water in the channel. She charges at Azula and brings the water crashing down on her. Azula deflects the attack with a short blast of fire. Katara keeps her momentum and spins the water around her, smashing it into the floor and creating a large wave. Azula stomps the ground and flings her hands out, making a wall of fire that evaporates the wave coming at her. The resulting steam hides Azula from view. Aang and I look left and right, preparing for a sneak attack. 
A moment later, Azula jumps out of the steam from one of the larger crystals high above. She attacks with two blue fire balls which Aang and Katara extinguish by bending the water from the channel into a shield while I shoot blasts of purple fire towards her. 
Azula lands on a piece of rock jutting out from one of the large columns. Aang shoots his fists forward and brings his palms down, sending a shockwave through the ground and into the column, destroying it.
Azula gasps and drops down just a few feet away from me. I ready my stance waiting for her to make a move. Suddenly, a blast of red fire lands between me and Azula, skimming my arm and burning the flesh. I gasp dropping down. I look over my shoulder to see the new opponent, Zuko... 
He draws closer to us, poised in his firebending stance. He looks to Azula, who gazes back at him harshly. He looks at me, his glare faltering slightly, but never breaking. 
Zuko then looks at Aang. The airbender gasps just before Zuko punches forward, shooting a fireball at him. Aang reacts just in time and protects himself by airbending a spiral of wind around his body. He jumps back to gain distance as the flame is dispersed. 
Azula grins at Zuko and then turns to me. She waved her arm in an arc and threw a jet of fire at me. Before I even get a chance to defend myself Katara bends the water from her flask and extinguishes the fire. I take this chance, turning to Azula sending several sharp ended flames her way. She avoids all but four. She screamed as they cut a burning slice on her skin. She pushes her hand in her leg and gasps at the blood. “Oh, I like you.” Azula laughs, throwing more lighting as I avoid it and retaliate knocking her off her feet. 
Azula stands on the floor, a puddle of water beneath her. I nod at Katara and she runs towards Azula. Katara stops and bends the puddle, lifting it up with one arm and thrusting it at Azula with the other. 
I shift my gaze to Zuko, who is spinning his fire whips over his head. He swings the burning tendrils at Aang, who is clinging to a stalactite. Aang jumps away to another stalactite and the fire whips cut through the one he was just on. 
Aang pushes off the stalactite with his legs and kicks another one, causing its tip to break and fall off. Aang grabs the upper part still attached to the ceiling, swings down under it and kicks off, hurling himself down. Aang turns himself right side up and slams his fists down into the falling stalactite, plunging it downward. The stone hits the floor, kicking up dust and creating a crater. Zuko is blown back by the shock wave and his body hits a crystal cluster. 
Katara bends puddle on the ground and lobs it at Azula, knocking her to her knees. As Azula starts to get back to her feet, Katara bends the water all around her body. The waterbender creates two long tentacles of water where her arms are and lifts them high into the air. Well… She certainly doesn’t need my help. 
Azula leans forward and thrusts out her fists, releasing a blast of fire, but it is quickly extinguished as one of the water tentacles wraps around Azula's outstretched arm. Katara controls the water, swirling it around with her hand, and swings the other water tentacle down at Azula. Azula tries to counter with a straight thrust kick, but the blue flame shot out is also extinguished and the tentacle wraps around her leg. Katara raises her arms and Azula is lifted into the air, shouting in fright. 
Just when it seems Azula is finished, Zuko performs a leaping overhead kick, punching downward to gather energy before hopping into the air and bringing his leg up, creating a large arc of flame. Zuko lands and brings his foot down, hurling the flame forward. I run straight forward into his flames pushing them away and extinguishing them. He looking at me, rethinking before hardening his stance. “Zuko stop this!” He throws a fire whip at me causing me to do the same, knocking him down. “I love you!” I scream at the top of my lungs. The banished prince looks at me with conflic before he throws an arc of fire above me. Missing me on purpose. It passes over the channel and slices through the water tentacles, freeing Azula. 
I stare back at Zuko opening my hand for him. “Please.” I beg. 
He takes a single step towards me but I feel every inch of my body on fire. Every vein, every cell, burning as Asula’s blue lighting strikes me on the back of my neck. I scream falling to the hard ground. I see her boots on the ground as she kneels down. She lifts my head up by my hair. Zuko’s blood curdling screams distract me from Azula’s smile. She breaks the chain on my neck and lets my head fall to the ground causing my last seconds of sight to end. 
Azula’s lightning strikes Truble on her neck. She fell to the ground so quickly. Zuko’s screams as she hits the stone. “Azula, NO!” Azula breaks her necklace away and takes it into her hands. She lets Truble’s head bang on the ground as she lays lifeless. I cover my mouth letting tears fall. I have to get to her. I can heal her. 
I crawl to her before Zuko reaches her. His fingertips reach for her before I whip him away with a stray puddle. I drag her away from him as he watches in tears. I place my hand on her cheek crying. “Stay with me, Truble. Stay with me.”
Zuko throws two lances of fire at me as I lay with Truble in my arms. I quickly extinguished it with my water.
I let Truble’s body lay alone, standing up and running towards Zuko. “I thought you had changed!”
I swing my water down at Zuko. His tendrils of fire against my tentacles of water clash together over the channel, both equal in strength. Zuko’s emotions are unreadable. “I have changed!”
As I counter attacks, Azula leaps from the top of a crystal cluster and shoots a blast of fire down at me. I deflect the attack and another blast of fire from Zuko by bending water into a wall. Zuko swings an arc of fire and Azula shoots a blue fire ball. The fire ball makes a direct hit and I am blown back, colliding with a cluster of crystals beside Truble. Everything growing black. 
Azula and Zuko turn their heads towards a rumbling noise. Aang launches dozens of feet into the air, kicking up and enormous dust cloud. Aang slams his body into the floor, cracking the stone ground, and a moment later comes charging at the firebenders by riding on a rolling mound of rock. Zuko and Azula ready themselves for the attack. Aang is furious and determined, but just as he gets close, a Dai Li agent jumps in front of him and lifts his arms, destroying the mound with his earthbending and sending Aang to the floor. Aang wearily picks himself up and looks around. Many Dai Li agents jump down from the cliffs above, forming long rows behind Azula and Zuko. 
Katara gains consciousness just as the Dai Li surrounds her and the unconscious time bender. Katara bends the water from the channel and forms a ring of water around them. The water sprouts eight tentacles as she enters the octopus stance. Aang enters his fighting stance and prepares to face his many opponents. He then looks to Katara, who is desperately fighting off the Dai Li agents.
“There's too many.”
Aang remembers what Guru Pathik told him at the Eastern Air Temple. “The only way is to let her go.”
Aang looks down sadly. “I 'm sorry Katara.”
Aang turns around and earthbends several crystals out of the ground to form a tent over him. Aang sits down and begins meditating. We enter inside of Aang's mind, where he once again comes face to face with the avatar spirit residing inside him, high above the world and surrounded by the starry heavens.
The avatar spirit surrounds Aang in a swirling orb between its hands, and Aang's arrow glows. Shift back to the physical world. Aang's arrow begins to glow here as well, illuminating the crystals that surround him. Zuko and the Dai Li are frightened but also enchanted by this light. 
Finally, Aang opens his eyes, which glow with great intensity. An incredible explosion of spiritual power destroys the crystals. The Dai Li agents shield themselves from the blast. Aang rises from the ground in a bright pillar of cosmic light. Katara looks up at Aang, hope returning to her. 
Aang levitates in the air, until suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes his body. Aang's body is also falling to the ground. His clothes are charred, and there is a terrible wound on his back where he was struck. 
Katara stares shocked and horrified, tears rolling down her face. She turns her body and swirls the water around her. Katara creates a large wave and rides on top of it towards Aang, arms spread behind her. The wave rolls over Zuko and the Dai Li, washing them away. Katara catches Aang and lands on the ground, the water flowing away from her. She holds Aang's unconscious body and looks up hopelessly. 
Zuko and Azula begin advancing on Katara and the fallen Aang when a fire blast hits the ground in front of them. Iroh jumps down from a cliff and lands between Katara and his niece and nephew, entering his battle stance. “You've got to get out of here! I'll hold them off as long as I can!” His eyes take in the sight. “Where is Truble?” Katara looks back to the body and summons her, drifting her body in the water towards them. Iroh eyes her as the color drained from her face. He glares at his nephew. “GET HER OUT OF HERE!” Zuko’s panic shows his conflicting thoughts. He had just seen his love potentially die.
Iroh punches left and right, shooting fire blasts at any potential attackers, as Katara makes her escape with Aang and Truble. He lowers his stance and defends against the stone gloves the Dai Li agents throw at him. Iroh waves both hands forward and flings a powerful blast of fire from his fingertips. 
Katara goes to the waterfall and bends the water. She forms a rising and twisting current that lifts her, Truble, and Aang upward. Iroh ceases his attack and quietly surrenders once they are out of danger. Two Dai Li agents bend a ring of crystals around Iroh and trap him. Zuko stares blankly at his uncle. Iroh stares back at his nephew for a moment and turns his head down sadly, saying nothing. 
The Earth King, Bosco, Sokka, Zori, Toph, Momo, Truble, Katara, and Aang all riding on Appa. It has reached nightfall and the sky is dark. Katara lays Aang and Truble down on Appa's shoulders and takes out the oasis water. She removes the top of the container and bends the small amount of water out of it, splitting it in half for the two individuals. Katara holds it over her palms and makes it spin in small circles until it begins to glow with energy. 
The others watch as Katara places the water over the wounds on each bender. It lowers into their wound and enters the body. Zori holds Truble close, crying. 
Azula is sitting on the throne while Zuko stands next to her emotionless. 
“We've done it Zuko. It's taken a hundred years, but the Fire Nation has conquered Ba Sing Se.” He looks down shamefully. “I betrayed Uncle. I-I betrayal, Truble. She-“ “was going to kill you.” Zuko shakes his head. “She was never going to do that.” Azula runs her finger over the golden pendant, stolen from Truble’s body. “Uncle betrayed you. Zuko, when you return home, father will welcome you as a war hero.”
“But I don't have the Avatar. What if Father doesn't restore my honor?”
Azula stands up and places a hand on Zuko's shoulder. Zuko looks at her sadly. “He doesn't need to, Zuko. Today, you restored your own honor.” Zuko turns away from Azula and looks down. 
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zuzu-firequeen · 4 years
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Happy Monday everyone!
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zuzu-firequeen · 4 years
Fire Queen
Fire Queen Masterlist
~Zuko X OC~
~ The Truth ~
After a week of moving all of our things to the new apartment, Zuko was starting to feel a little better. His fever broke and he could sleep all night for the first time in a while. Zoir cartwheels in the new spacious living quarters as Iroh and I stand in the kitchen and stir the pot of jook. “Mother makes this a lot. I assume you taught her everything?” Iroh smiles, “I can not take credit for that. She simply learned everything from Ursa.” I narrow my eyes. “Who?” “Zuko’s mother. They were close. Very close.” “She never mentioned it.” Iroh flashes a sad smile.
Zori runs up jumping onto the counter. “I’m glad I have my own room.” She stretches her arms groaning. “Me too, you’re a kicker.” I pinch her nose lightly, laughing.
“What's that smell?” I turn to see Zuko entering. He smiles at me, wrapping his arm around me and kissing my head. “Good morning.” “Hi.” I bite my lip begging my cheeks not to flush. Iroh smiles at the action. “It's jook. I'm sure you wouldn't like it.” Zuko bows over the pot, inhaling, as Iroh steps back.
Zuko smiles surprisingly. Someone slept well.
“Actually, it smells delicious. I'd love a bowl, Uncle.” The banished Prince picks up and holds out a bowl. I smile watching as Iroh eyes his nephew in suspicion. “Now that your fever is gone, you seem different somehow.” Iroh ladles some jook into the proffered bowl. Zuko takes the bowl and holds my side again. His smile grows as he looks to Zori, then down at me, then to Iroh. A wide smile plastered upon his lips.
If my father and mother would’ve stayed in this timeline would I have met Zuko naturally? My family lived in their home. Our mothers were close. My father was a trusted General up until the Fire Lord asked him to perform unspeakable acts. In a perfect world… were Zuko and I meant to be?
“It's a new day. We've got a new apartment, new furniture, we have Zori and Truble in our lives, and today's the grand opening of your new tea shop. Things are looking up Uncle.” Zuko high fives Zori before moving to the table and kneels, sipping from the bowl and looking out an open window. I smile as I watch him gaze at the city. Iroh bumps me with his elbow lightly. “You did that, you know.” I shake my head. “No, there was always good in him.” “He needed your help to get it out, Truble. Thank you.” Iroh sits next to his nephew and speak as Zori and I stay put at the counter. “You’re staring.” Zori teases as she brings the bowl to her lips. “Yeah, I am.”
The King is seated on his golden throne. His bear Bosco rests his chin on one of the throne's arms. Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai are kneeling at the foot of the dais, still disguised as the Kyoshi warriors.
“Look, Bosco, the Kyoshi Warriors are here to protect us. Aren't you excited?” The King speaks gleefully as he tugs playfully on Bosco's cheeks, who yawns. “It's been a difficult week for me. My most trusted advisor, Long Feng, and his Dai Li agents tried to take control of Ba Sing Se from me. Plus I heard a rumor from them that a terrorist is slumming in my kingdom. Fire nation blood running in their veins.” The king shivers at the thought.
“It's terrible when you can't trust the people who are closest to you. We will risk our lives to rid the kingdom of this worry.”
“But there is good news. As we speak, the Council of Five is meeting to plan an invasion of The Fire Nation this summer. On the day of a solar eclipse.”
Azula's eyes widen slightly at these last words. “Really? Now that sounds like a fascinating and brilliant plan.”
Uncle and I overlook the business inside the tea shop. Truble talking to citizens and earring bright smiles in return. “Who thought when we came to this city as refugees, that I'd end up owning my own tea shop. Follow your passion Zuko, and life will reward you.” His eyes never leave Truble’s figure bustling around. He nudges my arm, winking.
“Congratulations Uncle.” He smiles around the shop. “I'm very thankful.”
“You deserve it. The Jasmine Dragon will be the best tea shop in the city.”
“No, I'm thankful because you decided to share this special day with me.” He puts a hand on my arm. “It means more than you know.” I reach over to give him a hug, mostly to his surprise.
“Now let's make these people some tea.” He chuckles. “Yes! Let's make some tea!”
“I need two honey leafs, and one jasmine,” I say as I pass Iroh and clip the order to the sting. “This is great!” He chuckles as he brews several pots at once. “Did I have all this before?” I place droplets of honey into the cups and pour the tea. “No. It was about this time where your journals stopped before you burnt the thing.” He hums smiling. “Good choice too.” “Whatever you say, old man.”
I walk over to the table setting their tea down as I glance at Zuko at the table across from mine. His eyes lock with mine as he makes his way towards the back. I follow him with a small smirk. I giggle as I jump on his back as he passes through the doorway. “Hey!” He chuckles laughing.
I get back on my feet and lay my hands on his shoulders. “I want to tell you tonight.” Zuko’s eyes widen. “About you? Are you sure?” He runs his finger over my golden pendant. I place my hand over his kissing his hand. “I do. I want to tell you as much as I can.” Zuko leans down connecting our lips.
“It’s a date.” He whispers as he backs away.
Inside a room of the palace, a smiling Ty Lee is looking in a mirror. She is wiping the last traces of her Kyoshi makeup from her face. Mai is seated next to nearby, still working on her own face. Azula paces the floor behind them.
“We have been presented with an extraordinary opportunity, girls.”
Ty Lee smirks at her friends teasingly. “Mai finally gets to wear makeup that's not totally depressing?”
Mai rolls her eyes followed by a deadpan voice. “Ha. Ha.”
Azula walks to a window. “I'm talking about conquering the whole Earth Kingdom.” The two girls turn with shocked looks. Azula starts again, staring out the window. “For a hundred years the fire nation has hammered away at Ba Sing Se from the outside. But now we are on the inside, and we can take it by ourselves.” Ty Lee bites her cheek. “Aren't we here to find that girl though? Your dad was… really really mad about that.” Azula rolls her eyes. “You don’t think I can do both at once?”
Ty Lee smiles, “Gosh, you're so confident. I really admire that about you.”
Azula smirks looking out the window again. “From the inside, we're in the perfect position to organize a coup and overthrow the Earth King. The key is the Dai Li. They know where Savrar Kamie is hiding. Whoever controls the Dai Li, controls Ba Sing Se.”
I flatten out the white silk with the golden dragons smiling. “I knew this would look amazing on you.” Zori smiles as she snuggles in the bedsheets. “It’s the nicest thing I’ve ever worn.” Zori smiles at my figure. “You’re really going to tell him?” “Not everything. He can’t know about the timelines, but everything else? This?” I flick my hand letting the purple flames dance in my digits. “I’m tired of hiding it.” Zori walks up hugging me. “You’ll make the best Fire Queen.” I laugh, “That’s a stretch.” She shakes her head.
I walk out of the room seeing Iroh and Iroh only. I furrow my brows looking around. “Is he showing me up?” Iroh smirks, shrugging his shoulders. “I hope not. I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of those flames.” I smirk blowing fire at him, a rare talent he taught me long ago. “Watch out little dragon.” I beam laughing. “You called me that when I was little.” Zori jumps on the counter next to Iroh. “You sure you don’t want this?” She pushes the Fire nation emblem towards me. “Maybe next time. I feel overdressed already.”
