#not criticizing anyone with a drug problem
rabid-dog-steve-horn · 5 months
My child has NO FILTER..
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unboundprompts · 8 months
Thank you so much for your blog! It's so neatly organized, it's lovely to read. It takes a lot of commitment to do detail every post and still constantly update, and I'm very grateful for you <3
I was wondering if you could write tips+prompts for a paranoid character?
Thank you again 😺
Thank you for the kind words!! That means a lot :)
How to Write a Paranoid Character
-> sources: mind.org , betterhealth.vic.gov
Paranoia is the irrational and persistent feeling that people are "out to get you."
Things that Make Paranoia More Likely:
Having confusing or unsettling experiences or feelings that you can't easily explain.
If you are anxious or worried a lot or have low self-esteem and expect others to criticize or reject you.
If you tend to come to conclusions quickly, believe things very strongly, and don't easily change your mind.
If you are isolated.
If you have experienced trauma in the past.
Things that may Contribute to Paranoid Thoughts:
Life experiences. You are more likely to experience paranoid thoughts when you are in vulnerable, isolated or stressful situations that could lead to you feeling negative about yourself.
Experiences in your childhood may lead you to believe that the world is unsafe or make you mistrustful and suspicious of others. These experiences may also affect your self-esteem and the way you think as an adult.
If you experience anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem, you may be more likely to experience paranoid thoughts.
Paranoia is sometimes a symptom of certain physical illnesses such as Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, strokes, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. Hearing loss can also trigger paranoid thoughts in some people.
Lack of sleep can trigger feelings of insecurity and even unsettling feelings and hallucinations. Fears and worries may develop late at night.
Recreational drugs may trigger paranoia, such as cocaine, cannabis, alcohol, ecstasy, LSD, and amphetamines. This may happen particularly if you're already feeling low, anxious or experiencing other mental health problems.
Research has suggested that genes may affect whether you are more likely to develop paranoia.
Symptoms of Paranoia:
being easily offended
finding it difficult to trust others
not coping with any type of criticism
assigning harmful meanings to other people's remarks
being always on the defensive
being hostile, aggressive, and argumentative
not being able to compromise
finding it difficult (or impossible) to "forgive and forget"
assuming that people are talking ill of them behind their back
being overly suspicious
not being able to confide in anyone
finding relationships difficult
considering the world to be a place of constant threat
feeling persecuted by the world at large
believing in unfounded conspiracy theories
Writing Prompts for a Paranoid Person
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
Everyone was against him. No one liked to see him succeed and so they were doing everything in their power to stop him.
People were talking about her behind her back. They would whisper as she walked by, and their laughter would echo in her ears as she got further from them.
"You never believe me!" They wailed, pointing an accusing finger at their friend. "You wouldn't get it! You don't know what it's like to be hated by everyone!"
He laid in bed, staring at the ceiling and wide awake. It was a nightly routine, at this point. He could never bring himself to close his eyes. There were too many things going on his head, too many things that only made him dread when morning came.
Everything was about to go so wrong so fast, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. The impending doom beat down on her shoulders, reminding her that she was not okay. She was not safe.
They couldn't stop fidgeting with their hands. It used to offer some form of comfort, but not anymore. How could it when the whole world is against you?
They were looking at him. They were watching his every move. He was being tracked. Studied. Something was going to happen. Something bad. Something he wasn't prepared for. What could he do to be prepared?
"You think I'm crazy, but I'm not! You'll see."
If you like what I do and want to support me, please consider buying me a coffee! I also offer editing services and other writing advice on my Ko-fi! Become a member to receive exclusive content, early access, and prioritized writing prompt requests.
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gatitties · 2 years
Care and comfort
─ Yandere!bonten x motherly!reader (platonic)
─ Summary: you were just trying to help someone and you ended up being the obsession of a criminal organization
─ Warnings: obsession, stalking, toxic behaviors, kidnapping, slight mention of drugs and stuff related
Part two / Part three / Part four / Part five
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You turned on the light in your kitchen, almost tripping over one of the stools because your eyes were still half closed, you had fallen asleep correcting the last report that the newspaper where you worked had sent you. You had noticed that you hadn't even had dinner before, so you made a quick meal before heading back to work, but before you could touch your laptop you heard a crash at the front door, as if someone had collapsed and slammed against it.
It's not that you lived in one of the worst areas of the city, but it was strange that something happened in the wee hours of the morning, you walked slowly, opening the door, or trying to, because the body of a man was blocking the entrance, a few minutes of struggle was enough for the unconscious body to fall to the other side, leaving you to open the door completely and contemplate the man.
He had one of those mullets that were fashionable among young people, several earrings, some scars on his mouth and stains of what appeared to be vomit and blood, okay, you did not want to interfere with anyone who seemed to be a drug addict, but on second thought, it was better to help the man than to have to give statements to the police as to why there was a dead body at your door.
You dragged him home and laid him on the couch, laying him on his side so he wouldn't choke on his own vomit if he ever did, though after further scanning you decided he needed a good shower. You did not feel self-conscious in doing this job, you are of an age and you have worked in many things, among them you had a position taking care of the elderly, all kinds of care being more specific, so no, you did not feel uncomfortable having to wash this man.
You changed his clothes and put his striped suit in the wash, leaving him back on the sofa, you continued with your work, reading and quickly correcting the errors you found, the night passed quite quickly and you fell asleep once you were completely done your work, sending it to the head of the newspaper.
The next morning you woke up with a gun pointed at your temple and that man's pretty eyes staring back at you, good way to start the day indeed.
"Who the hell are you?"
"Are you young people these days so ungrateful? It was you who passed out on the doorstep of my house at two in the morning."
He lowered the gun, seeming to remember some parts of his night, he sat still a little bewildered and with his head elsewhere because of the drugs taken yesterday, he looked at you in silence now noticing his change of clothes as well as the smell of his hair, it was not the smell of his usual shampoo.
"Did you…?"
"Yes, oh, don't be ashamed, it's been a long time since I stopped being interested in that kind of thing, at a certain age the only thing one looks for is economic stability and peace of mind, are you going to stay for lunch?"
He blinked contemplating your calm form, he didn't know if he was still under the pressure of narcotics, but he didn't reject your proposal, Sanzu was anything but embarrassing, however he felt like a little boy next to you being cared for by the mother he never had.
For your part, he was not the first brat you helped, you had married friends, with grown children or adolescents who did not stop getting into small problems, you acted like the aunt who drinks wine and criticizes everyone at family gatherings, for your attitude, they found it easier to access you when they had problems they didn't want your friends ─their moms─ to know about, you always had their backs unless it was something that was detrimental to their health, then you wouldn't hesitate to call your friends to give their children a lecture, even as adults.
That same attitude was the one that made Sanzu visit you more often than he would like to admit, although most of the times he left scolded for coming home drunk or drugged, you never closed the door on him, how could you? You weren't heartless enough to leave him lying in the street when he came desperately asking for help with some of his hallucinations.
Your kindness led him to an obsession towards you, you were like his little lifeboat, his conscious part about all the madness in which he was involved, he began to watch you from afar, observing your interactions with strangers and friends, it bothered him, it bothered him that you were just as kind to others as you were to him, he wanted all your attention just for him. He was also worried about you, he had seen the worst part of the rotten world in which he lived, someone with a soft heart like you could not survive against the predators of this society.
Of course, Bonten executives were not stupid, usually most of them lived in the headquarters, they had private properties where they spent a few days or weeks, but most of the time they were in that headquarter, especially Sanzu, that's why they started to noticing his absence more and more, it's not like he had to explain himself to anyone ─except if Mikey asked him to─ but his behavior was strange, didn't he arrive drugged? It seemed like a bad joke, clothes without a bloodstain? he was definitely doing something outside their radar.
Not that the others cared much, but the Haitani brothers were a bit nosy, like gossips who want to know why their partner seems happier when he comes back in the morning after a night of 'fun'. They discussed it a couple of times with the others when Sanzu wasn't around, and they all agreed that his behavior was unusual, so they began to investigate what he did in his leisure.
This led to an ordinary person like you being watched by two executives of the largest criminal organization in the country. At first they thought that you were a whore with whom he had fallen in love, but investigating more about you, they discovered that you were a lady with an established daily life, there was nothing about you that stood out and yet you seemed so interesting.
"Sanzu please, I need to finish correcting this report, I promise you that later you can have all the hugs you want."
He tightened his grip on your waist, burying his face in the crook of your neck, you were trying to do your job but Sanzu found your hugs too comforting after you once found him crying ─from being drugged─, killing people leaves obstacles in any person and as much as he loved it, certain deaths of innocent people always ended up flying over his thoughts like ghosts that tormented him from time to time.
The sound of the doorbell made you stop typing, moving the man slightly away to go to open, you were not expecting a visitor which was strange to you, Sanzu felt a chill when you opened the door, meeting the eyes of the youngest of the Haitani directly, he got up quickly without even letting you ask what those guys wanted, he pulled you back before Ran could drag you with him.
"What the fuck are you two doing here?"
"Make sure you don't have too much fun, are you so in love that you forget the meetings?"
They started a little discussion while you looked blankly, you and Rindou looked at each other in silence while the other two talked, you greeted with a brief nod, thinking they were Sanzu's coworkers.
Luckily just when the discussion was getting more heated, a 'ding' coming from the oven threw everyone off concentration, taking advantage of this you got out of the man's strong grip, walking towards the kitchen to see that the cookies you had been working on before were ready.
"There are plenty of cookies for everyone, Sanzu you can invite your friends."
"They are not my friends!"
"That's very kind of you, we'd love to meet our friend's friend."
