#but alas I never get to dream about what I want to dream 😔
cerise-on-top · 4 months
Can you write sum poly Alejandro and Rudy hcs? If you do not write poly, please ignore :(
thank you!! Love your work!!
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Posting these two requests as one because they're essentially the same! Also, anon, I never would have written this request if the two lads weren't in love with each other as well! I'm just a lil guy, a sucker for poly relationships! Thank you for requesting this, I was so looking forward to writing this!
Being in a Poly Relationship with Alejandro and Rodolfo
You’ve likely known each other for a while and it was established very early on that Alejandro and Rodolfo were a couple. You got close to them regardless. As a friend, naturally. Spending time with each other was fun, you were there for each other through thick and thin, no matter what. There was never a sliver of doubt that the three of you cared a great deal about each other, but you always knew that between you and them, it would always stay platonic. You didn’t particularly mind that too much, they were great friends after all. Besides, teasing them about being too sweet in their relationship was also fun in and of itself. Years of you being with them would pass, years upon years of you supporting them, helping them move, helping them sort things out in their relationship from time to time. You were their closest confidant and the two of them knew they could always count on you, regardless of what it may have been. And at some point, Rodolfo would develop a little crush on you.
At first it would be small, something he could easily ignore. He had Alejandro, there was no need for someone else. Besides, was something like that even possible? Was it allowed? He didn’t know that. He didn’t know too much about poly relationships back then, but he vowed to not tell Alejandro about it either. What if he would destroy what they had? Not worth it. So he ignored his little crush that grew into a bigger problem as time went on. No matter how much he tried to hide it, it became obvious at some point. And then, when he elected to ignore you in hopes of it going away, you were the one to come up to him, understandably angry. Alejandro, too, would pitch in and ask what’s going on. Although it would take some more probing for Rodolfo to tell the truth, he would give in eventually and say what’s on his mind, ashamed beyond recognition. Alejandro would laugh a bit, claiming that he somehow had a feeling that that was the case. He doesn’t mind being in a relationship with you and Rodolfo as long as the latter would be happy. He has considered it from time to time as well, but he doesn’t harbor such strong feelings towards you, yet. However, those feelings would develop eventually.
As boyfriends, the two of them are absolutely lovely. Rodolfo is a very touch starved man, no amount of physical affection could ever satisfy him. However, he rarely does initiate physical touch. Alejandro is a very physically affectionate man, one of his hands always on either you or Rodolfo. His favorite position would be him lying against the back of the couch, with you and Rodolfo cuddling up into his side each. He absolutely melts whenever one of you falls asleep against him, making sure to tighten the grip he has on you just a bit more so you can sleep easy. While you and Rodolfo are cuddled up against him like that, one thing that Rodolfo loves more than anything is to place his hand on Alejandro’s chest, hoping you will do the same and hold his. He doesn’t have as much trouble sleeping, but just the reassurance that both of his loved ones are with him is a big reassurance. Although he rarely ever says it out loud with you in the beginning of your relationship, he does hint at wanting to be cuddled from time to time. He very much loves being held, so being with Alejandro, who loves to protect his loved ones by holding them, is very cathartic. While you can get him to hold you fairly easily, he’ll bite back a smile if you tell him that you’re going to cuddle him good.
Rodolfo is actually a pretty good dancer. He learned because of Alejandro, since he always wanted to learn. The latter may not be as good as Rodolfo, but that doesn’t stop him from pulling either of you on the dance floor and dancing with you. The more they get to touch you and each other, the better. Though, it likely won’t happen out in public, aside from some swaying when you’re out at a party, but if you’re home you’ll be spun around. Good luck trying to keep up, the two of them are pretty fast paced with each other. Sometimes they dance because they’re feeling romantic, other times it’s a competition on who can outlast the other. So far, they’ve been pretty even despite it all. Naturally, you’ll be danced with as well, it’s an important ritual for the both of them that they’ve grown fond of. If you’re a beginner then they’ll start with something slow, like slow waltzing. Neither of them particularly need to look at their feet to know the steps, so they either look at each other or you. In fact, the two of them casually converse with each other as well while they’re dancing while you’re dizzy and out of breath. But they don’t mind. If you’re especially clumsy then they’ll laugh a bit, but not out of malice. You’re just too cute, that’s all. If you’re an experienced dancer then they’ll go all out with you. You can tango with each other or dance the Viennese waltz, it’s entirely up to you. Again, the more they get to touch you, the more they get to be close to you, the better. If you’re further into the relationship they’ll even dip and kiss you. Just to show off how strong they are.
Alejandro and Rodolfo like to go hiking with each other. There likely isn’t a single place in and around Las Almas they haven’t seen yet. Naturally, they’ll have you tag along. There’s some very beautiful scenery there, if you look for it. Since being active is something that they’ve always loved, they will get you to join them, regardless of whether you love walking up mountains or if you’re a couch potato. It means a lot to them. Besides, Rodolfo can do some very convincing puppy eyes and Alejandro can be very convincing with his words. You can haggle with them on a reward you’ll get once you survive your little hike. They won’t go overboard if it’s your first time hiking with them, maybe you’ll simply walk around the city together, visit some place nearby and build up stamina like that. But even if you do agree to go hiking with them, there’s a good chance you’ll overstrain yourself if they go all out. Therefore you’ll start with something small, something reasonable. Once you’ve reached your destination you’ll likely have a small picnic there. What better way to reward yourself than with some good, homemade food? If you don’t have a lot of stamina then they’ll cheer you on and take breaks whenever it seems as though you need one. It doesn’t matter if they reach their destination in two hours or three, as long as you’re all doing well that’s all that matters.
Generally speaking, Alejandro and Rodolfo like to do a lot of things together. Rodolfo is rather introverted, so he prefers to stay at home and do things there. Alejandro is the opposite, he’s rather outgoing and always wants to go outside when he can. They don’t always see eye to eye with each other on what they should do if they have time, so having you around would make some things a bit easier. Both of them suggest something and you get to be the lucky one who chooses on what it will be you’ll be doing together. This ranges from going to a bar and drinking, to staying at home and cooking something big. Hell, if you really want, you can throw in a suggestion of your own, something neither of them thought of, and maybe you’ll do that. While the beginning stage of your polycule may be a bit awkward, you’re their equal from day one. If you wanna ride your bike around Las Almas, then you can. If you wanna go visit the United States, you can. If you wanna stay at home and watch anime all day with them, then you can. There are endless possibilities.
If you don’t know Spanish, or don’t know it that well, then they’ll be speaking to each other in Spanish while you’re around. Yes, they will mention you by name and make sure they have your attention. It might seem like they’re gossiping about you, but in reality they’re talking about where to take you next, how adorable you are and how glad they are to have you with them. Rodolfo would be a bit more reasonable and tell Alejandro to translate what he said, but it’s never anything harmful. Besides, you’ll be learning Spanish with both of them either way. Alejandro really wants you to know the language so he can speak it with you. Rodolfo doesn’t mind too much either way, but he sort of does look forward to playing teacher. You get a reward for doing well each time as well, so there’s that. However, if you’re not a native speaker, then the two of them will speed up how quickly they talk so they can be cringe and embarrassing and in love without you hearing it. If you’re a native Spanish speaker then they’ll be speaking Spanish with you anytime they can anyway, so no secrets there.
