#junie the banana
heartnosekid · 5 months
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💛 junie the banana 🍌
for anon!
🍌-💛-🍌 / 💛-🍌-💛 / 🍌-💛-🍌
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prophet-stims · 5 months
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junie the banana 🍌
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the-ultimate-squish · 10 months
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Please do not buy squishmallows irl unless purchased secondhand. Sources below
Squishmallow Alternatives + my current reasoning for the tournament (subject to change)
More info with sources
Official Boycott (this blog is not part of the official boycott)
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littletroubledgrrrl · 7 months
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feralmorty · 1 year
I found Junie and got way to excited! Me and the bestie got the last ones. Love this fat banana so much 🍌
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squishmallowmerch · 8 months
Junie The Banana Squishmallow Sticker
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Are you searching for a creative way to add joy and softness to your items? Look no further than our Squishmallow stickers. Meet Junie the Squishmallow an adorable way to add a sense of happiness to your belongings. This cute, aesthetic Banana Squishmallow sticker is made from PVC, offered in 6 sizes, resistant to scratches, waterproof, and easily removable without any residue. A fantastic gifts for you, your friends, children, or that special someone. Surprise them before they do! 😉
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octo-senpai · 25 days
This year I decided to do both digital n traditional attacks/revenges!
All people are in the cut! And with that, this year I made 26 attacks!
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Banana Pancake + Strawberry Smoothie: @feeshykette
Trichinosis Felinis: @alleesaur
Crux: @liysterr
Chartreuse: @ricecatmoo
Creature: PixelledJelli
Heather: @blossom-beast
Gil (Hidden): @sodasquidsart
Bee: Taiko_Crab
O-Ray: @stage-39
Junie: Kiterrally
Apple + Mango + Kiwi: Love_Letter
Bang + Bing: ManaketeSilver
Gato: @gatoburr0
Dusty: Rose_the_Vermin
Velo: @icetigerkitten
Hidden (Unfortunately, I can't remember her name): BunnyBeane
Cat GLaDOS: @raveneyeart
Veracious Onslaught of Incandescent Warblesong + Swimmer of Starlit Seas; Cleaver of Bear: @opal-owl-flight
Terro: SpoxxieRuckus
Shadow Igrisa: Igrisa
Biv + * Stockard: Wholsomecryptid + * @cephalopistol
Ozzie: Umbrageist
Bun: @swkl0ver
Sprout: @ssweetsprout
Tame: foreverdreaming
Dopper: @jupiterjelliez
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therapy-gems · 2 months
30 Flavours of Autism: Grab a Spoon and Help Yourself
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Welcome to part one of my series, Flavours of Autism, and my big, feisty feelings around the gatekeeping of autism diagnoses.
Depending on where you live, you’re forced to pay an inordinate sum for a private assessment, wait years for a publicly funded one, or worse, both. Some adults, like me, get lucky and skip the line due to a preexisting relationship with a qualified diagnostician. Unlike most kids, some get lucky and skip the line because their school already has one.
But what breaks my heart entirely is when autistic folks arrive for their assessment and fail to receive diagnoses due to a lack of knowledge and language to describe their lived experience. Not to mention that many symptoms of autism can interfere with the assessment process — and don’t get me started on how gender influences the likelihood of receiving a diagnosis and accurate assessment.
In my most professional, clinical opinion, I consider the process an absolutely abysmal bunch of rotten bananas — and sadly, my hands are mostly tied as a Registered Clinical Counsellor in BC, Canada. RCCs cannot diagnose, but we can provide specialized therapy and recognize, refer, and support clients throughout their journey. Not-so-recently, I realized this isn’t enough to bridge the gap, but through the wise words of the millennial icon, Junie B. Jones, I can assure you “that didn’t even faze me.”
I remain unphased because it is within my scope to disseminate and share what I know and continue to learn. I hope anyone encountering my content can use it to support themselves or others in preparing for their autism assessment. It’s overflowing with all the psychobabble and clinical jargon that might stand between them and an accurate assessment. Education is power, baby.
My words, this article, and the Flavours of Autism series are not a substitute for professional mental health advice or support, such as connecting directly with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. Moreover, while it’s important to honour and explore your lived experience, reading and resonating with this article does not diagnose you or anyone else with autism, nor mean you or anyone else is autistic.
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1. Monotropism
Monotropism refers to an intense focus on one interest or task at a time. Autistic individuals with monotropism may find it difficult to switch their attention between tasks. This deep, single-minded concentration can lead to exceptional expertise in their area of interest. However, it can also cause challenges when adapting to new activities or demands. Understanding monotropism can help create supportive environments that honour their focus while gently encouraging flexibility.
2. Echolalia
Echolalia involves the repetition of words or phrases spoken by others. This can be immediate, where the repetition happens right after hearing the words, or delayed, occurring hours or even days later. Echolalia is often a way for autistic individuals to process language, learn speech patterns, or communicate their needs. Recognizing echolalia as a meaningful communication attempt rather than mere imitation is important.
3. Idiosyncratic Phrases
Autistic individuals might use unique or unconventional phrases that hold personal meaning. These idiosyncratic phrases can confuse others but are significant to the individual. They may stem from specific interests, favourite media, or personal experiences. Understanding these phrases requires patience and a willingness to learn their context and significance.
4. Issues with Interoception
Interoception is the ability to sense internal bodily states like hunger, thirst, or temperature. Autistic individuals might struggle with interoception, making it hard to recognize and respond to their bodily needs. Interception issues can also lead to increased sensitivity to bodily states. This can lead to challenges in maintaining regular eating, drinking, and temperature regulation. Awareness and support in recognizing these internal cues are crucial for well-being.
5. Issues with the Vestibular System
The vestibular system, responsible for balance and spatial orientation, can be problematic for some autistic individuals. Difficulties with the vestibular system may result in coordination, balance, and movement challenges. This can affect daily activities like walking, running, or participating in sports. Occupational therapy and other supportive measures can help improve vestibular function and coordination.