So you ended up having lunch with the three men in an awkward silence between them, due to the tension of which you preferred not to take into account, Ran and Rindou were quite nice and understood that you were not a love interest, nor did you want it, nor did you seek it. Alarm bells of boys without a mother figure going off again, of course you caught their interest more than before, they knew your background but not your personality, and they ended up falling into that obsession towards you, as if there was something that made them gravitate towards you, was it because of your simplicity? for your kind words? They didn't know it, but they were jealous that Sanzu could snuggle up against you and they would have to keep more of their distance.
Now you had three of Bonten's executives constantly visiting your house, whether it was asking you for small favors or advice on nonsense to asking you to make them cookies or food in general, they just desperately wanted your attention, like babies crying out for their mother.
This cycle of obsession only made the others begin to suspect that they were up to something, whether it was harmful to Bonten or not, Takeomi was the first to notice, Kokonoi the same, he noticed how the brothers spent a certain amount of money, which they didn't used to do that often, followed by Kakucho, Mochizuki and lastly Mikey.
So it led you to be kidnapped by Mochi after doing enough research on you, because they didn't take much notice of it at first when the brothers first noticed. You were tied hand and foot, a blindfold was removed after consciousness returned to you, you found yourself face to face with a man with immense dark circles and eyes full of lifeless, on his right side another man with a large scar on his face, on his left side another man with a small scar on his left eye.
You felt something cold touching your temple, again you had a gun pointed at you, held by the same boy who had kidnapped you, you turned your head also noticing another man with long white hair.
"Who are you and why do you have my executives after you?"
"Executives…?" you looked at everyone carefully, connecting the dots when you saw their tattoos "Oh- so that's why they never wanted to tell me what they worked for… are you some kind of organization? Like arms smuggling, money laundering or something?"
You took the situation calmly, that your life was hanging by a thread right now was not one of your biggest concerns, you had lived a full and happy life up to now, you had no regrets, you were mature enough to understand the point at which you were, the more the years go by, the less afraid you are of the things that used to terrify you when you were young.
Everyone was surprised to see how Sanzu entered kicking Mochizuki so that the weapon flew out of his hands, away from you, the Haitani brothers followed closely untying you quickly while all those men had a discussion of looks, the dense silence was broken by your giggle, you were trying to control yourself as much as you could but it was impossible.
"My God, Sanzu, you just called me mom!?"
The boy's face was completely dyed in pink tones, all the attention was now focused on you while you let out a laugh at the slip that your child had, something made the hearts of others clench in pain when they heard your laugh, no matter how bad it sounded, whether it was asthmatic, uproarious, or silent laughter, it was like real music to the ears of all the executives at Bonten, including the leader. As if you had flipped a switch in the mind of their rotten minds, they now had a new interest in you, as if you had further triggered an obsession you were unaware of with the first three you met.
They began to understand why those three felt attracted to you, it was as if your mere presence was intoxicating for them, as if just listening to you or looking at you calmed their broken hearts, many alarms from boys without a mother figure, of course that was a triggering reason, all these men longed for that kind of love that they could hardly experience.
Now you had the criminal organization after you, not in a bad way, more like a bunch of men acting childishly because of your limited attention. One thing they were clear about without the need to speak, you were not going to leave their sight for a single moment from now on.
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thankssteveditko · 9 months
Sony's PlayStation 5 Presents Insomniac's Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (the third game in the series)
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I beat the main story and have enjoyed my time with the game overall! I want to talk about spoilers and things that I liked and disliked in the story, so here's a post with some scattered thoughts.
(Hello! I haven't forgotten that this blog exists! Like I said, no update schedule, I will read more of the Lee/Ditko comics whenever I make time for it. I've actually been sitting on a mostly-complete version of this post since I beat the game in October, thinking that I'd finish the rest of the side quests so I could throw in thoughts on those. But... eh, I'll do that whenever the inevitable DLC rolls around. I just wanna get these thoughts posted.)
Spider-Cop No More
First off: they downplayed the cop shit!!! This was the first thing that really struck me about the game, and I'm stunned that they actually listened to criticism on this. I thought we'd just be stuck with it forever.
It'll never be completely gone, of course. Spider-Man is always going to leave criminals webbed up for the police to take to prison, hoping that they'll do their time and come out the other side as Productive Members of Society. That's just a thing I begrudgingly accept as part of the genre that will probably never go away. But Spider-Man is no longer repairing police surveillance networks. You're no longer beating the shit out of random drug dealers. Gangs of escaped convicts still wearing their orange jumpsuits are no longer terrorizing the streets of New York.
Instead, Peter and Miles are played more as firefighters. Sometimes very literally! They work with firefighters, they rescue people from collapsing buildings, they rush injured people to the hospital. In general there's a huge increase in the number of random onlookers present during the big action setpieces, and the Spider-Men frequently have to save them from harm. One of the major side quest lines is even literally about a cult of arsonists, and you'll routinely find burning fuel tanker trucks you have to extinguish with your webs. It's great! Love this for them.
I also generally liked the side missions in this. There's a lot of good stuff with the Spider-Men being neighborhood heroes willing to help out anyone in need, no matter the problem. Some of them can get corny, sure, but that street level stuff has always been the real heart of Spider-Man to me.
The gameplay's as fun as ever. That probably goes without saying. I will not be spending a thousand words explaining that swinging is fun.
In particular, I really liked the changes to the Focus mechanic. I never loved the way Miles' game made you choose between healing and doing your special attacks, but here your four specials have their own cooldowns, and the Focus meter is spent on either healing or finishers. It still offers that risk/reward element, but those vicious cycles where you can't do any real damage because you keep needing to heal aren't nearly as bad as they were before.
Personally I didn't turn off the swing assist or turn on fall damage, because the streamlined swinging never bothered me in these games, but I'm glad the options are there for people who want them.
I liked Kraven in this! I liked the way they leaned into his Hunters being this weird death cult, and him wanting to go down in a blaze of glory against a worthy foe, to the point that he's actually disappointed anytime a foe can't kill him. It riffs on things people liked in Kraven's Last Hunt without being the exact same story. I like that Kraven's gang is renting out this manor or whatever and just being a complete terror to the wait staff. I liked the way Kraven hunting Peter's rogues' gallery clashed with Peter's belief in giving his villains second chances. I liked that they were willing to have Kraven kill off a couple of the minor villains from the first game to sell how dangerous he is. (I know some people hated this, but like, come on. We already fought the Sinister Six. They don't need to do that again.) I like the way Kraven pushed Peter to the absolute brink, turning him more and more aggressive with the Black Suit. Good stuff all around, even if the Hunter enemy types did wear out their welcome a little bit by the end.
The Black Suit arc
I think I liked the way Insomniac handled Peter's Black Suit arc overall, but there's a tradeoff here.
They REALLY lean into the body horror tentacle stuff, with Black Suit Peter basically just being a skinny Venom by the end. The sequence where you play as Mary Jane while the symbiote puppets an unconscious Peter's body around and goes on a rampage against the Hunters was REALLY great at selling how scary Peter is becoming, and it made me completely change my tune on the inclusion of the MJ stealth missions in the sequel. Having to beat an out-of-control Peter as Miles immediately after Peter beats Kraven was also really good. This is all cool!
BUT, the thing is... with the symbiote powers being so freaky from the start, it really pushes my suspension of disbelief when Peter and co. take so long to become wary of it. I guess when you've been bitten by a radioactive spider and given superpowers, and when you live in the same universe as the Avengers and the X-Men, your perception of what's "normal" is going to be pretty warped. But they buy the whole "organic exosuit created to treat Harry's illness" story WAY too easily lmao. How do the self-aware slime tentacles help with his illness, exactly?
And I'm not sure how I feel about giving Peter Anti-Venom powers in the last act. It feels like it's primarily a concession so that they can give players that branch of their skill tree back, but honestly, the designer in me thinks it would be really cool (if risky) to just permanently lock players out of Peter's most powerful skills past a certain point. Yeah, it'd definitely piss people off, but it drives home the idea that Peter's given up greater power because it's the right thing to do. It'd put you in his shoes! Instead he just gets the symbiote powers back, but it's fine because the Venom voice in his head is gone and also the slime tendrils that explode out of his body are white now, which means they're good.
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I have to say it. I'm sorry. The glistening white goo... they turned Peter into the Amazing Cum-Man. I changed back to the Classic Suit after rolling the credits and forgot I still had the Anti-Venom skills equipped, so I just saw regular old Spider-Man exploding his white goo everywhere. Terrible.
Assuming Peter is just stepping into more of a supporting role to Miles and not fully retiring after the events of this game, I really hope the Anti-Venom stuff is gone. I get that he needed it to counter Venom, but that's not what I want for Peter Parker.
Miles is good in this, and I really like his arc where he struggles with whether or not he should avenge his dad by killing Martin Li. I like how all that plays out. Unfortunately, they don't quite stick the landing when it comes to making him and Peter feel like equals in terms of narrative focus. His arc is definitely the B-plot to Peter's for the middle chunk of the story, which I guess was kind of inevitable since they decided to do the Black Suit arc. But Miles does at least get a lot of moments to shine, and by the end he's very much taking the lead as the main Spider-Man.
Becoming the main Spider-Man also gets Miles a new, wholly original suit that ended up being super controversial, and honestly... I kinda like it? Or at least I like what it's going for, even if the actual design could still use some work. It's something totally unique for Miles, and I like spandex/streetwear combo suits like what the Spider-Verse movies have popularized. But showing his hair is really pushing the limits of his secret identity. He hangs around Brooklyn Visions WAY too much for his classmates to not recognize his voice and haircut. And I understand why people would be wary about it becoming his "canon" look moving forward. But I think it's got potential.
On the subject of Miles, though, I will say that while I liked Miles' side missions, it feels like he's often saddled with the game's broad, kinda touristy, kinda token attempts at Showcasing The Diversity Of New York, in a way that Peter isn't.
