#dreamsmp drabbles
mooni · 5 months
Sandcastles - lil Fundy drabble
As a kid, Fundy liked sandcastles.
He'd wait until Wilbur was distracted as if he was paying attention in the first place, then run out to the river, the one right by L'manberg with the sandy shores. Paws were careful as he shaped the most beautiful designs, walls and spires and stability, wall design akin to the same one that surrounded his country.
Sometimes he'd stay out till night, cutting his hands on shells and rocks hidden within the grains. But it was all worth it, wasn't it?
Each time Fundy left one there, he expected to return the next day to the same thing. Each time, Fundy returned to nothingness, the castle gone, everything blown away in the wind.
Each time, he repeated the process again. The building, the blind hope and devotion to something that meant nothing in the end, and the eventual letdown.
He still likes sandcastles.
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crxwnedalex · 3 months
Discduo Cottagecore Arc
"DREAM! Why is my chest lacking in cobblestone?" Tommy shouts, his voice easily reaching the ears of the green cladded hoodie wearer on the wall, building.
"I uhh, threw it in lava cus I do not want to live in an ugly house."
"You taste-less fucker you- I will murderize you!"
"After I'm done mining more cobble"
"Mhm." Dream hums back distractedly, only for a stone pickaxe to come hurdling past his head.
"Dude, WHAT THE HELL." But Tommy was already gone, cackling loudly as he ran towards the makeshift mine.
"DREAM, I KINDA NEED MY PICKAXE BACK!" The Gremlin Demon's boisterous voice could be heard from inside the mine.
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Intro and workshop
Hello, I'm BeautifulAestheticsAnon! You can just call me Aesthetic though. I'm a inspiring story writer and I thought 'why not make my own Tumblr blog?' My inspiration came from Squishycheekanon, please go check her out she makes AMAZING stories!! This workshop will grow as more stuff is made, and a masterlist will eventually get made.
This is a 18+ blog, there is NSFW and slight dark themes.
Who I will write for:
C! Dream
C! Georgenotfound
C! Sapnap
C! Wilbur (all Bur's included)
C! Technoblade
C! Foolish
C! Punz
C! Karl Jacobs
C! Eret
C! Badboyhalo
What I will write:
Hair pulling
Daddy/mommy kink
Size kink
Free use
Orgasm Denial
What I will not right:
Piss/Shit kink
Knife/Gun kink
Pain kink
Hate sex
Please respect these boundaries, but otherwise ask away and have fun!!!!
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lookinghalfacorpse · 2 years
things i’d be writing about if s2 was happening
- everyone keeps their scars.  everyone keeps their scars and their chronic pains and the physical remnants of their past lives are easily grasped and present while the mental remnants are quiet.  the UTTER MYSTERY of having a missing eye and not knowing how or why it happened.  the heartbreak when it starts to ache in the winter and you feel angry and you don’t know who to blame.
- we have a whole group of characters who hid away and didn’t lose their memories (the syndicate) !!! i’d be interested in seeing these characters return to the overworld eventually and re-meet everyone and have the dilemma of sating their curiosities vs letting them live their new lives in peace.  if this didn’t happen in canon, i’d be writing an au about it.
- nightmares and (seemingly) random phobias.  obviously, right?
- i like the idea of the new server being directly on top of the old one, with some ruins still in place.  a big, obsidian foundation in the ocean, partly engulfed by waves.  a crater, overrun by plantlife and usually written off as a weird cavern.  a few spruce boards standing alone in the arctic.
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So for the dnd con au, it takes place 10 years after Dream has been locked up in prison. So by now Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy are adults and they have their own lives to a degree. Everyone “trusts” the prison that has been made and life in theory is good— the Five Kingdoms have some bickering but nothing that’ll escalate to a war, just some political and personal issues. There really is not true threat of anything--
But everything goes into chaos the second Cala escapes the prison with Dream:
The first that would be notified is the King of Las Nevadas obviously. King Quackity would hear the news from Sam, who saw Dream teleport the two away right as he was about to land a killing blow on Cala. Quackity would be beyond furious; he would scream, he would yell, he would fucking go into a breakdown because they were trusted into keeping this man locked up-- but thats not just it- he lost one of the thriving things that gave him power and control. He lost the one good thing he had going for him over the past ten years. He would quickly send out mercenaries and other people to track them down and to try and bring Dream back alive, but he doesn't care what would happen to Cala.
News would spread around fast, and it wouldn't be long until the Kingdom of L'Manberg hears of what happened. King Wilbur, who is teetering onto becoming a maddened king at this rate would be livid in a different way. Dream-- the man who caused him all this strife but at the same time the man who revived him and gave him life, a man he idolizes to a very unhinged degree, is out now. He could be a threat to the kingdom, he could be a threat in general! A part of him would feel burning hatred for him and Quackity for letting something like this happen, but another part of him is excited. He could relive out the old days of when his kingdom was new! Who knows?? And this young halfling paladin that managed to get him out so easily? Well-- thats all the more curious for him. Tommy, his personal knight, would be conflicted. A part of him is scared; this man that practically corrupted his friend and terrorized him is back and who knows what he is doing, but he knows hes not a boy anymore-- if needed he could deal with Dream all by himself. He won't be terrified of him anymore. He would fight if needed, as long as Wilbur says the word.
Meanwhile, the rival Kingdom known as the Kingdom of Manberg would hear news about it. The King's personal knight known as Tubbo would tell him the news. His voice would be hesitant since he has the same sentiment as his friend Tommy. But rather than anger or hatred, King Schlatt would just laugh. It's a mocking, almost amused laugh. Ater all Quackity had one job and he fucked it up! Schlatt isn't scared of Dream, but he knows how all the other kingdoms would react. it would be complete chaos and Schlatt would instantly try and win it in his favor. In fact, he would love to find Dream and this Paladin himself! He wants to be the one to take them in before the other kingdoms even find them, so he would send scouts to see if they're near. "If needed, bring them in with some force." Was his simple request. Tubbo would hesistate, seeing that familiar glint in Schlatt's eyes. It's the look of him having a chance to be in more power.
