#just give 12 a cape it's all I ask
intheconfessiondial · 8 months
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Redraw of the cape post, because that entire concept deserved better than the illustration I gave it.
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artemismoorea03 · 1 year
DPxDC or Marvel: Amity's Hero
Could be used with the Justice League, Batfam or Marvel! It's completely up to your imagine go ham! But I'm going to be writing this with the Justice League because I know them better <3
The Justice League was devastated when they learned about Amity Park and it's situation. It wasn't until a 12 year old girl grabbed Batman by the cape, shoved a USB into his hand and saved "they need your help" before they mysteriously vanished that they even knew of the problem. The city had been cut off from the rest of the United States due to a government agency which tracked every call, text, and message trying to leave the area all the while a 14 year old kid fought off the same Government Agency, other agencies, and creatures from another dimension called 'Ghosts'.
But the last thing they expected when they arrived to Amity Park was to see the same teenager - Phantom - wounded after a fight. The fight was over by the time they got there but the wounds and fear on the teens face were real. He had no idea that the League was there to offer help and it was clear the teen was of the assumption that they were there to help the Goverment.
He wasn't the only one.
Four teenagers slid in front of the teen, protecting him all ready to fight and they weren't the only ones. More and more teenagers joined the group some wearing football jackets, others in crop tops and jeans. Then the elderly started to join in and the middle age. People in normal clothes, jumpsuits, normal suits, hospital gowns, police uniforms - everybody in the area - made a protective barrier between the Justice League and the teen who seemed confused by the actions.
"If the Justice League is here to cause issues for my city you better turn around now. We have had quite enough for one day." A man with silver hair pulled in a ponytail said.
"No, we're not here to cause issues. We were here to talk to Phantom... to see if he needed help." Superman said as Batman stepped up.
"It's clear now though... he has help. The Justice League has disabled the devices the 'Ghost Investigation Ward' was using to keep you guys secluded... so if he - or any of you - need more help... give us a call." Batman said as the man hesitated, then nodded.
"That's it?" Green Arrow asked as they turned and walked away from the crowd. "We're just... leaving?"
"Yeah. We are. Phantom knows he has more he can depend on and it's not just the league. Amity is under his protection and Amity will protect their hero." Batman said, glancing back at the teen who was being hugged by a couple in teal and orange jumpsuits.
Amity Park and it's hero sure was a sight to see.
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fandonnavyce · 2 months
Patrol Partners 2024
This is my co-authored fic for this event. Shout out to Leonardo_Turtle for being a great partner!
Aka the Brain Dead Meet Cute where Tim and Danny are Trapped in An Elevator during a Rogue Attack
Danny presses the 12th floor elevator button to take him to the new exhibition in the observatory. He has been looking forward to seeing it since he had arrived in this dimension but never had the time to visit until now. The exhibition was supposed to be a stunning gallery of all the exciting xeno-meteorology on the different planets in the Cassiopeia Galaxy. Danny was so looking forward to seeing it. Danny fired off a quick text to Tucker, as he impatiently watched the numbers above the elevator doors ascend. Ding went the elevator upon its arrival to the 12th floor. The lift doors parted open.
Startled at the sudden noise, Danny looked up from reading Tucker’s reply. Streaks of red and black went smashing through the hallway’s window in a shower of shattered glass. Multiple bodies hit the ground. The one in red smoothly rolled to his feet but he was being ganged up by the other three fighters dressed in iconic black outfits - Ninjas and (red and black costume with a stylised cape and domino mask) Red Robin?! Danny had heard of the vigilante Red Robin before, but he had never seen him in action before. (Warning Long Post)
Three on one seemed like an unfair fight but the hero was more than holding his own. Danny silently reached over to press the ‘Open Doors’ button as watched the fight with great admiration. Red Robin was deftly dodging the multiple attacks from multiple angles. Sliding out of range and using his staff’s greater reach to counterattack with such elegance, it looked choreographed. So Danny decided that the best thing to do was to not get in the way. Instead he would wait for the fight to be over. Danny pressed the ‘Open Doors’ button again.
Whilst Red Robin batted away a shower of shuriken with his staff, Danny prevented the doors from closing again. With a stunning swing Red Robin managed to knock one of the ninjas out of the fight completely. The two remaining ninjas shared a look before pouncing. With aggressive coordinated attacks, the fight sped up. As the intensity increased, Red Robin's staff became a blur. Then it began sparking with electricity. It took short work before the second ninja was convulsing on the floor. Red Robin then knocked the third ninja to their knees before swiftly electrocuting him right in front of Danny. The slumped over body crumpled at Danny’s feet.
Danny was looking at the unconscious ninja, and giving them a little nudge with his foot, when he felt someone staring at him. He looks up and finds Red Robin staring blankly at him in total disbelief.
“What?” Danny says as he gives the ninja a bigger nudge. “He’s in the way.”
“And you didn’t think to use the stairs to get away?” Red Robin asks. “Or just get to safety like a normal person?”
Danny surveys the fight and, as if the thought had just occurred to him, he says, “Yeah I should probably leave. I don’t think the exhibit is still open after this.” Danny pointedly looks around at the scene. Then he shrugs and motioned towards the elevator. “Need a lift?”
Red Robin looked at him like he was insane. Then he just sighed and nodded his head.
"Might as well," Red Robin said while dragging the ninja out of the elevator by his leg. He lifted his hand to his ear and looked away while saying, "B, need a cleanup on floor 12. Heading down for a perimeter check."
Danny watches as Red Robin comes closer and enters the elevator. For the last time Danny reaches over to the elevator buttons but this time he presses for the ground floor. He shifts over so that the vigilante can have more elbow room. The elevator begins to descend. The pair stand in silence. Danny keeps giving side glances to Red Robin who seems to be either unaware or merely ignoring Danny’s furtive looks.
Danny's slouch straightens up immediately when he feels the elevator's momentum suddenly slow down with a loud screech. A siren goes off. Danny looks down to find Red Robin’s hand clutching his arm as if to brace him. Danny stares down at the gloved fingers holding onto his sleeve, stares up at Red Robin, then back down at the hand with a look of confusion. Danny opened his mouth to ask why but the vigilante had already retracted his hand, and was visibly cringing. He reached his hand up to his ear.
“Batman, Batman come in,” Red Robin hurriedly says into his comms. But the vigilante only received static. “Oracle,” he tried instead, his voice was a studied calm.
“No response?” Danny asks commiseratingly. Behind his mask, Red Robin looked blankly at Danny before shaking his head.
“The elevator is causing interference with the signal so I can’t get through.” Red Robin then cocked his head. “Can I borrow your phone?” he politely asked.
“Why?” Danny asked suspiciously, holding his phone protectively close to his chest.
“I think I can use it to boost the signal and get through the interference,” Red Robin explained. “Don’t worry, you’ll get it back in one piece,” he reassured.
Danny grimaced, “I don’t think my phone will be compatible with your tech.” Danny’s current phone had been cannibalised and rebuilt by Tucker during a feud with Technus. It had ended up so modified that Danny would be unsurprised if any day now his phone woke up sentient.
“Can I at least try?” he asked with an expectant hand out. Danny couldn’t find any good reason to say no. Reluctantly he handed over his phone, placing it directly into the vigilante’s hands. Red Robin flinched when their hands touched, and Danny winced back. Red Robin had clearly been startled by how cold Danny’s hands were even through their gloves.
“Sorry, cold hands,” Danny apologised. He trotted out the usual fib to explain it away. “I have low blood circulation.” Nodding silently, Red Robin appeared to accept that. Nervously, Danny fidgeted as Red Robin physically inspected his phone, taking off the back and everything. Danny looked over Red Robin’s shoulder to watch what the vigilante was doing. Red Robin’s eyes never left the phone. Eventually though, the vigilante gave up the attempt and agreed with Danny’s initial assessment.
“I’ve never seen a model like this. Where did you get it?” Danny was saved from answering when suddenly the intercom crackles to life above them.
“Good day good citizens of Gotham city, you might be wondering why I brought you here today.” A nasally sounding voice spoke. “Well it’s quite simple really. The Batman thinks he is smarter than me and it’s getting on my nerves. So, I decided to give him a challenge he can't beat. That’s where you lovely people come in. If Batman solves my three riddles, I will release the hostages. If he doesn’t…..” The voice starts cackling. “If he doesn’t then the observatory goes boom. Batman, you will receive your first riddle in five minutes. Be ready”. The intercom fizzles out, leaving an awkward silence.
Danny hears Red Robin silently cursing while he stares at the now silent intercom. He feels a bit guilty for getting him stuck in the elevator with him so he decides to break the tension.
“Well, he’s a bit of a fruitloop isn’t he? Wonder what his deal is.” Red Robin turns his head towards Danny with a flabbergasted look on his face.
“You wonder what his deal is, do you even know who he is?” Danny looks back at Robin, awkwardly staring at Red’s disbelief. It dawns on Danny that he had just messed up.
“Whaaaaaat?” he laughed nervously. Danny felt his smile stretch just a bit too wide for a human. “Of course I do!” he lied. Internally Danny was furiously debating with himself whether or not to just admit he doesn’t know. He decides to double down on the lie instead. “This is the guy who does, who does the stuff with the you know… the other stuff.” Red Robin’s stare is unrelenting. Danny begins to sweat nervously. “Which are… riddles?” his voice rises. Danny crosses his fingers behind his back. Unbeknownst to Danny, Tim could see that. There were mirrors in the elevator. Also, Danny’s arm movement had been very unsubtle.
The intercom crackles to life again with the familiar voice from before who Danny now knows as “The Riddler”, a name that Danny privately thought was very stupid. “Well Batman, I hope you are ready for your first riddle.” He chuckles evilly “Riddle me this: Take me out of a window, and I leave a grieving wife. But stick me in a door, and I can save somebody's life. What am I? You have 3 minutes to give me your answer.” The Riddler chuckles as the intercom fizzles out.
“What can be taken out of windows and put into doors?” Tim furiously mutters as he thinks out loud. “Well the most common glass to use for windows is silicate glass, that is a mixture of sodium carbonate, limestone and silica aka sand whilst doors are typically made from wooden materials, like pine or oak, even mahogany so are they talking about Carbon or organic matter since all living beings need it. But what does that have to do with grieving wives? Unless they're talking about steel doors, but again, what does that have to do with grieving wives and life saving?” he trails off into thought.
Danny meanwhile looks down in concentration. “Take me out of windows… grieving wife; Stick me in doors… save lives. Windows… doors, windows, doors…” Danny frowns as the cogs in his mind turn. Then like a bright flash, he gets the answer. “It's the letter n!” Danny blurts out triumphant. Red Robin’s head whips round to face Danny. A disgruntled look of confusion was on his face.
“What?” he sharply asks, slightly irritated at his broken train of thought.
“It’s the letter n,” Danny repeats in excitement, “the answer is the letter n!”
Red Robin folds his arms. “How?”
“Like this: If you take the letter n out of window you get,”
“Widow,” Red Robin interrupts, now catching on, “and a widow is a grieving wife. Which means if you put the letter n in door you get,”
“Donor” Danny finished cheerily, “as in blood donor or heart donor. Something that can save lives!”
“That’s,” Red Robin is staring at Danny with an intent look in his eyes, “impressive. You figured out the answer to that riddle very quickly.” Danny responds with a sheepish grin. He was just about to say something when his phone went off. It’s an incoming text from Tucker. Danny fishes it out from his pocket. Danny taps out his reply on his phone’s keypad.
“How are you getting a signal in here?” Red Robin asks inquisitively. Danny’s finger freezes over the keypad. His brain stalls.
“Errrrr.” Fortunately for Danny, he’s saved from answering when the intercom turns on again.
"Impressive, Batman. You've correctly guessed that the answer was the letter 'n'. Now, for my second riddle, a little favour from that foolish Kite Man," the Riddler muttered with annoyance. “I love to dance and twist. I shake my tail as I sail away. When I fly wingless into the sky. What am I? You have three minutes to give me an answer.”
Once more, the intercom is silent. Red Robin sighs deeply and looks at Danny.
“Well that is an easy one, a kite probably. He gave it away even before he said the riddle.”
Danny looks at him questioningly. “How was it obvious?”
“Because he said Kite man made him say it. You know, like the super villain?”
"Of course I know who he is.” Danny chuckles nervously. “I was just confused because you said SUPER villain. I mean, he is a villain alright! Just not, you know, a super one.” Red Robin looks at him like he grew a second head.
“What do you mean not a super one? What’s the difference?”
“Well…. presentation.” Danny thought he nailed that one. But one look at Red Robins face makes him question himself again. “You know what, probably not important right now though.”
Tim can’t believe what his day just turned into. First, he finds out Jason changed out his regular coffee for decaf, and then he has to deal with Ra's al Ghul’s ninjas only to get stuck in an elevator with a citizen who deals with stress by lying poorly. What’s even worse is that he still doesn’t know his name after all this time. Tim turned to the other occupant of the elevator.
“Sorry, I just realised we have been stuck in this elevator for a while and I never asked for your name.” The stranger looks relieved by the change in topic.
“Oh yeah, it’s uh... it’s Danny.”
"So, Danny, you're not from around here. Are you?"
“Whaaat?” Danny starts laughing nervously. “Is it that obvious?”
Silence falls awkwardly between the pair trapped in the elevator. Tim notices that Danny is fidgeting and his eyes are darting around the elevator as if he is looking for a quick way out. Tim supposes that it would be pretty scary for a non-Gothamite to deal with the dangers of a rogue. So he decides to put his extensive Robin training to the test.
“Everything is going to be fine, you know.” he says while trying to exude confidence. But it comes out a bit stilted. The awkward silence remains a bit before Danny speaks again.
“Saying who gave you the riddle, knowing that the guy's whole aesthetic is kites may just be the dumbest move he made yet. How long do you think Batman would take to solve it?”
They are interrupted by an angry voice coming over the intercom again.
“Well, it seems Batman solved the riddle. Not that it was hard. I’m never going to do a favour for Kite Man ever again. That loon doesn’t know a good riddle even if it hits him in the face.” They hear the Riddler sigh and quietly count to 10 before continuing. “I guess it is time for the last Riddle. When you stop to look, you can always see me. But if you try to touch me, you can never feel me. Although you walk towards me, I remain the same distance from you. What am I? As always, you have 3 minutes.”
“Well the answer obviously has something to do with space, or at least the sky,” Danny immediately declares with full confidence. Tim raises an eyebrow.
“How so?”
“When you stop to look, you can always see me. But if you try to touch me, you can never feel me,” Danny quotes, “That is clearly a reference to something you find in the sky, like the MOON OR THE STARS!” He says that last bit very excitedly. “But what kind of phenomena is it where you can walk towards it, but remain the same distance? Most of the difficulty with space travel is surviving the conditions of travel. Unless we’re talking about objects in space that are so far away that the usual units of distance are rendered useless,” Danny mutters off, “but that’s what the unit ‘lightyears’ was literally made for. So are we back to…”
Tim watches Danny struggle to answer the riddle. He believes that Danny was on the right track when he said that the answer was something that could be observed in the sky but he wasn’t so certain about the space aspect. After all, if the answer was an approachable object then it wouldn’t remain the same distance away if you walked towards it. That meant the answer had to be something illusory, a visual phenomenon. Tim thought hard and then grinned when the answer came to him.
“Danny I know what the answer is,” Tim called out.
“Huh?” Danny blinks in wide-eyed surprise.
“The answer to the riddle, I know what it is,” Tim repeats, smiling wide. “It’s the horizon.”
Danny stares at Tim before face-palming. “Oh my god, that’s so obvious in hindsight,” he groans in self-deprecation.
As the time keeps ticking on, Tim notices that Danny is getting more agitated. And the more agitated he gets, the more strange he begins to appear. If you asked him what was strange about him, he couldn’t tell you. Call it Robin's intuition.
Danny takes a deep breath and releases it in a frustrated sigh. “Why is it taking Batman so long to solve the Darn riddle? It’s been well over 7 minutes now.” He starts to sound more distorted the more frustrated he gets. “I didn’t come here to be stuck in an elevator for god knows how long, I just wanted to see that blasted exhibit on the Cassiopeia Galaxy, Why is that so gosh darn hard?!”
Tim finds it amusing how Danny swears like he’s a 70-year-old granny at church. “That’s one way to say it.” Even as he is smiling at Danny’s misery, he can’t help but think how odd his voice sounded. It sounded like he was talking from an old radio. The more Tim pays attention to Danny, the more things start to add up. He decides to not comment on it because Danny doesn’t come across as dangerous. Just a little weird. He is 90% sure that he is a meta, The other 10% might be that he maybe needs to sleep a little more than 3 hours over a period of 5 days.But it was then that he saw it, Danny’s eyes had slowly turned more and more green. To the point they were glowing. He doesn’t want to put him on the spot by saying he is a meta, but if it meant getting them out of the elevator sooner then he would.
“So what are your abilities?” he “subtly” asks. He does his best to look as not threatening as he can while Danny looks at him with a startled expression.
“Whaaaat? Abilities?! Why would, why would you think that?” Danny’s voice is pitching higher as he tries to stammer out another lie.
“Dude you don’t have to be scared, I won’t tell anyone. But if it gets us out of the elevator then it would be nice to know.”
He sees how Danny is gearing up to tell another lie before deflating. “Yeah okay, you got me. I’m a meta.” Somehow, Tim still gets the feeling that he isn’t being told the whole truth. He decides not to call him out on it. “I can phase us out of the elevator so we can help Batman take out the baddies.” Danny says excitedly with a cheeky wink.
Tim looks at Danny with a flabbergasted look. Then shakes his head and says, “OK besides the fact that you just said baddies unironically… You could have phased us out of here this whole time?!”
Danny at least has the decency to look sheepish. “Sorry dude, I just didn’t know how you would react.” Tim releases a big breath and takes a few seconds to collect himself.
“Alright, we can talk more about this later. For now, let’s just get out of here and kick some riddler butt.” He can hear Danny giggling when he said butt, but he decided to ignore it like the adult he is. Especially since Danny has started to stand very close to him. He hoped Danny didn’t see his blush.
“Sorry, I just need to hold you so I can phase us out. Is that ok?” Danny asks gently. Tim agrees and then he can feel Danny’s arms around him. “Hold on tight.” Tim does as he says and puts his arms around Danny’s neck. He then feels a wave of cold wash over him as he is slowly lifted off the ground. They then go up and through the walls until they land on the floor in front of the elevator doors. The cold feeling goes away when Danny lets go of him and steps away. He takes a moment to orient himself before turning on his comms.