6. Motor Tics
Motor tics are involuntary, repetitive movements such as blinking, twitching, or jerking. These tics can vary in intensity and frequency, sometimes becoming more noticeable during periods of stress or excitement. While motor tics are generally harmless, they can be distracting or socially stigmatizing. Understanding and accommodating these tics can help create a supportive environment.
7. Vocal Tics
Like motor tics, vocal tics involve involuntary sounds or noises like grunting, coughing, or throat clearing. These tics can be frequent and disruptive, affecting communication and social interactions. Recognizing vocal tics as involuntary behaviours and providing supportive responses can help reduce the individual’s anxiety and stress.
8. Repetitive Motor Movements
Repetitive motor movements, often called “stimming,” include hand-flapping, rocking, or spinning. These self-stimulatory behaviours are used to self-soothe, manage sensory input, or express excitement. While stimming is a natural and important behaviour for many autistic individuals, it might need to be managed in certain settings to ensure safety and social comfort.
9. Masking
Masking involves suppressing or hiding autistic traits to fit in socially. This can be exhausting and lead to significant stress or burnout over time. Masking often requires constant monitoring of one’s behaviour to meet social expectations, which can be mentally draining. Recognizing and validating the effort behind masking can lead to better support and understanding.
10. Camouflaging
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11. Sensory Sensitivities
Sensory sensitivities refer to over- or under-reactivity to sensory input such as lights, sounds, textures, or smells. Autistic individuals may experience sensory overload or actively seek certain sensory experiences to regulate their sensory input. Understanding these sensitivities and creating accommodating environments can significantly improve comfort and functionality.
12. Executive Function Challenges
Executive function challenges include difficulties with planning, organizing, and completing tasks. These challenges can impact daily activities, academic performance, and time management. Supportive strategies, such as breaking tasks into smaller steps and using visual schedules, can help improve executive function skills.
13. Social Communication Differences
Social communication differences involve challenges with understanding and using verbal and nonverbal communication. This may include difficulties with eye contact, interpreting body language, or understanding social cues. Providing clear, direct communication and allowing extra time for processing can enhance social interactions.
14. Issues with Emotional Regulation
Emotional regulation refers to the ability to manage and respond to emotions appropriately. Autistic individuals might experience intense emotional reactions and find it hard to calm down. Developing coping strategies and providing a supportive environment can aid in better emotional regulation.
15. Aphantasia
Aphantasia is the inability to visualize images in the mind. People with aphantasia do not create mental pictures and may rely on other senses to process information. This condition can affect memory and imagination but also encourages unique ways of thinking and problem-solving.
16. Hyperlexia
Hyperlexia is characterized by advanced reading ability at a young age, often coupled with difficulties understanding spoken language. Autistic individuals with hyperlexia might have a strong interest in letters and numbers. Recognizing and supporting this unique learning style can help harness their reading skills effectively.
17. Alexithymia
Alexithymia involves difficulty in identifying and describing one’s own emotions. This can lead to challenges in emotional expression and understanding others’ emotions. Providing tools and strategies for emotional awareness and expression can improve communication and emotional health.
18. Dyspraxia
Dyspraxia, also known as Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), affects motor skill development. This can lead to clumsiness and difficulties with tasks requiring coordination. Occupational therapy and targeted exercises can help improve motor skills and daily functioning.
19. Hyperfocus
Hyperfocus is the intense concentration on a task or interest to the exclusion of everything else. While this can be highly productive, it may cause neglect of other responsibilities. Balancing hyperfocus with scheduled breaks and reminders can enhance productivity and overall well-being.
20. Synesthesia
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21. Issues with Proprioception
Proprioception refers to the sense of body position and movement. Issues with proprioception often arise as an increased or decreased sensitivity in specific situations. These challenges typically affect coordination and spatial awareness. Exercises and physical therapies that enhance proprioceptive feedback can improve movement and balance.
22. Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) involves difficulty processing and interpreting auditory information. Individuals with APD may struggle to distinguish similar sounds or understand spoken language in noisy environments. Supportive strategies include using visual aids and ensuring a quiet learning environment.
23. Tactile Defensiveness
Tactile defensiveness is a strong negative reaction to touch or certain textures. This can lead to discomfort with certain fabrics, foods, or physical contact. Gradual exposure and sensory integration therapies can help reduce tactile defensiveness and improve comfort.
24. Selective Mutism
Selective mutism is the inability to speak in certain social situations despite being able to speak in others. Often linked to anxiety, it can be seen in social or unfamiliar settings. Creating a supportive and low-pressure environment can encourage communication.
25. Rigid Thinking
Rigid thinking involves difficulty in adapting to changes or seeing different perspectives. Autistic individuals may prefer routines and struggle with unexpected events or new ideas. Encouraging flexibility and gradual exposure to change can help ease rigid thinking patterns.
26. Sleep Difficulties and Disorders
Sleep disorders include difficulty falling, staying, or maintaining a regular sleep schedule. Common in autistic individuals, these disorders can impact daily functioning. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine and creating a calming sleep environment can improve sleep quality.
27. Anxiety Issues and Disorders
Anxiety disorders involve high levels of anxiety that can interfere with daily life. This may include social anxiety, generalized anxiety, or specific phobias. Counselling, coaching, psychotherapy, and other anxiety management strategies can provide relief and improve quality of life.
28. Depression
Depression involves persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or loss of interest. It can affect mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. Seeking professional help and building a supportive network are crucial steps in managing depression.
29. Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
ARFID involves extreme avoidance of certain foods, leading to nutritional deficiencies and weight issues. It is not driven by body image concerns but by sensory sensitivities, which are common in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Autistic individuals may avoid foods based on texture, colour, or smell. Understanding ARFID involves recognizing these sensory challenges. Supportive strategies include working with dietitians or therapists to expand food choices and address anxieties. Providing a supportive environment can help improve nutrition and reduce food-related stress.
30. Twice-Exceptional (2e)
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Here’s hoping this was helpful and that you’re satiated for now. Learning more about autism, the autistic experience, its nuances, and controversies is a labyrinth. However, I’ll always argue that it’s a worthwhile journey. Plus, aren’t we autistic folk notoriously partial to puzzles and deep dives?