Queen Eret would hear the news fast that something had happened in Las Nevadas. She would learn very quickly that the person who caused the breakout would be one of her new knights, a halfling woman named Cala Warmroot. Instantly she would have a feeling of dread. Eret knew that back in the day her betrayal towards King Wilbur was the leading factors that caused friction to the kingdoms today. If word got out that one of her knights caused this-- she fears that old wounds would open up. However, she's not upset at Cala. She knows that Cala has a big heart and what she does is never out of an act of malice or pure evil. So she must have a reason to break him out right? Something must have happened that led her to that moment. After all, Cala swore the oath of redemption and Eret expected her to take her oath seriously. But.. would this act be too much? Did the little halfling bite more than she can chew? She would sit on her throne, thinking hard as she realizes that something big is going to brew from this event, and she prepares herself for the oncoming events.
Kinoko Kingdom would be the last to know. They live in a lush forest area, but the news does come in as soon as it is able to. The drowsy King George would be falling asleep on his mushroom throne, not processing what is happening until someone would come in, frantic as they would yell the news that Dream has escaped Pandora's Vault. At first the King's personal knight, a fire genasai known as Sapnap, would be instantly probing the person for more questions. They're joking right? It's been ten years and he hasn't even made attempts at escaping! But as they get the detials, the king would be more wide awake as he realizes that the news is true. For once he would be up fully, quickly telling Sapnap to go to their wizard Karl to see if they can scry either on him or on the woman that broke him out. Sapnap would want to personally go out and kill him himself, but King George orders him not to. He says to keep things as normal and if they come here, then let George handle it. As Sapnap begrudgingly leaves to contact Karl, George stares up at the glass stained window that depicts him with the God of Creation, XD. He prays softly, wanting to know what is going on and if there is anything that he should be worried of. He isn't scared of Dream, but he is wary on what this means.
While the Kingdoms are in chaos, all the way in the snowy area of the world is a group that is trying to dismantle the kingdoms as a whole. Not out of malice no, but just so that there can be no more monarchy in general. Their efforts have lessened some over the past ten years as Techno has been trying to figure out a way to break Dream out, but it has been constantly failing. As well as that, the attacks of a cult has been diminishing their plans. One of the crows would fly to the area and perch onto Philza's shoulder, telling him the news. Philza would instantly tell his friend what had happened, and for Techno is beyond speechless. It took them ten years to try and find a way to break Dream out, and this halfling did it instantly!? He would be happy, beyond happy, but also on edge since he doesn't trust this news. Something isn't right. He would tell Philza to send his crows to spy on them while he would go to Niki and Ranboo and ask them to get ready to scout if needed to. He knows how the Kingdoms would react and he needs them in their area ASAP before something drastic happens. He needs to see Dream again-- he has to.
A passing by mercenary would hear the news of what had happened as he's travelling between kingdoms. He would pause as he eavesdrops, hearing the details of how a foolish knight managed to break him out. He would then chuckle some, amused. After all, it had been a long time since he has seen his old friend. He thought by now that Dream was going to stay in there permanently, and he certainly tried to break him out himslef but it led to a few scrapes from the Warden. He would keep a mental note and instantly start to track them down; after all he needs to give him back his book and catch up.
In all honesty, BadBoyHalo didn't expect the woman to pull it off. He thought she had a slim chance even with his assistance to sneak her in, but once the news got out that they escaped-- he would hide his pure excitement. Him and Antfrost would make an excuse on how they didn't see her; how she was too clever and sneaky for them. Meanwhile after they are dismissed, they know that the kingdoms would be more focused on the escapees and they would have no idea of anyhting else. So they begin to set more of the seeds for the Eggpire, quietly setting in some control as they pretend they are scared of the big bad Dream escaping. All of this would be a good distraction so that the Crimson Egg would grow and thrive-- and so that Skeppy could gain complete control in general.
A pirate captain would be in one of the bars at the dock, wanting to rest for the day after a long voyage across the world. She would relax and order a drink, and as she relaxes she hears the dreaded news of what had happened. She pauses and neasrly spits out her drink, shocked. She instantly asks for more information-- and once she realizes fully there's a mix of dread and... relief in a way. Her son escaped, but she has no idea what would happen next. A part of her wants to track them down herself but she knows not to, the least she can do is wait and hope they would be near at least the docks. She.. She wants to see him, after everything that has happened. She needs to see him again, she wants to hug her son and hold him, at least for a moment.
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justaltruix227 · 1 year
Next Story?
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lemon-icee · 9 months
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Hey! My name is Sammi, I'm in high school and I have a passion for writing. I feel comfortable doing character x reader and can really do any character I set my mind to. I will take requests for different characters throughout January. I'm hoping the we get a Bingo by the end of the month!
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menelron · 5 months
Just updated this fic so i'm gonna blatantly promote it.
Basically, this is a bunch of drabbles based on the concept of Tommyinnit having the powers of Sans from Undertale (to a degree). It's mainly set in the undertale multiverse and it's really just shenanigans (and occasionally a bit of angst as a treat (though i don't think i've really written any angst chapters yet oop-).).
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bedrockbrosau · 2 years
Hc that c!Tommy was a face painter, etching little bees on c!Tubbo's cheek. It was a sign of freindship.
A freindship that Tommy had believed to be ended as he snuggled into the walls of Techno's bassment.