I like that Miles has a deaf graffiti artist girlfriend that he and Ganke sign with, and I like that there's a series of side missions that explore some local jazz history, and I like that there's a mission where Miles helps a gay classmate ask his crush to prom. I like all these things! I like Spider-Man being involved with his community, and that said community includes such a wide variety of people! I like that this game slows down to savor these types of moments instead of just being all action all the time! But when I step back, I notice some patterns.
Hailey doesn't have a big role in the main plot, especially when compared to MJ, but Miles gets a side mission where you briefly play as her with muffled audio to teach you what being deaf is like. There are no major queer characters in the story - unless you count Felicia showing up for exactly one mission to mention she has an unseen, unnamed girlfriend in Paris now - but you get a side mission where Miles helps out a gay couple at his school, who then never come up again. To put it very uncharitably, they can feel like Very Special Episode missions. It's like the devs going: we're going to give Miles a Gay Mission, and an Impaired Hearing Mission, and a Cultural History Mission, so that we can say we touched on these things, but we're gonna make them all optional and keep them far away from the full-blown Superhero Stuff like fighting costumed villains. Those flavors cannot mix. Meanwhile, Peter gets to have a whole elaborate subplot about teaming up with Wraith to track down fucking Cletus Kasady. There's an imbalance here, and I think it's part of the reason why Peter still feels like the "main" Spider-Man for so much of the story.
I think this was all written with admirable intentions, but as others have pointed out, you can kinda tell that this game was mainly written by some white guys based in California. These attempts at depicting various marginalized groups can feel kind of detached in the same way that Insomniac's map of New York doesn't quite line up with the real thing. But I dunno. I'm not really the one to dig deep into some of this stuff as a white woman from Florida. I would be curious to read others' takes on this.
Maybe I'm just being overly cynical about the writers' well-meaning but corny and kinda out of touch liberal politics because of the podcasts.
The podcasters
I wish Jameson was in this more! They psyched us out by giving him a full character model for, like, two scenes. I like him being MJ's boss, but I wish we saw inside the Daily Bugle offices to get more Jameson.
At least his podcasts are better than the ones in the Miles game, though. Him completely trusting in Roxxon was just too much for me. Here he condemns Oscorp for the symbiote shit, and he also gets some moments where he takes the ongoing crises seriously and isn't just ranting about the Spider-Men. He isn't just a conspiracy theorist crackpot here. Shit like his "fuck Spider-Man, we have a justice system for a reason" speech makes him feel more like a human being with a point of view, rather than just a caricature. Definitely an improvement.
Unfortunately, I still find The Danikast grating. I'm sorry, Ashly Burch. It's not your fault. The quirky heckin' wholesome millennial podcaster lady who catches you up on current events and then reminds you to drink 64 ounces of water a day in the same breath is just too much for me. At least she doesn't have any lines as bad as her throwing in a "damn" and then going (direct quote here) "That's right - no censoring! That's how REAL I'm being right now!" like in Miles' game. Instead they give her this, like, almost psychic insight into the main plot to try and make her the angel on Peter's shoulder. The second Peter gets the symbiote she's like "Wow, y'all. Have you seen Spider-Man's new black suit? Something's different about him. He's been giving me such bad vibes lately. #NotMySpiderMan" Also she's supposed to be this, like, underdog independent podcaster who started her show on a whim and has become the voice of the people... but she's got billboards plastered all over the fucking city. Which makes her feel like an industry plant lmao
Again, there's a detachment with the writing. This is, like, some middle aged white liberal game dev guys' idea of what a modern leftist teenager would think is a Cool Activism Podcast. Unfortunately, because Insomniac thinks Danika's a hero, Mary Jane's triumphant ending is that she quits her job at the Bugle to become a podcaster, too, delivering a thinly veiled monologue about the pandemic to kick off her new podcast literally titled "The New Normal." She's going to save the world with podcasting, because that's the highest form of activism, I guess.
So! Venom! Venom was... okay.
Surprising no one, Harry Osborn is Venom. Harry's okay both as himself and as Venom, but I'm not sure his arc is a smooth one. He starts out as Peter's comically perfect best friend who returns to reminisce about the good ol' days and hand him his dream job on a silver platter, and then later he becomes a little ball of rage over the fact that Peter gets his symbiote and can't/won't give it back. I'm not sure that pivot is handled the most convincingly. You kind of have to write it off as the symbiote messing with their heads, I guess.
When he actually becomes Venom, I'm... mixed on the execution. On the one hand, the cool factor is absolutely there. He's a very cool big monster, and Tony Todd is great in the role. But he also wants to take over the world and make everyone a symbiote, and aside from any lingering resentment towards Peter, that's really all there is to him. It makes for a good video game to have a bunch of symbiote enemies and creepy symbiote nests and symbiote tentacles climbing up the sides of buildings in the last act... but is that really what I want out of Venom? Probably not. But he sure does look cool as a big monster guy to fight, and I was happy he was briefly playable.
Part of me feels like there's something lacking about the suit selection here, but almost every suit I liked in the previous games is back, and also I'm the type of person to give Peter the Classic Suit the second I unlock it and use that for most of the game. So does it really matter for me?
Peter's selection feels dominated by the various live action movie suits, but I get that those are going to be some of the suits people want to wear the most. I wish he had the Peter B. Parker skin to go with Miles' Spider-Verse alts, though. No idea why it's missing. Really I think I mainly just want more of the Spider-Verse designs.
Also I've complained about how most of the original suits designed for these games make Peter and Miles look like they were bitten by radioactive Alienware products, but I can just, you know. Wear other suits.
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Misc thoughts
Everyone's already made this joke, but it's extremely funny that the Avengers didn't help with the symbiote invasion. Took one look at that and decided it wasn't their problem
On the subject of other superheroes, I do wish these games would acknowledge the Fantastic Four more. Peter's close relationship with that team feels woefully underutilized in his various adaptations
I like the trope of a boss fight that's a heightened version of a personal conflict between two people who are close, where throughout the fight the boss is airing out their grievances while the hero tries to get through to them emotionally. That especially works for Spider-Man! But WOW has Insomniac played that card a lot of times by the end of Spider-Man 2 lol
They're teasing the addition of Silk, I guess? I'm gonna be honest, I don't know shit about Silk, but I guess it was inevitable that they'd give us some form of Spider-Woman at some point. Gotta work all those costumes in somehow, and they're not brave enough to let one of the boys cosplay as Spider-Gwen.
They WERE, however, brave enough to let Harry say he loves Peter. I liked that little moment. They presumably meant it platonically, but clearly ol' Yaoi Lowenthal knows what's up
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Post-leak addendum
So, obviously, by the time I got around to finishing this post the big Insomniac leak happened. I wish the game industry wasn't so secretive that it took a massive, dangerous data breach just to get our hands on some very basic info that would be public knowledge if Insomniac was a film studio, but here we are.
We now know that Insomniac spent somewhere around $315 million making Spider-Man 2 - triple what the first Spider-Man game cost to make. A quote about this from a leaked presentation has been stuck in my head ever since I first saw it on Twitter. “Is 3x the investment in [Spider-Man 2] evident to anyone who plays the game?”
To be honest, I'm not sure it is.
I liked Spider-Man 2, but I'd probably say that overall I liked it about as much as the first game. It's certainly a somewhat bigger game, with marginally more realistic looking graphics thanks to the power of the PS5. But I think I could do without ray tracing and more realistic hair rendering and whatnot if it meant that these games didn't take like five years and hundreds of millions of dollars to make. I could not give less of a shit if the swinging animations were recycled between games. I'd be fine with them being shorter, too.
I like these games, but as we look at that leaked project lineup and realize that Insomniac is turning into The Marvel Game Studio, I think about how many smaller, more original games that those resources could go towards if they scaled back the Marvel stuff just a bit. How many Ape Escapes or Patapons or Gravity Rushes could get made for the budget of just one of these massive AAA tentpole games of Sony's, which are apparently barely even breaking even? How many could be made for the budget of the "smaller, cheaper" Miles Morales game, which somehow cost $156 million to make despite using an updated version of the same Manhattan map from the first game? Hell, how many smaller games could have been made with the $39 million that went into remastering the first Spider-Man game for PS5 a mere two years after launch? How many people will lose their jobs if any one of Insomniac's upcoming Marvel games underperforms - which, in this case, could mean selling "only" 5 million copies? And would hardcore PlayStation fans even accept those smaller games at this point, now that they've been trained to only appreciate mega-budget Prestige Games with cutting edge graphics and treat everything else with disdain? How much worse will this get as the graphical arms race continues?
I think I just miss Japan Studio. Fuck Sony. Uhh but anyway the Spider-Man game this post was supposed to be about was good, some writing complaints aside. 8/10
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queenofthekings · 2 months
and also!! can I request, from this list, with Eddie:
13. “I didn’t like you at first because I found you way too fucking attractive.” “That makes no sense.”
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𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
Summary: You and Eddie have a complicated relationship to say the least; one second you're all over each other, and the next you can't stand to be in the same room as each other. And all you want are answers.
Author's note: I'm aware I don't go here anymore but I'm tryna get my drafts/WIPs cleared so enjoy! The title comes from the Razorlight song of the same name. I'm so sorry this took forever but I hope it was worth the wait! I wrote the majority of this in about an hour so I apologise if it's bad.
CW: 18+, swearing, sex references, smoking, talks of drug use and dealing, drinking, drunk Eddie, Eddie's kind of an ass in this.
Word count: 1k
Tagging: @usergeta @quinnigallagherjones @loserboysandlithium @littlexdeaths
Any hate will not be tolerated, constructive criticism is welcomed.
From the moment Eddie Munson waltzed his way into your life, he had you wrapped around his finger. You’d fallen for him hook, line and sinker. The problem? He absolutely hated your presence. At least, you were sure he did. It felt like one moment, he was all over you and calling you his. Then the next, he avoided you like the plague and would laugh and sneer at you in the hallways.