For more hot takes and free education on autism, adhd, and neurodivergence, check out therapy-gems.medium.com <3
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moefongo · 1 year
zelda villain sleep headcanons?
The villains sleep headcanons
Sleeps like a log, seriously there is nothing that wakes Ganondorf up.
He's also a blanket hog, and during colder seasons, he'll sleep with an unholy amount of blankets, quilts, and anything he can use to keep himself warm.
Snores loudly too, so if hearing a lawnmower all night long is white noise to you then he's your man.
He claims that he doesn't have the need to sleep because he is perfect, but that is a huge lie. Ghirahim needs his 8 hrs of sleep otherwise he'll be insufferable for the whole day.
When he sleeps he doesn't move or make any noises he just plops into the bed and falls asleep in whatever position he landed on the bed (and good luck trying to make him scoot over to his side of the bed if he decides to sleep in a diagonal position)
His sleep schedule is all sorts of fucked up but that's on his own volition. He sleeps whenever he feels like it and if he has nothing going on during the day he'll just go and sleep.
His sleeping pattern can go from sleeping 1 hour and feeling fresh as a daisy and sleeping for three days straight.
Also has these curtains that make the room super dark so it feels like it's night time all day long so its easier for him to sleep.
Sleeps anywhere. He's usually a light sleeper since he tends to be on high alert at all times.
Whenever he has time for himself, he uses it to sleep and rest properly.
So he'll probably out be cold for a whole day, but if he has something to do later in the day he'll try to wake up by then but it's not guaranteed.
A very light sleeper so god forbid that anyone wakes him up.
To prevent this he has quite the set up in his room with white noise to make him sleep better.
He's also immune to melatonin and those sleepy time teas (idk how they're called the ones w the bear)
Sleep talks a lot. Its usually him rambling on about how he despises Link or about his elaborate plans for the week.
Has quite the collection of banana plushies, including a Yellow Junie squishmallow.
Tosses and turns a lot too and most of the time ends up sleeping on the floor because he falls off the bed and doesn't even care.
Quite the heavy sleeper as well. He has a very strict sleep schedule and tries to get his 8 hours of sleep as often as possible.
When sleeping, he doesn't move at all he just sleeps in a single position.
Survives on red bull and spite so his sleep is rather minimal.
Slip in some melatonin gummies to have him turn into a 'honk shoo' type of man. Seriously once he falls asleep he passes out and wakes up 3-4 business days later.
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humblegoatart · 1 year
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daily sketch 2023 || jun 10th
the radiant citadel crew is the best bc every once in a while a fellow player will make their own juni playlist and i get to go bananas over it. sketches inspired by one of these this morning. 🐰
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Warning! This was a lot of work so sorry for any errors and I do know that many songs could be moved to other categories, but I tried to balance everything and that's why the list looks like that!
No pics yet, but here are songs that:
Automatically go into The Ultimate NOT Another Song About Love Bracket (44 songs):
100 Gecs - I got my tooth removed (aka Dental Work Song)
Ado - Usseewa (aka Shut Up Song)
Bill Wurtz - At The Corner Store (aka Corner Store Song)
Bryant Oden - The Duck Song (aka Prank Song)
Danny Gonzalez - Bag Tho (aka Youtubers Song)
Maxwell Anthony - Aromantic moodboard (aka Aromantic Song)
Joan Jett - Bad Reputation (aka Bad Reputation Song)
Paul McCartney - Band On The Run (aka Band Break-Up Song)
Cavetown - Boys will be bugs (aka Boyhood Song)
ERA - Ameno (aka Dog Latin Song)
The Academic - Not Your Summer (aka Summer Song)
Dropkick Murphys - Rose Tattoo (aka Tattoo Song)
Psychostick - We Ran out of CD Space (aka What if? Song)
The Eagles - Hotel California (aka American Culture Song)
Kero Kero Bonito - It's Bugsnax! (aka Bugsnax Song)
Saint Motel - Honest Feedback (aka Criticism Song)
Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil (aka The Devil Song)
Johnny Manchild and the Poor Bastards - Gestapo (aka Fuck Donald Trump Song)
Owl City - Fireflies (aka Insomnia Song)
Bo Burnham - Welcome to the Internet (aka The Internet Song)
They Might Be Giants - Istanbul (Not Constantinople) (aka Istanbul Song)
Tom Cardy - Hey, I don't work here (aka Sudden Alien Invasion Song)
Lemon Demon - Spiral of Ants (aka Animal Metaphor Song)
Satellite High - The Bus Is Late (Waiting For The Bus In The Rain) (aka Late Bus song)
The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (aka Lucy Song)
sidney gish - persephone (aka Mispronunciation Song)
Jorge Velosa - La cucharita (aka Spoon Song)
Jhariah - DEBT COLLECTOR (aka Problems Song)
jimmy dean - big bad john (aka Sacrifice Song)
Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues (aka Regret Song)
The Narcissist Cookbook - Sugar In My Coffee (aka Food Metaphor Song)
Echosmith - Cool Kids (aka High School Song)
Car Seat Headrest - It's Only Sex (aka Asexuality Song)
Lemon Demon - Amnesia was her name (aka Amnesia Song)
