#i have many best friends that i’ve known for years!!!! in fact i've known some of my friends for like my entire life it's very cute
sugarsnappeases · 4 months
thank you for the tag @fxreflyes this is so cute, except the format is trying to hinder my propensity to ramble, so i’ve rectified this in the tags lmao
i’m over 5'5 / i wear glasses or contacts / i have blonde hair / i often wear sweatshirts / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or two piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile / resting bitch face / i play sports / i play an instrument / i know more than one language / i can cook or bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask / i’ve never dated anyone / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years / i am an only child
no pressure tags for @static-radio-ao3 @inevitablestars @itsjaywalkers @carniferous @orbitfalls @transsexualpriest @futurequibblerjournalist <333
#i'm like 5'7 i think. fun fact i used to wear glasses when i was like 11 bc all my friends were getting glasses and i wanted some too so i#lied to my optician. lol good times. don't actually need glasses tho soooo.#this is me coming out as a natural blonde guys….. like my hair hasn’t been blonde in a good year or so and it hasn’t been my natural blonde#in like three/four years but still in my heart of hearts i identify as a blonde. like i get confused when people don't count me as one#i have my ears and nose pierced and i would love a tattoo but unfortunately i have both a fear of needles and commitment issues so.#not sure if that’ll ever happen… would be very hot and sexy tho. also i'm one of those freaks with green eyes lol it's appaza quite rare#my hair is currently like dark dark brown… have been getting the itch to dye it again tho like a kinda reddish colour idk yet we’ll see#i had braces for AAGES. i have freckles in the summer and i paint my nails whenever i remember to. rn they’re a very chipped lilac colour#i think i have a resting bitch face but i can never tell tbf like it might be more of a resting 'dead to the world' face lmao#okay technically i don’t play an instrument anymore! but in the past i’ve dabbled with the cello the oboe and the xylophone. singing too#spanish and italian baybee although ig if this means like fluently then that’s not me but this is literally my degree it’s my whole brand#yes i like to read but also the only things ive read in like the last few months have been either books in spanish/italian for my degree#literary criticism for said span/ital books and… fanfic. so. also i like writing but it's my worst enemy rn the thoughts aren't working :(#i have many best friends that i’ve known for years!!!! in fact i've known some of my friends for like my entire life it's very cute#okay sorry for rambling i can never help myself and i also literally could go on icl like there was Some restraint applied here#kara lore#bc there's quite a lot of it in this one lol#tag games
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w2soneshots · 8 days
INside -Angry ginge
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Words: 0.9k+
Warnings: none.
Summary: you enter the inside house and quickly get along with a particularly attractive ginger boy.
a/n: hello loves! I’ve had so many people asking for more angry ginge fics so here’s a one off😉. Enjoy!!💓🫶🏼
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Today I'm going into a house with nine other people for a week. No connection with the outside world, no internet and with mostly strangers that I've never met. It's for the sidemen's new reality show. I haven't been told much about it so it will be quite a surprise.
The taxi dropped me off outside and I grabbed my suitcase from the boot. I pushed open the heavy door to reveal what looked like an airport security. I furrowed my brows. "The fuck is this?" I walked through the scanner then read the signs on the mirror. "Smile for the camera." I pulled a face then popped my suitcase onto the conveyor belt. Once I was finished I opened the door on the right.
The house was quiet when I made my way up the stairs. "Hello?!" I shouted out. I walked into the living room. "Hey!" Joe ran towards me. "Hi! I can't believe you're in here!" We shared a quick hug. I've known Joe for years. It was nice to know that someone I knew was in the house. Then another guy stepped forward. "Hello. I'm Morgan." He greeted me with a cute smile. I smiled back. "Hi, I'm y/n."
The next to arrive was Chloe (who I know since I was on her podcast), followed by everyone else. They all seemed nice but I could tell that there was a few people in it just for the money, which I understand but I want to make friends and just have some fun. We picked our beds. I ended up between Morgan and Manrika. We all sat down on the sofa to have a chat. After a little while Miniminter, Vik and KSI walked into the room. Everyone erupted in cheers and claps.
"Welcome to inside!" JJ started dramatically. "You will all be battling it out for a prize fund that starts out at one million pounds." Everyone clapped once again. "As you guys can see, there's not much in this house. That's because everything costs money." Vik said, putting on his best presenter voice. "No Vik no!" Joe joked. Simon began, "We're going to be opening the shop so you can buy whatever you want, but you're going to be paying for it through everyone's prize money." Vik went on to explain all about the shop, the daily challenges and food (we only get basic stuff unless we want to purchase it from the shop).
They left soon after and we continued to chat away. Until the tv screen lit up, reading 'the shop is now open'. Everyone raced downstairs. "Two grand for the pool balls?! You're taking the piss." Ginge stared at the board. "You have to pay for a shower? Are you fucking joking!" My eyes widened. I really didn't want to have cold showers every day.
After a long conversation about the shop and trying not to spend anything we all went upstairs. Then lunch arrived. It was freezing cold rice and chickpeas. I genuinely could not force myself to eat it, it was disgusting. Everyone went to eat their food then me and Ginge slipped away from the group to go downstairs. We giggled as we hurried into the shop. "I'm fucking starving." I ordered a packet of crisps and a fizzy drink. He ordered the same. We sat on the floor and ate in peace.
After the first night I slowly began to catch feelings for Morgan, and Chloe was quick to notice. "But do you find him attractive?" She asked me as we got ready. "I don't know. He's tall and he's cute." I replied, not making eye contact with her. "Oh you definitely like him!" She chuckled.
It started to become a running joke in the house. The way we looked at each other, our banter and the fact we always sat next to each other. Me and Ginge didn't talk about it directly but one day Specs was telling me about the conversation he had had with Morgan and it was very interesting. "He said that he would go on a date with you if he got the chance." "You're joking?" I was slightly surprised and I didn't want to look like a mug if Specs was just having me on. "No seriously. He likes you y/n."
Ginge left the next day and I actually missed him. It felt weird not having him around. I ended up getting into the final three before I left. I was really happy for Chloe and Manrika. I also saw Morgan again, we shared a quick hug then I gave him the rundown on what happened after he had left. We filmed tiktok's, took pictures and then said our goodbyes. I felt as though I had made some really good friends and made some interesting memories.
A few days after the final I got a call from Morgan. "Hey!" I answered in a cheerful voice. "Hi, I just wanted to ask if you were free anytime this week?" He got straight to the point and sounded slightly nervous. "Are you asking me out?" "Uh- well- yeah." He stumbled on his words. "So Specs wasn't joking." I thought out loud. "What?" "I'll explain on our date. You free Friday?" I asked. Unbeknownst to me a huge smile spread across his face. "Yeah I am." "Great see you then."
After I decided the call I quickly rang Chloe. "Babe, you'll never guess who just asked me out!" I began excitedly. "Who? Wait! Ginge?! No way!" She screeched down the phone.
