#bc I say so
theoldkyokodied · 9 months
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Aaaaand more very quick stream doodles. This one shot was so fun to watch, it’s so sad that it had to end already. But oh well, let’s not dwell on that and let’s enjoy the good time we had, like disguised tiefling gale being both Karlachs and astarions type, wyll and gale having a spa day, bing bong in general (rip king, you will be missed), and of course the 8 strength fight for magic items <3 thanks to the cast for the chaos, I enjoyed it thoroughly
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demobatman · 2 years
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fruity four dcom when
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polar-equinoxx · 25 days
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someone hug him rn
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leo ‘in love with being noticed and afraid of being seen’ valdez and jason ‘a minute from home but i feel so far from it’ grace and piper ‘you find love that lasts a while ‘til you lose the reasons’ mclean
that’s MY lost trio frfr
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duellance · 11 months
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Don’t think I’ve abandoned my boy on hiS BIRTHDAY!!!! 🦈☀️
(Click for better quality)
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tonbane · 1 year
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i spent SO LONG w this ganlink and now i dare hating how the faces turned out ._. another loss for the lgbt
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kennysdeadbody · 4 months
Kyle x zombie Kenny??
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a germaphobe and his dead rotting bf <3
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aka-indulgence · 10 months
Thinking of Nightmare with a kid..... he has built in baby carrier... just has to pick Child up and his tentacles crisscross over them and he's free to do whatever kid makes airplane noises
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loserdiaz · 1 year
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you deserve to be happy,
you deserve to smile so big and so strong that it makes your cheeks hurt and your eyes shine brighter than the sun.
you deserve to be free to be whoever you want to be,
free to love whoever you want to love.
you deserve bones that only ache from falling asleep on the couch on movie night, with your head on my shoulder and my arm around you.
you deserve quiet days in your kitchen with us washing the dishes while we laugh about the dumb joke your sister sent you
you deserve watching your kid grow up and learn and love
you deserve to watch at the family you chose and feel proud for how far you've come
you deserve to be soft and let yourself cry whenever you need to
you deserve tenderness
you deserve a full night of sleep, peaceful and nightmares free
you deserve breakfast in bed, my head between your thighs
you deserve to tangle your fingers in my hair, my lips worshiping every inch of your body— even the parts you think are broken
you deserve to scream yourself hoarse, not from sorrow or sadness
but from pleasure and happiness
you deserve someone who'll stay
you deserve someone who'll love you anyway
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a-crack-kinda-girl · 2 years
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*rattlesnake sound effect*
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estelle-speaks · 1 year
so we all agreeing that all the pink ladies in rise of the pink ladies are a little bit 💅?
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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I keep forgetting to post these
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straightupsickfics · 4 months
“You’ve been shivering since we got home - are you feeling okay?” is just pure 🥺🥺🥺 i'd love to see this for ed/stede or aziraphale/crowley, if it sparks any ideas. ty 💜
maybe some domestic ineffable wives in their little cottage for this one bc ... 🥹
“You’ve been shivering since we got home, are you sure you’re feeling alright, angel?” Crowley asks when another set of shivers curls Aziraphale into herself. 
They’d gone out for breakfast this morning, pancakes, with coffee so sweet it made Crowley’s teeth ache, and bowls of fruit Aziraphale had called gorgeous. It had been a glorious morning, all told, until they got stuck in the rain on their walk home. Crowley had dried off and warmed up as soon as they got back to the cottage, but Aziraphale had spent the better part of the afternoon pulling her cardigan tight and close around her, and adding blankets to her lap while she attempted to read on the couch. 
The shivering probably had more to do with the sniffles she’d been pressing into her handkerchief since last night than the rain, though. Not to mention the restless sleep she’d gotten, tossing and turning and waking up every few hours for water and to curl herself back into Crowley’s arms. 
Not that you’d ever find Crowley complaining about that, but she knows what her wife looks like when she’s sick by now. 
Aziraphale tugs at the sleeve of her sweater, tugging the sleeves down so they cover her hands. “Mm? Just chilly, I think…” She trails off and lets her eyes meet Crowley’s. 
Crowley lifts a single, perfectly manicured eyebrow. 
“A little tired,” Aziraphale admits. She’s pale, the usual pink tinge to her cheeks missing entirely. 
Crowley abandons the crochet project she’s been holding without really working on and crosses the cozy living room to join Aziraphale on the couch. She’s ignoring the book in her lap, yet another sign she’s feeling properly ill, whether or not she realizes it just yet. Crowley crowds in close, all but sitting in Aziraphale’s lap. 
“Hello,” Crowley says, nuzzling a warm kiss against Aziraphale’s neck. 
“Hi,” Aziraphale says, smiling. 
“Angel, you’re freezing,” Crowley tells her. She takes Aziraphale’s hands in her own, pushing the soft sleeves up, and rubs some warmth into them. The angel all but melts at the soft touch. 
“Not anymore,” Azirphale argues. 
“That’s just because I’m warm,” Crowley informs her. “Hot, even,” she adds, wiggling her eyebrows until the angel laughs. 
Before either of them can say anything else, Aziraphale tenses against her and Crowley can feel as much as hear the way her breath catches before her nose wrinkles up adorably and she muffles the sudden rush of sneezes against her elbow. 
“Oh dea-hihh! EIISHh’hoo! h’dtTISHh! Hh’iessshiiew!”
“Think you’re getting sick, sweetheart,” Crowley murmurs, pressing a kiss to the soft, damp tip of Aziraphale’s nose once she recovers. 
“Just a few sneezes,” Aziraphale protests, but there’s no real argument in her voice. Instead, she lets her head rest against Crowly’s shoulder, sniffling quietly while Crowley strokes her hair. 
She’d come around soon enough, Crowley knows, requesting her favorite sick day soup but not wanting Crowley to leave her side, same as always.
“This wasn’t one of your elaborate plans, was it? Sudden rainstorm to give us a reason to stay in bed all weekend?” Aziraphale teases without lifting her head. 
“Think we’re a bit past needing a reason for that, don’t you?” Crowley asks, tapping at the angel’s chin until she looks up and leans into the kiss she knows is waiting for her.
“Just a bit,” Aziraphale agrees, sniffling another few times and rubbing at her eyes, which have gone red-rimmed and tired over the course of the afternoon. 
“Wouldn’t say no to getting in bed,” Crowley offers. “Can I tempt you into an afternoon nap? Then I can do soup... That lemon tea you like...”
“You’re fussing,” Aziraphale points out. “You don’t need to fuss.” 
She doesn’t seem to realize she’s already in the process of getting up, shifting the blankets off of her and onto the couch. 
“Hmm, maybe, but you like it,” Crowley reminds her. She stands and offers Aziraphale a hand. 
“I like it,” she agrees, taking her hand.
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polar-equinoxx · 3 months
angsty animatic :3
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onejellyfishplease · 7 months
btw i forgor to mention this, but all the turtles in my Strained Eyes au are the same age, theyre quadruplets 😌
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duellance · 2 years
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Local kids save the world ✨🤡
(Click for better quality)
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