The Doors - People Are Strange (aka Alienation Song)
Tally Hall - Banana Man (aka Food Song)
Jessica Law - This is Not a Place of Honour (aka Devastation song)
Mermaid Sisters - Galactic mermaid (aka Frustration song)
Pinnochiop - God-ish (aka Modern Culture Critic Song)
Owl City - Peppermint Winter (aka Christmas Song)
Green Day - Longview (aka Boredom Song)
Bastille - Daniel in the Den (aka Betrayal Song)
AsapScience - Periodic Table Song (... you get that one, I think)
Pete Seegar - Oh Freedom (aka Freedom Song)
Are part of Mental issues Song Bracket (8 from 75):
AJJ - Body Terror Song
AJR - Karma
Ashnikko - Panic Attacks in Paradise
awfultune - Redesign
Cg5 - Freak Out
Cg5 and The Living Tombstone - 4get
Chameleon Circuit - Nightmares
Creep-P - Exorcism
Danger Mouse, Daniele Luppe, Jack White - Two Against One
Eden Epinosa - Waiting in the Wings
Eve - Dramaturgy; Literary Nonsense; Tokyo Ghetto; How to Eat Life
Fin Argus - Ship in a bottle
Fish in a Birdcage - Fish in a birdcage
Florence + the machine - free; falling
Gabby Young and Other Animals - In Your Head
grandson - In Over My Head; Despicable; Identity
Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Guchiry - Abnormality Dancing Girl
inabakumori - Lagtrain
Jack stauber - Dinner is not over
Jamie Christopherson - Only Thing I Know for Real
Jhariah - Flight of the Crows
Jhariah, Luis Chavez - These 4 Walls
Junie & TheHutFriends - The Consequence Of Imagination Is Fear
Kero KERO boni - toId rather sleep
Lemon Demon - I’ve got some falling to do
MGK - 9 lives
Miracle Musical - Labyrinth
mitski - a burning hill
Neru - Lost One's Weeping
Pale Waves - Noises
Patrick Stump - Explode
Qbomb - Everything is fine
Raghd - Pressure
Rainbow Kitten Surprise - It's Called: Freefall
Red Vox - In the Garden
Shayfer James - Your Father's Son
sidney gish - sin triangle
Simple Plan - Welcome to my life
Sufjan Stevens - I Want to Be Well
syudou - Bitter Choco Decoration
The Arcadian Wild - Tell It Like It Is
The cast of Next to Normal - Wish I were here
the crane wives - hollow moon; nothing at all
The Eagles - Desperado
the mountain goats - up the wolves
The score - Strange
This Could Be On Broadway - Just My Luck
Toh Kay - With Any Sort of Certainty
TUYU - I'm getting on the bus to the other world, see ya!
wilbur soot - since I saw vienna
Will Wood - Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics, but I Need You to Leave; BlackBoxWarrior
will wood and the tapeworms - red moon
half alive - What's Wrong
Wowaka - Rolling Girl
The Weakerthans - Plea from a Cat Named Virtute
Cavetown - Home
Marina and the Diamonds - Are You Satisfied?
The Amazing Devil - The Old Witch Sleep and The Good Man Grace
the police - synchronicity ii
Eminem - Stan
Tears For Fears - Mad World
Gary Jules - Mad World
Jessica Darrow - Surface Pressure
Katherine Lynn-Rose - Price of Perfection; Top of my school
Kimya Dawson - Tree Hugger
Are part of War/History Song Bracket (2 from 24):
10000 Maniacs - Gun shy
Don Mclean - The Grave
Dropkick Murphys - Green Fields of France
Sting - The Russians
The Amazing Devil - Elsa's Song
The Cranberries - Zombie
The Mechanisms - Rose Red; Our Boy Jack; No Happy Ending
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
Thirty Seconds to Mars - This is War
Nena - 99 Luftballons
My Chemical Romance - Mama
Bastille - Pompeii
pigwiththefaceofaboy - Complete History of the Soviet Union, Arranged to the Melody of Tetris
the buttress - brutus
Ghost and Pals - Aura
Weezer - The British Are Coming
The Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star
Jayli Wolf - Child of the Government
Gordon Lightfoot - The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
Paul Brady - Arthur McBride, or The Recruiting Seargent
Sabaton - The Attack of the Dead Men
Charming Disaster - Radium Girls
Are part of Revenge/Confrontation Song Bracket (4 from 36):
100 Gecs - Sympathy 4 The Grinch
Alice Francis - Shoot Him Down!
The Decemberists - Mariner's Revenge Song
Ryan Scott Oliver - Leave, Luanne
Aviators - Red Water Dreams
Bring Me The Horizon - medicine
Da games - Moving up in the world
Dalton Deschain & the Traveling Show - Devil's Night
Death Note the Musical - Playing His Game
Fish in a Birdcage - Four Aces
grandson - Bury Me Face Down
dead end paranormal park - My Frankenstein
I don’t know how but they found me - Choke
Jeremy Irons - Be Prepared
Jhariah - Whose Eye Is It Anyway???
Miles Luna and Benjamin Zecker - Better Than You
Naethan Apollo - You’re Not Welcome
Nightmare Time - Yellow Jacket
Olivia Olsen and Ashley Tisdale - Busted
Poor Man's Poison - Hell's Coming with Me
Queen - Death on Two Legs
Scene queen - The rapture (but it's pink)
steampianist - black hole
The Crane Wives - Take Me to War
the living tombstone, eliemonty - die in a fire
Vane Lilly - Perfectly Sweet
Warren Zevon - Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
StarKid (Twisted Musical) - No One Remembers Achmed
Lord Huronthe - World Ender
Lestat the Musical - After All This Time
ponyphonic - the moon rises
Schell Games - I Expect You To Die
Set It Off - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Martina McBride - Independence Day
Bruce Springsteen - Death to My Hometown
Gaelic Storm - The Night that I Punched Russel Crowe
Are part of Animal Song Mini Bracket (1 from 12):
DaniwellP - Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!
