#so rex is doing the heavy lifting
varpusvaras · 8 months
Fox, in some social gathering he, Bail and Breha were invited to: So...I know I'm here because I'm married to these two, and Cody is here because Kenobi is here, but why are you here again?
Rex: Because these two are here *points to Anakin and Padmé*
Fox: Are you guys like. You know.
Rex: ..........honestly I am not sure, but at this point, I'm in way too deep to leave
Fox: What do you mean by that?
Rex: Observe
Luke and Leia, running up to Padmé: Mom! Can we go and-
Padmé: Oh, you need to ask your father
Luke and Leia, running to Anakin: Dad! Can we go and-
Anakin: Oh, um. Did you already ask your mom?
Luke and Leia: Yes, and she said to ask you!
Anakin: Okay, uh. Go ask Rex if you can go?
Luke and Leia, running up to Rex: Rex! Can we go and-
Rex: No, you'll die and break your legs. Now sit down for a moment and have some juice
Fox: ....oh.
Rex: Yeah.
Fox: This might be a problem
Rex: You don't say
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sergle · 9 months
How long will you be bed ridden once you've got rid of the tonhongerekoogers?
Dr. Boobs said that I'll be on my feet and operating normally after about the first week, but w a very limited range of motion. depending on how I react to the anesthesia (some feel very sick), I could be fucked up for the first few days / first week, but I could also be strolling around and chilling two days into the healing. don't really know yet!
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yorutsuki · 5 months
「 ✦ Isekaied Reversed Pt. 2✦ 」
↳ Started with pulling some single pulls on Xiao's banner, however things hadn't gone as expected as he really did come home...literally. First impressions? Long gone.
Tags: @itztaki @wolfishartist13
{Hopefully I did that right}
“Move, and I’ll purge you where you sit, Demon.”
You froze, feeling like you recognized that voice somewhere...Of coarse!
With your chest a little lighter, you obliged instructions. Either way you wished to not be cut into a bloody spray paint bottle. But also realizing the situation, beads of sweat rolled down your face as you tried leveling your breathing.
“H-hey now, w-we can talk about this-“ You eyes drew back to the deathly weapon, the one centimeters away from your carotid artery. “-right?..haha…ha…”
You felt the blade finally press to your skin firmly, instantly shutting you up, seeing as the yaksha bare no mood for jokes.
I guess that’s what happens when you see your whole family lose their sanity before slaughtering each other-
“How did you manage to conjure me here." He demanded, his hold on his spear never faltering as he glared towards you, waiting for an answer. You, on the other hand, your words couldn't even be conjured up. Why? Because you were thinking the same thing; How did he even get here?
Mere moments passed by as the adeptus was getting impatient by the second. With a sigh, you finally spoke, "Look..I—OH MY GOSH IS THAT REX LAPIS!" You shouted, pointing towards your room's window.
With his spear faltering slightly, you took this opportunity and ran—ran like the wind, like your life depended on it and truly, it did. At least after that stunt. But hey! On the bright side, in your afterlife you could proudly gloat about how you managed to not only summon the mighty vigilante yaksha, Xiao, but as well as juke him!
You were almost free as your fingers brushed against the doorknob—you could practically feel freedom in its wake..but unfortunately, it was cut short as you felt a hand grab your wrist before quickly slamming you against the door.
You honestly would've thought that it wasn't so bad. But only If the same threatening jade spear wasn't jabbed into the wood of the door only a few centimeters from your head.
"How idiotic must one be to pull a stunt such as that!" You heard the man snap. You chuckled with nervousness, "gotcha good eh?-" "I'll give you to the count of five. How did you manage to conjure me here."
"I don't know! I don't know how you ended up here. When I heard a loud thud from behind me, you were suddenly there!"
The yaksha did not express anything, his motions still.
Is this the end of me? All I wanted to do was for Xiao to come home..BUT NOT LITERALLY!
The man sighed, "If you can conjure me here, you can send me back." Huh- "I have important matters back in my universe."
The pressure behind you disappeared as you felt a heavy weight lifting off your chest. You huffed out a sigh of relief..."Wait. Did you just say different universe?" You recapped. Surely your ears were playing tricks on you.
The yaksha stared blankly at you before nodding. You could feel a annoyed aura radiating from him. "But how did yo-" "I cannot disclose that to you, but if you'd look around the place, it looks nothing like what you've just witness, thus, you can figure it out on your own." He interrupted.
You mentally rolled your eyes. How could you forget; This guy was ruthless, blunt-depression itself; next to wanderer of coarse.
"Alright. Well then-" Xiao proceeded to ignore you as he opened your bedroom window, about to jump. "Uh, where are you going?" You questioned. The yaksha huffed, "I'm going to see if I can send myself back as it seems you haven't a clue whats happening. That will only slow me down on returning." He stated bluntly. Ouch..
Although you couldn't argue with the man about parts of his statement, you couldn't help but feel a bit sad—even a tad jealous but most importantly, irritated. He had threatened you multiple occasions, man handled you and even broke your door and now he has the audacity to make you pay for the damages? Scoff
The adeptus turned his head with a shocked expression, his brows furrowed. "How do you kno-"
"I cannot disclose that to you." You smirked, but quickly cleared your throat. "The important thing here is for you to realize that going outside in a different universe in those clothings and a large-jade—which, in this world, is a hella rare mineral, is off putting. Yea, to add on, you don't have currency-" Xiao then rolled his eyes before going to take mora from his inventory. "-and no—mora doesn't work here. So technically you'd be homeless because honestly, nobody here is willing to give crap for free." You sighed, "Trust me, this world is a lot more diabolical than what it shows from the exterior." You mumbled mockingly.
The adeptus looked down in thought for a moment before sighing and ascending down from the window sill. You mentally high fived yourself at your bad-ass arguementive speaking skills.
A moment of silenced washed over the two of you as you awkwardly stared at eachother. With each second passing, it somehow kept getting quieter.
You cleared your throat, "uhm, sir."
Xiao looked towards you with a questioning look. You only pointed to your new splintered and broken door. "You. You caused that."
The adeptus only closed his eyes as he crossed his arms. What for? Maybe in thought? You didn't know. Your main focuses were to get the door fixed and to figure out what happens next as it seemed like the adeptus had Isekaied but reversed.
How long this day was becoming...
{This isn't proof-read, so in advanced i apologize if everything is all over the place as this is my first reversed isekaied story. If theres any suggestions for the next part please write them down! I love reading the comments ^^}
> Part 1
[ Masterlist ]
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awkward-tension-art · 1 month
Darkness on Umbara Chp.5 (Rex x Reader)
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Chapter 4. Chapter 6.
Beginning of the List
cw: Rex x Reader, Reader is a medic, incorrect military procedure, graphic descriptions of injuries, blood, swearing, death and battle, Spoilers for the Umbara Arc, Pong Krell is an asshole, reader insert, Reader gets shot, details of a wound on reader, stress vomiting, reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), if i miss a tag LMK
Minors DNI,
After the Umbarans had attacked again, everyone was exhausted. It was either luck or divine intervention that the 501st managed to fight off the second attack. This time, Krell actually fought alongside the soldiers, since he had been caught between blaster fire. You’d give the Jedi credit, he was lethal with his lightsabers, making quick work of the adversaries in his path.
You still hated him. Many good soldiers had died in the fight because of his half-assed strategy. To make matters worse you and Kix were at your limit trying to keep everyone alive. 
The supplies in your packs were low, and thankfully the speeder had more. But they wouldn’t last forever if Krell kept up his plans the way he was. 
You had just finished patching up your sixth, ARF trooper Steele, when Jesse put a hand to your shoulder, “Doc. you're hurt. Since the retreat on the road.”
The haphazard bandages you put on your arm had fallen off.  After a quick glance to make sure the soldiers that needed medical care weren’t in a dire situation, you finally assessed yourself. 
Lifting your arm in your uninjured hand, your eyes roamed over the damage. 
Direct hit. 
The minimal armor you had on your upper arm was completely scorched. The fabric underneath had offered no protection either, revealing the internal parts of your limb. 
Your bicep and tricep had been destroyed by the shot revealing the humerus. Bone was stained black with the ashes of your muscle. The only reason your arm was still attached was by the melted, burnt remains of the tendons of your shoulder. The lack of movement in your hand was the result of the fact that, along with a majority of blood supply, the nerves had been entirely disintegrated. 
It was almost comical how the true agony of the wound set in as soon as you looked at it. Well, truthfully, you didn’t feel it. The nerves were gone, so the burn itself and all feeling in your wrist and hand was nonexistent. 
However, you felt everything next to the wound. After all, you still had the nerves that functioned in the area of your body right next to the blaster shot. 
White. Hot. Blistering heat. Your entire shoulder throbbed, each pulse sending a wave of agony through you. Your ears were ringing and your head was spinning. You bit your tongue and tasted blood. 
Your jaw locked up, and you couldn’t scream. 
Everything was shaking. Your breathing was heavy. But you didn’t make a sound. Wordlessly, you stepped out of view behind a thick, dark tree and wretched. Bile exited your stomach as you gagged and heaved. Black dotted your vision, muting the bright red limbs of the plants around you.
Jesse, bless him, kept a stabilizing hand on your back, “do you want me to get Rex?” he asked, waiting for you to get yourself together.
You shook your head and dropped your injured arm, using your trembling free hand to inject yourself with painkillers. After a second, you leaned closer to Jesse to speak, voice strained, “Do not draw attention. Do not make a big deal of this. But please get Kix.” 
All attention was on Rex and the surrounding area right now. No one was paying any mind to your situation. You’d prefer to keep it that way.
Jesse nodded and quickly stepped away to get the medic. He wasn’t going to argue with you. 
Your body felt hot and feverish. You leaned against the tree as sweat dotted your skin. It was mere minutes when Jesse returned with Kix. but it felt like hours.
“Hey,” you croaked, sliding down to sit on the ground. 
The medic was kneeling by your side in an instant. He pulled off his helmet and silently used everything at his disposal to try and save your arm. It was clear you’d need more than several tubes of bacta and bandages to recover, but…well, you knew Kix, he’d think of something.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” he asked, fingers becoming stained with the ashes of your upper arm. 
“I didn’t know.” You admitted, “I knew I got shot, I just didn’t know the damage until after the battle.” 
He nodded in understanding. He’s had tunnel vision before. Every soldier has.
You took a sharp breath as your medic friend cut away charred flesh, “I know I won’t die. So I’m gonna close my eyes for a bit, ok?” You nodded to him before addressing Jesse, “Thank you for getting Kix. You can go back to the others.” 
The trooper didn’t seem so certain, “I’ll be close by.”
Once he stepped away, you closed your eyes and rested your head back. The bacta felt cool on the remains of your arm. One eye cracked open, peering at what the medic was doing. He had soaked bandages and patches in bacta, and began to tightly wrap the pieces around your limb. 
Smart. You would have done the same.
“Tell me straight, doc, will I live?” you tried to joke, only to be met with the sound of a helmet hitting the ground. 
Your eyes shot open and you froze, staring directly at Fives. You tried to move, but were quickly stopped by Kix, “I’m not done.” He warned. 
“Listen, Fives. Before you say anything…” you tried to reassure him before the ARC trooper said anything, “Do not tell Rex.” which…sounded very suspicious. As if you had gotten in trouble or caught in a lie. 
It was futile. The two of them were close as hell, it would take a lot of convincing to get him to remain silent. 
“What?!” He nearly shouted, and you desperately tried to shush him, “Why?” 
“He’s going through enough.” You snapped, “I know it looks bad, but I’ve dealt with worse. The men have survived worse themselves.”
“This is different. You’re a field doctor! You warned Krell that you weren’t trained for the front lines with us.” He responded, kneeling next to you, “and he didn’t care. Now look at you!” 
“Both of you, shut up.” Kix snapped, tightening the bacta soaked bandages on the remains of your upper arm. 
You hissed, nerve endings getting irritated by the movement. Luckily the painkillers were strong, and you weren’t put down by the agony you should be in. 
It hurt like a bitch anyway, but you’d manage. 
“Don’t tell Rex.” You looked up at Fives, pleading with him. Fuck pride, your love didn’t need to know you’ve been hurt.
He picked up his helmet, mumbling, “You can’t hide that.” 
Oh, thank all the gods in existence he wasn’t going to tell Rex.
“I won’t. I’ll just…soften the blow.” You attempted to ease your ARC trooper friend. 
“I fucking hate Krell.” He spat before getting his helmet on, “Careless. Reckless. Heartless…”  There was a commotion on the other side of the tree cutting off his insults. “We’re getting ready to move out. Heading the capital.”
“Almost done.” The medic at your side said, helping you get a snug brace on. It was lightly padded, giving protection to the bandages that made up your skin for now. It also had a mechanism that allowed you to move your wrist and hand if need be.
You gave it a few experimental moves. You could close your hand but your fingers weren’t as precise. It would have to be good enough until your arm healed. Fives offered an open palm and you took it before standing, “Thank you, both of you.”
Back to work.
The three of you walked back to the main force. Luckily, Krell didn’t argue when you returned to the speeder. It had gotten much lighter since you and Kix already used nearly half the supplies. As soon as the men started to march you started up the vehicle and stayed at the same pace as everyone else. Despite your exhaustion, after about an hour, you stepped off and gave control to a limping trooper, Dawn, keeping one hand on the side just for stability's sake. 
Looking over the men, there were more injured than healthy now. Tup held his wrist as he walked. Appo had a bandaged thigh. There was a crack on Hardcase’s chestplate that was crusted with dried blood. Two soldiers, Ken and Rin, were laying damn near on top of eachother on the stretcher attached to the speeder. Both had taken severe burns all over their bodies, melting the plastoid to their skin in some areas.
But there were more dead than injured. You’ve been keeping count. Taking notes of the names that died in your arms. 
Fyre. Vim. Oz. Ringo. North. Gabe. Tro. Tess. Zeb. Sante. Reign. Pheon. Nim. Jamie.
You recited their names in your head. You had to keep track of everyone lost under your care. There were more. Those Kix couldn’t save. Those that died instantly without a chance to survive. Sadly, you knew the list would grow as long as Krell was in charge. Under Anakin, the list of dead wouldn’t even get to be half as long. 
Hopefully the city would fall soon, everyone in the battalion needed a bacta tank and therapy. 