“Batman, this is Red Robin, are you there?”
“Red Robin,” Oracle’s voice comes through the line, “Where have you been?” Her voice is partially concerned but mostly curious. “I lost track of you after you were attacked by ninjas?”
Tim sighed, already regretting the words that were about to fall out from his mouth. “I got stuck in an elevator,” he defeatedly admits. Oracle breaks out in laughter.
“What?! Are you serious? What do you mean you got stuck in the elevator?”
Tim runs his hand through his hair. “The building I ended up fighting Ra’s assassins happened to also be where the same building that The Riddler was attacking at that moment. So when I decided to take the elevator instead of the stairs after my fight, that was when the elevator stopped working,”
“Because of the Riddler,” Barbara finished. “So you’re at the observatory? That’s where Batman is right now.”
“Yeah, so if you could point me in the direction of the fight that would be great.”
“Replacement, you’ve missed the fight!” Jason yells, cackling loudly. Tim could feel his face fall.
“What?” Tim asked despondently.
Barbara was kind enough to be apologetic, “Sorry Red Robin, the fight is already over, Batman has already handed Riddler over to be arrested and everything.”
“Oh that’s…” Tim just manages to not curse, “fantastic.” He ignores Jason’s howls of laughter. “See you later Oracle, Red Robin out.” Tim decisively cuts the line. Bottling up his irritation he then turns to Danny. “Your phone number,” he demands. Danny quietly recites it. Tim nods, memorising the 10 digits. “You will be hearing from me,” Tim declares before releasing his grappling hook and swinging away, so very done for the day. He’ll tackle Danny and the mystery of his meta status a later day.
And if he decides to ask Danny about it over coffee or at Bat Burger then that is strictly between him and the handsome stranger he met in the elevator.
The End
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Hey, I've been reading through your posts about how tourism and digital nomads and expats are gentrifying all kinds of cities and places in Spain and price out the locals and don't respect the culture and only put money in the hands of the wealthy.
I completely understand where you are coming from and what you're saying makes a lot of sense, but as an extranjero who wants to visit Spain, what are some things we can do to support the locals and also celebrate your culture while visiting?
Kaixo anon! Thanks for your message ^_^
I know that we all travel on a budget and are very much used to low costs in everything, and many of the suggestions I'm gonna write are quite more expensive than maybe other alternatives. This is another issue: affording ethical tourism is a privilege not many visitors have.
avoid big hotel chains and AirBnB. Instead, choose little, family-owned hotels. They usually are in villages not far from the big touristy town and also provide a calm space out of the noisy crowd.
avoid restaurant chains and fancy ones, since 99% of the times they're owned by a board of investors. Run away from those with menus displayed on blackboards written in English, they're usually unauthentic tourist traps with poor quality food. Instead, choose family restaurants offering homemade, real Spanish food. There are maaany of these, and they're a terrific experience.
if you're willing to buy some groceries, avoid supermarkets. Choose any good-looking fruit shop, or butcher's, or fishmonger's. Go to local markets and buy local produce.
if you're moving around, use public transportation or a bike. Avoid renting a car or boat and polluting our hometown and seas. If you're moving between towns, choose the train if possible instead of booking a flight.
And regarding the celebration part, some simple pieces of advice:
unless you're Latin or Mediterranean-looking, you're gonna be spotted as a guiri at first sight. You can do nothing to stop being a guiri, but don't behave like one. Since you're an easy target, be especially wary with your belongings and with people that suddenly approach you, they might be thieves. Don't walk with your map in hand 24/7. Leave your valuables at home or at your accomodation. Don't think Spain is your playground where local law doesn't apply to you because you're spending your money there. Behave like you would normally do at home.
many foreigners don't understand Spanish service. Waiters and waitresses won't be all smiles, sweet as candy, asking you non-stop how everything's going. That doesn't mean they're being rude to you and want you out, it's just a different culture: their job is to take your order, get your food, and give you the bill when asked for it. That's all the interaction you'll get. If you need more drinks or bread, you'll just have to politely attract their attention and they will help with your needs.
flow with Spanish schedule. Many tourists are entitled enough to ask for lunch at 12 or for dinner at 7. Of course this won't be a problem in tourist bars and restaurants, but everywhere else this just won't happen. Make sure to ask for the kitchen's working hours if you're interested in having a meal in a certain place and don't ask Spaniards to follow your guiri schedule.
use basic words in Spanish to be polite: buenos días, gracias, hasta luego. You don't need a Spanish proficiency certificate to leave a good impression after you leave and avoid that everyone thinks putos guiris again.
Learn about the different nations inside Spain before your visit. Don't expect flamenco shows in Donostia, or sangría in Santiago. Respect our pride: dressing up as a matador, donning a hat with the Spanish flag, or wearing it as a cape may be very unpleasant and rude for the locals in Catalunya, Euskadi, Galiza, etc. Do your homework prior to your visit and you'll enjoy it much much more, since you'll be able to appreciate all the different cultures that live together around here and what each of them has to offer you.
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jasntodds · 4 months
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Penance Chapter 2 Teaser - Full Chapter coming 6/12
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader Teaser Words: 1,716 Chapter Warnings: Swearing, a little bit of angst, some fluff, mentions of death, mentions of injuries, mentions of canon violence Summary: ❝Thesus: Stop. Give me your hand. I am your friend. Herakles: I fear to stain your clothes with blood. Thesus: Stain them. I don’t care.❞ It’s been a month and a half since Crane’s reign of terror was stopped, leaving Gotham to finally return to normal. But, what is normal? After everything Jason and you have been through, it seems normal might be some unobtainable dream state. But that’s not going to stop either of you from trying and maybe, you’ll get lucky in the end. At the end of it, the two of you have suffered enough, right? Right? A/N: I'm having problems with my taglist?? I'm trying desperately to get it to work properly so please bear with me lol I'm always going to post some sort of update when this fic will be posted just in case so you can search my blog under "penance" if you haven't been tagged in anything in a week!! A teaser or chapter will be posted every week!! You can add yourself to the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary  and turn on notifications if you prefer that!! I love feedback, I swear it keeps me posting on a weekly basis 😭
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Jason heads out to find Tim, daunting his Red Hood gear and helmet. The drive isn’t too far from his safe house but it is raining tonight, on and off. Yesterday was nice, warm and no rain. It's a bit of a depressing contrast between the two days. The street lights reflect off the wet pavement and Jason isn't entirely sure what he's going to do when he gets there. All he knows is Tim will probably need help and he'll just take it from there. It's not exactly how he wants to approach any situation but he's not sure what Tim will even be doing.
Jason pulls up to a building across the street from an alley where some, surely, illegal deal of sorts is going down. Apparently, Tim is supposed to be here eventually so Jason parks the bike in the dark of his alley before he uses a grappling hook to get to the roof of the building just so he can see better. And then he waits.
Meanwhile, you've made your place on the roof overlooking the alley with the van, knowing this is where Tim will be. And you can’t help but feel excited to see him. You miss him a lot even if it is a little hard to be happy it's under the circumstances of Robin. There's also the bit of dread and excitement over seeing Jason, working with Jason.
Seeing him means there's going to have to be some sort of conversation over the two of you being unable to pick up a phone and call each other. There's going to be some sort of conversation about everything that happened. It's going to bring back all of the pain all over again. Will you even be able to pick up where you left off? Or will you fall into an awkward dance where you both just fumble over each other until Tim leaves? Or will it be worse? But, seeing him, being around him, always felt the most like home and you really hope he's okay and happy. You're excited just to see how he's doing.
You're laying on your stomach to take cover while you watch over the ledge but your fingers tap wildly against the pavement at the thought. It’s the hope this goes okay, that he doesn’t hate you. That Tim is happy to see you both. That Tim doesn’t get killed in the first five minutes of being Robin. Excitement, dread, and anxiety flood your system. Why did you agree to this?
Commotion starts from below you and you see Tim on the top of a car while the goons are loading their van. Even in the low light, you can tell the suit is a little different than Jason's and Dick's. The cape definitely is with its jagged edges and it's longer. It fits him actually. You stand on the edge of the roof, grappling hook in hand and knife in the other, ready to slide down the second things get out of hand. 
Tim handles himself okay at first but then they outnumber him and they’re faster than he is and better. You know Tim has had a few training sessions but by the looks of it, they could not have been very long or helpful. Things start looking pretty bad for him so you use the grappling hook to lower yourself down but before your feet even hit solid ground, shots ring through the alley, taking out one of the men and then the other. Just as your feet hit the ground, you nail the last one with a knife, turning to face down the alley with your arms crossed. And there he is, walking confidently with a gun in hand.
Of course, he beat you to it.
Jason's eyes widen behind his helmet. He did not expect to see you tonight. Kind of like last night, seeing you throws him off. It's a bit jarring somehow. Gotham might be a big city but you travel in the same circles, it was bound to happen. Just...two nights in a row seems...odd.
“I had that covered.” You state through your mask.
Jason can taste his heartbeat in his throat as he keeps closing the distance between you. Your mask always muffled your voice a little but it's still his favorite sound. He can feel his cheeks burning and a smile desperate to cross his lips. Jason bites it back, trying to keep his composure.
“Where the fuck did you even come from?” Jason quips back.
You point to the roof. “Clearly. And you?” You question, keeping your voice flat and curious, trying to conceal your own nerves.
Jason points a thumb over his shoulder. “Clearly.” He echoes as he stands next to you.
It all clicks then, this was definitely a setup by Dick. Of all fucking people, Dick Grayson is doing this shit? Jason swears up and down this is getting ridiculous. Bruce, Molly, Gar, Dick? They are all trying to get them to communicate and...maybe they have a point even if Jason never wants to admit it. Not when two of those people are Bruce and Dick. But, he can’t focus on that or how this is sending his head into a tailspin.
He needs to help Tim which means he can't let his feelings for you get in the way even if ignoring them is one of the hardest things he's ever done. He has to act normal and like being next to you doesn't make him want to explode. He needs to keep his cool, keep the smile from ripping apart his lips because even if this is a setup and he should be mad, he misses you so fucking much it physically pains him. He can't find himself to be mad because you'll never abandon Tim so even if you don't speak to Jason while you help him, at least he gets to see you as you. Like old times even if it doesn’t last and for that, Jason is happy.
Jason reaches behind his head, releasing the helmet before he takes it off and you swear you swallowed your heart. He looks so good. “Who the fuck are you supposed to be?” Jason calls, eyes locked on Tim and you think you've melted at the sound of his voice.
His voice is somehow better than you remember it. A little calloused, a little rough, but not too deep. It always fit him so well and you've never been so thankful to have a mask that covers the lower half of your mouth because your lips are curling into the most uncontrollable smile. Every piece of reservation you had about seeing him completely flies out of the window.
Jason Todd has always had his type of gravitation pull like a planet lost in the universe and you've just been sucked right back into it.
You miss him so fucking much.
Tim looks down to his chest, right at the R symbol before he looks back to Jason. “I’m Robin.” Tim states as if Jason should have known.
The subtle hint of a smile comes over Jason’s lips seeing someone else in the Robin suit. It’s weird because it almost feels…hurtful. It hurts a little seeing someone else in a position where he was, not in a jealous way but in a way that he is reminded that was him. He was Robin and he fucked up and now he’s not. It hurts in the way he’s reminded of it being ripped away from his bloody hands. The suit is different, Jason clocks almost every difference in the first few seconds but it is similar. Jason was beaten to death in something similar with the same mantle. There’s almost this part of him that even worries about it. Robin didn’t work for Dick. He didn’t die as Robin but it didn’t work for him. Jason was killed. Where’s that going to leave Tim?
On the other hand though, there is something about someone else taking up Robin that feels good. Jason died but Robin didn’t. Robin never had to die with Jason and he shouldn’t. The people need a Robin and he doesn’t really know Tim but you do and Gar does. He trusts you both and Tim looks thrilled to be here. It’s a mix but there is something kind of nice seeing the resurrection of Robin.
“Hey.” You chime as you walk closer to him.
Tim’s smile splits his face. “Hey, how’d you know I’d be here?”
“Molly tracked you the second a Robin showed up. Knew it was you.” You laugh softly before you pull him into a gentle hug. “You should have told me.” You say as you pull away, your hands coming to his shoulders as you look over the suit, noticing all the difference between this one and Jason’s.
“Yeah, I thought I could handle this.” Tim chuckles sheepishly, realizing he was a little in over his head tonight but not lacking in any of his confidence to do this job. 
“Clearly, you were wrong.” Jason closes the distance between you. “You’re lucky we showed up when we did.” Jason stands right beside you as you drop your hands from his shoulders, maybe you looking over the suit makes him want to chew his tongue out of his mouth.
“Yeah, I got that.” Tim nods his head. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” The smile reaches your eyes as you beam back at Tim.
Jason’s eyes narrow at you slightly. You seem awfully happy. He knows Tim is your friend but you just seem overly happy or maybe he’s in his own head about it. He just remembers that day picking you up from Titans Tower and it was...similar. It's like he's getting stabbed in the chest and the base of his throat knowing you were not happy to see him tonight. The very thought of your feelings disappearing makes him feel like his rib cage might collapse on itself. So, he pushes it away as far as he possibly can and bites back his own words, trying to just be relieved you look happy instead of pissed off Dick set you up. He’s just thankful you haven’t run away. Yet.
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The Winter Sun (16)
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16. The God's wood
Summary: A child born in Winter was a good omen
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Targaryen Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, medieval and asoiaf customs, AGE GAP, Cregan is 12 years OLDER than reader), arranged marriage, birth of a baby (nothing described), fluff, talk about death and miscarriages, talk about childbirth, and death in childbirth, breastfeeding, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3.3 k
Notes: I don’t really like how I name the baby BUT that is canon! Cregan’s first child is name like that so… anyways IT'S HAPPENNING PEOPLE THIS IS NOT A DRILL I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL
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Cregan was stunned… he couldn’t find you anywhere, he was also becoming scared, but the alarms didn’t go off so he doubted something bad had befell you. He looked for you in the battlements, and nothing, you were not in your rooms, not in the library, nor in the Kitchens, not the room that had turned into yours and Sara’s sewing room, and you were not with the Maester. He finally had the courage to scout the Godswood, but you weren’t that either.
So he started to ask around if people had seen you, and the path took him to the kitchens again.
“Yes, she and Sara are down the earth, in the hot springs”, said Thelma, as she whisked the batter for a pie Sara had requested of her. Cregan looked at the woman incredulously
“Couldn’t you just tell me that earlier?”, he asked, and she looked at him and chuckled
“Made you look!”, she teased, and he chuckled darkly, and left the kitchens
So you where in the Hotsprings below the castle
He was not surprised, but he tried to suppress his anger, those hot springs had a very high temperature, specially in your state, but he had to remind himself that one, Targaryens did prefer the heat, it had been proven by maesters that you had a higher tolerances for higher temperatures than normal people, and two, that you had good instincts you had learned to follow, so if you were in the Hot Springs, it meant you really felt the need to go, that you really believe it could do you good. 
He had to dispose of his cape, his vest and his boots before he went down the stairs, because he was already sweating, the steam that came from down below was hitting him strongly.
The set of old stone stairs opened to a wide cave, that looked like a pavilion, a huge bath house for the natural hot springs that had been here since the beginning of time, and the reason Winterfell was built where it was 
You were lying down in the edge of the hot pool, on your side, your big belly between your hugging arms, Sara was by your side, half of her body in the waters, you were both dressed in short light dresses, that were completely soaked. You were conversing happily, giggling like two little girls, Cregan stopped on his tracks and just watched the scene, amused. 
How did he get so lucky?
Fate had brought his sister to Winterfell’s doors, and he loved her dearly, a dragon had brought you to Winterfell’s gates… you both, you three… were everything to him
“Cregan!”, greeted Sara, you turned around with a smile on your face
“My love”
“Hello you two, can I join you?”
“Well of course!”, you said, patting the palace right by your side, where he took a seat, placing his feet under the hot, almost boiling water. 
But it was relaxing nonetheless once you get used to it.
You went into the waters and floated around happily Cregan soon joined you, taking you in his arms
“this is the only place that gives me comfort”, you whined, smiling, “I feel so heavy all the time, floating around soothes me”
“I understand that”, he kissed your wet temple, as you floated around happily
“I don’t understand why we don’t come to this place more often”, muttered Sara with a shy smile, “it is so relaxing”
“It is”, said Cregan
“Agreed”, you giggled, “if it was enough my dragon could be happy here”
“Speaking of dragons, how is Dragonstone?”, she asked you both
“It is one of the greatest things I have ever seen”, Cregan muttered, “The whole island rests on Dragon glass, and the castle itself seems to be carved right off the stone, dragons sculpted everywhere, a great fortress, it is breathtaking”
“Did you see the dragons?”, she asked, amazed
“Only flying from afar”, he said, “it is very dangerous to get close to them”, you added 
“One day we will take you”, promised Cregan, and you nodded enthusiastically
Perhaps, when Rhaenyra is Queen, you could ask her to proclaim Sara legitimate, you haven't spoken about it with Cregan or Sara, but it is something you wanted so badly for her. Perhaps when it’s done…
“When winter is over, you could travel through the kingdoms on dragonback!”, you said happily
“You know Vhaelar actually likes me!”, Sara offered, “Well, she hasn't thrown fire at me, so I’m guessing it’s a good sign!”, she giggled 
“That is indeed a good beginning”, you giggled
You spend the rest of the afternoon in the Hot Springs, until Cregan dragged you both out, saying it was too much, your baby moved around in your belly, restless. So Cregan took you to the kitchens, to feed you both.
The pie Thelma had cooked for you was ready, so you enjoyed it together in the great hall
“I have to go to the woods to hunt”, Cregan told you, “a group of stags had been spotted near the river, It would be good to have some extra meat if needed”, he explained
“I wish you luck husband”, you whispered with a shy smile
“It shouldn’t be more than a couple of days”, he said simply, grabbing your hand over the table
Cregan left the very next morning and came back in two days, as promised, tired and freezing, but with fresh meat to eat.
You celebrated with roast deer those coming days.
So you kept navigating through winter, Cregan was exchanging letters with his friend Ben, of how much he wanted to see him, you haven{t met him yet, but Cregan had told you many stories about him, how he was his closest friend, he had even send you a present for your unborn child, and you couldn’t wait to meet him.
