#it’s like filling a bath with nice hot water and being so excited to get in but then getting called away and having to let it drain out
insanechayne · 1 year
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#late night thoughts at it again#sitting with my melancholy#not trying to feed into it necessarily but at the same time I’m starting to think that if I don’t let myself feel it and deal with it#then it just won’t ever go away#and of course it’s over something really stupid anyway but that’s just how I am I guess#my one friend and I used to be closer and things have cooled over the last couple weeks and I’m having a hard time handling it#I miss the flirting and talking about sex and calling each other baby and having that connection that we did#it was a bunch of positive attention for me and I grew accustomed to it#and he’s going through stuff right now and isn’t in the mood for all that and it’s not that I don’t completely understand that#and I’d never want to make him uncomfortable or be pushy or anything like that#just feels weird and makes me kinda sad because I miss him and us and all of that stuff#going from being one way every day for months to suddenly being nothing is really hard to handle and accept#it’s like filling a bath with nice hot water and being so excited to get in but then getting called away and having to let it drain out#it’s like that weird form of disappointment when you know you can’t change something#and I just have to wait around and hope he’ll come back to me like that one of these days#but sometimes it feels like that won’t happen#and if it doesn’t that isn’t a problem because whatever he decides/wants is fine#it’s just that I would want to know now so I can start getting him out of my head in that way#but keeping the hope around… if it goes south later on it’ll kill me#idk just a lot of dumb shit on my mind now#and he and I have a motto about our relationship#friends first#so I’m not going to let this effect our friendship#and I know we will always be good close friends and that does make me really happy#but I still have to sit with the rest of it and process it and keep myself calm about it#I guess sometimes we just have to let our demons talk for a while#personal
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bagerfluff · 4 months
Domestic Sweetness
Casper x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt - Bathing Together
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“Are you sure about this?”
Casper asked you. You turned your body around and took your hand out of the water. “Yes, though I feel like that was more a question for you”, you said. Making Casper turn his head away.
Casper was sitting on the toilet as you filled the bath tube with water. Earlier today Casper was thinking about something, something you had said about five months ago.
You said something about bathing with Casper, and even back then it peaked Casper’s interest. The thought of doing something so intimate, kinda scared Casper’s.
Casper’s never been intimate with anyone.
So the idea of being intimate with you, the first person Casper’s ever loved. It both scared Casper and excited him. So when you got home Casper asked, with a red face and stutter, if you would like to bathe with him.
So that’s how the both of you got here, in boxers, with a bathtub full of hot water. The lights were turned off, but a small night light shined from the counter. It made everything feel more intimate.
“Yes I’m sure about this”, Casper said. You smiled and stood up, “then you first”, you said. Casper looked at the bath, the curtain was pulled to the side with the faucet.
It was a simple curtain, one with leaves and flowers on it. It was all bunched up now though so it was a mix of white and black. Casper stood up and walked the short distance to the bath.
You had put in what you called a ‘bath bomb’ though it didn’t blow anything up. It just added light blue bubbles to the bath and made it smell nice.
A mix of mint, vanilla, and lavender. It calmed Casper’s nerves. Casper lifted a foot and put it into the bath, Casper shivered in the hot water.
Not too hot but just hot enough, it quickly made goosebumps appear on Casper’s skin. Casper placed his other leg in, soon both feet were hidden by the bubbles.
Casper then sat down in the bath, his whole body was already feeling hotter. Casper could feel his boxers getting wet and sticking to his skin, it felt weird but Casper ignored it.
“Alright, my turn”, you said before getting in. Casper kept his head straight, staring at the faucet as you got in. Casper soon felt your legs next to his, his legs were semi on top of yours.
Casper felt your arms wrap around his waist and pull him closer. Casper felt your chest hit his back, then your head rested on his shoulder.
Casper couldn’t think. Casper shifted at the feeling of his hair against his back. Casper let his arms relax into the water, his arms on top of his legs. Half in the water half out.
Though half of his body was out of the water, all of Casper’s body was warm. Maybe it was because of the steam, maybe it was because of what you and Casper were doing.
There was too much, too many things.
The smell of the bath bomb over took his nose, making Casper feel tired and relaxed. The feeling of the hot bath water, Casper normally takes cold showers, rarely baths and it’s even rarer that they're hot.
So the feeling of the water all around his legs and even on his stomach. The heat of the water warmed up Casper’s low body temperature, it was weird yet nice.
Like a fluffy blanket and hot chocolate in winter. Casper felt himself relax, he leaned back into your chest. Casper felt his muscles relax, normally so stiff and achy, now relaxed and almost numb.
Casper felt the ends of his hair dip into the water. Casper watched as one of your hands let go of his waist. You cupped some water in your hand, it was full of bubbles.
You tipped it over Casper’s chest, causing water to stream down Casper’s chest and for bubbles to collect in the middle. Casper shivered at the feeling.
You kept doing it, slowly like you were washing Casper. Casper didn’t say out could, but he didn’t say you couldn’t. Casper had asked if you two could bathe together, not bathe each other.
But the more Casper thought about it. Having someone else bathe you after a long day. Letting yourself relax, trusting them enough to not hurt you when you're so vulnerable.
It made Casper giddy, which is something never thought he would think. “You like it”, you asked. Voice ghosting Casper’s ear, making him shiver again. “Yeah”, Casper said breathlessly.
The feeling of the water, the bubbles, you. Casper liked it all. Casper leaned up fully, staring at a bottle of shampoo that was on a shelf. You followed Casper’s gaze and smiled, reaching for the bottle.
You squirted some into your hands and held Casper’s hair with the other. “Can I?” You asked, and Casper nodded. You smiled and started to rub the shampoo into Casper’s hair.
Casper closed his eyes, it felt nice.
Casper liked his long hair, but it was sometimes a hassle to take care of it. Casper felt your fingers run through his hair so carefully, like you were handling gold.
Then your hand got to Casper’s head, you scratched Casper scalp, working in the shampoo. Casper leaned his head back, this was all so weird.
Casper was new to this dating thing. He’s never been this vulnerable with someone before, Casper kinda liked it. It was nice to relax, take a break and let someone else take care of you.
Casper never had a break, never had someone to take care of him, never, no one. Yet here you were, taking care of Casper like he was gold.
Casper didn’t know if he liked or hated the feeling this was causing in his chest. Casper was caught off guard by you pushing his head forward. “Close your eyes”, you said and Casper followed.
You poured water over Casper's head, rinsing out the shampoo from his hair. You did this with a cup multiple times when all of the shampoo was out.
You repeated this, running conditioner through Casper hair, scratching his scalp, rinsing it out. Once that was done Casper leaned back down, head right in the middle of your chest.
Casper felt nice. He felt tired and ready to go to bed, but he felt nice. “You like this?” You asked again and this time Casper tilted his head up to look at you.
You had a smile on your face that Casper loved. You looked so content. Casper thought he wouldn’t like this, he thought it would feel too weird and it did.
But it was nice too. Casper smiled, ‘I-I did”, Casper said. “Though it is a little weird feeling”, Casper said. He still wasn’t used to domestic stuff like this, though he was getting there.
You were a big help too. Always there to help Casper though his feelings, helping him determine if he liked it or not. “Do you want to do this again?”
You asked and Casper thought about it. “Yes, but only with you”, Casper said. You smiled and leaned down to kiss Casper. Your lips danced with Casper’s, heads tilting until the angle was perfect.
You pulled away, “me too. I’m the only one you can do this with”, you said. Casper rolled his eyes, “I can do whatever I want, but yes”, Casper leaned up to peck you.
“Only with you”, Casper said, and that explained Casper feelings about domestic actions with three words. It could also be explained with one word.
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paddockbunny · 1 year
List B + [Necklace]+ Fernando Alonso
“I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck not because he owns me but cuz he really knows me, which is more than they can say”
The Present
Summary : You thought you would have to spend your special day alone. So when your boyfriend surprises you more than once, you have to show him how much it means to you. Rating : 18+ Pairing : Fernando Alonso x Reader Word Count : 2,221 ONE SHOT Trigger Warnings : 18+, NSFW, adult language, PinV sex, unprotected sex, implied age gap but not explicitly stated Images : curated from Pintrest
List : List B. Prompt : Necklace - sender fastens a necklace around receiver’s neck, leaning in close to do so.
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You had spent the whole day out doing things to avoid the fact you were spending your birthday alone. Fernando’s flight had been cancelled so he hadn’t been able to get home this morning like the pair of you expected. The next flight home hadn’t been until this afternoon either which meant he wouldn’t be home for another 12 hours yet.
You poured yourself a glass of your favourite wine and decided to go run a bath. If you were going to be home alone on what was supposed to be your special day, then you were at least going to have a nice relaxing time doing things you loved. After turning on the faucet, sprinkling in some soothing bath salts and lavender scented bubble bath you let the water run so the temperature of the water was nice at hot. While the roll top bath (the very one Fernando had actually installed for you on your last birthday as a surprise) began to slowly fill you went back through to fetch a fresh silk chemise from the drawer in the bedroom. You never wore anything to bed, not usually. There wasn’t much point when sleeping beside Fernando. Other than the fact the pair of you had sex like teenagers, he tended to run hot so cuddling into him was like holding on to a furnace. Tonight however, as you were solo, you decided to fling something on to feel a little special.
While rubbing your coconut scented body lotion into your calves you phone pinged on the marble counter top. The screen illuminated with Fernando’s name and you grabbed it quickly.
Good news, should arrive home earlier than planned. I’m sorry it’s still a day late corazón x
Ok, mi amor. Just hurry home x
I promise I will make it up to you x
Just being here will be enough x
You ached to feel Fernando’s arms around you. You longed to feel his hands on your skin or running through your hair. You desperately yearned to have him here kissing you because nobody kissed as good as Fernando did.
Grabbing your phone and your nearly empty glass of wine you padded from the bathroom, through the bedroom and out down the stairs to go refill your glass. You had the whole evening to kill and no idea on how to do it. But wine was a very good start at least. You turned down the corridor and toward the kitchen but something caught your eye. Fernando’s car was sitting in the driveway.“Surprise!”