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moonstruckme · 5 months
okay I’m sorry love but I have to rant and didn’t know who to rant to so I hope you don’t mind😭
so Valentine’s Day is coming up and all my friends are talking about their Valentines and it’s kind of upsetting knowing I won’t have one (and haven’t had one in years but this year it hit me hard for some reason, which seems dumb to me. Maybe bc I’ve never made a big deal out of Valentine’s Day like ever) and I like this guy who seems out of my league even though he’s a bit of a nerd (really knows his random history facts) but it’s so cute to me. He’s just total opposite of me, tall, skinny, really pretty, pretty much a god. I know I’m not that ugly but I’ve never seen myself as attractive or anything like that. But I feel like since he’s a twig and I’m a bit thick I would totally get into my head about it 24/7. I’ve only known him this year and it would be weird to even think that anything could happen since I don’t know him as well as I do my other friends but I want something to happen, you know? Like for once I want a relationship with a guy who I think could actually make me happy if it were to ever happen. And I feel miserable when I think about all this stuff. I guess I just kind of need some encouragement maybe? I don’t even know what to do about any of this and it’s hurting me a bit.
Once again, sorry for the rant. Your stories are the best, keep it up darling! love you <3
Hi gorgeous, I don't mind at all!
Maybe it's because I've been single for so many years, but I think we should ban romance from valentine's day! Fuck the original intent, valentine's is for the girlies so we can wear pink and worship heart-shaped things and enjoy little treats. I think it sucks big time that vday is a sad day for so many single people, and that society seems to be saying we should take this time to mourn the relationships we don't have. But! That's just my rant and not at all a reflection on you sweetheart. It makes total sense to feel bummed and a bit lonely if all your friends are celebrating in a way you can't really particpate in! I hope there's a way for you to enjoy the day (even getting yourself some discount chocolate when it all goes on sale)
About this boy: I highly doubt he's out of your league, babe. I mean, I don't know him, but I think to call anyone "pretty much a god" is probably giving them a bit too much credit. And from the sound of it, you're way underestimating yourself. I'm kind of going on the assumption that he's part of your friend group but not one of your closer friends, which I would assume means that on some level, he already likes you enough to be in the same social circle as you and hang out around you. Having a crush like that can be so thrilling and torturous at the same time, don't get me wrong, but I think there's definitely room for possibility there! Maybe you could try getting to know him better within your group? Maybe if you guys start talking more and become more familiar with each other, something will start to spark there? And in the meantime, try to remember how lovely you are. I'm positive you're doing yourself a disservice here.
Update me if you feel like it, love you <33
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footprintsinthesxnd · 8 months
Hi Jess how are you? For your ask thing, have you read any books about Easy?? if yes how do you rate them? I've been reading many reviews hoping it will help me choose one to start my collection. And what about your fav books? Do you have a list of faves you would recommend? can be any genre btw, lots of love ☺️
Hello, I’m so sorry I missed your ask yesterday. 💕
So I’ve read quite a few books about/ from the men of Easy Company and I can easily say that my favourite is ‘Parachute Infantry’ by David Webster. I’m actually on my third reread of his book currently.
I think that Webster book is one of the most accurate books relating to the men of Easy Company and their time during the war. I think that Webster really has a way with words and his book is so immersive and you really feel like you’re there with him. I also like the fact that it’s not directly linked to the series as some of the other books are since the ‘Band of Brothers’ Stephen Ambrose book and so I feel that it’s more accurate. So I highly recommend checking Webster book out, it’s a very good read.
I also really like Dick Winters book ‘Beyond Band of Bothers’ which is Dick Winters memoir based on his wartime diary.
I’ve also read the new book out about Ronald Spiers this year called ‘Fierce Valour’. It’s written by two historians Jared Frederick and Erik Dorr who unveil the fuller story of Spiers and it’s gives more on an insight into Spiers life. It’s a very interesting read and gives you a better understand of a complicated man.
I’ve also read ‘Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends’ by Babe Heffron and Bill Guarnere which I enjoyed reading and I like the fact that they stayed friends all those years, and wrote a book together.
I’ve also got Donald Malarkey’s book ‘Easy Company Soldier’ but I’ve not had a chance to read it yet so it’s on my to do list.
Overall I think that all the books are worth a read (including ‘Band of Brothers’ by Stephen Ambrose of course) I think that each book gives different insights and experiences that each man had during his time in Easy Company.
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As for generally book recommendations that’s so tough because I like such varied genres. I’ve recently read Millie Bobby Browns ‘Nineteen Steps’ and I basically binge read it over a weekend.
I also really enjoyed reading Bernard Cornwells ‘Saxon Stories’ or ‘The Last Kingdom’ as it’s also known. I really love this series and it’s the kind of series with really loveable characters that I could just reread again and again.
One of my all time favourite books is ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott. Fitzgerald. It’s such a colour and emotional book that lays out unattainable dreams of love and wealth. The film is also very good but nothing in comparison to the book. I did one of my Literature essays on this book and I can always find so much to say about it. (sorry my inner Webster is coming out lol)
I also enjoy some of the classics by the likes of Charles Dickens, Jane Austin, Thomas Hardy and many others.
Sorry this is a really long reply but I hope this helps and thank you for your ask 💕
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tresenellaart · 11 months
The Big Life Update!
Um, hi everyone! Long time no see huh? In fact, it’s been a very, very long time. 5 years ago I nearly dropped off the face of the internet, and while some of you might have caught a glimpse of my work here and there, I've been almost completely offline and I've kept away from all social sites ever since.
Around 2017-2018, I found myself very lost artistically. I hit a hard wall where I wouldn’t know where to go next, what project to embark on. I had many ideas, but all of them seemed to evaporate into nothing the moment I sat down to flesh them out. I felt extremely apathetic creatively, eventually stopped uploading any art, and sank most of my time into gaming or mindlessly watching videos and streams. My partner at the time helped me gather the strength to look for a job, but without any formal education or previous jobs I could refer to, I tried my luck on Fiverr.
My experience on Fiverr was… mostly terrible. Being paid very little for a lot of hard work, and having to deal with some problematic clients and tight deadlines, really took a toll on me. My time there did send me on a path that I wouldn’t have expected though. I was contacted by a game dev to do a character design for a little wizard character. This person was quite pleased with my work, and continued to ask me for art for a second character, then some test animations… And soon I found myself handling all the art and music for the game, in what’s been my job for 5 years. The game is called Enchanted Portals, and it’ll be releasing later this year!
It’s been… a wild ride. The game’s very heavily inspired by Cuphead, with very similar art-style and gameplay. My boss, being an avid fan of the original, was very passionate about creating his own take on the genre, but maybe not surprisingly, the initial reaction to unveiling the first trailer was one of mass rejection and hate towards it. A useless ripoff! An inferior clone! I hope they get sued for this! Instead of the love letter from a fan that it actually is, it was mostly seen as a ploy from some greedy studio to make a quick buck. Didn’t help that the trailer reached a lot more people than we could’ve ever anticipated.
I can’t really call the game mine in any way, as I’ve mostly just been hired to make art and music assets for it, but the wave of hate was still quite overwhelming and soul-crushing for me. Is this all I’m gonna be known for now? Is this hate going to follow me forever? That creative black hole I had found myself in before, grew even bigger. I didn’t want to be public online again. I wanted to disappear. I couldn’t work on anything creative outside of my job anymore. I was burnt out, scared of the world, feeling completely defeated.
