#it doesnt help that it is always a BATTLE to convince either of them to take any painkillers
tangledinink · 1 year
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if I have to deal with it!!!! THEY have to deal with it!!!!
[ the gemini ]
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toastsnaffler · 2 months
was gonna say smth else but this turned into a vent sorry everyone just ignore. typical weekend post on this blog u know how it is here we go👍
#wild ik so many ppl getting married meanwhile im over here struggling to convince myself my friends even care abt me or want me around#pathetic to admit but i cant even fantasise abt someone loving me bc im too insecure n emotionally unstable#my mind just shoots the idea down like whoa. unrealistic. ur incapable of expressing or receiving affection in any way that matters#no matter how badly u want to... and even if someone did well u wouldnt believe them most of the time#gotta get out of the fucking labyrinth first i couldnt inflict this shit on anyone i cared abt#but it makes me so desperately sad sometimes i dont know how im ever going to get out of this ive been trying for years and years#and im a little better at it snd i dont feel like this all of the time i know it just comes around and itll pass again#but im tired of being in so much emotional pain so frequently. and shouldering it so alone. theres such a disconnect between myself and#others and i dont know how to bridge that i don't know how to stop feeling so isolated and unwanted !!!!!! im trying so hard#it doesnt even bother me w relative strangers in my life like i dont get insecure at all around them i like meeting new ppl#bc theres like. no expectations i guess. like ik they dont care abt me personally and idk them well enough to do that either#and its fun but it doesnt satisfy needs that i have like i need to feel close + connected to ppl i need to care abt them + feel cared for#but as soon as i do start to care abt ppl it gets all tangled and i end up getting rly badly hurt over and over. thru no fault but my own#bc im constantly alienating myself and bc i struggle so much w shit like physical affection which is frustratingly rly critical for me!!!!#it wouldnt fucking matter if i didnt like or want affection ik some ppl are fine without i wish it worked like that for me#but nope instead i have to be constantly messed up over my complete fucking inability to express myself in any form#and ik it makes everyone around me so uncomfortable so it just becomes self reinforcing and eventually they drift and leave me behind#and i just do that over and over and over and every time ill tell myself ill do better ill try harder and itll get easier and someone will#and it happens again and right now im at the stage where the abandonment fear is starting to kick in which is awful n paralysing#and usually a precursor to actually being abandoned ehich is always my own fault bc i start behaving so erratically out of fear or defense#its self fulfilling and im trying. im trying so hard not to let it overwhelm me again and not to start acting out and freaking ppl out#and im coping with it okay i think but just hurts me a lot its all internal my rejection sensitivity is gradually ticking up and up#and argh!!!!!!!!! and some days im okay and some days its like this and i dont know what todo when its like this im so tired and in pain#its not even that bad today tbf. once im done typing this to get it out ill be able to do smth else and distract mysrlf for a bit#and then calling friends later too so exposure therapy innit. but itll be fun and i love them but i will probably also feel very bad after#or even possibly during but thats okay ill still manage fine im not going to let it interfere i dont want it controlling my fucking life#i am going to have a nice time and be okay despite it all. even if i do have to fucking battle this every day forever#and even if it stops me living my life to the extent i want and feeling as ok as i want i just have to come to terms with and be ok w it#and im not going to be!!! a fucking asshole abt it!!! i dont want to hurt anyone else thats the most important thing no matter how i feel#thr rest is all secondary and ik i cant help a few little bumps here and there but trying hardest to keep it separate its not negotiable
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antiquepearlss · 2 years
If I ever get around to it, I'd love to write novels/make comics about Greek mythology. But, I'm busy. I've always wanted to write about Hades and Persephone since people are so divided on them and their relationship. Either they're couple goals, or it's an abusive and awful marriage. And Demeter almost always gets villainaized or seen as weak in various interpretations.
So here's what I would do if I wrote about Hades and Persephone...
Persephone isn't that young, Zeus and Demeter made her before Zeus even married Hera, so she's old. (Persephone actually predates Hades in history) but stays with her mother. (They're very close) Part of her character is that she doesn't really want to grow up, she just wants to stay an unknown nature goddess, but she also desires something more deep down. (she's not goddess of spring, spring doesnt exist yet) Demeter also doesn't want Kore to grow up and doesn't like change. She is happy with her life with her daughter. Demeter is also against marriage since she has seen so many marriages fall apart.
Hades and Kore meet when Hades visits Demeter. The two become instant friends and Hades develops a crush on Kore due to her quiet and contemplative but dark and morbid nature. And that she loves the fact that he rules the underworld. Kore begins to fancy him because she has always been fascinated with the underworld, and she finds his introverted and morbid and shy personality cute. Hades becomes part of the reason Kore begins to desire something more with her life. (At this point Demeter and Persephone are still worshipped as a duo, just like in history)
Demeter and Hades don't hate eachother but they're not very close. She knows of their relationship but encourages (not forces!) Kore to drop the crush because of what she's seen happen to Hera. Kore begins to bottle her feelings and is conflicted by her love for her mother and her desire to stay with her and not change anything, and her desire to be with Hades or to be her own goddess.
Kore confides her feelings to Hades and since Hades has never had anyone love him, he decides to ask Zeus for Kores hand in marriage. Zeus agrees, Hades wants to ask Demeter because he respects Demeter and Kores relationship. Zeus convinces Hades not to because he thinks Demeter will deny it and Hades agrees.
Artemis and Athena visit Demeter and Kore and whilst picking flowers, Kore runs off to pick a narcissus flower (Hades used this flower because it's Kores favorite) Hades comes out of the earth all dramatically and kidnaps Kore.
Kore is obviously distraught and does not accept Hades' marriage proposal. Instead of sleeping in his room she holes herself up in one of the dungeons in protest. Hades tries to bring her various gifts (jewelry, fancy clothes, pets, wilting flowers,) but he refuses to give her what she really wants, to go back home.
Hades wants to return her but he's worried she will leave him, so selfishly, everytime she asks to go home, he just brings her a lavish gift. I'd write him having a mental battle, where he wants Kore to be happy but he also wants Kore to be happy with him.
Hades tries again to make Kore happy. She comments on one of his visits that the underworld is unfair to those who did good in life, so he let's her create Elysium. Kore is moved by this gesture and eventually moves out of the dungeon and into Elysium and helps to judge which of the dead will get to move to Elysium.
After this, Kore decides to accept Hades' proposal of being Queen of the Underworld, but continues to refuse his marriage proposal. She begins to grow up and changes her name to Persephone. She enjoys judging mortals but becomes harsh with her judgement. Word begins to spread of how fearsome she is. She doesn't hate Hades and doesn't forgive him, but can manage to stay in the same room as him for more than ten minutes. She's finally fulfilled her wish of becoming more than just a nature goddess.
Hecate comes down to the underworld and talks to Hades. She tells him how selfish and cruel he is. Hades' character flaw in this story is his self centeredness. He thinks he knows what's best for Kore and that the second he let's her go, she will hate him, and he will be left alone for eternity. He's too selfish to realize how he's hurting her, and that his pain isn't more important than hers. He begins to realize these flaws through Hecates speech and realizing that he doesn't want Persephone to be miserable because of him.
Meanwhile, Demeter is incredibly distraught. She lost her daughter and Artemis and Athena didn't see what happened. Demeter spends days looking for her until Hecate takes her to Helios who sees everything. He tells Demeter that Zeus arranged the marriage and tries to convince her that maybe Hades would be a good husband but Demeter is having none of it (rightfully so) she angrily destroys the home and land she and Kore lived in, where most of the gods' food came from. Now Zeus is cut off from the best food.
Demeter repeatedly goes to Zeus but he refuses to annul the marriage. She goes to Hera who's her closest friend but Hera sides with Zeus, seeing that Hades and Kore would make a very good couple. Obviously Demeter is angry that the three of them conspired behind her and her daughters back. She refuses to grow more food for them and cuts off her and Heras friendship.
She goes to Hecate and Hecate tells her she will try to convince Hades to give Kore up.
Demeter travels to a nearby town and disguises herself as a servant and begins to care for the child of her "owners" she sees Kore in this child and grants them immortality by throwing them into a fire every night. Obv the parents object to this but she reveals herself to them, and in apology for their reaction and in pity for her condition, they build her a new temple. Hera will try to talk to Demeter but Demeter refuses to have anything to do with her.
Hecate comes to Demeter with the news of Persephone and how she is becoming the accustomed to being queen and her new name change. Demeter is upset by this and worries that she may lose Kore forever.
Demeter causes winter, this is her final card in getting Kore back. As the mortals die and he sees how upset Demeter is, Zeus begins to take pity on her, but is angered by the death of the mortals and doesn't budge on his decision. Hera decides to back Demeter up and begs Zeus to let Demeter have Kore back. When Zeus realizes how genuine Hera is Zeus, and how badly he hurt Demeter, and that Demeter will not budge, he relents. Zeus sends Hermes to convince Hades to let Persephone go.
Hades by this point is ready to let Persephone go and be happy, but Persephone wants to stay queen of the underworld. She learns to love her home and enjoys being able to help the dead mortals and punish the wicked ones. She is reluctant to go back home and just be some nature goddess. She doesn't want to be Kore, she wants to be Persephone. But she still hasn't forgiven Hades at this point and isn't sure if she still loves him. And while she loves the underworld, she misses her mother and wants to calm her down. Shes conflicted, but wants to see her mother at least one more time. She makes all this clear to Hermes and Hades overhears.
Hades finally realizes what he must do, and he agrees to let Persephone go to see her mother. He gives Persephone the pomegranate seeds and lets her decide whether or not she wants to be bound to the underworld. Persephone is moved by this gesture and kisses him on the cheek. Showing she forgives him.
Persephone travels to her mother. Demeter is so happy she immediately causes spring. A new season which is bright and colorful, but rainy due to her tears and slightly chill due to how emotional she is. Demeter vows to protect Persephone and to build her temples and wants to devote this new season to her.
Persephone is overjoyed to see her mother but eventually (I'm thinking like, a week after) she tells Demeter about how she ate the seeds, and she needs to go to the underworld.
Demeter is not happy.
The two go to Zeus and he decides that since Perse only ate six seeds, she will only stay six months in the underworld. Demeter objects and keeps begging Persephone to ask Zeus for an annulment. She doesn't want things to change for her and Kore. And she doesn't really want Kore to grow up yet, or be miserable in an unloving marriage.
Demeter and Persephone have a conversation on how Persephone has grown up and that she doesn't want to stay a nature goddess forever. That she forgives Hades and does want to be around him. Demeter eventually relents and accepts that Persephone has grown up and is happy for her. She realizes that things eventually change and people move on. And right before Persephone goes back down to the underworld, she gives Persephone the title of the Goddess Of Spring.
Demeter is still upset when Persephone leaves and causes winter due to her grief. But as the years go on, she creates fall, to better help humans adjust to the cold. Nowadays, Persephone leaving isn't as jarring and she doesn't need to cause winter, but humans have gotten so accustomed to it that they need it for their cycle of seasons.
Eventually, Persephone accepts Hades marriage proposal and falls in love with him. He tries to make up for the pain he caused her by making her an equal ruler, and promising to be the best husband he can be to her.
The end.
Holy heck this was long. But yeah, this is how I'd turn The Hymn To Demeter into a novel. I'm tired of everyone interpreting this story as having a clear "bad guy" either Hades is an evil cruel man and Demeter is a spineless grieving mother, or Dem is an overprotective and abusive mother and Hades is a spineless uwu innocent boy.