You also couldn’t wait to meet your child, you were growing heavier by the day, so uncomfortable, your feet hurt at the end of each day, your belly button had begun to pop, and according to the servants and the midwife it was a sign that the birth was near. And you were happy for it.
Cregan had been occupied most day, making preparation, he covered every window in your rooms with a plank of wood and furs except for one, so you could still watch over Winter’s Town
You were over a moon shy of finally having him in your arms.
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It was the middle of the morning and still, there was darkness everywhere. The presence of the Lord of Winterfell was required in Winter’s Town, a problem between lords, and cattle to take meat, so he had to go to settle the quarrel. It was easily resolved by throwing a few coins at the problem. 
The snow and cold had taken hold of his body, but still, you were nearing the end of the pregnancy, so the freezing cold did not deter Cregan, who had grabbed an oil lamp and ventured himself deep in the Godswood, with the Heart tree being the only destiny in his mind. 
With the ghostly face in front of him, he fell to his knees and placed his hands together in prayer. And with one last look towards that carved face, he closed his eyes in concentration.
“Gods”, he called, “Gods of the streams, the forests, the rocks, Gods of beasts, of men, of children, I beseech you”, he spoke with a trembling voice, begging, “You who whisper when the winds blows and when the birds sing, all of you who linger in the winter, who bring life in the midst of death…”, he opened his eyes again, looking at those eyes who were looking right back at him, “I beg of you, protect my wife”, he said gently, “protect her and my unborn child, let her live to see our baby grow big and strong, she is a good and kind woman, please protect her….”
Only silence was his answer, but he felt at peace when he heard the wind blows through the trees
After everything he had lived through and everyone he lost he found himself constantly feeling this horrible sensation, of that the same fate as his first two wives might befall you, his young wife and mother to their unborn child.
And he couldn’t bear it, not again, if he loses you, he might as well die right by your side, he was going to do everything in his power to prevent it
But there was this moment where he felt content, even if he followed the Old Gods and their traditions, he wasn’t quite devote, so he really hoped his prayers were answered, and for a second he believed they were, he heard the rustling of the leaves, a soft whisper in the air, and far, far away, the howling of Autumn deep in the Wolf’s wood
It was so peaceful
“CREGAN!”, and now the screech of his sister, “CREGAN!”, She called again and he turned, alarmed, he could not see her, so he stood up, grabbing the lamp and he started running towards the entrance of the God’s Wood
“WHAT IS HAPPENING?”, he asked, alarmed 
“You fool! Where were you? I have been looking for you everywhere!”, she cried, grabbing into his arms, “it’s time! She is in labor! she had been for hours!”, she said with a wide smile
“I am going to be a father?”, he asked, his eyes shiny, and Sara nodded enthusiastically
“YES! NOW GO YOU IDIOT!”, he passed by her running, dropping the lamp that broke against the ground, but he couldn’t care less
He was going to be a father!
He thought fleetingly that he had never run so fast in his life, everything around him going by in a blur. He almost jumped the short steps towards the entrance of the castle and he shoved every person on his way screaming how sorry he was, he found the stairs and ran even faster, when he finally reached the last floor of the castle, where his rooms were, he heard your screams. They were like screams of someone fighting for their life, screams of war and battle… He stopped in his tracks, scared out of his mind, not wanting to go in.
What if something went badly?
What if you perished afterwards?
What if his babe…?, he didn’t even want to think about it.
And then, there was calm, silence, you had stopped your screams, and he decided, really, he didn’t decide anything, his feet took him to venture inside the room, he ran, opened the door widely, just as the cries of his first born child reached his ears.
He didn’t realize he was holding his breath, not until he let out all the air in his lungs, and you found his eyes and you smiled, widely, you were sweaty, bloody, messy, and you never looked more beautiful
“It’s a boy!”, screamed the midwife, with a crying, bloodied bundle in her arms 
“Cregan!”, you called, and he ran to your side
“I was not here!”, he lamented, kissing your face, your sweaty forehead, taking your hands in his, “my love I’m so sorry!”, he cried
“It was so fast!”, you chuckled tiredly, “it came very quickly, you do not need to be sorry” 
“Two pushes and he was out my lord!”, cheered a maid that had helped you through the whole delivery
“Here he is!”, the midwife said, “cleaned and ready to meet his parents! a healthy baby boy”, your babe was crying softly, his little hands above the fabrics searching for something, or someone.
She placed it gently in your arms, and you looked down at his little reddened face, you accommodated him against your chest, and his cries stopped, he tried to open his eyes but he barely could, he was so small, and chubby, his hair dark just like his father’s
Cregan fell to his knees by your side, to look at him, you didn’t even realize you were crying happy tears, relieved tears
“Our baby!”, he cried as well, placing hand on it’s head, so small in comparison, “look at him”, he said, enamored, “he is so perfect”, he whispered
“He is kind of small isn’t he?”, you asked, “it’s a little red…”, you were not quite convinced, and you were weary and scared, if something was wrong you wouldn’t know how to tell
“It is normal my lady”, giggled the midwife, “I shall fetch the maester, to have a look at him”, you nodded. “You did not had any reapings, so you should have make a quick recovery, no blood was lost, either way, I will fetch the maester”
You look at your son and you couldn’t believe you had him in your arms, it felt surreal, you knew why they called them “bundles of joy”, you felt so happy, a warmth in your chest that took a hold on you whole, you felt joyous, you felt like you could explode with love for this little person that you held so comfortably against you, like he belonged there, like he was created to fit perfectly in your arms and against you chest. You whined in happiness, still happy tears rolled down your eyes
You looked up at Cregan and he was looking down at you with suck love and wonder in his gray eyes like you had never seen before
“Would you like to hold him?”, you asked Cregan, and he nodded. You passed on the baby to him, and he held it in his arms carefully. Once he was safe in his father’s arms, the maids and the midwife cleaned you, took the afterbirth with them, and left you with cleaned sheets, and then they left. 
“We must tell the happy news to everyone!”, one said, and the left you in the comfort of your rooms
Your still nameless child had fallen asleep in Cregan’s arms, and you sighed, tired. Childbirth brought you a pain you had never felt before, a crippling pain, and then when you finally expelled it from your body you felt an incredible relief, a soothing sensation washing over you, but now, that adrenaline has passed, the pain has returned, and also, you felt so tired…
“How are you feeling my love?”, he asked softly
“I feel like I’ve been trampled by a herd of wild horses”, you said with a tired smile, “but I will be alright” 
“If something happens to you I swear…” he sighed heavily against your temple, “I’ll die right with you”
“I’m fine”, you assured him, and he smiled, “we have to name our child”, you said with a tired smile.
He laid down by your side, your sleeping baby in his arms, you both looked at him
“How shall we name him?”, he asked then
“Should we name him like your father?”, you asked, “Rickon?”, he looked at you wide eyed
“Would you like that? Name him as my father?”
“I love that name”, you whispered. “It’s a northmen name”, you said happily, so he nodded
“Then it’s Rickon Stark”, he said
The maester showed up shortly after, with a shy smile. He entered the room after knocking
“The old gods had blessed you, my lord!”, he said, “they brought you a son!”
“They did”, he said gently
“Would you let me examine him?”, you begrudgingly agreed and let him take Rickon, he placed him gently at the foot of the bed and he undressed him, his little chubby arms and legs moved desperately
“It’s cold!”, you complained, but Cregan only chuckled
“10 toes”, the old man said, tickling his small feet, “10 fingers”, he said then, and he touched him in his belly, he grabbed his arms gently, and his legs, he examined him, then he placed his finger in front of his little face and move it around, he hummed, contented, “he has your eyes princess”, he said, then looking at you, “the eyes of old Valyria”, you sighed happily, “he is a healthy baby boy”, he placed him back into your arms, covered in a small fox fur 
“You can tell the people of Winter’s town”, Cregan said, proud, “Winterfell has it’s heir, is a boy named Rickon, like my father before me”
“A strong winter child”, he said, “the people will be happy”, he gave you sips of milk of the poppy and then he left your small family again
“Are you proud?”, you asked, your eyes filled with hope and wonder
“Proud?”, he asked, raising his gaze from the babe in his arms to look at you
“I want you to be proud of me, and our little family”, you explained gently
“I’m not only proud, but I’m possibly the happiest men on the world right now”, he said, “look at our child, look at what you give to me”, he said gently, “I love you, and I couldn’t be prouder”
With that in mind you dozed off, thanks to the milk of the poppy, and relying on Cregan’s body for support 
“We have a big bed wife, one day we will be all squeezed up with all the children we are going to have”, you heard faintly before falling asleep. 
You woke up a couple of hours later, with the cries of RIckon, you jumped out of bed to find him crying in Cregan’s armas, who looked kind of desperate and once you were awake, he looked guilty for awakening you
“I think he might be hungry”, you whispered. The midwife had come close to you the last moon, to talk to you about this kind of thing, cares for your babe, you had insist you wanted to breastfeed him yourself, you reached at Cregan and with a wide smile, he placed Rickon back into your arms
“There you are little one”, you greeted gently, you released one of your breasts from your night shirt, and palace him near your nipple, he latched on immediately, and it tickle you when he started to suck, it felt so strange
Cregan held you in his arms as you fed Rickon, dropping comfort kisses on your shoulder, and he caressed your arms. 
There was no need for words, you only shared this intimate moment, with your newborn in your arms, and your husband by your side. 
Rickon fell asleep soon after, and you giggled, Cregan grabbed him and placed him in the crib that you had placed specially for this moment, a beautiful wooden crib, carves with beautiful Northerner designs, sent by one of Cregan’s closest friends, Ben Tallhart, Lord of Torrhen’s square. 
He look through the window and gasped in surprise, he then looked back at you
“Look” he said softly, you reached for him and he helped you raise from the bed with difficulty, and then walk towards the window with a view of winter’s town, you gasped, amazed, all around town big torches had been lit up, pires all around, it looked like the town itself was aflame, but the reflection of the snow made it wonderful, “do you know what it is?”, he said, amazed, “the people of the town lit fires in your honor, their fire lady, in celebration of the birth of our son”, he said proudly
“Really?”, you asked, tears in your eyes
“Really”, he assured you, he hugged you kissing the top of your head, “thank you my love” 
“For what?”, you giggled
“For everything”, he said, kissing the side of your face 
. . .
What you did not know is that as your baby boy drew his first breath, King Viserys, in King’s landing, drew his last. 
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More notes!: I wanted to make the birth swift and quickly... because she will have more children and just didn't want to make it very dramatic...
ANYWAYS como se dice en espanol... ya va llegando gente al baile! hahaha
Taglist! ❤️
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daemonmage · 5 months
Ok one more for the night:
A small list of things I think Bruce would have in his utility belt. (This is inspired by lots of things including posts on Tumblr. Please go check out the people I mentioned.)
1. A extra cape (he will often wrap his cape around victims and then feel too bad to ask for it back so he just has an extra cape. Inspired by a Detective Comics issue.)
2. Horse biscuits shaped like bats (inspired by that tumblr post about the Trinity riding unicorns. One of the commenters noted that maybe Batman was giving the unicorn biscuits in stead of that being the unicorns name and that idea is stuck in my head. The post is by dangerousdan-dan and the comment is by raaaaaaaawr)(pls inform me if i missed an a)
3. Shark Repellent (we all know)
4. The Kryptonite Ring (we also all know)
5. Sugar free lollipops (from the Nightwing issue)
6. Glitter Smoke Bombs (Stephanie snuck those in with his regular ones)
7. Gel Pens (inspired by my own post cause I thought about it more and Bruce would absolutely use gel pens regularly just not glitter ones cause the ink feels rough after it drys and the glitter gets everywhere)
8. A Camera Baterang (from that one family photo comic)
9. Catnip and Cat Food (he leaves some out for Selina’s cats)
10. Pain Meds (for various reasons but these ones are primarily for the back pain he undoubtedly has forever after knightfall)
11. Medical Stuff of all types, yes they all have little bats on them. (This ranges from bandaids to menstrual pads. Inspired by a ditzybat post)
12. A bat recorder (just in case he needs to record any final words, for others or for himself)
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annymation · 8 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 12- Magic Pencil
Chapter 11
The rain is still falling as we see Aster flying faster and faster through the woods. He knows where Asha is and he doesn't want to keep her waiting a second longer.
Aster is animated with sketchy lines all over him, reflecting the rain that is falling down.
Aster stops flying once he reaches a clearing in the forest. This is where he sent Asha to... But she's not there.
"ASHA! ASHA I MADE IT! WHERE ARE YOU?!" The star yells for her name as he looks around.
No response... So he might as well ask to the ones who were there when she landed here.
Aster flies to a tree and use his magic to bring it to life. The tree now has two holes for eyes and another for a mouth. The tree gives Aster a concerned glance, noting how distressed the star seems.
"Excuse me, have you seen a girl wearing a purple dress around here?" The star asks politely even though he's very worried.
The tree uses one of it's branches to point towards a cave on a mountain nearby.
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"Thank you!" Aster thanks the tree while already flying to the cave at full speed "ASHA?! ARE YOU IN-" And sure enough, she was.
Aster is standing on the entrance of the cave as he sees Asha sitting there, leaning on the stone walls while hugging her knees.
The walls of the cave are filled with shiny gems and diamonds, it would be a beautiful sight in any other situation.
Asha heard Aster but she didn't move. Still remaining with her face hidden between her legs
Aster is relieved to find her "There you are! See? I told you I'd be back before you knew it, didn't I?..." Aster asks with a smile on their face...
Asha remained on the same position, but she lifted her face up so Aster could see her, she looks... Hopeless.
The star realizes this isn't a moment for celebration yet... And notices also that she's shivering because of the rain.
Aster sits next to her in silence. And uses his cape as a blanket to wrap around her back. Asha doesn't react to that, still remaining with her head down.
He tries to light up the mood with an forced smile this time "... So umm bet you're wondering how I made it, right? Ya know it's actually kinda funn-"
"They didn't believe me." Asha's voice came out as a hollow whisper.
Aster stops talking... He looks at her like he wants to tell her something but they can't find the right words. So she just continues:
"I thought- I REALLY thought I could make them see the truth... But... He did it, he won." Asha hides her face between her knees again.
Aster tries to interrupt that thought "No he didn't, actually- He-"
"YES HE DID!" Asha exclaims, quickly lifting her head to look at Aster... He notices the tears running down her face "They managed to convince EVERYONE that I'm a traitor. Do you understand that? I can't ever go back." Her voice sounds broken with pain.
Aster places a hand on her back to try calm her down "W-we'll figure this out, trust me, you just gotta believe in-"
"What? Believe in myself? "Implicitly and unquestionably"?" She quotes what Aster told her on the previous night, now she looks at the star irritated.
Her voice is exasperated as she speaks "Well, I did, just like you said Aster, I believed I could inspire them, I BELIEVED I could save their wishes, and I didn't question myself for a second, and look where that got me." She extends her arms to indicate the cave they are in right now.
Aster is staring at her with sadness clear in his eyes, still at a loss for words. Asha can tell how the light coming from his hair seems dimmer than before... She tries taking some deep breaths as she continues, now with a disheartened tone:
"*sigh* I- I don't know WHAT you see in me that made you think I could make a difference but... I can't, okay? We were wrong..." She puts on the hood of her mother's cloak to cover herself.
Aster hears those words attentively, trying their best to think on what to say, what can he do to show her that this isn't true?...
With one hand, he carefully moves the hood so she can look at him, and she does, her teary eyes are now looking to the side to keep eye contact with him.
"... You wanna know what I see in you?" He asks with a hopeful smile "I see a girl who inspired a whole lot of people with just her voice, YOU DID make a difference-"
Aster doesn't even know about how she also managed to convince a lot of people to question how things were in Rosas when she was confronting the king... But if he knew he'd definitely be mentioning this now.
He's just talking about the song they played together.
"That wasn't me, that was my father’s song" Asha says with downcast eyes
"That WAS you!"
"Aster! Listen." She looks at him seriously "We've only known each other for a day... You don't know me. You think I'm some kind of hero, but I'm just some girl who accidentally found out a horrible truth about my home." She turns to sit with her back away from Aster "And now, no matter what I do the king and queen are always one step ahead... I.can't.do.this." She says slowly so the star can understand.
Aster can see the light of her star dimming... Her hope is vanishing. He can also feel his own light growing weaker...
She says that he doesn't know her, but Aster knows that couldn't be farther from the truth.
... He promised himself he'd never tell her this but... It might help her see what he sees in her... Aster takes a deep breath and says:
"... I know you a lot more than you think."
"Oh yeah? What do you know?" Asha says, doubting him completely.
The star thinks for a moment on what to say... He remembers something, and starts making a butterfly with his star dust, as he tells her with nostalgia in their voice:
"Well... For starters, I know that when you were little, every time you found a butterfly... you'd chase after it, trying to draw the patterns on their wings perfectly" Asha's eyebrows arched in surprise when she heard the star casually speak about a childhood memory of her's "And you never gave up on it, even if it was really hard to draw them... You were always... SO so happy when you got at least a little bit of the pattern right..." Aster talks about it with a feeling of admiration, while he looks at the glowing butterfly on his hand.
Asha turns back to look at the star, her sadness now replaced with confusion.
"... Wait, what?"
Aster makes the butterfly disappear as continues talking while looking Asha in the eyes, he's smiling serenely but his eyes carry a hint of pain.
"I also know that when you met Dario, you inspired all your friends to learn sign language. And even if learning it was hard, you didn't give up."
"Y-you know my friends?" She asks now perplexed... Was he just pretending he didn't know Dahlia and Simon earlier?
Aster voice becomes more heavy and the light from their hair dims slightly as he says:
"And I know that even when you felt sad after failing... The many, many times you felt sad, and... All I could do was watch from the sky... You always managed to get up and try again..." As he get's to the last line his voice changes from heavy to showing a sense of wonder, like he admires that aspect of her immensely.
Asha is at a loss for words... Aster has known her even before she made her wish? But didn't say anything?... Why?
"... Aster, how do you know all that?" She asks him with her mind full of other questions.
The star lets out a sigh, he really REALLY hopped he wouldn't have to tell her this... They always get emotional thinking about it... But again, he gotta prove to her that he really does know her, and he knows she's the one who can save Rosas.
"... Remember how I told you wishing star's gain conscience from their first wish?" The boy asks now looking down on the floor of the cave, he has a distant gaze and his smile is no longer present.
