#shock collars
misssmeat · 7 months
Any chance of sharing more details about your shock collar training? I love the power disparity they represent; discipline at the push of a button.
Sure! I’m happy to share a bit more about the experience I teased.
It was some years ago, and it was the first night I was meeting and playing with a new partner. Generally I don’t recommend such intensity for a first session with a partner, but I’ll admit that I was young, dumb, and overeager. Nothing bad happened and it was a wonderful experience, but I would do it differently today... just to be safer.
Before any play, he showed me the collar shocking himself and then let me play with the collar and intensities of shocks on my leg and arm.
When I was satisfied and comfortable with the collar, he commanded me to strip for him.
He then bound my hands behind my back before locking the shock collar into place on my neck. The prongs were positioned on the side of my neck, which is usually more sensitive than the front of back.
He added another tie at my elbows, forcing a tight posture that thrust my chest forward. I was commanded to stand and spread my legs hip distance apart while he added a short hobble chain between my ankles.
And then the exercise began.
As I’ve shared before, I love strict power dynamics and protocol. Maybe even more so than the sex itself… and he knew that. He had me walk the length of the room, holding my perfect posture, but keeping my eyes downcast, as an obedient submissive would to not drawn attention to herself. He demanded graceful steps despite the hobble between my legs, no jerks from the bindings or chains, and absolutely no raising my gaze to his face.
He then sat on the sofa with the remote for the collar while I walked back and forth at his command. Every stumble, any time I looked up, or even a moment of less than perfect gait would be corrected with a shock.
As I found confidence in his asks, he would add more challenges. By the end, I was nipple clamped, gagged and had clamps hanging between my legs. Still holding my composure for him, still being corrected by a shock each time I didn’t meet his standards.
I was crying from frustration and pain, but so deep in subspace. Every shock reminded me that I was a plaything, his little pet, existing for his entertainment. And the only way to avoid the electric punishment was to exist as he demanded. I felt myself mold to meet his expectations in real time with the help of the collar. And I loved knowing how powerless I was to lash out, push back, or give attitude of any type.
I could be withering on the ground in pain as a repercussion for my bad behavior, while he barely even had to lift a finger. He would never break a sweat.
All that to say, it’s a treasured memory and one of the hottest things to ever happen to me ever in my whole fucking life.
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the-three-whumpeteers · 3 months
The whumpee had been fitted with a shock collar that the whumper used liberally. sometimes it was after the whumpee had broken a rule, other times it was random, just so the whumpee remembered that it was there. The whumper didn’t want the whumpee to be comfortable- obedient yes, but they liked seeing the whumpee suffer regardless.
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This is an embarassingly bad paper based on the use of two aversive based dog trainers who are clearly incompetant in the use of +R - yet the e collar training community is taking a victory lap.
The fact that this got past an animal ethics review is honestly appalling and the university should be ashamed.
Let's go over the main huge flaws with this study:
The positive reinforcement protocol they are using to compare to e collars is laughably incompetant - with no management or use of distance, desensitisation. Just use a leash? Maybe?
Use of aversives to stop chasing is, unsurprisingly, effective. Because, yes, painful consequences tend to work to suppress behaviour. That isn't the problem that people have with e collars.
The author seems to think that use of e collars is justified because it "gets results" in a short amount of time to stop dogs chasing - again, apparently we haven't heard of a leash.
"Aside from presumably pain-induced yelps in the dogs with e-collars when they received shocks, none of the dogs in any groups showed any signs of stress or distress." So we're saying a pain vocalisation isn't a sign of distress? That's your welfare parameter? Jfc.
Love how they didn't even try to get fecal cortisol baselines and just collected samples from a few dogs but not all of them. You tried, I guess?
The fact that the trainers for the study is "Ivan and Ivan's Student" is ridiculously biased. Acting as if both these trainers know how to apply +R effectively as opposed to their heavy aversive tool use is laughable.
"We designed our study’s methods around current trainer practices as well as the recommendations of our senior trainer while attempting to keep continencies as simple as possible." - yeeeah that's a conflict of interest. Especially when your "senior trainer" has an axe to grind with R+ people using scientific papers to support their training methods.
You're chucking treats in a bowl after a few sessions and you think that's going to stop a dog chasing a lure? Oh yeah, you got us. We just throw kibble in a bowl to stop dogs running into traffic. I am genuinely floored that that's how they think a +R protocol for chasing works. They have no business comparing the two when they can't even do one properly.
"We also did not test whether the food rewards we deployed were highly valued." Okay so the majority of my client dogs will go nuts for my meaty high value treats because they've only had store bought dry treats and the client is shocked at how food motivated their dog suddenly is..... So this study was relying on whatever the guardian of the dog brought with them lmao rookie mistake.
"Dogs that chase livestock may be shot or otherwise euthanized, and dogs that chase cars may be killed in traffic." Put. Them. On. A. Leash.