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my dearest darlingest marina i need you to know you have broken me quite thoroughly and i might never ever forgive you for it as long as we both shall live ! ❣️
to clarify- ive been saving "let's fall out of love" to read later ever since you posted it cuz i didn't feel ready- didn't think i was emotionally stable enough to read it then. well, tonight ive been clearing out my list of unread fics from last year aND GODDAMN WAS I EVER RIGHT ABOUT THAT.!!!
started getting all weepy and shaky before that first courthouse bathroom conversation and i didn't ever stop 😭 sobbed so hard and for so long at the unfairness of it all (for both of them !) i gave myself an asthma attack and had to stop reading.. what really broke me was e's bittersweet and somewhat detached realization on the courthouse steps that all their kids had flocked to laney during the divorce. couldn't stop thinking abt how badly i would've wanted to tell jesse off for being sharp to his daddy, and the knowledge that elaine COULDN'T, that it wasn't quite over yet and she still had to save face for a bit longer despite how much it killed them both, despite being the only person who could truly understand just how deep elvis was hurting right then and having been the one who'd made a whole life out of loving him hard.......... the idea of him resigning himself to having lost that forever (false) and her having to go against everything in her nature to let him ache a while longer,, oh it just shattered my spirit to bits right then and there. oh god im gonna start crying again just thinking about how lonely they both made each other 💔💔💔
im literally inconsolable, even with the reasoning behind it/ knowing how it ends beforehand, and having those future timeline fics to fall back on did nOT SAVE ME like . dear GOD woman how is that even possible?!?? if i had any shred of humanity left in my body id wax poetic for three more paragraphs abt how that speaks to your truly absolutely outstanding talent as an author and worldbuilder, but alas i think i cried out everything that was keeping me sane sometime in the last half hour and now i have to go lie facedown on the floor in my hallway and die abt it all instead 👍 fantastic work as always i love all your work so much forever etc etc 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
ps: it took me the better part of an hour to type all this out since ive lost the water content of approxinately a small ocean w my tears and am doing physically poorly in response 🫠🫠 so thanks for ur patience in this trying time 😔🙏
I spun around in circles upon reading this like my poor coon dog when she had a stroke -jovially of course. Like this is the stuff every writer dreams of getting for feedback but holy smokes, your talent for screaming? Beyond my wildest dreams. I’ve always told you how much I appreciate your time and enthusiasm to tell your thoughts Mary Hope, and now is no exception. My babe and co-author @elvisabutler deserves the pleasure of reading what we’ve wrought, as well. I’ll be halving all your medical and psychiatric expenses with her. 😏
Tbh, despite knowing both imminent and longterm reconciliation was to happen after this segment, we were just as cut up about tearing them apart as you were to read it. In fact, it was worse than all the lead up fics where the passive aggressive accumulation of grievances came across as hurts but ultimately only aggravations. This is just…PAIN. Funny how what was untenable before a tragedy suddenly appears to have been idyllic after it. Anyways.
Thank you for reading, here’s some Kleenex, albuterol and do know the sequel to this divorce is in drafts, so not finished AT ALL but it is in the works.
Not that it’ll hurt much less than this one. 😈
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I don’t know how to articulate this better but Rowena MacLeod had the growth as a character that I wanted Mary Winchester to have. Like Rowena continuously dealt with the reality in front of her and tried to better herself in some aspect, but it always felt to me that Mary was so stuck trying to figure out how to accept that the reality she knew was gone that she couldn’t honestly get where she needed to be in order to have healthy relationships with her sons and the rest of their chosen family.
(This is gonna get a little ranty- buckle up kids!)
My witch queen had a ton of growth after Crowley’s death (RIP King, you absolutely deserve so much love), but even before he died she was seeking something more for her life to push herself forward. Mary, by contrast, is consistently pulled toward things of the past- she’s a spirit in her old house, she goes to a funeral for an old hunting friend, and at one point she outright chooses to stay in a memory of her past.
I really thought when S11 finale happened that Mary was going to be this absolute badass Mom who was going to help guide her adult kids as needed while still maintaining herself as a person, and I was honestly disappointed when it seemed as though she never really found her way out. And what’s worse is that because Dean is also sort of stuck because he put her on such a pedestal as a kid, you have to watch as he comes to this realization that the mother he remembers isn’t who she is now. And her trying to keep him from being who he is by not hunting is how he understands she’s not that person. So he has to watch her be stuck while figuring out how to unstick himself.
And then you have Rowena and Crowley, who both absolutely fuck each other up, but they are 100% straight with each other that they’re here for themselves, and in having that level of honesty give each other the agency to level up. Crowley grew to sacrifice himself for the greater good. Rowena ended up growing and learning from his death to ultimately do the same and take his former position. She takes the accountability for her mistakes.
I think the reason for this is actually because of who they were as mothers. Mary was the protector type (had to be because of the hunting) who was so desperate to make sure her kids didn’t grow up the way she did that she had no idea what to do when they didn’t need her (like helicopter parenting on steroids). Rowena was hella neglectful, absolutely. But she also showed Crowley magic and left him by a workhouse before abandoning him and in doing both she unknowingly made certain he could fend for himself without her.
And while Mary always cared about the boys, I find it so interesting that ultimately, Rowena grew because of the son she supposedly hated while Mary, who loved her sons, stayed stuck. I wanted to see Mary grow in that same way with her sons (and God knows I would sell an arm and a leg to see Rowena and Crowley become the badass mother son antihero duo I dreamed they could be.). But alas… It was not to be 😔
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
Nivi – hey bestie, you’ve done it again – I wasn’t sure it could get more heartbreaking than the last one and yet!
As always, the writing is- well, it’s everything.
The parallels between high school them and college them was immaculate, and I so wish Paige could have fulfilled her dream of kissing Azzi under the confetti, but alas, maybe in another universe 😉
I loved the little exchange about UConn and California, and how that possibility was always there but Paige could just never accept it.
P and UConn winning the natty this year – it had to happen in at least one universe, so thank you for letting it happen in this one.
Side note: Drew and Paige interactions are always top tier, and very much the type of momentary fluff that I needed to break up the sadness while reading.
Side note 2: I love that I don’t even need to imagine what Azzi wearing Paige’s jersey would look like, but I’m glad ucla au Paige got to experience it too 🥹
The celebration with the team was so cute and of course it would be KK that basically helps break the ice (and her lil innocent “you should bring her around more often” 🥺). Also, all the little moments Az got with everyone else in the team was so wholesome, and ofc queen Nika being a loveable menace who’s always just looking out for her twin.
Side note 3: I love love love the two piggyback moments haha, just because that’s so pazzi core to me idk, I feel like there’s been a lot of photos where Azzi is piggybacking Paige irl, like that’s very much their thing so I adored seeing it incorporated here. But then, the ending. I knew it was coming, but it certainly did not make it hurt any less when we got there. “Fuck,” Paige’s voice is still wracked with sleep, “I thought you left.” “That’s more your style,” Azzi says – this was particularly heartbreaking, but I can’t really blame Azzi, even if P is trying so hard to make things right.