No, Demeter is a loving mother averse to change, Hades is a selfish but well meaning guy, and Persephone is a woman who is conflicted in her desire to grow up.
When I write these novels I don't plan on changing any of the details in the myths, just add more and make them a full fledged story. The only thing I "changed" in this is that Perse ate the seeds willingly. It's kinda mixed on whether she knew what they would do but in this she does, it's important to her development.
Obviously nowadays forgiving Hades would be unspeakable, but remember, this was ancient Greece. So it was looked down by some but not all. So he's not a complete monster because of this. But its still not okay. So to all the Hades simps and apologists, he was not justified in kidnapping Persephone. No matter the context. And he still needs to overcome his flaws like the rest of them. Don't kidnap your wife kids.
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yallaya-blog · 3 months
I was thinking about Terra’s character throughout the series. It’s understandable why she would be against war and killing since she is a child of war. She has seen the pain and trauma it can cause to people. As traumatic as the event was for her it pushed her to find alternative ways to solve an issue without immediately resorting to killing. She seen her dad kill before but she hasn’t fault him for it since she knows it was in self defense and to protect his family. The Coalition War was different since the people Mark was fighting against are their friends/allies. I don’t think that she necessarily agrees with what the Coalition was doing but she is against using war to resolve an issue since she knows firsthand how damaging war can be especially to bystanders. While her dad didn’t start the war he could have not went through with it or fought for a more peaceful solution sooner. This might be why she distant herself from her family since she feared what her dad was doing made him no better than Thragg.
I think the main reason why she separated herself from her father was, of course, because of the war, but also because of the fact that the Conservation Order (the regime Terra works in) wanted to break away from the Viltrum Empire BECAUSE of Marks decision to initiate war. However again this war is not a fault of the VE, it was initiated by VE’s emperor because the Coalition Of Planets was draining resources from poorer worlds and then displacing the people of those worlds in densely populated planets (like modern day Talescria) in order for COP to stay relevant, so therefore COP was at fault. The Conservation Order formerly affiliated itself with the Viltrum Empire because of its key interests: maintaining peace, solving conflict and improving peoples lives. I think CO’s disconnect from VE was not because of the soul PURPOSE of the war but because of war IN GENERAL and it’s damaging consequences (division, death, innocent civilians often paying the price, etc) which goes against what CO and Terra personally stand for. Terra is very passionate about helping people (example of this was when Mark was about to give up on an entire race of people because of their crime rate, but Terra saw that the only reason why these crimes were committed was because those people were hungry, were scared, and were dying because they lacked the resources they needed in order to thrive, and was able to convince Mark to spare them from any irrational punishment) and, like her father, can be very naive at times and because she can often be blindsighted by emotion she doesnt always properly defend her arguments for doing certain things. So generally speaking, Terra supports CO breaking away from VE because of the damage war does but she DOESNT condone any of what COP has done because her job is literally to prevent everything COP was doing. Even Mark himself admits that “this could have been so much easier if you had just TALKED to me” which again supports the idea that war isn’t a necessary solution to all problems. ALSO I DONT THINK SHE THINKS HER FATHER IS AS BAD AS THRAGG BC OF THIS WAR ‼️ Thraggs means of war was driven by viltrumite conquest and superiority over other beings (evil), Marks means of war was driven by abolishing an organization that was exploiting weak planets and damaging populations of people in order to stay afloat (good). Again yes Terra does fight to solve conflicts (when her ‘master’ [either her mentor Kregg or emperor and father Mark] had her battle that unnamed dude in order to bring peace between their people) but she by all means NEVER wants to resort to war because of the damage it did to her family and how it tears apart other families too. So basically is she defending the Coalition Of Plantes? Absolutely not. Its her duty to prevent what COP did from happening. Does she think this conflict could have been settled more peacefully without war? Yes. Goodness i love the extensiveness of her character sm I LOVE YOU TERRA shes just an alien girl in a drama-n-violence riddled universe
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ima-ghost-art · 1 year
CATS ships mating dances as my favourite strictly come dancing dances!!
That may or may not just be basically all of John and Johannes dances (pls dont judge me these are mostly mlm ships and I feel it best represents them plus they are all amazing!!)
(Inspired by this post!) Prepare bc ima dive head first into this and it will be long lol
There is no doubt in my mind now that tugoffelees would do a Rumba like This !!! Like the slow deliberate motions that were literally MADE to show eachother off while still taking their own places in the spotlight. A rumba isnt like either of their natural, preferred ways of dancing, but instead a dance that amplifies the emotions that are rarely ever seen infont of the tribe.
Tuggers deep caring side (that we see the moment after misto brings back old doot) is now fully on display for the tribe to see, showing how out of everything, this is who he found and he doesnt have eyes for anyone else, and this fact is something he knows he will never question.
On the other hand we see Mistoffelees, the dance displaying his talents perfectly, hes literally holding the spotlight on them as he shows the tribe that he can lean on Tugger, and without having to look, knows the other tom is right there, ready to support him and lead him if hes anxious, and vise versa.
NOT TO MENTION THE SONG!!! literally just them saying they are not together for popularity nor magical prowess bc they know they are more than that!
Next up is a lil crazy one but hear me out- Misto x Macavity is hands down This Paso Doble and I will fight you on it! THE POWER in every movement, the dance playing out as a fight because that's what their relationship is, in the best way possible!!!
You have these two incredibly powerful cats, who have always and forever will be, even between lives, connected by the same erratic destructive beautiful force of nature, and as much as they clash and make chaos, always in a never ending fight to see who's the best, but its because of that that they cant help getting drawn to eachother.
In the dance they are constantly drawing the other closer while also pushing away. They mirror eachothers movements while also dancing as the others oposit, an ongoing to and through. They keep switching who's leading as if its battle to be the one in control!!!!
Not to mention THE LIGHTING ITS SELF!!!! A gorgeous show of their emotions crazed and all over the place while still keeping order (plus a fun lil misto glittersplosion at the end!)
Okay this ones for the inspo of this post @afairytalestray and what I think for Coricojerries dance since their stuff basically convinced me this is arguably one of the best ships ever!!
Now I wasnt sure at first, like tugoffelees they are two very different people with very different dance style but when I tell you when i found this dance?? I became pretty sold I found it!!
First off the song?? When I think of coricojerrie my mind always thinks at how they are each one of a twin with vastly different life experiences yet they both still feel like lonely souls of london that found a home in eachother! Even with their sisters theres just something that separates them from the girls and the rest of the junkyard, but that didn't stop them from gaining an unquestioned place next to eachother!!
In the dance, they start off unsure, still a little lost but then the FIND eachother!!! In this uncanny contemporary dance that manages to mix in jerries acrobatics and acting into it, blending into something unconventional but THEM!!!!
They use each to get through life like they get through the dance, with the mix of physic powers and someone who had only really known a life of crime, the lead and lift eachother, and even if others think they are weird or annoying, they end heads held high and ready to support eachother!!
Last but not least (for this post at least bc it's getting heckin long oops) ALONZOSTAP!!! I love these boys ma dudes okay and that why I cant deny my heart when i think of this show dance as their dance!
The sweet sweet mix between the tender I love you moments, to the fun showy bits that let's their personalities shine???? Them coming together at the beginning, letting how my they care for eachother come first, only to burst into something exiting and fun that's ever so slightly out of their comfort zones while still representing the laughter they bring to eachother!!
There is no denying that these two are both showmen at heart, just in different ways. Munk strives to tell the storys that teach the next generation, while Alonzo is more seeking the thrill of showing off and dancing because he knows he looks good because it feels good.
So together they are able to combine their loves if performing, dancing for the hell of it while also showing and teaching the younger cats what love is and how its supposed to make you feel! The intense moment where they show that the are the protectors of the tribe, that they are strong and that being who you are and loving someone intensely dosent take away your power but makes you stronger!!!
Now that's finally out of my head hears a couple extra that I either cant explain/ make obvious sence lol
Dont ask but this gives me young and fresh new dads skimblegus and I live for it!!!
Also we all know this is like, canon Platora
Also also this is literally like a sceen from my royal tugoffelees au I'm writing lol!!
If anyone wants more weird strictly cats dance rants give me ships and I'll try and do another post for them :D
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years
Hey! So i saw your "Dating Legolas would include" with a human. Do you think you could do it but with an elf? Sorry if your requests are closed.
Thanks, bye bye!😊
Legolas dating a elf hc's:
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Pairing: Legolas x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of death, heartbreak, having children lol
words: 1.5k
Notes: tysm for the request! i didnt know if you wanted fem or gn reader so i went with fem but i can make a gn!reader one too. also im so sorry i didnt get the notification for the ask so i didnt see it until very recently<3 my requests are open and id love to recieve more! also theres a part that mention kids and if your someone that doesnt want kids or doesnt like them then you can go right ahead and pretend it doesnt exist. And remember to eat , drink water and get some good rest today, you deserve it(and shannah tovah to any jewish ppl out there:])<3
being a elf and dating Leggo boy definitely has its perks
for one : his dad might approve of you
and secondly you never have to have the mortal and immortal talk, so yay!
growing up as the daughter of lord elrond meant you knew who Legolas was since you were born(if you dont look like Elrond's family just pretend ur adopted woop :] ).
you and every eleth in middle earth fawned over him
when you were younger you day dreamed of being a princess locked in a tower, one day he'll come and rescue you and take you away from the seemingly measly life you lived
he paid visits to Rivendell quite often , enjoying the company of you and your siblings
you had grown up with him around, always willing to teach you the art of archery or how to fend off any scary looking spiders.
but after the battle of the five armies he stopped fisiting Rivendell, something about finding the Dunedain rangers.
you grew up, and you missed him yes- but you convinced yourself that he was just a family friend- no one special.
boy you were wrong because then you meet him again when the council of Elrond happens and its like a freight train of emotions hit you in the heart
elves only fall in love once- its a very serious and dramatic ordeal, and you knew this was it.
you also knew that you could possibly die of heartbreak if he didnt return your feelings.
you assumed he saw you as a little sister, or had completely forgotten about you.
but then both of you had a talk in Rivendell, the night before you planed to head off.
he explained that he had fallen in love with you, he had always loved you but when he saw you again he knew it was romantic.
but he knew that the chances of either of you dying on this journey were very real and very possible
and although it would be very hard for the both of you, you decided to stay friends until the fight was over. it would save you a lot of pain and suffer if one of you did die though
but even just being really really friendly was not helping either, you still had a very strong connection.
he'll always make sure you keep up your health when on the road
"the key to staying healthy is to drink lots of water dear one"
"surely thats not enough food for you mellon"
always covering for you when its your turn to keep watch so you can get better sleep
and that all seems like very normal friend stuff but then...
the hair braiding
he will insist to braid your hair so you dont have to waist time doing it
he'll learn how you do your style and might even try some new designs he think would look pretty on you
you dont even know what to say, because elvish hair braiding is a sacred thing, usually you only braid the hair of your significant other or family members.
but legolas can be a bit dense at times, maybe he doesnt realize hes making this harder than it needs to be
you two always end up together , walking, rowing, wherever you are you two usually stray from the fellowship to have some alone time
you often find it hard to relate to the rest of the fellowship, being so diferent from them
but Legolas was the same as you, sometimes you feel like your the same person. so connected to eachother , finding such a peacful familiarity when your with him
gandalf thinks your friendship is absolute bs and he sees right through the both of you, hes practically your matchmaker always trying to get you together.