"The practical applicability of either the LIMA or LIFE models is likely limited, at least in the United States where dog trainers are not required to be licensed or certified. In a sample of highly rated dog trainers, more than half did not document any relevant education." Does that include your "senior trainer"? It does. Because he doesn't have any formal education in canine behaviour, welfare and science. You know this. You chose him to be your trainer for your study.
"The speed and effectiveness with which the e-collar inhibited the dogs in this study from chasing may justify the limited number of painful stimulations the dogs experienced if the object the dogs were chasing had been something that could directly or indirectly cause them serious injury or death." Or..... OR.... you could not use electric shocks on your dog and potential cause long term damage, fear responses ect.... And use a leash.
Just baffled by this whole study. My high prey drive whippet will go feral for a lure but only when she knows the context for when she's being allowed to chase. She can be at a lure coursing trial for the whole day not worrying about the lure because 1) I keep her at a distance where the stimulus isn't saliant enough and 2) she gets reinforcement for calmly watching from a distance.
I'm honestly getting second hand embarassment reading this study. It's just such bad science should never have gotten past an ethics board.
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violentlyravenous · 9 months
Whumper who trains whumpee to obey with the use of a shock collar.
Every time whumpee screws up a command, they receive an intense, painful shock to the jugular that instantly snaps them back to attention. That usually motivates them to quickly fix what they did wrong.
"Did that sting? Good. Now try again, and get it right this time."
If the whumpee continues to fail, whumper turns up the dial, increasing the intensity of the shocks until they're finally corrected.
Some nights after they've been 'training' for hours, the throbbing pain around their neck prevents them from getting comfortable enough to rest- leading to lack of sleep as they toss and turn throughout the night. Replaying the constant, agonizing torture that they endured, still fresh within their head.
Whumper - whether they feel like tending to whumpee's wounds or not - admiring their own handiwork; grabbing the whumpee by the jaw and tilting their head from side to side, inspecting their reddened, tender throat. They can't help but laugh at their misfortune in a cruel, condescending tone.
"Well would you look at that~ Now you have such a pretty, little throat~"
Physical injuries ranging from an itchy, scratchy sensation in the neck to raw burns and tissue damage after receiving a constant current of electricity.
Psychological trauma affects the whumpee as well; everytime they're reminded of the pain, their muscles involuntarily jolt, sending their body twitching and spasming, even spiraling them into a panic attack.
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montammil · 2 years
CW: Shock collar, revenge, sadistic/protective Caretaker, Caretaker turned Whumper, Whumper turned Whumpee, collars
I love the thought of protective caretakers, but what’s better than a protective caretaker? A protective and sadistic caretaker-- to Whumper, of course. They’re enraged, but after a while, they grow plainly amused with Whumper’s suffering.
“Please, just-- just kill me already! You win, you got your revenge, what else do you want?!”
“Oh, Whumper.” Caretaker kneels down and grips their chin in their hand. “I could kill you, but where would the fun be in that? No, you deserve to suffer for the rest of your life, and I want to make that suffering last as long as I possibly can.” They stride over to the bag they dropped by the door, pulling two things out.
A collar, and a key.
“Look familiar?” Caretaker smiles darkly, then crosses the room back to a now struggling Whumper. “It’s a shock collar, just like the one you gave to Whumpee. Isn’t that fun?”
“Stop, god, please don’t--”
“It only gets worse from here.” They clasp the collar on, straddling over Whumper so they can lock it without their struggling interfering. “For you, obviously. I, on the other hand, am going to enjoy this.”
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whump-queen · 2 years
A whumpee who was only captured because whumper thought they were pretty
Treating their captive like a dress up doll— dressing them up to compliment their outfit and wearing them on their arm like a pretty little accessory.
Whumper dragging them to fancy events with other whumpers and showing them off.
Whumpee is forced to wear a collar that shocks them every time they try to speak, so they’re a perfect little silent thing whenever whumper wants to show them off to their friends or take them to a party.
Maybe whumper let’s their friends fawn over their pet, and even touch the pretty thing’s face—
and whumpee has to stand still and strain to keep their expression pleasant and pliant while the strangers crowd around them, while fingers extend to grip their jaw and tilt their head this way and that, while too many unfamiliar hands run over their face and through their hair.
And the strangers compliment whumper about whumpee’s appearance— ‘how pretty those eyes are,’ and ‘how did they manage to find such a beautiful thing?’
And whumpee’s face is red with embarrassment—at being crowded and poked and prodded and talked about as if they’re not even there—at being treated like some kind of decoration. And whumper and their friends only laugh and coo over how cute they look when they’re blushing.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Whumper never hits their face, leaves scars or permanent damage—they want to keep them looking nice after all.
Electricity is their preferred weapon, and the shock collar works wonders for conditioning.
