striving-artist · 7 months
The best piece of advice I ever got was not meant as advice, but as an edict. If I was going to threaten people as a joke, it had to be so far out of proportion with what happened that it would be obvious I was joking. This changed how I expressed frustration with others. It then changed how I expressed frustration with myself.
Not “I’m going to hit you” but “I am going to buy a tuna sub from the gas station and hide it under the seat of your car”
Not “I’m going to kill myself” but “I am going to walk into the desert and let the scarabs take me”
The other side then happened. When I mess something up, instead of saying it’s bad and perpetuating negative thoughts, swing hard the other way.
Not “this art is terrible” but “this shall be framed and mounted on the wall in my museum exhibition as testament to the suffering I had to overcome”
Have been doing this since high school. It was my drama teacher who asked me to please stop scaring the actors. The other half of the edict was that I had to say it in a polite tone, and end it with either please or thank you.
Life changing. 10/10 Mr Muëller. Highly reccomend.
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hypewinter · 4 months
Danny is reading peacefully in his new room at Wayne Manor when there's suddenly a commotion outside his door. Next thing he knows Bruce comes storming through the door.
"Danny did you lie to me about your past!?" he asked calmly.
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1-marigold-1 · 1 month
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I miss Limited Life guys :(
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butraura · 3 months
It’s the way that when Buck told Eddie that he and Natalia broke up, Eddie said, “welcome back to the world of the living, Buck; you were missed.” It’s the way that at the graveyard, Eddie said, “to be honest, you haven’t been the same since [the lightning strike] happened… but how could you be?” It’s the way that, to Eddie, Buck died for 3 minutes and 17 seconds, but he never came back to life. It’s the way that when Buck said he broke up with Natalia because all she wanted to talk about was death, Eddie saw the light in Buck that he hadn’t seen since before he was struck. It’s the way he missed the Buck he was before he died, but didn’t push him. The way he said, “you don’t have to be anything for anybody,” when Buck said he felt that he had to try to be the “same old” guy he was before the lightning. The way that even though Eddie did miss the old Buck, and he did want to be there for him, he gave him the space he needed to heal, even if it meant healing with Natalia. It’s the way that, when Buck told him that he broke up with Natalia, he raised an eyebrow and immediately welcomed him back. In that moment, Buck was alive again and Eddie had him back. It's the way he loved Buck back to life. It’s the way Eddie loves him to his core.
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comicaurora · 20 days
How would you feel about a big pdf version of Aurora being out there? Probably by having all the images downloaded and then put together using a program like pdf chain. I think having a file like that would make it pretty great to read on an e-reader.
Since the comic is ongoing, it would probably make sense to have one single file for all of arc 1. I'd be happy to put it together, but only if you're in favour of it of course! If you would want to have the file for your own sharing/reading purposes, I'd be happy to send it to you.
The comic is in the process of being edited for physical publication in summer of 2025, and ebook rights are part of the contract, so I would not feel good about someone stitching together and passing around a bootleg version.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 1 month
I was wondering if you could get prompts about writing
I have a Mermaid Danny idea Danny takes deage Ellie and Dan some somewhere safe in the infinite realms when Danny finds a large pit of liquid ectoplasm and decides to change his form along with the kids to fit living inside of it
Turned out those large pools connect to all the other Lazarus pits Danny had been intoxicating them so his kids have somewhere safe to live
He ends up popping out in his mermaid Phantom form to check why the ghost oceans pits are so toxic and that's when he meets young Damian who is still living in the League of assassins and Danny so takes one look at the stabby baby and to sort of kind of adopts him
Now put in Damien is now living with the bat family and is on a mission with Justice League Dark Constantine, Doctor Fate, Zatanna,,m and Batman and has something to do with the League of assassins and Damian can get them in
Dr Fate mentioned some beings that might be able to help with the Lazarus pits since they normally live in them when he knocks on one of the unoccupied ones by the League of assassins and goes High King Phantom
This is how Bruce finds out that Damian has a been adopted by the king of the dead and the High King of the dead is a teen parent
Apologies if you don't answer ask like this or write something about them I hope you just like what I wrote though
I'm not taking prompts right now because my dumb brain is generating ideas a mile a minute as it is! I do love the idea of mermaid Danny though! I think it would be interesting if even though the Lazarus pits are toxic Danny isn't necessarily detoxing them but more living in them like a clown fish in a anemone because his and the babies status as both living and dead in a way renders them immune to it.
