#not really but just in case i guess
perdamian · 24 days
i understand the love of college aus but i’m begging y’all to stop making mithrun an undergrad. that man is on his final year of a graduate program after a 10 year break from academia whose biggest enemy is his advisor that won’t stop assigning him to TA 100-level classes.
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spottedenchants · 2 years
deeply emotional listening to my essek playlist rn because i just got to the part where essek's leaving the vurmas outpost for the last time after the aeor wizard date and it's HOPEFUL and he has a FUTURE and he will have HAPPINESS and moments of peace and he's cared about and he gets to see his friends and and and 🥺🥺🥺
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amygdalagustd · 1 year
Yoongi was like I must simply shoot myself in a music video twice
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aceofstars16 · 2 years
Someone: replies to my no way home criticism post
Me: you underestimate my care of if you think it was good, it was bad to me and other people that reblogged it didn’t like it either, your comments aren’t gonna change minds and I’m not even gonna read them
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misplacedreporter · 11 months
meryl bullying partners in bed, i don't make the rules
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sapphic-storm69 · 1 year
Spiderverse thots
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grovylelover · 5 months
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people who know
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
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happy birthday. you are so, so loved
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phantasm-echo · 4 months
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Probably my favourite scene from the premiere, she was so based for kicking that droid
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keyknife · 2 months
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I have been inflicted with this image for a while and now I have made it real
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lettucefather · 3 months
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that thing is NOT his size
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measuringbliss · 2 years
People are acting so weird and possessive of Markiplier for the whole OnlyFans situation. He's an adult. He's an adult who's been a celebrity for years. He knows people thirst on him. That's why he had this idea in the first place. He's not some naive kid you must protect. He's not some innocent soul that the evil sluts of Tumblr and Twitter will corrupt. He knows the Internet, he knows his fans and he knows his job.
He's an adult and he can make his own choices.
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turtledotjpeg · 1 year
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killugon date at the park in the summer, drawn for @ov-rwhelmed for the greed island server summer exchange!! :D
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valgeristik · 10 months
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Larian, wheres the "lose your absolute shit" dialogue option 🤨
(Featuring: Aino, who didn't ask for any of this)
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benjaminthecoathanger · 3 months
okay, because i saw a poll earlier and i thought the choices weren't clear enough and also the answers i saw to it annoyed me and also i'm curious:
I am including having watched gameplay of a game and not having played it as having watched the source material
In this context if you are writing fic/making art and you are not being commissioned to do so. This is purely for funsies
You getting into something because you saw a post/gifset/video about it and then watched the source material does not count. That's just how you get into new things.
Goncharov does not count because it's not real. I'll break kayfabe here I don't care.
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sixth-light · 2 months
truly the most underrated thing that makes the (RJ-authored) WoT books great is the combination of how good he is at inhabiting the narrative headspace of one character at a time, and how dedicated he is as a writer to the idea that people can have different, even contradictory points of view and cultural expectations without someone being wrong and someone being right. he truly writes like someone who understands that everybody is human and everybody is pretty much trying to do the right thing as they see it, and that all human cultures are the result of people living their lives under a specific set of circumstances. (the exceptions, his truly villainous villains, are always people who put themselves first outside of matters of survival - and they aren't limited to one culture or background.)
if there's a flaw in this approach, it's that he is so good at inhabiting one PoV at a time that people confuse 'things the characters think' for 'things the narrative is saying are true about the world', because a protagonist is thinking and/or saying them, when in fact 90% of the comedy and commentary in WoT falls in the space between what PoV characters think or understand and what is actually happening. alternatively, that space is used as evidence that X character is bad in some way instead of being a narrative technique to emphasise that everybody's worldview is limited by their experience and upbringing, and the 'truth' of the world exists somewhere at the intersection of all those worldviews. it's not a skill that's unique to him as a writer but in epic fantasy, especially of his time, I think it's rarer than it should be.
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