Down in the tea shop I set up the table awaiting her arrival. What will she say? Where did she come from? Who she really is? What four elements is she gifted with?
“Well, now I look very out of place.” A soft voice rings through the empty shop. I turn on my heels to see Truble, and my jaw nearly reaches to the floor. I graze over her figure. The beautifully crafted silk and the golden accents dance upon the silk with grace. The end of the gown flowing as loose flames each step she takes. Fire Nation. I knew that much. Leaving me with more questions now than before.
“Truble.” I breathe out as I walk to her. I grasp her hands and admire her again. “You’re so beautiful.” She smiles bringing her hands to the collar of my robes. “And you, my Prince, look very handsome.”
I look down at the dress and draw against the golden and red stitches. “This is a Fire Nation dress.” “It is. I told you. There is a lot to learn.”
We sit and as we continue our night she begins unraveling the story. “Savrar and Killo Kamie are my parents.” I open my mouth to say something but close it in confusion. “My father… He had abilities the Fire Lord needed. He asked him to… get rid of a child. A baby, but he refused. That’s when your father ordered both him and my mother to death.” “The tale the nation knows of is they vanished.” She grabs her necklace. Her family crest. I stare at the pendant realizing what this is. “But that’s not what happened, was it?” She smirks letting a small laugh go. “I didn’t expect you to know of other tales.” I nod. “My father does hate yours.”
She laughs, “Trust me. I know.”
A thick silence fills the shop. I grab her hand as she stares down at the floor. “Truble, it doesn’t matter what has happened in our pasts. Given they have brought us here, but when we met I felt like it was the start of a new life. So please tell me everything, love.” Her eyes swell and her smile grows.
“Are you sure, Zuko?”
“More than anything, Truble.”
She stands up and walks to me, lowering to the floor and resting on the chair next to me. “Do you trust me?” She asks with worry. I kiss her lips quickly and run my thumb against the pale skin of her cheek. “Of course.” She bites her lip sighing. “Okay, okay. So, don’t freak out, just relax, and if you want me to stop just… Well, I don’t actually know how to stop it. So just… trust me.” “Stop what- ah!” I gasp as she places her hands on the sides of my head. I feel as I’m falling and when I stop I see two figures dashing down the halls of the palace. “Mother.” I gasp, reaching for her, but she passes through me. She’s accompanied by another woman with a swollen belly. “You know she’ll have your looks.” My mother laughs hooking arms with the other lady. “Sav is convinced she’ll have his hair.” Mother laughs, throwing her head back in joy. “She’ll be trouble that one.”
The setting falls into a violet smoke, fading into the throne room. A beaten and bloody man is forced to kneel in front of my father. A man with blazing fire hair identical to Truble’s. “Savrar, I trusted you to come back with my prize, but you arrived empty-handed. I demand to know.” The Fire Lord stands, towering over the General. “Did you slaughter him,” He states, in no way was he asking. He was simply demanding what he wanted from thin air.
Savrar looks up at my father with eyes hard as stone. He stands, meeting my father’s height. The men glare at each other. “You dare defy-” Savrar spits in the Fire Lord's face before throwing him on the ground.
He sprints away down the hall as I run after him. He’s caught by Uncle Iroh and pulled into a room where they shuffle around in chaos. "Hurry darling, please." He pushes his wife as she grabs a few belongings. She turns to Uncle in thanks, wrapping her arms around him. "Thank you for all you have done." He nods holding her at arm's length. "Now go. Good luck."
Killo places her necklace around her neck and holds her husband as he closes his eyes and rotates his hand in a circular motion in front of him. The pendents glowing a deep purple, winds pick up in the room, blending loose papers and such in with the current. In a split second everything stills.
The setting has once again changed and all I can see for miles is black trees and smog covering the sky. Fire blazing the treetops, and the air close to non-existent. “Can’t I take a break? I’ve been doing this since the sun rose.” I turn around to see a little girl in tattered Fire Nation clothes. “Truble, you must do without question or complaint. That is the only way you will achieve this fate.” I know that wise voice. I peer over and see a weak old man hunched on a log, his hand shaking as he sips tea. He looks so broken. “Uncle.” I gasp walking over to him and looking at him closer. His hands… His palms are burnt, and scars line his arms. He looks up meeting my eyes and smiling. I gasp falling back in my butt. “Tea?” Truble walks through me and takes the cup. “You can do this, Truble. You can save everyone.” The little girl sways her feet. “Maybe.” He pats her back with a shaky hand. “Back to it.”
They fade away and an older Truble stands across from me. I look behind me and see Savrar standing strongly. Uncle leans on the cane nodding. “Begin.” Truble rushes towards her father, turning and pushing her arms forward and releasing the most beautiful violet flames I’ve ever seen. In no time she takes Savrar down.
Iroh and Savrar stand in the moonlight gazing at the fire lit city. “She’s ready you know.” Savrar nods, “And your nephew?” What? Where was I? Iroh looks at the sky with tearful eyes. No. “She will save him, but for now, all I can do is remember him.”
The sunlight rips away at the setting and Truble stands at a cliff. I step away from them to the edge of the cliff. "I'll see you soon, Iroh." "I'm sure I'm looking forward to it this moment." He steps forward, struggling as he does. He places his hand on her arm squeezing in assurance. "Truble, you have a destiny greater than any of the souls in this land. Go back and save him."
"Wait! I'm coming! Don't leave yet, Truble!" Zori runs over with packs on her back. "I'm going with you." "Zori, no. You could get hurt, I'm sure your mother-" "She knows. Now shut your trap. Let's go fix this."
She pulls out her own golden pendent and clips it on her shirt. "Well then. I guess this is... goodbye." Savrar nods with a sad smile. "Only for now my trouble maker. It will only seem like a minute for us when you succeed."
Truble grab Zori's hand and look down at her. "Are you ready, kid?" She nods excitedly. "Let's go find the Avatar."
I feel ground under my feet and I open my eyes to see the green grass under my shoes.
"Zori... we did it." Truble smiles, picking a blade of grass. "I've never seen grass before." She says running her fingers over them.
"This is beautiful!" Zori cheers looking over the vase environment. "Now let's see where we are,"
"This way to Ba Sing Se."
I gasp, opening my eyes. I stare into Truble’s eyes in confusion. “What… are you, Truble?” She removes her hands and fiddles with them. “My father calls it Time Bending. He was the first to open a bridge between time and venture into their timeline. I’m able to do the same.” I look at her hands and grab one. “And your fire?” She ignites a small flame in the middle of her palm. “It’s hotter than regular fire.” I start feeling the intense heat from a foot away. She closes her hand nodding. “Truble. What happened to me?” Her eyes meet mine and sorrow fills them. “You were killed in turn for Iroh’s freedom.” I shiver to look at the table. “I see.”
My destiny truly means nothing. How could my own blood think so little of me to slaughter me once they ran out of prison food. Pathetic. I bite my lip in anger. “I’m sorry, Zuko.” She mumbles. She grabs my hands kissing my palms. “I can help you, Zuko. We could do this together.” I look at her with suspicion. “End the war?” I scoff watching her nod with a small smile of hope. “Overthrow the Fire Nation with the Avatar, and you take your rightful spot as Fire Lord.” I let out a huff. “And… I could be your Queen.” I look up at her with a growing smile. “My… Fire Queen?” She nods, a blush coating her cheeks.
“I love you, Zuko.” I stop breathing as she finishes her sentence. “I know you might not feel the same and that’s-” I pull her close, catching her lips. I put my hand on her cheek keeping her close. “Say it again.” She grins against my lips. “I love you.” I peck her once more smiling. “I love you, Truble.”
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zuzu-firequeen · 4 years
Fire Queen
Fire Queen Masterlist
~Zuko X OC~
~ Sickness ~
Zuko’s arms tighten around me, pulling me to his chest. I nuzzle my head into him but pull my head back quickly. He’s shirtless… I furrow my brow looking down at his skin. His body covered in a light coat of sweat. I place my hand on his head and gasp. He’s burning up! “Zuko.” He moans, thrashing his head. I place my hands on his cheeks in worry. “Zuko, wake up.”
His eyes peel open and he looks at me. He grabs my wrists taking a breath. “Stay here.” He swallows and huffs out a breath. “Don’t leave.” His arm wraps around my waist halting my motion. “Zuko, you need some water. I’ll be back.” I kiss his cheek and stand up. “Hurry.” He mumbles in the quietest way possible.
I walk into the kitchen and fill a bowl with water along with a cup. “Iroh, I think he’s sick,” I say stricken with worry as I soak a cloth in cool water. His hand clasps on my shoulder as he takes the bowl. “This is no regular sickness. I fear he is at war with himself.” I look at him with confusion fill eyes. “Yeah. Okay.” Crazy Iroh.
I take the bowl back and enter the room. “And that’s when I knew something was going on. You never looked like a Lee anyways.” Zori sits at Zuko’s side as she tells him how she knew his plan all along, but of course not telling him how. That’s my job.
Zuko lays back with his eyes closed listening to her words with no choice in the matter. “I knew you did. I’m not a great liar.” Zuko mumbles. I sit on my knees next to him on the bed. “Drink.” His eyes open and he rests on his elbows downing the water. I ring the cloth out and rest it on his forehead. “Rest, Zuko.” His hand grabs mine. “You should stay.” I smile lowering my face to his. “I have things I need to do. Like working your shift today. Zori can keep you company.” He huffs looking over at her. “Perfect replacement.” Zori laughs cuddling close to him. “I think so too, Z.” He tries to fight the smile overtaking his lips but fails. He laughs weakly. I kiss his cheek, and Zori’s head before getting up. “Take care of him now.” I point to Zori. “We’ll be fine,” Zuko assures himself more than me.
In the Earth King's palace, we stand in a vast hall. Behind us, the passage is choked with rubble and wreckage. Sokka climbs atop the debris to look past it. “Now that's an impressive door. It's gotta go somewhere.” He coos in success. Leaping down and sprinting down the hall, Sokka launches a flying kick at the colossal doors. His foot impacts with absolutely no effect. He jumps up and begins pushing ineffectually at them, just as Toph and Aang close in behind him. They strike the doors with their bending, causing them to explode off their hinges. With a startled cry, Sokka is flung inward with the doors. I couldn’t help my small grin.
“A little warning next time!” Sokka rubs the back of his head as he rises. We rush past the fallen doors into a vast chamber lined with ornate pillars and lit by hanging lanterns. Then draw to a stop before a large dais, my water at the ready. Seated upon a golden throne is the Earth King himself. Long Feng suddenly interposes himself in front of the king, followed by a protective line of Dai Li agents.
Aang rushes urgently. “We need to talk to you!”
Long Feng turns to the king with a glare. “They're here to overthrow you.” “No, we're on your side. We're here to help.” I speak appealingly, “You have to trust us.”
The Earth King rises with an aggravated tone. “You invade my palace, lay waste to all my guards, break down my fancy door, and you expect me to trust you?”
“He has a good point.”
“If you're on my side, then drop your weapons and stand down.” One by one, we each drop our weapons to the floor. Aang smiles attempting his charm. “See, we’re friends, your Earthiness.” The King, unimpressed, continues to frown grimly. With a wave of his arm, Long Feng signals for the Dai Li to attack. They project their stone gloves at us within seconds, binding our arms behind our backs.
“Detain the assailants.” The Dai Li skate forward to take up positions behind each of us. Sokka calls out, “But we dropped our weapons. We're your allies.”
“Make sure the Avatar and his friends never see daylight again. Keep searching for the terrorist.” Terrorist? They couldn’t be talking about Truble could they? All she’s done is help us.
Earth King’s eyes widen, surprised. “The Avatar? You're the Avatar?” He points at Sokka. “Uh, no, him.” “Over here.” Effortlessly escaping his bonds, Aang raises his arms, then allows them to be bound behind him again. Cheeky.
“What does it matter Your Highness? They're enemies of the state.”
“Perhaps you're right…”
The Earth King's pet bear walks up to Aang, sniffs, and then licks his face, causing Aang to giggle.
“Though Bosco seems to like him. I'll hear what he has to say.”
Aang approaches the throne. “Well, sir, there is a war going on right now. For the past 100 years, in fact. The Dai Li's kept it secret from you. It's a conspiracy to control the city, and to control you.”
“A secret war? That's crazy!”
“Long Feng didn't want us to tell you, so he stole our Sky Bison to blackmail us. And blackmail is the least of his crimes, he brainwashed our friend!”
Long Feng turns to the King. “All lies. I've never even seen a Sky Bison, Your Majesty. Frankly, I thought they were extinct.”
The King sits on his throne pondering. “Your claim is difficult to believe, even from an Avatar.”
“These hooligans are part of an anarchist cell that my agents have been tracking for weeks. If you listen to them, you're playing right into your own destruction.” The Earth King resigned. I have to trust my advisor.”
Sokka suddenly turns with a look of inspiration. “Wait, I can prove he's lying. Long Feng said he's never seen a Sky Bison, ask him to lift his robe.”
“What?! I am not disrobing!”
The Earth King looks thoughtful again. Aang and Sokka smile and nod knowingly at each other. The Avatar draws in a mighty breath of air, and blows a powerful gust of wind at Long Feng, blowing up his minister's robes. The teeth mark bruise he received from Appa can be clearly seen on his left leg.
“Right there! Appa bit him.” Sokka smirk at him smugly, “Never met a Sky Bison, huh?”
Long Feng pushes down his robes, feigning embarrassment. “That happens to be a large birthmark. Thanks for showing everyone.”
“Well, I suppose there's no way to prove where those marks came from…” The king trails off.
“Of course there is!”
Appa stands behind the four of us in the throne room. Appa gapes open his huge mouth. Aang points to one of his large teeth, then slides over to point at the matching bruise on the minister's leg.
Earth King nods convinced. “Yup, that pretty much proves it. But it doesn't prove this crazy conspiracy theory. Though, I suppose this matter is worth looking into.”
We all shrug uncertainly, “Uh, ok, we'll take it. Yeah.” An apprehensive looking Long Feng exits the throne room, followed by his Dai Li agents.
Behind a screen of golden flames. Rows of fire nation soldiers genuflect towards the throne, and they bow towards me. Clad in the raiment and crown of the Firelord, my serene face is without scar or blemish. As I sit impassively, two sinuous dragons, one blue and one red slither down nearby pillars to address me.
“It's getting late. Are you planning to retire soon, my Lord?”
“I'm not tired.”
“Relax, Fire Lord Zuko. Just let go, give in to it. Shut your eyes for a while.”
“No, Fire Lord Zuko! Do not listen to the Blue Dragon. You should get out of here right now. Go! Before it's too late!”
Both dragons are poised to either side of me. “Sleep now, Fire Lord Zuko.” The throne room is swallowed by inky blackness, and the four pillars crumble and fall into the void. As the room falls dark, the soldier's armor collapses to the floor, empty. I searched the darkness, eyes wide with distress. Two golden eyes appear, then the face of the Blue Dragon, which closes rapidly. “Sleep, just Like MOTHER!!” The dragon's jaws gape wide, swallowing me in complete darkness. Within that darkness, we draw closer to the figure of my mother, who drops her hood as I draw closer. “Zuko, help me!” She cries. A sea of blackness and a hole seems to open up beneath me, swallowing everything.
I jolt up in a breath. Iroh sits next to me, “You should know this is not a natural sickness. But that shouldn't stop you from enjoying tea.” He supports my head as I drink. “What? What's happening?”
“Your critical decision, what you did beneath that lake...it was in such conflict with your image of yourself, that you are now at war within your mind and body.” I take a second sip of the tea.
“What's that mean?” I suddenly collapsed in a fit of coughing.
“You're going through a metamorphosis, my nephew. It will not be a pleasant experience, but when you come out of it, you will be the beautiful Prince you were always meant to be.” I close my eyes again, sighing. “When will Truble be here?” Uncle chuckles as he mops my forehead with the damp cloth. “Two hours.” I huff in annoyance.
Far in the Kingdom, the Earth King sits on his throne in front of three new faces. A time shift out of the order, and they knew. She knew this would rupture the line. The King grins at the three. “In our hour of need, it is with the highest honor that I welcome our esteemed allies, the Kyoshi warriors.”
All three drop to hands and knees, pressing their heads to the ground. When he finishes, they raise their heads, and we can see that "Suki" is none other than Azula in disguise. She is flanked by Ty Lee and Mai, similarly dressed in the garb of the Kyoshi warriors.
Azula rakes out in a steady voice, her eyes cool and deadly. “We are the Earth King's humble servants.”
I open the door and walk in sighing. The room is dark, not a soul awake. I lean against the wall watching the moon shine brightly. I twirl the gold coin in my fingers. Something’s not right, I’ve felt it all day. Like someone has taken notice of my presence here, and is now changing fate. I feel every second of the day, present, past, and future. I know when something is not in correction. It’s like a sting on the back of my neck.
Yes, someone knows…
But who?
“You’re late.” a hoarse voice rings from the bedroom. My eyes graze at Zuko’s tired eyes as he walks towards me. “You should be in bed.” His arms encase me completely. His head hangs in my neck, he sighs, pressing his lips to my skin one single time. Letting the flesh burn seconds before letting go. “You’re late.”