And after weeks and months of getting brutally shocked for every little misstep, every perceived ounce of resistance, for anything other than absolute perfect compliance—
Eventually, whumpee’s will crumbles completely—and they’re plaint, docile, and desperate to obey to avoid the agonizing pain that the voltage brings.
Completely mentally broken— a perfect little decoration.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Just dehumanize the hell out of a pretty boy and make him your accessory ✨
The thing that inspired this post
More prompts like this
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@whumpshaped @whumpsday @emmettnet @a-whump-sideblog @whump-it-like-its-hot @wolfeyedwitch @whumper-soot @unorganisedalienrubbish @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @hidden-dreamland @whumpedydump
Just ask to be added or removed from the taglist <3
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ridicubus · 3 months
Being tortured with a bark collar on, getting a shock every time you scream or cry out. Being trained to suffer in silence 😘💞💕🥺😇😭💞
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pippinoftheshire · 6 months
Yet more angst lol
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spookyboywhump · 1 year
Some of Jet’s early time as a pet ehehe
CW: pet whump, shock collars, mention of needles
“What are you fighting for?” Anastasia asked him, her eyes narrowed. The question did cause him to pause, she typically only spoke to him to give him orders, or scold him for not listening. He wondered if it was a trick to punish him for speaking, but she was staring at him expectantly, like she was waiting for him to go on.
“I want- I want to go home.” He said, his voice hoarse and broken from the weeks of torture he’d been through. “I don’t want to- to be a pet, I want to go home…”
“And do you remember where your home is?” She asked, and with a sinking feeling, he realized that no, he couldn’t. He tried, he tried so hard but the memories he did have that may have answered the question were so faint it was hard to trust them, he couldn’t tell for sure what was his home and what was just another place he happened to recall. When he tried, his head hurt, it made him anxious, but right now she was unsympathetic to his distress. “Do you remember your family?” She asked.
“I do!” He insisted. He couldn’t remember his parents very well, but he remembered his brother, a brother, he was unsure if there were other siblings. “My brother- he- he gave me to those people, to that place. I remember him, I swear.” He told her, but this answer seemed to only make her unhappier.
“You’re lying.” She said plainly. He didn’t get a chance to defend himself before she’d hit the button for his collar, sending a wave of painful shocks through his body. She watched him scream in pain, his already beaten and aching body writhing on the floor until she finally stopped the shock collar, leaving him gasping for breath. He stayed curled up on the floor at first, whimpering softly, but still she looked down on him like he was just being overdramatic. “Sit up. Now.” She ordered, and reluctantly, he did as he was told.
“Y-Yes ma’am…” He whimpered, having learned his manners by now. “But I-I’m not lying, I remember him, I promise…”
“You are lying. They told me you volunteered, in fact, I have the paper with your signature on it.” She told him, something that was a complete surprise to him. He couldn’t remember signing anything, but he supposed that didn’t mean a lot when he couldn’t remember much at all. “That may have been a dream you had, but that’s not why you were there, you made a choice to be there.” She told him.
“I… I did…?” He asked hesitantly.
“You did.” She stepped closer to him and it took everything in him to resist the urge to flinch away, even as she grabbed his chin in her hand and forced him to look up at her. “So I don’t understand what you think you have to fight for. You wished to become a pet, I am giving you what you asked for. I’m giving you more in fact, you would’ve likely died in that cell had I not saved you.” She told him.
“But I… I don’t want this…” He said softly. “Can’t you let me go…?”
“Darling, no.” She said sternly. “You don’t remember your home, your family, not even your own name, you’d be so lost if I let you go.” She said, letting go of his face and kneeling down to be closer to his level. “I’m doing you a favor by keeping you here. You don’t realize that now, but if you’re good, and you earn your place, you’ll see just how good you can have it here. I promise.” She said, and she smiled at him, not in a cruel or taunting way, but like she genuinely meant what she was telling him. He didn’t find it reassuring, he still wanted to go home, but he worried that arguing it any further would get him shocked again, or something worse.
“Yes ma’am…” He murmured, glancing away from her. It felt like defeat to just give in and go along with what she was saying, but he didn’t see any other option, not right now anyway. He could beg her for his freedom all he wanted but if she refused, he didn’t know what else to do. He’d never seen anything beyond the basement he was kept in, even if he somehow escaped that he’d be completely lost- just like she’d said.
“There’s my good boy.” She said, ruffling his hair before getting to her feet again. “I think we’ve done enough for today. You can rest for the night and I’ll visit you again tomorrow. I hope you’ll think about what we’ve talked about.” She said, and he probably would. He didn’t have anyone to talk to down there or much else to do, all he had were his thoughts to go over again and again. It was lonely, and sometimes it made him angry, but right now he was too tired to even be angry, he just wanted to rest.