Djjack - Pink Elephants on Parade
GWSNRecipe ~ For Simon
Hullabaloo - Mama Llama
Kila - Howls the wolf
Subwolfer - Give that wolf a banana
Nickel Creek - The Fox
Lemon Demon - Jaws
Thurl Ravenscroft - Everybody Wants to Be a Cat
Jonti Picking - Owls
Will Wood - Tomcat Disposables
mewithoutYou - The Fox, The Crow And The Cookie
Are part of Family Song Bracket (4 from 40):
ABBA - Slipping Through my Fingers
AJR - Dear Winter
Alex Benjamin - If We Have Each Other
The Crane Wives - Never Love an Anchor
Belle - Gales of Song
birds of tokyo - my darling, my son
Brotherhood of man - Save your kisses for me
Cat Stevens - Father and son
Clyde Rabatel (from No Straight Roads Soundtrack) - DK West Encounter 3
Conan Gray - Family Line
Daði freyr - Think about things
Evelyn Evelyn - Evelyn Evelyn
Gregory & The Hawk - Boats & Birds
Johnny Cash - Boy Named Sue
Kacey Musgraves - Mother
Kodaline - Brother
lucy dacus - my mother & I
Of monsters and men - King and Lionheart
Starkid - When the World’s at Stake; The Power in Me
Passion Pit - Take a Walk
Phineas and Ferb Cast - Us Against the Universe
Radical Face - Always Gold
Set It Off - Dad's Song
Stromae - Papaoutai
Tayc - Qui
beetlejuice the musical - dead mom
twenty øne piløts - My Blood
MGK - Last November
Jessie Shelton (36 Questions Musical) - Our Word
Sasha Alex Sloan - Older
Marina and the Diamonds - The Family Jewels
Mitski - Class of 2013
The Amazing Devil - Welly Boots
Laura Shigihara - Jump
The Mechanisms - Once and Future King
Vienna Teng - Grandmother Song
Sleeping at last - Heirloom
surfjan stevens - should have known better
Rammstein - Dalai Lama
Are part of Friendship Song Bracket (2 from 28):
ABBA - Chiquitita Ross Lynch - Can't Do it Without You
BB Bean - Two Best Friends
Bears in Trees - Little Cellist
Beetlebug - Overgrown Garden
Catherine Warwick - Bein' Friends
Cavetown - Lemon Boy
Conan Gray - Best Friend
concrete blonde - take me home
harumaki gohan - cobalt memories
Julie and the Phantoms cast - Flying Solo
Kimya Dawson - Loose Lips
Louie Zong and Brian David Gilbert - Breezy Slide
Madison Reyes, Jadah Marie - Main Thing
Peach Pit - Tommys Party
Radical Face - Summer Skeletons
Sea Wolf - Old Friend
Taylor Swift - seven
The Scary Jokes - Friends With You
Toby Fox - His Theme
Varsity - Krissy
Wicked - Defying Gravity
Laufey - Best friend
depeche mode - never let me down again
Ghost Mice - Free Pizza For Life
Taylor Swift and HAIM - No body, no crime
The Chicks - Goodbye Earl
Gang of Youths - Achilles, Come Down
Are part of Crime Song Bracket (2 from 28):
Anthony Warlow - Alive
Jhariah - Knives Are Dangerous, Kid, So Cut the Theatrics!
Creature feature - The art of poisoning
Crooked Still - Wind and Rain/Twa Sisters
Danny Gonzales - I'm gonna kill Santa Claus
Death Grips - Beware
Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks
Kanannon - The Riddle Solver Who Can't Solve Riddles
KuragePChururira - Chururira Daddadda
Lemon Demon - Sweet Bod
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Sodikken - people eater
steampianisti - feed
Teddy Hyde - Terry's Taxidermy
The Beatles - Maxwell’s Silver Hammer
The Cranberries - The icicle melts
The Garages - Firewalker with me
The Protomen - The Hounds
Tom Lehrer - Poisoning Pigeons in the Park
Warrant - Uncle Tom's Cabin
Yugami-P - Alice human sacrifice
The Stupendium - Fiend Like Me
Eliza Carthy - Mrs Dyer The Baby Farmer
George Ezra - Drawing Board
The Mechanisms - Lucky Sevens
The Crane Wives - Curses
Louis Armstrong - Mack the Knife
Panic! At The Disco - Time to Dance
Are part of Addiction Song Mini Bracket (1 from 12):
AJR - Weak
Linkin Park- Breaking The Habit
Dresden Dolls - My Alcoholic Friends
Eric Clapton - Cocaine
Florence + The Machine - Morning Elvis
Franz Ferdinand - Ulysses
grandson - Overdose; Pain Shopping
Jack Stauber - Coffee
Ringo Starr - The No No Song
The Living Tombstone - Drunk
The replacements - Here comes a regular
Are part of Fame Song preliminary poll (1 from 7):
Albert Hammond - It never rains in southern California
Bug Hunter - Disco! in the Panic Room
Grand Commander - Fuck you im going underground
John Douglass aka jacksfilms - We're all just assholes talking to a camera
Måneskin - Gossip
The neighbourhood - Wires
Taylor Swift - Long Live
Are part of Supernatural Song Bracket (4 from 36):
Heather Dale - Black Fox
Lord Huron - Dead Man’s Hand
Alex Brightman, Sophia Anne Caruso - Say My Name
Lemon Demon - Cabinet Man
Ludo - Lake Pontchartrain
Alex Brightman, Sophia Anne Caruso - Say My Name
Bear Ghost - Necromancin Dancin
Blue Oyster Cult - Godzilla
Bobby "boris" Pickett - monster mash
Charming Disaster - Wishing Well
Creature feature - The Greatest Show Unearthed
David Bowie - Magic dance
Feuerschwanz - Untot im Drachenboot
Single File - Zombies Ate My Neighbors
The Darkness - Black Shuck
The Longest Johns - Moby Duck
Weird Al Yankovic - Jurassic Park
Periphery - Reptile
steampianist - to our colorful scintillating future
Nancy Kerr - Fragile Water
The Hush Sound - Lighthouse
Cave mouth - Hecate
Kurt Elling - Nature boy
S. J. Tucker - Cheshire Kitten
The Living Tombstone ft. BSlick & Crusher-P - 1000 Doors
Jessica Law - Raising the Dead!