I press my hand to his head feeling his tempting fever. “You’re burning up.” “Bend some water then.” I smirk at him, “You think I’m a water bender?” His eyes bore into mine. “Are you not?” I kiss his cheek. “Oh, Zuko. My handsome man.” I peck his cheek once more and pull him towards the room. “You have a lot to learn,” I whisper laying down comfortably with him at my side.
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zuzu-firequeen · 4 years
Fire Queen
Fire Queen Masterlist
~Zuko X OC~
~Lake Laogai~
Jet sits in a chair while the rest of Team Avatar, the fighters, and I stare down at him with suspicion. “There is no way you don’t remember me. What you saw me do.” Jet shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Katara stands beside me stating, “The Dai Li must have sent Jet to mislead us, and that janitor was part of their plot too.” 
Aang looks up. “I bet they have Appa here in the city. Maybe he's in the same place they took Jet.” I look at Jet narrowing my eyes. “Where did they take you?” Jet sits still on the chair, his head hanging low. “Nowhere. I, I don't know what you're talking about.”
“We need to find a way to jog his real memories.” Sokka jumps up quickly. “Maybe Katara could kiss him. That should bring something back.” “Maybe you should kiss him, Sokka.”  “Hey, just an idea.”
Aang huffs looking over at Sokka. “ A bad one.” Aw, how cute! I wonder if Zuko ever got jealous over me? 
“Oo, wait. I got it.” Sokka plucks a straw from his mattress, pokes it into Jet's mouth in trademark fashion. “I don't think it's working.” Jet spits the straw to the floor. Toph carries an idea. “Try to think of something from your past that triggers your emotions.” 
“The Fire Nation, remember what they did to your family.” I look down in regret. I shouldn’t have used my bending against him in the way I did. No wonder he hates fire nation so strongly. No wonder he hates my father even more. 
“Close your eyes. Picture it.”
Jet closes his eyes, and sweat beads on his forehead. His eyes widen with tears brimming the surface. “No! It's too painful.” I bite my lip stepping forward. “Do you care if I try something?” Jet shakes his head allowing me to stand behind him. I place my hands on the sides of his head closing my eyes. I concentrate and maneuver my thoughts through his mind. Everything plays out as a story for the two of us.
A shadow cast on the floor before me by the light of the energies. As my eyes follow the floorboards, gaps appear, revealing blue waters. The far side of the room is replaced by the distant shore of a great lake, and Long Feng can be seen standing in the distance upon its surface. Long Feng regards Jet grimly, and suddenly we plunge into the dark depths of the lake. I emerge inside a vast man-made subterranean chamber. The scene flashes to show Jet being subjected to the hypnotic light of an orbiting lantern by a pair of Dai Li agents. He shuts his eyes against the light. I pull back gasping. “Lake Laogai.” I breathe out leaning onto the wall. 
Redirecting and viewing memories. Check. Father would be proud.
Aang stares at me in a mixture of shock and confusion, but pushes it aside. Better to ask questions later. 
“So where's this secret headquarters, Truble?” Sokka asks following my steps. “Under the lake.” Toph stops, pointing to her right. “There's a tunnel right there near the shore.” She walks that direction, whistling. Reaching the water's edge Toph jumps up in an earthbending move, and a stone pathway rises to the surface. Everyone peers down into the dark shaft, and Momo flies away chittering nervously. From the depths of the shaft, I see a narrow ladder leading up to the tiny circle of light where the heroes stand, far above. The scene changes to a view of the underground base similar to the one in Jet's memory, a crosshatch of large passages lit by greenish firestone lanterns. A pair of Dai Li walk off into a side tunnel, and we pan back to see the assembled group cautiously descending a dark stairway to the main chamber.
“It's all starting to come back to me.” Jet says lowly as he walks by my side. Jet edges quietly to a partially opened door, then moves on, followed by the rest of us. “I think there might be a cell big enough to hold Appa up ahead.”  He stops before a sealed stone door. “I think it's through here.”
I slide the stone door away. Light spills into a chamber. Inside Appa is chained to the floor, and the light from the doorway casts my shadow on the floor as the bison rises. “Expecting someone else?” I draw a dword while Appa shifts nervously in his chains.
Jet slides a stone door for everyone to enter a massive shadowy cavern, the stone door abruptly slides shut behind them. We spin around in surprise, as the room is plunged into darkness, then green lanterns flare to life, illuminating the vast cave. Only now do they notice the Dai Li high above us, suspended from chains or clinging to the ceiling itself. 
“Now that's something different.” I shrug, “I’ve seen better.”
Long Feng stares at us. “You have made yourselves enemies of the state. Take them into custody.” 
The Dai Li drop down to the floor, encircling us. Two agents launch a stone fist attack, but Toph disintegrates them in mid-flight. As the dust clears, she launches them across the room with a pair of rock pillars. Behind her, I turn and rush another pair, cutting their stone fist in the air. Sliding along the ground past the first, I tripped the second with my foot, slamming him hard to the ground.
Long Feng watches dispassionately as Aang deals with two more of his Dai Li with air and earthbending. Katara and Sokka manage to destroy two more of the glove projectiles before being seized by two more. Toph intervenes with a stone wall before they can be drug to the waiting Dai Li. They send a rush of stone towards Toph, but she rises high into the cavern on a pillar of rock, forcing them to pursue her the same way.
Two more Dai Li race up the walls to either side of her, to strike out at Toph with horizontal columns of stone. High in the cavern, Toph swats aside the first two agents, then leaps to avoid the two columns as they crash together beneath her. Landing atop them, she bends up a pair of stone blocks from the columns, using them to drive away both of the remaining agents simultaneously. A fist of stone grabs the back of her shirt, and she is hauled through the air toward a waiting Dai Li. Jet intervenes at the last moment. Leaping past the hooks her belt with his sword, pulling her to safety as the agent kicks a stone foot attack after them. Longshot covers them as they land, intercepting the missile with one of his arrows. Joined by two of his brethren, the Dai Li retaliates with three fist attacks at Longshot, but Jet cuts them from the air with a whirlwind of slashes. Meanwhile, Long Feng has seen enough. He flees from the room, sealing a stone door behind him. Back at the battle, Aang lands and blows two Dai Li aside with a burst of air.
“Long Feng is escaping!” Aang yells out as he fights. I ran up taking his place and taking down the agent. “Go!” Aang and Jet break free and run after him. 
Appa is growling and stamping his feet as I walk closer to him, standing just beyond his reach. I smirk under the blue mask. “You're mine now.”
The door behind me and a shadow are seen in the light spilling inward. I turn and readies both my swords to attack. Iroh enters the room, closing the door behind him.
He gasps, feigning puzzlement. “So, the Blue Spirit. I wonder who could be behind that mask?” I huff removing the mask. “What are you doing here?” “I was just about to ask you the same thing. What do you plan to do now that you have found the Avatar's bison? Keep it locked in our new apartment? I’m sure Truble will love having a new roomie. Should I go put on a pot of tea for him?” 
I look over the huge creature. “First I have to get it out of here.”
“AND THEN WHAT?! You never think these things through! This is exactly what happened when you captured the Avatar at the North Pole! You had him, and then you had nowhere to go!”
“I would have figured something out!”
“No!! If his friends hadn't found you, you would have frozen to death!”
I look at the ground, “I know my own destiny uncle.” “Is it your own destiny? Or is it a destiny someone else has tried to force on you?” I tremble, shaking my head. “Stop it, Uncle. I have to do this.” Uncle Iroh begs with his hands. “I'm begging you, Prince Zuko! It's time for you to look inward, and begin asking yourself the big questions. Who are you? And what do you want?” With a cry of frustration, I hurl both of the swords to the ground, followed by the Blue Spirit mask. 
Iroh’s hands clasp on my shoulders as I lower to my knees. “I don’t want to see you throw your happiness away, Zuko. I will not let you reject Truble from your heart.” I hang my head low. 
I stand to turn to Uncle. “We need to find her, Uncle.” He smiles handing my materials to me. “I’m sure she’s close.” I look back at Appa in a frown. What would Truble do? I walk up to him patting his legs. “Hold on, buddy.” I unshackle each leg letting him go and fly away through the ceiling. Iroh grins at me as I walk with him exiting. 
“Wait. Did you leave Zori alone?” Iroh nods. “You worry too much about her.” “Have you met her?” Iroh shrugs. “Good point.”
We all rush forward to surround the stricken Jet, wearing sorrowful and shocked expressions. Katara draws forth, bending water kneels beside him, and applies her healing powers to his chest. “How is he?” I ask, biting back my tears. 
“This isn't good.”
Smellerbee states, “You guys go find Appa. We'll take care of Jet.” I shake my head looking at her. “We can’t leave you. There are too many.” An unknown voice rips through the air belonging to Longshot. “There's no time. Just go. We'll take care of him. He's our leader.” The five of us look at him with expressions of wonder. Jet smirks at Katara. “Don't worry Katara, I'll be fine.” Jet smiles weakly up at her, and she closes her eyes in grief before rising to her feet. We all file off somberly, leaving the Freedom Fighters behind. Toph, Sokka, and I bring in the back.
“He's lying,” Toph said softly as she lowered her head. 
We step into another large room only to see the empty stone walls. Only the six manacles lie empty within the prison. “Appa's gone. Long Feng beat us here.” 
“If we keep moving, maybe we can catch up to him.”
Toph earth bends us up from below. A rock bearing a circular stone plug arises at the edge of the lake. Cracks form on the plug, and it shoots off to shatter on the nearby cliff face. The five of us emerge and start racing along the narrow shoreline. Glancing over his shoulder, Aang sees nine Dai Li emerge in pursuit of the hole behind them.
Sokka looks at the agents gulping. “Do you think we can outrun them?” “I don't think it's gonna matter.” Ahead I see six more Dai Li flanking the waiting Long Feng. The six agents bend up a thirty-foot wall of stone beneath Long Feng's feet, sealing the strip of land between the cliffside and the lake. We all draw to a stop, and behind us, the Dai Li raises another wall, boxing everyone in. We are enclosed and surrounded by eighteen Dai Li, who cling to the edges of the walls and the cliffside while Long Feng watches from atop the first wall. Momo sweeps down out of the sky and lands on Aang's shoulder chattering excitedly.
“What is it Momo?”
Momo launches upward, past Long Feng, to disappear into the bright midday sun. Moments later Appa emerges from the dazzling light, hurtling downwards towards them. I gasp looking up. “Wow!” 
“Appa!” Aang cries loudly. Appa swoops down and smashes through the first wall, continuing onward through the second. The Dai Li perched on the wall are knocked senseless by the bursting walls and fall to the ground or spill into the water. Aang and Toph bend the cliff that the remaining agents are perched on, flinging them far out into the lake. Appa circles around to land heavily near the shaken Long Feng, as the remaining Dai Li flee. Turning from his fleeing men, Long Feng faces an enraged Appa. He launches a kick at Appa, who catches his leg in his teeth. With a mighty toss of his powerful neck, Appa sends him skipping far out across Lake Laogai, to disappear with a final splash. The sky-bison pauses momentarily before spitting out his shoe. Aang, Sokka, Katara, and Momo throw themselves onto the shaggy bison, while Toph strokes his nose. I stand back stuffing my feet and watching them. 
“Truble, come over here!” Aang calls. I walk over in front of the beast. He sniffs me in two large gusts of wind before his tongue strides over my body. “He likes you!” Aang laughs hugging onto his friend. I lay my hand in his head, petting the soft fur. “It’s good to meet you, Appa.” 
Iroh and I emerge from the passage. I look over into the sky seeing the large flying bison whisking through the air. “You did the right thing, nephew.” I pull out the Blue Spirit mask, admiring its demonic visage as Iroh rests a hand on my shoulder. “Leave it behind.” I walk to the edge of the bank and drop the mask into the lake, where it slowly sinks into the depths. “It’s time I told her.” I nod looking at my reflection. 
I tiptoe across the floor, opening my door. I kick my shoes off and stretch. I lay down and smile at Zori, pushing a few stray hairs out of her face. She opens her eyes and grumbles, “Where have you been?” She cuddles closer to me and sighs. “Zuko was going nuts. He left looking for you in the middle of the night.” I smile biting back a laugh. If he knew I was helping the Avatar…
Would he do what his father did when the king found out about the talents my father kept? 
“I met a sky bison.” She sits up looking at me in shock. “Appa?” I nod smiling. “You’re doing it!” She hugs me close laughing. “I knew you could.” 
Soft knocks at the door break the moment. I look up to see Zuko peeking through the crack. “Come in, Lee.” I giggle. He strides through with a long face. “I know what you’re-” Zuko grabs my waist pulling me flush against him. He presses his lips to mine in a rush. The force of his grasp almost makes me tumble, but he holds me in his stance like a statue. He releases my lips resting his head on mine. 
“Would you look at the time…” Zori mumbles as she leaves the room, closing the door.
Zuko’s grip tightens and his eyes become stiff. “Where were you?” “I was finding the bison.” His mouth opens then closes. His fingers came to grab the gold coin around my neck, running his padded digits over the emblem. “I know this symbol.” I nod putting my hand over his. “I’m sure you do, Lee.” He looks at my orbs, staring deep into my being. “Don’t call me that.” His lips brim closer. “And what shall I call you?” I raise my hand to his cheek, running over the edges of the scar. “I think you already know, Truble.” 
I smile brushing my lips ever so lightly on his before pulling back. “I think you should introduce yourself.” He smiles letting go of a chuckle. “Hi, Truble. I’m Zuko.” I gasp dramatically. “Prince Zuko?” He rolls his eyes and gazes down at the necklace again. “In all my glory.” I laugh bringing my lips to meet his. I rest my head on his chest smiling. “As much as I love this, I am tired.” Zuko nods and kisses my head. “Let’s rest, love.” He guides me to lay down and does the same, holding me close. 
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zuzu-firequeen · 4 years
Dinner Distractions
Zuko x Reader
Request: On the date with Jin, Zuko can’t take his eyes off of (Y/n). Her family owns the famous restaurant in Ba Sing Se and Zuko becomes a frequent visitor to the establishment. 
I tried to pay attention to Jin. I did, but my eyes kept peering over to the waitress smiling at every customer. She was beautiful. (Y/n), she said when she seated us and took our order. She casually rests on the counter as she jokes with others. “She’s very pretty.” I snap my eyes back to Jin in embarrassment. “I’m sorry.” She shakes her head forcing a small smile. “Don’t be. I can’t blame you. She’s a wonderful person. Our parents became friends when they first arrived. I could… introduce you?” I shake my head frantically. “No. I couldn’t. It’s… complicated.” 
Jin nods and looks at (Y/n), then back to me. “I could see it. You know she works the lunch hours too. They’re usually not as busy.” Jin winks as she and I continue the evening talking, and taking glances at the beauty in Ba Sing Se.
I watch the time as it nears the lunch break for Uncle Iroh and I. As soon as the clock hits the hour I peel my apron off and grab uncle's arm. “Come on. Let’s go to lunch.” He tugs at his arm as we dash through the street. “Nephew! Slow down will you? Where is the rush?” I come to the entrance and smile at the half empty restaurant. “Perfect.” I mumble seeing (Y/n) serve a family. “Nephew? Have you brought us to somewhere special?” He asks following my gaze. I tear my eyes away looking at the tables. “The food is good.” I walk in and catch eyes with her. My hands become hot and my body feels like stone. 
Move! She smiles walking up to Uncle Iroh and I. “Welcome! Just two of you?” I hum nodding my head. Iroh looks at me confused. I’ve lost my voice… “Yes, miss. Just us two.” Iroh says light heartedly. She nods her head grabbing two menus and directing us to a table. As we sit down she eyes me closely. “You were here last night with Jin.” “I was. I had to come back and see you.” Uh… Bold? (Y/n) smiles and blushes. “Well, Lee… I recommend the soup today. It has a little fire to it. I’ll be back for you shortly.” She turns on her heel and rushes to the back. How did she know my name? 
“That was a bold comment, nephew. You get it from me. I was a ladies man in my day.” I scoff, “Yeah, right.” “She’s very beautiful.” I nod watching her move about. “Very.” ~-(Y/n)-I place the tray of food on my arm as my dad holds the door open for me. “Where is this going?” “Table four.” He grabs one of the plates and follows me to the table. “Mushi! You finally made it to try my food!” My father cheers as we set Lee and Mushi’s food down. “(D/N)! Great to see you. My nephew chose it today. I have a feeling why.” Mushi elbows my father's stomach and nods his head over to Lee, who is smiling at me in a daze. I giggle covering my mouth. “Looks all from her mother, I swear.” 
He flips his towel over his shoulder and sticks his hand out to Lee. “(D/n). Good to meet you, boy.” Lee shakes himself out of his daze and grabs my father's hand. “I’m Lee, sir.” My father narrows his eyes and nods his head slowly. “Sure you are, kid.” I tilt my head in confusion. “Enjoy your meal.” I smile and walk away, tending to my other responsibilities. 
Day 6...
Six days Lee has come to the restaurant on his lunch break. I walk up to him with a menu. “I’m starting to think you’re a food critic.” He smiles at me. “I like to widen my palate. Plus this is the best food in the city.” I giggle as I pull my note pad out. “Ready to order?” “What’s your favorite?” “Mine?” Lee nods wedding his smile. “Um, my mom makes the best grilled fire flaked pork. That’s one of the top.” “One of those, and my usual.” I raise my brows, “You’re going to eat two meals?” 