when you reach Lothlorian your grandmother, Galadriel knocks some sense into you
she tells you that your future will be bright and full of happiness if you can just get over your stupid friend-zone rule, but she does agree that the futre is uncertain and that you would probably die if he gets killed and vice versa.
the battles are rough but you never falter, you and leggy enjoy showing off your elven strength and beauty to the humans
you get hit on about a million times in Rohan and you can see its driving the elven prince bonkers.
if Legolas is ever injured which rarely ever happens, you are there to tend to the wounds
if he is restless you'll read or sing some elvish hymns for him to fall asleep to.
there's is nothing that can dampen your spirits when the two of you are together, even without the romantic side your happy just to be near him as often as you are.
you spend you wandering days discussing elven philosophers, teaching gimli elvish or connecting to the forests together.
when the final battle comes, you are plauged with fear
you pray and pray and pray that both of you stay safe.
legolas is the best warrior in middle earth , but you were not.
not to say you werent a skilled warrior, you were better than any man, hobbit or dwarf- but you were not Legolas.
what if something were to happen and he was left alone?
well you didnt have much time to dwell on that fact because you had won the battle and both of you must imidiatley return home to your fathers.
it wasnt fair, you were finally able to be together but noooooooooooo you just had to be separated until Aragorns corination
when you got home your father knew about you and Legolas, he said he had already had a vision of of your future together and he gave you his blessing
Arwen and your brothers were very very happy for you. arwen told you about her own romantic struggles and you bonded over the fact that you had been separated by your loves.
arwen said that the four of you should get married together, while unorthodox it sounds very exiting
you spend the few months at home planing to see Legolas again, weaving a new dress to impress him, finding a new hair braiding technique, picking apart yourself and making sure your perfect for your reunion.
you and Arwen are so nervous at Aragorns corination you can barley stand.
seeing Aragorn and your sister ruinite made you almost as happy as reuniting with Legolas
you cried, you hugged, you kissed
you met his dad and that was a traumatic experience in itself
but he seemed to like you, he respected your father and therefore he must respect you. Even though he thinks Elrond is senile.
getting married in Lothlorien, surrounded by the beautiful lights and trees, married by your grandmother and officially named the princess of Eryn Lasgalen.
you leave your family with sadness but your beyond exited to see the greenwood
Legolas' kingdom welcomes you as one of their own and they are thrilled about having a princess
you spend a lot of time with Legolas but you also make sure to get to know your new home and its peoples
Legolas took you on a grand tour of the palace and the woods
you were amazed by the grand architecture, thinking you could spend eternity in Eryn Lasgalen, and you would.
you read up on the history of the Greenwood, learning about their customs and traditions.
you also make sure to visit the smaller less grand part of the kingdoms, visiting schools and hospitals.
to say Legolas is proud of you is an understatement
Legolas has to go to a lot of meetings and is busy a lot of the time, he feels so bad and the apologies never stop
but no matter how long he is gone he always makes it up to you
hell take you horseback riding and pack a picnic lunch to make it up to you
his father is honestly surprised at how in love the two of you are, you have been married for decades and still act as though you are in your honeymoon phase
when the two of you have your first child, a boy named Oropher[named after legolas' grandfather], Thranduil cant help but get reminded of him and his wife[and baby leggo too ofc]
Thanduil enjoys your conversations, thinking of you as a daughter he never had, and a good friend
he also lets you in on all the embarrassing baby Legolas stories he never got to tell anyone.
you end up having 5 children in all your years, three girls and two boys
some take after you more, others Legolas
you make excellent parents, teaching them the arts, sciences and ways of battle.
Legolas spends time with his children as often as he possibly can and is an amazing father
you love your life in the greenwood, its your home
but eventually the time of the elves is over and you and your family sail for Valinor, to be together forever<3
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princessmyriad · 1 year
Hey actually that post reminded me of something myself and some other alters have been thinking about for a little bit
How does one deal with the concept of doomed by the narrative for fictives?
Without going into too much personal detail for their safety, we have a fictive who died in their source universe. They dont think as much about that though. They have source memories and they say the moment of their death was the moment they woke up in this body, more like a continual transition of consciousness like waking from sleep than any kind of end to a life.
What they care about is the other friends that also died in their old universe, that didnt make it here into us. They think about it often, theyve consumed and reconsumed every version of their source media, hyperanalyzing, beating themselves up for maybe if only they were a little bit smarter, a little bit quicker on the draw, a little bit more something they would have been able to save some of their friends. They mightve been able to save themselves. It doesnt matter as much that the friends arent here in this body too, (though it would be nice for them to have familiar friends around in here), but this alter is convinced theres something they could have done to help their friends be somewhere safe, at least.
We collectively know this just isnt true. The friends were doomed by the narrative. They were always going to die. The alter in their older form was also doomed by the narrative. If so many friends hadnt died they wouldnt have either, wouldnt have ended up as an alter in here.
Its just a really strange situation to know there was nothing one could have done to change whats happened but to be convinced you could if you could only somehow go back. But this isnt even a case of wanting to go back with the knowledge of after the events, this alter wants to go back in a reset kind of way so things ended differently for them and everyone. But they would make the same mistakes as the first time without that knowledge. The things they did werent even mistakes they were just, as mentioned, doomed by the narrative. They were written to die. Their choices in source would mean less than nothing, wouldnt exist at all as the authors already wrote their death and the death of their friends. I guess thats part of the battle of being a fictive, but it feels like a big topic for us that this particular fictive has been struggling with a lot lately.
So idk, any tips on how to deal with and process it all please leave a reply. Replies from fictives are especially appreciated as we dont have many in here and even fewer with such tragic origins so its difficult to gain perspective about it
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stargirlwnchstr · 4 years
I have a visual to share with y'all. Say welcome to my long ass 'The Foxes + tiktok' headcanon
@ nickythefox_es (part 1???)
Basically Nicky gets tiktok but all of the foxes show up eventually and just use his profile.
• Most of the videos are with nicky and allison, also matt and dan and occasionally neil.
• Allison and nicky learn so many dances.
• Their duet of make his pockets hurt with Mariah and Zane from the vlog squad is the first one to go v i r a l.
• Yeah most of their followers know them but some and a lot of the comments are non exy fans that just watch them because they're cool
• So many of the "what is exy" "stickball game??" "dont even bother explaining to me what is the sport they play I dont care I'm just here for neil." And related comments get a liked from creator (andrew told nicky to like them)
•The "Oh my god she's coming." "I'm so afraid of her." Audio are the twinyards and nicky shows up, he had to bribe them to be a part of that one.
• They post another version but it's Kevin that enters and Allison and Nicky talking
• So many comments thirsting over them and calling matt and dan parents
• "the real bisexual struggle is simping for matt and dan in the same tiktok." -> liked from creator nickythefox_es commented/replied: ASDGFKSSDWADKWB
• Someone makes a 'put a finger down: Neil Josten edition' and nicky drags him to do it. They both smile as they listen to the prompts and Neil obviously puts all his fingers down but they're like "put a finger down if you clapbacked/if you bad mouthed someone (bonus points if it was on national tv)" "put a finger down if you're under 6 feet" "put a finger down if you love exy" and the last one just says "put a finger down if andrew minyard." Neil does and smiles at someone off camera. Needless to say it goes viral as well. A few weeks after nicky gets verified.
• Allison becomes friends with thenavarose and wisdom sorry I dont make the rules (they're fashion tiktokers)
• They make a series of rating each of the foxes throughout the day, including one of Wymack.
• They do receive bad comments, from bitter ravens fans or just recalling their pasts and nicky sits down and makes a video telling everyone about how they do this videos for fun they dont need hate and negative comments on their videos and all that
• Then another one posted minutes after, neil comes in and nicky says "okay neil you have one minute. Rant off." And neil goes on this rant like how they already hit Rock bottom a single comment is not gonna hurt them and "do you get how insignificant and meaningless your lives must be? You took the time to write and post a comment that you thought was gonna cause an impact and failed. Also thanks for the comments though it helps nicky stay on the algorithm." NICKY SCREECHES AND THE VIDEO ENDS WITH THEM SMILING
• Allison vlogs neil and her going shopping or thrifting also cutting Neil's hair
• *neil walks into the room wearing his orange bandana* *camera moves and zooms on Andrew's face* he doesnt lip sync but the song sings "oh noo I think I'm catching feelings" andrew tells him to delete it "but it already has thousands of likes andrew"
• They post some of their work out routines per request
• One of them is the fast and "I'm spinning like a ballerina" chill of neil just running on the treadmill and doing sprints and squats and leg stuff while it cuts to allison doing a bit of everything but looking like a queen on a matching set.
• A fun one that goes viral for "vine energy" is: it's very quiet on the court and Kevin, very in the zone, throws the ball to the goal, which Andre's catches easily and almost without moving. The camera goes back to kevin as he screeches and let's himself fall on the ground. Neil is standing beside him shaking his head and looking at the goal with a smile on his face.
• They try to teach neil the dances but while filming one of them he just leaves. They post it either way.
• They're in the bus, nicky is on selfie mode and says "it is game day my dudes" he turns and shows the whole bus S C R E A M S, in the corner Wymack is covering his face.
• The iconic "they say drunk thoughts are sober words" or something like that and it cuts to a series of videos of the foxes drunk af. Example: Nicky grabbing Allison's face and saying 'Remember. Bread. Head. Leave.' And allison nodding.
• Nicky films kevin standing up and put the "do you ever wonder what is going on inside their head?" And it cuts to pictures of racquets and exy and Jeremy Knox and one that says history stuff.
• Another one that goes viral is kevin very seriously and p e r f o r m i n g, rapping Jefferson's side of the cabinet battle #1 from Hamilton then towards the end andrew stands up in front of him and with his iconic bored expression he starts rapping Hamilton's part. Behind the camera there's a soft "...oh my gOD" and kevin is shocked eyes widen open and then the camera zooms on Neil who's mouth is open in shock but GRINNING and ~impressed~
• Dan and matt do The challenge, you know the one that like has to flip them over and all that and they ace it, nicky points the camera to where andrew and neil are stating and Andrew says no.
• A few minutes later another video of the challenge is posted only this time is matt and neil.
• Nicky and allison are in full gear filming a dance video (maybe savage or captain hook) on the court and someone films them filming that and then Wymack looking at them SO disappointed cut to Wymack with nicky's phone, having confiscated it and nicky besides him "coach, it's cardio!"
• Hours spent trying trick shots
• Foxes: "get back! Move!" Ravens: "Let me in! I be the I g g y!" Trojans: "Oh my God do no let her in" Foxes: "I am trying!"
• Nicky lying down: "okay but someone needs to tell me how old is the shirtless pottery guy. I can't be part of another controversy. It's for science c'mon. *debby Ryan's*"
• Someone comments "he's eighteen. Simp away, nicky." And he makes a video with his feet swinging and smiling. Aaron gets on the frame and says "we are deeply in need of some bowls." The caption: hi @ papapots
• They are verified so obviously he gains a couple of thousands followers and he duets smiling and with a package in his arms. Text: thanks for the support (and hi new followers from sport side of tiktok hope you enjoy my pots) caption: hi @ nickthefox_es I got you aaron.
