#fox sends that one to rex a couple of days after this
varpusvaras · 11 months
Fox, in some social gathering he, Bail and Breha were invited to: So...I know I'm here because I'm married to these two, and Cody is here because Kenobi is here, but why are you here again?
Rex: Because these two are here *points to Anakin and Padmé*
Fox: Are you guys like. You know.
Rex: ..........honestly I am not sure, but at this point, I'm in way too deep to leave
Fox: What do you mean by that?
Rex: Observe
Luke and Leia, running up to Padmé: Mom! Can we go and-
Padmé: Oh, you need to ask your father
Luke and Leia, running to Anakin: Dad! Can we go and-
Anakin: Oh, um. Did you already ask your mom?
Luke and Leia: Yes, and she said to ask you!
Anakin: Okay, uh. Go ask Rex if you can go?
Luke and Leia, running up to Rex: Rex! Can we go and-
Rex: No, you'll die and break your legs. Now sit down for a moment and have some juice
Fox: ....oh.
Rex: Yeah.
Fox: This might be a problem
Rex: You don't say
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Clone wars headcanons that I'm posting just in time for May 4th
Anakin can’t finish a movie or tv show by himself to save his fucking life like something in his brain prevents him from finishing it without someone there to talk about it 
But he’ll try over and over and over again to a point where he will have the first half of the show memorized but still not know how it ends
He needs someone to keep him there and actually pay attention and there’s very few people that actually have the time or determination to do it (Aka Ahsoka) 
Ahsoka and Anakin watching a movie or show together is very different than watching it with the group cause Obi-Wan and Rex need total silence to enjoy a show (they’ve snapped at the duo a couple of times cause they kept asking “Okay so what the kriff does that mean”)
Padme doesn’t mind the talking as much as Rex and Obi-Wan but after a while the constant talking and theorizing and rewinding gets to her as well 
Unfortunately Ahsoka and Anakin need to talk to process media so half the time they just send emotions or questions through their bond to keep everyone happy 
I once saw a post say “do you think Ahsoka remembers how Anakin’s laugh sounded” and that question knocked the wind out of my lungs and made me cry for longer than I’d like to admit  
But it also made me realize that I can’t remember what their laughs sound like cause I don’t think they do so very often which means I get to create new laughs for them 
Anakin’s laugh is a strange and awkward little thing and sometimes people comment that it sounds like it hurts him (because he’s an emo little weirdo who doesn’t like to show he laughs) 
It’s very clunky and sometimes sounds like ill-fitted gears shifting but it’s also weirdly infectious and fills a lot of people with warmth
Ahsoka’s is equally as weird and infectious it’s very animalistic kind of like a fox’s laugh (aka very high-pitched and fucking adorable) she’s very giggly around the people she’s comfortable with 
Anakin would say that Padme’s laugh sounds like a wind chime and that's true for her fake ass senator laugh that’s controlled and most of the time forced 
But her real laugh that she lets out with family is a snorty hiccupy little thing that puts a stupid smile on Anakin’s face 
Obi-Wan’s laugh is breathy sounding sometimes wheezy but otherwise quiet sometimes people will catch him off guard and they get a kinda loud “HA” out of it but that’s the loudest it’ll get 
I know we technically heard Rex’s laugh in the clone wars movie but you can’t tell me this man wouldn’t cackle 
Like fully body doubled over laughter that shakes a damn room Anakin has joked once or twice that Rex has blown out his eardrum which just makes him laugh louder 
There is one person in the whole galaxy that Anakin trusts to fix his prosthetic and that’s Ahsoka 
He didn’t even trust the arm at first which made him take it apart entirely no one asked him questions about how he got the parts to fix it they all just let him fiddle with it because they thought it was his way of coping 
He normally gets pretty twitchy and cagey when people hold his prosthetic (besides Ahsoka obvi) Padme usually gets the best reception and by best reception I mean he doesn’t snatch it out of her hands 
Obi-Wan swears to this day the first time he picked up Anakin’s prosthetic the boy almost dislocated both their shoulders trying to get it back 
The first time Ahsoka fixed his arm was also when Anakin physically couldn’t because he was in too much pain
He talked her through the repair process tho and thanked the universe that he was hyped up on pain meds because he was sure that’s the only reason he was so calm 
Even after he recovered he showed her the proper way to fix the arm and let her take it apart and put it back together a couple of times 
He would never admit it but it is kind of a relief to have someone who can fix it the same way that he does
And everyone else is grateful that it’s kind of given the young togruta something to do when her master is injured because otherwise she’d be restless 
Sometimes when Anakin and Ahsoka want to confuse Obi-Wan they’ll act like he’s their biological father and blame stuff on him and those conversations will go something like this:
“Honestly Soka it’s not your fault you have ADHD” “You’re so right Skyguy the same could be said about you being autistic we both inherited from Obi-Wan”
The first couple of times he didn’t know how to react (because how tf do you react to that) but after a while he would start telling them “You do know we’re not actually related right?”
To which the duo whips out the most overdramatic reactions that entail Ahsoka covering Anakin’s ears and him doing the same to her montrals and they usually take turns to respond with “Master there are younglings present!”
I’m fully convinced that if Tiktok existed in the Star Wars universe Ahsoka would have one and it would be 1. Strangely popular and 2. The weirdest amalgamation of stuff
You’ve got her prank videos (mostly aimed at Anakin), story times (mostly about Anakin Rex and Obi-Wan), get ready with me’s (mostly to hang out with Padme), and her favorite: forcing the boys to dance with her 
The only videos that she has of Obi-Wan dancing are the ones of them dancing at formal events (mostly cause ballroom dancing is the one kind he knows)
Anakin, Rex and the boys are her most frequent victims and my sweet baby angel’s bless their hearts are stiff as goddamn boards
They’ve got a decent rhythm down and they can all pick up routines pretty fast but Ahsoka has had to train them to let loose a little bit 
It obviously took Anakin the longest to loosen up and that process mostly took place in their shared quarters but it also made me think of a hilarious scenario that goes something like this:
Cody was woken up at 3 am by an unexpected message from Obi-Wan well to be specific it was two messages one video and a text titled “Why are they like this”
When he plays the video he sees Anakin and Ahsoka doing some silly little (obviously choreographed) dance in the kitchen as something is baking in the oven (knowing the duo probably cookies)
Cody’s laughter could be heard throughout the barracks that night
When Ahsoka finally gets her hands on that video (because she does get her hands on that video) she edits the clips of her dancing with Obi-Wan and her dancing with Anakin 
With the caption being something cute and lowkey cheezy like “How I dance with my Dad vs how I dance with my brother” which people eat up because it’s fucking adorable 
There are also a couple of videos that she couldn’t post because it’s Rex her and the boys dancing and goofing off as mission lights and alarms go off in the background
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somestorythoughts · 2 months
Eldritch Echo -Pt 11
It's over! I am admittedly not thrilled with the ending but I think it works well enough. Enjoy!
tag: @mezmatch
It turns out that what Fives meant by “he blew up” is that for some reason one of Fox’s troopers had brought their explosives, and while rolling out of Palpatine’s way had clipped one to his robes. Fives has been checking on Char regularly since the healers let him have visitors, having grown fond of the trooper while on Coruscant. He had already been planning to introduce Echo to him, now he wondered if Echo might be able to reassure Char, who had lost an arm to Palpatine’s sabers.
“How many did you lose in the fight?” Jesse asked. Fives grimaced.
“Two dead, no one uninjured. Four of them are going to need prosthetics, including Char. Fox was electrocuted, but the healers said he’d make it. And before you ask, yes Kix I’m approved to be walking around, I made myself armor and got away with bruises and a lightsaber burn.”
Kix narrowed his eyes, but Fives for all his willingness to cause chaos wasn’t in the habit of lying to medics so he left it at that.
“What will happen with the war, with the Chancellor dead?” Hunter wondered out loud.
“The Separatists have been quiet since everything went down; it looks like they’re floundering without the Chancellor feeding them information.” Rex replied. “Cody and some of the other Commanders are strategizing the best ways to take advantage of this, they’ve already sent a couple ships to harry Grievous. The Guard’s being taken care of at the Temple for the foreseeable future, and the 501st is on leave. General Skywalker isn’t taking the revelation of the Chancellor’s actions well. Cody said he put your squad on medical leave too Hunter, so you’re welcome to join us in trying to navigate this weird building.”
“I’m pretty sure the Temple is sentient and watching us.” Fives jokes. At least, Rex thinks it’s a joke. Nope, it’s a joke until proven otherwise he does not want to think about it.
“Are troopers allowed into the Jedi Archives?” Tech inquired.
Fives shrugged. “Apparently there’s a squad assigned there, they supplied us with the Temple’s map, so I assume so. Want me to forward you the map?”
Fives reached for his comm and tapped it. After sending the map to Echo’s squad, and as relieved as he is that Echo has a squad looking out for him it’s strange to think of Echo being in a squad without him, he turns to his twin’s new squadmates. “So. Tell me what my little shit of a younger brother has been getting up to.”
Rex laughed, the rest of the troopers following behind him, and for the rest of the day, all was well.
            Without the Chancellor feeding them false information and informing the Seperatists, the war ended not long after the man was revealed to be a Sith Lord playing both sides. Grievous was defeated, and Dooku vanished not long after. The Republic and the Seperatists had entered a truce and were currently negotiating. That the Seperatists’ cooler heads had been able to set a truce may have had something to do with the Banking Clan and the Trade Federation being thrown into chaos when several files that were never supposed to be within reach of some very effective well-protected lawyers were made public.
            And if a few files had been released to keep the more warmongering senators too busy trying to cover their asses to interfere, while. Vod only gossip among themselves and they’d appreciate it if said senators stopped spitting such baseless accusations against the Corries.
            Nor did anyone know why certain Senators had decided to vote in favor of a Clone Rights Bill and to condemn the Senators and political aids that had been accused of abusing the Coruscant Guard, though they had previously refused to give a firm opinion on the Bill.
            Fives and Echo were in one of the Temple cafeterias with the Bad Batch, a few members of Torrent, and about twenty Jedi younglings that would not know war, would not know what it was to lead armies into battle. Today’s lesson was how to make pancakes.
            Things weren’t settled yet, there were still thousands of details to iron out. But the future was looking bright, they were together, and there were pancakes in the not-to-distant future.
            The Domino Twins grinned ear to ear, the Bad Batch mocked them and was immediately shoved in return, and one of the crechemasters told them to hold all horseplay till after the lesson.
            They'd be alright.
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happytroopers · 3 years
crosshairs fic idea: reader is gossiping with coworkers (maybe medics idk) about who the most attractive clone is and reader mentions crosshair and he somehow finds out and teases her
Teasing // Crosshair x reader
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“It’s definitely Captain Rex. ” Tula, a Rodian nurse from the 212th, stated decidedly. You giggled into the shitty GAR rationed caf.
“That’s just cause your into blondes.” You teased, content with the rounds of chuckles at the mess hall table as Tula’s teal cheeks blushed blue.
“I still don’t know why we’re having this conversation, they’re clones, they all look the same! Thats like the whole thing.” Rys groaned uncomfortably, the only man at the table of civilian enlistments. It was rare for some many of your friends to be in the same place at the same time- but medical staff and engineering alike, every six months after your first deployment civilian enlistments were shipped back to Coruscant for a week long training refresher.
“You can’t say that, it’s rude!” Tula slapped his arm, eyebrow ridges furrowing over her galaxy eyes. He held his hands up in surrender.
“Yeah Rys, we won’t assume you’re any less straight if you admit that Wolffe is clearly the most attractive.” Raina grinned, her peach colored lekku twitching at the thought of the commander. You considered the idea but shook your head as other names got thrown around.
Kix, Fives, Bly, Keeli, Cody, and a couple other names you didn’t quite recognize the names of were tossed around the table. Haircuts, scars, tattoos, personality all became deciding factors as you at your dinner, occasionally chiming in to tease your friends.
“Ok then, who do you think the hottest soldier is?” An engineer from some outer moon data post asked after you teased her for her choice- Tup, a younger soldier in the 501st that you hadn’t met since your transfer to Clone Force 99.
You held your hands up, ready to evade the question. But Raina interjected, a challenging look on her face. You’d gone through academy with the peachy colored twi-lek and her sharp tongue was almost faster than her flying. You knew that look, and it didn’t bode well.
“If you don’t answer, I’ll tell every trooper I see all week that you said it was them.” She threatened with a smirk that said she already knew she had won. The smirk grew to a grin when you let out a defeated sigh.
“Well, in my own personal opinion, that Crosshair is the most attractive man we work with.” You admitted quietly. An honest answer on your part, you did think he was attractive even if you’d never say it to his face. Immediately, several pairs of disbelieving eyes landed on you.
“What? He doesn’t even count!” Rys pointed an finger at you to emphasize his point, “he doesn’t even look like the other clones!”
You shrugged as Tula slapped the back of his head again, her voice scolding as she hissed, “You can’t say that either!”
Then she looked at you, “Really though? He’s meaner than a burned gundark.”
“He’s scary.” Raina nodded.
“He’s an ass.” Another one of the 212th enlistments echoed from down the table. You’d forgotten that a few of the units they were assigned to probably had worked with Clone Force 99 at some point. Nevertheless, suddenly, you felt a need to defend the sniper who had finally become what you’d consider a friend.
“Ok, so it takes a while to get to know him, but...” you started, thinking of all the amazing qualities no one else saw because they weren’t with him all the time, “he’s loyal to a fault, really funny, always pulls me out of sticky situations and usually manages to keep me out of them to begin with, once you get to know him and how he is, you see how much he cares about his-“
“Ok, sure,” Raina cut you off, clearly not believing the cold eyed sniper could care about anything or anyone. She paused to pitch her voice up, flutter her eyelashes, and clasp her hands beside her face like a cartoon princess, “we don’t know him like you do~”
She interrupted herself with a snicker before she continued in her normal voice, “and all that bantha crap, but this is about attractiveness. What makes him hot? And don’t give me any of this, personality is all I look at shit.”
“And if I tell you, you’ll leave me alone?” You asked, though it was more of a demand. Tula nodded, she had always been a little boy crazy, and was dying to hear the scoop. You sighed again, hoping your cheeks weren’t too flushed, “fine, He’s very unique looking, in all the best ways. He’s very tall and lean, but crazy built. I’m into the silver hair, and believe it or not, under the armor that man has the best ass you’ll ever see.”
Tula was leaning on the table, giggling wildly at the juicier bits of you description. Raina had leaned back in her seat, and rolled her eyes, “To each their own, I suppose.”
Fortunately for you, the conversation switched to complaining about to the soldiers that were in charge of your training. There was a rumor the Fox used “civilian training” as punishment for his men when they earned a reprimand. It made sense, all the Coruscant guardsmen that were tasked with running drills with you weren’t exactly thrilled to be there. As if any of you were either.
“Yeah, I definitely don’t understand that attitude. We get it, you don’t want to be here, neither do we, but we are so let’s just get it over with- with out the..... are you even listening?” You were in the middle of your tangent when it was clear none of your group was listening to you. Instead there were all staring over your head with varying looks of slight fear, curiosity, and overall disdain. Tula was the one who attempted to subtly point behind you. At first you feared it was one of the troopers in charge of your training, so you quickly turned around with a forced apologetic look on your face.
To your surprise, you found Crosshair. Helmet free, as usual he had a toothpick between his teeth as he gave your group an appraising sweep. He had the same look on his face that he did when he was sizing up ‘the regs’- until he got to you. It took a year for him to stop looking at you that way, but his slight sneer eased out to neutral-which when it came to the sniper, it might as well have been an ear to ear grin.
“Crosshair! What are you doing here?” You asked, turning around in your seat. In addition to his sudden appearance, just his president was slightly confusing. Typically, Hunter would come himself, or send Tech- all to avoid a potential fight. Your training mates looked slightly bewildered at the amicable exchange.
“Springing you. We’ve got an assignment.” He shrugged after plucking the toothpick from between his lips. Like a true creature of habit, he started twirling the stick between his fingers. You quirked an eyebrow motioning to the other civilians.
“You can’t ‘spring me’, it’s GAR regulation for me to do this training refresher.” You reminded him, he rolled his eyes- but you weren’t sure if his disdain was for your use of air quotes or just disdain for GAR regulation in general. With any member of the Bad Batch, it was usually general disrespect for the rules. You gave him a look before continuing, “I still have three more days.”
“Is it really training? You could run circles around anyone here, especially them.” He drawled as he nodded his head over his shoulders at the table of red painted troopers who were eyeing him in distrust. Your eyes went a little wide, was that a compliment? And then you ducked your head at the offended glares of your table. In an effort to prevent a fight, you stood quickly before letting him lead you off.
“They’re aren’t gonna let me leave, Crosshair.” You reminded him, looking up to meet his eyes. He smirked a bit, setting his eyes forward.
“How are they gonna stop us?” He challenged, dropping his smile to glare at a passing trooper.
“Well, ion cannons come to mind.” You mused before clearing your throat, “You guys could always go with me, you went on plenty of missions before you got stuck with me. It be like the good ole days.”
He didn’t laugh at your joking tone, but shook his head, “You’re one of us, you stay with us”
You were stunned to silence for a second, despite your friendship he’s never referred you you as ‘one of them’. Heat rose to your cheeks as you exited the corridor into a lift, so Crosshair diffused the tension.
“Mission takes precedence over regulations. When have we been know to follow the rules, anyways.” He mused, swiping his ID card so the lift would let you out in the hangar. He relaxed a bit when you snorted a laugh before he continued on, “Besides, how can pull you out of sticky situation if you’re on a different planet?”
You froze in your spot, stomach dropping and cheeks flaring with red hot embarrassment; you had forgotten the cardinal rule of working with Crosshair.
If you didn’t have eyes on Crosshair, Crosshair definitely had eyes on you. And in this case, apparently ears as well.
“Ok, look-“ you started, hoping to ease your embarrassment, but all of the excuses you could come up with fell flat before they made it out of your mouth. Fortunately, the lift door slid open, allowing you to escape before you could further your embarrassment.
Crosshair actually chuckled out loud, long legs easily traipsing past you as he headed towards the Havoc Marauder. Momentarily, he twisted around to walk backwards, pointing his toothpick towards you, “Don’t worry, your ass is almost as good as mine.”