Overall, I may or may not have been tearing up throughout the entire chapter, and it somehow hit me even harder the second time I read through it? I think that’s just testament to your writing tbh.
Thoughts on what’s next:
Do things finally start getting better? It can’t get any worse, can it? (famous last words) 😅
I did wonder actually, whether you’d have them win or lose the natty, only because if they did win which obviously they did here (thank you), could that maybe change P’s mind at all on declaring or not?
I’m guessing she obviously sticks to her og decision and stays, and so I’m super intrigued on what might come next for them.
Like will they try going back to being just friends? Even though they’ve already tried and failed and knowing that would never be enough for Paige. But can they really not be in each other’s lives??
Will they try seeing other people again??
Summer’s coming up in the timeline and they’ve never spent an entire summer apart, so what will they do this summer? 😔 Or will we have a big time jump?
So many questions, and only you have the answers, Nivi.
Favourite lines/quotes:
The moon shines against Azzi’s face and Paige thinks that so much has changed, but Azzi’s still that kind of beautiful
“Do you know what my answer would have been?” “Yeah,” Azzi says softly, squeezing her hands, “yeah I do.”
Alternate lyrics that came to mind while reading:
Talk about our future like we had a clue. Never planned that one day, I'd be losing you.
In another life, I would be your girl. We'd keep all our promises, be us against the world.
Oh, and in honour of your love for Taylor, a Taylor lyric that came to mind was specifically this:
And I can go anywhere I want. Anywhere I want, just not home - mainly from the perspective of Paige getting almost everything she’s ever wanted, except the thing she wants most.
PS: I don’t really listen to Taylor’s music much anymore (nothing negative, just a shift in my music tastes these past couple of years!), but if there’s anything you think I should definitely give a listen to from her latest album, let me know!
As always, thank you for all you do for us. Have a wonderful weekend 💗
Much love, -🙋‍♀️
Hi bestie, one thing about me is that I will find a way to make it worse! 🤪
Thank you my sweets, it always means the world <3
I'm glad you caught that because I wanted to hint at the idea that it wasn't just a random decision of Azzi's part to choose UCLA and that she'd always been considering it.
If I can add Drew and Paige interactions, best believe I will find a way to do it. That's another relationship that's so precious to me.
Shoutout to the one anon who asked for Azzi to wear Paige's jersey in the universe as well because I took that and ran with it so I hope they liked it, because I liked their idea (come say hi!)
The team scene was one my favorites to write honestly, especially just in general KK is so fun to write because she's so fun and I need my chaotic family (Paige-Azzi-KK-Ice) to be a thing in every universe.
YES the piggybacks are just so Pazzi-core and I know this is an au but I like to take things from what we already know about them and just tweak it to keep some semblance of realism. Also piggyback are just really cute and Paige seems like the kind to beg literally anyone to carry her anyways
Things will get better because I actually don't know if they can get worse (actually they probably could but it might be hard to come back from lol) but things getting better is gonna take a lot
See if Paige changes her mind and declares, things become easy for them with her going to LA and I'm not in the business of making things easy for them lol
You think I have the answer to these question but truly what I write is just as much a mystery of where my inspiration will take to me as it is to you. So we'll see but we're on the ascent upwards, so no more other people lol!
As for Taylor, the new album's pretty good babes if you wanna go listen! Lowkey a lot of the songs work pretty well with this fic lmao. But my favorites are loml and Fortnight I think.
Always love your detailed takes on the new parts and just seeing you in my inbox always makes me smile <3
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Jamil, Silver: Show me the World
Ahhh 😔 so turns out most of the interview questions were about using magic, BUT we do get one question about “something they hope to do in the upcoming year” I’m counting this as a partially correct prediction 😂.
I’ll be focusing on the future as the central theme for my next birthday series. Let’s start off strong with Jamil, the birthday trendsetter! Okay but let’s be honest here, those pointy elf shoes are ugly as hell
A Boy in Bloom, and his Flowering Future.
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“What’s one thing you hope to do this upcoming year?”
The future? A tantalizing concept that Jamil often found himself toying with. It was a single die dancing between his fingers and the palm of his hand, yet to be cast.
But alas, there was no future for him—at least not one defined by his own free will.
Not yet.
Jamil concealed a fist in the long sleeves of his robes. His face held not a trace of grief, nor frustration. He speaks with a controlled calmness, his tone perfectly steady.
“… I would like to learn about the cultures of countries outside of my own.” He indicated the sky with a thumb. “I had mentioned earlier that I wanted to travel the world and see things that aren’t in any guidebook. That’s a part of my reasoning.”
“You still have travel on the mind.” Silver nodded understandingly.
“I’ve not had many opportunities to go beyond the Scalding Sands. There is so much I have yet to be discovered about the world—so much that I want to learn and to experience for myself. Customs, traditions, beliefs... They differ so greatly from one to the next.
“I want to be mindful of that so as to not offend.” Jamil granted his interviewer a half smile. Foreigners in unfamiliar lands are prone to getting taking advantage of. I would like to avoid those situations as much as I can. “And, of course, to enrich my own understanding of them.
“My parents are very hospitable. They use their knowledge of other cultures to calm their most difficult of clients. It’s a very useful skill for any circumstance. I hope that I am able to emulate it for myself.”
“Different perspectives are very important things to consider,” Silver agreed. His words were floaty and slight, like slivers of moonlight sliced from the night. “During my father’s own travels, he was able to meet people from all over Twisted Wonderland and even beyond. He has amassed many teachings and much wisdom from them. ‘There is no right way, but rather a different way,’ he’d say.”
“Your father sounds almost like a myth. Just how has one man managed to travel so much in his short lifetime?”
“Ah, he...” Silver hesitated, his eyes cutting away briefly. “He has his ways.” 
“How fortunate for him.”
What I would give for that kind of freedom. Such a thing… I can only dream of it.
A thought caught in the web of Jamil’s mind. He plucked it out between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it in the pads of his fingers. The question was offered to his interviewer.
“Out of curiosity, did you see the world with him?”
“No. I stayed at home, looking after both the house and myself.” Silver paused. The aurora of his eyes lit up moments later, his eyebrows hitching as though he’d been struck by lightning. “Oh! I see now. You were worried about me, Jamil.”
“... I was what?” The birthday boy’s eyeballs were straining to stay contained in their sockets.
“It’s alright,” Silver reassured him. “I was never lonely without my father at home. I had company. There was Sebek and the local animals for me to play with—and I knew that my father would return safely from abroad. He always does.”
“You certainly have a lot of faith in him.”
“Yes! He is a great man, one that I highly respect.” Silver laid a hand over his heart, his gaze resolute. “… Jamil. Are you unafraid?”
“Of what?”
“When you depart for your travels… are you not afraid of how that will leave your family feeling? They must miss you terribly, even now while you’re studying at Night Raven College.”
Jamil’s response was trained.
“My family will be fine. They have their own work to tend to.”
My parents would kill me if I up and left my duties to travel the world. If they found out I had plans for that at all, they would try to stop me.
Because it had never really been about what he wanted, had it? There was always something above him. A matter more pressing, a person more important.