• After the package comes they duet it with nicky screaming and showing off the goods and then he moves stop show andrew eating ice cream out of one of them. Caption: AJSNEPWLDKSS THANK YOU DAX
• Allison and nicky do the "I love you!" "No you dont topper! You love the idea of me. You love being seen with me but you dont love me." But nicky is Sarah and allison is topper. Next day the obx ig page reposted it "we stan the psu foxes pogues for life." And chase stokes posts it on Twitter saying "yoo the palmetto foxes watch??? my show???" Nicky takes a screenshot and on green screen he says "hi chase!! We do! The whole team binged it. Currently we've been debating who of us is going to dress up as pogues for Halloween." A lot of voices start arguing and as nicky is gonna enter the debate the video cuts.
• Allison does the facetime *deep male voice says hey* prank on them. Neil doesnt react. Nicky doesnt look up from his phone but does the finger thing and says "get that d, allison!" Dan and renee look at each other and then at allison and she bursts out laughing.
• aaron studying to be a doctor: *two plus two is four etc sound* andrew (eating pretzels from the bag while watching a game show lying down in a bean bag) and his eiditic memory [basically not needing to study]: *three is a magic number sound*
• Nicky runs through the court and enters the lounge beside the photo wall there's a poster he shows the camera as the sounds says it "alive ahaha fuck"
• Somehow they convince all of them to show up and do the wipe it down trend that ends up with wymack throwing the towel at the mirror.
• Comment: so how many members of the team listen to girl in red or sweater weather? Nicky stands there with the color filter: 👁👄👁👉👈 caption: yes❤
• He gets neil to duet to the whole "british people be like". "Neil I'm not british." "Part of you is so just read the tweets." He does and the comments are all thirst and simping
• Comment: raise your hand if you've been victimized by neil josten. Where my fellow Simps at? (The comment gets hundreds of thousands of likes) they make a video, everyone on the team except aaron who walks out raises their hand as the sound says "welcome to simp nation" kevin rolls his eyes but raises his, says something that nicky captions "i simp over his exy skills". andrew doesn't at first, but next to him neil whispers something and after andrew says yes, neil grabs Andrew's forearm and raises it. Andrew looks away and neil smiles.
• Nicky lying down: okay but what if Jean moreau traded places with the french guy from here you know who, david.
• Comment "ugh your mind nicky" reply video: right? Big brain, many thoughts, head full all the time. But like actually the idea of david playing exy and Jean hanging out with ducks and making viral tiktoks just-
• Comment "i feel you and @ austincantdrive would make the best chaotic duo" reply: we would be too powerful together. Austin replies too: agree.
• Allison makes a sports jersey/comfy wear but make it fashion and she styles herself. Everyone on the comments d i e s for her.
• Comment "okay but what about the boys. help allison." She makes a video too with matt and nicky and at the end neil wears an orange crop top and the internet b r e a k s
• Comment "allison do you listen to girl in red?" video reply: her winking at the camera and lip syncing as sweater weather plays. The comments a lot of them liked by creator: a win for the girls (and the boys)
• Upperclassmen Back in 2003: okay but hey do we always have to be involved? Can we do normal stuff that normal people do, like, go for brunch? Us (aaron, andrew, kevin and me): what the fuck is brunch?
• Of course they do the mr blue sky trend. Nicky: drunkenly goes to flirt with a guy. Aaron: drunkenly follows to get away from kevin. Kevin: drunk on pure vodka reminds us we have practice in the morning.
• Or another one all of them. Neil: ready to insult a reporter. Dan: tries not to laugh on camera. Matt: gets ready to hug him afterwards Allison and Nicky: Filming everything. Wymack: the only one trying to stop it from happening and failing.
• Dan and matt duet their reactions to every video edit of them, smiling and saying "your parents love you guys!".
• Comment "literally what is wrong with the ravens/ravens fans?The foxes are such a nice group of people and they're doing great in the sport y'all worship just shut up you cult-y athletic hype house." video reply: "ladies and gentlemen. The volume inside of this bus is A S T R O N O M I C A L."
• comment video reply: okay so we're not gonna talk about nicky at the gym?? Bc C A K E. nicky lip syncing "I'm glad you brung it up because I've been dying to talk about this for a fucking hot minute. First of all-"
• Colin uses one of Neil's or Andrew's interviews replies as one of his sounds and nicky fanboys a lot
• Allison and nicky do the Kardashian sound compilation.
• Nicky with a picture of Erik on green screen: "hi I just wanna say if you look anything like this please contact me. Thank you." Caption: miss u baby. And Erik watches his tiktoks and he facetimes him immediately. Nicky takes a screenshot and duets his own video crying with the screenshot caption: SKALSBSKAJSL Erik comments: stop making tiktoks and answer the phone, hemmick. Nicky replies: yessir everyone below comments keyboard smashes and you got a good one. Goals. Lmao kids that's what we call bottom panic. We stan one healthy long distance relationship and after that a bunch of long distance relationship questions that he makes another video on.
• A video of Katelyn and neil chatting and it pans to the twins watching them with the *when worlds collide sound*
• He reposts a snippet of one of his interviews post game where he grabs the mic from the reporter and nicky: can I say something? Reporter: sure, go ahead. Nicky: thank you. *looks straight into the camera* all the birds died in 1986 due to Reagan killing them and replacing them with spies that are now watching us. The birds work for the bourgeoisie. Thank you." And leaves. IT GOES VIRAL INSTANTLY.
• Comment "is everyone else gonna forget that tiktok where he said he was already part of a controversy? We stan a problematic icon?" Video reply: guys I might have been part of a whole Twitter beef thing against my little hoodie and Bruce hallway but c'mon, like, c'mon you can't blame me.
• Comment "for neil: does the carpet match the drapes 👅😍?" Video reply: neil on selfie mode. "Allison gave me her phone, told me to answer this and ran away so umm." He reads the box on the screen and frowns he walks and stands next to the window, where Andrew is sitting down and is barely seen on frame. "uhmm, the internet is confusing. Our carpet is like this" he turns the phone and shows the floor (grayish carpet) and then back at him "but we don't have drapes so, technically they don't match, I dont know." Andrew's head goes up and simply says "Neil." Neil turns "what?" And the video ends.
• of course nicky and allison do the WAP dance, on the court, when they should be running drills.
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valcalico · 3 years
Athena and Ares
(Just my thoughts on them and their relationship)
I have a lot of feelings about these two. They have a very complex dynamic, where they don’t really like each other, but they can’t work without each other either.
Athena provides rationality to the cruelty of war. She is the strategy and logic behind it. The objective. One might say she represents the generals, and the politicians and the main heroes. Basically the big players.
And Ares? He’s the opposite. He represents the emotion associated with war. He is the bloodlust and the desperate fight. Where the battle is thickest, where there is no room for thought, and when its pure survival instinct that drives you, that’s Ares. He represents the worst parts: the blood and the violence and the cruelty. He is accompanied by fear and terror (Phobos and Deimos). One might say he is the god of soldiers.
So they need each other. If they actually worked together, they’d be one of the dangerous forces ever, even in god circles. But they don’t. Not only because of how differently they view the world, but also because of deeper nuances in their relationship.
Athena is beloved. She is Zeus’ favourite child and his right hand goddess. The people love her. She is the patron of one of the most powerful, influential cities, Athens. She is highly respected everywhere else too. A protector of heroes and a friend to humanity.
Ares, on the other hand, is disliked by many. Zeus says he is “the most hateful of all gods” and says he would have thrown him into Tartarus if he wasn’t his and Hera’s son. (Its in the Iliad) (This part always makes me sad poor ares) He is highly respected in Thrace and Sparta. But Athens dislikes him and worships him out of necessity only.
Even in modern times, Athena is considered a feminist icon and badass lady, while Ares is labelled a brute.
Most people know this. So why did I just type out all that? Cause context is important when delving into the myths.
So first of all, let’s debunk that last point I made. In the ancient myths (and I’ll try not to include romans esp. Ovid), it didn’t work that way at all. Of course it’s important to keep in mind that ancient Greece was very misogynistic. But still, Athena was not feminist at all. Her being a “masculine” woman (mostly) was what made her so acceptable to Athens and she was regularly used to shut down other women. Also:
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(The actual translation of this scene was circulated a while back. So you’re probably familiar with this. Also I’m not saying this to offend any worshippers of Athena or anyone who admires her. There are a lot of bad things in greek mythology and Athena’s internal and external misogyny is probably the least of my concerns. Plus if the greek gods did exist, i believe they change with the society, so they will no longer be Like That in the present day.)
Ares, on the other hand, was incredibly feminist, especially for that time. He surrounded himself with women he loved and respected. (Aphrodite, Eris, Enyo, etc). His lovers were often famously women who challenged the status quo (Otrera, Cyrene). He was regularly show to be a good father to all his daughters, immortal and mortal. (Harmonia, Hippolyta, Penthesilia, Alkippe). Also:
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If that isn’t the coolest thing EVER-
Anyway, I won’t delve deep into that (well, any more than I’ve already rambled about it).
Now that we have gotten that out of the way, we can get to the hypotheticals.
I headcanon that despite ALL the evidence to the contrary, they maybe don’t despise each other completely. I see them having more of a love-hate relationship.
The thing is, gods are very contrary creatures. Zeus and Hera’s fights shake the world one moment, and in the next, they are as loving as any. Apollo is smiling and singing in one moment and skinning a satyr alive in the next. This complexity should be given this relationship too.
Like I said above, they need each other. Both general and soldier are equally important in war. And I don’t think you can completely truly need someone and hate their existence at the same time. (There are exceptions)
This scene in the Iliad really got me thinking:
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If you take the scene at face value, this is probably not something to think too much about. Its Athena going to Ares, insulting him a bit, and taking him away from the war.
But its more than that. First off, Athena goes upto Ares and can calmly convince him to listen to her. Second, look how she frames the question. She says “shall we” which i think is pretty important. Athena doesn’t need to worry about Zeus’ anger or his rules, as she shows later on in the Iliad, and before, during the Rebellion. Both Athena and Ares knows this well. So why does she also need to withdraw? She can make the point without adding herself to the equation. She can also fairly easily run him off the battlefield like she does later. But she doesn’t. And there isnt any hostility from Ares.
Instead, they go together, away from the battlefield and...sit down near a river bank? Basically relax as much as they can? That doesn’t sound like a hateful relationship.
There is also the fact that Ares was going to join sides with the greeks (aka on Athena and Hera’s side) until Aphrodite convinced him to join her instead.
Its clear from this that Ares doesn’t really have much of a stake in this fight. He doesn’t care much about the greater objectives of the war. The only thing that can convince him to take a side is the people one the sides. He fights for the people he cares about, not for any greater good. He easily changes his loyalty because of his love for Aphrodite. He frequently gets into fights to save his children. He goes against Diomedes partly because of how he wounded Aphrodite. All of this means that he cares for Athena too. (And for Hera ofc). Maybe he doesn’t care for her as much as he cares for Aphrodite, but its not really fair to expect him to.
I like to think they genuinely do care for each other a great deal, they just kinda suck at showing it. Maybe that changes as time passes. I can see Athena being quietly protective of Ares (maybe she makes up an excuse to send him away during the Rebellion because she knows he will be in danger otherwise). I definitely think she felt a little guilt (guilt, not regret) at stabbing Ares, seeing as it wasn’t really fair. Ares didn’t know she was there.