Asha slowly nods positively.
Aster closes his eyes as he quotes the first words he ever heard:
"... "May my granddaughter's days be filled with joy, and she never experiences sorrow such as this."... That was my first wish."
And just like that, Asha understands... Her Saba made that wish.
The two share a glance for a moment, Asha is speechless as she process this new information, Aster lets it all sink in for a moment.
He then continues explaining, now sitting in a drooped posture with his voice sounding numb:
"These words are my first memory... followed by the feeling of grief, the sound of a baby crying, and the smell of smoke..." Asha knows what he's referring to. The fire that took her parents away. "I didn't understand any of it at the time... But as I grew I learned what the words meant. What a "Granddaughter" meant for my wish maker... What the word "joy" meant... What the feeling of "sorrow" meant... So I learned my purpose was to make YOU happy..." Aster confesses with a heaviness in his voice, like the memories of all the times he couldn't make her happy are flowing back to him.
The light from his hair is flickering and his animation becomes even more sketched out and unfinished.
Asha sits closer to him as she asks "... Why didn't you tell me?"
"Cause' I knew reminding you about Sabino would make you sad... And I'm supposed to make you happy..." Aster voice cracks with that last sentence, and Asha sees something she never expected to see from the star... He's tearing up.
Tears start running down their eyes. The tears look like a liquid blue night sky. Aster continues to speak, his head is down as he's now trying to hold a few sobs while speaking:
"But I'm just terrible at it, aren't I? *sob* I don't know what I'm doing... And I was so SO excited when you wished upon me of all stars, because I thought "That's my chance! I'll finally be able to do something, to make her happy, right?"... But look where I got us." The star extends his arms to indicate the cave they're in, the same way Asha did earlier.
Asha looks around the cave filled with diamonds on it's walls... She didn't notice them before...
She looks back to Aster and realizes some of his tears are falling on the grassy floor... The grass quickly wither and decays once the star's tears get in contact with it. That surprises Asha even more, she thought all that Aster could bring was life...
She looks at the star with pity as he continues:
"Sabino is gone and I never managed to grant his wish... Wether I try doing it from the sky or from land... I keep failing him... I keep failing you." Aster's light is so dim that a candle inside the cave would probably create more light.
The roles reverse, as now Asha is the one who tries to show the star what she sees in him.
"... That's not true... You made me happy a bunch of times." She says placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Like when?" Aster asks, still not looking at her.
... A serene smile crept across her face as she remembers everything they've already been through, she starts to list all the things that made her happy:
"When we first met and you were so fascinated by everything around you... When we danced together in the forest, or when you jumped inside my sketchbook... When you woke me up to tell me you made friends with the sun... When you gave me flowers... When we played music together at the plaza... When you fixed my wish... " She places a hand on her chest, feeling that sensation of having her wish back with her again, as well as the joy all those moments brought her.
"And you did all that without even trying to make me happy, you did it just by being yourself." She adds, giving Aster a reassuring smile.
The star is looking at her from the corner of his teary eyes, with his face still turned downward, though he's still upset some light returns to him, now he's about as bright as an old lantern.
"...hm" He simply hums, not sure of what to say.
Asha tries to dry his tears with her finger, a shiver runs down her spine, the star's tears are cold as ice, a contrast to how warm Aster usually is. So instead she lets his tears flow some more, as long as he needs them to.
"Also, of course you can't make me happy all the time... That's not how life works." Asha explains calmly.
Aster nods slowly at that, as if it's something he already knows but he doesn't like that it's true "I know... I just wish I could..."
Aster's eyebrows raise in surprise by his own words... There he is again, "wishing" for things.
"When you were in the sky... How could you make me happy?" Asha asks curious, trying to talk about this might make them both forget about their problems for a while.
The light on Aster's hair starts to glow slightly brighter.
Aster begins to explain, his tone sounds less sorrowful "Just by throwing some subtle magical interventions in the form of "luck"... Sometimes give you a good dream after a bad day... Or, as of recently, BEFORE a bad day." Aster says with a smile slowly forming in the corner of his lips.
Asha looks confused for a moment, she was about to ask what he meant by that but... She remembered.
The dream she had the night before her birthday, of a boy made of light trying to warn her not to give away something important... It was Aster.
(Yeah bet ya'll forgot that was mentioned in chapter 2, right?... Also, hi! I've been awfully quiet huh? This scene means a lot for me y'all, they're so cute GAAAAAH.)
"It was you, wasn't it?... The boy I saw in my dream. You tried warning me to not give away my wish." She says with a smile, the realization that Aster tried to protect her even before they formally met, that makes her feel even safer with the star.
"Yeah... Couldn't have predicted the lengths they'd go to steal it from you though." Aster's eyes become a bit downcast as he remembers how he could only watch as Magnifico and Amable manipulated Asha into giving away her wish.
(Side note: I imagine Aster kicking and screaming in the sky during the whole "Wish Away" music sequence, our boy was distressed.)
"Well, you did what you could... Thanks." Asha tells him with a tender smile while holding his hand.
Aster eyes light up with those words, and so does his hair and cape. Asha notes how he just became warmer, like a small sun. She holds his cape that is wrapped around her closely.
They spend a few seconds like this, just quietly sitting close to one another as Asha feels some of the warmth coming from the star... Aster can't feel warmth, but he's feeling really good too, no more tears running down his face.
The previous storm outside now a small drizzle.
Asha breaks the silence while looking up at some of the shinny gems on the cave's ceiling. They look like a night sky.
"So... You've known me ALL this time... Wow." She says, still reflecting on how this explains why Aster talked to her sometimes like he already knew her.
"Is that weird?" Aster asks, also looking at the cave's ceiling.
"Wouldn't say weird... I actually had a feeling you knew me somehow... But I assumed you just knew everyone in Rosas because you watched from the sky." She admits.
Aster blinks a few times... She's not wrong actually, Aster knows a lot of people in Rosas, from watching them go about their lives... Heedless of the gift it is to be them.
"... There's some truth to that too. At first when I was younger I'd just keep an eye on you, but then I started observing your friends too, then to other people in Rosas, then I payed attention to the things you'd try to draw like the plants and the animals... And before I knew it I was fascinated by everything down here."
Asha chuckles at that, saying Aster is "Fascinated" almost feels like an understatement.
"Heh yeah, that I could tell."
Aster looks at her as he says almost like he's venting "It got to the point that... I wished I could be human too... But that's dumb right?"
"Dumb?" Asha asks now turning to look at the star.
"A wishing star, making a wish? That's like... I don't know, like a dog wanting a pet. I'm supposed to be the one who GRANTS wishes, not MAKE them." Aster explains... But those words feel like something that someone else told him, and he's trying to convince himself they're true.
Asha doesn't really think before she blurts out:
"And who said a dog can't have a pet? Once Valentino wanted a ladybug as a pet and I let him keep it." She mentions this weird scenario with a very serious tone like it's the most normal thing ever... Which makes it sound even funnier.
Aster stares at her, caught off guard by her random comment
Asha stares back at him, now realizing what she just said
After a few seconds in silence, the two teens both start trying to hold in a laughter, but fail to do so:
Their laughs echo through the walls of the cave, they almost can't remember the sadness they were both feeling a few minutes ago.
After taking some deep breaths, Asha manages to keep it together to get to the point she was trying to make "Haha *sigh*... I don't think you wishing to be human is dumb at all Aster, it's beautiful really." She speaks with her voice full of compassion "...If anything my wish is the dumb one." She lets out this thought that has silently eating her up inside.
(She's referring to the wish that she gave away to Magnifico, not the "More for us than this" wish)
"What do you mean?" Aster tilts his head to the side.
""Make other's happy"... I couldn't even wish for something for myself, it's like all I want is to please others" She explains, slightly frustrated that she cares so much about what others think.
Aster ponders for a moment on how to explain to her something that, to him, as a wishing star, is a concept they're familiar with... About what a wish really means to a human.
He begins to explain with that same cheeky smile he had when they first met, when he explained to her what a wishing star does:
"It's not about what the wish IS... It's about what it MEANS. On the surface it may seem like you only care about what others think, but really it's so much more than that..." He begins to talk with an admiration clear in his voice "Asha, you care about others well being, you're altruistic, you feel joy by spreading joy to others... That's what your wish means, it's a beautiful... And It's just ONE of the many beautiful parts of you." He says while looking at her with a beaming smile.
Asha can feel herself blush with those words. "Can you see all those other parts?"
"As clearly as the smile on your face." Aster tells her softly, quoting what he said the previous night about how he could see people's wishes as clearly as the smiles on their faces
(It's blowing my mind that this "previous night" was 5 chapters ago)
Asha smiles as she goes in to hug the star tightly. Aster is, for the second time, caught off guard by her hugging him... They hug her back with no intention of letting go this time.
"You know... If my Saba's wish was for you to make me happy then... I think you're doing a pretty good job, Aster" Her voice is filled with warmth.
... Aster really needed to hear that. The star is smiling as one tear runs down his face, but this time when the tear hits the ground... A purple flower blooms.
Asha notices that and asks "heh heh... Happy tears?"
Aster nods positively "Yup heheheh... I know what they are now." He says, referring to how in the previous night he didn't know what happy tears were.
The two of them notice it stopped raining outside. They decide to get up and take a walk around the forest.
The sky is slowly starting to clear up as some rays of sunshine begin peaking through the clouds. Asha breathes in the earthy sent of the woods after the rain, as she and Aster start walking, both still reflecting on everything that happened.
Note that Aster previously never walked, just floated, and he's on his 2D form now so he sure can float, but he's making the conscious decision of walking because he wants to feel his feet on the wet soil... Like a human.
Asha had a pondering look as they walked. And that pondering becomes a question to the star.
"... Aster... You say that all wishes have some meaning behind them, right? That makes us who we are."
"Yup, that's pretty much it." Aster says with his usual cheerfulness.
"Well... I have a wish, a VERY strong one... But I don't know what that wish means for me." She hopes that he can help her figure it out.
"What is it?" Aster smile widens, already excited with the possibility of helping her with a wish.
Asha takes a deep breath before saying it "... I've always wished I could make drawings move, like my mom did... I've been trying to do it but I can't figure out her technique." Asha grabs her sketchbook and shows Aster an attempt she made on flipbook 2D animation of Valentino hoping, it looks really good but clearly not perfect.
"Looks great, if you ask me" Says Aster, the literal character that is hand drawn 2D animated.
(Thats the kind of wholesome meta humor I live for)
"Thank you, but that's not the point... I don't know the meaning behind this wish besides it being something my mom used to do too..." She explains while flipping the pages of her book.
Oh Aster does know the meaning of this wish... It's actually what he has been trying to make Asha see in herself from the start.
Aster has a playful smile as he says "I actually know the answer to that... Buuut I won't tell ya"
The girl stops looking at her drawings and turn to the star confused "Why not?"
"Like I told you, only you can figure out who you are."
(He said so in chapter 7)
"I can give you a hint though!" They say enthusiastically "Think, what do you love most about drawing?"
... What she loves most about it?... Asha never really stopped to think about this, it always just came naturally to her... She tries to put the feeling into words:
"... I love to create. To practice over and over again so I can get better at it... So it's all the more rewarding when I manage to draw something new... To put myself into it and see a part of me come to life." She says looking at him, trying to find the right words.
Aster nods "Keep going, why do you want to make moving drawings like your mother?" He encourages her, she's almost getting it.
"Because it's magic..." She says with the same wonder in her voice that she had as a kid, and believed that her mom was a fairy "Magic that you can't do with the snap of your fingers, it takes time and dedication. But eventually when you do succeed, you create something fun to watch, something that brings simple joy to others... That's what I want... To create something that inspires people." She says all that like a huge weight is dropping off her shoulders, like the words were always there but she couldn't find them.
Aster jumps and for the first time since they left the cave he starts flying "And there you have it! That's who you are!" He gives her a hug, happy and even proud that she managed to find the answer. He lets go of the hug as he continues with a huge smile "Asha, you have this... This undying hope inside of you that makes you persist no matter how hard things get, not just when you're drawing something new, but also in LIFE." the words come out like he has been waiting to say them since the moment they met.
Her smile is hopeful, now she understands why Aster had so much confidence in her since the beginning.
"And that's why I can defeat them, right?" She asks, already knowing the answer.
The star nods "Um-hum!... Now you see what I see."
Asha chuckles... The star really helped her understand who she is, and all he did was listen to her as she explained why she loved drawing so much.
"Heh heh you're getting pretty good at this "guiding stuff", ya know?" She mentions, referring to how he seemed insecure about guiding her before.
The star shines even brighter upon hearing that, his animation becoming even more fluid and detailed.
"Thanks!" That means a lot to him... And also... Gives him an idea. The star has a confident look as he says "But a wishing star can do a lot more than just guiding though... Asha, give me your pencil and your sketchbook, please."
Asha looks puzzled for a second but doesn't hesitate as she hands them both to Aster, her pencil is already inside her sketchbook.
"What you gonna do with them?"
Aster has a cheeky grin as he explains "Weeeeell you wished you could make moving drawings like your mom, didn't you?" He asks as he takes the pencil out of the book "That's a very strong wish, and like I said, the stronger the wish, the more I can do!"
Aster focus as he uses his stardust flowing from his hands to make the book float, the pages flip as the stardust begins to make the lines in each and every drawing shine. And once all of the drawings are glowing, Aster makes their glow return to the tip of his finger. With their other hand, the star is holding the pencil.
"Aaaand boop!" He touches the pencil tip, the glow that was on his finger is absorbed by the wood "There! Try it now!" Aster says excitedly as he hands her the pencil and the sketchbook.
Asha looks at the two objects in her hands, she can tell what Aster did was pretty much the same thing he did last night with her Saba's mandolin, so is she a better artist now?
She tries to test that by drawing-...
"What should I draw?" She struggles to think of something, looking to Aster for some guidance.
(lol art block am I right?)
"Anything! Come oooon" The star spins in the air, he just can't wait to see her reaction.
Asha thinks for a moment... She draws a butterfly.
She expected she'd know how to make the process of making a flip book animation perfectly, but she doesn't feel anything different.
Once she's done with the drawing she looks at the finished product confused, while Aster smiles eagerly.
"... Nothing happened." She points out to the star boy floating in front of her.
"Hmmm... Try waking it up." Aster says with knowing smile.
Asha eyes widen... She starts to put together what Aster just did... She taps her finger on the paper and-
The drawing of the butterfly starts flying off the sketchbook. It's a black and white hand drawn animation.
Asha is surprised at first, but as the butterfly begins to fly around her she smiles widely in amazement.
"Y-you made me a magic pencil!"
"YUP! Now if you can think it, you can make it!" The star spins in the air.
Asha is thrilled to see everything she can do, she runs to the clearing in the forest that Aster send her earlier. As she's now in the middle of the circular clearing she begins to test her abilities.
Asha begins to draw other things, she draws leaves and lines of wind that becomes literal wind flowing out of her book.
She draws dolphins and they swim off the page into the air, growing into the size of normal dolphins, and they begin doing flips in the air. She can even hear their sound.
She then draws a bow and arrow. Asha taps the page and the bow is now normal sized, she can actually hold it. And so she does, to test it on a tree and-
She shoots the tree that Aster brought to life earlier with her bow and arrow.
"Do you MIND?! Some of us just wanna take a nap in peace!" The tree yells at Asha sounding very peeved, her voice is of a woman.
Asha holds he bow and arrows close to her, embarrassed and confused to why is this one tree alive.
Aster intervenes, flying close to the tree "I'm so sorry mam! She didn't mean it! Hold on let me just uuh put you back to rest" He takes away his star dust that was in the tree, thus turning it back into a normal tree. Aster turns to Asha with an awkward expression "Heh hehe that was weird, huh?"
Asha chuckles a little as she rushes over to where Aster is
"This is AMAZING! Aster, thank you so much!" She exclaims jumping up and down with excitment.
"Youuuu're welcome, just another day as your wishing star." He bows down elegantly while flying above her "And the best part is that since you've practiced drawing your whole life, the magic on the pencil will be permanent, unlike the one in your grandpa's mandolin that only lasted till midnight."
(Just wanted to point out that this rule is based on my main inspiration for Aster's powers: the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio. Think about it this way, Pinocchio got to become a real boy permanently because he EARNED IT, so Asha get's her wish of bringing drawings to life like a fairy permanently because she earned it after practicing for so long. And also because her want to do it was really strong, making Aster's magic stronger too.)
"This is perfect! With this pencil I actually have a chance to face off against King Magnifico!" She has her back turned to Aster as she starts to think of all the possibilities, all the things she can draw in combat, and the sorcerer won't even see it coming.
She's unaware that behind her Aster just has the biggest:
Face you can imagine, as he remembers one little detail... Oh yeah... King Magnifico... The king he saw being struck by lightning earlier... Asha should probably know that, right?
"... Uuuuuuuuh yeah hah ha ha- um about that... The craziest thing happened." Aster says as he slowly flies back down with a nervous smile.
Asha doesn't really notice his tone as she turns back to him and asks
"Oh yeah, how DID you escape Magnifico? Must have been quite a fight huh?" She asks curious, wanting to know all the details.
"... It was shocking, I'll tell ya that" Aster can't resist the pun, but then continues to explain the situation "Sooo let's say theres a 50/50 chance that Magnifico is either... dead... OR he's alive and really really really really really REALLY wants us both dead."
Aaaand with that we cut to Magnifico's scarred face on a broken mirror.
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"I'll give those kids a fate worse than death."
(Jump scared you didn't I? Yeeeeah I know I promised a feel good only chapter, buuuut I kinda need to cut to our villains real quick so we can do a time skip to the next day... Ya know when you're watching a movie and the POV changes to some other people involved in the narrative so then later when you cut back to the protagonists it's another time of day? Yeah that's what I'm doing, but don't worry, their cameo in this wholesome chapter will be brief so lets goooo.)
The royal couple are in the king's study next to the wishes room. The study looks like a hurricane passed through it, it's a complete mess, with almost all the books on the floor.
Amable is sitting in a comfortable chair petting their lynx, Bravo, while Magnifico just stopped what he has been doing for a moment to look at himself in one of the many... MANY mirrors in the room that he broke with his own hands in frustration, as a response to seeing his new scar.