A scream loud enough to wake the dead left your body but the sudden shock and alarm was immediately replaced by utter excitement and sheer happiness. “Corazón….” Fernando’s arms went around you tightly as you practically leapt into them. “How did you get here?” You asked when it dawned on you that he had to have already landed at the airport when he was texting you after you got out of the bath. He knew all along he was going to come surprise you. “Max.” Of course. The champion has a jet. It was very kind of him to offer the boyfriend you were tightly holding on to a lift home so he could make it home in time. Which, as he pulled back and gently caressed your cheek he wished you a happy birthday before placing his lips to yours tenderly. Fuelled by genuine shock, pure happiness and a little bit of lust your hands pushed through his hair and hungrily leaned into the kiss. Fernando took your hint and you felt his grip on your sides tighten. You groaned straight into his mouth when his tongue danced along yours. “Wait…wait…” Fernando stopped you, halted your actions when your hand travelled down toward his jeans. “Don’t you want your present?” “That IS my present.” You glanced down to where you were heading before he stopped you. The action o only made him laugh as his hands left your body and he turned to go to his bag. Watching him you wondered what he could have possibly brought you back from a race weekend. The thought of some silly little gift from the airport passed through your brain before wondering if it was going to be more of a gaffe gift and he was going to give you some Aston Martin merch. But your eyes couldn’t help but widen when you saw the distinct shape of a jewellery box.
Fernando turned and apologised for having not wrapped your gift but as he held it out for you to take you couldn’t care less if it were covered in some pointless paper. You took the black velvet from his hands and into your own as is eyes remained on yours. His smile broadened and he encouraged you to open the lid to your gift. Excitement buzzed throughout your body but you controlled it long enough to slowly push up the lid on the square box. And you had to try even harder to control it once you finally saw exactly what was inside.
“Fer” The diamonds shone bright in the darkness of the room. A single row of stunning multi cut diamonds set in silver. It was the most exquisite thing you had ever seen and nowhere near what he should have been spending on you but he loved spoiling you. Words failed to come to your head. You couldn’t think of a single way to say thank-you for a gift that took your breath away even though you tried. Your fingers ghosted across the ice like gems.
“Let me put it on you.” He took the box, lifted the line of diamonds from its home and motioned for you to turn around so he could place them upon your neck. You did as Fernando wished. You turned, lifting your hair out of the way for him as you did so. The precious stones delicately slid across your skin as they were placed upon your neck. Fernando’s hot breath caressed the sensitive flesh behind your ear as he clipped the clasp in place. Your throat tightened as a lump formed in it. You felt rather emotional knowing such a work of art now belonged to you. Then you felt Fernando’s lips press against your bare shoulder and you realised how you could thank him.
You turned, hands going back to his shoulders, as you looked into his eyes. God, how you loved Fernando’s eyes. They were the colour of freshly brewed coffee and the way the soft glowing light hit them they practically shone. Eyes locked together, you stepped backward away from him. One step, two, three, enough so that he could see all of you as you pulled down the straps of your chemise. It met no resistance as it fell straight down to the floor and pooled at your feet. Fernando broke eye contact to slowly cast his gaze upon your naked body before him. “Make love to me in them, Fer”
Fernando didn’t need to be told twice. Within seconds of your request he had you in his arms and his mouth upon yours. His kiss was feverish and hungry. Triple headers were tough on your man but they were equally as tough on you. You craved him and you knew how badly he craved you. The second Fernando tugged on your hair and your body crumpled against him you felt just how badly he needed you. So it was no surprise when his hands trailed down your sides, down your butt and to your thighs. He lifted you up, clean off the floor, and pulled both your legs around his waist in a display of pure strength. What was even more impressive was how he effortlessly carried you upstairs to your bedroom without even breaking the feverish kiss the pair of you were locked in.
When you were finally there, Fernando let go of you and dumped you straight on to the bed behind you, just like he had done so many times before. The small delighted squeal that left your lips only served to encourage him. He pulled off his dark green team polo and chucked it away from himself. His tanned skin looked like caramel and you so desperately wanted a taste. You sat up and reached your hands out to help him remove the dark trousers but he playfully swatted your hands away. “You never let me remove yours” He mockingly scoffed but you knew he was only trying to be mischievous. Fernando rid himself of the remainder of his clothing promptly. There wasn’t any time for patience. Not now. Not when you were naked before him and growing increasingly more and more hungry by the second. You laid back and pulled your legs up slightly and let them fall apart. You knew how much Fernando loved seeing how wet you got for him. He loved seeing your slick wet folds awaiting him. And he was cocky about the fact he did’t even need to touch you, you were always so wet for him. He made a guttural moan when he saw you eagerly awaiting him. And you practically mimicked it right back when he was finally free and you saw how hard he was for you.
Fernando’s hands made their way up your legs as he crawled on top of your body. His lips colliding with different parts of your skin as he went. He kissed your hip softly, ghosted his tongue up your stomach, enveloped the soft peak of your nipple in his mouth as you arched your back in delight. “These diamonds are beautiful. But not as beautiful as you.” He tells you lazily as he settles between your thighs. You didn’t have time to answer him. He ran himself up and down your folds before he finally gave you what you wanted most, himself.
Fernando buried himself inside you. Every beautiful thrust was more powerful than the last and you never failed to adore the delicious fullness you felt while he fucked you. But tonight he wasn’t fucking you. No tonight he was taking his time. Every roll of his hips was deliberate. He made sure to make you feel his love and how much he adored you. Your fingers wound through his dark hair and you brought his full lips to yours. Moaning straight into them as he angled himself just right. Hitting the sweet spot inside you repeatedly. His name fell from your lips as your own collided as it flowed from him.
You were close to the edge. Dangerously close to tipping straight into the land of pure pleasure. Fernando always took you there. He knew every single sign that you were ready for the high and used it to his advantage. He spoke words into your ear; “I love you”, “let go for me”, “I can feel how close you are”
And he wasn’t wrong. Only moments later Fernando took you there. You felt like you were flying you were that euphoric. The orgasm was deep, powerful. It was almost as if your body was exploding for him. Fernando kept his pace up as you tightened and pulsed around him. His body practically begged yours to release him. His breathy, low, mumbled moans gave away how close he was himself. You clutched on to his strong muscular shoulders as finally, you felt him come undone inside of you.
You stayed connected, entwined even after he pulled out and rolled off to the bed beside you. His hand splayed over your stomach first before working up to rest on your chest. Watching him you realised he was staring at the gift he had given you. The one that led you here, to bed, in a orgasmic basked high
“What are you thinking?” You asked plainly before smoothing out his hair. God you loved his hair. It was so full and soft. It felt like silk under your fingertips. But you loved how little strands had begun to lighten, turn grey. It always reminded you of how safe you felt with him. He was a man, a real man, who loved nothing more than taking care of you. You were nearly lost in the thought of how much you loved being in love with Fernando when he finally admitted what was on his mind. “What you will let me do to you if I buy you the matching earrings.” His words made you laugh. They couldn’t not. The juxtaposition between you lying half in his arms thinking about how much you were in love with him and him hungry for more, still thinking about sex with you, pretty much summed the pair of you up. It was why you worked.
“Well, I haven’t thanked you yet for managing to get home today and surprising me.” You ran your fingertip along the diamonds that sat upon your neck so delicately before pushing him backward so he was flat on the mattress. He laughed smugly as his hands ran up and down your thighs after you straddled him. He had made love to you. But now, you were going to fuck him, exactly how he liked.
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jinkicake · 2 years
Washing His Hair
Diluc, Kaeya, Tighnari, Xiao x Reader
A/N: I was tots excited to write this bc i wanted fluff,, happy belated birthday to tighnari (whats your name b.o.b so they calling you bob) yay bath time!
WC - 2k~
Diluc R.
Diluc is exhausted, it may not show because of his extreme dedication to maintaining a pleasant facade but, you know better. 
It’s why you wordlessly drag him to the bathroom in the early afternoon, forcing him to sit on the rim of the bathtub as you bend down to place the stopper in it. He silently watches you as you begin to fill the tub with water and sprinkle in a few aromatic flower petals. 
The way you treat him with such kindness baffles him. 
You kiss the corner of his eyes while removing his jacket, you cup his chin softly while easily pulling the ribbon out from his hair. There is a gentle side to your touch as you remove his gloves and kiss each of his rugged knuckles like they haven’t ended countless lives before. 
The man doesn’t understand how any of the archons could have blessed him with such a miracle. Your kindness shines through each of your actions and, for the briefest moment, it physically hurts Diluc. How could he ever measure up to someone who is worthy of your love and affection?
“Come on, get in the tub,” You gently pat the tops of his bare thighs and the action snaps Diluc from his internal demise. He blinks at you before doing as you ask, he lets you direct his body exactly as you want in the small porcelain space. “relax, Diluc.” 
With his hands resting on the rim of the bathtub, chest fully on display and out of the water, you reach over to grab his hand. You offer him a gentle smile before squeezing his hand in your own. 
Diluc can’t meet your own eyes as internal shame begins to creep up his throat, suffocating him. 
He doesn’t see the way your face drops or how you roll your eyes before grabbing one of the nice shampoos from Liyue off the counter (one he got especially for you). You place the container in his hand before grabbing a small bucket from the shower to wet his hair. 
Diluc continues to remain silent as you begin to work through his thick fiery locks. 
“Remember this?” The shampoo becomes his main focus as you grab it, holding it up before placing some of the substance in your hands. “You got it for me because the seller said it works great with thick hair,” 
Must you remember that? Diluc all but turns red as embarrassment flushes his cheeks, he doesn’t need a reminder of how rotten he spoils you. 
“We both have thick hair so we can share it, okay?” You place a kiss against his temple before bringing your hands up to his scalp, the immediate pleasure that your fingertips bring makes Diluc grip the edge of the tub. “You’re always so kind to me, but sometimes I want to spoil you.” 
At this, Diluc finally meets your eyes and uncertainty swims in his bright iris.
Any fear in his heart is squashed by the love pooling in your own eyes. 
“Won’t you let me?"
Kaeya A.
In such a blissful state, being surrounded by hot water, Kaeya can only let out a hum of contentment at your lovely voice. 
“Stop staring already.” 
He has to tear his eyes away from your soft body, beautifully crafted by each of the archons, to meet your hard glare. The frown on your lips and stubborn furrow of your brows makes his heart skip a beat. There is nothing more that the cavalry captain loves than sharing a bath with you. 
Even when you try to waterboard him by pouring a bucket of water over his head. 
“Angel-” Kaeya sighs before moving his large body, too big for the tub, so that he can rest against your chest instead of staring at it. His fruitful efforts are followed by a splash as water escapes the edges of the tub and falls onto the marble floor. 
“You’re cleaning that up,” You scold as your husband closes his eyes once again, resting his head against your shoulder. He has to bite the inside of his cheek to hide the shiver of pleasure that runs down his spine as your hands run over his shoulders. Your touch is gentle and delicate, lighting dancing across his smooth skin before dipping towards the front of his body. You tease him by sneakily running your fingertips along his chest, tracing random patterns solely to get a rise out of him. 