I also think that Ares, who spends a lot of time with awesome women and is very fierce in standing up for them if the need arises, will be the one who calls her out a lot of the time on her misogyny or hypocrisy. Athena also has a habit of suppressing any “vulnerable” emotion. She likes to keep all her guilt, sadness, fear, hurt, and regret all locked up tight. I feel like Ares is one of the few people she lets a few of those emotions out around, even if she still tries not to. And in the lighter moments, in private, maybe they joke around a bit and laugh, too.
Okay, now for the heavier bit. While i do think they care for each other, there is also a lot of resentment there. A lot of it, unfortunately, comes from how they are treated by their peers and elders. They like different people, they are liked by different people and they are liked to different degrees. Let’s talk about 3 of the main players.
1) Zeus. Does this surprise you?
I do think Zeus loves all his kids. He doesn’t like some of them, but he does love all of them. And he isn’t as bad of a father as everyone thinks. People have discussed that better so I’ll not rant about it here.
All that aside, he definitely has favourites. Athena is his favourite child (Apollo, I think, being his second). And this favouritism is SUPER OBVIOUS. Its like none of the rules apply to Athena, which is weird considering Zeus isn’t forgiving of those who defy his authority (did someone say Prometheus?)
Ares, on the other hand, is on the other side of the spectrum. The one Zeus dislikes the most.
We can see how this affects them in several instances. The most notable is probably in the Iliad, after Athena deceitfully stabs Ares and forces him to flee to Olympus, injured.
Ares calls Zeus out on his favouritism. He says that gods weren’t allowed to fight each other and if it were anyone else, they would have been punished. He says Zeus always does this, always lets Athena get away with everything, and that he needs to start getting his daughter under control.
Zeus doesnt like this too much and basically tells Ares to stop whining and that he isn’t much better when it comes to destruction. He says Ares is the most hateful of all gods and loves bloodshed. He says he would have gotten rid of him if he weren’t his son, but seeing as he was, Zeus cannot bear to see Ares in pain. He then gets Ares healed.
I can definitely see how this kind of blatant favouritism from someone who should be better to Ares would affect him. Ares is the firstborn son of Zeus and Hera. He should be getting a lot of respect, as per ancient standards but instead, he is overtaken by his virgin half sister from Zeus’ previous marriage, and many bastard half siblings.
Athena being able to break rules left and right, and Ares having to be nervous about even toeing the line will cause distance between them.
This in addition to his position as a god of civil order is a reason that i think he wouldn’t want to break any rule until he deems it absolutely necessary, like if someone he cared about were in danger.
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I can totally see a situation where both of them try to help a hero but Zeus orders them not to. Athena then wants to break the rules, but Ares is very hesitant about doing so. Athena convinces him, either by taunting or by calmly urging him, to go along with it. They get caught but only Ares gets punished. Ares can then truly show Athena the difference between her and everyone else.
Remember when i headcanoned earlier that Athena sends Ares away during the Rebellion? That ties into this. She knows that if they get caught, ares could get into trouble whether or not he did anything. I expect Ares will be furious about it when he returns and finds out what happened though, thinking it was just to get him out of the way, until its revealed why she did it. Then he’ll probably be super awkward.
2) Poseidon
The equal and opposite force to Zeus.
Well, maybe not equal, but quite close.
Lets start with the canon. Poseidon HATES Athena, despises her completely, and he frequently clashes with her father too. They worked together one (1) time and as a result, Athena wasnt punished while Poseidon was enslaved for years. Then there is the fight for Athens, the whole epic of the Odyssey, and so on.
Meanwhile he and Ares are actually shown to be close. Other than the Halirhothius incident, they are pretty chill. Poseidon is the one who vouched for him after the Net Thing With Hephaestus. Poseidon is also pretty cool with Aphrodite and they work together occasionally.
I think Poseidon thinks of Athena as this bratty kid of his brother, who is constantly working against him. You know that one annoying cousin you have who you try to avoid during family reunions because you KNOW you will clash? This is that, but a thousand times worse.
Meanwhile Poseidon really cares for Ares, and Ares takes fatherly affection from anywhere he can get it. Poseidon maintains a good relationship with both Aphrodite and Ares. He is closer with Aphrodite and doesnt love Ares quite as much as Zeus loves Athena, but he still cares a lot.
3) Aphrodite
It is no secret that Athena hates Aphrodite. Even when Athena warns Diomedes not to harm any god, she says Aphrodite is the exception. Athena, along with many of the other Olympians, see her as nothing but a silly, flighty, hysterical goddess.
On the other hand, Aphrodite and Ares are known for their intense love for each other, from even before her arranged marriage. They have a lot of kids together, and are shown to be close with all of them. They each have like one story of jealousy/one story where they are at odds with each other, which is pretty good for such a high-profile couple (Aphrodite curses Eos and Ares kills Adonis). They are there for each other, like in the trojan war, when Aphrodite was wounded and Ares gave her his chariot to go back to Olympus. He also changed sides very soon, just because Aphrodite asked. Athena complains about this too.
I think I wouldn’t be far off in saying that Athena is definitely resentful of how close they are, and how much sway Aphrodite has over her brother.
While Athena definitely doesn’t see eye to eye with Ares, and disagrees with his domain, she still sees him as a War God. One of her kind. And she just doesn’t see how a War God can go for someone like Aphrodite. Basically, she doesn’t think Aphrodite is, for lack of a better term, good enough for Ares, seeing as she is a Love Goddess.
Ares, on the other hand, does not want to hear anything like this. He is fiercely defensive of Aphrodite. He defends her warlike aspect (Aphrodite Areia), while everyone else tells her that she has no place in the battlefield. He sees Aphrodite as more than what people have labelled her to be. Which is why I believe (other than Eos and Adonis), they have one of the healthiest open relationships in greek mythology.
This can definitely cause animosity between Athena and Ares, because of Athena’s scorn and Ares’ temper. It can also increase the conflict between Athena and Aphrodite.
Maybe as time goes on, Athena can start seeing Aphrodite as having more depth. I certainly hope so. While they wouldn’t be best friends, I don’t see why they can’t learn to get along. This could also strengthen Athena and Ares’ bond. As long as people don’t insult her or lay their claim on her domain of Love and Beauty, Aphrodite is often very supportive. I truly think Aphrodite can help Athena overcome her misogyny, with Ares.
In conclusion, Athena and Ares have a very complex relationship. They do not simply hate each other, and neither do they have the most loving relationship. But they do care for each other. But strain can often be put on their relationship from their relationship to other people as well. Hopefully as time passes, they can overcome that, and have a healthier relationship, instead of sharing a good moment and then proceeding to fight each other for the next 500 years.
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amateur-author597 · 3 years
Everyone who said Blinky would die because of"and blinky" in the trailer
Fuck you
It was very fair but still I was so scared
Same to if those who said Archie died because he wasn't in the trailer
Again fair but I was terrified and anxious as hell
My heart could not have handled if he died or Douxie's grief but I'm still upset about what actually happened
And I wish Zoe showed up so they could give her some characterization
We find out she's known Douxie and been friends with him for over 900 years but she doesn't help with the Arcane Order?
And none of the hedge witches show up to help fight them to defend their home?!?!?!
Jim you stupid string bean, I love you though
Claire, good job, that was some hard magic
Toby, go duke!
Douxie my husband, YAAASS QUEEN, GET IT BABY
The Police Station
It was so funny
Everything about it I loved
Douxari confusing the officers and being neutrally chaotic
Claire trying to be tough and silent
Toby spilling ALL the tea and the officers not believing him
Archie just being Archie and enjoying the confusion of the humans
Keep casually listing just about every spy agency in order
and then just
"And your mum"
What a legend
Literal King 👑
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
Very unpopular opinion
I loved it, so fucking funny
I don't even like mpreg normally
But I loved it as a random side plot cause they probably couldn't find an import part for every character and still give them their deserved screen time
Also, funny!
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
I don't necessarily love her by any means
But still!
*key spams in frustration*
This began much irritation that just increased
I was sad
"Nor more running"
Simple line
Shattered me and my very being THE SWITCHING SPELL
Douxari was so chaotic and funny and pure in a very weird way
I was sad that THAT screenshot of Douxie and Archie wasn't actually Archie because he looked so happy chddling his familiar but it was still cute
Narxie was so fucking sarcastic when the Arcane Order realized the spell didn't work and I live for it
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
I loved it, so fucking funny
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
Dndndbebhsve hehr didjbdisbeurbvtisjbsgsneosbsyneyjsosnsjdbdynsvsidbfindbzhndhdushdhushdbud
*key spams in frustration*
Titan Nari
I was so scared when Douxie nearly passes out from lack of oxygen trying to save her
Claire did a great job and I like her but I feel like they're overpowering her without developing her
Nari and Skrael's battle was a cinematic masterpiece
Coach Lawrence seriously needs a break
"No more running" destroyed me
The 9th configuration
The Final Battle
I don't even know what to say
RIP Varvatos
Rip Douxie that fall would have really fucking hurt
He definitely had broken ribs from that
I'm surprised he could walk after even while being supported against someone else to stand
Jim should have just stabbed Bellroc instead of talking
Jim should not have been able to walk and run perfectly fine after being stabbed even with all the adrenaline
"Always was, always will be" hurt my entire soul
The Time stone
This frustrated me so much it took me 3 days to write just this bit
Go back in time and save everyone?
Yes! Awesome!
Go back to the start the start
Also, I love and adore Toby
I get that he was tired of being the trollhunter
Largely because he was tired of not thinking he would do a good enough job
But odds are Toby will make some of the same mistakes and they'll be right back in that same position except maybe Claire will die that time around
And if you're sick of the trauma and responsibility of it than why would you dump it on your best friend
Once again I say, it was an illogical and dumb decision
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Involves following Fandoms
1. Miraculous Ladybug
2. Percy Jackson
3. Harry Potter
4. Batman/Justice/DC
• Percy, Harry, and Marinette have been internet friends since Mari first received her miraculous.
• The boys are one year older than Mari. So they were 14 and she was 13. So start of Titans Curse, and the Goblet of Fire. This is set during the summer. Before Percy heads for camp, he convinced one of the Hephaestus kids to make him a phone to keep in contact. When Harry returns to school he finds the room of requirements amd finds out his laptop works in there.
• They meet on Mari's vlog where she is complaining about how the adults in her life always let her down.
• Harry agrees whole heartedly Percy says the only person that doesnt let him down is his mom.
• Soon they are best friends and always in contact with they others, Sally and Paul meet them after summer is over and gain two more kids.
• They all tell each other their secrets and try to help each other the best they can.
• They become Instagram famous together and are seen as a trio always posting screen shots of them video chatting.
• Percy and Mari are helping and supporting Harry through everything that happens while he is at Hogwarts.
• Around this time Lila comes into the picture, at first the boys encourage her to fight back. However after she sends them screenshots from her 'friends' they encourage her to drop them all together.
• Mari distances herself from the class and focuses on learning more from Master Fu, while also growing her clientele. She goes from Jagged and Clara, to multiple celebrities from all over. She even designs for some youtubers. She meets the Wayne's when they commission her for one of their galas. She hits it off with Tim when she chugs a pot of coffee infront of him before doing his final fitting.
• Percy takes a quick trip to Gotham once the Wayne's return and interrogates/threatens Tim about Mari.
