#tw truama
lostmf · 10 months
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Never ending fucken cycle.
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bl00dfroma-fairy · 6 months
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Life in an Autism World
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bl0w-m3 · 1 year
Tell me where the anger goes.
Tell me where to put the anger
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ha1leysblog · 3 months
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generic-whumperz · 1 year
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Oh buddy just you wait
*cue the night terrors
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boykingofhellsam · 1 year
So many told dean that pitting sams soul in would curse sam forever and that he woud be basically be dead that even DEATH warned him and yet.... sam comes back with truama and psychosis.
You telling me that he just got ptsd and psychosis (hallucination/delusions) and thats all? Yall had so much more you could do! Like sam having a speech disorder from not hesring english for so long that it takes him a while to process and form words, that he cant sense pain or that temperatures all feel the same. What about sam losing the ability to see colour or vison entirely since the cage is in a complete void of darkness that everything is always bright because he his pupils are used to being dilated to let in light.
What about sam having way to much knowledge qbout what his organs are doing since he has had them riped out or apart. What about Sam seeing reapers since his soul is bordering on death at every moment. What about Sam not being able to feel anything unless its pain. What about Sam find thing go by too fast because of the time speed on earth being so different from hell. What about Sam acting like Lucifer in moments of distress because Lucifer was always in control and so Sam copies him when trying to mimic authority.
What about Sam becoming mute because his voice is always so raw from screaming. What about Sam always having to sleep with a night light on to remind him hes not in the cage.
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nothanksjohnny · 3 months
At times the nemesis is calm. It's mechanism are soft in their churrs and hums as they repeatedly do their functions to keep the ship running. The vehicons are hushed and move smoothly through the halls. Some try to play to part of a empty minded machine. It's easier that way at times. Do your job and leave. It echos repeatedly. They try to ignore the pitted glances they get. They tuck away thanks of any fellow decepticon that is more gentle with them.
Its these days. Maybe weeks when starsscream stands empty beside Megatron. He's quite. It's so irritating to the past gladiator when he's like this. When he has to let a flicker of acknowledge run through his processor that he has damaged the seeker. And by his side starscream continues to remain. Wings high but optics dimly lit. Mouth in a soft thin line and his only inputs are genuine. It's frightening to Soundwave. For even on cybertron even when ridiculed for even dreaming of being a scientist the seeker never lacked in giving backlash. And yet here he stands a hallowed version. And yet if you catch the seeker is lucid moments you may meet one of few truest versions of himself. If you walk slowly through the halls you'd hear true apologies to Megatron. You'd hear him reminiscing with the leader. And maybe when he's left the room you'd hear the war lord apologize to. And maybe you'll hear heart broken screams as a crash screams through the walls from a room.
Its these soft moments that cause knockout to weep in remembrance of all his patients that have passed in his servos. His frame shaking with silent sobs and pleas for the war to end. His rechage spent drowning in the memories of all those who died. Not all decepticon either. Yes the extremely polished medic has helped neutrals and autobot alike. He swore on his oath he'd held any in need on cybertron. He finds himself leaning into breakdown pleading in forgiveness that his conjux won't leave him. He'd understand though. He's no longer a mech that has done petty actions. No now he's got energon on his servos that won't go away no matter how much he scrubs and scratches at his servos. He was once caught in such condition by the second in command. All the the seeker did was let his wings fall as he slowly lifted the medics servos out of the cleaning solution and dried them as he remained by his side aiding in tasks around the small sharp edged clinic until he was called upon. It's one of the reasons why the medic kept giving aid to the seeker.
Its these silent days that cause Soundwave to hold his cassettes closer. So fearful to let them out of his sight. He saw it. So many cassettes targeted or simply torn apart because their docking companion was killed. He can still hear their sobs if he walks the halls. He csn almost see all the bods and limbs as a sea of energon kissed the ground in quickly growing pools. He tried to help them. Tried to move them to safety to find others they could dock with but it was to no avail. So many perished. So many more begging for a chance willing to serve if it meant they could live . It isn't often he questions Megatron but when he does a Never ending anger seems to always follow.
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minimallycreative · 1 year
hate it when I have trauma and instead of making me funny and quirky, I have serious issues. especially when the gaslighting stops being haha funny and starts causing identity crises and I start having the effects of childhood trauma.
so unfair
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When are we getting more amazing Lin tortured by Equalists fanfiction?