A lot of therapy.
“What happened?” 
Your lover had taken you from your thoughts and you snapped back into focus, “Just a graze,” you lied. At this point, you weren’t going to stress him out anymore than he already was. He’s been shouldering the weight of the Jedi's bad decision, and you refused to add to it. 
You gave him a soft smile, hoping to ease his worry, but Rex saw right through your lie. The amount of bandages on your arm and a brace wouldn’t be needed for ‘just a graze’. His shoulders shook with his breath, “Doctor, I need the truth. Your status is important to me,” He caught himself and added on, “and the men of this battalion.” 
Dawn, who was controlling the speeder easily, looked at you, then to Rex then back to you before looking away. He wasn’t going to be a part of whatever was happening next between field doctor and captain. Something you appreciated because you weren’t leaving the side of the vehicle.
With a heavy sigh you shook your head, “Sir, it's a blaster shot. Nothing more, I promise.” 
The two of you had to keep your emotions under professionalism. But…well the moment you and Rex were alone there was definitely going to be a conversation.
“...very well, doctor.” he responded, staring ahead, “just…be careful next time.” His tone indicated that this wasn’t done. When the both of you had privacy, he needed to talk.
You nodded and continued onward. 
That was, until you heard a ‘whoosh’ followed by several explosions to the left of you. 
Another ambush!
Everyone scattered, finding whatever cover they could. You didn’t take the chance to stay, instead, grabbing the trooper on the speeder and stepping on the vehicle. “That way, now!” you snapped, pointing at an opening. The balance was off since you were hanging off the side of the thing, but the soldier did a good enough job driving you and the injured out of the line of fire. 
You grabbed the steering, forcing a sharp turn and stopping behind a large root dotted with glowing red. Poor Dawn nearly fell off after your sudden control, but neither you nor the injured on the stretcher cared. 
This is what you had to do. Lay low, protect the medical supplies, and treat the injured. You were close enough to see the fight, but still far enough away that the Umbarans could easily miss you in the foliage of the dark jungle. The problem was that since everyone scattered, the battlefield moved slowly closer.
The trooper stepped off the modified transport and crouched behind the cover. He readied his rifle, aiming it over the root, “I’ll protect you and the supplies.” Dawn sounded resolute but you noticed the tip of his blaster shook ever so slightly. 
“Thank you.” you weren’t going to point out his clear terror, so instead, you focused on the leg he didn’t put much weight on. At the angle he rested his ankle, you figured that was the cause of his initial limping, “Don’t move.” you said, tending to it. 
Torn muscle. Fracture. Bone still in place.
Simple. Blessedly simple. Better than the usual gruesome burns, broken bones or fatal wounds.
There was another woosh overhead, and two more explosions that followed. You looked up, the Umbaran starship twirled once before lifting higher in the sky. Through the smoke, you saw the shadow of a soldier reaching up for help, so you ran to him. 
The battle was moving closer to your position as the 501st was pushed back. It didn’t take long for you to grab the trooper by the shoulders and drag him back to your cover. An Umbaran raised their blaster, intending to take you both out, but Krell deflected the shot.
Oh, the bastard found your position. Lovely…
“I got you.” you spoke to the writhing soldier as you removed his cracked helmet. Immediately you got painkillers into his neck and began to assess. 
Bleeding left ear. Missing left eye. Massive laceration on left cheek and temple. Awake. Conscious. 
“Talk to me.” your words seemed to do something for him, as he snapped into focus and kept his rifle up and pointed at behind your position. He handled the wound well, acting like nothing phased him.
“Vaughn, my name is Vaughn.” he responded, managing to aim steady and fire at an approaching enemy, “Is it bad, doc?”
“Your eye is gone.” you told him the truth as you kept your focus on him, “But you’ll be alright.” You tried to speak again, but your voice was cut off by more explosions. Those flying ships were causing too much damage. 
The fight had moved to your position, putting the injured and medical supplies at serious risk. 
Dawn jerked back with a sudden cry. He collapsed, smoking hole in the middle of his helmet. 
Dead. another name to add to the list.
Krell carelessly stepped over his body getting around you and Vaughn. He looked uninterested as he pulled out a holocomm. You stopped paying attention to the General as Kix brought you another injured soldier. And then a few more managed to bring themselves to your side.
At some point, Rex joined Krell. You didn’t even know when he had gotten to your cover, but it was a relief every time you saw him alive. Jesse and Dogma had joined him, the latter taking a step in front of you to defend you and whoever you treated. 
You and Kix managed to get about nine soldiers stabilized when the order came out.
“We’re moving out!” The clone captain shouted, “We need to move! Now!”
There wasn’t much time to help anyone else at the moment. You ordered a soldier to drive the speeder. Once you stood, you draped a soldier's arm over your shoulder and held his side as you walked. Kix literally threw someone over his shoulder, and took hurried steps to follow the battalion.
Your eyes were on Krell as you marched. He didn’t even bother to look back at those that were hurt or dying. He didn’t know their names. He didn’t care.
But you did. And you’d add every name to the list you repeated in your head.
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mandos-mind-trick · 11 months
The Farm
Summary: You hired him to help you out on your farm. You get more than you bargained for.
Pairing: Rebels!Rex x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, p in v sex, unprotected sex, fingering, age difference, language, Rex is a bit of a perv, fucking in a barn
A/N: I have no excuse. This was very different when I started writing it and this is where I ended up. Kinda hate the ending, but here you go. Enjoy your old man Rex filth.
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You shouldn’t be doing this. 
Morally, it was questionable at best, allowing yourself to be in such a compromising position with a man older than your father. Well, a man that looks older than your father. A man that you had taken on as a helper on your bantha farm, a man that had been sleeping in your house and eating your food and milking your banthas for the last few months. 
Allowing yourself to be pressed up against the wall in your barn with his lips on your neck and his hand down your pants probably was not the best idea. 
You can’t help it though. The way his thick fingers curl inside you, the scratch of his beard across the sensitive skin of your neck. The way he’d looked earlier, skin glistening in the sun, shirt stretched across muscle as he’d milked one of your banthas. Milking banthas wasn’t exactly the most glorious of tasks, yet he managed to make it look good. 
You’d met him on his first day visiting your humble little town. He’d spotted you unloading crates of milk for one of the cantinas and had offered to help. He’d hefted the crates from your hoversled with grace and ease you still couldn’t manage after years of working on a farm. You’d offered him part of your meager earnings, that cantina owner had a habit of underpaying his employees and suppliers and overcharging customers, but he had politely declined. So you’d offered to buy him a drink instead. 
You’d talked for a while, learning a little about him, though he was guarded and only told you a few things. His name is Rex and he was relocating after the fall of the Empire. You had admitted to needing help on your farm and your little arrangement had been born. Though you couldn’t offer much in terms of payment, you could offer him a bed, a roof over his head, three meals a day, and as much blue milk as he could stand to drink. 
He was a hard worker, and had jumped in immediately. He woke early, and wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. He took to bantha farming quickly, and the banthas grew to like him just as fast. Milking, brushing, cleaning, feeding, he did all of it. He helped with deliveries, doing the heavy lifting. He even fixed some things around the house and often stayed up late cleaning. You were surprised, expecting the bare minimum, but instead he left you with almost nothing to do sometimes. 
You knew next to nothing about him still, but you didn’t really care. 
Especially not when his palm drags across your clit. 
Your hips jerk against his hand, your own hand which was palming him through his pants tightens just slightly around the large bulge. “Rex!” 
He groans into your neck, sucking a mark below your ear. “Say it again.” 
“Rex!” You gasp, thighs squeezing around the hand between them. 
“You gonna cum?” He growls, pulling from your neck to stare at your face. 
You nod, lips parted as you moan. You’re close, so close. He pulls his fingers from your pussy, pulling his hand from your pants. You let out a whine in protest, thighs pressing together to try and keep any friction you can going. 
“Turn around.” He says, his voice deep and rough. 
You do as he says, pressing your hands against the wall. 
He grips your pants, tugging them down your legs. “It’s been too long.” His hands smooth over your ass. “Far too long.” He grips your hips, tugging you backwards a couple steps so you're bent forward against the wall. “You ever done this before?” He asks, his clothes rustling as he frees himself from his pants. 
“Once.” You say, shifting your weight impatiently. “You know the neighbors to the south?”
“Yeah?” He grunts in response. 
“Their son and I went to school together. We fucked in their barn during our graduation party.” You groan as you feel the head of his cock slip through your folds. “Haven’t seen each other since.” 
His hand runs up your spine, closing around the back of your neck. “Naughty little thing.” 
You turn your head slightly, looking at him through your peripheral. “You have no idea.” 
He smirks, tightening his grip around your neck before pressing into you. You moan, pressing your hands harder against the wall as he fills you.
“So kriffing tight.” He groans, free hand gripping your hip tight enough to bruise as he slowly works his way into you. 
Your legs are shaking by the time he’s pressed flush against your ass, your chest heaving as you try and relax around his thick cock. His thumb gently rubs the side of your neck, trying to help you relax. 
“Relax for me.” He says, rubbing your side with his other hand. 
“So big.” You whine, shifting your weight on your feet. It moves him inside you, your walls clamping down around him. 
He lets out a groan, hand squeezing your hip once more. “Do that again, I might cum just like this.” 
You smirk, squeezing around him once more. 
He lets out a warning growl, the sound of his hand striking your ass loud in the quiet of the barn. “Naughty little thing.” 
You push yourself up slightly, turning to look at him again. “You gonna fuck me or what, old man?” 
He gets a dangerous glint in his eyes, the hand around your neck forcing you down until your back is flat. “You’re playing with fire, now.” He pulls his hips back until his cock is almost completely out of you before slamming his hips forward. 
The movement jolts your body, making you gasp as he reaches a place inside you, you didn’t think was possible. You breathe out a curse, trying to press back against him, but he repeats the movement, forcing you forward once more. 
“Old man.” He scoffs, hand tightening around your hip before he picks up the pace. 
He fucks into you hard and fast, the sound of skin hitting skin loud in the quiet barn. Almost as loud as your moans as he brings you closer and closer to the edge with every snap of his hips. Your fingers press into the wood of the wall, digging for purchase as he relentlessly fucks you, not even slowing as your first orgasm rips through you. 
You cry out his name as you spasm around him, walls squeezing him as he continues to thrust in and out of you. He grunts and curses behind you, but his pace never slows, never tires. 
“Can you give me another one?” He groans, slipping his hand to your stomach, then down to your clit. “Come on, just one more.” 
Your legs are shaking, threatening to give out as he shifts his hips just slightly, the head of his cock dragging across that spot inside you over and over with each thrust. 
The stimulation on your clit and the drag of his cock along your walls is too much, your back arching as you cum around him for a second time. 
He continues thrusting a couple more times, moving his hands as he pulls out of you. He groans, jerking his cock a couple times before he paints your ass with his cum. 
You both stay there for a few moments, trying to catch your breath. You try to will your body to move, your muscles like jelly after two orgasms. You’ve never experienced anything like that before at the hands of someone else. 
You breathe out a curse, managing to push yourself up to stand. You pull your pants back up, planning to head to the fresher as soon as your legs start to work again. You turn to look at Rex, brushing damp strands of hair from your face. “I think I just found another job for you to do.” 
He smirks, smacking your ass as you move past him. “Gladly.” 
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@kaminocasey @rosechi @mxkyrie @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @padawancat97 @bamfahsoka @rain-on-kamino @annoyinglylegendarygoose @lune-de-miel-au-paradis
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kybercrystals94 · 3 months
First Brothers
Read here on Ao3!
Angstpril 2024 | Day 6 | Prompt 6: This isn’t going to work. 
Rated: G | Words: 720 | Summary: Rex and Fives have a conversation about past brothers. | Character Focus: Rex, Fives, Echo 
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“This isn’t going to work.” 
“Humor me.”
Fives sniffs at the steaming beverage and makes a face. “Ugh, why does it smell like that?” 
“Just drink it,” Rex says, patience wearing thin.
Fives takes a tiny sip. “It tastes worse than it smells!” 
“Maker, Fives! Drink it before I pour it down your throat myself!”
Fives glowers at the offending concoction a moment before he pushes it away, the glass bottom of the thick mug grating across the tabletop. “Captain, you can threaten me all you like, but I’m not drinking that. It’s disgusting.” 
“It’s kriffing Sapir Tea, Fives! It’s supposed to be soothing.”
“Well, I don’t feel very soothed with you yelling at me,” Fives grumbles. He pokes the mug of tea further in Rex’s direction. “You drink it. You seem to need it more than I do.” 
Rex glares at him, but takes the mug anyway, gripping it in both hands. The warmth against his palms reminds him of rainy nights on Kamino before he was deployed for active duty. A lifetime ago, sitting with his batchmates, speculating what the promised war might be like. He’d been so naive back then. All of them had. Flash training taught them everything and nothing. The stain of a brother’s blood on shiny, white armor was a lesson they’d not prepared for in the sterile environment of Kamino. 
Rex turns the mug in his hands. “I’m not yelling at you,” he mutters at Fives. 
Fives leans forward, folding his arms on the table. “I beg to differ,” he says, but Rex sees the mirth in the eyes identical to his own. “Did you call me down here just to bully me into drinking your weird boiled leaf brew?”
Rex sighs and decides to rip the bacta patch off. “When you mentioned you’ve been having trouble sleeping,” he admits, “I thought you might want to talk about it.” 
Fives groans, dropping his forehead to his arms. “Ah, c’mon, Rex. I’m fine. There’s nothing to talk about.”
“It’s been a year.” 
“I know.”
Rex brings the mug up and sips at the scalding tea, waiting. 
Fives doesn’t lift his head but a sigh sifts through the barrier like a hiss. “What do you want me to say, Rex? We lose brothers everyday. Good brothers. It’s the only sure thing in this war.” 
“It is,” Rex agrees. 
Fives sits up, rubs a heavy hand across his eyes. “Echo isn’t more important than any of them.” The ARC keeps his sharp gaze focused on the wall past Rex’s shoulder, not meeting his eye. 
“I never said he was.” Rex puts down his mug. “But he was one of your first brothers. That means something.” 
Fives’ expression softens at that. “I’m the last Domino,” he says, then chuckles bitterly and adds, “I always thought Echo would be.”