It was infuriating to you.
All you wanted was to spend all your time with Eddie and actually get to the bottom of what his problem was. But anytime you tried, he was his dick self and would laugh you off. Then at any parties you’d attend, he’d pull you into a dark corner and completely rock your world with his mouth and fingers.
You just wanted answers, answers you knew you’d never get so you just accepted it. You had no choice but to accept it.
At one of the endless parties both of you attended, you spotted him across the room, trying to not be obvious that he was doing a deal with some drunk classmate, but you always knew what he was up to, you knew him like the back of your hand and sadly, he could say the same for you.
Taking a long drink of your punch, you plucked up the courage to go over to him, being careful not to bump into anyone on your way. “Bit early to deal, is it not, Munson?”
Eddie jumped at the sound of your voice, a hand going over his heart as the other almost dropped the roll of dollars he’d just been handed. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, don’t creep up on me like that.”
You couldn’t help but bark out a laugh as you playfully hit his arm. “I didn’t realise you were that much of a scaredy cat.”
“Other than scaring me to death, was there anything you actually wanted?”
“I wanted to talk about us,” you answered, folding your arms over your chest.
Eddie looked at you as if you’d just spoken in Japanese to him, the cogs in his head slowly turning but he still had no real idea what you were getting at. “What do you mean “us”? There is no “us” to talk about. I’m not fuckin’ sober enough for this conversation.”
Then he stormed off, making a point to hit your shoulder with his arm as he left, the force almost knocking you to the floor. Rubbing your arm, you shrugged off the embarrassment you felt and muttered a “dick” before you stormed outside.
Walking around the various drunk couples making out or the various obviously high out of their minds partygoers, you found an empty spot and set up camp for the night. Setting your drink down in between your legs, you grabbed your pack of cigarettes from your pocket and lit one up.
You would’ve tried to socialise and potentially get blackout drunk like everyone else, but you just weren’t feeling it, and was even debating on going home after that encounter with Eddie. But you were stubborn and refused to let him win, you’d at least stay until you’d ran out of cigarettes.
Not even an hour later, a loud crash was heard inside followed by a loud holler of your name. Sighing heavily, you turned around to see Eddie grinning like the cat that ate the canary stumbling his way towards you, an armful of beers with him.
Sitting down next to you with a loud “oof”, he offered you a can before struggling to open yours. Sighing, you took it from him to open it before handing it back. “Why are you even here, Eddie?”
“What? Am I not allowed to see my girl whenever I want?” He grinned, nudging your arm with his elbow before taking a long drink of beer.
“I’m not your girl, Munson. You’ve made that extremely clear,” you grumbled, opening your can and pouring the contents into the cup. “If you’re here to talk about our non-existent “us”, I’m not in the mood for it.”
Even through his drunken state, Eddie could tell that you were upset and somewhere in his brain he knew it was his fault, that and nothing he said would make it up to you. But he wasn’t the type to even try to make it up to anyone.
Noticing his silence, you spoke up again. “You don’t even like me, romantically or otherwise so why are you even trying?”
Eddie shook his head, leaning into you almost to tell you a secret. “I didn’t like you at first because I found you way too fucking attractive.”
Now it was your turn to look like Eddie was speaking Japanese to you. Mostly because what he said made absolutely no sense. “That makes no fuckin’ sense.”
“Well, it makes sense to me, princess,” Eddie smiled, drinking more of his beer.
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head as you downed the contents of your cup. “You’re so fucking confusing, you know that? You literally drive me fucking insane.”
“It’s all part of the Munson charm, babydoll.”
Licking your lips, you shoved your cigarettes into your jacket pocket and stood up, moving to stand directly in front of him. “If you weren’t drunk off your head, I’d offer to go upstairs and make everyone hate us.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide as he frantically got to his feet, the sudden motion causing him to fall directly onto you, but thankfully you caught him just as he was about to crush you. “I can sober up, I swear.”
You laughed, shaking your head as you steadied him. “You’re such a dork, and it’s not happening tonight. Not in a million years, call me tomorrow night when you’re sober and then we’ll talk,” you patted his shoulder before making your way inside.
The next night, you were surprised by getting a call from the man himself; informing you that his trailer would be empty for the night and invited you over. Twirling the phone cord around your finger, a sly smirk came across your lips. “Come and get me,” you replied before hanging up.
You weren’t exactly going to play easy on him, not for a second.
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zeusmachina · 2 months
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Forgot I didn't post it here but here's the final ref sheet for my Arcane fan character, Jaan. I love her a lot, she deserves real pure love (or to be locked away).
₊‧⁺𓇼ㅤ𓂂ㅤ˚ㅤ◌ ✧⋆
JAAN ⋆ Moodboard
Jaan was a former herbalist in her early thirties working between Piltover and Zaun but who saw her social situation gradually deteriorate when Silco took over the city below. The patients discovered that Jaan was from Zaun and turned their backs on her due to lack of trust and began to spread numerous rumors about her. Her reputation preceding her, her shop was closed and the young apothecary found herself forced to find refuge in the slums of her hometown. Easier said than done, the young woman suffered various forms of violence and treatment that completely broke her. She will then make the desperate choice to join Babette's brothel. The latter welcomed her with kindness despite Zaun's critical situation. Then began Jaan's harsh journey as a prostitute. Several years have passed and Jaan is now one of the most prized courtesans in the house, even bringing some important clients from Piltover. She assists Babette by collecting various compromising informations from all sides and sometimes ruining the lives of the citizens from above and below. Her objective is simple: Make Silco and its collaborators pay for where she is now.
₊‧⁺ Character traits
The former herbalist has changed a lot during these difficult years although she still retains strengths from her past. She has a way with words and has always known how to get out of complex situations thanks to her physical and social charms (and maybe her knowledges in plants, drugs and poisons helped a bit). She is someone who has always been very attentive, which allowed her to best advise patients when she was still working in her pharmacy. Today she listens to the problems of her clients, some lost, others unfaithful or simply megalomaniacs. Despite her attentive ear and her sensitivity to the journey of others, she does not seem to want to share what she feels and seems pretty stolid about her past, her present and her future plans. Jaan no longer trusts anyone and could easily betray those who get in the way.
₊‧⁺ Infos dump
Jaan has no preferences, she woos anyone who piques her interests.
 Between the loss of her shop and the return through Zaun and its twists and turns, the young woman quickly fell into drugs. Her abilities as a pharmacist allow her to improvise her own mixtures with few resources. She has never touched shimmer.
She always seems to have a cigarette in her hand (often held at the end of a cigarette holder).
She knows how to dance and do a bit of pole dancing.
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lastoneout · 5 months
Making this it's own post bcs I don't want to detract from the racism discussion on the last post I reblogged(and also this is rambly as hell, sorry) but like I always find the critique that "x genre of music is only about drinking, sex, and violence" wild bcs....almost ALL music in every genre is about that?? Like with rap/hip-hop it ofc this argument ties directly back to racism but even with other genres that get shit on like country people are like "they just sing about getting beers with the boys and driving their trucks" like???? Yeah, I could grab 50 songs from other genres that are about that and beloved regardless??? Getting beers with the boys is a fucking cherished meme on this webbed site!! Or that one Ed Sheeran song people roast all the time like "how dare he write a song about finding his girl's body attractive" bro, are you new here. 99.9% of popular music is "my partner is really hot and I want to have sex with them" and that's like the ONE song of his I know of that's just about fucking like he writes about other stuff, people just ignore those bcs it doesn't fit the narrative of him being a shallow misogynist everyone here loves to drag around and beat like a dead horse.
Why is this a bad thing when people you don't like do it, but fine when the people you do like do it, huh? Hozier is one of the most popular artists out there rn, this site worships the ground he walks on, and yeah his music has a lot of layers of poetic meaning but a lot of it is just about sex and falling in love and violence and drinking. The two are not mutually exclusive!!
Which is kinda the root of it, them not being mutually exclusive, bcs imo even if a genre was entirely saturated with songs exclusively about drinking and sex(which no genre is, you just haven't gone looking for the other stuff), I just don't think that's a problem or means the music is bad or less artistically meaningful?? I genuinely don't think there's a damn thing wrong with writing a song or twelve about finding someone attractive or talking about the violence a lot of people live with every day of their lives or even just churning out a fun party anthem for people to play while they get white girl wasted at a tailgate. Who cares if the art is shallow, why does it have to be "deep" to be worthy of respect, and why does deep and worthy of respect mean "no sex, violence, or drinking", three things that have been part of the human experience since we fucking became humans!
Honestly if you really are looking down on rap and country for being about sex and drinking and violence I want you to ask yourself why you think some artists should be denied the right to write about shit everyone else is writing about all the damn time to massive critical acclaim. Why should black people and rural poor people and women(bcs this is also a critique I heard a LOT aimed at female pop stars) be denied the right to explore the full spectrum of human experience and emotion in their art. Why do they HAVE to tell stories about something else to be taken seriously when their fellow artists can churn out entire albums full of songs about sex and violence and partying and not have anyone bat a fucking eye.
And, on top of that, please ask yourself why you think that something can't be deep while being about sex, drugs, partying, and violence. Bcs that is some fucking discount moral panic bullshit that needs to get knocked out of your head before it festers and you start insisting people who like horror are weird because violence can't be art.
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vermilionsun · 4 months
If you are still open for requests..how about Ais and Kuras (or pick which one) with a child/children?
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Of course!! Don’t hesitate to send in more if ya want <3
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Father figure of the year
✩ Pretty chill in general
He's the type of dad who will let you have a good time but also make sure you're staying safe.
✩ Always there to lend an ear or offer advice… or constructive criticism—
You can always count on him to give you straightforward and honest advice, even if it's not what you want to hear. Even though he may not always agree with your choices, you know that his intentions are always good and that he genuinely cares about your well-being. Ais may not show his emotions openly, but his love and support for his child would be unwavering.
