#3d vent
cranqerrie · 2 days
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thomasow · 4 months
Not logging your meals in the calorie tracker doesn't make all those calories go away.
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hopemaxxing · 6 months
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jenna ortega ♡
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annahnana · 2 months
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to fly like a butterfly, you must
be paper thin ~ light as the air 🦋
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Fasting Facts:
-Water fasting cleanses the body, as the stored food (fat) is used rapidly and the body simultaneously expels built up toxins.
-If you are fasting for weight loss (um, yeah!!) and are following a juice or tea fast, a few days on just water will intensify the fast.
-Fasting can clear the skin and whiten the eyes and initiates rapid weight loss (yay!).
-Water fasting is not recommend for a first fast as toxins are released into the blood very quickly.
-Fasting makes it easy to overcome bad habits and addictions.
-Fasting allows you to have taste appreciation for clean, natural foods.
-Going on a fast can give you the motivation and the enthusiasm you need to make a fresh start! (And we all need a fresh start from time to time.)
Fasting Info:
-Distilled water is best for water fasting.
-Juice made w/fresh, organic fruits is best for juice fasting.
-Do not drink orange or tomato juice on a fast.
-You can dilute your pure juices w/water.
-Green juices made from leafy green veggies in a juicer are great for detoxifying.
-Pure veggie broths are good (with no seasons added).
-Herbal teas and honey can aid in fasting.
-Typical fasts (going totally w/out any solid foods) usually are performed as 3 day, 7 day, 10 day, 14 day or 21 day increments. 28+ days should be supervised. (Or at least the person fasting should let someone know they are doing it.)
-Break a fast by eating raw fruits and veggies the first five-seven days after your fast. Go back to solids slowly.
-Do not binge or overeat after the fast (or during!). Try to discover the amount of food your body really needs.
-Meditate, go for a walk, take lots of naps, journal, listen to music, take long, warm bathes and relax. This is your time for healing, losing weight and gaining self-control!
More fasting tips:
-Many people experience nausea and headaches during fasting and this is often caused by caffeine withdrawal (and we all love our caffeine here) so I recommend, if possible, if you are a heavy soda or coffee drinker start tapering off about a week before the start of your fast. This should do the trick and make it a little easier and your headaches won't be so painful.
-After your fast, when you start to eat normally try very hard not to gorge. The calories you take in directly after your fast will stay with you a lot longer than those acquired when your metabolism is up. Also, you could experience pain and become very ill.
-Don't eat a big meal the night before your fast and never end your fast with heavy foods. Keep it light w/raw or lightly steamed veggies and fruits.
-Dry skin brushing helps your skin to breathe easier and can help eliminate uric acid and other poisons from your system, taking the strain off your kidneys and liver. Start at the feet and stroke your skin towards the heart. Do these before you shower.
-Epson Salt baths are soothing to sore-achy, weak muscles and also help eliminate toxins through the skin. Warm Epson Salt baths are great during fasts.
-There are many types of fasts, here is another: The milk and fruit fast: 3x a day, a glass of milk, raw fruit and water in between.
Some more tips during your fast:
-Try to get plenty of sleep. And if you can't stand your stomach growling the first few days, and are tired of downing the H20, take a nap... listen to some soothing music and drift off.
-Get a massage. If you can afford it, or have your partner or a close friend give you a good rub down or deep tissue massage. This really soothes muscles and makes you calm and sleepy. It helps when you're having trouble sleeping due to hunger during your fast. Plus, it awakens your body, pushes the blood around, etc.
-You may feel weak during your fast so if this is the case, be careful of black outs and don't exercise until you've finished the fast... Stick to stretching, light walking and deep breathing.
-If you suffer from diabetes, hypoglycemia or other similar conditions, please be very, very careful fasting. I'd say don't fast at all but if you feel you can do it safely, you may need a slice of avocado or a banana... You could also add protein powder to your juices.
-Sometimes during a fast, the person will experience back pain. If so, a cold pack will help.
-Canker sores can be healed quicker by dabbing tea tree oil or vitamin E on it.
-If you are just too tired on your water fast, go to a juice fast and if you are already juicing, drink more carrot and melon juices for energy.
Water fasts are always the hardest but fastest for weight loss and detox.
Juice fast is next best and somewhat easier, especially for first time fasters.
You'll lose pounds faster if you have a fast metabolism and slower if you have a slower metabolism. On average, fasts allow you to lose 1-2 lbs per day. Some experience more around 3-5 lbs per day. You'll lose the most and the quickest during the beginning of your fast.
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starryeyeesworld · 5 months
omad ✨️
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Eggs - 150 cal
Broccoli - 16 cal
Soy matcha latte - 105 cal
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tny4u · 2 months
i wanna be beautiful
i wanna be dainty
i wanna be tiny
i wanna be thin
i wanna be perfect.
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liv70 · 6 months
I need 4na moots +18 to talk to throughout the day on SC or here. Just someone to casually mention all of the crazy in my brain every day to.
Im sorry if I don't reply! I have to log out often for my own safety
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myproblematicself · 3 months
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This felt too personal Duo
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annahnana · 2 months
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dolls love pink. but dolls don't eat.
pigs like pink. who are you, a doll,
or a pig? 🎀 ~
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thomasow · 4 months
You can't always keep starting tomorrow, fix your life now.
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you can always be thinner. look better.
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harukahik4r1 · 4 days
my younger self would be disappointed to know that I still haven't reached my gw
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starryeyeesworld · 7 months
This community makes me feel more safe than I've ever felt in any other place before ☁️🩵
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meatgrynder · 1 month
Sick of seeing all this pink th1nspo, where's the rep for guys with long hair and collarbones, guys who spend all their time smoking weed and hating themselves, guys who wear low rise jeans that show off their hip bones... really need more of that
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calsandmemes · 20 days
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