I was very fortunate to be contacted by a long time friend from my early DeviantArt days, someone that, despite my lengthy online disappearances, would make an effort to send me a message from time to time to catch up. We started talking very regularly, and she got me interested in a project she was part of, a fandub of the webcomic Rain by Jocelyn Samara D. (that I’m sure a lot of you know already). We toyed with the idea of upgrading the project into a full animated series, a pretty ambitious task since I’d be the only one animating, but my creative spark was immediately reignited. Working on Rain was such a joy, and a rekindling of everything I love about creating art. The project hit some serious bumps along the road, but it’s still going strong now, and while it’s been really slow working on it on top of my job, it’s been the best artistic experience I’ve had in a very long time. If you want to check it out, here’s the Rain: TAS Youtube channel! We just released a new short!
This long time friend has since become my girlfriend, and we’ve embarked on other wonderful projects together. If you want to check out some of our other stuff, we have a wonderful world of gay fae bugs in the making too!
Despite all of these exciting new personal projects I’ve embarked on recently, coming out of my bubble has still been a huge struggle. Posting on my own accounts, drawing new strips for my webcomic, uploading anything that's more personal, still fills me with fear and anxiety. I really want to get out of my comfort zone and start posting again, being more active online, reaching out to new people, sharing my art with others once more. I miss it all dearly. And I know people have been missing my art too, and some have even been seriously worried about my well-being. I sincerely apologize if I made any of you worry too much! ^^;
I hope this post is the first step in a long new creative journey for me. I’ll do my best to leave my shell, and to build myself and my art back up again. There’s so much wonderful stuff I want to do, and to show to the world! Stay tuned!
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nanathott · 20 days
okay, I'm the one I asked for advice. this is a bit long so take your time.
first I must give you some context. i’ve always been a person who has a hard time interacting with people, especially making friends because i’m very introverted and quite shy and people usually think i’m scary bcs of my looks. that's why when i was a kid i didn't really have friends (just a few but weren't really close and i always felt out of place around them), but that was okay because i always had my sister who was a year younger than me who was like my best friend. even so with adolescence that changed and as we developed our tastes and personalities we began to distance ourselves, so i lost my best friend </3 and so i had to start looking for friends, which was extremely difficult because i had no experience.
but anyway, despite that in high school i managed to make friends, which made me very happy. and it was always fine, they’re very good people and i appreciated them a lot, especially for being my only friends.
the problem began abt three months ago when i met two new girls who are my classmates and we quickly became friends, which left me somewhat confused because again, it had always been difficult for me to make friends and it even took me a few years to get used to and even feel comfortable around my old friends. this, because (and this is another reason why i find it difficult to have any kind of relationship) i’m too cautious and distrustful of people, afraid that they might hurt me or abandon me (due to family traumas lol).
despite this, my two new friends made me feel comfortable super quickly and managed to break down all my barriers effortlessly. for example, i hate physical contact (or at least that's what i always thought, since it always made me uncomfortable, except coming from my little brother who has always been bit clingy) but with my new friends it's different and in fact i feel touch starved and the NEED to always touch them, whether in hugs, playing with their hands, resting my head on their shoulder, etc. things i never got to do with my old friends who i've known longer. i also feel that i don't have to restrict myself with the things i want to say and we share many more things in common than with my old friends with whom i used to differ a lot
i also feel that with my new friends i’m a little more adventurous, since lately i’ve been trying new things that i’d never have dared to do before and trying to enjoy life in different ways.
anyway, the thing is that my old friends feel a little insecure about these new friends of mine, even more so when i see them every day since we share classes unlike my old friends. and they always “jokingly” claim that i’m replacing them since i'm spending too much time with my new friends, even going out with them outside of class, which makes me feel guilty. but at the same time, my old friends (and this has always been a problem(?) in the friendship) never have time to go out, whether for classes, work or other activities, since high school we’ve always had difficulty meeting up and stuff. and with these girls we have similar schedules, so it is easier to spend time together but it results in insecurities for my old friends, even though they always reject or cancel plans with me (something that i always took as normal and never complained about bc i know it's difficult to balance responsibilities and social life)
even so, whenever i spend time with my new friends i think about my old ones and feel guilty.
the important thing is that yesterday i was organizing plans with my two friends for today when my old friends texted me to go out in the same day and for a moment i didn't know what to do, because i didn't want to cancel my plans but i didn't want to tell them that i already had plans and reject them bc i'm afraid i might make them feel bad. and in the end, i decided not to cancel my plans and reject my old friends because the thought of hanging out with them gave me a funny feeling in my gut (and i don't usually ignore those signs) which never happened to me before, and again, they made jokes about me preferring my new friends over them and that kinda stuff that made me feel bad about my decision.
and i really love all my friends but i don't feel good about the situation. i'm afraid that i'm doing something wrong or hurting someone but at the same time i don't know what to do because i can't and i don't want to stop spending time with my new friends bc i really like being around them but i don't want to leave aside the old ones either, even though the way they’re behaving does bother me a little and i think it's a little unfair they're getting upset (bcs I know those jokes aren't really jokes) with me for spending time with other ppl when they never have the time to make plans with me, which i'm not complaining about but it seems unfair on their part. but idk, maybe i'm wrong? i don't have much experience with friendships so i'm not sure.
but to close the topic, a couple of hours ago one of my old friends sent me several messages which i didn't get to read because she later deleted them all before i even realized she texted me, and i'm afraid to ask what they said, but i guess if she deleted them maybe they weren't a good thing? idk.
whatever, do you have any advice, nana? or what's your opinion on the matter? i'm really lost.
hmm… well i would follow your gut, u said you had a feeling when they asked you to hangout with them and u know urself best
i’ve always been the kinda person who just accepts fallouts with people so it’s hard to say what to do here, but people grow out of friendships, it happens
esp if your old friends aren’t making the effort to hangout with you much and always cancel plans, i’d follow your gut, but i do think you should talk to your old friends
this could be a situation that could be solved with communication so i would message them and let them know how you’ve been feeling
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capseycartwright · 2 years
my 5 favorite fics i’ve written for fic writer appreciation day i love self promo
tagged by @queerpanikkar and i love love this idea bc its just so interesting to me to see what fics of their own an author recommends! tagging @clusterbuck @hattalove @thatbuddie @bibuddie @prettyboyandthekid @prettyboybuckley @henswilsons @eddiediass @mellaithwen @kitkatpancakestack @littlespoonevan @buckactuallys @buttercupbuck
we're building our own promised land - 16k
Eddie sighed, closing his eyes for a second. He hadn’t necessarily spoken these words aloud, just yet – not to Buck, or Hen, or anyone else – and he was afraid of the implications the words might make about him, and his newfound relationship status. But Eddie knew, know, that these things, if they went ignored, only festered, and became toxic and Eddie Diaz refused to ruin another relationship, refused to ruin the great love of his life, because he wasn’t able to say the words out loud.
“I,” Eddie paused, taking a steadying breath. “I don’t think I’m fully okay with the fact I like men, Frank. And I want to be. I just don’t know how to get from here, to there.”