“Why?” Rex asks. 
Fives shrugs, but doesn’t explain further. He changes the subject instead, finally looking at Rex again. “I bet Echo would like your kriffing tea.” 
“That’s because Echo had taste,” Rex says. 
Fives barks out a laugh. “You’re talking about the man who read and memorized regulation manuals during his downtime.” 
Rex chuckles. “I didn’t know he memorized them.” 
Fives scoffs. “Oh, yeah. He was worse about it when we were cadets. Between parroting regulations and orders, he more than earned his name.” 
“That’s why his name was Echo?” 
“He tried to make us stop, but that just made the name more compelling.” 
The floodgates open, and Fives regales Rex with stories about his brothers, the ones Rex had and hadn’t met…and the one Rex had known well enough to feel his absence like a reverberating wound. Rex finishes his tea, but he and his little brother reminisce long into the night. 
“What’s this?” Echo asks.
Rex glances up from an intercepted report he’s been pouring over. Echo is examining Rex’s tin of Sapir Tea, turning it over in his hand. Echo doesn’t wait for an answer before he opens the lid and sniffs at the contents inside. “Smells good,” he comments, almost to himself. 
Rex grins. “Tastes better. Make us both a cup, will you?”
The last Domino smiles at him. “Sure thing, sir,” he says, even though Rex has told him repeatedly, like an echo, that he’s not a captain anymore. 
But old habits die hard. 
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I can't believe we are already 6 days into April! I feel like it just started!! See below for links to all our stories thus far!
Prompts Completed:
@the-little-moment (1. Homesick / 4. Longing)
@just-here-with-my-thoughts (2. Frozen / 5. Self Surgery)
KyberCrystal94 (3. Broken Hearted / 6. This isn't going to work)
✨Let me know if you'd like to be added to my tag list!✨
Tag List: @followthepurrgil @isthereanechoinhere96 @amorfista @mooncommlink @arctrooper69 @nagyanna424 @proteatook @ezras-left-thumb
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superlarva · 11 months
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Teen Hardcase with what I think of as the quintessential teen haircut.
Here's Chapter 6 - Shopping of Raising Dominoes! I had fun writing this one. Well, I have fun writing all of them :)
Prologue: 00 Previous Chapter: 05 Next Chapter: 07
Summary: Rex, Hardcase, and Fives go shopping.
CW: Implied/referenced child abuse (not really in this specific chapter, but just to be safe)
Chapter 6 - Shopping
After dropping Cody off at his car, Rex swung back around to his apartment building to pick up Hardcase. He had to admit, it would be helpful to have the teen around at the mall. An extra set of eyes to watch Fives and an extra set of arms to help carry things would not hurt.
That being said, Rex could not help the feeling of anxiety that settled in his gut as he knocked on the apartment door across the hall from his own. Hardcase could be a handful. He was a good kid, but he was loud and energetic to the point where it gave Rex a headache. He just hoped this was not going to turn into him babysitting the teen.
No one came to the door immediately and Fives began to fidget, “Maybe no one’s home.”
Rex frowned and knocked louder, “Well, Kix and Jesse are at work and Dogma and Tup are at school, but Hardcase should be here.”
“The half adult, half kid?”
Rex smirked, “Yeah, the teenager.”
At that the door swung open, revealing Hardcase, headphones dangling around his neck and mouth gaping a bit at the sight of Rex at his door.
“Uh, hey,” Hardcase fumbled with his headphones to pause his music before grinning up at Rex. He gestured to the headphones a little sheepishly, “Sorry, I guess I had it on a little too loud.”
“It’s fine.” Rex shrugged then motioned towards Fives, “This is Fives. He’s my, uh, he’s my son.”
Rex cringed at how uncomfortable he felt introducing Fives as his kid. Fives was his son and he already loved him more than he ever knew he could love anyone, but at the same time, he did not really feel like he knew the boy. And he sure as hell was not confident he deserved to be the kid’s dad.
Neither boy acknowledged Rex’s awkwardness and Hardcase gave Fives a silly salute, causing the boy to giggle and mimic the salute back, “Hiya Fives! I’m Hardcase.”
Fives giggled again, “Hardcase is a funny name.”
Hardcase grinned, “Fives is kinda a funny name too.”
Fives’s eyes glazed over, and the smile dropped from his face, mouth hanging slightly ajar. Rex jumped in quickly and laid a hand on the boy’s shoulder to try and bring him back from whatever thought had just crossed his mind, “We’re going to go to the mall to get some lunch and some things for the kids if you want to join us.”
Hardcase hesitated, looking between Rex, Fives, and the empty apartment behind him, “Am I allowed?”
Rex’s brows raised, he never knew Hardcase to be this cautious, “I wouldn’t be asking if you weren’t.”
Hardcase narrowed his eyes at Rex before something clicked and he grinned, “Okay.” He raced back into the apartment to grab his things.
As Hardcase disappeared, Rex crouched down next to Fives, “Hey, you okay?”
After a beat Fives shifted his gaze to meet Rex’s, the fog lifting from his eyes. He nodded.
“Hardcase is a good kid,” Rex explained, worried that something about the teen had freaked Fives out. He smiled fondly after Hardcase, “Sometimes he just gets into a little trouble because he’s too… energetic. That’s why he’s not at school today.”
“Do I go to school too?”
“You will,” Rex said, gaging the boy’s reaction. He seemed completely fine now. It was… puzzling.
Rex heard Hardcase footsteps approaching and straightened back up before smiling down at Fives, “Soon. But don’t worry about that right now.”
Hardcase reappeared and shut the door, locking it behind him, “Thanks so much, Rex. I was bored outa my mind.”
Rex smirked, “Don’t mention it. You’re only here to help me carry the heavy stuff.”
“Well, I only came for the free lunch,” Hardcase teased back as they headed down the stairs.
By the time they arrived at the food court, Fives and Hardcase were thick as thieves. Fives had asked what Hardcase’s headphones were, which resulted in them learning that Fives had never heard music before and Hardcase introducing him to the medium.
Fives clearly loved the sounds, his grin only growing wider as each new song was played. Rex made a mental note to show the boy Cody’s CD collection when they visited his apartment.
“Alright,” Rex said as they entered the food court. “Lunch first. What do you boys want?”
“Chicken teriyaki!” Hardcase said grinning and darting off through the throngs of people.
“Does that sound good?” Rex asked Fives as he grabbed the boy’s hand so as not to lose him in the crowd.
Fives shrugged.
Rex realized that it was possible the kid had never had chicken teriyaki before and made his way towards a man holding a platter of samples, “Here, you can get a sample from this gentleman to see if you like it.”
As they approached the man he smiled down at Fives, stuck a toothpick in a piece of chicken, and offered it to the boy. Fives looked up at Rex and Rex nodded, “Go ahead.”
The boy took the piece and popped it into his mouth.
Fives’s contemplative face devolved into a massive grin.
Rex couldn’t help but smile back, “Should we get more?”
“Can we? Please?”
“Of course,” Rex said, leading Fives towards the back of the line where Hardcase stood, fidgeting impatiently.
They got their food quickly and made their way to a table by the fountain. Rex had been worried about Fives near the crowds of people, but the boy seemed fine. He had even ordered his meal by himself, copying what Hardcase had said just before him.
Rex watched both boys begin to inhale their food and had to remind them to drink some water between bites. After Hardcase shoved the last bite of Fives’s unfinished chicken into his mouth, he turned to Rex, “So, what are we getting first?”
“I was thinking we’d start with the furniture, then move on to clothes and, uh, other things,” Rex said, starting to wish Cody was with him, making a list of everything the boys would need.
“Cool, so Ikea first.”
Rex nodded and began gathering up their trash. Fives and Hardcase started helping him and they were off to the furniture store before Rex knew it.
Rex himself was overwhelmed with the vast selection of children’s furniture at the department store and could tell Fives was as well. The boy never strayed out of arm’s length of Rex and was staring at the displays with wide eyes.
Hardcase, on the other hand, was pushing the cart excitedly and pointing to various different items he thought looked “cool” and asking Fives if he liked them.
Eventually, Rex picked out a couple bedroom sets that fit within what he assumed was his budget and asked Fives which one he wanted. The boy almost shyly pointed to the dark stained wooden set. Rex grinned, that was the one he would have picked. Hardcase seemed a little disappointed that Fives wouldn’t be getting a bed shaped like a rocket ship.
“What about Echo?” Fives asked, tugging Rex’s sleeve.
Rex frowned, he wished he knew more about the other twin, “Do you think he wants the same kind, or a different one?”
Fives shrugged, “I don’t think he’d care.”
“We’ll just get him the same one then,” Rex said, pulling out a pad and writing down the name of the bedroom set. They still needed two twin mattresses and sheets. Rex knelt down to Fives’s height, “Do you want to go with Hardcase to pick out some sheets for your beds?”
Fives shrugged a little reluctantly.
“I’ll just be right over there looking at the mattresses,” Rex said pointing.
Fives still didn’t look convinced, so Rex stood, pointing to the children’s section, “I don’t know about you Hardcase, but I saw a lot of fun looking sheets over there. I guess if Fives doesn’t want to go with you, you can pick out sheets for him and Echo all by yourself.”
Hardcase grinned, catching on quick, “Oh, yeah, I’ll be sure to get the best ones. Princesses and fairies and butterflies.”
Fives’s brows knit together, eyes darting between the two older men. As Hardcase turned away and began strolling over to the sheets, Fives gave in and ran towards the teen with impressive speed, “Wait! Wait, I’ll go with you!”
Rex snorted, a victorious grin plastered onto his face. As good as if felt to have Fives latch onto him, it was important that the boy would be able to separate himself from him, especially when it came time to send him to school.
Once the boys disappeared down an aisle, Rex turned away and headed towards the mattresses. The bed sets Rex was planning on buying for the boys contained frames for twin beds, so he picked out a twin mattress and noted the name down on his pad for later.
Rex grabbed a few pillows as he made his way back over to the sheets section to make sure the boys were still alive. Fives was standing next to the cart, arms full of what looked like sheets decorated with little colorful cartoon planets and spaceships. He looked over to Rex as he approached and held out the sheets, “For Echo?”
Rex smiled and dumped the sheets and pillows into the cart, “Where’s Hardcase?”
“I wanted the dino ones,” Fives explained, pointing up.
Hardcase was scaling the shelving unit to retrieve white dinosaur print sheets from the top shelf, about 4 meters off the ground.
“Hardcase!” Rex hissed, moving to stand under the boy in case he fell.
Hardcase looked down and shot Rex a sly grin, pressing a finger to his lips, before grabbing the sheets and tossing them down into the cart. He then motioned for Rex to move away.
“Don’t you dare,” Rex said through gritted teeth, even as he backed away towards Fives.
Hardcase sprung from the ledge and hit the ground, rolling as he did to break his fall. It made quite an impressive sound and Rex saw heads turning their way. He grabbed Hardcase by the arm and yanked him to his feet, “They have people who get paid to get things from the top shelf.”
“But that was more fun,” Hardcase smirked.
“We don’t climb inside.”
“What about at the rock gym?”
“That’s an exception. You know what I mean.” Rex sighed, turning to Fives, who was watching their back and forth with interest, “Sorry, kid, sometimes Hardcase isn’t a good example. We don’t climb on things in stores.”
Fives nodded, eyes not leaving Rex’s.
Rex shook his head, he knew Hardcase was just trying to be helpful, but he didn’t want Fives to try anything and get himself hurt, he was so small and fragile. “Okay, we got some sheets…” Rex trailed off thinking of what else they needed.
Fives pointed to a stack of quilts across the aisle, “Look! A bigger one!”
Hardcase picked up the quilt off the shelf that Fives was pointing to, “Hey, it matches.”
The navy patchwork quilt did indeed look like it belonged to the same bedding set as the sheets Fives had picked out.
“You want this quilt?” Rex asked, taking it from Hardcase and showing it to Fives.
Fives nodded and bounced a little on his toes, “Yes, please.”
“Alright, now for Echo’s.”
The trio scanned the shelves in search of a matching space quilt for Echo and found it after a few minutes, adding it to their cart.
Rex led the boys over to get lamps and nightlights next before finishing up at Ikea in the rug section.
After they paid and ordered the bed sets and mattresses to be delivered, they put everything into the trunk and wandered over to Target to get more clothes for the twins. Fives seemed to be enjoying himself and Rex was glad, he had thought the mall might overwhelm him too much and they would have to stop for the day after getting the furniture.
It was starting to get late in the afternoon, so Rex decided he would go grab some of the more “boring” essentials for the boys like socks and underwear while he let Hardcase and Fives take care of shirts and pants.
As Rex finished up, he made a quick stop in the toy section to get a few games for the kids. He didn’t really know what the boys would like, so he just picked out what he thought were the quintessential children’s toys: a box of matchbox cars, a deck of playing cards, little plastic animals, Legos, some cool action figure dudes in shiny white armor holding blasters, monopoly, dominoes, and a coloring kit. He was floundering around the kid’s aisle wondering what else he could get them when something fuzzy caught his eye.
Rex found Hardcase hard at work measuring a shirt against Fives’s body. Fives saw him first and pointed over to a cart with a few sets of clothes in it.
Hardcase, seeming to decide that the shirt would fit, flung it over his shoulder into the cart and turned to Rex, “Kix kept all of Tup’s old clothes, so we didn’t get a ton. I figured we could donate his stuff to you.”
Rex nodded, “That would be great actually. Thank you.”
“No problem.”
Rex turned to Fives, “I got you a present.”
“A present?”
“Yup,” He revealed a stuffed T-rex from behind his back and presented it to the boy.
Fives’s mouth dropped open, “Is- is that a real one?”
Hardcase laughed, “No, silly.”
Fives reached out to touch it.
“It’s a stuffed animal,” Rex explained, letting the boy take the toy. “Or, I guess, a stuffed dino.”
Fives looked up from the plushie with big innocent eyes, “What do they do?”
Rex paused, looking to Hardcase, then back at Fives, “Er- wait- stuffed animals or- or dinosaurs?”
“Yeah, dinosaurs… dinos,” Rex shut his mouth, mind racing at Fives’s blank expression. Had Fives not known what dinosaurs were from the start? Had he first seen them on the pajamas he had picked out for him that first night and then just recognized them on the sheets and wanted them?