“You can’t do this. You understand, don’t you, Jamil?” The future is not yours.
It was never mine to begin with.
It was a treasure snatched from him right when it was already within his reach. Glistening gold, rich rubies, dazzling diamonds.
Slipping through his fingers like fine grains of sand.
If only he had a genie in a lamp. Someone to snap and suddenly make all of his wishes come true.
His throat constricted.
His expression remained unchanged. His true feelings, masked.
Silver had a hand on his shoulder. The knight’s face was solemn—serious, but strangely serene. His grip tightened into a squeeze.
“You’re a good person. No matter how much it may hurt them to see you leave… I’m sure that your family will support you no matter where you choose to go in life.”
Sincerity shone in Silver’s voice and eyes.
Good will, optimism, trust. All things he could afford because he was well-meaning. Well-meaning and ignorant.
Just like...
An irritatingly cheerful face flitted into his mind. Phantom hands closing around his, and the promise of a new beginning at his ears.
He frowned.
“Let’s start over, Jamil! Not as friends, but as rivals!! We’ll push each other to work even harder, get even better…! Then… we can work our way back to ‘friends’!”
“And just who in their right mind would ever willingly want to be friends with you?!“
That decision was mine.
“… Of course.” Jamil smirked, tossing back his ponytail. It fell like a curtain of night, the golden accessories woven into it twinkling like blinking stars. “I will make the world my own, regardless of the expectations placed on me.”
That’s right. I can’t give up here.
I refuse to quietly resign myself to that fate. I don’t know when, and I don’t know how, but… I will change it by my own hand.
“You have a wonderful future ahead of you.” Silver lowered his head to the birthday boy. “We are comrades. Let’s do our best to follow in the footsteps of our loved ones.”
“… Yes, let’s.”
Follow? No—I’ll break free.
Jamil twirled his broom and mounted it, setting loose a scatter of dark petals. They twirled in the crisp autumn breeze, joining with sunset colored leaves.
Magic ignited the broomstick, sparkles dancing along its bristles—the flowers. Already, it, and Jamil’s feet, were floating a few centimeters off the ground. Eager to soar to new heights.
Jamil tossed his interviewer a cool glance. “It’s time for the departure.”
“Safe travels along the birthday road and beyond it,” Silver advised. “You will see the world someday—and when you do, it will be shining, shimmering, and splendid.”
“… Thank you, Silver.”
Jamil did not look back.
Thank you for having faith in my future.
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epicfranb · 7 months
if you could see any of the ccs play games they haven't made videos on before, what would they be?? :}
(totally not asking this bc i wanna see etho guest star on the GIGGS phasmo streams so bad-)
Honestly I'd love to see all of them play more different games other then Minecraft. Some of them do it on stream, but it just so happens that two of my faves, Etho and Bdubs, don't 🙃
I said this before that I'm honestly surprised Etho and Bdubs haven't done a series where it's just the two of them. OOGE is the closest to that, i think. So my dream is Ethubs Don't Starve series. I just imagine Bdubs running from some monster, screaming, and Etho just giggles to the side and then they both die and Bdubs curses at Etho cuz "WHAT YOU STANDING THERE LAUGHING FOR????" makes me remember a moment from Friday Night Stabbies where they discuss that Etho killed Bdubs and Bdubs goes "what are you bragging about that for, what's so great about that?" and Etho says in a tiny voice "it made me happy :)" (speaking of which, i also want Friday Night Stabbies return) i think they would get sooooo much enrichment from Don't Starve and seeing each other die a million times. They would not progress at all cuz they would try to take revenge on each other or smth but then like 1 or 2 times they would get really far and would actually tryhard then die to some stupid mistake. I never played Don't Starve btw
Other than that, i would love to see Bdubs play a story game! I want him to react to some cool events that happen and make choices and get attached to characters and try to find hints and solve puzzles and predict the plot??? That would be so sick bro
And I'm sure Etho has played Portal like a million times but i would love to see a let's play of that, or him playing co-op with someone.
And ever since Etho mentioned he plays Stardew Valley a lot to relax... I know he plays it just for himself but i would love to see him stream it once in a while. Not even necessarily say anything, just play. Ohhhhgh I'm so happy just imagining
Alas they are but dreams 😔
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aceofshitposts · 1 year
5 QUESTIONS, 15 (or whatever).
Got tagged by @generatorcat and @glaciya ❤️
My birth middle name was also my paternal grandmother's name, so I was kinda named after her. But then I went and changed my legal name to something I liked better lmao so...
Ah shit. I did name myself after something. My middle name is now Draco 😂😂 BEFORE YOU JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS. IT WAS ACTUALLY ONE OF MY FAVOURITE NAMES DUE TO THE MOVIE DRAGONHEART and its my favourite constellation.... But I am also a Draco Malfoy apologist 😔
Uuuuh someone last week? I was in the throes of another bpd episode and having a Time
Absolutely not. I'm not a child rearing kind of person. I've never really wanted children and I still don't. It's funny cuz of course the idea will come up when you're with friends like I'm school and I just sort of picked names to fit in but I truly was never able to actually picture myself as married or having kids or what I would want it to be like.
Oh yes haha I've been told my delivery is so dry that people have trouble telling if I'm actually joking or not 😅
Used to play volleyball in school. Briefly did some track stuff.
Now I do dog sports like agility :) or well I will once Al is old enough. I used to do ability with my old boss's dogs and help teach the classes though.
Oh that's tough. Uh usually whether or not I like them on fist instinct and whether I think they like me lol
I love both?? Scary movies though often compel me because there's like things going on and puzzles to work out
I can catch things without looking? Uuh, I wouldn't call this a talent but people are mystified by it anyway: my ability to get dogs to listen to me lol
It's all about persistence
hospital, almost exactly one month early
Video games, writing, art of various types, photography
Yes! I currently have a great pyrenees/gsd/golden retriever mix and I love him very much. He's 4.5 months now and such a sweetheart. He's doing really well with his service work training too but he's still got puppy brain lol
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Honestly it's hard to say since I really struggled with school my whole life. I always loved evolutionary science, though, and still do.
Running a wolf-dog sanctuary. These animals don't deserve what the get just because of people's ignorance and would love to run a place where they're safe and loved by someone who knows how to handle them.
Honestly I'd probably expand it to other unreleasable wildlife too but my main passion is canids.
Right now I'm settling for opening my own doggy daycare 😂
Another one would just to be independently wealthy and run my own little farm ala harvest moon/story of seasons and have like 15 dogs.
Gonna tag @yasmindifference @krizariel @nanapop @penumbra-twist
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perexcri · 1 year
5, 15, 28, 37 I was gonna be evil and do one every 10 for the book asks but then I gave up bc there were so many
well well well. you come to me in my ask box, on this, the day of my daughter's weddin[GUNSHOTS]
5.) something in fiction that reads like poetry
this is an excerpt from It by Stephen King that i have pinned to my wall (as you have probably noticed since it's right in front of my desk lol) that i read last year and it gutted me and left me for dead on the side of the road:
So you leave, and there is an urge to look back, to look back just once as the sunset fades, to see that severe New England skyline one final time – the spires, the Standpipe, Paul with his axe slung over his shoulder. But it is perhaps not such a good idea to look back – all the stories say so. Look what happened to Lot’s wife. Best not to look back. Best to believe there will be happily ever after all the way around – and so there may be; who is to say there will not be such endings? Not all boats which sail away into darkness never find the sun again, or the hand of another child; if life teaches anything at all, it teaches that there are so many happy endings that the man who believes there is no God needs his rationality called into serious question.