Yet his hands still craved to perform the art that had been apart of him, now that his mind had been freed from the dullness of starvation and Dream's abuse.
He tried to paint his hand, with the meager amount of dyes he had managed to source from Techno's chests.
But it felt... off. It felt different, to paint over his own scarred hand, his own skin, there was a lack of... connection that he'd usually felt while doing it with Tubbo.
Then, Techno finally finds him, slightly amused that Tommy's hands were covered in a spilled mix of red and white, knocked over by the terrified Tommy.
As soon as Techno relents and lets Tommy stay, Tommy asks him one, tentative, question.
"Can I paint your face?"
Techno lets him.
Fur is much harder to effectively paint then smooth skin, but eventually after hours of banter and frustration, a little golden racoon practically glows right next to Techno's snout.
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flamedoesart · 2 years
Fuck it i'm gonna write a drabble off this post idgaf anymore
dedicated to @sunlitmcgee
Tubbo dealt the final blow as Dream fell to the ground, the blood pooling out of his neck. Completely and utterly lifeless.
They had done it. They had finally done it.
The two young boys hugged each other tightly and cried, their oldest enemy now finally gone.
They exited the prison, hand in hand, telling as many people on the server as possible that Dream was dead. They eventually made it to Punz's house, knocking on his door and telling him the news.
"Well," he said, "I guess now is a good time to do this finally," he said, walking away to one of his nether chests and pulling out a book from it.
The revival book.
"Wait," Tommy said, "Punz, why the fuck do you have the book? What are you-what are you going to do?"
"Relax kid," Punz said, "I'm not gonna revive Dream, although that's what he had wanted me to do in case he did die. I was his backup plan, and well," Punz paused before smiling, "he trusted the wrong person."
"You double-crossed him?" Tubbo asked.
"Nah, he had planned this way before I had saved you both. When Dream first got the revival book, he had tested it on a couple people. I stood there and watched, and he entrusted me with the physical copy of the book. At the time a part of me was still on his side. If I was still the person I was back then, I would've revived him now. But I won't. I'm never going to. And it's almost funny that he really counted on me for that. But whatever," Punz shrugged.
"Then...what do you plan on doing with that book?" Tommy asked. Punz gave him a genuine smile.
"Something you'll like. I promise."
Punz opened up the book, the hum of its magic felt in the entire room. He looked for the bookmarked page with the full spell and he spoke the words, a bright glow emanating around him. The silhouette of a tall figure began to appear in the room.
Within a few moments, the spell was complete and the person was in full view.
Black and white. A golden crown on his head. A tail brushing side-to-side, and stained tear scars on both cheeks.
"RANBOO!" Tommy and Tubbo shrieked, running across the room and tackling him in a hug. Ranboo's eyes widened before realizing what had happened. He was alive again. He was alive.
He squeezed Tommy and Tubbo in his arms, tail wrapped around them both.
"I missed you both so much, I love you both so much," Ranboo cried, feeling his cheeks start to sting. Tubbo looked up, quickly wiping the tears away.
"You're home, Boo. You're alive and you're home," Tubbo murmured.
"And Dream is gone! Tubbo fucking killed him!" Tommy said.
"Dream? He's-he's dead?" Ranboo asked.
"Yeah. We can finally live again. Our life belongs back to us again," Tommy said.
Punz stood there during all the commotion, his heart warmed by the three kids in front of him. A over a year ago, he was a heartless mercenary. Standing for nothing and no one, taking jobs and taking money. But now?
Well he still kind of did that. He was never really a good person. But he had a better conscience now. He had two kids who took up a little more of his heart than he would ever dare to admit.
"Wait, Punz" Tommy stood up and approached him, "if you had the revival book this whole time, why didn't you bring Ranboo back before?"
"I'm so sorry, Tommy," Punz said, "I couldn't risk Dream killing your friend. Anyone you cared about was a weakness, and if I had brought back Ranboo, not only would Dream have found out I double-crossed him and killed me, but he'd just kill your friend again and you'd never see him again. I don't entirely know what limbo is like and I don't want to find out, but keeping Ranboo in limbo was sadly the only option I had."
Tommy nodded. Punz knew he was angry by it, but the kid at the very least understood.
"Anyways," Punz said, "I think it's time we end this once and for all," he said. He pulled out a lighter, and the revival book, and walked outside to the front of his house. Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo followed and watched as Punz lit the book on fire, ending the revival book. Now no one on the server, present or future, could abuse its power.
The four of them stood there a long time, watching the flames engulf the pages slowly. Punz turned to the three kids.
"You're free now," he said, "go live your lives, you little shits. Go and eat a donut or whatever the fuck you do. I don't care, just go on and actually live."
Tommy and Tubbo smiled and approached Punz, both reaching up to hug him. He stood there for moment, not used to affection of any kind. He heard a quiet "Thank you man" from Tommy, and he softened and wrapped his arms around the two of them. It was a quick hug, and when the three let go, Punz ruffled both Tommy's and Tubbo's hair.
"Go on. Live," he said.
The pair nodded, and walked away with their newly-revived friend, ready to start the rest of their lives.
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casawio · 9 months
Universal Leftovers (owner's guide to your new body) - "The thing nobody tells you before revival is what comes next. So, you're alive again. What now? (and why did you deserve a second chance?)" - (One shot, with possibly more chapters in the future.)
finding solace (in the end of everything you once knew) - "Wilbur can't help hurting himself in an attempt to be a better person. He's promised himself that this time, his second chance, will be different. He'll be in control of himself this time."