Him coming up to lean against the edge of the pool after Damian sits down at the edge, the middle of a night after a nightmare. Danny hums to him, a soothing siren song, soft with the ripples and bubbles of the pit as the backing instrumental. When anyone else comes Danny dives back down without so much as a splash.
One night when Damian comes down Danny is holding baby Ellie, and lets Damian gently hold the little girl who coos and giggles and blows green bubbles that burn Damian's skin ever so slightly but Damian doesn't notice because he's so enchanted.
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fairuzfan · 4 months
hi sorry is there any other way to donate to helpgazachildren? sadly it said my country (east asia) does not support donations to the recipient, and my country only has "plan international" ngo for official donation but I never saw people mentioned this organization so I am not sure how trustworthy it is. sorry again for bothering you!
hello thanks for sending this in. unfortunately we don't have another way to donate other than the paypal.
helpgazachildren is not an organization or official charity but rather a donation drive managed by Hussam in Rafah who is a close friend of a family friend of mine, and through this became a trusted friend of ours from the past month and a half we've known him. you can read the FAQ of the notion site for more information.
if you check my helpgazachildren tag on here, you can see how the money directly impacts people in Rafah so you know that the paypal owner, Hussam, is a trustworthy individual. You can also see the visual receipts/proof of purchases on the notion site.
the people in the north of gaza we are sending money to are also family friends who have taken it upon themselves to scavenge for food and other necessities for the community as much as possible. they've taken it upon themselves to risk their lives trying to find any food to feed the literally starving families of the north. the money sent will be dedicated to purchasing aid.
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
About the Stargazer AU, the Morningstar's/Mange's human or are they still Hell royalty in this AU?
The Magnes are humans! ^v^ That's what makes it so funny to me because they don't suspect anything, but Vaggie and Alastor can immediately sense the other's a demon/ an angel in disguise. Still, they can't be openly hostile to each other unless they want their chosen human to suddenly question why they're fighting beyond just the usual "my (daughter) charge is too good for YOU to date. Piss off." And "I do what I want, old man!" But that's NOT the main focus of this AU and we'll need some more world building to reach it, but trust me. It's going to be so, SO much FUN! Source? The amount of times I caught myself laughing maniacally as I write down my ideas, but you didn't hear that from me. XD -Bubbly💙
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canisalbus · 10 months
Could you share a simple, boring fact about vasco and machete? Like what their favorite weather is or small and inconvenient things that happen sometimes and mildly irritate them?
Vasco loves that moment when a sudden heavy rainfall is followed by an equally abrupt bright and sunny weather. He gets antsy whenever the humid, windless and oppressive weather before a storm goes on for too long, but ensuing rain and thunder make him feel exhilirated. Machete likes cool, still and dewy mornings and quiet, warm evenings. Bright sun gives him migraines. He also gets hot and cold easily.
Vasco usually keeps adjusting his ears reflexively so they stay out of the way, but sometimes he ends up sleeping on one of them by accident and wakes up with a numb ear. If Machete happens to roll on top of one and Vasco tries to change position, he might get his ear yanked hard enough to startle him.
Neither of them shed very much but some level of seasonal coat change can be observed nonetheless. Machete brushes his mane diligently to avoid leaving white dog hair in his wake. He also finds it upsetting when other people's loose hair sticks on him and his things.
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if Lex Luthor is so ethical why is he bald???? is God testing him by giving such a good man such a heavy burden?? or are his sins reflected in his shiny bald dome. will we ever know?
I read on the iInternet that this is called “ableist “ now. Think about your words and how they affect balds.
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satanisaware · 4 days
does your oc Mia dislike one of the neighbors? i think the answer would probably be a no but i mean does she dislike some of the things the neighbors would do?
Hello, Hello!
kinda difficult to confirm that she dislikes someone. She doesn't know how to hate, BUT she would get disturbed if she saw something or someone that doesn't seem to look right.
Considering that Mia is a new resident in Home, the first time she discovered that Home (Wally's house) is alive, she felt pretty confused, so you can tell that Home is the least favorite to Mia.
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Also, she doesn't dislike Barnaby, but she feels slightly upset when he mocks her big ears. She didn't get the mocking at first, but when Frank explained that it wasn't in a good way, she got so sad.