• Mari and Tim's friendship continues to grow as they text and call all the time.
• Harry and Percy support Marinette when she becomes the Grand Guardian. Percy asks Chiron about the Miraculous and discovers multiple books on them. He convinces Annabeth to copy them and has Hermes send them to Mari. While Harry finds a former Guardian in Knockturn Alley and informs her of the new Grand Guardian he gets Mari the potions she needs for the Kwami.
• Percy and Mari in courage Harry to discover more about his family and to start at Gringotts. Harry discovers his families position in the wizarding word, and how much has been kept from him.
• Harry and Mari encourage Percy to learn even more about his powers. Soon he has control of small storms and has learned how to travel in an instant through mist.
• Harry becomes emancipated at 15 and takes over Lordship of Potter and Ravenclaw. He was surprised to find out his mother was actually adopted into the Evan's family after her parents were killed. Petunia didnt know she was adopted.
• After Kronos is defeated they make plans to finally meet up, boys are 16, Mari 15, they agree on Paris because Mari doesn't feel comfortable leaving her city in case of attack. They meet up a few weeks before school is set to start for Percy and Mari.
• Harry floos to his family home in Paris and opens the wards before messaging Percy saying it safe. Percy mist travels in to his house and immediately drops his bags hugging Harry tightly. Before they both hurry off to the Bakery.
• Mari's parents are very nice and loving but they expect their daughter to be an adult and handle things without them.
• They are surprised when two boys rush into the bakery and their daughter squeals throwing herself at them in a hug. Completely ignoring Alya, Adrien, and Nino.
• Mari completely ignores her old friends refusing to even let go of her boys. She quickly introduces them to her parents before dragging them up to her room.
• For a short while they just pile on to her bed cuddling together happy to be with each other in person than through a video call. After half an hour they finally get up and let Mari pack a small bag.
• She says goodbye to her parents telling them shes going to be spending the night at a friends before they all hurry to Harry's house. Once Mari puts her bag in the living room they change into fancy clothes and head off for dinner reservations at Le Grand Paris.
• They enjoy a quiet dinner together and while they're eating dessert Chloe comes to their table to say hello to Mari. She warns Mari that their class plans on ambushing her at her parents bakery to guilt her into catering their end of summer party, because Lila's baker fell through.
• All four of them laugh at it and Mari pulls out her phone sending her mother a quick message. Telling her to not give her class a thing unless they pay.
• After Harry pays much to Mari and Percy's annoyance they say goodbye to Chloe and leave the restaurant. While walking back to Harry's they are all hugging each other. Mari is in the middle and Percy and Harry's arms are around her wasit and she has hers around them. Lila sees them passing and is quick to take multiple pictures.
• The next day she has the entire class convinced that the three are in a relationship. Lila also convinces them that Mari pushed her down and the boys threatened her.
• Alya is akumatized through her anger, Paris is surprised when two new heros join Ladybug.
• The two new heros are Anaklusmos, Percy using Kaalki because once Kaalki saw Percy he knew that he was the son of his favorite God, and Chimaera. Harry using Ziggy.
• Percy's hero outfit consisted of tight black pants and a long sleeve black shirt. Underneath a dark brown breastplate and greaves. His hair was slightly longer and even wilder than usual and sunglasses hid his eyes from the world. His weapon is a sword.
• Harry's hero outfit was black and white. He wore a white sweater with black assents, black jeans, and the outer coat to battle robes that was black on the outside and white on the inside. He has a mask in which one side is black and the other white. His miraculous transform into small goat horns when in use. His weapon is a staff, because he is a wizard he is able to use the staff as a wand, and it is untraceable.
• Ziggys transformation phrase Ziggy lets climb. Ziggy lets rest.
• Kaalkis transformation phrase Kaalki lets gallop. Kaalki halt.
• Ziggy will be the miraculous of terrian. Harry will be able to use unbreakable vines to either hold akuma or stop larging things from falling.
• They are quick to defeat Alya taking her down before Chat even finds a place to transform.
• Once defeated the trio returns to where they were relaxing along the Seine. Both Mari and Percy giggle at Harry who readjusts his new hair clips blushing slightly. While Percy simply pushes the glasses up to rest on the top of his head.
• They get lunch before Percy mist travels all three of them to Disneyland, where Mari pays for them all to get in.
• There first picture together at Disney is post on each of their Instagrams and their fans go wild after realizing the trio finally met in person. Soon their Instas are filled with different pictures of all of them.
• Meanwhile Alya is blowing up Mari's Insta demanding answers as the class is on the way to the bakery. They try to convince Tom and Sabine to cater but are brushed off by them. The class is upset and demands answers and are not happy to be told that they wont cater because Marinette isn't going to the party and asked them not to.
• The trio finish the night with a picture of them hugging with fireworks in the back. Percy is wearing little mermaid ears, Mari is wearing Ladybug ears, and Harry is wearing sorcerer mickey ears.
• They spend the entire week together and Mari introduces them to her friends in Paris with a promise of coming to their home countries to meet their friends and family next time.
• When Percy and Harry are set to leave they have a long conversation with Kaalki and Ziggy and decide to allow the two Kwamis to stay with their holders. Kaalki is very attached to his new foal and wishes to remain with his chosen. Ziggy is also attached to her kid and wishes to help Harry in anyway possible. Percy and Harry not just swear to protect their Kwamis, they agree to start a new Order of the Guardians. Mari agrees and soon they are planning lessons so she can teach them the language of the Guardians.
• When Harry returns to England he seeks out the former Guardian and infroms her they are starting a new order. The former Guardian takes Harry under her wing and teaches him things, which he teqches Percy and Mari inturn.
• The trio is happy until one day when instead of Percy answering the call its a crying Sally. Sally explains that Percy went missing and no one was able to find him. On top of that Olympus is on lock down.
• Mari and Harry go months without a word from Percy and everyone around them notices their drop. Tim flies out to Paris more often just to keep Mari company when he can. While Harry closes himself off from everyone but Mari.
• A full year passes and in that time Mari has stripped Chat of his miraculous and found a temporary holder in her friend Marc. Harry watched Dumbledore die and is getting ready to fall into hiding, when they finally hear from Percy who had just won his second war.
• The entire time Percy is asleep Kaalki is protecting him and when he wakes up Kaalki informs him of his name and tells him some of his past. Kaalki doesnt have to stay hidden around the demigods because Kaalki is a god himself and the demigods know this. Many Romans are surprised to see Kaalki never leaves Percy's side.
• At first Percy wants to immediately alert his friends but he can barelt find the time and o ly managers to tell his mother that he is alright.
• When the war is over he wastes no time traveling to England and tackling Harry in a hug before taking both of them to Paris. He leaves so fast her doesnt even return to Olympus for the rewards. So in the middle of their hugs and tears Zues/Jupiter transports them to Olympus. Right after he has to deal with a very pissed of Kwami of creation. Everyone watches Tikki tear into Zues while Mari Harry and Percy simply sit in front of Posiden's throne hugging each other tightly.
• For Percy's wish he once again turns down godhood and requests that the roman and greek camps to work together, and makes a personal request to Hecate for both he and Mari to be given Magic. Hecate agrees under the condition that Percy helps Harry take down Tom Riddle and that Mari helps once she is done with Hawkmoth. Posiden pulls them aside and informs Mari that Gabriel is Hawkmoth Nathalie is Mayrua. Once they are done Percy introduces Mari and Harry to the 7 and his cousins before they head off to meet Sally and Paul in person.
• After meeting Sally all three head to Gotham and meet with the Waynes and Mari and the boys find it funny that the only people that knew of Mari and Tim were Bruce and Alfred.
• Mari tells Tim the complete truth and how within the next few months she may die. Tim takes it and in turn tells her about him being Red Robin, then asks her to marry him. She agrees and they have a wedding at Wayne manor the next day.
• Harry meets Kara and his attention is stolen by the blonde. They gets along amazingly and exchange phone numbers. Harry even introduces her to Ziggy who also likes Kara. What really causes Harry to fall for her is when she wraps her arms around his waist and flies up into the air. Both of them bonding over their love of flying while Harry tries to stop out his blush over he lifting him like it was nothing.
• Percy returns to England with Harry and they go in the hunt together while Mari takes a final stance against Hawkmoth.
• Mari defeats Hawkmoth and Mayura unmasking them on national tv right before the battle of hogwarts happens. Once she is done she infroms her parents that she finished her last year of Lycée online and was traveling to England.
• Mari arrives in England after Percy and Harry sneak into Hogwarts. With the help of Tikki she finds her way to Hogwarts and finds her boys.
• Mari is heartbroken when Harry says goodbye to Ziggy and places one hair clip in Maris hair and the other in Percys. He tells them how much he loved them and asked them to say goodbye to Kara for him.
• Percy forces himself to stay strong but breaks when he sees Hagrid carrying Harry's body. While Harry jumps up both Mari and Percy are crying as they fight harder.
• The next day on the front page of the Prophet theres a picture of the three of them in the great hall after the battle curled together and hugging each other.
• After the war the trio goes to Gringotts and Harry has Percy and Mari officially adopted into the potter family before they return to Gotham. Mari and Tim had a bigger wedding for the public announcing to Gotham that they were married. It became known as the wedding of the century because both of them wanted to keep the Wayne families persona. Marinette drops Dupain-Cheng and becomes Marinette Potter-Drake-Wayne.
• Percy walks her down the aisle before sitting down and Harry is standing as her 'maid of honor' Percy takes Annabeth as his date and Harry takes Kara.
• After their honeymoon traveling the world Percy and Harry reveal that they both moved to Gotham. Both are going to catch up on their school work and then go to college. Meanwhile Percy begins campaigning for a cleaner Gotham. He uses a Sanddollar to clean the waters and instructed the Water nymphs to immediately alert him if someone attempts to dump. That when Gotham gains a new hero Anaklusmos. A few months later Chimaera and Ladybird join the scene as well. They focus more on the petty crimes and keeping the city cleaner while the Bat fam focus on the really bad guys.
• Mari joins with Wayne Enterprises and grows her own Fashion empire, while Percy gets his degree in marine biology and Harry in teaching.
• A few years later Mari has all but forgotten about her old class until she takes a trip to Pairs with time to visit her parents and Chloe and they find a class reunion at Le Grand Paris. Lila and Alya try and put Mari down, and are surprised when she laughs. She kisses Tim cheek softly before turning to them, and introduces herself and Tim. Leaving the entire class in shock. They watch Mari walking away with Tim as Chloe walks through the doors to them a bounce in her step.
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curious-menace · 4 years
Okay so, may I request Arkham Knight Riddler x hero reader? Reader (reluctantly) works with Batman. And since Brice is super busy with everything else, reader takes care of Riddler and Catwoman. And then it’s the end, it’s time to defeat him, when Ed finally finds out he’s been battling reader all night, not Batman. But reader tries her best to be kind about it and not hurt him like Batman does, maybe talk to him like a person, not a criminal.
i had so many ideas??? but couldn't get them down on paper????