He followed her back to his cell, he’d recently been granted the privilege of having a bed, of not being chained up every hour he was alone down there. He was grateful for that at least, first he’d been granted his clothing back, then the muzzle had been removed, and finally he wouldn’t have to sleep on the floor anymore. He wondered what else she would give him if he continued to show progress and get better, become the exact pet she wanted him to be. He didn't necessarily want to find out, he didn’t want to be there at all, but each thing she was gracious enough to give back to him made him a little less miserable, a little less inclined to act out. He was well aware that it could all be taken away at any moment, though that didn’t stop him from slipping up from time to time.
She said goodnight to him and left him alone in his cell, sitting on the thin mattress of the bed he’d been so thankful for. She closed the door to his cell and he listened to her footsteps as she walked away, ascending the staircase that led to somewhere completely unknown to him. When she reached the top of it, the lights would shut off, leaving him in the pitch black of the basement. He wasn’t scared of the dark, but it did make the loneliness he felt more intense somehow, more oppressive. He knew he should’ve just gone to bed, tried to sleep while he had the chance, but he was acutely aware that something was wrong.
She had left him in his cell. She’d closed the door, gone upstairs, shut the lights off. She had not locked the door to his cell. He knew she hadn’t, he was very familiar with the sound of the door shutting followed by the click of the lock, but he hadn’t heard it this time. He thought he may be misremembering things, it wouldn’t be out of the norm for him apparently, and hesitantly, he got up, carefully making his way through the darkness to the other side of the cell. He kept his hands in front of him, feeling for the door, and he finally grasped the bars in his hands. He pushed and felt the door open, his breath catching in his throat.
The door was unlocked. He could walk out right now if he wanted to. He did want to. He had a good understanding of the layout of the basement, he would be able to find the stairs, he was certain of that. What he wasn’t certain of was what he would do after. This may have been intentional, and she was waiting for him behind the door at the top of the staircase, waiting to punish him for being so stupid he thought he could really just walk right out. Or it was an accident, she’d been careless and slipped up- which didn’t seem likely to him- but he still didn’t know what he would do once he left the basement. He didn’t know what was up there, where he was, and unfortunately she had a point. He couldn’t even remember his own name, even if he somehow found his way to help, what would he tell them? What would they do with him when he couldn’t answer any of the important questions? The uncertainty of that scared him, he started to wonder if he’d just end up in that horrible place again, constantly being manhandled and jabbed with needles and left in a daze. The possibility of that made him feel sick, and he knew that this was far too much for him.
He pulled the door closed, and carefully made his way back to his bed, collapsing onto it once he got there. He buried his face in his pillow and tried not to think about the unlocked door, about the possibility of not having to live like a caged animal. He didn’t know where home was, but that didn’t stop the way he desperately longed to go back there, somewhere safer than here. It was becoming more and more clear to him just how impossible that was, and he tried to push the thought out of his mind, tried to get some sleep while he still could, but even then, he still hoped so badly he’d wake up somewhere far away from here.
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misssmeat · 8 months
Thinking about the time I was trained with a shock collar by a Dom who sat on the sofa, completely relaxed while he sent corrections through the remote. He casually molded me through painful electric punishment to be his perfect toy.
Truly, nothing has ever made me more weak. Like?? Absolutely fuck me up.
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The collar had left a bigger impact on the whumpee than they’d like to admit. Sometimes, when they broke one of their old rules they’d expect the sudden shock of their electric collar, it would take them a moment to realize that they weren’t in that situation anymore. There was a growing frustration about it, since the whumpee desperately wanted to be the person they used to be.
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stagelightwhump · 4 months
Does it have to be a blorbo from my shows or can it be MY blorbo? Because I kind of want to know what they'd do to Mal https://www.tumblr.com/distracted-obsessions/750327129941639170/knock-knock-mal-groaned-at-the-knock-at-the
You can absolutely submit home-made blorbos! And I must say, this one is very interesting!
First of all, the ears would need to be stretched and molded into shape, which, thankfully, is rather easy, as ears are made of cartilage. Next, even though no tails are mentioned in the story, a retractable cord tail is still installed, so that the Unit can be charged. If requested, a wolf tail cover can be added.
Next, barring the presence of something like pawpads on the hands or feet (in which case, depending on how divergent it is from the human bauplan, they would either be fatty silicone implants, or the hands or feet would be replaced entirely), the Chip is then installed, and memories of the source timeline are implanted, as well as a weaving program.
Finally, in order to avoid issues with improper or unregulated voltage, a shock collar is installed directly and permanently onto the neck, integrated with the C6 vertebrae. This is to ensure that any voltage administered is low enough not to damage either the organic system, or the electronics within the Unit's repaired systems. For higher voltages, the Chip manually simulates the damages instead, resulting in the same mental effects and physical pain as a normal shock collar, without causing unnecessary damage or stress to the internals.
Once the Unit is fully repaired and functional, it is placed back into the crate it arrived in (or given a new one, if the crate is somehow missing or damaged), secured in place, and shut down until delivered to the purchaser.
