alethianightsong · 9 months
"I miss when movies weren't political-"
ALIEN is about a megacorporation coercing some salvagers into transporting a dangerous creature without telling them what it is, all because the creature could be a great bioweapon for them. When a survivor of this failed transport mission wants reparations, they screw her over to avoid a scandal.
ROBOCOP is about another mega-corporation experimenting with a cop's body and declaring him their property, trying to reduce him to an obedient killing machine who can maintain the status quo for them.
JURASSIC PARK is about a rich billionaire going all out to make a dinosaur-themed amusement park, not caring about the real-world implications of resurrecting giant lizards. He also underpays ONE guy to maintain the entire park's security systems so predictably, that one guy betrays him at a crucial moment.
The best movies weave their politics with plot & character, so you can enjoy them as entertainment but can also notice the themes. Movies without themes wind up being all spectacle and no substance, just noise and color like Michael Bay's Transformers franchise. Yeah, they make money, but they'll be forgotten in 2 generations.
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nothasanabi · 16 days
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literallynathandrake · 5 months
If grifters wanted to create real discourse (they don't, they just want clicks) then they'd admit the X-Men are stand-ins for minorities trying to achieve equality/supremacy, and that both the brotherhood and the X-Men are bad.
If you want to complain about the messaging of media, then at least engage with the actual message and not minor tweaks to character design and pronouns.
This goes for everything the right calls woke too, I'd much rather read why the empire in star wars was good than read why the world will end because they have a black guy with three lines of dialogue.
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Cuando hay pocas neuronas para argumentar, hay muchos insultos para responder...
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mydarkestreveries · 1 year
The most "anti woke" people have always been the fascists and authoritarians.
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killerhertz · 2 years
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wigoutlet · 16 days
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fabioemme78 · 3 months
Woke e Anti-Woke, non voglio parlare di voi, ma che cavolo parliamo un po' di voi e la vostra supposta lotta ideologica. Anzi ancora meglio, invece di parlare noi e ripetere sempre i nostri mantra di ogni giorno, lasciamo parlare qualcuno che almeno nel industria videoludica ci ha lavorato veramente, che ne dite?
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flyingbarc · 7 months
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andebonn · 8 months
'The Revolting Student'
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More of this rubbish: By Mistake On Purpose, published in various online backwaters
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schooltrashers · 1 year
Why Woke Men Suck
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Los Hombres sensatos no pierden los estribos...
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mysterealist · 1 year
Xylazine: 'Zombie drug' causes menace in US as users get raw wounds on s...
We All Know Why Some People on the Streets Act Extremely Intoxicated .... Because They Are! But, Now We Know WHAT it is That's Causing More and More of The Faces we Pass on the Street, or on the Floor at Walmart, are becoming More and More Unpredictable, Violent, and Let's Be Honest just Plain Crazy Psychotic Break-like Crazy!  In Today's World You literally Don't Know if the Person behind you in the Grocery Store is going to start Biting off their Fingers and Spit them in your Cart, Let alone Attack You or Your Children... Technology has Changed the world in Many Ways, but Pharmaceutically speaking --- These Drugs are Becoming More and More Chemically Altered and "Improved" to Optimize it's Medical Effectiveness Faster than the FDA can even start investigating the Drug in Question let alone Perform any Meaningful Long-or-Short-term Trials to adequately Study the Medical implications, Risk, or Side Effects... And The 21st Century has seen a huge boost in the availability of these Drugs, Supplements, etc. Especially Coming From Over Sea's, Where Not Only are The Legal and Ethical Standards of Manufacturing much Lower and the Health-Risks are Much Higher, But also in Recent years there has been an Increase in the availability of Easy Shipping Policies, both from the Government and Private Companies looking to expand their Client List regardless of How Un-Ethical it is to Ship unapproved or approved Drugs by the FDA From places Like Communist China into the US for Free, or Next Day Shipping for just a small fee! We All Need To Be Careful but Most Importantly We Need to Be Aware!!! More and More People are dying Everyday Folks from these POISONS that People like the Dealer down the street ordered off the internet to make his Grass have a “Better High” and Do You Think He Cares? No, Not if It Makes him More Money, He Won’t Care until He Realizes all his Customers are Institutionalized or 6 Feet Under!!
It’s Time to Wake Up Now & Spread the Word!! --- Drugs aren't What They Used to Be Folks....Your Grandmother's Weed back in the Peace & Love Era of the 1960′s spawned groups like the Grateful Dead,  NOT the Walking Dead!
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penny-anna · 2 months
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i usually submit to SFF magazines litfic places are weird
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