my-autism-adhd-blog · 8 months
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Me irl
Neurodivergent Girl
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incognitopolls · 3 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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389 · 2 months
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A sensory experience. New Audeum Museum by Kengo Kuma
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relaxingifs · 2 months
j.slime__official on ig
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futur3lov3r · 9 months
This is nowhere near what I usually post, but can I just rant and express how fvcking annoying it is to have really severe auditory processing disorder? Like, it’s bad enough I have to wear hearing aids (they don’t make it louder, they do some suppression and isolation) + headphones all the time, and I still have to read lips when I do that, but apparently I’m “being dramatic” because I “don’t actually have any hearing problems” because I can hear, but what does it matter that I can hear if I don’t know what I’m hearing???
And you get shit from both deaf and hearing people, like deaf & HOH people telling you to “stop using our services,” and “well… but you don’t actually know what it’s like to have hearing problems,” like… yes I do??? also like, Ive really wanted to learn ASL for a long time, so that maybe, just maybe I can communicate without issues, but in the class for hearing people at my local disability services area, they always talk to teach so I couldn’t understand, yet apparently I wasn’t eligible for the non talking course with subtitles???
Not to mention, teachers not believing you, people thinking you’re stupid, people in general not believing you have hearing issues because “you listen to music” and “you sound so normal” and having to constantly explain that you have to see someone’s face to understand what they’re saying and you’ll still get it wrong a lot.
Of course I’m not saying that I’m deaf or hard of hearing, I’m just tired of not having anyone understand and being penalized for something I can’t control.
Anyways rant over, I hope some people can relate and feel seen.
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fine-lovisa · 8 months
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sreegs · 2 years
me and some friends were chatting and i came to the discovery that one of my friends has this thing where he cannot hear the sound of other people's voices in his imagination. like, most people can imagine in their head what it would sound like for someone to say something, or even remember something that someone actually said (even like a famous speech or line from a movie) and they perceive it in the speaker's voice. however, my friend can't do this. he only "hears" it in his own voice, no matter how hard he tries.
brains are fuckin weird
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neurodiverse-adulthood · 10 months
Nourishing with a Low Appetite: Secondary Edition
Inspired by low appetite & a lifelong complicated relationship with nourishment.
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Sufficiently nourishing is critical to wellness and functioning. It can be hindered by disordered thoughts & habits, brain-body disconnect, and low appetite. This list is meant to help with nourishment and weight care!
~Most~ of these ideas are subtle cues coaxing you to eat more, cited with empirical backing. [ Warning: studies approach subjects with weight loss, restrictive eating, diet culture, & anti-fat perspectives. ] > I am not a professional-- just a struggling ND adult trying to put their Bachelor degree in psychology to good use!
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x x x x x x x x x
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↖️ Top left: Food-scented lip balm
What-- Use lip balm with a tasty scent Why-- Olfactory food cues -> eating more Bonus-- Hydrate lips, prevent skin-picking
⬆️ Top middle: Noise-cancelling headphones
What-- Play music through headphones while eating Why-- Music -> eating more Bonus-- Eliminates auditory sensitivities
↗️ Top right: Social eating
What-- Eat with a party of trusted people Why-- Eating with a group -> eating more
⬅️ Middle left: Chewelry
What-- Chew a piece of chewelry Why-- Orosensory stimulation -> eating more Bonus if food-shaped-- Food imagery -> eating more
🫵 Middle middle: Honey sticks
What-- Flavored honey in a thin, plastic tube Why-- Easy, portable shot of sustenance
➡️ Middle right: Fun utensils
What-- Eat with cute, decorated utensils of your liking Why-- Eating enjoyment -> eating more
↙️ Bottom left: Cooking shows
What-- Watch cooking and food shows Why-- Watching TV -> eating more + food imagery -> eating more Bonus-- Learn culinary skills
⬇️ Bottom middle: Larger plate
What-- Eat from larger plates Why-- Using larger kitchenware -> eating more
↘️ Bottom right: Food stickers
What-- Surround yourself with food imagery Why-- Food imagery -> eating more
See also-- upcoming tummy and digestive care posts, low appetite primary edition
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ragsweas · 1 year
Question for fellow neurodivergent peeps:
What do you do for auditory sensory overload? Or just auditory stuff in general? Are there special ear plugs for us?
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 4 months
Stimming Can Be:
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Mrs Speechie P
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davidaugust · 7 months
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wowbright · 8 months
For the purposes of this survey, it's a yes answer if it sometimes causes physical pain and other times doesn't, if the pain depends on the loudness and pitch, etc. If you want to say where the pain happens and how long it lasts, you can do that in the reblog comments or tags.
This question is only about chalk, not other items.
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bpod-bpod · 6 months
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Key of G
Detailed analysis of the role of the family of inhibitory G proteins in the development and correct orientation of the hearing system's specialised sensory hair cells that enable detection and interpretation of mechanical stimulation like sound
Read the published research article here
Image adapted from work by Amandine Jarysta and colleagues
The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, USA
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in eLife, April 2024
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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*according to aphantasia.org aphantasia is "is the inability to visualize. Otherwise known as image-free thinking." the same source defines hypophantasia as "low visual imagination" meaning persons may "experience flashes or struggle to create mental images" and such persons "have described experiences almost like aphantasia". below is an image from the same source to help put things into perspective
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**primarily meaning which learning style you feel most aligns with your learning methods even though you may actually use more than one. click here to learn more about the three learning styles. and click here or here to take a free online quiz to determine your learning style. if you don't have a primary learning style then you can maybe choose which is your favourite to use or which one you use most.
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futur3lov3r · 9 months
Omg I never expected other people to see my lil post about difficulties and stigma around auditory processing disorder, but some people did and here we are.
Tbh I really want to hear from other people with apd, and their experiences, cause I’ve actually never met another person with severe apd, so here’s a list of 10 questions if any of my fellow apd people wanna answer some!
1: when did you (or those around you) realize there was something up with your hearing?
2: does your apd come with other neurodivergency?
3: does your apd also come with specifically synesthesia?
4: what resources and accommodations have you found help best?
5: which headphones are better, in ear or outer ear?
6: how do you explain apd to those around you?
7: what is the worst thing about apd?
8: what is the best thing about apd?
9: which is worse, repetitive noises or loud noises?
10: do other people in your family have apd?
Thanks so much to anyone who responds, y’all are helping me feel less isolated!
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stimmingsensation · 2 years
video description: a hand stims with a cerushield, a small black plastic disk that produces a clicking sound when spun.
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