#Percival Fredrickstein Von Mussel Klossowski De Rolo III
leopardfang15 · 2 years
Ok but. Percy’s idea of romance is most definitely from his parents. Traditional romance, courtly love and chivalry. Him sending flowers to reader as a secret admirer and her not getting it at all because they’re all single flowers that are very different. Until she drags Keyleth into it and they do some research. Look up “Victorian Language of Flowers” for inspo.
“Undying love” “true beauty” and all kinds of sweet meanings behind each flower. He’d get Keyleth to help because she’s a romantic and number 1 shipper.
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AN: Here’s a link to the website I used for this info. This ended up being OC x Percy. It’s just what I’m most comfortable writing. Writing with the character being simply ‘reader’ feels too bare for me. I love reading reader inserts but I’m just not good at writing them. Anyways, enjoy.
The first one was a confusing incident. She’d been up before dawn, like always. It was a remnant from her time at the Monastery; a strict schedule to keep that never changed and even after she left her internal clock still woke her up before the sun rose to greet Tal’dorei. She enjoyed doing her morning stretches as she watched the sun rise.
It was also nice to have some peace and quiet in the keep. While Ansuya adored them all it was quite irritating to constantly be subjected to Scanlan and Val arguing, Grog shouting and Vex snapping at them to be quiet. But with the sky still dark she was able to wrap her hands and change into her loose, dark red pants which cinched at the ankles. Her black, high necked crop top revealed hard, toned muscles beneath her ebony skin.
Ansuya was just finishing her braid when she noticed something on her windowsill. Opening her window she saw it was a singular red flower. It was large and very bright, six petals on it. As she traced the red plant gently, she wracked her brain for what it was; an Amaryllis. She looked around and didn’t see a note or anything to indicate who left it or why. Her dark brows furrowed before she shrugged. For all she knew the wind or a bird carried it up to her. Best get it a vase and some water. She had to do her morning prayer before she went to the court yard for her morning ritual.
The second flower appeared outside her bedroom door. She’d almost accidentally stepped on it, in fact. Ansuya had finished an afternoon of meditation in her room when she found it. She noticed footsteps outside her door but perhaps she’d gotten so used to tuning out the noise of the keep when meditating it had allowed whoever had left it to do so undetected. Turning the plant over in her calloused hands she could not find a note or any clue as to who could have left it.
She couldn’t tell what flower it was, only that it was purple and bell shaped. She stepped back into her room and placed it in the vase with the first flower. In no way did they go together but she felt it was a waste for a singular flower to get a whole other vase when it could easily fit with her first flower. She decided to leave her questions for another time. She wanted to get some training done.
Within a month she had two dozen flowers. Ansuya could recognize a few, like lilies or primroses but she didn’t have enough botanical knowledge to know every flower. Not to mention they were so random. A series of roses could make some form of sense but she’d gotten so much variety she couldn’t discern any pattern or thought process. Her feelings towards these mysterious gifts had gone from confusion to flattery but after receiving a flower almost every day with no clue as to who was leaving them or why she was beginning to get frustrated. The mystery had lost its appeal and now she wanted answers.
She was sitting in her room, glaring at her vases of flowers when she heard a knock at her door. Not many in this keep actually knocked so it narrowed down the list of possible visitors. “Come in.”
Keyleth’s freckled face appeared in the door. “Hey Ansuya, I was-“ she paused and looked at all the flowers. “Wow, still getting these?”
Ansuya nodded. “I still haven’t figured out who’s sending them either.” At first she decided to stay up and see if she could catch her little ‘admirer’ but it seemed like they knew what she was thinking because now they came exclusively through courier. Which also meant that now everyone knew she was receiving these botanical gifts.
“Do you not like them?” Keyleth asked. That was when Ansuya realized she was so deep in thought she’d ended up glaring at the flowers without even realizing it.
“They’re nice, they just don’t make any sense.” Ansuya said, standing up from her seat on her bed and putting her hands on her hips. “They’re all so random, even if they are just guesses for my favorite flower.” She didn’t even have one but that was beside the point. She watched Keyleth wave a hand over the flowers, giving some of the first ones a magic boost that made them brighten and perk back up.