But he quickly turns back to do what he clearly has been doing for the past few hours, pacing around the room angrily while using his magic to bring books to him. He does so with the few that are still on bookshelves, reading their covers quickly
"101 Damnations- NO" He throws the book away and immediately brings in another "The Black Cauldron- Ew NO" He repeats the process while stepping on some books on the floor "Tales of Chernabog- UGH NO! NO! NO!" He throws the book on the wall with his magic, creating a crack on the wall.
"ALL THESE BOOKS ARE USELESS!" The king yells at the top of his lungs while kicking the spell books on the floor "There HAS to be SOMETHING I can do to free you of this curse." Magnifico says to his wife, who has just been watching her husband have a nervous breakdown with a serious expression.
"I've already told you, darling. A spell to raise the dead comes at a GREAT price. The price I've payed to save you was my youth, and nothing can change that." She explains with a calm and collected voice as she pets their lynx on her lap. "You should be thankful really, had I not been quick enough when brewing that potion and you would've been turned into a ghoul." She adds casually.
"Oh and I AM thankful my love, and it's BECAUSE I'm thankful that I want to restore your youth and strength... But it's clear there's only one way to do so..." The kings look outside their window with rage filled eyes "We need that star's magic... Only with it you shall be whole again." His voice comes out as almost a growl.
The queen agrees with a nod, while pouring a cup of tea for herself "Well then, what are you waiting for? Why rely on those hopeless soldiers that can't even capture the little brat when you can do it yourself?" She sips the tea.
"I gave captain O'danohue a magic mirror that grants him direct contact to me, if he finds the star, he'll let me know where it is, so I may take care of it... Personally." The king explains as a wicked smile starts creeping in the corner of his lips "But really, what's the rush? After all, like our little star said himself... The girl is stubborn... She'll come back to save her precious Rosas soon enough." The king is now on the window looking down on his kingdom “And once she does… We’ll make her wish she never met that star in the first place.”
We fade away focusing only on the Magnifico’s eyes, like this
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(Because it would be insanity to not reference this in your 100th anniversary movie… Oh wait they didn’t, cause they’re cowards, I forgot.)
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So we now fade into a sunrise in the woods of Rosas, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming
(In days like these, kings like Magnifico should be burning in h- sorry, anyway it's DAY 3! THE DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY.)
It's a beautiful morning, as we then see the cave that Asha and Aster were in the previous day.
We see Asha sleeping in a hand drawn black and white bed-
(Okay how many times did we have Asha waking up in a bed in this story? Like, without counting the intro song sequence we had 3, this kinda bothers me... But there's a reason I'm doing it this time, aaaaand you guessed it, it's for the sake of a reference.)
Asha is sleeping peacefully, but then she hears Aster whispering
"pssst... Asha… Asha wake up"
She opens and blinks her eyes slowly as the image of a smiling Aster floating above her comes into focus, the star is not as close as he was to her face in the previous morning, looks like he's getting the hang of personal space after all.
"*Yaaaaawn* Good morning, Aster" She stretches her arms while still laying down.
"Good morning... We got visitors!" The star says cheerfully
Asha's eyes are quickly shot open when she hears that... VISITORS???
She sits up on the bed to see...
Dahlia, Gabo, Safi, Hal, Bazeema, Dario and Simon.
All lined up in front of her staring at her from the other side of the bed... Gabo's small so he can only be seen from his nose to the top of his head.
(Yuuuup! It’s a Snow White reference, that’s why Asha is waking up in a bed again... I really wanna get to 100 of these references.)
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Chapter 13
Final Thoughts
Okay okay OKAY so many thoughts OOOOH let's see.
I'm starting to notice a trend in this rewrite that is basically this:
Scenes with the royal couple:
Scenes with Asha x Aster or Asha and the 7 teens:
🎶… All the time 🎶
✨I'm grateful all the time ✨
❤️I'm sexy and I'm kind ❤️
I'm pretty when I cry
I really could've foreshadowed Aster knowing Asha the whole time better, I kinda just:
Had him appear to her in a dream.
I mentioned he knew where she lived as a kid
Said he seemed to know the lyric to a song Sabino sang for her
And I left it at that, when it would've been so easy to add one more clue in chapter 9, like this:
Asha drags Aster away as he says "Bye Dahlia! Bye Simon!"
Simon waves goodbye still a bit confused... then he realizes
"Wait... I never told him my name..."
THERE! At least one more clue, I'm gonna edit chapter 9 and add that in, because it's such a simple change that does wonders for the reveal.
Anyway, you guys probably already noticed that this whole story revolves around the theme of working hard to achieve your dreams, as well as being a celebration to the medium of animation, because guess what fellas, animation IS HARD AS HECK to do, and I feel that's not talked about enough.
So basically what I'm doing here is saying that "Hey, life is hard, and it's gonna throw obstacles at you, but you can get up and try again. Trying over and over until you succeed, just keep moving forward" and all that sweet stuff we've learned in Meet The Robinsons.
So I'm taking THAT life lesson and turning into a metaphor for being an animator, because to be an animator you gonna fail in drawing things a lot of times, actually, you gonna fail a lot of times trying any form of art at all before you get good at it, and that's totally cool, it's part of life.
But not only that metaphor applies to Asha wanting to be an animator, it also applies to her wanting to free her kingdom in general, because as you all seen in the previous chapters... Those two don't quit.
The villains represent rich white people all the problems that put us down in life, things that make us feel like we can't do it. But Asha finds the strength to keep trying, no matter what they throw at her, she'll never let her hope die out, and neither will Aster.
Speaking of our boy, would you believe if I told you this draft is the LESS SAD version of how I was planning the story to play out? Initially I was gonna have a scene where Asha said that Aster CANT help her, and thus Aster spiraled down into a crying mess, crying while revealing that he has known her all this time and that he feels like the worst wishing star ever because he just can't make her happy... But then I remembered I promised wholesome vibes in this chapter so I toned it WAY DOWN and made him more mature, still cried, but he showed that he can be a guide in his own way, and honestly that's a WAY better turn around than what I was initially going with.
Sooo yeah, what else can I say? The 7 teens join the party the next chapter hahaha here I go rewrite "Knowing What We Know Now"... I hate that song but oh well, it fits my story, so I'll use it.
As always, see you guys next time
Thank You For Reading!
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Shadows Entwined: part 6
BatmanVsTmnt!Leonardo x sidekick!reader
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 / Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Bonus (18+)
A/N: And one week later, the Gotham adventure continues💙
You arrive at Arkham Asylum, finding the eerie building abandoned, with the expectations of a few mutants. One mutant especially, makes Leo realize a fear he did not know he had.
Warnings: Spelling, fear gas visions, imaginary death, angst, desperation.
The reader and the turtles are 19.
“I win!”, Robin said proudly as he landed at the gates of Arkham Asylum. “And you owe me a pizza”, he said, gesturing towards you, seeming oblivious for a short time, as the rest of you took in the appearance of Arkham Asylum and its menacing atmosphere. From the gates to the front entrance, was a path marked with dead trees, all casting contorted shadows on the ground. Its gothic walls were dark, with a glow of green and red, giving it a sickening appearance. Windows were smashed and not a single window carried any light, making it feel similar to a haunted house in the worst horror movies.
“I’ve never liked this place”, you mumbled, causing Leo to turn his head slightly towards you. The look on your face, it wasn’t fear. Batman had probably learned you to not show fear, yet there was something in your eyes. Your pretty eyes. A determination yet a hesitance. Leo noticed how your shoulders had tensed a bit, and how your demeanor had changed so much since your small race on the rooftops.
Leonardo offered his elbow out to you ever so slightly, causing you to look at him in slight confusion. “Just hold on if you ever need to”, he said, feeling his heartbeat to raise ever so slightly when he saw a small smile on your lips.
“No sign of the Foot or the League”, Batman’s deep voice sounded, causing both of you to jump back to reality, back in front of Arkham’s threatening gate. “Stay sharp”.
With all of your weapons ready, you followed Batman up the path and through the main doors. None of you saw anyone. Not a single soul. All you could see was the dark corners of Arkham, and the haunting silence.
You jumped slightly, placing a hand on Leonardo’s arm. If it wasn’t for the threatening atmosphere of Arkham, Leo would probably have enjoyed the feeling. Maybe he would even have turned to smile at you, if not for the sound of something being dragged along the ground.
“Well, would you look at that”, a voice sounded in the darkness. A dog-like being dressed in a jester costume and carrying a big mallet, jumped onto the railing at the top of the staircase. “The bat has made some new best friends! So, are you gonna introduce me to your new turtle pals or what?”
“Harley. What have they done to you?”, Batman asked, ever so stoic.
“The ooze”, Donnie spoke up. “They must have injected themselves”.
“Aha”, Harley said with a finger in the air before jumping back from the railing. “There’ll be plenty of time to talk once you find Mister J and our guests. He got a whole thing planned! I don’t wanna ruin it. You know how he gets!” And with those words she turned and left, leaving you and the rest in shivering unease. All expect Batman and Leonardo.
The said turtle stepped forward, ready to follow the mutant, but Batman stopped him. “Wait”, he said, causing Leo to look at him. “Presumably Shredder and Ra’s have mutated all of the inmates of Arkham”.
“Was this their plan?”, Batgirl asked in confusion. “Mutate the villains and unleash them on the city?”
“I have a feeling this is just one part of the puzzle”, Batman said. “Split up. Investigate each wing. (H/N), you and Leonardo come with me. Remember, this whole asylum is essentially a maze. There are hostages to rescue, and on top of that, even before they were mutated, these inmates were the deadliest criminals in all of Gotham”. That was the last the dark knight said before he turned, his cape flowing behind him.
“I was kind of expecting a pep talk”, Donatello said, looking to you, Batgirl and Robin for some sort of confirmation.
“That was the pep talk”, Robin grumbled, slightly irritated over the fact that Batman had chosen you to go with him, and not him.
“Go team”, Batgirl said, two thumbs in the air.
You and Leonardo did just as Batman had told you to, and followed him down the hall. Well, not before you shot Batgirl a smug grin, as she and Donatello decided to go together. But that smug grin soon disappeared as the three of you walked through the halls of Arkham in complete silence. You felt a slight frustration at the way Batman would position himself either between you and the blue clad turtle, or just behind you, never leaving any of you out of sight. You knew very well it was because of Batman’s protective mannerisms towards his family. It was his wish to protect that made him look out for any danger that could harm you. But to Leo it felt different. He couldn’t shake this itching feeling that Batman did not want him to be alone with you in Arkham. Was it because he did not trust that Leo could protect you, or did he not wish his daughter to be alone with the mutant turtle she was starting to show affection? Well, he couldn’t blame the bat. He still hardly knew Leonardo.
The three of you continued down Arkham’s many stairs, until you came to the boiler room. Walking into the middle of the room, Batman suddenly stopped behind you and Leo, his attention turned to the side of the room as he listened.
“What is it?”, Leo asked, noticing the sudden shift in attention.
“Someone’s here”, was all the bat said, making it shiver down your spine.
“Can you please stop saying it like that?”, you asked, rubbing your arms to calm the shiver. “Nothing good happens when you say it like that”.
That was when something flashed above your head, moving swiftly in the shadows. Black feathers fell from above, landing before your feet. Leo watched the movement before flicking his katana slightly out from its saya, using his thumb. That was when whatever that had moved in the shadows landed before you.
“Hello, Batman”, said the being covered in feathers. “I was afraid you wouldn’t show up. Though not as afraid as you’re going to be”.
“Dr. Jonathan Crane”, Batman told Leo.
“Calls himself Scarecrow”, you added.
Leo couldn’t help himself. He turned his head towards you, one brow raised. “Really?”
Scarecrow let out a cry, before flying towards you, causing all three of you to jump out of the way, just before Scarecrow’s claws could skim the floor, just where you had been standing. You stumbled on the ground, having a hard time finding your footing.
“Watch out”, Batman called out from the other side of the room, as he started to cover his face with his cape. ”He has a fear gas that can make you see things that aren’t real”.
Leo looked up, seeing Scarecrow hover before flying directly at your turned back. Batman saw the same thing, calling out your name as he launched forward, all stoic features gone from his face, and now replaced with fear.
“(Y/N), watch out!”
You started in shock at Batman. He never used your real name whenever you were in costume. It was an unspoken rule. When in costume, you were (H/N), just like Bruce was Batman. Just like Damian was Robin, and just like Barbara was Batgirl. You could not think, shocked that he used your name while Leo and the Scarecrow was around. Leonardo however, not thinking further about the name he had just heard, ran and pushed you out of the way, just as the Scarecrow threw a gas that made him choke on his own breath.
Leo fell down on all four, coughing as he tried to breath. He opened his eyes, watching in horror as the boiler room changed around him. He stood and turned, taking in the warping world around him. Until he saw his brothers. The Scarecrow looming over them. Leo yelled, his heart in his throat, telling them to get out of there. Then the Scarecrow opened his wings, sending furth an army of crows, swarming his brothers. Leo watched in fear as the crows poked at his brothers, tearing them apart. Leo could not hear their screams, but he could see it in their eyes. They were hurting. His brothers were hurting. His best friends. His one and everything. The reason he lived and fought to be a leader. They were hurting.
It happened so fast yet it felt like an eternity. The crows formed into a black mass surrounding his brothers. They disappeared, leaving behind three dried bodies. Raph, Donnie and Mikey. His brother dead before his very eyes.
Leo’s breath was erratic. He fell to his knees before clutching Mikey’s dried hands in his. His fear and horror only grew as wind picked up, turning all three of them into dust. Leo yelled, screaming at the top of his lungs before falling back to the ground.
“That’s right”, Scarecrow's voice sounded in his ear. “Everyone is gone, and it’s all your fault”.
Leonardo’s heart almost stopped at the sound. So weak, fragile, scared.
“Or, almost everyone”, Scarecrow sounded yet again.
Shaking in fear, Leo turned to see you on the ground, shaking in fear. Your legs had given out, your arms working to get you moving as far away as possible.
“(H/N)?” Leo stood, walking towards you, only for you to scream and scrabble further away.
“Stay away!”, you yelled, tears pooling in your eyes, your voice cracking. Leo was confused, his heart breaking a bit as you right tried to get away from him.
“(H/N)?! What’s wrong?!” Leo was growing more and more desperate with each passing second. First his brothers and now you.
“Don’t look at me!”, you started screaming, covering your face trying to hide from him. “Don’t look at me!”
“Tell me what’s wrong, (Y/N)!” Leo was surprised to hear himself use the name Batman has just used.
“You’re eyes!” You were crying. Leo felt a pain in his chest at your words. You were scared of his eyes. You were scared of him. “Please don’t look at me! I beg you! Don’t look at me!”
Desperately he tried to reach for your hand, but you screamed, pushing back trying to get away from him. Leo wanted to cry, he wanted to yell and scream at you. To tell you were hurting him. You were crying and Leo didn’t know what to do. He was paralyzed, frantically trying to get you to look at him. So frantically, that he did not notice the Scarecrow came and pulled you away.
“No!”, Leo yelled, standing to run towards you, only to be surrounded by Scarecrows, taunting him. His brothers were dead because of him. You feared him. It was all his fault. It was all because of him.
“Leonardo”. Leo turned to see a lone Scarecrow with you hiding behind it. Leo’s blood boiled. “Listen to my voice”.
Batman ducked as Leonardo came after him with his katana in hands, fear and anger in his eyes. It was different from the eyes that had looked at you a moment ago. Fear and sadness. They were nothing like the blue eyes that you had found yourself spending so many thoughts on.
“You killed them! You took her!”, Leo yelled, slashing out his katanas at what he saw as the Scarecrow. But Batman continuously dodged the sharp blades, hearing all of your gasps as you watched on helplessly.
“I don’t know what you’re seeing”, Batman said. “But it’s not real”.
“You’ll pay for what you did!”, Leo yelled, slamming his blades against the pipes they passed.
“Your anger won’t help your brothers”, Batman said. “And it won’t save (Y/N)”. Batman jumped and rolled, before kicking Leo in the back, bringing him to the ground. You gasped, ready to jump in, but Batman signed at you to stay out of it. “You have to focus! Fight it!”
Leo sat on the ground, in a trance-like state. His normally beautiful eyes wide, as he held his katana extended out in front of him. Then suddenly he turned, swinging his katana through the air and hitting Scarecrow. The flying mutant fell groaning to the ground, as Leo braced himself against his katana, fighting to regain his breath.
Batman walked up to Leo, pulling a small pink liquid and needle from his utility belt. “The antidote to Crane’s gas”, he said as he injected Leonardo through the shoulder. “It should wear off quickly”. And so it did.
In the blink of an eye, the boiler room turned back to normal. The irrational fear left Leo’s mind, and he could finally breathe normally again. He saw as you came to his side, all though hesitant in your steps. It poked in Leo’s chest yet again. He had indeed scared you, just like the fear gas had made him believe. But now you looked him in the eyes, as if you never had been scared of them. Leo wondered if you ever actually had been scared of them. And with that thought he remembered his reaction. How he had reacted to the fear of you not wanting to see his eyes. He felt embarrassed, ashamed. He had had no control over his actions, with no regards for how it may have affected you. Yes, he had been affected by Crane’s gas, but to Leo, that was no excuse. He had to do better than that.
As if you had been able to read his mind, you placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, your eyes never leaving his beautiful blue ones. The ones that you were just happy to see again. Leo placed a hand over yours, enjoying the feeling for a moment.
Batman watched the two of you for a second, before speaking up, once again ripping you out of whatever thought you had been having. Your hand falling off of Leo’s shoulder, causing him to feel what could only be described as disappointment.
“Let’s move”, Batman said, directing the two of you back towards the door and out of the boiler room.
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midnight-pluto · 1 year
COFFEE: PG.08 — Realization
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COFFEE: Tim Drake x gn!reader
SYNOPSIS: Tim meets a barista that gives him what he needed most — a large coffee with way to many shots of espresso. Though what happens when just a single action changes the other's life, forever?
TW: a karen karening and not respecting pronouns, online discourse caused by said Karen (twitter being twitter) lemme know if I missed anything
coffee master list || prev. || next
SUNDAY, APRIL 7 2023 — 9:32 PM
A NORMAL EVENING one would say was happening in the current life of Y/N L/N; except it really wasn’t.
“I really, don’t understand why you can’t just redo my order! I specifically asked for chocolate drizzle, not caramel. Why is that so hard to understand?!”
“Uh, ma’am. I did in fact tell you that we were out of chocolate drizzle and asked if you were fine with caramel, to which you answered: ‘yeah, whatever,’” you forced a smile as politely as you could.