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These are a few examples of Barnaby's mockeries towards Mia, and how Mia reacts to them. (From my Instagram)
Thank you for asking, my dear! Have a good day/night!
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Question; is it okay to write a series with your Call of Duty Ocs? (Jade and her kids as well as your mother CoD Ocs.)
It wont be any x reader, nsfw, or sexualization since I too feel uncomfortable sexualizing someone's Ocs.
The series is called: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare - The Next Generation of Soldiers Fighters.
Also, full credits are handed to you since I really don't like making series and not crediting the creator of the original Characters.
The series sounds good, but I want to get permission from the creator before I do it since I don't want to be disrespectful.
(Ps, hope my British English sounds good since it's not my first language <3)
Hello! I just read this today, and I'm grateful and thankful that you admire my work, but I'm afraid I must decline and say to you to not do this :(
I think I got tagged in a post today, and I saw your post of your OC's introduction and the story that involves Jade and Andrew. While I'm flattered, it appears to me that the OC bio has a lot of similiarities to my Jade Bio post, and the fact that GhostJade's kids is still in the far future and I myself haven't even written much about them, and Andrew is still written as a kid -- it's just that you're a bit ahead of me of my own characters here 😔
To add to that, I didn't remember giving permission to use my character and create stories with them to anyone except a few people I'm close to and put trust into.
And if you're indeed the one that tagged me in that one post, I saw that your present story revolves a lot around my own OC universe. While, again, I'm glad I inspire you, I would encourage you to create your own OC universe first without it orbiting around other creators' stories.
With all that being said, I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to do the story you mentioned. I kindly ask you now to please change your post to not include my characters, including Jade and Andrew. Like every person in the fandom, you're totally fine to make content with the canon characters, but Jade and her kids are mine. Sorry to disappoint 🥲
P.S. - If you wish to make a fic that includes my characters, please ask me first, and please, PLEASE don't use anon. I don't know you. It's like you're wearing a mask and hoodie and then ask me to trust you with my character that I've built for a long time. I need to see how you write first to make sure it's not out of character. Again, my apologies, but I hope you understand. Thank you!
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 3 months
mickey stepping away from playing with franny to bitch at ian about something in the kitchen, but ian is just standing there like "🙂" trying to contain himself because mickey's still wearing his beautiful ruby costume jewelry earrings and those motherfuckers are swangin
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lizaisdrawing · 4 months
What are your boundaries to this AU?
Boundaries for my AU
I never thought about it before so things might change as time goes on but so far I really have no issues with anything as long as you credit me.
Like horror art with gore, blood, eyes etc, Is all fine! I’d actually love it haha
(Platonic or romantic) Oc x canon, canon x canon, and self shipping all that I do not care for. As long as you’re respectful, it does not matter to me. Have fun with it!
As for NSFW, I do not mind as long as it’s not straight up porn. Just don’t tag me, but always credit thank you!
Make sure to use the tag #puppeteerwally or #TPOWH (the production of welcome home)!
I’ll update when I find anymore but nothing really bothers me? lol
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ooctlt · 3 months
(For op: idk if this exists in your universe) How was quarantining for the pandemic? Was it hard being stuck in doors 24/7 with only each other or are y'all like that regardless of the state of disease in the world?
covid didnt happen in this universe, everything in held in a parallel modern-au earth where bands are named slightly different so that i can avoid 1:1 real life consistencies
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queerliblib · 4 months
what happened to the collections on queerliblib.overdrive.com? i saved the link to the nonfiction for black history month collection so i could look at it later, but now it's just a 404 error and the "collections" menu is blank!
hello! so those different categories you see pop up on the OverDrive website and in Libby like ‘In Translation’ or ‘Asexual Spectrum Representation’ are curated lists that we build from the collection. We can also only have a certain number of these lists published at one time, so we rotate a few out each month. non-fiction for Black History Month, and our valentines list, were cycled out so we could have space to post a list for Women’s History Month.
we’re sorry that caused some confusion/frustration! the good news though, is that all those books are still in our collection. you can browse just our non-fiction here, and keep an eye out for relevant titles like She Called Me Woman, Bayard Rustin: a Legacy of Protest & Politics, When they Tell You to be Good, The Famous Lady Lovers, Black Queer Freedom, & more
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