I've Found Running is Something that We've Always Done Well. - "Tommy runs away from home after doing something very, very bad. The guilt drags him down on his journey, and he clings to phone calls from his brother for sanity." (complete one-shot)
Sootstep's Legacy - An abandoned warrior cats / dreamsmp AU
A Ghost Bearing the Nickname Hachikō - angsty ghostbur completed oneshot
I Bet on Losing Dogs - a few twinsduo scenes with some phil mentions. its kind of ooc i wrote it almost 3 years ago
Unsteady - bedrock bros drabble
Rejoice, the Sky’s Fucking Falling - ghostbur has a weird dream / nightmare
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lonely-lost-soul · 4 years
“I’m Not Soft.”
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Request 5: Techno and the voices simping for the reader, maybe after reader gets in (and wins) a fight or something more domestic like farming or playing with Steve
Requested By: Anonymous 
(Technoblade X Female Reader)
~Added a little bit of spice~
Technoblade kicked the snow off his boots sending little flurries all inside the doorway of his cabin. He had just arrived home, he was coming home much later than he anticipated getting held up at a long-running syndicate meeting. He was greeted by the savory smell of baked potatoes and steak, it had him practically drooling. Techno wandered into the kitchen after hanging up his cloak by the door, his plate was sitting in the furnace. He peeked inside and saw it was set on low heat just to keep his food warm, he smiled softly. 
‘She’s so thoughtful. Keeping it warm for us. We should give her a kiss! Where even is she? Find her before you eat. You can sit together!’ 
Technoblade let out a soft hum of acknowledgment listening to the advice of the voices and searching for his lady love. He stepped into the living room and noticed the fire was roaring away in the fireplace, you were still here then, very early on he made sure you knew to put the fireplace out when you were finished in the room. He had a close call with Tommy when he was living here, and since then he made sure to remind you constantly about the fireplace. He spotted you and Steve curled up next to one another by the said fireplace, you were buried in his white fur and he was snoring away loudly beside you. A book was in your lap and you were wearing one of his shirts as a pajama top, socks with little bears on them adorned your feet. 
‘Oh my god, they’re so cute together. Take a picture! Take a picture! She looks so peaceful…’
Technoblade smiled gently making sure he did end up snapping a picture, just so he could tease you about it later. Plus you were adorable and you snuggling with Steve really melted his frozen heart, 
     “You guys are doing the same thing shut up.” He growled under his breath finally walking over to you, Steve cracked his eyes open and let out a low snarl before comprehending who stood in front of him. Once he recognized The Blade he let out a disgruntled huff before falling back asleep, his movement caused you to stir. Technoblade watched as you rub the sleep from your eyes, before running your hands through your messy hair. “Morning Princess,” He cooed squatting down beside you. You blinked blearily at him for a moment before a smile lit up your face, you moved quickly wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He couldn’t help but smile in response to the hug, his hands were placed on his lower back as he squeezed.
‘So small and cute. Just like a little kitten.~ Can you give her a kiss now? I’m tired of asking for a kiss just do it. Stop making him sound like a simp. Wait look she’s pulling away-’
You pressed a kiss to his lips murmuring a weak, ‘welcome home Protesilaus.’ He shivered a little at the use of his Greek title and gave you a kiss back. 
     “Did you make me dinner?” You hummed nodded your head sleepily, “You spoil me, Princess.” He cupped your cheek with his hand and you nuzzled into it, you looked blissful. 
     “Only cause you deserve it, big guy. Want me to sit with you while you eat.” 
     “If you’re up for it.” Another kiss was pressed against the side of his lips and he purred fondly. You giggled a little and he flushed darkly, “Don’t laugh at me that’s cringe.”
     “Not laughing at you, I just love it when you purr. You’re like a big lion, who’s only soft for me.” He scoffed with an eye roll, 
     “I’m soft to no one.” 
     “Sure you’re not Tech.” You gently pat his cheek before standing up and cracking your back, Technoblade stood up beside you. The both of you walked into the kitchen, you sat at the table while he grabbed his meal. He dug in and his eyes fluttered, 
     “This is so good, god I’m so glad you’re my girlfriend.” 
     “Just for the cooking?” You teased fluttering your eyes at him and he looked thoughtful for a moment, 
     “Well, that and the great se-” You let out an indignant sound interrupting his sentence you went so red it even spread to your ears. Technoblade laughed loudly, “You’re so adorable when you’re flustered,” a smirk spread across his lips. 
‘We got her. Oh my god, she’s so cute. Awwww she’s embarrassed what a sweetheart. You should pinch her cheeks. Show her what we mean- DON’T BE GROSS. He was gross first though!’
     “You’re a terror,” You scoffed fanning your hot face with your hand trying to cool yourself down. 
     “Exactly and don’t you forget it, Princess.” He had a soft pink flush across his cheeks as you flipped him off, “Maybe later.”
     “Techno!” You squawked as he roared with laugher, “What is with you tonight!?”
     “I just missed you. I’ve been away from you all day can you blame me?”
     “I suppose not…” You trailed off smiling softly over at him and he smiled right back at you. “I’m going to head to bed, you coming or what?”
     “I’m right behind you.” He hummed placing his plate in the sink before following you up the stairs. 
The next morning was dedicated solely to you, not only because Technoblade wanted to but also because the voices just wanted to stay close to you. Your head was tightly tucked underneath his chin as he watched you sleep. The rise and fall of your chest was hypnotic and he placed his hand on your chest feeling your heartbeat flutter against his hand. He smiled watching you wake up for a second time with a sweet yawn, he kissed your nose as you regained consciousness. You snickered softly giving him a kiss right back, “Morning Techno.” 
     “Morning Princess,” He greeted, “I was wondering if you wanted to walk Steve with me today.”  
     “I’d love nothing more,” you smiled warmly “on one condition.”
     “And that would be?” Technoblade raised an eyebrow, his hand gently stroking your hip. 