Lmao y’all ain’t sick of me yet???? 😅
You see my username and you’ve got a 99% chance of knowing what you’re about to see lmao 🤣
ALSO Welllllll I Might be working on a Big Torture Fic with @angrywarrior69 focusing on Lin and Tenzin starting in the cells with Amon and following the seasons with some lovely Whump 👀👀👀 ((most Major TW will apply be warned!))
We’re jumping around a bit but we’ve discovered ‘Pemeer’ and it’s my new favorite HC/Au. If you can guess what that means I’ll release the deets 😈
TW for under the Cut
Assault, nightmares, trauma, depictions of children in distress
Without further delay! The premier teaser of!
Through the Bending and Pain
(title subject to change)
// Hands found her in the dark, Lin cried out and struggled against them. Trying in vain to push them away from her body. Tenzin’s face before her angry silver eyes filled with tears.
“Why did you let him get her!” He was angry and shouting. Hurting her wrists as he pinned her down.
“I- I didn’t !” Lin begged.
“I’ll show you! I’ll show you exactly what he did to her!” Tenzin’s hands found her pants and suddenly she was naked under him, his movements hurting her, tearing her body apart once again. His face morphing into that damned ivory painted mask, the heat of heavy breaths met her lips through the slit for the mask's mouth.
Once he was done Lin gasped as she fell through the floor, falling and falling until she landed with a sickening crack on the metal haul of the airship. She trembled as she stood and looked back. She saw the sky bison growing further away, the air family in the saddle. Lin reached out to bend the metal but the element was cold and unmoving under her hands.
“No! No!” Wires wrapped around her and she woke again lying broken in a dark room. An infant cried from the corner and the lights turned on bright to reveal Amon standing before her holding Ikki by the scruff of her neck. “No! Let her go!”
“You made your choice Lin. It was you or her.” Amons voice echoed around the room Lin sobbed as she tried to stand only for Mako to hold her back, his hot hands burning against her skin. Lin struggled against him and sobbed.
“No! I’ll do it! I’ll do it please! I’ll do anything!” She screamed. //
Lin woke with a start sitting up in the small bed covered in sweat crying out in agony.
“Don’t hurt her!” She begged. Lin reached her hand out her gauntlet came to her forearm knife ready as she gasped and sobbed and searched the dark for any sign of Amon and Ikki. She fumbled as she opened the drawers and stalked around convinced he was here, that he had her.
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lostmf · 10 months
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My mom was abusive to all my siblings and I and when I was 3 she beat me with some random cords and it left a mark all around my thigh and I still have the marks on my thighs. She also said I’m dead to her but she said this after I cut her off so idc.
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spyderlondon · 25 days
( IDEA )
Jax angst that doesn’t have to do with abstraction or y/n stuff, no crushes, no lovers, just something like him feeling useless, mabye ragatha finally speaks out and he feels hurt, mabye he’s suffering in silence?
im dying to see angst other than the same old things, but this is just an idea! I love your work so do what you feel like :)
have a good day!!
A/N: Glad to know I've written Jax well enough to get a good amount of asks for him lol Also, thank you! Always glad to make stories people enjoy :D
Angst with no abstractions or love, huh? Hmm... I can make that happen! I would be a terrible creative writing student if I stuck to the same old, same old.
Digital Chess AU by @digital-chess @shavs-media-productions
CW: Obsession, fear, panic attack, anxiety, blood, violence, trauma (Chess!Queenie scares me with her tactics-)
The Golden Child
"Wha-?" A pair of yellow eyes blinked open and the man immediately had to use his hand to block out the blindingly white light of the room he was currently in, "Bright..." He grumbled out. He took a moment to let his eyes adjust while trying to remember how he got here... the most he could recall was being drawn to a computer screen. He had turned it on to see why he wanted to be in front of it and... nothing. He was just suddenly in this room. Was it a room? He couldn't tell. He couldn't even remember what he looked like...
He tensed up in slight panic. He lowered his hand as he looked around with wide eyes before freezing as he spotted what looked to be a large black queen chess piece with a yellow cloak with white fur lining and.... are those... multicolored eyes? Odd choice of fashion but...... ARE THOSE EYES MOVING?!? He took a few steps back- he could hear her speaking but he wasn't listening. His flight or fight instincts were starting to kick in as he felt himself stiffen up as she slowly began to approach him, holding her free hand out as if to comfort him, "Dear, are you alright?" She questioned, her voice sounded like she was concerned but something sounded... off. As if she was hiding her true tone with him... there was something... cold about her...