Thank you so much for the ask! I love doing these :D
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albino-whumpee · 1 year
Robert showing his real personality always makes me happy. <3 
Finally, this is done. I wanted to keep it on the book only, but wtf. I started free, I wont let a paywall intervene. Enjoy. <3
Taglist: Thanks for patiently waiting for this update! Hopefully it´s been a fun ride for you as it is for me.
@castielamigos-whump-side-blog @giggly-evil-puppy @cowboysrappin @haro-whumps @burtlederp @neuro-whump @comfortforthepain @whumps-the-word @whole-and-apart-and-between @broken-horn-blog @ashintheairlikesnow @rosesareviolentlyread @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @as-a-matter-of-whump  @whumpasaurus101 @grizzlie70 @wingedwhump @unicornscotty @melancholy-in-the-morning
CW// pet whump, dehumanization, digging your own grave, guns, sadistic and creepy whumper. Betrayal, kidnapping, shock collars, cigarette burns, knifes, suicidal ideation thoughts, muzzles, lots of cursing. Ghosts and child death mention. Grief. 
After discovering the shovel, Albus had shut down. Crying and begging wouldn´t do anything now. It never really helped if he was honest. Besides, who would hear him so far inside the forest? He couldn´t see outside, but after driving for what seemed hours, they couldn´t be anywhere near the city. With a hiss, the car finally stopped.
The boy´s heart pounded violently against his chest when he heard them walk to the trunk. His mouth went dry when he saw Claude´s resigned face and Robert´s grin as they pulled him out. He knew too well it was pointless to even try and kick them when they unlocked the cuffs around his ankles and forced him to walk to a ditch between two trees, where Sarahi was waiting for them. They crossed eyes, but she only stared at him before walking to Claude. The boy looked around then. There really was nothing but the sky, clear after the rain, and the mountains.
Even if the muzzle was taken off, nobody would hear him scream.
“Dig.” Robert ordered him, kicking him on the back with the shovel and making him fall to his knees, out of breath. The boy shot a glare at the man before he took out the gun on his pocket and used the handle to hit him right on the face. Claude only cringed when Robert hit him another time, his whole body falling to a side before he picked him up and pressed the shovel against his chest. Sarahi only watched him with an empty expression. “Make it quick.”
The boy looked at the doctor and then at his owner for a second, but the man only looked away and Sarahi kept watching with a vacant stare. As Robert let go to sit down, pointing his revolver at him, the boy began to dig with his hands still in cuffs.
The boy´s arms trembled as much as his legs, and even if there was a high-pitched ringing in his ears drowning their conversation, he couldn´t help but look around for Sann. At first, he wanted him to be there. He wanted to apologize to him, to tell him his plan before any of the three around him could stop them. But as he dug deeper, he was relieved Sann wouldn´t see what would come next. He begged for everything that was holy, to God who he hated so much, that Sann was safe, somewhere far away.
He wished they had, at least, taken the muzzle off so he wouldn´t drool all over himself as he worked. But one look up, and he would find a pair of brown eyes coldly watching him digging his own grave, just as he ordered.
It was part of the punishment, he realized as he sank into the ground, his clothes getting dirtier as he dug deeper. As it was when the man cocked the gun at him from above and demanded he continued digging with his hands alone.
When finally, the sunlight didn´t reach him at all, crouched on the ground to fulfill the order, Robert spoke again.
“Stop. That´s enough. Climb up here.” He ordered him with the gun pointed at him.
With his hands still in cuffs, it was not easy. But Claude grabbed his jacket and pulled him up on the last part, not wasting the chance to pin him to the ground and squeeze his neck until the world blurred.
“Enough.” Robert told him. Claude stared at him before letting go with a huff. Albus struggled for air with the muzzle still suffocatingly wrapped around his face, but when he finally could breathe, Robert fisted on his hair to position him facing towards the hole on the ground.
His heart pounded even louder and on instinct, he tried to paddle away, however, Robert pulled back on his hair, forcing him to stretch his neck. The pet´s cry died in his chest when he felt the cold edge of the butterfly knife against his throat.
Robert´s eyes were dark as he pressed the knife just a tiny bit more into his neck, drawing blood. Albus head went blank in panic when the man snapped the leather of the muzzle.
It fell with a dry thud and the boy dumbly looked at it on the ground before feeling the familiar weight of a gun pressed to the back of his head. Frozen, with his eyes on the hole, he heard Robert speak.
“Any last words?” Albus´ world narrowed down to the sound of the wind rustling the trees, his own half aborted attempts to breathe and the sound of the man letting go off the safety. There was no point in holding his tears anymore.
This is it.
This is how it ends.
“I…I´m sorry” The boy said, watching the hole that would become his grave. Forgotten in the middle of nowhere. “I… don’t´expect you to forgive me, but I hope…this brings you some peace.” He said sliding his eyes to stare directly at Sarahi whose eyes were already watering.