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hello ma'am id like to request a captain rex x f! or gn! reader,, maybe he's promised to take reader out on a date after he returns from a mission and when he does he asks you out and stuff bksbegksgjsn hope that provides inspiration
Ooooh I love this idea and it really did spark something in my brain so thanks for that!! :D. So happy to be writing again. See below for some happiness and fluff!
Date Night With The Captain
AO3 Link
Pairing: Rex x gn!Reader
Summary: You and Rex have been pining over each other for a while now, thankfully your good friends in the Elite Guard intervene to help speed things up.
Warnings: General Audience. Don't think there is any. One bit of swearing.
Word Count: 1.5k
It was another warm, smoggy day on Coruscant. The hatch door to the landing bay of the Republic Military HQ was open, allowing whatever small breeze the planet had to offer through. The top of your Republic issued jumpsuit was tied around your waist, letting the trousers hang loosely around your lower half, in attempt to keep yourself cool. You had the radio on as you worked beneath a red A-Wing, your mind on autopilot as you rewired, cut and welded through the repairs. Casually rolling back and forth on your dolly, humming along to the newest song the radio had to offer.
Given your work as a mechanic for the Republic since the start of the war, you’d gotten to know a lot of the clones from various battalions. You always had fun working on the ships for the Wolfpack as they were natural pilots who took a real appreciation in your work. In return, you made sure to always touch up the artwork of the two buckets and General Plo’s face for them on each ship, as you knew how much it meant to the men. Other battalions, while lovely, really did love to make your job difficult. Aka, the 501st. The clones weren’t too bad when it came to flying, it was more the involvement of General Skywalker which usually meant most of your ships didn’t even make it back, and the few that did were in a questionable state. Captain Rex always had the job of checking the ships back in to you due to Skywalker’s fear of facing your wrath for another ship mishap.
Captain Rex... you felt your mind drift to think of the clone you’d been getting close with over the past few years. He was easy company. A strong, friendly presence that was always welcome in your repair bay. He’d usually stick around for longer then he should, relaying their latest mission as he nursed a cup of caff while you worked away. You’d developed quite a crush on the Captain as time went on, how could you not? His buzz cut blonde hair, his caring nature, and that handsome face which despite being a clone, had something unique about it that made you smile every time he looked at you.
Yep, you were crushing bad on the Captain. But it wasn’t entirely one-sided. Just before he departed for his last mission, you think he was attempting to ask you out on a date before his comm went off and pulled him away and back to the war. You’d been running that interaction through your brain ever since he left, trying to guess how he would’ve liked to finish his sentence.
You let out a sigh at the thought. A person could dream right. You were suddenly pulled out of your thoughts when someone yanked your dolly from out under the ship, taking you with it. You were presented with a helmet-less, Commander Fox who’s curly hair was hanging just above his eyebrows. He didn’t say anything as he shoved a cup of caff in your direction.
You got yourself up from laying on your back and gratefully accepted the caffeine “Cheers, Fox”
“You need to take a break every so often” he stated while sipping at his own beverage.
“Rich coming from you” you winked at him, “Let me guess, Stone forced you to take a break by sending you to bring me a drink and make me take a break”
“Pretty much”
“Classic” you enjoyed the comfortable silence which fell between you both. Despite his overly stressed exterior, Fox was one of your closest friends. He and the other Elite Guard Commanders always made sure to check in and look after you and you did the same for them.
After a few minutes, he spoke again “Oh, Thorn needs your advice on something. He asked you to meet him in the mess hall”
“Dating drama again?” You questioned with a chuckle.
“Most likely” Fox replied with a roll of his eyes.
You bid Fox a farewell and set off to find Thorn. The military base very much stuck to a black and grey colour scheme so it was near impossible to distinguish one hallway from another if you didn’t know you way around by memory. Your jumpsuit made some swooshing noises as your legs skimmed past one another while you walked. Tools and bolts rattled in your pocket as you went. A contrast to the quiet you found in the hallways this evening.
Eventually you spotted Thorn standing outside the mess hall where he waved you inside and disappeared into the room.
You eventually caught up and walked in and the sight you were met with took your breath away. The lights in the hall were dimmed and there was a single table set up. A few candles lit up the centre and there were two portions of standard mess food waiting on either side in their signature metal trays. Standing next to the table was an awkward looking Captain Rex, his armour still dirty from battle. He had his helmet off, letting you see the flush of pink on his cheeks as he rubbed a hand down the back of his neck.
Thorn was practically bouncing with excitement as he pushed you forward into the room. “Well you kids have fun, don’t do anything I wouldn’t dooo!” He shouted as he ran out the door, closing it behind him.
You and Rex stood there for a moment, taking each other in. He looked quite vulnerable in that moment, waiting to see your reaction.
“Hey Captain, glad to see you’re back safe and sound” you said with a smile as you walked towards him. “What’s all this?”
“Well, I uh, I’ve been meaning to take you out for a while now, but things kept getting in the way. I know it’s not Coruscant’s finest dining experience-“
“It’s perfect” you cut him off, smile beaming on your face as you realised everything you’d been dreaming about these past months was true. “How’d you manage to pull this one off?”
“It was Thorn’s idea to be fair, he managed to get Fox on board to give us access to the mess hall after hours.” You chuckled at his words, of course they were meddling. Not that you minded of course, you knew exactly what you signed up for when it came to being friends with the Coruscant Elite Guard.
“You hungry?” Rex asked, much more relaxed now he had your approval on his surprise.
“Absolutely starving” you replied as you took your seat opposite the handsome Captain.
The pair of you chatted away as you ate the standard food that the base pumped out on the regular. Rex filled you in on his latest battles and 501st drama. He mentioned that it was only him from his battalion who had returned, and he was only back for a couple of days with the General to give a briefing to the Council before heading back out again. Which explained why Fives, Kix and Jesse hadn’t come storming into the repair bay to say hello to you.
You relayed what you and the guard had been up to, the pranks that Stone and Thorn had been playing on poor Fox, any fun stories about Palpatine that Fox had bitched about to you all.
Everything came so naturally with Rex; you spoke for what neither of your realised was hours. The candles burning slowly down until they were nearly running out of wax. You didn’t realise how much you’d missed his presence until right now.
Seeing an opportunity, you took his hand in yours on the table. Running your thumb over the hardened skin on his knuckles. “This has been probably the best evening I’ve had in a long time” you admitted, blushing.
“You and me both. But it’s not quite over yet” you cocked your head at the trooper in front of you as he hit something on his comm link and suddenly some slow jazz song started playing through the room’s speakers. Rex stood up and offered you a hand to join him. You nearly swooned at the entire thing. You’d never experienced romance like this. How did you get so lucky that he’d chosen you for all of this?
You took his outstretched hand as he led you to a slightly more open portion of the hall. You wrapped your arms around his neck, he was about to put his on your hips but paused and quickly asked for permission with a quiet “May I?” before he did so. It surely was not possible for a living being to be this adorable, handsome, perfect. Right?
The pair of you began to sway casually to the song that was playing. “So how did I do?” He asked with a small smirk on his lips.
“Honestly Captain, you couldn’t have done anything better. This is perfect” you smiled up at him. Your eyes met his fiery amber ones, filled with such warmth and content. You couldn’t wait any longer, you leaned up and placed your lips on his in a soft, first kiss. Both your movements were slow against one another, enjoying the languid pace set by the dancing and music, letting it guide your kiss.
You pulled away and met his eyes again. Yep you were falling for this man. Badly. But from the looks of it, he wasn’t too far behind you.
The pair of you danced the night away, the war forgotten for that one evening.
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nimsajlove · 3 years
Brother Wolf
Some things about Ahsoka and Wolffe between the passing of time.
Brothers-AU         Ao3
Edit: What the actual hell did tumblr do to my teeny tiny stars? Or is this just me?
„Hey, who does this cadet belong to?“, a voice rang through the hangar, Jedi General Plo Koon and Commander Wolffe interrupted their conversation to raise their heads. A clone in gleaming white armor made its way through the men seated on the ground. He had grabbed a young girl by the wrist. She watched with amazement as hundreds of soldiers covered their armor with paint. Then she grinned broadly at her, obviously involuntary, companion and tried to pull her hand away from him. „I can manage on my own.“, she protested and Woffe was tempted to roll his eyes, when the general's low chuckle threw him a bit off. „Thank you very much, I will take over from here.“, assured General Koon and held out his big hand to the girl. Wolffe was fascinated, he had never really seen a togruta and he had not expected that the color of the lekku could darken that quickly!
„Sir.“, the man in white armor responded to the command and released the girl from his grasp. Hastily she reached out and clasped General Koon's fingers in hers. When she smiled, the snow-white markings on her cheekbones lifted with it. „‘Soka, how long did it take you to get here?“, asked the General and the girl grinned even wider, if possible. „It took me 10 minutes.“, she boasted. Oh dear, Wolffe only had needed 5 on his first day on Coruscant. But he also swallowed the thought, later when he was alone he would allow himself to grin a little. But not now, not in front of his Jedi.
General Koon did seem to be smiling, however. „Commander Wolffe, may I introduce you jedi youngling Ahsoka?“ She pouted! She didn't seem to like the addition of youngling at all... „‘Soka, that's Commander Wolffe.“ Wolffe bowed his head in greeting and the girl, Ahsoka, looked at him with slightly narrowed eyes. Was she studying his helmet? „Are that supposed to be ... teeth?“, she asked critically and General Koon seemed to smile again, where had Wolffe got into? A jedi cadet who eyed him with a predatory look and a jedi general who seemed to be having a lot of fun. If he told Fox that, it might even make his brother laugh.
Before Wolffe could answer, the General's comlink blinked. „Ah… Commander, I'll leave little Ahsoka with you. I'll be right back.“ Great. Wolffe looked after the General for a moment, would it be beneath his dignity to just send the kid home? Sighing softly, he turned his gaze back to Ahsoka and when he watched how she already followed Boost every step of the way, grinning broadly and with amazed eyes, he actually had to smile.
Wolffe was tired, so infinitely tired. But grumpy too, and that was exactly what he needed to mask his exhaustion as best he could. Still, he couldn't find the energy to get up when the ship jumped into hyperspace. His stomach was sure, however, that General Koon hadn't been behind the wheel! Rex spoke well of Skywalker, but Wolffe was very happy to serve under another jedi at moments like these.
Soft snoring made him open one eye, Boost and Sinker leaned together slumped against the wall opposite him and slept leaning against each other. They were still in a pretty good shape... What would become of them now? It only seemed logical to split Boost and Sinker among other battalions and assign him, Wolffe, to another unit as well. That would mean less paperwork, right? Kark! This wasn't fair! But he would pull himself together for his last two men. And for the General.
Soft steps made Wolffe blink again, when did he close his eyes again? Ahsoka crept cautiously through the ship, armed with a couple of blankets. One more reason to pull himself together. Rex's tiny Commander-sibling didn't have to see any more suffering than she already would see in this war. Why hadn't General Koon spoken out against her being a padawan? She was a child! Just a little girl who, just a few months ago, had stood in his hangar with wide eyes. And now? Now there was that sad look she gave Boost and Sinker.
Ahsoka gently wrapped two blankets around the two men before she straightened up and padded over to Wolffe with the last one. Wonderful, now the little thing had to take care of him! „It's okay, I'll be fine.“, he growled and got up a little, Ahsoka looked at him. Her gaze was far too serious for her small, round face. Then she clicked her tongue miserably and threw the blanket over the clone anyway. „I'm sorry.“, she muttered and when Wolffe rolled his eyes it was just a reason for her to crawl closer to him. Finally she sat on the floor too, pressed close to his side. That wasn't so bad... „Cody asked about you. And Rex too“, Ahsoka mumbled softly and Wolffe rolled his eyes again, but leaned back against the escape pod again, puffing. „Of course they did...“, he muttered softly and the girl laughed softly into his uniform. „I told them you are fine...“, she added and then fell silent. No, she shouldn't worry her tiny head over all of this. „We will be.“, Wolffe assured her quietly. Ahsoka cuddled closer to him and even if he neither hugged her nor wrapped the blanket around her, she felt his head sag a little in her direction.
Rex hadn't returned yet... Cody next to Wolffe glanced at the door again, the mood of the two commanders had clearly sagged. And not just theirs, Wolffe could see some of Rex's men in a corner. Their heads were huddled together and they were whispering to one another. The ARC, Fives, had its arms crossed and leaned against a brother's hand. Cody looked at the door again. „Kriff, that is no longer bearable. I'll go and look for them.“, Wolffe grumbled and got up.
Cody didn't try to stop him, just nodded and got to his feet as well. Well, they seemed to agree this time! With great strides Wolffe made his way outside, if Ahsoka was really there again she would never stay outside that long. Or would she? After all, she belonged to the family... Oh, all of this sucked! Really, the whole thing was just completly unfair! He had believed Rex. Ahsoka Tano would never kill clones, not with those big eyes and grin. But she had been together with Ventress and what should he think of that?! He would have shot the witch on the spot, if Ahsoka hadn't been standing in front of him. She had defended the enemy.
But at the same time she had tried to protect him and the men. Wanted to talk! He should have just stunned her right then and she would never have gotten even close to that damn warehouse.
The evening air was cold and cleared the many thoughts from Wolffe's head. That was all behind them, Ahsoka was alive. She was innocent. That counted. He had reached his goal and had brought her home when Rex and Skywalker were unable to. Even if he had expected more ... backbone from General Plo. But he didn't owe Plo an apology, they all owed it to Ahsoka. Hardly thought through, he discovered two huddled figures. So that's where Rex had been! The Captain sat leaning against the wall of the barrack in the darkness and that on his lap was a violently trembling Ahsoka. Kriff, maybe Cody should have gone looking for them after all? Too late now, Rex looked up and caught Wolffe's gaze. All right, going back was no longer an option. So he came closer with careful steps. Ahsoka had turned her back on him, he could see as she tensed when he came within earshot. Rex had an arm wrapped around her, his free hand gently rubbing her back. A low growl escaped the girl and while Rex looked worried, Wolffe had to smile against his will. What a cute attempt to chase him away again. But she had mastert the art to ignore his grumbling, so he would return the favor.
Also, he had come here on a mission and he still had to apologize. That would be difficult enough... „Your men are getting annoying in there.“, Wolffe muttered and Rex snorted, of course his little brother knew immediately which men were meant! „Fine. Ahsoka, I'll go and talk to the others. I'll be right back, okay?“, he muttered and the girl shuddered before she nodded and slipped off Rex's lap. When he got up, he gave Wolffe a questioning look. „I'm staying.“, confirmed Wolffe.
That seemed to move Rex to give Wolffe another sharp look. Hey! He didn't even have a blaster on hand and he was sure that Ahsoka would bite off his hand anyway before he could draw a single blaster. She certainly could. Rex went back inside and Wolffe sat on the floor next to Ahsoka. There was a low growl and she shrugged her shoulders protectively. „No reason to be rude.“, he grumbled and Ahsoka's head jerked up, with tear-stained eyes and bared teeth she looked at him. „I trusted you!“, she spat, ouch. That ... maybe he deserved that. But that's not how things would work here, he already felt guilty and she wasn't going to talk it any bigger! „And I trusted you too. And yet you were with Ventress.“, he replied chilled, quietly. Then her lower lip started trembling. Kriff.
Ahsoka angrily wiped her face with her hands and hastily tried her body to get herself back under control. She wanted to be mad! She wanted to bite and scratch. But there was just that deep fear inside of her. The back of a hand on her shoulder almost made her jump in the air. Then she tried to avoid the touch. No chance, Wolffe's hand stayed on her shoulder. Like glued on. „I hate you.“, she sniffed tired and angry and sad. This was too much for one day, just too much. Wolffe watched her make a face and then carefully turned his hand, now he gripped her shoulder tightly. „I'm sorry. It wasn't fair.“, he admitted quietly and Ahsoka slumped, she just nodded. „I never believed you could have done any of this. But Fox and the others couldn't be talked into anything diffrent. I wanted to bring you back home.“ She nodded again and Wolffe took a deep breath, he had said what had to be said. It wouldn't hurt to go back inside now and get Rex! He was just getting up again when Ahsoka suddenly slumped to one side. With a thump, her head landed on his shoulder and he froze. It had been ages since she'd gotten that close to him. „I'm sorry I hit you.“, she muttered and Wolffe could feel her shaking again. Kriff. Slowly he raised a hand and squeezed her shoulder. „It's okay, it's been a strange day.“, he muttered and she nodded. Tears still shone on her face. There were dark circles under her eyes and she trembled violently with every breath. Were she cold? „You should get back into the warmth.“, Wolffe decided and got up, with one hand he pulled her to her feet and supported her. She looked pathetic, absolutely drained. And like she needed a hug.
He didn’t hug her. Instead he led them slowly back into the building, across the hallway to the 501st quarters. Inside, voices could be heard. What were these laser brains arguing about this time? Sighing, Wolffe knocked on the door and the voices fell silent. Then the door opened and several hands grabbed Ahsoka. The girl sagged weakly against her other brothers and Wolffe withdrew a tiny bit when she suddenly grabbed him. „I forgive you, it wasn't your fault.“, she mumbled and the others froze again, Wolffe smiled. „And not yours either. It will be okay.“
„It will be okay.“, Ahsoka mumbled softly to the wriggling bundle in her arms. Little fingers reached out to her face and grabbed the tips of her lekku. The little girl was beautiful. The fact that Padme could already be seen in Leia after a few months only intensified the effect. But maybe that was just Ahsoka perspective...
No one had protested when she had come into the creche and picked up Leia. No one had stopped her when she had went out with the child and just stopped at the steps of the temple. Even the remaining guards avoided them. Leia patted Ahsoka's cheek with one hand and she blinked hastily, her cheeks were wet. But today was supposed to be a good day! Today Master Plo would come back. And even if she could do without a meeting with her father figure, she just didn't want to miss her brother! Since the battle in the temple, Plo Koon had been out with his men to track down Tamboa. Something Ahsoka would have liked to do herself, but the healers and her brothers found her to be too unstable. Pah...