      “I get to wear your cape.” His face scrunched up with disgust, 
      “My cape is sacred, you know this.”
      “I promise I’ll take really good care of it. Please for your wonderful and stunning girlfriend.” 
      “Eh?” He muttered as you batted your eyelashes at him, and despite his original distaste the voices melted seeing your face. 
‘She’s so cute. Adorable, look at those big ole eyes. Tell her she’s cute! Love of our life truly. She’s a teasing little shit ain’t she? Let her wear the cape, what's the harm?’
       “Cringe,” Technoblade said instead and the voices groaned loudly in his ears, he watched your face settle into a pout. He clicked his tongue annoyed at your pout, “come or don’t either way I gotta walk Steve- oof-“ Technoblade grunted as you sat down on his hips glaring at him. 
      “Give me the cape now.” You glared into his eyes, hands gripping onto his shoulders, his eyes lit up with amusement. 
     “Oh, you taking charge here Princess? I don’t mind if you think you can handle me.” The voices and he relished in the way your entire face turned red and you rested your forehead on his neck. 
    “You’re impossible but I’m still taking your fucking cape cringe-lord.”
     “Nerd.” He mused with a fond kiss to your lips, “but fine. I suppose you can borrow it.” Technoblade relented with a small smile, as your entire face lit up like the sun. 
‘Worth it. That smile! Be still my heart! She’s going to look so adorable. Trust us Techno you made the correct choice.’
He rolled his eyes and watched you tilt your head to the side, “The voices?” Technoblade gave a little nod. 
      “They’re being stupid.”
      “What’re they saying?” 
Sweat gathered on Technoblade’s brow, well now he couldn’t say they were complimenting you. He’d look like such an asshole. 
        “Nothing important.” He tried to cover himself up quickly and you gave a little smirk of your own. “Shut up don’t-“
       “Aw, do they like me?~” You cooed pinching the man’s cheek. “I love them too, they’re a part of you after all.” Now it was Technoblade’s turn to flush red all over if the voices weren’t gushing before they were now. 
‘Kiss her oh my god kiss her. We love her too! Tell her that right now! She needs to know! Bark bark bark bark! Everyone here is a simp. I’m the only one with a brain cell. Technooooooo tell her pleaaaaaseeeee.’
      “They Ugh...they want me to tell you they love you too.” He watched you smile again, “they also want me to give you a kiss.”
       “Well tell them I accept their kiss.”
       “Oh, they know sweetheart believe me.” He leaned forward to capture your lips, he felt you sigh pleasantly against them. His hands moved down to rest on your hips, rubbing gentle circles on them. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss but you pulled away from him, he let out a growl of disagreement. 
        “Oh hush up you grump. We have to feed the bears and dogs, plus if we’re walking Steve we need to get going.” 
       “Tease.” He grunted as you whacked him on the chest, before hopping off his lap to get dressed. He followed you out of bed, as the both of you got ready for the day ahead. You finished before Techno and slid down the ladders to whip up a quick breakfast and feed Steve. By the time Technoblade came downstairs, Steve was happily chowing away and you handed Technoblade two slices of bread. He gave you a quick kiss on the side of his head before shoveling the food into his mouth, he heard you giggle and he raised an eyebrow. “What’re you laughing at exactly?”
     “You’re eating like Steve,” Technoblade made an indignant sound of protest which only caused you to laugh harder. Sometimes he genuinely wondered how he put up with you but then he remembered he loved you and wouldn’t trade you for the world. He only rolled his eyes at you before grabbing Steve’s designated leash and hooking him up to it, the bear let out a huff and his little stub of a tail began to wiggle. “Someone’s excited,” You cooed at the bear scratching under his chin, “My big ole sweetheart.”
     “(Y/n) he’s supposed to be a killing machine please don’t coddle him.”
     “Oh fuck off Techno. Look at his face!” You squished the bear’s cheeks between your hands, “he wouldn’t hurt a fly!” The bear rumbled loudly in his throat but it was more of a pleasant sound than a threatening one. Technoblade raised an eyebrow at the antics before him, 
     “Leave our guard bear alone and go put on your boots.” You huffed but ultimately decided not to be a brat and listen to your boyfriend for once, you stood beside the door as Steve and he wandered up towards you. An eyebrow was raised and he looked you up and down, 
     “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
He watched you slowly blink before patting the sides of your winter jacket, and he chuckled deeply. He took off his cape and draped it across your shoulders, your face lit up and you snuggled into the fluff. It flowed behind you much more than it did when Technoblade wore it, it was swallowing you up. 
‘She’s so precious! We were correct, good job Techno. Such a good, sweet girl. We’re protecting her from the harsh elements! True! You don’t want her to get sick do you?’
Technoblade snapped out of his thoughts as he felt a soft kiss against the side of his cheek, “Thank you Tech, you made my morning.”
     “Anything for you.”
‘We’d kill for her you know. If anyone even looks at her wrong we’ll tear them apart. Guys, could you lighten up a little? Sheesh. Never she’s our stability.’
     “Shall we?” He held out his arm and you wrapped your hand around it snuggling against his side, he really was down bad for you. The both of you stepped out it was a beautiful sunny day the wind only a gentle chill, Techno grunted as Steve eagerly pulled him forward. He heard you laugh as he stumbled down the steps, he shot you a glare over his shoulder and you flipped him off. 
Technoblade’s face scrunched up in disbelief, “what the hell chat…” he muttered but the heat he felt in his cheeks showed he agreed with the voices. Once again at his side the two of you walked in the direction of Snow Chester, once you both came to the shoreline Technoblade turned towards you. “Would you like to visit L’manhole someday day soon?”
     “Like you even have to ask me that. I’d love to see the damage you caused.”
