#bpd moment
g0thicf0xskulls · 4 months
am i the abusive one?
am i the reason so many people leave?
i am arent i?
i’m the problem
i always have been the problem
i’ll always be the problem
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shebeezee · 11 months
bpd develops for a reason. don’t ever let anyone make you forget that.
you were hurt and had no one when you needed it most. you’ve been through so much pain and trauma. regardless of what the world sees you as, this was the way your brain decided to cope. this was the only way your brain knew how to survive and keep you alive to this point. you’re amazing and i’m proud of you
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scary-friend · 3 months
Me When Minor Inconvenience…
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bloody-gh0st-thing · 11 months
feel depressed for a week -> 2 week manic episode -> try to recover from manic episode -> feel completely numb for a week bc the happiness is gone -> mental breakdown -> feel depre
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insaneinpink · 3 months
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perisbpddiary · 3 months
Make up your fucking mind before I lose my shit and cut you off
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bpdbeehive · 2 months
Text me back before I start crying
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maybe if i reinvent myself enough times, ill find a version of myself i actually like and want to be
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chaos-in-one · 1 year
Me looking at myself after sobbing my eyes out: Wow I’m such a hot mess hi there beautiful
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g0thicf0xskulls · 6 months
i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you i warned you
i’m not a good person. and now you see it
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shebeezee · 10 months
when they meant everything to you and you were suffocating for just the smallest piece of their attention but they moved on like you never existed
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vvvigeeek · 1 year
the urge to destroyed yourself even if you already at your lowest
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bloodyberryline · 2 years
i don't necessarily wanna die, i just wanna stop existing
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pain-is-my-game · 1 year
I hate the persona that I've created after all this time. It's not who I want to be and at this point I don't know how to change it. The words that come out of my mouth are never things that I want to say. I only say what people expect of me. I don't think that I can ever be a full person. Just a hollow shell trying to act out a role that I never wanted in the first place.
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x4ver1a · 1 year
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borderlinebeauty · 2 years
I wanna cry so badly. I feel so alone. I wanna scream. I wanna vent. I wanna be with you. But I know that I can’t. So instead I’ll continue to suffer. Suffer in silence. *immediately tears up and gasps* bro I hate this disorder so much. so fucking much.
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