Just when Kaeya opens his mouth to say something, to insinuate that you should further lowering your hands, you instead reach for his head. He doesn’t open his eyes but he hears the light pop of a bottle and the puff of air that comes from it as you squeeze the container. There’s a wet noise that comes with the way you rub your hands together, causing the shampoo to soap up before you bring your hands to his scalp. 
Kaeya nearly moans at the feeling of your fingertips massaging the top of his head, he falls limp into your hold and completely relaxes into your touch. 
“My star, I adore you,” He groans as your talented fingers continue to knead circles against the root of his hair. The delightful feeling of your lips against his ear graces him and nearly causes Kaeya to gasp.
“Mhm, I know,” The soft kiss you leave against his jaw makes his heart clench painfully, it’s as if the worship he dedicates to you is finally starting to show. If you understand this mere fraction of love he has for you then Kaeya will continue working to make sure you see it all in its glory. 
Warm water runs over his face as you cup your hands and rinse the shampoo out of his hair. The suds fall all around him and Kaeya continues to keep his eyes closed until you finish. You reach for another bottle now and choose to condition the ends of his hair, forcing him to sit up in the tub after placing a kiss on the back of his neck. The man internally sighs. 
Being pampered by you is something Kaeya will never take for granted. 
Whenever Tighnari has to suffer the bitter fate of being separated from you, he promises his return with a gift. He likes to pick flowers that are native to the area he is exploring, flowers that match your beauty and ones that you will be sure to like. Oftentimes, he brings back pieces of nature with him but this time he decided to repurpose what he found for you. 
Locals told him of the secrets that salt possesses, if combined with the right ingredients it could be turned into a substance used while soaking. 
Tighnari knew you would love to try it. 
He placed the pebbles in a wooden box and locked it for safekeeping until giving it to you. And just like he predicted, your face lit up upon sight of it. 
“Oh, what is it?” The sweet aromatic scent grew heavier as you toyed with the tiny rocks against your fingers. 
“Salt, it’s for the bath,” Tighnari can only watch as you immediately get up and head for your bathroom. Seconds after, he hears the sound of the faucet and the sweet call of his name.
“Come on, let’s take a bath together!” It doesn’t surprise the forest ranger to see your pants discarded on the floor, all that you’re left in is one of his shirts as you impatiently wait for the tub to fill up.
“Put a little bit of the salt in there,” Tighnari reaches around you to pick up a few of the pebbles and scatter them into the water. Not a second goes by before you mimic him and do the same. His large hand guides your own to sprinkle in more until he grabs the box and closes it. Tighnari places it on your counter before removing a few layers of his own clothing. 
“I’m getting in now.” You don’t wait for him or for the water to finish rising before you get into the bathtub. The liquid sits just below your chest and you cup some of it with sincere fascination as you bring it up to your face. “It smells so good, Tighnari!”
He’s quick to join you and sits on the opposite end of the small space, making sure that you’re both facing each other. 
“You brought more of the oils too, right?” At the chance of seeing such a hopeful look on your face, how could Tighnari not? “Thank you!” His nod causes you to squeal and at the sight of the tiny bottles, you lean forward to kiss the tip of his nose. It’s a sweet action that causes his ears to relax downward, folding over at the shower of your praise. 
Tighnari only hopes his tail doesn’t create too much tension against the water as it thumps against your tub. The new feeling of your hands in his hair always makes the ranger happier than anything. He lives for your delicate touch, how your fingers comb through his hair and avoid his sensitive ears perfectly. 
Although he’ll never say it, he adores having you wash his hair. 
“I can wash my own hair,” Xiao softly grumbles but, makes no effort to swat your hands away. He doesn’t move a single inch and continues to sit perfectly still while you continue to gently tug at his hair. 
Sometime during his travels, Xiao came across a vacant hot spring and it quickly became one of his favorite spots in Liyue. Not because he enjoys the relaxation but for the sole reason of how your face lights up every time you step in the bath. 
The chilly outside air pairs perfectly with the hot water and you make a point to sit on the stone outside of the tub to get the best of both features. 
From where he rests in the water with his arms crossed over his chest, Xiao moves each time you tilt him back to rinse the shampoo from his hair. 
“I think I’ll shampoo you twice today,” Your quiet hum makes Xiao slowly open one of his eyes as he turns to look at you. His subtle side-eye makes you laugh. “your hair is thick and I want to make sure it’s all clean.” 
All it takes is a simple peck against his cheek to get Xiao to tilt his head back and give you full reigns to his scalp. Right now, it would be a waste for the adeptus to not look at the open night sky. His dim eyes look over the stars, connecting each one while your presence calms the ongoing torture within his soul. When you’re near, not even the most powerful presence of his karmic debt could bother him. 
“Tilt,” You place your fingers under his jaw to lean his head back and rinse his hair once again. Xiao waits patiently to finish before he stands up from the hot spring and sits beside you on the stone. “wait, I’m not done yet.”
“You’re not?” Xiao watches curiously as you grab another bottle from your bag, like before, you place the substance in your hands before distributing the product along your fingers. You reach up and lather the ends of Xiao’s hair, focusing on the two long strands framing his face. After, you grab a comb. 
The assortment of toiletries you brought tonight makes Xiao want to laugh. 
“I have to condition your hair,” Your voice is soft as you concentrate on combing his hair and once you’re happy with the results, you rinse off your hands and slide back into the hot water. “now we wait.” There’s a content look on your face as you place your head in his lap and stare up at the night sky. 
Well, you would be looking at the starry sky if not for the adeptus looking over you. 
“Wait for what?” Xiao stares intently down at you as some of his conditioner falls in droplets against your face. You immediately reach up and push his head away so that he sits up straight. 
“We have to wait for the conditioner to condition before I can rinse it out.”
Xiao just softly sighs, he couldn’t understand you even if he wanted to.
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yelenabemylova · 1 year
bathtime- maria hill x reader
summary: a really fluffy post mission bath with your girlfriend
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“Honey, I’m home!” Maria chuckled to herself as she heard your groan of disapproval at her use of the cliche. “As glad as I am to see you, I think they only say that in movies,” you leaned up on your tiptoes to kiss her, her arms snaking around your waist to pull you closer. “I missed you, dear,” she breathed in your comforting scent. “I missed you too, Ria,” you sighed.
Missions were tough for you both, the time apart always caused you to suffer from extreme separation anxiety and Maria often felt helpless. You always assured her that it wasn’t her fault but she always went over and above to leave little notes around the house for you and she prerecorded many videos and voice notes for you so you wouldn’t feel as alone.
Thankfully, she was back exactly when she said she would be, so dinner had been made and was plated up, ready for her. After she ate, she insisted on doing the dishes, giving you time to surprise her with a nice, soothing bath.
Looking through your shared closet, you found her fluffy pyjamas and laid them out neatly on the bed, bringing a towel into the bathroom and placing it on the heated rack. You turned on the hot tap, allowing the water to heat up a bit before putting the plug in the drain and letting the tub fill up. Rummaging through the bathroom cupboards, you found a few bath bombs that you laid on the shelf next to the tub and then you poured some bubble bath into the water as it continued to flow, allowing it to form a layer of foam.
Unbeknownst to you, Maria was leaning against the doorframe, watching you with adoration as you shuffled around the room. Carefully, you lit a few candles and placed them in various spots, fetching rubber ducks dressed as different Avengers as well.
You ran out the door in search of Maria, but instead you crashed right into your girlfriend, a small “oof,” eliciting from deep inside her. “Ouch,” you pouted up at her. “I’m sorry, honey,” she gently kissed your forehead. “Come with me,” you all but dragged her into the bathroom to show her your surprise.
“Oh, darling,” she hugged you tightly, “I love you so much.” She quickly undressed and hopped into the bath, grinning up at you. “Do you need anything else?” you asked her, taking her hand and she reached it out to you.
“Just you,” she smirked, pulling you into the water with her. “Maria Christina Hill,” you scolded her, your clothes now soaking wet. “Oh no, darling. What a shame, I guess you’ll have to join me now,” she lifted you out, helping to rid you of your dripping garments before getting back in the tub, letting you settle in front of her, her arms tightening around you.
“I love you, silly,” she whispered into your hair. You threw the little SHIELD agent rubber duck at her, “ I love you too, idiot.” She picked up a bath bomb, placed it in the water and watched as it fizzed in front of you. Glancing at your face, her heart burst from seeing how cute she found your excitement. She nuzzled her face into you, her hand rubbing up and down your arm subconsciously, lulling you into a light slumber.
After about half an hour, Maria picked you up and carried you over to the towel rack, wrapping it around you gently to which you protested. “Ria, no. I got this towel for you,” you shrugged it off your shoulders. She caught it with ease, placing it back over you, “shh, darling. Go back to sleep.”
Carefully, she helped you get into your matching set of pyjamas. They were your favourite due to them being extremely soft and fluffy. Picking you up like you were a koala, she brought you into the kitchen, pouring a glass of milk for herself. Sleepily, you reached out for it so she put some into a bottle for you so you could drink it in bed.
She lay you down on the mattress gently, handing you your bottle of milk before crawling in next to you, pulling the blankets over you both and holding you close. You rested your head on her chest, “can hear your heart beating, Ria,” you slurred drowsily. “Oh yeah? Did you know it beats just for you, princess?” she played with your hair, awaiting your response.
It took her a few seconds to realise you had fallen asleep on her, making her smile to herself. Strategically, she removed your milk from your hands and quickly replaced it with your stuffed animals. Thankfully, you didn’t seem to wake up, only stirred slightly, snuggling into Maria further, gripping a fistful of her shirt in your sleep. Her heart began to race, she only prayed you couldn’t hear it now.
Gently, she placed a kiss to the top of your head, allowing herself to relax completely, dozing off with all she could ever need in the world safe in her arms.
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scarfacemarston · 3 months
Hi! I saw your requests were open and wanted to put one in!
Can I get a FATWS era Bucky x Gender Neutral/Nonbinary Reader where they're in the bath? Nothing smutty just Bucky, in the tub, getting his hair and body washed by the person he loves, who's giving him little kisses as they clean him up. Then maybe once he's all cleaned up maybe they go lay down in bed and cuddle, with Reader playing with his hair until Bucky falls asleep?
Thank you! 💜
I hope you like it!
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You knew the moment you saw Bucky lumber into the threshold, locking the door behind him that it had been a doozy of a day. It was now 8:00 pm.  You knew better than to ask what happened. It was often Avenger's business that the two of you agreed shouldn't be discussed. It made you worry and wonder, but sometimes, knowing was worse. You knew he struggled enough without you smothering him, but he knew you loved him, and that's what mattered.