The woman got too close, he was terrified and chose to fight. His eyes were pinpoint as he abruptly wrenched the three-pronged staff away from her red gloved hand before attempting to slam it into her side as self-defense, "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" He snarled, his voice full of panic and desperation. She was quick to move a bit away, her eyes wide in shock- apparently she never expected anyone to react that way.
But before he could actually strike her, another pair of larger hands came out of nowhere and snatched the staff away from the young man, "I didn't bring you in here to try to attack my queen." Blue and red eyes glared down at the new arrival with his eyes glowing some, he was obviously angry for what his new pawn, "Were you listening to her in the slightest?" He narrowed his eyes. The young man just stared at him- the chess piece was larger than the queen with a black robe that slowly changed it's gradient to a dark red and finally a blood red at the very bottom as well as black fur on the top and bottom of the outfit. And the multicolored eyes... they were on him too...
The new player backed away in his fear before freezing as he noticed that he was now covered in purple fur with a white, long tank on that had gold borders as well as a chess piece pictured on the center on the shirt... a rook? He had yellow pants on to match the tank and gold gloves. His breathing quickened as he stumbled backwards so he could be further away from the large chess pieces. He couldn't speak, couldn't move a muscle. He could only only stare as the two- a married couple apparently- seemed to argue a bit about... him?
"This rabbit has the same traits as that mangy mutt on my black team, my queen." The white king piece spoke up, snapping the rook out of the clouds he was in, "It would make the most sense for someone like my own rook to join him." He explained, moving one of his hands up and down in the air as if to emphasize his words.
The black queen piece shook her head as she took her staff from her husband gently, "You see a rook that has nothing left to lose and will fight to survive like that mutt of yours." Her voice came out calm and smooth as she responded, "I see something more in him. I'd like to make him into my new pet bunny- I can see to it he behaves." She moved her staff closer to herself as her eyes became stubborn- it was the main way the young man could even guess the emotions right now.
The king piece sighed and a small, floating hand of the queen was placed on his cheek, "...you're lucky I love you so much, Queenie... and I trust that you know what you're doing..." He mentioned, not moving an inch as to continue looking somewhat threatening to the new rook. He shook his head, "Send him to the board once he's ready." With that, he hit the ground with his staff and teleported away.
Queenie looked at the rabbit with a hum, "I still haven't named you, have I, bunny?" She questioned, tilted her head in thought as she grabbed his chin and moved it around some.
The young man flinched and pushed her hand off of him, "Hey! I'm no one's pet! Certainly not yours!" He hissed as he backed away from her, trying to avoid showing his fear in his eyes. Although it was quite impossible with this woman.
She huffed, "Jax. That will be your new name." She mused as she watched him with slightly narrowed eyes, not amused by how he pushed her hand away but took in stride. He was new, he was anxious. At least that's what Kinger would tell her about the new players anytime they came in.
The purple rabbit frowned as he stared at his body momentarily before looking back up at her, "'Jax'?" He grunted, "Why 'Jax'?" He grimaced.
"It means 'God is Gracious'. Something you do well to remember." She explained before lifting up her staff, "No more time to explain. White team needs you." She hit her staff on the ground, teleporting him away. Once he was gone, Queenie stared at where he once was and smirked to herself- she had gotten a pet all for herself. Oh, how she was going to make sure he never forgot....
Jax laughed as he ran off as Zooble yelled at him from a few feet away, shoving banana cream pie off their face with a hiss. They paused before fleeing back inside their room as they saw the prankster run straight into Queenie who had come by after hearing from Max that he saw Jax causing a big mess with the pies and banana peels. The mutt just wanted to get the rabbit in trouble.
The purple rabbit's ears fell as he stared up at the white team's AI and tensed up, "H-Hey there, my-my queen-" He gulped, she had always crept him out. It seemed no matter where he went, she would have her eyes on him and knew when to show up to stop him from causing a bigger mess or more trouble.
"Jax, pet, what were you doing just now?" She questioned with narrowed eyes, noting the little bit of whipped on his hand before looking back at him, "You weren't making a giant mess by playing practical jokes on your teammates, I assume?" She grabbed his chin, forcing him to look into her eyes so she'd know if he even attempted to lie to her.
Jax's eyes widened a bit as he could feel the familiar coldness and hidden anger from around her. It gave him the feeling of dread that something was going to happen if he wasn't smart about his next move... too bad he wasn't often the smartest of the bunch, "Oh, c'mon, my queen! You're just jealous you weren't there!" He quipped, "Next time I'll save the best prank for my favorite hellcat!" He grinned at her. He froze... oh god, he just spoke so rudely to the queen of the white side.