‘Our little anarchist in training.~ I for one, Can’t wait for her to join the Syndicate. We don’t want her to remember, we want to protect her. Exactly, her joining could put her at risk.’
     “Then we’ll go soon I promise.” 
     “I look forward to it big guy,” You cooed, pressing a feather-light kiss to his lips that sent electricity down to the tips of his toes. He tilted his head deepening the kiss slightly, his hand cupping your cheek, it was so small in his hand. He loved hearing the soft whimper you made against his lips as his tongue slipped into your mouth but the moment was shattered as he heard Steve let out a low warning growl. He rapidly pulled away and shoved you behind his back, he came face to face with BadBoyHalo, the egg cult leader himself. “Is that BBH?” 
     “Looks like it,” Techno muttered as you slipped out from behind him, the demon was in his smaller form and he waved enthusiastically. “Careful Princess,” Techno murmured hesitantly, watching him skip over, “remember the egg.” 
     “I got this Tech, no worries. I’ll be back in a moment alright.” You met Bad halfway and Technoblade shuffled uncomfortably. 
‘Don’t let her go. He’s gonna hurt her. Keep a steady eye. She’s not fragile but eavesdrop just in case. Be careful, and keep alert. Blood for the Blood God. Not yet shut up.’ 
Technoblade clicked his tongue but did eavesdrop on their conversation allowing Steve to sniff at the ground nearby for bugs.
     “(Y/n) my little muffin! How’re you doing?” 
     “I’m doing good Bad! I haven’t seen you in a while, how're you doing? Still doing egg stuff?”
     “Of course silly! That’s why I wanted to visit you.” He grabbed your hands, “I need your help.” He grazed his claws across the back of your hands, Techno watched you raise a suspicious eyebrow. 
‘That’s my girl. Always being suspicious and alert.’ He mentally praised, and the voice agreed with his though,
     “And that help would be what exactly?”
     “You need to convince Techno to give the egg a second chance!” You stared at him blankly and Technoblade tried not to laugh. 
     “Bad, you’re one of my good friends but I fucking hate the egg too.” His smile faltered a little bit and Technoblade’s hand went to the sword on his hip. Bad’s smile quickly returned and cupped your cheeks,
     “Language dear.” He scolded his smile turning strained, “this just means I need to introduce you to the egg silly! It’s going to love you,” 
     “Bad No.” He began to squeeze your face, nails digging into the flesh of your cheeks. Your eyes flashed with fear and Technoblade was about to step forward and intervene but skidded to a halt as he watched you knee Bad in the stomach. Technoblade’s jaw fell open, as you grabbed Bad’s arm as he bent over in pain and flipped him over your shoulder slamming his back into the snow and dirt. Bad let out a pained sound, but all Technoblade could focus on was the way his cape flew to the side with a flourish as you recovered. Your hair stuck to your cheeks as you glowered at the demon, “Don’t touch me.” You stood up, looking more regal than Techno’s ever seen you look, “Go home Bad, and don’t come back till you’ve sorted yourself out. This egg thing has really fucked with your head.” You walked back over towards Techno and smirked at him the fire in your eyes still burning bright. You brought a hand towards his face and you closed Technoblade’s jaw with your finger, “You’re going to catch flies babe.” His jaw snapped shut as you winked at him, you took Steve from his hand and began to walk away. 
‘Damn the cape’s covering her ass. THAT’S WHAT YOU’RE FOCUSING ON?! SHE JUST FLIPPED BADBOYHALO LIKE HE WAS A SACK OF POTATOES! NO FUCKS GIVEN! Stop screaming you’re too loud. Get me a woman who can flip me like that. God, I love strong women. Techno go make out with her right now don’t let her get away with that! We made the right choice with her, maybe she should join the Syndicate. Yeah but then seeing this side wouldn’t be as special-’
     “Tech you coming?” You called over your shoulder, 
‘Yes ma’am. Anything for you. Such a tease.’
He said nothing but followed in your footsteps, hands twitching at his sides, desperately trying to ignore the way the voices purred and begged for him to make out with you right here in the snow. 
As soon as you removed the collar from around Steve’s neck, and hung it back in it’s place by the door Technoblade pushed you up against the wall. You gave a squeak in surprise that he absolutely relished in, maybe he was a little bit of a sadist. His cape fell from your shoulders with a soft clatter as he roughly pressed his lips to yours, he watched your eyes droop closed before closing his eyes as well. “That was the hottest thing we’ve ever fucking seen,” He growled against your lips hoisting you up so that your legs wrapped around his waist. 
     “We?” You said breathlessly as his kisses moved from your lips and down to your neck, 
     “The voices.” He nipped at the skin between your shoulder and neck, enjoying the way your breath hitched in your throat. 
     “Oh,” was all you managed to get out letting your head fall back against the wall with a soft thump. Techno snickered against the burning skin on your neck, you whined a little before meekly murmuring, “Don’t stop. Please Technoblade.” 
‘Well, you heard the little lady. Don’t stop Technoblade. Make her beg some more first. Agreed, that’s what she gets for teasing us after all. Give the girl what she wants already. Who are we to deny her when she looks like that? We live to please one person and that’s her.’
Technoblade panted softly, throughout his life he was never one to deny giving the voices what they wanted. Especially when that something was you.  
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lookinghalfacorpse · 2 years
/dsmp /rp tw for mentions of violence, death, war, medical details
the various skills of philza minecraft and where he learned them.  a collection of the half-lost memories of an immortal.
basic medical procedures.  he was around 350 years old when he stumbled to the doorstep of a village doctor.  a polite, patient woman who wore shawls and long dresses.  she wrapped his wounds, gave him tea, and they hit off well enough that philza spent the next 5 years with her.  he watched her operate on soldiers, on children, on mothers and fathers.  he learned how to amputate a limb after a pre-teen boy crushed his hand during a cave exploration, and while he lay half-conscious and drunk on pain pills, his remaining hand grasped philza’s sleeve.  “how do you keep from falling in love?” he asks the doctor.  “i don’t,” she replies, “i just let it happen.”