“Oh! So you’re giving me attitude now,” she loudly scoffed.
“No, that was just me repeating what you said.”
“I will not stand for this false accusation and blatant disrespect!”
‘Oh a big word. Didn’t know she knew how to do that.’
Fortunately, a familiar figure entered the café; eye bags evident as ever.
“Oh good. Tim Drake, someone actually competent around here, this cashier, worker, whatever! Is refusing to remake my drink after he made it wrong!” the woman huffed out.
Tim eyebrows furrowed in confusion - ‘I don’t even work here,’ - looking towards you for a different explanation.
“Uh, it’s they - I have it on my name tag - and I informed you that we were out of chocolate drizzle and you accepted caramel as a substitute.”
“Okay, how about we all just discuss this outside,” Tim offered gently pushing the lady towards the door.
“Ugh fine,” she loudly declared, stomping over to the door.
“Great, do you have the keys?” Tim asked you once she was out the door waiting.
‘Oh so that’s what he’s doing.’
“Yeah hold on,” you said walking out from behind the counter and taking your keys out of your pocket and heading over to the door to lock it.
As you inserted the keys to lock the door, the lady locked out looked at you - appalled.
“Alrighty, so do you want your usual?” you tilted your head towards your favorite customer.
“Yes please. But before that I’ll have to head to the bathroom, I have Karen germs on me now,” he grimaced heading towards the other side of the café.
Nodding your head, you return to your spot behind the register before taking out your phone.
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As you were closing up shop, your mind began to wander to places you thought you forgot about long ago.
‘Do I actually like Tim that way? I mean, I know a lot of people do but we actually have a physical connection and I’d like to say we’re more than acquaintances, right? I mean he said that I’m his favorite barista so that has to mean something and he’s my favorite customer. But are you sure it’s not because he gives you a $20 tip? I… think? Oh damn am I really that shallow? Wait, do I actually like a guy named Tim?’
‘Eh whatever. These feelings will pass by and be buried just like the rest of my crushes… right? I mean like he’s pretty, he’s not an ass, he knows how to get rid of annoying customers, but- ugh. I hate this. Why do feeling feel?!’
As you unlock the door to your apartment you exasperatedly put your stuff down and flop your body on the couch in front of your TV.
‘…so theoretically, if I did have feelings for Tim… would I do anything about them? Should I do anything about them?’
Looking up from your face plant onto the couch cushions, you let out a groan, “Man… so that shit is definitely not theoretical huh?”
Lifting up your whole body to look at the sliding glass door that lead to your balcony you see that it was none other than a non-caped bluesader with Cardinal Red Robin carried underneath his arm.
You both stared at each other through the glass for a moment; Nightwing knocking on the glass every 10 seconds, before rolling your body off the couch and opening the door for the malnourished man to be plopped into your arms.
“That’s two IOU’s Nightwing.”
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SPECIAL NOTE: so schools starting back up for me which means that I’m probably gonna start updating more often 🤭 Oh and I also used an app this time to make the tweets instead of a site; woohoo ig
TAGLIST: @grandstrangerphantom @marsbars09 @fabitheraven @lovelypitasworld @dyjcksn @mae77eris @sugarrush-blush @djchik @soundsfunbutno @apizzacalledmel @strangetrashblog @cipheress-to-k-pop @harleycao [ if your name isn’t highlighted then I wasn’t able to tag you. if you would like to join, feel free to send me an ask or to comment! ]
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angywritesstuff · 2 years
The one with “We were on a break”
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I have had this one shot ready for a week, but I didn’t post it because is not festive, but today I said fuck it 😂
Pairing: Henry Cavill x reader
Summery: After a fight you and Henry decide to take a break… you spend all your night deciding if maybe you didn’t make a mistake, Henry spends his night differently Warnings: angst, cheating (is it cheating? is it not? if you have seen the episode of Friends this is inspired of, you know what I mean), child abandonment. Poorly written English, English is not my first language so I’m sorry if there are any mistakes
The last year had been difficult for you and Henry, the constant arguing, the couple therapy, the costant nagging every time he traveled for more than a week without you, the fear every time he went out with his friends.
It all had started 12 months ago: you had just been promoted at your job and you couldn't have been happier, after years and years of given your all to your job your boss was finally recognizing your effort, you were engaged to the love of your life, you had a beautiful house and a super cute and fluffy pup. But the promotion hadn't only come with the gratification of your effort being recognized, it was also followed by a lot more responsibilities and hours in the office.
Henry had been happy and supportive of you, of course he had been, he had always wanted for you to be fulfilled in every aspect of your life and he knew that, even if you didn't need to work because he could provide with anything you could need and want, you had always wanted to be indipendent, you didn't want him to think you cared about his money, not even for a second. You always joked that when he got tired of it he could just "hang up the cape” and you would give him an allowance.
Even though he couldn't have been happier for you and your accomplishments, the longer hours in the office had started to weigh on both of you and your relationship.
Your relationship had always needed a lot of work: Henry traveled a lot for his job but you had always managed because you used to have stable hours, but being now the head of your own team you couldn't always go back home at 5 p.m. like you used to, beside you had just been promoted you couldn't ask for time off already.
All of that had reduced the time you could spent with Henry when he was home and it had started a chain of reaction that had ended with the biggest fight you and your fiancè had ever had in four years of your relationship.
You could still remember that day, and the days after, like it was yesterday, you could still remembered the emptiness you had felt as soon as Henry had slammed the door of your house, you could still feel the dread of losing the love of your life for a mistake you weren't sure you could forgive.
-10 months before-
You were in your office with your boss Daniel, trying to fix the mess that was the last shipment, you could see your cell lighting up with Henry's calls, but you could also feel your boss eyes burning the back of your head so you couldn't really answer, beside you were almost done. You didn't know what time it was, you didn't know how long it had taken but you had done it: you had fixed the problem and you had impressed your boss.
"Good job today, I was sure you were the right person for the promotion but i'm happy I wasn't wrong"- Daniel, your boss had smiled at you… and he never smiled, so you took it as a win.
"Thank you"- you had said while putting your coat on
"Why don't you take the next couple of days off? I know the last couple of months, after your promotion, have been tough and don't think I haven't noticed that you have been the last one leaving the office almost everyday since getting promoted. The project is bascially done, we have fixed the shipment problem, I'm sure your team can manage the last details without you"- you wanted to jump for the happiness but had tried to stay professional.
"Are you sure?"- you double checked
"Of course, you deserve it. I don't want to see you until next week"- Daniel said while leaving the office.
You were on cloud nine, you were tired of course but you couldn't wait to be home: all you wanted was to get home, drink a glass of wine and tell Henry the good news. You couldn't wait to spend some time with Henry: maybe you could take a long weekend trip, it was going to be amazing.
You arrived home and the first thing you noticed was that Kal didn't come as soon as he heard your car and that could mean only two things: he and Henry weren't home or Kal was too busy taking care of Henry to come to the door and that worried you...
"Babe? Kal? I'm home"- you said while hanging your coat. Henry didn't answer you but you could now hear Kal wining and the tv on so that meant he was home.
You went to the living room, sure that Henry was there by now, even if he hadn't answered when you had said hi, maybe he had just fell asleep while watching a film.
Only when you entered the living room you were able to noticed that the table was set, a simple candle as center piece, and a bouquet of red roses was resting on what was supposed to be your side of the table. Henry was on the couch and it was clear he was very much awake
"Babe. I'm so sorry, I-" you tried but he didn't let you finish
"it's 11 p.m. Y/n, you told me you were going to be home at 6 at most... at 6 and it's 11 pm"- you could see it was upset and the last thing you wanted was to have a fight. You were so tired, you just wanted to hug your boyfriend and go to sleep preferably with your bear of a man and your baby-bear of a pup keeping you warm.
"I know I'm sorry, I really tried but the shipment department made a mistake and it took a while to fix it but listen-" he stopped you again and now you were getting annoyed. He knew there were really few things that got on your nerves and people not letting you speak was one of them. But you took a deep breath trying to stay calm as long as you could because you could see Henry was mad and one of you needed to keep a clear head if you wanted to avoid a fight
"You tried, yeah that's what you keep saying, that's the only thing I have been hearing from you in the last two months, well that and the message on your voicemail since you seem to have decided to stop answering my phone calls. Do you even remember what today is?”-he asked and even before he had finished to speak you wanted to curse. Fuck the roses, the home cooked dinner, he was wearing your favorite suit...
"It's our anniversary"- you whispered, it's not like you had completly forgotten, you had rembered this morning but you hadn't seen Henry before going to work since you had gotten out while he was still on his morning run, just to be sure not to get late. You had asked your boss to go out a little bit early but then the mess had happened and you had forgotten about the anniversary, about the dinner Henry had planned weeks ago without telling you anything about it, wanting it to be a surprise. He had only aked you to be there and well... you hadn’t been .
"Yeah it's our anniversary and I just spent it without even seeing my fiancè since she was busy working all day"- he wasn't screaming, Henry never did, especially not at you, but it didn't mean he was any less angry
"I tried, I swear I had asked Daniel yesterday to finish early but-"
"Daniel of course"- he interrupted you again and now you had had enough
"What's that supposed to mean?"- now you were getting angry... ok you were sorry you forgot about dinner, you were sorry you got home late, but calm-Y/n had run out of patience and you didn't like the tone your fiancè was using with you
"There is something I should know? about you and Daniel?"- Henry asked and in that moment you could have strangled him
"Please tell me you are not serious right now"- you tried one last time to reasoned with your fiancé
"Do you think I didn't noticed how he looked at you at your promotion dinner? How he always tried to get his hands on you?"
"OH MY GOD! Not this again, there is nothing between us, he is fucking married and even if he wasn't do you really think I would cheat on you? is that the consideration you have of me? Do you really think that low of me?"- you didn't know if you wanted to cry or scream, maybe a bit of both. You were sure your relationship was solid but now it almost seems like it was falling to pieces in front of you
"No of course not. I dont know"- Henry said sounding deffeated
"You don't know... after four years together you dont know"- you could feel tears starting to fall but you didn't give them any mind -"Maybe we should take a break"- you added after a while you and Henry had spent waiting for the other to say something
"Yeah... let's just take a breath, I'm gonna take a walk, do you want me to get you something while I'm out?"- Henry was looking at you and even though you wanted to stop your mouth before it could spell the next words, you couldn’t, it almost seemed like you had lost control
"I meant a break from us"- you muttered
"You want to break up?"- Henry asked and you could see he was shocked and mad all over again
"I..."- you wanted to tell no but you couldn't speak, you wanted to stop him while he was getting his coat, you wanted to tell him you loved him when he was almost at the door, but you didn't. All you did was watch the love of you life slamming the door of your house while crying, Kal spent the whole time whining
You had spent that night crying, trying to reach Henry on his phone to tell him you didn't really mean it, you were just tired and a little bit mad, you wanted him to get back home so you could rest and have that conversation when you weren't running high on emotion.
You had wanted to tell him you didn't mean it, there was no way you had meant it.
You heard the door opening and Henry getting in the house, you took a deep breath and tried to stop thinking about the past: you and Henry had moved past that fight and what it lead to. You had needed months of couple therapy but you were finally in a good place again.
"Hey baby"- you said while hugging Henry, the memory of that night had left you needing a little bit of affection
"You ok?"- Henry asked, he could probably see a lingering pain in your eyes, the pain form remembering but you didn't want to bring up that fight again, you had talk it through in therapy and you were over it, but sometime you still thought about that night, about what you could have said differently, you still wished no mistake had been made at work so that you could have been home on time... nothing would have happened then, or maybe it would have anyway, who knew. Your therapist had told you there was no good that could come from the 'what if' but you couldn't help yourself and, even if he didn't tell you, you knew it was the same for Henry, you knew he still thought about it, he still wished things had gone differently.
"Yeah of couse, I can't stop thinking about our trip for our anniversary in two months. Paris here we come"- you laughed trying not to think that your anniversary would always coincide with the worst memory of your relationship with Henry. But you had both decided you didn't want to lose the pleasure to celebrate your anniversary.
Henry smiled at you while tenderly kissing your temple
"I love you"- he said and your heart warmed as it did every time you heard those words from him. You two were ok... yeah you were
"I love you too"
You were about to kiss Henry when you heard Kal barking and the ring of the doorbell soon after.
"Are you waiting for someone?"- you asked
Henry shook his head before going to the door, you decided to stay in the kitchen so you could start cooking dinner, whoever was at the door Henry could handle it. But when 5 minutes had passed and Henry hadn't yet come back and hand't invited whoever was at the door in, you started to worry
"Henry who was it?"- you asked while reaching Henry at the door, but once you were there you almost stopped breathing: she was in your house with a stroller at her feet.
-10 months before- the day after the fight-
You had spent the previous night trying to reach your boyfriend on the phone to ask him to come back home, to let him know there was no way you wanted to break up, not even take a small break. That wasn't true, you had just been a little bit mad and very tired. But your calls hadn't been asnwered. You had then decided to leave him a message
"Hey baby I'm sorry about our fight, I didn't mean it, of course I don't want us to take a break. I'm gonna wait for you in our bed ok? Please come home. I love you"- your message had said
You were sure that as soon as Henry would have listened to your message, he would have come back home and you would have made up. There was no doubt in your mind.
You had fallen asleep while waiting.
The next day you had woken up expecting to find the warm presence of your fiance next to you, his big arms hugging you like he always did but you were alone, Henry's side of the bed was made.
You started to worry: there was no way that Henry after listening to your message hadn't come home, something must have happened.
You were ready to call every member of the Cavill family, every hospital in town to make sure he was ok, when you heard the door closing.
"Henry?"- you knew you were almost screaming but you were scared, you had been sure your fiance was nearly dead until a minute ago, otherwise why hadn't he answered your calls, why hadn't he come home.
"Oh my god Henry"- you flew in his arms as soon as you saw him, he squeezed you in between his arms, almost like he was sure you were going to leave. - "I'm so sorry about yesterday, I was just tired, you were right I need to balance my work and my personal life better, but you need to know I would never cheat on you, not with Danel, not with anyone. Beside Daniel gave me the next couple of days off, we could take the car and go on a road trip, we always wanted to do that. Henry are you ok? Did you get hurt?"- you asked in the end when you finally noticed you had been talking for minutes without Henry saying anything back.
"I'm sorry"- he only said
"I know I'm sorry too, we just had a fight, nothing that a calm conversation with a hot chocolate can't fix"- you gently kissed him on the nose.
Now that you weren't scare to death for your boyfriend safety, now that you could finally breathe and think clearly you noticed that your phone hadn't stopped beeping since you had woken up
"Oh my god, what is happening? I swear to god if something happened at work again I'm quitting"- you went to pick up your phone to understand what was happening that had people blowing up your phone.
"i'm sorry"- you heard Henry's saying once again while you looked at the thousand messages people had sent you, every one of them had photos of Henry with his arms around someone else, of Henry entering an hotel with another woman, photos of Henry kissing a woman that wasn’t you.
You looked at Henry and when he once again said sorry you were sure you were gonna be sick
And now that woman was on your door step, with a straller on the floor at her feet.
"what is she doing here?"- you asked Henry and you knew you sounded harsh.
You could see the hurt in Henry's eyes, the fear of losing you, the same fear you had worked on together on therapy, you could see it, of course you could, but at the same time you could also see the woman your fiancé had cheated you with in your home, with a baby in toe.
“I don’t know”- Henry said unsure, it was clear he didn’t know who to look at, his eyes kept going from you to the women at your door to the baby no one had talked about yet.
You wanted to run, you really did, the woman that had almost broke your relationship forever was in front of your fiancé and even though you didn’t think Henry would hurt you like that again you weren’t going to risk it. You didn’t want to hate her: it was Henry who was in a relationship back then, he was the one who had made the mistake, but still you didn’t want to see her.
“I don’t want it”- the woman said bringing back you on earth
“What?”- Henry said
“I don’t want it, the baby, it’s yours. You can do whatever with it, you can keep it or give him up for adoption, I don’t care”- she sounded like she was talking about a thing and you really wanted to punch her
“You can’t just leave your baby with me, you don’t even know me”- Henry said while you stood there looking at the scene like it was a movie you were watching, like it wasn’t really happening in real life, like it wasn’t happening in YOUR LIFE.
“It’s not my baby”- she said before turning her back to you and leaving, the baby was still asleep in the stroller on the floor.
Henry picked the stroller up, and started to go in the living room, probably trying to understand what to do now
“Y/n”- Henry called you once he noticed you stood still at the door but you couldn’t move. You wanted to look at your fiancé but you knew once you did everything was going to become real or well real for you at least.
“Y/n, baby”- Henry said coming back to you once he was sure the baby was safe and asleep. He gently shook you, trying to get you to look at him and not at the now closed door
“You have a baby”- you just said
“You have a baby with another woman… you had a baby with the woman you cheated me with”- you knew you sounded like a broken record but you were still processing
“We-“- Henry tried but you stopped him before he could even really begin
“Don’t even try saying that we were on a break, because I swear to God Henry… Fuck, you have a baby, and it’s not mine, fuck”- the tears were coming, you knew it, but you couldn’t help it, what do you do when your fiancé have a baby with the woman he has cheated you with?
“I think I need a moment”- you said
“Ok”- Henry said thinking you were going to go to the bedroom, but soon it was clear he had been mistaken -“where are you going?”- he asked when he saw you putting shoes and coat on and opening the door
“I need a moment”- you left without even looking at you.
You knew you should have stayed, you didn’t want to hurt him, you really didn’t but at the same time you were feeling all the hurt you had tried to leave behind and you didn’t know what to do.
-10 Months ago, the day after the fight-
“Y/n, talk to me please”- you had been staring at your phone for what it seems like hours without saying a word and Henry was starting to get worried. He tried to gently take your arm but you took a step back
“Don’t touch me”-
“I’m sorry, Y/n I made a mistake, an horrible one but I’m sorry”- Henry tried again
“A mistake?! You slept with another woman Henry”
“She didn’t mean anything”
“And yet she was worth jeopardizing our relationship”
“I didn’t think there was a relationship to jeopardize, I thought we were broken up”
“I asked for a break, a break I was ready to call off as soon as you got out of the house, I tried to call you so many times last night but you were too busy screwing someone else to answer me. You were busy sleeping with another woman after you had just accused me of cheating”-
“I’m sorry, I thought we were broken up, it doesn’t justify what I did I know, I fucked up but please, please, tell me we can fix it, tell me how to fix it”- Henry asked with glossy eyes
And you just stood there looking at the man you loved asking yourself if you would ever be able to forgive him
You weren’t even sure where you were gonna go, you weren’t even sure what to do, you just got in the car and stood there.