Bucky's shoulders slumped as he dropped his bag half haphazardly on the floor before plopping down on the couch with a sigh. You shook your head as you eyed the bruises forming on his cheek and neck, and you knew there were plenty more that you couldn't see. 
You slowly approached him, running a light hand through his hair, and kissing his forehead. He turned to you with a tired smile as he pressed your lips to yours. You pulled away, gently pressing a hand to his chest.
"Come on, let's get you a bath. You'll feel much better. We can get your favorite takeout tonight," you promised as you led him into the bathroom, Bucky reluctantly following. 
You turned the taps on to a steaming hot temperature—hotter than you liked, but something Bucky adored. You chalk that up to him being in Cyro for so long and craving that warmth. You poured some Epsom salts and lavender oil into the bath. 
Bucky couldn't help but grin. Some insecure people might have called it feminine, but what did either of you care? It smelled and felt great, and that's what mattered. You appreciated Bucky's shift to a more gender-neutral mindset, as he also supported your identity as a gender-neutral person. It was something that surprised you from the over 100-year-old man.
"Clothes off, sweetheart. I'll look away" you promised as you heard the drop of his shoes, the clink of his belt, and the rustle of clothing drop to the ground. Usually, the sight and the sounds of his undressing filled you with excitement, but it wasn't about you. Not now. It was all him.
You heard Bucky sigh as he sank into the water. You turned to see he had closed his eyes. You shook your head fondly, opening the shampoo bottle. "I'm going to wash your hair now." You explained. He rolled his eyes.
"I'm more than capable, darlin'."
"I know, but sometimes, having someone else take care of it for you is nice. " You countered.
He quit his grumblings as soon as your fingers began to work their magic, causing him to sink lower into the water with a moan. You leaned over and kissed his temple, causing him to crinkle his nose. 
Bucky opened an eye, cupping your cheek, leaning to press another kiss upon your lips…and another, this time deeper. You had to stop yourself from slipping into the water as he deepened it, a low rumble coming from his chest. You pulled away with a laugh.
"No, not right now. I gotta rinse your hair out!" you said, gently slapping his human arm. Bucky pouted as you took a washcloth, wetting it into the water and squirting his body wash onto the rag. 
You inhaled, taking in his scent—woodsy with an almost mint note—something uniquely him.
You began with his neck, allowing the hot water to run down, before moving to his arms, careful of his scarred shoulder. You peppered small kisses along his neck and leaving a few for his shouler.
You grinned as you reached his toned chest, soapy hands using the cloth to massage the muscle. You looked over to see Bucky grinning at you cheekily.
"Like what you see, gorgeous?" he said with a wink.
"More than you know, " you muttered as you kissed him tenderly. The cloth reached his stomach, and Bucky's breath hitched.
He gave you a pleading look as your hands reached further.
"Maybe later, handsome." You grinned as you ghosted your hands over his thighs.
"Well that's just cruel!" He said with a groan. You knew if you teased him any further where this would lead. The two of you would have your fun…..after he ate and rested.
You cupped the water into your hands, rinsing Bucky off. 
"What service". He muttered. 
You were pleasantly surprised to see him in a lighter mood than you thought he would be in. A bath really could do wonders. 
You gave his cheek a kiss, standing up.
"I'll order our food now. You just relax," you said, running a hand through his hair.
He grabbed your hand before you could leave.
"Thank you, y/n. I mean it. You always know just what I need." he said tenderly, kissing your knuckles. You blushed. You were always the most flustered when he was sincere. 
"You're more than welcome." You said with a grin as you turned to leave, you last heard Bucky's pleased sigh as he sank into the water again.
The two of you ate in relative silence, for most it would be uncomfortable, but you appreciated that you could just bask in each other’s company in the relationship. Bucky was not a talkative person so it was a relief when he realized you were comfortable with the quiet. It put so much less pressure on him. Bucky grumbled as he yawned once again. “It’s only 9 pm”. He said, annoyed under his breath. “And how many days have you gone without sleep this time?” You countered. “I’ve been sleeping! A bit. Six hours.” He countered back. “ I know for a fact that’s not a night.” you said, shaking your head. “Fine, it was for the whole trip, but it was only three days this time!” he defended. “Let’s go, bedtime for the old man.” you said clearing the plates away, placing them in the sink. You heard him grumble as he went into your shared bedroom. He had already pulled back the covers when you entered. You smiled softly as you grabbed your pajamas, entering the bathroom for your nighttime routine. Bucky was already half asleep when you entered the bed. Almost immediately, his arms wrapped around your middle as he placed his head on your shoulder. You began to stroke your fingers through his soft, now dry hair. Bucky sighed happily as you carded your fingers through his locks. Normally, he hated people messing with his hair, but with you? He’d make exceptions. “Love you, Y/N” he muttered sleepily. You squeezed him tightly. “I love you, too, Bucky.” you whispered. With that, Bucky slipped into a well-deserved, blessedly nightmare-free rest.
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vase-of-lilies · 1 year
Bubbles Baths and Babbles
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❀ Mommy!Natasha x Little!Reader (F)
❀ Age Regression, sick reader, flu like symptoms (lol not covid), puke (sorry), fluff and more fluff ^-^ 
❀ Request: Little!reader becomes really sick and regresses to a baby headspace and needs mommy!nat to take care of her. Little!reader is very whiny and babbles to communicate with Nat :)
❀ A/N: This was requested by a sweet anon when my blog didn't shit itself a while ago. I hadn't backed it up to my AO3 account yet so it unfortunately got deleted along with the rest of my stories that didn't get saved:( I hope that it was ok that I changed a couple things, and I hope this turned out ok! Thank you for understanding!! <3
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Nats ears perked as she heard a soft sneeze come from the nursery. Nat had just gotten back from a mission, only to come home to find her baby sick and needing her mommy. She set her book down and entered your room, sighing as she sees you on your bed covered in a mountain of blankets. Sitting beside you, a pile of used tissues as well. Knowing what to do, her mommy instincts take over immediately.
"Oh my little spider, are you not feeling very good?" You shake your head with a small whimper to accompany it. With a small frown on her lips, she rubs your back as she helps you grab the bowl beside your bed. "It's ok my маленький паук (Little spider), let it all out, then we can get you in a nice warm bath, ok?"
Nodding weakly you continue to let out the remains of your small breakfast, whimpering when you finish. "Here, love drink some water." Nat puts a fresh glass of water to your lips, and you graciously take a few gulps, sighing as you lean against her.
"Oh baby, I know. Im so sorry that I wasn't here when you started feeling icky. Did Aunty Wanda take good care of you while I was gone?" With a small smile, you nod at the thought of your "aunt" coming over to help you with some soup and getting you to bed for your nap.
"Alllll-righty, let's get you in that bath, how does that sound?" All you let out are a few whines here and there, making Nat fall for you all over again. As she picks you up, you cling to her like a sloth to her mother, making her smile and hold you even tighter.
"Mama, baba? Pees?" It took her a minute to process what you had said, but she knows 'baba' when she hears it. "Do you want your bottle, little one? Aw, my baby wants some milk? Alright, let's get you nice and warm in the tub first, ok?" You nod and happily watch your mommy as she fills the tub with warm water. Nat made sure to pour your favorite [add scent here] scented bubble bath to the running water, absolutely loving your reaction to all of the bubbles floating around.
You nod in excitement at her next sentence; "I know you love the bubbles, рыбочка (little fish)."
Once the bath was filled to a good hight, she gently got you undressed and sat you in the warm water. "How does that feel, little one? Nice and warm? Not too hot?" She asks, but you don't listen as your baby brain takes over. She chuckles and ruffles your hair, smiling as your giggles fill the bathroom.
Nat watches you from the small kitchen, just in eye line of the tub as she makes your bottle. The sight of you playing with the bubbles and your toy duck made Nat melt. She took a sweet picture with the bubbles around your body and saved it to her "little spider" album on her phone. Quickly coming back to you, she smiles as your face lights up when she comes into the bathroom. "Mama! Mama! Duggy, duggy!" You hold up your duck with a bright smile and Nat gently boops your nose.
"Yes, ducky! Your very cute ducky." She says, starting to undress as well. Sitting in the bath with you has been a joy to Nat ever since you first started becoming comfortable in your little space around her. She loves how you lay on her chest and lift the bubbles along her skin. She absolutely loves being with you and so close to you.
She reaches for your warm bottle on the soft rug by the tub and gently moves your hair from your face as you lay on her chest. "Here you go baby, open up." You open your mouth willingly, happily sucking on the nipple of the bottle in Nats hands. "There you go дорогая (Sweetheart). Mama's got you." She whispers, her nails tickling your back softly as you doze off on her chest.
A small cough escaped your mouth every few minutes, but the steam from the bathroom has helped with your congestion. "You'll be just fine, my love, I'll take good care of you."
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romanestuffsposts · 1 year
Hey loves! I would love if you could possibly write a dinner and bath time one? Like a nice Night in
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you for the request! I'm sorry I didn't write it before, I have a lots of request. Thank you for being patient toward me! ❤️
I really hope you like how I turned your request!
Enjoy <3
Warnings : tired little reader, comfort, cuddles, snuggles, kisses, pet names,
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : you so lucky to have them both just for you. They spend their time taking care of you <3
"Open wide, little one"
You open your mouth and watch your Daddy bringing the food toward your mouth. You close your lips on the spoon and close your eyes at the delicious taste of your soup.
"Is it good, princess ?" your Papa asks, eating the soup across the table. You nod your head as you swallow "eally goot, Papa" you say and he smiles "thank you, sweetie"
Your Papa loves making soup. He tried different soups and he does it himself. You always waited for him to finish so you could try it, you waited beside him while he cooks and sometimes he even lets you help him.
You don't know what he did it with this time but it's your favorite!
"You had a good day today, sweetness ?" your Papa asks and you nod, today was your day off and while your Daddies had to work, you had the chance to sleep this morning. You didn't really did anything, you just went at the mall a little because you wanted to buy a dress for your birthday but beside that, you were at home, in your pyjama
"I found a dress" you say after swallowing "she blue" you say looking at your Papa with a smile. His face break into a smile when he hears that. You turn toward your Daddy now "and my shoes are grey"
He smiles and kisses your little nose "i'm sure you're the most beautiful girl who ever wore a dress"
You giggle and nod "I was very pretty in the mirror" you say making them laugh "i'm sure you were!"
You always try to wear blue and grey when there's important event. You always want to look like your Daddies. You wear blue because of your Papa, you saw picture of him who were took a long long time ago, and you see him in the news with his super blue clothes.