✩ Seems to know exactly what to say in any situation.
Whether you need help with a problem or just want someone to talk to, he is always there for you (with judgment /j)
✩ Don't even bother to lie to him.
He can see right through any facade and will always know when you're not being completely honest. His ability to detect deception is uncanny, but it also makes him a trustworthy confidant. Besides, what even did you do that made you think the consequences would be that bad? (Or even exist?) Partying? Smoking? Drinking? Drugs? Sex?
✩ “Lame. When I was your age I was way worse—”
✩ CRAZY parent lore.
And he mentions it so casually every time. Like, he's seen (and done) it all before. Nothing seems to faze him in the slightest.
✩ He's the kind of guy who would drop everything to help his kid, no questions asked.
✩ On the other hand, if we're talking about babies…
He might be a bit (completely) clueless when it comes to diaper changing, feeding schedules, or soothing a crying infant. However, his willingness to learn and his dedication to being the best parent he can be are admirable qualities.
✩ He's the type of person who will spend hours researching the best parenting techniques and tips.
✩ He gets the hang of it pretty quick.
✩ He is incredibly patient to the point where it becomes a bit scary. 
From reading bedtime stories to playing endless games of peek-a-boo, a cheerleader, a rock, a shoulder to cry on—he's all in when it comes to being a parent. 
✩ If anyone dares to think about touching his child, they'll never see the light of day again.
24/7 confusion
✞ This begs the question of whether the child would be half-angel.
Let's assume so, because it becomes ten times funnier.
✞ Absolutely  b e w i l d e r e d  in the beginning.
✞ “...Why does it cry so much?”
Another question that often arises is, "Is there something wrong with it that I can't see?" He's just… confused. He doesn't really understand babies. Kuras is used to living a fast-paced, independent lifestyle, so the idea of being responsible for a helpless infant is overwhelming for him.
✞ Incredibly good once he figures it out.
Despite his initial confusion and overwhelming feelings, Kuras quickly adapts. Kuras is always on call to help with midnight feedings and diaper changes, making sure the baby is well taken care of around the clock.
✞ “Uh… honey? The baby is floating.”
Cue Kuras calmly walking into the room and safely guiding the baby back to the ground with a knowing smile. It becomes a common occurrence in the household. 
✞ Eventually takes on the role of mentor, teaching the child how to control their powers and use them for good.
✞ Slightly strict
Believes in setting boundaries and enforcing rules to ensure the well-being and safety of his children. He considers discipline an important aspect of parenthood, as it helps instill good behavior and values in his kids. He may come off as harsh at times, but it all stems from a place of love and protection. Kuras wants his children to grow up knowing right from wrong and understanding the importance of structure in their lives.
✞ Comfort
He listens without judgment, allowing his children to express themselves freely. Kuras encourages open communication and fosters a strong bond based on trust and respect.
✞ Don't even bother to lie to him part 2
If you try to sneak out, he'll be waiting for you at the door, arms crossed and a stern expression on his face. You can try to pull one over on him, but chances are, he'll see right through it. It's better to just be honest and upfront with him, because he always seems to know what's going on.
✞ Consequences
Although Kuras seems disappointed at times, he knows that it is all part of the process of growing up and learning from mistakes. He understands that his children need to make their own choices and face the consequences of those choices in order to become independent and responsible adults. Kuras tries to offer guidance and support, but ultimately allows his children to take ownership of their decisions and experiences.
✞ Always puts his children's needs above his own.
✞ Being the doctor he is and a parent can be a challenging juggling act. Kuras, however, manages to balance both roles with grace and dedication.
✞ T r i p l e t s
✞ If anyone dares to harm their child, he will stop at nothing to protect them. Fuck repentance and forgiveness; Kuras will seek justice with a vengeance that knows no bounds.
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mint-8 · 2 months
Platonic Yandere Needy Girl Overdose
Trigger warning/Content warming for: Self harm, mentions of bullying and use of drugs.
Platonic Yandere Ame-Chan/KAngel
- Yandere Ame who messages you 24/7 and keeps your phone constantly open with tons of notifications going a mile a minute (or course, they are off when she is streaming).
- Yandere Ame who confides her deepest secrets and traumas to you, her best friend. Her experiences with bullying, harassment and abuse of medication. She trusts you completely as to never reveal such things to the internet, it could destroy KAngel’s life!
- Yandere Ame who only ever leaves her apartment when you insist on going out! To browse some cute stores, chat in a nice cafe or simply taking a stroll in the park. Ame’s mood might be different each time (excited, depressed, oddly horny) but she really appreciates your efforts to get her out of her house!
- Yandere Ame who refuses to let you into her apartment and see the disgusting pigsty her room is, but she will happily stay over at your home for any sleep overs! Maybe you will let her live with you?
- Yandere Ame who acts a litttle manic at times, and who will desperately need your attention and comfort when her stress and mental darkness become too much to bear. She will call you screaming, wailing or crying, desperately asking for help. Kind and supportive you will buy her favorite snacks and bring soft clothes and blankets (and perhaps sleeping pills or antidepressants if she starts acting in a dangerous way)
- Yandere Ame who will cling to you to keep herself sane. She needs to know that you are there for her and that you won’t abandon her. Even when she curses and rants about how much she hates her bullies, her creepy fans, her annoying parents, everyone in this pathetic excuse of a planet. She needs to know that you will stay and you will hug her. That you will feed her some sweet snacks, keep her company and make sure she doesn’t cut herself anymore.
- Yandere Ame who will cuddle to you in her sleep and promise to whatever God is out there that she will never let anyone hurt her best friend. It doesn’t matter what the internet says or what P-Chan thinks. Ame will only ever need you by her side. =)
“I love you Ame-Chan”
“I love you too… Never leave me, promise? =)”
Platonic Yandere KAngel
- The internet’s perfect angel, KAngel, loves you very much! You are her best friend after all and she knows you would never betray her, right?!
- Yandere KAngel insists on you watching every single one of her streams and will 100% read any Super Chat you might send her way. Fans called it favoritism? Then suck it up buttercup! KAngel doesn’t give a damn about it!
- KAngel usually hates any new streamers that might steal her spotlight as the greatest streamer in MeTube. How dare those whores take her rightful spot in every nerd’s hearts and wallets?! But Yandere KAngel would love it if her best friend became a streamer! She will plug your streams every time and do tons of collabs! The two of you could even have custom collab merch!
- KAngel who will block and actively attack anyone who dares to insult her best friend! Making fun of them in her streams and defending you at every tiny insult or critics!
“They were just commenting that the BGM was a bit too loud, Ame”
“Of course they fucking weren’t! What kind of shit head would have a problem with that?! They should be grateful to be in your stream!”
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sunnysam-my · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel redesign ideas p. 1
Unfortunately I don't really have time to draw rn, but here are some ideas if anyone is looking for inspiration.
They follow lates trends so they won't stick to the outfits and technologies from the times they died. We even see that Vox changed his screen (head) to more modern, flat TV screen.
He is a moth that realises poison that's basically a date-rape drug. His wings are hidden, looking like a coat, which makes no sense, a cloak, cape or sleeveless coat would look better. He is a pimp who died in 1970s. Val was Hispanic when living. Apparently, he has bad eyesight.
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He is supposed to be a moth, but I don't really see it much, and the furr around his neck, that's a part of his body, just looks ridiculous. I would design him after some actual poisonous moth.
Cinnabar moth - The cinnabar is slate-black with two red spots and two pinky-red stripes on the rounded forewings. Its hindwings are pinky-red and bordered with black. The caterpillars feed on poisonous ragwort leaves. The poison from the leaves is stored in the caterpillar's body and remains even when they are an adult. As adult they leak the poison when they need to. Cinnabar moths can be seen flying during the day and night.
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Six-spot burnet moth - day-flying moth that flies with a slow, fluttering pattern. It has glossy black, with six red spots on each narrow, but long forewing. They release hydrogen cyanide when attacked.
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Personally I would go with Cinnabar moth, but make the spots heart shaped, and leave his inner outfit without the accessories (the suit with the white pants and golden heart belt). I would also leave his general body type but definitely change the neck furr ring, because wtf is that? I would play around with his glasses since he is supposed to have eyesight problems.
[Edit: Actually, I would make him a combo of both moths and make the furr ring his hair, because he is bald without the hat!?!?]
Velv is a fashion designer and critic, she is also an influencer. She keeps the Vees together and their image fresh on the internet. She's a British black woman in her early 30's. Originally her appearance was supposed to be doll-like, but that was changed to 'it-girl' and a 'bad bitch' with a darker aesthetic.
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Velvette's outfit is reminiscent of Val's (heart belt, coat with hearts, black stripes on arms) but darker, especially her sleeveless coat that imitates his wings. Since Valentino is already going to be darker (in my idea) and she is a fashion influencer it would make more sense for her to be brighter.
Main thing I would change about her is her skin tone, hair, and Harley Quinn themes left from her old design.
When creating very human like characters it's important to actually get the racial characteristics right. Her ashy skin and "curly" hair just makes it look like they didn't know how to draw a black character. I would give her a different texture, something between 3A and 4B. A hairstyle like heart shaped space buns would be so cool, but even if not, her styl in a poster in the background is already better than the ponytails.
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When it comes to her style I would get rid of pom-poms shoes and fingerless gloves. Her outfit for meeting the overlord was pretty okay, but I would change her other outfit. My inspiration would be PidginDoll's design, because he makes fabulous outfits and makeup looks for all bodies, genders and races, but I'll keep the 'goth' (it's not goth, it's just a little bit alt, mostly skulls) theme.
Blue accents like makeup would work great with her brown skin and would reference Vox.