You just stayed in the car, in front of your house where your fiancé was alone with a month-old baby, a baby that you didn’t give him.
You looked at your phone, you didn’t even know how but you had spent an hour in your car without doing nothing, you took a deep breath and looked at the house: there was no doubt anymore, you knew what you were going to do.
You exited the car and got in the house; you could hear the baby’s screams, so you let them lead you where your man and the baby were.
“You’re back”- Henry took a deep breath as soon as he saw you: you didn’t know if it was because he didn’t know if you were actually going to come back tonight or at all, or if he was hoping you could help him with a baby that apparently had been crying for a while, almost for as long as you had been gone.
“Why is the baby crying? Did you check the diaper? Did you feed him?”- you asked getting closer to Henry and gently caressing the baby’s feet
“You’re back” Henry said again
“Henry focus, yes I’m back”- you looked at your fiancé’s eyes for the first time since you had been back and you could see he was just as scared as you, you were both scared you weren’t going to survive another tsunami
“You left”- he just said
“I know, I’m sorry, I needed a moment or an hour apparently”- you shrugged
“Where did you go?”- he asked
“Nowhere actually, I just got in the car and stayed there, I needed a moment but we are gonna be alright, ok?”- you caressed Henry’s curls before pooping the baby nose softly watching the baby stopping screaming for a second before starting again -“we’re gonna be ok, we are probably gonna need to schedule a couple appointments with the therapist, but we are gonna get past this, but we need to focus on the baby right now.”
“Ok”- he just said waiting at you for direction… oh your man
“I think she left some formula and some diapers so I’m gonna take care of the baby and you are gonna make some calls”
“Yes Henry calls. You need to call one of your brothers to get some stuff for the baby, the last thing we need is paps seeing me or worst you buying baby stuff, we need to be careful, at least until we have a better understanding of the situation. You also have to call your lawyer we need to know what to do, how we can be sure the baby is safe, how we can be sure no one can take him from us”- you were on a roll
“Us?”- Henry asked still shocked about the whole affair
“Yes us, if this baby is yours we’re gonna take care of him, love him like he deserves, like I know you have wanted to do as soon as she said it was your baby even if you haven’t said anything because you think I’m gonna leave you, I’m not. If you are the father, this baby is mine too, that’s it! But Henry tomorrow you need to make one more call, we need to have a paternity test made and probably have a doctor take a good look at him, just to be on the safe side”- you could see Henry’s heart breaking a little.
The little man has been in his life for just an hour and he was already attached, he was heart broken at the simple idea of giving him up.
“Henry I really hope she told the true, I know you want to be his father, but if you’re not, don’t you think his father deserves to know?”- you gently smiled at him
“You’re right”
“Of course I am, I always am right”- you smiled at him knowing that you were going to be alright. The baby, who had calmed down a little as soon as you had taken him in your arms and had started bouncing around, gave a little scream of unhappiness
“Yeah someone is hungry, aren’t you baby boy?”- you softly said to the baby.
You looked up, knowing that Henry was looking at you two and seeing his eyes filled with love you knew you were gonna make a beautiful family
“We’re gonna need a name”- you and Henry smiled
Ps: Feedback is always welcome and appreciated ❤️
Henry Cavill taglist: @xxxkatxo @mansaaay @thorins-queen-of-erebor @maan24 @grounded-in-light @omgkatinka @xprettyqueenx @marytudorbrandon @kebabgirl67 @narnianaos
(If you’re name is crossed it’s because I wasn’t able to tag you. If I forgot to tag someone please forgive me and tell me again 😅)
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Batman au but Thomas Wayne lives
Thomas lives, and well Bruce has his Uber traumatised ready to murder people father.
Thomas becomes Batman, his favourite weapon is the gun that killed his wife and a scalpel bc he’s poetic like that.
Bruce being literally 8-10 is like
“dad where are you going don’t leave me!”
He has like really bad attachment issues now.
“Son I have to avenge your mother”
“dad, what-what are you going to do? Can I come with you?”
“no you can’t”
Bruce follows along anyway sneaking out to find his dad, he watches him suit up in his Batman suit it looks scary as fuck but little Bruce keeps following
(Thomas doesn’t have like Uber amazing fighting skills he’s just strong and a doctor”
little Bruce keeps following along making sure he doesn’t lose his dad, until they come to a weird warehouse. It’s old rundown and looks abandoned, Thomas enters little Bruce is still scared but he can’t leave his dad.
Thomas enters the warehouse and pulls the gun from his holster. And starts staring at the man who killed his wife.
“You thought I wouldn’t come back for you huh? How does it feel to be in the same situation again?” Thomas says darkly and loud.
little Bruce is off to the side confused why his dad is doing this, and starts sneaking towards him.
“Man I- I- don’t know what you want! It was a hit! It was a hit!”
“You know what I want.. I want your blood spilled. But it won’t be quick no, it will hurt. It will hurt so badly you’d wish you were dead.”
“Please- ple- I will give you anything you want! Money! Bitches! Smokes! Whatever! Just leave me alone!”
little Bruce has snuck up and starts asking his dad what’s he’s doing?
“Dad! Wh- why are you threatening that man? You, you said all life was-was sacred! That’s not okay! You shouldn’t um kill people! You should turn him over to the police!”
“Bruce? What are you doing here?! You should be in bed!”
“Dad I can’t sleep. I don’t wanna lose you like mom”
Thomas stares at Bruce and back at the man who killed his wife, and he sighs.
“Okay Bruce, okay. Your lucky, your so lucky don’t you ever tell anyone you saw me or your life is as good as gone, trust me I follow through with my promises.”
“Yay! What do, we do now?”
“Well Bruce we are going to take this bastard to the police, and then we are going to have a LONG conversation about what you just did”
“Jesus what the fuck are you doing”
Thomas grabs a tranq and stabs it into the man.
“Okay dad!”
flash forward a couple years, Bruce is 12 and he is very very determined to follow his dad out on patrol.
he even made his own version of the bat suit with Alfred’s help!
he dubs himself “batboy”
and starts to follow his dad, his dad isn’t as stealthy as him he’s been practicing for a while now.
but he follows, his little black cape and gray and yellow suit modeled after his favourite show gray ghost, and a domino mask cover his face.
he can barely keep up with his dad but he does, following him through alleyways and up. Eventually he stops and he goes up to his dad to hug him.
“Bruce! What are you doing here?”
“No! Dad call me ‘batboy’ I thought that.. if I made a costume I could join you!”
Thomas stares at him, he looks adorable and so happy.
this isn’t the first time he’s done this and it won’t be the last, the kid sneaky and persistent this is the 4th time this week he’s snuck off to go find him.
maybe it won’t be so bad, but he just can’t fathom anything happening to Bruce.
“Okay ‘batboy’ you can only come on patrol when you finish your schoolwork and are able to fight. I know you will keep following me again and again but it’s just not safe, go home buddy, go home.”
Bruce sulks and heads home, but with a new goal. Learn how to fight! And finish all his school work, if he does it all he’ll be able to work with his dad so much faster!
so we have a training montage of Bruce being taught by Alfred and him getting self defence lessons and learning how to use different weapons and stuff.
by the time he’s 13 he’s completed all his schoolwork and has gotten into college, and learned a ton of different fighting styles and tactics.
he also started learning about forensics and criminal justice and sciences, his dad may be a doctor but he’s not really good with the whole forensics stuff.
he actually just passed it off to Bruce to Learn about, Bruce is estatic about being able to work with his dad.
eventually Bruce tries again and sneaks out to follow his dad, his dad is going to take down a mafia deal. And Bruce feels comfortable with going and helping his dad.
he arrived shortly after his dad and sneaked into the battle field he started running at a goon and thumped HARD against them. Whilst laughing and turning to face his dad.
“Hiya dad!”
“I finished my homework. And I know how to fight people now, I did everything you asked of me so why am I not allowed to help you?”
Bruce said while jumping onto someone and start punching their face.
“Dad, this is nothing this is a Tuesday for me!”
Thomas scowls, but let’s him continue to fight.
they quickly defeated the mafia and high-five!
“Maybe I was wrong batboy, maybe you can help me fight crime.. but there’s still more to learn, and I’d prefer if you stuck to your studies.”
“Aw, really wanted to help you dad!”
too be added idk, here you go please write more about them
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snackara · 4 months
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And here he is, the little lad himself.
Like with Asha, I took a different spin then what most people have been doing with Starboy. Some of the early concepts took inspiration from Peter Pan, so I decided to go all in with this idea and make him a young boy instead of an older teenager. Which was also an idea mentioned in the Art of Wish.
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He has a similar personality to what was shown in the movie, being the definition of chaotic neutral while also being very sweet and naive.
I wanted him to really be the emotional glue of the trio, letting Asha and Miguel open up to him about their feelings. He also has his own character arc, learning what it means to be human. That they can be very malicious and cruel, but also compassionate and empathetic. This was something mentioned briefly in the Art of Wish book I wanted to incorporate, shown below.
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His appearance is very similar to the one above, especially in terms of clothing. He has a typical prince getup that’s black, and a long cape made of stardust. Also the little hood with the antlers. He appears to be around 12 years old, being a much younger star. Minus the clothes, his appearance is also similar to the art below.
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(via Saira Vargas)
He doesn’t have an important backstory in this rewrite (at least at the time I’m writing this) so this section will instead explain the star’s and their magic.
Stars exist in a place known as the Celestial Realm. It is sort of hard to explain exactly what it is. The Celestial Realm is technically another dimension, though it can be seen through the night sky via magic, and can even be accessed by very powerful magic.
Older stars have the power to go from earth to the Celestial Realm through conjuring a portal fairly easily due to how powerful their magic can be. Though they mostly choose not to. More on that in a minute.
Very few humans have the ability to go from one realm to the other. Only those who have studied magic their entire lives are able to do so.
However, most people don’t try, thinking the Celestial Realm is just a myth. Meanwhile, the stars believe the humans are selfish and hollow beings because of their lack of natural magic and some bad history, so they don’t bother with them.
So, what can stars actually do? Well, nearly anything, as long as it does not bring harm to others. They can transform things, give inanimate objects life, let things talk, create physical things from stardust. The stardust can also be used to just create pretty visuals. The only things they cannot do are make people fall in love, or again bring harm to anyone in any way.
Phew, alright. That was quite a bit of rambling to get through. Hopefully I explained everything well, but feel free to ask for clarifications if needed.
Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more.
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matttgirlies · 4 months
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Matt & Me🎀
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
a story heavily based on Priscilla Presley’s Book “Elvis & Me” based in the 1950’s - 1970’s.
fem! reader x singer! matt
disclaimer!! - in no way am i saying matt would ever support or do these kind of things, for the sake of the book certain unethical things do happen at times.
warnings - mentions of drugs
y/nn = your nickname for any confusion🩷 
Chapter 22
I had just walked into the living room where I found Matt and James arguing about Colonel William. “Goddamn, Dad, call and tell him we’re through. Tear up the goddamn contracts and I’ll pay him whatever percentage we owe him.”
“Listen, Son. Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Goddamn right I am. I hate what I’m doing and I’m goddamn bored.”
Matt stomped out the front door, never returning that evening nor the following few. We were mystified. For the first time he was traveling alone—without even one bodyguard. Matt didn’t even know his own phone number; nor did he carry cash. How was he going to get around? Arrangements had always been made for him.
According to Jerry Schilling, Matt caught a commercial plane to Washington, D.C., with the intention of meeting President Nixon. When he arrived he had a sudden reaction to penicillin he had taken for a bad cold and decided to fly to L.A. He called during a stopover in Dallas, asking Jerry to meet him at LAX with a doctor. He wanted treatments for the reaction. Matt rested two days in Los Angeles and then continued his journey back to Washington, D.C., along with Jerry and a fivehundred-dollar check that Jerry arranged to have cashed.
During the flight Matt befriended a young soldier just returning from Vietnam. The soldier must have told him his life story. Before the plane landed Matt asked Jerry for the five hundred dollars and handed it over to the young man, wishing him good luck. Jerry said, “Matt, that’s all we have.” Matt responded with, “Yeah, but he needs it worse than I do, Schilling.”
Later in the flight, he asked the stewardess for a pen and some paper. Matt was never much of a letter writer, but he now wrote President Nixon a letter explaining how he could assist the youth of today in getting off drugs. It was an impassioned plea, mistakes hastily scratched out and corrected as he poured out his thoughts.
Jerry arranged for a limo to pick them up at the airport and drive them to the White House. It was 6:30 a.m. and Matt was dressed in black, including his black cape, sunglasses, his large gold International belt, and a cane. He approached the gate looking, as Jerry put it, like Dracula. His face was a bit swollen, and Jerry feared that his appearance would arouse suspicion.
As soon as Matt explained who he was and that he had a message for the President, he was promised the letter would be given to President Nixon by nine that morning. Matt then had Jerry arrange for him to see John Finlator, Deputy Narcotics Director in Washington. Matt truly wanted to help kids get off street drugs. Another purpose of Matt’s trip was to try to acquire a Federal Narcotics badge for himself.
Matt was an avid badge collector. He had detective, police, and sheriff badges from all over the nation and the narc badge represented some kind of ultimate power to him. In Matt’s mind that badge would give him the right to carry any prescribed drug he had on his person. The badge would also give Matt and his Boston Mafia the right to carry arms. With the Federal Narcotics badge he could legally enter any country both wearing guns and carrying any drugs he wished.
His obsession with obtaining this badge was triggered by a private eye named John O’Grady whom Matt had hired to handle a paternity suit. O’Grady showed Matt his Federal Narc badge, and Matt’s mind started clicking immediately: How could he get one himself?
John O’Grady mentioned that John Finlator was the man Matt should see.
Matt told Jerry to wait at the hotel in case the President called while Matt himself went to see Finlator. Within an hour, Jerry received a call from Matt, saying that his request had been denied by Finlator. Jerry was surprised at Matt’s emotional state. He sounded near tears when he said, “He won’t let me have the badge.” Jerry was able to lift his spirits by telling him he’d just received a call from the White House. “The President read your letter and wants to see you in twenty minutes.”
Walking into the White House was no easy feat, even for Matt Sturniolo. The guards were friendly but cautious as they checked him out. Jerry too was searched before entering the Oval Office along with Sonny West, whom Jerry had called to join them. Sonny had been mystified by the call and was awestruck when he realized he was about to meet the President of the United States.
Matt was led separately into the Oval Office. Jerry and Sonny were told they had to wait outside, though there was some slight chance they’d meet the President later. According to Jerry, they were brought into the Oval Office in less than a minute. Jerry knew that if there was a way to get them in, Matt would do it, and he had come through. Not even the President was immune to his charm.
When Jerry and Sonny entered they saw that Matt had made himself right at home. He introduced everyone and encouraged the President to give Jerry and Sonny cuff links, and was not shy in asking for mementos to take home to their wives. By the time he left the Oval Office he had added this most important badge to his collection. He emerged smiling, a different Matt from the one who a few hours before was emotionally upset. Nixon overruled Finlator’s decision and had the badge sent to the Oval Office, where he could present it to Matt.
The argument about Colonel that started this escapade was never mentioned again.
Our marriage was now part-time. He wanted freedom to come and go as he pleased—and he did. When he was home, he was attentive and loving as father and husband. But it was clearly understood that I was mainly responsible for the parenting of Charlotte.
An incident occurred which made me realize that I needed to spend more time with Charlotte. She, Matt, and I were about to sit for a family portrait. I was dressing her while her nurse combed her hair. Then, as I started for the set, Charlotte refused to go with me. “What’s the matter?” I asked. “Come on, honey.”
“No, no,” she kept saying, hanging on to her nurse. When she started to cry, I got nervous and short-tempered, taking her by the hand and urging, as if a child could decipher my logic, “But you’ve got to be happy Char! You’re going to take pictures with Mommy and Daddy.”
Each shot was an effort as we tried to coax her to laugh. For a moment we would be successful but then tears would reappear. She even cried sitting on her daddy’s lap as I bribed her with toys and little dolls to get a smile.
That’s when it hit me. My God, she’s so attached to the nurse that she doesn’t want to leave her. Now I knew I had to find more time to be with her. She had been affected by my own predicament. Busy centering my life around Matt, even during his absences, I had neglected not only my needs but my daughter’s as well.
I was torn between the two of them. When he was home I wanted to be with him, without other responsibilities, but I also wanted to be with Charlotte, knowing how much she needed me.
I began taking Charlotte to parks, afternoon parties, and daily swimming lessons at the YWCA, and I convinced myself that soon I’d no longer have to fake it with toys and lollipops and ice cream cones to get her to smile at me.
She would sit between Matt and me at the dinner table, squeezing spinach through her hands and smearing it on her face. Matt tried to convince himself that he found all this adorable, but the fact of the matter was that he was finicky about his food. With a goodnatured laugh he would excuse himself, telling the maid, “We’ll be eating in the den. Char will join us after she’s finished playing with her meal.”
When Matt was away from home, which unfortunately was most of the time in those days, I continued to dispatch my regular care packages full of pictures and home movies documenting every inch of Charlotte’s growth. When he was with us, I encouraged him to participate in Easter-egg hunts and other outings, inviting Nate, Amber, their children, and other family friends to join us.
Charlotte and I visited him in Vegas for her birthdays, having huge parties in the suite, where she received everything from slot machines to two Saint Bernard puppies (a gift of Colonel William’s) to an entire room filled with balloons—everything, in short, a two- or threeyear-old shouldn’t have and couldn’t appreciate.
It was important to me that Matt be home for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, but he’d invariably call and say he couldn’t make it, then try to compensate by bringing home extravagant gifts like a marble jewel box filled with diamond rings, necklaces, and earrings, or a whole wardrobe of handpicked designer clothes from a boutique in Vegas. But that wasn’t the point. I didn’t want the furs and jewels—I had all I could possibly use—I just wanted him home. It was a constant effort, single-handedly trying to keep up family traditions.
Although Matt much preferred to spoil Charlotte, he did discipline her from time to time. Once he paddled her for writing all over a beautiful velvet couch with crayons. Then he immediately went into a panic, wanting me to assure him that he’d done the right thing and that Charlotte wouldn’t hold it against him. When I told him, “If you hadn’t spanked her, I’d have,” he felt better. The only other time he touched her in anger was after we’d repeatedly warned her not to go near the pool and she did.
