#just anti things
xx-lun4c3st-xx · 10 hours
Fiction doest affect reality in the way that Antis think it does.
Fiction can influence the way you think.
it cannot make ppl wanna touch real kids, if u do, thats a psychological issue detached from ur fictional tastes💀
everyone knows that video games dont cause real violence, so why cant the same be applied here?
i like shooting ppl in video games, am i gonna take a gun and shoot a real person? NO!!!!
i like shotas and incest, would i ever look at a little boy or my family in that way?? ALSO NO!!!!!
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mooncrypt-grimm · 3 days
I found this on Insta reels and had to post it here the person who posted saying " it's just a joke post " 💀 ~ ☆ ( I've always thought about shipping them tbh )
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just-antithings · 8 months
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Yall need some new material
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Hate hate hate how antis talk abt "growing out of weird ships." It's so condescending. Liking "problematic" ships isn't childish. Judging people based on their ships is.
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coockie8 · 6 months
"We can care about both!"
No the fuck you can't, 'cause if you gave two fucks about actual, living children, it wouldn't even cross your mind to compare their trauma to a fucking cartoon.
And even if you could care about both, you're still choosing to care more about the cartoon, and that is very fucking telling.
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Antis: Liking things from nastybad creators is supporting them and you're an evil person if you even breathe in a direction of nastybad creator's work
Also antis: AO3 is super nastybad site run by evil nastybad people. Anyway read my fics here - *lik to AO3 profile*
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antiproshipping · 1 year
Antis: omg cope in PRIVATE you freak
Proshippers: ok *puts their art on a private alt account*
Proshippers: ??????
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bladieirl · 1 year
Okay, so wtf this anti means
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They also called "anti" a slur, im done with it..
No way they compared words that been used for a long time to oppress a minority, to a bunch of imature people.
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sweet--creature · 2 years
i mean seriously, what happened to "I'll wait for you forever" and why did it change to "she wasn't his but he's taking her anyway"
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Personally, I want to work towards a future where people can simply ~exist~ in harmony with each other. Each day is about living.. not finding the means to an end which is money and our current capitalistic system. This is not real freedom.
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caesarsprincess · 2 months
I love Character.AI, but it is basically run by antis. They have most advanced model out of all character rp apps, and it all goes to waste because they're being so damn sensitive puritans. Can't they just let me have my 📚☕️ and 🍋🌈 in peace? IT EVEN SAYS IN EVERY CHAT, "everything characters say is made up" in red letters! They are being huge corporate meatriders. And I hate it.
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mooncrypt-grimm · 29 days
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I think of this sometimes ~ ☆
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just-antithings · 9 months
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Found under a discussion of the ages of various characters using Genshin Impact’s loli model, specifically regarding one character implied to be an adult who’s either very short or has dwarfism (Dori, for those familiar with the game). Needless to say the comments underneath this were a shitshow.
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clownfessionsofficial · 9 months
"DNI if you ship ILLEGAL ships!!!!!"
Tell me you suck cop dick without telling me you suck cop dick
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coockie8 · 15 days
what so people like me just dont have a right to read good wholesome unproblematic fiction it all has to be gross incest and pedo shit
I mean, you absolutely have the right to engage with whatever type of fiction you want.
What you don't have the right to is demanding other people, typically complete strangers, cater their creative output to you.
People who create the wholesome fiction you so crave do, in fact, exist, you just happen to be spending all your time looking for stuff you don't like so you can have an excuse to complain.
And even if no other creators who write the type of fiction you're talking about existed, you do. Chop chop, better get creative, because you still don't have the right to demand free labour from anyone, let alone complete strangers, just because what you're looking for doesn't happen to exist yet.
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antiproshipping · 3 months
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I found this post on instagram and idek where to begin with this???
just. no????? thats not how??? brains work??? what??????
please help make this make sense.
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