the forgetmenauts - charlatan in red
Everything Everything - Leviathan
The Searchers - Love Potion Number Nine
Tenacious D - Tribute
Thoushaltnot - The Haunted Phonograph
Heather Dale - Changeling Child
The lab rats - Devil's train
The Mechanisms - The Riddle Of The Sphinx
S.J. Tucker - Song of the Witches
Bug Hunter - 2 Bed, 2 Bath, and a Ghost
Are part of Piracy/Western Song Bracket (1 from 16):
Fish in a Birdcage Rule #23 - Birds of a Feather
Alestorm - Drink
The Longest Johns - The Last Bristolian Pirate; Wellerman
Master Bones Jangle - The Derelict
Brillig - The old captain
The Arrogant Worms - The Last Sasketchewan Pirate
Stan Rogers - Barrett’s Priveteers
The Longest Johns - Off to Sea
Brian David Gilbert - Pumpkin Cowboy
glen campbell - Rhinestone Cowboy
Jim Croce - You Don’t Mess Around With Jim
Charlie Daniels Band - The Devil Went Down to Georgia
Marty Robbins - Big Iron
Tom Cardy - The Ballad of Smokin' Joe Rudeboy
John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads
Are part of Positivity Song Bracket (4 from 52):
AURORA - Running with the wolves
Avril Lavigne - Here's to Never Growing Up
Bon Jovi - It's My Life
Brent Morgan - Gonna Be Okay
Caleb Hyles - Amber and Rain
Chip Skylark - My Shiny Teeth and Me
Colbie Caillat - Try
Death - Let The World Turn
Death Cab for Cutie - Grapevine Fires
Delta Rae - Dance in the Graveyards
dodie - Secret for the Mad
Elsa - Show Yourself
Florence and the machine - daffodil
Go! Child - Outro
Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes - Wake Up Everybody
I Fight Dragons - Disaster Hearts
Jeff Williams - This Life is Mine
Jimmy Cliff - You Can Get It If You Really Want It
Kenny Loggins - Footloose
Lord Huron - Until the Night Turns
Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World
Måneskin - Zitti E buoni
MARINA - Ancient Dreams In A Modern Land
Mother Mother - Infinitesimal
OR3O - Living on
Paloma Faith - Upside Down
Rachel Platten - Fight Song
Rhett and Link - I'm On Vacation
Rhythm Heaven - Beautiful One Day
Rise Against - Tragedy + Time
Something Else Yt - I’m Something Else
Sonic adventure 2 - Escape from the city
Stan Rogers - The Mary Ellen Carter
Steam Powered Giraffe - Malfunction
Steppen Wolf - Born The Be Wild
Surfaces - Sunday Best
Tamino - Indigo Night
The Black-Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling
The Cog is Dead - Weird
The Crane Wives - Volta; Turn Out The Lights
The Crüxshadows - Quicksilver
The Mowglis - Bad Dream
Thomas Rhett - Be a Light
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz - I'm Me
Jack Johnson - Upside Down
VHS Christmas Carol - Christmas Electricity
Frank Sinatra - My Way
Tank and the Bangas - Black Folk
Survivor - Eye of the Tiger
The Stupendium - Shine Through
Are part of Mortality Song Bracket (4 from 54):
AJR - Bang!
Bears in Trees - Doing This Again!
Beth Kinderman - Refusal of the Call
Bowling for Soup - 1985
Coldplay - Viva la Vida
Dan Deacon - When I Was Done Dying
Dayglow - Junior Varsity
Death Cab for Cutie - Gold Rush
Ed Sheeran - Castle on the Hill
Eurielle - City of the Dead
House Phone - Drinking Song
Jeff Williams feat. Meredith Hagan - Contact Redux
Lord Huron - Frozen Pines
Lorde - Ribs
Madilyn Mei - Have I Outgrown Minecraft?
Megadeth - Time: The Beginning
My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the Black Parade; The Foundations Of Decay
No, really - Beginning of the end
Oingo Boingo - Dead man's party
Rusty Cage - The Hearse Song
Orla Gartland - Souvenirs
Pale Waves - Act My Age
Peter, Paul, and Mary - Puff the Magic Dragon
Pim Stones - We Have It all
Radical Face - All Is Well (Goodbye, Goodbye)
Saintseneca - How many blankets are in the world?
The arcadian wild - The graduate
the cast of Adventure Time - Time Adventure
The Crane Wives - Keep You Safe
The Gregory Brothers - The Last Goodbye
The Kingston Trio - Where Have All The Flowers Gone
the mountain goats - pale green things; bleed out
the replacements - birthday gal
They Might Be Giants - Am I Awake?
Too Small the Limelight - Anatomy of a Car Crash
Will Wood - Cicada Days; Euthanasia
Yorushika - Say it
Alec Benjamin - Outrunning Karma
Anthony Warlow - I Need To Know
half.alive - creature
The Hoosiers - Goodbye Mr A
The Hush Sound - That's Okay
Judy Kuhn - Just Around the Riverbend
The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby
The Mechanisms - Losing Track
The Audreys - Sometimes the Stars
Eve - Fight Song
John Mayer - Waiting on the World to Change
Jukebox the Ghost - Fire In the Sky/Where are all the Scientists Now?/A Matter of Time
Jessica Law - Six Years
The Highwaymen - Highwayman
Are part of Morality Song preliminary poll (1 from 6):
Alec Benjamin - Outrunning Karma
Anthony Warlow - I Need To Know
Yorushika - Say it
Twisted the Untold Story of a Royal Vizier - Twisted
The Oh Hellos - Dear Wormwood
Tears for Fears - Everybody wants to rule the world
Are part of Alter Ego/Duality Song Mini Bracket (1 from 12):
Anthony Warlow - Confrontation
grandson - The Ballad of G and X
Eden Espinosa and Jeremy Jordan - Nothing Left to Lose
Brasma - Oh, Funny! (How The Sea Goes Round)
Jessica Law - Jekyll & Hyde 4eva
The Amazing Devil - Farewell Wanderlust
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals - Let It Out
Will Wood - Dr Sunshine is Dead
Billy Idol - Plastic Jesus
Hozier and Bear McCreary - Blood upon the snow
Street People - Facade
Are part of Music Song Mini Bracket (1 from 14):
Billy Joel - Piano Man
Bob Seger - Old Time Rock n Roll
Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode
Death - David's dream
Heaven Pierce Her - Altars of Apostasy
Johann Sebastian Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D minor
KEYGEN CHURCH - Tenebre Rosso Sangue
OMORI - not-so-empty house
Saint Motel - A Good Song Never Dies
Tally Hall - Welcome to Tally Hall
Wild Cherry - Play that Funky Music
Don McLean - American Pie
Sarah Bareilles - Love Song
Kenny Loggins - One Small Voice
Are part of Dance Song preliminary poll (1 from 7):
ABBA - Dancing Queen
Caramell - Caramelldansen
dArtagnan - Tanz in den Mai
Loosey Laduca - Let Loose
Miriam Makaba - Pata Pata
The Bangles - Walk Like an Egyptian
The Spinners - The Rubberband Man
Are part of Sci-Fi Song Bracket (1 from 20):
Basset - Perfect Human
Brendon Small - The Ocean Galaktik
Bryce Dessner, Sufjan Stevens, James McAlister, Nic Muhly - Jupiter
Heather Sanders - Call the Navigator
Portal - Still alive
Qbomb - 1000000 ad
Steam powered giraffe - Brass goggles
Heather Dale - I.S.S. (Is Somebody Singing?)