By the time Charlotte was four, she realized she could manipulate the help. Whenever one of them refused to do something for her, she’d threaten, “I’m gonna tell my daddy and you’re going to get fired.” Since none of them wanted her going to Matt, they’d let her get her way, from staying up until all hours and skipping nightly baths to staying home from school. The result was that Charlotte had trouble learning what was right and wrong and what she could and couldn’t do.
“You don’t treat people that way,” I told her. “It’s abusive. Yes, they work for your father. But you don’t go around threatening them.” Used to seeing people jump at her father’s command, Charlotte took years to overcome this habit.
Since Matt had started performing again, our home on Hillcrest had become so public that we could scarcely get in and out of the drive. Photographers actually concealed themselves in our backyard, making their presence known at the most inopportune moments. Once, we were relaxing at the pool, sunbathing, when I leaned over and gave Matt a lingering kiss. He whispered, “What’s that noise? Shhh, be quiet. Sonny! Jerry! It’s a goddamn camera clicking off!” Matt jumped up and they all headed after the poor man, Matt leading, shouting obscenities and threats. This was one member of the press who I’m sure never returned.
In our three years on Hillcrest, we’d gradually outgrown the house. Charlotte and her nurse shared one room, Charlie had the other, and Patsy and Gee and their new baby occupied the cottage out back. Matt felt we needed more room; he wanted Sonny on call and close by. Discussions about a new home took on a new urgency.
When a couple of old regulars, broke and jobless, showed up at our door, Matt took pity on them and put them up in our living room. I awoke in the early morning to the sound of blaring music and found the two had passed out from drinking Jack Daniel’s and Coke. Half-empty glasses were strewn about the room and ashes littered the carpet. I felt my home was being turned into a boarding house.
“They have no respect for anything,” I complained to Matt later that day. “What if they fall asleep with cigarettes in their hands? We’ll all go up in flames. How long do you intend for them to stay?” I was making no secret of my disapproval. “I don’t want Charlotte around this.”
“You’re right, Honey. Maybe I’ll just head out for Palm Springs tonight.”
The search for a new home led us to Holmby Hills, an exclusive area of sprawling estates between Bel Air and Beverly Hills. We found a traditional two-story house, well-situated on a hill, surrounded by two acres of wellmanicured lawns and orange groves. It was larger than our other Los Angeles homes, with a high fence and forbidding gates to assure our privacy.
I had hoped that this home would redirect his attention to the family and that his weekends away in Palm Springs would now be spent with us. He had his own office, his own den, his own game room, his own theater, a breakfast room for private meals, and a dining room for family and friends. It was my intention to decorate this home exclusively to his liking, with ideas carried over from the Hillcrest house, which had been his favorite.
The house cost around $335,000, a little over the budget that we had in mind. With some persistence on our part, James warily let me hire a professional to help furnish it. This would be the first house I’d decorated from scratch and I found it tremendously exciting—having plans drawn up, choosing color schemes, fabrics, wall coverings, and antiques. I loved hunting for special pieces of furniture: a china cabinet that concealed a television set, old trunks to be used as coffee tables, and antique vases to convert into lamps. I was so excited with the project that I persuaded Matt not to look at the preliminary stages and to wait until everything was completed. Decorating became my passion. I found the challenge so absorbing that I was able to forget my worries over our relationship. Instead of pondering my loneliness, I was engaged in constructive work that required all the flair, imagination, and organizational ability I could summon.
At this time another fulfilling and liberating force entered my life—karate. It had been Matt’s love and hobby for years, and when I first took it up, it was just another of my efforts to get his attention and approval, as in the past when I’d enrolled in French classes because he liked the language, took flamenco dancing because he was an aficionado, and ballet because he adored dancers’ bodies.
He had long admired kung fu expert Ed Parker, whom he’d met years ago. I began taking private lessons under Ed’s guidance three times a week. I soon learned there was much more to this art than violence. It was a philosophy. I became even more involved when Matt cheered my progress.
On our return to Boston, he slept throughout the day and I enrolled in another oriental discipline, the Korean art of Tae Kwan Do. I became as obsessive as Matt in dedicating myself to this art. A mandatory requirement was memorizing forms, katas, and stances in the Korean language as well as learning the history of Tae Kwan Do.
The training was incredibly exacting. Over and over we’d execute the same movement until perfected. Perspiration poured into my eyes and yet, if I wiped it away, it would mean one hundred pushups under the watchful eyes of the entire classroom, a humiliation I did not desire and managed to avoid.
Now I could understand Matt’s enslavement to karate. It was an accomplishment, an achievement of confidence and physical mastery of self. In 1972, while Matt was performing in Vegas, I met one of the top karate experts in the United States at the time, Mike Stone. On this particular evening he was acting bodyguard to a prominent record producer. After the show they came to visit Matt backstage. Everyone was more impressed with Stone than with the boisterous tycoon he was protecting. Matt was complimentary and he, Sonny, and Red had numerous questions. Several years earlier we had watched Stone at a tournament in Hawaii and we’d admired his fighting technique.
Later that evening, up in the Imperial Suite, Matt encouraged me to train with Mike. “He has that killer quality. Nothing on two legs can beat him. I’ve been impressed with him since the first time I saw him fight. He’s a real badass—I like the cat’s style.”
Back in Los Angeles I made arrangements with Mike to drive out to his studio later in the week and sit in on one of his classes. It was a long forty-five-minute drive.
Elvis was right. Mike exuded confidence and style, as well as a good deal of personal charm and wit. A deep friendship would develop. Because of the distance, I decided to continue my training with a friend of his, Chuck Norris, who had a studio closer to my home. Mike would sometimes come to Chuck’s studio as a guest trainer.
I was emerging from Elvis’s closed world, becoming aware of how sheltered my existence had been. Mike and Chuck introduced me to popular Japanese martial-arts films such as the Blind Swordsman series, and with Mike I attended karate tournaments locally and in neighboring counties, taking home movies and still photos of top karate fighters. I wanted to capture their individual styles so I could share them with Elvis, hoping this was something we could enjoy in common. In the end, though, I made a whole new circle of friends with whom I felt accepted for myself. The martial arts gave me such confidence and assurance that I began to experience my feelings and express my emotions as never before. Accustomed to suppressing my anger, I could honestly vent it now without the fear of accusations or explosions. I stopped apologizing for my opinions and laughing at jokes I didn’t find amusing. A transformation had begun in which fear and indifference had no place. Along with this new confidence, off came my false eyelashes and heavy makeup, the jewels and flashy clothes. All devices that I’d depended upon for security I now shed.
I was seeing myself for the first time, and it was going to take a while for me to get used to the image. I had a chance to observe marriages outside our immediate circle, where the woman had just as much say as a man in everyday decisions and long-term goals. I was confronted with the harsh realization that living the way I had for so long was very unnatural and detrimental to my well-being. My relationship with Mike had now developed into an affair.
Excerpt from: "Elvis and Me" by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. Scribd. This material may be protected by copyright.
a/n - i feel like u guys will kill me after the next chapter.. all im saying is get ur tissues!🎀
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kalolasfantasyworld · 3 months
Can I request 2, 7, 12, 15 and 17 for the sweetheart bird that is Natalia Silva?
Hi Vilandel! 💕
Sorry for the wait, finally getting to this one ^^
2. Who is your best friend?  Tell us about them!
My best friend is Daisy Vangeance. I don’t even remember how we met, because we were so little, but it was because of our older brothers and mamas. Boys were being boys while mamas would drink tea and gossip. At some point of our friendship remember Daisy showing me all the flowers, she was very excited, her twin sister Sunni came with us as well. Unfortunately I have allergies so the trip around the Vangeance Estate gardens ended pretty quickly with me being all in snot, but Daisy made sure that nobody wold see me this way, then she ran to get me tissues and brought me back to mama. She always cares for me and I try to do the same. Besides that we just simply have fun and maybeeee sometimes Sunni convinces us to help her with some mischief.
7. Who do you look up to?
I look up to quite a few people, because I have so many of them in my life, but if I had to choose one it would be tio Asta. I’m currently interning as a Wizard King’s advisor and I’m getting to know him even better. Tio never gives up and always approaches everything head on. Even though his ideas may not be the brightest, but that’s why he has us, he is not afraid to act on them for the good of everyone in Clover. He’s very inspiring and has always been there for me. When I was little he would spin me around as if I was on a carousel. Oh for the not giving up part, he’s still trying to learn how to swim. I’m glad that tia Noelle has water magic, because she can save him each time. I’m drifting of topic, but yes I look up to tio Asta a lot.
12. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? (on vacation or permanently!)
Permanently I like my life here, but on vacation I’d love to go to Heart. It’s so beautiful there. A country filled with water and it has such serene atmosphere. I actually might go for a little magical exchange over the summer, but it’s still up in the air. Papa is reluctant about letting me go. However Noureen volunteered, that he could do that exchange as well. I’m sure he had an ulterior motive… Anyway this means that the chances of convincing papa are higher.
15. Do you play any instruments?  Which ones?  How long have you been playing?
Yes I actually do. I play piano. Papa used to play as well and we obviously have quite a few instruments at our estate. I think I was around three and just running around the estate with papa watching me, when I found his old piano. Papa let me sit on his lap and play around, tapping keys. He says that I would giggle with each new sound. I fell in love with that instrument back then and it was such an important moment, that I can remember the feelings I had. It also became my and papa’s thing. We would sit down together and play. He needed a reminder while I needed to learn, so we both got better together. I love those evenings, when familia comes to the music room. Mama, Heinry and Noureen sit on the couch, while papa and I play and the fireplace happily crinkles. They feel really warm. Sometimes they get bigger when tias Nebra, Rosette, Noelle, tios Zora, Solid and Asta join us as well. And then all of my cousins! Sometimes they just won’t keep quiet! But then papa notices I’m sad and makes his scary face, so everyone stops talking. 
(Do you want a birdies one shot about that scene of little Natalia and Nozel playing piano?)
17. What makes you laugh?
There are many things that make me laugh, but I think that Heinry goofing around is the one that works on me the most. He can always come up with a funny joke or a silly idea. I remember how once he asked the staff to braid his hair the same way that papa has, then he actually took one of papa’s spare capes and tried to pretend to be him. Or that other time when him and Noureen took me flying. I was with Heinry on his eagle, while Noureen was flying beside us using his armor. Then we started racing. I was so happy back then. Mis hermanos are the best.
Rosette is @vilandel's OC
Daisy is @lyranova's OC
Also tagging @loosesodamarble 😁 you'll get why
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jerzwriter · 1 year
I do. Me too.
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Ethan & Kaycee
Ainna strikes again! How we give her a few little pieces and an idea, and she just brings it to life will never cease to amaze me! In my HC, Ethan & Kaycee's wedding day was last week, July 29th. It's a simple, informal affair held at a beach house they had rented on the Cape. It's also a surprise wedding. With guests thinking they're coming to a surprise birthday/engagement party for Kaycee, but the guests are the ones in for the surprise. Here's a little more about their big day. I'll be adding to it over time.
I hope you enjoy this little fic about how they spent the morning of their big day!
Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee MacClennan)
Rating: Teen
Words: 1,400
Summary: They didn't want a lot of fuss, so they planned their "surprise wedding" in less than a month. On the morning of the big day, they remember they forgot to iron out a couple of details, but it all works out in the end.
A/N: @choicesmonthlychallenge (Throwback to February, Day 12, Marriage).
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Kaycee peered out the bedroom window, perplexed to see the beach nearly deserted on a perfect July day. The homes on this part of the Cape owned the beaches that served as their backyards. Still, she and Ethan had had rented this property before, and on a Saturday in July, the neighbors were usually out in force. She let the curtain fall from her hand and shook her head.
“Ethan, what did you do?” she laughed to herself.
July 29th had arrived. She couldn’t say finally, as she and Ethan picked this day less than a month before, but it was hard to believe it was here. In just over an hour, they’d greet their guests, who would learn they weren’t sitting in traffic on Route 6 for Kaycee’s surprise birthday party. No, the surprise was all for them because today was their wedding day.
With the exception of her parents, Alan and Naveen, no one knew. They only caved and told them the week before, and now, she was glad they did. The four of them were happily attending to last-minute details – which she was convinced included threatening the neighbors to stay inside until the ceremony ended – leaving her to quietly enjoy her last hours as a single woman.  
Also, she couldn’t have imagined getting ready for this day without her Mom. Rose had helped her into her wedding gown. Then she presented her with the pearl drop earrings she wore on her own wedding day, and Kaycee’s grandmother had worn on hers many years before. Even though Kaycee was going for a natural look, makeup still had to be reapplied after that. Now, with Rose off to ensure every flower was in its perfect place, Kaycee stood before the full-length mirror in her room, spinning in circles and watching the sheer, delicate lace of her gown dancing around her. Time spent planning be damned, she was allowed to say... the day was finally here!
A knock on the door startled her. She was pretty sure it was Rose making her way back, but just to be safe, she asked.
“Who is it?”
“It’s your future husband,” Ethan declared, a smile present in his voice. “I’m just checking to make sure you haven’t come to your senses and run away.”
“Hmmm, it was a close call,” she laughed through the door. “But Naveen stopped by and put this ankle monitor on me, so you’re safe.”
“Thank God for Naveen,” he chuckled. “You know, since Tobias still has no idea that he’s going to be my best man, I could change my mind and give the honor to Naveen.”
“Now, Ethan Ramsey! What has Tobias done for you to consider taking his title away?”
“Nothing. That’s just it; he’s done nothing, whereas Naveen prevented you from becoming a runaway bride.”
“Ethan,” she laughed. “If I was going to run away, it would have been long ago. You’re safe with me.”
Their conversation had all been in good fun, but those last four words left Ethan choked up. You’re safe with me.
“I know that,” he said with a cracked voice. “And I hope you know you’re safe with me, too.”
Kaycee leaned against the wooden door, a tender smile on her face. “Of course, I do, Ethan. Of course, I do.”
“Good,” he grinned. “And I heard two I do’s there. Excellent work, Rookie. Get practice in because I’m going to need you to say that one more time very soon.”  
“Oh, I plan on it,” she reassured.
“So, we never really discussed it.. but when do I get to see you? It won’t be when you’re walking down the aisle, will it?”
“Considering we’ll be greeting our guests together, I think that’s a no. See, these are the things we would have ironed out if we had gone a more traditional route.”
“Any regrets?” he asked.
“Not one.”
“Good. But that puts me right back where I started. When do I get to see you?”
“Well... nothing is stopping me from opening this door right now.”
“All right, but shouldn’t I go grab the photographer? I believe it’s called a first look shot or something like that.”
“You could,” she replied with a question in her voice. “But I’m not of the belief that every moment has to be shared or recorded. Some of them should just be lived, and I want to share this with you and you alone. Is that all right?”
“All right?” He enthused. “I think I just fell in love with you a little more.”
“All right,” she beamed, bouncing on the balls of her feet with excitement. “Let me step back, and I’ll tell you when to open the door so we can see each other at the same time.”
Ethan’s heart began to race with anticipation. “Sounds good, but don’t make it long.”
“The room isn’t that big, Ethan,” she teased as she fluffed her skirt and positioned her lace train around her. “OK,” she beamed. “You can come in.”
His hand was already on the knob, and the door opened before Kaycee could complete the words. A puff of air escaped him, and he visibly stepped back when his eyes fell upon her.
“Kaycee...”  he gasped, completely overwhelmed. “You look...” he wanted to say so much, but words truly escaped him.
“So, is it appropriate?” she giggled.
A bright smile spread on his lips, and he quickly closed the distance between them before taking his bride into his arms.
“You are breathtaking,” he breathed into her ear. “I knew you would be, but,” he stepped back with tears in his eyes. “Nothing could prepare me for this.”
“So... it’s definitely appropriate,” she grinned. 
“I’m glad to see that getting married will have no impact on you being the wiseass I fell in love with.”
“Oh, never!” she assured. Moving closer, she smoothed out his lapel as Ethan wrapped his arm around the small of her back, pulling her tightly against him. “You look gorgeous, too,” Kaycee whispered. “Remind me how I got this lucky?”
“You,” he asked, lifting her hand over her head and giving her a gentle spin. His eyes drinking in every inch of her. “The lucky one is me, and I won’t hear any arguments.”
“We’re both lucky,” she smiled.
“OK, I’ll accept that one!”
“So,” she questioned. “We have a little time to kill before guests begin to arrive. What would you like to do?”
Ethan smirked, leaving little to the imagination. “If I did what I want to do right now, I promise, we wouldn’t be in any condition to greet our guests anytime soon.”
“We will save that for tonight, dear.”
“Yes, and we’ll be kicking people out early! But what would you like to do now?” he asked.
“I know! Why don’t we take a quick walk along the beach? I know it’s a small guest list, but even so... once everyone arrives, I won’t have you to myself until the end of the day. So, want to take a quick walk, just you and me?”
“I’d love that,” he smiled. “But you need one thing before we go.”
“I do. What’s that?”
Ethan stepped back into the hall, returning with Kaycee’s bridal bouquet in his hand. 
“I think this will complete the picture.”
Kaycee held the bouquet to her nose, inhaling the beautiful fragrance of the soft pink and white roses and peonies in her bouquet. 
“It’s so beautiful,” she sang.
“It is, but it pales in comparison to you.”
Kaycee reached up and pulled him into a tender kiss. 
“Aren’t we supposed to wait until the officiant tells us to do that?” He asked.
“I won’t tell if you won’t.”
“Come on,” Ethan insisted as he took her hand. “Let’s take that walk so we’ll be back in time to greet everyone. Until then, I’m showing you off to everyone on the beach.”
“Speaking of that... who do you plan to show me off to? The starfish? Can you explain why none of the neighbors are on the beach on this gorgeous summer day?”
“Briberly,” he deadpanned. “Bribery may have had something to do with it. I also told them they could join us at the reception later.”
“I knew you were behind it!” she laughed as they approached the door.
But just before they reached it, Ethan stopped and turned to Kaycee, gently taking her face in his hands.
“I love you, Kaycee. I love you more than I could ever express, and I hope you know that.’
Reaching up, she gently squeezed his hand.
“I do. And I love you every bit as much. I hope you know that.”
“I do,” he smiled.
“Thank goodness,” she grinned as they stepped outside. “I do...now you’re practicing, too!”
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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