Before her frustration could swell further and mix with her depressed mood, Leia turned her little head and Ahsoka followed her gaze, Plo Koons presence could already be felt before the speeder stopped and two figures emerged from it. The Jedi Master led the way, Wolffe followed. As they climbed the steps, Ahsoka cocked her head a little, they looked tired. Nevertheless, she decided her meeting with Wolffe would not be able to wait, and waited until the two of them had reached the top. „Ahsoka.“, Plo greeted with clear reluctance. Briefly he reached out his fingers to her arm, Ahsoka winced as he brushed her skin and Plo withdrew hastily. „Good evening Master.“, Ahsoka muttered and quickly averted her gaze, she didn't want to give her old friend a reason to linger any longer. He sighed. „I'll see you tomorrow, Wolffe.“, he said his goodbye. „Good night, General Plo.“, Wolffe replied and when Ahsoka looked up the clone was already looking at her. „You look tired.“, he stated and Ahsoka's lips curled into a small smile. „Have you ever looked in a mirror?“, she asked and Wolffe grinned. He seemed happy, his presence so much easier to take than the jedi. All clones were more welcome to Ahsoka than the Order at the time. The twins were the only exception.
The twins, whom Wolffe and many others of Ahsoka's brothers had never met! As if on command, Leia held out her hand, gurgling, and clenched a fist in Wolffe's direction. Hel eyed the little girl with a raised eyebrow. „I wanted to introduce you to Leia.“, Ahsoka smiled and Wolffe rolled his eyes, it was almost a loving gesture. „The girl from Skywalker?“, he asked quietly and hesitantly held out his hand, Leia immediately grabbed his index finger and cooed with satisfaction. A tiny smile appeared on his face and Ahsoka breathed a sigh of relief. The two seemed to be able to develop a positive bond, untroubled by the actions of the children's father. „Yes.“, Ahsoka grinned and held out Leia to Wolffe. „Oh no, keep it!“ „Don't be scared like that.“, she teased and gave the child to Wolffe. He held her a little clumsily and looked as if he was afraid of crushing her. And then suddenly she laughed. The little thing with the dark hair and open eyes looked at Wolffe and laughed. „She will be so much trouble.“, Wolffe muttered, but his grin belied him.
„Give it back!" Ahsoka grinned and turned her gaze forward, just fast enough to avoid a laughing Clone Commander. Rex was less fortunate, Cody practically ran him over. Leia threw herself at the two clones without hesitation, Luke next to Ahsoka hastily made a few steps of space between himself and the scramble on the ground. „Children, does this have to be in the hallway?“, Cutup teased, Jesse and Droidbait laughed softly when Rex threw them a less nice gesture. „Why don't we just go on, we have a hunt to prepare after all.“, Jesse grinned and Luke's eyes lit up, he nodded eagerly. „We can kidnap your padawan for now, right vod'ika?“, asked Droidbait and Ahsoka grinned and pushed her shoulder against his, she was a tiny bit taller than her brothers and had it not been for the first gray hairs, she would have been greatly amused. „Off with you, I'll see where Wolffe is. He will be able to save our brother.“
Satisfied, the others left and Ahsoka quickly left the curses in the hallway behind. She didn't have to look far, Wolffe came up one corridor to meet her. Like the other clones in the temple, he was civilly dressed, his hands buried deep in the pockets of his trousers. He didn't seem in a hurry. „Do you know why Leia is trying to kill her favorite brother?“, Ahsoka asked and Wolffe grinned broadly, he looked like he had just received the greates gift of all. „Cody snatched her belt while sparring.“ Oh dear. „The gray one?“, Ahsoka asked, she knew exactly which belt was talked about. Finely woven, light gray and embroidered with a wolf's head at the ends. Who would have thought that Boost had that much talent! Leia loved this belt, almost as much as the wolfpack and the 212th.
„Then maybe we should save Cody and Rex, because I still need my brother and Obi Wan comes back in-„ A quick look at the crono. „-three hours again. He's going to want Cody back in one piece and I'm not going to be the one covering up a murder for his padawan.“ Wolffe laughed, but quickened his pace. „We both know that you would be the first to cover up the murder.“, he grinned and set off to separate his siblings from each other.
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gayskywalkcrs · 3 years
56. “I could’ve died and you couldn’t have cared less.” - Fox and Cody
HELLO yes absolutely!! here you go, my love.
words: 3431
notes: stitch, sketch, and zaisam are my ocs. other random clones you don’t recognise are probably some that i made up on the spot, just to avoid killing anyone else you guys are emotionally attached to.
Fox is dreaming. He has to be, because he feels safe, and he's never felt safe on Coruscant before. There's always a creeping feeling of something wrong, like a hand on the back of his neck, or of fingers digging into his mind. For the first time since leaving Kamino as a child, he feels genuinely safe.
It scares him.
He's dreaming that he's back in the Guard barracks, strangely comforting, though sparse as they are. There's a makeshift rug by the beds, made out of old blacks that were too worn out to wear anymore. Fox is lying on his bed, head in Thire's lap as his brother rests his back on the wall. He's running his ungloved hands through Fox's curls, gently untangling the knots that have accumulated under his helmet. Fox has never felt so relaxed in his life, and even in his dreaming state he is close to tears.
"I'm tired," Fox whispers, and Thire hums in agreement.
"You don't sleep enough, ori'vod," Thire laughs quietly, working his fingers through a particularly stubborn knot that's gathered itself in the grey at Fox's temples. "Lean on the rest of us. We can take some of your work."
"It's not just that," Fox says, stretching his arms in the air. He nearly hits Thire in the face, and they both giggle. "I'm so bone-tired all the goddamn time, vod. When we took leave the other month I couldn't remember any of it. I found bruises I don't remember getting. The medics say it's stress, but this is... this is different."
"You've had memory problems?" Thire asks, hands stilling.
Fox tenses as the atmosphere of the dream shifts. "Small lapses," he backtracks. "Just headaches. I'm not defective." His voice is more harsh than it has any right to be with Thire.
"I never said you were," Thire says carefully. "I've had them too."
"You have?" Fox is surprised - Thire is so capable, so reliable, it'd never even occurred to him that his own problems might be shared. "How much?"
"Rarely," Thire says, gently pushing Fox's head back down into his lap. "I'll be missing a couple of hours of a shift sometimes. It's usually whenever I pull doubles."
"Maybe the medics are right," Fox sighs, rubbing his eyes. "We're all kriffing overworked."
Thire laughs again, but this is a deep, rumbling sound. "You can say that again," he quips, and Fox grins. He opens his mouth to actually say it again, but Thire swats at his forehead. The grin on his brother's face is so genuinely happy that it makes Fox's heart clench, even as he's dreaming. His face falls.
"What's wrong, ori'vod?" Thire asks, looking concerned. "Fox?"
Fox's throat closes up, and he swallows his grief down. "I miss you," he says, voice cracking, and Thire frowns.
"Why?" He asks. "I'm right here."
"No you're not," Fox says, certain as anything, and closes his eyes. When he opens them, Thire's face has shifted: his hair is shorter, his face younger, yet edged with more grief than Thire had ever carried. Fives stares down at him, face contorted in fear. His hands are clenched tight in Fox's hair, and he lets out a high whine of terror, like a wounded animal.
"Fives," Fox gasps, staring into the face of the brother he'd never really known.
"Fox," gasps Fives, hunched over. Fox sits up, heedless of the hands in his hair, and Fives lets go. He brings his hands to his chest and Fox stares in horror as Fives' cuirass starts to smoke. "Why didn't you set it to stun?"
"Wh - Fives, what's happening?" Fox panics, hands frantically trying to hold his brother's chest together.
"Don't you remember?" Fives wheezes, collapsing slowly onto the floor. The bed is gone, and they're in the underbelly of Coruscant. "You shot me."
"Fives!" Comes Rex's anguished shout from behind General Skywalker's stubborn arm. "Force, Fives! Stay with me, brother!"
"Rex," Fives whispers, but Skywalker doesn't let Rex past. Fives is coughing and mumbling and dying in Fox's arms, and Fox comes to a horrible realisation this this dream seems familiar. He's played this out before, the blaster smoking in his hands, Fives dead on the floor, Rex crying as the final Domino falls, face blotchy and red, and then it's Fox's head in Rex's lap, and Rex is calling his name -
Fox tries to move his arms, hoping he can somehow comfort Rex, but his arms are tied to the bed, and - since when was he in a bed?
Fox opens his eyes.
A brother's face comes into view, fading slowly into focus like a rock in a river. Fox thinks it's Rex, only for a second, but this brother's hair is dark, and there's a scar wrapped around his eye.
"Cody," Fox says, relieved.
"Fox," Cody says, furious.
Ah, shit.
Cody, clad in full armour, helmet held dutifully under one arm, stands up and grabs the first medic he can see - a tired clone, clearly awake entirely on caf at this point, and drags him to Fox's bedside.
"Good morning, Commander," says the medic. Fox notes his dreadlocks, tied back into a style that suits him quite well, actually, and nods in acknowledgement. "I'm Stitch, and I'm just gonna check you for a concussion, okay?"
"He's fucking fine," Cody snaps. "Discharge him already."
Stitch turns, frown deepening. "Marshall Commander or not, this is my medbay," he snaps. "I decide when the patients are released, and Commander Fox is not going anywhere yet."
Cody folds his arms, his Commander glare strong enough to kill a man, but Stitch isn't having any of it. Fox heard a brother say once that Hell hath no fury like a medic ignored, and looking at Stitch he's inclined to agree.
"If you hate it here so much you can either go and do some paperwork or whatever it is you soldiers do, or you can go grab us both some caf. Sir," he adds, seeming to remember he's talking to Marshall Commander Cody, not one of those idiot shinies he's obviously so used to dealing with.
There's a small laugh from further down the ward, and Stitch and Cody send matching glares in the general direction of the culprit. Fox feels sorry for whichever brother is currently in that bed, but before he can think too much about it Stitch is handing Cody an ID card.
"Use this to get the caf," Stitch says. "The Generals get the good stuff."
"Does General... Zaisam know  you've got his card?" Cody asks, peering at the writing.
"Absolutely," Stitch nods, grabbing a rather intimidating-looking little torch. "Gave it to me himself."
Cody looks unconvinced, but holds it in his fist like it's the key to eternal salvation. Fox looks hopefully up at Stitch, who shakes his head.
"Sorry, Sir," the medic says, shaking his head. "You're on water only, at least until you've slept for a solid eight hours."
Fox doesn't think he's slept for a solid eight hours in his entire life.
Cody sends one last glare to Fox, then stands up and walks stiffly out the door. Stitch stares after him, eyes glazing over for a second.
"That man controls two-thirds of the Grand Army of the Republic," he says slowly, "and I've just sent him to get coffee."
The voice from earlier laughs again, and Stitch turns around, brandishing the torch like a weapon. Fox almost considers laughing too, but Stitch does not seem like a man he'd want to cross.
"Shut your di'kut mouth, Sketch, or I'll sedate you," Stitch snaps. Fox winces, but this makes the other clone laugh harder.
"I literally outrank you," says the voice, presumably Sketch.
"Not in my medbay you don't," Stitch shoots back. "Now shut up and go to sleep. Your blaster wound isn't gonna heal itself."
"Yessir," Sketch calls, and Fox can imagine the half-assed, sarcastic salute the man is pulling off. Stitch shakes his head, glowering, then shines his torch directly into Fox's eyes.
"Bloody snipers," Stitch mutters. "Think they know everything." Fox hums in agreement, wincing at the brightness of the torch. Stitch gently tilts his chin, looking at his eyes again. The medic carries an air of softness that doesn't quite seem to fit with how much he glares and snaps at the others, but Fox isn't complaining.
"You don't look concussed," Stitch concludes. "What's your name?"
"Commander Fox," Fox parrots dutifully. "CC-1010."
"Correct," Stitch says, tapping at his Padd. "Next question. What day is it?"
"Ah," Fox says. "Last time I checked it was... Primeday, I think."
Stitch lets out a hiss of air. He nods, and taps something else into his Padd. He mouths the words "memory loss", and Fox sighs internally. "It's Benduday now," he informs the Commander. "Last question for now. How's your head feeling?"
Fox tries to bring a hand up to feel it, but they don't lift more than a centimetre off the bed. He'd assumed that the restraints he'd felt in his dream were just that - a dream - but apparently he has no such luck.
"Fine," he says warily. "I don't think I'm concussed, trooper. Why, should I be?"
Stitch shrugs. "You've just had brain surgery," he points out. "And you took a pretty nasty knock to the head just before that. Concussions can last for up to about a tenday, so I thought I'd check."
Fox stiffens.
"I've had what?"
"Brain surgery, Sir," Stitch repeats, fiddling with a handheld scanner. He points it at Fox's forehead and pulls some kind of trigger, then blinks at the readings. "Performed it myself. You've got a lovely brain, if I may say so. Very wrinkly."
Fox stares at him, then decides to focus on the last piece of information. It seems easiest to deal with.
"Is that... good?" He asks weakly. “Having a wrinkly brain?”
Stitch nods, then thumps the scanner against his hand a couple of times. "A wrinkly brain means you're smarter," he says. "Unlike the good Lieutenant down there, whose brain is smooth as a kriffing pebble."
"Smooth as the hull of the Resolute," Sketch calls cheerfully, and Stitch shakes his head.
"Stop eavesdropping on my patients!" He calls, then turns back to Fox. "As for who authorised the surgery... You'd better wait for Commander Cody to come back. I'm not supposed to talk to you about it."
"It's my kriffing brain!" Fox cries, straining against the restraints. "Why the hell would you just give me brain surgery?"
"You have to wait for the Commander," Stitch repeats, and Fox thinks he looks a little nervous. "Please calm down, Sir. You're okay. We didn't harm you."
"I don't kriffing care about that, I want to know why you peeled my skull open without my permission!"
"Wait for the Commander," Stitch says for the third time, and Fox is just about ready to scream. "He's the one who you need to talk to about this. I'm just the poor bastard with the scalpel. If it helps, you have a wonderful prefrontal cortex."
Fox raises his eyebrows at the last comment, but sits back down on the bed. "Fine," he relents. "Where the kriffing hell is Cody, anyway?"
"Right here," Cody calls, rounding the corner. His helmet is on his head, and he carries a cup of caf in each hand. He reaches the bedside and gives one to Stitch, who looks down at it and sniffs. Stitch winces, then downs half of it in one go. Cody stares in what is, to Fox, an obvious combination of awe, disgust, and admiration.
Stitch shrugs, then raises an eyebrow. "I don't fear God," he says.
"Seven Sith Hells," Cody mutters, then sits back down in the chair he'd been in when Fox first woke up. He takes his helmet off and sips at his caf. "What's the verdict?"
"No concussion," Stitch confirms. "A little memory loss, not to do with the anaesthesia or the surgery. His skull's recovering alright, brain all seems good. Like I said, he's got a lovely prefrontal cortex. His amygdala is even better, but the hippocampus could do with some work."
"I'll take that under advisement," Fox snarks, and Cody glares, folding his arms.
"Stay focused, trooper," he orders. "What else?"
"Memory problems," Stitch says again. "He woke up thinking it was Primeday, which means he's lost two days before the surgery. It was yesterday," he adds, for Fox's benefit. "I'm not letting him out until Centaxday at the very least, Sir, so anything you want to say you'll have to say in here. I can give you a little privacy, but he's my patient and by the Force I am going to make sure he's okay." The look of absolute determination on the medic's tired face makes Fox feel strangely cared for. Cody glares.
"Fine," he spits. "But you make sure that trooper down the hall doesn't hear us."
"Got it," Stitch nods. "I've been looking for an excuse to sedate him."
Fox can't quite tell if he's joking.
Stitch downs the rest of his caf, raising the cup to Cody as a thank you. Cody gives him General Zaisam's ID card back, and Stitch produces a cup of water for Fox from Force knows where. "Drink it slowly," he instructs. "You'll make yourself sick if you don't, and the less vomit I have to clean up today the better."
Fox nods, and he and Cody watch Stitch leave. He draws the curtain behind him, and Fox turns to look at his brother.
Cody looks more tired than Fox has ever seen him. More tired than he had after Kenobi's pretend death at the hands of Hardeen, and Fox is more than aware of how badly that affected him. He looks like a tempest, hands clenching and relaxing with barely-contained fury.
"What have I done?" Fox asks softly, and there's no emotion behind it.
Cody's head shoots up. "How'd you - how?"
Fox shrugs as best he can. "I woke up to find my hands tied to the bed. I can't remember anything for the past week. You keep looking at me like you want to tear my throat out with your bare hands. I've had brain surgery, for fuck's sake. It's not a hard conclusion to come to."
"You really remember nothing?" Cody asks, and he can't quite meet Fox's eyes.
With a thrill of fear, Fox shakes his head. "Last I remember was pulling a double when one of my Guard was sick. I always get tired on doubles."
Cody nods, then puts his head in his hands. He breathes deeply, and sighs. "You... Force, I'm sorry, there's no easy way to say this - Fox, you're under arrest for treason against the Republic. You're also under arrest on suspicion of murdering the Chancellor, four members of the Coruscant Guard, and ARC Trooper Fives."
The bottom of Fox's stomach falls out, and he gasps, breathing heavily.
"I - shit, I killed six people?" He whispers. "I killed the Chancellor?"
"Nearly seven," Cody says, and brings a hand up to pull down the collar of his blacks. There's an awful looking cut across his throat, obviously made by a vibroblade. "Four others are in bacta tanks. What the hell happened to you?"
Fox bites his lip and stares at the sheet covering his legs. He killed the Chancellor. The very man he was created to protect. His whole existence, his duty, his entire life, is centred around keeping the Chancellor alive, and he killed him?
Fox doesn't know what to do.
He looks up at Cody, face pale. "I don't remember," he whispers. "I'm so sorry."
""Sorry" is not going to bring Thire back," Cody snaps, and Fox goes dizzy.
When he comes back to himself, he's hyperventilating. Cody is glaring at him, the cut on his neck still exposed. Fox is crying, trying to gasp in deep, shuddering breaths, hands wrenching at the bindings that the him to the bed. "Please tell me you're joking," he whimpers through his tears. "Please. Not Thire."
Cody shakes his head, making no move to try to calm Fox down. "Stone and Hound are in bacta tanks," he continues relentlessly. "Stone has six blaster bolts to the chest. They don't think he's going to make it. Hound took a vibroblade to the thigh and very nearly bled out."
Fox flinches. "Who... who else did I... who else did I..." He can't bring himself to say it, as if saying the words would make it more true than it already is.
"Who else did you kill?" Cody spits. "Crow, Spanner, and one of those shinies that got assigned here a tenday ago. He didn't even have a name!"
