matan4il · 1 day
Every once in a while, the magnitude of the Hamas massacre hits me all over again.
I'm not sure most people get it even now.
In absolute numbers, it is one of the three deadliest terrorist attacks in human history (second or third worst, depends on which estimates you trust for the Camp Speicher massacre), but if we take it in relation to the size of the population in the attacked country (which we should, because terrorism by its very nation seeks to victimizes through psychological trauma the entire target population, and not just those who were physically affected during the attack), then what Hamas did IS the single deadliest terrorist attack in the entirety of human history.
But it's even more than that.
Never, in any other attack, have the terrorists taken over as much land as Hamas did on Oct 7. ENTIRE TOWNS were under complete control of the terrorists, some for SEVERAL DAYS (I specifically remember watching a report on one town, where combat with the terrorists was still taking place on Oct 11, meaning on day 5 of this terrorist invasion into Israel). ENTIRE TOWNS WERE OCCUPIED. BY TERRORISTS. There's not a single Hollywood action movie dealing with such a scenario, because NOTHING OF THIS SCALE HAS EVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Imagine waking up and hearing in real time that the northern half of the American states Washington, Idaho and Montana has been taken by terrorists, who are driving through the streets freely, as they murder, pillage, rape, torture, maim, burn and kidnap people, and almost no one's there to stop them.
And then imagine the world expecting the US government to just... let the terrorists retreat to the other side of an international border in the north, after having murdered over 40,400 American, most of which are civilians, almost 183,000 more injured, and while taking with them across the border over 8,450 American hostages, to God knows what awful fate, for how long, or if they will even ever come back alive. Entire communities and regions would be devastated, without knowing if they'd be able to rebuild. The total would be more than 230,000 Americans directly impacted (I've adapted the real numbers from Oct 7 to the size of the American population... Remember the horrendous 9/11 attack, which saw 2,977 victims killed and a few thousands more injured, and think of what would be the emotional punch of over 230,000 direct victims).
Imagine expecting the US to let that go, and allow those terrorists to continue existing and ruling the land on its northern border. Imagine expecting the US to do so while this terrorist organization openly declares that it will repeat this large scale massacre whenever possible, until the entire country is destroyed.
And please don't come at me with "Fine, Israel can react, but not like this." Unless you have the military expertise to explain exactly how Israel can protect its people from this attack ever being repeated, and to free all our hostages, without civilian casualties (despite Hamas intentionally using them as human shields, and even directly causing Gazan deaths), unless you can translate the vague "not like this" into something practical, some actual guidelines on how this urban war could have been fought differently, even though there's no historical precedent to support that this is possible, "not like this" is just wishful thinking at the expense of the safety and right to live of Israelis.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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nova-alien-rants · 2 months
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people stop being antisemitic for one fucking second challenge (impossible)
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sunbeamedskies · 16 days
“Noa Argamani was treated well!”
She was kept as a hostage slave in a wealthy family’s apartment, forced to clean it whenever they knocked without warning, for EIGHT MONTHS. Just because they fed her does not mean she wasn’t a hostage and a slave. Her mother also has terminal cancer and was afraid she was never going to see her again.
If you start justifying human rights abuses against women, Jews, and Asians (she is half Chinese) because they are Israeli, you were never against antisemitism, misogyny, or wanted to stop Asian hate.
You can support both Palestinian and Israeli civilian lives.
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starlight-bread-blog · 5 months
Leftists: Everyone is a little bigoted. Bigotry is deeply integrated into our society. Everyone picks up on it. You have to actively unlearn it. Check your bias. Your intentions might be good, but you're not immune to bigotry learnt since childhood. Even if you're an activist already. Even if you have friends from the minority. Listen to marginalized voices. Take the critisism. This is the only way to overcome our internalized prejudices.
Jews: Hey so–
Leftists: ZIONIST!!
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tomi4i · 2 months
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curiositysavesthecat · 2 months
*this poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. if you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post)
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emotboyswag · 1 year
Closet antisemites/racists love bringing up that the swastika is a Buddhist peace symbol (as if they give a shit about buddhism) like yeah it is but the skinhead white guy with a swastika tattoo isn't a Buddhist and the edgy teenagers who painted a swastika on a wall aren't Buddhists and you need to use the tiniest dash of critical thinking and common sense.
In a Buddhist temple its a peace symbol, scratched on some guys house its a hate symbol . And stop telling Jews they are being dramatic or chronically online for being upset/disturbed/scared or annoyed by swastikas!!
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mask131 · 1 month
This morning, it was discovered that, during the night, two dozen of red handprints have been painted on the Wall of the Justs.
The Wall of the Justs is part of the Parisian Memorial of the Shoah: it is the list of the names of nearly four thousand men and women who helped protect and save Jews during the Occupation of France by the Nazis.
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Tell me again how the red handprint is "definitively not used by antisemites or for antisemitic purposes"? And tell me, please, how defacing this memorial (which is not even to the memory of Jews, but to the memory of those that stood up against the Nazis) will help Palestine in any way?
... Maybe you can't, because this is proof that, for some person, it is not about Palestine at all. They don't care about bringing food or medical help to Gaza. They just see an opportunity to express their own hate.