You choose grey because of your Daddy's arm. You know he can be insecure about that, you heard conversation of your Daddies where your Daddy was stressing about showing his arm or hurting you when he was holding you. You want to show him that you love his arm
"How about we finish dinner, Daddy helps you with your bath while I clean the kitchen and then you can show us your outfit. Does that sounds good for you, princess ?" your Papa asks before taking a sip of his soup.
You smile and nod "oh yea!" your Daddy chuckles "okay okay but you have to eat first" he brings the spoon back toward your lips. He knows that if you're too excited, you won't eat and that's not the goal.
Once you finish eating, your Daddy makes sure you don't want anything else like water or another bowl of soup and when you tell him that you're finish, he helps you down on your feet and take your hand
He leads you upstairs and waits with you at each steps of the stairs. You jump steps by steps and he makes sure to have a good hold on you incase you trip and fall. It won't ever happen under his watch.
You ended up finishing the walk in his arms because the puppy eyes always get him. He sits you on the sink and start running hot water in the bathtub. He turns back toward you "arms up, please" he gently orders
You do as you're told and your Daddy slides your shirt out of your upper body. He then removes your sockets and puts you back on your feet to remove your pants "what flavor of bubble do you want tonight, baby ?" he asks as you steps out of your pants
"lavender, please" you sweetly ask and he nods "perfect choice" he winks. He sits you back down on the sink and grabs the bubbles you wanted. He puts it in the water who's filling the bathtub and then leads you toward the toilet
You sit on it and your Daddy kneels before you, his hands stroking your knees. Your Daddies always make you go in the toilet before your bath, just incase.
Once you're finish, he helps you entering in the bath and you sigh in contentement. While you play with the bubbles, your Daddy prepares your body soap, your shampoo and your conditioner.
He lets you play for a little while and even plays with you. He puts bubbles on your nose when you splash him and you grab his face to bring it closer to you so you can put bubbles on his noise with yours
Your Papa could hear the giggles and laughters who errupts from the bathroom.
"do you want to start with washing your hair or your body ?" your Daddy asks as he slides his fingers down your hair. You watch the bubbles on your hands as you think about it
"m' hai pwease" you ask.
He grabs your shampoo and you sigh in contentement because you know the better part is coming. He starts to massage your head and you close your eyes. Your Daddies know how much you love when they do that, wether it's while washing your hair or when you're laying on their laps and they just do that. It always helps to relax you.
"is it good, babygirl ?" your Daddy's quiet voice asks. You hum in answer as he takes his sweet times to wash your hair. He keeps giving your head a massage when he rinses the shampoo and when he puts the conditioner on you.
He grabs the body soap and starts by washing your arms, one by one. He runs his hands up and down your chest and back as your conditioner rests on your hair. He then asks you to lie back against the bathtub as he grabs one of your legs. He strokes each parts of your legs and feet with his palms and fingers to be sure to not miss a spot. And does the same with the other.
He rinses your body with water and his hand and then tilts your head back to rinses your conditionner. All the while, you kept your eyes closed. You miss your Daddy smiling cutely at you when giggled because he was soaping your armpits or your toes.
"all done, babydoll" he kisses your temple and you slowly open your eyes. You peer up at him and watch his smile forming on his lips when he smiles at you "do you want to play again a little or do you want to come out and get ready for bed ?" he asks stroking his thumb on your temple.
"Bed" you mumble sleepy. He knews you would've been sleepy after your bath, you always are. The hot water combined with your scalp massage and body stroke always fatigue you so it's not a surprise.
He lifts you out of the bathtub and immediately wraps a towel around you. The last thing he want is for you to catch a cold. He doesn't lose a time and puts your warm pyjama on your tired body as you held his shoulders to support you.
"you still want your bottle or do you want to go to bed right away ?" he asks as he rests you on his hip. You lie your head against his shoulder and put your thumb in your mouth "bobble" you mumble. Your Daddy grabs Bucksie and your paci before making his way downstairs.
He replaces your thumb with the paci and drops a sweet kiss on the top of your wet head.
When he comes downstairs, Steve just finished preparing your bottle and he happily takes you in his arms. They both go sit on the couch and you lie your head in your Papa's elbow and your feet are on your Daddy's laps
"here, little princess" your Papa whispers as he gives you your bottle "take it nice and slow" he rubs your bare little belly and hold the bottle with the other while your Daddy strokes your feet.
They both watch you getting sleepier the more you drink your bottle and are soon putting you to bed, sandwiched between the two of them
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theoceanoasis · 3 months
One of those Post Q-Invasion Story Pls
Soundwave, Hotrod, Perceptor, Deadend, Clobber and Whirl, The group decided to have a vacation after the long work they had restoring cybertron
He relaxed into the oil bath. Looking at Soundwave who sat next to him, he smiled planning on moving closer. When Perceptor got between them.
"I don't think so."
He wrapped an arm around him while glaring at Soundwave.
"We may be on vacation but I still don't want you anywhere near Hot Rod."
Dead End who'd been sitting on the other side minding his business laughed. He huffed. Giving him an annoyed look as he blocked his view from Soundwave.
Looking around for something to do. He found Whirl somehow playing with a ball that hadn't managed to pop from his claws.
Clobber was getting a relaxing massage done which looked good. But he'd rather have Soundwave touching him instead.
Noticing a sauna nearby. He got up and went inside. A moment later and Soundwave joined him. He knew Perceptor hated saunas and wouldn't bother them.
"What are we going to do about the scientist?"
Soundwave huffed looking annoyed that he'd interrupted them.
"We need to find a way to distract him. I know he likes Dead End maybe we can get them together?"
Soundwave nodded already coming up with ways to get them together. Even though he didn't care about whatever was going on between them. He was tired of Perceptor getting in his way.
He started by writing Perceptor a love letter in Dead Ends handwriting.
It was disgusting and he'd rather write Hot Rod one instead but it needed to be done.
That night during dinner he sat next to Hot Rod. The two held hands under the table and Soundwave would occasionally rub his thigh.
Perceptor would have immediately gotten between them. Angry that Soundwave would touch his thigh and accuse him of being a creep.
Now however he was distracted. Likely thinking about the letter he'd been given and what it means. Dead End oblivious continued to do his own thing. Having no idea what was happening.
As Soundwave teased him under the table. He turned to Clobber not wanting to do something embarrassing.
"Are you having fun?"
"Yes. After getting a nice relaxing massage. I went with Whirl to this water park."
"We had an epic battle."
"There were these annoying kids who kept spraying everyone so we sprayed them back."
"We lured them under this giant bucket that dumps water and watched as they got wiped out."
"We also went on some water slides."
"We should go on some more tomorrow."
"That's a great idea."
Clobber nodded looking excited. He smiled happy his friends were enjoying themselves.
He jerked slightly feeling a hand on his modesty panel. He looked over at Soundwave who gave him a look filled with lust.
He quickly left the table and went to the bathroom. Splashing water on his face he looked up to see Soundwave standing there.
Turning around the two made out. Soundwave sat him on the counter and he pulled him close, wrapping his arms around him. He felt a hand stroke his modesty panel when he stopped him.
"Not here."
They walked back to his hotel room after making up some kind of excuse that he wasn't feeling well. Perceptor looked like he wanted to argue and follow after him but he used Dead End as a distraction.
The two spent the rest of their vacation fragging whenever they could. By the time they left Hot Rod was feeling a little weird and wondered if he was coming down with something.
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madamefluffnstuff · 1 year
Long Distance
Fandom: Elder Scrolls Online
Pairing: Naryu Virian x GN!Reader
Rating: T
Warning(s): Mentions of assassins, political assassination in a medieval-esque fantasy setting, long distance relationships, overall fluff.
Words: 700
AN: I noticed our favorite Morag Tong assassin doesn't get much love on here. I wanted to fix that.
Naryu stretched herself out on the inn bed, sighing in relief. Another contract finished- quite cleanly too, she thought to herself. Varon would be pleased. This particular "victim" managed to weasel their way to the top of the Morag Tong's hit list while simultaneously being extremely difficult to track. But Naryu Virian is nothing if not resourceful, and a few discreetly slipped coins (along with a cheap bottle of wine) soon got her the answer she was looking for.
However she couldn't leave town just yet; she entered under the guise of a pilgrim on a journey to honor the Ancestors. Luckily for her there was, in fact, a shrine not too far from the little hamlet. To leave so suddenly would raise alarms, and the guild would be quite cross with her if there were suspicions of their involvement.
No, another day or two should suffice. It would give the assassin enough time to solidify an alibi, gather some supplies for the trip back, and make her escape.
If everything went as planned she'd be gone before they found the body.
Suddenly the sound of running water filling a wash basin filled her ears. A thought came: a hot bath sounds delightful right about now. Not only as a treat for a successful mission, but also to make sure she got all the blood off. As she stood up to request a private bath, her foot bumped her knapsack and a small envelope slipped out of the opening.
Her eyes widened a bit, how did she forget about that? After all, it was hand delivered by a courier just this morning. For a brief moment she had thought her cover had been blown until she saw the handwriting. The Dunmer woman knew that handwriting from intimate experience. Many surreptitious notes passed back and forth from the owner, along with many maybe-not-so-discreet glances across crowded rooms. One of those notes and glances even lead to a late night meeting behind some stables for a heated and passionate kiss.
Naryu snatched up the letter and plopped back on the bed as she very carefully broke the seal.
I hope this letter finds you well. Not getting into too much trouble, right? Though knowing you, my sweet, you're getting into all kinds of trouble.
Things are relatively well. I'm back in Vvardenfell helping the Mages Guild recover some old tomes. It's a bit dull, but the coin is good. Right now I'm in Seyda Neen, where I will then make my way to Vivec City. We'll see what happens after that.
I miss you terribly. Things just aren't the same without you, especially when I don't get to hear your voice. I'd like to swap stories with you again when we meet up. Mine are not nearly as exciting as yours but I know you like to hear them anyway.
You're probably on a mission right now, so just make sure to stay safe and be careful. Write back whenever you can, my dear.
All my love,
P.S. Come visit soon. The dogs miss you."
A dreamy sigh escaped her lips. "V" for Vestige. Most people knew them as a war hero, a savior, maybe even a walking good luck charm, depending on who you asked. But Naryu knew them as someone else- they trusted her enough to tell her their story, of Mannimarco's betrayal, Coldharbor, and losing their soul to the God of Despair and Domination... it was crazy to hear.
Even crazier to think they'd trust her, an assassin, with such a secret.