That hurts almost as badly as Thire. Fox knows exactly which group of shinies Cody is talking about. A group of eight year olds, fresh from Kamino, all of them just a little too small to fit into their standard armour. Only one of them had a name, and he'd chosen it on the way to Coruscant.
"Parallel, Sir!" He'd introduced himself, saluting smartly.
"Parallel?" Fox had asked.
"I copy noises sometimes. Helps keep me calm. The others wanted to call me Copy, but that got a bit difficult on comms. General Ti suggested Parallel."
Fox had nodded, clapping a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Good luck to the rest of you," he'd said, receiving a small sea of determined smiles in return.
"He was just a kid," Fox whispers. "Fuck, Cody, and I killed him?"
Cody nods. There's not even a trace of sympathy in his eyes. "You were insane," he says. "Covered in the Chancellor's blood, face blank - you didn't recognise any of us."
Fox shakes his head, feeling the tears trickle under his chin. It feels bad. He's not sure what to say - anything he says, or anything he doesn't say, will make Cody angry. The anger is inevitable. And fuck if Fox doesn't deserve it.
He keeps pulling at his restraints, not trying to escape, but trying to ground himself. He can't focus: all his thoughts are on Thire. Thire, who he'd dreamed of, who'd had his hands in Fox's hair. Thire who had looked at him with so much love in his eyes, who'd never been anything less than steadfast and loyal, and Fox had killed him. Worst of all, he thinks, is that he didn't even remember doing it.
"Tell me what I did," Fox begs, voice cracking around the lump in his throat. "Please."
Cody leans forward in his chair, settling his elbows on his knees. "Two days ago," he starts, anger colouring his voice, "you disappeared in the middle of a shift. Security footage shows you took a comm, then made a beeline for the Chancellor's office. He wasn't expecting you, and he turned to kick you out, and - and you pulled a slugthrower on him and shot him six times in the chest, then four more in the head. Then you just... stood there.
"Thire was first to respond. He heard the shots and came to see what was happening. He saw you with the 'thrower, standing over the Chancellor's body, and called for backup. You took him out without even a second glance. When Stone and Hound got there you took them both out almost as quickly as Thire. Stone first, with your blaster, and Hound managed to get that and the 'thrower away from you, and you stabbed him in response.
“I came in with the rest. You weren't responding to any of us. You just attacked us, crushed that shiny's head into the wall like he was made of paper. Crow was next, then Spanner. Both were quick, at least. The rest of us were all pretty badly hurt. You slit my throat, Fox."
Fox is numb and unresponsive. So much death, so much destruction, and he doesn't remember any -
"Order 65," he whispers. "Cody, Cody, I remember. Order 65 states that should the Chancellor be declared unfit to rule, any available troops should detain the new Chancellor by any means necessary, including with lethal force. It got mixed up somehow."
""Mixed up"?" Cody snaps, disgusted. "Fox, you could've killed me! I could’ve died and you couldn’t have cared less.”
“Of course I care,” Fox shoots back, eyes locked on Cody’s throat, but there’s not enough truth behind the words. If what Cody says is true, then Fox wouldn’t have cared. “Fives was right,” Fox realises. “Fives was right.”
Cody wipes tears from his own eyes, standing up fast. He downs his own coffee, slams his bucket on his head and walks out. Fox is left staring at the door, and he’s sure he can feel the blood on his hands.
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eyayah-oya · 3 years
Carry You With Me Always
Buckle up everyone, because I have three prompts today!
Cloneship Week 2021 - Tattoos - @cloneshipweek
Rating: G
Warnings: very vague references to something bad happening to Tup and Dogma in the past
Ao3 link--Ao3 has some world building notes about Tup, Dogma, and Mom Echo if you want to check those out!
           Lazy days were Echo’s favorite.  They always had been.  Especially the days when Rex didn’t have to be a commander masquerading as a captain.  (Echo still didn’t understand how hard it was to sign off on a promotion for Rex. Skywalker knew how to sign his own name.)  It was the third day of leave on Coruscant, just when the duties required of the commanding officers tapered off to allow them time off just like their men.
           Rex entered the officer barracks with two cups of caf and a datapad tucked under his arm.  He must have recently taken a water shower, as he looked cleaner than the sonics were able to achieve.  For a moment, Echo mourned the opportunity to shower with Rex but they figured there would be plenty of opportunities in the future.
           “Morning,” Echo called, their voice deep and raspy from sleep.
           He looked up, though Echo noted he didn’t actual startle. Rex only got that jumpy when he hadn’t been sleeping, so he at least got some rest since the 501st arrived on Coruscant.  That was good.  Echo had been worried when Rex hadn’t shown up the past two nights to the bunk they shared when not on the Resolute.
           A warm smile, reserved just for Echo, softened Rex’s face and filled Echo with happiness.  “Morning, Echo,” he responded.  With ease, he set the two caf cups down on his desk without spilling a drop, the datapad following immediately after.  Then, with slumped shoulders and tired eyes, he fell onto the bed beside Echo and nuzzled their shoulder.
           “Meetings go badly?” they mused as ran their fingers across the closely cropped blonde hair.
           “Eh, not too bad.  Just long.  General Mundi preached about the value of life again and Gree got into an argument with General Fisto over some obscure plant the 41st found on their last campaign.  I think if they’d been in the same room, it would have become a physical fight.”
           Echo snorted.  “That would definitely be interesting to watch.  What did General Unduli do?”
           “I’m 90% sure she was either sleeping standing up, or talking to General Kenobi telepathically.  Kenobi kept snickering every once in a while, so I wouldn’t put it past them.”  Rex shook his head as best as he could from where his face was smooshed against Echo’s shoulder.  “Anything big happen with the boys?”
           “Denal and Attie got arrested again.  I’m pretty sure they’re trying to court the intake officer in the Corrie’s brig.  I escorted Dogma and Tup around the city the first day and ended up taking them to Tatta. You know, the vod who gives the best tattoos?”
           Rex hummed in acknowledgment.  “Can’t say I’ve ever had the pleasure, but I’ve heard he’s one of the best on Coruscant.  Did Tup and Dogma end up getting any tattoos?”
           “Tup got a little tear below his eye and Dogma got a really cool one over his face.  Kix is gonna have a conniption when he sees that; you know how he is with large facial tattoos,” Echo said with amusement.  “Dogma struggled a bit at first, but Tup talked him through his anxiety and held his hand.”
           “That’s good.  I’ll make sure to pair them up on campaigns.  Aren’t they twins?”
           Echo nodded.  While not numerous, there were several sets of twins in the GAR.  Commanders Thire and Thorn in the Corrie Guard, Kix and Captain Keeli, Tup and Dogma, Lupis and Canis in the Wolfpack, and of course Echo and their twin Fives. Commanding officers tried to keep twins together as much as possible, though it doesn’t always happen, like with Kix and Keeli.
           “You could have warned me they were former Corries,” Echo grumbled.  “Technically I was escorting them, but it was mostly them dragging me all over the city. Although, they did take me to this diner with the most amazing nerf burgers.  I’ll have to take you sometime.  They’re sweet kids, but they also could use a lot more support than the average vod. Something happened to them when they were with the Guard.”
           Rex sighed.  “I know. Fox briefed me on their situation. I won’t tell you what happened exactly—they should do that themselves—but it was bad.  We’ll take care of them, I promise.”
           “Good.”  Echo nodded once and wrapped their left arm around Rex’s shoulder and pulled him in closer. Rex flung his own arm back over Echo. Immediately they hissed as their right pec flared with a stinging pain.
           Immediately, Rex sat up in concern.  “Echo?  What’s wrong?”
           Echo grinned sheepishly.  “Well, Tup and Dogma were really nervous to get tattoos since the Guard isn’t allowed to have tattoos.  And I might have gotten a tattoo to help them be more comfortable.”
           “Really?” Rex grinned.  Without hesitation, he gently placed his hand over Echo’s pec, exactly in the same spot he had left a handprint on their first set of armor. He didn’t have to guess what tattoo they had decided to get.  Echo arched into the touch, the sting sharp and pointed and somehow exactly perfect.  “Can I see it?” Rex asked softly.
           “Help me get the shirt off, and yes,” Echo answered. They surged upwards, ignoring the pain from his tattoo, so they could press a heated and soft kiss to Rex’s lips.
With far more reverence than they usually have time for, Rex slid his fingers under the hem of their loose shirt, trailing over the firm muscles and warm skin. Echo shivered deliciously and lightly sucked on his lower lip, rather than help their boyfriend in any way. Inch by inch, more skin was revealed until Rex pulled away to tug the shirt over Echo’s head.  They helped, lifting their arms over their head to allow the shirt to slide free.
           In the exact same placement as their armor, a handprint had been tattooed completely in a darker blue than they used for their armor. The dark blue color the Rishi eel’s blood had been.  The permanent mark on their skin was a bold proclamation of who Echo belonged to.  A way to inform everyone who they went home to and who they would always go back for.  That day on Rishi was life-changing for both of them for more than one reason. It was the day Echo had lost their batchmates, save for Fives, and the day they had both joined the 501st. It was the day Echo had first met Rex, a young shiny who was in awe of the legendary captain.  And it was the day that began Echo’s journey of falling completely in love with the man behind the legend.
           Rex traced the edges of the tattoo gently, barely ghosting over the skin.  It was still swollen and red from the needle, but that would go away in a couple more days. Echo didn’t mind a little bit of pain if it meant they could wear Rex’s mark in his skin as well as their armor.
           “Do you like it?” they asked cheekily, already knowing the answer.
           “I love it.  They did a really good job.  Does it hurt a lot?” Rex asked.
           Echo wobbled his head from side to side.  “A little, but it’s not bad.  Barely noticeable, really.”
           “Good.”  And with that, Rex pressed his hand against the mark and pushed Echo back onto the bed until he was leaning directly over them.  “Because I need to show you exactly how much I like it.”
           They eagerly reached up and wrapped their arms around Rex’s neck, pulling him down against them, though they both were careful not to dislodge his hand from its place on Echo’s chest.  Echo pressed their forehead against Rex’s, letting them bask in the peaceful moment instead of the hurried seconds they only managed to snatch while out on the front.  Eventually, the keldabe shifted to the more traditional type of kissing, their tongues tangling together languidly.  They had all day and the rest of the tenday to relax and enjoy.  They could take their time, and Echo couldn’t be happier.
           “I love you,” they whispered between kisses.
           “I love you, my eyayah.  My Echo with my mark,” Rex answered before diving back into their mouth and showing them exactly how much he needed and loved them.
           Echo shivered with delight, the intimacy of the moment barricading everything else from the Captain’s quarters.  For a time, they existed in a bubble, cut off from the galaxy and perfectly at peace together.
           Then, the bubble popped.
           “Does the Captain really have to know?  I mean, it’s not like he’d be surprised.”
           “Fives, don’t be an idiot.  You know he always needs to know when we brawl with the Wolfpack so he can keep Commander Wolffe from killing us.”
           “But if we go in there, Echo will kill us.”
           “I’d rather die by Echo’s hand than by Commander Wolffe’s! He’s scary!”
           “Oh, lighten up, Jesse!  I wouldn’t mind fighting with the Commander!”
           “ . . . Hardcase . . . “
           “What?  It’s true!”
           “I’m gonna tell him!”
           “Fives, don’t you dare!”
           With matching, heavy sighs, Echo and Rex broke apart and turned to the door.  Yes, Echo loved lazy days.  But those days never lasted long, and they loved their brothers just as much.
           “I’ll go deal with Hardcase’s unacknowledged romantic feelings for Commander Wolffe.  You need to get some sleep,” Echo said, giving Rex a soft kiss on the cheek as they grabbed their t-shirt.  “Think I can make Jesse prefer he’d faced the Commander?”
           Rex smirked and flopped down by Echo’s side instead of on top of them.  “I know you will.  I’ll be here when they’re all suitably punished.  Come back and we can finish what we started.”  His eyes were dark with hunger and love, sending a shiver through Echo.  That was a promise they wouldn’t pass up for anything.
           “I’ll be back after I finish wrangling the children.  I’ll probably drag Dogma and Tup along so they can laugh at Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase,” Echo said with a grin.  They pulled their shirt over their head and climbed over Rex to stand up.  “They could use the enrichment.”
           Rex only laughed.  Lazy days really were the best.
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the196thbattalion · 4 years
star wars human! high school! au
i’ve seen so many headcanons circling throughout the star wars tumblr about high school au’s, so i wanted to share my bit with all of you :D
anakin skywalker
he doesn’t like riding the school bus because it makes him feel extremely claustrophobic, so he scrapped and scavenged up parts to make his own customized motorcycle, which he lovingly dubbed artoo.
the blue and silver detailing was the joint effort of ahsoka and obi-wan, because anakin doesn’t know how to paint.
if he can catch up to the bus, he’ll ride alongside it and flip off the students on it before revving on ahead of them. (the freshmen think it’s the funniest thing in the universe)
probably one of the most well-known juniors in the entirety of temple high school (mostly because of his shenanigans but partly because he’s dating padme fuckiNG AMIDALA, PRETTIEST GIRL IN THE DAMN SCHOOL)
he always wears this worn-down leather jacket his mom gave to him before she passed away, and refuses to take it off, even though it’s somehow “a violation of the dress code and should be outlawed.”
his hair alone has seduced eight different students (boys and girls)
sometimes during study hall, ahsoka or padme will get a hold of his hair and style it into little braids or make a super rad ponytail.
he really likes iced coffee with milk and sugar. he puts in the milk to make it nice and light (it’s aesthetically pleasing, obi-wan!), and then like eight tablespoons of sugar to make it actually taste good.
his favorite class is mechanics, taught by kit fisto.
anakin spent months on a mechanical arm project to replace his clunky plastic prosthetic, and he was so freaking happy when it was finished; he almost cried. (he did cry and ahsoka got it on video)
obi-wan kenobi
a mixture of the soft™, pretty™, hippie™, grunge™, vsco™ and nerd™ tropes.
he really likes peppermint tea with lots of honey but takes his coffee black.
he has had too much tea.
someone needs to stop him.
almost all of his classes are ap courses, and if cody hadn’t been watching when obi-wan was making his schedule, all of them would be.
him, cody and padme have ap english with mace windu, and cody knows how much his classes stress him out, so he lets obi-wan sleep during class and sends him the notes
the only ap class obi-wan doesn’t take is mechanics, and he shares that class with anakin.
anakin and obi-wan are super close with each other. kenobi was there when ahsoka was adopted, and anakin was there when kenobi got his cat. (they were like 5 okay)
“NAME IT C3PO OBI-WAN, OR I SWEAR TO FUCK-” “what kind of name is that, and why would i - anAKIN PUT HIM DOWN!?”.
mr. fisto constantly has to split them up for disrupting the class, but it’s almost like they can communicate telepathically, and the teachers have a running bet
mace windu literally bet $50 on these fucking nerds so you know it’s for realsies
in reality, they’ve just gotten super creative with passing notes.
kind of off topic, but he has these brown harry potter glasses that he uses (kinda for reading???? but mostly so he can do that anime pushing up glasses thing)
cody thinks it’s the funniest shit ever
whenever cody is feeling stressed, obi-wan just does the thing™ and BOOM! happiness.
people think he’s a goodie two shoes, and honestly, it’s really easy to think that. if the iconics are trying to do something stupid, he’s usually the voice of reason.
but parties?
you know what, just ask anakin for the video footage.
ahsoka tano
this hs!au ahsoka tano turned me bisexual confirmed ✔
okay before i go into her style, which is mainly what made me drool over my computer, can i just put skatergirl!ahsoka out there?
spray painting of the rebellion symbol all over the bottom of her board and on items in a couple of the places where she skates the most (like the back of an abandoned car yard)
her instagram is filled with these super cool vhs-tape recorded skate videos (u know)
lots crackhead 3am visits (starring anakin, rex, kenobi and barris) to a gas station to get slushies and grind the shit out of the curb connecting the store to the parking lot
trying to teach anakin how to skateboard but he just can’t figure it out? uh yes
okay okay okay i’m done
for now
anyway, her style???? is so???? fucking????? cool!!!!!
her genetics gave her a 80% of having vitiligo, so it really wasn’t a surprise when patches of her skin got lighter, but it still freaked her out a little bit.
basically, went like this: “DAD, I’M TURNING WHITE!” “???? oh my gosh ‘soka, no.”
she has long braided dreadlocks she dyed a super bright orange with various colored beads woven into them with the help of anakin and padme. she usually styles them into little space buns atop her head.
her entire clothing wardrobe consists of fishnets, neon bomber jackets, at least 11 bisexual beanies™, handmade patchy jeans, white tank tops, and light-up platform shoes.
she doesn’t give two flying fucks about the dress code, and – IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MOST BUSY HALLWAY - punched principal sidious over whether or not she “could wear shorts that short” (anakin may or may not have cheered when she broke his nose).
the fetts (chuck have mercy)
*cracks le knuckles* i’ve put it off long enough
we have: fox (24), wolffe (19), cody (17), rex (17), echo (16), fives (16), boil (15), waxer (14), hardcase (13), jesse (12), longshot (8), kix (6), tup (3), gree (2) and boba (9mo)
wolffe is off at college - fox already graduated and moved out, that cheeky little fucking shit - but both still keep in good contact with the fam, and it’s a constant clamor between eleven of the siblings of who gets to talk to them first
fox majored in government/politics, bly is majoring in space/astronomy, and wolffe is majoring in police/law enforcement shit (i don’t know how college works, so sue me)
cody and rex are juniors, and despite their similar looks, the amount of schoolwork each of them completes drastically varies
cody is the honor roll student, valedictorian, whatever you want to call it
rex kinda just either does the work really well or 9/10 times gets distracted by anakin or ahsoka sending him some nice spicy memes
cody tried to tutor rex but it ended up almost landing tup in the hospital
“that’s really simple, actually. if you – vod? rex, are you okay? what are you oH NO TUP DON’T PUT THAT IN YOUR MOUTH-”
fetts on the varsity football team is like a right of passage in the family
right now, only the juniors of the fett family are on the team, but the coach has eyes on fives and echo for next years team
echo, fives and boil are the infamous sophomore trio that pulled the milk bucket prank on the gym teacher, pong krell.
they had to help the janitor (99) clean up afterwards, but they genuinely enjoyed 99’s company, because he’s rad as shit and knows all the secret school passageways.
to be honest, not one person (except maybe sidious) was complaining
that motherfucker makes everyone run like eight laps during gym class
even mr. windu gives them a small smile in the hallways after that
boil says he was blackmailed into it
waxer is a freshman (the poor dude, i’m so sorry), and he always looks out for the nervous freshies
if someone is having a bad day, he’ll give them a lollipop (he carries around a whole bag), a place to sit during lunch, and a shoulder to cry on
all you need to do to find waxer is to locate this long ass line of children
the school counselor, plo koon, sometimes brings his niece numa into school during the day because he can’t find a babysitter, and waxer. fucking. loves. her. PERIOD.
w+n pull these tiny little pranks on teachers, and the staff pretends not to notice, but numa always giggles and gives them away.
boil has a soft spot for numa too, and sneaks her rice krispies.
bonus shit i want to add in but can’t figure out where to put it (or i’m just gonna add it on and shit)
plo koon adopted anakin after his mother died (him and anakin’s mother were good friends), and found ahsoka on the side of the street, shivering like a maniac.
he doesn’t know where ahsoka came from, but he loves her so gOD DAMN MUCH.
he’s the school counselor, and still keeps in touch with a lot of students even after the graduated (he thinks that majoring in law enforcement/police is a bit dangerous for wolffe but he still supports his unofficial but basically son 100%)
yoda is the super old but radically rad english teacher.
his entire point of existence in my mind fic is to troll the shit out of palpatine.
a recent conversation starring yoda and palps: “did you give the students the mountain of extra work i assigned them?” “for the students, that was?” i’m sorry. my bad, that is.” “this is the seventh time, yoda.”
okay but for real
mace windu violently roots for the school football team.