Arkham Riddler X hero reader
Batman is...not happy about your connection to riddler. he tries to understand, he really does but he just doesn't get it. he hopes riddler can change, maybe this time, with you it would be possible. but he still thinks riddler needs to pay for his crimes, even with your help he fully intends to arrest him. if you two dont agree, id advise keeping it to yourself or he might not let you help 
 you dont really want to do this. you know how much it will hurt edward, how much it will damage your relationship . you feel like batman is taking advantage of your connection with edward to reel him in. But ultimately bats convinces you; he says it will be easier on riddler to have someone who loves him talk him down than it will for bats himself to do it. unfortunately you have to agree.
 when you show up instead of bats at the first meeting, Riddler is pissed. He nearly doesn't let you in, nearly offs catwoman right then and there. He’ doesnt recognise you in costume, but something about your voice is familiar. SOMEHOW you talk your way into the orphanage and to be frank catwoman isn't happy to see you either, even after you explain the situation. you’re really starting to feel like the bad guy here.
Bats takes care of the trials, since he’s the only one who can drive the batmobile, but he’s depending on you to stay with selina. the puzzles in the orphanage aren't easy, especially the weighted plate one . even with your costume and all the equipment bats gave you, you and selina together are still too light. you come up with the idea to use some of the defeated riddler bots as extra weight. riddler himself is actually pretty impressed by that, it was an ingenious solution and he cant even get mad because he was the one who gave you them to fight in the first place.
its  sad for you to see him become gradually more unhinged as the night wears on. Selina knows you, she knows you care about him , even if she makes cruel jokes about it. she understands the attachment to someone who is...unavailable. when you two have a quiet moment alone, she tries to comfort you, make you see this is going to end badly so you don't get too hurt by the inevitable. 
When the final fight comes he’s pretty broken. you and selina pull him from that mechsuit and toss him across the floor. you obviously don't want to hurt him, but if you didn't get him outta there he’d likely hurt himself. He just sort of sits on the ground, already defeated and expecting  you to deliver the final blow in a “what the hell are you waiting for “ kind of way. you cant talk him down like this, he wont listen to you while you’re wearing that mask.
the only way you have even a SLIM chance of getting through to him is to take it off.  It’ll hurt you to reveal your secret, its going to destroy him. Selina sees you reaching for it and tries to stop you but you tell her you have to, its the only way.
edwards expression when he sees your face is one of horror and betrayal. he cant walk after that fight, so he just scoots back on the floor trying to put distance between the two of you. he keeps muttering “i dont believe it. i dont understand “ and “ this cant be.”  he’ll shout things like “how could you?!”. selina will excuse herself to give you two some time alone. 
riddler will be shouting, probably too upset to listen to your side of the story. don’t be afraid to shout back. if you say the right words, he’ll quieten down. 
i think, when he sees your face, the fight will leave him. he’s so very tired and now? seeing even you take someone elses side? he just cant anymore, somethings got to change but for now he just needs to be sad. he’ll go very quiet and say something like “just...take me home.” what happens next is up to you. 
if you chose to help batman, bats will let you ride in the back of the batmobile with edward. He’ll let you tag along to the gcpd and even let you stay by him in the holding room. he draws the line at letting you into the villains timeout tank, but that’s mostly for your safety. with your identity out there, he cant risk letting you near people like cobblepot or slade. 
If you chose to run with edward, it’s success will depend on Selina’s help. Selina is PRETTY pissed about what ed put her through. but, as a favor to you for helping her, shes willing to give you both a head start from the cops and maybe distract batman. 
i dont know if edward will forgive you. He’s...glad. glad it was you who got to him and not batman, whatever you chose to do after. he apreciates how you chose him over your secret, chose to try and talk him down instead of kicking 50 shades of shit out of him . poor boy already has trust issues, hes glad that even though you could have hurt him and gotten away with it thanks to the mask, you chose not to, he wont forget that in a hurry.
 depending on your chose, apreciates you giving up everything to try and be with him OR apreciates you bringing him in to try and get him help. hes obviously not happy with the way things went but i dont know if the anger is focused on you or just the situation in general. 
things aren't going to go back to normal with you two. he just cant coalesce the thought of you betraying him by siding with batman, to the thought of you giving up everything to be with him. he loves you and he’s sure you love him too but...he just needs some time to process.
i think, ultimatly he’ll decide he doesnt need to forgive you. you didnt do anything wrong and even though he’s still upset he knows your heart was in the right place. He’ll be pissed with batman for manipulating you into doing this but as long as you still love him, depsite everything, he’ll be willing to overlook it
he will ask you to never put that mask on again thought. he has a purple domino mask you can wear if you really want to. ;)
boy that was another long one. i think i write too much haha.
got something you’d like to ask me? send me an ask or a dm! im always game to talk about our favorite curious menace 💚💜
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zukka soulmate au opinions/headcanons?
I apologize Anon for how long this has sat in my inbox, but soulmate AU’s are really not my forte, so i had to think long and hard. (no sexy pun intended)
Background information
- Soulmate marks sit on the same place on both parties
- They are there their whole life
- I believe in multiple soulmates, so if one soulmate dies, i think another exists (aka, Hakoda and Kya, and then Hakoda and Bato; Kanna and unnamed Grandpa, and the Kanna and Pakku)
- Zuko DREADS the notion of soulmates, only because Zuko believes it is also the universe’s divine order to make his life as sucky as possible. So in Zuko’s mind, he’s like the perfect way for the Universe to punish him further would be one of 3 ways:
1. His soulmate would be the Avatar, because of course he’d be on an impossible quest to literally find and surrender his soulmate for death at Ozai’s hands (also a betrayal to his nation) 
2. His soulmate would be a woman, (because I truly canonically believe that Zuko is a gay)
3. He wouldn’t have a soulmate
Of course none of these guesses are correct, he should’ve looked behind door number 4: His soulmate is from another nation and has had the Fire Nation ferociously take everything they’ve loved (aka Sokka)
Fire Nation tradition also dictates that Soulmates are for common people, not for Prince’s, so his soulmate mark (a glistening black sword), is to be covered at all times anyway. He is thankful that his Soulmate mark is non-nation identifiable, which saves him from Ozai’s wrath if it was obviously Water Tribe or Earth Kingdom. Also sucks, because Zuko isnt even sure where to start looking (not that he would), so he just traces the mark with his fingers as bathes sometimes, wondering if his soulmate is doing the same. 
When Zuko first meets Sokka, he doesnt realize it, he just sorta is like “no point in brutally hurting this person, let me just shift him out my way”, which in my opinion is more restraint than most people get from Zuko at that time. 
Zuko doesnt even know Sokka is his Soulmate until he sees the sword after training Aang at the Western Air Temple, and it all just clicks and Zuko wants to throw himself into the Sun because Sokka has Suki and Zuko just wants him to be happy. 
So really, he was right, he will be alone. 
Meanwhile on Sokka’s side
Sokka’s family have always been very supportive of him and soulmates. Katara’s mark is something that looks like a kite (it’s Aang’s staff but they didnt know that before meeting him) and Katara is wishful for her soulmate. She spends nights dreaming up what it could possibly be or mean.
And tbh, Sokka is against the idea because he’s devoted to the idea of being a warrior, of doing what’s right by his people. And his soulmate mark of a what looks like an exploded burn (the lightning strike Zuko takes protecting Katara) doesnt convince him, because only another selfless person/warrior would understand him in his opinion and he knows those are hard to come by. He doesnt care if his soulmate identifies as a guy or girl or in between. 
Then there was Aang, Katara’s necklace wrapped around his ankle as his mark. And Suddenly, Sokka was confronted with the realization that Aang and helping him become the Avatar was apart of Katara’s fulfillment and that his little sister was growing up and Sokka could see the way Aang and Katara looked at each other. He knew they say lifetimes when they looked into each other’s eyes. 
And then Zuko chases them around the world and Sokka totally acknowledges that Zuko is mental and a dick, but he also gets why Zuko does it. In their travels they heard the story of the banished Fire Nation Prince and his impossible assignment to return home and Sokka understands. He knows what it is to have to feel like you have to prove yourself to your father (Sokka thinks he has to prove himself to Hakoda; Zuko literally has to prove himself to Ozai, per Ozai’s words), what it means to be fighting for your nation as something greater than yourself, and Sokka would never admit to Katara but he empathized with Zuko. 
Sokka wonders if it’s Suki, but Suki tells him honestly that her mark is the mark of the Kyoshi Warriors, because she’s dedicated to this, this is what fulfills her. She loves Sokka and loves romance with him, but she knows Sokka is destined for greater love. And she tells Sokka that companionship is something that he shouldnt miss out, just because he thinks its not the ways of the warrior. Wearing a dress and fighting in fans and makeup wasnt his idea of the ways of a warrior either and he learned how that turned out. 
He thinks it may be Yue, but her mark was always the moon.
And then Zuko abandons Ozai and tries to offer himself up to the Gaang. He’s turnt away, and even burns Toph’s feet before coming back again and tries sacrificing himself to stop combustion man. Sokka is at least a little bit impressed that he would continue to offer himself up to berating judgement of their group because he’s decided what’s right. Then Zuko becomes Aang’s firebending teacher and everyone gets hang out with him and Sokka likes the guy even more, although he’s weird around the sword (he blushes everytime he sees it) 
They never really talk about soulmates, and Sokka’s soulmate mark sits on his thigh, so it’s not exactly easy to see unless he’s undressed. 
Then Zuko takes the bolt for Katara and survives and suddenly Zuko has hung the Sun in Sokka’s sky, because he was so selfless, he was willing to die for Katara. He knows the shape sitting on Zuko’s chest anywhere. Zuko is his soulmate. And then Sokka realizes maybe he was late to this party and that was why Zuko was weird.
When he first sees Firelord Zuko alone afterwards, he asks Zuko how long he knew. And Zuko lets him know that it was long enough that Chit Sang, Hakoda AND Suki knew (which meant by then Toph had probably figured it out too). Basically everyone but Sokka, Katara and Aang had been privy to the information. 
Then they unpack some of that pesky childhood trauma they’d been carting around and talk about how they both thought the soulmate thing wasnt for them, but then again both of them were completely unusual and extraordinary people, so maybe they just had a more unusual extraordinary soulmate story to live out. Sokka promises Zuko a lifetime and Zuko promises Sokka everyday in between now and when the Sun goes out. They can see it in each other’s eyes. 
Sokka says that Zuko’s scars are beautiful, something Zuko has felt made him a monster all this time. Sokka is the first person to acknowledge them truly and he tells him how enthralled he is by the stories they depict of Zuko. How he was selfless and did not fear the burn of flames because it was more important to do the right thing. 
 And Zuko says Sokka would have the world in the palm of his hand with his intelligence and that spirits knew giving him bending too would basically just make him the avatar anyway. Sokka has always felt inadequate and Zuko makes him feel like he could win a hundred battles blindfolded. 
Zuko sends a search for Sokka’s sword (and recovers it) and Sokka uses it to ask Zuko to marry him.  
They get married at Sunrise, because Zuko sets the Sun in Sokka’s sky and they celebrate until Sunset/moonrise, because their union blessed by the moon herself. It casts an iridescent glow over the Fire Nation. 
It’s love. 
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projectshadovv · 3 years
Thoughts on shadamy? Or how you see the potential behind their dynamic? 🥺👉👈
gosh i havent thought that much about shadamy in awhile!! i was REALLLLY into it tho, just as much as i was into sonamy, like i honestly couldnt decide which i liked more.