Everybody has been saying this, and I will concur: most of these people are either antisemites, or uneducated ignorants who are so short-sighted they don't even realize how bad their own actions look, and thus soil the very cause they want to defend.
At best, they wanted to say something about how pro-Palestinians are "the Resistance" but failed monstrously at carrying the message because they DEFACED A SHOAH MEMORIAL. At worst, they wanted us to understand what is the only thing to be read here: "These people who saved the Jews in World War II have blood on their hands now." And this is such a vile and nauseating message.
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that-rad-jewish-girl · 8 months
The irony of saying #landback and “we live on stolen land” while condemning Israel’s existence is so strange.
You want land to go back to the natives - no matter how long ago the land was taken - unless it belongs to Jews. Then they can go F off.
And because you don’t have a reasonable defense for this weird combo of beliefs, you just deny the indigeneity of Jews altogether. This is something that can be proven with simple google searches and logic. Our ancient artifacts and structures are in the land, and our “origin stories” are largely about the land and us residing in it. Yet, you refuse to believe we are indigenous.
Even more funny is that you then argue Arabs are the real indigenous people to this land. Arabs are colonizers in the Middle East and North Africa. Arabic is a colonial language. They originated in the Arabian peninsula, and took over MENA countries. They had nationalist policies that largely eradicated the people and/or cultures already present in those lands. A lot of the people present were Jews, who were killed or driven out by pogroms.
Educate yourself for crying out loud.
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kosmic-apothecary · 3 months
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matan4il · 8 hours
Out of curiosity, what does the UN actually gain from keeping the terrorists in power? Obviously antisemitism but way do they materially gain?
Anon, don't be so quick to dismiss antisemitism. It's a really powerful motivator, for some people even more than money, because it is often to connected to a person's views of themselves, their society and the world. As such, antisemitism can be linked to issues of self-worth or hope for the future. And the place where someone's self-worth depends on demonizing Jews, or their future hopes depends on the notion that their society will be so much better, if only a Jewish collective (whether the Jewish religion, race or state) will be dismantled, they are emotionally invested in ways that can be far more crucial to them than money.
So I personally do think that antisemitism played a big role in how the UN has acted regarding Israel for decades.
For example, the UN sets up a special agency to help Koreans in Dec 1950 (UNKRA). By Jul 1958, less than 8 years later and 5 years after a ceasefire was achieved between the two Koreas, the agency was seen as having served its purpose, and was dismantled. Since then, if there are ever Korean refugees still in need of help, it goes through the general UNHCR (established 1951. It replaced the UN's temporary agency IRO, established Dec 1946, which itself took over from UNRRA, established Nov 1943), the UN refugee agency that takes care of ALL refugees in the world... except the Palestinian ones. Their agency (UNPRP) was established by UN resolution 212 in Nov 1948, and later became UNRWA in Dec 1949.
Now, take a second to consider how there was NEVER any UN agency dedicated specifically to help about 1.5 million Jewish Holocaust survivors at the end of WWII, which is May 1945 (with many of them still being murdered after the end of the war, in places like Poland in Jul 1946 or Libya in the Nov 1945 and Jun 1948 pogroms). No special agency for them, no intervention to protect people who had literally been through and somehow survived the worst genocide in human history, and were still being targeted and killed after it was done, even though the UN had a talent for establishing plenty of refugee agencies just fine during those years. But there was a special agency set up for the Arabs in the Land of Israel, even though they were the aggressors in the 1947-1949 Independence War, and it still operates to this day, unlike UNKRA, which was set up later than UNRWA. Why? What reason is there for treating Holocaust victims worse than the Arabs who declared a war of extermination against Jews in Israel? Or for treating Palestinians better than any other group of refugees in the world, even though other groups often need the help much more?
I can only see one thing in common when it comes to all of these illogical, counterintuitive decisions, and that is antisemitism. Dislike the Jews? Deprive them of getting their own agency, even while others get one. Hate the Jews? Dedicate special resources to the refugees who can be used as a political pawn against the Jewish state, while still counting them as refugees even after being resettled with citizenship elsewhere, unlike every other refugees group.
And never forget, the UN's voting "democracy" (where antisemitic abuse is not penalized in votes) IS inherently vulnerable to the tyranny of the majority. There is only one Jewish state at the UN. There is a block of over 20 Arab countries, another of over 50 Muslim ones, and when they're told a lie such as the one invented by Amin al-Husseini in 1929, that the Jews are attacking the al-Aqsa mosque, then it's easy to recruit all of them against Israel without even much effort. Then add countries which have vested interests in keeping the Arab and Muslim countries on their side, or who have issues with the pro-west, pro-democracy countries (and Israel is not only one of them, it is closely allied with the US, which is the leader of that stance) and basically the one Jewish state has close to no chance.
But over the years, in addition to being invested in keeping the issue of the Palestinian refugees going as a tool against Israel, to present the Jewish state as uniquely oppressive, the UN has also become invested in the jobs that the conflict produces for its members. UNRWA alone employees over 30,000 people and is, by the UN's own admission, one of its biggest employers.