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Dogma fox nsfw in the barracks -the 501st barracks pls!! Your writing is lovely btw!
(Aw thank you so much anon! I hope you like this!)
“Are you sure about this?” Dogma asks, uncertain.
“Not at all,” Fox replies, completely sure of himself.
It was nice going to 79’s with Dogma’s friends; not only he got a chance to catch up with Rex - something they hadn’t done in a while - but he also can positively say to have had a good time. Sure, Rex’s boys are crazy, but they managed not to make any disaster happen, so for now they’re good in his book; he’ll never say it out loud, but he needed this levity, to get his mind off of things for a while, and he got exactly that.
This also means that he might be slightly tipsy - just like Dogma - but he won’t let this stop him, oh, not at all.
Still, the decision to fuck inside the 501st barracks is too much even for them, right?
By the eager way Dogma begins to drag him towards his bunk, it appears not.
 In their drunken haze it’s more difficult than it should be to climb up on top of the bunk. Thank the Maker nobody’s there to see this pitiful display.
Eventually, they manage to both get on it. They don’t waste not even a second as they’re immediately on each other, kissing and already getting naked.
“What if someone comes in?” Dogma asks, though as doubtful as he may sound, he doesn’t stop grinding his hips against Fox.
“Then we give them a good show,” Fox replies, silencing Dogma with a kiss. He’s not usually so open, shall we say, but tonight things are different. He needs Dogma and he needs him now, no matter what.
“Got lube?” he asks, smirking when Dogma nods, reaching for it under his mattress. “My, my, Dogma, what would the others think if they knew?”
Dogma having contraband lube would shock everybody; to be quite honest, it shocks him too. He just never thought he’d be the type…
It makes him wonder that he’s been doing with it.
“Do you want to be fucked or not?” Dogma growls, instead of answering to Fox’s question. A moan leaves the other’s lips at those words. “Then shut up and lay down.”
Fox chuckles.
 If these were regular circumstances, Dogma would’ve taken his time preparing Fox, but these aren’t regular circumstances at all; speed is key.
It’s still pretty delicious to see the way Fox’s body moves along with his fingers, chasing after his own pleasure for once. They’re at three already and he hasn’t told Dogma to stop, nor to slow down.
He twists them one last time before pulling them out, much to Fox disappointment.
“You’re so impatient today…” Dogma can’t help but to comment, taken aback by the behavior Fox is exhibiting, so different from the usual.
“Been a long time,” is all the explanation he gets before Fox turns them around.
Once he lands on the mattress, Dogma is starstruck at the view in front of his eyes. Fox is so eager and ready that day, it makes him feel so lucky that he’s allowed to see him like this.
 Fox doesn’t waste any time; after coating Dogma’s cock with abundant lube - it has been a while since he’s last been fucked and he wants things to go smoothly - he immediately lowers himself on it. He doesn’t tease not even for a second, opting instead to sink right on it; it burns, but just a tad, nothing Fox wouldn’t be able to handle.
Only once Dogma’s completely inside Fox stops, thighs trembling, giving himself a moment to catch his breath and get used to the intrusion. It lasts very little, as he’s almost immediately on the job again, pulling his hips up and then sinking down immediately, repeatedly impaling himself on Dogma’s cock.
Speaking of Dogma, he’s meeting Fox at each thrust with his same eagerness. It’s been too long for him too, and he intends to make up for lost time.
Despite the fact that he’s been worried to get caught at first, that fear is just a distant memory now; who cares if someone comes in, Dogma has no intentions to stop.
 “Kriff Dogma! I’m close…”
At those words, Dogma greets his teeth, grasping Fox’s hips as he begins to slam his hips against the other’s with more vehemence, planting his feet on the mattress to get better leverage. If Fox is close, then Dogma will surely help him come even faster; after all, it’s not like he’s in a better situation himself.
Fox goes to immediately bite his lower lip in an attempt to silence himself; he’s making too much noise for his tastes. Still, not even that is enough for him to hold back, not when he has to endure Dogma’s delicious assault.
“Dogma… Kriff… Dogma!”
It’s rare for him to come completely untouched, but this time it happened easily as Fox finds his hard-earned release. He doesn’t stop moving however, knowing that Dogma needs just a bit more; still, with the way he’s clenching around him, another couple of thrusts is enough for him to come as well, pressing inside Fox for one last, deep, push.
 After that, Fox collapses over Dogma, completely exhausted. They should clean themselves up before the others arrive, but they’re both finding it very hard to move.
Eventually, Dogma settles with draping their naked bodies with a sheet. They can clean up tomorrow, after all the others have left; they’re still on leave, so it’s not like he needs to be somewhere the next day.
What if not everyone leaves? He doesn’t know; the possibility doesn’t even cross his mind. Oh well, whatever happens he’ll deal with it when it happens, because all Dogma wants now is to snuggle with Fox and nothing else.
 When he opens his eyes, Dogma realizes that he’s fallen asleep. Oof, what time is it?
As he turns his head to look around, he almost jumps when he sees Tup’s head; the kriffer is leaning against his bunk, smug smirk on his face.
“Morning, Dogma,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows at him. “I see you had some fun yesterday.”
“Ugh, shut up,” Dogma replies, beginning to feel a strong headache. He shouldn’t have drunk as much as he did. “Where are the others anyway?”
“They left already, said they were going around…”
Yeah, that’s fair. They don’t get many chances to see Coruscant after all. Which brings another question…
“What are you doing here then?”
“Didn’t feel like going out,” Tup shrugs, eyes moving ton Fox, who’s still cradling Dogma’s chest. “Is he still asleep?”
Before he can ask Tup if he intends to stick around, he pushes himself off the bunk, stretching his back.
“Ok, I’m going to grab lunch at the cafeteria,” he sends another smirk Dogma’s way. “Have fun, you too.”
 The fucker manages to walk away before Dogma can come up with something he could retort with. Ugh, he hates him - he doesn’t, but right now he does a bit.
The real question now is: should he wake up Fox, or let him sleep more? He looks down at him, gaze that softens as soon as it lays upon him, and decides to wait some more: he deserves the rest, and besides, Dogma can try to sleep his headache off like this.
He only hopes that they’ll manage to get up and take a shower before everyone else comes back.
Ugh, they’re going to be insufferable.
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mando-chicken · 3 years
Mental Occupation | Chapter 3.
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“When Fives is killed, his essence refuses to become one with the force, instead, searching out the easiest sentient being to attach itself to. After years working beneath Palpatine, Fox has had his mental shields completely eroded and his defences completely shattered, making him the perfect person for Fives’ essence to transfer into. The two of them must figure out how all this strange ‘jedi stuff’ works and how they can both coexist long enough to save their brothers and if they’re lucky, perhaps the rest of the galaxy too.”
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Thire tried not to frown as he watched Fox silently eat his morning meal, listening to his fellow commanders as they playfully teased one another and swapped gossip, while keeping an eye on his older brother for any signs of distress. While it was quite common for Fox to stay relatively quiet first thing in the morning, especially before his first cup of caff for the day, he seemed to be even more withdrawn than usual. In truth, Thire had wanted to let him sleep for a little longer as he was certain that the other commander had barely slept, but the mess hall didn’t wait around for anyone, and he wanted to be sure that Fox got a decent serve of rations before he would no doubt sneak away to hide in his office under a pile of datapads.  
When Fox was stressed, he tended to push his brothers away and throw himself into his work. He could detach himself from the world with the cold, hard logic of forms and reports, refusing to accept comfort or express any of the emotions swirling around in his mind. They would give him space for a while and allow him to work his way through whatever was weighing on his mind, and he would always come back to them in the end. He just needed them nearby to offer their support in the form of silent companionship and reassurances.  
But this situation was unlike anything they had faced before, and Thire wasn’t sure that Fox’s usual method of dealing with trauma would help him to move on from the horrifying situation he had just been through. While the exact details surrounding what happened were rather vague at best, one thing was blaringly obvious. Fox had killed a brother.  
The very thought made Thire’s insides squirm in discontent, and he was unable to stop the slightly ill look from claiming his features as he rolled the concept around in his head. It truly made no sense as to why Fox would allow such a thing to happen – he was practically the king of preaching about how important the stun setting of their weapons were when dealing with their targets – so for him to then turn around and shoot one of their own brothers was unspeakable. There was no doubt that it had to have been an accident, but Fox didn’t make mistakes. Alpha-17 didn’t raise some rookie amateur who went into every situation guns blazing, he raised a calm, confident commander, who always managed to get the job done efficiently and competently.  
He didn’t know what had happened to Fox, and for the sake of preserving what was left of the man’s sanity, Thire would give him some time to process it, but he was going to get to the bottom of it, one way or another. He just hoped that Cody was able to keep his younger brother, Rex, at bay long enough for him to do so. To say that the Captain had been mad would have been a massive understatement – the man was seeing red and looked about a second away from trying to return the favour – it was lucky that Thire had managed to turn up when he did, because even General Skywalker seemed to be having trouble keeping him calm.  
From the corner of his eye he could see that despite the fact Thorn was happily ribbing Stone for something that had happened on one of the missions overnight, the other Commander kept subtly glancing at Fox. He was trying to act as normal as possible, but the curiosity burning in his eyes was more than obvious. It made sense – Thorn had been in a completely different sector when everything had gone down, only hearing about what had happened over comms and during the debrief afterwards while Fox slept in the medbay – he was closer to Fox than any of them, had known him longer, and worried for him like an anxious mother nexu. Thorn was clearly struggling not to just grab his brother by the shoulders and shake the information out of him, but if there was one thing all members of the Guard had to learn, it was patience.  
Stone was perhaps the most collected of them all, but that was only to be expected. He had always been able to practically ooze calm from his very pores, and this situation was no different. He wasn’t uncaring, of course, simply able to remain confident and collected – perhaps that was why he kept getting assigned to working with Senator Binks, much to Stone’s eternal agony – but it was easy to see how he was unnerved from the way his brow was constantly furrowed and he kept getting lost in his thoughts.  
“How are you feeling this morning, Fox?” Of course Hound would be the one to speak to the Commander so bluntly. The kid was only a sergeant, technically not high ranking enough that he should be addressing a commanding officer so casually, yet they’d admittedly taught him a couple of bad habits over the years. Thorn had taken the younger clone under his wing when he was fresh off Kamino, teaching him how to survive in the treacherous landscape that was Coruscant. They’d brought him to their table, allowed him to work closely with them, and inevitably brought him into their inner circle.  
Fox jerked after a moment, seeming to suddenly realise that he was the one being addressed, blinking owlishly at Hound, “fine.” His response drew a disbelieving scoff from Stone, who offered a raised eyebrow. “I’m a little tired if you must know,” he continued slowly, sensing that his answer was not exactly what they’d been looking for, “nothing a good night’s sleep won’t fix.”
That got a genuine laugh from the table. A good night’s sleep? Unheard of. But Thire was pleased to see that at least some of Fox’s cynical humour remained.  
“Seriously though, what did happen last night?” Hound managed to ask after quieting his amused chuckles, “there’s some real strange rumours floating around the barracks, and I thought that maybe you could give us a little info-”
“Quit digging for gossip, Hound, before we chuck you back to the CT table,” Thorn growled, wrapping an arm around Hound’s neck and dragging him into a firm headlock, “never should have let you hang out with us, you’re too nosy for your own good, kid. You’ll find out when the info gets declassified, just like everyone else.”
Hound pulled an admirable attempt at making sad tooka eyes, but Thorn simply tightened his hold until the younger clone was forced to slap at the commander’s arm, needing breath. “Should’ve left me where you found me,” he grinned after finally being freed from Thorn’s hold, “besides, you love me too much to send me back now.”
Thorn simply glowered at him, stealing a tuber from his brother’s plate in retaliation, “perhaps,” he nodded, “or perhaps I just knew you’d never make it on your own, especially not with the way you keep poking your nose into everyone else’s business.”  
Hound made an indignant squawking sound, puffing up like an offended bird. He tried to reach out with his own fork to steal back a tuber from Thorn’s plate, but the older brother was too swift, too used to dealing with vengeful little brothers, and slid the plate out of Hound’s reach. He ensured to shove another tuber in his mouth, just for spite.  
When Thire looked to Fox, he didn’t have that disapproving scowl on his face, or the amusement that twinkled deep within his eyes, giving away his true feelings. Instead, he seemed almost nervous, like he was intruding on something not meant for him to see. While his brothers played and joked and tried to keep the atmosphere as normal as possible, Fox seemed to keep looking away, distracted by something only he could see. His fork moved around and around his plate, but barely any of the food had been disturbed. Most worryingly, the cup of caff that should have already been downed, sat untouched before him, no longer steaming as the commander preferred.  
Before Thire could mention it, however, his wrist comm chimed at him, signalling an end to their morning meal and a need to return to duty. “Alrighty boys, that’s our cue to head out,” he sighed, taking the last sip of his own caff, scowling at the bitter taste of the now cool dregs. His words were met with a chorus of groans as the rest of the table rushed to stuff their faces with the rest of their meal.  
Thorn was the first to stand, his stance already shifting into his usual command stance, “You heard Thire boys, and you all know your designated duties for this morning, so I’d suggest you all get to it.” He was answered by a mix of affirmatives as the other commanders and their sergeant gathered up their now empty plates and mugs, breaking apart to return them to the serving area to be cleaned in time for mid-meal.  
Thire, as agreed with Thorn last night while Fox had slept, stayed behind to wait as Fox too returned his items (a still full caff cup among them) to the servers. He moved to walk in step with his fellow commander, leading their way through the bustling hallways and towards the offices. There were men running in all directions – officers barking orders at squads as they raced towards their destinations, and soft-shells sprinting down the corridors, arms piled high with datapads and flimsi sheets – it made navigating the base a challenge at best, and a nightmare at worst.  
Eventually, they managed to reach Fox’s office and Thire was quick to type in the access code, sliding inside and out of the steady stream of brothers. Fox is swift to lock the door behind them, glancing around the room briefly, before wandering over to his desk and taking a long look at the rather intimidating pile of datapads. He places his helmet down at the foot of the desk, and Thire is glad that Fox is at least feeling well enough to keep the bucket off his head to look his brother in the eyes.  
“I know it’s not much,” Thire begins, clearing his throat, “but like I said, we were able to get you the first few hours off this morning, so you can focus on dealing with that monster,” he gestures at the unsigned pads, “or you could, y’know, actually relax for a few minutes.” He expects Fox to offer him his usual deadpan expression, but the man just nods slowly, seemingly unsure what to say in response.  
He continues, saving his brother from having to come up with something, “I should be heading off though, I’ve got chancellor sitting duty,” he huffs, the irritation in his tone completely genuine. Fox makes an odd expression, caught somewhere between looking like he’d tasted something sour, and horror. A reasonable enough response, given the shadiness of the man’s character, and, of course, the fact that he always seemed to enjoy using the Guard as his personal servants.  
“Yep, I understand that look,” he grinned, hoisting up his bucket and placing it over his head, clicking it into place. He took a step to the door before pausing, “just make sure you comm me, or Thorn if you’d prefer, if you need anything. And I mean it, anything, Fox.” He waits until his brother gives a nod, before heading back out the door and merging with the stream of brothers heading toward the exit. He didn’t like Fox’s behaviour, but there was little he could do about it. He could, however, think of someone who would know exactly what to do with him.  
Thire pulled up his wrist comm, beginning to type out a new message to Commander Cody.
Fives is quiet when Commander Thire leaves the office, taking a moment to ensure he was completely alone, before huffing out a deep breath. He swayed slightly on his feet with the force of it, bringing a hand up to his head to begin massaging his aching temple. He could already tell that a nasty headache was brewing from the stress alone. Yet another problem to add to his steadily growing list.  
It had been particularly painful to sit through morning meal with the other commanders of the Coruscant Guard, trying his best to pretend he did not see the way they were all eyeing him, clearly dying to interrogate him for answers he simply did not possess. He had been especially startled when the lone sergeant, Hound, his mind supplied, had spoken to him, and he regretted not having been paying full attention.  
Rather, Fives had been entirely absorbed by his own thoughts. Something did not sit right with the way his brain seemed to be randomly supplying him with information he was certain he did not have previously. The names of all the commanders came to him as easily as the names of his own batchmates, as if he’d known them all along, despite the fact he had only met half of them before and even then it was only a mere glance in passing.  
Yet somehow he felt as though he already knew their tells. He knew how Thire constantly worked hard to prove that it was the right decision to promote him to the rank of commander. He knew how Thorn had a particular soft spot for the shinies that came to join the Guard, and would defend them to his final breath if it came down to it. He knew how Stone preferred to hang back from the others, but loved them no less fiercely. And he even knew that despite all his bravado, Hound was a soft man at heart and always carried candies in his belt pockets for children he came across on patrol.  
But Fives didn’t know them, not really, they were strangers.  