You leave and you leave quick when the sun starts to go down, he thinks in this dream. That’s what you do. And if you spare a last thought, maybe it’s ghosts you wonder about…the ghosts of children standing in the water at sunset, standing in a circle, standing with their hands joined together, their faces young, sure, but tough…tough enough, anyway, to give birth to the people they will become, tough enough to understand, maybe, that the people they will become must necessarily birth the people they were before they can get on with trying to understand simple mortality. The circle closes, the wheel rolls, and that’s all there is.
You don’t have to look back to see those children; part of your mind will see them forever, live with them forever, love with them forever. They are not necessarily the best part of you, but they were once the repository all you would become.
Children I love you. I love you so much.
So drive away quick, drive away while the last of the light slips away.
idk if that's what the question was asking for but it is poetry TO ME
15.) a book rec you really enjoyed
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All the Crooked Saints by Maggie Steifvater
this was a rec from @cherryisgone that i absolutely adored!! this author writes so beautifully, and this book read almost like a modern folktale. plus, it's about miracles (kind of like encanto, if that can be a selling point to you, dear friend 👀). i read like half of it while sitting by the beach one cloudy weekend and really enjoyed it
28.) a book you wish you could read as a beginner again
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War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
ok i don't actually want to reread war and peace. i think i'd impale myself on a bendy straw before i ever did that (especially since i read this as a challenge to myself and, perhaps you can recall, dear friend, spent most of the last two months of junior year preoccupied with while nobody in our classes would shut up :))))) ). the only reason i would even remotely want to reread it is because i have such a better grasp on the background of the events in this book, of the writer himself, and just the culture and society of Russia itself than i did in high school when i basically knew Nothing. not to say i'm an expert ofc, because i sure as hell am not, but i do have a lot more context for it and feel like i would understand it on a better level now than i did then
but alas, i'm not willing to put myself through that again :) listening to natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812 is all i need to get through the rest of this life i think
37.) your favourite heist book
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Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
you asked this just so i would have to admit you were right, huh 😔
tbh i don't think i've actually read a lot of heist books. this is the only one i could really think of, but still, it would beat out any others. also, this book has Matthias Helvar, and that's not something other heist books can say
anyway, thank you for stopping by bestie :3 here's to many more books in our future :D 💜💜💜
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hey-hey-j · 1 year
tagged by @infini-tree in my first ever tag game! fun!
rules: if you get tagged in this, answer the questions that are written and make sure to swap out one question at the end of it for the next person to answer
1. Are you named after anyone? Nah. My birth name was some random gibberish my mom made up and my chosen name, J, started out as a nickname I went by when said birth name got too hard for people.
2. Do you ever go window shopping on sites like Etsy, and if so, what kinds of things do you look at? Back when I was super into Calico Critters I would go onto the website and click through all the sets I knew I could never buy 😔. My favourites are the super mundane ones like bedrooms, kitchens, and laundry machines because they are the cutest things ever
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Look at that little vacuum cleaner 😭
3. What's your choice of listening material when doing stuff? If it's not music, it's a youtube video. My go-to youtube channels to have on in the background are Defunctland, Micarah Tewers, Nexpo, Nick Crowley, Danny Gonzalez, Drew Gooden, Kurtis Conner, Whang!, and Blameitonjorge
4. Do you use sarcasm? 90% of my brother and my's conversations are just us snarking back and forth at each other so yeah
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? Uhhh I guess notable features like hair, jewelry, if they're wearing glasses or not? Most of the time it's clothes.
6. What's your eye color? Brown
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Both! But if I really had to choose.....happy endings. Scary stories are nice but happy endings keep me going.
8. Any special talents? None. I am very bland 😔.
9. What trait in others draws you to them? I'm drawn to my fellow quiet awkward kids with dorky interests, but alas. In real life I am far too shy and socially awkward to ever approach anyone RIP.
10. What are your hobbies? Drawing, writing, knitting, reading, baking banana bread, biking (fun fact: I'm looking into getting a motorcycle license some day!), alphabetizing my spotify playlists, and transcribing TV Tropes articles for movies I like
11. Do you have any pets? I used to have a dog, an older chihuahua mutt, but we had to give him up a few years back 😔. I miss him dearly.
12. What sports do you play/have played? No thank you!
13. How tall are you? 5'3". Average as it gets.
14. Favourite subject in school? Best class I ever had in high school was an environmental studies course. The teacher was chill and friendly and the projects she had us do were fun :).
15. Dream job? Preferably none, lol. Though in honesty, I do think sometimes that it might be nice to have a job in illustration or comic making, as unfeasible as it may be. The pipe dream fantasy is to be a published graphic novelist, but I..... reeeeally doubt that's happening. Oh well. As long as I can keep making and sharing art here, I'm happy.
tagging @tornrose24 , if you're up for it, and anyone else who wants to do it!
and I'm changing #4 to: Do you like a song for its sound or for its lyrics?
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bootlickerhawks · 2 years
Twice/Hawks Anon: I wish I had some deep insights about the My Hero Academia color spread, but alas, I only have questions. If Tokoyami & Uraraka are there due to their connection with Hawks & Toga respectively, then why is Kirishima there? Yes, he helped save Bakugo at Kamino, but he never had a direct interaction with Dabi, Twice,
Toga, or even Mirko & Hawks. Besides Midoriya (who’s of course there due to protagonist privileges), none of the other members of the Kamino group are there. Kaminari has even less of a connection to the featured villains & top 10 heroes. And WHY IS MINETA THERE?! The strangest part to me is Aizawa looking away unconcerned when he’s usually so alert whenever villains are around his students. Then there’s Hawks covering his mouth. I wish I could remember what this one blogger wrote about his body language, but I think he’s hinting at his own secrecy. His headphones make me think that even in a social setting, he’s ready to block everyone one. Does Dabi look tired to you? He’s looking neither at the TV screen nor at anyone. It’s like he’s withdrawing into his own head space. Hawks, in contrast, looks predatory in the way he crouches and focuses his attention on the screen. Others have already pointed out Twice’s rigid posture & costume. Twice wears a mask to feel whole whenever he feels like he’s splitting apart. I wonder if he’s there to signify the tension of Dabi & Hawks disassociating from parts of themselves. Dabi may actually be tired inside. Hawks, even if he does achieve his dream of having free time like he does in the present moment, may not be able to relax even then due to his lifelong conditioning as a tool/spy.
I think when it comes to Hori's drawings, color spreads and such, there's a mix of deeper meaning and just stuff he wants to draw (*cough* including miruko everywhere *cough*)
Since this drawing is to promote s6 I think that's the reason Kirishima, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Mineta, Miruko and Aizawa are included. All of the above had significant moments in the war arc (yep even grape gremlin 😔)
"The strangest part to me is Aizawa looking away unconcerned when he’s usually so alert whenever villains are around his students."
