#pedophillia mention
just-antithings · 8 months
Antis have genuinely distorted the way people see age online
For context im about to turn nineteen. I've been feeling more and more guilty about still being into fandom and having hobbies instead of spending 99% of my time looking for a job and talking about taxes or whatever the fuck antis think grown adults do.
Antis have created this narrative that the moment you turn 20 you should immediately drop everything you love and get a dead end job and be miserable for the rest of your life. And if you don't do that you're weird and creepy and a freak who's probably a pedo/s
Seeing people in their 20s being called freaks for still writing fanfics or just having fandom related hobbies in general makes me wanna throw my phone into a lake and never log on ever again
Since when is 27 considered old???? Do these ppl think humans just drop dead at 30????
yeah it’s both ridiculous and depressing
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gunlovingpacifist · 8 months
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shout out to people with f/os that are hated by the fandom for being morally reprehensible
the f/o that is a rapist
the f/o that abuses animals
the f/o that is canonically a pedophile
the f/o that is a stalker
the f/o that is a bully
the f/o that is an abuser
the f/o that hurts others no reason other than they enjoy it
the f/o that has no desire to get better
the f/o that is an unsympathetic villain
the f/o that treats everyone around them like garbage because they feel like they're the only person with coherent thought in the general vicinity
the f/o that killed off one of the characters you're supposed to root for and supposed to like
the f/o that you can see part of yourself in, maybe even when most people think that'd be a red flag
... and shout out to you, selfshipper, for loving them despite it all! or because of it all. ^_^
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entity56 · 5 months
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is this anything
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sourisking · 9 months
Reminder that Harm Against Minors is a tumblr report option that should be used!
[Reminder that harm against minors is a tumblr report option that should be used!]
I’m so serious when I say this but if someone says they want to rape children fucking report them. Instantly. Tumblr will request an email response with links, and I’d suggest using a third party archive source if at all possible.
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mispelled · 11 months
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I know I'm not the only one who went insane about the hermie fact
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ajthebumblebee · 1 year
The whole Colleen Balinger ukulele apology thing is so funny to me. Literally, I would never even know she existed if it wasn't for that video. If people weren't making parodies and edits, I would never know about her behavior. If she kept her mouth shut, most people would have no idea. But she had to make a stupid self important video "apologizing" that now the whole internet knows about. Like, you could not have fucked up more.
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2beebebetter · 4 months
Tomie makes me so sad. She was just a high school girl who was pretty shitty and yeah needed to work on her personality but she got groomed by her teacher and was subsequently murdered by that fucker and dismembered by her entire class who made her out to be this horrible child of evil because they valued a pedophile’s career over getting justice for the death of his victim. And now because of their actions she’s cursed to relive her death forever, what’s left of her humanity stretched thinner and thinner in every subsequent version of herself until she becomes the person she was seen as by everyone else — a nefarious, selfish, arrogant girl who will doom the lives of every man she gets involved with until she’s finally burned like the witch she is.
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proship-puppy · 5 months
Rarity x Apple Jack
! This post talks about NSFW , SA , Pedo/Zoophilia , R*pe , etc. THIS POST IS DARKSHIP ! Don’t like -> DNI 🎀 🎱
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Apple Jack loves Rarity with all his heart…
However he also has a crush on someone else; his cousin pinkie pie. Well it’s not just a crush it’s a affair. Apple Jack and pinkie pie meet every now and then to make out and fuck. Sometimes pinkie even brings along one of her girlfriends (twilight sparkle or sunset shimmer) to r*pe them together with Apple Jack. It’s a dirty secret rarity should never know about…
But rarity has a secret as well..!
Every now and then she needs some extra money for a dress or pair of shoes she saw. So she meets up with older men and let’s them gang r*pe her. They pay per hour and can do anything they want with rarity so she did make some wild experience as they forced her to fuck with dogs or children ! But it’s all worth it and honestly she even enjoyed a lot of it because the r*pe is what got her to start a relationship with her loyal dog spike ! And it also showed her how okay it is for her to groom her sister sweetie bell every now and then. After all her needs are important to and if she needs to fuck , why not fuck her sister if no one else is around ? But of course Apple Jack could never know about all this !
🍖🌈 = proship
🧩🥀 = ex anti
💀🌙 = dislikes but still ships
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just-antithings · 6 months
Lol. Lmao, even.
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bynux · 6 months
should i be surprised youre okay with pedophilia. way to be a stereotypical image of a trans person.
