#gray area
"One of the most confounding places to be is the gray area between who you know and who they used to be. I swear I knew him, and I knew him like I knew myself. And who he is now, makes me miss who he used to be before everyone else knew him too." -Echoes of Your Voice M. Rivera
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i-am-trans-gwender · 1 month
"The lesser of two evils is still evil."
That's just stating the obvious and acting like it's genius. It's like saying "A lighter shade of blue is still blue."
Also if I had to pick between a guy who will kick me in the crotch or a guy who will tear me limb my limb i'm going with the former.
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wisdomfish · 5 months
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Jesus says there is no gray area; it’s one or the other! ~ John MacArthur
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a-dream-seeking-light · 11 months
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mlma x epik app
not a fan of most ai generated images and/or art, but this app as applied amounts to a bulked up photo filter -- and unlike how most ai stuff is crap, this kinda fucks.  the fact that this was part of a trending meme with the likes of ah-nold joining in the fun (which was fucking hilarious) also helps to mitigate this for me; it’s not some unethical entity (be it corporation or pseudo-artist/prompt “engineer”) trying to pass this off as their own work, but as with a filter, no authorship is implied.  
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clotpolesonly · 9 months
Crackship from ffnet that has never left my mind: Snape/Teletubbies
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shapes · 1 year
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It’s all black-and-white morality with horror fiction media until you find your first killer crush. Then you realize there’s a lot of gray area, too. And booooyyyyy, when you’ve found the gray areas and then meet someone who has yet to find their first horror crush, someone who thinks it’s all black-and-white???
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They really be out here thinking they understand the world. The gray area exists, whether or not you choose to look at it.
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sessakag · 2 years
I'm so conflicted 😭In Secrets of the Hidden Leaf, you rendition of Sakura is tugging me in so many different ways! Like her situation is really sad with whats going on with her and Sasuke, but the way she's handling it is sooooo bad! And omg poor Lee! She makes me so mad sometimes but I still feel for her because not all of this is her fault! She's self destructing and doesn't realize it and its just so terrible and sad. This whole situation is MESSY! but a good messy lol. I don't know how I want this to end. Part of me wants it all to blow up in her face and the other part wants it to never see the light of day! Gosh like I can't imagine this secret being revealed! The consequences would just be...omg!
Please update soon, every single one of your stories are amazing, but Secrets has my soul! Every time you post a chapter you snatch my wig and im not even wearing one.
-a reader slowly dying without your amazing stories being updated 😭
Lol, okay, first off, I do apologize for snatching ya wig that you aren't even wearing. I don't know what kinda Houdini shit that is but, uh, yeah, my bad 😂
I'm happy to hear you're conflicted, that's the way I tried to write her, an emotional tug of war. A woman in a bad situation that isn't entirely her fault but isn't always handling it in the best of ways.
Overall with Secrets, I wanted to do more gray area things, rather than the black and white; good or bad, one-way thinking that I see so much in writing/life. It's sterile to me.
Good people can make bad decisions, bad people can do good things, kind/innocent people can have naughty side, a loving couple can make room for one more. you can love your country and still hold it accountable, unconventional relationships are not always a character flaw or indication of trauma; not everything will fit into a mold or follow 'societal norms', nor should it.
That's boring and unrealistic to me. People should be able to mix and match their life in a way that makes them happy, fulfilled and is amicable to all parties involved.
Anyway, back to the topic, lol.
She's uh, going through somethings, and a lot of people are upset with her but its also nice to see people can acknowledge that a lot of it is due to poor coping skills (lowkey just like her husband, lol). I hope to keep developing her in a way that makes her to gray to categorize as good or bad. I'm still working on it though :D
Far is updates go, once Monster has been updated, you should be on the lookout for either my OG stories updated or a one-shot from the NH fair being fleshed out. I'm taking my time though, so it might be another week or so.
Thanks for reading!
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baby-pink-panic · 1 year
I wish I could stop this disconnect
When I can't feel him I can't feel anything
I don't get it
Why'd you do this baby?
My beautiful boy?
With bones built right?
But is your heart made of stone?
Your face seems to be now
That last night you saw me
There was no facade
Only hunger
High and tired and blind
You did not care what I wanted
But at least in that moment you wanted me.
I love you.
I'm sorry.
Could you please come back to me?
Remember when you wanted me?
More than anything?
Can we go back to that?
Can we go back and make it sweet?