It fairly common for manga artists to draw the villain and hero casts together in social settings where there's no animosity between them (kinda like actor AUs).
But I also think it's possible that this is foreshadowing that Aizawa will eventually vouch for the LOV. This is just a theory/hc, but I picture that after the big fight Deku will vouch for Shigaraki (and the LOV) with a speech à la Ochako and then several of the heroes will take his side and I imagine that Aizawa (and Mirio) will be among them.
"Then there’s Hawks covering his mouth. I wish I could remember what this one blogger wrote about his body language, but I think he’s hinting at his own secrecy. His headphones make me think that even in a social setting, he’s ready to block everyone one."
Hawks covering his mouth is his signature pose vhfkjg but yeah it def hints at his duplicitous and secretive nature.
I know Evangelion used ear buds as a metaphor for Shinji blocking himself from the rest of the world so I think you're on the money there. Headphones are an easy way to clue in audiences to Hawks' isolationist tendencies (i think? i wrote a short meta on that once? or maybe it was part of my forever unpublished jinkei meta >.&lt;)
From an in-universe perspective, we can take into consideration that since Hawks' quirk is sensory to sounds/vibrations that he needs the headphones to not get overwhelmed.
"Does Dabi look tired to you? He’s looking neither at the TV screen nor at anyone. It’s like he’s withdrawing into his own head space. Hawks, in contrast, looks predatory in the way he crouches and focuses his attention on the screen."
Dabi looks like he's napping and Hawks has to crouch forward because of his wings. But I do find the contrast between their body language interesting, Dabi looks like he's at ease and almost uninterested whereas Hawks looks like he's attentive and (maybe?) ready to spring to action.
If I had to interpret this, I would say it's in reference to their power dynamic (when it comes to information) > Hawks is unable to find anything on Dabi and is blindsided by the revelation whereas, Dabi knows Hawks' name and backstory and has prepared a tape to expose his father and Hawks. Dabi looks at ease because he's in control of the situation unlike Hawks.
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
MSBY Celeb Crush HCs!
A/n: hello lovelies!! Did y’all see the live game streamed a couple days ago with MSBY against the Adlers? Can we all agree that MSBY’s #15 was gorgeous? Okay cool anyways I was in the mood for some Black Jackals content so here’s some headcanons of them with a fem! celebrity crush/eventual gf!! Also I’m working on some more Dream SMP stuff because y’all liked it a lot and it was super fun to write so yeah :)) Hope you like this one!
Hinata would be very adamant about his celebrity crush let's be honest here
Ever since he learned about your singing group and your albums he was completely hooked
He’s seen all your interviews, has your group’s merch, etc. this man is devoted
Atsumu asked if he had any other celebrity crushes and sweet orange baby was appalled
“No offense, ‘Tsumu, but that’s the most ridiculous question I’ve ever heard. Of course I don’t, have you seen y/n?”
If he wasn’t traveling so much you bet your ass he would have gone to one of your concerts already, but alas 😔
He doesn’t post about you or your group a bunch on social media just because he’s focused on training and games and such, but when he does?
Ohhh boy
He gushes about your entire group, but he puts so much of an emphasis on you that it’s obvious you’re his favorite
“I’ve been listening to their new album on repeat for hours - sooooo glad y/n had so many solos this time around cause her voice is ✨immaculate✨!!!!”
You get tagged in a lot of stuff on social media so it never really comes across your radar, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t love watching volleyball and just adore everything about this man
If you knew he had social media you would have followed him in a heartbeat
Everytime you see him getting talked about or interviewed on television you’re just completely enraptured
One time another member of your group tried changing the channel when you were watching him in a post-game press conference and you DEADASS FOUGHT FOR THE REMOTE
“Jesus, y/n, you’re straight up feral for this volleyball guy” “He’s amazing and super pretty, let me simp in peace”
At one point your group gets an official TikTok account because why the hell not (and it’s great for publicity)
Questions usually come from your fans in the comments, but then it gets to your turn and being the hoes they are, your group conspires to ask one of their own
Your lead guitarist walks up to you sitting on the couch with her phone in hand, and pans to you watching a recorded MSBY game on the TV “Hey, one of your questions is about a celebrity crush, would you mind telling everyone yours?”
You smile excitedly, exclaiming, “Shoyo Hinata, duh. I love him and he’s my dream guy, thank you very much” NO HESITATION
Your whole publicity team loves the video and it gets posted immediately despite how flustered you’ve become
Hinata gets to the locker room after practice that same day and his phone is exploding with people tagging him on all different platforms
Tangerine bby is so confused, so he presses on one of the more recent posts and it’s a video of you watching the game with just “👀” as the caption
He’s already really happy ‘cause ‘holy flapjacks that’s my team!!!’ 🥺
Hinata registers a question about a celebrity crush from behind the camera, and before he knows it, his name is on your lips
Scares the entire team with his reaction and Atsumu is clutching his chest
“You almost gave me a heart attack, what happened?” “Y/N SAYS I’M HER DREAM GUY, I CAN DIE HAPPY”
He posts a video immediately and tags you back, and he’s got the biggest smile on his face ohmygoshhhhh “I swear on my life that you are my dream girl, I will seriously DM you my number if you want”
The internet f l i p s. I kid you not.
And you’re also freaking out because he has social media and you didn’t know? And also HE WANTS TO GIVE YOU HIS NUMBER?? So you just reply with “yes pls :3” skdjfdksop
You have your phone on hand the entire day and when you finally get a DM from his account you’re scrambling to respond/ft him asap
He sends you tickets for the next MSBY game you can make it to, and you coordinate VIP tickets for his team to come and see your group perform on tour
When y’all meet in person for the first time it’s at a little coffee shop a few days before the game you came to watch
And oh my gosh he’s even cuter in person? How is that humanly possible??
Y’all talk about anything and everything, whether that be pertaining to your careers or about your favorite dog breed
And then at the end of the day he hits you with a blushy and curious, “So, could I consider this a first date?”
You almost cry of happiness because he’s so precious, and all you can do is nod excitedly - “I would really, really like it if you did”
Being the cheeky cutie pies you both are, a picture is posted to your Instagram of y’all hugging with the caption, “met dream guy today”
That photo becomes your most liked post in a span of two days
The internet loves you both so much it’s insane
Similar to Hinata, Bokuto is very open about his love for his celeb crush
Flaunts his adoration for you everywhere and to everyone he’s friends with, but Bokuto’s like a boisterous little puppy so everyone is more or less used to it
He’s the type of guy to fall for an actress, especially like the awesome badass roles, so when he finds out about you while watching a movie one evening he legit binges everything you appear in right after
You don’t even gotta be the main character he’ll watch it just for you, doesn’t matter the genre
He’s quite active on social media and he’s like a proud boyfriend whenever he sees something about new content that you’re involved in
“Y/n looks so badass in this promo, already super excited to watch!!!”