He had always been good at reading people. It was a skill he had possessed since he was a child – to look at one of his brothers or one of the trainers and near enough feel their emotions echoed back at him as clearly as words printed on piece of flimsi – and he had always assumed that it was a natural ability. But this seemed too much, even for his natural aptitude for noticing subtle cues.  
There were so much unexplained knowledge suddenly bombarding Fives’ thoughts, and his head only pounded louder as he tried to figure out why he seemed to already know how to navigate the base with his eyes closed. The layout of the base seemed to suddenly click in his mind, like he had forgotten it briefly, but had always known it seep down. It was as though his mind was clouded, something blocking him from accessing all of the thoughts he could feel buried somewhere deep within his head, only the occasional thought drifting through the fog and to the forefront of his mind.  
Fives sunk down into the rather uncomfortable seat across from the lone desk, the crimson of his borrowed armour catching his attention. He knew that he was most certainly not in his own body, and so wondered if he had somehow, accidentally, acquired some of the commander’s lingering thoughts. As far as Fives’ knowledge of the situation went, it seemed as reasonable an explanation as he would be able to come up with.  
It made him feel dirty. He had no idea what had happened to himself, or to Commander Fox, but it felt downright voyeuristic to be partial to the random raw thoughts that came from whatever remained of the Commander’s mind. But he had no idea how to find out what had happened to either of them, or how to rectify their rather precarious situation. If Commander Fox’s thoughts were still able to linger, then was he too present somewhere, locked deep within Fives’ consciousness? Or had Fox somehow traded places with him and now inhabited a cold corpse? Fives certainly hoped not.  
For a moment he closed his eyes, thinking hard on the foreign mass of thoughts plaguing his mind, deciding that he might as well try to figure out a few things while he had a few hours to himself. He deeply regretted not paying Commander Tano more attention when she had described Jedi meditation to him, but found that it wasn’t too difficult to try and isolate the foggy area from the rest of his mind. He recalled her talking about being able to create shields around a mind, to keep out the thoughts of others, something that all sentients could achieve (albeit not to the degree of a force sensitive).  
He was no doubt clumsy with his method of ‘shielding’, and it was significantly more work than Fives had been expecting, but in the end he felt satisfied with his attempt. He was pretty certain that he had managed to corral all of the rogue thoughts into the one area, away from his actual thoughts so that he could tell which one of them was thinking what, rather than having a jumble of random sensations and thoughts mixing together.  
His head seemed to burn whenever he disturbed the other mind lingering in his head, but Fives pushed determinedly onward. Poking and prodding at it like an overexcited child, desperate to find even the slightest sign that there could be even a spark of life. It was a tedious process but finally, after what felt like agonising hours of work, Fives felt a sharp feeling of surprise stab back at him.
The mass of fog seemed to shudder and shift, rearranging itself until it formed a slightly more coherent shape that Fives usually associated with the feeling of another person’s mind when he tried to get a grasp on their emotions, only amplified tenfold. He could feel Fox, if only vaguely. He seemed groggy, as though just waking up from a long sleep, and Fives was a little unnerved by the unnatural feeling of someone else’s emotions flickering through his mind. He silently prayed that the Commander wouldn’t be too angry, but it seemed his hope was in vain, for the first clear emotion Fives felt was irritation at a level commanders usually reserved for the poor shiny tasked with waking them from a pleasant nap. His fears were confirmed when a thought came thundering across his mind.
“What the kriff just happened!?”
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chaoticchickadee · 4 years
Heya, I have an idea for your bingo card writing for next week or whenever. Junk Food with Rex and Cody would be really fun. Tysm for all of your writing!
Thank you for the prompt!
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Sweet and Salty Interlude
“As is their tradition, Cody and Rex spend their first day on leave swapping war stories and weird junk food from across the galaxy.”
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Data work always dragged, but it was especially difficult this shift. Cody had half an hour left, but it was the longest thirty minutes of his life. Starting tomorrow morning, the 212th would be on a week long leave on Coruscant. It would be one of the rare leaves they got with the 501st, and Cody planned to make the most of it. As soon as all the men were planetside and accounted for, he’d be making a beeline for their usual meeting spot and waiting for Rex. Cody looked up to where a plain brown flimsi package sat on the floor of his bunk. He smiled, looking forward to seeing his brother's face when he revealed the contents. Cody just had to get the reports on his desk filed and prepare the transports for tomorrow and he’d be that much closer to their reunion. Glancing at the chrono, he sighed when it showed that only two minutes had passed. Twenty eight more minutes to go, he reminded himself before burying himself in his work once more. 
Rex was legendary within the company for his ability to remain calm and stoic in the heat of battle, but the night before shore leave with the 212th? Forget it. He might as well be a shiny on his first trip to 79’s with the way he was fidgeting and anxiously checking his chrono. Luckily, the rest of his men were just as eager to go as he was, so they mercifully did not mention his unusual behavior. 
Only years of training kept Cody from running to the barracks as soon as the transport touched down. Ensuring that his men were accounted for and not about to anything too stupid was his first priority, but as soon as the task was done, Cody turned on his heel and began his search for Rex. In his excitement to find Rex, Cody forgot to grab the parcel he’d stashed in his planetside quarters that morning. Cursing, he turned around and jogged back to retrieve it before continuing his journey, making sure to let Rex know he was on his way. 
As usual, Torrent was overjoyed to be on leave and made sure everyone knew. Their raucous laughter was infectious, but their antics left Rex exhausted. He was doing his best to mitigate any damage they might accidentally cause and keep the barracks in some semblance of order, but as always it was a losing battle. Once he was sure they weren’t going to hurt themselves or land in the Corrie Guard holding cells with Commander Fox, he retired to his quarters. It was barely noon, but Rex was already worn out. He checked his commlink, frowning when he saw no new messages. He’d seen the 212th arrive that morning, but it was odd that Cody hadn’t finished getting the men settled yet. Rex sat on his bunk, setting the commlink aside and grabbing the bag on the side table. He smiled fondly as he thought back to how he got the coveted Kashyyk treat. After liberating their village, the local Wookiee children had run around, climbing troopers and stuffing sweets into their hands. Rex’s favorite had been the gummy wasaka berries, and after some complicated pantomiming and a desperate search for a translator droid, Rex finally got his hands on a bag of them. 
Rex’s trip down memory lane is interrupted by the shrill tone of his comm. Swiping it off the table, he quickly checks the message, relieved to see that it’s Cody saying he’s on his way. Rex quickly shucks off his armor, stacking it neatly in the small closet before moving on to his blacks. Throwing on some civvies, he snatches the forgotten sweets back up before leaving to meet Cody at their usual spot. 
Even with his minor setback, Cody made it to the Clarennora public gardens in record time and, as usual, before Rex. He found a shady bench within view of the entrance of the small, almost unknown park and sat back, enjoying the pleasant day as he waited for his brother. He set his package on his lap, passing the time by thinking about just how he’d acquired it. 
It’d been a tough campaign on Batuu, but in the end the 212th had managed to squeak out a victory. Before returning to the Negotiator for the next campaign, the men had a little time to relax in Black Spire Outpost, and Cody had used it well. He scoured the shops, jingling the meager credits he had and keeping his eye out for one thing in particular. It didn’t take long for Cody to find what he was looking for— a bag of puffer pig rinds. Puffer pigs were known for their value in the mining industry and their skittish nature, but here on Batuu they were a staple food. The locals had many ways of preparing them, but an almost universal favorite was a cheap treat usually available in any general store on the planet. Savory, salty, greasy goodness for only a couple credits. He hastily grabbed two bags off of the shelf and brought them to the register before making his way to the transports, finally ready to leave the planet. 
Cody was jolted out of his thoughts when someone slid onto the bench next to him. “About time you showed up kih’vod, I was about to send a search party for you,” Cody said, not having to look to know who had joined him. Rex lightly punched his arm, “I’m late, huh? I wasn’t sure you were even going to comm, did Ghost need that much babysitting?” he replied, with no real heat behind it. Cody shook his head before changing the subject, knowing that if he let it continue they could bicker all day. “Yeah yeah, just be glad I did, I was tempted to just eat these all by myself.” He shoved a bag of puffer pig rinds at Rex before tearing into the other. Cody had never had them before, but he knew that salty, greasy snacks were his brother’s weakness, so he figured he’d get a good reaction. Rex did not disappoint, groaning loudly after popping a rind in his mouth. “Ka’ra, Cody, where did you get these?” he asked, before stuffing a handful in his face. Cody cackled, finding his brother’s reaction both hilarious and adorable. “Batuu. Puffer pigs are a big food source there. You can find a bag of those“--he pointed to the bag in Rex’s hand--“just about everywhere. Not sure it’d be worth stepping foot on that planet though,” Cody explained. They sat in silence, munching on their snacks. 
When Rex finished his bag, he grabbed his haul next to him and dropped it in Cody’s lap. Cody rolled up the top of his unfinished bag of puffer pig rinds and gently opened the bag, curiosity evident in his expression. “‘Wasaka berries?’ What are those?” he asked, plucking one out and bringing it up to his face to examine it. Rex snorted at Cody’s careful inspection, so unlike Rex’s method of diving right in and asking questions later. “They’re from Kashyyk, Mostly used for desserts. The kids from one of the villages we freed gave them to us. Try it, you’ll like it,” Rex said, snatching one out of the bag and tossing it in his mouth. Cody gave him a look, but ate the candy he had been holding without another comment. Rex watched as Cody’s face lit up. He had a secret sweet tooth only his closest brothers knew about that Rex took great joy in exploiting. “I wouldn’t mind being stationed on Kashyyk for a while if this is the thanks we get,” Cody said after a moment, savoring the delicate taste of the candy. “Yeah,” Rex chuckled, “the wookiees were really kind to us. The Seps are throwing everything they got at the planet, I wouldn’t be surprised if you did get stationed there at some point.” Cody hummed, attention still on the candy he was chewing on. 
Cody and Rex didn't move for hours, content to sit beside each other and catch up. As the war raged on, they worried more and more that there may be a day when they wouldn’t see eachother again, that the war would rip them away from one another. For now, they were happy to be alive, sitting on a worn out bench watching the sun set. Here in Clarennora Gardens, they could pretend that the war was long past and they were free, and Cody and Rex enjoyed every moment of their temporary peace.
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evabellasworld · 3 years
Storm of the Republic
Chapter 27
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Summary:  When Tup murdered General Tiplar during a battle, Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex dispatched Ahsoka, Fives, and Yara to solve the mystery that was plaguing the Clone Army. Meanwhile, Senator Padme Amidala contacted Commander Fox, Commander Tori, Riyo Chuchi, and Dipper to help her continue investigating the death of Palpatine, suspecting that Dooku was behind the evil plot. But when Dooku send an ISB agent to stop them, the team had to race against time to search for the truth, which could alter the course of the galaxy.
“So, what do you think will happen today?” Odd Eye asked her second-in-command. “Will we have any luck storming the city of Mendes today?”
“Let’s see,” Tarot said, as he closed his eyes and shuffled the cards and pulled one out, revealing The Magician card in front of her eyes. “Well, the answer to your question is maybe. Maybe our mission will succeed, maybe it won’t.”
She raised one of her eyebrows. “Maybe? Really? You mean, we may or may not successfully storm the city of Mendes? Are you serious? This sentiment will not make this mission successful, you know. It’s a yes or a no, that’s all.”
“Commander, when you receive The Magician card in your reading, it means you have to tap into your full potential in order to make the plan work. The Magician uses his desire to manifest his own creation, which takes a lot of effort. If you don’t anything to make the plan work, then it will never happen.”
“So, you’re telling us that our victory depends on our good timing and decision?” Mina clarified, her hands on her hips. “Of course that’s the case, Odd Eye. In that case, we must discuss our plans with the generals to make it work. Otherwise, we will lose a lot of troops along the way, and that is something we cannot afford.”
Listening to their conversation, Cody sighed and shook his head as he glanced at the tarot deck. “Are you guys seriously relying on a pack of cards to predict our outcome? You know it doesn’t work like that, right?”
Tarot denied. “Contrary to the belief, Commander, tarot deck only guides us. If we don’t like the answer the cards give, you can always change your path. It’s all up to you.”
“Okay, and are they accurate, vod’ika?”
“They have proven to be useful in the past,” Odd Eye defended her best troop. “It doesn’t give us a straight answer, but we get open-ended questions instead, which makes us interpret the reading in different ways. Tarot has its own language, Codes. There’s no one way of understanding it.”
Tarot snorted as Cody bobbed his head, pressing his lips together. “Well, if you feel it works, then I guess I can’t stop you there. But remember to come back to reality once in a while. After all, you can’t always rely on them for questions and answers all the time.”
Fair point, the purple-eyed clone crossed her arms as she watched him approach Obi-Wan.
Cody has always been the logical one back when they were merely cadets on Kamino. She finds him rigid and strict, which earned him the rank of a Marshal Commander in the first place. Odd Eye may not be close to him, but she wouldn’t mind working with him from time-to-time.
If only Tori and Rex were assigned to this mission. They were the only one who could get Cody out of his shell.
He was lucky that his Jedi General was still by his side. Cody almost lost him during the Rako trouble, and he hoped it didn’t have to end this way again. He can’t imagine his general dying in front of him. Otherwise, he would have to deal with an admiral whom he’s not familiar with, like what happened on Umbara, where he ended up losing Waxer.
General Gomez and General Almarez-Guttierez were experienced enough to lead the clone army, but Cody doesn’t know about the rest of the admirals who weren’t promoted to a higher position. His arms shuddered as he thought about an inexperienced officer in battle. They might get killed within two seconds before they know it.
If only Rex and Tori were here right now. It’s not the same without them.
“Did you find anything, sir?” the Marshal Commander asked, as Obi-Wan was watching the enemies’ movements through his binoculars. There were a few Imperial Troop Transport driving down the dirt road carrying luminescent crystals that came from the mines. He knew the planet was known for its resources, but he didn’t know the significance of the crystals, besides decoration purpose.
Obi-Wan couldn’t sense the crystals inside, hence, it was not like the kyber crystals that came from the icy planet of Illum. They were beautiful, but what’s so special about them that the Empire wanted, anyway? What was the significance of those crystals to them?
“Sir, are you there?” Cody waved his hands in front of his face, catching his attention.
“I’m here, Cody” the Jedi snapped himself to the present moment, passing his scope to his trusted commander. “The Empire is transporting the crystals towards our target location, which is the city of Mendes. I could guess that’s where their headquarters are.”
“General Kenobi has a point,” Erina acknowledged, joining their conversation. “Since Hocura is known for crystal mining, it’s no surprise that the Empire is heading there.”
“Which gives us more reason to take back Hocura from Imperial hands,” Raul pointed out, facing Obi-Wan and Cody. “If we could get our hands on these transports, we could easily take on Mendes. What do you say, Master Jedi?”
Obi-Wan stroked his beard as he hummed to himself, staring at the forest floor. The plan could work, according to him, but it’s risky. Regardless, Obi-Wan felt this was a golden opportunity to achieve their goals for the Republic’s victory. This could be the only way to defeat the Empire.
“We’ll discuss your plans with our troops,” he approved, gesturing for them to move away from the bushes. “Come on, we can’t waste anymore time. The people of Hocura needs us.”
Raul beamed to himself and could only give a thumbs up without uttering a word to him. He wasn’t close to Obi-Wan, and hearing his praise brightened his day. Erina noticed the smile on his face and placed her hand on his shoulder, sharing his sentiment. “I have faith in you, dear. I will pray to Allah for your victory out there.”
“I could say the same for you, Eri,” Raul winked at his partner. “You’re a real good fighter out in the field. Just need to watch your step, though.”
Erina chuckled, rolling her eyes. “I should be the one saying that to you. Remember what happened at the last mission?”
“Oh, come on, it was only a shoulder shot. It wasn’t even that painful. Besides, I could still move my arms around.”
“And who had to tend to your shoulder wounds?” she gave him the side-eye, making him rub the back of his neck.
“I know, I know, but hey, I also had to deal with your leg injury for a month. You know how hard it was to carry you around the base.”
Erina squinted her eyes towards him before letting out an exhale. “Well, I enjoyed being carried by you. I wish you could do that on our wedding night.”
“Oh, I will make our wedding night special, if you know what I mean,” he smirked, making her cheeks flushed.
“You have my consent to tie me up and go rough on me on a queen's bed. I like it that way.”
Obi-Wan cleared his throat, signalling them to stay focus on their mission. “You can have your intimate talk with each other after this mission is over.”
Raul and Erina chuckled as they held each other’s hand, making his lips curled upwards. Seeing another couple spending time with each other warmed his heart as his mind wondered if he could have left the Order just to be with the love of his life. Obi-Wan would love to sit underneath the cherry blossom tree with his lover, holding her hands forever.
*If only Satine is still here,* he thought, his lips turned into a frown. *She would have been safer on base, instead on Mandalore.*
“Alright guys, I have a plan,” Raul announced to the clones, as they gathered around in circles, with Commander Odd Eye and Commander Mina beside him. “Those transportswe saw earlier are heading to the Imperial Headquarters, which are at our target location, and we’re going to infiltrate it.”
Odd Eye’s orbs widened, her jaws hanging. “If all due respect, General, that sounds like a risky plan. The transport is moving, and the chances of getting shot by a droid is high.”
“I’m aware of that, commander, which is why we need someone to stall those Imps, and I think I know who is perfect for that role.”
Cody, Tarot, and Mina turned to Odd Eye, who was cradling with her baby bump. “You’ve got to be kidding me. I am not doing that, ever. There is no way I’m going to be a bait.”
“You’ll be fine, vod,” Cody assured her, patting her back. “Besides, those droids are stupid anyway. Mina and I could back you up.”
“What if my son and I get killed?” she raised her doubt. “Those droids don’t have any mercy at all. They were designed to kill anyone in sight.”
“I’ll shield you, commander,” Obi-Wan calmed her, holding his lightsaber. “I won’t let anything happen to you and your unborn child, not on my watch.”
His words made her less anxious, though doubt has clouded her mind. “I appreciate that, Master Jedi, as long as the rest of our troops captured the transport as fast as possible. The longer I stall, the more likely the plan will fail. Are you okay with that?”
The Jedi placed his hand on his chest and gave her a slight bow. “You have my word, Commander.”
Erina turned to Cody and Mina, giving them an instruction. “Stand by our troops to take those transports by force. Get the timing right. We don’t want any mistakes in our plan.”
