#party anon
whumpshaped · 10 months
concept: whumpee with a shock collar, except whumper uses it to program them into being affectionate and touchy and “sweet” until whumpee is terrified at a lack of physical touch and clings to whumper like they’ll die the second they let go. <3
and maybe if/when they get out of there, they’re shaking the whole time because whumper isn’t there to touch them!! and whumpee can’t ask caretaker to do it in their stead because good pets don’t ask for things. good pets sit there and take it. as they deserve.
- 🎉
tw conditioning, shock collar, electrocution, captivity, pet whump, intimate whumper, muzzled, dehumanisation
“Come on, sweet. I’m not asking for a lot here.”
Whumpee glared up at their captor, the muzzle making it impossible to cuss them out. They weren’t going to lay their head in that demon’s lap. No fucking chance.
“Nothing bad would happen to you,” they went on. “I would pet your hair, maybe, because I don’t think I can stand not to. But other than that? Nothing at all.”
Whumpee braced themself for the shock. They could withstand it. They had, for at least five times now. It wasn’t that bad.
“Okay, just one more thing, and then I’ll shut up and just shock you some more.” Whumper raised the remote, showing Whumpee the buttons. “You know there are multiple levels to this, right? And that you’re on level one right now?”
Okay. That… that didn’t cross their mind. Whumper must’ve seen their surprise, because they gave them a few more moments to consider their choice. When they didn’t comply, they sighed and turned it up a notch.
“Suit yourself.”
Whumpee had been glued to Caretaker’s side ever since the rescue. They were a shivery, trembling mess, babbling incoherently about how they needed Master, how they couldn’t go to prison, because they needed them, needed to be there in their lap, and at their feet, and in their bed, and under their desk. Wherever. It didn’t matter, so long as they got to touch them.
Caretaker let them babble, gently petting their hair whenever they broke down crying. It wasn’t the same. Caretaker didn’t have the remote. The collar wasn’t even around their neck anymore, not really, but they could feel it, the memory of the prongs digging into their skin and promising pain beyond comprehension.
They didn’t let Caretaker go anywhere without them. They were the clingiest pet, just as they’d been taught, and progress was very slow with all the panic attacks they’d been having whenever Caretaker tried to push them a little.
There was no collar to train them. No Master to tell them what was right and wrong. Only the maddening uncertainty of ‘I don’t know, Whumpee, I really think we should try again’.
They rubbed their bare neck, watching helplessly as Caretaker took a few steps away from their bed. They were cautious and slow, constantly murmuring praise as they went. They didn’t get to the door before Whumpee jumped out of bed and ran after them, collapsing at their feet in a sobbing, apologetic heap.
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i think mike zoey and cam are that one weird group of kids who literally knows they're probably seen as weird by others but don't care at this point.
they should play with figures and make it the most violent/nerdiest thing ever, or play the most boring game and make it 100x more fun than it is (they might've bent the rules)
or they make their own game and have fun
they're actually so silly and i love them so much, boring or not. (they could never make me hate you cameron zoey and mike)
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I love my robot f/os... I really like the thought of them overheating whenever they get flustered teehee
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swiftmitsu · 5 months
Since everything is blooming right now in spring, i made you a flower crown! (carefully puts it on your head)
- party anon
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that’s so cute considering it’s autumn over here URUEUEHAJSKKS
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
Hello! Party anon
So a bit of details I’m not close to her honestly the only reason why I would play with her as kid was cuz my m forced me to she would annoy me and pull my hair and stupid shit like that
And she has NEVER apologized for anything cuz this isn’t the first time she has done things like this she’s an only kid and pretty spoiled and also she’s one of those kids who if she got mad at someone she would tell everyone not to talk to them she used to tell my sister not to talk to me at daycare and at school and she has never really grown out of this so I keep my distance from her
So to answer your question about how this whole situation was year ago and if it was resolved no it was not she just called my sis the next day acting like nothing happened my sis was asleep when she had called to tell us about her birthday party and I was the one who brought up what she did last year and told her that if she did that again I won’t hesitate to just call a taxi and go home
l honestly usually just ignore her when she does those things and I was on my phone the whole party last year when did that I just want to know if should just suck it up and go cuz my sis is gonna me I don’t want her to be alone
Ps she also mentioned to my sis that her “boy best friend” (aka weirdo who I’m pretty sure is a pedo) will probably be coming that dude is in the military here in my country men get into the military starting at the age of twenty one we’re fifteen also she gave him our numbers and our friends number For some reason??
Point across I don’t even want to go but my sis wants to and she had said that she isn’t sure if that guy will be coming but if he is I’m gonna tell me mum about that dude cuz ain’t no way I’m going to be in a room with that man and four other girls including my sis and her cuz I met the dude and he just gives ick
I wanna know if i should just suck it up and go and also is my impression of that dude wrong? I just feel like it’s Weird that he was nineteen and befriended a thirteen year old
Hi hon!