Will repost legit anything about new stuff that you’re in it’s practically half of his feed
The other half consisting of volleyball and his friends 🥰❤️
Anywho, he gets a chance to see a movie premiere when Kuroo’s rich ass invites him along (cuz Kenma said no LMAO)
Heart❤️been broke💔🤕 so many times⏰ i don’t know❌🤷‍♀️ what to believe 🍃🙏
Doesn’t realize that you’ll be there until he sees you’re in the movie poster plastered on the red carpet
And then he looks to his left and you’re actually right there in person
He’s this close to swooning because omfg you’re so pretty-
Kuroo is standing off to the side like ‘bruh, want me to introduce you’ and Bo is bouncing on his heels like ‘YES OMG YOU KNOW HER PERSONALLY??’
You know nearly nothing about volleyball but that doesn’t even matter when Kuroo introduces you both
He’s just so genuine that you can’t help but smile and laugh at all the little things he does
You would take an Ushijima-spiked volleyball to the face for him and it’s only been ten minutes since y’all met
Like who is Ushijima and why is his left hand so spooky but anyways
He doesn’t wanna bother you too much and starts on his way to his seat in the theater, but before that you ask him if he’s going to the afterparty and if you’ll see him there
Owl child is pumped and begs Kuroo to let him tag along after the premiere
Kuroo eventually gives in because Bokuto won’t stop asking/pouting
Bokuto, for the eight millionth time: Please Kuroo lemme go :///
Kuroo: Jesus fine would you stop talking now
Bokuto: :D yee
Cute little whiny bitch lmao but he gets what he wants
So after the movie (which Bokuto loved btw) he goes to the after party and y’all talk the entire time
Like you’ll obviously stop and thank people for their kind words about the film, but then all attention goes right back to him
He’s over the moon cause you’re so nice and fun to be around, even better than he thought you would be
It’s getting a bit later into the night when you look over at him with a mischievous grin and lean over: “Wanna leave and go get some hot chocolate? Kinda tired of people buying me so much alcohol”
He is SO EXCITED - grabs your hand and y’all walk out of the after party without a second thought, but not before Bokuto tells Kuroo where he’ll be
“Hey Kuroo ima go get some hot chocolate with y/n, not sure when I’ll be back so I’ll text you” “okay have f-BOKUTO WHAT”
You sneaky little secret agents go out the back way to avoid paparazzi and order hot chocolates at this nearby cafe
Homies because you both got whipped cream on your drinks 😌👊
Y’all just have fun and joke around the rest of the night and end up exchanging contacts
You laughed so hard at one point that your hand jolted the mug you were holding and whipped cream got on your nose, so Bo just reached over and swiped it off without thinking
You blushed red when he licked the whipped cream off his thumb
This man knows not what he does
Little did you know some of the press saw you both straight vibing in your cute little booth and took pictures
Congrats you’re in the tabloids 🥳🥳 have fun with that
But honestly you don’t care because the pictures they took were so cute?
You legit contact the photographer and ask him to send you copies just cause
Needless to say you both start hanging out a whole lot, and it quickly turns into the most adorable dates; y’all are always seen out together and are super open about your relationship ugh we stan
Okay hear me out please: Atsumu is a closeted Broadway nerd
Tell me honestly that this overdramatic bitch would not love everything to do with musicals you can’t
You wouldn’t know at all until you've walked into his room and it’s just covered wall to wall in playbills
He has a warm up playlist devoted to cast recordings and literally no one knows about it because he named it some stupidly vague thing like “Bops”
Anyways you’re his all time favorite performer and he’s seen quite a few of your shows whenever he has the time
Tsumu gets really happy when he sees on your social media that you’re visiting Japan but doesn’t think anything of it
Until he’s finished playing a game at Sendai Stadium, standing with the team to sign autographs and there you are in front of him
He knew you enjoyed sports but...you came to watch his team?
Like boy half of MSBY is on the Japan National Team are you really that surprised-
The answer is YES because he’s having trouble speaking coherently as he signs the shirt you’re holding out to him
Holy shit it’s his jersey number he’s about to pass out-
Legit looks up and goes “could you give me one second?” and SPEEDS OFF TO FIND HIS BAG
You’re blinking in confusion but don’t think much else of it when Hinata bounces over to sign your stuff with his lil’ sunshine smile
Atsumu races back with his stuff, effectively startling Hinata in the process
He suddenly gets all shy when he pulls a perfectly preserved playbill out of his bag and shows it to you
“It’s my good luck charm. Do you mind signing it for me?”
Your eyes are starry because wow he took good care of that playbill and he also knows who you are??
Nervously gives you the pen he was using to sign stuff and you happily autograph the cover for him
“I didn’t realize Atsumu Miya was a fan,” you laugh. “I could say the same about you,” he grins back and holy crap if that’s not the most attractive thing-
You pull a very forward move and flip open to the cast list, writing your phone number under your headshot, and Tsumu is floored when you wink at him
“Hopefully that’ll bring you and me both some luck”
HE IS DOWN FOR THE COUNT; He’s supposed to be the flirty one on the team so everyone is laughing their asses off at his awestruck gaping
Anyways after the day ends and Sakusa has finally finished making fun of Atsumu for being a closeted musical theater stan, he texts you and asks to meet up the next day to which you eagerly respond yes
Y’all spend the rest of your trip going sightseeing together and Atsumu shows you little hidden gems around the area
Sometimes Osamu tags along to your absolute delight, because he’s hilarious and knows where all the best food spots are
Even after you leave Japan you both continue talking back and forth and coordinate times to meet whenever you’re in the same place
You’re ecstatic to know that Tsumu is very well versed when it comes to his shows, however it doesn’t particularly translate into his singing skills lmao sorry babe
But that doesn’t matter to him because at least he can rap Guns and Ships
Starting the relationship is a bit difficult just because you’re both such a long distance from each other, but each of you decide that it’s worth it since you get along so perfectly
There are so many surprise visits and every time he sees a show he sends a massive bouquet of flowers to your dressing room
You’re always spotted out and about in your Black Jackals hoodie because it’s incredibly warm and it also reminds you of him
He’s just so soft for you and supports you no matter what
No one would ever know about Sakusa’s celebrity crush, like ever
Because he’s Sakusa and if you go near his things in the first place you’re guaranteed to be hit with the disinfectant spray bottle
Not to mention the fact that he doesn’t display any of his merch at all
I feel like Sakusa would have more interest in an athlete, cause he knows that you’d take serious care of your health and that you also share his love of competition at a high caliber
Highkey think he’d fall for a figure skater
He admires the elegance and the grueling amount of physical discipline it takes to put on a solid performance
Also the outfits get the Sakusa Sparkle of Approval™
They’re just so pretty and well taken care of
The team knows about his infatuation with the sport more or less; he’s not afraid to watch competitions in front of them
If anyone on MSBY looked hard enough, they could probably figure out his exceptional interest in your performances in particular
But they’re dumbasses so it never really catches on
He for sure went to the Japan Figure Skating Championships to see who would qualify
He got one of those really nice seats up close to the rink because why not
Maybe bought something for you to not-so-subtly and awkwardly toss on the rink after your last performance
He hopes y’all spray those gifts down with a firehose because sweaty bodies be falling all over that ice; disgusting
Anyways it was a panda bear 🥰
You LOVE pandas (wow what a coincidence) and you catch a glimpse of this cute as hell dude tossing one on the rink for you
Who is this man and why is he so pretty??