“Yes, general,” Mina saluted, as she headed towards her battalion along with Cody to give them orders.
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Barbara La Marr (born Reatha Dale Watson; July 28, 1896 – January 30, 1926) was an American film actress and screenwriter who appeared in twenty-seven films during her career between 1920 and 1926. La Marr was also noted by the media for her beauty, dubbed as the "Girl Who Is Too Beautiful," as well as her tumultuous personal life.
Born in Yakima, Washington, La Marr spent her early life in the Pacific Northwest before relocating with her family to California when she was a teenager. After performing in vaudeville and working as a dancer in New York City, she moved to Los Angeles with her second husband and became a screenwriter for Fox Film Corporation, writing several successful films for the company. La Marr was finally "discovered" by Douglas Fairbanks, who gave her a prominent role in The Nut (1921), then cast her as Milady de Winter in his production of The Three Musketeers (1921). After two further career-boosting films with director Rex Ingram (The Prisoner of Zenda and Trifling Women, both with Ramon Novarro), La Marr signed with Arthur H. Sawyer to make several films for various studios, including The Hero (1923), Souls for Sale (1923), and The Shooting of Dan McGrew (1924), the first and last of which she co-wrote.
During her career, La Marr became known as the pre-eminent vamp of the 1920s; she partied and drank heavily, once remarking to the press that she only slept two hours a night. In 1924, La Marr's health began to falter after a series of crash diets for comeback roles further affected her lifestyle, leading to her death from pulmonary tuberculosis and nephritis at age 29. She was posthumously honored on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for her contributions to the film industry.
Barbara La Marr was born in 1896 as Reatha Dale Watson to William and Rosana "Rose" Watson in Yakima, Washington (La Marr later claimed she was born in Richmond, Virginia). Her father was an editor for a newspaper and her mother, a native of Corvallis, Oregon, already had one son, Henry, and a daughter, Violet, from a previous marriage. La Marr's parents had wed some time during 1884, and had a son, William Watson, Jr., born in June 1886, ten years before she was born. Through her mother, La Marr was of German and English descent.
In the 1920s, the elder Watson became a vaudeville comedian under the stage name of Billy Devore. The Watsons lived in various locations in Washington and Oregon during La Marr's formative years. By 1900, she was living with her parents in Portland, Oregon, with her brother William, her half-sister Violet Ross, and Violet's husband Arvel Ross. As a child, La Marr also performed as a dancer in vaudeville, and made her acting debut as Little Eva in a Tacoma stage production of Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1904.
By 1910, La Marr was living in Fresno, California, with her parents. Some time after 1911, the family moved to Los Angeles, and La Marr worked at a department store. La Marr also appeared in burlesque shows. In January 1913, her half-sister, now going by the name of Violet Ake, took her 16-year-old sister on a three-day automobile excursion with a man named C.C. Boxley. They drove up to Santa Barbara, but after a few days, La Marr felt that they were not going to let her return home. Ake and Boxley finally let La Marr return to Los Angeles after they realized that warrants were issued for their arrests, accusing them of kidnapping. This episode was published in several newspapers, and La Marr even testified against her sister, but the case eventually was dropped. La Marr's name appeared frequently in newspaper headlines during the next few years. In November 1914, she came back to California from Arizona and announced that she was the newly widowed wife of a rancher named Jack Lytell and that they were supposedly married in Mexico. She also stated that she loathed the name Reatha and preferred to be called by the childhood nickname "Beth."
After marrying and moving in with her third husband, vaudevillian Ben Deely, La Marr, who at one time had aspirations of being a poet, found employment writing screenplays at Fox Film Corporation using the name Folly Lyell. She wrote numerous scenarios for studio shorts at Fox and United Artists, many of which she based on her life, earning over US$10,000 during her tenure at the studios. She was credited as writer Barbara La Marr Deely on the films The Mother of His Children, The Rose of Nome, Flame of Youth, The Little Grey Mouse, and The Land of Jazz (all released in 1920).
La Marr continued to write short screenplays for the studio and supported herself by dancing in various cities across the country, including New York City, Chicago, New Orleans, and at the 1915 World's Fair in San Francisco. La Marr's dance partners included Rudolph Valentino and Clifton Webb, and her dance routines attracted the attention of publisher William Randolph Hearst, who featured her and a dance partner in a series of articles published in the San Francisco Examiner around 1914.
While working in the writers' building at United Artists, La Marr was approached by Mary Pickford, who reportedly embraced her and said, "My dear, you are too beautiful to be behind a camera. Your vibrant magnetism should be shared by film audiences." La Marr's association with filmmakers led to her returning to Los Angeles and making her film debut in 1920 in Harriet and the Piper. Though a supporting part, the film garnered her attention from audiences. La Marr made the successful transition from writer to actress with her supporting role in The Nut (1921), playing a femme fatale. Later the same year, she was hired by Douglas Fairbanks to play the substantial part of Milady de Winter in The Three Musketeers.
Over the next several years, La Marr acted frequently in films, and became known to the public as "The Girl Who Is Too Beautiful", after Adela Rogers St. Johns, a Hearst newspaper feature writer, saw a judge sending her home during a police beat in Los Angeles because she was "too beautiful and young to be on her own in the big city." This publicity did much to promote her career. Among La Marr's films are The Prisoner of Zenda and Trifling Women, both 1922 releases directed by Rex Ingram. Although her film career flourished, she embraced the fast-paced Hollywood nightlife, remarking in an interview that she slept no more than two hours a night.
In 1923, La Marr appeared in the comedy The Brass Bottle, portraying the role of the Queen, and Poor Men's Wives. She had a supporting part in the Fred Niblo-directed comedy Strangers of the Night, and was noted in a New York Times review for her "capable" performance. She starred in the lead role, with Bert Lytell and Lionel Barrymore, in The Eternal City (1923), which featured a cameo appearance by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.
In 1924, during the filming of Thy Name Is Woman, production supervisor Irving Thalberg made regular visits to the set to ensure that La Marr's alcoholism was not interfering with the shoot. The same year, La Marr's first starring, above-the-title role came in the drama Sandra, from First National Pictures, which she filmed in New York City in August 1924. La Marr had served as a co-writer on the film, which focused on a woman suffering from a split-personality disorder Upon release, the film received dismally negative reviews.
La Marr's final screenplay, titled My Husband's Wives, was produced by Fox in 1924, arriving in theaters shortly after the release of Sandra, and before the production of what proved to be her final three films: The Heart of a Siren (a mixed reception), The White Monkey (a critical failure), and The Girl from Montmartre (a critical success, albeit posthumously released). While shooting The Girl from Montmartre in early October 1925, La Marr collapsed on set and went into a coma as the studio wrapped production without her with use of a double in long shots.
Although the tally is usually given as five, La Marr officially was married only four times. No documentation exists to prove the existence of her alleged first husband, Jack Lytelle, whom she claimed to have met while visiting friends in Yuma, Arizona in 1914. According to La Marr, Lytelle became enamored with her as he saw her one day riding in an automobile while he was on horseback. The couple allegedly married the day after they met, but Lytelle, it was claimed, died of pneumonia only three weeks into the marriage, leaving only a surname for Mrs. Lytelle to inherit.
La Marr's first official documented marriage on June 2, 1914, was to a Max Lawrence, who later turned out to be a former soldier of fortune named Lawrence Converse. He already was married with children when he married La Marr under a false name, and was arrested for bigamy the following day. Converse died of a blood clot in his brain three days later on June 5.
On October 13, 1916, La Marr married Philip Ainsworth, a noted dancer. Although the son of well-off parents, Ainsworth eventually was incarcerated at San Quentin State Prison for passing bad checks, and the couple divorced in 1917. She married for a fourth time to Ben Deely, also a dancer, in 1918. Deely, who was over twice her age, was an alcoholic and a gambling addict, which led to the couple's separation in April 1921. Before the divorce from Deely was finalized, La Marr married actor Jack Dougherty in May 1923. Despite separating a year later, they remained legally married until her death.
Some years after La Marr's death, she was revealed to have given birth to a son, Marvin Carville La Marr, on July 29, 1922. The name of the boy's father has never been released. During her final illness, La Marr entrusted the care of her son to her close friend, actress ZaSu Pitts, and Pitts' husband, film executive Tom Gallery. After La Marr's death, the child was legally adopted by Pitts and Gallery, and was renamed Don Gallery. Don Gallery died in 2014.
La Marr partied long hours and got very little sleep during the latter part of her career, often pairing this behavior with drinking during especially low points; she once told an interviewer: "I cheat nature. I never sleep more than two hours a day. I have better things to do."[8] In addition to her drinking and lack of sleep, during the last two years of her life La Marr went on several extreme crash diets to lose weight.[8] La Marr was rumored to have at one time ingested a tapeworm head in a pill to help her lose weight.
By late 1925, La Marr's health had deteriorated significantly due to pulmonary tuberculosis. While filming her final feature, The Girl from Montmartre, La Marr collapsed on the set and lapsed into a coma. In mid-December, she was diagnosed with nephritis, an inflammation of the kidneys, as a complication of her already tubercular state. La Marr was bedridden through Christmas, and by late December, she reportedly weighed less than 80 pounds (36 kg).
Some historians and writers have claimed that La Marr was addicted to morphine and heroin, which she had been prescribed after injuring her ankle and which may have contributed to her health problems. In Sherri Snyder's 2017 biography of La Marr, the writer states that these claims were untrue and erroneously reported. A frequently recirculated rumor was that La Marr was arrested for morphine possession in Los Angeles; however, Snyder states that this claim was mistakenly attributed to La Marr, when it had in fact been actress Alma Rubens who had been arrested in January 1931, five years after La Marr's death. Ben Finney, a close friend of La Marr, contested the claims of drug use, stating: "It is inconceivable that during our close friendship I would not have known if she were a junkie," adding, "She did well enough with booze."
On January 30, 1926, La Marr died of complications associated with tuberculosis and nephritis at her parents' home in Altadena, California, at the age of 29. Her friend, film director Paul Bern, was with her when she died. La Marr's son later speculated that Bern may have been his biological father, though this eventually was disproved; Bern died in a mysterious shooting six years later.
La Marr's funeral at the Walter C. Blue Undertaking Chapel in Los Angeles attracted over 3,000 fans, and five women reportedly fainted in the crowd and had to be removed by police to safety. After her removal from the church during the funeral procession, hundreds of fans flooded the chapel hoping to obtain flowers from the decorative arrangements. She was interred in a crypt at Hollywood Cathedral Mausoleum, in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. For her contribution to the motion picture industry, La Marr has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 1621 Vine Street.
Producer Louis B. Mayer, a longtime admirer of La Marr, named actress Hedy Lamarr after her. She is also referred to in the popular 1932 Flanagan and Allen song "Underneath the Arches" during a break in which Ches Allen reads the headlines from a 1926 newspaper. Children's author Edward Eager set an episode of his 1954 book Half Magic at a showing of La Marr's Sandra and includes ironic descriptions of the movie.
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wevegottogetaway · 4 years
Whirlwind Part II - Bora
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Echoes are bouncing within the sturdy walls of the San Diego Marine Corps Air Station's main hangar. Blackshoes are in the middle of pre-flight logistics runs and equipment set-up before the launch of Top Gun program's first training mission. Aircrafts are being carefully escorted outside towards the runway, the sound of their roaring turbines whelming Harry's ears but he doesn't let that disturb his self-reflecting musings. His body is leant on the metallic hinges of the warehouse's entrance as his absentminded gaze doesn't shift from the take-off runway.
He is about an hour early but the upcoming events of the day have had him on edge since he reluctantly draped the cool bedsheets off his body that morning. How could he possibly get a wink of sleep knowing he was, at last, going back amongst the clouds for the first time since the accident? For the first time without his best friend. For the first time without is partner by his side (or rather behind him) watching out for hidden threats and targets in line. Jonathan had always had his back but from this day forward Harry would have to rely on Aella to keep them both safe.
He doesn't know what to make of that, what to make of her. There is no questioning her skills and capability, one could never join this program without those...but two highly proficient flyers don't necessarily equal one flawless unit. Especially since they know so little of each other. Be that as it may, the fellowship that binds two pilots flying the same aircraft is indispensable to their success and in those life-of-deaths seconds, when it feels like the sky is closing in on them and the next move can make or break them, it all comes down to one thing: the entrustment between him and her.
And he wants to. Wants to take his trust out from the jetted pocket of his uniform, lay it on the palm of her hand and enclose her fingers around it to keep secure. But it doesn't work like that, does it? Trust is not so much a choice as it is a spontaneous feeling immune to rational thinking. And for a reason he doesn't want to mull over too much, Harry can't help but feel wary of her in a way. He's seen her fire; the night before last when she made a fool out of their most redoubtable opponent. Recognized the same flame that used to inhabit his best friend's eyes and make him the warmest being Harry ever got to be around. It doesn't sway him as much as it scares him. Fierceness is a good trait in the Navy world, but too much of it can be deceitful. Harry experienced it first-hand.
He doesn't dwell on it too much for now though, and makes his way to the back of the warehouse where his "classmates" have started to huddle while waiting for the superiors. Most of the promotion is there, the usual inner-groups appearing clearly to Harry as his eyes takes in the scene: herdsman Rex and his sheeps on one side while the other crews enjoy one last round of banter before their sternness is summoned for the first mission of the program.
Harry takes note of Aella's absence just as someone calls out to him. "Styles!" It's his callsign tumbling out of Dean Marshall's mouth. Harry used to have another, but the only person who was allowed to make use of that one special letter, is no longer able to claim it.
Dean and his partner Emmet Iggersman - or as they are commonly addressed to on base, Dazzler and Tigger - complete the other half of Harry and Aella's team. The four of them fly in tandem to form a section and hopefully fulfill the missions' objectives before the others do. Harry has flown many a time with these two guys and he's glad he'll be able to count on them as well should his new pairing go south.
"Hey Daz, how's it goin' ?" his greeting is followed by a good-natured handshake.
"S' goin' awesome, thanks for asking! My boy just started walking like a penguin on steroids right before I left. I swear the little champ is takin' the helm to keep his mum on her toes while his father's gone!" The proud smirk teasing Dazzler's lips triggers a contagious chuckle from his peers as they all take in the sheer bliss coloring the new-dad's face.
"That's grand man! Send my prayers to Catherine, sounds like she might need it, yeah?"
"Will do Styles, but enough 'bout me, how are you holdin' up? I can't deal fo' you man, what with Fox gone and this new partner thing..." There's a painful tug at Harry's chest at the utterance of Jonathan's callsign, the nickname born from his tangerine-like hair though Harry always believed it was more reference to his best-friend incredibly cunning mind. He ignores it in favor of a more tempered and diplomatic answer than what his heart was crying out.
"It'll be an adjustment fo' sure, yeah. But overall I'm just glad to be back in the game"
"As we all are Styl-" Tigger has just placed a comforting hand on Harry's broad shoulder when he is interrupted by none other than Rex's disdainful voice.
"Hey girls! How's the BFFs reunion going?"
Dazzler doesn't hesitate before stepping forward and firing back "Just about a punch away from properly kickin'off. Why? are you offerin'?"
"Wooo I'm shaking" Rex replies with a fake tremor. Then he seems to spot something - or rather someone - coming up behind Harry and Tigger. It's Aella, head kept down as to not attract any attention. She's seen the despicable man interacting with her new crew so she tries to reach the makeshift classroom (mostly just chairs aligned in a couple of rows in the middle of a hangar) as inconspicuously as possible. The déjà-vu impression is not lost on her.
"There she is!" Aella tilts her head up, knowing she's busted. "Miss James Bond Girl in the flesh! C'mere sweetheart, come show these suckers who wears the pants in this team!" The disdain within her levels up a notch (as if possible) but Aella doesn't know what she hates the most about this nonsense. The fact he is ridiculing her once again or the fact he acts like none of the after James-Bond-Girl-debacle two nights ago ever happened. As if she didn't put him in his place like the badass she is.
Or maybe it's the affectionate pet-name coming out of his repugnant lips and directed to her... Anyway, she doesn't have the time to prepare a comeback before a second round is launched, this time at her new partner.
"Better watch it Styles! Next thing you know you'll be the one in the freakin' kitchen..."
"Cut it out, Rex-" Harry starts defending his team but a stern and humorless voice overpowers his.
"I don't reckon anyone asked for your moronic opinions. So please pack your ignorant bullshit away and leave us the fuck alone" She keeps her countenance as she tells him off but Rex is not budging an inch and neither is the insolent smirk hung on his face.
"Damn Harry, quite the mouthy one you have here. Sure you can handle her?"
"For Christ's sake, please shut the hell up and go back where you came from Rex or by God I swear I won't hesitate to have you weep on the floor for your momma like a baby, again."
"Again?" Dazzler perks up with a smiling frown just as Rex's smugness fades away to be replaced by unadulterated contempt.
"You're delusional if you think I can be scared of you Lonethorne" he spats out while backing away, head up mighty high. "Stupid cunts" he adds under his breath as he turns around to rejoin his buddies.
Aella knows she's worked herself up but she can't help but call out to him one more time. "Oh and Rex?... How's the hand doing?" He doesn't give her the curtesy of a respond but Aella is satisfied with the flare of his nose and the twitch in his eye.
Meanwhile the three men still at her sides are left speechless, Dazzler and Tigger still processing the heated exchange while Harry seems lost in his own thoughts.
She'd done it again. Let the fire out and turned Rex's crudeness into ashes before they could scar her skin. There was no attempt of taming the beast before she went in guns blazing. That didn't help assuage his worries one bit. She's too impulsive is playing in his head over and over like a broken record. Because while Harry agrees Rex is the worst kinds of knobheads, he's always believed responding to antagonization was pointless. Better to look the other way and let the jerk waste his energy on petty words that will never reach aim. And because all in all, there are dogfighters, but that endeavor is reserved in the air, not on land.
"My my, darling. You just pimped the shit out of the least pimpable man on base. I think I'm in awe." Dazzler says after regaining his senses.
"Please don't call me darling" Aella retorts softly as she knows he doesn't mean it in any condescending way.
"Sorry. Aella, is it?"
"Yeah, that's me. And you are...?"