(under read more cause once again i am Just Talk Talk Talk)
obviously now sonshadamy is the way
but ok well, i think i ship them more platonically firstofall (tho im not against romantically, we just haven't seen them together that many times? i would LOOOVE more interaction with them) and she'd be really good for helping him open up more about his thoughts and feelings, encourage him to be kind and thoughtful. people like to say that Sonic is a lot like Maria, and maybe they are similar!- Maria never got the chance to be adventurous or active though, and in SA2, Amy clearly reminded Shadow of Maria just as he was about to watch Earth be destroyed. She reminded and showed Shadow the actual meaning in Maria's words, what she wanted for Shadow and thats how he was able to save the world.
Amy's a really 'get into her feelings' kind of person and i can see her and Shadow having a few arguements and disagreements and lack of communication and understanding between them. It would def be really rocky at first (while Sonic on the other hand, just *understands* Shadow and leaves him be if needed, or confronts him directly and straight to the point). It would take a long time for Amy to really understand Shadow who's a closed door, and Amy's a open book and maybe that scares Shadow. He doesnt understand someone like her, who is so selfless and kind and lends a helping hand to anyone in need, and maybe he hates being on the other hand of that dynamic- he sees it as being weak, and Amy could teach him that theres bravery in kindness.
On a happier note tho, some activities i can see them enjoying together. Clearly Amy cant keep up with him in combat or speed, but she has a good endurance, and i can see her taking him out shopping or to local game arcades, or maybe help him with gardening. he grumbles and complains at the thought of being around people and doesnt like the center of attention but i think he'd think the experience is worth it
In battle, he'd be pretty annoyingly worried about Amy, she's not as strong or skilled as him and Sonic, or as elusive and cunning as Rouge- and you know, he wouldnt wanna lose someone close to him a second time, so he'd prob jump in front of Amy all the time and Amy would get soooo pissed off at him and theyd just get into a yelling match in the middle of the battlefield and everyone else is just face palming and its sooo awkward for everyone.
Finally, sonic who's known amy like his whole life, assures Shadow that shes more than capable of taking care of herself. Yes she was the damsel in distress in the past, but she's gotten stronger, not only for her friends but for herself and he's seen the improvement. it takes a lot of convincing to calm Shadow and so maybe he tries to work together more as a team with her. He's not used to that, so he'll still mess up and still try to get the most enemies defeated, but thats because he wants all the glory. it's still kinda annoying to Amy but he's trying i suppose!
Or maybe I'm giving Shadow too much credit, maybe he leaves Amy by herself TOO much, leaves her to fend for himself, refuses to work as a coordinated team. He's always worked alone, and when he doesn't its with Rouge, and its more like theyre fighting alone but together- if that makes sense. This irritates Amy cause 'arent we friends? friends look out for each other' and he'd be like, ive always been able to look out for myself' and she'll say 'yes but not all of us are Ultimate Lifeforms like you. What's all your power and strength for if not used to protect those who need you?' and once again she reminds him of Maria's promise. She's really good at humbling him and gently or harshly putting him back in his place depending on whats going on.
Amy of course finds herself stumped from time to time and goes to Rouge a lot for advice, to which Rouge is happy to help but says sometimes its best to leave things alone as she's learned to do when it comes to Shadow. Rouge is kinda relived too, now that Amy's trying to take over as some sort of caretaker for Shadow. Takes some of the stress out of the older girl's hair. Amy can't leave things alone though and just pushes and pushes Shadow until he snaps at her and lets her have it. It sucks but at least he's communicating. Again, Amys not one to back down and tells him that what he does hurts her and his friends. Shadow grumbles that he doesnt care but he doooes when it comes to Rouge and Amy, and eventually learns that to have the girls stop pestering him is to just *tell them* what hes thinking or feeling. He learns its just easier to do that than have them bothering him for days and days.
this is a lot of "amy makes shadow a better guy" so let me think of how Shadow helps Amy for once, okay so obvs i think he'd be up to sparring with her on a lower level to help her advance her skills. She becomes a much stronger fighter. Since she doesnt have the speed he or Sonic does, he teacher her to put all she has into her Piko Hammer, helps her go through rigorous training to better wield the weapon in a more convenient manner rather than just swinging her hammer around and wasting energy when it doesnt hit. He'll even rope Omega in who's more than happy to shoot a moving target. Amy will have to skillfully weave and dodge through it all, or use her hammer to block or deflect the projectiles.
I guess he'd tried to teach her to be more careful of the people she trusted, not to trust so easily and openly. But I think she'd be pretty adamant about it, after all, she trusted him pretty much as soon as she met Shadow, and when she met Omega (E 123 Gamma? sorry cant remember if theyre the same character), along with a bunch of other baddies. She's not afraid of getting hurt or being wrong or trying to be the try hard good guy, she cares more about giving second chances to those who want it. Shadow and Amy agree to disagree but its brought up when its relevant.
hopefully this is good enough?? idk the shadamy fanfics i read back in the day, Shadow was either a really emo guy in highschool or some guy in a gang or mafia, and along came amy this really preppy girl who'd bring him out of his shell and into the sunshine, until one day her life was in danger and he'd have to save her, and sonic was either the villian or some asshole jock kid who get jealous now that amy wasnt always on him, or it was shadow's dad LOL that was THE formula for shadamy fics back then.
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megatraven · 3 years
arin x fmc pacrim au just because i think they’d be drift compatible for sure vuv
maybe they used to pilot a three-person jaeger together before with mmc, but a particularly devastating battle with a kaiju left fmc with memory loss, to the point she doesnt ever remember having piloted a jaeger, and mmc was in a similar state, leaving him to go back to try finishing law school
arin kept working at it, but they had trouble finding any one else that was drift compatible with them, save for their mentor, dr. tutorea, who eventually leaves the piloting scene to focus more on researching the kaiju
eventually arin seeks fmc out again, hesitantly so as not to potentially hurt her via talk of the past she doesnt remember, and she ends up realizing theyre drift compatible. 
she thinks it’s really cool because she’s always wanted to help in the fight against the kaiju, but arin is incredibly worried for her, and tries to deny it, but they ultimately cave in and try to pilot their old jaeger- now adjusted to be a two-person one- again
when they start, though, some memories from arin rush forward and fmc is forced to witness things she’d forgotten, which triggers her own memories and flashbacks, and winds up bringing up a lot of trauma. her ptsd flairs up and the jaeger gets out of control and they’re both removed from the machine
unfortunately, when two powerful kaiju appear, arin is left with no choice but to ask her to help in piloting their jaeger again when it becomes clear the other three existing jaegers won’t be able to do it on their own
they win that battle, but shortly thereafter, they dive right back in to attempt closing the Breach alongside one of the other jaegers. towards the end of the fight, fmc convinces arin to let her manually self-destruct their jaeger, because she was the one who originally designed it and she knows it like the back of her hand
arin reluctantly agrees, and she says goodbye to them, launching their escape pod up and away. she stays behind and manages to get the jaeger to self-destruct, and just barely manages to get into her on escape pod
arin surfaces first, and starts to sob when fmc doesn’t follow, so afraid that they’ve truly lost her this time.
it’s then that she surfaces too, and they cry together, the losses of the day harsh, the victory so incredibly bittersweet. but they’re alive, and they’re together, and that’s all either of them could have hoped for in the end
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pettykarma · 4 years
Ok gonna finish this one real quick
Daini Light (Namagem) x Ashley Adderley
I found this pair, it's rare and I'm giving my reason why I ship it.
Cringe warning ahead
As you guys know, Ashley is Aki (megaman) love interest. Yet I don't feel it fit each other and felt rush. Daini (Namagem) is Aki twin or evil twin in the show, he is more anti hero material. Ashley and Namagem doesn't even know each other exist, yet I see potential ship in them, because of the dynamic they could give off. Like the dynamic emo boy x nerd girl, Ashley is portrayed as a nerd in the show and canonically is a nerd with a style in my perspective, while Daini is in fact emo boy cause of his conflict.
How I can make sense of this crack/rare ship ?
This two can meet at one point in the show. The time around the show finale or the end of the comic book. Either way this two meet offscreen when Aki isn't around
So maybe Namagem won't immediately fall in love but slow burn will make him go to a flame after he has feelings after he overcomes his trauma and issues.
Ashley doesn't want to see this stranger but they don't know when they will meet again. They will meet frequently at random places
At first meeting they will ignore each other, second meeting will be awkward, third is when they just talk a little bit due to how coincidental it is to meet more than one time for a stranger.
Daini barely know how interact with a person, good thing Ashley is the one who lead the conversation.
They chat about robotic and technology in general, once they know each view about said subject, they will think 'maybe you aren't that bad to talk with'. At some point they don't know they got comfortable with each other if they keep meeting and talk with each other.
I like to make a plot point where Daini need to help his family and Ashley got dragged into it because she care about her friends and want help them, calling the good guild doesnt help so she do this by her own.
She doesn't worry about being an armed, she know some self defense and have useful gadget like Suna but hers' is a stunt gun and shield protector, I mean at an episode she made a camera, flying drone, chemical substances, and a functional robot for science fair.
Daini as Namagem (no obsidian armor) just try to save his twin brother from total destruction while Ashley try to get Suna and Aki to save ground (Ashley thought Aki is in trouble like Suna, turns out he will be scrap metal if Namagem can't save him). So when these two meet each other again, they have teamwork (Namagem know it's Ashley but Ashley doesn't know it's Daini, she thought he was a robot master).
So these two have the same goal to save their friends it won't be hard to have a quick teamwork. After saving their friends, Namagem just leave and let Ashley handle his siblings. He legit trust her because he thinks this girl is like his sister, cunning and smart.
Of course, I want Ashley to interact with some harmless robot master. Maybe let Ashley help iceman with his autism speech literalness that almost freeze Daini when he tried to confront icey. Give a situation where Daini want to say his apology to fireman and Ashley help by trying to make sure nobody is on fire (literally). Hey what about Ashley accidentally meet Hypnowoman who try to help Daini overcome his trauma, won't be pleasant for him but at some point he needs therapy and a new home.
I want to make a fanfic, where Sgt. Night broke out of jail and start a fight with the Light family again but this time he's under someone control, at this point when Daini wants to fight Sergeant, he almost lose. But the robot master who were wronged by Sergeant came back to bite him in the face, so let say a scenario that Ashley managed to go into that battle field with a weapon.
Remember Chemistryman chemical that turn people into platinum, Ashley learn how to make that potion again from Mr. NRT himself this time (after convincing him to teach her high leveled science) she used that to her advantage.
She used that potion to Sgt. Night new powerful armor and BAMM that armor turned to stone.
I wanna put a quote. Sgt: "Who do you think you are, you're just a child" Ashley: "Yeah, and this child turn you into a statue, also what you did to everyone is just unforgettable."
Yeah she burn this jerk to the ground and let every robot master have their fun with the jerkface. Daini and Aki will be smitten by her.
Well there should be a scene where Daini want change in him, Ashley give him some advice
Daini: I will need help in this 'redeeming' myself
Ashley: you should start by getting to know your family first or be open up to them, let be close to you
Daini: What if they hate me ? What if I can't ? What if I'm just a monster ?
Ashley: I'll help you.
Daini:It will be ugly and hard
Ashley: if it's you it'll be fine
Daini: Why ?
Ashley: You always want to change from the start, from fireman, drillman, iceman, Hypnowoman, feeding and caring for the scavengers, and then convinced my parents you're a good guy.
Daini: *having internal crush to her even if he has poker face on* *God give me strength I'm in love with the greatest person alive*
That's all from my 2 cent.
I know it's cringe.
But cringe culture is dead anyway
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