Anyways you’re watching the rest of the competition from the waiting room with some other contenders
The commentators start to pan in on this top volleyball player guy who came to watch or something and hoLY ShiT-
Up close you can see just how pretty he actually is and it’s mind boggling
But despite the fact that he now lives rent free in your head you let it go cause what’re the chances
Pretty damn high, apparently, because guess who you find trying to desperately avoid the crowd leaving the stadium
“Hey, you threw me a panda plush earlier, right? You’re the one they said was on the Japan National Volleyball team!”
Sakusa is kinda shocked you recalled that information from the brief moment that they focused in on him (yes he noticed the cameras but didn’t say anything and just sat there awkwardly)
“I’m surprised you remembered me”
“Well of course I did! A cute guy from the National Team gave me a panda bear!”
You realize that you said he was cute way too late, but the warm crinkle of his eyes tells you that there’s a bit of a smile behind that mask of his now
Sir how cute can you possibly be I am ✨💍 proposing 💍✨
And so starts a wonderful conversation as you both wait for the crowds outside to dissipate
You’re the one to eventually ask for his number because gosh darn it he’s perfect and you’ve already admitted he’s cute so just shoot the shot
Sakusa’s expression stays relatively stoic but on the inside he’s kinda freaking out
But in a good way 😌💖 so he tells you his number and you put it in your phone and vice versa
His contact name is “Cute Volleyboy 🐼” at which Sakusa actually chuckles when you show him
It takes a little bit of conversation back and forth after your first meeting but eventually you’re both confident that you really like each other
Dates where you teach Sakusa how to skate!!! He’s pretty graceful so they’re actually quite enjoyable
You don’t know much about volleyball but Sakusa fills you in a lot, and you get super interested in the sport
Soon after you start dating you surprise him at one of his home games with the Black Jackals
There's no way in hell that Sakusa told his team about you, although everyone noted he was in a great mood as of late
So when you show up on the sidelines after the match and hand their germaphobe of a wing spiker a stuffed panda - which he ACCEPTS - they’re flipping out
Even more so when you kiss him on the cheek because whAT-
Sakusa knew this would happen but finds himself no longer giving a shit since you totally love his team anyways
But if Atsumu ever gets too close to you he won’t hesitate to throw that two-tone haired hoe away
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wanderingbasilisk · 2 years
Oh shite! Never done of these before, thanks @flashhwing 😁
Status: mildly stressed OTL
Favorite Color: lol that's tough... let's average out hm... seafoam green/teal, gold, dark green/blue/violet
3 Favorite Foods: just about any kind of ripe fruit 😁, any combo of bread/sandwich and soup/stew, fresh seafood, (I'd add cheese as 4th lol, alas)
Song Stuck in my Head: the first ending song for FMA brotherhood? *googling, USO by SID?
Last Thing I Googled: that poem that Three-Seagrass and Mahit wrote/published in A Memory Called Empire? The one with the line "I am a spear in the hands of the sun" ? (Man the poetry in it is great? The culture conflict themes and empire setting are so goood, @burningdarkfire thanke for writing a fic so I could get hooked and also read this book 😁)
Time: 9:29 pm
Dream Trip: provided covid is not a worry... the Great Barrier Reef in Australia? I'm not a great swimmer lol, but I'd love to see it (even though its prob diminished compared to the early 2000s 😔)
Something I Really Want Right Now: hm. I mean, hm. I love my parents and idm staying with them, but I'm really looking forwards to having my own place again, cooking what I want when I want, buying what I want when I want etc 😂
Tagging: @ruelukas22 @marymauk @valakiir (if ya want :P) and @anyone who feels like it? 😁
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dk-s · 4 years
you should go for a run when u have the chance!! it's really fun to just be outside + endorphins!!! runner's high!! i'm hoping to get faster before my track season (if we have one 😔) starts this year so i've been running a lot lately so my legs are hurting but !! it's all worth it for the pretty sunsets 🥺
and yay on finishing school next week!! that's so exciting!! i would like to go to sleep and only wake up in june after i've chosen a uni and graduated and it's summer, but alas, we're only just finishing first quarter 😔 do you know what you want to study in uni yet?
ahh i feel the same way about driving.. i've had my license for a little while now, but i'm still really anxious, and i can't drive on the highway by myself yet :( i usually drive on back roads, but that means driving at night gets really scary because there's like no one around :((
i've never read any of the lord of the rings books :( i've always wanted to bc it's definitely the kind of thing i would like, but it's always checked out of my library :( maybe once winter break gets here and i finish uni apps i'll pick it up!! since you spoke so highly of the silm i'm very excited to read it now aksjdksk and tbh i love tragedies/sad endings🥺 love playing w my emotions like that
you can speak greek?? that's so cool!! i've always wanted to study that, but i've just been taking latin at school which is fun! :) (and i can relate to listening when my parents are gossiping about me,,, sometimes i think they forget ik our native lang bc they'll just be openly talking abt me in front of me and i'm like. ik what u are saying.)
and i'm desi too!! <33
you're so cute & sweet are u even real or are u just an angel??? i hope since it's summer for you, you can get some vitamin d!! stay well rested and hydrated 🧡 and i hope you have a wonderful day/night!! ~age twin anon
omg ur desi as well?! thats so cool!!! and like yes! i really want to go for a run in the holidays and actually get fit because help, i gotta get my life in order a lil bit!
im guessing ur american? i have no idea how the school system works there but u guys do get to have ur summer in june right?! but yes uni applications are so stressful! my absolute favourite dream career is working in a museum and with ancient artefacts and studying languages and also like making sure artefacts belong to the rightful country because like its their heritage! 
but my parents tell me that history isn’t really a job that’s needed anymore so i dont think they support :( they want me to go into medicine and ngl i actually wouldn’t mind, i’d love to work at a hospital and maybe w kids? but i think years of them trying to make me do medicine has turned me against it but who knows? maybe i’ll figure it out!
and yes!! driving at night equates with being terrifying, because its all dark and like i really dont trust myself omg to make the right decision! but i want to get better and practice a lot more <3
also! im so glad u wanna read tolkien! altho i do warn u, tolkien’s worldbuilding is amazing but the silmarillion is written in a way that’s very succinct and to the point - it’s stylised as a recount and thus you’re left w/out descriptions and details and its all up to u! im not sure if you’ve read them, but if you’ve seen the iliad or the odyssey that’s how its written! and the way he casually kills ur emotional support characters is heart wrenching because u want that closure but tolkien was like uhh nah u can figure it out urself! but i hope u enjoy it!
and omgg yes i feel like i gotta casually remind my parents that i do, in fact, understand our native language and yes im sitting at the dinner table w them! also i can hear all the tea 🍵 that gets spilled so its a plus.
and yess haha i need that vitamin d! im p sure i got a deficiency but the australian summer sun is so strong and hot and im not gonna enjoy being outside in 46C during the middle of january! n like i check the weather and every single day, the uv warning is at extreme so uhh idk what to do bout that!! and also ur so kind!!! and sweet!! and ur adorable!!! i love talking to u!!! i hope u have a good day anon <3
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