cranqerrie · 2 days
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z0mbbii · 3 days
7 days in, 13 more days until I can break my fast...
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intenseescape · 1 day
I just ate a piece of candy at work because it would have been thrown away otherwise.
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[Eng: Hurts a little bit. Better not do that again.]
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skinnysharkzzz · 12 hours
What was with all of those corn accounts that popped up back in the beginning of the year like was it a marketing ploy or smth it was so annoying I pray they don't come back cause like I CAN NOT have people looking over my shoulder at my phone and seeing naked girls and stuff.
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gothbith · 1 day
i'm so glad that i only ate like 250 kcals yesterday because my bf, my friends and i went drinking and at some point i don't count the cals of alcohol because i'm too drunk
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𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 update! ♡
guys i must've went into ketosis in the past few days cus yesterday after a full day of eating i was @ 142.2 and today after a full day of eating im at 140.7! im so elated rn because im finally starting to actually shed!!! I LOVE THIS FEELING AND YOU WILL TOO, KEEP GOING xx
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skinibr4t · 2 days
I’m loosing motivation
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edluv-skinandbones · 3 months
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so real
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rubyyredcheryy · 28 days
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mothtrees0 · 2 months
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feelingbloo · 5 months
how i tell people to eat their OMAD: chew slowly, listen to your body for fullness, drink lots of water between bites, be mindful❤
how i eat my OMAD:
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made some memes gonna post them here
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skinnysharkzzz · 4 days
I honestly feel so creepy trying to make friends on here I'm like "oh well if you want I can help hold u accountable" I SOUND LIKE SOME OLD CREEP. I stg I just wanna make friends in this d1$0rd3r 😭😭
I need to figure out how to communicate like a normal person oml
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gothbith · 2 days
my name´s ash, i´m 21 years old and i tried to loose weight my entire life. now it´s time to come to my goal. i´m just gonna rant about all my thoughts that i can´t share with my friends.
my goal is too get to my gw till next summer. i just hope to stay consistent.
sw: 80kg
cw: 75,8kg (20.09.)
gw1: 75kg
gw2: 70kg
gw3: 65kg
gw4: 60kg
gw: 55kg
ugw: 45kg
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If you exercise eat
if u don’t u can fast
but never exercise if you’re fasting
cuz then you’ll collapse and be forced to eat and not exercise
If you’re fasting for long periods of time practice harm reduction by:
Drinking A LOT of WATER
Put salt in water for electrolytes or put salt on lemon wedges for electrolytes and minerals
vitamin deficiencies are dangerous and you need your vitamins iron and other nutrients to try and avoid permanent damage to your brain heart kidneys and general health
If you feel really dizzy and like your vision is going black after a long fast you’re probably gonna pass out from low blood pressure or low blood sugar
If you still feel ok enough to walk around grab some water if not then skip this part.
lay down and lift your legs
(better to lift them with something like a pillow to save energy then to lift them up in the air). take deep slow breaths.
If you managed to prevent yourself from passing out wait for your vision to get clear and your heart rate to settle then keep laying down for at least five more minutes.
After that slowly lower your legs and straighten your back to sit up and sit for 2-5 minutes
only then you can slowly get up and go eat something preferably something that contains some sugar and maybe some protein (no skinny cookies or stuff with artificial sweeteners you’ll just pass out again)
Do not purge for at least a week if you did pass out or you might do permanent damage to your heart deregulate your heart rate
Sleep a lot if you can
While fasting for long periods of time it’s important to sleep rest and just move as little as possible if you’re fasting for multiple days
Have some calories
If you’re fasting for multiple days or even weeks try to break your fast around every 3-5 days with anything between 50-300 calories to maintain some energy levels in your body and prevent yourself from collapsing.
Stay safe <3
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skinibr4t · 5 days
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