- or, coming out, unlearning his shame, and processing his religious trauma takes a lot more time and support, and therapy, than eddie had imagined it would have.
it's funny 'cause i've always dreamed of me and you - 5k
when eddie gets shot, the last thing he expects is to wake up in a reality where he was married to his best friend. he had a girlfriend, for crying out loud - how could he be married to buck?
or, after getting shot, eddie spends a day in an alternative reality where he is very happily married to buck, and has a it's a wonderful life-esque experience.
i haven't been myself in a while (i'm sorry) - 10k
eddie was better - he was better, he swore he was better. he wasn't going to let some random sniper with a vendetta be the reason he couldn't do his job, so he had to better. and then the blackout happened, and eddie was falling out of a fucking helicopter and whatever god was out there controlling the universe had to be playing a sick joke.
- or, eddie's ptsd is triggered by the helicopter rescue, and recovery isn't so easy this time. not when buck isn't around.
without losing a piece of me (how do i get to heaven?) - 12k 
eddie diaz had been baptised at six weeks old, born into a devout catholic family - the kind that went to mass every sunday, and enrolled in sunday school. it had defined his childhood and in so many ways it defined the adult he'd grown to become and maybe that had been the root of the problem, all along.
(he wasn't gay. no - of course he wasn't. he'd have known - wouldn't he?)
- or, eddie comes out. with a side serving of good old fashioned catholic guilt, pining, and hard conversations.
and i've been told, i'm heavy to hold - 10k
eddie is sixteen years old when he decides he doesn’t have a heart, and he's thirty two when he decides he doesn't want a heart, anymore, not if having a heart means you have to deal with so much pain, and heartbreak.
some days, it felt like he was swallowing glass, jagged edges tearing into the tender skin of his throat and reminding him that any happiness he's ever had - shannon, christopher, buck - was only ever temporary, because eddie had never deserved to have someone take care of his heart. no, eddie diaz's heart was always destined to crumble like dust, alone and unloved and undeserving of any more chances than the ones he had already wasted.
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onlyswan · 8 months
hi art! if it's okay I want to ask you something, because this year, I've been meeting friends that are also ending abruptly and not in good terms. I've lost many friendships before (the two are caused by their relationship problems that I just didn't want to support) when I was in senior high, I am in this friend trio where in one of us left and made another friend group while my other friend has her own friend group too and I felt so out of place bc I don't have that, and now another friend of mine at the moment has been ignoring me bc of unknown reasons, it feels like I'm the only one reaching out for her. I'm the kind of person that is friends with everybody, one might say. now it makes me think that maybe there is something with me or how I treat people bc what do u mean I've lost 4 friendships in a span of a year :(((. i mean, i understand that some friendships are just fleeting feelings and it comes and go but why do mine ends abruptly and sometimes it seems like they just changed? I've been mourning for months bc of my childhood friend cutting me off from all of their social media without me knowing what did I do wrong and now someone's doing it to me again and it hurts so much. I just keep being left behind and I wanna be a better person and a better friend so I wouldn't be abandoned anymore. Have you felt like this? If so, how do you handle friendship breakups and the haunting feeling of isolation or being left behind? and I wanna know what do u think makes a good friend?
I'm sorry for putting all of these here. I just really really want to know your opinions on these and maybe share my situation if ever someone have also experienced this. And your blog is a safe space of mine!!!! Thank you, Art!!!!!!!
hi anonie :( i’m sending you an endless supply of warm hugs 🫂🫂🫂
of course i’ve lost some friends myself, mostly because we just naturally fell out of touch or we have changed, and those changes weakened the special connection we had. and that’s okay. i’ve learned to accept that. when you also perceive the changes in yourself throughout the time that’s passed you’ll realize that you actually need to be around different people when you’re in a different place in your life, sometimes that could mean cutting someone off. personally, it’s been painful having experienced both sides of it. but i have two best friends i’ve known for 13 years, and a very dear one for 6. i find consolation in knowing that i will always have them even if i lose a hundred other friends. sometimes i get scared that i’ll lose them too.
and i’ve realized over time that what makes our friendship strong is that we know each other so well. and because of that, we are kind, loving, and compassionate with each other. i think vulnerability isn’t necessarily sharing your whole life story, it’s just being transparent with how you feel <3 don’t be afraid of telling them how much you cherish them (after you have a great day of hanging out say thank you, i love you, let’s do this again, let’s do this other thing again next / reach out to them, say what happened, do you want to talk about it, what can i do to help, i’m sorry, i miss you, how are you, or share a story or a memory). don’t be afraid to tell them when they hurt your feelings too !! and how they can treat you more gently bcs if they care, they will learn. and if you care, you will give them the chance to do so. and vice versa !! that is how you grow together and know each other better 🩵 in friendships, i think that’s where effort really goes in.
heh i don’t know if i was much help 🥺 but the fact that you want to be a better person and a better friend is already a start and a big step!! however i hope you remember to value yourself and your energy too, and that you can always make new friends!! ily 🫂🩵
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orionsangel86 · 10 months
Okay so I have a bit of a random question that you might or might not know the answer to. For context, I’m gonna be doing a working holiday in Ireland because it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity due to having to be currently enrolled in college or at least within the first year post graduation. Well I’ve been told by multiple people, who have no relationship with each other, that it’s much better for me to say that I’m from Texas than say I’m an American. While both are true, they’ve told me that people have been much more friendly towards them when they say that they’re from Texas and just leave it at that. Do you by any chance know why that is? I’ve tried to look it up, but all I’ve found was the impression y’all get from us are basically guns, big, and BBQ. To me those don’t seem like things that correlate, which has made me more confused.
All good if you don’t know or if it’s not even something you’ve personally experienced or heard of people experiencing. I’m just curious more than anything
Hey! Well I'm a Brit, London based, very English, so I can't speak for the Irish at all (and wouldn't dare even if I thought we might share an opinion on the matter!) but I've never heard of this.
Honestly though? Its just my opinion but I would have thought it would be the other way around? If the people telling you that are from Texas, I'd say thats a bit biased as I know Texans are known for being very proudly, well, Texan.
Most people I know from this side of the pond, whether British or European, aren't gonna judge individual Americans just on the fact that they are American. Unless you are a walking stereotype and rather obnoxious about it I wouldn't be too concerned. We are aware that America is a huuuuge place with a LOT of different types of people living there.
But Texas does have a reputation. The Texas stereotype is more ingrained that the general American imo. Loud, large, right leaning, guns, cowboys, etc...
Texas is one of the more recognisable states to most people over here along with New York and California (and Florida although I think most Brits (again, I cant speak for the Irish) just associate Florida with beaches and Disney World). So whilst I doubt your friends assumptions that people here are friendlier to Texans, its likely coming from a place of recognition. The reaction upon meeting a Texan might be "oooh Texas! Cowboys!" And the Texan in question would view that recognition as extra friendly when its really just "i am aware of you" whereas if you said you were from say Missouri you'll be met with a blank face.
A Californian might feel the same reaction applies to them, that by saying theyre from California, they are likely to get a stronger reaction than saying they are just from America simply because the European person is more aware of California and can make assumptions based on their general knowledge of California.
So thats my best guess. If you want people to associate you with cowboys, horses, guns, bbqs, etc, then by all means proudly state you are from Texas - you just might need to elaborate to then fight a general stereotype.