TWRP - Starlight Brigade
Brad Sucks - Lonely
Mili - String Theocracy
Cepheid - Goddess
The Mechanisms - Lost in The Cosmos; Alice; Redeath; Frankenstein; Gunpowder Tim vs. The Moon Kaiser
Train - Drops of Jupiter
The Killers - Spaceman
Alderon Tyran - Dawson's Christian
The Hound + The Fox - The Paradox
Are part of Social issues Song Bracket (2 from 44):
A perfect circle - Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drum
Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire
Bo Burnham - Channel 5 News
Bob Marley & The Wailers - I Shot the Sheriff
concrete blonde - god is a bullet
Eddie Grant - Electric Avenue
Geoff Berner - Daloy polizei
grandson - Dirty; Is This What You Wanted; Bills; Blood // Water
Harry Belafonte Day OIskwe - Little Star
John Lennon - Working Class Hero
konstrakta - in corpore sano
Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows
Les Misérables Cast - Do You Hear the People Sing
lovejoy - the fall
Megson - Generation Rent
muse - explorers
Newsies Cast - Watch What Happens
Poor Man's Poison - Feed the Machine
Shayfer James - Weight of the World
Shinedown - Planet Zero
Steampianist - Dream Eating Machine
Steven Sondheim - Another national anthem
Suzanne Vega - Luka
The Beatles - Black Bird
The Black-Eyed Peas - Where is the Love
The Crane Wives - The Hand That Feeds
The Strokes - The Adults Are Talking
Tikkle Me - Blow My Brains Out
Tom Morello, Shea Diamond, Dan Reynolds, The Bloody Beetroots - Stand Up
Arcade Fire - We exist
Vienna Teng - The Hymn of Axiom
Froukje - Groter Dan Ik
Simon and Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence
James Currier - A Fertile Wood at Heart
Bring Me The Horizon - Happy Song
Ralph McTell - The Streets of London
Ren - Money Game 2
Hozier - Eat your young
Greek Fire - A Real Life
Rare Americans - Love Is All I Bring
Penelope Scott - Dead girls
Are part of Biographic Song/Character Theme Mini Bracket (2 from 18):
Boney M. - Rasputin
Don Mclean - Vincent
TeamFourStar - Alexander Anderson
The Cast of Centaurworld - The Nowhere King
They Might Be Giants - Doctor Worm
Tom Lehrer - Lobachevsky
Sabaton - The Unkillable Soldier; White Death
Leonard Nimoy - The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
Sonya Belousova - Toss a Coin to Your Witcher
Sabaton - Father
Mili - Salt Pepper Birds and the Thought Police
Weird Al Yankovic - The Jedi Song
The Doubleclicks - Wonder
Rare Americans - Brittle Bones Nicky
Jim's Big Ego - The Ballad of Barry Allen
The Mechanisms - Hereward The Wake
Sabaton - A Ghost in the Trenches
Are part of Creativity/Tropes/Games Song preliminary poll (1 from 7):
David Bowie - Life on Mars?
Foster the People - Best Friend
Waterparks - Mad All the Time Nicholas Karr and Scott Wozniak - Stupid Nintendo games
Jason Charles Miller - Your Turn to Roll
the mountain goats - wage wars get rich die handsome
Will Wood - The Main Character
Are part of Faith Song Mini Bracket (2 from 18):
Arcade Fire - Here Comes The Night Time
concrete blonde - tomorrow, wendy
Eric Clapton - Swing Low Sweet Chariot
Ghost - He Is
Joan Osborne - One Of Us
K-modo - You will believe
Lemon Demon - Ask For Nothing
mewithoutYou - The King Beetle on a Coconut Estate
Moon walker - I'm afraid I'll go to heaven
the crane wives - the garden
the oh hellos - passerine
The Rare Occasions - Notion
Ben Caplan - Birds With Broken Wings
GHOST - Honey I’m Home
The Dear Hunter - Wait
The Narcissist Cookbook - Apple
Therapy? - Turn
Tub Ring - Impress Your Creators
Are part of Gender Song preliminary poll (1 from 11):
green day - king for a day
Mother mother - Verbatim
Penny parker - Metamorphosis
She/her/hers - Gender is boring
Shea Diamond - I Am Her
teniwoha - Villain
Will Wood - I/Me/Myself
Christine and the Queens/Red Car - Christine
the replacements - androgynous
Ezra Furman - Maraschino-Red Dress $8.99 From Goodwill
The Doubleclicks - I'm Winning
Are part of Womanhood Song Mini Bracket (1 from 12):
Dolly Parton - 9 to 5
Emilie Autumn - Thank God I'm Pretty
Little Simz - Woman
LOONA - So What
Queen - Killer Queen
Florence + The Machine - King
Donna Summer - She Works Hard For The Money
The Crane Wives - Ribs
Veruca Salt - Seether
Alvan & Ahez - Fulenn
Reba McEntire - Fancy
Seanan McGuire - Wicked Girls Saving Ourselves
Are part of Travel/Journey Song preliminary poll (1 from 6):
The Beatlesøns - The Yukon Song
Byrds - 8 Miles High
The High Kings - The Rocky Road to Dublin
The Mountain Goats - Parisian Enclave
Shakushain - Wednesday Campanella
Hadestown Cast - Wait for Me
Are part of Greed Song preliminary poll (1 from 6):
The 88 feat. Lorax Cast - Biggering
Lemon Demon - Redesign Your Logo
Patrick Stump - Greed
Pink Williams - The Devil is Real
Dire Straits - Industrial Disease
The Oncler - How Bad Can I Be?