She was unpredictable. He had learnt to read her, regardless. And he knew if she promised something, she would try her hardest to fulfill it. However, in the fear of her betrayal, he had to make sure he remembered she still had something to do for him.
“Please, don´t forget our promise, ma´am.” He said before he took another deep breath and he felt Robert accommodate the gun in his hand. Albus closed his eyes.
“Wait” the woman said suddenly. Albus´ heart ached in hope at her walking to him. Then she saw him take the gun off Robert´s hand and point directly at her pet´s forehead. “I´ll do it.”
The boy watched the man hand her the gun and briefly instruct her how to use it. When she told him she got it, she pulled the gun up and pointed directly at him. He was ready, but when he saw the kid clinging to his mother, he remembered he had something to say before it happened.
“Ma´am. I must tell you something. It´s…from Charlie.” He said looking behind her back at the kid. He smiled at him before going back to the woman.
“He´s dead, Albus.”
The boy smiled despite himself. “He said it was important.”
“Lies!” The woman stepped forward and Albus had to balance himself to not fall into the hole ahead of time. “This is not gonna save you Albus!”
“I know. Just let me tell you what he said.” When the woman´s chest only puffed but the finger on the trigger didn´t move, he spoke. “Charlie said he isn´t mad at you. He hated watching you suffer alone when you woke up. He…wanted to let you know he isn´t angry at you for getting me. ´I was happy to see you smile after so long.´ he said…” Albus looked at the kid in front of him looking at his mother with a wide smile. The boy´s hand was cold when he gave him a pat in the head before he disappeared with the breeze.
He wondered if there was a place for him like the one the child had told him about. Would someone come to get him like his father and his brother had for him? Or because he had forgotten everything and everyone before becoming a pet, would he have to walk there alone? There was no way of knowing until it happened.
“You don´t have to believe me,” The handlers had never believed him. Why would they? Albus didn´t want to see her face, the sound of her panicked breathing was enough to know he had fucked up. So, he clasped his hands over his thighs and lowered his head, waiting for her to finally pull the trigger.
She screamed.
The gun went off and the birds flew off spooked.
But he was still alive.
The boy was staring in disbelief at the ground where the woman had shot instead of his head. The ringing on his right ear so loud it took him a second to hear Sarahi´s cries.
“I can´t do it.” Albus watched her cover her mouth as her hand hung with the weapon. “I hate you. I hate you so much I can´t breathe. I hate that you always lied to me when I…I want you dead. But I… can´t kill my family twice.”
Albus´ eyes burnt with tears. But then he watched Claude and Robert come to them and he knew he wouldn´t be spared. When Claude took the gun from her hands, the boy prepared himself, but when the gun never went off, he opened his eyes to see Claude drop the gun between them and Robert.
“What the hell are you two doing?” Robert laughed, bending down to take the gun.
“We won´t do it, Rob. We hate him, but this is too much…”
“You can´t be serious. It was your fucking idea!” Robert screamed at him. “You gave me all the papers, made me change the fucking system, and now when we have him right, fucking, there, you change your mind? Fuck off, Claude.” Robert said pulling up the gun.
“You won´t shoot me.” Claude said as Sarahi tried to cover him. Robert grinned.
“There´s already a hole there.” Claude´s confidence plummeted when Robert aimed right between his eyes. “You never change, duckling. You were worse than me when you were younger, but always had Sirius wipe up your ass until you learnt how to do it yourself. You wanna be a saint? Then I´ll throw you to heaven myself.”
“Robert!” Sarahi yelled, stepping between them with her hands up. “Please, stop this. I know you´re angry, but this is wrong.”
“Shut the fuck up. Angry?” he laughed as Albus stood. “I´m furious! That rat behind you took your kid´s lives, your brother´s and you spare him after planning all this? Only because he said some nonsense…After telling me I could do whatever I wanted to him, Sarahi? Are you insane?!” Albus looked at both his owners sink in their shoulders and his heart shattered. “Fuck you! I don´t care if you will spare him and then abandon him in a desert or whatever. I am going to finish this, once and for all.” He stepped forward confidently. “Now, move before I add two more bodies to that hole.”
“Wait!” Albus screamed.
“Then do it. We´re not murderers.” Sarahi said grabbing the gun and putting it over her own head.
“As you wish,” the man snarled before Albus scurried between them with his hands up, the cuffs were rubbing his wrists raw, but he swallowed the pain to step between them, holding Robert´s hand and finger.
“I will go with you!” the boy yelled. “Please, I´ll go with you. I will let you do anything you want. I…” he stopped himself from looking in the woman´s direction. “I´m yours now. You cand do whatever you want with me, right? That was the agreement.”
“That´s right.” Robert said, lowering the gun slightly. “Both of you accepted it.” He spat on their direction.
“Then I will go with you. You can do whatever you want to me after that. I deserve it. But…Leave them out of this.” He ignored her, a knot forming in his throat. “Don´t make them suffer more because of me again. Please.”