I don't know what happened
I don't know what I did wrong
I loved him
I loved him
I loved him
All I ever did was love him
But he stopped loving me
At some point he forgot
He forgot what we were
He keeps forgetting about me
He is going to forget me
I gave him everything
My core
My heart
My time
My flesh
My virginity
I gave it all to him and now there is nothing left for me
Because he won't give anything back
I love him
But I am bitter, I am angry
I love him
And he used to love me
And he never told me what happened
But now I'm starting to suspect
That he doesn't love me
He doesn't like to talk to me now
We fell in love because we loved to talk
What happened, baby?
Where did your heart go?
Or at least
Would you tell me where you took mine?
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mackenzielovee · 2 years
Ok I know gray area is still relatively new but I feel like not enough people talk about it 😭😭
how crazy of you to say this bc i was writing it this morning :) i’m picking it back up and hoping to get a new part up soon!❤️
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"The middle is the curse": Thinking from the words of Lao Tzu (Essay)
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I once read the saying, "The middle is the curse." When I entered the University of Tokyo Science 1, I was overwhelmed by the classmates around me, and I was frightened by the difficulty of mathematics and physics. I came across this word when I was interested in the Pure Land Buddhism and was seeking some kind of truth. I was a little weak.
This saying, "The middle is the curse," divides human beings into three classes, upper, middle, and lower, with the highest and the lowest. Because middles think they are intermediate, they are far from the salvation of Amida Nyorai. I think it was said that it was far from salvation and that it was a bad category in terms of Pure Land Buddhism. However, I forgot the name of this book and the author, so I tried to search for this word again on Google, but I got no hits at all. I don't think it was a very popular word.
However, I came to realize that there is an expression very similar to this in my favorite book of several decades: Lao Tzu. (I did not pick up Lao Tzu out of a timidity like in the Pure Land Buddhism, but I picked up in a positive state of mind.)
There is this... When the best sage hears the "way(Tao)", he tries to do it with all his might. The man in the middle does not move, as if it were not there. The lowest class laughs at the "way". If it is not laughed at, there is no value for "the way." ・・・Outline is written like this (chapter41).
Here, rather, the lowest sage is interesting. Indeed, he has his own criteria for evaluating things, and he laughs at "the way and its practices" according to it. Depending on how you negotiate, you may understand him the "way" and put him into practice. When this happens, the person in the middle who is easily touched stands out. It can be said that he is "gray area" and is self-satisfied with his current situation. I don't know what will happen to him.
In my experience, I've come across a lot of this middle class. It can be said that they occupy the majority of the world. Humans with expressionless faces that never change, and have no intention of changing. Perhaps the commentator of the Pure Land Buddhism, or even Lao Tzu, is saying that these people "can’t be saved."
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emmsplaylist · 2 months
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tenfoldtranslation · 9 months
Before I forget, one of other major differences I'm noticing now that I'm on a slice of life set in Japan versus a sci-fi/fantasy isekai type story is that the line for what to localize has become a lot more blurry. In Captain Corinth the settings are Made Up Planet, Made Up Space Society, and Actually Earth But Just The Parts I Need to Reference That Happen to be Japan. Now that (redacted) is set in actual Japanese society, there are a lot more things to choices to pick from when deciding how to represent in English (keep the Japanese and put italics, add a translator's note, translate it into an English equivalent, etc etc). This post brought to you by volume 4 of (redacted) referencing the cultural phenomenon of Hajimete no Otsukai which got a Netflix translation I can't remember the name of right now.
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astronaut50 · 11 months
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imoga-pride · 2 years
Can someone be cusper but lean more towards one identity or the other ?
I believe so. At least as far as I know cuspers, they tend to use that way, although some may use as exactly the middle point between two identities. It's like, an inbetweeny term. But for practical uses, most people will see this as simply one or another.
Like in the queercore movement, it's situationism, depending the context you can be one thing or the other, similar to the personal pronouns of Leslie Feinberg (ze used both he/him and she/her for respectively gender expression and sex identity).
It also works like gray area in asexuality, you can be fluid/flux as well.
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HOTD 1x08: Video
For this episode, I can recommend you to watch two reviews from YouTube: 1. From Gray Area, especially at 10:22, she said something very interesting about Aegon cutting trees, and the word killing in High Valyrian.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-kxb1qoAeE&ab_channel=GrayArea
2. The Dragon Demands, with his amazing insight.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sF1BWtxE4M&ab_channel=TheDragonDemands
3. From Emergency awesome  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kliQq9UDBtM&t=2s&ab_channel=EmergencyAwesome
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