(her home is targeted by a clever army.  if you take down the doctor, you eliminate the chance of recovery.  philza uses what he learned to try to save her-- tourniquets, cpr-- but it isn’t enough.)
herbal mixes.  he spent around 80 years with a commune deep in the mountains-- a collection of folks who needed a home and found it within one another.  they built beautiful structures and gardens where they grew herbs to mix into teas and pipes.  he outlives all of them and their children.
carpentry.  his foggiest, most distant memories take place on a farm.  he’s a clumsy young boy following his father around, holding candles for him while he worked, learning about different woodworking terms.  years and years have passed, and he can no longer remember his father’s face or name, but he’s kept many of the lessons.
flying.  everyone has to start somewhere.  phil trained with an old elytrian-- a man who has taught many, many children over his years.  when phil first approached, the man thought he was another hunter seeking to slice his wings from his back and sell them, as humans often did, but philza showed him how his wings were attached to his back and explained that they were a gift from death herself.  the elytrian’s training methods were harsh.  birds drop their children from the nest to teach them, and similarly, philza found himself tossed into the void with no option but to save himself.  his lack of other bird-like features made things interesting.  With no tail to steer or talons to grasp a perch, the old mentor had to adjust his ways when he worked with phil.  they stayed together for 20 years before the elytrian left him, as he did with all his children before.
handling panic attacks.  after a village is burned to the ground, the survivors ran away together and tried to restart.  philza joined them for a while.  many of the villagers break down into tears and tremors, barely breathing between sobs, and phil watches a young mother help them.  she coos, she traces fingertips along their skin, she whispers compliments and affirmations and confident declarations that they’ll be safe.  an earthquake destroys their efforts, and as a little boy suffocates under the ruins of his new home, philza talks to him.  coos.  traces fingertips along his skin.  whispers to him, with confidence, that he will be okay.
playing guitar.  he travels, briefly, with a warden hybrid.  being born in darkness and sculk, the hybrid has an easier time navigating cave systems than the airborne philza, so phil elects his help when he makes a journey underground.  the man is blind, and he uses music as a way to pass the time.  phil can only play basic chords, but it’s enough to help him teach his son later on.  philza doesn’t realize the man has died until he visits his home many years later to ask for his aide again, only to find the structure long abandoned.
braiding hair.  a talkative young woman at a market stall offered to teach him, insistent that he’d look lovely if he tied his long hair back.  he only wanted to buy some wool off of her, but he left with a new skill, a blush on his face from all the compliments she gave, and a discount on the wool.
(he tells kristin later, and she laughs and laughs and laughs)
leatherworking.  he pays a woman very handsomely to teach him.  she has strong, muscular arms and eyes that tear through him, and she isn’t patient with his mistakes.  her voice, heavily accented and deep, is frightening when she raises it, but philza enjoys her company regardless.  he’s been spending many years alone, and her commanding presence is a stark contrast to the silence he’s been enduring.  he likes finding ways to make her laugh.  when he returns later, hoping to ask her about a saddle he’s struggling with, he finds the shop flooded and destroyed, no owner in sight.
there’s a nerve in the spine that, if sliced, can turn the strongest of men into drooling vegetables.  philza cut it once, reducing a bloodthirsty warlord to a mindless lump of flesh within a heartbeat.  phil doesn’t talk about it, but he was 22 years old at the time, and although thousands of years have passed he still remembers the emptiness in that warlord’s eyes.  he scared himself.  he felt more aware of the consequences of brutality, of the frailty of the human body, of what vengeance can lead to.
(who could ever deserve this?  for all that he’s done, is this justice?)
archery.  escaping the violence (and the demands for his head), philza spends some time in the nether.  befriending the piglins comes easily, and they don’t really care about his past.  they do, however, care very much about how small he is.  his bones snap easily, a shove from one of their shields can toss him across a field.  they insist that he learns more long-distance techniques, and he undertakes archery.  he masters it, and he lies in wait until the overworld forgets him.
horseback riding.  he learned this from technoblade.  having lost his ability to fly, he needed new ways to travel quickly, and horses were a good option.  sitting atop a horse felt like a defeat, like a loss, like a demotion from the angel of death that he’s been for centuries, but techno taught him with a smile.
playing patty-cake.  he’s walking through a distant village when a boy, no older than 5 years old, takes a fistful of phil’s feathers.  the child is wandering alone, and when phil asks him where his parents are, he answers with questions of his own.  why do you have wings, mister?  why are you wearing a hat?  phil takes him by the hand and leads him to the side of the road, away from the horses and travelers.  the boy doesn’t seem frightened, which could be a good sign, and phil sticks around in hopes that his parents will show.  he pretends not to know how to play patty-cake as the boy teaches him.  he messes it up in exaggerated, humorous ways (smacking himself in the face, using a foot instead of a hand) to make him laugh.  when his mother returns to retrieve him, her face a deep red, he tells her that she has a most lovely son.
(philza would say that patty-cake is one of his most important skills.  and blowing raspberries on a baby’s stomach, and planting rapid-fire kisses on a toddler’s cheek until she squeals and blushes.  how do you keep from falling in love?)
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“I love your cosplay!” The young woman said excitedly as she stared up at the figure. Her electric mask mimicked the cracked one the man was wearing. It was faded, his whole outfit being ripped and disheveled as well. His arms were covered in bandages and his long dirty blonde hair was a tangled mess. Cala couldn’t help but to admire the detail of this man’s cosplay. It was a perfect portrayal on how Dream would look like in the SMP. Meanwhile her own cosplay of the character was simple: just an LED mask, a green hoodie and leather armor.
