elisabethbabarci · 2 days
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When we overcome personal challenges and hardships, we begin deep inner reflections, which enable us to recognize that our power can never be taken or given away, only a situation can take away a moment of your time or inner peace. Once we recognize that our past circumstances do not define us, that we are free to stand strong in our true peaceful nature, it enables personal awareness and spiritual growth. When we embrace coexistence, unity, and diversity of opinions, or seek guidance from others which mirror our current circumstance, we then recognize that we can overcome anything set in our path by evoking trust and strength in our will. By transmuting the energy from a negative frequency, to further offset or regulate a negative circumstance, enables us to neutralize an outcome which opens the possibility of resolutions, prosperity, stability, and growth. When we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions, to foster positive results, we then stand firm in our power to foster the change that is needed.
Elisabeth Babarci
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echoesoftheinfinite · 18 days
I don't want much, I just want to learn how to enjoy life, even in the hardest moments.
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pratchettquotes · 6 months
One of the recurring philosophical questions is:
"Does a falling tree in the forest make a sound when there is no one to hear?"
Which says something about the nature of philosophers, because there is always someone in a forest. It may only be a badger, wondering what that cracking noise was, or a squirrel a bit puzzled by all the scenery going upwards, but someone. At the very least, if it was deep enough in the forest, millions of small gods would have heard it.
Things just happen, one after another. They don't care who knows. But history...ah, history is different. History has to be observed. Otherwise it's not history. It's just...well, things happening one after another.
Terry Pratchett, Small Gods
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thoughtsfromb4 · 25 days
Blake's Fire
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Fire, fire, burning bright,
weaving shadows from the night,
how did mortal man learn to
unlock the secrets within you?
From what darker, distant past
did we emerge, free at last,
once we'd learned to tame then free
thy flaming volatility?
For the magic of your light
gave us ways to fend off night,
steal back daylight, and explore
lands unseen by man before.
Fire, with your powers near,
we outshone our darkest fears
so that, in caves, we could start
making works of timeless art.
What hand or eye or mind was first
moved to quench deeper, inner thirsts;
to–with pigment, coal, or chalk–
imbue their Self upon the rock?
So, with these powers over dark,
one last thought was left to spark,
as we, through art, learned to see
our true immortality.
-- @thoughtsfromb4
**Inspired by the cave paintings of big cats at Chauvet Cave and William Blake's "The Tyger"
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philosophybits · 11 months
You should care about things in a way that makes it a possibility that tragedy will happen to you. If you hold your commitments lightly, in such a way that you can always divest yourself from one or the other of them if they conflict, then it doesn’t hurt you when things go badly. But you want people to live their lives with a deep seriousness of commitment: not to adjust their desires to the way the world actually goes, but rather to try to wrest from the world the good life that they desire. And sometimes that does lead them into tragedy.
Martha Nussbaum, in A World of Ideas, by Bill Moyers
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risestarkiss · 9 months
Rise Ramblings #265
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Well that explains this:
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...and possibly this?
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theeroticlover · 1 year
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I might not be always with you, but there will always be this invisible bond between you and me...
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dk-thrive · 7 months
You'll notice that I haven't talked about love. Or about happiness. I've talked about becoming - or remaining - the person who can be happy, a lot of the time, without thinking that being happy is what it's all about. It's not. It's about becoming the largest, most inclusive, most responsive person you can be.
— Susan Sontag, from "Notes on 'Camp'" in "Against Interpretation" (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1966) (via Whiskey River)
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ksjanes · 1 month
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The meaning of path could be, a way of living, a vehicle, a view, the starting point, an exploration, or curiosity. There is a path for each of us, it may not always be clear, it's meaning changes as we step along this path. We travel along not reaching an end but finding new meaning along the way. Embrace your path.
K.S. Janes
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urmomswifesworld · 10 months
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sallyrooneygf · 10 months
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Hanya Yanagihara, A Little Life
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thirdity · 4 months
In English, words of Latin origin tend to carry overtones of intellectual, moral and aesthetic “classiness" — overtones which are not carried, as a rule, by their Anglo-Saxon equivalents. “Maternal,” for instance, means the same as “motherly,” “intoxicated” as “drunk” — but with what subtly important shades of difference! And when Shakespeare needed a name for a comic character, it was Sir Toby Belch that he chose, not Cavalier Tobias Eructation.
Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy
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classycookiexo · 5 months
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wahroh · 2 months
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No get kilt, aye?
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philosophybits · 2 months
The true work of art is the one which says least.
Albert Camus, Notebooks, 1935-1942
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