Those in her line of work were discouraged from having romantic relationships, so Naryu was definitely pushing some boundaries by having this long-distance one. However what Varon didn't know wouldn't hurt him. As much as she wanted to keep the letter she knew it would be best to get rid of it. The fireplace downstairs would work nicely...
But that could wait until tomorrow. For now she was going to read it over and over again and hear their voice in her head until the sun rose for a new dawn.
It would suffice until she could hear it again with her own two ears.
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pbandjesse · 3 months
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Im at an event right now. I am having a good time! It's a bit to loud though. And there is still hours to go. But I had a good day, just also a very long day. So much activity. And camp starts tomorrow. Crazy.
I slept okay last night. James put a suitcase under the air conditioner to make it actually blow over the bed frame and allow me to sleep much more comfortably.
Waking up was a little tough. But I was excited for the day. A little nervous but excited. Because today we were jumping in the harbor. I cleaned my face and put on sun screen. I wore my favorite bathing suit. I threw on my big button up shirt. I put glitter on my eyes.
James was so cute. And filled my water mug with ice and we pretty quickly got in the car to go. We left a little before 830. Not on purpose. But I am glad we did.
We were able to get absolutely amazing parking right by the pier. We had to loop the block a few times to get it but James handled it and got us a very good spot which a short walk.
We would stop to use the bathroom. And then we were on the other side of the check point. The security guard asked if we were "jumpers...swimmers" and we laughed because jumpers sounded so menacing. But we were there and excited.
We would check in and get our wristbands. And there was a lot of people! Not just the 150 but all the media and spectators and speakers. I knew the mayor would be speaking but there was other speakers too eventually.
We had to wait a bit. And it was a bit bright and sunny and hot. But it was just making me more excited. We would be in the second to last group. Which was fine with me.
We would get pictures and chat with people. James saw some people we knew. We got a picture with Mr Splash from the baseball stadium. And we even saw some former coworkers. Specifically Chelsea who was an educator at the musuem but now works for the water front partnership. Who was putting on this event. I was excited to see her and be excited about the swim together.
Me and James were media darlings today. We were interviewed multiple times. Before, during, and after the swim. And it was a lot of fun! I was feeling really cute in my bathing suit and Crocs. And James was handsome as always. And it was fun telling people why we wanted to be a part of this.
I was getting a little anxious waiting. So I focused on watching everyone. I really enjoyed hearing from Brandon Scott, the mayor. He's so young and it's just nice how much he cares. He's trying really hard and I appreciate that. We also had the comptroller. And the man who pushed the entire initiative. He brought his Emmy with him that they won last night for the documentary they made about the harbor. Super cool. I do not know if he jumped in the harbor with the Emmy. I hope he did.
We were the second to last group so we were dancing and enjoying the day. The media had a boat so they had lined it to take pictures and there was a lot of people on the pier waiting to see people jump. But they were basically all gone by the time it was our turn. For the best honestly, I didn't want so many people watching.
We got our life jackets and stood in line and chatted with the others in our group. We had to get a little safety talk with the life guards. And then it was the count down. Me and James held hands. And we jumped!
The water honestly felt amazing. It was a combination of being so over heated and the water just being a really nice temperature. It was briney for sure, a little salty. But it didn't smell and it didn't burn me away like it was acid. Ok would float around with my little life jacket. And swim towards James. Who would grab me and throw me around and spin me and we were being really silly.
Because we were almost the last group we got a couple extra minutes. And it was so lovely. I would swim to a more open area and just float on my back and enjoy the sky. It was weird for sure. Like I was seeing buildings and not just sky!! But it was so cool and I was really happy. I love being in the water. I love floating. It was great.
I would get interviewed while I was in the water. I got to talk about turbidity! I was surprised I could see my toes! I really excited to share some science with people.
I was also very aware of people taking my picture. I would find some of them online later. It was fun. I was happy. But soon it was time to get out.
We dried off and took some after swim pictures. Got some follow up questions from the media. And rinsed off at the showers. Said thank you to the security. And walked back to the car.
We would get home at 11. I got a little rattled in the car when my mug of water fell over. But we got parked and headed inside.
We quickly got showers. My hair felt a little strange but I washed it and it would actually be really soft. Excellent.
I would got dressed and went to sit downstairs. I would sit in front of the fan and brought Crabcake out to wander around the studio. Sweetp was there and was being chill. He would sniff Crabcake and didn't seem thrilled by what he found but he wasn't trying to hurt him. I kept reminding him to be kind.
James would make me an omelette and they would have a little sandwich. It was nice. We were just having a good day together. I'm so excited to have Sundays with them again.
Their schedule will be changing in July. And we will have Sundays off again together and I am super happy about that. Like we are going to be able to try so many places and go see things like we hadn't been able to before. I'm very excited.
We would lay on the couch for the last hour before we had to go out again. Had a little snack. Talked. Watched videos. It was nice.
I would fix my makeup and put on my white dress and we were soon off.
We stopped at five below but I had no luck looking for the disco ball I was trying to surprise Callie with. The hunt continues.
We got over to the museum and it was so nice to be in the AC. It was also really nice to see Gaby. It's been to long. We would chat for a bit but then we had to go find Jesse and Meril.
It was going to be a really good night. A weird night. An unknown. But a good night.
I would jump into helping Jesse outside. He was sweeping and I would take over from that for a bit. I would also go and get a trash grabber and picked up all the little pieces of trash I could find around the water. Doing this really made my forearms and wrists hurt. Like really bad. But I was happy to do it. No trash in the harbor!!!
I got to see a big turtle. A red earred slider. And I would have a really lovely conversation with one of the staff members who was setting up the tables. He's 62 be from Philly and showed me some of the events he's worked recently. Just a real sweetheart.
This event would be interesting. It is a white party. And I wore my white dress to match. And everyone has been so pretty. And nice. Even when I'm goofy. Like I was trying to be super professional during set up and I saw a truck pull up and I went to check in and remind them they can't set up until 3. And they go "you're really going to play that with us?" And I look at the time and it's 2:59. And I was like oh my God I'm so sorry. And they said I was very feisty and also pretty. And then one of them gave me a hug and we all laughed and they went to set up.
I would get a little upset and over stressed when we learned they weren't feeding us. No catering. There was food trucks but they didn't provide us vouchers or anything. And I had no money or my credit card. I forgot them at home. I was just very unsettled and unsure what I was going to do. I was so hungry by 5. But eventually I remembered my emergency $20 I keep in the back of my phone and I would take a break before the rain started.
I walked up the McDonald's after sitting at the desk with Meril and checking in about eating. She would go once I came back.
The walk was a little hard on me. Made my calves hurt s lot. But I was determined to get French fries and a little sandwich.
The girl at the register was confused by my order. And I lead with this is weird but I want a cheese burger but no patty. And she was like alright. But then gave me just a patty in a box. She got the manager when I said I think there was a miscommunication. And he understood right away and I got my little cheese sandwich with mustard and a pickle. Excellent.
I walked back and would chat with the hired security about where to send overflow parking. Because the lot was getting full pretty quick.
There would be some drama. A table fell over. It started raining really hard. The band didn't know when to go on. It was a whole thing.
But I tried my best to remain professional. I like this job a lot. It's straight forward most of the time. And tonight was only strange because it was different. It's not a regular event. But it's been fun.
And also I got a very good tip.
It's 1030 now and we are all hanging out. The bar will close soon. And my phone is dying so I'll run it to the charging dock in the gallery while we clean up. And I hope to be home by 1230.
And then tomorrow is the first day of camp. And Jess's birthday!! I have already gotten a lot of messages while camp loading was happening today but I am handling it best I can. I hope it's a fun day. I am determined to have a good time.
I hope you all have a good night. Sleep well. Be safe. And take care of your local water system!!
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attic-club-sandwich · 2 years
My Head is Spinning for You
Fic based off of the SSR card "You Make Me Dizzy"
Summary: The 7 brothers and MC go on a trip to a local town in the Devildom. After a day of playing at the beach, they decide to head back to their room at the Inn and unwind. The Inn is known for their open air hot spring so they all decide to get into the bath before they head to dinner. 
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
CW:  Fainting. Slightly suggestive if you squint. MC is shy and self conscious. No body parts are specified.
Belphegor x GN! MC
A/N: I hope you all enjoy! This is one of my first pretty "big" fics i've written so reblogs are appreciated!
Check out my Masterlist for more!
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The day had certainly turned out to be a hot one, you thought as you wiped the sweat off of your brow. After spending nearly half the day at the beach, you and the seven brothers were finally returning to the Inn you were staying at for the weekend. They had been planning this trip for months now, so it was expected that they were all rather excited about kicking off summer vacation away from The House of Lamentation.
You all stood in the lobby of the Inn while Lucifer confirmed the reservation of the room you’d all be sharing. The sounds of chatter filled the air and you quietly listened as you took a seat next to Belphegor on one of the many ornate couches that filled the lobby. “Wow, I can’t believe how impressive this Inn is! I knew I had to see it to believe it!” Asmo exclaimed. Satan nodded in agreement. “I remember coming to this town last year for the Night Lantern festival, and it always looked beautiful from the outside.” You nodded, briefly remembering the summer festival that took place during your first year at RAD. “I hear the food is delicious too! This Inn is known for its fresh seafood courses. I sound like Beel, but dinner can’t come soon enough!” Levi added. Your mouth began to water at the thought of it. Glancing over to your side, you could see Beel was doing the same. “Fresh seafood….that sounds amazing…” he muttered, clearly lost in the thought of consuming all of what the Inn had to offer. You chuckled. We better be tipping them well after Beel is done with them, you thought. 
“Alright you guys, we’re all checked in.” Lucifer appeared from behind the group. “Alright, finally! Let’s go check out our room!” Mammon said excitedly. As you all began making your way to the room, Belphie’s fingers brushed  against yours. “I can’t wait to finally relax and unwind…I’m going to take a nap as soon as we get to our room” he yawned. You nodded, a slight blush appearing on your cheek as you took his hand in yours. “Me too, a nap sounds so nice right now.” you replied. Belphie gave you a small smirk as he squeezed your hand. “We can nap together if you want to.” Mammon rolled his eyes as he slid open the door to the room. “Can you guys stop flirting for two seconds so we can check out this room of ours?” 