The queen piece suddenly stopped when she heard him say that, "...excuse me?" Her voice dropped an octave, her grip on his chin a warning sign, "Do you know exactly who you're speaking with?"
She stared at him, watching him writhe as he opened and closed his mouth like a fish a few times as he tried to think of what to say, "Y-Yea- I-I mean, yes!" He stuttered out, his ears pressed against his head, "Y-Yes, my queen! You a-are the number one bitch on whit-...." He trailed off before just zipping away before he could get punished.
Queenie watched him go with a flat look before turning to leave the area- she needed to get her husband. If only so she could have him stop her if she went to far with her plan of punishment.
"Hey! Let me go! I'm sorry!" Jax yelled as he was dragged by his ears to the main chess board by Queenie. He was kicking his feet, struggling and grabbing at the hand that gripped him, trying to shove her off of him in the fear that he wished he didn't have of her but she was obsessive.
"You're going to rip his ears off." Kinger stated flatly when he came into view, making the rabbit's eyes widen before also noticing a certain other member of his team. Ragatha. His fellow rook.
Queenie looked down at the male rook for a moment before back at her husband, "Does he really need them, my king?" She asked in an almost sweet tone. She knows that she's hurting him. She does not care. She never does. But she still released his ears.
The king piece sighed but held his hands up in defeat, "Alright, alright. He's in your team." He allowed her to win the argument, always the soft spot for his queen.
Jax was quiet as he looked at the two chess pieces then over at Ragatha before speeding off to check on her... only to be blocked by a golden staff that belonged to the queen, "What- hey!" He hissed at her, his tone hiding a small tremble of unease, "Why's she here?! I was the one who disrespected you!" He held out an arm to defend his fellow rook.
Queenie quirked a brow before using her staff to knock him into Kinger's hold so he couldn't intrude as she approached Ragatha who was currently shaking like a leaf, "Now, now. You know better to interrupt a punishment, bunny." She glanced at the rabbit, "Just stay there and watch~" Her tone turned cruel as she raised up her staff before stabbing it into the female rook's left eye before turning up the electricity in her staff. The rag doll screamed.
Jax tried to look away by Kinger forced him to watch the scene fully- that had to been the queen's idea... Force even more trauma onto him. Make him see the pain that occurs when he tries to be smart towards the white team's queen. All he did was make a couple crude jokes! What's so wrong about that?!
The female rook continued to scream as the queen continued to push in the prongs of the staff, electrifying the girl further. She was finally stopped a few minutes later when her husband took at the weapon from her and shook his head. The black queen scoffed as she took her staff back with a grunt but accepted her king's order. She didn't even apologize or claim she went too far.
Queenie turned towards Jax next who kneeling by Ragatha's pool of crimson blood while trying to stop her eye from bleeding, not noticing who was approaching him or how a very weakened rag doll was attempting to warn him of something. Not until a non-electrified staff slashed his cheek. And the blood below turned a bit more of a rust color.
He yelped loudly- more in shock and surprise than pain. He held his cheek where he was slashed as he stared at the queen in complete silence and disbelief. She spun her staff to fling the blood off of the prongs, she seemed satisfied and proud of how utterly terrified and traumatized the rabbit looked- oh, and hurting the rag doll was fun too.
Queenie used her index finger and thumb to firmly grip Jax's chin, forcing him to look at her stern and narrowed eyes, "Now you understand what will happen if you disobey or back talk me again, right, bunny?" She asked in a low voice that sent chills down his spine.
"I-I..." He glanced at Ragatha, the blood then back at the woman in front of him, "...yes, my queen..." He mumbled quietly, fear and guilt lacing his tone. His eyes became dull as he looked down and his ear fell low.
She examined him in silence before giving a curt nod, "Good." She removed her fingers, "I'll leave you to drag your fellow rook to her room and for you to return to yours as well." She waved off as she walked off with Kinger by her side.
Jax glared as she walked away- scared, guilty, angry. But... he couldn't do anything to her. He couldn't risk himself... no, he couldn't risk Ragatha or his teammates because of his actions again.
He carefully helped the female rook to her feet and began to walk her back to her room. He made a decision that night- he would avoid leaving his room as much as possible. Avoid others. Avoid being himself.
He would just be his queen's loyal pet bunny who wouldn't ever try teasing or talking unless spoken to again.
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januscorner · 9 months
I made a thing
This was weirdly therapeutic to make
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bl0w-m3 · 1 year
I started S.H. At such a young age I don’t think I remember a time on my life where I truly coped without it.
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