He shakes his head. “Of course not.” He slides the chair across from him open. “You’re going to join me.” I scoff, biting my smile back. “I’m working, Lee.” “No you’re not!” The tie to my apron is loosened and my mother stands behind me smiling. “Thank you, Mrs. (L/N).” Lee smiles at her. “Anytime.” She puts her hands on my shoulders pushing me to sit down. “Did you set this up?” “Sit and enjoy, (Y/n).” 
I look at Lee with a smirk. “You got my mother involved?” He shrugs. “Maybe.” “Impressive.” I muse leaning on the table. “I stay determined. Tell me about yourself.” “What do you want to know?” “Where did you live before all this?” I bite back the memory. “My home was nice at first. We lived in the fire nation before everything got… well… you know.” “You’re fire nation?” Lee gasps. “Are you upset? Please keep it secret. I know how risky it is saying it out loud, but we couldn’t stay there.” Lee grabs my hand and smiles lightly. “No. No, of course not. In fact I’m-” “Alright! Food is here and it is hot!” My dad says laying it in front of us. “I’m watching you two.” 
~ I walk past the tea shop, but stop seeing the lights still on. I look in the window and see Lee mopping the floors. “Need some help?” His head shoots up at my voice and a smile grows to his lips. “I was just finishing. I thought you left early.” I shake my head. “I lock up on Mondays.” 
Lee smiles as he wraps an arm around my waist. “Lucky me. I wanted to show you something.” He pulls me along to the back room that is dimly lit with candles. Lee blows them out and stands in front of me. “My name isn’t Lee.” I smile crossing my arms in the dark. He’s so cute when he tries to be dramatic. “And I’m not a refugee.” I flick my finger to the candle releasing a small flame and lighting the room again. “I’m really-” “Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation.” He lowers his hand in surprise and looks at the candle. “That’s my line.” He chuckles and pulls me close. “How’d you know?” “My dad.” “I had a feeling.” I laugh resting my hand on his cheek. “Are you just going to stare at me all night or are you going to kiss me?” Zuko smiles and grabs my waist. He extinguishes the flame and leans down in the dark. 
“I’ll take that kiss now.” 
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zuzu-firequeen · 4 years
Fire Queen
Fire Queen Masterlist
~Zuko X OC~
Lost Bison
I pour tea into three separate cups of an order before I feel two arms wrap around me. I look over my shoulder to see Zuko’s eyes closed as he snuggles close to me. “You’re late,” I say smiling. “That’s all you have to say to me?” He scoffs. I turn around and peck his cheek. “No. Good Afternoon, Lee. You’re late for work.” “It’s your fault.” I furrow my brows as I pass the tray to him. “How is it my fault you’re late?” He shrugs. “You’re the one who wanted to have a picnic at midnight.” I sigh smiling at my defeat. I raise on my tiptoes and kiss him. “It was fun, wasn’t it?” He rolls his eyes pecking my lips once more before going out to serve the tea. 
“You blush any harder you’ll be as red as your hair.” Iroh chuckles as he walks in. “You think he will tell me the truth?” Iroh’s smile widens. “If you are prepared to do the same, Truble.” 
I watch as Zuko looks back at me every few steps with a shy smile. “I don’t want it to ruin things.” 
Iroh scoffs, “I doubt him knowing what you are will put a damper on things.” I shrug worrying about the smallest of details. “You stress too much. You and Zoir go take a walk around. We can hold it here. She misses you.” I chuckle hugging Iroh. 
“Hey, kid. Want to take a walk with me?” 
Zori throws her apron on the counter and rushes to my side as I walk out the door. She hugs my side as we walk past several shops leading up to the upper ring. “I missed you. Lee takes all your time now.” I laugh, stopping on a bridge and watching the water flow. “He does not.” “You have been dating for two weeks and you have only tucked me in 4 of those 14 days, miss midnight date.” I blush looking down at her. “I’m sorry.” “I’m kidding! You’re actually happy, so I’m happy.” 
Two girls walking across the bridge caught my eye. Water and earth. Both have obviously been to the beauty spa for a relaxing day. “Well, that wasn't so bad. I'm not usually into that stuff, but I actually feel... girly.” The earth girl speaks. 
Two older girls pass them making snide comments. I clench my fist about to open my mouth, but the Blind girl laughs. “No, no. That was a good one! "Like your poodle-monkey"... Haha! You know what else is a good one?” She stomps the ground once causing dust to rumble up as her earthbending shoots across the bridge to where the girls stand. A hole opens up in the stone bridge where they fall through into the creek. 
Zori and I burst out in laughter watching the girls ring out their soaked hair. I look up to the two girls and smile. “That was great!” I cheer. 
Zori looks into the hole and sticks her tongue out. “Don’t mess with these girls!” 
They walk up to us smiling. “I wouldn’t listen to them if I were you. You’re beautiful.” I tell the raven-haired girl. She smiles up at me. “You look gorgeous too!” I narrow my eyes at her smirking. “Does she always do that?” The water tribe girl nods with a small smile. “Any chance she gets. I’m Katara and this is Toph.” I shake her hand returning the smile. “I’m Truble and this is Zori, my sister.” 
“Truble? Like-” “Yes like actual trouble. It follows her really.” Zori smirks look up at me. “My brother would go crazy about that.” Toph laughs at Katara’s statement. “Maybe we’ll see you around, it was great to meet both of you.” I wave as I walk with Zori. 
“They were nice.” Zori smiles skipping along.
“Something was off about that one chick,” Toph says 
“What do you mean? I thought they were nice.” Katara says confused.
“They are. Truble was just… Her body heat was higher than usual.” Katara stops. “Like a fire bender?” Toph shakes her head. “Hotter.” 
I kiss Truble’s cheek as I pass her with a tray of tea. For this moment, I was happily playing the role of a simple tea boy named Lee. It was such a strange shift from my entire life, and to now have someone like Truble in my life is surprising. She has the heart to care for others in the toughest times. She could be fit to rule if she wanted. Who am I kidding? She thinks of me as a tea boy who is surviving the war… not the banished prince who is playing into it. Maybe if I explained what I’m doing? 
What am I after? 
I fear in the end I won’t be able to have both her and the avatar. I fear I will only be allowed for one. 
In my own world rationalizing existent issues, I don’t notice Uncle talking to someone about a new shop. “I'll provide you with a new apartment in the upper ring. The Tea shop is yours to do whatever you want.” I glance over at Truble to see her watching with wide eyes. She looks at me smiling. What would happen to her? Iroh couldn’t possibly let her stay in the lower ring alone. 
Iroh set the teapot into the hands of shop owner Pao, who grimaces in pain. Pao walks off as Iroh and Quon exchange respectful bows. 
I set the tray down and walked past my uncle to exit the building. “Did you hear nephew? This man wants to give us our own tea shop in the upper ring of the city.” 
“That's right young man. Your life is about to change for the better.”  I continue walking towards the front door frustrated. “I’ll try to contain my joy.” I step out the back with worried looks from Truble. She’s amazing.
I close the door behind me and lean against the front of the teashop. “Hey.” Truble pops her head out and smiles at me. “You okay?” She pieces herself to my side and wraps her arms around me. “I have a lot on my mind.” She nods with a sad smile. “If you need to talk I’m all ears.” She leans up pressing a kiss to my lips. I place my hand on her cheek softly being immersed in the moment. Soft pats hit our heads as we pull away. Truble picks up one of the fyers. “Lost Bison. Appa.” She reads, skimming over the words and pictures. “What?” I hiss, snatching it from her hands. 
I quickly look up and begin scanning the sky for the source of the paper. “Lee?” Truble asks calmly as I dash around looking crazy. I look at her bringing her face close between my hands. “I’m okay. I promise.” I peck her lips once more before sending her back in. I climb to the roof of the shop just as another scattering of them settle to the street. Looking at the flyer once more, I glare down at the parchment. This is it. I could have everything I want and more if I capture the Avatar here in Ba Sing Se. 
I smile to myself as I read over the flyer again. “That’s the Avatar? I expected more. He’s a kid.” “So are you.” I laugh at Zori. “So what’s your plan? Go take a visit with zero information?” I shake my head. “No. I’m going to stick with my father's plan. All I have to do is follow Zuko.” “And if you get caught?” 
“I won’t.” Zori rolls her eyes. “Says everyone who got caught.” 
“If I do, which I won’t, I would tell the truth.” 
“I’m sure his girlfriend being a time bending fire master wouldn’t be shocking at all.” Sarcasm thick in her voice as she packs up more of her things to move to the new apartment. “I’m tired of lying. I want to tell him everything.” 
Suddenly I hear the front door slide closed and heavy footsteps sound on the wooden floor. “So, I was thinking about names for my new tea shop. How about the Jasmine Dragon? It's dramatic, poetic, has a nice ring to it.” Iroh says out loud. I move to open the door and right as I’m about to slide it open, Zuko’s voice comes out hushed, in a secret tone to his uncle. “The Avatar's here in Ba Sing Se. And he's lost his bison.” 
“We have a chance for a new life here. If you start stirring up trouble, we could lose all the good things that are happening for us.”
“Good things that are happening for you. Have you ever thought that I want more from life than a nice apartment and a job serving tea?”
“There is nothing wrong with a life of peace and prosperity. I suggest you think about what it is that you want for your life, and why.”
“I want my destiny.”
“What that means is up to you. Think about who you want at your side in your destiny, Think about her. So much light she has shown you would get swept away in the darkness. She would not follow.” 
Zori tugs on my arm. “Can you hear what they’re talking about?” Suddenly the door slides open, with Zuko in the doorway. “There he is!” Zori cheers dramatically. “My boy Lee with a good cup of tea! What’s going on?” He looks down at her with confusion.
“The Tea Weevil!” Iroh yells in joy, but shakes his head. “No, that's stupid.”
“That bigger place sounds nice doesn’t it?” Zuko cracks a small smile and reaches for my hand. “Come with me.” He mutters, pulling me to the roof. “Did you want to talk?” I ask as we sit looking at the sky. “No.” Zuko states lowly. “Do you want to tell me anything at all?” 
“No.” He sighs, hanging his head low. “Not yet.” 
I pull his body closer and have him lay his head in my lap. “Okay, Lee.” 
“That’s not my name.” I smile down at him as he looks up at me with a worried pair of golden eyes. I kiss his head softly as I push his hair back. “I know, and it’s okay.” 
Today was my day off while the other three were working. I walked around the town seeing more and more posters of Appa. Maybe I could find the Bison on my own! How hard could it be to spot a giant animal? I cross a street and see Katara with a stack of posters.
“Katara! Hey!” I shout waving at her. She turns around showing me a friendly smile. “These are yours?” I ask motioning to the poster. “Yeah. Apps belongs to my friend Aang, but he’s been gone some time now.” “Aang? The Avatar?” A knowing smile grows on her face as she nods. 
“Do you want some help? I have nowhere to be.” She passes me half of her stack and nods. “That’d be great!” 
We move down a street posting flyers all over the town and talking about our lives. “You used to ride Penguins?” “Oh, yeah! Aang was the real pro, though.” I smile at her as her cheeks blush. “So this Aang guy…” “The Avatar-“ “yeah yeah. Titles whatever… what is he to you?” I push smirking as she stares at me with a blush. “A- a friend.” I giggle pressing another poster on the wall. “For now.” 
She hides, she blush moving on, “What about you? Do you have… someone?” A smile makes its way to my lips as I recall him. “Yeah. I have someone.” Katara gushes, “What's his name?”
“He likes to be called Lee.” 
“Aw, Lee and Truble. So cute! Does your sister like him?” “Zori? Yeah, they get along really well. More than me and her most of the time.” I laugh. “Sokka and I are the same way.” Katara laughs. 
I push on the corners of the paper as a familiar voice rings out. “Katara?” I whip my head around to see Jet smirking. I thought he was arrested!
I gasp as he takes a step closer with his swords. I charged at him before Katara could get the chance. “Truble! Wait!” He shrieks as I block and punch him as much as I can. “Katara, no! I’ve changed!” Katara comes up beside me with a glare. 
“Tell it to some other girls, Jet!” She slashes him with water and pushes him back. 
“I don't want to fight you! I'm here to help.”
Holding out his hook-swords, he drops them to the ground as Katara and I draw closer. Oh, I wish I could whip him with my fire right now! He reaches behind his back for something, and Katara pins him with a flurry of ice blades one by one sticking into the rock behind him. “That’s what I’m talking about.” I smirk impressed and give her a high five. Suddenly Toph, Avatar Aang, and a guy with a boomerang run up behind us. “Katara, what is it?” She glares at Jet against the wall. “Jet’s back.” 
“Good to see you again, Truble.” I smile at Toph shaking my head. “You too, Toph. Hi, I’m Truble.” “WHAT? Oh, no way! That is AWESOME!” Boomerang guy shreeks. “Sokka. In case you didn’t know.” He leans against the wall trying to look cool, but falls against the ground. “I’m Aang. It’s great to meet you.” I smile at him nodding. “I love this whole thing, but we do have another issue.” I say pointing to Jet. 
“We can't trust anything he says.” Katara says, glaring at him. 
“I vote for that!” 
“But we don't even know why he's here.” Sokka argues. “I don't care why he's here. Whatever the reason is, it can't be good.” Katara turns her chin up.
“I'm here to help you find Appa. Same as Truble.” I raise my hands looking innocent. “Don’t bring my name into this. I am not associated with you.” Still pinned to the wall, Jet opens his hand to let a leaflet unroll.
Aang looks at it then turns to Katara. “We have to give him a chance.”
“I swear, I've changed. I was a troubled person, and I let my anger get out of control. But I don't even have the gang now. I've put all that behind me.” I narrow my eyes. Why isn’t he saying anything about my portals, or fire bedding, or getting arrested?
“You're lying!” Katara says strongly. Toph pushes past
Katara, and places her palm on the wall close to Jet. “He's not lying.”
“How can you tell?” I ask, watching her in amazement. 
“I can feel his breathing, heartbeat, and body temperature. When people lie, there is a physical reaction. He's telling the truth.”  We all look to Katara in approval. 
“Katara, we don't have any leads. If Jet says he can take us to Appa, we have to check it out.” Katara’s shoulders sag in resignation. “Alright... but we're not letting you out of our sight!”
We all venture towards a wearhouse where Jet claims where Appa is. “Where’d you Toph, and Katara meet?” Sokka asks, walking beside me. “Oh, my sister and I were on a walk and we saw them deliver some girls a well deserve punishment.” He laughs. “Heck yeah. Water tribe and earth kicking butt!” 
“I always wished I was a water bender.” I say casually. “It’s the most beautiful of the four.” “Are you a bender?” Aang asks to my other side. 
What do I say? What do I say? 
I catch Jet’s eye and he looks curious as well. Does he not remember I almost killed him? “Yeah. I don’t show it a lot… more of a mandatory thing.” “What kind?” Aang asks excitedly. “Oh, um... “ “Gosh, what is this? 100 questions? She doesn’t have to say.” Toph says patting my shoulder and rushes me forward. 
We enter a dimly lit warehouse, which sits empty except for a few sacks and a pile of canvas and rope. I stare at the ropes in sadness. No living creature should be forced to be bound in inhabitable conditions. Iroh’s journal would’ve helped right now, but the kook burnt it up to ashes!
“This is the place I heard about.”
 “There's nothing here.” Aang complains. 
Katara turns to Jet in anger, “If this is a trap-” “I told you, I work nearby! Two guys were talking about some giant furry creature they had. I figured it must be Appa.”
“He was here.” Toph discovered a handful of white fur. I pick it up running my hands along the soft fur. “Poor Appa.” I frown. 
“We missed him.” Aang says stroking the clump of fur sadly. An old white haired man with a push-broom crosses behind the slumping Aang. “They took that big thing yesterday. Shipped him out to some island. About time, I've been cleaning up fur and various uh leavings all day.”
Aang frantically catching the man asks, “What island?! Where's Appa?!”
“Foreman said some rich royal type on Whaletail Island bought him up, guess for a zoo or such, though could be the meat would be good.” Oh no. 
Aang’s eyes widened in fear. “We've gotta get to Whaletail Island… Where's Whaletail Island?”
Sokka looks up from the map glumly. “Far. Very far.” He lays the map of the world on the floor, pointing. “Here it is. It's near the South Pole almost all the way back home.”
“Aang, It'll take us weeks just to get to the tip of the Earth Kingdom. And then we'll need to find a boat to get to the island.” Katara says softly to her friend. I never expected the Avatar to have such great friends, or have such a good heart himself. 
“I don't care. We have a chance to find Appa. We have to try.”
The Janitor passing in the background speaks again. “Must be nice to visit an island. I haven't had a vacation for years.” I glare at him. “Don’t you have hair to clean up?
I lean next to Aang placing my hand on his shoulder. “You're right Aang. Right now, the first concern has to be finding Appa. You all can come back when you have him.” 
Sokka agrees. “All right, let's get moving.”
Jet steps forward. “I'll come with you.” Katara stares at him frimley. “We don’t need you.”
“Why won't you trust me?”
“Gee, I wonder?” Katara tugs me along by her side as we walk away from Jet. “Were you two like… together?” Katara’s face turns red. “What? No!” Toph pokes her arm teasingly. “I can tell you're lyyyyying.”