“Albus, get back here.” Sarahi called him. The boy´s stomach churned at the fear on her voice, but he kept his eyes on the man as he stepped closer to him.
“I won´t try to escape. No matter what you do. I will take it all. I promise.” He said, watching the man finally put his gun away.
“She was too soft with you if you´re willingly coming to me to be punished.” Albus laughed before the man´s nails dug into his shoulder and pointed the gun on his back to stop the couple from coming any closer. “You heard him. He is coming with me out of his own free will. Won´t you respect that, Sarahi? He is your beloved pet you wanted to treat like an actual person. He has taken his decision.”
Sarahi bared her teeth and launched at him, but before she could throw herself at the man walking away with him, she heard the boy sob. She couldn´t see his face but Robert had the decency to stop when he talked.
“I´m sorry, ok?” he sobbed, finally looking back at his owners. “I never thought something like that would happen. I-I know there´s nothing I can do in this life to earn forgiveness. But, I´m still your pet. It´s ok ma´am,” he turned to see her with a fake smile on his face.
“It is…my duty as your pet to keep you safe. Please. I know this isn´t enough, but at least… let me at least do this for you.”
Robert closed the door for the passenger’s seat with the gun pointed at them.
“Don´t you even dare look for me. I won´t hesitate to put one between your eyes, understood?” He didn´t wait to hear their answer before he entered the car and sped away.
The boy only had a moment to look into his mistress´ eyes, biting his lip, hoping Sann´s absence was because she had kept her promise to him. Without a way to know for sure, he cast his eyes down in surrender.
Robert had cuffed him to the handle on top of his seat so he couldn´t really seat comfortably, but it was when Robert had gained enough distance and wrapped the seatbelt around the boy´s neck, forcing him into an even worst position that it dawned on him how screwed he was.
He knew dying back there was the quickest, least painless death he could ever had with this man who had slit his pet´s vocal cords just because he had felt like he had “talked too much”. This man had no limits to how far he could go. He was aware of it, but he just couldn´t imagine just how far was far enough for Robert Glass.
His body tensed with the effort of breathing and the fear of what would happen to him from now on.
He was more scared of dying than he ever imagined, the boy realized as the time passed in the man´s car. What exactly a befitting punishment would be for his crimes to one furious Robert Glass? A chill went down his spine at the images his brain provided.
“I knew you would do that” the man said suddenly, laughing to himself as he reached to the glove compartment to take out his box of cigarettes. “You might be a little filthy murderous rat, but you´re not stupid.” He lit it up and opened the window, the air mussing up his hair as he smiled to himself. “You knew I would shoot them if they tried to stop me, didn´t you? You´re right. I only went along with their stupid version of vengeance so I could get to this part. This.” He punched the wheel twice, then thrice but then, his hand moved to pull the shock collar´s control out of his pocket. “You can´t save a self-sacrificing idiot even if you beg him to let him save him, huh?”
The boy sheepishly blinked at him before the man slapped him.
“Think boy, do you think I would actually kill you back there?” Albus´ cheek burnt as he turned to him only to receive a bolt of electricity through his throat. “Don´t give me those doe eyes and answer me. I´m sick of acting for today and want to have a proper, honest conversation with you for once. Don´t you want to take off your mask too, boy?”
Albus answered when he stopped seeing stars. “…no, sir. I don´t think you would.”
“And do you know why?” he asked lighting up another cigarette after putting the last one off on the boy´s thigh, making him grit his teeth. “Oh? No scream? It´s alright, you will need that throat for later. So,” he sighed a cloud of smoke on his face. “Why?”
“…It would be too fast.” The man laughed and nodded, pressing down on the gas so Albus would choke on the seatbelt.
“Ding, ding, ding! Correct!” he said as Albus gasped for air. It wasn´t enough for him and he turned on the wheel, so the passenger´s side of the car got scratched against the contention wall in the highway. He didn´t care. It was just to hear him scream and tug uselessly on his cuffs. “Putting a bullet through your head would be too much of a mercy for you.” He said putting off his other cigarette right below the last burn. The boy´s eyes watered as he flinched away. Robert laughed at him then. “Sann used to get worse burns and not even a squeak would come out.” He saw the turn that would lead him to the mansion and rested his chin against his hand to look at the crying boy next to him tense up. “Do you think he will scream now that you spoiled him rotten?”
When Albus understood his words, Robert could already see his mother´s withering rose bushes.
“You didn´t—”
Shit, shit, shit.
“He didn´t resist at all, you know?”
“You fucking monster!” Albus yelled, lifting his feet so he could kick him straight in the face, but he was immediately silenced when a knife dug right next to his head.
“Ah-ah. You don´t get to call me that. Not anymore.” Robert turned to him, plucking the knife out of the seat to point it at the albino. “You´re mine to do whatever I want to, wasn´t it? You will call me “master” from now on, pet.”