After everyone was finished enthusing about the gorgeous interior of the room, the argument began on who would be sleeping next to MC for the trip. “I’M their first man, so it’s only fair that I get to sleep next to ‘em.” Mammon declared. The others rolled their eyes and began retorting back. “All of you, quit it. You’re clearly making MC uncomfortable.” Lucifer sighed, rubbing his forehead. “I’ve got an idea!” Asmo chimed in. “Let’s all draw straws. It’s the only fair way to do this.” A chorus of groans filled the room, but everyone agreed nonetheless. The Avatar of Lust was clearly prepared for this, for he fished a cup with some straws out of his bag. “Okay everyone! Take your pick! But choose wisely!” he winked. One by one, the brothers all chose their straws. “Alright, it looks like Belphie and Beel are the lucky winners. What an unsatisfying result…” Asmo muttered. Everyone nodded in agreement except for the twins, who were now glued to MC’s side. “I’m so glad I get to be next to you.” Belphie said, leaning against you.  “Me too!” you smiled. You couldn’t lie about being excited to sleep next to the twins tonight. “Hehe, maybe I'll slide under your covers in the middle of the night…and we can sleep in each other’s arms.” Belphie was giving you a sly smile, not being subtle about his intentions with you. 
“Hey, this inn is known for the open air baths right?” Mammon asked. Lucifer nodded. “Yes, supposedly there’s a big, reservable open-air bath for families so we can all join in together.” You began to worry. How were you supposed to get into a hot spring with all 7 of the brothers? I’m not sure I can handle this…you thought.  
“Come on, let’s get changed and head in!” Levi said excitedly. Everyone took turns changing into their towels. Your turn came last, and you undressed quickly. Wrapping the small towel around you, you took a deep breath and headed into the bath. Thankfully, the boys seemed distracted by Mammon swimming and splashing around. Lucifer was scolding him as you hopped in, which took most of the attention off of you. You sighed in relief as you sank down into the milky water. “Ahh, soaking in a nice bath with some demonus…this is the life!” Asmo sighed as he leaned back, holding a glass with purplish liquid inside. “Hey that sounds good, pass me some.” Satan said, reaching for a glass. “Me too, please.” Beel chimed in. You didn’t necessarily feel the need for some of the Demonus since it didn’t affect you like demons, so you looked around searching for a certain someone. “Hey, where’s Belphie at?” you said, squinting through the steam. “Belphie? Oh I see him, he’s over there in the corner. He probably fell asleep or something.” Asmo replied. “You should probably go check on him, MC. The last thing we need is him drowning.” Beel said with concern. You nodded and began to make your way over to him, clutching your towel tightly to your body. 
Belphie was indeed hiding in the corner, beginning to drift off. You shook his shoulder. “Hey Belphe, don’t fall asleep here okay?” The sleepy demon startled awake. “Oh, MC it's you.” he said, yawning. “Why did you come over here? You should go have fun with everyone else.” You shook your head. 
“I was just worried about you.” 
“Ah, you came to check up on me huh?” He chuckled. “Thanks, I appreciate it.” You both sat in silence for a moment as you watched the other brothers carry on through the steam. “Hey MC. You know why this hot spring water is white like milk?” You shook your head. “It’s because of the minerals in it. And since it’s white, no one can see what’s going on, you know?” You looked back over at him to meet his gaze. His violet eyes were sparkling with mischief. “W-What?” you stuttered, your face heating up. Belphie snickered. “You’re so cute when you blush, you know. But what I meant is I can hold your hand like this...” He reached over and took your hand in his and placed them gently on his thigh. You couldn’t stop from looking down at your hands, now connected. 
On his bare thigh. 
Shouldn’t he have a towel on?!
You began to feel dizzy as you noticed that the Avatar of Sloth had at some point discarded his towel and you were now sitting next to his completely nude form. It was beginning to be too much. The sight of Belphie nude underneath the water. The heat. It was getting to your head pretty quickly. “Hey MC, are you okay? Your face is really red… are you feeling lightheaded?” You could barely hear Belphie’s voice through the roaring in your ears. “N-No, I’m-” is all you managed to get out before you lost consciousness. 
Belphie’s eyes widened as your limp form fell against him and began to sink down into the water. Quickly, he grabbed you and held you up against his chest as he shouted across the bath to his brothers. “H-Hey guys! I need your help. It’s MC, they just fainted!” 
Your eyes fluttered open as you regained consciousness. You slowly sat up, trying to jog your memory. I passed out, I think? But how did I get back to the room? Where are the others at? You tried to jog your memory in an attempt to make sense of your surroundings. You rubbed your temples and let out a small whimper. You began to breathe heavily as panic set in at the thought of you being all alone. 
“MC? Are you awake?” a small voice sounded from below you. You looked down next to you to see Belphie looking up at you as he yawned and stretched awake. 
“B-Belphie, what happened? Where is everyone?” 
Belphegor sat up next to you, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “You fainted in the bath, but we took care of you. Mammon carried you here, and I took over from there.” You were still trying to process his words as you looked down at your body, still half expecting to be in your towel. However you were now wearing a very simple Yukata in its place. Belphie seemed to notice your rising panic. “Don’t worry, no one saw but me.” Belphie says quickly, a blush spreading across his face. You finally noticed that he was dressed in a similar fashion. “I hope you don’t mind, but I changed you into it. I wanted you to be comfortable…” You nod, relieved that he was there to take care of you. You really didn’t mind him seeing you naked. The two of you have been dating for a short time now, but haven’t gone any further than some heavy kissing and wandering touches. “It’s okay, I really appreciate it Belphie…I trust you.” The younger demon laced his fingers with yours. “I’m glad. But why’d you faint anyways?” Your face began to grow hot again. “You know very well why!” You shouted, not being able to hide the fact that you were extremely flustered. He can be such a little shit sometimes, you thought to yourself. Belphie only smirked at you. “Hmm. It wasn’t because you saw me without my towel was it?” he said, that glimmer of mischief back in his purple gaze. You rolled your eyes and buried your face in your hands. “I can’t believe you did that to me, Belphegor.” Belphie chuckled and ran his fingers through your hair. 
“By the way, where is everyone?” you asked. “Oh, they all went out to explore the town. But they’ll be back soon. I wanted to stay behind to keep an eye on you.” You hummed in response, still feeling exhausted from the bath. “Here, take a sip of water.” Belphie held up a water bottle, motioning for you to take it. “...I might need some help, you know.” you said, attempting to make your voice sound as innocent as possible. “Oh. Is that so? Well I guess I can help you out then.” he gave you a sly smile as he lifted the water bottle to your lips. He gazed at them as you took a few sips. He got lost in the thought of how soft they looked. 
“Okay, now lay down. Let’s rest together okay?” Belphie instructed. You nodded as you lay back down onto your futon. Belphie took his place next to you, shimmying his way underneath your covers. His arms found their way around you as you cuddled into his chest. “You’re still pretty warm, are you okay?” Belphie asked. You nuzzled your face into his neck. “Yeah, but I don’t think I can fall asleep right now…” you murmured. “I think I need a goodnight kiss.” Belphie chuckled. “Well, if that will make you feel better, then I think I can fulfill your wish.” You lifted your head to meet his gaze. “Yes please.” The next thing you knew, Belphie’s lips were on yours. They were warm and sweet, probably from the Demonus he was drinking in the bath before you got in. Once you broke apart, he placed his forehead against yours. “Tired yet?” he asked. Your eyelids were suddenly very heavy and you were barely able to keep them open. “Mmm. Yes, thank you…” you said as you began to drift off. “You’re welcome. Now rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
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cryptofadventure · 1 year
Instructions: Fill out the questions about your muse, repost, tag as many people as you want.
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1) What does your muse smell like?: Brimstone and a mix of woody colognes. Or sometimes charcoal. Bowser surprisingly smells nice; a big part of it has to do with the fact he can’t sweat since he’s a reptile.
2) How often does your muse bathe/shower?:  As soon as he wakes up and as soon as he goes to bed. And tbh any time in between if he gets too angry a hot shower/bath relaxes him. He likes water a lot despite being more of a tortoise than a turtle.
3) Does your muse have any tattoos or piercings?: Nah, his hide is too thick for anything to pierce it. In a human form however he has tons of both.
4) Any body movement quirks?(EX: tapping heel, shaking knee)”: His tail lashes like a cat’s when he’s frustrated not angry. Tbh if he’s hiding anything (embarrassment, flustered, shy, etc etc) that betrays his ‘cool awesome scary’ king persona his tail usually outs him. It also wiggles and wags like a dog’s when he’s super excited.
5) What do they sleep in?: He takes off his shell and just wears a tanktop and boxers or sometimes nothing tbh.
6) What’s their favorite piece of clothing?: His shell(???) He’s so proud of it he’d be distraught if anything happened to it. Its strange that Koopa shells are technically clothes/removable yet they’re born with it??? So besides that he likes a leather jacket Peach gave him for Christmas once.
7) What do they do when they wake up?: Sometimes he gets to cooking breakfast for his kids. Sure he has staff but sometimes nothing beats your parent’s cooking; Bowser wants to be active in his kids’ lives. Aide from that he either peeks in on the kids sleeping and remanence or immediately jumps in the shower if he’s busy that day.
8) How do they sleep? Position?:  Bowser is either sprawled out on his back or half curled like a dog half loafed like a cat.
9) What do their hands feel like?: Very calloused and rough. He’s a reptile that gets dumped in lava lol.
Tagged by: @cosmicxmuses​
Tagging: @trickyxkisses​ @simiansmoke​ @prettygiddycommittee​
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pxiestess · 1 year
"how do you feel?"
its a lot of feelings in every extreme.
ive felt extreme euphoric completeness, but havent had my HRT in WEEKS and feel like my body and heart are crumbling from the inside out
im excited at my new body but also so so scared of it
because i dont know where the threshholds are, where ill break. right now every part of my body just kind of hurts, all the time. im usually just too medicated or too exhausted to register it
i miss the sensation of feeling somewhat like a person that comes from being home but im dreading returning. im not ready
i feel so bored and overwhelmed at the same time constantly
definitely a decision i will never regret in my life, but i dont know if the Process is something ill treasure or not
a lot of my time is just waiting between bouts of pain or being lonely
doing anything that takes more energy and will than scrolling mindlessly is exhausting. even just watching a show tires me out.
but at the same time my Base level of overwhelm is so much that the tiny trickle of dopamine i can conjure from whatever app on my phone is open absolutely does not rise to the task to soothe me. thats the job a persons supposed to do. a loved one.
i feel like im sitting trying to relax in a bath filled up with one single inch of nice hot water. its only just enough for me to pretend i feel comfortable in spurts but in reality its the perfect level of discomfort to not be getting what you need but always remain Aware of that fact
im rambling. im lonely. im bored. im overwhelmed. im sad. im lonely.
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satorisoup · 6 months
— bokuto, kita, atsumu, osamu, akaashi
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ノ fluff + sfw. timeskip! setting. mentions of bathing together.