Luckily Hardcase covered for Rex as his mind went into overdrive, “Dinosaurs are these animals from a really long time ago. They’re really cool looking. They don’t live here anymore, but they used to. Their bones are underground now, and people like to dig them up.”
“So, this is a pretend one?”
“Yup,” Hardcase said popping the p. “You sleep with it at nighttime.”
“Oh,” Fives hugged the toy close to his chest and closed his eyes. “Like this?”
“Exactly.” Suddenly, a wicked grin spread across Hardcase’s face, “Hey, you know what that dinosaur is called?”
Rex was pulled out of his thoughts and began to blush. He knew where the teen was going with this.
“What’s it called?” Fives asked, oblivious.
“A T-rex, a tyrannosaurus rex.”
Fives’s grin matched Hardcase’s and he turned to Rex, “Like you!”
“Yeah, like me, kid,” Rex sighed, ruffling the boy’s hair. “Do you want to come help me pick one out for Echo?”
Fives’s face lit up, “Are there more?”
“Uh-huh,” Rex nodded, feeling a little self-conscious, “You can pick out a different one if you want too, I just thought…”
“No! I like this one the most! I just didn’t know there was another for Echo.”
“There’s plenty to choose from,” Rex said, leading the boy over to the toy aisle.
When they arrived at the shelves stocked full of plushies, Fives jaw went slack. He kept the T-rex under one arm and began riffling through the toys, trying to find the perfect one for Echo.
Hardcase and Rex stood back and watched the boy with amusement as he seemed to gravitate towards the other dinosaur stuffed animals. Eventually the boy pulled out a blue triceratops and held it out to Rex for approval.
“Think he’ll like that one?”
Fives nodded and popped it into the cart, keeping his T-rex secure under his arm.
@marierg @stressed-cherry @ffdemon @renton6echo @bambambunny @tearfulsolace @rndmpeep @brokenphoenix99 @nerdy-valkyrie @xylionet @tazmbc1 @eyayah123 @the-bad-batch-baroness @sarcastic-nebula @ihaventpickedausername
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echoedcrosshairs · 10 months
Unseen Scars ~ p.2
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Summary: Female Jedi survived order 66 hides out in the underground of Ord Mantell. Hiding out in Cid's parlor keeping your head down you see Rex's face and get sent backward in time. (Gif by @dreamswithghosts)
Warning: Order 66 Jedi Trauma, Feeling Haunted, Soft Rex, Angsty and Love
Word count: 2.7
Masterlist part 1
Facing all that you fear will free you from yourself. Your nerves were still on edge tempting you to flee being around the rest of clone force 99 even if their chips weren't activated they were still at risk at going nuclear at any moment. Although the walk back to the parlor soothed your nerves being Echo and him again but going into the parlor into such a cramped space didn't help. Rex positioned you behind him hoping it would help sooth you, his arm went around your waist ready to shove you away if necessary. Nonchalantly Echo had placed himself between Rex and the rest of his brothers, he may have trusted them with every bone in his body since they rescued him but you were still the commander to him. They both wanted to protect you even from a non existed threat. It was comforting that after all this time Rex and Echo just had to look at each other to know what the other was thinking. The 501st may be gone but the bond between them lives on.
"Do you think the Commander will rehabilitate?" Tech said flatly looking at you then back to Rex mind conversation, "Obviously I disagree with the systematic eradication of the Jedi, she does not possess the same mental fitness as we clones have been bred to endure and the order has seem to take a heavy toil on her mental aptitude for returning to the fight."
"The Commander-" Rex started, "Can speak for herself," you cut in.
You swallowed looking at Tech, "A wise man once said Truth enlightens the mind, but won't always bring happiness to your heart. It is a lot to accept and understand but it doesn't heal the fact my own men, men I trusted with my life and fought beside for years, tried to terminate me nor the death of so many allies. That same man also said 'Ignore your own instincts at your own peril," you paused to look at them and up at Wrecker before your eyes shot back down, you couldn't help feel that something was wrong but the force was beckoning your silence, "I am not ready to find myself in that position again."
"Well get them out," Echo said defiantly, "We'll never be a threat to you, ever."
"I'll be in touch," Rex nodded pulling you away from them towards the exit but waited to speak until he put a decent amount of distance between you and Hunter, "The force is telling you something isn't it?"
"They have to get them out, soon. How did you get yours out?"
Jesse... Vaughn... Your mind wandered to the battlefield, having the 501st at your side. The boys always wanted to die in battle but never like that. You wiped the corner of your eyes, "They were good men," you choked out when he was done.
"The best."
The both of you continued down the street in silence, at some point your hand found his. It still hurt to look at him but his presence helped the pain, "Now what?" you whispered.
"You can stay here... or you can help me save my brothers, I have to try."
You looked at him, the conviction as dedication across his face was the same one he had before a battle, "I'll come," you whispered before you had time to think it through, "Don't know how much use I'll be, Tech has a point."
"It doesn't matter, just having a Jedi with us is enough especially you Commander," Rex said squeezing your hand, "We should gather your belongings, the boys are destined to pick me up shortly."
Weaving between side streets it was an easy back track to your tiny place, Rex found a bag and quickly packed your clothes as your hand rested against the slats in the floor concealing your past.  You scooted up lifting the slate with the force letting your free hand dig out the pouch after putting the board back you opened it retrieving the saber. The weight felt foreign in your grasp, the metal cool to the touch. You flicked it up into the air catching it with the other hand, just like riding a speeder. Looking over you saw Rex observing with a small smile before he returned to packing, you tucked the saber away.
"Are you sure about this?" he said slinging the bag over his shoulder but not looking at you trying to hide the grim expression. He would keep giving you a chance to go back to a normal life if you wanted one even if it hurt him, the war took so much from you he didn't want to be the reason you lost any more.
"Facing all that you fear will free you from yourself," you stated with a heavy breath, it wasn't the simple answer you knew Rex wanted but it was the truth, "If you remember Anakin and I were never one for running when things got tough. I think I've hidden in the shadows long enough." That statement was the first sliver of hope you had in a long time. Your eyes found Rex's, fondness had swept over them at the mention of the old days, the simple days. Keeping eye contact you took the short steps across to him tucking your face in his neck holding him. Your body still screamed run but your heart told you not to let go.
His hand found your back rubbing it, "We should get going," he sighed not wanting the tender moment to end, "Let's meet the 105th," he smirked.
"Did you really just switch the numbers?" you said with real genuine laughter.
"No, but I think I'll start calling us that if you make that beautiful sound again," he said putting your arm through the crook of his, "Let's go."
Finding the ship wasn't hard, it was discreet for the most part in the back of the docking station. The only tell tale sign that it was different then any of the standard ships around the port had been a barely noticeable white mark barely indistinguishable in the shape of Ashoka facial mark hidden near the bottom of the haul by the ramp.
Rex squeezed your hand tightly finding the nervous expression on your face, "None of these men will ever be a threat to you," he said giving the ship three solid knocks.
Your heart shook as the anticipation grew, these are Rex's men. Deserters of the Empire, they could be trusted. Right? I trusted my men... Clam grew over your skin as the ramp finally touched the ground. Looking up you found a green trooper looking down at you, one of master Yoda's men? You watched the trooper salute, standing at attention coughing to get the attention of the other trooper hanging near by who repeated his attention.
"Commander, this is Nemec and the brother over there is Fireball, at ease," Rex said giving them a stiff nod.
"Nice to meet you, Sir," Nemec said as you walked on board after Rex.
"She's a little skittish around us clones so give her breathing room."
"Don't blame her," Fireball murmured, "I barely ever want to see our face again," he heard Nemec cough finding the glare he was giving him, "Just saying, I can barely stand to look at it after what our brothers did."
"His chip's defective, deteriorated but unlike Tup's it didn't execute the order early. It's out now. He took the loss of his General hard and found me soon after," Rex whispered.
"Let's get out of here, I'm going to show the Commander around," Rex said gesturing away from them, "Refresher, their room, my room, mess... sorta," he shrugged, "storage closet, I could turn that into your private room if you want one," he shrugged again nervously rubbing his neck at the unspoken question hanging in the area.
"I think I should share yours Captain, I'll want my own bed of course."
Rex's heart skipped a beat, "I can arrange that," he tried to keep his stern dignified expression but felt like a cadet, of course their had been nights together but never like this coexisting in the same place, "Sorry," he coughed finding the responsive blush across your face. "Anyway, you can take my bed for now. I'll go grab a spare mat from the storage room," he said setting the pack down on his bed excusing himself so you to get settled in. It's not like before di'kut, the reminder settled in his bones wondering if all of the closeness had been to much. He tried to steal himself to that possibility. Taking a seat outside the room, he forced himself to clear his mind until Nemec walked over.
"You sure about this, Captain," he said jetting his chin towards the door, "We need a Jedi on our side but are we sure being in these cramped quarters is good for her?"
Rex understood his brothers concern, he looked at the door for a moment before placing a hand on the man's shoulder, "She was always the backbone holding the men together after every major loses and always giving us hope. It's time we do the same for her." His tone was firm, "I trust her, she choose to come with me for a reason. I believe she knows she can work through this."
"Did you ever think she came because she loves you?"
"Trust her judgement, Vod," Rex smiled taking his hand off his shoulder, "Let's head to base." Turning on his heel Rex rummaged through the storage closet grabbing the rolled up mat before heading back to his room. Our room, he thought smiling. When he returned all of your belonging had already taken up the spade signifying your stay with him.
"I haven't seen or slept on one of those in ages," you smiled softly looking at the poor express for a bed as he laid it out, "I'll take the mat if you want the bed-."
"Don't even think about taking the floor Mesh'la," he said bringing his gaze to yours, "We'll head to our base to plan to get The Bad Batch's chips out and you can see everyone else, I know their's a couple other 501st troopers who'd love to see you," he smiled.
"Who?" You asked going wide eyed.
"Hawk and Dogma," his grinned widen, "I definitely didn't expect it either," he cautiously said walking forward letting one hand fall to your hip, "A Jedi and a captain, whatever are they going to think," he jested hearing you laugh melting some of the burdens in his heart, "I've missed you every passing moment, Cyare," his grin faltered for a second before returning, "No matter how long it takes I'll wait for you to be ready again," he said letting go, "the rest of my life if need be. Now I have to try to figure out how to get their chips out."
"Yes, Mesh'la?"
You took the step back towards him wrapping your arms around his neck, the familiar scent, feel of him and the warm tiny tug through the force, "Thank you for being patient," you pulled away wrapping your arms at your side, "We can use the republic scrap yard, their were rumors of a ship being delivered."
"And you know this how?" Rex smiled crossing his arms.
"I did have a salvaging job to get by."
"I'll let the boys know and we can devise a plan, welcome back Commander."
You followed after him, skin prickling at Nemec and Fireballs presence. They each offered a small smile as you took the sit next to the Captain as he started planning. He was quiet for what seemed like forever when he hand stretched out and rested in your thigh as he kept working. You looked down at it, lip quivering as tears threaten to fall again. It's a different time, you placed your hand over his as you chimed it time to time with what little information you had.
"Yes, Mesh'la?" he said not lifting his eyes from the task at hand.
"I'll love you the rest of my life too," you whispered squeezing his hand, "I think we're getting ready to land again," you said feeling the ship slowing down.
Rex gave a tiny nod standing up interweaving his fingers with yours, guiding you towards the cockpit finding Fireball bringing the ship down. You observed the low tech handmade building and the small cluster of troopers already waiting outside, greens, greys, a red and then the 501st blue. You saw the familiar valiant tattoo across Dogma's face and then the red hawk wing tattoo's on Hawk's temples. Walking off the ship Rex placed himself between you and the rest of them, each set of eyes noticing the hands bound together. You felt like you were going to be sick being around this many troopers, it apparently must have paled you.
"Commander, you're not looking so good," Hawk pointed out.
"Let's get some air Cyare," he said softly, "Hawk, Dogma both of you are coming with me to help a couple of our brother's get their chips out."
"Yes, Sir."
Gently you felt Rex stir you away from the crowd away from prying eyes towards the edge of the small base, guiding you towards a crate to sit on overlooking the forest, "Better?" he asked quietly.
"Do you think Tech's right? What if-."
"A wise woman once told me when I was losing faith in myself; A soldier's most powerful weapon is courage. Courage begins by trusting oneself. You choose to come with me, Commander, you could have stayed on Ord Mantell and lived out a regular civilian life but you didn't."
"You've been waiting since Tibrin to toss that back at me, haven't you?" you said with a smile sad laugh, your gaze travelled to the sky remembering other sayings you were taught; Who we are never changes, who we think we are does. One must let go of the past to hold on to the future. To seek something is to believe in its possibility. I was- I am Jedi, a Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic and partner of one of the most highly decorated Captain's. I do not run when the battle get's rough, I stand beside my men and face evil head first. I am survivor of Order 66, I lived to fight another day. You exhaled a breath you were apparently holding. Turning your head, you took his appearance forcing your mind to calm down and body to still. The familiar earthly tone of his eyes; the arrays of brown to shimmering golds, the short blonde hair, the expressive eyes just for you and a smile that puts very sun to shame. While your body tried to fight but your mind had already come to terms with reality, it might take for your body to catch up but it would be worth it. Rex would be worth it. You watched his hand come up and caress your cheek, your breath hitched as you leaned into it bringing your hand to his.
"Possibly," he smiled finally answering the question, "Ready to go back?"
"Yeah, I want to see the boys," you smiled.
Rex pulled you closer to him, "Let's go see the boys," he affirmed keeping his hand around your waist stirring you around troopers until he found the two other blues in the back rolling up their sleeping packs.
"Sir," Dogma saluted before staring down at Rex's arm, "Regulations-"
"No longer exist," Hawk pointed out, "Called it," he chuckled.
"Nice to see you too, Dogma."
"Sorry, still getting use to it," he added nervously.
"Me too," you mumbled.
"I am happy for the two of you," Dogma quickly added, "When are we leaving?"
"In a couple hours," Rex said feeling your body slowly continue to tense. His mouth fell agape when you reached out hugging the two of them, "I've missed you, boys," you whispered before pulling back. Rex's hand found your waist again feeling the muscles constrict themselves into knots. He stirred both of you back to the ship to your's room, "That was bold," he murmured eyeing you cautiously as you climbed onto the bed.