Yeah, I think it's a little odd for this guy to be friends with a thirteen year old. He is an adult and you guys are minors, so that crosses a boundary for me.
As far as the party, nah, I don't think you owe her anything. She doesn't sound like a very good friend, and it doesn't sound like you'll have fun, you know? So I don't think you should feel obligated.
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Anon drama is kinda insane! Like I went into an entire rabbit hole about some anons on this blog.
Anyways I think this fandom is getting a stereotype cause now people think they all have the same ;-; ate! Slay inappropriate humour. I myself have a quarter of this humour but I can actually tone it down, I feel like this all came from floptok and if you repeatedly use this humour KEEP IT IN TIKTOK.
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alastor-roleplay · 2 months
Yessss I'm 100% Pinkie Pie trust me >:] you should totally give me your credit card info so I can continue making awesome parties 😇/j -🐲💰/🎉
I originally used the dragon and money emojis to represent my hazbin oc being a dragon thief thing but I kind of like the party anon title so i might use both if thats okay mweheheheheh😈
awawa ofcourse!! ill tag both sjdjejke
"Oh, dear... Do you really think I'm that stupid?~"
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fat-hedonistic-hogs · 2 months
“You calling mah ass flat you sum bitch!?” Mills grunted as she slammed her ass back into Loonie. Making the hellhound start to teeter onto her belly causing a groan sound. The club all turning as the hellhound has her whole weight on her poor gut.
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"UGH! God Mills it was a damn joke... God my stomach I think- Loonie needs to... BWROOOOOOOOOOP!"
The bloated hellhound gagged as she dropped her entire weight on her stomach sending her tail straight up into the air as she let out gas from both ends. Her short covered ass was stained with sweat and threatened to burst at the seams. The entire dance floor started to smell like rank half digested slop but that didn't stop Loonie.
The party girl had done worse and the gas expulsion did bring some much needed relief to her aching gut.
"YOU BITCH! You didn't say ass bumping was legal." Loonie barked rocking back on her gut and returning fire with a powerful butt bump to Mill's cheeks.
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idiotanonfrz · 4 months
Hello! :D I heard we should talk to you about the wedding attire?
Would a royal blue, knee lenght dress with little white stars work? (Also maybe with some black thigh high boots? I hope that's alright).
- party anon
Mhm all gud, I'll tell Lost
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fobredactedove · 6 months
Making sure patrick gets enough to eat while on tour. maybe making sure he gets a little TOO much to eat. maybe making sure he stays big and round. but of course he gains weight really easily, so by the end of tour he's gotten really big. he huffs and puffs and pants and embarrasses himself onstage. and when he talks to me about needing to lose weight, I tell him I'll help. but of course, that "help" is just making sure I add supplements to his meals so he ends up gaining even more weight regardless. -party anon
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good job mod kitty we're proud of you!🎉
also this the anon who did that one zoey mike n cam thing..
🎉party anon! (hoping that's not taken)
thankuuu thankuu
edit: are you also the persn that sent the tyler and geoff friendship one /genq
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sparklecareheadcanons · 7 months
Nvm i should totally be the party anon because literally all of my headcanons can and will be about party and my own ships involving them in some shape or form idc how obvious it is who i am -🔴
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swiftmitsu · 5 months
Today I found this neat little shell for you! Here you go! :D 🐚
- party anon
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
So I have this friend who I’ve known since I was an infant I have twin sister we all went to the same daycare and so we know each other since we were infants we have grown a bit apart last year she had a big birthday party and invited 3 friends of hers and me and my sis and they all ignored us like deadass did not speak a word to us at all my sister even cried in the bathroom
And this year she wants to invite us again i really don’t want to go the only reason why my parents want us to us cuz her mum is a really good person and they would babysit us while my parents are working my friends say that we shouldn’t go but they already don’t like her cuz she once got into a petty fight with one of my friends and got my friend who had all As and a perfect attendance score be written up which made her almost not get in her dream school but I just want to know if we should go or not
They treated you like shit and didn't apologize? Nah. Unless this friend has acknowledged her rude behavior since then, I wouldn't.
My only thing is- it's been a year. How as your friendship been outside of this? Like...it seems odd that this happened last year and it hasn't been resolved? I need details, lol
naming you party anon
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dianneking · 1 year
Sorry you don't like the nickname Cheeto, what about Cool Whip?
I like that... for inappropriate reasons but I do like that :3
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alastor-roleplay · 2 months
If you read this I AM exploding you into glitter with my mind. Into a party popper with ye! 🎉🎉🎉 - 🐲💰
(This is so random 😰😰 I'm not funny, but I AM new to this blog so, hello !!!!)
"Pinkie Pie??? 😟"
you give the vibes sksksklsjwiwiw AND HELLO!!! :3 🫶🫶🫶
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