Ansuya crossed her arms. “My admirer hasn’t left any notes or any hints as to who they are.”
“Maybe they’re shy?” Keyleth suggested, fiddling with her hair.
“So shy they just plan on sending me flowers forever without doing anything else?” The dark skinned woman asked, racking her brain for an answer. “Is there supposed to be some kind of secret meaning?”
“You know…” Keyleth gently caressed the yellow tulip in one of the vases. “I heard that there’s something called the ‘Language of Flowers’. Nobles send bouquets and they have different meanings.”
“You think my gift giver is a noble?” Ansuya asked, raising a brow.
Immediately the Druid blushed and started waving her hands. “N-no! He could j-just know about it. Maybe he has a… garden?” There were a few moments of awkward silence before the Druid spoke again. “I uh… think we have a book on it.”
Putting aside any disbelief she felt towards the idea of a noble taking an interest in her, Ansuya focused on this ‘Language of Flowers.’ “Would you be able to get it for me, Keyleth, and maybe help me figure out the meaning? I don’t know enough about flowers to identify them on description alone.”
The Ashari perked up and smiled. “Sure, happy to help.” When she went to exit the room she nearly collided with someone else. “Oops! Sorry, Percy.”
Ansuya lit up. Maybe she’d get an answer sooner than she originally expected. She darted to her door and poked her head out the door to see the familiar gunslinger. “Percy, can you come here, please?”
The bespectacled man blinked, surprised by her animated behavior. “Of course.” He said, nodding to Keyleth who was grinning wildly for some odd reason.
Ansuya closed the door behind him once he entered.
“You’ve kept them all?” Percy asked, looking at the vases of flowers.
“Seems a shame to throw them out.” Ansuya said, walking to stand beside him as she took in the sight of her hastily thrown together bouquets. “Someone’s very determined to get my attention.” She shook her head. “Anyways, Keyleth said something about how nobles send secret messages through flowers. Do you know it?”
Percy nodded, avoiding eye contact. Were she not so focused on possibly unraveling this mystery she would’ve thought about how adorable he looked with a faint blush coloring his cheeks.
“Would you help then?” Ansuya asked, adding a small smile to her question. “There haven't been any notes or signatures and these are too random to be guesses at my favorite flower.”
“Do you have a favorite?” Percy asked.
Ansuya thought for a moment. “No… where I come from there weren’t a whole lot of flowers around and I was usually too focused on training to consider what my favorite flower might be.” She then turned to Percy. “But that doesn’t matter. I can’t think of any rhyme or reason for someone to send me random flowers unless there’s some kind of hidden message. Could you help me, please?” She asked, looking up at him.
His gaze softened at her pleading expression. “You only ever need to ask for my assistance.” He said, before smirking. “Besides, you’re one of the few people in this keep who actually says ‘please.’”
“And ‘thank you.’” Ansuya said, sharing a brief laugh with Percy.
“Where would you like to start?” The white haired man asked, turning his gaze to the flowers.
“This was the first one.” Ansuya said, plucking a large red flower from the vase.
“An amaryllis.” Percy said, taking in the image of her holding the flower. “It means ‘splendid beauty.’”
Ansuya turned to Percy, surprised. “Are you serious?” She asked, her dark green eyes wide.
Percy frowned. “Why would I lie to you?”
“Sorry, I just…” Ansuya was thankful her dark complexion hid her slightly flushed cheeks. She wasn’t sure whether she preferred the idea that she was simply flustered by the compliment or that Percy himself had said it, even if he was just relaying the message. “I’ve just never been given something like this. It was… different when I thought these were just flowers.” In an effort to avoid any uncomfortable silence she plucked the next flower. “What about this?”
“That’s a pansy, it means ‘you occupy my thoughts.’”
Before long, Percy’s voice filled her room.