As we walk along the streets I spot Jet’s crew rushing to him in a fit. “Jet!” Smellerbee hugs him. “Looks like you are a liar.” I say crossing my arms. “No!” Jet says fighting her off. “We were so worried. How did you get away from the Dai Li?” 
They all gasp. “The Dai Li?!”
“I don't know what she's talking about.” Everyone stops and draws closer to Jet and Smellerbee. 
“He got arrested by the Dai Li a couple weeks ago after fighting with Truble and Lee at a tea shop. We saw them drag him away.” 
Great. I look around to see everyone switching their gaze between me, and Jet. “Truble what is going on?” I sigh, “He was arrested for reasons I don’t know of.” Jet scoffs. “Why would I be arrested? I've been living peacefully in the city.” “No, you came into the shop and attacked us!” “Why would I do that?” 
Toph kneels down between us, a palm on the street at our feet. “This doesn't make any sense. They're both telling the truth.” Katara looks at me shaking her head. “That's impossible.”
“No, it's not. Toph can't tell who's lying because they both think they're telling the truth. Jet's been brainwashed!” Sokka points at Jet accusingly. 
Jet shakes his head distressed. “That's crazy! It can't be.” He looks at me and gulps. He looks around in a panic. “Stay away from me.”
I slide open the door as we enter the apartment. “Truble! I thought you said you were going to make dinner!” Zori yells into the empty space. I furrow my brow and move as fast as my feet could go. I open the door to her room and walk in. “Truble.” 
I stride out of the empty room. “She’s not here. Zori, where could she have gone?” I speak loudly making her little frame jump. Iroh grabs her shoulders to steady her and glares at me. “She will be fine. It’s not that late. She could’ve gone out with some friends.” I sigh feeling defeated. “She would’ve told me.” 
Zori walks up and wraps her arms around me. “Don’t worry, Lee.” I look down at her in shock. Is she crying? She huffs a breath shielding her face in my stomach. I bend down hugging her back. “I’m sorry, Zori. I didn’t mean to yell at you.” She nods. “You don’t need to worry.” She was right, but that didn’t make me any less panicked. 
After I had tucked Zori in and Iroh was asleep at the table of an unfinished game, I snuck away shielded behind the worn blue mask and dark clothes. 
A lone Dai Li agent walks down the street past the entrance to an alley. Charging up the street behind him dressed as the Blue Spirit I knock into him running past. “Out of my way, skinny.” I move the prop of the masked body in the middle of the alley and wait for the Dai Li. 
Rounding the corner, he sees the Blue Spirit waiting in the darkness, and launches his stone gloves at him, one after the other. The second stone fist removes the Blue Spirit's head, which causes the dummy to collapse on the ground. I sneak behind him and draw the blades in front of him, placing them at his throat. “If you don't want to end up like him. You'll do what I say.”
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zuzu-firequeen · 4 years
Fire Queen
Fire Queen Masterlist
Tag List: @lilmou5ie​
~Zuko X OC~
-A Double Date-
“Fang? His name is Fang?” I scoff pacing the floor. “I do not see why you did not just ask her yourself,” Uncle says as he sits down and pours himself yet another cup of tea. “Because he’s scared.” Zori laughs, kicking her feet up and plopping down next to my uncle. “I am not! How could you say that?”
Three knocks sound at the door, and Zoir opens it up revealing Jin. “Hey! I just saw Truble and Fang they’re heading to a restaurant in town. Do you want to follow them?” I tap my foot thinking everything over. “This is a horrible idea.”
Jin grabs my arm pulling me away and out the door and we make our way into town. “There they are.” I look into the restaurant and see Truble and beefcake chatting away. “She doesn’t look like she’s having fun,” Jin says pushing my arm. I smile slightly. She doesn’t. Her lips are in a small frown as she explains something.
Fang makes eye contact with me and nods. Truble turns back and sees us. I quickly pull Jin to my side and smile at Truble. She scoffs and turns back around. We are escorted to a table that is directly beside theirs.
Truble looks over from the corner of her eye and shifts in her seat. Jin nods over smiling at her. “You look beautiful, Truble.” She sips her drink with thin lips in a line. “Thanks.” Fang smiles and pulls their table closer to ours putting us side by side. “What are you doing?” She hisses as she’s pulled right to my side. “It’s a double date now!”
Jin lays her hand on mine over the table. “This is so nice. All of us together. I have just been waiting to have some time with Lee. I think it’s going to be an amazing time.”
“Good luck with that,” Truble says under her breath.
Fang kicks my foot from under the table. He grabs my hand and runs his thumb over my fingers. “I know what you mean. Every time I walked into the tea shop I couldn’t take my eyes off, Truble.” I force a flirtatious smile and lean on my palm. “You’re so sweet. I wish I would’ve met you sooner.”
Zuko scoffs at my side and plays with his napkin. “Should we order? Let’s order.” Jin rushes a waiter over to serve us. The conversation went on with awkward remarks from Zuko anytime Fang complimented me.
“Where are you from, Truble?” “I’m-“ “She doesn’t have to answer that.” Fang disregards Zuko’s words as if they didn’t happen. “How does Zori like it here? I moved around a lot when I was younger. It was hard for me. If she ever needs anything she’s more than welcome to ask me. I’d be happy to help you two out.” Fang edges on as he knows the reaction is pure. Zuko is fuming. Smoke close to coming out of his ears.
“Lee? You okay, buddy?”
Zuko glares at Fang and nods his head. “Yes. I’m just admiring Jin. Much more beautiful than any other girl in Ba Sing Se.” Zuko struggles to finish his words.
My heart stings pull and I bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself calm. How could he say those things in front of me? He knows we almost kissed. He should get the hint that I like him!
I slap my hand on Zuko’s shoulder and smile at Jin across the table. “I’m glad someone will finally take him out. I was getting worried there. With all the sulking he does.” “I don’t sulk.” I bite into my food shrugging. “You do, but it’s fine now. You have Jin.”
“Well, you’re always singing about love and happiness. At least you found some. With all the… time-wasting you do.” I roll my eyes. “Time wasting?” Zuko nods sending me a look embedded with attitude. “Yeah. You waste your time.”
“Yeah. I guess we are calling working hard wasting time now.”
“If the shoe fits.”
I look at Zuko and bite my remark back. I huff and stand up. “I’m going to the restroom.” I push the door open and lean against the counter. I look myself over and roll my eyes. “Idiot.”
“Yeah. He kinda is.” I look behind me and see Jin standing there with a grin. “I’m sorry?”
“Lee. You like him. He likes you, but of course, he doesn’t do anything. Back away from a kiss?” “Are you here to antagonize me, Jin?” She shakes her head quickly. “No. Not at all. I’m telling you the truth. He likes you, Truble.”
“He doesn’t like me, Jin. He asked you here tonight.” She shrugs coming to stand next to me. “And you’re here with a hunk too. I didn’t expect this to bring up a fight. We planned to turn it around.” I furrow my brows. “What plan?”
“Zori wanted to make you jealous because you said yes to Fang. Lee was fuming about it.” My mouth hangs open. “You’re not on a date?” “No! This is all a ploy for the two of you to stop fighting your feelings, but it’s kinda gone downhill.” I start laughing and hug her. “Fang is a set up too! He knows I like Lee and told me to go along with this dumb plan!” She stares at me in shock and laughs. “You two belong together!”
“What do we do now?” Jin smiles and moves some hair out of my face. “Leave that time me and Fang.”
The girls leave and I sit alone with Fang as they exit. “So… Truble is pretty hot. Think you could get me a second date?”
“Doubt it.”
He chuckles and looks behind him to check for the girls. “You think she’s hot? Jin is great and all, but honestly-“ “It’s disrespectful to talk about her that way. She’s more than a plaything. She’s a person.” Fang leans back in his chair raising an eyebrow. “I get it now.” “Get what?” I hiss.
“You like her.” I drop my fork. “What?” He smiles, nodding along with his own thoughts. “You like Truble.”
“What? No!”
He laughs and takes a drink. “Anyone ever told you you’re a bad liar?”
I open my mouth to fire back, but Truble’s voice halts my action. “I have.” She kisses Fang’s cheek before she takes her seat beside me. He winks at her and I feel my hands clench. “Jin gave me a great idea. After dinner let’s all walk to the fountain. She said the lanterns would be lit tonight. I always miss them.”
I look at Jin and she nods with a smile. “Yeah. That sounds nice.” I say wondering where this will end. As we finish our meal and exit the restaurant we begin walking towards the fountain. “Oh no! I forgot my bag!” Jin says in a panic. “Where could it be?” I ask her.
“On my chair at the restaurant. I knew I was going to do something like this. I’ll have to get it. You go up ahead. I’ll catch up.”
“I’ll go too. I forgot my… drink.” Both Fang and Jin walk off towards the restaurant. “Do you need help?” I call, but they hurry their speed. “No! You two go on. We will meet you there!”
I look up to Zuko and shrug. A thick silence rings out in the lonely streets. I kick a small rock as I search for something to say. “Jin seems nice.”
Zuko nods looking at the ground. “She is. Do you like Fang?” I shrug crossing my arms. “He’s nice, but a little bit of a tool.” Zuko laughs hiding his smile. “I wasn’t going to say anything.”
“You should’ve. Might not have gone out tonight.” “Yeah?” I nod as the fountain comes into view, but in darkness. None of the lanterns are lit.
Zuko stands beside me as I frown at the water. “I’m not going to lie. I did want to see them.” Zuko sighs.
Don’t do it. “You really wanted to see them?”
“Yeah, but I can see them another night.”
Truble. Don’t. “Do you trust me?”
Zuko looks at me with soft eyes and nods. “Yes.”
“Close your eyes,” I say softly. He lowers his lids shut. I step out in the middle and take a deep breath. I firebend small balls of flames and shot them towards the lanterns. The purple flame igniting them and creating a violet hue over the entire area. I smile at my work and turn around to see Zuko with his eyes still closed.
“Okay. You can look.”
Zuko opens his eyes and his mouth almost hits the floor. He stares at the purple flames in amazement. I bite my lip hoping he wouldn’t question it too much. I could’ve lit them with purple flame stones. That’s what could’ve changed the color.
Zuko looks down at me and grins. “It's beautiful.” I nod humming. “It is.”
“You’re beautiful, Truble.” I snap my head up to him. He turns to me quickly and reaches down for my hand. “Do you trust me?” He whispers to me.
Do I? Yes
Should I? Probably not.
“Yes.” I nod looking up at his golden orbs.
“Close your eyes.”
I snap my lids closed waiting for Zuko to reveal something. Suddenly I feel his hand on my cheek and soon after I feel his lips brush against my own. I wrap my arms around his neck and return his actions. His other hand comes to rest on my waist as he holds me tightly.
We part and gaze into each other’s eyes. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” He says running his thumb across my bottom lip. “You wasted 2 chances.” “And third time's a charm.” He leans down kissing me once more. “Zori planned this, you know.” “Yeah, I know.”
Zuko rests his head against mine. “I’m sorry I set you up.” I giggle at him. “Don’t be. You were set up too.” Zuko laughs pulling me closer. “I had a feeling.”
Zuko glances around at the purple flames then back to me. “Truth later?” I nod looking at the ground. “Truth later, Lee.” He holds me close to him as we watch the dancing flames. “For both of us.”
We walked back hand in hand to the apartment, and for once on this mission, I completely forgot why I was sent. For this moment I’m happily blind and content. As I’m about to open the door Zuko pulls me to him again and presses another kiss upon my lips.
“You owe me 5 bucks, Mushi.” I jump away seeing Zori and Iroh at the open door. I blush and push my hair away from my face and walk inside. “So it went well?”
I set my bag on the table and turn around facing her. “You set me up.” Zori smiles. “It worked.”
“Zori you still don’t. Mess with other people’s lives. You could’ve caused Lee and I to fight. Tonight was pretty bad until after we ate.” Lee nods walking forward. “You shouldn’t have gone behind her back, Zori. It was wrong.” Zori hangs her mouth open. “So you get a kiss and all of a sudden you’re on her side?” Zuko lays his arm over my shoulder. “Pretty much.”
“That is such bear shi-” “Room!” Zuko and I shout at the same time shielding her potty mouth.
Her head lays on my shoulder as we watch the night sky. Ba Sing Se was peaceful for this moment. I was at peace with myself when I had her. I didn’t have the thirst to achieve my destiny in finding the Avatar or to go home. At this moment I was pleased with being a simple tea boy. As long as I had her by my side. We both have secrets to hide, but we both promised to tell each other later. I can’t help but wonder what she’ll do when she knows my true name, my true past.
I wonder what her past is…
It certainly isn’t as simple as she puts off…
The violet fire is present in my mind. Could she have done it? Could she be a fire bender? I take her hand in mine and run my finger along her palm. Warm to the touch. “Lee?”
Don’t call me that. “Yes?”
She looks up pressing a kiss to my cheek. “Thank you for tonight.”
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zuzu-firequeen · 4 years
Fire Queen
Fire Queen Masterlist
Tag List: @lilmou5ie​
~Zuko X OC~
-Iroh Knows-
One evening Zori had convinced Zuko to take her on a walk where they could see the lights at night. Too much of his fighting he agreed and got dragged out the door faster than his feet would move. 
While they’re out I stayed away in my room reading the journal and noticed the words disappearing in front of my eyes. “No.” I breathe as the passages erase. “Not good! Not good!” I gasp flipping to see every letter fade away into the pages. “What? Why?” I gasp grabbing at my hair. 
“Things are changing.” I look up to see Iroh in the doorway with his own journal. I scramble to my feet and kick the book under the bed. “Mushi! I thought you were still napping. Want some tea?” I walk past him rushing to start the pot with the hot rocks, but they seem to be missing. 
“Yes! You know how I love one after napping.” I nod searching for the rocks. “I can’t find the rocks. Maybe our neighbors will let me borrow-“ “They are our tonight. I’m sure there is another way you can heat the pot.” I stare at him and gulp. “What?” 
Iroh sits at the table and urges me to do the same. We sit silently as he stares at me, studying my… everything. He looks into my eyes and breaks into a smile. “You have his eyes. Your mother's heart.” My lip quivers and I fight the breath, choking me. 
“Truble, when are you from?” 
My father's words flash in my head, “no one must know who you are, Truble. They find out what you can do and you will be in danger. Do you understand?” 
“You fight yourself constantly. Let yourself break the wall.” His kind words allow me to sigh and crumble. “I can’t do it.” 
Iroh sits beside me and envelops me in his arms. “Truble, look at me.” He smiles and pats my cheek. “You’re going to be fine. All you have to do is tell me why you’re so upset.” 
I wipe the tears from my eyes and gather my breath. “The Fire Lord found out what my father had been working on. Threatening him to travel back and kill the Avatar as a child. He wouldn’t do it. Jumping into the future he saw what the outcome was. The Fire Lord didn’t need my father's help at all. Now after all these years I’m supposed to save the Avatar, teach him firebending, and win the war.” Iroh furrows his brows. 
“The fire nation wins?” I nod. “What happens?” 
“Iroh, I don’t think you want to know.” He stares at me in fear. “That bad?” 
“The ground is completely solid rock, no grass for miles. The treetops are always blazing. Half of the survivors are homeless while the other half live in the rule of the Phoenix King. My family and I live on the very edge of what used to be Ba Sing Se.” “Savrar, Killo, Zori, and you?” I shake my head. “Zori isn’t my sister. She lives in the nation under rule. She said her parents are slaves to the king. I’ve never seen them.” Iroh shakes his head. 
“And Prince Zuko and I? Where do we end up?” 
“You find my father in the future when I’m two. You train me alongside him every day for 13 years. You’re an Ancient man who can barely walk without help. You still love your tea.” 
“And Zuko?” My lips draw in a frown as I look at the table. “I’d rather not say.” 
Iroh nods and keeps silent for a whole sinking everything in. “Then you must change this future.” “Iroh, I’ve read the book over and over. Zuko’s fate is to be locked up until Azula has enough of him. He goes back home. He turns. He’s not on my path.” 
“But you wish he was.” 
“Don’t start. I only wish he wouldn’t die. This is about the life of the nation. Not your brooding nephew.” Iroh grins and chuckles lightly. How can he be in a good mood? I just told him the entire world goes to shit, and he’s laughing. 
I groan and throw my arms up. “It would be helpful if you could give me some advice on how to do this.” Iroh grins and tells me to get the book. I retrieve it and pass it to him. Iroh opens it and skims over a couple of pages before looking at me in glee. “I got it!” “You do?” He nods smiling. “Yes!” He holds the book up and in seconds the entire thing is in flames! 
“IROH! NO!” I scream trying to grasp it, but he holds it out of reach until it is ashes. 
“Why would you do that?” I cry in a panic. Everything I needed is gone now. My map to winning is gone. 
“Rule number one. If you’re always following someone else’s words, you will never find your own.” He pulls the rocks out of his pocket and starts making a pot of tea. “THAT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE!” He chuckles, “Very much like your father indeed. Truble, I knew him well. Always nose in a book, planning the right way to end this. You see where it got him. His rights are almost always wrong. This is your destiny isn’t it?” “Yes but-“ “Then make it your own.” He says and walks away knowing he has won. 