"Dazzler, so very nice to meet you" he smiles widely accepting her handshake offer. "And just a heads-up dear Aella. After you tell me all about weeping Rex, you and I are gonna be besties, I can feel it" She chuckles lightly as his enthusiasm and decides she'll not only welcome his affection but also return it. Before she can reciprocate the sentiment however, the room falls suddenly quiet and a second later the reason, or rather 4 reasons, come into her view: Commander Berks, Lieutenant Rogers and two other officers that have yet to be introduced.
"Morning everyone, I can tell some of you over-indulged in Induction Rave. If you could put the same amount of devotion you put at getting faced into your training, I would be eternally grateful." Berks earns himself a full house of laughters, before compelling the room back to sobriety. "Time to be serious now. ACM training was not invented to entertain you and make you look pretty up there. As an era where the potential of confrontation is constantly rising, air combat excellence is now more than ever a vital technique to the protection of our country. And don't you forget that: you are above all defenders of the nation. Not heroes, not athletes. I say again: protectors. Best be at you sharpest then." The Commander pauses after his inspiring tirade.
"Now, let's talk about this first assignment. Just plain good old-fashioned dogfighting to give you guys a foretaste of what's coming. Today it's gonna be 4 units at a time against 4 of ours. Your goal is to target any one of the instructors' units while trying not to be shot yourself. I'll say it now, we won't go easy on you. This exercise is meant as an assessment of your current skills, so don't get too cocky up there, just do your ex-Commanders honor. First one to reach its target or last one to be shot wins the mission. Remember, there is no points for second place in this program." He pauses and starts grinning. "Show me what you got."
With that Aella tries a small glance in Harry's direction but his eyes are fixed towards the horizon with a permanent frown shrouding their luminescence. She sighs.
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Fully equipped of her G-suit, helmet and headset, Aella is making the last adjustments on her seat at the back of the cockpit. She's not unfamiliar with the radar intercept officer position though she's usually the one at the commands. She's also used to flying alone.
The panel in front of her intimidatingly takes up all her front view with a couple of screens and numerous switches and tuners. Her perspective is limited to a peripheral vision on both sides of the cockpit but she wouldn't be relying on a full panorama to spot target and threats anyway. No her job is to accurately keep tract of all flying elements within the largest range and most anticipated time possible. There's no point in crying out for enemy presence when they're already at your six and firing away... Along with relaying their position to Harry, Aella can also suggest tactical maneuvers based on the predictions she draws from the opponents' moves.
Speaking of Harry, they haven't exchanged a word since their brief introduction two days ago. Now they're both tightly harnessed to their seat about to navigate a near-thirty-tons engine beyond the speed of sound. Aella's never been a religious one but as the technician gives her one last thumb up to signal their operational status, she's praying to all deities that the awkwardness between them on land is nothing but the result of a subliminal force destined to counterbalance their incredible chemistry in the air.
The canopy of the cockpit locks them into silence before Harry speaks up. "All good?" The mediocre quality of the microphone's transducer makes his voice even raspier than usual through the headset tucked over Aella's ears.
"Yeah all good. You?"
She thinks their conversation is over but then she hears a hushed voice. "Let's kick the tires and light the fires." She figures it was more so for his own benefit though, so she doesn't comment.
All too soon they're propelled forward, backs pinned to their seats because of the tremendous speed pressure. It can be a small-scale body trauma for some but Aella has never felt more comfortable. A tingle of the fingertips later, they are welcomed in an infinite azure dotted by a few scarce clouds, the runway long gone behind them. Both pilots enjoy a couple peaceful seconds to take in their new panorama and then they snap: it begins.
"I've got a six strobe. I think he's locked on us." Aella starts reading out the incoming movements entering her radar scope.
With a switch on his radio transmitter, Harry reaches out to Dazzler and Tigger as they are flying in a parallel tandem alongside them. "Tigger, you spot it?"
"Positive. It's Rogers, looks like he's a single." Tigger who endorses the same role as Aella quickly reports, before she pitches back in for a few more precisions.
"Contact at 900 knots closure. He's gaining speed."
"Daz, it's split time." Harry announces.
"Copy that Styles."
After Dazzler's approval, the two aircrafts are both sharply veering outwards in a defensive split, leaving a Y-shaped trail of smoke after them. The move comes through as the chaser is contrived to choose one direction to follow, but to Harry's dismay they get the short end of the stick.
"Rogers coming left, eight o'clock high." Aella signals immediately.
The scenery below them is a mix of wild purples and pale magentas, with fields-worth of lavender adorning the dry soil so characteristic of Californian lands. Peace and nature prevail on these grounds slightly remote from the bustling life of the city but the same cannot be said ten-thousand feet above where Harry is caught in a tedious game of zig-zag trying to escape his pursuer.
"He's tailing us. Watch your six!" her pulse quickens every time Rogers' unit manages to lock its position right behind them. There is no more vulnerable position for a pilot than to have an enemy flying at their six. It usually means incoming fire. It's why Harry is relentlessly jerking the TomCat in a rapid and unpredictable manner, the constant change in direction making it near-impossible for Rogers to lock, aim and shoot them.
"No shit Sherlock, why d'you think I'm jinxing so much?" Harry is starting to see spots on his peripheral vision from the gravitational pull, and he can only hope his tailgater is experiencing the same. Beads of sweat dotting his hairline and starting to dribble along his temples but it doesn't put a damper on his concentration. He can't relent or he becomes an exposed target.
"Goddamn, he's not budgin.'" Harry tries with all his might to leave his frustration out of the cockpit but the situation is not looking up.
"You got new contact ahead, 2 o'clock." Aella perks up at the discovery.
"Imma bit preoccupied with Rogers up my ass, if you haven't noticed." She should have known pointing out a potential target while they were heavily pursued themselves was not what Harry wanted to hear, but she already had a plan all mapped out. That's what Aella is best at after-all: reading a situation and coming up with a strategy in .2 second flat, no reflexion needed, just the numbers, the physics and the sky on her side.
"I didn't mean it as a target. You can use them as a shield if you keep Rogers high enough right before making a dive under them." She explains her vision to him, desperately wishing she could be the one on the front executing it.
"He'll just go above and back to tailgating us."
"Not if you barrel-roll right after the contact, he'll just overshoot." His lack of response betrays his skepticism so she insists further, brushing off the way he's second-guessing her.
"At the least, it'll give you leeway and buy you some time." This time her argument weights enough to tip his scale in favor of her plan.
"'lright then." Harry reluctantly agrees, tilting his chin slightly to the side as if he couldn't believe himself he was going through with her move. "'s gonna be snug timing."
"Just trust my cue." Aella's words are left hanging between them like a desperate echo thrown in an empty ravine. Does he trust her? Does she? It's definitely not the moment to reflect on it, much less have a discussion about it, but neither of them are oblivious to the eerie silence filling up their space like a faux smile greeting a bad joke. Then the aircraft is once again yanked to a blunt left and Aella is snapped out of it.
"That's it. Target at 1 mile abeam 40° on your right." She's got the fellow fighter in her line of view, both on the radar and through the bulletproof glass of the cockpit's canopy. "Keep high, keep high...3, 2, 1, drop!" Harry immediately complies, the aircraft nearly skimming the underbelly of its twin above, before shooting right back upwards, nose pointing at the sun. The trajectory describes a half loop leaving them upside-down for a milli second before Harry rolls them back to normal, in the end effectively realizing a vertical U-turn. Rogers skillfully avoids a fetal collision with the third wheeler but doesn't anticipate Harry's sudden volte-face, in accordance with Aella's prognosis.
"Fuck, we're losin' airspeed." Because of such a twist of direction, they are indeed relegated to a lesser speed which Harry is not too enchanted about.
"He's losing some too." Aella reasons, before jumping to another matter. "2 incoming bogies ahead. I think it's Berks tailing Dazzler." She's barely finished her sentence that two familiar aircrafts flash passed them at such high speed, Harry has to crane his neck backwards to watch his friends in the same predicament he was mere seconds ago.
"I have to cover them." His instinct takes over.
"Fly your needles Harry, it's too late for them." Aella objects to it straight away. Her mind is unbiased, she knows going for them would be pointless.
"Like hell I'm gonna sit tight, they need cover." Harry's voice is categoric like he couldn't ever fathom a world where he would leave his friends stranded for the sake of a mission.
"They already lost, Berks' gonna turn for us now."
"You don't know that." He replies adamantly despite her warning.
"Except I do. Daz was loosing speed, it's over for them." Now she's the one trying to stifle her frustration with all her might. She just wishes he would listen, but instead they're doing yet another 180 to follow Dazzler's trail to the rescue. She has no choice but to adapt and keep calling the positions.
"Contact ahead, four hundred, coming down. He's gonna turn."
"Not if I nail 'im first." If she weren't so bitter about being ignored, she might find his determination admirable. Admittedly she can't deny Harry is an amazing pilot, as are proof his excellent accuracy in space and timing as well as the ease with which he performs each maneuver. But alas, the git won't take her words for it, no matter how knowledgable she is. Talk about eyes rolling...
Meanwhile, Harry is desperately trying to aim for the TomCat launched in his direction, but his opponent is using the same tricks he used against Rogers.
"Shit, 's not stable enough to fire." Aella can't believe he has to audacity to groan about it to her. DIdn't she warn him?
Any shot is missed as the two aircrafts cross trajectories, nearly grazing each other
"Don't lag, he's gonna come around high at your five." Instead of commenting on his failed attempt, she communicates her best educated guess.
"How'dya figure?"
"Cause he was lagging too." Her retorts are getting sharper and drier as her annoyance grows the more he questions her. Her eyes take a rest from the screens on her panel to lay on the Californian landscape flowing passed them. They've wandered quite the distance away from the base, the relatively greener scenery of the seafront giving way to a craggy turf redder and drier by the meter.
"Fuck." Harry suddenly swears, the quality of his voice could rival the roughness of the ground Aella was just observing, and she's effectively brought back into focus.
"Damn it, I told you!" She indulges with an expletive of her own once she spots the fast-approaching signal of Berks unit on her AMDR (Air and Missile Defense Radar).
"The fucker got in my blind spot, I'm doin' my best." Harry is quick to defend himself but the damage is done: they're being chased down once again.
Aella thinks she's starting to reach her disgruntlement threshold. The fact Harry isn't much receptive to her ideas doesn't alleviate her growing frustration at her lack of control over the damn carrier. "Well step up before we get wiped." She spits.
"I swear to God Aella, now's really not the time"
"If you just listened to me for- Watch out! At your six, closing fast!" She desperately wants to tell him off. Wishes she could go on a rant about how much of a dismissing jerk is being, but her duties reins her in when a loud signal starts beeping frantically on her board. Berks is locked at their six, a press of a finger away from shooting them.
"I hear that" Harry grunts as he gives a sharp jerk at the control stick in order to dodge Berks' line of fire. He keeps jinxing the aircraft in all axis but Berks follows suit and matches all his moves.
"He's too fast, I can't get out of his fire range." Harry's heartbeat skyrockets as the situation becomes more dire by the second. He doesn't know how long he can maintain the zig-zagging going, for the sake of both his energy and the carrier's. Abrupt moves are what's currently keeping them safe but these are sadly the greediest in kerosene.
Then all hell breaks loose when Aella is hit by one of her craziest ideas.
"Try a complete thrust reversal of the turbofan engines."
"' the fuck?! Are you nuts?! It'll send us spiraling." Harry's livid. He knew it. He fucking knew she was impulsive and reckless on the edges. She held to much fire in her hands for him to put his trust in them like he wanted to.
"Precisely." His harsh reaction doesn't deter her confidence. "If you're out of control, he can't anticipate your moves, can he?"
"Are you even listening to yourself? That's a stupid idea if I ever heard one."
"It's not. You just have to switch back off the burners for a sec and you'll get the control back."
"And what if I don't?" She knows her calculations are foolproof but Harry won't have any of it. He can't think past the boldness and near-arrogance of it all.
"You will, just trust me." Once again, the words leave a bitter taste in her mouth, even more so because she knows he won't likely follow through with it.
"That's suicide mission Aella. I'm not doing it, that's final." The last two words are categorical, a way for him to officially close the conversation.
"Damn it!"
The theory of it was beautiful really, but Harry thinks in practical and surefire moves he knows won't send him six feet under before his time. Aella, on the other hand, has always relied on her infallible knowledge of astrophysics to enhance her flying experience. She's followed the same motto ever since she stumbled across a quote that inspired her beyond grasp. It goes something like "aviation records don't fall until someone is willing to mortgage the present for the future." And while she would never even entertain the idea of a reckless and immature move, her self-taught philosophy gave her access to a whole world of potential tricks most pilot couldn't even conceptualize.
Aella is in the middle of an attempt at regulating her breathing when she starts noticing the spinning arrow on her altimeter. Her head swiftly tilts to the side to get a brief snapshot of the crimson soil of San Diego's wasteland. They must be pretty far in the land if the upcoming sierra of rocky mounts is anything to go by. That's not what is retaining Aella's attention. No, she's more puzzled by the lack of space between her and the ground, the carrier grazing over pebbly elevations and lorn cactuses.
"Flathatting? That's your idea? Christ Harry, the trees won't save your ass." She figures if he doesn't bother being civil then she should drop her filter too.
"Leave it Aella. Just do your job."
"I'm trying!" She fires back.
"Just trust me on this."
"Fuck you Harry, that's a two-way street." She's actually fuming. He had the balls to call her out on trust when he hasn't been returning the same courtesy. If she had the time to worry further about it now, Aella would be questioning if coming to Top Gun and partnering with Harry was really a life-changing opportunity. So far, she's had very few upgrades from the grim world she's been privy too.
"There's a split trail 3 miles ahead on the left." She was under the impression they'd stop talking in tacit consent but the rasp of Harry's voice through her headphones is no mirage. "I can lose him there. Can you read the positions please?"
She's tempted to give him the silent treatment but the fervid pilot in her wouldn't let her jeopardize a mission on such petty grounds. At least he was polite about his request this time. "He's closing on 300, nose up. Going by 800 knots."
"Roger that" Probably the closest thing to a thank you she'll get from him.
They're currently speeding through a gorge, tall cliffs of maroon stone fencing them on either side. Aella starts to question Harry's move as it restrains their room for maneuver but then he makes an extremely obtuse left turn and she gets it. The intimidating mount on their left actually split into two narrow canyons. At the speed they were going, one is most likely to take the second channel whose angle isn't as sharp as the one Harry chose. Only someone with previous knowledge of the surroundings would know how to successfully make that turn. It's then Aella realizes Harry has more insight on the environs than he lets on. His trick proves to be conclusive as Berks falls into the trap and enters the other passage.
"He's out."Aella simply confirms, before Harry veers upwards and back towards the base.
"Hunky-Dory." He utters in the same whispered manner he used before their take-off. "Now let's bug the fuck outta here."
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The moment she has her two feet on the tarmac, Aella is scurrying over to a furious-looking Harry. Nostrils flaring, daggers in the eyes, they're both squaring their shoulders once nose to nose, or rather nose to collarbone. She doesn't give him the time to even part his lips before she's jabbing her pointer finger at his taunt chest.
"You prick! I got better things to do than to fill some empty space at the back of your stupid plane. If you don't want my insight you can shove it where the sun doesn't shine."
"Insight? You call that insight?!" He starts laughing jeeringly. "'s fuckin' madness is what it was. I can't believe I passed the mission with someone like you!" Harry doesn't even care to temper his disdain anymore. He's seen enough to make up his mind about her. He doesn't like her. Doesn't want to find out about the person inside because he doesn't like the pilot that she is. It reminds him to much of futile losses and irreparable hurt.
"Someone like me?" Aella's face turns sour and if it didn't make her look so sentimental, her eyes would be hosting a few pearls. She really thought he wasn't like those sexist jerks back home. Maybe not the warmest but at least respectful of her talent enough to appreciate her place in the Navy. Now she hates herself for entertaining the fantasy of ever having an ally flying by her side. "You're an asshole Harry, and certainly no better than Rex." Then before he can reply she storms off, too angered not to lose her wits.
And really, her last words don't sit well with Harry, because he knows she's not referring to the jerk's flying skills.
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ionfusionpunk · 3 years
Hello 👋🏽 clone playlist anon here!
(olive branch accepted) Friends!
You are one of the nicest persons I’ve ever interacted with on the internet. Every time I send you an ask I check Tumblr constantly to see if you answered lol I always look forward to talking to you and seeing your responses! I wish you luck on your finals and that you get a chance to just chill out. Also which are your favorite Star Wars characters?
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*whispers* Hi~ <3 You are. So awesome. Hello New Friend~ 😊
Ngl I’ve been checking my notifs constantly after I respond to one of your asks just to see if I’ll get a new from you haha. You’re absolutely one of the funnest people I’ve interacted with. You think I’m nice? Holy moly, my dude, you’re SUPER nice! Getting one of your asks is the highlight of my day ^^
Thank you! My finals are two tests and two papers, so I think I should be pretty okay grade-wise, but your support is appreciated. :)
Okay okay, now for the actual question, lol. Hm, this one is a little tough cos I’ve kinda cycled through a couple as I’ve gotten older and my opinions of them have changed - or I’ve learned about new people! A lot of what I know about characters - and solidly everything I know about any Legends character - comes from fanfic only. I haven’t gotten an opportunity to watch any playthroughs of the videogames, and I honestly have no desire to read the books, lol (I read about the comics all the time, so most of my knowledge is probably based on those, tbh). But. Here’s what I got 🙃
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Kenobae, lol, love of my life, and Ewan McGregor 💙)
Cody (Wifi Router Husband)
Fox (Sleepy!Angsty!Boi)
Plo Koon (Best Dad)
Alpha-17. Nuff said. 
Domino Twins (Echo and Fives, my beloveds, who deserved so much more, sarcastic and honorable and tragic and hnnn)
Rex (King)
Riyo Chuchi (Sweet Bean)
Crosshair (I think I have a type for sarcastic/cranky/sniper. Legit tho)
Jon Antilles (I want you to know I blame blackkat for this; they’ve written a solid half of all the Jon fics on ao3)
Leia (Dude. Just - Yes.)
Bail Organa (Ties for Best Dad)
Honestly, I love most of the characters. These are just the ones I’ve spent the most time ‘with’, I guess? The ones I read the most about/enjoy their appearances in both fiction and canon the most. 
How about you? Which are your favorite SW characters? Ooh! And do you have any of your favorite fics you’d like to recommend? I’m always looking for more 🙃 (even though I literally refuse to go through my bookmarks and opened tabs to read the ones I’ve hidden away, lolll)
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