"With great risk comes great rewards," you offered, gently tugging his hand towards the bed smiling as redness flushed across his face. Sheepishly he removed his poncho and armor discarding it to a regulation neat pile on the floor, “How about until we leave I try to get use to being next to you again?”
“There is no other place I rather be then next to you, Commander,” Rex smiled climbing into the bed, “Just tell me when it becomes to much, I don’t mind taking my time with the scars I can’t see.”
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rexxdjarin · 4 months
Thinking about Rex waking up at like 3 am. He couldn’t sleep. It takes some time to adjust to time changes after traveling from planet to planet. That doesn’t seem to stop his body though…
because he’s hard as a rock. Painfully hard.
He can feel every dip and swell of Mari’s body snuggling against him, which is only making the throb worse. She’s sleeping so soundly - at least he thinks she is. Her hands are balled up in fists, clinging to the shirt he wore to bed. She always holds on to him like this the first night back.
With all the pent up arousal he’d had to bury down for weeks finally safe to come to the surface to meet her, his body couldn’t help but react. He sighed softly, shifting the heavy weight between his thighs while trying not to wake her.
She rustles gently, her thigh draped over his slowly dropping back. “Rex?” she mewls gently, “-you awake?”
His heart leaps in his chest at the sound of her voice. “Mhm.” he affirms, moving his arm to curl around her side. “A little too awake.” he chuckled, shifting uncomfortably as the weight of his excitement between his thighs reminded him of its existence.
“Mmm?” Mari cooed quizzically, lifting her head off his chest for a moment before realizing precisely what he meant. “Oh.” she giggled happily, turning to look up at him. Though her eyes were heavy with sleep, there was no hiding her intrigue. Rex would never mistake that twinkle in her eyes.
Her hands ghosted down the cool fabric on his chest, making his heartbeat thump harder in anticipation. The hand he’d been holding her waist with gripped onto her a little tighter to show his appreciation. He had really missed her, especially like this.
She brushed her fingers along the waistband of his briefs and hummed happily, “can I?” her eyes met his again and she smiled up at him so bright that the light of every star system he’d ever seen could never compare. Maker- he loved her so much.
“Please.” he practically whined, shimmying his hips up a bit to give her easier access. He inhaled deeply, her sweet floral scent making his brain go a little fuzzy.
Hooking her fingers into his briefs, she slipped it down and instructed him when to lift up so she could maneuver the fabric out of their way. His cock slapped heavily onto his upper thigh, making him shudder with relief.
She brought her fingers to her mouth, slicking each one with her tongue, the sound driving him nearly to madness. Her touch followed, each slippery digit carefully tracing around his shaft. “I missed you.” she teased, glancing up at him as she curled her fingers around his length.
His eyes fluttered closed, focusing on his shaky breathing so he didn’t explode right away. Already the movement was doing it for him. She stroked in a gentle rhythm, passing over his tip with her palm the way she knew he liked. Beads of his precum coated her grip, making each pass frictionless as she guided her fist up and down gingerly. “Mmm. I think….you can tell how much I- fuck- missed you.”
“Always, baby.” she muttered, her passes increasing in speed each time. The motions were steady and smooth now, allowing him space to twitch to his hearts content. It felt beyond good to be where he belonged.
His pulse raced, with all the blood in his body draining to his core. A thin sheen of sweat coated his skin now, sticking to the fabric of his tshirt and making him shiver. Her heat was right there against his thigh and knowing that made the fire in his gut rage that much hotter.
He groaned from deep in his chest, gripping her sheets beneath him as the pleasure swirling inside him threatened to boil over. “Ah fuck…Mari…” his mind was in a haze, the only thing he could think or feel was her. That’s all he wanted overwhelming him. As good as her perfect, talented little hands were, he could feel her slick heat against his thigh. He didn’t want to finish anywhere else.
With every ounce of strength he had left, he grabbed at her waist. “fuck- get over here.” he grunted, rolling her over on top of him and letting that warmth between her thighs bump against his now pounding cock.
She yelped in surprise, the softest moan leaving her lips at the delightful contact. Her hands splayed onto his chest, her dark hair spilling over to curtain the space between her body and his. Her big, dark eyes filled with devotion and arousal met his, daring him to make his move before she could hers. Both of their chests heaved as their heartbeats pumped shared pleasure in perfect sync.
With one hand settling on her hip, he used the other to curl into her panties and slide the useless fabric to the side. Her own dripping heat coated his fingertips and he outright moaned as he maneuvered his cock between her folds. Her hands were good, so good, but this was better. This was heaven. Her like this was all he had ever needed.
“Rex!” she whimpered, surprise mixing with her own excitement as he notched his length up to her entrance. He let the pad of his thumb press into her clit, watching her head tip back in ecstasy at the delightful pressure. “Ahh…fu-fuck…me.”
With her drenching his full and now desperately hard cock, he couldn’t wait another second. He’d bust right now if he lost focus. He took a deep breath and split her on top of him, groaning loudly as she enveloped him. Her hold on his chest faltered at him overpowering her and he shifted to hold her against him.
She buried her face in his neck and kissed him frantically to match the desperate snapping rhythm his thrusts were now finding in her. Tighter and warmer than he could ever recollect, she siphoned him into her over and over again, always finding space to take all of him. she was made for him.
“Mesh’la, you’re so good for me…so so good.” he rambled lazily, losing himself in her delightfully tight hold on him. The filthy sounds of her taking each bruising thrust was weakening his composure and all he wanted to do was give himself to her.
“Rex….Rex please….more. Give me everything.” She whined against him, her hand resting on his jaw and keeping them pressed together in joined ecstasy. “I want to take all of you. Please.” Her walls fluttered around him, signaling to him that she was far too close to make this last much longer.
He wasn’t far off either. Her words igniting the fire in him that would always inevitably lead to an explosion. All he ever needed was to hear her like this, calling for him and only him. His name. His girl. His his his.
A chilling shudder of molten heat rolled down the length of his spine, traveling down his entire body until it burst in his lower belly. “Gonna cum mesh’la. Tell me…tell me where.” he asked, desperately holding back his final bruising snap until she gave him the word.
She was already collapsing, her walls closing and locking down around him and not letting go. Her thighs tightened around his own and she leaned back to grasp his face in her hands. A filthy moan he’d only ever hear in his fantasies left her as she tipped her forehead onto his. “Inside….Oh Rex!”
His mind wiped and he felt the tension ailing him finally snap. Inside her. The words making him unwind at light speed. Thick spurts of him erupted into her waiting core with each weighted shiver. His climax joined perfectly with hers as it slammed into both of them. Her lips met his and he lost himself surrounded by only her. All he had ever wanted.
With his eyes closed, they shared exhausted exhales. Every shaky inhaled breath between them sealed in with a passionate kiss. He couldn’t break from her for even a second. His life was hers and she kissed him like she knew it. They took turns trying to catch their breath, panting as their lips parted only briefly. He couldn’t move and she wouldn’t either.
She held his cheek with her hand and nuzzled into him affectionately. “Thank you for waking me.” She sighed happily, curling her body into his once more.
“Thank you for helping.” He laughed softly, so pleasantly satisfied and thoroughly tired now. “I love you.” He admitted, pulling their blankets around them and holding onto her tightly.
“Love you too, baby. Now get some rest, you had a long mission.”
I am so unwell over them.
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resowrites · 11 months
Jurassic Park - drabble request (scheduled upload).
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Summary: Henry’s parenting skills get a brush up…
Pairings: AU!Dad!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC/Reader
Warnings: fluff, parenting/family life, banter/British humour, pet names, dialogue heavy, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: <600
A/N: Got a request for more dad!Henry fluff, not sure if it’s supposed to be based on my previous series or not but either way, thanks and please enjoy. **This is a scheduled upload, while all interactions continue to be appreciated, they can’t be responded too at this time.**
Remember, this is pure fiction (as in completely made up), and not in any way meant to reflect reality. My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting.
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Jurassic Park - drabble request.
She'd just come down to fetch the new novel she'd hoped to read in the bath, when a commotion sounded from the other room. "MUMMMMMMMY!!!" She sighed, tucked the book under her arm, and headed for the kitchen.
"What? What's going on?" Their son Hal was sitting at the table with his arms crossed and a thoroughly annoyed look on his face. Henry's eyes batted from him, to her, and back again.
"Mummy, I let Daddy have little bite of To… to… cerpops," both adults bit back a smile, "cos you say it good to share. But Daddy ate the wing! How it sposed to fly now?!"
"It can still fly! Just in a circle--"
"Daddy, shush--"
"But it's not like I ate the head! If I did it wouldn't have been able to fly at all--"
"Daddy, be quiet! Then what happened, Hal?"
"I say 'naughty Daddy,' and he laugh!" Henry quickly looked down, only just disguising a giggle.
"How did that make you feel, darling?"
"And Daddy, how do you feel?"
"Honestly? Still a bit hungry--"
"What?! Besides, I shared half my peas--"
"Did Daddy apologise, Hal?"
"I was about to!" But she looked straight into his eyes and he immediately fell silent. Henry turned towards their boy. "I'm really sorry, Hal. Sometimes Daddy gets greedy and eats what he's not supposed to. Can you forgive me?" Their son smiled and patted him on the arm.
"That's okay Daddy, sometimes I greedy too." Hal stood on his chair so he could lean in for a cuddle. She couldn't help but smile.
"Right, Henry One, Henry Two, can I go back upstairs now?!"
"No! Mummy stay and have ice cream!" She struggled to know how to respond when Henry got up from the table.
"Not tonight Hal, Mummy needs some time out--"
"But she no in trouble!" Both adults laughed.
"Of course, not! Mummy's just tired, she's been very busy and taken care of us all day." Hal thought for a moment.
"But who take care of Mummy?" Henry smiled as he lifted him onto the breakfast counter.
"We do! And that also means giving her a break when she needs one. Now, what flavour would you like?" He opened the freezer drawer and pulled out a tub of Neapolitan ice cream.
"Silly Daddy! Want them all!" She quickly took the tub from his hands.
"You can both have two scoops each--"
"That's not fair!" They chimed. She shot Henry an exasperated look.
"Hal, clear your plate for Daddy then go play with Copper and Kal. I'll be in with your ice cream in a minute." He sighed but did as he was told, getting kisses on the head from both of them as he plodded off to the living room.
"Don't think you're getting an extra scoop just for that…"
"As if that was my intention!" They smirked at each other. "And why am I always Henry Two if I'm your husband?!"
"Because Henry One happens to be our son! And just how many dinosaurs did you eat off his plate?"
"Just half a Tocerpops!" She gave him a knowing look. "… As well as a rogue Pterodactyl and a couple of T-Rexs." She rolled her eyes.
"God help me. And if you eat any of his ice cream as well, God help you." She put the lid back on the tub and made for the stairs.
"Hey, there's no need to take it with you--"
"Course there is, otherwise I'd get none!"
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@elizabetharegina @fanfictionaddiction99 @luclittlepond @caffeinatedfestivalsheep @summersong69 @ushijimbo @livesinfantasyland @jackjanira @geralts-yenn
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momojedi · 2 months
GENRE: Angst, Hurt/Comfort WARNING: The Bad Batch S3 Finale spoilers A/N: This is very self-indulgent/OC-based but I guess it could be read as an x Reader story. Its a bit of a way to offer my personal goodbye to the Batch if you will.
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"Ah, that must be the final one," I remark, brushing another unruly strand of brown curls from my face as Wrecker stretches beside me, the last crate safely stored aboard my shuttle. "Thank you, Wrecker," I say with heartfelt gratitude, though I wince as I notice him grimace slightly, his injuries from Tantiss still lingering. It took some persuading to accept his help with the crates after Omega's rescue, but eventually, I relented.
Wrecker's booming laughter fills the air, eliciting a subtle grin from me. "Don't worry 'bout it!" he exclaims, clapping a heavy hand on my back, nearly throwing me off balance before we're interrupted by approaching footsteps.
"There you two are," Hunter greets us, accompanied closely by Omega and Crosshair, with Batcher following cheerfully. "How's the packing going?" he inquires, to which I hum, glancing over my shoulder at the shuttle's cargo. "Wrecker just stashed the final crate," I reply with a smile, turning back to them. "I'll be departing shortly."
"Do you have to leave?" Omega's plaintive gaze meets mine, tugging at my heartstrings as she takes my hand. She's grown so much since our first meeting on Kamino during the war, barely reaching my chest then and now almost at my chin's height, the pang of guilt is palpable as I squeeze her hand before enveloping her in a warm hug. With a reassuring murmur, I offer her a smile. "I'll stay in touch, I promise."
"Don't forget about me!" A simultaneous squeal escapes us as Wrecker joins in, lifting us into a tight embrace before setting us back down. Then, the two engage in a playful scuffle with Batcher trailing behind. As I observe them goofing around, a lump forms in my throat. Despite the bittersweet feeling of leaving them behind, my decision remains.
"My father is still out there," I sigh, "I have to find him." The warm hand on my shoulder startles me, and I meet Hunter's hazel eyes. "Regardless of your choices, Pabu will always welcome you," he assures, gesturing towards his siblings. "as will we."
I beam at him, embracing him tightly. Hunter visibly tenses in surprise before he finally returns it. "Thank you," I quietly breathe next to his ear, barely loud enough even for him to hear, yet judging by the tight squeeze he offers, he understood. Then I turn to Crosshair. Despite my apprehension towards him, a curiosity and an un-Jedi-like attachment bordering on romance have always lingered when it came to him. "How's the hand?" I ask, nodding towards the stump of his arm. "It's ... it's healing," he responds with a frown, raising it to show me, yet I find myself drawn to his face, empathising with his internal struggle. I'd seen how he'd scanned his rifle after the mission. With his hand now gone, I can barely imagine how badly he must be questioning his significance as a soldier and sniper at the same time.
"I think you'll be fine," I offer gently, meeting his gaze. It's unusually soft as he watches me carefully, almost thoughtfully. Then, to my surprise, he brushes a stray hair from my face with his healthy hand. "I think you will be, too."
As my departure nears, I bid farewell to the island's inhabitants. Echo had departed to join Rex earlier, leaving me his well wishes. Before I board the shuttle, I halt.
