#sephiroth speaks
myfandomrealitea · 2 days
The watering down of the words "pedophile", "CSEM/CSAM", "groomer", etc done by antis has slowly spread to outside the fandom circle
The thing about antis is that they are not just in fandom spaces. They are also real people out in the real world with impact and influence.
They're the kind of people who try to get movies and TV shows banned for depicting things they disagree with. They're the kind of people who insert themselves into people's private lives with attempts to control and dictate what they can and cannot do. They're the kind of people who jump to extreme measures and incorrect solutions to real problems.
Having met antis in real life I can certainly say that their real lives and fandom experiences work in tandem.
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sephirocks · 1 year
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Being a system is like being in the movie inside out. Only like u don't have emotions just these dudes yelling commands frantically as u try to comply with a child who is used to seeing people bend elements, a mad scientist by who experiments on kids, and some amoral killing machines fighting for dominance in ur head.
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valentimmy · 5 months
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his favorite hobby is tormenting cloud 🔥
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zackfairmutual · 1 month
autistic sephiroth moment from ever crisis hes just like meeeeee
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something that’s always going to take me out about the ff7 fandom is that you WILL tag sephiroth on the post. doesn’t matter what the post is about. sephiroth is tagged. is he even in the room with us? no, but he’s in the tags, and it’s absolutely hilarious
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gibberishquestion · 9 months
turns out there’s this thing called a “hobby” you can have where you enjoy doing a thing even if you’re not obsessed with it. fucked up right
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absolutelybatty · 3 hours
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Why is "One Winged Angel" stuck in my head still
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skadren · 6 months
honestly bothered by the moral panic over seph's new costume in ec. why do you think that standard traditional wear from a non-western culture that shows less skin than zack's swimsuit is "too lewd"?
if you're looking at a 14-year-old's bare chest and thinking "oh my god, how sexual" then the person out here lewding things is you. which is whatever, it's a fictional character, but you may want to take a good hard look in the mirror and examine your own cultural biases before you start a moral crusade against sqnx for "sexualizing" and "exploiting" a fictional character.
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time-official · 9 days
sefikura is such a ship. its so biteable. you can do literally whatever you want with them its great.
anyways i'm gonna make them suffer and then claw at each other until they are both forced to admit that maybe they aren't as different as they once believed. as per my rights as a writer.
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anakinh · 2 years
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Sephiroth's Hair Routine:
According to the Silver Elite Fan Club in Crisis Core, Sephiroth uses a full bottle of both shampoo and conditioner to wash his hair. Both are provided by Shinra and are scented with 13 different perfumes, including rose and vanilla.
According to the Final Fantasy VII Remake Material Ultimania, Sephiroth uses a hair tonic for "spiky hair" also used by Cloud Strife and Zack Fair to style his bangs. The rest of his hair flows naturally. His styling time is 5 minutes.
Bonus: in Advent Children most of his hair was animated manually, which was very hard for the animators.
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browniefox · 5 months
Finally got to play more crisis core!
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The Hojo section was tbh pretty funny, with Hojo saying creepy shit and Zack either not hearing or going ‘Uh, WTF?!?’
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Hell yeah Kunsel. I kept seeing random soldiers and hoping they were Kunsel.
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While not perfectly written (God the writing and like, timing of dialogue is so rough in this game) I actually really like the Zack and Sephiroth dynamic. In general Sephiroth is very different than K was expecting, and in a good way where he seems more like a person.
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One of my complaints from my first play session was that they just tell you ‘Sephiroth was best friends with Angeal and Genesis’, but don’t show it, and I’m glad it actually does take the time to show their dynamic. You do get the sense that they were close but also somewhat dysfunctional. The canon fight cutscene, at the very beginning, Sephiroth actually looks honestly happy, which was a shock.
The visuals are still pretty rough, and the writing and pacing are all over the place, but it’s fun when you can make fun of it with friends.
Wish the enemies were on the map tho or at least didn’t respawn to quickly.
Oh other complaint is that I defo feel like they don’t spend enough time endearing you to Angeal before he defects. And they’re SO heavy handed with like symbolism and how they want it to be interpreted, there’s defo interesting things going on with the monsters/angels thing but it makes me want to roll my eyes whenever they talk about it.
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myfandomrealitea · 17 hours
I'm proship leaning but when other proshippers say "I don't trust when someone says [person] is a pedophile because aNtIs!" when that person has DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE of being a predator. You're willfully ignorant at best and think that pedophile is something that only happens in darkfic or weird kink at worst. Like, no, it's not antis faults you can't condem real predators.
That has nothing to do with proshipping itself and everything to do with the actual individual. Its disingenuous at best to reduce an entire community down to a select few.
However, I will say its understandable that sometimes even "documented proof" is called into question based on who is involved in the discussion. Again, this has nothing to do with me being a proshipper, but people who align with the 'anti' principles have:
Sourced and spread around child pornography and non-minor rape and sexual abuse materials, often even using them to torment and abuse the victims themselves.
Fabricated evidence on multiple occasions in order to incite a witch hunt against innocent people and claimed ignorance even when confronted with their actions.
Harassed and doxxed and bullied people to the point of losing their jobs, requiring medication and therapy and suicide attempts.
Called people predators and pedophiles for a numerous array of reasons, usually the majority of which have nothing to do with actual predation or pedophilia.
In the instances where I have my doubts about someone being called out, I will privately endeavor to do as much of my own research as I can before making any decision or getting involved in any way. Which again, has nothing to do with me being a proshipper. That's what you should do, rather than blindly believing and following accusations.
People have a right to genuine doubt. If or when it extends beyond genuine doubt into wilful ignorance and denial, that is an individual fault.
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sephirocks · 1 year
"I'm ugly and frankly I'm not proud, I'm appalled, and I want to hide under a rock until someone brings me some hairspray and conditioner"
- sephiroth when he runs out of hair product
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mimikabii · 5 months
hi sorry i havent had the energy to pick up a pen for the past week hope this makes up for it
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munson-mjstan · 3 months
I need this man like...BADLY 🥵🥵🥵
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sefirots · 1 year
Not directed at anyone in particular, however, I really hate the notion that Vincent is responsible for Sephiroth. There is genuinely nothing Vincent could’ve done for the guy.. He got murdered for trying to prevent Hojo’s experiments on Lucrecia and then...What? He’s supposed to somehow appeal to crazed not-even-living Sephiroth? Would exposing Sephiroth to his crystalized birth mother who’s quite literally a corpse be any better? Plus, Sephiroth doesn’t have any reason to trust Vincent’s word. Unfortunately, Sephiroth is way too far gone to be reasoned with. As much as I’d love for Sephiroth to have some comfort in knowing he was human, Sephiroth had comfort in meeting Jenova. He’s such a tragic character oml. 
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