Are part of Dystopia/Propaganda/Preconceptions Song preliminary poll (1 from 9):
The Stupendium - The Fine Print
The Stupendium - Rest Employed
The Stupendium - And So We Fall
The Stupendium & Dan Bull - It's A Joy
Crusher-P - Propaganda!
Hadestown Cast - Why we build the wall
Encanto Cast - We Don't Talk About Bruno
Connor Spiotto - The Villain I Appear To Be
Raye Zaragoza - They Say
Are part of preliminary Nature Song poll (1 from 4):
S. J. Tucker - Firebird's child
Eddie Rabbitt - I Love A Rainy Night
John Anderson - Seminole Wind
Cosmo Sheldrake - The Moss
Are part of preliminary Marriage/Divorce Song poll (1 from 4):
Cécile Corbel - Le bal de chats
The mountain goats - No children
AJR - My Play
Cavetown - Devil Town
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clouds, paper, and strawberry for the soft asks :3
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clouds: one time i had a short dream where i was kissing my girlfriend’s face and we were smiling and laughing the whole time it was so sweet, ugh i miss them :,(
paper: either the llama llama books, or junie b jones! my mom used to read the llama llama books to me when i was little, they’ve always stuck out to me :3
strawberry: strawberries and bananas! bananas make my mouth kinda itchy, but i love the smell of banana scented things <3 same for strawberry scents!
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the-ultimate-squish · 11 months
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
good job on not letting weirdo anons bully you into shipping discourse just because you stated your personal feelings and boundaries. shits wild. I figured i should offer a snake pic so fat boy wonder says hi (his names boo :p)
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I wanted to go scoop Junie to calm down but she's still sleepin with her lil chin on her rock and I don't wanna disturb her. Toast would be a second option but he's still trying to eat me ksjfdhgbksjdfg
Tysm for the Boo!! I adore he. 10/10 amazing for fiery Persian tempers
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(realized i accidentally said Eclipse and not Clip but i’m not gonna forget the baby!!) here Eclipse, you also get a squishmallow :3
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this is Junie, she loves her family, she’s a banana :3
Kill Code: L͢oo͘k ̵a͠t th̷at͝, ͟lit̨t͢l͘é one.́ Yoúr̛ ow͘n..̕.͞bána͞n̵a?
Eclipse: Nana! Papa! Nana!
Kill Code: *smiles* Yes̴,̧ ͞t̢h͠at ̶i̴s̵ a ͏'bańan̴a̸'. *lightly bounces Eclipse in his arms* I̴ ͘b̕e̷li̢ev͢e̢ t̷h͢a͢t̛ so̢ḿeo͟ne͝ ̛n͟eeds a bot͟tle be͏f̕o҉re his n̨ap. ͝I̧ ͞wi̵l̸l b̷e ̕back.
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marcholasmoth · 3 months
OSRR: 3602
today i went for lunch with my mom and we went to ocean state for a bunch of stuff, none of which im completely convinced we needed. but we got new lawn chairs which are actually camp chairs bc we use them for cookouts and stuff and we need to actually be able to get up out of them with a plate of food and stuff.
we stopped for lemonades and pie and snacks, and it was just as we were leaving walgreens with snacks that the funniest part of the day occurred.
mom handed me her debit card to put back in her purse after paying, so i went to grab her little wallet to put it back, but the purse was so stuffed by something it was hard to deal with and honestly hard to get into at all - the bag is kind of big, so the fact that it felt so cramped was really weird. so i find the offending pocket, and i seek out what's making it make the bag feel so goddamn cramped. i reach in and i find a spray can of poo pourri or whatever it's called, and for a moment i thought i found the issue, but the pocket was still too stuffed of something for that single can to make a difference like this. so i stick my hand further into the pocket, and i come across something smooth, which is squishy and vaguely squelchy. which is a weird thing to have in a pocket that usually has makeup in it, and for a moment i thought it could've been one of those blender sponges for foundation, but my mom doesn't use those. so i grab the thing and pull it out.
it's a significantly over-ripened banana.
holding it up, i look at my mom and say, "care to explain this?" mom looked a little confused, and cashier was completely unfazed. definitely not the weirdest thing someone has pulled from their purse in that store.
when we get to the car she explains that last wednesday she'd grabbed a banana to eat for breakfast and put it in her purse as she went to the grocery store. she promptly forgot about it. she went grocery shopping, and she kept thinking about bananas. she went to dunks after, and put her bagel in the purse and ate the donut. since she kept thinking about bananas, she figured it was because she wanted to get some banana nut muffins, so she went back to the grocery store to get some.
she later remembered the bagel, but she's been thinking about bananas since wednesday. she's also been thinking her purse smelled like bananas, but she figured that was because she was thinking about bananas. but no. there was in fact a banana in her purse.
just before she explains this, she reaches into the bag of things we just got and pulls something out to give to me.
it's a squishmallow. a banana squishmallow.
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her name is junie, and the combination of events which led to our walgreens trip having a net-zero sum of bananas was the funniest thing i could've imagined happening today.
anyway. after that, we came home and watched the flash until i made dinner and then we watched some more until about 10pm.
joel texted me today asking what i was up to. i said i was watching tv, and i asked him what was up. he said "not much," and that was about it. i'm sure he was doing something; he's always doing something. he has so many projects running at once that it's a wonder he has any time and creativity left for anything else.
but now it's almost 00:40 and i have a headache and i am so tired.
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