"Oh, Omega!" I call, holding her back before retrieving something from my belt. With a sad smile, my eyes scan over it before I hand her the object. "Perhaps you'll find a better place for this." "Your lightsaber?" Her gasp catches my attention as she takes the lightsaber from me. For a moment, it feels as though a piece of me leaves with it and a peaceful rush fills me knowing a part of me will remain here. "Are you sure?" she asks, and I nod, finding solace in knowing it will be safe with her.
"Yes… I won't need it anymore. That chapter has closed," I explain, flashing her a knowing wink. "Can I trust you with it?" Omega grins. "I'll keep it safe. I think, I have just the spot for it."
Hours later, long after the shuttle has departed, the dim light of the sunset bathes Shep's and Lyanna's home, illuminating its treasures of the past. Tech's goggles catch the light beside Lula, with a silver lightsaber hilt resting nearby.
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haileyywrites · 1 year
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-> After a grueling battle with demons Xiao's karmic debt almost finally claims him once again. This time he isn't saved by the god of geo, but by an unknown divine entity or person...
-> Xiao x Gn reader!
-> They/them or simply "you" used - no gender specified for reader! Warning for Xiao's karmic debt! Pretty angsty! Reader is basically a divine creature or a god - you'll see! Might not be lore accurate - this is simply for fun and for your reading pleasure <3
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The all too familiar scent of blood fills his lungs, the iron like smell was too strong to ignore and he was too weak to do anything but fall onto his knees. Xiao's grip was still tight around his polearm, but he was too weak to use it as a crutch to move. The once simple task of getting up seemed like an impossibility... The only sound filling his ears was his own heavy breathing and panting - despite how much air filled his lungs over and over, he couldn't breathe or catch his breath.
He could feel it - his karmic debt calling, slowly coming to claim him as he was too weak out to resist it. This is where he would finally succumb to it after hundreds of years of fighting and service to the Geo Archon, protecting the people of Liyue - trying his best to do some good... his time had come. All colour faded from around him as the souls of the damned greedily grabbed a hold of him with their cursed hands and without much resistance from him. He was just too tired of fighting...
Their cursed hands held him in place as their claw like nails digged into his pale skin, despite how sharp and deep they sank. Blood tickled down from some of the wounds they created as sweat rolled down his forehead dampening his hair and making it stick to it. He could barely feel the pain from it anymore, the only thing he felt was numbness... He wouldn't be able to fight against them even if he wanted to, and he wasn't sure if he did. The damned lifted him from the ground to hold him up, the painful ache from their grip was finally surfacing.
He closed his eyes in preparation. Soon he would be greeted by the familiar sight of his friends - his family. Bosacius, Indarias, Bonanus and Menogias... He would finally see them again, if he was fortunate enough to earn that. It was high time, the Yaksha's and the Adepti were all but extinct, yet he still remained as one of the last on both sides as if stuck in the past while the world forgot and moved on... Perhaps he had done enough good to redeem his cursed soul and be allowed rest.
Suddenly a blinding white light spread everywhere around him, his eyes shut tightly as the damned shrieked in pain or horror and quickly dissapeared. Without them holding him he simply fell forwards and down. He was caught by someone before he could make contact with the ground - the one who got rid of the damned souls and their hold on him, you. He couldn't open his eyes due to the brightness and even if he could he couldn't see anything due to it.
It seemed he was once again saved from his inevitable fate from the hands of his karma and the damned souls that cravedhis corrupted soul. They wouldn't go away no matter how many times he evaded them, but right now he could feel their effects leaving his body with your presence... Your presence felt so familiar and yet so entirely foreign to him, a strange feeling - but somehow he felt safe with you around and holding him.
Slowly the light died down around him and he was able to open his sharp golden eyes to peer around his surroundings. It was the same field that had been filled with corpses of demons he had purged before being overwhelmed by his karma, it had been painted red with their blood and his - but now it was a field of lush green grass and blooming flowers. He had to look for some time to comprehend it was truly the same place, as nothing was growing there then. Even the grass had been dry and brown when he had arrived...
He turned his head to face his savior - half expecting them to be Rex Lapis, but no. You wore all white clothing with a veil covering your hair and a mask completely covering your features. The mask was painted white with fine and subtle, yet intricate details littering it. The whole outfit you wore prevented him from figuring out your identity. Every detail outside of your skin colour hidden, which didn't tell him much anyway. The large full moon rose like a halo behind you, making you look more ethereal to him than you already were with your almost entirely white outfit.
He continued to stare at you in confusion, but was unable to form any words to question or thank you for your deed - but did he even truly feel grateful? He had cheated death more than once now, there was sure to be consequences of some sort for it. He couldn't keep evading and escaping it over and over until the end of time... But just who were you to be able to save him in the first place and scare off the damned without them fighting back? Why would you do it even if you were able to? You didn't know him... so why?
Question after question entered his head and the more he thought about it the more confused he became. He was already weak and worn, it would be best for him to rest. He really doubted you would harm him if he let his body rest like this for some time, after all that trouble it was likely not worth it for them to hurt him... Still, it had been a long while since he was able to trust someone like this. Even if it was logical, it was still a big deal for him to trust another while he rested.
Your arms were comfortable to lay in. He felt safe and protected while in your embrace in a way he hadn't before... It was terrifyingly easy for him to let down his guard when in your presence. You hadn't said a word during the entire time and he didn't have the slightest idea of what you looked like, yet the faint feeling of familiarity grew the more he stared at your mask covered face. He couldn't place it, but he would figure it out once he had rested.
When he finally closed his eyes again he dreamt of his friends... They were more like memories, but he was aware of that fact and they weren't, but he wasn't complaining. He would mind living in these memories when he needed to rest, it was much better than the dreams he would otherwise get. The other reason he often didn't sleep was because his karma would give him terrible dreams and left him vulnerable to it with no supervision. But this dream was surely done by you, or caused by your presence - it had to be. Everything about you was a mystery that became more confusing and complicated the more he learned...
When he awoke it was the next day and the sun had began rising from the horizon. The mysterious figure in white was gone from his side with no signs of their whereabouts... He would have thought it all a dream had his wounds and marks from the damned littered his body like they had appeared, he was also laying on the soft fresh grass that had appeared when you did. The question was, where had you gone and who were you? A question not easily answered...
What he had witnessed yesterday day couldn't have been done by a mortal - not even someone with a vision, so his only option was to ask Rex Lapis for help. He if anyone would know something about you, he was the longest living being he knew and was incredibly knowledgeable in a verity of fields and he was apart of the Seven Gods, it was likely he would know of the other kinds of gods that existed. Normally he wouldn't bother the Geo Archon with such things, but this felt important enough, perhaps too important to not ask for his help.
“A mysterious person dressed in all white clothing with a feature covering mask...” The former Archon repeated to himself deep in thought.
His eyes moved from side to side as he tried to remember if he had ever heard of encountered someone like that... A thought crossed his mind and his eyes widened in what appeared to be shock or realization, his face quickly became more serious before he turned towards the Yaksha.
“Hmm. It appears you might have truly been saved by a god of some kind. Though I thought none still existed outside of the Seven...” He kept thinking with his hands crossed.
It was quite a lot to take in and required some thought for them both of them. If one god or divine being like one still existed outside of the remaining Seven, surely there could or even would be others. That raised a lot of possibilities and questions that they currently had no answers for. Strange that this was the first time Zhongli had ever heard of such encounter and it was told by Xiao of all people, interesting...
Zhongli was no longer an Archon but he would very much like to meet you, the only question was how that would be arranged. Neither of them had any way to contact or identify you, so it would be left up to fate or you yourself showing up. Until then everything would continue as normal, Xiao had already healed and was able to continue his duties of warding off demons. He was more mindful of his limits and the effects of his karma, but a part of him was curious if you would show up like you did if he got overwhelmed again...
It was a stupid thought, but you hadn't left his thoughts since the fay you had met. Every time he wasn't fighting he was thinking about you and that feeling your presence caused, it was addicting in a way... The complete safety you had made him feel was something he didn't realize he had craved for and he still didn't know how react to it. Perhaps he was glad you had saved him that night after all - a pity he wasn't able to tell you that then or even now.
Xiao's gaze rose to the moon above him, it shone more brightly than previous nights and reminded him of you. The way the moon had risen behind you had been imprinted in his brain and made him associate you with the moon. Suddenly the familiar sight of pure white clothing caught his eye. He almost got whiplash from how fast he turned his head to follow the sight, and indeed it was you. You stood some distance away from him as you stared at him in silence. His mouth became agape from the shocking sight of you and he didn't know what to do but stare back. He heard your faint chuckle from beneath the mask you wore...
He watched like a hawk as your hand moved slowly upwards to hold the bottom of your beautifully decorated mask. It felt agonizingly slow as you began moving it away from your face, uncovering your features from beneath it. The Yaksha's breath hitched as your face was slowly revealed inch by inch right before his eyes and he could do nothing but stare intensly at you the more you revealed until finally there was nothing left to uncover.
“I didn't get to introduce myself last time. Hello, Conqueror of Demons.” You smiled.
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A/N: Happy 2023 everyone! Let's start this new year by showing our love to our favorite anemo yaksha <3
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tricks-tickles · 6 months
merry (late) christmas and a happy new year to @blue-little-angel! trust me to finish this one singular day before the deadline haha, thank you to @squealing-santa for bearing w me. anyway here is your fic! i may have misread your prompt a little and so this is only sigma and nikolai but i hope you’re still happy with it. This is also my first bsd fic so sorry if the timeline/characterisation/vibes are off haha
word count: 1228
pairing: Lee!Sigma & Ler!Nikolai
He stayed very quiet. Focus on work: read over that paperwork… sign on the line, okay looking good-
Maybe if he was quiet enough Nikolai just wouldn’t see him. Like a T-Rex, if it’s not moving it can’t see it.
‘Ah! There you are~.’
Out of all the members of the Decay of Angels, Nikolai was Sigma’s least favourite. He was far too unhinged, occasionally visiting Sigma just to threaten him as a joke, or play around with him. Never really hurting him though, Sigma suspected that Fyodor had ordered him not to.
That was another thing. Nikolai hated any time Sigma spent with Fyodor. Few as it was, in Nikolai’s opinion it was time that should have been spent with him instead. Nevermind that they were only discussing their great plan, or giving meagre updates on the Casino, according to Nikolai that was time that ought to have been spent with him, Fyodor’s best friend or boyfriend or whatever.
Sigma truly did not wish to be a part of either of their schemes. All he wanted to do was run his Casino. And yet.
“Sigma!” Nikolai pouted, “Why were you ignoring me?”
Sigma took in a long, measured breath.
“I did not mean to ignore you, I was just focussed on my work.” Which I would love to get back to, he thought bitterly.
“Oh, okay!” Nikolai said, taking a seat on his desk, scattering papers to the floor. Sigma leaned down to pick them up.
“It’s just… what were you up to today?” Nikolai said, seeming earnestly curious.
Sigma leaned back up, shuffling the stack back together and setting them down neatly on the desk. “I had breakfast with my head of staff, then had a brief meeting with Fyodor-”
“See,” Nikolai interrupted, “That’s what I heard, but I thought it couldn’t be true because Fyodor was meant to meet with me this morning and I thought ‘There’s no way my best friend Dostoy would blow me off for you!’, But now you’re telling me he did? Why would Dostoy do that?” He leaned in closer, kicking his feet childishly, “I think you must have done something… forced him.”
“I can assure you,” Sigma put on his best ‘Manager’ voice, “That I did in no way force Fyodor to meet with me, nor did I have any idea of your plans.”
“Hmm…” A mischievous grin broke out on Nikolai’s face, “If you say so~!”
For a second, Sigma hoped that would be all. For a second, he turned back to his desk and lifted his hand to the paper on top of the stack, when all of the papers were suddenly lifted away from him. He looked up, mouth open in protest as Nikolai tossed the papers into his cloak.
There was a beat of silence.
Then, a fluttering noise at the end of the room as the papers scattered out of Nikolai’s portal.
He did not turn to look, did not sigh, or even blink. Nikolai’s face was stretched into a massive, wobbly grin, as though he was trying not to laugh. It did not last long, as he burst into a loud, maniacal laugh. Now Sigma did sigh, as he raised from the chair and walked to the mess at the end of the room.
Apparently Nikolai did not deem this punishment enough, for as soon as he had turned his back he felt a heavy weight flop on top of him, arms wrapping around his core.
“Oh Sigma~.” Nikolai sang in his ear, and began prodding at his sides.
He tried to keep his composure, but Nikolai’s fingers were relentless, working their way under his blazer and pinching gently at his sides.
“Nik- Nikol- Nihikolahai! Stop!”
But it was too late, from his first laugh he knew he was a goner. Nikolai was like a shark, once he tasted blood (giggles) he was relentless. See, he may not have harmed Sigma, at least not physically, so his new favourite way to extract revenge came in the form of… tickles. Oh the humanity.
“Tickle tickle, Sigma~” Nikolai whispered, wiggling his fingers along his sides. Sigma felt his legs begin to give out as he fought against the laughter blooming within himself.
“I prohohomihihise! Ack- I did nohohohot fohohorce Fyodohohor to mehehehehehet mehehehe.” Sigma choked out, falling to his knees as Nikolai grew heavier on his back.
“Oh I know that, as if you could have any influence on Dostoy~.” As he spoke Nikolai’s hands worked up his body, pinching at his ribs and making him writhe.
Sigma squealed, his hands jumping up to weakly push Nikolai away, “Thehehen whahahat dohoho yohohouhu wahahahant!”
“You work too hard, Sigma. I’m just helping you relax.” Nikolai pouted.
“No yohohouhuhu aren- Hey!” Sigma’s arm slammed down as his quick fingers began to flutter under his arm.
“Sure I am. You don’t believe me?” Nikolai grinned, before putting on a hurt voice, “Are you calling me a liar?”
“Nohohohohoho!” Sigma called, even though that was exactly what he was doing. One of Nikolai’s hands was attempting to wriggle into his armpit, while the other was wrestling with his wrist, clamped tightly against his chest.
Nikolai rested his head on Sigma’s shaking shoulder. “I think you are~,” He cooed, “I don’t like liars.”
Sigma began to protest weakly, as Nikolai gripped his wrist and slowly forced his arm up, and into his cape.