I fucking love this straw man argument. Not at all in bad faith. And you know damn well that you're in the wrong here, hence the anon. But sure, let's deconstruct my beliefs on the matter.
I'm not cool with pedophilia, which is why I want to STOP dehumanizing people with those urges and instead encourage them to seek therapy/mental help. MORE kids get assaulted when the adults who assault them don't get the help they need before offending.
It's the same situation as the War On Drugs, with the same bullshit "we're saving the kids" rhetoric. Instead of providing help to people with a problem before it hurts other people, we instead stigmatize and outcast people until they eventually hurt themselves or others because they have nowhere to go to work through their vices.
Like, I'm sure you've fantasized about killing someone you dislike before. Maybe a politician who passed policy that harms you, or a neighbor who threatens to sue you about inane bullshit, or a trans person who committed the egregious crime of existing in front of you. It doesn't mean you're going to do that, and if those thoughts became pervasive you'd see a therapist about it and get mental health treatment. Experiencing a desire to do something didn't mean you're going to do that thing.
If you want to stop pedophilia and sAvE tHe ChIlDrEn, you need to stop acting like people with those urges are inherently bad people. Consider that you could always be one traumatic flashback or brain injury or self-discovery away from being in the same boat as these people you so despise.
And since this apparently has to be said, to be 100% clear, I experience no attraction to children whatsoever. I have a DNI on my NSFT blog for a fucking reason.
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ithecentipede · 2 months
not gonna lie @veeeffvee s new youtube post is lowkey absurd .......... thats a minor😕
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daystud · 1 month
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A Class of '09 story with a perspective switch only means one thing: Nicole will go from villain protagonist to the big bad bitch we can't control in at least some endings, all without the need to change much else as a character for how unpredictable, selfish and manipulative she already is.
I'm curious to see Jecka in action, she has a lot of potential; she's reasonable and not straight up evil like Nicole but far from an angel too.
I wonder if Nicole's life is any different post graduation, though I doubt it, while this series is comically exaggerated the thing about filthy people getting away with everything and screwed up social relationships being everywhere included the 'secluded' school life is very much true depending on anyone's experience. So what i'm saying is I'm preparing myself for Killing Pedophiles Simulator Part 3 once again /pos
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eyetravels · 3 months
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Pedophile Bros - Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump
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sher-ee · 3 months
The guy Republicans want to make your King is associated with the biggest pedophile rape scandal in our country's history.
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What a shit show.
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just-antithings · 5 months
I need many people to realize a strong contribution to the purity discourse in media we see among young people is due to radfems & gender criticals poisoning the water supply on sites like this one (tumblr) or other social media since 2014
Seeing teens and young 20-somethings using "porn addicted", "porn-brained", "degenerate", all unironically, those are words you find in alt-right & anti-LGBTQ+ message boards.
It wasn't JUST GCs alone, but many people have been around to see them influence a generation of kids with arguments you see today like
“X in fiction causes abuse"
“x is fetishization"
"Unless you've personally gone through trauma you shouldn't write about it"
“If you HAVE gone through trauma, you can't sexually explore it"
"If you like abuse in fiction you're an abuser in real life”
Hearing kids call random (usually queer!) shippers in fandom "groomers" and "pedophiles" for ships that have been established in fandom for decades, or because of a "power imbalance" between adult characters isn't a coincidence. Hmm, I wonder what other groups use those words?
It's not solely kids alone, it is a combination of:
Online radicalization and disinformation
No spaces for kids
No internet safety/literacy
Steeping censorship in activist language,
lack of education (If you don't know red flags you can't avoid them)
COVID did NOT help
This is why ignoring it will never help, because while thankfully some people grow out of it, it usually happens to people who had some support system or breakthrough in cognitive dissonance. There are plenty of people who are becoming adults and who keep infantilizing themselves
“My brain isn't done until I'm 25, you're all predators" and they're talking to a 30 y/o
That argument is literally being used by UK government officials to block access to gender-affirming healthcare. Infantilizing adults only serves the purpose of stripping agency and rights
They're not being safe. They're not gaining skills. They're participating in a fear-fueled climate of faulty medical misinformation, keeping themselves in a perpetual childish-victim state no matter how old they get and nothing about this is healthy
How do you think a person goes through this world when they've been wholly convinced that you can tell someone is safe because they like "safe" or “wholesome" things, & people who make them uncomfortable via hobbies or interests (not IRL actions) are probably actual criminals?
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