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On top of that, the UN also has other workers who deal specifically with the conflict (and therefore are employed thanks to it), such as OCHA oPt. OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) is the "humanitarian arm" of the UN and oPt is its branch that takes care specifically of the Palestinians. WHY is there even a need for this, if the Palestinians already have (UNIQUELY!) an entire UN agency dedicate just to them? And then on top of that (yes! A redundancy on top of a redundancy!) they also have a Palestinian branch for the OHCHR (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights).
Having so many employees dedicated to this specific conflict does make the UN financially invested in keeping it from being resolved. Also, it's probably easier to get donations for the UN when talking about this falsely over-hyped conflict (here's a recent example, a report shows there's no famine in Gaza, the UN has known this and kept it quiet), especially when the hype is fed by so many antisemites happy to spread libels about the Jewish state. Some of the antisemites are likely very rich and happy to donate to any organization targeting Israel (I can even name some very wealthy governments happy to continuously donate to the UN and UNRWA, when they're also known for their antisemism, like financially sponsoring known antisemitic professors at US universities).
I do think the antisemitism is what enabled the creation of the financial aspect to the UN's anti-Israel bias, and interest in preserving the conflict, but now I'll mention one more factor. It's also one that IMO was preceded by the antisemitism and financial interest, but now it adds its own fuel to the fire. Since 2007, when Hamas violently took over Gaza, in order to keep its programs running there, the UN has been collaborating with Hamas. Because that's what happens in an actual dictatorship, which has absolute power over its people, and doesn't allow for any civilian liberties. If you wanna run a UN agency in North Korea, you will HAVE to collaborate with Kim Jong Un's dictatorial regime. And if you want to run a UN agency in Gaza post Jun 2007, you will HAVE to collaborate with Hamas. So that's exactly what the UN has been doing in Gaza. In doing so, it has been collaborating with a genocidal, antisemitic, radical Islamist, terrorist organization. And as has allowed Israel to enter Gaza and gather evidence, we have more and more proof that the UN is complicit in Hamas' crimes. That is NOT something the UN wants the world to realize. So it's trying its best to stop Israel from fighting in Gaza, to prevent the gathering of further evidence, at the same time that the UN is doing its best to screw over Israel's credibility. If the UN can vilify the best witness against it, who will believe the evidence about its complicity anyway?
I hope that helps answer the question!
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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cata613 · 4 months
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I’m sorry, WHAT does this ad have to do with ISRAEL? Did I miss something? Or do you have nothing to do with your pathetic little lives and derive pleasure only from being antisemites?
God, every day it gets SO MUCH HARDER to maintain hope and faith in humanity.
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sunbeamedskies · 3 months
Hating nazis does not mean you’re not prejudiced against Jews. Posting about how you’d love to punch a nazi is not your get-out-of-accusations-of-antisemitism free card
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dawnscales · 4 months
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I reported this blog & several of their posts to tumblr concerning hate speech - tumblr has now informed me that actually, believing millions of Jewish people should die does not count as hateful conduct !
like srsly I do not wish to engage with such blogs, I do not send them hate, I block them. I figured reporting was the normal thing to do because hey, no need to drop on that person's level, it be much better to simply not allow hateful blogs like that to even flourish.
But tumblr says people like that are fine to use their website I guess.
Guess that means I can just ask fellow Jewish people to just block that person for their own mental health.
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kodiescove · 2 months
Peace be upon you Jews of Jumblr!
With the rise of antisemitism, and one of my favorite things about my Muslim faith being zakat(prescribed charity giving), what are some charities you would like me to give to in these trying times?
I've seen plenty of places to donate to help Palestinians, but I haven't seen anything to help any of you Jews that are facing antisemitism as backlash to all of this.
Forgive me if it has passed, but I know it's around Passover(I believe that's the holiday going on right around now?) And I'm sure there are Synagogues or Jewish charities that could use some donations.(at least I think. I know that Churches and Christian charities take donations around Christmas and Easter.)
I'd truly like to help all who are affected by this war. Whether it be Isreali Jews in Isreal, or diaspora Jews(I think that's the term? What I mean is, Jews who do not live in Isreal) who are struggling with increased antisemitism.
No charity is too niche, though I may not be able to donate to all of them, as I am on SSDI(a form of disability) so it's not like I have hundreds or thousands to throw around. But I know that anything can help.
Love, your friendly disabled queer Muslim with all the questions.
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milevenfcb · 15 days
Goyim REALLY need to stop telling Jews what they think our ancestors would have thought. The amount of people both online and irl who have told me that “your ancestors who were Holocaust victims would be disappointed in you for supporting a genocide” honestly just makes me sick.
I really couldn’t care less about their views on this war, because I honestly do not care about the opinions of people who straight up support a terrorist group, but PLEASE for the love of God don’t try to tell me what you think my great grandparents would have wanted, because I doubt you have any idea.
Sorry for the rant. Somebody commented on my post recently and told me that, and I’m quoting, “your ancestors who died in the Holocaust would be rolling in their grave if they heard you”, and then proceeded to call me a Nazi, and I genuinely lost my mind a bit lol.
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