I genuinely think he has the best design in the entirety of the show, I would barely change anything. His outfit is similar to Alastor who he is trying to imitate, but he wears a tail suit, which is way more formal and elegant than any other suit, trying to showing he is a better, modern version of Alastor. I've seen some people got rid of his hat and gave him a tail made out a cord for fun, but other than that his design is good. Not too much details and not too little, tells us a lot about the character.
Maybe less stripes, because apparently Viv loves zebras or something. /hj
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(this is PART 2 of a 4 Part Post. Click HERE for part 1)
Full sources and links to further reading will be below in the notes!
Remember to read the trigger warnings and content warnings. This is Yandere fiction we’re talking about, so it’s going to get messed up.
Themes + Trigger Warnings + Content Warnings:
Possessiveness, Obsessiveness, Unhealthy relationships, Religious themes, themes of sociopathy, themes of mental illness, hallucinations, delusions, hallucinations and delusions due to drugs, mentions of: physical abuse, sexual abuse, brainwashing, murder, suicide, murder-suicide, self-harm, stalking, panic attacks, cannibalism, necrophilia.   
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Maintains emotional equilibrium by completely controlling their love interest.
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Physically Violent: Usually short tempered. Can be physically abusive and sexually abusive. Susceptible to being suspicious of and untrusting towards their Darling.  
Brainwashing and Conditioning: Wants to make their Darling more obedient through brainwashing. Darling’s personality may become drastically different from when they and their Yandere first met.
Murderous: May kill their Darling to fulfill their possessive needs. They’re the ones who took their Darling’s life! Now nobody can have them!
♡Removing Nuisciances:
Physical: Will use physical means to get rid of anyone trying to get close to their Darling.   
Isolating: Will have their Darling become mutually dependent on them, usually through attacks on the Darling’s self-evaluation by criticizing their Darling in public, then praising them when they’re alone.  
♡Adam and Eve (Absolute Isolation):
Enclosed World: These Yandere wish to be absolutely isolated with their Darling. May commit murder-suicide with the Darling so that they really will be alone together. Forever.
Loss: Will do anything to get their Darling back if they lose them. Anything.
Clingy: Clings to their Darling and has to be around them 24/7. Will become mentally unstable if they lose their Darling.   
♡Collector’s Habit
Sampling Urge: As long as they can appreciate their Darling’s body, they don’t care if they’re alive or dead. Darling is like a butterfly, and they’re the butterfly collector.   
Collector: Obsessed with the love interest being their property. Wants to collect everything from the love interest, regardless of its value.
♡Attention Seeking
Self-harm: These Yanderes try to bind their Darling to them by harming themselves.
Making an impression: Will do things that the Darling hates on purpose and try to remain in their memories even in the form of hatred or fear.
These Yanderes simply watch and observe, usually from the shadows. Their Darling is often not aware of the Yandere’s actions.
Confinement: Will place their Darling under their monitoring, usually by hiding them somewhere others cannot find. 
Keeping Tabs: Will do actions such as bugging their Darling’s phones or taking photos in secret for the sake of collecting information. These Yanderes are meticulous.
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This does not belong to me. I only gave a summary of what I read. ORIGINAL SOURCE LINKED HERE.
This information is from an English translation of material from an upcoming game called Yandere Town. UNTRANSLATED, ORIGINAL JAPANESE SOURCE LINKED HERE.
(Original translators, I have no problem with taking this down if you don't want me reposting your translation to my blog! ^_^)
♡If you want to see more content like this check out the Writing and Yandere Masterlist and if you want to learn about this blog check out all things sketchprincess02!♡
♡Please consider REBLOGGING and COMMENTING if this helps you!♡
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princessfroslass · 7 months
Angel Dust has a clear validation problem.
I had been thinking about this ever since episode 2 and episode 6 all but segmented this onto my subconscious.
Angel clearly doesn't care whenever anyone slut shames or just overall insult him- he lives to get a rise out of people. Hell, Hazbin Hotel's VERY FIRST SCENE on the Pilot was him going full "oh yeah slut, very creative." And going after Travis life- but not on a insecure way, he very clearly didn't care. Fast forward to the actual show and it's more of the same- he doesn't care whenever Vaggie or Husk or anyone else threaten him because he enjoys the chaos and it's open about the fact he is only there to no pay rent. He just doesn't care about what others think of him.
Except.... When he does.
You see it's interesting because back on that origin comic (that I don't even know if it's canon anymore but for a characterization point I'll take it.) when Charlie states they need a quest and even pays him for his time (Angel was working on the street when they meet him) and she goes full "this is an investment, on you." He leaves the limo all "oh...ok....sure...." Clearly moved or touched by her faith in him, even though he still thinks it's misguided trust.
Back to episode 2, it's pretty much the anthesis of this. For once, someone else seems interested on changing his ways and THAT obviously excites Charlie, who referred to Sir Pen as "the hotel's first real quest" now to be fair with her, Angel is very vocal about how he thinks the Hotel is BS and hadn't show any intention to change his ways soon- but y'know that still must stings like it hasn't even been a week and this girl that is all sunshine and rainbows already gave up on him lmao but it gets even worse- on the roleplay thing, look at the fucking role he is giving- A CRACKHEAD- like he had to pause before saying that shit- and to rub salt on the wound, Sor Pen performance ends with the "no sex before marriage!" Line. Like out of all sins one could commit- you pick Addiction to Drugs (more specifically CRACK) and Sex. Yo girl what the fuck- and ofc, only Sir Pen gets congratulated, because Angel was critical of the whole thing and the former was full on enthusiastic about it- the last shot before the bedroom scene we get us Angel staring at Charlie validating Sir Pen's efforts and how he is going to be redeemed so fast before Angel sadly goes upstairs.
Now the room scene..... Yikes. The fact that the roleplay was all and on about the drugs thing and how the last voicemail/Angel's imagination? Things we heard it's "Addict trash like you doesn't change"... Hahaha all the yikes with that fucking roleplay. So yeah it's very fucking clear from the get go Angel has....issues. Hell even after "It starts with Sorry" when everyone goes back to sleep he doesn't looks happy, just resigned lmao
(Which it's funny because on the very next episode he saves Sir Pen from the war thing going down but I digress)
Now episode 4- oh MAN where do I even start. Now remember how in the first paragraph I mentioned how Angel disses Travis but like, in a confident way? Not on the way someone affected would react? Well this ep is everything but that lmao "I don't give a shit about what a drunk ass bartender thinks of me" reeks of insecurity by the tone alone I am sorry. Notice how he looks very taken aback when Husk calls his act out before he doubles down and goes full "I am actor dumbass" bit. Man's defenses were penetrated in a way it hasn't before and he needed a moment to put more bs out of his ass because God forbid someone in this Hotel knows how horrible his life is and how much he hates himself- and then his advances were thoroughly rejected for good ("It's never gonna work on me") and he absolutely losses it. Not being able to compute that someone that clearly stared at him long enough to read him, doesn't want to fuck him. Disgusts from people that barely knows him he can take- being told to his face it's not working, he can't. And it's not even because he particularly want to fuck anyone there- that is how he sees his own worth. He makes Val money, everyone around wants to take him, his services are apparently FAR from cheap ("you know how much I am WORTH?!") and he had based his whole self worth around it- no matter how many times he gets taken advantage of on a random club on 3am or if is his own fucking abuser (he literally only opened Val's voicemails after the whole ep2 fiasco) people either despises him because of his overt sexuality or want to use him for it (there is also the middle road where his worse habits are enabled and that makes him 'fun' company- but I'll be there in a min) there just can't be a reality where he is told to his face that he is destroying himself and any connection he can have WITHOUT the alterior motive of wanting to fuck him- right? I mean even Charlie's hope on him was proven to be limited, so why bother?
Enter Loser, Baby.
And yes, my beloved Huskerdust atem- you see there is something fucked up about it. Angel only joins in to sing as well after he goes full "I am a hoe that likes drugs tehee" but unlike always, he is...not proud of it. He only sings about it because Husk sang how "it's ok to be a-" like expecting a negative, and it's ONLY when Husk completes it with a "Baby that is fine by me" does Angel truly smiles. He just had a whole breakdown, he doesn't has the energy to put his facade and his "I don't care what you think" actitude. But because Husk validates that he is able to follow along.
There is also the "This guy it's not that bad" part. Angel softened up at that because, again, Husk validated him- the real him. He saw through his facade and embraced it.
In episode 5 there is this little scene where Charlie is talking to her father over the phone and everyone else is silently supporting her from behind. And Angel, the ever realist- is just....grimacing through the whole thing lmao but to his credit seemed to support her regardless- but what cought my eye through the whole thing is that when Charlie goes full "Dad, this is important to me!" The camera focus on Angel a bit....touched? See the scene you'll get what I mean.
Then episode 6 came along. Cherrie comes along, and her and Husk play devil and angel on Anthony's shoulder the whole night. But there is something interesting about this- Angel never.... really stops Cherrie, nor explain why he would avoid drugs- Husk does. He ONLY explains himself when Cherrie confronted him about being so protective of Nifty. When Cherrie offer him the pills he doesn't goes full "I am sober now" cut and dry, instead he goes full "er....I dunno, I am tired. Maybe another time?" after Husk does the whole "I thought you were better than that" bit. Cherrie enables Angel- she clearly CARES about him, there is not doubt about that- but Hell is made with good intentions, validating his excesses and taking an active part on it is how they bond- and how his relationship with her makes him feel a bit better about himself, even when at the end of day it all comes crashing down (hello end of Addicted) and what is the first THING he smiles at after his confrontation with Valentino? "You did good, kid".
Ao in synthesis, Angel craves for validation in all and any way he can get it- regardless of how good the intentions of those giving it are. It either can be an validitation of his usual behavior (Cherrie) an validation of him wanting to better himself (Charlie, Husk) or just.... validation of his body as a whole (those weird sharks he ran to at ep4) it really depends of how much his mental state is on the gutter that day.