Just to be clear, I'm not saying everyone will stereotype you, but these are generalisations. I'm actually from Essex, and I often don't admit to that because Essex in the UK has a very strong stereotype which was only further encouraged by that ghastly reality TV show about it. If I say I'm from London, people aren't gonna make too many assumptions. Saying I'm from Essex I immediately get the smirk and the knowing look and the "oh youre an Essex girl are you?" And I HATE it. But some women from Essex might get a kick out of that I suppose.
So what I'm actually saying here is it all depends on how you want to be viewed. Its not about friendliness. People arent friendlier to Texans than other states. Its about whether or not you wanna be associated with peoples general stereotypes of Texas and whether you view those associations as positive or negative.
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Hi momdad! I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far.
So I kind of needed your advice on something. I’ve been attending university for a few years now and I’ve been friends with this girl for most of that time. And well, recently she kind of ditched me for this clique I suppose, that’s like a bunch of really cool and well known people and well, I’m really shocked. She’d been dropping hints for like 2 days I guess but still, I didn’t think she’d just ditch me for a shiny new friend group like that. The thing is, our friendship was very much due to circumstances, like when you befriend someone because you see them every day and tbh I don’t think we’d be friends if we weren’t classmates. But it was mostly a good friendship you know? We were respectful and we had our fun. So I’ve been feeling awful but on the other hand I know this is a good thing, she wasn’t the greatest friend, it felt like I was her therapist while I could barely talk about my problems with her. And I always spent so much time on getting her really well thought out gifts and the things she got me were so impersonal, like she didn’t know me at all. She would spill other people’s secrets to me even when I told her not to. And she would talk behind other people’s back in a really mean spirited way and I was just scared of standing up to her. She was also like really homophobic (very fun for a closeted bisexual like myself btw) and I don’t know, she had such a hot and cold personality, it always felt like I was walking on eggshells around her and like I could never really be myself around her and I know I’m not perfect obviously, I can be a bit blunt and blurt out things that are hurtful even though I don’t mean to upset people and I know I’m not the most affectionate person, even though I try. And I know the fact that I was willing to stick it out with her just so I wouldn’t be alone doesn’t reflect well on me at all and basically makes me look like a doormat. But I was so afraid of being lonely and not having friends. Which is what happened anyway I guess. But again, I’m so so scared of being alone. And the fact that I’m more upset about being alone than the fact that she won’t really be in my life anymore tells me all I need to know. I’ve been trying to have a positive outlook on this whole thing and I’m trying to be excited about having the chance to go out there and make new friends that match my personality better but the thing is I’m not the best at making friends, I’m really shy and introverted and it feels like everyone’s already made their friends and won’t be in need of more of them. I am friendly with a lot of people just no one that’s like a close friend like her. So I don’t know, I’ve been having a really bad time, I’ve lost my appetite and I can’t really concentrate while studying. I just feel so unlovable, like there’s something inherently wrong with me. So I’ll appreciate any words of advice that you might have for me💗 I’m really sorry this got so long.
hey there, sweetheart, i'm so sorry you're going through this hard time. i spent a long time struggling to make friends and feeling lonely, so i can definitely relate.
first off, i think you kinda dodged a bullet with losing this 'friend', and it sounds to me like deep down you know that too. i don't want to judge a young person too harshly, but at the very least, it sounds like she has a LOT of growing up she needs to do and right now she just isn't a very pleasant person to be around.
i understand being lonely and not having friends, i promise, but i've also learned that alone, as much as it sucks, is a lot better than being with the wrong people. and that ultimately, no matter how many friends you do gain, part of growing up is learning how to make peace with being alone. some people never learn how to just sit with themselves, and it causes them a lot of problems. if you can start facing that challenge early in life, you'll be ahead.
second of all, i'm just going to be blunt with this: i think there's a good chance you're autistic. don't just take my word for it, but my autism radar started beeping like crazy while i read your message, and i think it would explain a whole lot about what you're dealing with.
now, please understand that "autistic" isn't an insult or some kind of prison sentence. autism is just being a bit different, like having a brain that runs on a different operating system. sometimes that's cool, sometimes it causes problems when interacting with the world, but it's neither inherently good or bad, it just is.
i didn't realize i was autistic until i was in my 20s, and while kind of a shock, it actually turned out to be a huge relief, because it allowed me the chance to say "there's not something wrong with me, i'm just autistic. i'm not weird or crazy, other people like me feel the same way."
since i could go on for ages on this topic, i'd suggest you check out my autism traits tag and see what you think. if i'm wrong, no big deal, forget about it, but if you relate really hard to what you find there, then it might go a really long way to helping you understand yourself.
but, all that said, i'm not trying to pathologize you or 'explain away' your feelings. believe me, i totally get how you feel. i didn't have any real friends until i met my qpp when i was 17 (and we've been best friends for 17 years, go us), and high school was a humiliatingly lonely experience for me. i was always trying to be friends with other kids, and they'd say vaguely nice things about me, but never actually try to spend time with or talk to me. it made me feel just awful.
looking back, i have a lot of compassion for myself, because making friends IS hard when you're shy and introverted (and especially when you're autistic too), when people are generally nice to you but don't make any offers to become better friends. if i could give you a little advice, it'd be to speed up the process and go ahead and have some compassion for yourself now, because you're young and still figuring life out and this isn't easy and it's making you feel awful about yourself. that's a situation that deserves some compassion, don't you think?
remember that compassion isn't the same as pity. you're not "feeling sorry for yourself" if you just look at your situation and say, yeah, this is hard and i'm struggling. it makes sense for me to feel bad when i'm struggling with something hard.
but another piece of advice that i'd give is for you to always, always remember that no matter how they present themselves outwardly, everyone around you is wrestling with their own insecurities. the 'friend' who abandoned you? she really wants those cool people in the clique to like her. even those cool people in the clique are insecure.
everyone is insecure, especially the people who are trying the hardest to seem like they aren't. that's just how humans work. we're all scared deep down inside.
so while it's hard, and anxiety-inducing, i promise that there are tons of people around you who also want more friends, but are posturing and trying to seem cool, because who wants to LOOK like they need friends, right? the truth is, most people (who aren't jerks) are really happy to receive attention and to be asked to do something like go to lunch or go see a movie.
even more than that, people LOVE talking about themselves, so if you have an acquaintance that you'd like to get to know better, try asking a few friendly questions about their hobbies or style or pets or what they're studying. if you don't know what to ask about, you could say, "hey have you seen any good shows lately? i'm looking for something new to watch." that can easily start a fun chat, and once you've had a fun chat it's easier to have another one.
now, i don't want you to end up in another friendship where you're the one doing all the work all the time, so try to direct these efforts to someone who will ask you questions in return and seem interested in what you have to say. i'm not judging you for how you let your friend treat you, not at all, i just don't want you to let everyone treat you like that.
i know it's frightening and difficult, but socializing takes practice, like everything in life. it's okay to make flubs and embarrass yourself, i promise it's not the end of the world. just try talking to people, okay? especially if you relate to them and share similar interests. i have a social skills tag that might be helpful too.
if i could manage to find my best friend by commenting on her phantom of the opera fanfic on fanficion.net in 2005, you can find one too. <3
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I’ve graduated from a very prestigious middle/high school which was designed for gifted students it was really fun and gave us a lot of access to contests and courses and stuff, but I think it gave a false sense of what the academic world is like.
Because last year I’ve graduated and now I started college.