“Lungwort: thou art my life. Yellow Jasmine: modesty, grace and elegance. Calla Lilly: Magnificent Beauty. Chickweed: I cling to thee. Diosma: your simple elegance charms me. Peach Blossom: I am your captive. Yellow Tulip: there is sunshine in your smile.”
She’d stopped thinking about who had sent the flowers and was only focused on Percy’s voice, imagining that he was actually saying these things to her. She wasn’t even hearing what the flowers were anymore, just listening to the beautiful words he spoke to her.
“I dreamed of thee. You'll always be beautiful to me. You’re everything to me. Your presence soothes me. I can’t live without you.” And so many times, “Unending love. Eternal love. I love you. I love you. I love you.”
Oh she wished he was actually saying that to her, but he was simply relaying a message. She took a breath to slow her pounding heart and began placing the flowers back in their vases. “Thank you, Percy.”
There was a moment of silence. “What do you think of them?”
“They’re beautiful.” Ansuya said honestly. “Both in appearance and meaning. I’ve… never been given anything like this or had so much thought put in. But…” she sighed, “I don’t really know how to feel about this if I don’t know who’s sending them. If it’s some stranger I’d say I’m flattered but put off that someone I don’t know claims to be in love with me. If it’s someone I do know… well, I guess it depends. Some people outside our little group are decent enough, I could give them a chance.”
“What if it’s a Vox Machina member?” Percy asked, crossing his arms. Ansuya paused, getting an idea of where this was headed but not wanting to jump to conclusions.
“It would depend but not too many members would do this. Vex and Pike would straight up just ask me. Same with Grog, and I don’t think giving me flowers would ever cross his mind.” Ansuya said, chuckling fondly. Grog was a sweetheart but he was probably the least subtle person she’d ever met.
“What about Keyleth?” Percy asked, tilting his head.
“This does seem a lot like her but she hasn’t given me any hint that she’s interested in me. Besides, she’s already got her eye on one of our favorite half elves.” She smirked, an expression that Percy mirrored.
“Speaking of, Vax?”
“If he were to give me flowers it’d probably just be one and he’d leave a note.”
Ansuya laughed. “He might also give me flowers but that would be accompanied by an obnoxious serenade that would barely drown out my laughing.” She shook her head with a grin. “He’s not serious enough for this and I’m not interested in any of them.”
“And what if they’re from me?” He asked, causing her to freeze. Ansuya looked at him. He seemed a bit shy but he wasn’t averting his gaze.
“Are these from you?” Ansuya asked, not one to beat around the bush.
“What would you say if they were?” He asked, folding his arms behind his back to hide his fidgeting hands.
It took a lot of self restraint for Ansuya to keep from telling him to just admit it. She took a breath to try and find the words she wanted to say. She remembered nights huddled around the fire on jobs, whispering to each other. Or enjoying each other’s more reserved company in the tavern before a brawl inevitably broke out. He’d said what he wanted to say (eventually) so she couldn’t be a hypocrite and keep her mouth shut.
“I’d say this is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me. I’d say your an amazing friend and that I trust you with my life. I love spending time with you and I would love to see where this takes us.” She went and grabbed the pansy before handing it to him. She couldn’t give him one of the many flowers declaring love quite yet but she could easily see herself giving one to him, someday.
There was an excited squeal from outside her door. Percy sighed. “Keyleth, the only reason I’m not yelling at you is because of your help. Thank you, but you may leave.”
“Sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry!” Keyleth’s rapidly retreating voice called. Ansuya just laughed.
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moonstrider9904 · 5 months
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Here is a library of my gifs for you to navigate. If you like any of these posts, please consider reblogging to support me! I put a lot of love and effort into all of these, and I’d really appreciate the reblog. 🌙✨ Please do not repost any of these gifs without my permission!
Also please mind that I made some of these a long time ago in a galaxy far far away when I hadn't mastered the art of giffing so they aren't my best work, but I did want to include them ❤ However, the ones for TBB Season 3 and any remakes are my best work.
