#fixed the black text
chemicalarospec · 2 years
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I just made a new sideblog and found out this setting (found under "Edit Appearance") (now found under "Blog Settings") is disabled by default.
Edit: Tumblr settings are unpredictable and devious. This may not be disabled by default for you. People have also said that their themes have been removed. Please look to the notes if experiencing complications.
This means that ALL new blogs will NOT have a [username].tumblr.com page. Not only that, but they will not have any themes besides the mobile-default.
As someone who really likes custom themes and Tumblr still having a fully customizable profile page, please turn this on!
You can make a website for your tumblr blog that is entirely your own!
Finding posts on your URL.tumblr.com page is much easier due to the ability to use your Archive and url.tumblr.com/tagged/[tag] pages!
Visiting your mutual's tumblr pages will become much more fun if they do the same! I used to always associate blogs with the themes they had, but that's sadly not possible anymore :(
If Tumblr themes die out, it will truly be an end of an era for the internet, and the future will hold only mobile-orientated, endless-scroll design devoid of personality.
Even if you don't like themes, this is a move that almost destroys Tumblr's origin as a blogging website and showcases the takeover of social-media-sameness.
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Having your own URL and custom theme is fun! Try it today!!!
Edit: I focused on promoting custom themes but I do encourage people to simply turn on this setting for the URL. You can pick a free tumblr theme or even leave on the tumblr mobile-orientated default!
Also sorry I didn't think of this until now, but there are versions of this post in the reblogs without the colored text, with extra information, with how to find this setting, and troubleshooting why it might not be working!
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izzystizzys · 3 months
Fox tags along on a smuggling bust one (1) time and subsequently wishes he’d never been decanted.
Well, he’s arrested the perp a lot more than just one time, actually, but that very first tackle into a chokehold and electrocuffs more than sufficed to turn the fates against him - the fates, and Cody, the insufferable twat. They’re not actually even batchmates, the lot of them, and going by numbers Fox was decanted long before them (long as in seconds or minutes, no one actually knows), but Seventeen put them all in a training room together and then stupid kriffing Kote looked him up and down, nodded, and hasn’t stopped calling him vod’ika since.
“Why is one of the Republic’s most wanted criminals asking to speak to you, vod’ika?”, Cody asks, without any preamble, almost making Fox cut the holocall on principle. He would, if General Kenobi wasn’t right there next to the little shit. “And why do I not like his tone?”
Fox has to resist the urge to close his eyes and scream, making do with a deep sigh instead. Force curse the day Cody decided to adopt-nap him, and Wolffe following suit immediately. “Weequay, shifty eyes, stupid fucking pirate bandana?”
Cody’s eyes narrow suspiciously, and Kenobi’s eyebrows raise simultaneously. It’s more than a little creepy.
Fox rolls his eyes so hard he sees stars. “Tell him he can go space himself, unless he wants me to do it for him. And then tell him that if he sends me fuzzy fucking socks again I might just hunt him down and do it anyways.”
Past the slide of the door, Thorn’s unmistakable cackle reaches Fox. And Cody, going by the narrowing of his eyes. “Don’t tell him that, ori’vod, he’s probably into that”, Thorn calls out, gleefully, and Force Fox really should’ve kept this to himself in the first place.
He would’ve, actually, but the constant stream of strange presents into Guard headquarters is hard to miss. It was Alderaanian chocolates, last week, which Fox pawned off on the Shinies. A box from a store with a blacked out label before that, which he launched out the window with burning ears before Thire could get a closer look at it.
“Actually”, Thorn continues, happily, “I don’t think it matters much if you do tell him anything - it’s not like the Commander has been the most graceful courtée, and that hasn’t done anything to discourage our favorite smuggler.”
“Marshall Commander”, Fox hisses, because he’s a pissy bitch, and then, because all professionalism has gone out the window anyways, “This is why Stone is my favourite.”