I managed to major in a really good medical field (doctor of pharmacy degree ) but I got in a very okay, not really exceptional university
And I don’t know what to feel.
Part of me mourn the fact that I didn’t get into medicine, even though I discovered I don’t really like it, I only like the allure of surgery and the glory and respect it comes from getting into such school. And this university is the best in the city (there are very very few) but certainly not in the country, I want events to attend, I want competitions to win, clubs to apply to, interesting people to befriend, and more aesthetically pleasing building to study in. And sadly the university doesn’t provide that much of any of these.
Sometimes I wish I applied to some program where I’d study abroad (that would certainly be interesting) and seeing one of my best friends do it really hit the nail on the head.
It’s just everyone says university are the best moments of your life and I’m really really scared that I wouldn’t get that, specially since I set up such high standards.
Do you have any tips where I would stop feeling that way? Or at least for making my university years more enjoyable/interesting/memorable ?
Of course! I was in a similar boat. I graduated high-school with honors and full rides to several distinguished universities and I attend a smaller, not well known university. I moved 10 hours from home to a city I've never been to and knew no one or anything. I went from a tight friend group and several clubs and activities to literally nothing. It's hard and disappointing and makes you question your worth.
The first step is acceptance and understanding. You know your situation and the reasons for it. It's where you are right now and it's your reality. Comparing your situation and yourself to others is so easy but it's so bad for you. And it's hard to accept things like this especially because they can make you feel lesser and like a failure, which I assure you you are not. There's nothing wrong with going to a smaller school. There's nothing wrong with being somewhere new and not super fancy. And it's ok to mourn and be upset over it as well as long as you come to turns with it and accept it.
The second thing I want to say is that schools tend to have a lot going on that you just don't know about. They absolutely SUCK at getting information out. I suggest following your school on different social media platforms to get more exposure to things. If they have a newspaper or newsletter, definitely get it! I found out that my school does guest lectures and resume building workshops and even has a diving club and I've been there for 5 years now. Most schools have a study abroad options available but don't really advertise them. Some classes even take place abroad as well. But you have to do digging to find them.
Another thing I would like to add is get to know your professors. Go to office hours. Ask about their paths and their experience in different fields. It can change your whole mindset and even set you on a new trajectory. They can also help get you connected to other clubs and organizations outside of the school as well!
Since you're in STEM, look for undergraduate research opportunities in your school. Talk to professors who do research with the university and see if you can shadow them or if they have space in their lab.
Also, get to know people in your class. Talk to the person sitting next to you. Talk to the others waiting for class to start or the people who ask a lot of questions. I know this can be hard and awkward but starting with simple questions about the class can lead to many great friendships.
See if your school has a discord or a Twitter or something. That's a great place to start meeting people virtually! If you meet several people who have similar interests, you guys could even start a club of your own!
And for the competition part, if the city has a brewery or late night cafe, sometimes those places have trivia clubs and events that could give you the same intellectual competition and thrill you seek! Get on Facebook and find some local clubs and groups that match your interests too!
The aesthetics of where you study don't impact your success whatsoever but I understand the want of that. Maybe you have a local library or garden you can study at.
Going to college is a huge change especially when you have high expectations and they aren't met. All you can really do is accept things and maybe apply to other universities as a transfer as well if you really aren't happy with your situation.
Anyways I hope you have a beautiful day love!!! And I hope I helped a little
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oathofpromises · 2 years
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 Another Kingdom Hearts related take... because I love this series to the point where I've seen too many takes related to my favorites for years. I also figured since I talked about Destiny Trio and Kairi that it was Sora's turn.
Recently, a friend I know was talking about how people are again trying to convince everyone that Sora is a bad character. That he hardly had any development over the course of the first saga. Let me just sit down and talk about how that's doing the protagonist of the series a huge disservice. Especially when I see some people try and compare Sora's accomplishments to Riku's. Both these characters have gone through such different journeys over the course of the first saga. Sure, I get to have a favorite among these two, but they both have grown a lot. 
The whole 'Oh, Sora isn't as sassy as he once was.' You know how many times i hear that comment from people when talking about Sora or Kairi. Like that sass is still there, but people have to realize that Sora has matured since the start. He's dealing with a lot on his shoulders and knows that there's a time in place for that. He's gone through so much, and a lot of the series is told from his perspective. He has people counting on him to save the worlds. Trying his best to keep promises to those closest to him and having people, even some of his friends, tease him about failing the mark of mastery. It's a sore spot for Sora, even if he does his best not to out rightly show that. His body language when they laugh at him for needing more work is a tiny glimpse into that part of him. The one that cares so much for everyone else but has so much weighing on his heart. 
He has accepted that to some, all he'll be known as is a dull ordinary boy. The one that wasn't chosen, but he's proud be apart of something much bigger. The fact his friends were chosen and he's alright with that. Maybe when he was younger it bothered him especially the whole scene between KH1 Riku and him. However, never once did he let that stop him from pushing forward.
Sora is suppose to be the one the player relates to the most. The character we see grow from this boy into a young man. Like don't get me started on how much I cried seeing KH4 Sora. My baby boy is so grown up. However, deep down he is still the same Sora even when dealing with so much. This one boy had given up his life multiple times to save his friends. He's always just been that way because in the end..Sora doesn't have self love for himself. Maybe some think I'm making that up but looking at this character he really cares about everyone else but gives little care for his own life.
It's just emotion for me to talk each of my babies because all of them have been through a lot. I really love looking at each of their development over the whole franchise. Really just shows up much some of us have grown up with these characters and series. If I get another one of these I’ll talk about Riku too since I’ve seen so many takes related to his character too. Some that I just have me shaking my head. 
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myramysticmoon · 2 years
Inktober Day 1 Part 1
Welcome to the first day! Happy October everyone! This first bit of writing I'm pretty proud of. I've always loved bits of folklore like this. Though disclaimer, this isn't an actual bit of folklore. Any similarities are coincidence. Would be funny if I predicted a new cryptid, though. Anyway, I hope you enjoy 💜.
Prompts: Gargoyle, Mountain, Legend
Lists: Official list, kniftykat's list, a-chaotically-small-lunta's list
There is a village in the mountains west of here. I’ve visited it before. It’s a beautiful place, especially in autumn when the trees are painted gold and orange and crimson. Its people are equally as beautiful and diverse, too. Though, I’ve found the best people for travelers like me to talk to are the ones who love to share their stories to those who would lend an ear. Barkeeps, friendly and long-time residents, staff at the museum or the tourist center, and people who just look like they’ve lived a lot of life. Their stories are always interesting, but one sticks out to me above the rest. Everytime, it’s mentioned at least once. This village has it’s own legend.
    The legend always starts out the same. “Have you heard of the Gothwind Gargoyle?” Most times, the answer for me is yes, but I’m not one to turn down hearing a retelling. They often proceed to provide a basic explanation. Early in the town’s history, there was a rather famous cathedral that people from around the area would visit. On this cathedral’s roof sat four gargoyles, one for each corner outlooking the rest of the town, and one major one at the base of the tallest spire. It’s this major one that was particularly ornamented. Lion’s mane, talons, bat-like wings, draped in robes and with rubies for eyes. It’s this same one that disappeared in a particularly bad storm in the late 1800s. Now of course to skeptics, it was known that it had likely just fallen and broke into pieces that were later cleaned up. The roof was never subject to much repair and refurbishment, apparently. However, to those more superstitious folks, this wasn’t just a disappearance. This was a case of storm-brought animation! Thus started a search for this gargoyle and where it had gone. Though unfortunately besides a few false leads nothing much had come of the search, and after a year the event had lost its spark.