Light pokes on my cheek awaken me. I see Iroh standing over me in the dark with a grin. “Rise and shine, Troublemaker.” I look out the window and see the moon present, only a few hours before sunrise. “What are you doing?” “It is our morning to open the shop.” I put my pillow over my head. “Yeah, in like 2 hours. Why are you getting me up?” 
“I’ll be waiting outside.” 
I huff sitting up. Against my own wants and heavy eyes, I stand and get ready for the day. 
“Why are we out so early?” Iroh grins as we walk past the shop. “Are you sleepwalking? We just passed it.” He stays silent and continues waking. 
Come to an abandoned building Iroh turns to me gesturing for me to follow. “You’re Chi is congested. You need to relax.” I look around at the empty room. “I’m not going to- AH!” I shield the blast of fire from Iroh. “Are you kidding me? I just said-“ I duck again from his forces. 
“I’m sorry what was that? I couldn’t hear you over your complaining.”
I glare at him and clench my fist. I bend a whip snapping at him several times before he extinguishes it. I fire at him which passes harmlessly to his left. I fire again; this time it passes without effect to his right. I’m not trying to hurt him in the slightest. 
I fire several more, the last of which Iroh blocks, satisfaction evident on his face. “Looks like I’ve trained you well!” He cheers laughing. I chuckle and unleash more fire from both my hands. It wraps around the entire ceiling before coming down inches from Iroh. I hear him gasp as I stop the flames in seconds. 
He admires the purple flames blaring from my hands. “Very impressive, Truble… Again.” I smile at him and bow. 
“What do rocks eat?” A customer asks as I sit their tea down. “Hmm. I’m not sure.” I smile and wait for the punchline. “Pom-a-granites.” I laugh and swing my towel over my shoulder. “I’ll have to remember that one!” 
“Hey, Truble!” Two girls from a table wave. “Hey chicks! How’s it going?” “We’re great! I was wondering if you’d come with us to the theater later.” I pick up their empty cups and nod. “I’d love to!” They cheer as I go on my way. 
“Truble! Over here!” I turn back around and see a table of boys that have now become the regular. “I’m sorry boys! I’m full!” I lean down to Zori nodding my head. “Take care of that will you?” She smirks, “Gladly.” 
I put the dirty cups away next to Lee as he’s washing them. “You seem happy today.” He says scrubbing the cups. 
“It’s a good day, Lee. You should try having one sometime.” I flick the water in the sink towards him. 
“Hey!” I giggle walking away until I feel the back of my dress dampen. I turn around and see Zuko smirking, with his wet dish towel. “You didn’t.” He smirks wider and walks over to me, towering my form. “I think…” he raises his hand over my head and squeezes the towel letting the water fall on my head. “I did.” 
I gasped looking up at him. “You’ve just made the biggest mistake.” “Yeah?” “Oh, yeah.” I rush to get the sponge and soak it in water before flinging it at Zuko. The stings of water soaking his apron even more. 
He laughs and dumps the towel into the water again and fling it at me. “Ah!” I laugh as I shield myself from the water. “Stop!” He laughs grabbing my waist. 
I grab a cup, fill it with water, and splash it in his face. He stumbles back, slipping on the floor and falling, taking me with him. We laugh as we hit the ground. I had never seen Zuko look so free. 
“What is going on back here?” Iroh asks with a chuckle. I giggle and stand helping Zuko as well. “Nothing, Mushi.” I stand up to exit, but Zuko flings water at me again. “Water fight, and I won.” I pull my damp hair up in a bun and laugh. “Maybe this time, Lee.” 
She exits, her hair dripping, but she doesn’t seem to care. I smile as she exits and talks to Zori. “A Firebender playing with water. How ironic.” Uncle laughs looking around the wet floor. I continue washing the dishes and cups as uncle fills more in. 
“I think she’s a water bender. Every chance she gets she’s at the fountain.” “How do you know that?” Uncle asks, smirking. 
Shoot. “I see her sometimes. When I go out.” “Ah yes. When you go out a few minutes after her for a different reason. Totally understandable.” 
I stay silent, continuously working, and thinking about her. “You can ask her out, you know.” I shake my head rinsing the dishes. “No. It wouldn’t work.” “You never know if you don’t try, Zuko.” He whispers before going off. 
Should I try? 
I watch as the guys call her attention and flirt with her. 
No. She could have anyone. Especially someone who didn’t participate in burning down her home. 
I sit on the roof looking at the stars and wondering how my family is. I know it will only be a second for them, but it’s been weeks for me. A week without my mother telling me she loved me every night. Weeks without my father's strict voice and sharp eyes. I miss them terribly, and I’m sure Zori misses her parents. 
“Found your hiding spot.”
I turn around to find Zuko climbing up. “Hi.” I smile as he sits next to me. “Hey. I thought you were busy getting lectured by Mushi again.” 
“I was. Long discussion about life and happiness.” I laugh looking at him smirking. “Oh, so of course here you are with me.” Zuko shrugs leaning on his arms. “You make me smile. Is that so bad?” I feel my cheeks heat and I avert my gaze to the stars. 
“Do you do this often?” I nod. “My dad liked the quiet. This was the time of night I got to spend with him and see him without his guard up.” 
“My mother told my sister and I stories of the stars. It was always about two lovers. One lost their memory and was guided by the stars to a river where she saw her reflection and remembered who she was.” I spin my head to him grinning. “My mother told me the same story! It always ended with a song.” “So did mine.” Zuko hums in contentment. 
“Would you like to hear it?” 
Zuko leans back looking at the sky directly before whispering. “Yes.”
I sigh looking at my hands as I start softly. 
“Where the north wind meets the sea. There's a river full of memory. Sleep, my darling, safe, and sound. For in this river all is found. In her waters, deep and true. Lay the answers and a path for you. Come, my darling, homeward bound. When all is lost, then all is found.”
Zuko smiles softly. “I always believed in that story.” I chuckle crossing my legs. “I did too. I wanted to look down in the water and see what it showed me.”
Zuko stands to reach a hand down for me. “We’re going to find that river.” I snort laughing as I grab his hand. “Lee, it’s a story.” “Trust me.”
We run through the town until it becomes thin and trees line the walls. We come up a hill and at the very bottom a beautiful blue river flowing around Ba Sing Se. 
“It’s a beautiful sight,” I mumble connecting with the flowing water, the trickle calming me even more so. 
“It is,” Zuko mumbles, but I can tell his eyes are not directed towards the river. They’re burning into me. Against my better judgment, I look over to him. As we catch sight my breath hitches. His golden orbs are unmoving from mine as he tells me things without saying them. He grabs my hand and walks up to the edge of the bank. 
“Go on.” I know this isn’t the real river, nor does it probably exist, but at this moment I could be fooled. I look down into the water seeing my clear reflection, along with Zuko over my shoulder. 
“I see myself… and you.” 
He smiles at me in the water. His hands lightly pressing on my back. I turn to look at him and stare into his intoxicating eyes. I find myself leaning in and as our noses brush lightly… Lee steps back. “Truble… I can’t… not now.” 
I compose myself again and brush off the nonexistent dirt from my dress. I nod at him and cross my arms over my chest. “Yeah. I’m… sorry. I’m going to go.” 
“Truble. Wait, let me explain.” I walk forward and force a smile. “No, you don’t, Lee. It’s… it’s fine.” I sulk back to bed alone and with a lot of my hopes dying as fast as light. 
I lay in the bed sigh closing my eyes. “You’re sad,” Zori says sleepily. I let a tear fall on my pillow. “Yeah. I am.” Zori wraps her arms around me and cuddles close. “It will be okay.” 
I walk up behind Zuko and knock his knee in. He clutches the counter quickly to catch his fall. “Zori!” He hisses but I bite back. “What did you do too, Truble?” Zuko looks at the teapot and takes it off the heat. “Nothing.” 
I step in front of him crossing my arms. “Really? Because she was happy before you took her on a midnight stroll.” He sets the tray down and pulls me to the back. “We walked to a river and we… almost kissed. She was going to kiss me.” I gush and start hopping. “It’s happening!” Zuko shakes his head. “I backed away.” I stop and stare at him in confusion. “Lee, you like her.” 
“I KNOW THAT!” I roll my eyes huffing. “You’re impossible. You’re losing your chance!” I look to the front counter and see a guy talking to Truble as she rings him up. “You're losing your chance now!” 
We watch as he leans on the counter and winks at Truble as she giggles and slides his money over. “Are you busy tonight?” She shrugs silently. “Not really.” He smiles and taps his fingers. “Would you want to go to dinner?” 
“WHAT?” Zuko hisses, causing me to pull him down out of view. “She’s not going to say yes. Calm down hot head.” 
“Uh, sure. Why not?” I widen my eyes as Zuko’s face grows red in anger. “So much for that.” I shake my head thinking of several plans and options to go by, and it doesn’t click until a pretty young girl walks into the shop. One of our regulars. I smile as I walk over to her. “Hey, Jin!” She beams as she sees me. “Hi, Zori! How’s everything going?” I roll my eyes, setting her tray down. “Not great.” She giggles as she looks over the room. “It does seem a little tense in here.” “Blame those two.” I point to Zuko and Truble awkwardly avoiding each other. 
“What went on there?” 
“Absolutely nothing. That is the issue.” Jin smiles as she catches the secretive looks Zuko sends to Truble as she avoids his gaze. “He looks angry.” I nod sitting next to her. “Truble just got asked out. Of course, he’s mad. That’s why I need your help.” She furrows her brows looking down. “Me?” I nod and call Lee over. 
“I’ve got a plan. Sit.” 
Lee sits and looks at the two of us confused. “Lee, this is Jin. She’s going to help us.” Zuko furrows his brows and looks at us in confusion as well. “What?” 
I stand up saying, “Oh! Jin I’m sure Lee would love to go out with you tonight!” 
“What?” They both shriek looking at each other. I look over my shoulder to see Truble watching the two closely. “Look!” 
Zuko rears his head back and sees Truble hiding her obvious glares. “You plan to make me date someone else? Zori this isn’t it!” Jin watches Truble with a smirk. “She’s jealous.” I nod in agreement with a smirk. “Exactly. This is your last chance and you’re going to take it.” Jin laughs, causing another round of fire eyes from Truble. “Oh, this is going to work wonders.” Zuko puts his head on his hand. “Or horrible.”
I tie the dress up and look at myself in the mirror. “Why are you even going? It's not like he’s as cute as Lee.” I groan and put my shoes on. “No comeback?” I stay silent as I place my things in my bag. “Maybe you’ll see Jin and Lee while you’re out.”
I scoff rolling my eyes. “Yeah. What a treat.” Zori smirks up at me. “Are you jealous?” “No.” “You’re a bad liar.” “Am not!” “Are you trying to make Lee jealous?” I sigh sitting in my bed. She gasps in realization. “You are!” 
“Yes! Okay? I planned to go out and make Lee jealous. Happy?” “But the guy asked you out!” 
“Yeah, and he knows about Lee, and my failed kiss. It was his idea. Said it would show him what he was missing, but who was I supposed to know Lee was going to ask Jin out? This is the worst.” I groan, throwing myself on my back. 
Zori shrugs and pulls me up. “Well, no time to change it now!” She giggles as she pushes me out of the bedroom. 
“Wow.” I look up meeting Zuko’s gaze as Iroh combs his hair flat on each side. Not the best look for Prince Zuko, but certainly adorable. 
“Thanks.” Zuko steps up and stares me over again. “No… really… you’re… wow.” Zori cackles as he strings words together. 
Three knocks at the door send Zori to open it. “Truble! Your very handsome date is here! Oh wow! Look at those muscles!” Fang steps through the door looking down at Zori with furrowed brows. “Does she always do that?” I grab his wrist and wave goodbye to everyone as I walk out the door. “Don’t be too late!” Zori calls. 
“This was a bad idea,” I say putting my face in my hands. “I don’t know. Your guy looked like he wanted to throw me out the window.” 
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zuzu-firequeen · 4 years
Fire Queen
~Zuko X OC~
Fire Queen Masterlist
~Jet Causes Trouble for Truble~
A week of settling into Ba Sing Se and endless nights of memorizing each of Iroh’s journal entries. Zuko is about to fall into the forces of evil in the upcoming weeks. After Zuko helps defeat the Avatar, both him and Iroh are thrown in prison. I sigh reaching the last page where they just stop mid-word. “Poor Iroh.” I frown at the worn pages. 
I stir the soup and flip the roasted duck before chopping it up and laying everything out on the table for when the three of them come home. I go to my room to hide the book away. As soon as I close the closet, the front door opens and they usher in. 
“What is that smell?” I hear Zuko ask as I pull my hair in a bun. I walk out smiling at them. “I made you dinner.” Iroh gawks at the table. “Oh, darling! You spoil us.” He rushes to stuff his face as I giggle. “You did this?” Zuko asks from behind me. I watch as his eyes rake over the food upon the table. “Why?” I nudge his arm lightly. “I wanted to. Now come on.”
I sit across from Zuko filling my plate. “Mhh. Just like mom used to make it.” Zori hums closing her eyes. “How was everything today? I hope it wasn’t too busy.” Iroh slurps his soup. “It wasn’t bad. Most of the younger fellows asked where you were.” Zori giggles stuffing her face. “They love you.” 
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” 
She finishes and opens the topic again. “How many do you think came looking for her, Lee?” 
“I don’t know.” He mumbles sourly. “Two? Three? Four? Five? Six?” Zuko sighs, “I said, I didn’t know, Zori.” 
“You didn’t let me finish! Seven? Eight?” 
“Okay, you’ve had too much sugar today. Finish your food in your room, please.” Zori slams her hands on the table. “What?” “You heard me.” Zori grabs her plate and stomps to the bedroom. 
“Six,” Zuko says quietly. “I’m sorry?” “The number of boys looking for you today.” Iroh states grinning. I blush, shaking my head. “Oh.” I push my food around on my plate searching for a subject change. I look up at Zuko and find him already looking at me. I avert my eyes in a haste and stare down at my plate. 
He was fine when he came in. Why is he so off-putting now? 
I push myself up and take my plate to the counter. “Have you finished already?” Iroh asks looking up at me with confusion. “You know how it is. You spend the time cooking it and then your appetite is gone once it’s done. I’m going for a walk. I’ll be back soon.” I grab my bag and walk out the door without another word. 
I trail the lone streets of the city and come upon a fountain with lanterns lighting up the surrounding square. I sit on the edge and trail my fingertips on the surface. 
“I see how you fool everyone you meet. It’s in your blood.” I look up to the darkness and notice a lanky figure leaning against the wall. “What do you want, Jet?” He walks closer, smirking. 
“I’d like to know something. You’ve heard the stories of the couple that vanished from thin air years ago. Mighty General and his wife. She was pregnant. The General went against the King and well… you know the story. Don’t you?” 
I mindlessly hum hearing little of his words. “Not really.” 
“Interesting.” “Is there a reason you’re so interested in me? Or do you have nothing better to do?” I bite back, tired of his unwelcome glare. 
Jet clanks his two weapons together. “Just trying to make my fellow refugee welcome. We’ve all had it rough. Have to stick together.” I hum standing up to walk away. “Well, you’re not doing a good job.”
I trail down the stone street once more before Jet’s voice chills my burning blood. “Truble Kamie. Daughter of the wanted Fire General, Savrar Kamie. I demand you to stop!” I turn around slowly, glaring my eyes at his stance. 
“That got your attention, huh?” 
I phase through the seconds, jumping through the barrier and appearing inches from him, with my hand on his throat. Jet’s eyes widen as he raises his weapon, but I disarm him allowing his steel to fall to the stones in a clank. 
“I told you, you shouldn’t make accusations. You’re going to get hurt.” I open a small portal. Jet struggles against my hold in fear of the swirling purple hole under his feet. “What are you?” He asks in a panic. 
“You don’t want to find out.” I sneer pushing him through the portal. I open another one 10 feet away and he falls to the ground. He stands to clutch his fists. “You don’t scare me, Truble.” I smile feeling the power envelope me. “I wasn’t trying to, but since you want a show. I’ll give you one.” I pushed my hounds out in front of me before spinning and blaring violet flames towards him. 
The slim flames wrap around his body taking him down once more. Tying him up and keeping him secure. I walk over with my hand aflame. I kneel to his form. “If you want to live, you’ll answer this correctly.” I lean to his ear. “Who am I?” 
“You’re Truble… that’s all I know.” He says breathlessly and fearful. I close my hand smiling. “Keep it that way.” 
I walk away before turning to him once more. “And stop following us.” Leaving him alone I make my way deeper into the cold cobble streets. 
Truble closes the door leaving me in question. “Where did she go?” Zori asks, peeking around the corner. “A walk.”
Prince Zuko mutters. Zori takes her place at the table again. “Shouldn’t you go after her?” “Me?” Zuko asked in confusion.
I sigh patting his shoulder as I pass him. “I will go.” 
Where could she have gone to? At a time like this most of the criminals lurk in the lower ring. As I round a small shop, I see flashes of a purple hue. Such a familiar thing. 
 I lean around and see Truble above the young man from the ferry on the ground. She leans down to him with a violet flame sparked in her hand. 
“Who am I?”  
“You’re Truble… that’s all I know.” 
“Keep it that way.” 
She turns around, almost catching my eye. I gasp quickly running home. Another fire bender? No. I have only ever seen something of that talent from one other man. I look up at the moon in the sky. “Savrar?” 