The man leered down at her and Cala just gave a sheepish smile, before the man tilted his head before he spoke in a raspy, low voice that left her stunned. It sounded almost *too* familiar.
“….Thank you.”
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elysianightsss · 3 years
Continuation of the alpha techno fic?
Alpha Techno x reader drabble
His plaid shirt was always so soft against your skin, it seemed like all his clothes were made of the softest cotton you’d ever felt. You whisked another egg into the pancake batter, ignoring the sound of chopping that was creating a throb between your legs.
He knew what he was doing, out there with nothing but loose fitted jeans on. Oh he knew. His natural body heat allowing him to stand out there in the freezing cold swinging that axe, sweat glazing across his muscular form. It sure was a sight to see. You tried you hardest not to stare through the window, letting yourself sneak some peaks while desperately trying to focus on making breakfast.
You turned and poured the batter into the pan on the stove, and that’s when the chopping stopped. Your body burned as you heard the back door open, the clang of the axe being placed on the floor, the heavy footsteps matching the thump of your heart. You jumped slightly when those large warm hands of his grabbed your hips pulling your body against him.
“You look good in my shirt.” He whispered, moving your hair out the way, pressing his nose against your scent gland and inhaling with a small groan.
“I know.” You quipped, picking up the spatula and flipping the pancake over. He chuckled, kissing along your neck, his hand slipping down to stroke the inside of your thigh. “Tec.” He hummed in reply. “This is the first time we’ve been out of bed in days.” You bit your lip, images of your bare bodies tangled together flashed through your mind.
“Far too long in my opinion.” He grinned, slipping his hand further up until he could press his fingers against the damp material that clung against your soaked core. He pulled your panties to the side slid two fingers inside you. You reached up gripping his hair moaning loudly at how good he was making you feel.
“I know sweetheart.” He cooed adding another finger. All he wanted was to focus on you, feed you and have you back in his bed ripping his shirt off of you. He had you cumming embarrassingly quick, you no longer wanted pancakes, no you wanted him.
“Time to eat.” He grinned turning you around and pecking your lips.
“No, we’re not going to eat. You’re gunna take me to your bed and fuck me.” You gripped his belt, pressing kisses to his neck. A deep chuckle rumbled through him, you’d become so cock hungry and he loved every second of it.
“No no. What kind of Alpha would I be if I let my mate starve.” He pushed a piece of hair behind your ear.
“This is not the time to be thoughtful.” You glared up at him. He smirked, the kind of smirk that showed he was up to something. And oh god was he. Techno finished making the pancakes, you watched on in agony as he plated them with your favourite toppings.
And then he made you keep his cock warm while he feed you every last bit.
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ilici · 3 years
brat tamer.
Sapnap and Karl plan too tame the brat: Y/N.
Minors DNI !!!
Warnings: Slight mention of nsfw
Word count: 426
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Sapnap shook his head as you gave him a quick pout, only earning a whine when he looked away.
Rolling his eyes, Sapnap kept his attention on Karl, as he was talking. “Are you not gonna answer them?” Karl questioned, throwing you a guilty look. Sapnap only grunted, before grabbing Karl’s shoulder pulling him closer to whisper in his ear. Growing curious, you leaned closer on the couch to try and hear what Sapnap was whispering.
Seeing Karl’s face contort into confusion, then realization as his face grew red. Slowly, Sapnap leaned back and Karl only nodded, “I get it now.” He said, clearing his throat wanting to continue his conversation from before.
“What? That’s not fair. You just told him something about me.”
Sapnap sighed as he finally faced you, and you gave him a glare. “If you’re so eager to know. I told him you’re being a bitch of a brat right now.” He told you, coldly. Feeling heat rise up to your cheeks, you looked down knowing he was right.
“You know.” Karl started, and Sapnap threw him a glance, “I’m quite good at brat taming.” Karl finished, and Sapnap raised an eyebrow and his interest piqued. “Is that so?” He questioned.
“You’re seriously listening to him?” You groaned out, and Karl only threw you a quick harsh look which made you shut up instantly. “We called you over here to just have a threesome but now that they’re being a brat I say we don’t have one. Instead we two have some fun.” Sapnap suggested, and Karl only looked away in thought.
Widening your eyes, you vigorously shook your head, “No!” You were quick to protest, and Karl smirked. “You.” He pointed at Sapnap, “Bedroom.” To which Sapnap put his hands up and walked to the bedroom. “And you.” He finally pointed at you, “I think it’s time we finally tame the brat.” He said, getting up and picking you up.
Holding onto him, you bit your lip anxiously, “You can relax, I’m not going to do anything without your permission.” Karl whispered, reassuring you. Slightly relaxing at his words, Sapnap came into your view. “Look at you two. Bonding.” He teased, and you rolled your eyes before yelping when you were thrown onto the bed roughly.
“I was going to put you down nicely, but I saw that eye roll.”
Karl said, as he unbuttoned some of his buttons, his exposed chest and collarbone shone from a layer of sweat from where Sapnap and Karl just got back from skating.
“Sapnap, you are to watch. You can have your fun when it’s your time.” He instructed, to which Sapnap only nodded intrigued. “Let’s start shall we?” He asked, a smile on his face.
“You already know the colors, and so does he. Don’t be afraid to use them.”
Sapnap said, and you nodded. Karl looked at you before crawling over you, “Let me know if you want to do this. I won’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with.” Nodding your head, he lightly pinched your thigh, “Words.” He demanded. “I want you.” You mumbled.
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