The Bad Batch Season 1
Soft!Crosshair meeting Omega
Hunter gives me Hozier vibes sometimes
Crosshair gets Wreck'd and Lula'd
Crosshair in the battle simulation
Imperial Crosshair
Tech Tuesday
Crosshair for May the 4th
Crosshair's different helmets
Wow I was in denial about Crosshair's chip lol
More Imperial Crosshair
Crosshair in Reunion
Crosshair in Return to Kamino
Crosshair in Aftermath
Imperial Crosshair (remake)
Comfort Crosshair gifs
Crosshair - After Dark by Mr. Kitty
Tech - Five by Sleeping At Last
A set of Crosshair gifs I made for my birthday
Tech's more deviant than defective
Crosshair no
Season 1 Crosshair (remake)
Crosshair on Ryloth (remake)
The Bad Batch Season 2
Tech in Faster
Crosshair across season 2
Crosshair - epiphany by Taylor Swift
The Bad Batch Season 3
Crosshair and Omega - Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift
Batcher with her dads
Crosshair in The Return
Crosshair in Point of No Return
"How Touching"
Crosshair's sparkling personality
I can fix Crosshair, no really, I can
Crosshair in Aftermath + Crosshair in The Cavalry Has Arrived
Crosshair, Omega, and Hunter hug
The Bad Batch - Eye of the Universe by McKane Davis
Hunter in Aftermath + Hunter in The Cavalry Has Arrived
Hunter and Omega in The Cavalry Has Arrived
Crosshair - Every Step and Between by McKane Davis
Hunter and Omega in Aftermath and The Cavalry Has Arrived
The Clone Wars
The Clones - Goodnight, Saigon by Billy Joel
Wolffe, my beloved
Wrecker vs. The Decimator
Star Wars Rebels
Ezra says goodbye to Kanan
The Book of Boba Fett
Jumpy Grogu
Space Jesus
Leia's Skywalker genes run rampant
The Legend of Vox Machina
Percy de Rolo
Lord Percival Fredrickstein Von Mussel Klossowski III
Bad News
Percy de Blorbo
The long lost De Rolo
Percy in A Silver Tongue
The duality of Percy
Percy's righteous anger
A set of Percy gifs I made for my birthday
You can also find these under the tag #moon's gifsets.
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Locked Tomb fans, im curious- do you have her name memorized the same way Percival Fredrickstein Von Mussel Klossowski De Rolo III rolls right off my tongue, or are you looking it up when you submit her
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thebluehairedgm · 1 year
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"I think we're very broken people, but I think together we are far greater than the sum of our parts." ~Percival Fredrickstein von Mussel Klossowski De Rolo III
Thought the Critter community would like to see one of my next tattoos, an original drawing of mine for my one of my favorite main PCs across Exandria
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critter-genfic-events · 11 months
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This week, we have seven fics featuring Percival Fredrickstein von Mussel Klossowski De Rolo III! Check them out under the cut, and don't forget to kudos or comment if you like them!
I Say We're Made of Love by azhdarchidaen (3298,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Percy & Keyleth
The evening after Percy's resurrection, Keyleth decides she needs to talk to him. It turns out to be important for both of them.
Reccer says: this is probably my favorite percy and keyleth fic of all time, it highlights exactly what i love about the both of their characters and their friendship and how they foil each other down to a beautiful heart wrenching 3298 words, and gives that post-glintshore angst that always tugs at my soul. every time i read this fic i cry a little bit it's just so good and one of my favorite fics of all time ever. the line "you're a light to me, isn't that enough?" will live with me for a long time
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locked in by settai (3419,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Percy & Vax
Percy and Vax are trapped in a closet
Reccer says: Quality hurt/comfort, and once again dealing with the menace of doors
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your feelings and mine are all lonely by orphan_account (3412,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Cassandra de Rolo & Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III
The de Rolo siblings attempt healthy communication and finding common ground.
Reccer says: This is such a wonderful look at the aftermath and development we never really got with these two because other things took precedent.
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It Might Sting a Little by CurrieBelle (1957,General) Warnings: None Pairings: none
Everyone in Vox Machina must have pierced ears so they can use the magic whisper earrings. Here's how Percy's ear was pierced.