It disappeared. There was a soft glow in front of them as his hand reappeared on the floor in front of them, and the portal tightened until he couldn’t pull it back through. He twisted till he was looking at Nikolai, still crouched over him and beaming.
“Noo, Nikolai please- just let me get back to work, you could see Fyodor now! Don’t waste your time on me, please.”
“Hmm,” He appeared to be considering it, but Sigma knew better than that by now. He braced himself.
“Nope~!” Nikolai called, and his fingers came skittering under Sigma’s arm.
He shrieked, pulling as hard as he could, but to no avail. He could do nothing but fall into hysterical cackles as his worst spot was clawed at mercilessly. He fell to the side a little, practically slumped in Nikolai’s arms as he half-hugged him to get at his spot, his other hand holding his cloak open.
“Is something the matter?” Came his shit eating response.
“YEHEHEHES, IHIHIT TIHIHIHICKLEHEHES!! PLEHEHEAHAHSE!” Nikolai’s response was to dig deeper, the tips of his fingers scratching into the divot under his arm while his thumb dug into Sigma’s ribs. He tipped his head back and laughed, now fully boneless against Nikolai.
After a long moment, he realised that Nikolai had stopped. He released the portal and Sigma’s arm came crashing through. For a second he lay there, panting, until he realised he was lying in Nikolai’s lap and shot up.
Nikolai followed him up, snickering, “You looked so comfortable~.” He teased.
Sigma blushed. “Yes well- is that all?” He really had no idea how to end these ‘sessions’.
“Mhm!” Nikolai said, skipping away, “I think I’ll go see if Dostoy wants to have tea with me, bye!”
And just like that, he was gone. Sigma turned around and sat heavily at his desk, still somewhat short on breath.
There was silence, then another fluttering of paper. He looked up, confused and blinked at the messy stack that had appeared on his desk, only catching the last golden glimmer of a portal. Sigma swung round in his chair, but Nikolai was gone.
One single piece of paper drifted from the top of the stack towards the floor.
Sighing, Sigma picked it up and got back to work.
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palfriendpatine66 · 2 months
Fic Rec Friday - Smut Fics
I asked for your smuttiest fic recs and here is what you all delivered! This diverse fic list might help you find something new. Read the descriptions and then check the tags before reading. Be kind. Don’t yuck anyone’s yum. If you don’t like it keep on scrolling for something you do. I know we can do this. Enjoy! 💕
Your community sourced spank bank is as follows: please let me know if there is anything crazy in the formatting or links. Im doing my best!
Happy Wife, Happy Life - Squid_Ink: (Rexsoka) post o66, feat. heavily pregnant Ahsoka who is feeling down about how her body is changing, a feeling that is not helped by the scent of Rex's Togruta coworkers on him :3
Duchess, Degenerate, Disaster - Sendpseuds (Obi-Wan kenobi/Satine/Quinlan Vos) : Satine and Obi-Wan invite Quinlan to bed. A threesome from all three perspectives.
‘Com’Passion - wibzen: (Obi-Kenobi/Mace Windu/Anakin Skywalker) Anakin walks in on Obi-Wan and Mace Windu and is conflicted, to say the least. They help him through it.
Sell Your Body To The Night (Prostitute!Anakin AU) - Bittodeath: The whole series is one long fuck and kink fest. It includes Anakin/Cody, Anakin/Fives, Anakin/Wolfe, Anakin/Fox, Anakin/Obi-Wan, Anakin/Mace, Anakin/Quinlan
Spanking Skywalker - Maiaspen: Very obikin heavy fic but also feat. Anakin/Kit Fisto and Obi-Wan/Kit Fisto in which Kit Fisto takes it upon himself to discipline Obi-Wan’s petulant padawan
Help you to help me - you_idjits: (Referenced Quin/Anakin but only obikin action. Quin and Anakin report to the council after having taken part of a *fertility ritual* on a joint mission. Obi-Wan is definitely fine with that. Totally. So fine. It’s fine.
bound up with you - DreamingMoonlight: (obikin) Anakin asks Obi-Wan to try tying him up in bed
Fuck You Daddy - loquarocoeur; (Obikin) Anakin slips up during sex. Obi-Wan is a little shit. They fuck about it (daddy kink)
Lace Me Up, Hold Me Tight - lilredghost: (obikin) There's a little misunderstanding when Obi-Wan and Anakin are first back at the temple together, but it gets sorted out and ends up with a delicious bottom Obi-Wan in lingerie that Anakin has his way with.
Test Drive - sendpseuds (Obikin) Road head, the fic.
Serendipity - Darkwhisperings (Obikin) An accidental discovery on the holonet leads Anakin to a personal discovery about himself. And his Master. The rest, well, that's a happy accident. (breath play, praise kink, gentle dom obi-wan kenobi)
Comfort - skyl_tales : (Obikin) Omega Obi-Wan ends up nursing Anakin when he first came to him. What starts off innocent takes a turn as Anakin, an alpha, grows up (male lactation)
Lifting the fog - egeria: (obikin) By the early afternoon, Anakin knew he needed a release. A release he could not hope to find on his own. So, instead, he found Obi-Wan. or: sometimes, anakin needs his daddy (Known to convert readers to age play)
Cooking Lesson - rexismycopilot (Obikin) Anakin is a culinary student under Chef Kenobi. He finds out the hard way what happens when he doesn’t listen (non con, dubious consent, spanking)
he already acts the part of the baby, just give him the pacifier - GayCheerios: Obi-Wan and Anakin land on a strange planet, and they are all but required to try and live a life of Caregivers and Littles (age play/regression)
Obikin Kinktober 2023 - lemon_sprinkles Featuring 31 kinky one shots 🔥🔥🔥
Bath time Gwendolyn (storiesofchaos) (part of their Baby Bratty Padawan Anakin series) bath time, bratting to get fucked
Obikin Kaleidoscope | Prompted AUs - intermundia: 25 glorious chapters of prompt fills. So many different situations, all amazing! (Or anything by them. Highly recommend!)
We become the threads, intertwining - Gwendolyn (storiesofchaos): (Obikin) Or, in which Anakin knows pretending to be married to his Master and sleeping in the same bed is never destined to end well. Until it does
For Your Pleasure -himboskywalker: (Obikin) Undercover as slaver and slave,Obi-Wan and Anakin infiltrate a slaver's ring,only for Anakin's training and ability to take punishment to come into question.
Cross-Wired -himboskywalker; (Obikin) In the midst of battle Anakin's prosthesis takes damage and with no backup arm,it's a problem that needs immediate fixing.But crushed durasteel and fritzed wires equals all sorts of curious nerve responses while his master tries to disconnect the neural receptors.
Give them Blood - himboskywalker: (Obikin) In the midst of the Clone Wars Obi-Wan is bitten by an alien creature that forces him to live off human blood.During a campaign on Eadu it becomes a complication under blockade and Anakin is determined to not let his stubborn master starve.This has nothing to do with the way his stomach flips at the sight of Obi-Wan's sharpened fangs, not at all.
portrait of a female, blahzarry: (obikin)Ducking into a dingy movie theatre to hide from the enemy, Anakin and Obi-Wan get more than they bargained for
Mutually Assured Destruction - Darkwhispering & tideswept: (obikin)CEO Obi-Wan who is in a marriage of convenience with politician Satine, thinks he takes home sex worker Anakin.
Aggressive negotiations - rangarlothcat: (Obikin)Or, five times Obi-Wan makes use of Anakin's beauty in a negotiation, and one time someone turns the tables on him.
Learn your place, young one: Ragnarlothcat: (Obikin) Obi-Wan and his Padawan have just foiled an assassination attempt against Senator Amidala. Obi-Wan suspects they're about to be sent on separate missions and the very idea of it is eating him up inside, probably because he's worried Anakin will embarrass himself again. Probably that and no other reason.
The Size of the Fight in the Dog - tennessoui: (Obikin) The thing is, there's very little doubt in Anakin's mind that his master is just as in love with him as he is with his master. He just doesn't know if Obi-Wan is on the same page. But Anakin can seduce him. He's very desirable, everyone thinks so. And with the war buffeting them about around the galaxy, he can't take the risk of his master not knowing they're meant to be together. Not when one of them could die any day. Or worse, sleep with someone else.
Sordid Details Following jld_az (Not Star Wars) Chronicles of Amber
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happy-beeeps · 1 year
Body Shots
Tumblr media
Pairing: Rex x socialite!reader
Summary: Rex gets absolutely sloshed drunk with the help of the 501st, this is like partly crack partly fluff partly hysterics
WC: 2.3k
Warnings: language, alcohol, nothing explicit but there's some references to NSFW content so minors plz stay away ty, also I lifted like 4 sentences from an episode of Parks and Rec because it just made sense
You weren’t sure what you were expecting when you came to 79’s tonight, but it certainly wasn’t this.
You’re in an impossibly tiny two piece set, nearly dripping in glitter and diamonds, catching the eyes of almost everyone in the bar. You never mind the attention you get here, but especially not here, amongst so many people you’d consider friends. Sure, some of the Shinies might not know who you are yet, aside from what they see on the holomags, but for the most part, it’s all smiles and waves before you find the booth your boys have occupied. Today, though, it’s a different scene than normal. “Come quick,” the message from Kix had said, “The Captain is in rare form tonight.”
Rex is sitting in the center of the bench with a few empty glasses directly in front of him. The boys are smushed in beside him, and you realize you couldn’t even sit if you tried. “Hi boys!” You shout and they whoop and shout your name in response. Rex looks up at you from his glass and his eyes widen, he goes slack jawed. 
“Kriff, you look incredible,” he swoons, eyes threatening to bug out of his head as he brings his fist up to his mouth. “‘M the luckiest guy in this bar.” He mumbles, and he’s fighting a losing battle trying to keep his eyes from floating down your chest to the miniscule collection of diamonds that you’re wearing as a top. Ah. Rex is getting drunk. You smile at your Captain and blow him a kiss, before leaning down and dipping your head over to Tup, seated at your left. 
“How’d this happen?”
“We got lucky on sabacc, thought we oughtta treat our captain after that last trip off system.” He grins and pumps his hand in the air, and the rest of the boys lift up their glasses of beer in response. “He’s still got a ways to go, but when the captain finally does cut loose, he cuts loose.” 
You smile, and look back at Rex, who's fallen into conversation with Jesse as he nurses a drink that from the looks of it is definitely not beer. He sees you look at him and cuts Jesse off mid sentence to address you, smiling the whole time, “I told them it was ok, I mean, I didn’t think. We don’t have anything tomorrow do we? I can stop right now.” He sputters, and you find it so very endearing. 
Reaching across the table, you go to cup his cheek and he leans into your touch. Not normally one for PDA, he’s like a loth cat now practically melting into your hand. “Honey, the only thing you and I have planned for tomorrow is going to be some very greasy breakfast delivery.” 
You realize now that you’ve never seen Rex drunk. Buzzed? Sure. But it’s normally you he’s hauling over his shoulder and pulling into a cab before you wrangle him to bed. He deserves this time with you and this time with his brothers, to just relax and enjoy leave. You haven’t gotten to talk to him about their last mission, but from what he said, it didn’t sound great. 
You’re simmering with excitement as you back away from the table, make a show of walking over to the bar, swaying your hips and nearly skipping the whole. You approach and get the attention of the server, a sweet Togruta woman you’ve gotten to know well. “Those boys over there?” you point to the booth the 501st is occupying, “tonight, they’re drinking on me.” You slap the heavy metal card on the table, as well as a fair amount of credits for the woman who will be inevitably dealing with more than just your drunk clones. She grins and starts pouring a round of shots, before handing you the drink you ordered, a sparkling mint green in a glass with a long stem. She follows you back to the table and Fives and Kix move out and make room for you to sit next to Rex, his hand making a beeline to rest on your thigh. You set the drink down in front of you and look at them, “drinks are on me tonight, consider it a thank you for getting this one to loosen up.” You wink, and the air is suddenly filled with the sound of clinking glasses, cheersing, and expletives. 
“I’m the luckiest Captain in this whole karking bar!”
“This is a nice touch,” Rex says, fiddling with the dark blue bracelets you have stacked on your wrist. 
“Just like these boys to know where my loyalty lies, Captain.”
He throws his head back and chuckles, before it rolls back around to rest on his shoulder. The rest of the boys have made their way to the dance floor or the bar, leaving you and Rex alone. This mission wasn’t nearly as long as others, maybe a week, but you both seem so needy for each other right now, it’s taking every fiber of your being to not climb into his lap. Rex is feeling it too, you can tell, his longing stares and wandering hands are proof of that. You’ve both drank a fair bit since you got here, and you’re beginning to wonder how you both are getting home. Rex is toying with the hem of your skirt under the table, mumbling under his breath about the fabric. 
“What did you say?”
“I said it’s shiny,” he says, before shimmying up out of the booth and stretching an arm out to you. “Would you like to dance?” He asks, and nearly jumps at how fast you shoot out of your seat.
“With you? Always.”
Rex isn’t shy. He’s tall and proud and has a laugh that sounds like a canon if you can get him going. He likes to order extra hot sauce at Dex’s (you think he likes the attention) and no one can tell you that scratching hash marks into his armor for the number of battles he’s won isn’t asking for a little pomp and circumstance. Still, he doesn’t usually indulge in PDA aside from a hand on the small of your back or grasping your hand under a table. Once, after a really rough mission he met you in a room off the landing pad, placing kisses all around your face, and someone might have walked by. That’s about as much as you get, but you’re okay with it, because the second the doors shut you know you have his complete undivided attention. Now, on the floor of 79’s, he’s different, like he’s been stuck in Jakku with no water and you’re an oasis. His hands are roaming your body, pulling you close to his chest as he presses warm kisses down your throat before landing at your jaw. “Eager today, aren’t we?” You laugh as you turn from him, taking a step back to shimmy your body and lift your arms in the air. He sighs and stumbles back a step, clasping a hand over his heart before reaching for you again, to which you happily oblige. 
“I missed you, you know.” He murmurs, hands grabbing at the exposed skin of your lower back.
“I know, I missed you too,” you sigh as you press against his plastoid covered chest.
“Need to be better. About telling you how much you mean to me.”