I open the door and see her sitting at the table writing in her journal. “That was fast.” How did she get here so quickly? 
She smiles at me and continues writing. “I took a shortcut.” She walks into her room muttering under her breath. She shuts the door and stays hidden away. Zori walks out with a frown. “Was she okay when you found her, Moshi?” “Found her? I didn’t see anything she did. Where she was… I don’t know.” I rush getting the side-eye from both Zuko and Zori. I chuckle nervously and turn around to make way to my room. 
I near the door raising my hand to knock before Zori stops me. “I wouldn’t. She’s going through a lot.” I look down at my hand and sigh. “So am I.” I simply slide open the door and enter the room. She sits on the bed fiddling with the crimson instrument. “Are you okay?” She looks up meeting my eyes and forces a small smile. “I’ve been better.” 
I make my way to sit next to her as she strums the strings lightly. “Do you want to… talk about it?” 
She smiles at her hands and puts the instrument away. “Yes. I really do. But I can’t. There are so many things I can’t say.” Her face heats up and I can see her internal struggle. 
“Then tell me what you can, Turble, and I’ll do the same.” She holds up her pinky and smiles. “Secrets for now and truth later.” I take hold of her pinky in mine and lock them together smiling at her. “Deal.” 
“My dad has always pushed me. He told me I’m made for a great purpose. He had a memorized event line for me to go by. Now that he’s… gone… and I’m seeing everyone here… it’s a lot harder to keep on my path to my destiny.” “What’s your destiny?” She scoffs, “Basically save the world. Can you believe that?” I show her a sad smile. 
“I understand.” I look down at my hands, toying with the ends of the robes. “I was forced away from my home. I’ve been searching for something for a long time now. I can’t return home without it.” Her hand brushes over mine. “I’m sure you’ll find it soon. Then you can… continue on your destiny.” I look in her eyes and lace my fingers between hers. Her skin is warm to the touch in the breeze of the apartment. 
Her dark eyes seem to draw me in and in seconds I’m inches from her. “It used to be so clear, now it’s getting harder to see what I’m doing. Choosing if it is the right thing or not.” She nods her head. “And you keep trying but it doesn't change.” She squeezes my hand, sighing. “We’re not so different, Lee.” 
I find myself unconsciously leaning towards her, but the sliding of the door halts my motive, bringing me back to reality. I stand up seeing my uncle at the entrance. “Goodnight, Truble.” I walk away in a hast. 
I lay on the bed groaning. “Stupid! Why would you even do that? Kiss her? Just like that? Dumb!” 
The next few days were quiet. Zuko avoided me at all costs and of course with us working side by side his plan works out oh so well. 
“Lee, I need 3 jasmines, please.” I hand him the receipt and he nods. I stand there after he starts working on the brew. “Anything else?” 
“Why aren’t you talking to me?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“You haven’t even looked my way since you came in my room the other night.” His cheeks grow red at the mention. I’m sure he wasn’t going to kiss me. I’m sure of it. We were both opening up our own books and it was an emotional moment. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I roll my eyes scoffing. “You’re a bad liar.” I walk away with my tray to the back as I hear him. “How could you say that?” 
I put the dirty cups next to Zori and kissed her head. Suddenly I hear a commotion from the shop. “I'm tired of waiting. These two men are firebenders!” I rush out to see Jet pointing at Zuko and Iroh. 
I glare at him and step forward. “You’re nuts! You keep coming after us for no reason!” Jet lowers down to my height glaring. “You want me to toss you in with them too? Huh, Firebender?” He yells in my face. 
A hand clasps on my shoulder pulling me back behind Zuko. “You won’t be doing anything.” Jet looks at Zuko and smirks. “Oh, I get it. Protecting your little girl, huh? Do you even know what she is?” 
Zuko steps up to Jet, backing him to the door. “Leave.” 
Jet turns to the citizens watching the interaction. “I know they're firebenders! I saw the old man heating his tea!” 
An officer shrugs, “He works in a tea shop.” 
“He's a firebender, I'm telling you! And the girl, she’s-“ “THIS BOY IS CONFUSED!” Iroh rushes to cover Jet’s words. He groans and pulls out his weapons. 
“Drop your swords boy, nice and easy.” The two officers sitting at one of the tables stand up and prepare to take care of Jet. “You'll have to defend yourself. Then everyone will know. Go ahead, show them what you can do, Truble!” 
Jet possesses his hook swords and slowly walks towards me. I clench my fist and go to step out but Zuko keeps me grounded behind him. “Stay here.” 
 One of the officers prepares to draw the swords at his waist when Zuko steps in front of him and grabs the hilt instead. “You want a show? I'll give you a show.” Jet scoffs, “She said it better.” 
Zuko unsheathes the officer's double broadswords and enters his fighting stance. He then pulls a table in front of him with his foot and kicks it at Jet. Jet slices his hook swords into the table and jumps over it. Jet swings one sword through the middle of the table, slicing it in half.
Zuko steps to one half of the table and balances on one foot. Jet follows up his attack by cutting through the legs on the half of the table Zuko is standing on. Zuko quickly hops on to the other half that is still standing and lands in a crane stance.
 Jet knocks this half to the ground, but Zuko jumps into the air and swings both broadswords at Jet's feet as he lands. Jet somersaults away and lands in a crouching position before charging forward at Zuko again. 
Zuko swings both of his swords at Jet. Just as both pairs of weapons clash together. Zuko bursts through the door and tumbles into the street. Jet runs after him and does a few spins before striking at Zuko with both swords. Zuko manages to block the strike and both combatants lock swords.
“You must be getting tired of using those swords. Why don't you go ahead and firebend at me.” 
They both struggle to gain control and walk off to the side. Iroh is standing in the doorway and watching, worried. Zori tugs at his sleeve in fear of her friend. I tap my foot waiting the first moment I can dash forward and assist. 
 “Jet, You don't know what you're doing!” I scream trying to halt the fighting. Zuko swings at Jet, but Jet catches Zuko's broad sword with the ends of his hook swords, spins around, and deflects it to the side.
 Zuko spins with it and tries to counter-attack, but Jet hooks the ends of his swords together and begins them at Zuko in large circular motions. Zuko retreats a few steps to avoid the bladed hilt.
“Bet you wish she’d help you out with a little fire blast right now.” 
As Jet swings at Zuko's feet, Zuko stabs one of his broad swords through the hilt, pinning it to the ground. Jet looks at it with annoyance before focusing back on Zuko.
“You're the one who needs help.”
Both fighters are down to one sword each. Jet lets go of his pinned hook sword and retreats a step. He turns in a circle and tries to swipe at Zuko, who is unaware of his quick movements. I quickly advance, taking Zori’s sword and swinging it at Jet in a horizontal motion. 
Jet pulls his attack just in time to bend backward and avoid my blade, cutting the wheat straw sticking out of Jet's mouth in half. Jet regains balance and jumps backward on to the edge of a well. By now several people are in the street watching the fight. “I told you to stay,” Zuko says through grit teeth. “And I don’t take orders.” I spit back. 
“You see that? The Fire Nation is trying to silence me. It'll never happen.” 
Jet hooks his sword on to a wooden beam above the well and swings forward at me, attacking with a flying kick. “Truble!” Zuko pulls me away from the target and rolls over on the ground as Jet misses. I groan as we hit the ground together. “Stay down. Please.” 
Zuko stands, growling as he swings his sword at Jet. Jet parries the attack and steps to Zuko's side and the two end up back to back.
A Dai Lee Guard shouts upon arrival, “Drop your weapons!” Zuko steps away rushing to me on the ground and helping me up. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” I shake my head giving him a small smile. 
Jet points at Zuko, Iroh, Zori, and I. “Arrest them. They're Firebenders!” 
Iroh shakes his head. “This poor boy is confused. We're just simple refugees.” 
The shop owner points at Jet. “This young man wrecked my tea shop, and assaulted my employees!”
“It's true sir. We saw the whole thing. This crazy kid attacked the finest tea maker in the city.” 
Iroh gushes as he blushes, “Oh, That's very sweet.” 
The two Dai Li walk up behind Jet, who looks at them angrily. “Come with us son.” Jet swings his hook sword at the Dai Li guard, but he catches the sword with his hand covered in stones. The guard then disarms Jet and both guards pull the boy's arms behind his back, binding his wrists together using the stones on the palms of their gloves. They drag Jet away towards a wagon designed for holding captured criminals.
“You don't understand! They're Fire Nation! You have to believe me!”
I look up at Zuko to find him looking down at me. “Are you sure I didn’t hurt you?” “Lee, I’m tougher than I look.” He smiles and removes his hands that I now noticed we’re on my waist. “Seems so.” I lean up kissing his cheek. “Thanks for saving me.” He blushes and smiles, "I wouldn't let him hurt you."
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zuzu-firequeen · 4 years
Fire Queen
~Zuko X OC~
Fire Queen Masterlist
-The Secret of Tea-
"Well then. I guess this is... goodbye." Truble says looking at her family. Savrar nods with a sad smile. "Only for now my trouble maker. It will only seem like a minute for us when you succeed." 
She grabs Zori's hand and looks down at her. "Are you ready, kid?" The girl nods excitedly. "Let's go find the Avatar."
The golden coins burst a violet light blinding the three watchers. The wind picks up and the smog swirls around them. The deep violet light envelopes the two girls as the wind whirls through the burnt limbs. 
Seconds later the earth calms and they are gone. Savrar looks at Iroh worriedly. “You think it was wise to keep her in the dark?” Iroh nods leaning on his cane weakly. “Natural fate will play out now that she is back in her timeline.” “And if your nephew doesn’t share the same fate?” Iroh looks at his friend in disappointment. “He does.” 
Killo shrugs as she smiles at the thought of her daughter happy with someone… anyone. 
“Look!” She points at the bright violet lightning eruption from the sky. 
“Here they come.”
Walking down the streets of the capital was… magical. I had never seen so many people in my life, and none of them were trying to kill me! “Zori, dear, what flowers do you like?” She looks up at me as I nudge her to follow Iroh. “Be careful, Z.” She flips her hair. “You be careful.” 
I chuckle watching her strut away. “Such an attitude.” I smile up at Zuko. “For a 10-year-old she’s got a lot of fire. I don’t know where she gets it from.” I smile at passing citizens as they wave. I hear Zuko stifle a chuckle, catching my attention. “Do I amuse you, Lee?” I smirk as our sleeves brush together. He peers at me smiling. His golden eyes softening as he bores into mine. “You’re just very different from anyone I’ve ever met.” I blush looking at the ground. “Is that good or bad?” Zuko stops at a side shop looking at musical instruments. “I’m not sure yet.” He mumbles walking forwards. 
“Zori said you sing, didn’t she?” He asks as he looks at the different string instruments. I run my fingers over the smooth wood of the red ukulele. “I do. My mother used to sing to me when I was upset. I would spend hours training with my father. One of the things that helped me through it was knowing she would sing me to sleep.” Zuko smirks picking up the red instrument. “So, you are a bender.”
 “I didn’t say that.” Zuko laughs, catching my eyes. 
“There you are! You need to see this!” Zori pulls me away from Zuko. I force an apologetic smile as I exit the shop. “Lee is in there, Mushi.” I rush as I’m pulled past him and his vase of orange flowers. “Look!” Zori points at a beautiful green dress with a golden accent on the edges. “It’s so beautiful.” I smile walking over and running my fingers along the fabric. “I’m sure Lee would like it.” I hang my head with a smile. “You really need to stop that. I have to do this right, and that means no distractions. I have one focus here, Zori.” 
Uncle strolls into the shop holding a pot of flowers as I pay for the instrument. “What are those?” “Flowers. Zori picked them out. I want our new place to be nice. You know, just in case you have a date with Truble.” I spin around looking at him with wide eyes. “Are you insane?” “She is a very nice girl.” “She’s… different.” “And that’s a bad thing?” “She has little to nothing, and she is the happiest person here. Something’s not right. She’s hunting for something.” 
Uncle sighs. “You search for things, Nephew. You can have a life here if you stop searching and relax.” “ I’m not trying to build a life here.” I tuck the ukulele in my bag as we exit to the streets. “Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not. Now come on, I found the three of us some new jobs, and we start this afternoon. Where are those girls?” 
“There.” I point to the shop where Jett is whispering to Truble. “Come on.” “Whoa, whoa. She’ll come to us. You run over there with harsh words and it will do no good. Be patient.” 
“I would be careful who you put yourself around, Truble,” Jett says chewing the end of the straw. I ignore him and admire the fabrics. “What is it to you, Jett?” He leans down to my face wearing a smirk. “Those two you’re with, they’re firebenders.” I look up into his eyes, glaring at him. “You shouldn’t make accusations like that.” I pull the straw out of his mouth, dropping it on the ground. “Someone could get hurt.” He backs away glaring at me. “Are you threatening me?” I roll my eyes going to walk away, but Jett grabs my wrist. “Hey! I’m talking to you.” 
I rest my other hand on top of his and light a small flame on his skin. Unnoticeable to the eye of others. It looked like a simple pinch to the citizens. “Ah!” He pulls his hand away and stares at it in shock. “You’re one of them.” He glares at me trying to grab my wrist again, but Zori crosses her blades in front of me blocking his path. “This isn’t over.” He walks off in a huff right when Iroh and Zuko come over. “What did he say to you? Did he hurt you?” Zuko speaks deeply, pulling my wrist in his touch. “I’m fine. He’s just looking to cause trouble. It follows me everywhere. Let’s get moving.” I mumble walking forward down the street. 
“We’re going this way, Truble,” Iroh calls with a smile. I spin on my heels turning my path. “I knew that. Just making sure you did.” 
We walk into a tea shop in the lower ring and greet the owner. “There they are! My new staff.”
We’re ushered in with a uniform and rules. Zori stands pulling at her sleeves. “They gave me a boys shirt!” I giggle tying the back of my apron around my dress. “They didn’t have a dress in your size. Plus you’ll only be wash tables and dishes. I’ll fix it for you tonight.” she huffs pushing her sleeves up and looking at me in the mirror. “You look pretty, Truble.” I pull my hair out of my face smiling at her. “Thank you, Zori.” 
I walk out meeting the owner. “Ah, wonderful! You look like a flower!” I laugh thanking him. “Well, you all certainly look like official tea servers. How do you feel?” 
“Ridiculous.” Zuko mumbles. Both him and Iroh are wearing aprons and holding trays. Both of them are struggling to tie the strings. I giggle moving behind Zuko and grab the ends, and finish them. “Thank you, Truble.” I let the blush rise to my cheeks as I moved back beside him. Iroh desperately attempts to tie the string behind his back, but his effort is in vain.
“Uh, Does this possibly come in a larger size?” The shop owner nods. “I have extra string in the back. Have some tea while you wait.” The shop owner left and I poured the four of us a cup each. Iroh takes a sip from his cup but quickly pulls it away, his face contorted in disgust. “No, no! This is nothing more than hot leaf juice!” 
Zuko groaned looking at his cup before setting it down along with mine. “Uncle, that's what all tea is.”
I laugh as Iroh gasps, “How can a member of my own family say something so horrible? We'll have to make some major changes around here.” Iroh grabs the teapot and heads over to the window, dumping the tea out.
“Let’s make that tea you were talking about, Truble.” 
“You know there is a secret to this.” Zuko stands beside me stacking the clean dishes. “To make tea?” “For this kind of thing, yeah. I might be willing to share the secret if you’re lucky.” I look over ginning as I reach over him for the honey. 
She walked closer, reaching her arm around my side, trapping me between the counter and her. Is she going to kiss me? I place my hand on her shoulder and look at her. What is she doing? 
She looks up at me and smiles. “Sorry, Lee.” She grabs the jar of honey behind me. 
Of course… duh. 
I remove my hand and clamp on my neck. “You’re fine.” I feel my neck creep with heat as it races to my cheeks. 
“The secret is two dots of honey at the bottom of each cup.” She says before putting the tray on her arms and serving customers. They smile and compliment her. “What are you looking at?” I jump, tearing my eyes away from Truble. I look down to see Zori with a pile of clean dishes. “Nothing.” 
“Sure looked like something.” I take the clean tray from her and start to put them back. “Was it the pretty girl sitting at table two?” “I didn’t see anyone sitting at table two.” 
“Was it the guy flirting with my sister?” “What?” I look up sharply seeing Truble walking back alone. Zori laughs holding her stomach. “I knew it.” I glare down at her, but she stands ground, crossing her arms and smirking up at me. I lean down to her whispering in her ear, “Let’s keep it our secret.” 
She smiles and nods while holding her hands over her mouth. “Okay, Lee, but just for now.” 
“And here we are! Home sweet home!” Iroh cheers as he pushes open the door. A simple apartment with two bedrooms, with an open kitchen and common space. “Yes! A bed!” Zori cheers running off into one of the rooms. 
I laugh and go to lift my bags, but Zuko beats me to it. “Lee, I can get those.” He shakes his head moving away from me. “Don’t worry about it.” 
Iroh hums watching his nephew. “He enjoys your company.” “It seems so.” Iroh nods smiling at me. “He never enjoys anyone's company.” He walks away to his room unpacking his thighs. 