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𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐊𝐔𝐓𝐎 | bubble baths —
even though he may be a little too burly to fit comfortably with you in the tub, and it takes a couple minutes to get situated without getting squashed, bokuto loves to bathe with you. he enjoys running the warm water, not too hot, not too cold, but just right. he’ll mix in a nice scented soap that makes bubbles rise high in the bathtub, lavender and citrus you can smell in the mist of your bathroom. he’ll hold your hands under the water, and maybe splash you a couple times, but he shows he cares with the delicate touches he leaves on your skin as he washes away the worries of the world with a sponge of suds. he’ll lather your hair in your favorite shampoo, careful to not snag any knots, and rinse the strands with such gentleness you can barely even feel it. and when you’re all done, he’ll wrap you in a warm towel, snug and clean while he kisses your damp cheeks with a huge smile.
𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐀 | flowers —
kita vowed that when he started dating you, he would never allow a week to go by without your vase being filled with a new bouquet. he’ll come home to you, new flowers wrapped in the palm of his hands as he kisses you hello. he loves the the way you get excited, eyes twinkling at the delicate petals and floral scent as you thank him over and over. he’ll watch you with a fond smile as you carefully take them in your grasp, setting them into a pretty vase that makes your home light up with color. he won’t let you see the flowers die, always keeping one for himself so he knows when it’s time to replace them. he’ll always tell you the meaning of the bouquet he got, or leave a pretty note tied around the stems. he buys a different type of flower every time, because he knows you’ll enjoy the variety. he adores you just as much as you adore the beautiful flowers.
𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐔 𝐌𝐈𝐘𝐀 | massaging you —
atsumu has talented hands from years of playing volleyball, and he puts them to good use when you complain that you’re sore. he’ll knead at the expanse of your skin, smiling to himself as you sigh in content. he’ll rub away the tiredness of your muscles, gentle but calculated touches everywhere you could need. he likes to hold your hands in his, massaging from your fingers all the way up to your arms, and back down to your hands again. he’ll lay your sock-clad feet in his lap, squeezing and rubbing the ache away with his fingers. he’ll sit you on his lap, massaging the discomfort of your cramping shoulders until your melting into his touch. he won’t be rough, making sure his touch is tender and soft while he works the knots out. he kindly kisses your skin when he’s done, and feels that it’s a mission accomplished when you tell him you feel much better.
𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐔 𝐌𝐈𝐘𝐀 | feeding you —
as long as osamu is around, you will always have a full plate. he’s always in the kitchen, a small and sacred book of his ma’s recipes standing proud on an easel. you don’t remember the last time you’ve heard your stomach grumble, because he’s already sliding a bowl your way. he loves how domestic it feels, to use the recipes he once enjoyed as a kid and serve them to you on a silver platter. he likes that you’re his personal taste tester, giving him a thumbs up with full cheeks as you chew. when your sick, he’ll insist on feeding you, hot spoon of soup between his fingers, his hand cusped at the bottom to catch any that falls. he’ll wake you up in the early mornings to tell you the food is ready, and sometimes surprise you with breakfast in bed. he’ll kiss your chubbed cheeks as you munch on one of his special onigiris, and ask you if you want another until your belly is full.
𝐊𝐄𝐈𝐉𝐈 𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈 | reading to you —
akaashi enjoys reading to you every chance he gets. a book held in the palms of his hands, licking his thumb every time he turns the page. he’ll have you curled up to his side, or sat between his legs, as he reads aloud the words imprinted on the page. he’ll add emotion to his voice at the important parts, and he’ll glance at your face to see your reaction. his voice is soft and soothing as he reads, occasionally moving his hand towards your hair to gently caress the top of your head. when it’s nighttime, he reads to you almost as if it’s a bedtime story, bedside lamp warming the room with it’s light as he flips through the pages. chapter after chapter he brings you closer to sleep, pages like a lullaby of prompts and fiction. he’ll pause when he notices your reactions have gone silent, breathing evened out as you lulled into a quiet slumber. he’ll smile as he puts a bookmark between the spine, already anticipating tomorrow when he can continue to read you the next chapter.
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© satorisoup ── do not copy, repost, plagiarize, or feed any of my work into ai 🍓
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racinggirl · 2 years
comfort || daniel ricciardo 3
type: one shot pairing: daniel ricciardo x reader word count: 1.2k summary: a fluffy daniel, taking care of you when it's that time of the month. requested: yes! “Hi! Can I request a Danny fic where he takes care of the reader who is on her period? Just something cute and fluffy 🥰” (by anon) Requests are OPEN!!! warnings: period cramps, LDR, just fluffy dan boyfriend notes: First of all, credits to GIF owner, love it. I am actually on that time of the month myself, so this came at the PERFECT time. Just wished I was y/n at this moment ;) also, I know it isn't long, but I hope you'll like it <3 (repost again, since Tumblr really doesn't like me)
my masterlist
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Chocolate. Water. A good book. A happy movie. More chocolate. The only thing missing from your list was your boyfriend, your cuddly bear, your support and happy place.
Being on your period was something you hated, especially whenever you and Daniel weren’t together, mostly due to the fact he was out for races, which was exactly the case this weekend. It was Sunday, which meant race day for him and the 19 other drivers. Race day, a day you would usually attend, but this time, due to some assignments and work related things, wasn’t something that was scheduled for you.
You were on the big couch in your living room, a bar of chocolate on your left, a bottle of water on your right. The book you just finished was on the table in front of you, a movie you were watching on the big tv a few metres in front of you. Cramps were overwhelming you, making you curl up in the blankets, a hot tea in your hand as you sipped it, hoping it would calm your cramps down.
Normally, Daniel would place his warm hands on your lower stomach as you would lean against his chest, the both of you either on the couch, in bed, or in a warm bath he’d make for you, filled with lavender, candles and a nice music in the background. However, he wasn’t here right now, meaning you were all on your own in your shared house.
‘’y/n?’’ You had answered a phone call you received from Daniel, a smile on your lips as you heard his accent, the way he pronounced your name felt like the best thing ever, it was like music to your ears.
‘’Danny, hey.’’ You whispered, your eyes closed as you imagined him being here by your side. You loved him, so much, he came into your life when you needed him the most, and he never left.
‘’What’s up baby, you sound, off.’’ He frowned, making you sigh quietly. You didn’t want to tell him, simply because you didn’t want to worry him. He was about to get into his car, getting ready for the race, one of his favourites.
‘’Nothing, I’m just a little tired, work and school was a lot today.’’ You tried to sound somewhat excited, not too much, but at least enough so he wouldn’t suspect a thing.
‘’Are you sure?’’ He asked, making you nod. ‘’Yeah, positive, I think that I’ll take a good nap after the race.’’ You smiled, switching the TV from the movie to the race, so you could watch.
‘’Alright, promise me you’ll sleep and give Coco a kiss for me.’’ You laughed lightly, looking down at the puppy with a smile on your lips. ‘’I will, don’t worry, she misses you too.’’ You heard a chuckle from the other side of the phone, along with some fumbling around, a door closing as well.
‘’And I miss my favourite girls too.’’ He says, making your heart beat a little faster.
‘’Goodluck, you’ve got this and no matter what…’’ You said. ‘’You’re proud of me.’’ Daniel finished your sentence, your mantra you told him every single race week, your safety procedure.
‘’I love you.’’
‘’And I love you, bye love.’’
He ended the phone call since he had to get ready for his race, and you simply patted the spot next to you on the couch, allowing Coco to jump on top, crawling closer to you to comfort you. They say dogs feel emotions, meaning right now, Coco would probably feel the sadness or discomfort you were feeling at this moment.
‘’Hey Coco.’’ You whispered, gently stroking her soft blonde hair, giving you the rest you needed. ‘’You miss him too, don’t you?’’ You mumbled, giggling as you saw a yawn coming from the golden retriever next to you. ‘’Yeah, I’m tired too.’’
You and Daniel decided to get a puppy, simply because Daniel would be away a lot this year, and you’d be at home, working from home and following a course along side your working hours, wanting to make promotions in your current job. Coco was the perfect dog, still a puppy, meaning she’d be playful, and perfect to cuddle with whenever you missed Daniel.
The race went alright. Daniel managed to get fifth place, his best result yet this season, and you decided to send him a text message.
Hey you, well done baby. I’m proud of you, I knew you’d make it up there. Coco and I have been cheering for you the entire two hours – the race had been delayed due to heavy rainfall – and right know we’re going to sleep. I’ll see you in two days, since you’re coming home then, right? Anyways, have fun at the afterparty and I can’t wait for you to be home, summer break, finally. Love you xx
You indeed fell asleep, but instead of falling asleep in bed, you fell asleep on the couch, Coco next to you, curled up to comfort you with your cramps. However, hours later, you started to wake up due to a soft hand on your cheek.
You opened your eyes, no longer feeling Coco next to you. ‘’Coco?’’ You whispered, but your heart started to beat faster the moment you saw those eyes, the ones you fell in love with years ago. That smile, the one that would light up millions of days, and that soft voice with the Australian accent.
‘’Hey baby girl.’’ Daniel whispered, a smile plastered on your lips as you wrapped your arms around him. ‘’Daniel, what, how, when?’’ You couldn’t even create a proper sentence as you were shocked. How did he get here, he was about to come back in two days, not two hours.
‘’I’m glad to see you too, baby.’’ He chuckled, pressing his lips on your for a few seconds. ‘’Why didn’t you tell me you were on your period, love?’’ He mumbled, rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
‘’I didn’t want to worry you…’’ A sigh escaped his lips as he took place next to you, Coco in his basket, Daniel lifting the shirt you were wearing, which was actually his shirt, just to place his warm hands on your lower abdomen, knowing it calmed you down. ‘’How do you know it’s my period?’’ You then asked, your head resting against his chest.
‘’I keep track of it, darling, it’s in my phone.’’ He whispered, his lips placed against your temple. ‘’The bath’s ready, lets go, let me take care of you.’’ He mumbled, a soft smile on his face, the small hairs of his beard tickling your cheek. You nodded, humming as you walked up the stairs, on your way to the bathroom which was filled with candles, a movie, a nice lavender scent and a smiley Daniel.
‘’Thank you, really.’’ You whispered once you were sat in front of your boyfriend in the bathtub, your back resting against his chest, his hands on your lower stomach, lips attached to your neck and shoulders as he covered them in kisses.
‘’You know you don’t have to thank me, sweety.’’ He mumbled, creating tickles on your shoulder. ‘’I’d do anything for you, you know that.’’ His hands made his way to your shoulders, giving you one of his gentle massages before placing them back on your lower stomach.
‘’I love you.’’
‘’I love you more.’’
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