    Fast forward to a group of young adults in the 80s who had come to stay at the village inn. One night on their visit, they had decided to go out ghost hunting. Y’know, as you do when you’re young and in a town with a lot of history. And what better place to start than the surrounding forest and mountains? At the least, it would be a nice walk. Though what they experienced was a bit more than just a walk. In fact, it was a flight. They had been messing around, not being that serious, when a huge figure came rustling out of some trees on the upper side of the mountain they were hiking on. In a moment they all had witnessed a large, winged, bipedal creature soaring over them and into more forest below and ahead. A moment of mutual silence agreed that it was time to run back to the car. After that, the group asked around the village the next day and found out about the disappearance of the statue over a hundred years earlier. The story was soon shared, and once again the village buzzed with talk of the gargoyle and the Gothwind Cathedral it came from.
    Now the story of the gargoyle is well known all across town, and many people seem to have their own experiences or have family or friends with one. People are more than ready to share what kind of fright they had or what sounds they heard or sights they saw. While there are people who brush over it when told, most take it seriously. I think it’s the want for something more to be out there that drives these kinds of legends home for people. I’m certainly no exception. Now did I personally experience anything? Nothing that couldn’t be explained. However, I do fully believe that gargoyle is still around that village in the mountains. Protecting the town and its residents for as long as it’s around.
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ask-barbie · 3 months
Hi, looking for advice. For years, I have unwillingly been shoehorned into a "therapist friend" role for someone who used to be my best friend. We've had a long history and been through a lot together, getting each other through the hardest times and creating a lot of fun memories. But over time the reciprocation slowly waned. For example, I've stayed up for hours many nights comforting them, but when I came to them looking for support or even just to talk, the conversation would very quickly turn to themselves or their interests; if I ask them how their day went, the question is never returned, and on the rare occasions they approach be with a "how are you" it's because they just want to vent to me. It's gotten to the point where I've stopped divulging anything to them - good or bad - because I'm tired of being ignored or talked over, and they never ask me about my life anymore. I've brought up my feelings to them many times, and they always promised to do better in the future, but still the only time they want to talk to me is to use me as a sounding board. I can't even encourage them to talk to a therapist because they already have one! I recognize that this is codependent and terribly unhealthy, but the main thing keeping me from parting ways besides our history is the fact that I am genuinely their only friend. I don't want to leave them high and dry, but I also have been unsuccessful in setting boundaries with them multiple times. Do you have any advice?
I need to do better with the quick responses, I’m sorry!
Thank you for reaching out, you sound like a kind and caring person and sometimes people take advantage of that kindness and don’t reciprocate. I’m sorry this is happening about a close friend of yours, I’ve actually been there. You feel a responsibility to be there for them no matter what and feel guilty if you don’t want to play that role anymore. But being their only friend doesn’t mean you should hold onto that responsibility. People need to be able to grow and become independent and putting some space may let them get there and will also give you the space to let yourself grow as well. It’s very good that you have tried to set boundaries so I’m proud of you; but if someone has no self awareness, even conversations pointing out what is wrong may not cause them to change. So if they are still not showing that they understand your feelings and are going to be considerate and kind back to you, you definitely have to put yourself first. I love the quote “don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm.” You have been there for them so much and it may be time to take a break. You don’t necessarily have to sever ties, but you have to be true to yourself and take care of you first. If someone is draining your energy, how will you take care of you? Be a little less available and maybe they will realize something is off and gain some self awareness so things can change. You deserve to feel appreciated and not just there for convenience. If you leave a little distance, they may also find someone else to pawn their vents and problems to as well. It’s difficult when you’ve known them a long time and those memories will always be there but knowing what you deserve is so important- a friendship should not be one sided. I hope that helped and I hope you find people who will reciprocate your thoughtfulness and kindness 💓
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philiptheblogger · 5 months
Just Do It
Nov 26, 2023
Blog Post #1                
Hello and welcome to my first ever blog post. 
Yes, that’s right. This is my first ever blog post and you're in from the very start. 😉 Thank you and well done for finding me. You see, as this is my first attempt, I've just published online without sending to an email list, mentioning it to family and friends or promoting it on any of my social media platforms. So, for you to have found me really is some feat! 👏 
Now that you are here, I hope not to disappoint. In fact, I hope the content in this, and future posts will keep you engaged and entertained for many months to come. 
Why am I doing this? 
Well, I think it boils down to the following three reasons: 
1. The Urge. 
I was originally drawn to posting on social media towards the end of 2010. Back then it was mainly Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. I set up accounts with all three platforms, both personal and business, but work kept me busy, and I never fully engaged with it. Around the same time, I read an article about a guy who had bought Bitcoin (I'm not sure, but I think he accepted the Bitcoin in exchange for a pizza) and now he was sitting on a small fortune.  I remember speaking to my partner and suggesting we should consider taking a punt and make a small investment in this (at the time) little-known cryptocurrency. You guessed it - We never did!  There’s a lot to be said for following your gut instinct. 
2. Additional Income 
Yes, it would be nice to generate an income along the way. You see, I have two adult children from my first marriage and a six year old daughter with my new partner. The financial implications of a divorce, a new mortgage and raising a family have all put my retirement planning on the back burner. I’m not sure when or if I will retire. I keep telling myself retirement is overrated. I do enjoy my work and the people I meet. I wouldn’t complain about continuing in my ‘day’ job, but life has a way of throwing things at you that can turn your life upside down at the drop of a hat. Any support along the way either by subscribing, clicking on my affiliate links or simply buying me a coffee would be very welcome. ☕ 
3. For Family 
I’m 55 years of age and my youngest daughter is six. My parents were 20 years old when I was born. I’ve had 55 years of memories, advice and support from them and hopefully they’ll be many more years to come. I would be kidding myself if I thought my daughter and I would enjoy the same amount of time. I will be doing my best to stay around for as long as I can (I suppose that’s one of the reasons for listening to the book, Outlive by Peter Attia). I’m hoping this blog will provide an insight into who I am, my thoughts, my feelings, my life experiences and events along with a little bit of advice, wisdom and fun thrown into the mix. This isn’t just for my youngest daughter, but for my older children, my family and for you.  
Why Now? 
Back in September I took up an offer from Audible and since then I’ve bought three books:  
Atomic Habits by James Clear - I enjoyed this book immensely. It emphasis’s how small consistent efforts over time can make a significant different. 
Outlive by Peter Attia MD - I’ve been following Peter Attia online for some time now and was keen to read his book on longevity.  
The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. - This book always seems to pop up as a recommendation or mentioned in some podcast or internet search. I was therefore keen to find out what all the fuss was about. 