I stand laying out the clothes on the bed. “Why did your dad pack you a fire nation gown?” Zori asks in awe of the silks. The white dress flows with red flames and golden dragons. “He didn’t. It’s from Iroh.” I whisper quietly. “Wearing this you could be the new Fire Queen. Here, hold it up.” She gushes as I hold the silk up to my body. I playfully spin looking down at the red and white crafted threads. 
Zori bows to me. “Fire Queen, Truble. May we serve you the finest tea in the nation.” I raise my chin smirking. “Oh, yes, It must be exactly the right temperature.” We tumble on the bed in laughter. “Ugh, I could never do anything like that. People serving me? That’s just wrong.” Zori rolls her eyes. “You get used to it.” “And how would you know?” “You serve me things all the time.” I throw a pillow at her. “Hey! No fair Fire Queen!” 
Three knocks pull our attention away from the event. “Truble? Zori? May I come in?” Zuko’s voice rings through the shades. I look down at the dress in a panic rushing to put it away. “Yes! No! Wait! Truble is… NAKED!” 
“Oh, um… uh.” I push her down on the ground and throw the dress in the closet. I open the door and smile at Zuko. His red face grows as he sees me. “Hi.” 
Zuko enters the room with his hands behind his back. “I have something for you.” He pulls out the red ukulele from the market. “Lee. Why? I mean thank you so much… but why?” 
“Why? Um…”
I don’t have a clue!
I rest my hand on my neck and look at the ground. “I wanted to. I’m sure you miss singing. I’m sure Zori would like to hear you again. Especially after hearing how much it meant to you when your mother would-” I stop as Truble’s arms wrap around me in a hold. She nuzzles her face into my chest, clasping her arms around me in a strong embrace. 
I slowly wrap my arms around her shoulders and grip her to me. “Thank you, Lee.” She whispers into the fabric of my shirt. “You’re welcome, Truble.” 
After bidding them both goodnight I shut the door closed, and enjoy the silence in the common room with Uncle. I lay on my back on the small cot while he makes tea. Light strumming and soft angelic vocals cross from under the door from the girl’s room. I sit up listening to Trubel’s muffled voice. 
“They seem to be settling in well.” I nod and close my eyes at her song. “There is something about her, uncle. She’s not from here. The way she carries herself. She’s so caring, but there is something she’s hiding.” Uncle sits at the table and open’s his journal to write down the day. “You’re hiding things too, Prince Zuko. Don’t forget yourself.” I scoff looking at the ceiling. “Don’t remind me.” If I ever told her who I was… who my father was… she would leave for sure.
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zuzu-firequeen · 4 years
Fire Queen
~Zuko X OC~
0.  1.  
Thank you, Lee
I watch the water crash into the ship's side, sighing as the wind brushes my face. “You keep acting like this and we’re going to get caught. You look like you’re in love with the water.” I look down at Zori as she smirks. I turn around leaning against the railing. “You’re right. Sorry, It’s just so beautiful compared to home.” I pull out Iroh’s old worn journal and read over the words and dates to make sure we’re on track. “We’re not far behind them. Maybe a week or two.” I smile as I read over Iroh’s words while trotting to our cabin.
“We should keep away from-” “Truble, watch out!” I gasp as I trip and fall only to be caught in two arms inches from the deck. I look up to meet golden orbs staring down into my brown ones. “I am so sorry. I should’ve been watching where I was going.” I gaze over his features, admiring the large scar covering his eye. A scar from battle no doubt. “You should wat-” “It was entirely our fault, miss. I’m glad you did not take a fall.” A kind voice rips over my savior's harsh words.
I look over meeting the kind amber eyes as I stand up straight.
“Oh shi-” I shove the worn book behind my back into Zori’s stomach, knocking the wind out of her before she finishes her statement. “Hello, fellow refugees! I am, Mushi, and this is my nephew, Lee.”
One or two weeks my ass.
I smile at Iroh and press my hand out in front of me. “Truble, and this is my little sister, Zori.” Iroh shakes our hands in glee as Zuko stands put with his arms crossed. “I am very sorry. Thank you for catching me, Lee.” I smile at him and pat his arm. Why am I touching him? Why did I do that? Personal space much, Truble?
He looks down at my hand, causing me to remove it. His cheeks glow a light pink as he looks at the sea mumbling, “You’re welcome.”
“Right! Well, if you two… need anything. I can help - we can help.” I rush my words feeling my cheeks heat up. “Yeah, but not right now. See you two around!” Zori grabs my wrist and runs away with me.
She walks inside the cabin and shuts the door sealing us inside. “What was that? We can help you? You’re by far the weirdest person they’ve ever met!” “I panicked, okay? Iroh has these dates all wrong! We’re right on course with them. If I knew I was going to knock right into him I would’ve had something planned!”
Zori shakes her head, her long black hair flowing over her shoulders. “You’re as red as your hair.” She giggles at me. “I am not!” “You think he’s cute don’t you?” I roll my eyes flipping through the book again. “That’s gross, Zori. He’s old in our timeline. Not to mention dead.” “This was your timeline before Sav jumped ship.” I groan, “I thought you came on this trip to help me.” “It’s not my fault you’re in love.” “I am not!” Zori smirks, shrugging her shoulders. “Sure thing, Red.” I close the book pointing at her. “One more word and you’re going overboard, missy.” Zori bursts into laughter. “Come on. Let’s get going before you draw any more attention with all your flirting.” She pushes me forward through the small hallway towards our cabin.
I lay out the maps and reread everything in the journal about this week and then next to come while writing everything down in my book. “This is going to be harder than I thought.”
Zori sits up from her mat. “How so? All we have to do is play along until we meet the Avatar. Then we make friends and boom. Fire Lord gone. Happy ending.” I put my pen down gazing at her defeated. “Zori, if I was a good actress I would’ve gone into theater, not heroism.” She sits next to me and holds my shoulders looking in my eyes.
Zuko and her had similar eyes.
“Listen to me. I wouldn’t come here if I didn’t know this was all going to work out. I have faith in you.” I smile hugging her close. “Thank you for coming. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” I look down at her pin in confusion. “Did you take my dad’s time pin?” She looks down at the golden coin. “What? No.” I narrow my eyes at her. “Zori.” “No, Truble. Would I lie to you?” “Yes.” She crosses her arms. “Yeah, maybe I borrowed it.” “Does he know?” “I don’t know yet.” “You’re impossible, kid.” I laugh, shaking my head. “Your parents have a handful don’t they?” She smiled looking at her shoes. “Oh, you have no idea. These swords? Yeah. Borrowed from my dad.” Zori’s laugh fills the room as I continue to plan every move from the detailed writings.
Zori and I rest along the side around the deck watching other passengers. I feel eyes burning into my back as I stare out into the dark waters. "Lee is staring at you." Zori whispers as she tugs on my sleeve. I peek around my shoulder and indeed, the banished price is staring at me, but when he catches my eyes he quickly averts his gaze back to his food. "He is a curious guy." “Iroh never told you anything about him?” “Very little. Almost nothing. I never pushed the matter. It was a sensitive topic.”
She leans against the side watching the waves as we sail. "You're staring again, nephew." I glance over at him. "I'm studying. They're curious." Iroh hums as he eats his food.
Jett passes food we had collected out to the other refugees on the deck. Uncle pushes two bowls of soup towards me. "I have plenty, uncle." "Good, because you're going to take this over to that lovely young girl and her sister. Have them join us." I widen my eyes as he smiles at me. "She looks comfortable where she is." Uncle shrugs. "If you're too scared I can just call them over." "UNCLE! NO!"
I slam my hand over my face as Truble waves. "Uncle. Stop it." I beg in a mumble. "JOIN US!" I clear my throat and look away as they near us. "Smile." Uncle pokes my knee.
"Hello Mushi, Lee," Truble speaks as she sits next to me, her sister sitting on her right. "Hello," I speak looking at my food. My uncle pokes my knee once more and coughs as he pushes the bowls to me.
I pick them up and turn to Truble. "Would you and your sister like some soup?" She smiles and I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks. “Yes, thank you, Lee.” I pass her the bowls one by one, our fingers brushing each time. “You’re welcome.”
“Hi there.” Jett stolls over with his two fighters. “You look like trouble.” he chuckles as he gazes at Truble. Zori laughs in her soup. “Do I know you?” Truble asks.
“Jett. These are my freedom fighters Longshot and Smellerbee.” “I’m Truble.” “And I’m chopped liver apparently,” I smirk at the young girl as her sister glares at her. “And if I was able to finish... My sister, Zori.” Zori nods her head, winking at Jett. “Nice to meet you.”
I roll my eyes at Zori sipping my soup. “Your name is actually Truble? Like Trouble?” Smellerbee asks me with a grin. “Story of my life.” I laugh along with them. “Where are your parents if I may ask?” Iroh asks with a sad smile. I inhale and set my soup down. “They’re not... in this land anymore. It’s just the two of us. Right, Z?” I nudge her, removing her attention from Jet. “Yeah, just us. Sad isn't it? We’re just trying to make it on our way. Two girls just getting by.”
Okay, overkill. Cut it out.
“I am very sorry to hear that. We offer our assistance to you both.” Iroh grins as he passes a cup of tea. “This soup tastes amazing. I never had things like this at home.” I hum enjoying the taste. “Soup?” Zuko asks out in shock. I look down at the bowl then back at him. “Yeah. It’s been tough since... I was born, I guess. This is the first time I’m seeing an open section of water.” Zuko frowns, placing his hand upon mine. “I’m sorry.” He removes his touch as soon as it warms the skin. “Don’t be. I loved my family and we were very happy.” Jett pipes up. “Well, you’re in luck. From what I heard, people eat like this every night in Ba Sing Se. I can't wait to set my eyes on that giant wall.”
“It is a magnificent sight,” Iroh speaks in recollection. “So you've been there before?” He nods looking down. “Once, when I was a different man.”
“Everyone has done things in the past they regret, but we’re all going to Ba Sing Se, right? New beginnings. A second chance.” I say smiling at the man who sees me as a mystery. “That's very noble of you, Truble. I believe people can change their lives if they want to. I believe in second chances.”
“I do too.” I notice Iroh gives Zuko a meaningful stare out of care. What a mystery lies within his past.
Late into the night, I stand at the edge overlooking the fog running along the water in the distance. “You’re very entranced with the water, someone might take you for a bender,” Zuko says as he comes up behind me. I gasp turning around.
“I didn’t mean to scare you.” He chuckles stepping away. “No, you’re alright. I was expecting Zori if anything.” I laugh turning back as he comes to stand next to me. “This is all new to you.”
“Yes. My home was… barren and burnt.” Zuko looks down at the water. “Fire Nation.” I nod with a sad smile. “It doesn’t mean they’re all bad. I know some citizens of the fire nation who care very much for others.” At this Zuko’s shoulders relax and he rests his hands on the wood, next to mine.
“I’d like to invite you and Zori to join my uncle and I. We can protect you.” I look over at him smirking. “Protection? What makes you think I need to be protected, Lee?” His hand flies to his neck. “Nothing… I just assumed you-” I laugh cutting his sentence short. “I’m joking. I would appreciate it a lot actually.” His lip tugs up in a smile he fights to hold off. “I’ll let my uncle know. He will be happy. He enjoys your company.” “He is a kind man.”
Silence grows between us as the waves crash. “I have scars too.” I removed my jacket to show him my scar on my arm from running from guards when I was younger. “Just in case you wanted to ever… talk about it. Zori thinks it’s pretty cool. I have to agree.”
Zuko looks at me in confusion. “You think this is some mark of pride?” He hollers in a fit. “No. I just know what it’s like to be ashamed of the past.” I Zuko looks at me in shock as he clicks everything together. “Gotcha.” I smile, averting my gaze back to the water. “We all have a past, Lee, but it can ever defy who we are today.” He looks down at me and shows a small smile. “Goodnight, Lee.” I say backing away from the edge and leaving him in his thoughts.
I walk on the deck with Zori and catch eyes with Iroh quickly. “Good morning! How was your night? You look well-rested, Zori.” He jokes in a sarcastic tone. “Oh, great, the old man has jokes too.”
“Good morning, Truble. Would you like some tea?” Zuko asks from beside me with a grin. “Sure. What’s got you all happy?” He passes the cup to me. “We will arrive in Ba Sing Se today.”
Right. That’s why. Duh.
“You’re telling me. I’m sick of this swaying back and forth.” “I think it’s relaxing.” Zori scoffs, “You would.” I chuckle as I sip the tea. It’s hot. I look down at the steaming liquid in confusion.
Maybe they heated it early this morning.
As we enter the ticket gate an Earth Kingdom official with a sour face looks over our four papers dubiously. “So, Mr. Lee, Ms. Truble, Zori, and Mr.... umm Mushy is it?” “It's pronounced Moo-shee.” She glares at Iroh from over the desk. “You telling me how to do my job?” I bite my lip as I watch the encounter. “This will go either really well. Or really bad.” I whisper to Zuko. “I’m hoping for the second.” I cross my arms. “I don’t know. I’d like to see you scale the wall.” I smirk at him nudging his arm. He shakes his head hiding his curved smile, mumbling, “You’re ridiculous.” “But I made you smile.”
Iroh steps towards the desk wearing a large grin. “Uh, no, no, no. But may I just say that you're like a flower in bloom, your beauty intoxicating.” I bite back a laugh and cover Zori’s mouth as she cackles. The woman smiles down at Iroh, obviously charmed. “You're pretty easy on the eyes yourself. Roarrr. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.” She stamps our papers and pushes them forward.
I smirk at Iroh as he passes our papers out. “Nice work there, Mushie.” Zuko snatches his paper from Iroh, disgusted. “I'm gonna forget I saw that.” I burst in laughter following them to sit down.
I spin my coin in my fingers as we wait in silence. “I like your necklace. Where’d you get it?” Zuko asks from beside me. “My father made it for me before I was born. It’s a family tradition.” “Well you- it’s very beautiful.” I smile at Zuko feeling the heat capture in my cheeks. “Thank you, Lee.”
His eyes gleam with golden flakes of fire. “Do you think you’ll enjoy the capital?” Zuko nods. “It will be different, but I’m glad there are others with us. Like you.” I smile at him forgetting everything I came here for. “Really?” Zuko leans on the stone arm of the chair, leaning closer to me, our faces inches apart. “Really.” Jett plops down next to Zuko pulling my attention away.
Oh, my spirits. We are like… really close. What was I planning to do? I move back with red cheeks and look over to my right to see Zori and Iroh smirking at me. I sit back in my chair, slumping with embarrassment.
“So, you guys got plans once you're inside the city?” Jett asks everyone. “I'd like to see Truble perform for an audience.” Zori pipes up. "Preform what?" "She's got a killer voice." I shake my head in denial. "I do not. It's for fun." "I'd like to hear you sing, Truble." Zuko grins at me.    
Maybe once...
“Get your hot tea here! Finest tea in Ba Sing Se!” A Tea Peddler yells. I smile and raise my hand just as Iroh does the same. “Jasmine, please!” Iroh and I ask at the same time. He points a finger at me smiling. “I had a feeling about you.” I grin at him. “You have no idea, Mushi.”
The peddler pours tea into two cups for Iroh and I. “Cheers, Truble.” As soon as the tea hits my lips I spit it back in. “Blaugh! Ugh. Coldest tea in Ba Sing Se is more like it. What a disgrace!” Iroh complains as I agree. “False advertising. My mother had a recipe for a white leaf honey tea that was so sweet. It was like eating candy.” “Oh, we must make it!”
Zori pulls on my sleeve and smiles at me. “Take a walk with me?” I look at her and smile. She needs to tell me something. I nod standing, taking notice Zuko is talking with Jett to the side. “Mushie, we will be right back.” He waves us off with a smile. “We won’t leave without you.”
Zori and I make a round through the station. “You need to say something, kid? Or did you have to stretch your legs?” She smirks at me. “I wanted to talk about, Lee.”
Jet hits my leg as Truble and my uncle gush over the tea. “Hey, can I talk to you for a second?” I rose reluctantly and sigh, following him away from the company. “You and I have a much better chance of making it in the city if we stick together. You want to join the Freedom Fighters?” Jet asks me with a confident smirk. “Thanks, but I don't think you want me in your gang.”
“Come on, we made a great team looting that Captain's food. Think of all the good we could do for these refugees. You can take care of your girl no problem.” “My girl?” I ask, narrowing my eyes. Jet nods his head to Truble who is laughing away with uncle Iroh. I look back to Jet. “I said no.”
Walking back I notice the two girls gone, and my uncle now holding a steaming cup of tea. I look back towards Jet, who now wears a look of hostile suspicion on his face as he turns and walks off. Watching him leave, I abruptly turn and push the cup of tea from his uncle's hand. A simple ancient.
“Hey!” I lean down to him, whispering through gritted teeth. “What are you doing firebending your tea?! For a wise old man, that was a pretty stupid move.” Iroh looks at his tea with a frown. “I know you're not supposed to cry over spilled tea, but... that's so sad.”
“Where are the girls?” I ask, crossing my arms. Uncle sniffles stop as he looks up at me smiling. “What?” “Where are who?” “The girls, Uncle.” “The pretty one or the small sassy one?” I slump in my seat silently.
“The beautiful one,” I grumble watching people pass. “On a walk with the little sassy one.” He chuckles. I nod, relaxed knowing her whereabouts. “You think she’s beautiful?” He asks teasingly. “Stop it, Uncle,” I mumble fighting the smile as it creeps on my face.
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