Reccer says: I love this glimpse into what pre-stream Vox Machina might have been like - everyone a little rougher around the edges and Percy just starting to come back to considering himself a person.
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Shadows by besselfcn (1614,Mature) Warnings: Oblique description of past sexual assault Pairings: Percy de Rolo & Vox Machina
Vox Machina trades stories about the first person they ever slept with. It's not an easy question for Percy.
Reccer says: Percy is great for whump, and the party banter before it goes sour is wonderfully characterized
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an empty gun by sparxwrites (2124,Teen) Warnings: Talk of suicide Pairings: Scanlan & Percival de Rolo
Scanlan finds a letter that Percy wrote before the Ripley fight
Reccer says: Anything that let's Scanlan be serious for a moment is precious in my book, and this has some wonderful descriptions in it
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And then two for:
The Wild Hunt by sparxwrites (19286,Teen) Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Pairings: None
While in the Feywild, Vox Machina runs afoul of the Wild Hunt and Percy is separated from the group. It gets worse from there.
Reccer 1 says: This is my favorite kind of fanfic- badass in distress who keeps accumulating new injuries, indignities and suffering and keeps fighting anyway. It's a great fic if you can handle a lot of heavy violence. Reccer 2 says: It really captures Percy's resilience as a Fighter and ingenuity in coming up with solutions to problems. The insights into his thoughts and feelings and the dramatic tension as he struggles to survive are wonderfully done.
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If you liked this rec list, follow along for more! We'll be posting a new list with a new theme each Monday. Want to make your own recs? Check out the rules, and then use the form to submit!
If you didn't get enough angst this week, next week we're going to have recs featuring fights! Arguments, bloody battles, and anything in between.
Then, we'll have modern AU's, cuddling, and FCG
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addcolortomysky · 2 years
Percival Fredrickstein von Mussel Klossowski De Rolo III, Lord of Whitestone, Terrible Tinkerer of Tal'dorei, Legendary Hero of Vox Machina, Protector of the Realm. Better known as VEX'S HUSBAND THE INVENTOR GUY.
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fastestb-tchalive · 2 years
Percival Fredrickstein Von Mussel Klossowski de Rolo III needs a t-shirt that says "The Gods Hate Me". That's it, send post.
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jaskierswolf · 1 year
*cracks fingers*
Percival Fredrickstein Von Mussel Klossowski de Rolo III... I fucking love him.
I went into watching TLOVM thinking I would kind of casually enjoy it. Up until that point I had really enjoyed D&D. It makes me anxious to play and I kept convincing myself I was letting the party down if I rolled badly. I never watched Critical Role because the episode are hella long and there is so much content, so I thought it would not be able to hold my focus, but the animated format seemed a lot more accessible to me.
Enter one Percival de Rolo.
I was sure when I heard about the characters that Scanlan would be my love. He's a bard and I'm a known whore for bards. And yet it was the pretty boy with the gun that caught my attention. The Briarwoods arch was fucking phenomenal and the character development in the first series alone was fricking amazing. Every time Percy put down the mask I was so fucking hyped. He was cool. He was angry. He was dangerously hot.
But I was not hyperfixated. No... apparently I was perfectly normal until S.2 came out and Hot dangerous Percy became goofy, nerdy and yet still hot Percy... with the added bonus of me now loving Vax equally as much. And now I'm in rare pair hell and I love them both so much god damn it. I'm going to be cosplaying Percy in October for MCM london.
Rating 100000/10 - He's the current main blorbo so he gets to be top with Jaskier. Unless he prefers to bottom. No judgement here.
Headcanon: Percy messed around on the fishing boats prior to VM but it was all casual sex. It wasn't until the twins that he first understood the meaning of bisexual crisis. It's something that him and Kiki bond over when they are in his workshop together.