I like reading and there is something comforting in picking up a book and flicking through the pages. Unfortunately, finding the time to sit down and read a few pages is easier said than done. This is where Audible came to the rescue. I can now download books and listen wherever and whenever I want. I listen when I’m driving, working at my desk or doing the washing up. I also like to listen when I go to bed, and the sleep function helps to find the point at which I fell asleep (which is usually within the first five minutes). 😂 
More on the books and what I’ve learnt from them in future issues. However, before I made my decision on which books to buy, I had a look on YouTube to see if I could find any recommendations and reviews on what to buy. During my browsing I stumbled across Ali Abdaal’s YouTube channel and his Book Club videos. I listened to his reviews on Atomic Habits and The 4-Hour Work Week. I also watched his review on Someday is Today. A book by Matthew Dicks based around time management and productivity. 
The book has several suggestions but these three in particular struck a chord with me: 
The Parking Lot Practice - The emphasis here is that there rarely is the right environment and the perfect time to do what you want to do. He uses the example of been early for a dentist appointment; Rather than just sitting in his car in the parking lot killing time scrolling through his phone he used the time to continue working on his novel. He talks about how the soldiers managed to write letters and diaries in the trenches during the war. If you are waiting for the perfect time, the perfect place, the right environment then, at best you will have delayed starting, but at worst, it probably will never happen. 
The 100 Year Old Plan - This is based on imagining you could ask your 100 year old self for advice. It’s a great way to think and consider, not just the immediate effect of your actions, but the longer lasting effect and to consider what really matters. Are you making the best use of your time right now or could it be better spent doing something more rewarding and fulfilling? 
The Purposeful Approach - This is about getting things done that need to be done as quickly and efficiently as possible to allow yourselves the time to do the things that are most important to you. The things that truly matter, the things that are the most meaningful, satisfying and fulfilling. 
It was whilst watching this video that it dawned on me how it was now 13 years since I first started thinking of writing a blog. I therefore decided I was going to start. I said to myself “I will start publishing in the New Year on Monday, 1st January 2024”. It seemed like a good date to start. I then realised I was still putting it off. Doing exactly what the books had specifically told me not to do. I therefore decided to bring the date forward to Friday, 1st December 2023. Although the newsletter was written, it seemed like a nice date to start, plus it would give me extra time to add more content, include images, add a few extra links and in general, perfect the publication. It wasn’t until this morning whilst walking my dog that I realised, I was still putting it off. I was still making excuses. I’d written the post, why was I waiting? Just Do It. 
So here goes, I could have spent longer designing then redesigning, editing text after text after text or searching for image after image and I’m 100% certain there are plenty of other things I could and should have done. My blog will improve over time but for now, I’m sat writing these last few lines with a smile on my face knowing that Someday is Today and my online blog is up and running. 🎉 
If you’ve got this far, then I hope some of what I have written will resonate with you too. Maybe there is something you have always wanted to do, a place to visit, a hobby to start, a phone call to make or an old friend to visit. Are you waiting for the perfect time? I’m not sure when the perfect time will be, but I do know that the best time is now - As the sports company slogan goes - Just Do It. 
Until next time, 
#Fulfilment #Family
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blinktimes182 · 1 year
God damn, fair enough. Slapping this under a read more
0: Height - 6FT1
1: Virgin? - No
2: Shoe size - 12 UK (about a 12.5/13 in US mens)
3: Do you smoke? - Don't smoke cigarettes, do vape sometimes
4: Do you drink? - Yes
5: Do you take drugs? - Yes. Smoke weed semi regularly. Have been known to take a range of things when at a festival but don't really touch all that stuff outside of that environment.
6: Age you get mistaken for - Don't think anyone has mistaken my age before
7: Have tattoos? - Yea, Kylo Ren's lightsaber on one forearm and the blink-182 self titled album cover on the other
8: Want any tattoos? - Yeah a shitload
9: Got any piercings? - No, used to have my left ear expanded and my labret pierced
10: Want any piercings? - kinda want a side nose piercing and to re-stretch my ear
11: Best friend? - Weird one, don't think I have a 'best friend'. I've had them before but have since grown apart from most of them.
12: Relationship status - Single.
13: Biggest turn ons - Once I work that one out I'll let you know. Knee high socks and a nice set of lingerie on a person look good but wouldn't say it's a 'turn on'
14: Biggest turn offs - No idea tbh
15: Favorite movie - Scott Pilgrim vs the World
16: I’ll love you if - You're a gamer and are nice to me
17: Someone you miss - Honestly? My nana. So many situations I needed her wisdom for and nights I could have done with her shoulder to cry on.
18: Most traumatic experience - I nearly drowned when I was about 6 or 7
19: A fact about your personality - I'm awkward and shy until I've had a drink or have hung around you a few times.
20: What I hate most about myself - My inability to hold a conversation online without sounding like I'm interrogating you
21: What I love most about myself - How much I make myself laugh
22: What I want to be when I get older - Given I'm 29 there's not much older to go. Suppose career wise though I would like to get into the game industry at some point, but that ship is starting to sail
23: My relationship with my sibling(s) - I'm the oldest child of 6 and moved away from my hometown for Uni, so when it comes to my younger 3 sisters I don't have the kind of relationship I'd like to have with them. Me and my brother have a cool relationship. He's autistic and I love hearing him talk about his latest hyper fixation, how his YouTube channel is going and just about anything to do with games. My and the oldest of my younger sisters do have a close relationship though since we are only 5 years apart.
24: My relationship with my parent(s) - Great relationship with my mam and my dad (is my step-dad, but consider him my dad since he raised my since I was like 8). Go to them for any advice ever and to rant/moan/cry. Very very distant relationship with my biological dad. Never see him, talk like maybe once every 2 or 3 month on facebook. Kinda feel sorry for him though.
25: My idea of a perfect date - Minigolf (either drunk or normal), go for some food (Chinese, Japanese or Indian food preferably) and finally some drinks to finish it off
26: My biggest pet peeves - Slow walkers is probably my biggest one.
27: A description of the girl/boy I like - don't particularly 'like' anyone currently. Haven't been speaking to people with that kind of intention really.
28: A description of the person I dislike the most - Self centred, thinks they're always right and they know more than they do. Also thinks everyone loves then when that couldn't be further from the truth. No consideration for the feelings of the people they hurt. Also they can be very vindictive sometimes.
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend - So they aren't hurt (and a couple times to cover my own ass)
30: What I hate the most about work/school - Going to work. That's it.
31: What your last text message says - "Get the spurs shirt back on, the comeback is on now!! Haha"
32: What words upset me the most - "I've cheated on you"
33: What words make me feel the best about myself - "Thank you for helping/Listening"
34: What I find attractive in women - A nice smile, dimples, nice eyes, good haircut and a good sense of humour
35: What I find attractive in men - See above
36: Where I would like to live - 50/50 shot between Japan and the Netherlands
37: One of my insecurities - my smile
38: My childhood career choice - Wanted to be a scientist all the way up until I was like, 16/17
39: My favorite ice cream flavor - Mint choc chip
40: Who wish I could be - A well put together, successful person that has a family
41: Where I want to be right now - Not at work
42: The last thing I ate - Some grapes (people like grapes)
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately - Tom Hiddleston
44: A random fact about anything - Did you know that there is a species of jellyfish that is immortal? Known as the Turritopsis dohrnii, it has the ability to revert back to its juvenile polyp state after reaching adulthood, effectively allowing it to live forever.
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