And then there is Valentino.
It's clear Angel's self Worth issues are not much better thanks to the way he is treated in and out of the studio- but, and knowing his familial relationship, it's doubtful they CAME from there, and it was an unfortunate result of it.
Valentino and the Vees pray on the vulnerable- that was DIRECTLY stated at ep2, and what is more vulnerable that a drug addict whose own family rejected? Sure Angel had been on Hell for a WHILE but his foundation was already shaky to begin with, he is street smart and posseses more common sense that some of his peers (literally the only one that stated they SHOULDN'T bring every psycho that tries to kill them to the Hotel lmao) but this need for Validation running deep on his core makes him the ideal pray for any asshole that is willing to drop a few "oh you are so pretty 💜"s his way until it's too late. How tragic would it be- to have the first person that validated him in a WHILE be the one that hurt him the most.
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k-krissten · 10 months
Minsung x fem!
Synopsis: Nova is the star of K-pop, and also the best friend of Jisung and Minho, she is the girl of the moment, and her falling in love with them will change everything, although it will be for the better... Or not?
Warning: Mentions of sex, depression and eating problems.
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Being an idol was never easy, the hours of rehearsals so that the choreographies were perfect, the intense singing classes, and the improvement in general were exhausting. But it was worth it, at least it's what you like to think, as the leader of interstellar the most promising group of JYP and the fourth generation, things were twice as hard for you.
You fought hard to have the place you had, everyone knew it, of course, you are Nova “the new star”. In addition, as the only woman in your group, the eyes were constantly on you. They were more cruel to you than to Jay or Skyler, your other members.
You were the star you were because of how meticulous, rigorous and perfectionist you always were. In front of cameras you were the sex symbol of the moment, with your blond hair and curvy body, Bewitching dark eyes and that sensual but kind aura that drove your fans crazy. Behind the scenes were the group's producer and writer, the one who cleaned up their disasters and sacrificed herself so that they could live mostly a teenage life.
But above all you were a depressed girl, because of the critical eyes of others, how underestimated many people had you, the cruel words of social networks and your constant dissatisfaction with yourself. It was easy for insecurities to sneak into your skin. You can always do better, sing better, dance better, produce better, look better, be better.
You met a lot of idols. You saw them in the hallways, you published content with them, and you collaborated with them. But you also saw them act behind the scenes, you saw them go from woman to woman and from man to man, the media said that you were a bad influence, you smoked and a couple of years ago you had an overdose of antidepressants. But if the media found out about the amount of drugs and excesses in which the golden idols were involved, they would scream in the sky. You were always transparent with your fans, you told them about the depression you dragged since the beginning of your adolescence and your eating problems. Some were scandalized, most were grateful, to see that the girl of the moment was as human as anyone, was what probably brought you closer to the fans.
In addition to your members, the only other idols you considered friends were the Stray Kids boys, perhaps it was the hours shared with Christopher and Changbin in the studio working. Or that it was impossible not to love Felix or Hyunjin. And since Seungmin and Jeongin were Skyler and Jay's best friends, you were really close to them. But with Jisung and Minho things were different, Jisung with his playful and charismatic personality and Lee Minho with his stoic and sarcastic facade that hid his true kind and protective face, they got under your skin, with them everything felt so simple, as if you belonged to them.
"Noona is not listening to me," Felix muttered, when he realized that you weren't paying attention to his conversation. Taking your mind out of the mental train you were on, bringing you to the present. The celebration party for the comeback of stray kids, you never liked these holidays. The people who were here did it to see if they managed to have a stroke of luck, sleeping with an idol or if they managed to make contacts in the middle. They were vultures in your opinion, you also hated being around drugged people and too horny to realize that they were having sex in the middle of a crowd.
"What does your head have so distracted Nova, what do you think about?" Bangchan asked with his head resting on his friend's shoulder and reaching for your hand to draw circles on it.
"What is the fastest way to die and get out of here." You answered him with an innocent smile, while you tried to locate Jay with your eyes, since Skyler disappeared with a girl as soon as he entered the big mansion and you left him for lost.
"Come on, it's not that bad, you're with us." The youngest boy told you as he settled down to wrap his arms around your waist.
“No, but being here makes me feel miserable, I’m also sure you want to enjoy your party and you can’t because you’re here with me.” The words came out of your mouth with a bitter taste.
"I can enjoy the party and be here with you," Chan answered without letting go of your hand, or letting you escape from his grip. "You know, I'd rather be with you here, than be in a dirty bathroom with someone unknown, or be too high to think"
"Listen to Chan Hyung! In addition, we all know that I never waste the opportunity to cuddle with you"
"They're so sweet, they're right if I'm here with you it's not so bad" You said as you smiled at them and untangled yourself from Felix's grip. "I'll go to the bathroom, I hope to find some of my children"
As you walked through the big house in search of the bathroom, you realized how overwhelmed you felt, and you wondered why you agreed to come.
Minsung. They were the reason, they insisted that they wanted you to be here to celebrate too. At first they were with you, but I only needed a couple of drinks for both of them to get lost and leave you, that's when Chan and Felix joined you.
When you opened the bathroom door and saw Minho fucking Jisung, you felt the bile go up your throat. You felt that you would vomit. You acted quickly, closed the door and started walking. Until a hand stopped you, you begged them not to be them.
"Noona, you look pale, it looks like you saw a ghost." Jay's warm hand threw you against his chest trying to make you warm up, thinking that your pallor was due to the little clothes you wore. You were wearing a cute short black sleeveless dress with shiny and expensive embroidery. The dress you meticulously chose for them.
Every time you thought about them, guilt gnawed at you, they were boyfriends and they were your friends. Although they will blatantly flirt with you, they never saw you as anything else. And it was good for you you would never want to lose them or hurt their relationship, you knew that your infatuation was one-sided.
"I think I feel a little bad, I don't have dinner and the champagne went up to my head" You answered with a lump in your throat, you knew they were boyfriends, you knew they fucked at every opportunity they had, so why did you feel so bad?
You weren't jealous of anyone, or upset in fact you loved them, you wanted them to be happy, they became happy. So why were you so terribly miserable every time you saw them interact that way. The reason was simple, you also wanted to be happy, you would never get involved with them, but you tried it with other people just to realize that you didn't feel anything. And secretly even under your own reprimands, you fantasized that one day they would tell you how much they loved you in the same way that you loved them.
Jay knew about your feelings, and when in the distance he saw the couple come out of the bathroom disheveled and with agitated breathing he knew that champagne had nothing to do with your current state and rather they were the reason.
Jisung saw you when you interrupted them. And I hate that you found them that way, he didn’t understand the reason, and I wanted to think that it was because they had left you alone to go fuck when they knew that the only reason you went was them.
Minho saw the way Jay was holding you, his right hand widens your back hugging you without leaving space of separation between their bodies, and his left holding your hand. His tall and wider body larger than his protected you, as if he wanted you not to notice his presence. He held you like he did when you needed comfort. For a second he felt that Jay was doing something that it was up to him to do.
When the boys saw you again, you were chatting with Felix, you looked absolutely ethereal, with a cigarette hanging from your fleshy lips, and a bright smile that you gave to the blond boy. And before they could get close to you, you were going with him. And not with them, as it's supposed to be.
Remember that English is not my first language, if you see an error do not hesitate to tell me. This is my first job and I’m a little nervous. If you like me please reblog or let me know in the comments.
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rozeliyawashereyall · 4 months
Korey Adiel~
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a rant about my gal for @aspenm00n to use as a ref ^_^
Korey 'Hathai' Adiel
19-20 years old
Height is 5'3
AFAB at birth but she's a Demigirl and Bisexual ^_^
She has Hypomania and Face blindness
Mbti is ENTP-A
chaos chaos chaos all throughout life
She was born to a pretty wealthy couple, problem was they were very, very neglective, forgetting about her existence even.
And from birth, girlie was already very energetic
She has 2 brothers, the older one is Esra at 24 y/o. and the younger is Noah at 14 y/o.
Now, Esra has already cut his parents off, and he absolutely refuses to see them again. He has a job, and a family now, and he's not about to let them ruin it.
Noah is kind of like a golden child, but he's actually aware of how his parents treated his older siblings. Planning to leave his home at his 15th birthday and go live with his brother.
Now with Korey is a little different. Her parents have only acknowledged her when they need to take her somewhere with them to keep up their reputation.
Desperate to make her parents notice her, she started putting herself in seriously dangerous situations at only 6 y/o, going as far as to try to gouge her eyes out with scissors to give them to her parents so they'd use them to look at her, she did that when she was 9.
Don't worry though, Esra found her before she actually gouged out her eyes.
The village people didn't really like Korey that much..
That didn't stop her from being even more reckless, however. From jumping off a cliff to almost drowning herself, safe to say she has a LOT of scars from her careless endeavors.
The only few scars she has that aren't from her purposefully putting herself in danger is one on her back, a huge claw like scar from when her and her friend Jay were attacked by a most likely drugged halfblood. Unfortunately, Jay didn't survive the attack, leaving Korey with scars and guilt.