Albus answered by spitting on his face.
“Sann wasn´t part of the deal.”
The man wiped the spit off his face as he parked the car and stood out of it to grab a thrashing Albus and throw him to the ground to begin a flush of kicks to his stomach.
“You made him part of the deal when you took him from me, Albie.” The boy coughed as the kicks didn´t stop. “You stole my pet, my lover, my friends and my mother!” He then sat over his injured abdomen and bunched up his face, forcing him to look at him. Covering his mouth before he could try to spit on his face again. “If one should be angrily thrashing, it should be me.” Robert grabbed his arm and dragged him inside and down to the basement. “Stop it, stupid pet. Your welcome party has been waiting long enough.”
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In honor of Halloween, The 31st, Spooky Seasons Finale!
I have a list of Torture Habits for Whump! Obviously you can find longer lists, but these are just my favorites! Thought I’d share!
Breaking/Dislocating Bones
Shaving Head
Withdrawing Food and Sleep (Can eat and sleep moderately)
-Withdrawing Food (Moderately)
-Withdrawing Sleep (Moderately)
Withdrawing Food and Sleep (Can eat and sleep rarely/almost never)
-Withdrawing Food (Almost Always)
-Withdrawing Sleep (Almost Always)
Noise Blaring/Loud Alarms
Shock Collars
Hunting Game [Ask for more details ;)]
Calling Themselves Stupid/Worthless (@marvelouswhump)
Water Boarding
Forced Nudity
Extreme Temperatures
-Extreme Cold
-Extreme Heat
Threatened/Practiced Execution
Acting as a Servant
Ice Bath
Slowing Time
Torturing SO
Chained up
Full Body Electrocution
Memory Loss
Forced Information
Pulse Play
Escapes Successfully from Whumper
Failed Escape from Whumper
Is Freed/Saved by Caretaker
Ask me if you have any questions on any of these, or what they mean, or maybe some examples?
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whump-queen · 2 years
✍️ like 3 months ago u said on discord "I did get an idea about a whumper setting a shock collar to detect whumpees heartrate and go off if it exceeded a certain level… eventually they’d have to force their body to ‘relax’ if they wanted the pain to stop" and i haven't stopped thinking about it since
omg I had completely forgot about this but look what I found sitting in my notes app—
“How many times do I have to say it, hm?”
content: shock collars, restraints, begging, cruel/sadistic whumper, set up to fail
✧ ─  ༻✦༺  ─ ✧
Whumpee seized as the collar went off again, every muscle in their body tensed and contorted with agony over and over. They didn’t know how many times it took, but at some point they collapsed, limp against the concrete when the current finally stopped.
“P-please—please make it stop.” They let out another choked sob, “I—I can’t do this anymore I—“
Another jolt of electricity sparked straight into their neck and another piercing scream rang out and echoed along the concrete walls.
Whumper only laughed, and when Whumpee looked up at them with those desperate, pleading eyes, Whumper’s lips pursed together and their eyes narrowed. Whumpee knew that look—a mocking gesture of sympathy.
“Awe pet, surely you dont think begging me will do anything, do you?
“I mean,” Whumper lifted their hands up in a universal gesture of innocence, “I’m not even holding a remote right now, am I?”
Whumpee’s eyes widened, “Then how—how are you—“
“I dont control this right now, you do. And if you want it to stop, you’ll need to learn to fucking control yourself.”
It was no use. Their voice kept cracking between words. Whumpee could only let out a pathetic whimper as they sunk limply back into the floor.
Whumper smiled and turned on their heel, snickering when they heard yet another snap of electricity and another desperate shriek of pain.
They reached for the door handle, but a sharp shout from their captive on the floor made their fingers pause.
“Wait! W-wait I— I’ll do anything, I— Please— Please just— just make it st—aaAAGHH—“
Whumper turned to look at the bound shaking figure, twitching with the voltage that never seemed to leave their system for too long.
A condescending smirk slid across their face.
“I’ve already told you. If you want the pain to stop, you’re going to have to relax.”
Whumpee felt fresh, hot tears stream down their face as they watched Whumper disappear through the doorway, locking the door behind them.
✧ ─  ༻✦༺  ─ ✧
there are a lot of scenarios you could do with a premise like this, this was just drabble wip I had in my notes so! may write more of this idea and I invite anyone else to use this idea if you want (if you do, tag me cuz I wanna read it!)
general whump tagljst: @whumpshaped @whumpsday @emmettnet @a-whump-sideblog @whump-it-like-its-hot @wolfeyedwitch @whumper-soot @unorganisedalienrubbish @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @hidden-dreamland @whumpedydump @lonesome--hunter @ashh-ed @whump-in-the-closet @shannon-foraker @oriantthegiant @banditosong @anonymustyou @feralwhump @jieunie-23
lmk if you want to be added/removed from the taglist <3
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talha00 · 7 months
0 notes