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littlebosslady7 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Vex'ahlia, Zahra Hydris/Kashaw Vesh Characters: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Vex'ahlia (Critical Role), Zahra Hydris, Kashaw Vesh, Taryon Darrington, Trinket (Critical Role), Doty (Critical Role) Additional Tags: Cunnilingus, Woman on Top Series: Part 6 of D's Critical Role One Shots
Summary: You're all informally invited to the very first wedding of Lord Percival Fredrickstein von Mussel Klossowski De Rolo III and Lady Vex'ahlia Elanor Vessar. It's a simple, not-so-secret grand old time.
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(A/N:  Also this is 95% of Vex's original wedding dress in my mind. The only minor differences are I added a pocket and her lace sleeves go down into fingerless gloves akin to her adventuring outfit. Also, I don't know whether or not to apologize for the naughty wedding night, but then again it's Vex and Percy, so it had to be hot. The Lord and Lady will always be bathtub buddies.)
”Oh here we go.” Percy chided, standing at the ready. “Tary, you’re smart. Act like it.”
“I’m going to cut you, bitch!” Vex roared, preparing to tackle Tary if it wasn’t for Percival holding her back against his chest.
Kash offered, revealing a sharply curved weapon, “Yes, finally some action. Here, as a gift to the bride, you can use my blade, Vex.”
“No, no, no.” Percival explained, pulling an angry Vex in his lap until she calmed, “Remember? We need him alive for the wedding, dearheart.”
Zahra realized, eyes wide with delight, “Wedding? So you're finally going to make an honest woman out of Vex’ahlia?”
“Well, let’s not go that far, Zee. But we figured, why the Hells not make it official.” Vex’ahlia corrected, slipping in squeakily, “By the way, we’d be eternally grateful if you’d be the one to officiate our nuptials.”
A/N 2: I have other Perc'ahlia stories as well on my Ao3 account
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findthebae · 2 years
Hello, I am Percival Fredrickstein von Mussel Klossowski De Rolo III from Critical Role’s Vox Machina Capmaign (not Legend of Vox Machina, sorry), and I’m looking for any of the rest of Vox Machina, especially Vex. I’m 18, and I’m okay with talking to anyone 16+. I’m not interested in finding some specific timeline, I just miss you. If you see this, please DM me, and I can give you my discord if you have discord.
! ! !
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kincalling · 2 years
Hello, I am Percival Fredrickstein von Mussel Klossowski De Rolo III of Whitestone, from Critical Role’s Vox Machina Campaign. I’m looking for any of the rest of Vox Machina, but especially Vex. I don’t care if you’re an exact canon mate, I just miss you guys and want to see you again. I’m just barely 18, and I’m okay with anyone 16+
I forgot to add in my actual call, so if you see this, can you add that I’m okay with people who respond dming me?
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Why must I get emotionally attached to characters with serious trauma and then discover that I am them?
First Michael Distortion, now Percival Fredrickstein von Mussel Klossowski De Rolo III. Sorry about the full name thing, it’s just something specific to grasp.
I don’t want to think about that pain! I don’t want to think about that loss! I just want to have a happy kin for once!
Sorry, I’m just a little mad about my kintypes in general.
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isolaradiale · 1 year
hi hi! here is my amended app for percival fredrickstein von mussel klossowski de rolo iii of critical role: the legend of vox machina ♥ i can be reached on twitter @fourcausal !
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Percival [a lot of other names]!
You will be housed in HOUSE 105.
You'll retain the use of minor illusions to create up to five small illusions per day that will disappear after five minutes. You'll also be given a bb gun.
-- mod altair.
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transstampede · 3 years
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The Legend of Vox Machina character posters: Percy
Credit to @.devinzain on Twitter!
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fablefan · 3 years
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“... imagine, if you can, Red Death’s mask suddenly coming to life in order to express, [...] the extreme anger, the mighty fury of a demon; and not a ray of light from the sockets, for, as I learned, later, you cannot see his blazing eyes except in the dark.”
 Gaston Leroux, The Phantom of the Opera
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mattmercerisgod · 3 years
Percy: Vex'ahlia and I don’t use pet names.
Vax'ildan: I see. Hey, what do bees make?
Percy: Honey?
Vex'ahlia: Yes, dear?
Vax'ildan: Don't ever lie to my face again.
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