While she did become a hunter out of rage to kill the halfblood.. As much as she wanted to deny it, it was also just for the thrill of it. Also because of a deal I talked about in part 2
I mean, comon! This is like the one job there is where they'll let you run around with weapons and put yourself in danger! Also, she knew that there's no point in harming the other halfbloods because they weren't the ones who killed Jay. Also, other than the thrill, this is like the perfect choice for her to prove that she isn't as apathetic, that she does care and is trying to make a "change" even if she thinks it's wrong
She's pretty indifferent with halfbloods at first, doesn't really mind their existence as long as they hurting anyone
Also, girlie is so fast to trust someone?? But it doesn't really show?? She was often criticized as being heartless by the village people, which ultimately became one of her reasons of becoming a hunter
When she goes manic, girlie is so SO much hyper then she already is, not being able to sleep for days from how energetic she is, ruining her mental health even more
Has a terrible habit of hurting herself when she's in a manic state, especially if she doesn't have her necklace on her
Also girlie is so shit cooking?? The amount of times she burnt water is concerning
And the number of times she'd got lost is worrying- please do not leave this girl by herself for more than 5 minutes or she will end up in another village, that's how bad her sense of direction is
And uh...i think that's it! I do have other posts explaining some things about Korey here, here two, here three, and here four <3
Sigh...adding this again, because tumblr deleted it-
Korey is friends with all of the bugs! But I decided to write a lil rant about what she thinks of some of em :3
Raine and Esther: they're the other founders!! Of course she likes them <3 they're both like sisters to her! Esther more mother figure then sisters, they would always go do errands together! (And because Korey is always getting lost) @willowve01 @asmrbrainrot
East, Lucy and LilyAnn: Korey's other parental figures :3, East more grandpa lol- she always goes to them for advice! Whether it be about Combat, relationships, or just to rant! Also loves to bother them with her energy (lovingly ofc) @itsargyle @castbracelet240 @tiefling-chaos
Her, Azren, and Ulysses are the no sleep trio lol, they'd stay up together to chat about whatever is on their mind, maybe even go on a little night outing while they're at it! @strayharmony943 @lunaritychuwolf
Loves Reya and Melody's energy! Always goes to dance practice with me when she's offered! @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii
Joan and Emerald are her clothing designers lol- they'd sometimes have a fashion runway for no reason but to try on new clothes and feel good about themselves <3 @rustycopper4use @aspenm00n
Amber and Victor! Loved to trade drawings with them! They all sometimes have little hangouts where they'd just draw whatever comes to their mind on eachothers notebook! @astralbulldragon13 @littlesiren79
And that's all! Tumblr istg if you delete this again I'll actually explode and itll be on your hands
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princeescaluswords · 5 months
I like Stiles as a character, but I often get frustrated by fanon diverging from canon, and the worst of it to me is the ways that Lydia treated by Stiles - as something he deserves, most notably when she kisses Scott and he's angry, which the fandom holds against Scott because apparently Lydia making choices means Scott is a bad friend - or in the scene when Lydia is high after the werewolf attack at the movie rental place, and the only thing that keeps Stiles from doing [something] is that Lydia calls out for Jackson rather than him.
I think Stiles is kind of a jerk, and I like him because of it, but the fanon Stiles used as a weapon to bludgeon canon Scott is... the dumbest thing in the fandom
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Have you ever seen the frequent criticism on this site that certain people should have paid more attention in English class? This criticism arises from posts like the one I saw today, where a person was confessing that "people think Stiles is evil because he almost made out with Lydia while she was drugged up." I don't think Stiles is evil for doing that; it sounds like you don't think Stiles is evil. I've never actually heard anyone call him evil for almost giving into temptation. (The closest I've ever come to calling Stiles's evil is his behavior in Lies of Omission (5x09) and Status Asthmaticus (5x10) and I don't even go that far). What we do recognize that what he did in Lydia's bedroom in The Tell (1x05) wasn't the right way to behave.
Stiles's desire for Lydia is real and natural; it was his inability to recognize and respect proper boundaries that almost created a very bad situation. He did pull away when Lydia said Jackson's name; the realization that she was confused about who he was and not secretly attracted to him reminded him that his behavior wouldn't be the fulfillment of his desire but him taking advantage of her. It's a good scene that tells us about Stiles's weaknesses but also about his strengths: beyond the insecurity that leads him to fixate on the most unattainable girl in school and his constant disregard for proper boundaries, Stiles is a fundamentally decent human being.
So why do I, personally, bring up this scene when talking about Teen Wolf a lot? Stiles-stans (who are not really fans of Stiles but fans of Fanon Stiles or, more accurately, Self-Insert with a Stiles Name Tag) like to go on and on about how deficient a person Scott McCall, the lead protagonist, is because he was "obsessed" with Allison and lacrosse. They argue this to say why they 'dislike' him, but what they actually mean is that he shouldn't be the lead protagonist. But they never seem to remember Stiles's behavior when it comes to Lydia (or Derek's behavior when it comes to Paige or Liam's behavior when it comes to Hayden for that matter).
My position -- and I think the production shared this position -- is that Scott's desire to have a girlfriend and make first line on the lacrosse team is real and natural. However, his attempts to avoid recognizing and coping with the consequences of Peter's vicious assault could lead to very bad situations unless he took responsibility. Scott had to learn how to anchor himself -- which he did! He had to make sure he put what was truly important ahead of his relationship with Allison -- which he did!
I have always maintained that Teen Wolf is a bildungsroman, which is a story about children becoming adults. Throughout the series, Scott's growth is primary; he evolves from an asthmatic loser who feels like he sits on the sidelines of life into a True Alpha werewolf leading a war against those who would murder supernatural creatures out of self-interest. But he's not the only one to grow. Allison had her own story; Lydia had her own story; Derek had his own story (one of the best redemption arcs ever); and Stiles had his version of that story!
The problem is that there are a lot of people who didn't watch Teen Wolf as a story, but rather as raw material. They swooped in and picked up the parts that they wanted, like vultures devouring a carcass. They wanted Stiles and <insert white male love interest here> to be the focus of the show, as they were the focus of their interests, but they could do without the part where Stiles struggles to grow up. In response, they selected only the parts that fit their agenda. Thus, Scott becomes dull, obsessive, stupid, with a foolish no-kill rule, and an unearned hostility toward the Hale Family whom he shamelessly usurps, even though none of that description is remotely true. On the other hand, Stiles becomes the should-be valedictorian of his class, a master archmage, and a ruthless anti-hero ready to kill anyone to protect which ever white male character he loves this week, even though none of that description is remotely true.
Fandom, in the name of their own enjoyment, has boiled their understanding of the story down to "I don't like Scott" and "Stiles is not evil!" Nuanced takes like "Stiles had the courage to cross boundaries to protect others but that tendency also led him into some problematic actions" and "Scott didn't start out a heroic protagonist; he only embraced the mantle when he realized that the threats he had to face didn't care that he and his friends were teenagers." become difficult for them to understand and unpleasant for them to process, because they only really want Power Fantasy Stiles and Bad Friend Scott. Those bits and pieces fit into the pre-existing tropes that bring them pleasure. It's the limitations that frustrate them, not Teen Wolf's.
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aweightyissue · 6 months
On Weight Loss and Morality
Conversations around weight and weight loss have always been contentious.
The oft repeated mantra of weight loss has been “there is no silver bullet.”
It’s a jeering remark meant to chide dieters for trying anything beyond eating skinless chicken breast and 20 hours a week working out.
If you want to lose weight you have to pay the penance for every excess pound. You have to earn it.
Their smug satisfaction of watching weight loss aids fail is salt in the wound. They snickered at limitations and failure of Amphetamines, PhenFen, Ephedrine, Orlistat, LapBands, and Gastric Bypass.
See? You can’t cheat your way out. You did this to yourself, now you must suffer the consequences.
An anti weight loss movement emerged in opposition to this mentality. Body positivity is a healthy response to diet culture; making the radical assertion that existing in your body, the way it is, without trying to change, is not only okay, it’s a good thing.
Love your body and focus on being healthy. Your weight is not your worth. This cannot be said enough. Your worth in this world is not related to how your body looks.
When around came GLP-1 medications, the reactions have been fascinating.
The drugs themselves are remarkably effective, and instead of targeting the weight, they correct the underlying metabolic problem. They’ve been on the market for years and are generally known to be safe.
The ire toward them, is in some ways unsurprising.
No! You can’t do it the easy way! You have to work at it!
You’re stealing them from the deserving- the diabetics. Ironically, the same people they blame for their own illness.
The body positivity crowd response is fascinating as well. Taking the drugs is a betrayal. You shouldn’t want to change your body. You’re giving into diet culture. You shouldn’t want to fit conventional beauty standards.
The response has been negative from both sides. People feel entitled to police the bodies and choices you make about your body.
Both of these reactions are moral judgments. You have to pay for your sins. Either for gluttony or vanity.
The thing is, there should be no judgement at all.
Weight loss requires a lot of mental energy. You have to commit your mental and physical energy to it. There are a million reasons why someone can’t or doesn’t want to do that. And that’s okay. There is no reason why you should feel obligated to.
However, ignoring the very real disabling effects of obesity is also a kind of denial of humanity. It’s not anyone’s business, and to condemn someone for trying to prevent or correct the effects is kind of cruelty all its own.
There’s no reason someone should have to justify their desire to change their bodies or their efforts to do so.
Try to love your body, regardless of its size, but it’s okay if you want to lose weight and you don’t have to justify your reasons or your decision to use medication to do it.
Everyone else, support people if they choose to change their bodies as well as when they choose not to. It’s not your decision, your business or your place to judge them.
We, the body positivity advocates don’t criticize trans people for changing their bodies because they’re unhappy with the way it looks. We don’t shame people with disfiguring congenital defects who choose to have corrective surgery; even when it poses no health risk. We understand the very real effects of social stigma, and wouldn’t criticize them for avoiding it.
You’re punishing people trying to lose weight for the sins of vanity and envy.
The other assholes, you wouldn’t tell a cancer patient “there’s no silver bullet” or snicker when an experimental or risky treatment fails. You don’t tell people with high blood pressure or high cholesterol that taking medicine is “taking the easy way out.” You know it’s cruel, you simply want to punish people for the sins of gluttony and sloth.
All I’m saying is - leave the people taking weight loss meds alone.
Weight is not a moral issue.
Weight is not a moral issue.
Weight is not a moral issue.
Weight is not a moral issue.
Weight is not a moral issue.
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