“Rex, you already tell me plenty-”
“Nah, I don’t,” He takes a hand of yours and lifts it up, giving you just the right momentum to spin in place before he stops you, catching you in his arms. “Girl like you should be reminded of it every day.”
There’s a small movement to respond on your part, a slight opening of your lips that he takes an invitation, catching your jaw in his gloved hand and pulling you into him, his lips crashing on to yours. You move together like two stars drawn together in orbit, the familiar feeling of his mouth against yours the brightest beacon to home you’ll ever need. He pulls back, leaving your lips swollen and red, before placing his forehead to yours, searching your eyes for the words he’s saying in his head. I love you.
Forget seeing Rex drunk, you’re now seeing Rex plastered. Or are you? You stopped counting your own drinks when Jesse came back from the fresher claiming a stomach ache and promised he’d make sure the two of you got home. You’ve both drank more, you beat Fives at a drinking game so complicated you were convinced he made it up on the spot. Kix has already cried into your shoulder about how pretty he finds the stunningly violet Twi’lek standing at the bar, and you’ve already stumbled over to them and dragged them to a table with Kix, “You’ve gotta meet me friend, ‘s so sweet.” Fives and Rex are back at it, playing a drinking game that involves a tossed credit and a bunch of dares. You’re sure you’ll never forget the image of Rex singing Sy Snootles’ newest song to the whole bar, and Fives is sitting with one of your large, dangly earrings on his ear, fished out from the purse you left at the booth. Funnily enough, you don’t remember him having any piercings. You walk over just as the two of them have flipped the credit and watch as it lands face up, a sight that makes Rex’s skin pale and brings a sparkle so bright to Fives’ eyes you barely even hear what you’re agreeing to.
So that’s how you found yourself here, surrounded by the Republic's finest, laying on a grimey table in the middle of 79’s while the 501st hollers as Rex holds the shot glass next to you. You’re tingling, and you can’t help but giggle as you look at Rex’s face, his drunken lopsided grin as he holds it up to you. “We’re gonna regret this in the morning.” He slurs and you shake your head, or the whole top half of your body, your fine motor skills aren’t what they were two hours ago. There’s one or two civvies mixed in with your crowd, an absolutely towering Zabrak woman and the Twi’lek from earlier is standing with Kix. With a nod from you, the captain pours the liquor into your naval and deftly brings his mouth to your stomach to slurp it out. You don’t miss the kiss he presses to the side of your stomach afterwards, and you roll your eyes as he puts his arms in the air. 
“THE 501ST ARE BACK BABY!” One of the troopers shouts, and Rex pulls you off the table before carrying your bridal style in his arms towards the door. Jesse runs to follow you out the door, grabbing your card, purse, and Rex’s helmet in his hands. He flags down the first cab he sees and deposits you both in it, before handing the driver a bunch of credits and reminding him to “hose down the backseat.”
* * *
“Are we dead? I think we’re dead.”
“I feel okay actually, I went and finished a mission report this morning and went on a run with General Skywalker.”
“No. I threw up in the bushes outside your building last night.”
You open your eyes and carefully roll over to face Rex, who’s running his hands across his face. 
“Anyway, good morning princess,” he breaths, stretching his arms and then motioning for you to move in. You happily oblige, finding a home in the crook of his arm and leaning your head on his chest, soaking up the warmth and the sound of his heartbeat. “What did we drink last night?”
“What didn’t we, remind me to murder Tup” you scoff, and push yourself up to swing your legs over the bed, reeling a bit as you do. You stand slowly, finding your way into the kitchen and not stopping until you’ve found two glasses of water and CeeDee. “Please order us every breakfast item on the menu at Dex’s for immediate delivery,” you say to your droid, and before she can respond you speak again, “CeeDee. I mean everything.”
This is how you find yourself less than an hour later sitting perched between Rex’s legs in bed, slicing away at flatcakes and eggs, pieces of bacon and warm toast with saltberry jam, and greasy starch fries. There’s caf too, and you’re both clinging to each other and the cups like your lives depend on them.
“I’m getting too old for this.” Rex groans, leaning back to rest his back on your headboard.
“Please, when you get to be my age,” you joke, following his lead and leaning back on his chest. He rolls his eyes and laughs before taking the caf out of both his and your hands, closing his arms around your shoulders. He puts his head on your chin and you shimmy a little to press a kiss to his cheek. “I like waking up with you.” you sigh, and relax a bit.
“Me too,” he squeezes you tighter, “like going to sleep with you too.” He smirks, and memories of the night come back to you in flashes. Wandering hands on the dance floor, a kiss in the backseat of the cab, the disappearance of your sparkly top on your bedroom floor.
You both stay like this for a while, just enjoying the early morning sounds and the quiet company of your lover. You reach your arms out to scratch an itch on your chest when you feel it, the stick of the shirt you’ve stolen from Rex on your stomach. You reach your hand underneath and tap the offending area, and realize that your stomach reeks of liquor.
“Rex… why does my stomach smell like a liquor cabinet?”
He’s silent for a beat, as if wracking his brain to remember spilling on you when he freezes around you, the memory of the game, the credit, you lying (very elegantly, he’ll tell you later) across the table. 
“I’m gonna kill Fives.”
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spacingstars · 1 month
do you have any recs for good cody characterization?
So, I should preface this by saying I kind of... avoid Cody's fandom, primarily because I'd like to not soil my enjoyment of his character, and as such don't really seek out much fics that do have him.
I can elaborate on this later in a reblog but as of now this post has already gotten ways away from me so I'll be sticking to main discussion of what Cody characterization I enjoy and find to be good.
Additionally, I don't read as much fic as I did a few years ago, mainly because I've gotten pickier in general, but also because real life as of late hasn't allowed much time for seeking out new fics and reading them through.
With that said, much of my change in attitude towards Cody is entirely down to @battlekilt, and much of what I will be discussing with regards to Cody's character is lifting from their conceptions of him (which are strongly based in canon).
Which, with regards to fic recs, I'll put those out here now, these first two will be Kilt's:
Nightmare for Others, Dream for the Self by Aiwha/@battlekilt
note: this fic is Anakin/Rex and while they are the central focus, Cody has some incredible moments, especially with the interplay between himself and Anakin and Rex.
Aay'han—Mournful Celebration: How ARC Troopers Saved The Galaxy by Aiwha/@battlekilt
note: this fic is Obi-wan/Rex but Cody is an incredibly strong character in the main cast, I should also say this can be a heavy read (there is MCD and the grief over that character is a major theme of the story), so, be prepared. But, There is a lot of fluff, especially shared among the Clones.
Also while it's not... out yet, I have been given a lot of previews of their current project and what I've read of Cody in that fic has done a lot of the heavy lifting to change my opinion on his character. So... keep a look out for that one. xD
And, I do have one other Cody fic that's stuck with me:
sun-stunned by ctdogma
note: this fic is gen, it's Cody & Anakin, but it's stuck with me for the way Cody and Anakin relate to each other, and the characterization of them both is also quite enjoyable. It's short, but I quite enjoyed it when I first read it. Also, it is archive-locked, so you will need an ao3 account to read it.
There is also this Cody meta from Kilt that's a good elaboration on the discussion I intend to have on what I do like about his character.
I would also encourage revisiting canon and the moments Cody does have, because there's a lot of character to be garnered from him by observing him. There's this video that compiles his screen time (little over an hour.) The only downside is that certain clips have a giant t.c.w/t.b.b logo thrown over them for, obvious, copyright reasons, but aside from that (which may be a little annoying for certain scenes,) it's a pretty good compilation of Cody.
And, speaking of that discussion, shall we?
The thing that I really enjoy about Cody's character is the internal tension he carries to the dichotomy of his "two halves,” so to speak. He's a character that manages to feel both young and old at the same time. He's young in the sense that, well, that is what he is, chronologically, at the beginning of the war, he's only 20. He comes with a lot of the anxieties and uncertainties expected of him, and those anxieties and uncertainties clash spectacularly with the fact that Cody is expected to be older and more mature. He is the Marshal Commander of the 3rd Systems Army, and the sheer amount of weight and responsibility placed upon his shoulders is massive. It forces him into a position where he has to be older than he is and has to be more assured in himself. He's only at his most comfortable with Rex.
Which, Rex, to me, is a key aspect of understanding Cody's character, because much of Cody's character is fixated to Rex, Cody & Rex are in a same vein as Obi-Wan & Anakin. Which is why Cody's most important moments are tied around Rex. Rex is Cody's most important person, no doubt about it. The sheer amount of respect and adulation Cody holds for Rex is quite telling, he frequently speaks incredibly highly of Rex.
Cody, to me, is quintessentially a character who is both young and old; he's a young man with all the anxieties and uncertainties that come with that pushed into a position afforded to seasoned Generals, men much older than he is, a position that affords him with immense responsibility and authority. Cody is wound tight in his code of honor; he's dutiful and professional, and he's strong in his convictions. But at the same time, all of that soldierliness, all of that which Cody is fundamentally a damn good soldier, in every respect of the word, is conflicted against the "youth" in him. It’s conflicted with his anxieties about himself and his performance. And I think the internal conflict between these aspects of Cody is what makes him so juicy; he will act out of duty, out of professionalism, he will do as a soldier needs to do, as a Marshal Commander needs to do, but at the same time, he's got those anxieties, about himself, how he conducts himself, the decisions he makes, the choices he makes. It makes for a very crunchy internal conflict between his conscious and his code.
I won't play by play analyze every one of Cody's moments, he's got a lot of them, but here's a list of things I noticed about Cody when rewatching much of his canonical appearances.
Also, a note on these, some of these will have additional commentary from Kilt because I was rewatching these scenes and discussing my observations with them. They had some useful additional commentary.
He stands in parade rest a lot, and he loosens up his stance by the time season 7 rolls around, but in the earlier seasons, and thus, the bulk of his appearances, Cody walks and stands in parade rest a lot, especially in comparison to Rex whose already much looser during that time. To me, this is indicative of his stiffness, of that need to pull himself together into an air of professionalism and orderliness. (Kilt Comment: Multiple character sources cite that Rex was a rather stickler for the Rules(TM), even going so far as being compared to Dogma at the start of the Umbara arc. This tells us that Rex had been actively encouraged and given space to become more comfortable and relaxed than Cody did, whereas the Commander took longer to stretch that.)
The only time he really engages in banter or otherwise engages in comfortable conversation, it's with Rex. This is contrasted with his interactions with Jedi, where he's much more professional, on the job, and orderly.
He conducts himself with some more "elderly" mannerisms, calling Rex "ol' boy" or referring to a clone lower in rank than him as "son." (Kilt Comment: Sir, you’re ten. Also, this tells us that Cody believes that by playing up a wider age difference with his subordinates than he would realistically have, he feels he might be given more weight to himself, the respect he is martially owed.)
Yes, he does fling himself at droids a lot, like half the time a droid gets close enough, he just resorts to kicking or flinging himself full body, very hilarious. (or, otherwise Marshal "IDK what it means to chill" Cody.)
He repeatedly salutes Obi-Wan whenever he's given an order in the earlier seasons (most notably the Ryloth episodes), and it's kind of hilarious, but it also reads as Cody kind of... overcompensating for his respect and orderliness.
Cody has a moment (at the Citadel) where he loses one of his men but has to quickly pull himself together in order to keep moving. I think it's also interesting to take this as a way to highlight when Cody cautions Rex against getting too fixated on the idea that Echo may be alive. (Cody has lost men, and Rex has lost men too; they both know the weight of their grief, and Cody knows how fixation upon the impossible could potentially hurt Rex, and that's the last thing Cody wants. It's a concern for Rex that he shares with Anakin, as Anakin expresses the same concerns.)
Cody also having multiple occasions of giving Rex praise is absolutely indicative of how highly Cody holds Rex; how important Rex is to Cody, but it is also kind of funny how Cody will just... repeatedly laden praise at Rex's feet, a persistent reminder of how great he thinks Rex is. (He totally 100% does not have favorites.) (He most definitely has his favorites, his favorite is Rex.)
I really love how much you can see how Cody's a lot looser in later seasons. His demeanor with Clone Force 99 is a good example. As well as his with Obi-Wan, especially compared to earlier seasons (the majority of Cody's interactions with Obi-Wan in earlier seasons is very much colored with professional distance; they don't really banter or have ease of conversation, it's only in later seasons and ROTS you'll get some more comfortable interactions.)
Cody's harshness towards Slick and traitors in general during those episodes is incredibly fascinating in light of his actions in T.B.B, where Cody himself ends up the traitor when he previously denounced them so strongly. It shows a great level of character growth for him. (And it's one of the things I love about his internal tension, is getting him to a point where he questions whether or not his strong sense of duty and the lines he draws in the sand are correct. The idea that Cody was much more dutiful, less forgiving of those who betrayed that duty, fundamentally a military man in every respect with a strong code of honor he'd never break, makes him come to the point of "this isn't right, the decisions I'm making aren't right," so much weightier. He chooses to become the thing he's previously hated, and that's incredible.)
(All of these little traits and moments from Cody can be categorized into either the "younger" or "older" half of the dichotomy he carries within.)
You really can construe a great character arc for Cody, you can pick up a lot of the little minute details of him by watching him. Going from the Cody of earlier seasons, who conducts himself with the utmost professionalism and duty, whose more youthful underside is only shown when he's around Rex. Where he only allows himself to loosen and open up towards the war’s end. Towards that conclusion, he has allowed himself a chance to unravel from his own rigidness (especially in his worldview,) to the point he deserts despite it being in every sense of the word a betrayal of what he's defined as the duty of a soldier, a definition he's so strongly held to, is incredible. He is such a fascinating character for all this juicy internal tension in him that keeps on pushing and pulling until he finally breaks and listens to his conscious in T.B.B.
That is why I've come to love his character. A lot of these are things I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't have someone who hadn't pointed them out to me and hadn't allowed for conversations about Cody's character that were not defined by a narrow viewing of his character I'd come to dislike. He is such a fascinating character, and the contrasts between his strict code and his conscious is one I really love to apply pressure on, the tension that results from putting Cody in situations where he needs to favor his persona of the 3rd System's Marshal Commander over who he is, just Cody, is quite fun. It's just fun applying pressure to his code, making him question himself and his convictions, and getting him to reevaluate his strict worldview.
Cody is simply a lot of fun to pull apart and play with; and I really adore his character for that.
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