Thorn’s wounded gasp is lost over Kenobi’s thoughtful hum, and Cody’s patented I’m-going-to-do-something-incredibly-stupid-and-you-can’t-stop-me glare. “That would explain why we have Hondo Ohnaka accosting our troopers about your flavour preferences concerning fruit candies. But the one asking to speak to you is Cad Bane, Marshall Commander.”
The string of curses Fox lets out at that is loud enough to have Mauler stick his head in the com room to ask if everything is alright, and Thorn roll on the floor with howling laughter.
Force curse the day he ever slapped electrocuffs on Hondo Ohnaka, and double-curse the one he threw Cad Bane to the floor with a scissor leg takedown.
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euxellis · 5 months
finally reading road to no man’s land big fan of how batman is drawn like a Thing
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Batman: Shadow of the Bat #75
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etoilesombre · 11 months
Ok, I was joking with this post the other day, but it turns out I actually do want to talk about whether fucking would have fixed them.
I've seen the take a few times that what makes Silverflint work so well is that it lives in the subtext*, all tension and denial and repression, and if they fucked it would ruin the dynamic because it would be resolved.
And not to make this about me (I'm gonna) but as someone solidly at the intersection of old, slutty and queer, every time I hear this I think about my personal experiences adding fucking to intense, ambiguous relationships in stressful situations where communication about feelings was already not great.
Zero times did it fix anybody.
See: Vane and Eleanor. Also Max and Anne. Incompatibilities in goals, values and worldviews are not resolved by fucking. The work of relationships is different than the work of sex, and in some ways much much harder.
*disclaimer that shouldn't be necessary: subtextual queer relationships in media are great and valid, that is very much not what I am taking issue with.
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shaylogic · 3 months
"Love and Death" (1824) by Lord Byron
I watched thee when the foe was at our side,     Ready to strike at him--or thee and me, Were safety hopeless--rather than divide     Aught with one loved, save love and liberty.
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I watched thee on the breakers, when the rock     Received our prow, and all was storm and fear, And bade thee cling to me through every shock;     This arm would be thy bark, or breast thy bier.
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I watched thee when the fever glazed thine eyes,     Yielding my couch, and stretched me on the ground When overworn with watching, ne'er to rise     From thence, if thou an early grave hadst found.
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The earthquake came, and rocked the quivering     And men and nature reeled as if with wine. Whom did I seek around the tottering hall?     For thee.  Whose safety first provide for?  Thine
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And when convulsive throes denied my breath     The faultest utterance to my fading thought, To thee--to thee--e'en in the gasp of death     My spirit turned, oh! oftener than it ought.
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Thus much and more; and yet thou lov'st me not,     And never wilt!  Love dwells not in our will. Nor can I blame thee, though it be my lot     To strongly, wrongly, vainly love thee still.
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cosmogyros · 16 days
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darkdragon768 · 2 months
I'm so Touched! that I have to start this new game immediately.
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Hi Alastor! I have a question
If Zestial was to aid you a fight (hypothetically you both get ambushed when near each other) do you think he'd use weapons or have more magic based combat?
An odd hypothetical, seeing as we don't often happen across each other. But, in this scenario, both of us would be quite well off with our natural abilities alone. Besides that, I doubt he makes a habit of keeping lethal weapons on his person on a casual stroll about town. So, he would use magic based combat, as you put it, as would I.
Signing off
~Alastor :)
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Grinding against you in your lap would fix me
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shironezuninja · 3 months
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I mistyped something on the collage after this one and had to fix it. And I was too busy yesterday to want to post anything.
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rainowbenstyls · 1 year
movie poster: first attempt
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butchdykekondraki · 4 months
ACTUALLY did i ever talk about the like eyestrain the scp mainsite gives me lmfao
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emily-mooon · 5 months
OH GOD I HAVE A TYPE (part 2 electric bugaloo)
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pokeharvest · 11 months
um. Really scared about my laptop right now
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judesstfrancis · 1 year
girl having to write a makeout scene is gonna be what ends my whole career fr
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